Newspaper Page Text
_ THF, KICHMOM-* DISPATCH-THURSDAY. MARCH 30. 1899.'>ad Marcs. rumio* rilKIR SESSION OYKP?. i. nasas m bmsbbsbbf is*s*ti too? ? i i BM niKiH f.* ' 10itB ni-*itK. '0 MR IN 111 ORLEANS NEXT. ?i.'ih-i c* ??'n i ?.?iiii.iin < i????? n I' of the ?lr|-tiliiitlii(i ni??l Mr. \. II? llol?l?-rl?>. Jr., ?? ? ri? tar y i nu.,n ii?ii-i? .* Owes nil). ' ... - it alx ,i ' ; R '.: ' II ' \ ... ?, i ?Ideal Mr. i . ,; |- ] , . mptHs I. : ?. U ' . I . i. M .1 la : i ,:l-.r. I I - nanlmoui vote tl 1 1 i .a lotion - rnmei i lor, and I i. rd with I : . ' atlon, l it i : this . th? 1 : '. ii U I them i I'.mi ? ' ghted with l ; >n -it ti. i i:m n IL. r??.o t Ii?i-i Ibm ?lit- ri. Coaapaales ?t lha leads '44 ? rhli \\ eek, :_? W, __ . ' . ' - I I i iperiorlty ol piio ? with Ls \ -i art? th. lr ' |o I . II? I' K ii*.l?. . " ibli -a i? . a|], A w? win ', isk-rs in ?? wi ! . ii th i.liiii; with ? ??.-vil of - it::?, a ikaess'4* ?1 ? ? . % if bel -ex. tu i a-t aaskilled ?oca . lit- llli.'i: 1 ; ifetj u Tin 4 - ?lir fa n |n ? V.. Di K '? Pierce, - ..! ?tudj snd prac p.? ni ls, lti- gland mediciue, the i :.?ih to worn* ' ae, U i? t'.u only ' I i?*re<- :t h 1 leb t'a? mus? U tad permanent! t ?va lla, I., 'i CUBES FEMALE COMPLAINTS Spring the Best Time to Cure Female Weakness. Dr. Orrp-ir'N ?rvnra the ?Sorest Of All Remedies To Cure. "I Think Dr. Greene's Konrura Tho Most Wonderful Bemedy in tho World." " ' k Ada Mclntosh. Lisbon, Falls Mc, la?*. : i ggti beca wilfarlaf artth feouk woak* : um >^ aad am aaabta to il.? .m*, *,*,. - ? ttoAk m ? i lettered. My oerroui ? - ?-> atioa I ant obliged to hart about two reari eratuHi o? the* ?i. ?. srhkri Lit ai*/ ?aereoua lyetem In g -, ndltkei. I was la hed ten weeks with ueirvai proetratteo and em ed throe dMfaranl doctora, bol that . jrtre me little rciid aad I gradually I aaa on tin* rorgocd nasan rhaa i hoard cd Dr. Graaao** Neraurg not n, gad l gava M tod bofos* I had htum tt?e ant bottle I lelt better and have now takofl two bOt> m *?m? y*?* I mm mrWma 111 a ' ?1 1 '.t .? i,< g M ?WO. I ?;i- i:n a*/e iinjirov tha; i work for four In the ora i- the raosl woo? - : the world, and I are ad? kk to try h by a? i ' ' i \\ im? n ton mon confidence in Dr. ' , - an in any other medi cine be?can ea u i regular i ?(tiarantee thai it i ure. Dr. Greene, jj \ . City, it, without - r in ?Curing female ?complainte, hl C**p< i ?ence . t noi m as, n i you ?can St ?of hi neel v. . rith rb) calling or wi him about your -case. Wb/AOtwrite and ?gel i. i s ?tdvlca? forl aad I? Ir .-'in ii? it the Th? by t > ; the v n X w V " i k, Phil id all thi in? - 1 itlon. HIg ? ? ! RT? li: IiTl RES. What Tlili-- >?