Newspaper Page Text
4 TUR RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY. MARCH 30. 18?9.? THE RICHMOND D?SPATCi BT THE DISPATCH COMPANY. The DAILY DMPATCH I? deliver to uhr.cribcra at WITT* < '-NTH P iiioi.ih. pejraeli t.? Um ??ni. i*.?. ?*.!> aneenh\y\ M?u..i al i-'> pe* aiiaaai. p? n.Uance; %i tor -six not r?.r Dirce month?. ?-0 tents tor o. ? ? r . o;>>', 2 r? n ' \\ i;i;ki.v Otht ITI ' l in tw? p..rm at $1 p< r ai?M??a -SUNDAY. DISPATCH I UM P ,'a I tali fai i ?a gpn.mio, . . ?MM in fell . .*. ami i.o ?paper ,c: ' ' l ' ' th? Mtp?ratiea of ?Um I?m ?paid foa. t?t 1?. at iho ri k .?, wlmlng tl.e.r ;>< IS? ir i M an veil M t'"lr llQW l** etTice. e.?n.ple coi?i<s free. AI-v: ? RAT?? HALF INCH OR LBML 1 Un.?.* ?. I t.m.?. ., . ?. m.' ?. ! , is liant.?? 1 north.J?. S mr>*.U ." . . Wniiti-.l altoation. p? In a?S < mat. . AhOtt I v ?I \" '?r a l \, : - | ,? . ? It? tV[? en or ka* 01 tl ' " on application. _ All betete BTi'i ubi ma t tot ad ! t . thi; DISPATCH COMPAN1 ? '1 i "t he rr turned AU 1? Men ' * ' i for to Ins? ? ; Tl '?- is ri of ours. i-, . . * . ? m?ml - , i it'.' bet ! | fot as ait in er. DP-TOWN (?i i ITR-Eir PHARMACY, 111 EAST BROA1 STR1 I TER OF1 HUM 1 ;'T. THUR8DA?.MLAP.I 11 : i m: N ULI in \ iiii.iM ?. "nr V. ?ni lut? r\ ;. at with .Mr. the F plain ti in Vli I he nil ?ly re? try and ' ?II Hi? i? ?: : ? I b ' n ?i. ? i' ill.- itn l i q ? I I i ??-.- a the o? nu< i Tho ?sehodul there 11. il i i.? hmond m i Wt till* J ?Mffben, ' lion >.f th? It Laslaatea i?.?' k ? fron ?; - > i? ito i tho i. hmond end ai K-giuiny route. At tl?'- I ?shea ? aSSPtaanton, end it. may ha thai i H ; about tll.'lt ttt that tlic- !' It-Offl a D . if it la ..s art U Inform! d ht to be, did not Set? i o?'- fellur? ol the w? t?bound . tl \\ liy was it th it It;.; ' o? tho publia to be oxhauii Ufciuc any taon to ?rectify tl Fiirth. more, **/ bould t . i !-i?tii. i? Dopai tai? ?.'. . r? d in?w, is im ?par? ; I i pubit? that it i Lexington ?onnootlon .?t Staunti in ?thai pent, at eerl - period? of tii? ?year, ?.ur aouthern m o roechlfl -. Rl tuaoad. T _>.si,iit? 'i i all? .1 the ntt. ni?.- ? ?. thai :. i. but if it did ?my i'?,- I W( ? f it. \\ ? .mi .- iy thai the - tai ?roi traotore ?n.* oft? n 1 whi> i? truly aro i I?lit 1 It I: is ?boon ?too much th? pr ll-ei In \ i eked tu i- \>- the track I I I Thus : ?|.?i.i\ m. a bl? i 11. to Un i J,?*?-< :.-..!!> 1 fur wiii- i-ally not re i Ike 11 , ? t.iKiiur . m tl \ I ? aHl get tl i i ' ? r witL tii?* t.t*i-n.' ? 1 road ? > a . ' 5 .1? ?III? It ! t-lMlltl blag .f that aun V...I.1?! . -. ?Mg i".!i'. m ..i i,i qui ?i ,t ? vai'iill. Of I to ?ii.? rail?. Ij I I.?i?. ... t| h.. " ?.r conn? tii? railruu..* rue tlm?\ uni Whoa ho 1. table .: gr< ? of Ul??J * - fei th ??i?:.- ? i ?ir i?