Newspaper Page Text
?0 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH?SUNDAY. APRIL 2. 1899. ..._ - ??--?- - THE UON OF SOUND-SENSE BUYING AT HARD WORK, OUR GREAT AMERICAN BUYING SYNDICATE, THE NEW YORK DRY GOODS EXCHANGE, NOS. 60 AND 6a LISPENARD STREET NEW YORK, GIVES THE FAMILIAR SOUND OF "BARGAINS." THE ENDLESS CHAIN OF OUTLET AND HONEY MAKES AN ENDLESS CHAIN OF BUYING. WONDERFUL RE5ULTS THAT APPEAL TO EVERY CONSUHER OF RICHMOND?TO EVERY DRY COODS BUYER IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. Twenty yards or twenty cases, only the prices are required low enough and the goods must be of the right sort. Monday's Sale a MerchandiseGarden of Eden, * AND FOR ALL THE SOVEREIGN G00D5 OF THE SEASON. Aim 1 S ?_ emphasize on sterling values for the newest stuffs, but on all occasions avoid sensational advertisements, and those which are calcu? jBisA (jj) w _?pS"*-\ alc- t(> represent trashy wares, undesirable for any purpose other than to appear cheap in type. The mark of buying success exhibits * * Mr ^ I -??r M' ^ itself in every department. #(0HEkKQ ONE PURCHASE OF $44,000, m 111_X{? ? "?m>ir??-w,Jaa^v ANt) HALF OF THAT ENTIRE STOCK HAS COME TO COHENS STORE FOR A SALE BEGINNING MONDAY $13,006 CASH DOWN AS THE PART OF COHEN'S PURCHASE OF SILKS AND RIBBONS. $4,300 in Ribbons, and all the bal ance SILKS, SILKS, SILKS. Silks wherever you look. Silks made for the finest retail stores in America. Silks you have never seen before. Silks that ordinarily could not be re tailed for double Cohen's Hondays prices. Silks for now and all the year a-coming. BILKS TllltnM.II Till: MlllKHI OK M ? i B8SB1 i' i" ,v-' Blnrk Japan, s? Silk. B_tra wide, tho roughly reliable, 76c. value, mo rerj Bniah, for I ? yard. Bl.-.ek Bayadere Cord P< sort flnlah, one of th, ' ' effects, worth 82.26, foi ?.871 2 > 'l. Black taffeta 811k. wHl glv? aatisfactlon, ?plendld rl? ii luatrs, the ll kind, for 76c. > 2t)-inrh Silk Ron--? i Imperial, 1? ?If? ferent Btyl? - an "< le-'1 fro ? ,,i , r i:? . yard. Oulnnett? Black 27-H. wide Minia ture Beed Taff? u. I2-25 value, for $l..o u'new ?ii lana m Black Brocada B? bob- ; 1<,1( a deep Crow Black, worth Be, , for 88c. yard, ? Black It I'lzlmlr. cntlr? ly n n? w . rlalan Novelty SI very soil u 'i P? 'I ' ' ' - > '"' , Corded ..? ! ooior e,mil,in iti'in-, ?v. ry thread pure silk, for Be. j B inch Rich Poplin, foi " ? " tire dresses, In Gi V," * ,, c viol, t. and many oth? colors, an I quality, : yard; the ?.*J Q_i BirurABBiia bubibbbb is bilu SBBT. Tti, r t. no talk here of Tt-t-uning I f,,r aotblBf, or gtvlns Hats for nothing and trimming of them. This urn ?if tricky work is ! ft t'> tin- ever achemina mer fa Thi? alore !??is * i ? ?- lassest posslhlo Barloo f??r tho Bato, tho IrlaaaolaB lliciu, nml nii.? ,?r nil iiiaiirinlM. B> il treatment, bes! pri ' ' I low? b< prices, bul m? "gift .