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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 189?. Three Distinct Types of Spring Millinery. FLATNESS OF EFFECT iv. i>bcoratio\k in DAira fami io.v.h it j:\i.m. THE LINE AND COMPOSITION. Velvet Triniiuliiun for I.nip Hlemen? A Hlttlton ItMIl tf| Neiv lliiml UerclileU? \un'? Veiling With l-?<c Inaertiuu?Xotea. , (Corroepondi n * of I h.) i NK\v TORK April : 1 at Um larga storei tb< left n.e In a Und. [ thought I 1 i tba beauty of 1 -wns, but it ae< ma thai i'.. ihlon bad t uri ii been gtudylng !i< r verj faithfully. About theaa 'i i ha: I e.-k > .m t Juii- op In your nilnd'a aya a fal a* a tuede glove, and arltli aomethli aucie glovi nd, naoi eover, not a don? a tl or bottle-gr* na, but like th' row . ' i Ilka1 a i lo oa a summer's day, or iik?- tht fi f of springtime, or the aoft ?ray of the pearl, or the flout.'y ' lilac tree. Never was- <-i>>i)j bo < I lie tore, ?o Joyous and gay; and then th? pretty whims In aelf-colored effects that i i.not quite describa to you really d' mand to b?. I For mataace, on? pale-blue cloth frock wo? ambrol. In Identical pah blue, thick silk thread, and tlnj litt!'- p loth, cut to resembla the outlines of bowers ft'iil Laavaa, and laid with tas* ad/?? s on th- cloth, v. t another i clcili K iwn I 'lai- al ! >..- a over In a wtalmi leal fa: bl< n .\ I b atrip* of the : l?k cloth of iho ; iwn, It was ?lrn; Ij ft with pink ' irai, rh s m i a for decorat;, .n I mean tl face artthoul f'.i ii ' i ,i feature of th< : pun. ?it. ?s i thlnb i have told you b p/arii no end of palna to gat their lad dyed to th? exai t shade of the cloth <n which it is to go. Ona ' \ ntni . n l sa ar I; it of a mysi tona, and had a of ! h ;'. th-' exact tono Ik of the dress. An evening cloak at the i ame pi i id tn< rustatlons of la< . Id? ntl ii with blsci! t 1 the silk. 1 think iv i up ;o ^_ this flatness of effect in the decorativo! the "hugeet roses, quite'without leaves or element is that Just now everything must be subservient to aUbooetta Line und <. mjiosltlon of line are tho dominating Uoarerar, I am getting positively pro found; let me hie b." k to u few more de tails of my cloth froeka. Most of them had lar? neokbOttda that Is, the neckband was covered with lace. From three to five row.? of narrow black ribbon velvet deco rated th? majority of these, ?nd the ef fort was certainly a very happy one. A tti of the narrow veiv? f auOOld rover lio i islfiiliiK In the neckband at th. back, I hope the following suggestion will h? lp BQJBM Of my readers out. Any lit;ht ci'th gown with auipure on Malf-se-lnce j yoke and trimming? can be brought up to | tho very extreme of style by having the ace taken off and dyed the exact shude of the BJOWB. A fray cloth-gown, remarkable for Its atmplicity, differed altogether from th"..e Jual ' -. ribi d, but aras lu?y as charming. The hiKh collar is covered with tucked Cblffi .' bands are carried 'round ?. and roaa the front. There It i little veal Batching tkt collar, of < ?i.ft' n. and inalde thlt It t low oat of silver, which retppcart at : the h Bf ib -ve:?, failing orar Iba band. Tre bodice fastens sideways, arltk three bucklet, and tnt .?-kin la tr??^ front, tl ' by a rounded . which hooka ai oar aida, ?a nn : i.- i last Bkad as the .. but is oorei i v,i;h boriaon tally tUtcbed la;, o of t, darker tone of cloth. A ??rear element of smartness Is shown h' a Ci a n cloth ?-blut ; i aril b i i" . - ' siit' in:.?, t/i. Jacket opening with a ron? <>t butions alnf at the side. Navy blue still remains greatly la favor for tho.