Newspaper Page Text
12_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUN DAY, APRIL 2. 18DD._". _ Specials in Trimmed and ?ntrimmed Hats. Monday special sali Trimmed and Untrim med Hats and Flowers 100 copies of our best French Hats in the newest shades, latest materials, designs off and on the face, in cluding, Mark Hats, with Flowers, Wintjs, Fancies, Chiffons, and Malin6 Hals. As spe cials, for this sale the three followiii'j lots will be priced as noted: LOT i -Value $7 at $498. LOT i:?Value $10,at $7. LOT 3?Value $15, at $10. Ordinarily these Hats wobM bring the first named figures. Children's Trimmed Hats---1.1 ghoras, Chip, N *a nnl i f O 11. Chi ffbrj a. &c, trimmed with Iho newest ribbons flowers, chiffons &C, in colors, Bleck, and White, at $1.1)8, ls.98, HT ?pi each OIU; wurlh double, your choice while thev last. LBdiss1 and Misses' I:ntrimmed Hats newest, besti and most stylishsliafiis?,! the season in Chips, Rough Hraids, in colors, Clack, and White, for ';?>. -jo. 7'.. OOO. dr?at? >t sssortment of Children's ?Untrimmed Hats in the city in all the new braids, chips, Leghorns, Milsn, ftc. _ Swell Easter Shoes. A Purchase Which We Believe Has Never Been Equalled in the City. A factorv m tkimj only ? ?ne Shoes for Ladies had made up, ready i for shipment for A." Saks A Co., Washington, D. C. ; C. W. Pewel, Dallas, Texas; M. App. Fort Wayne. Ind.; George W. Schenlts, Houston, Tez. ? William Fastwood & Son, Himmel, Richards & Son, Pittsbnrg, l'a.; A. J. Msyer ft Son, Erie, Pa., Fine Oxford Ties Costing $2 to $3.50. Tor rssBoaa nnknowa to us the M innfai tun r i loeed out all these tots to na it a prca diseonot, because in many instances they were stamped with theee nrtn ^ names, and he found it hard t<> sell then when so stamp? '.. Asaorttnenta comprise full Patent leathers, Vid Kid, Fancy Uppers, Tana, Browns, Blacks?in the most approved aha] run irrmi 3 *. to 0 only, anil will be offered in three Iota - $1.25, S1.50, $2, Worth ii)> to #15. Worth dp to 92.50. Worth Bp ?to93.00. *' l?>~ Sale continues Monday of the Lowenberg Pincus stock of Shoes at 40, 69, and 98c. ?MIVI'Y i BTBIFBB BILKS, S8e. Tbe < leaulne Habut r . ?rita aroveo i 01 da, . s. Black and While, 1'iiik an.I Whit? ie and Wl lie, ??'..y sad White, i fni'i Wl ?'h. try ami Whit? Llghl Blue an ; White, N? m Blue and "v\ and many others; ever; 1 pninrnn t. ' 'I i ' i u r; will be throw a out i r selling, 80c v.,ni. Nsor mints in TAFFETINE BILK, nn.l I Ivy-White, not the comm ernlly sold, but the > i ; . .j'. Hin. BJI-8 iv P CHAI IK IBLE TAFFE TAS, the 15c. i <;:? Checked ?nd 17. Ml? SATIN FINISH BILKS and Ola ks, 24 im h? .- v. Oi ' WHITE II \l:l'T.\l V. \SU SILK, rente I all pure *i!k.-"< .ILL-SILK BLACK IN s u ;:n ii w .... .".o COL? ?RED si:'; FOUI %RD8, i , ,. full I. In baa old?, the I for . .owe. ?The NEW CHECKED TAFFE rAB, ill purr .-. k, 12 worth 81 : .7.".-. i All S Ik HEAVY t!LA< K S ?TIN DUCHESS, all i Ilk, r Black tv-,i Ta?f i .. i gradi s, t. 10c, Sine BLACK IMPOn l'i'.i' BU KS, In I? o ?d?i -. r- :.,'. .- .- i :i ade, r>ui-iii ?s, ai I ma nj 01 b? r i :ni.Ui atyl? -, ooal 51 60 to import; choli ? per ? a.