- Have '" r ' '"?"' boa . tad nu iii moi j oui of tl Child? n' Broad Bailors, satin braid for aft? rnoon w< ir, Nea ahap, in wim. and Pant? Sallora oc i,, n Tl.':; \- ^??1*"8-1 lw "*- " ' ?ta, ra ma? k. w bite, or < olor?, ['.i *i N. m Poppt? Blul? Ros? i and many nth, r pr? H!? si i- low< Rossa, in nil oolora, for 11 ei BBADl -M IJII DBB88BI t-'roui n W orl.l-Uno?? ? MiiKcr. lliin-, drol? on ?mtm for l'osl ??r Mille Hnl?. AU ??f 'l'Iii'i.i Men-'i .liloreil. The ((.riifcrt of Bl curity in fit alone is worth watktng mllea to ooass to Cohen's Add to this the advantage of one-third to one-half off th. ir usual lowest ralue pricea, and you ?will know th? net for coaatng quick. Sjn i.uiinv TAsXOB sins rnu ?."..i?-., of Herringbone Cheviot, in new aprlng abadas, By front or Maser, lined wlih Aus tri m sill.. i-.trii?is* Tailor Suits of Scotch Cnovlot, with Bobby-cut Jackets, for tSfO, lollies' Salta ,>r ah Wool Cheviot Mix (nr. -, in Blue, Brown, ? in eo, and ? Iray, new mil blaser i ick? t. lin, ,i ?\ ?th two-toned 1" ivj tu il!,.. ilk and new t?" pi? ? a akli t, , it R.H Esi T llor Buita of All-Wool M t? ,l Huttings, In light ;'..,* rri'.li'.im i Browi Cast? jackets, new circular skirt, would be chctp ?I to. Perfect Tailored Suits of Black and Navy Blue Cheviot, taffeta ?Ilk-lined Jack? ts. with welted .-in. h? d and doubl? -i>;in< iie,i Bkirt, bul ton rai tenlnss, for B.85; s full ?2 Hlgh-Orade Ladlea1 Tailor Bulta of Im? ported \'. i , tlan Cloth, slngl? , .1. tlght-flttlns lack? IS taff? I up to the top not? h of ?trie, for lid..-it?; ordinarily t_ i Strictly Man-Tailored Suits of All-Wool Iron-Twisted Scotch Hen ngbouc ?'hi vio: tight-fitting, slngle-m ?>r My-:i mi m? k< ; -ilk-Mn. .1 throuKh out. for 126; can'l be matched fur less than Jtn-Bilk-Lined Suit.? of Black i: Tweed, with new dip-front lacket and c|ust? r roa for $!?' ? ? Bilk Broeaded TaBeta ??in*, n uese or? ?me ?portal *-.)?** . Strictly Tailor-M ido M .; . r Hrllllan? tit.,- Hkirts, with laj.I stitched, a perfect ?hlrt-ws!si skirt, for ?875. Thoroughly Tallor-Miule Skins of All Wool H itilK UlMlell StOI " ! I p, rcaline llnmg, for - Of *i Handsome All-Wool Chevlol Skirts, with mohair braid tind button trim ming, now pooel ? ''. for B..v? for All-Wo il ' - roka .. button, liiop. un?! plpln?, very ?well, a full $io skirt. Mswly-tfeotaned Skirts ol Rich l?irk h Plaid?, ! veo stylish, for I Handsomely-desisnctl skirts of Black Imported Camol's-Hali Cheviot, with liral'lcil Bid? r ? inns. bs,60. This ?klrt i an"! I up for 1 KK"M 10 Til ! Kew '1, ilgned ? 'In \ > ? -m Skin?. In every eon? nd - >' . for 75c, i A lot of Sie?? Percale Wrappers, MBe, 1?. **? unen, ?i??-el ?I BOe. i-iii'l'. j i M i...- \\ .; ; ' ' I i lieh M.l llS ill I ball ? mbroid? ry trimm? i, foi HI) > , B*st Per? ?' Wl ippers, with tlgh? in ner llnlni* deep flounces, embroidery trimi for ll. <- n..., .i.l.. U..IIW? i: ,... ,,? , r Tl, ^l Tur? SUb Kai-Ka: WsA Bilk, U BSaB? tlful coloi Ins -, ! r Mc. yard. B-lnoh Natural Japanese Silk, nil pure silk and a quality thai usually sells for SOc, f ir 17 l-?c. yard. 1 lot oi extra good quallt] Embroidered i i i . . . ( hin?. BOfl and crinkly, th? D? west silk for whol.atum? a, ?Si:?