*4 IBS ?tnr-routo cirrlcr-i. That thoro la in'?'h In t: i rs 'les Of gatdBtttag -tar ? contracts that Seamads revision, th'it ?an hardly 1m- nnv .lonbt. IlFl'OT At i OMMOll%TIO>'*?. Now- IhSt I! SSBSSB ''iiain that tin .- an.I Ohio ati.l th.? Rl? linna.?!. Pststaburg nu.i c.r-'iiiiH raltways srlli : erection sf s uaJoa Sepal in n.i.? dtp, it a suggests?! Ibst the smith etn pool Inten with ti i estS-paaS i .,-i ti.. Aepoi qui ' ir i,.?!, why notl Por y? : tit* Boot*.? srn ("i-i un hni.iini sad i'..!i> ill- ? hs* i. . n promising our ctty to replacs with ad ?-"inrii'.iiiouM structure th? < ? i? t ti??? tii'A of Vlrgtals wh; 'i i- ii'.w ni."!.- IS BSfW . . | .It. Ill I'll to the i- '"" I produclni our < , ,;! "'? ; Ths i" ' ma that . :' this lair disappoint But thel I about ... i for ii . sbi sad tfl 1 b? - om? ns that hi I : malng froi i'.nt king Impn It has 1 | that II ' lag Is - . ' Uii 'u! of all iin itlon the i '".' . ' to tree! , to b? , !' inti''ti ind t" be k< . r. And th? > a- t until the iosd h ?re ' ;,, I bOWl hmond thai ths I i m I road have shown; ai d ths ?''a sp? ake and : i burg and are aboul One . may re i, and th. mond hold it t. mise, ry near future. it. the Rl .;: '. Petel Amv'A end ?'" ern a i opportui bul for aid be more than .-my oth? r to our p 0) iliiiui v. ni. m . and no mal l would n"t thow ' . \ i m i t. an in? r, n?e in the iise 4?f the d i ;i< )i - . : iriiclure. In i I hav? -and have . a im r.? *Tm? i to .- jj' Bk for 1: I thsn Is now ' h In t i It would b ! .' ?...t . tlchmond and 1 .. uniting with ih? ol h? r i. i. Hi' ir depot nol knoa that ti>- ? i b not i . and i old rallroa ? . .il h? i ti d union 4?- - pot, i" rtlon of the 1 would fool up !. But it Is hardl? doubt? 'l t1' tt the dlff? ; , lly with i n However, v : nol th? Bouthi m got i Into the union d? pol Inti to hold It, to give her better depot accommodations. to fol let ! i they ai. i I, Will? 11 will In a i'Ih N< a York worn? n re : : min? were ultimately > om] ; . ii. t m? the mar with that anlmat*on and loquacity which . . . ; One met rid: I 4io nol ? .? ml 1.1 tb? i a i. ,t. an i whai , ii- a liai to i.l take ii off w : only to ?.iusii it m pl Id h m your 1 ; I l I,ink the wh. on : '.:.. ?y. and 11 s nli this lady. Sen ? r b ive ws a n won didn't look ' I to the pl? g h nt w hat, and, a h I p s t nol A them *?. bleb In timidate? tl avei It'i ih?. . oai ol the i "l ornlthologtcal i p? i l Blgh-8treet Methodist churt b i hand some m? mortal aiodoa i ?it? d to ol Tbosn '? Ehran h first wll Sarah P h. Ths arln? : this ' It' ? upon .Mir tabla s r | : t ; the ; 4.11 ta it 0l the i: ?. A ?:. Browa D D., pi in it an of iii.- window aad of ;!i- lat?- i i llaman alth ., faos of ?asar-Adi a csadtdats lo .i Admiral Dew? y la - ommand i I ii... Aatatk Btatloa, M |fl ; ' . Iil:i, to -:i?i wbea Admirai D* aft i i' m t ? ths BSsgasaad Broa. Bui ?i.l he fill ths 1 '"t ' '. Dewejl That i? th? '!