Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOM N?MBBB, M.W'.',_ RICHMOND. VA.. SATURDAY. AP1UL 8. 1899. "1?HBEB jOENTS PEK COTY. nun I i ihe \t si Fa* Quarter of h Yoik, TH.RTEEiV PfflSOB PERISH, ! i or Less Injured, One ol A horn May Die. OP IN? i:\im 1RISM. b| i n ? ?-?t tunteii, anr? ,,,, prase la ?Ba ?\itin?ut Das I ,,,, ,i,l.,l Ion ?I'ro; it-, a ??f I IllliK-a Y lt.l|>l?l. ' . the I ' id twelve ' lo i WALLA? i: t. Al 1 .' JOHN. N s fork - ' IHN, BBOd I -, I ' ANNIE NEARY, , . LOUGH LIN, ag? '.; dl,?] ' THE INJURED. I, and one b ta the . ais tin I ?hock. ' R8T i ICE, S iM the coi I ttiali t?? the spot and ' i ; tried to Ol III?' waa di I ven buch b) th? i: my 1 hllds, in tl No I, h? - en! In an ii- RESCUE. ' try to sain i .\ - hou door, mpl through I . ' I! . her. Th? y t?? gel m th" rear rooms ?>f Ihe 1 : inios! ilckly tak? . Bl i i \ RXACE. i n The with "ii. .m ire n? rc< i\. Like B high I? a ni B like The llalli? s I shot Int h ,'. more, i flre, in Hi- : a i ? on the roo! Bt John, the only ,rl . t out of th? . WOMEN JUMP. remen could r il -? ?J* oui With all th. Ii cried to the a ora? n women w? nd fell aim , . The oth? m th? : ,' of h? i ,i,i then, a1- the Idtng, HOME TAKES PIRE v, an It < ight in s cur .. the t??? in wsa abl?se. v. Il tit tO !.. .:.. foi . : .. i ia!. i ?f the ra '.?. fourth Boor to 1 in Int aims m- n and Area ., ? opie ? h?? w? re si . i ?, Sixty? [toll? em? n ktm k . -, to ? ?cape, |ump ' i ol the r.,iit!h floor ?n, fi . ?hu h ti.?'. ?.? ilnn was ' ' Bred to lump The y . to wall, b ?. . n llcklna n 1 .: " ; i d, aa irouod, ba . i" ..i I' ll. r?, al b< i Tl . m l'a iil<< at ? la; th? '] landed on th.- root nt g bow window mm story below, iin.i larj th re Runaed. thrili-in?; rescue. rV>ll?*smen Loula c. WagMr, Mtelaarap, and liiitmim Baa ths woraaa'a petti and runnini Into the bous? ai rie. :?. ?real to iba fourth Boor, Pfagnsr was held by "'" ! B . le a thrilling rsaea? of fraatlc woman. The Bremen tO COI title the tile ?n 'hi? ?,?, : the third mu? fourth floors. The body "i Msrp LataahlaB aras found al the fool stairs leading to the ro ?f. ? ,;! I o*ele? k u bad -= -. i m - erar the Are to peraril a h of the Andrea found the bodlei ?,f the two reaaUnlna Bt, John . ??I the bo II? i of a ihougbi te i-- the lare i i?f"h .. ., Dowamf. BODIES BETONO RECOONITION. Ai ' ' ?ck th.- flresten foutul Mr. i urn? -i of th" lega wr? ml Ina U waa not i - till? <i lit? r in t.?. ,) i? by the fllllnga In the t? th. At :'. a"dot k the workera In th? found a i- ... : ' . iti-r by a I that ??f Mi .. the . Ths '! "f I >' " Rua i found t.? have th.-ir ba Mr. Andn i ng In tu. . ']?. ,ii: . i i -1 w? i i?? n?" ; dl? bei I m? lhr<-at-, ami was clii-mls.? : i latter, ? ? t o properI ? t s.'. '"". and i ) MR ST. ?JOHN AT THE 0 'ENE. Mr. st. .lohn arrived in I k this aftei er I he P? nni 11 Hs went st ? home, i?? i ' .m moned t?. New Pork, and when be aaw nd waa told of th?- !. ' iiis wife ntni three children, he bor? p a infully, though it pparsnl that h? bad t<? 11 ' . ill tO 'I" It. I! i-, e\|,. ct ? ?i ti Mi Bl J h will I ik? the I hil'll? n, an?l th..-?