-.. who feel ?lu- light colon to be ': and t ran aai h tone of cloth : t and I" diet alike, trimmed with a bias band ol black sa,in. stitched Into soil., uva- or six deep cordlnga The fckirt is cut with a tunk) tnat forms a point in the fi 'n*, and tavern! pointa at ' ;". anotbei dark bine, made with a i brO id white satin land. :-t Otl it Is trimii). <i with a n. 11 on fai ... s .i t of frini ? re, arhich formt derloaa on the b k and front of ?ii" bodkx and aklrt, and lleta. The treat noT< Ity In this is ti." long, p Intad revert in the front, v.l.;. from th? jucket ni" ' " uta pi Inti. 1 . g n i r''d arlth a hire : atln and guipure A ebarnsing little ag with any open bo a i lut and white t inci nnnd? f, with a ?n . n boni r, t?. d i a fi ont) and having i b gh odiar. Hera It t dream of an evanlng fown, mea from Paris. The bodies and tht 'unie art ol white ( nl< ni ? with apraya of v..iy faintly-tinted plnl in an tonea, aUghtly bleared 'round the tunle; worked into it i .. .i ap white silk fringe, plain ami un v.iiiki'-d; this is rounded Up tht front, ; : i ovei another satin underskirt, the fronl '( which It eovarad with bouil? m ' di il ."" ' i. p.i?bint, ? . i. bleb i. di iped v. ?unce of Ken iin> ! : ich and of tba flounce - from alther tidt Of 'he front breadth, and then at tue wahrt forn thai tht extra fi:lne-s Ida, Tin- bodh a, which petite, - ht at the a n marrellou - i : i of c f ind itloi 'in. Alo i 1 red in m tal tbi ..ut i < mi a ? :... sway pie? a - with t row of - . smai; -id one of LACE BL0US1 \.i\. ! odB beautify a few of the new ? ind t \ .' d 's ohoaaa with regard to color. String guipare looks charming on tl. -th tin- deepeat fancy \ nd, and tarial i of 11 again around rm and the walet The flat, round rlth a j< wel may icast. if ?t Is becoming, and will ' . h wall, t.. '. in the hair, pi tnti d tome? where above, the left ear. By tht way No. 1?White spky straw, fancifully pinched and draped with white and green mousseline de soie, and booobcfl of wild rosea. >"o. 'J- Toqod ol laaef I'arrun ?straw. Aroond the hrini is draped a dainty creaui-colored lace veil with mlloped edge ; Ls in tied at tho Lack and tho end9 fall ov? r tl F>t in I" tweeii loops an.i en-Is of bino velvet. ^bbbbbj So. 8?Tbia delidona tpring bal ol in?- straw has tue bi im covered with Mown roses and the crown hidden l>cneath folds ol fOff oplortd velvet. The .same velvet if aged for Uafl ?11 in the uuder-hhtn at one side. In front a j heagant it !?>'u '" which ai 1 1 : ii 1 .. 'in in this 1 flouncea, or Inatead "f braids and way, or right on tht ov of ti..- head, I for deaigna upon coal uni I for trim without so much as a bud rearing II aa-l mlng Uu adgt of neckllet and atocka. ' creat But tba full view oY tht Thi rarp narrow ribbons bavt threads should b'^ aten freni tht front; it' running ulong ont edge, or through tht Is only 1 matter of piling tht hair up a, upon whlcb they art fathered. prettily that will secure this. ? This saves a fraat deal of tima and en Hera is : omt of my read ble to fulfil for them : rident thai tht ambroid muslin collars our ftandntotbera uaed to treaaure, and work for them aelvea, with sucb patient caro, will b? worn this summer on the light clotb 1 tumps. I saw ont on a gown at oni of tht three b makers in New York, and have ooneeQuentty routed out - ti.ild apa Imi... 1 bar?. and bai patched them f r renovation. Tbaat nol m : alwayt nada foi neck meaaurei than wt na ntfWi the half or whole inch of the neck thus left ex] In thont days will be filb-d up by the tilk, satin. or niu-'in of -i tiny k flpUTO, and above thai 1 olla* b .- 1 will rise. : WITH LACE tHBBU TK-.V. .. uamade rob '*-;'' lyed at b many of wool aitb : pa dally lovi Ing?the old-l real 1 ?rt, with tba 1 Inch 1 whil len d In wavy ?ii. and an ambroid? 1 y flnlabi d tba edgi a, Tht b ' portion was foi kirt and bodice. The lower skin was plain. A color ; w. i.t with ich robe pattern, ahowtnf how to make it up. A RIBBON SKA.-' IN. sures exactness In the | The wide < tho favorite", art US . : I I - . ' I t. larft bow in front, i long - it. Pometlm - tba bow i--- oanltttd, and th" hbon ciasp . .1 together by a Caney bro The polka-ii'.t la atan on ribbont na ?my as tha silk and oigandie, while other.