-l .DC All .Silk H.-avy SATIN' DUCHESS, In all the popular ?had i; also Bla k; this I? the t -t H B tin in th? mark i i. ? ? nir prl . MS . 1wo extraordin?r) v lu? In AH-Sllk Bxtra-Weigl l Black 1 iff? No, 2, a i th P y ltd, for 7.".. Quality No. l, worth I1.&U yard, foi.11. BAIVB O? LIBEBT1 BATIKS, 7r.i-. Tin: i tlful i w ilk I ir the flrst im d the i nit? d Si foi fSe, hi re al th Bey? r Bl Tw< Ive dll?? eni loi a si ready for I )' .i tlon, a-i'i for waJ I ronts, | ste., there Is no Ik (abrlo thai can take Ita j>i .< We t? i of thli s Min at T8c. v. Ill b? the 1 : a I \. t tlsi im n! ' ur ?Ilk d p irtm .i baa miiliiii our m in try >\l.i: oi" FAJICl BILKS, TO?. M P8< n-Boi rod T iff? la. cost I ? ped T >f f< ?ii!... - Figured B ;adei that in-1 S3, i o "m M i" M yarda, bul ire call i ! by manul id. . nd ol ' be I? m - I tin iiv a prom'nenl m i itur r at 7t? . .( \M' to -K ? hoi? 1 '. Th? v ,i"' v. w prominei ily d In the Bilk i ?e i n inn nt, and wl Uon al lliis pi ?. r. RlliBON SALE. WONDER 1 LILY OR CAT. lili; IIMIM in. \< iv BJBBONB, 'I'lii: IIMIM ? ol (?li li? RIBBOBB, all made by A. a B, Blumenthal and old by them, ni n Ij ?t.i In a atnole daj al i I i lesa ?has half of th? Ir r? gul n prl? in \? k not iii.i:-i\? i.n BATIS BIB BOSfl, BSo. Have roo sv< r b ;i:iit the grand qual ity BLACK I" 'llil.i: FACED SATIN RIBB? >N8. with corded i. thai ell ai el ) a hi ' at ".' yard! 11 bring a i mpli uf it r g< l a samp] from some atore and bi io BBorrow. and we i in match it i"i 80c m in great i H rli i.r .\ S R Blum? nth wi. n in.i Rlbl ma s : elf? M ; . Mi?-. BTB1PBD RIBBON'S FOR 10*. 'j \. i v i . i qu WHITE TAF l BTA RIBB? >NS, Inches wide, with n,n row atrip? i of Bla k. m .?.. and Nsv) revel Ibl?, and ? re? i thread pure i-iik; >nu li:i\a neve. n It for . Lut from the Blum? n thal pur? baaa taa pi I? a Kir ' Yl.l.-MI.K BMB?Jisj Bei Ho. i- ?Stack Satta and ??i Grata, No. ?W Llnci are In tbe i lie at "". u j ard, U1.-M1K B1BSOXB, to,-. Jfo BO worth Ko. z) Black . v ' k I world lie, i > -I..I Pllk Rlbb her la sa? ' 10;. a ) ird. Wliin: i Ullii i BIRBOSS, i .-.? Th.- I White Taff? ta Hlt'li in, 41-2 li v. M mot 1 talk yardi it "> a rard. Till: an?-. BIBBOS B4LB I? one of th-- greati i ' ol to purcba*? -Vii ' ' us, wltli oilk i : ' ; 6-in li-wi<l. V. .v ai I White Checke w.-iiii "w S-lm-h-wlde ) ivl i -t quality M< r. Ribboi all , rs; th. VI r I ttn? ?I I'm in li '1 ill. ' i Kill bom- Slack ai i.' nil "t ?in -< i: ! li r I .tl ..1 Frill'iiK Itlll- >n? a'iii other ltibbwi.? a i??. ii!, \CK DRESS (iOODS. This advertisement does not tell of the great stacks of regular ly imported stu??s which we have at unusual prices. It ( nly tells of these goods which our Buyers, for many business reasons, buy for less than regular . prices, livery price |g guaranteed. . FINE BLACK TAILOR BEROEX. Eine Bin? k En m h Poplin, n Cloth, the u? nr. . M ; n DOUBLE-WARP SUPERB BLACK CHEVIOT, Pure Bl k I g?, tin: |1 - i Ii ALL-WOOL i:vi RA I BLACK .viNS \ EILING I AIM*, ool S? bastopol, All-Wi M ?rv? 111' ux, uni -M' <i to Bell at U tl yard ; here at .YS ;. n PINE VLL-WOOL BLACK DI ,\' |i ?NA i. BUTTING, Brii h! Lu ii k Mon m- Sl( m.m. qualltli i ; hei a Monday at .BBc. i N'IMH ALL-WOOL BLACK BNQLISH < HEVK >T, I Twill All-Wool Black Btorm Serj aally worth 75c, > ird, for . " " 4: : i, ALL W'i i- 1L IMPERIAL SERGE. Crow-Bl ick Fine-Twill ?. llafa s- rge, full i l-J yarns wide, two i if the i i ' ., ' t \ llUI a "t' t 11'' : i" r yard at .13 : PLAIN BLACK MOHAIR RRILL1ANTINE All-Wool Pui Bl Prci h Si rge, ah u ool Black Habj Cloth an.i Tricot, lure Monday, id, at .