- of Mr. and Mis. Andrews, to vPllloughby, ??., t?? ni a ros ment. i ' ' i: \i. s'V'i? vv. LATER.?John v. Logan, who haa ' ?I an atu,', in, nts l,?r : he v ' . said to a ','' y held Sun?! n. They will I?.- j t 1 \-:i t . The l dl? - will : - in VV.?law n. .11?.I I.Y <?. v. BMITB A ? ??.. IT-A3ITA, PAIL. Their TroabJe \11r11.n?.-? i,. Pallare ?>f vi.i, a Brewster, ATI. INT \. ?; A . tprtl 7 Judl man to-day appointed T. I?. Meador re Smith a Co., ' of tin linn til. ?1 a petition In courl to-day to bave them ad? and Judge N< wman at the ied an oi the plaint lira to give bond In the - i bllltle? of i thai - a ?I y verj m arly t:. 'I he lirn? Is said to 1 I by th.- failure of Mo? r. The Iwo fli m? h i I Ibe time of their failure Moody <? a. Smith 111 ? ,.11111. I Yl , il. 9mit ft Co. I ?ate,i t>? the ??(h? r big failure, which ;'n.- busin? -s world :- ,?f \ ".?i - been r? ly in i t "i i ilialers, ?mil '??tn,'. ?;.,iii|- a larg? oughoul ''.. Southern States Iti manufacturing utslde of the ? ipon It. Mr. i?. A. Smith declined to a .i of '!.. tit m'a cond int. MABKfl l?> BE IB8TALLEO. perlai B-arvlcra ut Ihe Eagllsh l.o I hein I? 4 Iniieli lii-Miiirini. R< v. ? '. A. Mal h ?ngllsh Evangelical Lutheran church, ill l?" duly Install? ?J ;,t the mornln The charge t?> th,- pastor will i?- d?liv r?e by R? v. L. L Sin .? . presid? n- .if the Bo ird of M n?! tii? charas t,? the people by Re?, .i. . ?nt ?T the ?Southwest Virginia Bynod and :' the united synods, ?m Monday evening a reception will be nd -i"?l t?? Mr. Marks by the con on, under the aui plcei of the I Id Society and Ihe i'oung People's Lu The ?'"iiiuntt.. .?-i Invita ' mlauf, and Mr. i A ? ?im ! ? i IOSEB1 III hm:d. runt? Minn hoi? \Y I-'.?in l?l i ?Ii nien l nt Baaras aad Braad DaalraraB. About :: o'clo? k thia moi nlng tl ictlonery ??f Frank Monthoux, No. Ml treet, at Monroe, a ?Engine No, t responded with the utmost ni ?in! ea II? nt work, bul ?ni?! no! the stock being totally the i?uil,Um' gui ! ?? ?. Polli Blllrr m ti??- .ie(iei?o?i. Polk Mill? r a - I on hli Richmond by a v? i i of thi lei II,,i? I las! ght. The ? ton for ? benefit of Ihe Church i mint, id quite a large sum was realised. Mr. Mil tl m of hla II to Inspire him to itraordlnary Hi told many n? m al.- In his m In Im! 11 bl? waj. and bla aongs, , i on the ban |o, w< re ?finely . ami um, h appreciated Bastlag al Blshaaaad Braya, \ numb? i of ihi foi m? ? m< mb< ra of Regl? mti i Armoi i laat nlghl and dl . . . obsta? !? ted to be ih" pe? Blstenl i - I - , t!. :.? volunteered for the a ir ?\ ith - i I not da i i ?.nt n i?r i?r. laarraas'a s??n. ,. Bathurst, the little . .n, Ingram, of Manch? Bter, be? n ni for ^-?m.- ten days with I,, died tins morning al i : \. irs old an,i a bright little ? in ihiii i?? i" iv? men! Dr. Ingram ?l family *B1 have tbe aympatby of a .i-. Uaraaaa l-*Balallassai al < blaaaa, ;i \.,-?'i|...v. i'i:"V IN! B OP BHAN \, ; CHINA, A "Hi ' The ? '.? un.m ,...;.iai v fore? a blch w? nl to l i the f ' ' ' :i!l " - ?>' ' on a German patrol, haa r? turned , ird lb? G? un m ?nil-' ' Qeflon where " * msdr. || .? , ni y Tl-Cl - nu, ?<i?-?iii?-r Beats Basra, 'ENZANCE, ENGLAND, April 7 The w n?i Kl"A' i .mi.' ?J here jay ai,,i repoi Ii a? elna a Ihrei ma -i> ?i und? r si n o'clock this morn eleven miles n.uthwest of Seven ;,, | i n er? i iiiink ih?