Newspaper Page Text
_ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. APRIL 2. 18??._ 11 FORCE FOG TO EAUTII i th' ill. *< laWTIBTS OK AMI--.HII ? - ii U in TO in ( tlilFOKM .. HERBERT EARLSOIFFB'S FXFKRIMEfiT II?? rsj^eil That Hi?- I '?SB <' lle BraaarSa ix.wn. Sot < ?"??,? TrU n?? to Muh.- |T???I<?? SOS ??r the Piase iasi? BANT A ' ? t,. . ' .ii QUI re la a roan turn i ! mind i. , ' I ; . i ' unit. I I .1 t lot i. . | 1 :ul was , s. ta th? ' il l\r i a 1 t will , ' Ion. thai and it oi the li | man to utlllz ' Baring are diaalj In I .:' ' li i i ?Imply wish to i: mill ' - of grain m .! ERT IAMI.S. Mil- 0. Mum th? i ? Mail'-. et ' a all 'it, . I And .-il llf?. <-ks, ks? And that-* th? way the paper's ii W1 ' p pat. pat. fall tl in- it In t1" news, i proud, l d follv ai > print 1 n'a the way the paper's made. i l t J i l. M y n ?i, !'| Pi R; Rl Hi Bl B? 'i u Boh ! Ail, ! I I Aki i PaSoeMO Bnth "" ? "?r ' nal s'ow. > ifh lit:'- hands; ' " liga ur. nol i Ufe i . . >.. i tonray. A i . . ?aliga to shine MOOn, and re buco bo Irroa; i . see so 1 ?t taavoh. < : ar eye? . . *.. :i l'. BUI ksM i or d fin ? b, r,\icb grace, ' dr. frailalfts; . the rifts h ik< i not I Ar.? hardei petleaoe with ? i P i n li (1 i P i i ' Ck . i. . ! . ftl Ch 'he , am flil' ?i ,rcHUM!iusY auiioiuTTurTUBAcnrroaot? I?81HAX.K BTATKME\T? - A.? > * rCBLIC AiCOf??T? Of THE BT4IE0J ?I?4jlN!A.| ^ETNA Ilv??BAS?B COMPANY. ?S^^HK^^l^\^\^^}~ i:nm,N<; DECEMBER ?. A***** ''ANY ?Ai.-i . V, rVX'v- V; lA :':' OK .UK AKTNA IN8I RANCE <_OJI I Ml or ,i, '.'^N ' :''A..l/KI? l-NUKK THK LAWS OF THE ' .'it vi ',v, 'A,V-J ' ' '" TH*- INSURANCE OKPABTMENT (.v ?AHS.O? WuUMA, IKPURSUANCE OK THE LAWS Of ?AID Wl.'.i.iAM R r>r it.? ?_ "._ . ,NM.!.I-,,.AV ?-..CI^RK-IjresUMg S?, WILLIAM H KINO. .___ ?ed-JLNK, A. d. 1815. comim rated Lust:.' ss-Al.OLSr ,7???|?nited or Weo***! AUoni!*J f?m'- HARTFORD CONN Mo.Mi, va. ' "UU> 'Jl *-* *? "' Vlrginla-\VII.LIAMSONTAI>LEr. RICH lrgi I CAfTTAU Whole amount ?f taint .m??, ' ***-TAL - I,,?.,0?k or - '*' authorised .... "l of capital actually ?..aid up In cash . ' real ?sut? r.ivin.ono 00 Bsj in- f -?-.wr-.,!,.,. the!!.,;'s:i!LTS:.I and in".-, ... , on aniel than une year'a Inter? . of buildings and per ta. v&.vn oo ?ding? mon ' HD a? sal? ACCi . . ?... w "' A \K] ?NI>8 OWNED ABS0LUTEL1 " ''! bonds. 4 par ' ! " " ' ' - a m .. ,, ?r,. ,., nt ?l-annual . per '-nt. aeml . per c> nt. . Ml<-' 6 per ci nt. ?v\ . ; . , : leml Inti < ?t . : '!.. hOIKiS. 