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4 . _ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, APRIL 2. 1899. ,_.. ______ THEIUCHMOND DISPATCH BY THE DIBPATCa COMPANY. The DAILY DISPATCH Is de!lvere<3 to aubecrlbera st 11 FT Y ? I'NTS pei month, payable to the carrier weekly or monthly. Mailed at Si per annum, paya ble In advance; 63 ior six months; Il H for three montha; co cents for one month. Price per copy, 3 cents. Tho WEEKLY DISPATCH Iswed and mailed in two part? at $1 per annum. The BUNDAT D1BPATCU as BJB P*r annum, or 75 centa for lix months. Subscriptions in all cases payable in advanoe. and no paper continued ait, r the expiration of the time paid f"r- 8cnd post-office money order. ch??ek. or r tered letter. Currency a< nt by niall will aw eut the riek of the eender. iubi Wlsnlna their post-offlco changed most arlve their okl as well as their new post utflce. Sample copie? free. ADVnit'i'ISING KATES. HALF INCH OR LESS. 1 time.. 2 Um' a. I time?. 6 tlrms. 13 tin,, ?. -I B . 1 N . l I . 2 70 . I 'Jo 1 month.?}2 6 month?".a [' Bealn?MC Warns. ** Wanted situation, poyibtc m nd vanee CS wards or MOB. Above rates are for "every day" or Id eertlser,? titi running OonlWIUtlri b/. Beading notices In raiding PJlttag typ*. live Bnea or koa, B; ha oijarpoiiel, lead ed, five lines OS less, Ti re |tl C<wd of rateo lot more space furnished on application. All letters and telegram? mUOl he ad dressed to TUB DiKi'AK'H COMPANY. Rejectol communications will not be re turned. _^^ ? All tettem recommending candidates for office must be paid for to Insure tin I. publication. Th'a is a long-Otandltlg rule of ours. Resolutions of P . t to BOOeeMOd membcus pooled bf societies, corpora tions, associations, or other orgonhm* tlona. will be charged for as advertising matter._ DP-TOWN O?'!''-' K, I'.I'.OAD-PTr.riKT PHARMACY. Bl BBSafT HKOA? 9TBEBT. MAMCHEBTER 07FICB, Bfl HULL BTREET. Bl'NDAY.APRIL- 2, ISO!). i hi: \\ r.cui.v PR BOB. The indi, n? a ol I ' week- ) Virginia, In i waya ha I pateed by the 1 BBd It 1 : ' BOW tina:,' fot i bo. n\ a hive non r wlthhi Id fi them thla cheerful acknowledgment of theli And it la with pleaaure'we Bad that a great aaajority of thoee that have eapreee? d thi mo? Iveo as to the Mey oonfi ' Wl do not know that we can claim thai the ity of tha with ui but alnly the majority of the weekly pa* i an. Tho editor of a da up his mind quickly and write hurl He must (leal With questions as th, j and new cooo "p"p" up continually. ii" do, a not h iva the I com pi.-itoui thai i i ; i r of the v can nearly alW) ind. More: The .latter'.s offlce hi the readln room of the town, aad th hie frl bors- th loo ver, the doctor) tl the asxstneee-man, and th man?tat:,, r to examino big i und dlscu .... of the i J If he be a wide awake man, and uauaUy he la, partloularly where polltli raed, in- gathera much Information from Ida viel tore He may I rery public for hit b n? ..i if be will but encourage ins ; talk. And id deba! s n for three or four ?laya bel he le re QUln d to pul i n to pap? 11 B what an Bateau m. in the.? BOOfa be impi.e.-tsrable in the ? I daily newspaper, whei from tha vhf r-in-eiii.ii doom to the ''devil," is "on a rush," and v 1 into taj, for a oi king boors. Ba all 1 letvantaga I > . log in i : 'in r. 'i here le a diff? : i bi a, t io, In having a day und having B wi i k, m ... 1 ' to think a thin I- n in hand. AU t i ii u nd Una opportunltiea to iafoi m bun golf by com] ai Ing b i i t a with those of man) liny. 11. ... > r? I) upon his Judgm II ' |e opll or do not wan: I i ?im. nt of the VtSgtl from him, \. know not where to io,,k for It And, aa we ha\ itlfy? ing now to And thai mo : of tl pap, t.. tally dispon i i m I th May confer? n<,. ^ ' s; are lud from th? m hive long been oonvlnced of that i1 Demo crats of Virginia, In overwh? i bers, favor the Id? by direct vote oi the people, and t,n thai la done, deal] a to make d >ml i b"in- DO] lilar method. B/e learn, tpo, thai th? attcndince bore on May llth will be large! It is to i I .tu- I that the rallro : , this Btate will mak i rateo for travel to and from this cob! Ih0| have blthi con Vent n : The dignity and importance of this movement, and the nun who wish to - i llth proximo, will justify th- i ?