-* the usual price, for Mc yard. This season's most effective styles In i ncy Illuminated Satin-Fa? a TaSi - tallnea for M and Be. ) ?rd. Zl-lnch Black Due!? - pures! dye, i. bmIIow finish, an ? straordlnary $1 value, for ?v.?. a yard. An attractive - ? "' "?-men print? 'i w irp Foulardi - scellent " 1. for whol? ' ''' s ?rd. h Biack: i. ' ' <- ? !in'"' for 06c. yard; worth ?l.'_'.'.. . h Japanese Oause, the proper silk for the ni w-sl >"' 1 :"'(1 FROM ' 0 TO ll O'CLOCK A heavy All-Pur? Silk Rustling Taffeta, In m w< i two-toned effi i is, worth sjc, yard, I I ? * ? t FROM !' M 'i'' ' U O'CLOCK? j;i,., |. Brw td? or Ii -Gi ill ev< ry thread pur? silk, in n patten , worth Ote., for 42c yi rd. Ft, ., i, peri ,' fasl colors, with sqi foi BJO; ' n't be gotten up for less than 12.48. Better grades al S1.6&, %LK\ KM, B.48, snd J-i. N enelliin C?iv?Tt I)???? Chilli?. ?prias simiie-i. B i lachea ?vide, ln-sl SI.-.", ?mill i Me?, ?p.-iial ?:!?? . The much-wsnted Grays, In Cheviots, i, .m i aril heck Sultli from 60c. Io KM. Silk Finish Poplins, all the t.. w spi im.? ahadi a, foi rd. Frei ?h i. idli .-' t 'lot in, all wo il, ni< tall t etc. th? Ch? ?k and Plain Cbevlol Suitings, full i:-i wide, worth resulariy fl.28, Bpeclal , 50 '. a yard. All-Wool Fancy Mixture i, tl.n's ] new? -t ]' ' " rni. that ?ell everywh n for I. "in price l u d. Silk and Wool Novelty DroBH Mit. rials. i ;. we say ,",7 l-2c, th? -..,! d. ?j-h? Best KM i ?ths, in all the u. \>c-1 api Ing Bh idi foi 89 a j ird. Wool- end Sii1^ i; in a great vark ty ol col ?re, for is>. a TOf-l.OKTV BLA47K DBE88-OOOD8, AC tiN. 171? Fall PlaeWS frinn a I'nrcimi Coin ini.sioii Mrrcliiiiit. I repnn?. Crepe <!? Chine, iin.l g Ni-iirc ( at bars. Th? sh? 1res and . . Ith them. Th? t ay with s th? < I" : (aaporied Silk Crepaas, Neu, Baag? aonie Daalerasi <-i>?t 88.88, 11 Inch?? ?iii??, fur SI u jiiril. 44-Inch Pur? Mohair and Wool Fn nch cr. pop, in elegant new d< aigus, for $1.8 a yard, the regular MIS grade. All-Silk Taffeta Crepon, In ral i ri - versible designa, cost makei more than doub the amount to land, for I a yard. Ji .?- ', a yard for H mdi imi In rt? fj Bilk Cr?pons, in o rd i" land. FROM jo TO 10 1 WIDE DOUBLE-FOLD BROCADED JACQUARDS, REST AND MOST STYLISH DESIGNS. COST IMPORT ER lie A VARD TO LAND, I OR IS VARI ?. 44-Inch Pure Mohair and Wool Cr? pona In new i ,l(i' Instead of B.M s yard. At 75c. yard, M In - a ? . Whip ord gallne In Bmall : i ords, English Poplins, Fren h CI riot? and S' ed< d Gr< n idi i, a >ld un wan ..-nd. 4fi-in. h .. ?ll-Wo i XXX Oxford ad 111 id of Ii. IIP >M ll T( l U i ''ci.oi'K FINEST ORADE BLACK FRENCH BATISTE, c,( a?!? WIDTH AND AN EXCELLENT WEARER i i ?R -,. . \ VARI-: USUALLY EC A YARD. : All-V? o 'l I.aded B ll Bllk-flnlsh, lar* oi styles, for I ird sorti.ubli, es-incb All-Wo ?1 s. k-1 i c ,|,i M? d (I Brand Henrietta? : : for the usu ?i H.4? grade. Will? ix ubli '' 'id ,i... quard Bi ca li s, m all thi for .: ?. .i d, usually I I ard for All-Woo] i ?oubli -u I lib ilgni worth ?l a yard. \\ Ide Double Fold All Wool Fr? m h Serai I tas, Plain i : ed were M and Mtc. yard; chol e ot thi ? L'"'C yard. ll: >M 1:30 TO < O CU ? K Wide Double-Width 8Uk-Flnlshed Black H? nrlettn. fi t 16 2-5c. a yard, the usu il kind. -CLASP UXDBSaSBO KID GLOVBg, I line) SI in-Ill iiji?. nil Msen um.I cot??!?., laelaglag White, fur 08*?, it pair. t-clasp i'i - i Kid ??love-, colors and Black. Black and Self-Embroidered I...i kS, fSc. pair. l-clasp Real K.d Gloves, dressed all col?se; also 2-clasp French M cha .? ??I iVO? a full line, il pair. : da p Ri i'l Kid Gloves, dn color and Bise, Blsi k and i r?ior?Hl stitching?. 11.50 pair. -clasp v.-!; Fini Quality French 8 i i Glove*, fan v silk ?.etc!? 1 backs, all ?ISSS, $?..'?1 pair. lull? corroa b isb i .ihm? i n? ?lie? lire Bol?8 Hire. Hundred? or CBOSB ?i?- Hurried Throiiah llil? Mliire. Moni?iiy ?h?-y ??III he Ahiiornmll v CfcOatP for Large LOtO. line nruiliiill?'?., it?. Sheer n? a <<?l)??el>. lin ixl'ooi,-. Ben ll,-?iu>i?, ? mut ni B?8e. ta laapart, for .-, B-?>, Il ., Il ral. H? ivy Corded Pique Wolte, In new, .-t vii.- h, print? d eff 26c. quality, for i Embrorai red < ?rga ndi? a, 1 to Import, In Bora!, t solid ? ffects, lOc. a ysrd. tO-ln? I .' ,- Bl '"' 111 the 1 stylish printings, B.c., Inati id i?; 11 l ;iinl le, Apron Qlnghama, all size checks, for 2%c. Hill-El da of '-i B < Island P? all thla - f or VU FR? 'M - 15 T? ? :?:1.". BEST APRON OINOHAM8, ALL SIZE CHECKS, IN AN1 COLOR, PULL PIECES PERFECT GOODS, FOR i'e. a v m:i?. .1 Fn n? ii Organdi? a, In a earl? ty ,if Btripee and new colorings, for 14c. a yard. Solid-Colored Heavy Corded Pique Welts, Be, kind, niiii-on<i-, for Real Scotch Dimities, in Pretty Floral eff eel Fancy Woven Dress Buttings, th? i ?pring ata idea, - . . i. . . i yard. PR? m 10 T<> 10-30 4-1 FRUIT ' IF THE ?-' " HI BLE \< 'HED ?'?I'l'T? ?\. I'll.!. P1ECKS, PERFE? OOOl ?8, I'1 IR J '.. A fARD. Bros n ! r 1 i iy | i lc, ard. Knj-lisii Covert Cloths, i.t bicycling and 18 1 Organdi, ors and ?hades, Including Black, 18c quality, for '. U . i I Best Pe? ..i pi? i ea to ' ii. ic. a yard. Pique Welta, In new, Btyllab, printed -, a 18 ?-3C. quality, for ( . FltnM ll -.: ? TO i- ?>*? MM I? ? I-I I iihle:icli<-<l BbOOllaUg, I e r ? -I I ne ? lose Wo? en. Hound Threnil. lull r?en'!?, Postean! Qoads, f??r 5c, n yard. Woven Dr? ? I tnj light or dark ? Iteets, foi Fancy Striped 81 ti 'I'i. ki! Brown <'"if"n, "c. grade, t ?r I ?c Cotton, Bl? ach? d Cot E ! ! 20-yard I? Qgtha, al i Feather-Proof B dtl? king, in or Plain Btrij I lltll. Pancy Plaid anil Bti and dark ?Hie, l"> . qti 12-Inch Spring Suiting, In Gray and Tan Figur? , . illty, IM.' BROWN COTTON, A BPLEN DID FAMILY GRADE, FOR JfARD. hile t riiehet lie ilsprrndn. Full l?i,ol,I, -III-,l Bise, n Bltin n I" ? - tarer*? 91 Ballt, " l-S-p?ssus8 ? ?relght, l'or Tic. \ hita <'' " h' t Bedspi . . dou i ./., . Marsellli t designs, for 60 t. iiiillili -i'e .1 White < 'Hiele t Quill tra h? aj. i. c?o e wov? n I? I louble-Bed ? Yochi t Qullts, Mai i Qullts, ful! ilnui?l.-! ..j -i 11.48, nd 81.73 j-4 Ex? ? i- . Wnite M tra? HI? s designa, for i lis ?!?<? Hell?? It,Hin,! I'll relui llleiieh eil BbOOta, I..