- " ' . 42-inch JET-BLACK FIGURED MO HAIR All-W - l ' . B .. II- iii'. ett . i.i.- Monday at .88c. BPBCC1 \I. S \I.i: 111. \? Iv ? RJBPOIB. 11.33 Bl ick Khj . 1.18. i i :. on? for |1 * '? 13.75 Bl " k I- Igui ' 'i . nd Strlj d < Irepons (fl 33 Black Bll tered < ?ri pon for IS 88 3) Black Bllst? . rufted Cre? for ; '! PRIESTLEY'S CELEBRATED III. \('K GEES ?DIKES. 6-Inch Plain Iron-Ki mi' Grenadine, th.,i b'i lis ;,t ?i '," a \ ird. her? at... .$1. i Black Hernani, ' . :.:..| w il a 32 1 ' r vat.l, i.' i.- Mond iy al . I1.80, OS-inch Superb Rlack H m'in. embrold ! polka-dot, Import' d i" sell al the yard, at . *i rr. 45-Inch l ?oubli >! h Novi Ity (,. na? . from |S ' . :: T8 p. r yard. WASH Dkr^S (iOODS. Where do all tin? Wash i>i<?>s <;???nis o?. U(. pjeli? a\(? ruroBBlves rere surprised at th? niatitity we iii? sell, it mast be lint our pri?es ?n-?' s<? different from other stores,and our ?i>. ?ortiiH'iits >o much larger. ii<t<? ire iiif };ooiis for this week's .ale Klnest Krench Percales, doubl? width, i ' a and destral 10 a .: yard. Doublefold Corded Madras, A ilntj stylei tl always fast : is i a Impoi ted Zephyr nine?; ims, and fast, for 88? yard, Dotti d Sv d< t v? t v stj lish, ... value, foi 3T i 8c yard Sunns .-id,' Batiste, v? : n. for "in of tin ai ?on'i t bi ' . i" autlful ii. signs and 121 now foi ?; 7 Be, yard. SV i i ind Dimity, Imported cloth i In tins country, hi nee the gooi- for i- i - u ids in. k i'r :i ' irg indie, valu foi 88 Ai erson Fine '/. ph . ry pal kins, i ! 18 yard i Fine Lawn?, White gro mda, tv nguri i and i th lOc., for B 7 s yard. 1 .Madras Gil sham?, In itri| i I and ?ill ) n,i Printed-Warp Sadr?? Ginshams, 131-2& ' .'. yard Si i I-: ind Percalei ill tj \ I test patt? ms ii' ' for ' 7 7-M,. . i Quality l.a-iit BhlrUng Call ?es, ' ind large patterns, mostly Hlai k and Whit?. Ic. value, for - l-2c AI bat roa Plann.. I, with silk eml.d? red dois nd BtiIpes, m i tb< thing f( r tea Iscl .. 88 yard. Kit? MATTRBSSns I ??It #!.!?*. In; glne the softest fibre MATTRES8ES, with pure, s ti hair t-; ?, w. ghlng n. ai iy 4.". pounds, ami cover???] -? ith ' ul (?ici n Hi w, red I?*r?,i.i h aal Ine ai ig Mattress known, ' full t"!'i 'I. with Imp? rial con W< here a small fol bought und r forced ' ondil Ion . and insti ..i of usual prices 1 to bs sold for 34.08. j They BIS ??i..ipi> wonderful. j ?