Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND UI9PATCH-S0NDAY, APRIL i. 1899 _ se vS^?rfc SICK AND WOUNDED. COKPEDKItATi: SOHWWBJ AT II \ ?KKSTOWS AM) >\ll LIAMM'OHT. OLD RECORD SENT 10 601 TYI.EH. Dr. J. M. Oataaa, MM Snr??eon In Oharge, U l-be? It PieB??Ved to Poaicrti) ? Lt?t Caatalas Rearlj Taue Hundred \nine*. Governor Tgler has ?a Dr. J. VI. Oalai -, of : - ' ' Md., lata aurgeon Eighteenth v.- la Ini Oarm-it i ? " Lontj.-'i st'i i ?rps, Arm] Virginia, i. i mplcte list of the slok and woui. led < left at u II Ham-port. Pa., and Hsgeratown, Md., - ter tho but;- of Gettysburg from J'i?iy U to A in; ?t 12 Iir. ?,.. ' of the num ber of bunat< s of tbei order of General Lee, he waa ! f I llameport t.. care for thi I of tho Army of Northern Vlrginil . After tfa hospital i Dr. Oainof was nl thltbei Oj the Pede? ral authorities to care for I comrades H ?d with t ?d and sieh until moa north, chiefly to Ch ' was sent to I th*- ?raid of the I rounded until th Lookout. Dr. Gaines was sent I i i Lookout ? here hi a ?red to alb lllcd with si rates. About i an east? t ' -'. lent to W ' ' Ingi and 1 ri Monroe b) ?ky.of Baltimore, and wai exchanged Tim roll ra th ?riginai , i ?rara re ntly foum ?y Dr. Saines in his library at H own. He ;s a nativa of Virginia, havi pasa ban at I I Hill a?ai Culpepi le is v i > .. ili us that tha Goveri nake Bg tion of the t asure t?o lr im servatii a to ft| |li t I... i.. .. r !" n , il ho Diapatch, presents it beloa it wi agth interesi not c nen who took part la the great struggle i i, ttyaburg, when what baa been term? d the "High-water Mark ol th< Rebel inn' aras i at hi . but by all old i ,nd by tn- lr cbildn a. ? hi i Sgtment, dal ol ? oui d, kath, rf fatally ill or wounded, are ivi n : THI Old? RECORD Folio?. list: ? Jan i Leemai Tl U i, w< und ti Jul. i Private F. >i..- . nt, woundi il a i..v '.' ; 9th. Berg? ant W. '. J Gi orgia legimeut Wo .:. . ! J ;.'.' . !. ; .-. u . i . iw il :i. T". fiesta ijppl Ri .; mi nt. I Private .1. K. Tin .. i Irginla > htvaln Regiment, woundi i July 6th, ? led dnlv 2tiih. gerktant J. M. Duval, Eleventh North I 'aroSti? Kecli.ii ?i wound? i July 1st. Prrfl W i -in Smith, T' ntn i. leglmi \ d July 2d. frivati i' Shields, Six nd Vir tual R< giment, ? SPrlvato J. T. Bowman, Sixteenth North jartlina Regiment, v. ... ..i jul> 4th. Private J. li. I'io, i i. Eli vi : ; h Carolina it1 imi it, woui ist. Private J. M Barber Third Georgia tegimciit. wounded July 2d. Prtvati J. M. Whlttington. Fiftieth leorgia Regiment, wounded Julj Lieutenant J. Walker, Sc\ ?andina Regiment, wounded July 2d, died Uly Ith. Private L Fuman. First go itb C il tegim i,t, wound?, d July 2d, died Julv Ith. Private Z. Hem Flfl ient. wounded July Bth, dl< l July 11th. Private E. Garnett, iarolliiH Regiment, wounded Julj led Julv llth. Prtvati X. C. Nelms, Twentj i.i Q i i fh u :.t. woun l< i Julv 2d, died , ulv l?th. Private M. Harris, Cobb'a Legion, i rounded July 2d Private .M. It .d lax. S< venth 'arollf.a lie., imi nt, ? oun cd J Privat? J. B. Hi a Ei ciment wo md ; I Prlv ite a. L 'i ! i mi -"?i, T? .".' ?orth Carolina Regiment, wounded July th, ,i I July 21th. Private E, Zimmerman, Twents lorth Carolina Regiment, wounded July d, dit d July Privat?? E. Simmons, Sixty-.*-, cond Vit- ! Inla Regiment, wound? d .! ly Private J. M< Gi hi T< nth l taglment, woui d< i July 2d, died August Ith. Sergeant T. C. Andrews, I'.ftv third kjprgla Regiment, wound? d Ju > Private P. M. Tldorell, Fifty-third te orgia R< ?Im? nt v. i ir : J Lieutenant B. 8. Elliott, Fift> third leorgia Regiment, wounded Juh lotii ; J. S. Elliott, Fifty-third la Regiment. Private W. R. Shir!, v. Forty mm K-ciment, wounded Julj k-?l Ju y 18th Prlvuu? \\ K. ll Cain, Sixty irginla Regiment, wounded July 2d ?ln-a , uly 17 th. Corporal IV J. Catlett, Flftv-flfth North ' BToltnn Regiment \. i . ?4(n Privait J. H. R i? Issll ,i Regiment, wounded July lKh ' led August 1st. rai nt .1 M Harley, Forty-second ! 