-i making the usual reductions In tatlvs Bom pr?sent from all i " the state, but this cannot be expect? ! Ul o? trove! bi PBAJMB) M thi: mu h \>. The New Votk Independent, Ing the recent convention between Gr? it liiiUtln and Kiauec, ddlniiii, their n Uve frontiers end : i in i-s of influence in the leudan, says that while the ap ttflc statements have not yet I : elved. Ui general it appeara that t h<- entire pro vine? of Bahr-el-Ohazul remains In llsh hands, t? rether with tha entire val ley of the Nile, iv pro vince of Kanem, north of Kike Tchad, and Wad'i, and controla tha i tlon north toward Tripoli. Dartur be longs to England, being added on to th BjBhr-el-Qhaxal, and apparent!) K Is ??so included in the Kmgliafa sphere. In order to meet the needs of French com UMice equality of comm . ?lent Is agcreed to from Lake Tchad to the Mile, but Jui-i exactly what U m t thin term is not wry clearly stat? J. The Fit mil uie to have COniBaerclS] nations, hot erbether the** co?unxuoal atatlons ?f enc-lavis ..r not Is not fVaoce thus secures1 continuai the In dependent, an eimrmot?? territory, but RltgleM gains what ehe hits claimed from the beginning as her ?awn ?ph*re. :i.a!!y the entire M" li an COaaf and the Min!? Hand, wllh ;i, ?xi i Sea of Meeeeee and Bgypt "nd copiroln very nearly the whole of Wert Atiba north ?.r the Ctauga eanepi the eeeasaratlvely saaatl Brtttah provinces of it. ifitory, the Cold Coaati nnd Hj , , ;., . r c.rman provinces of Kiiii'tiin and Tognland, Liberia, nnd fultugneea Qutnea Hhe can go ni arly r.,t>o nth from the Mediterranean and ;:.- | i ; i i ; i I seal from the Atlantic with out stepping off her own territory. The deal note*, moreover, that the nr rangemeat appears to meet with the most . d approval on ?very bmi, both In Parla ai : I i Umdoa The New York Tri bune, in an attarde on th?; outlook for abroad, al 0 toia les on the eon m. Lord Salisbury and M. Camben, -ays the Tribune, pot together and .ni' d apon a gi i i ,1 ti- at y for the sat* tkaneafi of the conflicting claims of tbe two countries m the Soudan and Sihata, il ? : they thai each of in., two Battens is chuckling ovr the bargain it has made. All the :-.iiii". Greet Britain got much tin.' letter Of the bargain. Most of ibe n territory acquired by Prance is Inhabited by Mohammedans of the mo-t fanatical nnd blood-tbiraty typa Mat there la hardly aweotloa that it win be . years before Prance win be able to any tnun*eaatoa upon them and opeo Bp the country to trade, tttdoad, from nil accounts ?>f tbe chars ter o? ?'S m W Sondan. waids, It would sa in that the onfjr hope of dvUhung them h' i ; " itk "benevolenl as? .'a,n," auch as Mr. McKinley has , in the rniiippim a, and which :..;.- commended by mir two Mew York contempoi i: New York cl!y is to undergo another Lexo? the Journal pjctureequely puts it, "Platt win Investigate Tammany h. h rula Why? B i i - Richard . r has signified to the organisation ne tilla i in the Assembly that the Astoria Heat, Light, and Power grab bill is t tie' public Interests, and the bill Senator Platt'S son. Prank Platt, Is the 'legislativa attorney* for the grab, n- would receive If the bin be une law. Governor Roose velt Intends, if posstbM, tO be tie- i- \: liuato for Pn .-hi' ?it. A probing Of Tammany Hall at this time, provided plenty of noise wer? m nie, would Impetus to h.s aspirations; it would bim. An Investigation pi I frauda, notorious as they were, arc , d i i a th? oppot Its effect, I the fraud - wer? perpetrated under Bi pub? . m -ti, too? the i ina el Seaator the hi ad of a company that has bonded tb< airaotoi s, and v.. re iprci d to i ' tore to the j im. ions tie y hav? stolen from it through tbe consent of Republican Is, t.'"- bonding company would be ruined. Governor Roosevelt promised to hunt down th? robbers of the people?tbe. canal pl?nderen eg soon us he was elected. J?" has not made a move in that ion. Instead, he intends to In* Tammany Hall nyethoda The threat is being laughed at la New York- and at Albany, and it is predicted that the In . arill either be a lizzie or will m ver be begun, it can readily bi iiiu' d und! r some pretext when it Is seen apltal is to oouM of it." ;i. bi w Lexovrera say they will ?it all summer, if necei ry, and they will hav? tv.o bii' lawyers to ln-lp th in. || iit, DO doubt, as long as they seem to be m I "l for the R< publi can patty ?a general and Roosevelt In particular, bul not a day longer. Platt and T.diiy seem to have concluded to harmonise to this extent, at least, _ Edward Wise, who baa basa sentenced to d< atfa In N< W York for the d murder of Charles E. Baaaley last No rember, declared at th? huit moment of ; that another man committed the il.