^f^L **sSaaV kHV A % C\ 'EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY* Important Sale of Women's Tailored Suits. Just the starting of spring, io be sure, hut the tailors must be well ahead with their design ing and producing of garments. And the forehanded ones are counting their spring work done already, except occasional reorders to fill ?n sizes. So two style-setting tailoring firms are ready to sell us their entire remaining stochs, Two Hundred and Ten Fetching Costumes, 11 an average far below the expenses of production. We shall sell the suits this week as follows ; At $4.98 Tall ir-Made Knit?, in Hunters' Ore e n, Navy, Bt? el <;i <^. Irown ? '"V- it Cloth, fly J.i kets, Red Btlfl full lu?' <l, lato cu!, W 11 UUOd it $6.50 "Ml " Suits, mnilo 1, all wool \ a neuan cloth, Tan, v ivy, and B lln? I, broad re '? i'' -'. new circular-back i-knt, with bin U $9.98 and Bin . thoroughly Man-Tailored t< hing; ma have h iblt button trimmed; >f nobby lengtl finest? uallty all-wo silk-lln? d fa< k. ts. i\\?? gPBCIAL BPBISO CAPB8. LOT i Fan? y Bilk Bh .- U - th Spring ? 'ape . i Ilk and itlona, ' "im i . qued in Ilia? k, row? , and doul'l- frill? .1 ' ollar, 18.88. . lot I ?Pineat Bh >rt . Bpi Ing ? 'ap e, of heavy al k . applique I a 'I j,- ;i in,m- d, t or? nsments, bbi bIHi lined, d uble frill col? Isr and edge, A $5.98 aiKOTHBB B/BAPPBS OFFER ISO. Ei .n kl tin ?a pi i' are gun rant? e ev? ry wri pp r \.i ii made and flnl I ighly. P? real? . with voke and b? ' ati p it 88 S< i vi' able colora, Navy and Black ind White \ solid < olored ) i li- a, i mflu and bral i trimmed, SB i as ;. Lawn and i'i reala \v- i ipi - i I. lace, braid, and ruffle tr'm nii .1, . .. ry pretty spring l-full ?-kins, SB I. ?DIBS' v. UST BALB. all Ricbmood (,i Shlrt-Walata. Everybody aays It. mple: r nnd m ami iigni ; ?" White Linon Waists, French tu k?, d, ail ovi r tu? k?, i i $i P H ' ln I .*l?l I KDEBSK1BT I -LE. ^.a^&Jav ol the brl *V^y/finMt\ color Mori di. /?**?hV & ?.ins S?%ffl\*?t*Mtiffiy ' innot h ^BBt-^?L''^r-!St?,' than ? ' Moi ; Irts, with I SO. A Very " Imitation i Ik, *C8. SO. g BALES BILE ITKDEBSKIBTS kT 85. , - . i" !.. , ilit; : foi ruffle. G1 \it \\ i i in BEE :m. - M \< HIRES, Xl-M*. ^ , a 111 be i ;n prli 1 (,. p? opli by paying jus) a few than ti,- i Qdi d by they can buy Machin? b her? e II hou! t irtbi r pa a- i and get ills. Improvised High-Arm Blnger, ?i- IS, nil' nt's ? ' , *l I ! "> price 335. "i:\ l or," hlghe t arm, 118.08, ii Arm Phi Cabli 84 ;? ">. is nt's price 3C0. i:\Hl I81TE LIBREE LAI ES, iMo. Cm a i'i" 'ill t ibis ' ' un- beautiful < !i am, B I Bilk i.. a im li you will i thai which sold for 'i i. ii a tradi ' l ti. a? tu S3 A w Id i a Idth at 88c , formt rlj T'h v, Id ta Id! ii 88c., formerly 3 WHIIMIV 00-CABT8, Xl.s.-i. It Is simply I to 1 any klici . i ; Cart, when G i Whitn? y. with pat? nt antl-fi l< lion a hi ' Is, cm i"- bough! i I -1 88 and nu .i tins! bri ik - I';.. i j el? -. W? are l ' for the Whitney, and at this price arc have 40-odd styl? s to ael? i l fi un. i iui:ri.\< i; sCEBEifa. Just see what I lying will i ' .n.iii. ncins* Mond i ng dou n th' i per at, just by gh In? an order oi : 000 in one chunk. 9 them ?i - than otii. r mi rch mu esn 1 I II.I'. Oak and M ihog iny fran Ii Oak and M hot ' " - I'll' ! with -ilk,'lia.-. 35 Mi : ISC. Three-fold frami b, ii ln< i. - tall, i ah or M hoganj. fllh d \> lth sllkoline, BOc . 1. no. ilv ; Gril ?in' lu s high, .*?!?c., 7.