11*8?. alppt l i glmi nt, woumb i -E25*fut, ,' A m llratKS.pi i <: K m nt. woun W. U (?leen. I i arollna Pe?!mi ni h. : ,, Sergeant Join ; i .,-.,, Nl ,'t, Bauaaaa H?\?,i?ii?nt wmr i(n I. I.Utle. YliiUi , aro.Ina i: riment . 11,1 I . I F I>. I:. i ri? nt, wounded J Toi na Regln eut w un Privat? ?; w wilklm ! Regfrnenl wou I ) i . ], Private J .1 ' North '' R< tr'ment. wT 1(ll S : A.. yr!, Pr.v.'te R. il. Hule. \ 'la Ri gl.lli n?. Wo ''. ' PurceU. Fifi | > ' ' ' iiml.d Ju'- M i, ;- " . i; .: , , ... , . ei;.? ' t aounde .1 . ' li nl A ? ml u Plftj \ .. lui v Mi h prlvi w .< m aa Privat w i *slh;Jll,:', ' .. undeu ju.> L Private O. r. w. rinch. Seventh North Regiment Ht h. . > T. Mabrv Missis H.j,p, Heglmci t. v.o indt-d July Hth. . i . . t \ wound, o July Hth. [ riv?t* W. H. Daaiy, Plfty-Bfth North c . . r . i. d July H.h. i i . it? .). L Bu . HftJ '?th G? ,i .-. !: rit, wounded July loth. M. H. ) raigan Flfij lt. imi i.t. ? ?undi . Ju,> ?,:'o Prh nth 0< ?ad i R July Ulli. l'nv.i?e K. A. K va lis. Kl-nth G- > v. ' - i . wounded July l< lb. ..,t- W. Colley, Flit) ninth Georgia i. , nt, " Wth, Pi yate W. Colley, Pifty-nlnth Oeorgia i ii nt, woui i . it? M< Oanghi :>. NinUi ?J ment, wounded July loth, Bled a . ilh. j i; Greenwood, Eli v< i.ih i. orgia Regiment, wounded July tPtb. Private J. s. Black, Eleventh Georgia Regiment, wounded July Huh. , .... W. J. Poai y. Fifty-ninth GV . wounded July l'Xh, died July ITth. W. J. Sh<j : i rd, Eh :. nt, v.,m: ,. I i .-... nl, around? d July Private A M Lor 8 itl Q rgls ndt d July I Julj -. -.. A Paver, ft enth G< i i . ..i, Moas ib, . . led July IMll. n i Welsh, Tve i . :. . .-,!, wounded Jury I Juiv 16th. . amui ? Gallop, Firs! North | i i, i nt, wounded ?uly Id. ru. i,. N. i ment, wound? i -1 lull Privati J. P. .. a Hall, 1 a North it, wound? d Jul Prl ate P. R. Albi l Fifi nth it, wound, d July I Pi . W. Duni . ?th North ( i Reglm nt, wounded July lat Pi . Dkniei Mel ?oi , d, Be ment, a 2d. Private James Cehlll, Ninth L 1 .m y 2d. Prl to th North Cai ollnu R . mi nt, a y 1st Berges i! i SV. Garl Fourth Virginia Regin .1 E. C >nn :. Fiftieth ?korgla i July 2d. , tain W A. B p Twi nty If i . iiKima R< giment, a i. v.. i.. J Coi ley, Ta Bfth Virginia R< rim? wound* : ly Id. ,-;.. j. M ni Brei North led July ad, di- d 17th, 1'iipor.i! Sidney Turner, Twenty-first . Regiment, wound? d July Id. I'll- . Reni*) Whit y, Flrsl North 'arol nt, wounded July Id, died tii\ ; i.- brter, Thlrty-flrat Georgia luly lat Private William v. tson, Blxty-flrat , t, wounded July 11th, ! .'. g -t M I. D: Gn y Thirty-seventh Vlr nt, woundi i July Cd, died ?. int T. J. Gt Twenty-flrai , R< giment, \ : July : I, di? d . ',- i ' II, Alexandria Ju y 2d, dl? ! y, Twi nty-flrst :t!i Carolina Regiment, wounded July 1st. prh rd Kelly. Sixth Lou July 10th, died July . Prlvi ti J i .nt int, Becond North Caro lin ii wounded July llth S i.i.i.t c. Belcher, Eleventh Georgia R< rimei t, wounded July Krth i i i iti J. V Croas Waahlngton Ar tllli iv. wounded July lib. raton, Waahlngton /. tni ry, wou ' July 0th. dl< I ? Prlvata J. Myers Sixth Virginia Cav? Juli 6th. ite W, w . Davla Waahlngton Ar . .,, indi, Roben Bannister, WMhlngtoa Artllli i Humpht Was! Ington . 6th. Private B K. Badger, Twi N> rth Carolina Regiment, wounded July Prlvata Jamei Lyon, Eleventh Misaia giment, wounded July Id. .i J .i,unan. Fifth Alabama 1 Bergi inl C Ci iig, Eievi nth North l Una Ri giment, woundi d July I il Caj tain v. C Cokei Eighth Booth Regln it wound? d July 2,1. Prlvata J. W 11 Third i leorgia ' ounded July i \. Prh Hua Currali Fifty-fifth Noi th Cai ill ., R?gira? nt, a July Bth Captain G M. H rrla, Third South C Una Ri : loient, wound? I lui) Bergi ni W, A. Crum, Seventeenth M - isl] pi l; glmi m wo n ' d lu ) Id. Pi h it? .