Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH- _ P?mberton, Cordes & Mosby. The New Silke. Taffeta Silks. In these ?lays of cheap dyeing sud flimsy weaving ami stingi ness then 's a kind of iroodncss that has COm.e to he called "old fasiiioned." These an? 'old-fash ioned" Taffeta Silks, equal lo those made in the days when a silk dross wan expected t<? wear tor twenty years. We bought unusually heavy mouths ago of these groods- thoreforo v. - are now enabled t<? offer s?nn<' ster ling value-- in these poods, At least loo shadings to sol? ?f from. I 75c. for the qu.ii?y whl hi ly I at s&c. K,c fur th? q Mils at It. $1.25 and $1.35 Novelty Silks at 95c. ?lust tin? styles and qrtaUties you will want, too. These are displayed ??u our centre tables? several thousand yards of them? all the newest ?deas and color coniliiji'itioiis. in l'l?id, Check, and Striped Taffetas. Corded Taffetas, entirely ? novelty, heavy ? ,i . i.|, v? ry *.. o?.:!,, full line of all tii? n? w . IncladloB HVhlti , Blue, and I'ink, K . U.S. Printed Chinas. Just r> . i i v. ,1, mi Immi ' nir-nt cf tins comfi popular Manner r-llk fabric, 21 ei tra-h? ary Boallty, ' ' ' :. ..-.. .' j it X' in., . New Ribbons. A beautiful lot and n- m lUbboni mind you, Soar. ,i ( Bod fresh and pr?t! a tx . At Be. P? lks-1 >ot and Striped Qaos? and Tail? ta Ribboni. r, w and pi? l At ."?"? . Fancy Bti ' !.. tlvelj i., w ji.i" At I I '' i R . ; i.rol.] , in a full line of all the at * and staple ladli SEWS OF SOOTH SIDE. BB. p. v. t oGBiix mm sa posmos uva; \ it dim; Tin: m:\aji;. Wh-T TO OLD NORTH STATE TO WED Mr. Bat-let. and >Hsh ctsslaVIo l'lmi n ll> in, 11(1:1 Altnr In >,,rlli t'aro Ilnn?Ri-tiiriieil J.u*t 1 ?eniiiu? Baaalor lu tho rSarniioo ? Bilsfr. I ? i: . i i :i to I 1,1 Of c I 1,1, till I h? i:,, I Pi ">? I'l.H. v. Coablll, cf Ch? il rfl? m Bounty, ?ras seen lf i!''' ni .il m .i ... Mate ?/or tin- Stau Senate in th? fall, .. Sort had it. Mr. ? pad been urged b) t mcy to sun for the office, but had not glvea a ?eclHlvo reply, He had the m l Sidvistment yet, and In ?;uud time n let the people know his purpoaa. Mi bill in now Commonwealth'? Attorney ut ehestem, H, and coui ty aup? rlntend? nt of tue DsBvocratio party. Mr. Cogbili'.s loss by Are A hat burned his dwelling, ncur the Court house, Mill be aboul ,: uoo in i Varancc. Ho is living ut th? hotel, ai the Courthou , al ? r? i nt, hut will build soon at the old site, wh?re also hi.? father lived. WENT AWAY TO WED. Mr. W. 8. Bowl it und Misa Minnie ?CriUdle, the former uf Manchester, ami the youiiK lady ! Swauaboro', w? 3*iorili Carolina Friday nl^lit und Wer? married. They returned to th? elty lus I ?uvening at 6:?0 o'clock, and were -iriv? n to the reside no?.- of the groon ? a Hull Btreet. where th? Ido in the futurs. An Inform . , was tendered the young couple last night, and thay w?re the reclpl .,.-. oi man; prtobaa. This marrlag? wai ? many of their friends, The bride left her Some Friday evening, saying that she was going to visit Miss Barhani, who lives neai I During ihe \ Rowlett called nt the Barnaul und the two young people lefl ??aying Hi. y were i oing in North Carolin to marry ? Ml'SIO IN CHI RCHES TO-DAY. | .u.'( The Chun ii ol 111 city will hav? elal music to-day, us usual on Easter |?a Hunda y. J ,\r The following progi aran " I rj pared by Ml , A. ?' Harding for the , ,,? llalnhri.!-,.- I el Baptist chui ilt Morning Service Opening unthem, | , 'Awake. Thou That Bleepeth" (El h ham); ,,,, SsTortory, "He la Not Here, But ' Bisen" (MiUard); hymn (Ist), "The ? Hymn", ?!d), "Welcome, Hupp) Mom- T ".rig" I Jut Night?"