% . form? r i Thi' i i i Sen early higl 11.10 White Knamelli d Sei gg ormer pi \ ?t RPRISISG Till Mv i un gg, With th? \. a of selling th b it Trunk i Rl nmond , ver r*aw, at Ffl mai Heavy Canva u im in i ng Uni n Un? d throu have just ni i. i n bav? i.' \ r - a t only obtain ! red. l.\? !.-< l Hi \l\ OUTFIT, 81.81 WIMIHli. ' wide and '\ 1-2 ano have 10 ?s pretty patterns 1 ou 1 . k. Y" 1 pick from W dlffereni 1 end with eveo I " - Id Sill | Iv? i- -mt leti Curtain I l mly 1 s-, RISE point (1Iitu\i-m'?:ihi, IIMII. \IN>?. Several loi 1 of 1:1 Irish Point 1, Curtain?, an y 2 pall kind, a 1 for whi? ii reason we bought ?hi ra : r something -.- than Irai 011 coat w ? cami"' 1 reak th? ?eta or ii pairs, but V "11 Will I lUrpI is- d Bl ' B? lit' . for il ' " tu Ho. R1IXED Ml-i.iN CIBTAIMS, <!!><-. PAIR. y. o wi 1 lounded when wc first 8 | Pur? Whlt? ri.Mii Muslin Curtain . ?frilled, f " %\ pair, bui bow you 1 1 now whep wc 1 it. r Plain w n te Cord? I Muslin Cui Iain?, very full frilled nds, <n ready to bang un at 88> i ilr. We aspect to lomi '" pairs thli v..?k. 11.0111:11-1 or gga. III.Acs. ROSE, IERM8DORKDYE BLACK Sc HOSE, \\\<Y BLACK,DROPSTlTCH Me. | ni.T-k Venetian Cloth "Biddy M Bults, ?if t, ' quality. The Jacket la charmingly Bew braided, can in' worn open or closed; all ', circular button t-kht is braided; taffi ta-llaed jacket. Perfectly Fit I ing E Plaid Mixtur. Man-Tailored Suite; aklri la the new circular; entire aull is lined a Ith d< | I? d sa Iv? l taffeta, In < e At $17.50 At $22.50 thi.- is II uit At $30.00 ? >xblood a n ?l li! i k Bhark Skln Broadcloth Eton icke t, wl th scalloped tail; ei of i al In qulil mlng revere; White and Black satin appllqued; circular ?Kin. SILKOLISB M BBSS COMFOBTS, *l. 'i In ? h? n Un se Ugh! ver Bed Com fo? I i 82.S0; quantity 1 I th? m i ea 'iiit are ai a enabli i II them ' hi: w< eh al |1. \ BBBBTBD BBOSPBBAD, .-.<>? . We want you to see th : te M tr* - PatU i n ? irochet Bed-Spread. I? in mmed, ready for use, aod v in i" sold t ir "?<?'. The le - alder i be b< it ws ii iva ii id y ' TAPBSTBT PAS?IS, BSe. Ti: woi id of .it haa been taken i k by ti, m ikiT nf tin e 'i ?I" ?try P in Th? y are h< avy Den m, p ted wit h Roman flgur? a, exact repi ' of the high? st coat i-m ?try ^\ "i k ; Ise I ' ' > by -t?. '. ' sdmli 'Li! pi' a s, flllloa for aci . | POBTIBBB ? i.otii. -.t.c TABD. Arl tic Hung irisn Cli th, flgur? .1 both I., mm? 'i "n <n is. makes v i y artistl? i to retail 76o \, id, two coloi <' n and 1 ild sell it. m - ;. yard. TiaSBL DBAPBBIBBi Be. i \llli. A loi quick to go comprl \ r o m 1 liona. Red? Pinks, Lilacs, el i i iiMTi RE D IB ISSr, -:."? . v vitn. Ar ' i fsmill ir with Doubl? -v Furniture 1 lam iak? W? h iv? . t quality, t to II 25c. yard : : i unge, chair, pillow, half pi I? opportunltj. ? ll Mint I : \ s RBBPEBS, 'i re at ts here thai demand Imirti dial itloi For < Tan. B rj Red al |1 ".?>. .. ' . Be). Im i Red ,| 30 ....... j | ? ..-.. Bf 1 tbey than two er 'ii?'