_ mmmnoattmvjt'B boom. Tho Albany ?COrroapoaSoat of th?* N?? York Herald eiSMfi positively that <;?.? ?srnor Reeeeeelt is a eaadldati f??r ti Republican nomlnaUon f'?r Piealdeat, an preeet la ta show that ho is presarlas I latinrh his 1.m In ? if. aoyg that oorrcapoadoat, th. r.- hi 1" B any iloul.t In Hi" piilill.? iiiiti.'. M t ambition, it was r< moro irbea eau read ala ?franrltlai tax m?? : it?, iti which bo ?occupied middle ?groan i?< tween hit Klaley, who b? 'i? no ?eboolat? Iy m th.? Borporatl-one1 ourning Um coun 1'\, aad l'y ?tely hi lb tee In tii<* ?reentry's owning tho corpo : . Tin- oorreepoad? at t h. n goea o te Blata ti??t Teddy lateada, within tw v< ? to, lo ni:ik'- ;i very tmneue] trip. win?'! ? ?. , .- ti.l m iy formell; ; I? ntlal cent What did Hat i th k, ? wondet w !.. n thi- i.? rled to hlml ?Pro bably, however, H woeldn'l <;.? to Corara ?thoaghta i?:'" wordi la ti.? pr? i Qrundy, Tb4 at :. Ittn testes of < w? 'i dlnm r recen! : ut, of N? m York, t.. a petty ol about to i"- ?man parti illy < a* plains th? nuv.lti? ' ? in tjtn.itl in, Tl whl? h th? and in us c nl In whlcl ?ka and goldfish i warn. ? ? Record folloa - M? i , ?...i .i what la v?! ' ' i i nui .i-- the ver th? ii pla? Id .-?.:: Kt tbl - * ? mer? Iy tl'-nil-:, it ni IJ 'I Hiat will i?' Improved ii)n,(i untl ,l I : i an be oflfei -n ?'Hi '* |ly in t!i?- n . d'? euvr? i and a v. nh an through the floral decoral I Impai I an e novelty to almost any ? and stir the mosl Jad H i he mbitloua I even In* ... ol h teW? ind < onstruct toiium, Into which the : plunge al tlraet, - Record M ? Vanderbilt presides - f. ature* are to i- forl Ida? n, a I :. df-shell? * i: ell Allen, of BL I.ouls, ; ? man, and it was rill on ? while the . at La cerne, Swit/.i rland, met < I I Festltlca ? 'i . ? I The comil ?un? ' d, and i v< n thing was . when. Miss \ I? n i il that the ' ' Wfl it.;? 60I110 of tho commercial ug.n cleo here to * nd blm data ea to th?? .? . : ind 1 what share of < me I > . rthlng of the facl that Ihe Count e tot tho . :??. h? r, sb ind w 111 thereto p which I I tip. I i nobility should a eligible An i to be ? ? with tl.- 11 i might iv. rt 11. ? . (he captl Wish t" Coloi fort Hera ? t of 1 ' itli In the United E i y i .? for a class of products the i du? v. in ?i i ; now brought within our own domain by th? a? qulatt Ion ol i Porto Rico, li ?w II, and th? Philippine I So w? ' though! thai I - til the Cub na i ould i tabllsh a ; th? ii i-Aii. I: policy. i -.. more 1 "lli'S'. II!. ? ?n Mr. 'i Q H andldate for tli>- ma) oralty Tl ool ??? ii-r i iiii-\ eo, : 1 hti vlnce the courl i : ducks m ? ked the a her?." the i irm? i tin it :ould ?ii .\ 1 b me *}u*l Hi*-. my ' -.? o * ird..