< nil <?u? I";: ?iniiiKiit in Hattera of Joetlee Joha. 'il moi id <? ni?. k ; ! i . ? ? a -i?i -i .n ni him. Mr. Q I.d : 1er a Alex, t he colored man ?Ml 11 | -I s. i ?flat i. .. | .?.. i before his H they John ii II' V .i, \\ i, in the d duty, "i. in other Justice Jol ? 'I 0 journ? M.w \ \iii?* BEIM. i:\ituiii.i). lie ni lu T-.1, >|? ?il Hi?' I'uliUi- 1, ><<.-a III Nan Orawlaa i.*, ? > Day. The ???n- of ti?. .i a m? nihi n , all old memb? rs red I Iptlona h > lag been . mamb?rshl*~ can ?be al the _ , ?.??I.V. 1 reel 111 m i? ' ?a .'.I be placed <'n . >*, ith old , . ' ? ? . n a In ? I Pi night. Ich, ' ? i n ? k. W . I : . > J Ti. || ' . , V. . i : a !.. I. 1.1 : Id) ! .-?.?ai I I.. 1 '. TO ?l**.?. I UK HKSSI \ll. galaatlaaui te "< ? Iren > ihr i imir n? ??. i'mil? Ta?Marraw. .. | i,? <?i st. p : roa ? ?. .n the ,i n ? ?in be ?sung ;<\ ?Eta Jacob Marj il .? i. mil i the i i.* re v.m ' t? : SsnOtlOSSl BsrrlOS an-l a nir<rt - ta. TtV .htirrn v.lll IV Ihr "wri open tn th* public, an.! i " seats wttl I n *t TVO0 f"r ,*K-i'l-,s>oit?\- ON S-HPAT. Th" Suaday n hot* h will i?. \..|;, t,. iBtiful and el il moi Ring - : ?.' i' ere ? ill t..- pro t., the bancel, In *. ht? h all the in m'.'is ' the choir win taks i ,,? in, ludlng, in mi. to th" sstabllsh? he lady moi Ishop Th. mnsli t! ' " rtiOO ?, M . i in the Dis? patch ' "Mi - f.,r ?( (?U AMI -mm'-diii*. r.n HIM I H airad < in i ihm Hi.- Bahjsst of i.niarn Ms-fn Marakal Treat's Boply. An 'rcult .f ::-. . ... . 4.r .1 ha .1 i| . BOBO which sd i>y : I , tion until th? admi ralty United 8 folk. - ed ; " Nea K ofllcla ii Bull, ! C. H. . <'" ? and i? - . .... Virginia to allow blra te i and up 'ii ths Mid C u M roved by 1 ' at - on r i-, t?a i'l ?'. ill. Mr. ? iiff?ii-?l on >.Hclt?*lh. ' . L*r, n. j - ' I thai : ... and i lag? until . Dr. iibllc. for th?- - rred m'-: ck a! 1er D Libran o? Woiiiiin'? College. ? III V o' ' the 111 a hlch ail.II. ' . . but 1 hi i iken : ni., end r . ii Thi etlon will ht- with ! ill t4 li'. \ h it-- Bel in m Beeord-Book of d?? Blektmoad Grays. Thorn ? tlon 1 ' . i. Jr., . i Pire <?n Soatb Sixth Strool, \ ifter - l\. by J : i. ount? d, ,i i Xi> In? - Kins** \ ut-. < oiini'i! ? ..t.. ..i ii i <. ? ta Meet. Th ? and ' ?Vater, I ? oniirm.iiioii nt Barloa Helgkta. . s I | : !' ' Dos'I Swallow ? i leatla < apaslea? ?.ut take 0 I . HOW TO MAKE MONEY. An a?jent can do more busi i Bs working for The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York than he can for any other institution. It has a world-wide repu tation, AND the new policy issued Janu ary i, 189a, offers greater guaranteed advantages to the Insured than any other policy lasued