-IU inlei-,-,1 lleiul.? for I ?e. _7e. for Ihe l."?e. ?riule. ixSO i il? n ',- d Bh? ta well made, the "1 tei -, _' I? OttOB, L-Jc, in ' Bolster-? !bb? i, I the 65c. qu?l [andken hl? : i pi m In nun. d, full nu: um Mv im B8SBSS h n \<-?? Lcsoou Baa?hsy. \ F?e loi? IS lloiil'.llt lint nuil ({iie?-r Pri?es la the Dedaetloa. [etaH nk, Saratoga top, Iron bound and bottom, ? ' overed Ti unka, leath? r I and si i trimm? d, 14.50 for Hi -ll i 'I ray Trunks, hr.i | four klrl n ip i, ! al Inch, invaa-t fevered T? : opper rivets 8c. ra -Ti Immi d Bull ? fas? -. linen lined, I fi tor th? did s ile-Le ither Suit-? ii M.75 for th? ! ' ' ' I i ' >m, brass locks, for 82.78 each. ;- Balls <?f "Hiiiiui?'' ?Tatotlaas Mm ? ?in-.?. ein?i. ?veavea, B potrada ta ?h?- .?uni. .? remilur -?>< . Mnt- | Una, lor I le. n Miril. ! A stylet of .in an M it ting, i Inlaid ?slth !: d, Blu? Oreen ran color tchem? sort tyles ol Fan hecks or sti tea-J "f n Chi na atyl? - ?v. f ?r the '?l.He" |),lllr:-k. I'I I list? "i Of I?". V'hang" Linen-Warp, 180 ends, : ' pet? i rns, all c irp? t weav? -, Se for h la! IVK.VA DOOR MAT.-' FRINGED CNDS. FIVE PATTEB ?IS ivi mi ll' irth Rui i, riches n i, ?l.lii, in t< ml f ?1.7. Ilton ll srth Rugs, knotted fringe, . M il for T1 . i-yard Heavj Ingrain Druggets, Brus 'l deslsns, the ?.". Drugget for ' is rns i ?mee, t?, m ees .i :,.ii ,ie Igns, for aboul one third off? $ ' ;., were ?0 2\i 110.50 W'T" II.",. -\ .ii'ds. ?2.? wen ?1 pod Moreen Bfclr-te, MilTeii?-,! I'ln iri'H.i I 'louiiee. < <?rd?,l, ll, ?| %l.-?r, ni ne. for SSp, ok Italian Cloth skins, ?. eordsd rills, for M , Beta Silk skirts. Black, ?' ri-e, Tur i..!.-, . Boyal, und viol? t. ti ' I r? ?Vail? Cinlii-iililere?! < uriiiiii Mu? lin?. In ?put? anil ???her <le?ii?ii?, always IBB?Be.j saaafaJ, i :.-!? . Li' ? Stripe Muslil !> H IhSI . 1 I?. a wird Pretty Spring Cretonnes, in mixed colors for - yard. Best quality French Sateens, re?<iiiai Be. quality, : . : yard. Silkollm -. in t? a fan?', c,,',,,i s, foi :> 1 I'. \ i "I I kind. I'l? i :..l Nottingham kind, foi A Pn ttj Fish N? t Li, ? Cui tain, full :: 1-2 ?/arda long, t?; *i. Instead <?f $2. 5 pairs of Real Hand-Made Bru I'm tains, full |i ngth and width, t'?r .<;?. Inati "I : Extra wldi ( louch < ' stylisfa colors, for fa * Whin- Plane Waists, Daaalad llltoh?, ? ?i ink?-. Dataahed Callar, ?rarth ! >< .: Sp-Tflal, BOW. Ful Laundered Best Sea Island Per. cali Waists, worth 11.0. I r 71c Others, tacked shirt-bosom fronts, in th? b. -t style percales, foi 11 inda 'in? Braldi d v. ilal . In i il Pi hi p ntine braid, entirely new ciT. ct?, 84 :. Pn tty N? n Pe? ai Wa ! i . Silk Waists, In White, Bla? k, and ? ?I . . Hand tome Bl i?k and Colored Taff? ta Bllk Waists, In Blai k. VIoli t, and Ce ri.-?, corded and tucked fronts, and tor the : value i.n.ii.s' Bast?a i.?m n? m 88a. Only MO of II thi d y out Thi j bat ti Imm . n Ide Mi did 1 I . ! ! I.- > ! broidi ry trimmed; > our cho At 88a?? K dosen o?'?.:,.-, all of cambric, beauti fully styl s; high or . any of ti? m would be i ; 11.50; we Al ?it?.'