-, th<- very hamlsomest, are In l ro en a satin background, with raised \ ' Ivi t ib wtr-. Tht d< di :.s an Loult xi\-.. and XV. Taffeta t*11 larefl and a half inches wide, whlcb ped. Inside are aggufadta em broidery affecta In many new patl 1 Otbi : i ;'!" '1 . dfi s witii in -ii a Id? . mbrol lei Inaide. 1 lalaty lim 0 bandberchlefa havo scalloped edgea with u in tpring colora; others still bavt narrow hema and tba corners .. In sprinf Severa The cro cua, tulip and forget-iiK-not are n. Am?mg ;bt pura nbitt in'.-i lloped edgea on plain b< me, 1 1 whlcb la add? d put on quite full by hand, inside tba hem ?j a pal tern In embroidery. ( intim.-I Travel. (London Daily Telegraph.) Travel rt by the Dover and 1 [channel route m ist be fatting a A Stylish Miss. Elegant tired of th- lr 1 merly It used t veritabbj temp? s. rtouely derai aei vice, but now 1 : ! in our w sthi r repoi l "a n ordei to hnd out In : 1 "oni mor ganlaing and di ' u Ing the traffl X)lo who do BOl ml may yet ObJ< Ct I I'owns to roll abou; I noun, until it ?s th 1 to ti mpt to make tht bai i ?r? ind among them who have .- mentt may Bti ; wan made tba 1 . t the t( : In : - port- ne? ended her a u at b 1 .. -tour bou due. Nor have tht rl knowing thai thfir suffi Il Of '-1!" U It la not our teaa b il which the c ipt if,.j id. It IS ' win b with . . tl "worka" o? tht admli for Ii Impi hoc authoi vicinity of the ment "?1 ta .he watet ' v.. remark Imm?diat? ' I to bei with the great i th? rlgl ' teiIng of a 1 llot steamer t-. : mi^'lu be r on tl a on. ? -?> I I?. I 1 .-ii>.. .1 Nur .. It la much the i 1 I or 1 1 th* - i lata si,,,,,?. So rno^^^H^^^Haa^BBB^liS t. 1 a? - fro, An Easter Bride. 1 lock of mousseline de laine and tafft ta for young girl, from 10 to 12. Tba . ikirt, cut ,n tine.- biantlthg it trimmed ?it;i Iwo floonoea ed^el with leo a il I three town of insertion. Xhn traite baa aber.b? of tho mooaiaUne dn lain?, nod it triiomed v,ith lace aito. tUbboa lath au-l shoulder koota Iho tucked goiftp? and sleeves are of tu?i-ta. SO ! llS in^rtSIU???!!: \TOC:ul d,W ;t'' piD,k r"se8' an? 1,avin" a lVeP PotoCi of white surah with tucks and white L * o i>,V i #' 1 VO"vr "f rus' (,,,lo,l> ' M,rul1 wi,n hi trinrnin?. fc0, tmm^ThA?S! tttfftta' a,aUT,,, gTCe?' aQd White' ??uam?at?d witb r??^t of muuve taffeta and two ed also in print? 1 flttlfnt. mo.-tly bUft urred, and ar<r v. rj bt-autit'ul. Tbaat last are used on guwns as a sort of al - breviated hulero, pa.-sinu aronad th? wabM Just undi-r the arma, brought up to the bust, and knotted there, the ends falllnK sometimes to the knee. A m use of buby velvet ribbon Is to m w un one side of it lace halY un in h wide, then weave it into a lutti , with inch-wide divisions to form a t a contrasting color. One d >n, in apple Kri-en velvet and black iae?-, over white silk, is delightful. lOaJff HANDKERfHIEFS. Among new handkerchiefs are some *ry beautiful silk ones, with colored twenty-Eve yearn; it is nu i?.-bs so at ?ver est?mate tht part that trained nursii'K bat 1 in it. Tiie medical di br. iiKht int.. general ase during thai lima demanded m their application to practice irvicea ol the trained nurse, who. by Hkilk-.i training, joined with natural aptitude for ministrations of the Btck i?? m, bat become an Indispensable aid to the physician. In the hospital training and administration of today, medical and surgical scienca hud? th?- bl?htet iilus and the trained nurse Is essential , Lmmiiii^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ to both. ?own of cream-colored'"' ina crian_ J,hl; ir!,r:,' f*** ,,f !,"l,! '.''t-rment in ' and h very full Mow. A ! at bald id emarn Mttu oruamenta the 1 otlom ol whuii progress can easily bo measured ?kirt TIi?I,,b'..i.,k .1 1 . ? ? by contrast with a stets of things com . 'r L,l,r ol ' '? ?aovaftd Of verv widk drap4 t ceinture ol paratl\ ra rnt. Trained nuratng la now BatlD. knotted ut tin- -i1 1 ?>ko iiu.J alatrat of ailk, covered with fc'111 ^"rafaed ?eo^e^JSTta^.^ SHB?PS0 ' "'^ ^^ ^ ?* ** '^ b?UHUCt* ?U ^ ^^