- ataassar wum ___ - ? To Cure i? ? ??lit In due Day .-A?- Laxative Bramo yuinine Tableta iggtsts i iun?J money if Ulis tu eure, reno?. ?tnuine bus L. Ii. Q. on each let. .. UVELISU? Ira Repeated Sheilings by unite Stales and British Warships* MAL?ETOA TANUS MADE Kill Kantz and tbe British Commander ?Dxtonsly Await Advices. I.LM-RIL BBBBMAB OIISTHI ?TtO\ f.erman Coinilor-Prnrlamatlnn t? I'roclmnn'l?in from Kants Led I? til Hi?? Trouble, ?III ?Inn 11 y?In tense? \nll-?.?-riiian leellng. APIA. SAMOA, March 21, via SAN PRANCISCO, April 7. There I lively tlntei la Baaaoa darlng ths past fea days. Ti,,- Drdtsd Btataa and Brltlst warshlpi bava sbsllsd ?Mataafa'a fores?. ! ; it? i.-.. and aali lpt1 te pr-.t'.t ptopotty, If Basai oui ?It? ?1 on bo! Ii Mallet,,a has l,e? n eroiAn?'! Kin?-;, A?f IB its ?v i . ooii?mitaler - ?'f Um Lrlti?h ships ?ir?' anxiously awaiting ad? - from their iiuv? runn-nt-,, and B |be i h? lllng proceeds dally. Whan Admiral Kant/, anlrsd, on the Philadelphia, be ipenl tw?? days in m.ik itix Inquir?as, and then called a ma "f ail th-- consula, and tbe senior officer? of ail th? bar. As ;i result ??? the n?. pro? Ismstle i ) -. the American adailral, *i? in? thai tin- BO-c illed pi", Is tonal | under Mataafa, could hare n?, legal i. r the i" i Ils treatj. and I - 111 1 DOl I"' r, ".? iil/.. ,1 l.y th? ;'.ar .'nul naval repn lentath . aad ordi quietly go t?? til-ir in.m? - and respect tbe II ",?. ?- further ?I thai the i ople ? ' lei fi in th. ii horn lb? powei ??f th? i?.i? ". it\ ?. would !" need t all win? disregarded tbe tIghi i people. 'i be authority of the Chi? f J upheld by tbe proclamation, and the Ad? ,i by aa) Ing ba toped l would b< 'i in pr?>? ! imatlon d l?j Admiral kanta This pro? and read t?< him by ITIag-Lleutenanl Miller. it v. r? d In all? nee and : waa m id? Ma! his chl? quietly lefl and wenl to rn p??i tien .'f the municipality, and n -. eme i aa If ' bej wen about to the command and return t?, their bomei ??l .MAN PROCLAMAI I? ?N. The '??im?n Conaul, however, ;- lued in the ?Sarao in Ian? . a hlch v. aa dlsti Ibuted anaona ?fana, the pro? lamatl : "Notice to all . tloa Of Ih. Potted siat..-. ,h,i"?l March Utb, it \s.?. known thai th three i onaula ? ( th? Powei : I he Bert?i ti well as tbe three c?"*mman?lers?of men r, had been unsnlmoua t,? no n. i h pro! :-i !,., ; governm? nt, i snd the thirteen i, i mske known to you thai proclamation la ??nit?- false. I, the ?l ? '.?UMll-l I- Ill ral, , "titl'llle t'l re ? ognlse the pro*? I lor il got i nmenl of Samoa, and shall do so until I nave r< : * ontrai j na from mj lov? : nment. ?I? "l:? - ? ; ri ,i-?;?'ii"! al. "Apia, Mar h 13, IBS " HATAAPAN8 BTABT 1I??STI 1.1 'III :.? ' The Immediate r< bbII "i this a? t i thai the rebels turned i?a? k and prepared d< elating thai they *>\'?'.;i?i no! ?bey the Admiral'? order, and would pre? into Samoa for the Mall? toa n itlvi**. The ; lay Apia waa surround? ?i i liai - m th. Pbllad? ; ind P nd? r Lieutenant? Brown \ w? i" landed, to proteel the ? ?a Tu? .-?lay. Mataal hat ng failed t?? ?appear, Lieutenant Mlllei nl to d?lirer an ultimatum. H< . ..