-That's not at ill unlikely," admltt? d the i irm? r, "foi hey ar? not tb .. ; :. I.I t ? Iy." ? ? ? inri.i- ?Pat-en tho t'Iinii*.*,?-. (The Clarke ? andidatea for L'nll .i,.r Is R mond on tl tnki n ' III? !.i -I i yt mo - in m ?an opportunity i ^%%*V*VV%%%-**%%<VM * One Dose fhjh Um Moiy. When ft u brad ?actes, and yon fa i blUous, petad, nial i,ut ..f tone, with y.-iir stomarh ?jour and no appetite, juati l-uy a pet_l| ol 1 Hood's Pills ?' 1 ' k.* n ?I.i'c, ?froca 1 ta 4 pill?. YOU v ill ?,.? Miiprn-i-,1 :it how ? they will do ihHr work, cute yourl 'beaderhe and biliousness, roaos thoi llvei and in.?k.? you ?tori happy uKitin. ? - ? ccoto, Sold by ?.n iut ,iu in?, dealers. t%%%%%% to bo choaen United Wate* seaal?sr. it was the great lavs or iho r*s*pr?_s?_aUU**s of tDsssBerscp Is that suarsatlSB tur BsaStOf I ?aniel that M th?'in t-i vote tioivn CaagraassaaB Jones'e proposition for ? primary t.. chooss th? candidate for Halted States Bsaator. B*n*?tor I>anlel, at lbs time, seemed te bass forgottea thai the people, tbrosrgb lbs role, "n '?" ooeaatana, t.f \h? He .?? of R? I ttvse in fav.r nt sBscadlng ths COnstltu? th.n ft.r ths - Un Hon of f**n itors, h id gives mare though! than be bad t.. this questloa BVi Impressed wsre lb* ? K i"-?? from C]nrk4. in th it c-onventloa with -'ii of ti... t,,!..; .-Il '"i of Con? grssBSsgn .i'.nea that aii et '" o [.ihm, aad be '! ' Hasd to fats at all -VOted In favor "f it MIMS FAIHS UKIHIIM. LOW*-. Aotii. on. passslpllas ?tf IBs B**ss? Pe_rlg*a Mat Oaars?fis***** i Torh ii- - I I'"V' r ?!i.h?. w. ddlllS B*tS nf ***** I .Mr. \\ i'!i in K. Van derbUt ?ras msds public ths young fri^ntis ?.T tin? brtds to be? hi.? besa consasBSd :i"-lly BB th.? SUbjl Ct "f what b* r weddlag gown would I Naturally, the asattei i ths e*> casi,,11 of 11; s have be? n m iriy If i."t as many Imsgin 'i dl . i i.f in-- ; h.-r.- have h' D of 'la- rOStly !'i , Blip, it w 111 int. n r will! i er w( ddlng-d ip. \; r r. It 1 wall know a. ha 4 f hi i- "wn. .n.i it lias t- ii hinti 'I thai ferei the i onv? : I ai, time-honored wbi ' ' i led of b< r . 4.i b< r weddlag-d ly. Ab II nuns out] I ? are i" be fulfilled, Pair will w ilh f" th? altai i m . doubtedly win .- t the fashion tor other brld? . . -la .\ii i Ing gown was mads abro "!. i .liti y ii" : .?.mill's i!i'- strictly French bridal gown, vere ? the contrary, this ] has mit1 r< by al mu i-, .., , the I lion U Ivory i ?tin, the i th an in, hut ! rial Is a.til- ly . .?< red with fins i olnt d'esprit ol - imy Unt, corr? iponding t.? thai of the satin. Th? n, Inst? ad of Ji.iliit late, old ' I' 'I J! l?h la -" !i-;ivii r in t< sture, Is . in appliq i I < I over th? i ngthai- insertions trim th-' i . k. the train is lii.rii.