by any other com] any in the world. Prospective Policy-holders, win? ?K*-iire information re garding forms t.i Inauranoe; Prospective A?ent?i, men autl women, ? ho desire .profitable oontracts with ths Qraatest Insurance Company in the World, will address O. F. Bre?see & Sons, A(if.NT5, nil B?st main BTBBET, RICH MOM), VA. S. T Martin. Office rianaj?er. m'a ;l 1.1 1 Book sad Job i'riiiii. ?. h. ., u lbs Dispatch Prlating-Houss, ?iik Er_6D*SM>AT ti. t n*i ii>Tlv\l K.ffort? Meinte Mrt.le to Vriirf ? I iirur- ?.ii'i.rriplliiii l.l"t. H li.-? .,f Mit: -. r:t? tt '' ' f"r'h lay ?'in ' dab h.?.i lia .? n with a vry hU*| approached arJtlda EJM of UM aaanue r ??'ir- ! t.? ; I of Ul* f? I lad raough n mue . I 0O1 BOUM ?-1" M EE ' iiini? feel i, i? t . ._*.! of April, tha ' beyond I llnancli fallare. B re to th< Th*- festival ilii to all that ?have gono bei .?-if?? , that ? ' la ?Rich Il f itlval or be i ? grei i : tnnslcl v : ' .*. forh are tan Tin? chlldi igaln be a I I ' M.II i ??III'' It. t', !? latter of tl ai: h s? rlptlon i Hi" f' stlval should Wr. W. li. m the elul l'r?.|l?*i? > I I : li-ivr?. W. J. Rush. 1 n n? a Ion -n 1 v H A : ' 7-11 f-'i ' _ hprnma. . ft MAAAM etu __?? & CI'.??n-5 an i Po'ishoa BY DI3S0LV:n1 THt DIRT OA TARNISH. AN* CAUSING NO WUN JNTrC 8 Jfl'AC l CL? AN LO. A rial *i?*r concentnited. Ap? S t r ill . nach at.J bowel . i ver, i II lutntjs, Juun I p. ,., H. n urn, ' Che, Dj ii..<r>. Coattip it iota, ? Dlseeses at thr Kidneys,Plies. CRAB ORCHARD \*- ?TEI : - . I uy. ?il i-' ,. C.-.ih """i*****-. ' \p?>l?. - T,Xi f 7-i-..?f ?eUlOtCNAlO IV-.TER CO.. Ipulivill?, Kj. Lyon's PERFECT tr-H - H ? ' \~m AH ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Used l?y 1 " | * ? r i. : i t i fc C r ovw .i quai ny. . .-i., ..n ri DE WITT'S Witc?t Hazel SALVE ft ?f ojj k?isvin eera ?er p?3as ; .. . ion '*. cbi er/ i-vi, ricin diseases Mai bin aodscudspaii W oould i ? I In pro- if (Eld tl ..ri... ?..? t.. fifi ri? i ci am produce or thai t:.?-? ley eau buy. IT OU?*** PlUSOa (tl 1u) r??? ii i i'\v .f.i?.-i mm s?es h II \ i Holy 1 * AWSISG gTRIPBS, luillii:*, A?* ALL KI1 - AWNING Bl : IPES, aw nix?; FIX I I.. BONI ? >.: 1? 1 ??MlKHv VIRGINIA: IN THE ' '< ?VN OHIO ; CITY Ol : : ' ; . : on thi ment and .: lUt t* A ? Il ?if thl ord? r I and th fi .ut dooi of th i i i ?. - .?n tha first Mondays In April .1:1 1 M ,\ .' SAVILLE v ' - laor, v. u. u.h li-Thit l___i-. __*"_,. ?? '*" ?_ /^>^_SL *-??* An Bx?ce?l?e_il Coiiib?ii.i-ion. The pleasant method .'.i'tl beneacial . ' di of tii.' v.. ; la > ? h rorot dy, -' i : r Of TtOB, m' n :i i';?.. t-iri*?- '?-y tBS i v r'.a Sv; ,-: Co., t?i:-irnt tin* saine "f obtaining ti m? Liquid laxe* Urs pi iciples >i pi .:.'