. . ' most. ?s \, i: OB n? i I m: r ISB1 8, BOs. I Oik Po I Stand 1 'i , . .:: BO . the : 11 ? i . i trlmi sold for I i v vi i. ^ i ITIOSEBT. l-l ? I m 80 - Bale, - "> . P 21 Deck ? B . K. B. Fine Pock K 83 g - '.? j tied C indj Ba ? . Royal I In? n l'. { i i I Bo. ; pou .m Photo P 4c.; Black Ink, 1c; tit Ibut a In ! . IOC. OOOD1 i: IB Bl SBBB GOODS. \ . . , :. tl da, ? h Ich li'' i n knoB a for I the I v ' rt 88 ??ti Com? ' i intaln Syringe, B8 Rapid-Flow Hygela l ge. i : ubi b, Ji 23; ? Kombinat Ion r Bo 11 les and ' i as miTATIOB TAPBSTBl WAl.l, PAPEBB, BTTATIOS BVBLAP WALL-PAPEBS, 1X11 VI l<;\ PBES8ED-LBATBEB U \1.I.-P tl'llllv Ron f*\ Btrlpea, are now all In Btock, tira iti Ingrain Pap< rs, t : halla ind ; a h room will in it FLOOR oil.-? I ?il n BALB ! Whol? ID] rd a Id? , 11-4-yard wide, l : ?-yard w. le, 2-yard wl . .is fol - i"--, s |uara quality t 'i i BO BIGH-ABT M \ i i im.?. 28e, ': . other tinta are In tin i loi r v? i .i v thai price, - ' \ .ii.i. BBAY1 FLOOR EATTIBGS. 88-So. Here an i of Seamli weigh 75 I ' a ti." \-. ild not sel for less il however, th ti ;t la ..-, BOLLS BEABLESS HATTISOS, iaic. 11 weigh ' are re i v. i.i cling clo is to the price, i - i - UBI \i. .".?>?-. BATTI8G8 FOB BSe. \ Fli . M . and it a t r them w? re, li foi :" :. in I'l .AlC. EN*S SHIRTS. too IN ONI-; PURCHASE. ?ot A -Laundi red Pen st! ad col? :., I cuff?, 10 . t ?t > i i : pirate I!) C?] bed collars ''in.- Bualln Nigl m- in s long, full si " for 88e, I n - Whlti i n'- n. r? J Shirts, pure Linen bosoms, Nu Iforh milla mua t and neckb ind 1 1 Improvi m the 11 1 hlrt, for '<> d n'a Imported '1 Black w.iiranted fa?! 1 olor?, doable and toei would coal ua bmb ? ho!? - sale; il?.- pi -, i>- 1 Be pair, len's Pur? 1 ir. .. 11 mstlti hed Han'd 1- t? hlefs, full ala , axtra vain.-, for 1 a l-Se. <n W LAI SDtSBBO A? vists. 'j-,c. ni m iv make your Boy?' Walsti but you won't attei you s tl. ? ; with open iff i< ii l sad p. ail ? ut loos.. Tli y are full laundered, like tin 1 est msB'a ahlits, slaoa I ta 18 reara, SB ITOBl BODBT I.W US, ? 11 ? 1 s 1 lUita In destgr. more ill.1 n 7 l-I in. h? s wldi I.? In regular atock iur U jat.i, this lor Black Dress Skirt?. i i. idi and flsur? ?, In spring novelty material, seven-gored, plalted-back style, percaline lining, velvete? n binding. N ivy and Black Cheviot S ? r g o - Skirt-, At $1.19 material, seven-* perealln? lining, At $2.99 gore 1 front tons ni? i silk rub? iniilar back, with but? At $5.00 er i""i>s. Black M o h .a I r 1 ires? Skin-, mad panel front, button, button and 11 - lining; very near? it, in i ii i satin trimmi ; i ffl Fancy Black Mo hair 0r< - - Skirts. ?up rior quality, front, and circular button I This skiii ha? tunli -effect trimmlna at bottom i'f sum rii.i. ai and ?ilk bral I. At $7.50 B-CAR IT-GOLD El R-GL \*?*?i:*i. Solid B-C na' Gold Noee Ej i < lla?s< s. ."i' ntlflcally n adi. h ghly flnished. They ad th" no?? - Is gu?rante? d to last a life time. They arc ? I ?rlth tin ci I? brat? d alle** crystal i bn akabfa spi inn- They hav c ok i formed that thi " h ,V" formerly only I by ei and never for ban 33.60 per pair. \\ :i th? m in a leathi r c u e an l an eye 88 BREET-Sil BIO BALE, SOe. W? b il of) morrow oi i lion Ing pop-j '.' ..i 30 . '!?; Rag .\l Bh? u a- Bred In O I K " ?ky. i -' is the a in Went Down, Just oi.o ?in. la ihm?. .