Newspaper Page Text
? _ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1899. POLITICS IK STATE. Nun? BemSATlOXI t'OR nu: < OtATY Oil I? I >. THE PR1M&B1ES AMD C0KYEH10HS. The Work lleann In I'nrnf?!-War wick and York Iiemocrata?The 1 ?Kill In MieiiNn?l?nli?I'rlnrr WIN I In m 1 ifkel?IteiMilillonn Move?. HBWPOBT NKWt V .., Mai h ~ (. .?f I?, mu ni Warwick I Ii r to i'? ?Slifi kl wi*. atteated by larf? etmw?. Dt- ' ii. ?luir petty ht the < oanty, ?ai- ? I? et? i prei i ' end Mr. v. i> Kirk -...*? eeeretatr? 'J'lir no? lowii.g ii'.niit.ii. .? v. ' io: f ' I . 1; , ? 1' v-.i OD j tig. Ill? li. _-*.,r oanty i ? W. ?C 9 rehear. .ttlS. , ; . per of Ri reaoe- n. H I ra?y r. M D T . tr.Dgl*? t? lia! il ' Sear\. I ?Mr?- ?>f th.? 1 i mj9t\ , \ K. Bar? Wi ? i. P O < Sarro** D. C Muli? ni ri m i< w?* hiake Raaataattoaa la? Ifce Caa?8f ??Mi?-.**?. FLOTD Vu via CHR1 INS URO, Va .Marea ?- pubH ? ? atari j. . j - ).? . i t. r. w. v? l'uff. p. Mi.?i . ... .'ncumtx "tti' ; for '' <jij.,, h | onwealth'a t i'i.-ik. la vil. . Ion? r or i la *..- I l v ',' ' and aill 1 ' ' VoWt ll?ii????ni?in?. GBAsRLO- KBVILl ?H, ? ' ?'"' ,n T'.' ?an? ~ 1|'1'1 lut didv Won fw '' J ' but en? ? : '1'1"' ?'"' ' tu.? ?. Treaeurei ' I ' plu. th'a Alto v Mien Jan M '(?("ii.. < ?nty ' '?'*' ' ' i ?" it -tut t'Icrk-R. V ?*- rlff *lru? len C Wi tl Com? :l" ReveiiU? J. L. 3 i ai eon *-*.. pprovlng Ihe li , with u \ : m lo worklni better. .- !.' I tl rrinei* wii'i.-a. ?Primary. MANAN ?B, VA., March tl Th.? i ?. in pi n unty - cull ? ii who nomlnat? ?l until t rural prt*< il:.. very ? lo 'l he following ? for Clerk; J 'um* mon? n J E. Merrell. for ' i ? i : ? i l ' Revenue In n'ai M !. 'i' i ,. i cock, fo im? . trl N *l iirU IIi-iiiiiit?iIm. ? RM i'' ?\s N \ \ M n sclal.) ' eld ?i ooiiv? ntlon h< re t >-day. Mr. \'. I ? a.ii. r ? m- n v. : nominal I W< * ?. J ! '. Hubl aurer. ? i.. ?Smith; Phil ' k, t*. I!. Bh eld ? Itev? ?na-. ?'.. 01 i g< ntl? m? n .??? i?. ii v th? -tlon i ? i the Btfc ?i i. of Ma) II \\ 1*1 lllorelllllll IIiiikktiiIh. '.'. \i;s\\>,. \ \ . m .? ? Th? i ' m : ta of VV< ?tmoi ? land county : I Mont and i - * Por ?I? rk .1. W, Huit; Trea?.i Di H ? SV. JI Tvler; Coi Mon? r of ( I H. I* monwi .?fi - ,\tt tu? >, i ' : inri R. .). w ngton. I lu Ii I In Mt?-iiiiiidoiili. w? VA., March ? l ?. moci tic . ounty pi im.?i.? ?wyi In l.i al th? \ otlng pr? 11 m t * un : leiegnte? to the county mvi nl ' hero on ?Saturday The flghl ? terett'tti t?a* noi ?taoawealtta ? and si nuMiDwrr itab8t? bomkwamo. lie Will It? W n mIi iiiu t.iii A lion 1 .*> ?i'< lock Till*? \ ll.-riiooii. TJ1? ?M \.