?loi ?if 1 loi v "D ill) Sing tin J'j "in- | prj .v mbera uf the ? > Coley Lov? II ai .i I.'in 1 Hanlli g, Altos SHsses Shirley Walton and Klossie Uood Hue: llnrve) II irdlng and John Roach. T< n ton and l'.ivlil Harri Of especial attn lion Is the programme T o? aervl? es to be 1 ' lerian t),v Church to-day. It is adven ,:' Morning Servi ' Ion; ant:.- Marks Evans), full chuir; Hymn No. 4H1?; : turc lesson; i yer; Hymn No. 41; tory; anthem, "Th- re Is a (In . i Lil Away" (J. A. 1 Hymn No. U>\; sacrament; Hymn No. '. |?n ?diction. Afternoon Si i \ le? Invo catlon; unlhim, "Bells of Easterttde" (E. . (}. \aii Orodell), lull choir; Hymn N Scripture lesson; l' ' r; Hymn No !. ? ?_ offertory; anth? ra, "E 1er ? !-'. Lorenz); aeraran; Hymn Nu. H, I : ? _ dJetlon. The choir I com? ? ! tl Bar? i ' ' ! Mr. w. .i. : !,. A W Uarber. Sopranos V!r? A. H. Fitssei Ml f. W. Ulbl a Ins Am H i; >t? i ; |(l V.' B. Brin I i Alt"- Ml Ma> Cro? l. and Mp C !' Kimme!. " T. noi W, J I v. i i and K. A. Phillip i as \\, W Cl anrl E. i.'. ?lilt,? , ?Th? followiiiK l*1 ' '" priigramuif tor? l'ill " ??-Memorial SUBday-SCBOol c- it I: a- ' pilil mil ? :. 1 i I I o Pot put the al.o T?ie New Wash Goods five In vo in ?.?reater variety ami al louer juices (lian the lABM I'.lll he fourni elscwlielf. Madras and Ginghams, Foreign and Domestic. Tlir serace-fjpTtog cottoa fab ric, as shown by us, comprises nil kinds in -? nerolis assortment, from the American goods, at 10c. ;t \ ;ikI. t"(Jie liliest Scotch gOOdf imported. At 10c. American, ' ' good quality, la ; At 12 c. A mi, h :'.n< r and Uaht. r Wi Ighl Glng li.n i. bright i ? : * colors, plaldi, i h At 12 c. Am rican Mad? Madras, aashes and \. "j a? Ight, v ry deslrabls f,.r i i and geni ne :.'.; .. liirts. At 25c. i:,,ii Scotch Qlaghains, strictly fast < I..I ~. .stripes, j'l.iids, and At 30c. ,-i very iinf BBd light -Aiiniit Scotch Olngl ?nil cscluslve pat? cord ?, di' 'ks, plsld At 37c. ; ; Oingham, a noreltj*, very llghl \\' ? :l.t. At 37 c. Bilk Qlnj bright, ri, h plaids, vrry ' ihll ' WSiStl and ilnl Prinfed Linen Lawns, iiiiiii" favorites, elegant washers and rearen, neat i '.!: rm, in figure*?*! Btripes, uni polka-dots, llplit. im-dium, and dark il"r* .Be. tinted French Satines, Bother "id favorite, foulgrd i Igures, bI '.d polka-dots, iy and Printed Plumetis, i ted Muslin, ertth Hgnrei nnd :. w ;. Dd exclusive p4ttl ill-_Be. Real Irish Dimities, "rearara, light snd irk coli ' !' is, an i polka .S3C. Printed P. K's., -i. pi ii pi hits, absolutely fasl , ry d? slrable for lad! i - and hlrt-walsta . oa thi? i at "."'", f''( lock: Pn - en Hymn No. vo. "Onward, Christian oldiers"; prayer; Hymn No. B9, "Ansel "11 the Rock Away"; Hymn No. 224, i;. : rectlon"; addr< hh; Re . .. h..i No. 88, '("in--. Te PalthVul, al thi Btraln." Jttie Worker? "f Cdwardln-Ave ." Christian church will meet Bunday ;. ni"..' ,:. An es ?titled "Tie" Banter IP sill i? v? n. m:d pecial music has !" a Br ingen. Mr. W. J. Morrlaeetts will sing Mil". i . ( Irlmsli y will presch at .' eet Baptlsl church a' i. 11. a t< r the morning *m n I in' etlng will be held. BA8TBR -MoNWAV OBSERVED. ro-morrow, as Easter Monday, will be n?rally obs? 11 ed in this city by old id young. Thi I t Is there will 1 w old people In tin- city to-morrow. tere sill be 11? nies and i by the ,,\\n people and egg-bunts by th? chll? < h. lui.. Be? " ' f ( '. ntral church will r eggs In the yard of Mr. W. 11. ,HI ESalnbridgs stn t, from I t" . ami thi re s m be another hunt Mr.