- said be was willing to t tor I he i ike of b compan? Ion, bul that having reached a point d atb confronted bias, he arould use man no longer. Ha gay? the une to the pouce, and th" I itt t ire looking fot the imlivi lual, ' they refusa to divulge the name. Wise made a long Mat' na Dt t" thl I I Attorney, il" ?s R years old, and comes in Co.-ton. Hi la well educ it< ; and an athli ta 11 l?verai com] nt to New York from Boston to witn fight at tbe Lenox Athletic Club, He 1 nul b C nil" strand, d. !! lys he fell In r ith I' id < "ini'.i y. Bi \ . sand i. d In Thii . . un t. w . il-- made no d? liai of bavlng Bti u k Baa l< y. He Onally idmltt? d that he was pn m nt at th" sami . but claims that another man, dgberto unmentioned, did the sandbag hen on trial be pul In no defence hi ! would only be ound guilty of ma . Th< poll? eiiu to plai e seme reliance In bis story. Dr. Kennedy, the Mew Fork dentist ibarged with th? murd? r of "Dolljr" Bay* ">iii- In the Grand Hot< i bun August, has "? ti fourni guilty and sentenced to be 'electrocuted" during the weak beginning day :-d. Th? verdict in the ease fell like i bomb, it la said, In the camp of the swyers who defended Kennedy. "One nemberof the firm.'1 the story continues, i at the failure of th? estlmony t" prove an aUM that ha did i..t appear at bis office the following day, Ted, Houm , the leading counsel of tb - waa i rd? with rage when he h? ird he verdict The lawyers really expected t based upon tbe stt. Dgth f the slleged alibi. Tiny hardly Imped or an acquittal, but they could not be leve that twelve nun would agree 6a a erdlrt oi murder ?u the first degree on h? ?'vid. i a il ?nted." Many rumors Ol ?ted as to alleged brib ry of . the jurors, but there dues not asm te have been any ground for these aporta People generally seem to have sen of the opinion that the jury would . The ??mi vvha h .i. fended Kea edy had not lost hope of saving tb. doc through m new trial and of socurlag a ll V.t'ii t ill til" ,l|d. Profesor Addlsoa Hogue, ?if Washlng 'ii and Lee UnlVOTdty, llnds that new tnshlp and Its rtrnarquenoee are .liar to modern tlmea n?.* sends iis tO the Nation: Th? following passage from laokrgtes >.- Pace, section l-'l ii not inappropriate daj I : i am surprised thai the older men no mger raineasher, and that the younger us have not in .mi from anybody, that e never yet saffered any ?vii from ,oi wiiiK those who advised us to maintain v . . i,, ?anea of those who t*hU) ?a i recklessly) <'.se war hi ive i.efoie now found ourselves involved and SeVlOUfl disasters. And the Nation very appropriately puts e contribution under tha caption of I'he Greek foe 'Jingo.' "' . i ih th ai le, da m al eu fio ?li Kl ou j th "V di pa a i N. !.. ail ALC.EtttS? A?D B'KI?LEYI**. The New York Herald's Washington correspondent says that the President Is heartily tired of Alger; that the letter's absence on a Cuban Junket at a time when affair? In ?he Philippines are In a critical condition Is not bettering his chances of remaining In the Cabln*t. and that there are many person? who bell, ve that the Jinket will end Alger's career as Secretary of War. In short, the correspondent, while not committing himself In a positive predic tion that Alger is doomed to go, as he did some weeks back, F.aja, In effect, that unless Alger resigns McKinley will make the Secretary's Cuban Junket the occasion for his dismissal. And In giving tho rea sons for the f.-rlth that Is In him. the correspondent declares, among Oth * things, that for the I'n sldent to hold 00 to Al^er much longer BOW that his malad ministration has loen brought out in such atrong light, would be ecjorvalent t i a sceptlng the responsibility for Alger's at tions and orooM justify the denomi nation Of AJgOpg nnthod? as Melvlnieylsm rather than as Alg'Tism. That the Preetdent is heartily tired of Alger there can be 00 CJOOStiOB. Dut , the matter of dismissing lorn, we rather Imagine that Is with the corres pondent a caso of tho wish's I father to the thought. President McKin ley cannot dismiss Alger, and Alger knows It. AlgST has a ring In the I'n si dent's BOM, and big virtually boasted of the fact in his public utterances. Alger's opt n, arrogant, and unblushing defiance of public opinion ahowa that be has no of shame. The President recog nizes that were he to dismiss AlgSC the latter might, in his \ -, "make a dean breast of if?a. revenga which, t<> any the least, would, there is reason to conclude, greatly widen the circle of the scandal growing out of our war with Bpaio, Again, there is nothing to . the BUggOl ttOfl of dismissal in the de claration that failure to pel rid of Alger would be equivalent to th- Prestdent'a accepting the responsibility f"r bid B tiry'a actions, a-nd would Justify the de nomination of Alger's methods as McKln leylsm, rath.