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8 _ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY. MARCH 28, mu. The Great Store Deals Hard Blows Only price goods and i e with the merchandic of other housi It the iron safety, an?! tins ?store ?'??m I Enormous Stocks lo B? Sold This Week. my ., ?vard witli i^criority of advantages this season as ApAp j mtK i ?verhave tR-fore. letter and better grows this store -f?fniLJlirfil ?1 in at thing a] and all things it d<x ?iXfr^tlk The Easier Silk and Dress Goods I it? MM -M ? t?*' l'KI **?! ? ; ? ? i mil r i m? ? u *a \t?i Mire - itt M?*? -M M?i" BKM i * ' I ? up. 1 v ' The Easter Colored Dress Fabrics have 1.? gi*i en the mosl care ful thouj t" theii ' l< md fas ln"i? Vdd Cohen's price range, r itti it- many bar gain i '?i ?ei and yon Ii w anl to 1 ?ii \ hero and now here else. m w ' h i?. ' y i ' i . f HE COHEN CO Mlltnil >i n I'll I. \ Ml. j ii?. l'a?ra ?,f I he i'o??>iiiiii- l ?*i.?f iii<-ii-i*.,iiiii ni and t??i. M? Ml*??? in: . ; . I ?. : I I . I ?it -.. . Ilctment 1. . i '! B .i tii'i la? d ih" Inspei tora lo 1 i lliir i ' .Ill: til? . Ih? 'III by LIoj .1 i', Smith, i |?l: \\ ? 'Inn'!. .1 on? warrant \ t .:n< in unil i I nu?.pit.nit, . 1 i i .-. m bol h Al il; i m? ? Iher? ti??' <? lolutlon. Mr. Chlnn . ment, t onti ii'l? d that the u i>?sn i. .... comp ?current In I 11. daim? il tl t t %at i" v ? ait? i t'.?- ?act of t \ un.I that |i did ii"t no** i ? linn . _ C.lll.I l!"t ill'II? . J| I . | -, || i iii. Potont Ii.->. the law, i ... .1 thai It II -i to I" il lute ? im?! ? Court of Ap I ii tie liar ?statute In \ , . land, d tii.? j i . i.V. n by the d n when ? a I Mu< h i?t? : in, t ' ? lu Ir \ loto: i Mi I fin? by ? . ? rery much n UP ' ?-.III. I Iff the I? I ? .. . : prom ? ? Mil! bu With I i i ? *i 11 ? ? ? i **, i *,. ii??* ftapaaai Miami?* ami \\.-i. ?, n ?.,1, .,ii,i. ] I ? . ' ? ? mrdm, . ' f nt'T v.u.'. ? our v ??il K SALE ' ' ' ?, - : - . I ' i Whit?? ; : \ : ' : i. ! -s OP Black Dress Goods * ! in look i All-Wool. T) IF? i dora Cloth, ' ii. : I'I. ..? and Ui" I : a ' a , J.UI'o ' ? I ? ?.III A I ?\ (I ?, i Mix !i A SAL? i Dress Linings. It, a Hciivv AIM for VUE COHEN CO. ; I ' : 11 -, a I I ' heart i VI i ' w I ! I a i ' ' ' ' .. li known ? tablo "I .!. illuc i Carroll, and i n truth, Ii ' ..n top ol mineral wealth of the s? rtion I well known; . i-Lili' y h vein metal, ou wi.i: COISTT? Mcetlag ol Hu* rii'diniiiii Medical Socle tr? Butt i?tr in? itt-fi', ri;i:i'i:i;i''i'si:! RO \ \.. Mai I y W;i . ' : llil.i Johnston, ' ' with qulti k of a ' 8. Shack' i hi ? iiunl rom her huai AI. C ix. Roth p I well known. Mr. i llliln'l Kin.?? It \\4.? I ..14.1. .1. ? .'HAY VA on y?