--. Qary'a, corner of Ninth and Per streets, at I o'clock by the children of Pi. ! . t. r?an i inn. b. :. Y. P. U. QUARTERLY MEETING. :' i ; :. t I ng Pi opli 'i Dniona of chmond ami Manchester will held their irterly meeting at Balnbridge-Streel iptist church this afternoon al i huk. with Interesting exercises "The : "in . ach et tin- i burches will th*r In the lecture-room of the church :::ir. o'clock and go tu the room above .i i i\. The address "f the evening ii i di llv? red by Rev. i >r. J. it. Taj lor, j, . i.nd. PERSONALS AND BRIEFS. ir. M. A. Cheatham, ef Chesterfleld iinty. |g in the city. ',1 ri"l'ellee J', |,le is Visiting h'-r Other, Mr. <;. A. Pi pie, on Poi : r di i ; e Wood l< ft > iterday for r he??' ..ii? lhai Clty, to sp? nd the Bter boll la) a Bva Donnelly Is vei .. al tin lid? II''- Of fa? f :.ltle f, Ml.-V? lltll 1.11,1 its .its. Mathews, wife "f the Hon. Nat. nil, ws, cf M? Karl m's, V.l., la \ r sister, -Mrs. B. !.. Ingram, 1411 Porter ir. John Han j Arch? r, of this i Ity, "in|.aiiieii by in-? niece, II Re eher, of Richmond, has left lor Ame? , i" spend the holiday? with Mrs I eher, his aunt. he Board ol Pire Commissioners will et in ri -.?.m Monday evening I o'clock In tl ' tact] chamber. m Tin sdaj aft? t no m at ?: 8 o't lock Cemetery Committee will meet In the uncil chambi r, and will go to the mil ry i" Inspect the grouada 'in- "Dairy" entertainment mi. n by the .lor Epworth League of West-End ?nil at Cerslej's Had, Bwansboro', ?.?.is- evening was a succ?s? A large wd s*si prea I and the recitations Qladls Womack, Lilly Morris, and ,ih R< dford v. ',. well rend? red Rev, i'. Rosser lectured on th.- "Small Boy, I How t" Spank Him." and was much oyed by all present. in- People's party of Bwansb-aro*, at il- m in;', a. 1 r i. ;.. v nielli, ? ndol -. d .1 i:. Mai im i"i Hi.- onVe of (' *m tsloni r it Revenue, District No. l. id. Tin.' meeting also pass??] olutlons endoralng the mojiey policy : by Colon? i William J. Bryan, I pl?]d ' party t.. r. p.-.i! the d-grabbers' law, and to fesaugurate Biatlon to have better public schools, that children can ko t" scheol Instead working ?n tin- faetorles, and grown in take tl In tie- tec les at good wagesv a committee weg 'ointed. i i i,.rapo sed ef tine,. <,r members named by tie- chair, tu coa? with it'.- Populists of Manchester, fhstan, and Ooochlend to arrange tu the li' hi ?hi-! fall f'.r te -aii Hsnee ptoilgsd la Iba i > adopted by the party. r, Jam. s A HarrtSon, who his b?SB ; fur two or three week?, remain? ut i h.- same. Pr<?Hr??aa. in" in Grove'? ?3uinla? Liver ?. mak.n them batter ihan other liver ?. That Is all. l'rice, lv and K cwuts. 1'" h" *l IV all' , , III. rae im: at IPEMBERTON^CORDES & MOSBY. A Springtide Store. Spring and Bummer Goods blossoming on every floor and in every corner. ( I ur store also lias put on its gayest holiday attire and is decoratrd throughout to suit the present sea son. Jf you haven't seen the store in its new- season's dress, you should. "Whether >ou wish, to look or t<? buy, you -will be made welcome. Our spring and summer preparations we re never before so complete or so sbundant. Richmond s shopping public have learned to know that we can be depended on to <totted the BEST THI?IG8 for their use, and to s?dl them (QUALITY CONSIDERM)) ns cheaply ss we can. Below yon will find, from an economical standpoint; some very interesting reading. Wash Goods. Printed Mousseline de Soie, the ideal Bummer fabrics, tin-, shimmer Ins, and Hsht weight, strikim-iy asw and bsndsome patterna .,l''' Silk Organettes, weight, Bheor sn?l r-'.lky, solid only, Cadet ?'