-r than Algerians. The I mass of thlnkii nit Americana already placed tho reopormlhtUty for < notions on the shoulders of the President, McKinley, in th* matt? r i ' the management of the War Deportment, \ rtom and McKinleylam, aie. to the mlndi of this eisen, aa much Interchsnge gble t.rms as Hannalsm and Mc Klnleylsm ar* in tin.' matter of poli ties. From this viewpoint it WOtlld do McKinley no *,",o,i now to onloed the nan Alger, If he could; f- r Alg? ti-m would ?till cling to him. And. aller all, ecu -houid he unload Alger, what would it profit the publie? His War Department eould still remain an Augean staid" that iBly a i > ne i itlc Her? ol? ; can i l?anse. Tin: it \Hi:-it \i.i. BBABOW. T!i* base-ball crank win aoon be with ia again, and even now bia voice la heard n tie land. Jusi how much be win have o gay a litt!?- later on we cannot predict, hough we i' ' ail the fact that hist y? v. '- completely "squelched" by the aide alarms of war, and foUBd but little cope lor hi- VOCOl pc'^crH. it in.'iy be that he coming saison win afford fine oppor? unities for his bangs, but there i vie. maintain that It will take BOVOri] iimmeis t. -hatter' d Btrength. [he base-ball f< v. r is an Intermll tei t pi.!, niie v. he hi - : nno s?mil), r ind fllckera the Beat, Thin- is no prog Itlng i?. To-day the names of the B "ti every lip; o-morrow they are created w?ii cold con . rupt. Bv? u th.- arises! would not trader Bhe to predlcl their soccessea or Ihelr And ' OUI nnd coun .-r attractions, the nations] rame at ail an..-, has some Bxed adherents who are althfUl tO the 1-l.aeh.tles and tu the nlckerbock? red athletes. These ; ; i? pntly ferocioua ritloena are in truth a -alai, hearty clam who believe in plenty f sunshine and fresh air. To th-in the M with torn? ery pleasant environments. They rea 'id not unwisely -we think, that a Ot summer afternoon O innot be more t tl me op? n pork, .le re . ' 'tit and ; Richmond, m tlmea guie by, ins fur contlngent who patron o d the national game, and though the row,is fi n , :r ? i t y? ir, the ni insgemcut re hopeful or better tint,:;.- f >r tb* fu it.. Indeed, Mr. Welle is preparing to iirnlsh th? I I for : lontha, and will aim to give reellen! exhibitions Our club will again - iu tie- A' Il Btll ! . !. 1 uno very strong teams, though it sp ears that no otler city ol' |b? ? >I.I Do linlon will have a voice iu thi.-- organisa en. it is to i,. regrett? d that the "Blue will .-lam? alone i , entatlve luthern athl? t? . \\a trust they win ao uit ti, iWy. And further ?ore, w? \' nnu.- th,- hope that they win ear themselvea with dignity and grace a tin- diamond and abstain from f.-io loua BSSBUlta on th.- umpire or others lio Oil' ;',| th' III. Tear after year o an promised better havior on the part of tin- play. is. but un' how \i ry lew of tin aa promises ive materl iltai d. w a d i not n fer to IT own players, but to tie- ''pud. .-Hon" K' neroL it would aoem to tin- anlnl ated thai ba e-ball players might con at tbemselves with blows at the borsc IdO, but .a; s taught us other Ise. Too oit. n an improper, or a. close, ' ision metamorphoaea the lusty alb? tea into an aggregation of iuftenny Its, who f.ill upon one another with vlo nt purpose an,l create \, ry bad impr.s oris. Don'! l't's have any such doings lis year; let's gjtva and take, and always . on the hjrpotheoia that the um re is a man who would rather be right tan President. There ha vu been such apireo, While our esteemed frleod of the Rich- i ".u i Dispatch is engaged in a crusade talnsi th" evlla of tba mail aervice in .