4 IXT ' - . N. (' . I,, (. |- r Inti est . and ?house b :. nnual Inti n I . I il I reel . ads, ? pi r . ! :. . '. | ' r . I Ii ?per i . S per cenl ... N per . : nt. : ii mi . Ii, 6 t erest . Imff s? mi- innua] Ii I nds, _ . i- r nt. . i - .... 'ur- v\' i) no, Ind., city bon . . per 1 inti rest . at. es I . L i . Is, 6 per coat <-t . i ml Interest . i nds, s pe? "nt. . N .' ' v it;,n bond . ' i i Intel t . i.. Irnprovi .-, 6 Interest . nt. m . : . x. Y 7 per < . lock, S ] 11 nt. a mi-annual : ; i. . nt. . i . water bonde, 7 . . 5 i . gold bund?, 6 per . 1 " nt. iten l . -, 4 nnual In! ' I ; : nt. . ; s. mi-annual Inti rest . per ( nt. id ?nteres! . pe? -i nt. ' . v, ii., city a and ewer Bper cent. v light perla 1 1 per m-.num.ii Inti real . ; ' r . cent . , 6 per . . C, city bo i , ' ont, . klyn Wharf anil V. I lota? t, semi-annual . Ouaranl r ? !on ml-sn? . ; annual in? . ght and Cok? ? ion , . . I . i : .a. semi-a : . ! .1 In? . ool Dlsti .'. ' . Ill I III. . I pei . . : ' R !. setnl? . ral R R?, fir?! morti I per cen? tsrljr . jun tii n R. ii-, Br?t I - ral? ' ' 7 per '' n'. serni . ind inual . . R : B-l ti ,; pacific Railroad Company of I at? m , ret b mds, I per cant : : ' ' . . . i: R, (Rll . ami real . mort, bonds, 7 i" r ' 1 st . Cln. and . t?tere?! . juin y i; ?: ini . <j ! . | '.'..'' :n!-stinual . Quincy R. R., I pee cent ..... Quincy R. R mort, bond?, 4 il-annuai interest. . Qutucy K. R., Ex.), morl a : . I : Interest ... & Si Paul R. H. (Haatinga ; bonds, 7 | r . mue s, ?. per ' . I net . . R . innual lnt?r? st , m K. H. iMad mort, bonds. I per : . ..... rn R. H . sinking BY THE COMPANY Par Val?a Market Value rpnt. ti par vi nt. M Bal? TJk,rNurThw?at;rn R H : m mi. bond?, 7 per cent. .,. "; rn R U. g.'n?a : r cant aeail?ai . t italiwa\ . rt. bonds, 4 per oe?t fsaui 7stand'? 'i'?ei?r"n." '. ., bonds i uer cent stunl-anuu?u $ 108,000 00 ?;,,. . ,., 1,,,.. . lO.r-jO fg b\Ib1 oo u ' 23,000 00 5.000 N c: I its 100,000 00 - to.os 1,000 00 60," UM : MB? 89 83,01 GO," UM : Oase? ' 00 : 7,000 00 : 20.1 ::.." 51." KM 5.000 00 - ?> 00 10,000 00 UM 4,000 00 I ; et oo 60,000 00 60.000 00 : 12,71 18,0 I 10,881 u Bf?,0*4 <<o 13,000 00 : : 25,(??' . 100.000 00 7,ei0 00 ?0.000 00 60,0-' aftJDO 4,000 00 3,000 00 : 80 oo 61.180 00 60,000 00 ?50,000 0) 85,000 00 60,000 00 25,000 00 20,ijOOOO 100.000 00 26.000 r<i 25,000 00 60,000 00 100 60,000 00 77,000 8J 60.0UI in....) 00 -.00 60,000(0 25,000 00 >p 00 10,000 <*} so o.x> 00 21.000 00 60,000 00 ?,000 00 25.000 00 S K-O.i/?) 00 I ... .., B wooo iOOO 1:1,00000 ' M 00 11881 00 56.O.0 00 gUBJ 00 - 0 00 I 0 00 ? 00 100 7.140 ? ' 0 00 .0 00 00 set 1 00 64,500 00 oo 20,!? 