-*\ 11 .i.i :. i; \ , m ,i, i. n. et an i Mi M? IClnli . \ p und Mi:. Hobai t P in? ,- i? i -i ; l:iin?iy ?talth, lit, l: I t-Bec* r? t.u.v Barm a ! rt al I] o*< lo? h P, M w ihinrrton, which place they will ? litii, i?? for? .? o'? : ?Ml i, Until Hanna drOV? I ?Pi i?, t?a?, wh? re a crowd ; 3i . . ? ?waa th- la it to 1 i i 1 b) ?'in oat? ?util' r ?i tform, .?n \ Hi.. I'm aid? lit, 1 dcKInlej ' ' ?their a? k'. . ad ?fOf ti ,. and ton the i aaylng; "We a Thon \\.? li-Hvi' had thae, and i ti again t"r con aidi rat? h W :. tlnllv." Ttu* train th? n pulled out. HKl MON V T lilt? 1 HI It? II. foule?!?-mien to ? ullier?I I'lelniM ?on o? i ru-ii,uiii|i ii. i<??'?-it Bootless, \\ ash i > ? ; i. i\. March -'.. A general rennt : ' I I I I to-day. wh? 1 ? : V'el? together to i uni, M ? \\ II ' . \ . :. , m nt .: ih? ': tl .i". Wheel? r will I i* ..i ti.? H '' * "" . ami Martin . ? " ' ? will ?!< ?I? anil n ? .*.< t.i iti.,n ?f the v urn? fn?n?tahip Im t?.?. n .\.?rth and - 111?? fell? canil.r rAI KM HOOBM m?*? ii JllHl I?. I uurr Otaavo? ?if HlKta? rill?? ?l.'ia I n?t..r lurtlter I lmrKe. NB*A- v. , p mt~M ' " - ?K.'l. u?wn he? -v*n i,, . ,_. , ,,y JustKt. FurMitan. In th? Supreme ?'ant. under the charge ..f "badgering" M a run Ma held ?n R.?s>' ?mil .m . "f stealing sllv? ra ir? from V* . furnish lbs bond. Ma hon, th.- ob* plalnli ' 'b.4,iv*_" r tks city, i | been unible !' ligo. ni ?i. pian in i un too. sit PoOmOmo Mlaataff, H<ssl al WBsutb SrS llmimli? Rend?1*1.*??*ii Inj?r.-?l. CHICAOO, Mar? ''a Am. ' sight, eau-. ,i a propsrty law ! . -, 1 111- llvi I througl REM1AH rlTKELE, Jumped trrrm JOSEPH KI'DAH . Rli? ?DEH, |um k .; <;i.i ?ROE M? ?SIIER, fell ?!" dar i '-' ST SCHOM Bnkls sprained ind scalp around; MaMIE RYAN, l irai burned OEOltOtE BCHVi \i:i '/.. h i .: I a MAROARET DELEHANTY, M'NAU I'M I. _RRY l-EE, f II ,D RA? ?,?. hi !? ths - _< I I" ?a ks I placed by a US by ? II | i.i ' - and ' -HS8IN0 Il vas foin i thai at? m ib? building wh? n broks i nd whll? ' is probable thai , .1 \\!l..-? I'l.WNI IAN. WILLI \ l ??ll.l. rHOMAH MITCHELL D SHEER \ ULLA HENNILM RIGHT UTE. I \ \ \ I IOS ??I I'll \M III?-? !, IniiiNll.-r la I.lulit Viixiilioii ?.I ( nr lion, i i?.,,!., Bays iiiiiiti-? all. ' . .Mai. h '-7 ' : r . ths i i . . i.f s job bjsct of taxing publ rpoi and to ra? lature. Th? G i 'I'll, re Ii evident injustice In th? i fl I i have nol ths ihy Nsiiii tie- "Ut' ry as such, 4,r against as lilt n Mo I Of in it- rial WO] I? I v lll< li th? luni i y benefits have be? n the action of Individual men oi ol g?tions of n?'u who made mom . by doing thai which was la ths ?nteres! of ths people a-4 ?i whole, from an at int.r-plant 1" a I I | ' r a i 1 iva y. N" work which is really beneficial to the i ountry can be perfoi mi I to I ,,t the public ? men of and a ben th? y do it th? y reci 'v.- ample reward for doing It. "Moreov? r, to men : Ive 111- in I tin- State woi I b to "But while i freely sdmll all I n mains ti ue thai a corpoi itl in s Ixl? h derives ?'