- Suite, he sbOOld turn his attention to ? condition "t affaira m Klchraohd. We e reliably informed thai mail which aves pet? rsburg at 10:8 A. m. is not ; at many CentlSl points in Rich- I ond until v.ry late in the aftetnoon. or i nun ilark. He should not expend all his | .rny on the foreign Bateatoa work, but i a little missionary boatneaa at homo i', t. raborg Index-App? aL Ml right We hereby call Postmaster I BtghfS att. ntioi? to the complaint of r contemporary, and request him to p.dite Um doirrory of the Petersburg | .id, if possible ind now we are told that there Is no- 1 Ing new in wireless 11ileajTBghy; that er twenty-live years ago Dr. Lewis, a , ntlst of Washington, applied for a t t.nt lor certain devices to operate auch ' -> st.m. Sj .lohn Boyd Blot informs tho j w York Herold? He also says that wls's devices were, in many respects, j nllur to those of Piarc?n!, who has convinced the world of the utility and success of his Invention. Memory's Lessoa. ? "By. by, Baby, by!" Sings the mother to her daughter When, like anchored craft on water Stirred by breezes fitfully, Kncka In dainty cradle nigh. Motherhood's most prcoloue guerdon, Blinking at the tuneful burden? "By, by, Baby, by!" , / "By, by. Baby, by!" Mem'ry with the words is laden When the baby, Krown a maiden, ,i Doth unto the tradesman's hie, / And, perhaps, unconsciously - Musing of the? song's creation, Gives It this Interpretation? "Buy, buy, liaby. In.v." .--?a? Didn't Know Which. Mr. Malomy always shaved himself, and, Ilko many other practitioners of this home Industry. he m ver committed the act without at least j- opaVdhUOg his per sonal gppeerears On the morning of the late St. Patrick's day Maloney's Mend -sy called lo take him to tho parade, ami entered Just as Maleaey had finished the tonsorlal BCt and turned his i.e. toward tho door to greet his friend. As the face turned full upon him, Hen nessj exclaimed! "Calx, Maloney! la It ahavin' ye've be'n, or ownly commlttin' suicide?" Knew W lint Tliey *?Vore \oi. a eoaj aeeJef had eeeeeiea te ?all ?n One of his customers and found him alft mg ashtS With business instlnci he ln gulred: "Well, my friend, what kind of ashes are you ?fitting BOW .'" T ? ant say exactly what kind they are," was the reply, "but I know they are not the ashes of the |ust.M A 'li-iiiid. i -atnndlng. ,, : of < ouree, Mi -. Bungle, t can not pre? rib" for you without tir t know ing rom. thing of your mode ?if living. As to diet, for Instance; first tell me the usual regtanea at your house. Mrs. But...- Regtaent? W<I1, there hain't finite- as many as that In the family, but I reckon than nfgb onto thirty on us. Senalble to the Last. Plaaber: That foresight with which we have always credited BlaSST didn't desert him nt the 1 ist. DumMetoa: How was that? Flasher: Why, wh.-n the doctor told him his end was n.-ar be fid bis wife to send for a Sre-lnsurance ageat. In Honor of Ilia I i rit lnirn. You must have been having a great time at your house last night; when I paased there it waa Illuminated from basement to attic, v- a We were having an Inauguration, bawl. A laseky Delay. BellOWSi TOU don't mean to tell mii that Biker survived that terrible accident o i y ! F.Mows: Yes; you see. trir? doctor didn't arrive till two hours after it occurred. There'? the Hub. I've been studying some r?f?ren?ai about this Alaskan gold find, and I sec that you can go to the Klondike for JiiOO. That's all right bU| the troublo is, that >' n are not sure of K?'ttin?i it. Committed Himself. Talk about ?trange namesl r was in troduced te-day to a party by the name Of Soap. That naturally seemed strange to you, a Rotative lalereaaa. "How do you know that man's a fence?'' aald the pe p dn to the detecttva "By bis gait," was the quiet response. - *??? Punctilious p. opio who sneer at tho Idea of having to sal a j k of dirt in a life time seen to forget that we literally live on earth. Tho Wies tier naturally feels that he |e monarch of ail he survey? when he sits on the thrown. It is | universal ObaervatlOB at theatres When the curtain takes a drop ccr tala male patrons go and do Ukewlsa C? funny, but the good standins- of a hotel depends much upon how it Is run. Wbacka m itchei encounters. Llternr> \?li-i. Mr. Hamlin Garland, the author of "Main-Travelled Load.