-. 1:n?-\-- D ?? l.o nn dicinally lasatiee and presenting them in the form mosl rsfrssnlng bo t'?e tasto .iinl a?.", ?-??table to (he system. It is the perfect strengthening laxa* Uve,* the system effectng '.. .i i ? ling - 'I. h Ist heg ami fcTcrs gentl] I ? .- . ''.; snd ensblingone toorer ome hsbitual constipation per? iiny. [tg perfect freedc-m fron ? -.try I ' table quality Bad Nb> lance, snd Its scting on the kidneys, lirer B?d bowels, without weakening in- Irritating then, make it tli laxative. lu Um process?f raannfseturingfigg are SSSd, :i- i ? UTO plltSSSnl ' '1 taste, bul the medicinal quslil ? remedy are obtained frum senng Other nr-'imii ; by a met hi ! kno - - . i .?.. i omn i I- ii. S !u or.I. r 1 , mpany : a CAUFORNIA FTG SYRUP CO. I \N*CI_CO, CA?,. I.OUrSVILLE. BT. N7-.- ' '.' Y. I : ' ! (fe 1-Tu Th & ?*?'a ly & weow-tonr) S. ULI MAN'S SON'S eaocsa. u.??i??. u*. ?. 6CA1UTB- TO S4YB100 2ft PER CEIT. Butter, . U 1 . i . w i.?.. 13 . ' . r. -* . * : ms, ; . 1 - ' .? ' ' ind . 3 Patent Flou . . 5 . Wll . 10 (tine drink). i can. ound i' ipei - ... M Best S el can . : i . . BO I .'.... or, per I'.n rel . \ _. . I_argi Thl .... - . _ . :; . ' ' . . l_ S. VU.N -**" ?so*. ;- !ET. . It will | f our ron;: ; DEPARTI!BE OF STEAMERS. VlRGIMiA MVHiATION 'y(\\r^ CObPUI. 1 AJAMES RIVER DAY UNIE. bo.?? -er 1 OCAHON 4 1 -.-.t. at - . I'.. .. H. 1 J? *" /\ LD DO M 1 N I UN IIP COMV _NT. ? W .OU?. Pa__cn_ rs ? ij ., . :? U : ' ; .. p. M for 1 . i olhc-e, 1 . r?T v? la ? -Il : U chm< '"' I *t- - alan bi ?M* -?ATURDA Y .( .'? ? mnn?m???????????Wnti.iAh _urk ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ind 1 ; gn poru. I g P. il . a th N . w _y. . ?Al ti' I Igh I MONDAY it 3 P M i ' 1 r No. * _ I and i daily, ' ' 1 . r- - 1.1 - . ' til J' til 1213 . W :. lent and fork. f<? _8 AMERICAN LINE. NE 1 \? fcxei'.i ?> 111. 1 . VOK mmW9mm^9mm*emmWOS U > __??????????????enu??mmB***M^ New York ...A| St. L Kill) STAR UNE. NEW -OKI-, A NT WE Every W~??neSg^^^^^^^^H . m*atMW**MW*L..Ai>r ' *-__^__^__^_B INTER! ' r ' 4. ' 01 11 p ?I'll? r??H 141 ai STORED at t DISPATCH Oi-'KICHL ? ?s ?^ **^ .3!^ ?.?li .il i! Ir lu 1-sKect *J?*c?*iiilier IS, 1WW. TMJeUtB LEA vu ILtf'T"*'" ""* Dlif'tl., t'.i?.j. .vil..?** tmlfhuuia ?.ji ... _*l , .Norfolk ??:? A. .1 a;ui>a un..- 'xurg. w tveriy, ... I *. Vu 0 05 A. ?I-, i '???i? ' ' rsli'ir* A. M., Il M A. _.. Fayett? ?/ill? l li i .\I . 20 P. M., - a. .\i Port 'iJiuiyu iM !' .\l. CooB-scta _u Vi II* ...: . . .u i'. AI., . i gton :.?-'- i'. M Puit g to j h -..- a\ ill??. ti ::<? a. ."i . . M. Bti ary'a i . , .... y..aa i?, il. D illy. L ?Arr ? I Il Ma?, I all .