- allowed to i the chief, bul nd y tired. Et hing i'?"k"ii ugly, and i i ? i i ~l and A: k.i- w< re land? ?i In Apia to : tbe conaulates. Quiok-flrtng m hlne-guni snd an?ill ii? Id , I? ? llltl? s com? -'; ernoon, when half a dosen Malletoa men .-. ,i by tin- Mataafai -, tak n ind i???iiii?i. ? ?n \v? di laj moi nln? spr? id thai If no . waa recelvi ?J from M il 7. look the Philadelphia would fir? 1er i ? wed by th. ninute guns, Mataafa i ent no am w? i : hit ? hi? : "'i up by th? . ?ii. and ragu? aik that ?: i man) would suppoi I tie m; bal ii waa the greatei t nation on u ih, Ible in s ?r. and thai Orea I Brll ni Am? i ??a would bsv? r ilare to ? I? i m i n > in conflict, THE BHE1 LINO BBOINft Th? for Ign? i- of Bi Itl ii and Am? n? .m natl lity were taken on bo ird th? Ii i -i?? ? - Ive warshl] 0 onalltles wen! n board saUIn g In 1 be h i b? r, h.?,nil-, d and eev? nty-flv-a m? n (fleers were lai nd al Admirai ?lautz'a requeal Captain Sturdy, of the ?oi poise, assumed comma i d ol i he i om Ined forcea on Bhore, r. ig-L tenant mi? r. of the Philadelphia, assl ting. Bur ons ? i" m both bI IB Poi b n ?on i ?The whole stive population Bought protection be? |nd the Am? h ?i Un? s, - ?'?n as t he land fon i wirre i ? :.. by ?hell int" the outskirts ol pi.i d, bul with fi lch s h il-', ?m?! the Porpoise wen! down i.. cossl a couple ol miles and i omb ird d ie vilh??,?' oi Valusu, where large parti i 1.1,?-is ware Bupposed to ba. The hurch wsa araashed by a aball, ami the ouse of the manager ?>r a Gennan plan? ui"ii damaged. The whole <?f the out? .Irta of -Vpt ? w< re ah? la I from arbor, about aev? a been dark, whan the Bi Ins ? ased A i,U tram the Phil.ilpbla, which v..s arda, unfortunately ? .- , loded ; ft? r n ?had gone only I.M0 j irda, k.I:??l iiv.r ?in outbuilding of the u, rlcan c u aulsta and daraagi l tbe \ a inda of Hi" main bulldli g. One of lb i ? aa wound? ?t In the h |, UKIIKI.S ATTACK BRITISH About noah tha rabsla inade aa attack i i th.- Brttlah ?"t the 11ro i Hotel ty ir i ? was letlliue,!. I,lit it is not known limy ] wen killed. Ab ?ut 2 .?) a. m th? I . n,., |? a rusk "n tha guard ?u tt a volt. Three British aaaiora wore kin.-i KJ OM ?'S \\"'in<l?-.l The native los? _ known. At the i..,j,i,-t of the British Maxim gun bub s. m from tbe Pbfladsl? ' na to the Itritlsh Kinsiilate, uu?l men ' arorh it | Th. n, \t day a body ??f MO Mallotosna j a their riBaa rststraad t?? th. m from tha ? ? PorpoBe nml readertd yooi rarvlce l ring th?? bra h. The rebel rilhii v itaaB wa? tain? i in order to prevent ?-- proeck to tii" <-.,!: m?ate. tul PA-JOs "cvi.f.Li? TO tii?ui:;:." T_a ?lermati Wanhlp I-'alk?' Bttsml te i? ira port on a >> r?? aUarBon, when Admiral K?utz <t,i.i. i ber i-aptalfl t?? stay Bhare ba Baa, aad be ready tosfford belp to hi.- ,oU'.'.-;. m.n. 'ih.- I'.ilke re mained. Dining Thursday matter? Ab?i;it duak th- A ate ricana Bred on ,i " ' ' ol Mataal .-.-, i ,t no one was killed. Karly Krh'ny mornlns I :?he<1 up to a if hin thirty farda of the rtulats. Ths a:iii?,r-? behaved splendid ip, aad tbe aallfsa w- re lapulsed, Osb wss killed snd British ?altor wn? ?hot In both lags? M ?' r-i'.-r? ral Cutllffe, of the British j army, assisted In ?J.r.'lii,' operation.?