4,000 00 - '00 l 00 1. MO 00 -i 00 K.7S1 , . i rnXW 'V -, 01,G00 00 : I y ISO oo . R8 00 ?0 00 ' - '00 I ?A) i:,30o oo - ) 00 ' 00 60,250 no - -' 00 I 00 7.' Ouo VO ?7,720 00 36.0 00 ..-, fg _ AKTIVA gTATrJMKBT-?rj??ntlB?ed. inter??? . 10,00? 00 30.400 00 Chicago, Rock Island ? psctfle R. R? g'"d sren>ral mort, bunds, 4 per cent. eral-ancsn! Interem . 100,000 00 108,000 00 go A. Western In.Ilnn? K. H., mort, hond?, ? per ctnt. ?.mi-annual interest 17,000 00 17,S? 00 * nl'-atfo A \Ve?t.-m fndl . i R. It., gola ral rr.ort. bond?, ?i per cent, quar frly int. r.-st . 100,00000 12-V0OO 00 Cicero A Proviso 8t. Railway Co., Cot? ?fo, gold consol, mort, bonds, 5 per cent, nenl-annual Interest . 2500000 23,250 00 Cincinnati, 1 arten A Ironton R R., gold mort. bond*. 6 pt-r cent seail-snnual _, Ir'tercit . 25,000 00 2?.730 00 C!nHiin?tl. Hamilton A Dayton R. R., S"l'l Binerai niort. bond?, 6 per cent. ?'nil-annual lnt*re;?^. 60.000 00 '56.tK? W? Cincinnati, Hamilton ?TOaytoa R. R.. consol . s. F., mort, bond?, 7 p??r cent. nual Interest . S2000<X) SB IB Cohimbu, A To! !.. R i: BrOt mort. ins, 7 per 'tnuai lnr<>ros-t SO.OOO M 9?.;-M B Colnrnhiis A Toledo P.. K . second mort. bond f pei ?at. seaal-sBBual later? oo iiMiw r n. It., coupon Bcrlp. 4 per lesAl-annusl Interest . 15 00O ''O n & Western R H m 'ids I per cent, ?sou-annual lateras!. rs.oco B -' H Im? . .,] Co. (Pean. I''- ' rtgag? -.7 per cent. eat . 25 000 00 B B ette R. i: . ttr?t oon boI. mortgage bonds, ? per csBt seml . 26000 00 Hint A Pel |>. (fort liu ' ll mortgairi? b? nds, J per ml-snnaal Interest . 25.000 00 BkSBM Q?orgia R. R. A- Banking CO., d.-br-ntur? ds, g par cent, wml-annuai interest 25 000 00 i ? Co., mortgage bonds, 81 leml-SBBual Interest wooooo 51.00000 ' R ver S ' l < ter R R . trot . .frai-an? annual Interest . ]O?T,iX)0 00 116.0? 00 ''lu--" -r K. R, first ds, i, ?ier eeat aeml-eo itereai . 6OOOOOO ??.MM ntrsl Railroad Company. Springfield Dlvlsl n, hrst mor'gafi;? b pel 1 ml-annual in -. 100/.-. '0000 Indiana A<* Mlehlgsa H. R.. fl-?t mortgage bonds, i> per cent ?emi-an ' ' . 60 000 i.,) -0 00 l: fir-it mrrt. . 60 m ?SB 00 -, A Indiana ft. lt., ai. . 14 ?v. livtB 1 ' 1: . ilr?t non mi-annual ir. . 4O'.fl00 4t-. PB R, I'... . lKjooono B8.B801 1:. .-. . st . 25 000 00 ISjSBM R. i: . B Bl f0 M V ill, v ', n Brat ?M. 1 ' cenl Bemi-an . 60 000 00 -1 ..-) 62." I . -o ono no 0 00 tereat BAMS) 65,t R 1. (Iowa Bx mortgi ga bonda, 7 1 r . 60 000 00 ;j? w ( 1 R. H > DO OTO 00 61.500 00 R Brat 1 - > .000 IB) 88 ' t consol, m? rt? ml-snnusl . 110,?X)0OO 1,',7.300 00 River i< Km ret ain . 