-i. ,1 with a di i- - ; . the upper ; Of 111" ' item will : m tin- tail "f the -1? ? -. win' Ii .-.. and i- partly 1 ? .f point 4?'. -| : With tins . v.|ui ??i,. go* n tii" bride s 111 , i ..f tulle. Ballrealag Polities? (Noi ? Th. -.!' > ths i> ii,... rats ol Vli by fifty proml? te In i iit'.v' - m- m t" 41.. t Unit? 'l Bl it? i B? ; ; ' ' ' lim.?, will have t';. el ol cu ng t?o- i?.?iit nstd? I i immi r ! Ths qui -ti' a is ons that has . ' . ,i reral i . . : m "t Vltn< m? .1 bj the ." Imary Ions. A loin.' t.:. tilutlon "f the I' 1111 be I - : ' : link ih it sena tors .?'." ild be ? bo. a i" ths i 'na- mann? r party, ia by I d? MI- 'I ! -Hit ill . onler. i...i-iii.ti'? ? aarag-*, V. 11 . rdon: - the R th-- Englh-h tn lit',, with nothing aave bis all? k In 1 '. - n :ii4.ii." i ' down! ' Hut he i""k im notice, sad a nai'iicr i r kill ? '1. 'I ?m* M? Baby's Kiss. il-'r. April Womsn'a Horn? i It . : tille. I ah ' Aiai to feel I ? 11 - ' That path I !" ?I9 KOilOHT BABY'S EAR \h'OULD DROP OFF Eo.'.v nui! n.'o.l Ka?* ?HSS-UBf BSTSS? SaSbtaS Bayoai Bwetilptlia l*iiy?l cIhii CoiiM Not Krrn BsUafB? Kept Under O.tlate-.. 0 m-l bj Ct 11CIKA. M - . cam?. . be kepi on :--t Our Jill.- I ! ly d My stleatlos S ?? ... 1 .?ht lbs B_,Cl il? 'TiA BOAS, . ' I ? H?" . ?Imply iu_r?t?lloui. Afl '? th " dag, and . f, with ? el?-.?". I.e. HAKDWI? K.CUra, Sa. i? B(Mf.Dia. an th. p-mt,tt-i rvtHMl. tad - ? ?n i h..m..r rrme.lif.. i - ill _aiet-d mUk ?kid aad Italy iiu-nor?, wif, :. ? ';,?. \V?r m holt-? ?ilh ( t '. : > . . elfaaat th? ?ala i . .? . i ?.?.. la_, ti'.rn.D.. .n.i l_g_n__J :...., ?rail nu. ., -.- ?n't hrtl. lb. ? - 1 F TTI? D i?4. C CO?P.. S - I'? p? , II * '.a. " Ho? Io('4ir? l.??ry Humor," fir?. 8AVE YOUR 8KIN *****.**J?*?-*>-***o C'4 r..i.'4? : ?.. CLEAR HEAD, ACTIVE BRAIN ? A doss ol Wir.'* Lemon Si-h sei will speedily banish the an pleaaant effects ol sa over-la dulgrem.f the appetite. 10c. at all druggists'. _ tub :'(?T!ilw be Witt's Little EARLY risers; The littlo pills. Cure bilious-1 ? ness, headache, constipation, lc_i(j*-_. tiun, heartburn and tnrj-id livei. Very small, very safe, very sure, Most popular pill ever made. Prepared by E. 0. PeWlttaOo,, ___ers_f DsWUt's Witch Daa..|t-*lvN tsp __-Th,Sa__Tii_ IOC 17' Pemberton, Cordes & Mosby SOME VERY INTERESTING ITEM: FROM OUR Fancy Goods and Notion Derart mpnt Japanese Fans. Entirely m S '?. > in Japan Pans, from Kiot-.. glased ?paper, metalli? . i, n?*w and unique dei Iffn ra ige i ram : Cyrano Fan Chains. Bxtr ? v tin? i i'i ' ?tal Glasi and Jol ?Bead 1 Km... pearl F n Cl ns, l irge snd small brads, gl.GO t?. it. Also, ?i large issortfnent of l'an rinin*. I, Amethj it, Crj -' ''. A""1"". i"'! .1. t. pi i. ? - : : 1*3.60. Belts and Belt Buckles. i t of An Enamelled and J?*w? H-?1 Bell Buckl? ??, ' ' i'i. n? h i atterns, S Jet Work Belts, .? .1 -hodli ? ?; t -. 