-' . A. l>. Smith. B? venth 11 i nt, wounded Jul; Corporal <}. W. Cummlnga, Eighth Vir Ri iiment, wound? l July Id. Pi Ii ite W . F L itta. Fitty-thlrd I ^ ? ;:, giment, wound? d July llth. U? i v A K ng. Third South 1 V Id i J ' ' I ipi m, Flftj i i nt, wounded July : Privat v. R Reevi Flfte? nth nt, wounded July ith, <l ed Jul) Ipth. Private w. Martin, Fifty-third Georgia Regiment, wounded July 3d, died Jmv li ith North , lin-i Ri l'ii-h nt, wound? ,1 July Id, July 17th R ?ben Gardn r, s, i ond Vir ginia Battalion wounded July Hth Pi.-. .; n T. \ aatal, Tw? nty-i Ixth N. "Hi i ';, I . J. P, Vana ry, Piral Ixiuisiuna i nt. Private J. Cain, Bixty-aeeond Virginia it, gira? nt. Corpora] K. J. Jewell, Waahlngton Ar ? wounded July 6th, died July llth Private s Btebblns, Thirty-second North Carolina R glOMBt, died filly 17th Private Albert Smith, FIfUeth Virginia Regiment. Privat? A F. Haddon. Flrat South Caro Ui i Regiment, wounded July nth. Private C. McClure, Eleventh North . wounded July Mth. ant O, IV. ? ;.. fth 8 uth , .., R? .-nu nt, w? ind? d July Mth. t One thing is certain makes hair grow. OPEN LETTERS FROM Jennie E. Or non and Mrs. Barry Hardy. Jktcmb E. QSBBBi Denmark, Iowa, writes to Mrs. Piukhatn: "I bad beca aick nt my monthly perjods for nevon years, and tried almost everything I ever heard of, but without any benefit. Was troubled with backache, headache, pains in tho shoulder? and dizziness. Through my mother I was induced to try Lydia E. Pinkha.n's Vegetable Compound, and it has done na? so much good. I am now .sound and well." Mrs. llAitKY Hat'ov. Riverside, Iowa, wri'os to Mrs. Fini,ham tJie story of h? r l^ragTglfl with serious ovarian trou ble, and MM benefit she received from the use of Lydia K. I'inlchnm's Vege table Compound. This is lier letter: " How thankful I am that I took your medicino. I was troubled for two year:? with inflammation of the w?ii?ib .'uni ovaii s, ?oui!? was also very low. I wit-, in < onstani misery. I had heart trouble, nia ihirrt oi breath ami could not walk Uve blocks to save gsj Ufe. Boflared very much with my br'.clc, had hcadacne all iba time, was nervous, menstruations ?rere irregular and painf'il, had B bud discharge and wa; trou tiied with bloating. I was a perfect wreck. Had doctored and taken local treatments, but still wasno better. 1 wan ndvised by one of my i - ghbora to write to you. I have now finished the aecoi >i bottle of Ufa Phtli's Vegetable Compound, an?l am bettey in every *vr.y. I am able to do al] 11, y own work and can wnlk nearly a Bile will.out fatigue; something I had not b en able le do for over two years. Your aBgdleiltg hag dona me n.ure go?"-? than all the doctors." t . T. McKi MiJ Privat i. A. Calaoun, Thirty-seventh N pi, ,- v. i rhteenth North ; nt. . gjn n, Fin ; North Caroll Corporal W. Wright Eleventh "' L'i;eii Regiment, \\ inded July 14th, died julv ;; Private A P ".' th Mia -i ii ippi Ke li led July ltd:, died Inly 17th Prtvati ' ' C i rney, Eleventh Missis !: mi Dt, ' ded July I ith. ??md ; 1. B. O* J Priv ite A. F i jh Caro? Pi .1. w. Mci ll< mmi re, wounded July 2d, dli d lug ist Private J. H. v. i, North 'arolln i Regli I July l t. Private .1 B. S tuth 'I h North Carolin ? R? gimi ni a? nd< d July Id. Private John Joi I I d North Ri (Imi Dt, wound? d Jul 1 L. Gregoi North Carolina R? gii ed Jt ly 1st. te J. Fifth Ala* Regii ' .iv nth. Le utenanl J. J Fifty-third leorgia Regiment, wounded July nth, lied July : I. Private i?. J. Ameriek, Pffteenth sou?h Regiment, wounded Julv 3d, icd July Bd. i'i.