\ : i ; This ?s Music thai II where for E and I . I i only BOc. AlSO. .i l.irt*. i .? of ci issli .1 Mi lc, i".i lished ?t froi I 60c. per < ipy. i'1 This includes c?>mi : : . W< I- r. Mi ' I I n, civ , both vu al and .. per ' ' py, 18a Also, a ?"i ar 18c.; two for 33?. IASTER BALE UMBRELLAS AND r u; kSOLS. fCavy Blu T in. i ? i' -, - '. \ , aii >. :: decorated I " sd i I W0 i'd ' 'III 1 ' . lia would ' - ) '.','1. ..i and t',\- :.". i', the i"t, for il i Taf ' ' i i I'm ?Ni U Brown lia i, with t . .. . I 1. in? ; ! tl Ing o? til' i . l ' ' it $1.25 Vt $1.99 it $2.50 Prll it $i.99 i i\. $3.45 0 LET UP IN THE RESS GOODS SELLING1. I l.l III ? IMEL'8-B \llt. e|.gff, n iis, 11-2 ? f G In l:i Jim rid l th NEW VENETIAN ? I Ol HS, 11 80, : on ! - i bo Bl BR'S IPEI l W. BROADCLOTH, si K Rl hn ' i : di "Hi. to mati h it m Phlla for l i r rlend hon . Isn't that a i'.-. IT W? hav you I BPE4 LtL lor 7.-H-. DEBSS QOODg. -'I and i' :., : Whipcord? Poplins, all i .".I ! Mil.HI m.d; 7.".. . yard. IDIRAR1 81 BROADCLOTHS I <?H 75c. ird o n a 1 have evei y Bl 70 N\ ool. TAILOR CBEI KB, 14 7-?*. . ?J.V .I'I'kL? DOI lll.i:-l'Ol.l? CHECKS, !> 7-sr. ; I or mi re di In tin- Cl'r . ~,.s*-? K \M? wool, E1XTI RES, :?7 l-2a, a this lot tic ! an t diiff? i ; ' i ialiy sun \\. .:, I will si -IT'r , for . i#-.l>. i.i .WOOL i ?.li ?nt < III? iv. 88?. . ally flne-look thei s fere pln i., cki and -ii 1er- 'J^r l?\HI*. Hit I . * ?. l*\TTI-:il.Ns. .??'i. ti?-.. 10 ?17. . BOMB ni:u i iMM'V . ibed Bath . t i a Ik M< ire and colors, and Silk TwIllK. a! 4i is. Ih ' III im:n n in *. ;? 1ILE, IS i--. i- with a ill Llm of D mi i-l< Ml of '- '-' . ' lath Tow? Ii 17 nll-S: '; acll. ard-e le 1 l : alio tor 7?c yard. i n Color? i - each. Sise Linen Bleached N ? .nt. n.,-, I1.&J :'-"' Bxtr i-He ivy I'm'. , ' : pattern uallty. DoMi>nr < OTTBMi ?. ni? in i?ri?M-?.. ever] IiimI% ii>n. but in? ??? m Bayer'?. U ? ii.i^lit?nuil lion? lit lnrm?l>?I??? iirc Hi?? r ! ? ?. au ?I? not |ii> mor?? him iktaaa pels eel 8-8< for 'be Best Dtl( Bl? ichi d hi et Ing, worth I Be. or Kail-Width r Sheet? -8c, for Krnit of the Loom I'liiow !- . IJ in d -s , Be for Domel Flan:..-! I- ill-Si/..- Hemstitched Bleach? 1 GOc. Bh? ' i, hen mi 'i n od for use. * . Kull SI ' Hi' a 'h< i Pillos ?' .si ?. -i?c. for Bol . - i arda Ioiik. Boys' Suits-Plain and Fancy. A Sale of Three Wholesale Tailors' Surplus Stocks. (arica Ji.yS, far? Boya1 Veatoa Suits, 3 to S years, strictly all wool, some different color ollar and vest, pauta have patent elastic WsJst I .uni, a ctiaop suit at ?.V5"; we hava pi ?...??. $1.98 - Boya1 niark: Cheviot Suits, made double? ateosted and lined with gpod quality satine, usual 98c. Bovs* AH-Woo! Cheviot Mtmrc Pant*, u* illy (|| for . - 75C -it. ^9C Roys' Mixed Cheviot Pantal |#v with patent i listn bands, i-.i \'jr Sailor Mouse Boil , for hi , . years, nt.idc of All-Wonl (1 , rucres, Hoaneopuns, ai ? . you oouM not aery : in an ?exclusive Bore, fa ifi >] at. ^-?Ol) Boya' All - Woo) On \ Biuwa, Tan, ?Gray, and Black, """ usual <_ .;, i value, l?