.? Gowns ?f Lon ? .' C imbrlc, yoke of I.? and tuck V" or square n< k, wide nd i? ' k and aleevi , 69 2? d< ? 'ambi I um brella i iifll? ol l-'i erch t lace, Insei ii".i und edge; pair. Elaborately Lace-Trimmed Lawn Bklrt Chemise, round n, ?k. ribbon run, lace trimi e, |LE>. Al i ;>< .? lace-trimmed skirts, \'. Ith d?' p I ?raw? i - well madi mbrtc : utils. any : 18c. i sises, lo.'. l.r, lia runic, trimmed In embroidery, i et - .pali no duplii Full-Ti (mined Low-Ni k i ' l Fr? nch Coi l of flue, tl Naln FROM : ' T( 'i ..' ?CK LADIES' FULL-LENGTH MUSLIN SKIRTS, DEEP HEM AND TICKS ABOVE, F< ?R 14c, BACH. uiiii?- ?.ni?M-Mriped Jaeaaets, Seres Kaasra for Lesa rhaa IS i--c; Sin-eial. .1 ::-1?-. > nr?l. ked and P ripea and v. ilte India Linons, o : .., i ... yard; ur pica of s ird. 2,750 ) Pique \N ' Its; 4 India Linons; Extra-Wide Mai Pine Dim any In this loi i- India LlnonJ. coat usually 85c \ aid; our i I 2-yard-wIde Wh|te Fr? nch i 10c. grad i'i. - ?i.-h Long Cloth, Um finish, usual i grad. , .air . for a pi- ce "f i- yards Th? ii-i il b id? Long Cloths : Embrol : i tted 8a , *?*4c, yard, foi FR( ?\l '' 30 T< ? 10 ( fCU M i WHITE CHE? KED AND PLAID MUS LINS. GOOD 8c \ ALUE, F( ?R - .-'. YARD toa'? Fall Laundered Cnl.ircil Neuli a?a shin?, wiiii ?iiiimi-? in??? I iifTa. I'ri-llir?! lle?lKn? anil l??lnr Inii?. tor IBs. Knell. : rs, th? standard ti grada, f< r Me. pair (? Mi n's Frem h ? la make, i Ion L Men's ( lustom-M ide, Men's Full Cut Muslin Night R - 8llk-W< real SB valu? Men's Coll " "' > . Plt< ?M 9 'D i ' WHITE UNLAUNDKRED SHIRTS. EXTRA-LONG BOSOM, , R? i! M ' THRE \D MUSLIN, ci T 1 I'LL, PERI ECT FITTING AND Till: BEST ' SHIRT IN FtlCHM! ?ND. for 15?. ( s ri i undlng-ci d cufl tyl? i, B ' i .- ' ; Same Ii Dott? 'in- silk Wll woi tb f'T ... !. i 12 . 'i . - i: .. r. and Tan 8ox, 1 allk fin - i ?s ISc ! ill ? BLBCTBM \l SHOW BOW IE SKI.t. UB1BOS ?K iltl.K ?Ni? (|l IRTEB PRICES. ini'Ni Bcraarisad Betal-Priated ?nii?-n Llalaas, Hint com up i?> ."<?< . a !>iir?L for IV, n > aril? :..????? > nr.l? m In- ?old. Sxtra-Hea* y Bl i? k Caara - ? ilu? at lee., bare f?r 5 I? V teal Herrlnj I real ) ird. Ml > ?lors Bilk Linings lor 17? yard; j-"?'. quality. i -v Wal ?I Lin .. a ii; ii" . j ard, foi 10 . yard. imbrlc f< i .' 'c i ard. '. l-4c tirad?. I I Tuxedo Bkti t Stiffening, m - ture proof, for bottom skirts, yai d. \ ; . min I >ii ma m U sinn, pi it Trn> (lib?. frlaajtcd ?hi itri.uii.i. r,,r 7?-. ?-?n-ii. *un i.i:? .: . >m i pi? - itan - i J i \ J11, w .i 9 Itamped Pure Ij, . n Plate Doj draws work -d and fr.: . t i I . ? Laundry Bags, In all th? newest sii.ui?-. wIth cord and : i ? Appl qua Pillow Shams, full a l.M ou Uli i for ii pair. 000 ski Ins Em n d< rj w .sh Silk, la all colors, for i?-. skein. tamped Pieces, medium size. r..r le. < a, !l, Baoaoaodi Sarao Bottes i lile.: -perlai. Bo, Fneh. BIIVOS Blenched (iei-iiiiin l.lnen 'l'uhl DaniiisU. 5? laaoBoB Wide, Wort BSe.l BpOOlatf, ISc. Inril. B dosen Barnali y Linen Top hemstitched, all White or b aise i ten the nsui beat prie? the?, 26c. each. H? ivs i.i: . n Mu. kaback Tow? Is, hen m? d, yard long, lie, each, mat? id i H doa Linen Damask Towela, fancy border tl? 