\ e H. W, Goforth, Pot forth Carolina Regiment, wounded July Ith. J. .1. McQuithy, Seventh Louis ma i: ."ni. Dt, Levi W asti r, Thlrtj-fourth ut, . Thirteenth th. Privais S. J. Gamble, Third Al.?hama giment, I < Pi Ivate B - , Thirty-flrat : i 'Irginla !.. Private W H Gill, 1 Irst Maryland tegiment . J ily jjth. nt W. A Burney, Eighth Georgia nt, woundi d J tu - Private C. M. Frail, First Maryland tegiment, wounded July 2d. Privat? J. C. I First Maryland Dt P. B. H ihth l . Julj -1. i te a. B. Newcombe, Thlrti nth ? , Irginla Cavalry, wounded July 11th, died I ? ' ite J. w. Will n in I ro ?a Cavalry, wounded July 10th, died 11 uly 29th. i Private J. J M Eli renth Oeoi tegiment, wounded July i"th. 1 --ninth Regiment, wo. l July 10th, Private A. L Byrus, '. , \ h> inla C ivalry. woundi I Jul; Prtvats 8. \\. Ish, Flftj -ninth 11 Ju \ 10th. .; - th, Fifty-ninth G tegiment, wound? d j i Ji M Lewis, rift Regiment, ? lu 10th. John M. Wright. Hui hi i Ar ' . P. J i'- - Arttl : ? unded Jul] 10th. Moorman's Artil 1 V W( " ;,., ;i W ley, First North I inded ,iui#y . ml .1. Elliott, i . Caro ll v inded Juiy loth, ?lied July th. Private G. B. Kb I Irgii in Cav .\ . d Jti rat M iryland avairj. nth Georgia giment, ? ou i d July td. i mth lui) Id. . a. B. Wl n, Flrsi Virginia Privat? C H Steeli Fin Maryland attallon, wi ? First laryland Battalion, wounded July 3d, led August 1st W. H. B Stuart*! ArtH wounded * Privat? W H I ftj '-'h orth Carolin i Regln i Btuart's Artillery. Pi \\ te W. Ha a ? ?nil th Geor la Ri |1m< nt I July lOth. T. J. Bio dsworth, Tan nty-nrst dl l Private P. P. Crowder, Thirty-eighth orth Carolli a Regiment .i. T - " ninth Georgia i giment, a ".h. rnv ite J W Ri n Ids, Fifty-ninth eorgta Regiment, wounded July : Private A B. Williams, Fifty-ninth eorpla Regiment, w >ui ded July Privat Jo* i i r-nlnth Geor s Ri gin Private Btmeon Willis, Fifty-ninth Oeor? b R . m< k ?ed Au? ist ut ; !i . te D. M P tti Forty-fifth orth Carolin Regiment, wounded June th. Private J. E. Bradderberry, Cam. Ar il. IV. . M, T^ttioe, Tenth Georgi I a m. wound? ,1 Julv 2d. - Sixty-second -,. July (th, died August a 1. ! K. Johnson, Twenty-Mxth orth Carolina Pegiment, wounded July I. Privat'' i: W. Horn, Thirteenth B Ith arolina ' July 9th. i D i. i -fourth inded July 2d. Private K Bowi th Virginia . Juiy 14th. i t. !. P I h h I. -, t; i '':-" i' Wat" ?^Fortieth Virginia I h ?gin ent pounded July a PrWati W. Ed? nth ! *" Ina Regiment, .wounded July i th. W L Jai ksi n Thlrt) - aounded , Privat h hi ; July 3d. M ivei B 'ond South ment, wounded Julv I : Ily 27th J K. M< Iver, Eighth South i: Iment, wounded July ! J. M t. heil, Twelfth Ai :. ?lied July 30th. i. Crewa. Fiftieth Georgia Reg led July 10th. .1 F. W . t< -. Tenth Georgia ^Klrnent, ?rounded July ! ih. dad July P I tun - Fiftv-rirst Geor i Reginu nt w ,,ii le I J'i ,- pti, th Mis :s'M" Pe [Im .1, ,1 JuJi ),] ,)!,.,t i\ rsh p i" A ' Pulllam, Reventeenth 1 r ' ' H ?.d juiv id Japtalu i;. J. Z.u.e, Thirty-fourth Vir il glnla Cavalry, wounded July 6tb, died July 26th. Colonel 8 P. Lumpkln. Forty-fourth O- orgia Refim?nt, wounded July 1st. Prlvato w. F. Logan. First Virginia Lieutenant If. C. Hobbs, First Virginia Cavalry, wounded July 10th. Captain W. B. Ha>goo,i, Forty-fourth Georgia Regiment, wound-d July 1st. Private C. C. Mims, Fifth Alabama Regiment, Private J. H. Bassett. Eleventh Missis sippi Regiment, wounded July 3d. Private W. H. Stiff Fifty-fifth Virginia lt>-?:!ment, wounded July 1st. Major H. I; MoDanlel, Eleventh Georgia Reiftment, wounded July V th. C?ptala Prank Rond Pirat Maryland Cavalry, wounded July 6th. THE ?OSS OF VETP.RINS. 1'iiim iiiinne for the Meetlnsr to Be Held i.i ( liarleatou In May. The following order is of gein-ral Inte rest, setting forth, as It does, many of the attraction? that will be presented al Charleston, S. C. during the gathering of tue Confederate Peterau and the Sons ol Wdcruiia: i Head" ?arters, Uniu-d Sons of Confed?rate Vat? Charleston, B, <".. March B? is*. General Orden, No. 17.: 1. Reunion ?Aa set forth In General .