- powers from the State should pay the State a lui t i ??! Its ,. return for the prlvll? EMPORI V. Callglaas Sale's ? ? aaSISatea ? Tin? s ,11111 l-l'o \ Suspect. RIA, VA., Mard Ing ii- v. M. A Dai Idso** oc , Itenl i;. \. R. Atw? il Tucker, of La . . upei tail to preai h in I * i ch n- it Sunday night bj ' u i i ' . making bi| i 'i parafions foi big 1 i ?lau, ? on the it!i -.i April. au of the in?-.a county . early all of 11 * - ofllei ..i 4 'ommJ unei of 1 si. m- 'I ere art for this i ifter a pit Mrs, J. - . Bak< i. have n lui ued i" their : rille. ... ! . I ' mi' laio'l Brun . The tiftt-4 n tl.i-, ? during \\ hlch ib-? i : pects to I . l Mi. ( rook. EXPRI 1 III TO-DAY. T'lildoitiiieii ii...ii.?? m,,. Brlag-s Will lie Inleriiil ,, I \ i?l I nu I on. NEW Y< IRK*, Mai. h ; dui al II and the Department I ; for her rec? pu..a. i . . ? Who . A hingt on, i to bring ba< l? the mildli the ramp Tii n in"\ il was undi luk< n I ovei linn nt. Th? i .1, a.l t.. be bru 11>? ? irn to Sam back the rei i | th? bodiei on i li ai i? . i. bin led si BRITISH m TI <>N run ItDCO. l'-HH-finlloii lit il II Will lio in ? i-.-ii?.-,l ? l ,,|ire?.?-ileni?.|| |l?*lI\ er!? ?. i.' .\i - ?N M b 27. 'I'll. ivlnced thai llor "f ths i i , er, Sir ity on i" the centre of the i rade, ? nni inu fact u red tobacco from bond totalled ' ' ( nl.ilii Hiiinlll? lili?.?. Il AIIA.N \ pro?, Ini e of Pli H . . i. Cuban ;?. the simIi .?i ni?- i g i . make < i H is sai : bandit Th? i Ra ?tooritni n , |Ji,,?r l.!,u rn . I? ?VRRIBBI H-:. PA ; it h ballot for i .i nka .i ?. h ? i?. 11,. WMein r , KN-piibl I .K.-pilbllr ,n,, 1 | i. Ko quoi ililr?l OsSUTTgla Ht .iiut,?tH. Rl'STA OA ;h,- TU,,,! ' ' ' ' . I , - 1 here i.-i k)ii from Savannah. They will i. mustered oui II. nt ?-.?..?II?.??, >i????.-mii,.. (a in. ni,.-, 1 ka Orovea 1 . p_w. Sara, Absolutely laetslsss, ladiorssd by chemists _t cents. f?OlTA&< ?Sama Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ?'..I ?.?ISO POflf ' * '* ""'* ____^^^_? _?? ?_ ? . .!. *..-*.***. ? " " ,mmmmmmmmmmmm^ ^^ -. DUS PUSHING MD, ind Infantry I r0*1 ftrf-nm. ?natruc i up to the 1 II if whli h re? - M '" r*?Plac? i ,. B?x?r. W hila thla ? - ' " ,,,? rond On -"n Regim? nt < i.,l the n the left, and th? Ta ,:1 the right, with four com? i third Infa I I ? * nt. a riaing, clear ?ground half ?'i mi'.-j E CAPTU1 In front ol il i. ntly, th? : h id fl< i, :, with ?:.-ii. ral v. . ind. mtntv- i ng the ,.< . : ,| , rlghl In 11 ;'?'- lighting try advan? ? loi -. 1er 1 ' und? r rain of bull? aho waa ahot in ! ? arry him ? ? ti?.- way. i i< ply; "l it!??-1 die; 1 : . ; : v. i ? : : i . I ' ; In j ml in o PR? '-- PR? IM HE NT. : m i .\t ii. me? guard, In. Third ? the Ta ral w h? at? .- th? Novi i wer? ma? ?i : . ii" - : : -, WBl? li 1 I and ? I i th? abade of the treei n tretchera by ?""