'i fi Ingi ?, for 12? Bleached Bath Tow? la, BxB In? has, : each ' i.i- Heavy Wat? r-Ab orb? nt Cotto Towels, :; . ? ach. 6 plec? i Germ in Lin? n i lama I . : .i I"; thl I Ball '- pi : I $1 l'ut.- Irish Unen Damasks, hcav sstlp Dnlsh, 85 . \.it'll. E ' dosen Fu ! Bl? n h? -i Fine Linen l ' iin.i-k hit .n. r Napkins, : usual hest prie? ?.50 dos? n; ap clal .n h. ?i ''i"*- n avy Ruaaia Crash Tow ?Hing, Me y nil. ?wn Twill? i i.i, ' n Towellli grade, ,i. Linen Huckaback Towelling extra-wld? and heavy, b? a! price 11 i 3 . wa aaj . al,I. Fringed Linen Traj ?'luths, pure White i" each. Fin? H< u. ?til h? i Plain Linen Buffet 8 arfa for Fane? Linen B ai yard. FR? 'M 9 TO I CLOCK HLEACHED HANI' TOWELS BOR? DERED AND FRINGED, I'm: | BACH. 1'rcll? DooIbO Bediel I ne. | lache? ?? Ida, for le. ? mil. Ol r i I. ill" i i, in ?ill wldtha ins? rl I ' . an ' ? up to ount? rpai 11 . i New ' ilgn \ nl te Lai e All-? y, nl. Polni Ren ila an? a All-? >y? i - ) ird. 11 t., match ai 18 to 68c, >ard. Bow-Knota, 18c l!l o k i -, 12 i-.' and up to Wide X? t-Top La ttl-tc. rard. Ft? doa i ird. Linen Tor? hon Pillow C ise La a, .: Inches a ird. I.miles' \-\,el., Miorl - Sli e? e, S|riiiiv-\\ ?>|e,i?i Feats, taped aad iTiieiici aeok, f<?r Te, e?eh, Ledlea' ?ght-Weigbt, s v. ! Mis? I, low n- ck, n< ..-, Rlbbi .1 v. . high long or a) ?^ i. Hlgh-N< k, i. i Rib? i Neck and Arm V? i. 12 l-2c t' : no betl I. ? Thr? "I. B Ik r ip? i. r ir. w hite, l i,-. ' ach. Extra Bis? B pochei . Chlldren'a Indi i ? ; iu?e, high n< i k, I bort si, e\ es, i Chlldren'a Nusar, th Ribbed Waists, ail i.n,lie?' -.??lid Blau !. Beassless B?s?ef iiimiiie heel? mu? Iocs, ' * pair. : Real ataco 1-1 s, at ? ll' 1-J_ Dslr. i.? i, k , r T n i fue i.i Drop- ? n, r r. ' nr j The be?! .:..-. Solid Black import? I Hose -. 111111,' lu re ?' !, pair. Import? .1 Bla? k ai l u hi' Polk D pair. k Rlb ill? .i un? t'U- L'". !. II '. \ Kll,I,.'I. tWO? lises 8 to 81-2. 3 pail I I l id of 121 r ilr. I lii nteiilile ?'?liireil TaBetO t'm luellii?. < it; ll l-rol 11 >>H, i, !??,?>? BtMO, for 1*1.111 eiieo. p.: ..k Twilled Silk Carols embrollas, for I ni?' a ,,m -, for lllk P , Bilk !' r- i - ,.- B Btl? ks and handl? ?, for Si 2". - Bilk i,?i<><? poiiiui? of ill-Hi) Writing !' ? per for V, pound. . '. Vellum T nted S Paper, waa 1 ; ka foi p? i Bnveloi ' ; H ?V ri I . a Bterltag Bllvee Paageata for 18e, ? neli. - ; t'U 17c, each. ful len :.;! ? 'unT i. na - old filled, oxldlz? ?'." . it- . ? :. . 75, .valu. ff Jars, ich. r r.-iii.h ill-Bill. Bat?a Bibb**?, la nil eoloi-?, hem? ,|tiullt'. for '-.'.'?<*. ? it i'i!. 4-ln? h Fa i ru:-.. Bilk ' " s H 3 l-.'-iie ii Pure s .k '. ois, all th.- ne? silk ie Itlng, Bl ' :. . ora, 10c, Inate id of 26c yard. I 1-2-ln? h All-Silk Ril na i.i all colors, for "" yard. 1-Inch ?. ' 1? yard. All-Bilk White Satin R - fur 1 - li, -Kr m a" < ??rwel. sateen ?tripped. Seel BBo. t>aoaot Un?????i; speelal BSe.l While. In nil BBBOO. 8.78 Tnorssoa'a "K" C r ? ll i-H'.i.k l". C, Corsets, French shai Bavudere material, pei feel | li.