-," bag finished new Bovi i. Its titb- ha i not yol beca an? : itne of tho books of the coining season Will be a "History of South America Prom its Discovery to th?? Present Time." "Idylls of the S- II the title of a new book Which is comintr out In London. II is a volume of matin.? sketches, by P. T. Bullen, author of "The Cruise of th Cachalot." An old fri. nd of Kipling's says that the latt.r, as a child, show, d unusual ability ai.d aptitude for learning, and scorned all pb*drthinga that were ooessBonplace toys; but any sort of instructive puzzle or game that required thought and intel ligence appeal? d to him at one*, and with ha found endless pleasure and pas time. If he still retain, these ? hara.'t'T Istica the Hood of so-called "poems" that is deluging the press, celebrating his con -, will stand a mighty poor chance of bang perused by him, as their authors doubtless fondly hope they will be. lather Bewden, an BngUah priest, who is said to be a cousin of the poet Swin burne's, has written a book on "The Religion of Bhakeapeare," which is about to be published in London. We soaped that hny work on the subject will, like the various pictorial r pi ? m iititlons of Christ, be very apt to refieot the religious bias of th? ?rriter, is the patnttrig? do the nationality of tb? ailists. The Hivernai" Pit M will Issue a little volume of "newly?gathered and hereto? foi ?forgotten" versea by Bdward Row? land Sill, under the tit!*-, "llermiooe and 1 : 1'oems." Mr. Sill has. thori fore, i a peculiar illstimdon. 11 i ti." Bret poet ever known to have for? pott? n any of his own. Not only ?1.? posts not fori,'? t th-ir own productions, the] lon't lot anybody elso forget them if they all help It. The Scientific Publishing Company, of New York, announces "Prospecting, Lo cating, and Valuing Min -s." by R, H. Rreteh, B. M , an engineer of long eg? >crien??\ It Is ?aid. Mr. Wateten Churchill has about com doted th* long novel upon which ho has teen, engaged for the last tare reara ;ts title is "Richard Carv. 1," and it Is add te be a mmh mora serious effort I. m was his first novel, "Celebrity." The ution passes between the i avala r colony if Maryland, with It? stately country it.-, ami thu London of Horace Walpolc , at Georgs Selwyn. who, with Lord Car Isle, are character? In the book. iioughtou, Mlfflln & Co. aro issuing a new story, by Miss Frances Courtenay Baylor. It Is called "The Ladder of Fortune," and Is a atory of the West, of a rich man and an ambitious woman. The animosity borne by the Dispatch's wlelder of the blue pencil is such that he "kills" the "widow of the late" de parted whenever he meets her, and that fact explains why the point of one of the paragraphs of the last Instalment of these *hotcs" was also "killed." The April No. of "Scrlbner's" contains tho opening chapters of Mr. Qulller Couch's new novel, "Tim Ship of Stars." Judging by the title, we conclude that it is one of thoso "ships that puss In the night." L. C. Page & Co. will publish a "Ameri can I'niverslty .Serbs." the first vdutn of which will be on "Tale?Her Campus, Class-Rooms, and Athletlos," by Walter Camp and Lewis S. Welch. The bOOB will have sixty full-pae..- illustrations. M. ssrs. H. S. Stoin- .in.- Bringing out Mrs. BortOU Harrison's. collection "? Stories, entitled. "The t'are.-ilinl Km rald." and the late Maria I,. Pool's "Ba 1 'n' Bush?s.'' It Is said that the Pope recently !-. ! of Kipling, and after gaming fuller in formation about him. s. nt to lyindon for a eopy of "Barrack-Room Ballsds." we should like to know his II. ?mess's opinion of thai book, If he reads Kngli^h. Kip ling ruver "let hlasself ! ms? ' to the aame .-Mint anywhere else, so far as we know. The new "Authors' Catalogue," which has Peen BBBOOnced for BOOM time by Mesare. Houghton, MUBIn t? ?',>., is very marly ready for publication. It will be much more than a mere catalogue, and musl tike its piece aim .st as s hand-book of Information on many phases of Aimrl ean literature. election of Senators by the People. ?Th- Leshuig Mirror.) The call recently Issued from Richmond for a meeting to be held in that city on May llth next, f,,r the purpose of taking steps looking to the election of United stai..: aenitora by direct vote ,,r tin- po p?", is likely to have an important Influ ence upon politice] affairs in thla Btate The call ?s signed by upwards of Jifty ni'n able, popular, an,! influential with ti,.- people and in the Democratic party? and cannot fail to have weicht. Th.- only w.iv tiiat the election of senators b) rots of the people could be s-. tired WOOld be by an amendment to the Constitution of the United St ite-, to get which would Veipuire an set of COngresg and the en dorsement of t ho legislatures ,,f tWO chlrds of th.- states. This wooM take < great deal of time, and would be a" with much trouble ,n,l delay. It Is prob able, therefore, that what will !>, at tempted to i,e done will be to aecu adoption by the Democratic patty in the Btate Of soni" form of primais- ,' ie.