\ a U and 11, January 24th and h 1. I?**, the fourth annual reunion oi ihe United Sooa of Confederate Vate rana Will be l.-.-.d In Chines!Ott, B. C, May 10, 11, IS, and 13, IBS, Wedtn -day, Friday, and Saturday, respec tively, au Sons of i Veterana, whether members i : i ami i or not, and all ampo, whether ? bai tar? d by ?* taderaUon or not, are cordially invi attend this reunion. Only camps of the United Sons of '"onfedetato Veterans in good standing can vote. & Camps.?it is with planeara we an ? ounce thai taire ara ; n Ul dm roll "t th? iboot rtfty campo befa ted, to b? ebar . la inn.- to take pan In the reunion. : Veterana everywhere are ur^.d ... a, a ind n unjoii ... CI .-utility to a of bocI splendid aun ,ii? Bom of V? cine to the reunion. 1 . . Ulon amp 1 r? 1 : aim] le, and ful 1 s, with po| an aha, o Ul be hi id luartei 1 .- ' : ! j 1 ar. < ?ami an 1 d wlUi ten members. "It is a sublime duty lor u i. ?pie to ooi rai U r Uves fot r of I turn of the ' ' ills o -ol " I. MTB) Gor? A, and nu a many oi our comradea M tuai . : nee. In a itual war, or tba o rl ibes and BUfferinga i. Bone of < Vete raM should all I ... \, poaea of ? Ve( ni. i) :. camps is called to Article X Of the con wlth r. foren - No though a email ar ol tha i kwi ration, can tiki pail M tfa i- mloti. nor have its delegates admitted to the floor, ..- m ii. r bu been paid to I ah? a ki tm tba | Ml and presenl : u C impa are Uierefofo urged to aend in ? a moon ta u?mediately and rtift oi representation from tha adju tant-general, ah delegatea from i must have credei commaadinl an : adjutant of the camp itating that they are duly-elected of the camp. The foil name and number of tha camp should ba given. tion at the reonlon la pro tor m fou "8 legate for .'.cry ten u ml re to gi Ing In the and one addll a" frac n sMll be in a ; ! i ' ! o at ,1, ' - l.i't ! - Of ,n-.p from rhey will be cordially welc? m?ed and mitted to all tlie prit ' > ?r, nut M camp -an VOtl BaOBO thin 'I. lumber provided for by tha conatltotfon. i to bring as nai y mi mbera aa i - I i and rarloui ent? : - they irtll n re oi ; lie] re? <>;< A copy of the constitution is ene! ion with, and cam] : diy -, id I to < 'i(,?l : m, and - a 100, all it which baai directly opon tha reonlon. and Lodging.?Tranaporta^ Ion?The most important m tter for i to ng, mid camps should comm tnoa without . i,, i Uli Ir delcf It?r ait? i Visitors are urged to : ntetfor 1 I In . tni y will And It very bard ayed uft : ival In tha Ity. All Inform?t! in an bo obt - ' y ad n*. . oo InformaUon, .-. c. r. o. iorrla, of i n, 8. C, baa ' . p ppolnted chairman Committee on Trat. lortaUon, ?ind campa full n. ntioB by addj ling aiiio?,i rat.-s and i Phla a IB I lp to the n - ind they ira urged to ; pf It A'. Meetil. : he sr< . [ibernian Hall, ' ting . just abovi , ral portion ol the dtj 1 trat i Mlon i ill b ' convened al 10 a. y Wad . May i Hh, . be t at that time to present tbejr 're ihe , on,mi' Iga u i i :. a In the ball The addresses of releome and i Umt i 1 ml di eh s .ill be delivered at this Un a, Thnroniy, lay llth, the aeaalon will I held ai a ,. m . and at 1 I ba Utb, and Bitordiy, the Uth. All ampa sfa rol i ba pr? - nt promptly at Um tatos. VI, Programme?Social P:d,>. Wed'. ay, May Uth bt Chaiiest | tal ad i ItOl and hosts will t.ike p PTt 11 i at rvtoa tM t in amoraUoB of t:,< Confederate d".,! 'he parida arfJl ba formi I bo the loo r art of the city, and marched through tba rlndpaj street.?, about a mil", to tha An itotlum building, where tin y will be .