-tup*. ?:^U P. Ai.. (i._'i P. M. Makes . L'Uij; ralli ?'..'?0 P. ?11., Daily, a. .1. i i'. Al.. ? onn?, - with N? rfolU and \. estera f< r li \vi!:i A '; i I >. ! : and ?Lawn ? ,. i A. M gavan ? . Jack aoiivlik- 1 P. M., i 1:41 P. ?. NfiW UNE . ? Ml GEOKGIA f'OIN iug A i .uiusta ?.It A . l to Wll Pori 1?;00 p ?ML, I I I '. \ AM.? . ii? ??> p. M., ! NEW : - < \ M P idii i' M.. ?Dally. An -.tiuri; THAI**??* ?1BMITB MCMORD. ., ., ? V \1 . I.I.I.. ... I. ' ?savannah, ... At a ir, v v ! i _. - \ ? - ? ? a.*M ?. m ? ' Tan trlea* 1 ?as A* M ? '*? Su-T?jl'v. -"?'id i *, p ?,'. from " I frit P ?M?. Dally. ' :lll B*BB 1? M . I ' " Wavei tt.Vt P. M., Da ly I nur?-,, ..t.d :he ?* *" J. I . KSNLT, '! ' " ION. O? .. if?.; Oei ' C. 9. CA ! Ja 15 niv'i' I RP ftp fiicn.iioni, Pfiii .. r. (X i ?ricLburU Potomac S< -. l.-i I.?I?,? j.inunr> ?... .- :?'.< IMAVM B1TRO-STUBI ? ST ATI OR. JMJ A. M. ? 1 . h:-U A. M., . ? n .. i . . in rn ? i. i i . H :4b A. M . I . > iy, for i : ' tl ?rai. .. I i? M A. M., I ' Vni k ! i -??<) ?! i , rr>r AI ' 7.-IO P M . : .... AMBITS B1 RD-STBBR i ?i \ rn>\. ti.-iO A. .?. ! to I. :; ;:?? P, M H l 7 i<? 1? M ? i. . y;??? :> M-. ?ote, fr? ' ? y.?H? P. M i BBOBBICKSB*? U - .'i SODATIOB, , i <*? p M ; BrM a M * ?.**.!; vM? m ma, (Do | ?. ; i? i?i \ M a it or. p. M W.P. t K. T i?. Myers, p DBPAB11 lit: OF i i \miiiv i iti:\? ii u IB. Capomgnie Gen?rale Transatlantique, /Jir?? I t.ine lo lluvie? '.ul. ,| -?.ncei. . . Hi? !' ? - ! r? i-i JMlll.ADI.U'HlA I.I? ii 1& MOND AND m'i.:*? ?LK .MSH1P COMPANY. ling ?i? . . i .?i Par? : : ?Por further lnfoi J. \?. General ?So ? w p ja 17 Oaaei ? c?r*m& 38PRX -5^5* CHI*. APE A Kl tfC[il&Zr OHIO HAIL WAT, aaSslUt jHiiaary IS, 1? '.I ritAiN? r__sa~a an Bnsosa?bus vu. -tIKU.I -lATKI.X. ueo a. _.. ? .,..,. _.. ....._,-i. B*>< aog .>. . .K V. ? - a:?__. p. ?j., | laily, with .a ' ? i-t S_a?. i 10;?*? A. Is., 1 '. i et i * ? kg, S.'IS P. ..i .. ? . .? w: y, * ... 11 r .in i? :,f., \ f i lo-ao P. il, i ? pnilmai t r Tfi.tiM i r. \ *.;* t BT I 10.30 A. M ? Ing r. oo P. 1 i- \i ? ? . . II BI? ? . iS;(*0 A *? .'.I \ * ' 11:80 . *? 30 P ' 8 BO ' T ? ' 11 rRAIMS * RR ' '' i '< HTB i m 1 * i?*i \ ' ' ? I I _ I. in \vr. an UMOSO, i??. BD-s Mil -' 11.(1?! I ?>;05 A _ - SO I . M :i ;? > t- M " ; On? ril ?'?f 1? 11 ??V^ RAILWAY. . dale i n. .(i-.. S TRAIS8 il ?\ i; ni? i ? - 1:00 a : ' ?I ill . - . i, i-?. iBRIVI IN RICH IOSD. 11 - :sts. S |i) ISS. ' IYER LIA. i ii : i ? \ 4 m i r , ii.wi au h t.. a. _ Ml : I _ BO i s se s i -A ? . ? I TR?m? ?i .. i , . : i 7 mi?? . _] . . ?; i?, v?. ' ? . , ? , 1 ulid o . ? 1 -1 C \V I'R?. ' v- '. i. cri.p ? ; n i 1 C??'i M _' ' ~*. c. Os : Il