- which tiie people may express their choice for United Bl ator, and tint then the L?gislature shall carry out tho will of th i p. ople by formally i i.'iir Un. candi'! i!" so chosen. Tin.- senthn? nt for the ,1. ctlon of Unlti d i Btatea senators t,-,- rote of the people, di- ? reel - or ?iiiiii'i ctly, !.. one that has p.-, ;l growing st. adily for some years peat, and ?t la atroBger to-dsy, not in Virginia 'lone, but in the country at large, than it has ever been. The ofi ?r? , at? d Iran thai only a man of great wealth cm get a seat in the United Btat? from many of tho S: it- s. He dubbil the bod) "a mllllonair? -' clul." .' had their effect in creating this . ment Then the delays, deadlo? as unseemly manipulations and wire-pulling. to say nothing of the actual scai that occur aimo-' every bob eon when moro than mi.- or tw> l?gislatures under? tak.i the election "t" s rs, have had. tremendous Influence in the same direc tion. In Illustration of what We allude t" '-m be cited the futile ami scandalous proceedings in th.- h gislatures of fornla, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and W< st Virginia during the past winter. Tie- frequent recurrence of auch things aa tlie>.- bave deveUwed and strengthen ed th.- feeling that these elections should ho placed where tiny win be promptly rind fairly carried out, Where "deedlocks" lasting for months will not be known, ami wh-re the Influ? ?: . : i.icy i in not be SO 1" adily applied. Su f;u . V, glad to know. Virginia baa ; i BC* ; which have disgraced the torta] electlona in many B I the tear of what, may happen i- atrong, and imp. u action now rather than to wait until die evil has been done, ti.ust,un of electing senators bj the tin-,, is as old as th-.- government Itself, and it is tin- that it ted l',-l the ndoi ment 6f th.- foundera of the re publie, it was then the simplest way ( choosing them; and s.-ems t.j ba but if the method h being abuaed, if it is bringing corruption Into h ich placee, and Jobbery and chicanery ore taking the place of honest and straightforward deal ing in these matters, then th.- method, time-honored, and h< try with it i.--, should i,-- changed, and that right Illy. Halted Btatea lonntaro, (Fairfax n : iM.) Bomethlng of a political i apruog on Baturday ! : -'. a beo aa address i. siga? d iiy titi\-two ? ll-knonn n of tin- State "n ludli from th. e in w hi, h was rj ed at length tin question of the selection u( United Btat E I rs by "du- | vote of ii,.- people, and until that result ?^ ac omplishe I tl n of party s nato i la I ' andida tea b) lome i opul u m> To those who ai- t.. au h a, an Invitation is extended t., . bi.- in the city of RI hmond on Thi the iitn ,!., of May, for th.- purpose of adopting sut h n. - may H thought best to i tom?te Un- plan outlined above. ti We know- nothing as to when, where or by w hum th: - I '"d, el but from the cbaraet? r and ability "f the ' ,? Hob la likely to grow m Importance until the convention assem bl? ^ In Ki hmond in May, a i they will utilise the Intervening (ime im- oi Ing tii.-ir upon the i ople No i,tii.r method of .! i ng i states Benatora can b adopted without hanging the Constitution which provides that they shall be elect? d i"- 'ie- Btal Legislatures. Much cao t..- said (and le ,.,[ ? ii i, , ,. id? i able for? e in the ad ir?es referred to? in behalf of so chang? ng tin- Constitution sa to eled the United states Senators by a. direct vote of the ?ople. As tiie Richmond meeting, a? lording to tin- ?-an, h t,. t,.n,| l of mch people ror a < n un Uno if policy, we ii.i presume that its action s expei ted to bave any binding efts? t ?pon th-- party, but i11 Intended rather as .,. itive of action to be taken by th Rate Committee In the matter of calling i convention to conalder the whole a n -- ion. Should BOeh B ' 'invention i" called, i "red-hot tun." may be expo ted, from BO mountains to the - a. between the uivoeates of the BOW and the cid plan of loosing aeaatcre. A (?Ullll \ilille??. (Roanoka Tim? i No one who t- ida carefully the < ill ent out for the convention In May can loiibt tho sincerity of those who sub scribed their nam'S to It. it is ruin; r> nnslve without, bel?g voluminous; ritl al without being uhJUSI or unfair. No mo is arraigue,!; no eharga is made fur In r than that which the Ann p?o? le bave sein with their own eyes I ral of our neighbor Btatea thai the prao nt plan of electing United s ors id both unsatlafactory and danger us. Iilereii?eil ?lulrr Area. (?,'ap.