*a? . .n old m' il i I ID II ' . - i*i ..t. ??)..nal i rcllata i: i aatatcd, ! ' . loll I ????.??I..?? ,.,,,. ;,,,,. , ,JS11|..,, ' ' I '? . ?i.mi ? ??: ros ???M?! ma, DOUjAR'S worth at ant ;i: trrORE IS HKRE AT I - 4-1 i, all 1 12 i in polk I Ice. M In light I . i ?I-'I'lir. i?l mbi< - Suiting, Ill-2c.?coat to i 10 ; -. heavy I \ I 10 to PR? ' : ihr? ad, It r 71-3 "First quality " only of Granite Ironware sold at this house, and as cheap or cheaper than the "sec onds" of the manufacturer who, for M.?ut of being unable to -.II ill? m w itli any recom mendation, is forced to | them through ' channel w h responsibilil j ha ao claim. Seconds means imperfec tion thai ii? ni" ' rendei ?t inferior t?? ordinary tinware. \ gpol of imperfection in any pari i.-5 the ? an-?' for quick ru it, unhealthfulness, and the m< radid destruction of the vi -I. i Ham H THE COHEN CD? i in; i.ii\ ( : it no r?* ?tr ??I ?ni Kxpecta i? **"ll \.M Hont h?A Miu i?, ?i ..i i . gat. - '? ? Point, v. me tu m. uniii? .M.i |or-Gcneral W i? ml 11? . IOW .it ? ti ,j, to M . ! - and Tn A. 11. Wharton. It ? t ile. iiii.i ?lay 1 ~t . Pa. i in?- Tappafeaaaacfa Bh?aolla*r, TAPPAH \N.\?.. K. \ \ ; .i difficult; - i the lour ?'..: ilod hy < l : i: l: Ided to allow tl until i -. ? ' ? - P - ?Died in Haaalal?. ? ?. ii.?- Plitabura i < m m. OK K. VA NEWS IN PETERSBURG l\?M Of l POS Till". MSI Ol _ oi \<; BOODI. NO MARKS OF flOWICB SH0W? \inl "?li'|.|inr.l ?PSS lll?t?li.-ii-m-?l \ tut ( i.i/. n ll.inl ? l'onuM It ( 111..- -?I? n? Id- ?li?*ll.?f ? it? --t I iii|irn? ? nifiii ? BrlciB. I )' ' upon 11 :-' ' v. bert Moody i - ' .1 in a a MOW It BfSS thai -li-'iil'l 1)4? held t.. : sr dis ,..I4 that in.. it any time. . vith th. - iapp< ii' ?1. ! nzEX. i It " . i n. H. la- m. -1. -, a He i \ - m. Mr. m h Is : '. I ' I ? Mr. I'. ; - i the i -, ?\ i-.ii: i m v. I il|?*Y<*rd \..i. ??lli.a i \-.,i(?_ ii.i.i Mea II. ??:u PORT NEWS, VA.. M I -.-(> a 4 1*1 ' ' ' 1 ' ' I' _ I ' i , ' hating I'.-ilil Mi PI to ?bring tben h? ra, -irt- anxlo i,.,,k i n.i i ijr Mi.'v bava he enough "f Iho ?boon? ?. Tba boya* pi bete i?. ?H tel? graphed to, ?bul n an -i\. r i-1 1?. ii r? ? ? i\? ?i lim?? r? llowi an ?being cared fog ?by promln? ni i idy, I'??.-mi i-?' r i-'i- d. i: ad ?ra? notlfl? ?i b the departm? al thl i morning thai Mi i.- Dr, A. < i r..r the quartet 1 < building, in wnl? h I i ted, ,. n indolph, ?if ? : il I?i?! B i ?and \?m confln f ? andldat? i ? rlan ch ?Iny. .Mr. .1. I* - ricll * i? -ru Mi : r w. Mulfon felling? n Tw? n ty-flfth It la i !' H ?in-. w?