-.- and rihboti trimmed, for ?. I k res Murslna Corset, koog waist, -at,-, n stripped, tu<> ?Ida aids -teil excellen! value, foi ? M H n ... ii Corsetfl i . several styles of our H Coraets to t.. sold Monday tur 78c. . II ::. Chlldren'a Kn*l!*h Military Shout- ' .1. r- I,r .. .- In. Two Countries' Merchants, France and England, help to contribute to Monday's M o liveware Mrgain? day. The ?paintings of these novel p?*ice-picture > ,iro nothing less than an assurance of what Cohen's, well-organized energy does for the Richmond ?public, All things offered are perfect and in the best cog. dit ion, without the slightest blemish of any kind. i- o?- i .a i i in- in'ii.i i ..i i.j -' a i : ; !.; -. mill | roll dl upholstered, ha? v. j brake; < quals an) HO ! Custom? ' i I ' . at | Steel- u ' G C trta f< r {' l . At B t > in? ou lim? . . oi ll?? . ?f art Th. y Burpara othi i KO lack Brlstl? Brushi - think < h "111 I i rJati .'un I Btt i tchei a; ilrabl W'iil.,A Vl Harket Basl i v. - ?a iki 1' ?llshi l Back I'.i Is! i Fin? i""' Bristle Shi i:rush am. i Rolling PI i?. i Potato m ' I i I. in Rail B Ironing W tx, i . Clothes 1 Brick, -'?. Snow-Boy and Pafrbank's fJold-Dust I an. 10c. ! : ' ;. FR( >.\l ? 1 i- ri '.\i 12 r I nlshi Solid-? ? ik and Mahogany I i Hlgl id, for Parlor R ' and : Inlaid Mahi H Chali li ?mi I) ?I Ma hug : Ins!' i oak l'mbrella Stand-. i \\ . i . I \ . I kind ' i sort Bilkolii ' in hea w un lied, oak. and m I h worth P ? win;.??. Fill? d Ch Drops i?i" 14c i oui d und. : Cream A Italian i'i . 'in ( ' : and i Wrapi i'"' All?gre! ind. M I ( ' m, lc. pacl und. ind. R r*BOB t >lt:m H ?Ni IN BMOL ?ni?: GO Dim - lect fi 75 Tea Sets, containing 1 Rlchlj -Decorated DI I that i ; HO. worth Large Oj l r h. H I ?M)! ? FROM ? vim 11 % **. I IN I It ?N? Bl I I Ladles' Satin Staefc, with .'. plaits, .-, in ?\er> shade, far i- i-'_v.; ?i.r t, .1?.idle. A rl**dS K.Mr.ict, li> I inn | -, ., ?,,,. u i , Parts i ti ciuh, and \. :.t. ?. ... ! I ?tie Solid R.? k ll (B ( i ; i.. ! -1 . u . book? *.-. ake Ctrl ollc M i h f i? i bottl? . v. hit? i i ilold I>i v?,i, t Bab) i' u r for 11 In ?H ?o Bali : leys - \ loi? i Boap, highly i , kard'? Tar Soap, l!i rake: i-ou r.-. tillas <>f ragei Baaed n??????.. n><?. ralaa, fee . |?-fa*t. I'I:? Little Minis?.r D? "Mairi. ' I SO Handsom? Ciotb-Beend title?, ?mth Tac ?a h. tur :?.?.?ks ut ll i I it?, and -'".. . fully a third under pi inter?' , i,si. i [ce-Croa m ' Lin -- FROM 1 > 11 ? Il v FROM il TO Bl I OX 'I Plata ll Jai : 11. | , ! , , i .-I l. ,ed Thln-1 loa i. 'l'un. I : . ?. | till ? I I Frull " FROM I ' : P?, 1''. I !. I ' I -"Oc. 11 \ i : 4C. i I I his! y p " - ll * : I aises, 1 , ? ' : 11 ' I ?. ' ' ,. ... ' ' ' 108 paira lldi -? nmi,?. %? ? i.1 he rbeap " -.-. . pair. i... 10?. pale, ? ' ' I for 8c. ' i ? i, Bed iiiitir,??., Cat tea i"?, goad fsraoi ii<-_, i??r !>*?.- .,,. i. Illte I it hit- Knam - for ( iu, k ..n,I ( ' wilh I > it, kins. 1er . THE COHEN Ca I THE COHEN CO, I THE COHEN CO. I THE COHEN CO. I THE COHEN CO?! THE COHEN CO. | f HE COHEN CO