.i \ Lovei ?sr, Black, Bile, Blue, and Plnfe . English Galatea Cloths, new patterns, absolutely fast colors, very desirable ?for children's wear.Be Real French Organdy, Xhe i ' '''' ' ?i Boo , Imp ?tad Koech lin, Bamgsrdner'a nsake, pteastns pat? : coloring?, the 171(0. quality, Hosiery. The now spring goods, plenty of them, but this relatea chlsfly to the U kind.?, ah of the same dependable auall? tus for which this store is will known, find, as BSUal, all at ISSS than inatkjt prices. At 12 c. Instead of 16 c. Ladles' Absolutely PBat-BtacB, Pull negulsr Mu?' Cottofl Hose. At 25c. Instead of 35c. L-dtes' Fsst-Black, Pull Begnlor Boda . mil Cotton Hose, ? Ith r plain or dropsti! At 35c? Instead of 50c. Ladles' Extra ?j'.aiity l-ast-Black, Pall R? salar Mads Llsls or C< ttop Hoi and drop tit? hi d; A! 50c. Polka-Dol c,>tti,n H'ipe, dr.ip BtitCh, colon TOB, Black, and Navy-Blu". II12 c. Instead of 19c. "'s Pa t-Blacli Pull I Made Cotton tin?-. ONLY ONE SESSION BBBP 001 ST, HOtVK.VEIt, EXAM INES BAST WTTJTBSBBS. fill WITH EAGAN ABOUT EMBALMING l'i'.llnmnr That i:*i-t oui missnry t'i'iiernl Spoke of l'i perlmon t* 1? IB? S?hi th?-Mirueons ??ay IIipj Unit So Bagar le bos B itii CBuans-d Boos. WASmNOTON, April L?The military utirt of InvestlgStiOB bold only 01 ion to-day, but a large oumbsr of wit? were sxsmlned, loeladtng i hny Burg? ona ?n ? hai as of militai y hos l?ala, Their testl_*onj was generally, to h.- effet t th a they had had no in.? With IhS ?atiii. (I boot and that su ir as th? > knew the health of tin ir pa? itits bad not been affected by Its use. The court ais,, hoard the testimony of it. ? Iret nleaf \v. Simpson, of J >w engaged In furnishing beef on th? oof to troops at Inland pointa la Cuba. ho atated that ha had bad si r? rial lab r? lews arlth General Bagan prior to the King of hids for the troops a! Santiago, id h.ui urged the impossibility of aatls ictorily aupplylng beef to th- Cuban oopa In an othei way than on th. hoof on th? bloek. He also atated thai he ui haii more or I? . talk wltfa ? l tul with th? agent of Armour ft ii., eoBct i ning the use <4 the pi i in was dlaeuai i ,\ in a raeral way ?slth Bi Bagan, who told .-a that some Inv? sole In the South la thai dli ;i ?b. Be 11 hit', i red thai the i apei Imenl a i - I made In the ?nteres! both of the gov? rni!. nt and of t ii Lieutenant Qampfer waa recall te th? pai ti? niara ol hla me? Ing with r. H? Qdrlx, w?" bad d, Br, impfer said that he had recognised Br, orehouae, whom be had me! upon lesv B the aritness-stsnd, aa the man who ni atated In Lakeland that chemicals re need to pn senre the me it H? i - oaiin .1 and apok? t., Mr m ti it the latti r d< ctared that he had no collection of ever baring seeo him he re fh< coui ? then adjourn? d until 10:38 rjyaday morn _ ? a i B? tfa m of Ca I. U Ei t? , nii-i.iti \i i- r mi.i. \ cini'i). th PI station of \, iirn.w.v?. BoTeraot on <>? tllir I'hil ? |i|,i,ie I'roeeeilli,",. LINCOLN, NEB., April i QoTornor '?' lyntei to-nl| b( a? ?it a rn?. ?age to l? gislature vetoing the Senate bill which mmenda the Piral Nebra ka Regiment, the Phlllpplnea The buuntags la the II objeett 'i to by the < lovernor We acknowledge \Ai:h gratitude and y the fleta the I the W ?t. owea tin m by ..son of the iioiior conferred upon it by , ir valor while defending In the Philip Mill- ,it, ni adding b? w glory to our n ia " rio- Oovernor, in his veto, ol Btultlfy in> , If and : Igment of the thinking people <-f tins immonwealth by Blrlng official approval the statement that tin war of coo esl now carried on In the Phlllpplnea in defence of the pria? Ipil I of mir gov tur. m. and is addlog bob a." riie S?nate promptly paasi d 11 er the VetO, bOI ?rt failed III i- House, tin Populists voting solidly sustain the Oovernor. riie tiiii was passed some aays ago. ,i the veto followed shortly after an tended conference between Oovernor vr.t-T and W. .! Bryan, who returned me to-day. no th? Ifll no I t. I 11 I t.. at I I.I at V, i 'I t - ? .1 Le? to , It no! BIO?I. r.'i !