-eat 1. and the memorial ecremonl? s will tako Th.- united Bom I rata aa i bn ' , t i this parida and these axerclsee, is hoped that tha COBfl ' ration will Mki a good Bhowlng on thai occasion, nd thus honor the memor) of tha Con di rate aoldJ ta Tha wlD rmed In the bum nunner as in At and take II - :. - -1 --11 : p a la I mj arada at tba proper Urne. Comrade ink i L Bankier, of 1 C, an app Inted chief mara?al for the and the division c aa ind? 11 are ereby reenieetod to Imn mmun tha name of jnie comrade from their division, Who ill be asslgnod under the : lei mirabil, ) form each particular division. i enter ilnmenta win be giv ?n a* tha Au litorium uildlng on various nights of th.- reunion, nd on one of these ov? ora Our designer can make >ou a SKETCH ?'MILE YOU WAIT. Our engrav cr will make you n PLATE or IONOUMAM of sketch In TWO HOURS. Wo will print > ou one hundred cards or lonograms on fine paper In TWO HOURS. We wll! make the plate, print you ONE ?UNDKE? WEDDING INVITATIONS. nd put them In Inside envelope In 6 hours. We do no shoddy nork of any kind-not ven In our representations. VA. ENGRAVING CO., IT SEBI? : IN RICHMOND, VA. W. H. JONES. ?. C. PETERSON. Trttsurcr. Masiftr. , 8 and 10 N. 6th. Street, /Joncs BU'g.) ; fjfsj M-akatanni amj i MUNYON'S I do not believe there is a cnie of dyspep aia. indigestion or any stotuach trouhle that connut lie re lieved nt once end permanently cured bv bit DYSPEPSIA CURB. iiVSYOS. At all dru^irists, 25c. a vinl. Gui'l? to Health and medi cal advice free. 1503 Arch Rtroft, Phila. will be mar? tied Into the Auditorium building, escorted by a detail f:om Out eoafed? ra? n, to taki teats m lbs while various Speeches uf welcome are delivered. On ore of the evenings at the Auditori um hall. :i publie re N ptlon will ho tei eerad I y the Exi cutlv i ' mmli to all the ?Isitora. Tim Daughters of the Con federoey and local ?ami'? of our conl ration are arranging suitable entertain? BMUta whl- h will ensure all a pleasant time socially. Tin te retary of War has thrown open Fort Bumter and the other forts of the harbor to th Confi lernte reunion, and St amers will be run tu them every day and night, and opportunities given fot aU I rtslt tajeas his' ri ml pli vu. tpunrfir ?Thi dlvhuea eeaaaaand? ers ?ire requested Inri.'diat. I\ to appoint I division sjBMaoff to r* present thuir States at tho reunion. These division sponsors wdi be entertained at the . iton Hotel, as tai Bxi '-iiti'. Commit! I : ofoi , all imp sponsors will receive a mi it cordial welcome and it la suggest) i that should aet as maids of h mor for their division apona r, though u will be hop ,; slble fey the comml io< ntertaln more than one m ,.;. q Stat". - ir?ln-chli f v. Ill pr b ibly b appoint? ?,'i later on, If ,;' n d VIII Hi , . Th.. of flclal rs of the i infederatloa v.'in be n th? tii.-' Boor or the Hibernian " ill, on M ?< ommlttee of local ' pa : w ?i i"- appointed in cl me, and ti di gates, on val, should report at once to 'his ol end register th< Dcial book, and roc? lv- the official ran which will entitle them to admis sion ta il i ai at - and sxen Isei The - lea ol th ; lu* s li tiled -autifui badge, i of v ii'-ii will be fi^ja. l t the i .i of this order. C : to provide their members with I i un on, and ; itely to theee h? ad 'ime to mai :..? for th< its extra for a ribbon and attach) In conclusion, the Commander-ln rneatiy urget a full attei of 'be mi mh rs a* this ly that all should in tin,.- to attend the fir?t as oa the Mth, :!. lentl il ma xi i the the parade thai Th? pun lion must command th?m to ei " on of the B luth, an i cannot be constru? d In ! any feeling of bit? OUtCOmS - t th? War Btatee, but in simply and I rpetnatlon of the' true i the preeervatl m fi om oblivion of 1 rda of the men who wor.