- at ?usulste. AN'TI-?ir*RM.\N I'LL!.IN?'. There I.? Itrlanaa feeling agsinst the German? litre, and th- \ 1 ? : apylng an?i giving Information ' ? ths i-i.? la One ?atarqaard, w in, ha i been drilling ih" : uiv? - w. ?m?) asm ?m 1,011.1 ti., Kalk", under the pi? * of th?- Oeraaaa commander that !. would 1 1 Yi .1 A li ilf-i-as'' n.iin.-.l T) 1er h-is 1?. en am 1 spy, is in ii? ns ni the l'"t 1 ota . it. .1. Moore, 1 : \ na? lined to hla store, n.1,l.r ssjspli '?n ol I?? : ?i Ma ta if a Is? r. : iv and Sunday w? re quiet. Tha Tivoli Roto! im - i?? en m n d la becomes ne<?e*anry in blow it uj?. and two lli'hts itoin t! l?? sh.-ll it. LI'IIIT M ATA A KAN'S KH.I.BD. s inday a i?"?iy ??f native foi 14 wd, kBltni w?9?andlng tw_By <?f ihesa, whoa lb? t!.,|. Wot tbe ? ; -hip F ill th way, aa ri :,, the I British -hip-, pli 1 ? imp? ii.- : t.,r t?? iii'.v (asida the :. out of tha a iv MALIYT' v TANU8 KINO. King MsBuasaSU Mall? los ara King of H Mulnuu. The 1 mony waa al tended 1 nd : i throtalh Apia, i the haul ?,f the i'hila.l' Iphi 1. The ??'?miau 1 y th- Ir sh Bence. KAITTZ LLV.MLS ROBS 1 IR vt.r, lat? ', Pn au interview will Adi 1 tlon, that 1 Insulted by tbe German Consul-U g hl ? ? ? int? i -pi Ad miral tak? th?- stand thai I . m iii, h ba gor . ni to uphold, ?i" - provision a haterei for "tniiiim. His in-ti u< ',?: - are t? - ih- irret) riewa "f a majority of ti. Ti?? Admiral I with the ? : t man Cor ml, ai ! bl in ntlr. |y f?r the | of the Ina hla ,?Hunan.! t,, retir? i" thrtr bom? ' he ? ; 1 man pro? laaaatlon B BVEBTBODT AWAITING NEWS, body i ?B?loualy awaiting defl? h? thr? 1 1 - Il la in thai If Oetrmany a? knowl Tant 1 King tl : belllon will ba will take 1 s than In' 1 11. M. s'. Tauranga arrived ' STRONG BBmSH REINPOBCBMENT. At present th m?n the Phlladelpl from tha Ise and Royalist. The Ta , ? mplem? ' m? n, and this reInfor 1 men! w ill el Idmlral to ompell? d ! ind ?Y? I'.iiioi.-'. L vi 1/ .- Al 111 ri'i. ii i.t:i.t). w ABHINOTON, April 7. The of the State and Navy depai count <?f the I In the Associated P patches re Bo ?at', 11" thlng of an official baa be? n m. snd tbe mi la true if tbe ?3erman and British emba? les. lu this state of all l he offIcIeJ 1 w? re ub pre| u ! to m tbe ?eil" of I parti? In Bam ; licatlon ii may be not? I that In c 11 r> 1ns, the wish? 1 of I officials at Apl Qen : '?i itlon, Admira] K ii m tsken direct issue with the contention of the '' : man < lov? 1 nm? nt thai th? j"rity shall no' control, bu! th? b? t 1 Admiral a? ted to ne t ?m t m I nlng life direc tion ' : 1 atric! enforcement of the terma >f tin- Berlin treaty, hla attitude mu 1 liplO I l?e wet a ; tie Ihre? capli ' 1 M Kauts'a vi-; lon is likely t?> clear the wa) f??r tl ?tmnlsslon, pra? Realty 1? storing th?' ' helium.'' WHITE l'"i: "li: ?TaTRNIZ VIT? *: * BERLIN, April 7.- The Munich A meli iti ?m all Ig be no! kii"\v whj Qreai 1 ' Itain con ide ??r the Qen tentatives lewei thai the Bill h I not ?1 tin- Ami 1 -l'-au poll? ing his Ideal to be ti?- 1? of tbe ti.i.