>lio|ilio,i<-? -Sill. ire more popular to-day thaa r. The eost ui mi.ill. hot the |il. asure I ainu.s.-ineal a-v lar m SBCCSa Bf the ?t We carry au Immense stmk of m. Two thousand Uve handled fr. sh ord.s will tie ii i lived Monday. It costs S hing to hear thsm. Tiny are at work ( Wi" ail hour? In our vvarsrooosa. We WAl.TKK D. HOSBS S CO., NO, 1?J0G Bala ?treet. j Colored Dress Goods. Much that you never saw be forg ami much moro that you cannot find elsewhere, and the Staple things in ^ variety, with fil tlieir modifications and I ini|irov?'menfs. At 50c. siik ai.a Wool Novelty Suitings, uew Bpring . had! igi, for th? ai aal ?i quality. Scotch, English, and French Suitings, Incbei wide, in or cheek*?, very fashionable, for ladles' tailored salta, . r m parati skirts .It Melange Serges, ii inches arlde, stnctly all-wool, odors Brown, Blue, Oxford, ami Gray| Mixtures .ate. Scotch Serges, th.- highly fashionable fabric for tailor alts, In the shades of dray, 11 inches wide .UM, Venetian Cloths, fer ladies' tailored suits, all thi w**rect Bl w sparing shad, s .$1, ILS, and * _'. Herringbone Cheviots, '/or ladles tailored suits, entirely English Suitings, fcr ladi.s' tailored sails nnd gown?, checks, Invisible ptaidB, and stripes, "niy i of a kind.f; ami fg.M yard French Print Wool Challies, entirely new patterns, light, medium, ami dark colors, figures, itripes, and polka-doti.BJc. Silk Striped ChalUei.Tue. Two Specials from Our Underwear Department. At 10 A Ladli Ribbed i'ottoii \ light weight, nicely mad" and flnlshed, the usual i:1."'. Quality. At 15c , a Ladles' i.fgrht w.iKht Ribbed Cbtton Vest, silk tape hi , and el istic a runs, IMIlltl OLLEG1 \ 1 11 H ?.SB-BALL I'oriM-n Deiaaia i.?'??ru in?Gearae* Ion ii ?Vlas from i'riiict'loii. ATLANTA, GA., April L?A largl i n a I mell defeat ti,.. University of leoigla at Brisbane Park to-day. Young*a rorb was th<-> feature of the game. He truck oui ten mi n an I allowed the Geor? Ian? but two s?ant hit.-. Genger, Cor eir cat her, i tughl bli foot In s base? trap and broke his ankle, Bnd Newton, nother of the Ithacana, had ins no i r,,k-n by a fOUl-tlp from his own bat eort : R. H. B. 11 .| 10-11 I" | k orgia .10.14800? S I I Touni Q nger, and Smith; on, B ink- ton, and M : . Qaar**gela**ra Defatsis P?la?*ata?. WASHINGTON, April i g orgi tosrn efeated i'iInceton on tbe <leorgetoun i id to-Baj. In an exi Itlng ami i i g me, by th? r< of 1 to ". rin. .. ten's defeat was due to the In? MHty to touch White when hits meant h,h. Score: R. H. i:. eergetowa .7 U :; i Inceton .i I I Batteries: Georgetown- White and , Trine, ton Heir, Hal rtson, snd sf< r.*? ?-tic Defense Oarallava. COLUMBIA, s. '. April L Lafayett? 'erwhelmlngly defeated the South Caro ta Coll?ge ball team ob the diamond ". In th' ir s.ii.1 and ii. The - R .:? l ". " ii i i o i ?nth Carolina .01 10 .II I Batterie? Let lyett?, n und and Hue; mili Carolina i Zimmerman and . l.chie.ii Daw aag. ?REENSBt ?Rl ' \. ( ' . A| rll I ' ' { - im Tin- i nu.,- Bit) of North i ?arolins p d up tin- fa s earth this ,,ft, r on aith Lehlgb, hittiiiK White all over e Held. At the clos? of the ninth in? in,'. the score stood 11 te S, in favor the Carolinians, The score by Innings as follow-; R II. irollna .00 I l I ! 