- i i. tries Light.? Since last fall the Bombes of additional ,i. a of pleated oysters on our outs op ! leo acres, Prior to that time nit tin) aeree arare taken op for planting Now are hive in the neighboi Mod of IjBf aereo, Old Northampton niU ontrlbute BOT share to th.- State revenue rom the ovst.-r Industry, and ehe BBOUld uve pottoe prot'iiioii. which w- ar,- ?op. nient our Board of Fisheries will supply t the earlb a! i IbPj BBOBBI nt. Vliy Are (?rovr't ?Jultiliie Liver IMII? BOftOSJ Than Other Liver 1'llUf rtecausn they are the only l!\-er pills ontalnlng the tools and stimulating pro eitles of qulniuc. That U all. Price, lu nd IS cents. , - 1 'd' II Bl II, Ii, !'l t?' th e,| 111 III !h ! I " t br i ep \ - tl? tu pu i Ui M! Itch! Itch Instantly Relieved and Speedily Cured by The ib hint? and burning I Buffered ?n ray feel an i fijaos f a three years were terrible. At ught they a re worse and* i 1er pin ITTHIVr* thenighl lia. i I I V-illlNtJ Of? | | ,1' . ,.? o;-. ;.- , , LliVIliS. " *or" ' * v u: ' v' ** ^,"t * ,o* of tli. m| ' i "i I sen u-in^. I found them of so mara. . inds th it I < ' I , Cincinnati nos| ital before I would get relief, i !i 11 fn |u ntl. I l > try < I I !< I l: \ kl MEDIhcS, but 1 In I no fa f prevailed npon me to try them. Pn I il W it . ! I am i find it 11 a pennant nt 1 feel like kickin : Nome do? i n 01 m;,?- it for Budec? iiu? three years when I could'have used CI II' l KA i m Sept il, i il ftiN'KINS. Mkkiielwro, K?. Speedy Cure Treatment ' Bathetkeaifrd?dpart?wHk lwkwateramdCDTICUB I 80 IPi *cteamm tho skin tiint aeolpo/ crmti and agates, and so/len the thick tied i Dry; without hard rubbing, andapp?*/ CUTICDRA Ointment ftid$, ta allay itching, irritation and inflammation, and eoofAe atad Mal, and] lastif laJbs ernenn RESOLVENT t > eoai and rdeattee the Wood, sweet and nhoteaosse ti I i : : ther it hing, bum! I Bj - skin, s,-dp, and blood, and points to i i| >l ?uia when all othei md e n th b t physicians fail Th? *i.:_-; or SOAP, 25?; OTOT1IRNT, 50c, nd RESOLVENT a? mav be had of all cliemisjs, dm ! throughout t!i?-world Send for "How to I : ?< l-Bonota," lue, of the Sole Props., POTT] R QKUG & < :i? M. CORP., Boston? .M-us. The Paaala*a n Ight. . .. Ana.; nti. i D i the | I :. . IOV. ill" mud on the 11th oj iij puri i s sidy be i ' ' The Bfiterpi i a. r.-on d- ' I.ii d, "I ho i. ir a. and Utah have finally adjourned i t i... ' 11 electing a ?enat< lently ,: ' tin ?r repres? ntation In c i least two I' It likely u. . h. | .n ' tlon ? ma improba 'Tie the peopl? 'a right, imgnd the 11 tivir nators fa ined by fifi i ?I,. t?tti ho ar,- prominent In the ;., and wi that i? name of oua gallant ; on. John P. Rrxi Call for < oiiMiilioii. An aWi address has ? ' Im h thi . trila ..ill..; - for a iventlon of the part Rlchmond on the Utfa e purpo.f ado] : the i nil ; e dll'ect Vote Of tl S'o mor? the atti ntlon of i D R rater of allowing the peo;'-' a Vi .? Selection . : : ol I '. mo? i old M V! r le i n a anting a i -. will te sad raoat heartily to I i.iii.n, . . a of mi 1BUI V\ lier,-'..' lb? a people the great bulwark or A\ 111 BtSfka tl r.'iiiilnr ?bord. fBaffelk Hamid.) ; : : I ' :il"i'rats t Hiebt.. choosing I - ?r? bv . ... waa llbei ally signi I b nt and r. pi from , i v ^ ction ol i i ' Btal . eat will Btrlk? a lord with n ntlngent la Virginia. eih,,,,?s an i an) other State 1 , ; . : Vf isted the r r traGits ? I ?lu warn i 'ff A VK/?ABM ((JVtPOlM). ? t t A OoBta?BS DO i|iliii,i.-- | t fi safe and positive cure I B g M : i i : : i I . \? r ,i:,.l A ; i:? (T f all its ' irms, suck as Inte V mitteilt, I ?uiiili, i:< niif. ,,t / _* Bilious Fevers; !' riodit ? a 11, adaclie; Pains in the Bad * \ Side, of Limbs, and ail Dya *? ^ peptic bi 'I Hepatic I Ksoi - ?J C der i originating from Lilian I tli an uents in inalarial / J districts; .ils<* as it tonic f f ? itreugthenin r and invigo i re rating tlin -. stem. I n This prt par ilion is of i ' t )i ii.-l\ \. tabh .if'ii?', j??r / / f, and bannlessj, sod I #* is 11 i i_r 11 ? \ recommended *m i di i. i ?i .i for warding off # ^ Chill 1 ae\ e L Prie* 10c. for 50c, gize nt j J TRAGLE MEDICINE C0,'S, ? J 811 East Broad Street ) I # I'lll I I IM ?J I R| II II IM, ' il v ::I -\\ \ ; ap ; C IfOHHKS, Ml M>. .'. l ??it ?\i l ' JOHr * an : s .... I .. ' _ i ?nt -\i i:. THOROUGH Ml KD SAH MAItY ?" i '.mi .-t 1' Hiiin Btud-lt. ik) w ncc. It I- Cl.A.