?ln? th? i Iver to ? be train, ?Vfl i I in? ni on < ; n? rai M i - j .rthur'i ' ? Ivan? ed toward I Th? s? uii'i ?n-? fon Regiment i ncoun n .1 1,800 ?Filipino? wwt of Maltnl ?retreating from Malabon. The a? m;.- had taken u*. a poaltlon behind our rowa of Inti i iven "H? after an h? . onlan \\..s km? i rand fit round? d. hlrd ?.rtlllery, acting ea infantry, rlth two . had a ah 1 Ive l lllpil ??i and ? \. ral w? re taken in the fighting ia the l.i Spanl ?i'i, bul i Ii nled that 1 I I rt In the bat la, The ? ' ' ind th? . p iw? i ful yolunt? ered th? Ir aalatance, ai 'I were indefatigable In their ervlcea al the front. President Bchurman, of tin* Philippine? 'ommiasion, and Mr. MacArthur, li ttaty, v AI1MII? \l, III ? M \S \Y, C. S. A. .?i tin* iintt Propoaed la Honor \ i: iala*a ? <>n?maader. Ion ? ' M? nil?. 1*8 Of ti? ( i Admiral Franklin n. of Ihn ' \ y. i i of the I'irginla. Tl ?.m of propell? r - ' - (Mi i i im ic), a hli n ? in Hani] a*n out of 11 ? 11 Junl u cnmoi . ?if Mr. S . \? .m lim 'I he -) oth? r 1 Bu? a ;n Tal ity, Md . M ' Ihi - of Hi.- ii? i m- ?i not m< ; ?r ttlfl of II ? than for th m hit, ? a hi? li both ? ? Admiral Bu lured in the ould n? ' . In it-? Monl 01. '!'!: ? mp, Of Balilmoi lion i ii I'.ivl-.- bulldL) . ?. 27 1-2 fe? t loi ? : In addltl it will I led 1 MORE \\ IXDSON HO Ml DR AD, llnrilll of I n i'lrii t ili? ?I ll?>ill?-s nt 'I ti re> tun n ? I 'iniern I To-Morr,,\\ . NEW FORK. Mai I ruina to-day and t tk? n If." -i:. mil Of ' : 'li'-: ' ' imlx : t of i itlll vei tL AT 8 Id The wil proba Ington i?\i 8iTE ' Ol 1 lll.r'.N in ?x || m, Will llnllil trout ( oliiinlilii In s,Mi,n. null? I oiniK-t iti,,,, With B, \ I 111?. , all] aaaetraree le-morr. w, I ' - I to ei tend i:- ... t ultimately to Ja kaoavtlle. ?Chief ear Wella U alreadj In Col uebia -iKatiizmjc a Bar?a#lag force, and will ?Ml I lak- fl ! . | .. . IBM for seal ad i I ! 1 . lit pill - ' alar, which runs i: rill? d Tamp?. l-'--r i road k : u: Soul hei n, and ?-] -ii -, -iiu-4-r "i ago bs Baaboard Alr-Llns acquired It, sad |.:ig a line fpun I b? I !.. to Colui . i With R and of Um BoothBTS lOrthern fs? : C imbirv to Savannah tern arill connsct with ths Plant and ?urn its through I i ilng Im? . s W( it lnd_ ;. ' Insd in ' : ' rs to ms very iterative, is *.< stimulus for lbs strong : a,- into Co ol it- 'Hier between iha tws tut \\(.i: TORRS i\ ri.oom. l?os?. I bought t?. R?> Il??ll(l Full of I, If???Uni? er i? I :ii???nirii _eil. ] : : :., -. , .-a.a ' 'I Imi : ent data will 1 l! i; id m- n who i. vte \Isltsd South ; a. . > , ?badly oght. Th? grow f them, thei "t l ' ni-.?, have had Bew life snd hops I i v ths Tn b Ii44iigbt ra bud - . I lirt at all. A. I!. \. live of th? Mo iy: . Isit to ' I-U..1, nd poll - ! i rid the | s' a rr?.]