15c to ' A SPECIAL ia Jetted Web U 85c. \ .i i.. i .: A rui| .,t Jet an.I 1 urquolse j, t and Steel and ?Peerl Bead Belta, m t?l lin at,-l bodl ' ' tl I ' ti Aft \\ .,.. i, for i: ? ' t glfl B| - _ GK HEADACH Positively cured by these Lit?lo Pills. They ?iba refieve I'i Iras ?from Pyspcps'.i, indigestion an.I Too Hearty Eat?n?*. A per fect remcly f r D?tineas, Nausea, Drowsf ne?', Bad Taste in the Mouth, ?Coated Tongas I'ain in Ihfl Si,',*, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the BoweUi 1'urtiy Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose. Smali Prlco. Substitution tlio bind of tho day. See you get Carter's, \sk for Carter's, insist and demand r.irtc'r's Little Liver Pills. (Th 11 T t A w) 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS' 11 A I It OIKin ?Kit Wll M II I* ? i.i IM .11 ?r?? t?,?? ? n'v preparation)!that will r^str-r? lltion. /I A I.I. IHM ?.i.l*i Is'. \\ _ i-? 17-dly) _ AMI SEMES rS. ICADBM1 DP Ml HO. .TURDAY, .M \ti\i-:i: AND NIGHT, HOI - \ > II. ? \l'l I \\ ?, I . I : ? 'horua TRAINED V? i _ six ? n i>\i .i. >ii ut i i:s 11\ il WEDNESDAY CI.I'B ' n IIJOU FAMILY THEATRE. I'oek ? inn in?'"?'! ??ii Miiml;i ?. . MVIi ?17, A (..nul 4 < > 1111 > ; 111 % nl Inn-'In !.. rsi ? , Billy F ph. and Iium POP? LAR PBK ES. im!) . *.? IDEM > <?? Ml -I? . FRIDAi SIGHT ? INLY, Special K I II I.i \\ n. -**l II ?i?l Thon ,' C . in FKM.A'H'S Mi i H< :.? ?GICAL BUR LES . i.\ ni.i.i.i: iu.i.i.m:. ii \?*i:-ii \i !.. HiKi mi-?? i ni:? i PARK* i:\iiiiii i ios ?. \ MKS. ItitlllllOllll *.\ ill i * f I ? > iiiinion.i ? olloge, 'I hit i-mIh > , 'Inrrli .".?Hli; nehl nuinii. Iprll M, i?'-, mu? .".Hi. ?.unios ? ?ill. .1 I <>'( I,,,!.. mili Jtl-.Mi M ?m iva ? ?>i.i.i;?.i: i i it it \n\. in i : i. mi*? ni' i *i ox a IE8DAY. ind. A SUMPTUOUS PRODUCT ION \ RIDai MMER HIGH Is inn: |?j| ?111 be i APRIL ' I'll AND '?III. ' i he Confederate Museum, "\ II AND . LAY STREE I 8 ' ... 1" A. M t?. S p ;?.i A cents. Free ? |y HE VALENTINE MUSEUM ?ELEVKNTH AND CLAY ITIUCBTa open ?_jii> ?ioiu i0 A. AI. t? ? i'. g* a, -. cents. Eree on gnturdevs te i.i Ijf _ ' i \? i RIIONS, A?-. It1?. GILL'S i.\< i RSIOH !? \\ \s||. laOTON, K .STEP. MONDAY APRIL I OUND-TRIP TICKETS . i-? it A si i?. ?from Washington. inli 12 Ztfttfl l.TuAThTt I.Et'Tt RES. i i:in hi:. M? ?/ \HT ACADEMY OP MUSIC TKESDAI MOHT APRIL i IM Re? i ' i -, \iki ,:;i. i, |, SubJ . "MACBETH." fcdmh ion, .'-? pent* i;? ?? i..- bad it Walt? t u. Moot .*. ? j ?ist Main str.*. t. nih Stationery. l Hoi land Blue, and the ! Admh ' wi Vellum Papera In the fashionable n* v, I ums. the 50c. kind, Special. *fo ?ii'iu"" you 1 ' Pn per |?ap< r, with El in Kl? S CRANK'S I i \,. . a ? Gray, Bin It il ' I ai l< I Art Department. ,\i Departn ' mond We can ! pi.".