0 I i II B .0011100081?1 f> Summary: Struck oui By White, fee thigh, I; by Lawson, I; Harklns, :'. Noi ii. ?'srollna, -i. Lehlgh, I At? MRg. 8*AYEB MOOBB lltl'.ll. rlrasag aa !i?-r Owa n?-?'*??in?? In'?'ii> ill*??. *EW TORK, April l.-Justi' i s ott, In .- Supreme i '..iii i i., i . v. i ! -. ed Ml iyn? Btranaa Moor.-, on her own re matter of the ainsi h.r of stealing silverware from b Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. This action is taken ..11 the BOplICStlOB of the pis .1 Attorney. ira. Moon has been prsetlcally re? . I 0 tar as tile illdietmellt I'lial^ ,' h.r with extortion la concerned. She is under M-08J hall ob Um chara.' e.-iiy, but the hut?! proprietor, having i ail his silverware, rshlblted In? tu pn ss the ' i riiis ends < ? serias of protracted obtain Mrs. .M?, a. i release, she aaa on the extortion charge, on ar um of the febaenc? of Martin Mahon, i'unpl?lnlnq wltaeaa l*br "bodger ;" M .han, Mr-, .\l"'irt-'?( hUSbSBd Is a m ivini? a term in Blng-Bing prison. 1rs. Mooes ?aid that sh. would not ra li to Atlanta. She thOOght she WOUld abroad, with her mother, la fog d i - A I'-'-n'fiiiHk^r Shot. Cldie Dlxon led,,;. I? . nd. :iV"i. d play tlio rots Of I" BO -maker In B r..w Wolfe'a bar-room, corner of Ninth * Byrd streets, last Bight. He is bow th?? City Hospital, suffering from u und In th? Il ft ami. ; i.. Bhoti Were fired In the row. The t is said is bavi besa the one which nnded Dtxoa The asSke want Henry . TaUaferro (eolore-J), who is thought have done the -h. ...I 111?. The ball Wl s railed from I ?I x . - arm. Ills hurt Is s. I ?"UK. Knalrr It nut? inlirHiM'*?. .hat mor? SO sptabl? than (In. lSHBURN MANDOLIN OR GUITAR" navs Kiel received i larg? i"t ol ihasav. WALTER 1> MOSES ? CO.. / No. 1?AC Main street. Ladies'Tailored Suits. We have suit?, pria s .-is low ?s $7..> Bad as high as BSB. The $s.7*. si' le h fully worthy Of the company it BOOBS it la plain but good. Our aim is m havi S'lits for little mooey and Suit - i : BBU4 h BBOBoy, and Salta ;it between prlts -, bul value ami an BXClUSlVe style * M i rery one of them. A Special from Our Suit Department. The aliove hlghly-fasbionabfe and en re illy-talwred sanosot, made of excellen lallty of Importod covert cloth, colon Igbt Oray, Brown, and Royal Blm . m ol. r-front Jacket, dip front, ja. kOt line, ith taffeta silk, skirt and Jacket alabo rately hraided, prie,. . t? Poyo Lew-? ?Voaag Alaaooi Woll. ROME. April L-Dra. Maasonl and Lap onl tin. evening removed a fragrdenl o ead akin from the Pope's wound, whtcl is almost completely healed When th? adages arare removed the Pop? aid no ?.'er tiie Umst psrtn, and ho aft rv. ,,. mvei-sed with hli - ; to traga, The gen,. lb of the ! ?tiff is good. l'er?oniil? sind in-:, r?. ' !' Slade '? rlaltlng tin- t.,muy 0f Rev. Oeorg? E oker in Polrmouat lev. Ooorge i:. Book? r, p-.^or of Palr? 'unl Avenue Method! Bp - urch in this city, win deliver - ml addn re Tin- \ I, toria : Society nt Buff lk ?',.. :' ?. B R Dlslli will till th- pulpit \ i na:,;, _tr< . -t church both u'liit,g and night. 