> nt thsy bought bad be? n kill? i In all of I : : Prom th udding 4,ut away r three I I ?-. .Mi a numb- r of m? n, and they say thai ths F\ fa nderful orsaga is not i"' \. i i. Hopkins ' i I r - gent of lie has mai : lOrti oa ths u ?ni?' the i ;?d has their pi morning a illsxard. I |f iii.. eneri I who ' p down ths ltd: To th i f the Btate, -. i a - Even tii-? the 1 I iow pu fi ii'i'l' ii tie m. whii a v, ill ti.- i- ady for i n two o ?, I, and Ibera little later." I " . markably ?well. travel i IT* ill the i si k mi ?in i ne (k R I?. tiloon l''i??eii**. t- Of I inlirin'? ?ill. II.? I t.,-,,?, \. i,h Ilit.U.-n lloltlc. (New York Herald, \ ? known al Tl ' f ths During the a r at his < . . res] \\ IS ? ill? .1, . In. door. B n t h !i. I.I In o : . in In - ' s I Ml \i \\ tlltlv <t> 111? I II. R I IN?*. a on.nun rin.i Mara Dhastly rnm ni. t.l? i? \\ iniUiir Iifliii?. ' ht- I, New 1 . _ he ni'.i .-li ir lo \ . : o u near th ? ry llttli ; N it m i:-\\ \it Tint?: \ i I'Min. IStgSWOB VI re on \\ iii ;. ? ? I in? i | i-.l by **l ii *? I r. il-lllit \?'?*ro I loop?. ? . ? ' - BIRMINGHAM, ILA w 'thai . f th? usly Injur? . ' ? i ? ling iks - .un,'. slini-L.-?-V, ( ,,? Ualeli IN.?I pour,). n v. ig< r nl !.. to-day mrk -. rsrili ? not i.. i . ' red .?> it??-.-1 .-*,,,,-u ? He wishes to take on inuie ? iii--'tn.g ?M s_i|4_r, PUBLISHERS TO MEET TiiinF. of Tin: Mill M to i; ??tiiki P. TO-DAY. SESSIONS AT THE JEPFERSO? Tlie Rnalnr?** to lie I Thl .Morning ana a Dani-art ?o II ?Iren To-MrIiI-W 111 lie ?Hi..?, the City. The Booth? nt I1 ?. composed of th.* ?soulh? rn t iak.< the Aei ? lated Pr?ee. aad v.itiiin the ?territory extending froi Richmond to lackaonrtll? on tl ?tad H i 'i* weel of Mempble, win coavor ; moi iiiiK-r at It The meting will i.< hi M h. ; on the Franklin-.?! r? .t fmnt of ?th? .l.-'f? BOO, and to-night in the Jcfferao ?Jliilng-rooms an el- ?;ant benquet arlll 1 tendered tho ?distinguished Journalist !: !! itiws of all of the ?papers, 0 at least, many ?jf ?them, in the south ?art li.? In rtt.-nd.iii'?; ?apon the meet! programme haa been ?arranged eontalnli b number of tn-MT.. tontes, on?? of whk d, as far BS T? of the ?gentlemen ?who will be In - TIIl-V ARE OWNMRS. Tho?? who -.' ? ttend mce up? ting ei . ;.. ; ?greater i ota or din ? i i? i r -of t! ownere of tho respective pepere bokUi n ? mi ?rshlp ?n Mi? asaodatlon, body la a very repr??ent?tlv? . of the at? ml aiderai . th? i\- Id of Jo having at one lima .?r another ?field? b . a ?power in the ?all Among th" aj who e are Mr. Melville g\ I cago, i i Solen i . . a. i f Waal lngt?on, nun ag?r of th I of thu IP . Clark Howell and \v. a. Bemphlll, ? the Atlant;*. Constitution; K. W of the Blrmlngn m Id; F. I 't?o ry A ; G O hs, ?l? m of tl '"i; W. .i. Ewii of the Naahi i i . i.,?. i. .