176 000 00 :< w . mort ds, 7 par ?annual . lOOOO 00 18 88 00 , K M , l-t ' onsol, moi t. * ild I nde, ? pt 45,or*1 ' few 1 H bsoL I ; r .... ,,aj . 60,000 'i* ?,' 8 I R. R , fist mort), ige bon? 7 per ci at K ml-aa . . 60.00 1.0 B 00 ew Tort New Haven .v.- Hartford i' R., ?, 4 per eent. it . 75,000 o." BO OO ew Tork, 8 tern first tgage t per cenl . 25,000 00 -'TOO -uortitaB;? sinking ?m,.1 bonds, 7 per eeat ram. a 111. . 26,000 <)0 35,000 00 orfoii. R., general : . . la| 60,000 00 63,600 00 orth Electi Railway Oom? 1 1 at. . r -" ' 27171 00 1: R. Comp ta, 5 per cenl aeml-an . 25,000 00 16.000 00 4j 1)0 II?, 000 00 mort? . cent. Beml-enBual 30,000 00 14,800 00 - 1; it., iii . 75,0i)0 00 105.750 00 per cent SI,rX" " I".- " tislitlte . eM* ci.ooooo gtd. ..:l iti ..100 it. i;.. s? ml-ai . :.' ?OB t R . first . tV ' -ooo I 25.000 0) 3.:.o00 M R. R. of ? Brat per cenl 2C.0OO 00 BJM N way ' 00 BJB 00 - 100 17,500 00 I R. R. (V I . . . seml-am . BJS)88 . 60.480 00 > 00 2?, . ?0 ?"?TO 00 51,000 CO -, . 60.000 CO Bayas ;: nual *oo Cable . . Ve ".'-jOOO B.BB . *" ' 1 : " ' ' ' . ^ ^ . 6.00000 I 100 '' ""i,ln>'. rJi ^ .,00 5,0<0 - Rail- .? 1-000 Valley Railroad : ...... . ?oo ? 00 le. & fit. 75,000 00 72.000 00 : .\ I'ltt-iniiK Rail tSSl . k . 30,00000 SUS)* " ' :.. > .v- Si. -00 11 tern Rail? 3- r?? 00 HM ? ,ek Island A I'acido "00 BJMB - ? - 78.00000 60 ? (L'.yotio 'toad . 15.0CO0O 28,.-?0W I Roll? 20.000 00 -100 , 40.000 00 64?' I ;'.,!: 1 Hanking . 10.000 00 19,200 00 hteago Railroad ?' '. Kil.-iin.iZ">, ?! - - IB <v .Jrand . 40,'DO)C0 66,000 0?) k A I ' - M 'in? I Hall . mjmm 3.00000 ;;'kr' .. . w.ooooo h ,,.,w \ \ tral S ll'idson S0.0OOO8 88.100 00 ii*rps New ?ork S ilail.'in Railroad . 25,00000 90.00000 a & ,aAfor - . 1S7-M0 w r5'yyi ,0 ?0 & Syrueus? rt. k . 25.00000 62.500?? ^ Fort Wayne A : road Co. stock . 100.000 00 170,000 00 , n ; A Bureau Valley Bail k . 15.008 00 JT.7?O0O ?hares Renss?laer & Saratoga Rail- .^- ?? L. . 100.000 00 1M.0W 00 v.u.? iv.-u, V.irk? RallmaA 20.000 00 22.5U0 ?0 30,000 00 10,000 0J 1M0O00 10,?V? 00 14.000 ,? 1H?1 \ *-?. " l ,J*- *. (New York) Both , stock . Aetna National Bank stock. ?rtford, ?'"'''i. 20.WOOO \: ri ;n National Beak ?took. hiMi Charter <>ak National Bank _? ^^. - xk Hartford. Coan. 40.000 00 40,Ooo oo Ity BBBk Of Hartford stock. lttBBM anta ?rtford. Conn. 11.800 00 ^0.116 (X) ach. (',,nn.-,-t!,-ut Rtv?;r .?.?? inking Co. Block, H rtford. Conn... 45C000 6.2? 00 liurea Farrarrs' A Med?anles' Nfiv AETSA STATUMK*4T?-<?.i?tlN?-t?.!. ti-- -.1 Bank atocle, Hartford. Conn... 36.000 00 40,250 00 y? "'i ir?? ilrit National Hank ?toca, Hartford. Conn.