*ek. . . .... I.??\?. \l OLD POINT. Will laayeel ?i?<* fferfalk Bmry? I uni??.<ii< i ni l'hial? f II???'?'. NEWPORT NEWS, VA., M I N ivy John 1? I-jOng poesed un when rded tho I i in, wl i" Hampton with Mra, . S - rd, and \\ Doll .i i M i pi? . from V 'He *.? ill accompany I n n thai I - I that _ _ troul the i - \y.i.o?uOLAS SH0?" ,y$3*50 ?I \ PAT. CALr] ?\ BOX CALF | pIsLACKVICIV WBLACK CAif^X TRENCH ENAMEL^. tanwillo*cALP\ z i*3-52iifi UNION a mad?:j mm0 The " - an in.: Wo ? / .?.pnl tl - OUR STORE, ?a623E. 3RQAO // TREET / i. I OR REST. 7 ,V ... i FOR Cl ?, . . ?HICK i ?>i( it: \ . HE TR 18KMKNT ' ; ? l ; : 11. \ i. ' XKI.IV, ; ? 8QITARK f LOST. ?*. :i 1YED \M? POl \n. FOVSl OWN i MPLOl if \ I U'ASTS. M ?\i I !.. ? HOY _ \\ \> I I ". TYPP \. \\ i t>. . .i li II ... |,? - . ?i, Uli. i'\. i :t, | OR I ILK ?. WS ICE Hl ?im:is w .?IT?. D. O'Sullivan, Eignteenth and Hain Streets. HH.M.-.H?. HIMMIIMM dosen < - IOi' ...***** 1 7 c .? !Oi_ Cofl .,v,w ,f)c .. ?' . I ' : . 11 * ( (loi -i l'ii; hi . !"r 3_C 25c $3.00 barrel . " _ 2 JC 10c . ^ 2 j-c i ? I Pearl ur | ? *> ?> f ?? ? ? l LPBPER CBEAMERI mil KB. P t I*?, l'?llllll .... * 'c -11' . "* l?J?w )Hr _, i/?. * ... MALT WHISKEY. n full quari , -i . i : I Ham, l-i . 85c 10c 15c 7c l"r . M?t?*>? i i\?? i 'limn in u x v li li KA/? Por ion wsw CE Y LO.", l ! \. HOME I DIM. UK.Ill \ I l \ '. " ? : l , I".?' i'- r ? ? 44 ? 4 4444.4-4?trO-t ? '* Rock- "ifir . ?-?"t > - ?*..? IIARDUROVE'S FIXEST SlX-C'l'RED i on \? i ?i. . . 22c 5c eoc 10c ' . 1' u ? o. - > .>,> I Mi OH .11? IM I'll Kit Will. ! . .1 i : 75c lOc JoC - ? Ml!. ( ?I It II If ? iim; CI I? IVII INK I ?S 1 fi* * l"V ; | Rfli? WeUU Fin. I - gallon . ?. , ?J#C 5?C '2 Or __ _ >(). _\/i_ ".(.r #*_?w I A/? 1 . *(_ 444444444444-4444444444444 SI.00 D. O'S Eighteenth snd lain Sts.t RICHMOND, \ \. .New 'Phone 27.?. Old 507 ti h .?-*ta,Su, ru * Th) \\ \ \ I . 1 ? A III' I''"i CLE, !.. mi : 1 a *hB Seat. 1 . H?-*w.i Mj i. tMSter __,umlcal lo., PhU?U., ' " ' ? 4 .I \\ I ?. - \\ .?II . 1, M'l.-'i _ \\ Wil I). VCTIVE MAN FOR ' U ?. \ 1 : ?1 1 \ . Ill ?..H \ . ,i\?. 'I'll 11 MIDI V ' WASTED, \\ 1 \ L'RTIS JL_' \ . ? '. I ! 4 . ' _ - ' ' - ' . re ??: 1 ! I Si \l ? ?lii\ IILKI?Thla i;,., WHEN RF.A L KSTATK 1 TAXES iv.K THE ? i Rl DAR ?i BAR ARE TO !.. I I BY THE VENDOR A I (j PEBOBMT. INVE8TMEHT-J, - ' T\\ ' AT ri i.i.i ' ?DAY, MAI i TEH Vli* _ 01 SEHOLD : ii M . - m ? I ? i **-i ?atari T.\ X i - l'Ai: ' lOMMl ( - : - - I !' P ' L V?. : - ' I UAKti n . '. i HJBLIO BALK. ?IN I III . I I I \ I I \ I l*l'l\ \ I I \T\ ii :.' POI I v it * g ' ; ' ih? i' . i -