- .i ?i Rankin a rived here 1 azpected In thla morning. THE BANQUET. The banquet .if the Jeff? I - will be held promptly at I : In at lend i . Mayor Taylor; Mr. 8. \v. Travet i..! Mr. Ia /.?M.'li ? . [hi ? mb? i ol ? omn U. i?. '. 11? ?rident of th? ? Men'? Bualneea Aasociatlon, and Mr. i D. f&tcht ii" ? ?, i'. from It il body. Th- Chaaah? r of ? 'omnu It] - M? a'? Bueln? A ? Ion d? t?. k1v.' recognition t.. auch tiv? i ody of i. and it ? that they will tender th? m a on to drlv? v? ta of it Th? a? i tar for the i i- n. tint ATTEirriOXi I?i ADMIRAL ?< III I.Y I'll?* Ninlil Otllier Slinivn Mini i aaartealea? ?Leaves Thle Manilas? Admiral Wind? Id 8 the arly ?train . . \. li? at nppoi tui i;i? hmi . . . for though do trad? ?i upon him, band on Sunday and laal ev? nl i _di lock ton - bla wll k :i walk In the . .. n a coi ii ttialii? d In tl on aft : : . Ill' A.i a ,ih ail ol whom I ?MUSIC IN' Hlfl I!' v. hi. h y ? ; , : .. ? w? Ii-k'iuv. n ? y I pon hin ti hmi v. Mr. and Mi , E lo, Mr Mr. and . rai S hl? y i i enti by Mr, ?and Mrs. E T, Johnson, droi B .AINKI? AT DINNER ! and Mr. and Mra. Eno - . in a bom : ild n iva! command? I s I in th? ! A ; a?| i Bed la *> Irglala ?lehaals, if TuliLli '. which ?amp, la not Mr. I. B, **?|iiir.- ?a-.niiun l',i,i?-i?. and a Mitnni? her ompll i in* PswaMoal i.. Paa? l morning to \ ? w m, , attira?, W I! - - , i I Hoe 1 il- m-dtt ... *? Ibaatl llnriietl. An i . ?nue wa ncloeh last muht. The deputrtn ?ponded ? i ?Uli a .n u i ... ? say? the Btraetore. Tin- loe? u slight A SMALL SPOT MAY BE CANCER. MOST VIOLENT GASES HAVE The -rreatest rare should be ci.en to any little sore, pimple <>r s rat? h which show? no disposition t?i heal IDDCADCn IT flRQT AC ****** ordinary treatment N'?? one rin r.rrLMntU Ml 111.01 HO tell how soon thus willdevalopintoCancT of the worst Pppo. Bo many Baofla UCQC nil_.PI FQ frona Ci,*nc*r ?'?P1.' bSSSaSB thai do not know in il ffltnC rilfirLLO? what the disease It; they naturally turn themsflvi over to ttie doctors, and are. fafee4t0 sobsslt to a cruel and dar.serous operation -the only treatment which the doctors know for Cancer. The disease promptly returns, however, and i? even morn violent and ?JestructiV "han before. Cancer is a deadly poison in the blood, and an oporation. pla-ter, or other external treatment ran have BSOffset v?ha' up<-n it. The cure must como from within?the last vestige o? poison mi eradicated. Mr. Wm. Wslpole. of Walslitown, B, D., ?ays : "A Itttl? blotch about tb?s size of apea came under my left"j ?j-radually growing larger, from whi-h shooting pains ?, intervsis ran in all directions. I became -*ren*ly g| ; and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it (an er, and advised that it be cut out, bat this 1 could m et n s-nt to. I read in my local paper of | earrj effa ted hy a ri. 8. ?x., and decided to try it. [tsetedlikss?Bhsri | Oaoeer beeomiac at ?rst irritated, nod then tii -very freely. This gradually gTCJ .