>r. Sl.4*, Confirmation Suits of All-Wool Black Clay Worsted, * throughout with silk and lined with hest ?juality 4^ * ?. Farmer satin, excellentronfirmat.on BU?t?j worth $,. for. O J. )(| _ , Boys' Light Tan Top Coats. rsCS?S?Ba just in lime ^^ ^J for Eastor sellintj, made Of best COSwfti doth. $2.31 Our New Furniture Has Arrived, Our if rea t purchase at the Crand Rapids Exposition nearly all arrived, and these articles sre added to tin-v., _ -? h .y'?irr 'I, ?i ll-ili!. , na On Bonday a i will p?a l v. II? made ? *oml ?nation Pilli 'l Couch, with deep taftlng api 'i a Ith i? volour, very Eortable ? -m Also, l ?amaak-? 'oven d ? sise, Red and Oreen, for iS.OM i : red < th, $5. my Polish l 1 dainty litt" I French I??a and a neat Marqti top arlll be aofd : |1.M Worth actually ?I ?_,- SOLID OAK CHINA PRESSES, hoth ?ruis ,,i Li IsSSSSSBS \<- ' tVI' I "* Lack and 5 ihelveo, for $8.88. V&BTr&Jt most remarkable 111 nittir offered in Richmond. ii h oak or Ma I brass feet, b? ad? d shelf, the 1 $5 Table we know, |3 r.11 2 other Special Library Tables, V-> gad 120. * White Enamelled Steel i- d, with .1 atrong woven-wire apring 1 I . ; , blnation usual t l: 'I ilon? COUCHES, ' m Bumbera added to ment. '*'!'' I V m ' **.'*T CI'! ' ' ! ' L - for thirl $18.50, d 0 I if 8 i r r?:** ^'-? ti tu, n. '--?^ ^limited ! '*"* ~"-t.*r.--. Wi-?^* 0D8 tu <'.-n Ii r : BOBI? lego,BOm< : S2.99, ful I I j Be This Swell Half ?rith i ! and I llldl''. Will" ; I !l!? golld I. I I' - bl? I |1S Pining-Room Ootfli complet] ast week \\ s sold lw< i M.Q??. .Now 878 Ii.t \ m ' r Ihis k tli'' low ?"?t itfit ever known. A Sold 0l ird, lis ( ens - S air-. . ad S 'lid c.ik Extei ible, th'' sntirs outfit ? ? te lor $17.98. READY ims WEEK. ?10 More Cases of Gray and Blue Enamelled Ware oui our Durch?., ut l'ii' ?notion Ml. of th. AMoeloti l ...' ind 3-quarl I!. "o Lara - Cup 3 . this .". ". 11 x 11 ' this i d< IS 00 l'l-ip. BO I th!? - 18 ?ale " m 00 Half-Gallon Si iml Wat ir Pltchi ? ' I ' -v. - i - V\ 5 ID " Ki t I ; 83 18 \ Tea- 88 i 3 I!? i. ier P i, this 88 V ' salo J!l "I". f,- and IS I this ".-, IEBR WHITE BOODI BABBAIES ; f !? . yard, ?rartt iu i. < ._ rded i' jure Be, | n.!. ?.i o? ill s??.? | '. !;? Ha. j uni, . .??rill lu<- _ I f ! . s,?. yard, srlg-taal pri?-??. ??. .? >nr?! for l.'.f. i|iiiilii) ? '!! V AIM ' o. n I ! :''.td \. 7 \Z Be, | a r.l. ?,?, . rlli !) ? .? >nni w art h -.".??. ie fia ich ? hrgni e Id? aad -ill?. >Hi?t. nl?vit>a '" t?'.? i Muls Ige. - it?. j?rd, rt?-iii?iirl> BBew tra Heai Pique M |? m ' to 10 | ltd- i ? . : ,.t In 11 v lengtbi " > i . : i - junl, i?.orlli .".?Ir. inch Nalna. . rttra in* r. lacee in ibe y arg i no .-tu -.">< . :cv All-W hit,- l'i . y j. itt? 111 ju ?ce elaewhero for : 188 M-quarl I? : a i l?. s -, '_". M\\\ \nr. ' : ' lo ' 1.1 Tu Medium I J'i ' IS ' I.I 20 I Ti 10 lu ' i ' i 5 ' 8 . Iioi *? oui ;> M? i -.mim l ' Mutt i. i.i " i ': H i 01 i ? >' 8?. I KBBOtBI m - SI-SB Thr.'" ' ' I ? tin OBI Vi ?i '.'ti : ?> 110*1 r ' HOHE. I ?DIBS' F.181 in \< K lioail 12 i 8 i a \mi-i I 111 ? rBlAKB i (III 'i e i - ".o ,., PI ? i \i I M i i \ i IB| l'i i i ! -' ..f t ti t ' ' ' - * linn i i: \m i i o>\ i ' |i i 58 (.oi.n-i:>!iii/?>'i)i Kin mu? i N*. / SS.8S. .1 ? k r|. ;n . i I - l ** 1^ I'J /