'he ah ?otlng tournament a? Bl ind rk April ;,tii. ,ah. and 7tii win be for ateurs, sad prof? . . ill be bar? i 'r ' i', w i i be bo admiaaiofl i barga. in Tuesdsy Bal Mrs. William Boshsr el ved- from Vienna, Auatrl . a ;i"'i tiie death <?f lier grandfather, Herrn Jor-Oeneral Eugene Bauer??Csaky hie d, N . jit. Ir. J. Rosenatock will leiive the city Bll April th- 8th to take a trip tw Bog? ii. Pram ?a, and Qei main. harlie McDonough, son of Mr. T. Q, Donough, who has been very 111, is im vlng wrrj rapidly. Bessie Pierce returned home yes i.iy ait-mi ; i^ant vl -it i wo months t<? b< r atster, ? BSJ Mays QOOdS, Of No. !-- BOUtb util street, left to spend tier with in: it?, i,,i, Misa B i, . :r. i:. T. Horner SBd family lofl lay for Pine I i' k .Mills to BOend iter, i Edith Brown, ?>t' Wssblngti i Sag tin Mtaaea w tddill, Ml Park ave r -, a. ,i Vaughan I still quits alck ii. r residence, M8 n rth Twenty-sixth les Minnie Merry Dew, of Spotsyh - VlaltiOg Mrs. laii'on ? ? MU? ?aal ? it la? Lu? i-- Lt Bosch left for Norfolk ley m.u v. h< re ie will | . r holidays wil -in. .\?:*-'s de Henry, ??f that . Ity. r. John i.' gaa Hanklna we il to Hall county yesterdaj to spend Boada] a? ie. ie naarrtage "i" Misa Mamie McCarthy Mr. Bi tn.ini Schutte has been an need, and will take place Wednoi ?i nth, . l S P. M., al st. Patrl Uli. Nu Bl i,. Bluebird d the Heavj ! amaten,- ball ClUbf, wl 1 P %J t" tow morning. rs. Thoassa < 'Conn >r, of No, i? : L ?? ? i: i rtra it, la i i f Bl. ra .i.iim Wall and daugl ' - chburg, are Ins Buesta 01 ?heir nda, Mr. sad Mi-. Bdwsrd -, and Lonlstana atret Pu rs R s i.iimpkiu. of RIcha ,tv, is vlstttas bet parents, Mr. sad ?I. T. BJbB? ,', Ol C nirch Hill. rs. L. h. Morrla 11 retunasd from Vrnk on a BUSUl? - tHp. The Valu?- ut Hellnhllll y. wa t" be -?r rain moi I be The laiiiin- boos le ira whose ' sds' ,-an ..!y |.i. Th-re :-. .. lot enhast?e claim* tliat ccsoa and BO : ie sdvertli ement. When you are t-arch of a piano and wish the real t." ?aase and examin? th old raSa? Bteiaway Knabe, Hardmsn Stand end Klmball pianos. Thoj are known >w here. Th, i do int ?I'l'i '.i n any h ?le for a reeorhmei ? itlon, w hi i lind ill? be t mUStclBOS liiofe-.-io.iiN uamtsusa ihas. yon arlH Bnd the , I plan,s Need \.ui heat tat?! bi ahow then, 10 you, and laoa judge o iraelf, WALTER l> MOSKfl & CO., No. looi Main ?treet. Pemberton, Cordes & Mosby. Black Goods. The largest and the most com plete collection wo have ever shown, and, of course, the best. New Cr?pons, In AB-Woet, Wool and Midiair. ,-ind SiM. nnd Wee?, lu un imm?>nso fesaillfeSSBl of strictly new and hands??m patterns. ';: .., K, KM, $1 ?. Ji.73, J2, KM, and up to W. At 50c. Storm SV Ch'S Ki nch, Engllsn, and German Jacquard**. At 75c. Blot i I ? ) -, lot Serges, Fancy Novell At 85c. IhaK' Whlj i'ipl. '. :- rg? I, nnd English, !'; h. ai I <; ; man f Lawnand Percale Wraqpers. Pi. tty, Weil-Made Hoi rgany attractlvi ityles, and at frosn . WHITE GOODS. Some ? ; .' frota i ' B Departmeat which for tinir genuin? cheapness cannot fall to attra't t economii il ?hoi i r, Madras, full yard wl a rappei n?glige? shirts rerj One, soft, ind light weight, thi usual S)c. qui : , .: . Three Extra Values in White P. K's. An Extra-Quality Corded P. K . weight, and th.- usual II Me qu ?lity, fel . >:>:< Figured P. K.'s, foi ladles' shlrt-watits : dn is? - smalt, m at Bgurea, tha Be. quality, al.He. An Ex! rs m led P. K., ! Be. kind, at. -" Dotted Muslins, "in.. ri '.. band-embrold n d .inn's, :.''. ind ?Be. H. S. Flouncin?s, ,n il .-' hi nistit, : ed and tucl iklrts ami Intel l ralues, at .- "-. I White Organdy, : ,..' nnd fheer, ' . I Silk Waists. Tin's is the greatest Shirt- VTa)-? showin-* in tlie nistorv of fj , store, but it is a show ire of special notice?that ?g, 4 newness and the exclusion.' ig | tho styles and thi 1'?"' prices. Ooi assortment con. . Waists of Safin lhnhess, ! n Polk;! Dot, ami Shot Tat?. f. | all th? be W and hard-t<>??