-e nation ." Ha la lb? n 1 ltd to - ! t ?li II ?II I ti,,n of thai : hop? fui. how rentually or? r come the nil li 1 . ton, Mr. Whit? 1 as ,. . , t la strongly Inclined to Uva In harmony 1 1 I.V. ai DIBNCE WITH KAISER Mr, White bad un audii nee with Ihe ?Kaiser yesterday. The Interview lasted ., Una i'1" United 81 v?.? re I. Hi ty ? satisfaction at I I) attitude of th ! the BSU ? ' una". i "i Hit' riui ni, ipai ?council at Api.?, bad m? ' wltl such a favorable reception In the United Bti tea, ' thai be bad been pr< I I to Mr. M< Klnley. i in; g-AIXB ? m it? 11 i;n? 1BPMBBT. rre.iiieiii MeKlalea ?Pa-aastses ? > II? It-nil?JakS I ?mmIi 11? ii VV heel.-r. WASHINGTON, Apia 7 a coauDitta? !. - lilt? nste.1 in aa en? ampin? nt to i" held at Palla I "hurch, 1 U, Jun.- 7th ami Mil. un,1er - oi 1 be 1 taught? 1 - ??: tha Confed? re? y, to-da) Invrl? . ?Presid? nt t., attend the exei Mr. m promis? d to do so II ha ? ? .?.?m Lx ,1 Jos? pb Whi 1er wsa with the committee, and the I'r- ?idem laui said h" would lik" to ! under the ? ten? "It. If tile I.,!' ,,? ,!,,.,, iiKhtlius' In the Philippine?] The remark was not consider? ?i ?Isnlflcant. Ill???? l'riiwil lutiil. LANCASTER, VA . April ; ,.-';.., ?,;,) Edward uni ?<'??i"i?-?i?. ?h,? waa Br?ck with a tai k-jack b) David Kelly, la 1 row ?it Kllaaarnock Baturday w? fi.?m his iiij'ni, 1 to???ay. An Inquest was uld. ami If eaptiii.-,l K,,||V will I?. ; here charg? ,1 with murder. 1 il??/. 1 ? .??i, m Ire?-?? ?.?-?iIiik to \Voi-_. NEW TORK, April 7 Bayor Vaa Wyck to-da) refused t?? permll the Maael Inves tigating Committee '?> bold Its B?assions In he Clt) Hull. Police-Captain I'm t of he Tenderloin l-reclnct, and Cblet-of Police Derery, were ordered t>? sppesr be '...-.? ih? ?s ? sillas i?.m?ir?w ? UK TO ATLANTA Renewed Talk of N. & VV, GeUin| in by Way of Knoxyille, TO MEET AT OLD POUT Car-Builders and Master Mec_anics Wi', Assemble There in Jane. \. f. U- ItELIKI' nlTVIITMKVT It Went Inlo r.ffert .%-irll l*t?? (nr, for Hie ? h<-?.i|??-iiL<? A Ohio *.? ?.?? al tha BallaaaBa nmi iiaii roniler?. i* i ". lap that the NortoUt and vv,at? i u i- ?pushi?s with re-re a*sd Mi.- sebease t.? ??enstract a Une ti'i.i Bill ! to Lnowllle. The s. haine ' foi S'.tlle time, but lat terly it had bagua to look as though notliii pj wi'iih! soasa af it. M??r.- recently, hswavar, th? a hams haa bat n i' viv?.. The Hue will lim ba known i ?n ??!' tas Norfolk an?! STSBt? ara, bul trill, Ib aaTect, ba saca. Tha oi? ths Btter I; ? ?sat Into Atmnta. At kia.x.llle, b> I, th" prepOBtal line, tti" Norfolk and Western would <"n ttfa the At?tats, Knawiiia ?aad Northern, Which runs to Marietta, within twenty mBea of Atlanta, A line lut?? tha i? already i rojasted. win -a :. and b Im n ths Uns from Btisl ?I ?,? Knoxrill? ia cotMrocted, ths Norfolk and Western win hare ?realised ? long r? acb i ba ' '""i i--. The vir-.'i'iii and Bt-mtbwestera, from to Big Btons Cap, lias basa biilt, by th*- same csiptts?Ists, it ht retd, that v. m hi,li,I th?? une from Kno_? I . The V'ir-?li'.?a and - ''111 has from tin? LstBOlr nil my. R m? a .:? much latermted in the ons ?: the Nstlonsl Msstei ? tsi - ",?l De Amer! .m Rallwa1 ? * ?Id ?Point, June llth. Th? will b an one v. > k. 