- th? gray; .'ne!, Ilkewl a to extend the hand of charity to d t< i. Let all tin- Bone of 1 union fur? of th? ' - 1 Robert A. Smyth, Com i ail; DANIEL R IVENEL, Adjutant-Gen? I v:: \, <m > \vr An \|i|i.iil to Dixia*a nanjxliter-,. Shali we yield Uf th? care of the gr.i\(.-> of ,,'ir dead. Who fell 'neath the folds of tho Red, md be I? bland, who fell for the fr? . AM marched frith tru- glory-crowned . Their .i? gleaming sal res are covered with . ! is low In th The : B Northman triumphantly ? i'. '- a o if all, but bai Wit us cur K' ' 'Tine, mould shine; to keep, ; and or shield them? Make Bh ill w< our cbildi L" -, luthei tell "l tl. ceis' Valor an 1 . - ; m to Truth an i I .t, ball w? sun - I others our tern] res: Shall i with ths fame : And you, southern women, to you we now ' of ]j:x!?j, your enauefl to lours I Por forever ?rhat choice to ab: y,,.. ov'T I ! by our gallants In ..ray. Through B years since they first rnai ehed awa ). .a - inshtn? and shadow, In woe and In a ' .ov-j and unflinching your From Ctuaapsaha*? head to the baaka of aro* - to MhWMttrfs broad You rmiled i n the hosts of the Red, Whit? and Bi You prayed o'er th? dying, you wept o'er the dead. While i' ; v = t adeeming you cherish ed tar bra? a, Hops foi aya periabed you grieved So, constant un i changeless through all You bavi Itiewn 'hem with flowers, be ; iii-m With tears. You hnv^ never forgotten this labor of love, As di enduring a* that from alee. , So fund and so fearless and faithful al wa) Yoj bave guarded ihc gravas of our martyrs in gray. Now th.nouai ir comes with the palm ... hi hand, And la.-dl'y tenders this boon to our land tor bur dead as he cares for hla o\. v.. Arid emblaaoa their prowe8s on metal Shall we gratefully hasten the gift to emb; And gladly accord him our paeaM or : - ' southerner's sigh and the At In? southeri i'.; tomb, for the con queror's Is the prlz? ao alluring? The honor so'." Will our rest the better for "lying In state"? Would they rather thia deed of their newly-found iriend. Dr pie love of th? land that ihey died to i defend? The grandest erections of w?*ulth and of art, >r lerretual place In the southerner's heart ".' i Inscriptions, or vreatha ever fresh? K statue of bronze, or a tablet of fleib? If. Indeed, we aurr.nder thia laut auered right, rhe care and protection of others Invite Would our dead not the rather prefer to remain M Forever unmarked on the field of the lain.' The sun would smile on them, the heavens would Wl epi The cak would guard proudly the soldier's last i Th? thunder's salute would resound over head; Thu winds would sound fitly the dirge for the dead. No conqueror's tablet polluting the spot To ten the sad tale, "By their couatry forgot," I'nmarked and unmentloned, to rest 'neath th Yet guarded by Nature, watched ov. r by th 1. And you, southern women, to you we now turn? Shi I! .v" yield th-m or shield them-; From yo'.i we w< old le., i n; It Is be It yea, I Ye daughters of L'?le, ma <!a>- AUSTIN RI honors fou i.\i-'vvi;t ti:. Aiiicrliiiii-lliiv nt thi (?-?-nt 1'iirl? i-:\iiositioii. (For the Dtsp itch > The Fourth day Of July. A. I>.. IP?, will h,- a grand day in the eelebra ad metropo Ua of Prance. Parla is at all lariyly 00 IBIO| l lit !.: but -' Will ! pn - eminently such I the year 19??. becm; I th fl bold an other of her famoM Internatl sitloiis. which ?v.ry effort will bt forth to make superior to all lia 01 cessors and their competltore. All civil ized natlo hue been Invited thith- . diepl y ;. ; their Breitest glory and power. The flitted States have lOCOPted her Invitation, and every facility Bartended to them to exhibit themeeivea in a manner worthy ol light In which th hive ? me to b? r? the natioM of the earth, All. heir natal A " rth of July. *ea sei apm d or Ameiloan, Day, and it ,i' \ au eitle? na of our great i ther they can be i -> at In ?' to do ai; in ![, bj pow? r to i d? r that day iritis? memorabl? and honorable. ?me s-11?:-. :r.