*ft shadings. Trices ranga from 18.50 t Parasols. a m. raent of , ht-after ? Hal la, | ; .II. ' ' V ! h tal Silk I , Y\ hit'-. Bttrel) ;; IK Ksl Mlk Pan , Umbrellas for Sun or Rain I a Vaille . ! Guaranteed Bilk I'ra, L-tigtll roll? ; Blsck . Some Extra Linen Values. fg-Inch Bxti ... A IP- I 1 .iti'-n i ?am isk Nspk Two Specials in Linen Sheets. a Flei . at.II 1 . - i Ail Unen Sai its, brsed, - ry weight ' ' .'.ir *.(>' val:.'-, j'.,. J, Special. moad nji'-nf-i for the cele? . at all , -ii" k of al! .j . . f r It. J.Kff-r's Sanitary 'oollen ' _ MMMHMit The market still contin?es to advance, but we sxe amply stocked with i full line of I lard war??. Carriage and Wagon Material, V ?Crimpand Corragated lion, Cut and wire Nails, Barbed Wire, Poultry Netting, \\'?re Fencing, and are are holding thei Be near to old figures as possible. vVi save you money. Try oj ! fore ] icing your order. BALDWIN & BROWN, Headquarters for Hardware, Roof ing, Nails, Wire, and Wire rearing, 1557 ?-A5T MAIN STREBT, Opposite OKI Market, Richmond. Va. ; *++ *>--?~r*> ??-t4?tt? Hun I ?Sad Ps?8w| j BABOBBS8 DB HlK*<? B >?? BOBS*. asBBBoaa BapaaeMf-sws BaSo by Her in I Inn-It?. I PARIS, April I.? The Baro? : Is d? Bd. ' Baron II left an e I and afterword th? i' nt in ?-"ie i; ?Ian refug? .??K> ptll'lle. i aaa quite as -. markab!? a p? i band. nHllona In het own i | r wealth . that t husband. Bl daughter of the lat? > ol Bl " Im ' U ?Id midt. a i iwa that ,, tW.500.Wii In tii r York work .ma's deal run. - ??*> AD1 ?>< i: PB? B OB COAX. Dealer? Meet noil -?,? lie? lido Willi liefere.n<- to Milliriici!-. Prom i, il . Th Of W hielt ' talk tur some n A la: - ' [t I the <!' al? ; which on . i i \iim?iui iv, ?ouiim, M.XIN0TON Mrs. .loh;, . bi n i all d i the bedsit] ! M < ' : I i?.mi. I r K Mr. R. D to Rs : Sill.- L ! Miss Mary V W an ei : Wi Ha? e trota reotoved , ry. at An. New I hn> hi death 61 Hi J? ha B M i!rum lie waa s?II Know . i roth? r , t Ii te J. T. m Ml Can If Cornwall, la visit Mr. i' '. of Alone, haa I I Pa., where lu- ?Mil en gase In hui Ii gne naught? r of Rev. I?, a ; I? i de i vieil to her slat? r, Mrs. w Laird, ol Danville. M ,:ilam Paxton, ?>f ?il.c.wood. is visiting fritada in Augusta couuty. Mis? I.ouls? Baylor, of Charlastown, W. of bar friend?, the M m Wilsoa. .jii.Ik?? a. k. Leaks, of fjaoehlaai c?ui | his BOB, 8ta kB , '.lv?.-?it - :. g **tSstJl ln I :. 1111 ru? r -. lia- r, tnr: Ml i A line Nelson rt *d ft" an . Bti nd Mi .. ( ' " i .- '/. eats, Mr. and II I Barcia returned to M Hi;ii,,,l h, W, \ i. PattlS Mvrrs h.-i' : Mi. v. nil -a a '?; urgow at-1 d ;' t r, .\' ?w, hat nton. v HJIes . "*"> M lie? n -. r psr? ut-., Mr. John Me? Main, of it turned hi : mi i. Kerr, who ha?? been '-i '' friends al home In Hardy county, B Mr. .lane - A. K;rk| ton, BT. Va., li 1 his ] 1rs Willi ? ni Kill-,; j tri',c, i \ Mr. J M ' N r'M on a 888 Iron- ii ii.I ? . nl-Mlii.-r? ?.Irlk?-. I ' \ T \ .. \ .prtl 1 v i "I'vs.. ed St F k 8*41 llilr.l f,i inline? BJagsHigi , \ \ \ 11 a a ,,'i i?. .'..! <. Th. will I.-- ,: \ l>|ii.inl m. ni? on- ?li?' ? ?mil. WASHINGTON \; t the | i iiirgi i -41. iah J> - F B :'- w: Il w.i'ii.) ni: \tiiv I SKIt'WITIl in..! at lb? ?other, In this city, un y< loch P. M . SI K SKiew I eauehter of the late Orsy Skip* .".m l? Bklpwlth, in ih.? SMh ? ' ; hi i funeral win t?a?* pi?<*e ' ' h?iii.?e Ne, ?II we?' Franklin itreel ? TO -At? IRROW (Mond ?) >, at of tti? family UWU-O. tu atluuJ lut?** nient pin?ia.