'i h-- m,? m re 1 : ne. tings. ai-ut of th... M< : ,'.? -' A i?"ti is Roben ?n-1\ le. of th" Chicago and Northwestern. Mr. < . a. Bhoyer, also of tio- Chicago and Nor!hwesti m is of th" M Car-Bull \ - Boclatlon. Mr. VV. 8 Morris, . "f motive power of tha ? th? - "ii". in one of tii . ; r . |. dents of 1 le- M? chant?*-' Asso latl .n presld m of i?"th ?ri;,ii)i??ti'HY-. latl 1 m? : at Old Point a C. W. w. itbury, ti 1 ? m Richmond, I away from tl muy fee tha pa ? two n ered l hei n ? ampa . 'i him South a area! deal, and d to I then now looking out South? rn's ahar of bu 1 South ru. the Beabo ird Air-Lin.', snd tbe At? 1 reaped harvral luring ' el? '. n months, earn Ing ba? k ?ui.l t'??rih. Tin- 1 "h< 0 haa also done well, probably of th- other Ihr? Un? -. . and W? -?ft-Tri ' than any of the lines natil' d. Ralla y offli lala here ir? much pi? 1 1 sit h an "t?i 1 ?recently lasued by the man? il', mi nt of the Baltimore and ' 'hlo, n - the ?mit? i) II1 .-111 ; ihow i?, the puhii". \ ludlng to fre been mads I: ofi Ball ? BUnili'-l s "t igent? 1 ' . 1 :, the ord 1 .1 1 fair dealing form a most capital in an) nterpi Is?. snd B 1! ' -I 1 ?hi" n-ploy? Ivun? -m? i.t la due not ilon to IB? . 0 courteous manners ; v. ?ih patr.iiis. A rolui tern for tii ,1 on he At: , ? ' '. Th? rent Into effect only a go, ind 1 is undeistood thai it 1: sol rorking I ling the item ia pel feet? d, the to give oui n \- Inform?t! Ing It, Il la o| tbe in In lu ranee organ's Mr. W, s. Monis, - ipertntendenl ??f mo i\.- power of ih?- Chesapeake and Ohio, 1 in ?hi m itlng with a com llUIII er ol box? 111. The frei : ? bu 1 dev? !"i" "I . ry rapidly, sad it Is said thai tl ? aa m ?1 for the pui : uppl) i, . ' II? .i b) th-- Richmond I. Works ' Louisville and N 1 ihvllle, to 1 d? - \. r? ii In July, ami "i"- for 11 ? - Ml ind Tessa foi t< ?1 mogul to be 1 in July and I Twenty ir : he Bw? U 1: p, Holland, fora Norfolk, Virginia each and ? : ?i mai : Mr. W, T, Mi - ni huh. r of freight the N? a fork Ct : I lei ' N v. oik. ' ilk and VVtwtern, baa , ?n with the v. ,?i tu, ai N. V. Among ti??- vialtora si tha g?*?eral of? -- of the ? th? ?apeaks and ? iy was Mr. Donald McDonald, pr< tie- ? ?h? -ap k.- and ? ?hi" i-'n 1 ? !?oaa? - at fin, inn.iti. 'Ihe A ' -' Litv's NOW Y??rk .i Florida Special will leave tton Toth 1 us hi-t trip Batardaj night. Beturn? g, it will ! I A Motaday ?lit. lit IB \ B nu: 9, *. L. nit rsaSlaa ? - s- twwnihntn <<??rt lin? lie?-?? lll?nil???e?l. Th" suit ,,f R) an BBBlaBt taS Bl ,,1 i:.i!i"k.- Ballread tTaBpaay, which ia pen.tins' in tha United Btatsa Circuit nut of App.-ils, haa basa wltialraw-, ai M? aaca. SHI?-' iBd it.'iii'i.iv. . r Mr. Ryan, ?gave oui the following item? m foi i?"1''1 itlofl resterday: Ci,,. buII of H aaaboard ?and Re ? iB-. Railroad (Company and others m ,. iiiit'-.i st it, - Court for tti?- Bastera . t ri? t of Virginia ?? dfamlaaad, f>?r th? UMOtl tt'.aC tha o 'asi.?u for ?I BO li?n?er ?im?. This w?i? a ?ult instituted by Bar. Ryaa f'?r th" purpose of r*< -overlna* P*"*", ? ??hin of a '?rtlflcate for lit ?har?M <>? th?- Seaboard ?toek. ami Im-Mentally W ?? eure & t-ati<-.llutlon of the poolinK aaraeeseat, under which the stuck wa? deposited. ThB csrttBeats ha?i beea de posite.l with the Pooling Committee. an?l the eommitt." refused to deliver it to Mr. Ryan upon tha grt?Uki that under I??? - ?1 ! rise agraeamn! they were entitled to r?tala Bseaesstoa ol it. .