- t IH | i,.,,, ; and Varna, Fi Ing? -, silk 8 l FOR EASEER. PRA.IR-BOOKMARKS, CROSSE.S, ROSARIES, and CRUCIFIXES; COLEAR CI ASPS, CHAIN GIRDLES, CIRDLE CUSPS. SHIRE PINS, sad many oi ber no veil ?es of m w de B?gnS in Solid (iol?i .-mil Sterling Bil rer in BF.IGH? ER.VCHGRAY ANO GRFII. GOID FINISH. SA?S?E iHE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Gives a moat delicious flavor to I. si asid Gm Meats! Gravies, Sala?s, Soups, Same, Fish, Welsh Rarabiis-. ok? BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. a -nature ou eery !< I - fyuJ John Duncan's Son?, Agents, New Vork. ini7i ' 1 ... h . ,-. Fe ! '. I KM, .' $1.00 PER BOfTLt. AT ALL DBUfiSISTS.' (inh T-'lly sp< x7ih) \ I I \\.I ?,. V .1. THE WIL ' .'. a. Knl irg? -I and mil . DM ?- I ? **. I?!?*, in? \ i il. I ?m n\i; i,m i \u. .Ml.'ST ! ' ' ' ; >." inh ' I I'll H || -4,, |?. lotcl Aincrican-AJclplii. Saratoga, M OP1 N .1. SE Boon IWI, i on iniMi mu ii . i, 1 THIS ' ; ; ? - i, ? i-' IX PEW 'l.i Mtltl\(.I s. i|| QOIB-S, \\ \(.?i\?, ,t,-, roa B hi:. rOB si'YI.isii \ EU, . BIKB - ; III ii. !.. ! i . VA'. ?.'. SMITH, . l-':!Ilt -T. . ' ili.'m i ml Job Printins t lho Dispatch Priniln-'-ll : Misfit Shoes. > 4- Wo liavi' 00 li.:i.?l I 100 pairs ol Mi.s h S,mi . ; T which hi? in:i(!t> t" ., I %4 t<> 19,and irhichdid < X "?I lit ?>r Won Dot called . sf tor. ' T We or?? closing tin it. : X at ! Half Price. \ Z Csll ? urlj and rwi Ihe of them. [ X M e liavn Just rc<*eiv??il -, ? ? Ii?'w inppljr of L PATENTED CUSHION : Rubber Heels, : which MS put mi any |] ? 1 ladies' or men's. ! 'Phone 13! tW. E. DREW&CO.,: Main anil Klghl !i ?, -. t ? * - - a O eMO-MX** ??* *-?-> *>,? o 4 Easter Jardini?res, I A * i Pedestals, and Vases, a m .. * Miller China Co., i ? 109 I ASI HR(HD S? . 6 ? BstWCSn I nst ,*n,d Second. A ? This Week Special White English ? Porcelain Tlbleiirl, r o kii'.'l. Ill- I h. Breakfast Plates, ? M tt !?: : - V. m ' '' '!' I ?A w Gravy Boa! v tt s A Y " ft Vegetable ^ ? m y Oyster B >wl , I ? *? t) I I a "' MILLER CHINACOMPANY, * 109 US I ?ROAD ST.. t (,' i Between I irst and Second ) * ? ? -?at? * ?-*?* *? ** * !> ,?' ' ? * Special! Special! Special! Pian< I; i ? . lit ?mi ;i I _< ii oew. W it for urs, snd ?rill sell it fo.' uh for si ?Also, oi 'hich ihon use, but othen der, for $150. IANLY B. RAMOS CO ii<> EAST BROAD STREET. i m ** *? ? Bicples $25 $35 $50 Please Every Rider, AGENTS EVERYWHERE. Monorch Cycle Mfg. Co. Chicago. N*iw York. - ni Laioa itv MB Livr ii on., I I . .: ' ? J | ' X. ? I : l?. Do DOI I ,L, l_Al?l> t c?J. U? lit*) PROPOI VLB, ! : I'O P.VIIU ? ??N I ?1 \? l?"11 r \ : -. un.i. V THI : . | Ja an i ' t ' III.? ' 'I'll'- . \. TAI ' ? . 1\V Order* for print ik h',,?t ??-> > ' ' ' mi? caa?paaj iition. a ??I ill.? Myl at m- rk ana yi.?.?o ill b? ?uro lu i cir-i yi***.