^ featoi mme for thai day will be ' hie h0| ' tbi Iti'i:,," . a hind i me monument la to h ,t a cosl of 1110,000 and i i I on th ' of ?Miman llbert) ai ; from, l1' it. All thi i Is to comptait d with appro] ri i la which tha ' Boni Revoluti r," will tal i ral H rl ir, o bo a r :i years ; : In tie Ami tasador to bim fully and credit i , Pour honorai the n Um Hans of the Anrerlcan i a will atrive to let ur? one of th Bol Ute "8oru of th lut! in" bai a been i ailed still to aid in r ilalng fun? tl ui of thai monument li peu t of th? m funda b by tl . anntveraar) of town | BJ In ble work, bower children of Vlrj a aa owing to eon which law nd i her ? : ml frii nd thia ? rid i rominlon. '. - heartily the m mory of Lev in the nr v. alll-'s ' cd Washington to pen ins I. Yorktown and tl re sitid, "Sr.-il all da coin turn him Into I.- :d ? ob B Lafayette returned *o Pi ite i ai d the i found! of ' | Mr. Bare! ly in ] for Ute n. ed in the followin "Indeed, sir. Ute \ Irgln 1 may :.e\ futur-- ! . es early ado] I who IIS." When Virgin!? by . h she ?.till b the other for the Mai ; its but onsent r, Mr. Jeff was Ul Then th t of th same p? rlod The 11 Virglnl talmi mod John Bn When Mi i tttlei re gol '" N fort n. P A Dls?usted Woman. It isn t P.ry wonder tha women . compterai .' ft e!;::g Bt, and su!. ~,\/'Vs^ wit I IV^- ?".,: : MM I ti!'.: ::i L ,Y| the doctors. 'V?.-.' W !.e:i a BfOSBl ti ! pain - in the be? k and itil bea in tl ami burning, di . the average phy^: . tribute th? M h a cu ?.ver trouble. Pot years, possibly, she takes their pre scriptions for thes.- aJlmeoU without t< cciving any benefit, then in final i she throe - as drugs, and b i matters take t'.u-ir course. A aroman who BOatrra m this way is almos! sufferer from weakness and disease >f the distinctly f'mininr organism There is an unfailing and ?oexpeneive cure : r al! troubles of this description. II I Dl PRici'a Favorite Prescription. It rectly on the delicate organe coo :. making them well and Itrong. It h< ala all internal alceretion and ?t.>? - debil il i drains. It tikes the pressure ufftht and makes th lindel its maivelou- m?rita thousand, of women n made in iltb happy aud robust ivoril - i'r< nervous, pain - rack.-,'. women aud mikes strong, healthy, Capable wives and ers. with its use all '.'.."i and suffering diaappcar. AH good medicine stetes sell it and have nothing, else " jnst as good " Constipation and torpid liver will make the most ambitions mea "? wo atan utterly good for nothing. Dr. Pierre's P Pellets cure them. One littk a gentle laxative and two ? mild cathartic Or. Pierce'? |?mo-pago kllostrated book, "People'? Medical Aavi ,' <;" : bound, free i -?s the cost of mailing onl\, i\ Me cent stampi '.>? '? ith b ?und ^ ?tarop? Addtess Ur. k. V. Fierce, bmJbIo, -V Y. .. sUBSTr 77 roa GRIP Im only one ol Dr. IIimiphro>.-?* s?i??elflea. There are other* equally good. Ail Pala Pever, If-at. Re*tle??n>?8, al I 1. Headache, Back Headache, and Vertige : No. S. i and Weak. . Skin ! I Rheua n!c. Lura hy Na 13. No, 11. t fa, Hi: . r ni John HUMPHREYS'. John ??jd paid him u ,. ' ' i iii-.i! th< ordef ? guard! in, ? h " B ' - ? i the Btate him. i. th i Kht i ' ' . f r ; ? him i l i : his > \- rl i i of tbe i i. .es. Im ito I : ' ' : Indi? / out ' bee ?it. , : a his In? ; ti. m a : i I 1 Mr. a i ti mj dl or. The i ! i Ill In art, I ?nly t . the i i body i . Ina? a o abb h it hato which < ? | I : i - ' :'* A ' ?hlrlli age? ' Ail the thoughti ol mea are ??niened JOSEPH a. tutu-.?-lax