-?- - n I lbei tinned altogether, leaving | small ?cab which ? Jpedoff.aa?. bow oaly a healthy little scsv remains wLfr? pwhat threatens-! to destroy mj life i aid fa|] Positif! ly the only euro for Cancer ?s Swift1. B| S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD ?because it is the only remedy which eau _-o deep -taOOfb to re-. I | * - ,t of the disesse sod for-eftoni of the system permanently. A urgiesl i ?'.oes tioi rea.-h the blood 'lie real se-u ol Ihe disesse l> xca te ths btood notherntawm;. lnsi?t upon S. 8. 8.j iiotliiiit-CSD take |ti pit ce B. 8. t) eures sisa soy ssss of scrofula, E-Cseme, EtheomstiBr Blood Poiooii, riccrs. tSores, or any other form of blood \ book, oa Cancer tod Blood Disease. Will be mailed free to any ad i Swift BpsoiM Company, Atlanta, (??'.?rgia. \mi SEMI \ i ?. II Ml I I ? (??.I l( (?I'M* ?? ?-I ? < I SOUS?'S EL CAPIT?N. \ n?s, . ?' ' n i .In. - tlon. r,i?u \i.i> r.\oi.i roN K .i i; MU m I ia \. M .11 \ ' BllVi Mil- !' WII.KP.9, .lulIN l-l NSM1KE, K \l<l, ! ni;Ml - i :i I I \N II VKFER, KIMM A MI I.I.I h'lt.'Ii'K KM-, n II Vit It Y ? UtTl H .1.? ni I I I I SATURDAY, Aprii 1st, MATINEE AND NIGHT, A First Class Company. and .-i Snperfa Choi 50-Trained Voices-50 Trices : Nigllt ; ?, 7^0., Si. Irtsti? Academy of Music. FRIDAY ?MIGHT ONLY. SPECIAL KN.iAGEMENT or LILLIAN RUSSELL, ;!ftt.!ii|..:iii('il by Thomas Q.St abrooke and Edns Walla I i the Georgs W. Lederer < Ipers < ?ompany, in the rece?? m viva! of LA Bl I LE HELENE, Offenbach's Mytholo leal U A Buperb production, -.peciai -cenery.brillianl oostum : I as during its Net* _ork ran, which includes every detail (?us Mi-, -i n-*-"-. n?- a; I the powerful und multitudin S< al - aoa on sale. ml I-MU I III? l?> 1* MCI \ I I. 11 _SK-B Ml. A I lliiil? ?.'riii.iii ?o S ? ?llore.1 I oll uri-u'llio? hf Tlielr l'll.liir. At Moui urch, ?nnapolla. Ildr? n. ; .?..lid. II ; chlldi th.? il of our I 11 In hi ' hank Ho- a I., n.nil Nulle In lliti-L. ? .?II. . Ill- I | Banishes the Blues. ?ve the a| WIER'S LEMON SELTZER I \ Htutc. I I k :ll,| .!?,':? ut che Dtepata? Prtatlng-Hoaaa, 1 I . 11.1.. gAUl \ I, IMUIl-IU ?>r VIII oiai \. APRIL l . _ \ \ Mil??*? HMI R '?i ?. A. - WOM W?. ? ' til LADY Ol I ? will bi ' The Confederate Museum, s,t THE VALENTINE MUSEUM ELI , ... I \? I lt?*l?INs, A,.. ?m*, i.n.i. s i:\i i H-iii-, 11> \\ ? I M. ) RIP TICK M. mi i i m a, _ >C / \ \\\ MM. STRIPS?, I I \ M l.l I ....oiioniliu,,,, , , Hill? ufl. ?I?ANOK'S \ Grains of Health I lhcse little pill*, v. ;it i, I Consiipa?on.CuQ^si?oiHSctiaL: l : til r.i?*4 4 (u.. ** *.* v-iL i? ." tOIIIIIOIIOlMIII II. ,,,,,l?lllllll? I ?un i'\t'iits i ?m I U I I : i : '. ? NDR] g| : uibi'A.vii > era .?