-. 30,000 00 23,000 00 1.00??hare? Hartford National Bank ?tock. Hartford Conl. 100.000 00 137,000 00 550 ?bar. s National Ex-hang? Bank ?tock, Hartford. Conn. 37,500 00 35,750 OS 1.000 ?hare? Phoenix National Hank stock. Hartford, ('ran. 100,000 00 KO.OiOOO 57? ?hares Stata Bank itork, Hart* r 1, Conn. K.OOOoO WO ?her?? Amorican Erchanx? National Rank stock. New York city . 40,000 Oo 0.3W <* 400 ?hare? Fank of the .\Unhattan Com pany stork. New York city . 30,000 00 40.H 300 shires Hank of New York Banking Association ?tock, New York ,_ city . 30,000 00 100 ?hare? Hanover National Bank rrtesfc. K?W York city . 10,000 00 62,500 00 *00 ?hare? Import? r>" A Trader?' National 0 Raak ?tock, New Tort* city . 30,000 00 112,500 00 100 ?har.? Market g Fulton National Bank i. N< w Y>rk ftity . 10.*b00 00 681 00 700 aha h iBta" National Bank etoik. N??w Y.Tk- rlty. 38.000 01) 120 shan?? M Kxchnnse National Bank stock .V . Yolk city . 0.000 i?' .'..-?Out 1,200 sharps -,- ?s? National Bank stock. N. iw York . 80.00-''?' ' '?uC 400 ?hares Metrop ntan National Bank k. New >""k rlty . 40.000 00 4.000 A i Pink ?took. New York city . 10.000 00 15.0&0C0 500 ?harp? Nati,.nil It ink of ?'omni-rca ?k, N-* fork city . 60,00000 106,0"*? ?? ires National Bank of North Amer? lea -'.. k. Mea Y rh city . 14,000 00 BWMfi ink of th- HcpubMo ._ ^ ,<. Near York city ....:. . 15.000 00 BSjatOJ i't.s Natloi ' 8 D* ivers' ?.???. ? Bank stock Mew Vork city . 7,500 oo 6,62500 ires National City Beak si > k. New . /w^' Y. .k city . P\(.?>O0O 124.000 00 t N I Bank stock, ??*? New Terk city . '. ) -?00 "00 iaarei Peoples Hank itoek, New .?-*- <n*?i* y rTB city ot ' ' ! NatlOBBi i I k. M . ,? ._, Neu Vork city .. : MbsIJ -' Ni ?. ? , ^ tloi 81 00 2..0-1. 00 ,0? ?narea N I k ?lock, ? .. ?? ? AlbH'\. M Y. ' ' 1 !.(??> 00 100 sharps Mew Britain National Bank ,nrMM ? ock. Mew Brlta'n Onn . te^OJBOJ 100 xsh inpany sti ' k. ? _ . ....... Mew Tork city . . SI "> MfJSIl "** * Holland k. .?aaaa Mew 1 ' SJ oo * , ... Tr lea York 1-.000 00 int.23000 i : N a York . i?r' ' Toti . j. , o Total par and ausrast ralas (car! tat araraal valuei . io (M 392 t ICCi lURT OF win U, T ? it BECUR1 in POT IIKCATED i' n'li' COM ' ' : RIT*i I' IB 'ASH A'-ri'A'.'.'.' I.i \ HV 1 CO ANY. WITH THE PAR AND MARKET \ M.t t? AND THE AMI \T LOANED ON E ICH int Pat M let 1 "falui y il Bank of Commerce. N- \r Y-rk, - N< ,\ York, ?6 '' ooo T-fal t tr and ssejTget Value, on 1 n. '..::" -n ?''.4<c m it GOO 00 - S ?OO OO a?h in company's prim pa] office and P ' TR 1 [ on stocka no! i*" :''"' ' '" "' ,! ': 1 ?Blue,** . : t accrued on , St ? . .nth? doe . ,.., . M th;-: ORO I wicfN'T OF ALL Tin- ' f ' ' C I ' I AOQREOA " ,M< ' MT OK ILL THE .SSI IS OK TH1 COM BAN. I D AT THEIR ACTUAL \ ?LI .Rtgl in i.i .BILI*1 II -: ir. ?,., elaima f-r adjusted and uni 'ad to ta c?me du? ,.,. . I 41.W1 14 ; sent, or in ?ui| i and i isea 010,71 (.pensai a . I lint of claims far 1 ?ses . 3' '"< -- Dtducl i thereon . lui.:ti7 u let ?mount of unpaid I? MB. ?f0 ' al le upon nil un? tplred fin ir of ' i r < ..... 11.219,043 04 ... I ni celvable uj ry, 33,4 l.( l pre? . 1,1" l.MO 4? II pri n : iroi it. 63,180 W 1 premiums as com] ited al jimohs) .mount Boll* W ,M 06 . premium? p I and in coui i l!'i?.9*"fc:.: rpiirn premiums, f-n,M.iS?total . l?? soi w TOTAL \M""\T"i' il^L LIABILITIES, EXCEPT CAPITAL OCK IND NI . - . 3 * "4 TO . 4 ' ? *"" 00 IMA * AG AMOUNT OK ILL : P BIL? ; i I ' PAID ' P CAP? i'.\r. B I I ' * 46 iV.-Kv IMI DURII G :':ii. I EAR Pr -a Pire b sk.4 1 and Risks u ritten hibit, Item : ?duct relm ui : ..un? . ! ' - premiums J tlMJI - inter??! on I i.oc?8 71 ceiv< i il lo i"- i I : . ". i ' 'i reei I ved foi i . % C-?.ilOS Cl AGOREOATK >iM tVST OK INCOME ACTUALLY BEC DURING ll.**06.073l V.-EXPEND1 n RE I DUR1 i Tl On 1 ' ' !.. gj o?? amoui n? m I '' ' . ' ' ? ! ri:: y. 7k M27 0 ?h dl\ ' ' ''<'- ' IBl "f itO? kt: dividen.!? . 720^00 08 Id for < ' . * ' m ?."^ u lli.l.l 70 ' , tal . 2S0.1-?? W .... ... .IT30 46 Ar.i:. .MOUNT OK ACTUAL I \ DITURRS DU? i.i v.; u mat U BL'SINKHS- IN 1 II ? ? and Inland marin? risks taken . 1 -ii?o mlun ' . ' . . 20,71133 .: . me, i .1 H PHI LU I y Puh'i*. Williamson Talley, Agent, ki8-too4i RICHMOND, VA._ ____?????^? ??? ????? ?? ???????^ vin?.IMA nor arBI?S coii PABY. BATH COUNTY. VA.. OB BABB ANH OHIO RAILWAY, ' ?r.v.o rBBT SLBVATIOB. rhe New Home.tead." with all mod i r! .ate - with the bath-houso. Open ymr 'roood. male pdrfectly comfortable, iderfal results to sufTerera from AMUMKBKNT8 AND BPOBTS: ding and driving pat: . , new cla track, golf-ground?, lawn ten. pool, and billiards;, and hunt r winter rates and accommodations y to FRi'n. iiKHnr, ' ?er, i 21-Stin t ? Ut Springs. Va. OLD PA IK H s KOK SALB ?ti 15c. PKR 1MNDRED at the U'?patch ?BBBJGaa OIlOANIZI.Ii 183?. The Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company OF RICHMOND. VA. Assets.$.)00,ooo W. H. PALMER, President. W. H. M'CARTHY. Secretary Orders for printing ?ent to th? Dis patch Company will be given prompt at tention, and the <!>!? of work and prices will be eure to tVleoee sou.