-all t?i Tin; vv iLi.iAMs s yni ?k'ate When the late sale t?? the William? B) inlie.i?e task IBS 1 " ?l was ?lls s"iv? .1. aad the ateca la tB*ontrorsrsy wss .?urreniiereil t?? Mr. Ityan. thtta r'-nilerln?; farther pro? ?ution of the CAM BBBB? ry. The COM In the Siprem-' C?mrt of Ap 1? lia "f Virginia w a- B suit in?tltute,l by Mr. Ryaa, B whirl) ba p;ay??l f??r B writ of man,h?nMB t?? compel ihe o_lesra of -???".,ni aad Roanoka Railroad ?'om pany to allow him. as a lar?" ?to khohlor In that nSBBBBI. to ln?pe?-t the I.ks ,,f ih" rompaai ln coBueetion with certain chargea whi, h he was making ?? the then maBagsaaeai sf the company. Btttce the institution ,,f thai auli tin- Bsaataae? m? nt hai < hau?.?'?!, ami. pn BUBiabl) . t!" r? ib no .??-?'a.?loa for tii" further prose, ation of this oase. Por th.u reaaofl ihe ault i? withdraw?, Of ?ourse. If Um ?wnie Mate Of ??fair* v, I to row up un?l? r the ni'w man i-?. meni at any time, Mr. Ryaa ? ?Id i the suit, but it la ti"t Batttstpatad thai any auch occasion win .uis.. CAM IN Till; MARYLAND COURTS Ths dtaaaw?al of these salts ?i?> no! affect ths suit which is now pending In ths Marta "f .\lar>lan?l. in B Lieh Mi. Ryi seeks t.,mp? i the dsBvery of betw? .?.'-?i ami L?B0 abares of ths ?8sa?board st??? k by ins ,'?>nt!,i"? with Reasra. McLana aad others. That > BSB Will bl | to a Baal ?!?-''is!,?ii ia the coort of Appeala of M tnd, aad win preiiahiy come ap fee a i*l?*?aring ???ni?' tun?- in C'toher pc No reaabar m xt. 1 not Ml k; BBABL1 ?.I'.TTI.KD. \ lit; In in-Mii r? In ?til l?i?|,iiii- About AtlJiiKtfil ? Nice H?i?-s?lnna Ue?-IU???l. bot Tyler has skoal succeeded la ha\ini' sdjUSb ?1 the trouble I ?s ? -u Maryland and Virginia over the recent art'st ,,i' allegad piratea fraaa Marylaad l-i the v\at?is of that St it- l?y ths Vir ginia aatfes beat i.\' ?'ii' n? i itated last nigh! thai there had beea co_slderabl? cerreapoB? denes between Dover nor Lowndea and himself ,,n tie- BUbJect, ami that the mat ter bob aasumed a ship?' which mads him ? ??titiil, nr th?- affair w??uM be adjusted along linea entirely sat; tory t?? h'.th sut.-, ii.- ih.?ii?;iu a prs? ei-ii.-nt would i??- established and a prtncl? pie e-arngiiiasd thai would aaersat tha i ? ?t t ?n? b ??f tin- trouble, <;??\"i?ior Tyler has i,.miv been aw? gaged in study of tbe question a to whether he bad ths rlghl ta Kraut aesB? dltlonsl pardon t" a prRkMisr aervlng a jail sentence. The question was raised b) an attorney of ?Lynchbui-g, After a thorough investlsatlon the Q?vernor ! " tied th.>i ? night thai be ii "I ths legal ri?-ht to gram pardons t" Sill li pi i ...I The question baa sisa bean raised rs? cently sa t?, the rlghl ?>f tha Qorernor to remit a fine. Tha law allows blm only t<? remit fuies assessed for contempt sf "in. ami tills authority is no! delegated t?> him i - - ??t lines tor contempt of an order >?f Um court. The qtst ation whether ths Governor has tbe right t?> pardon a prisoner serving s term aa the alternative of paying a fine aasessed is. -till undecided. nu: phi ?; IBB. \ i>i:i.t%. Con, ?-?ilion lo II?- llelil lier?- Tn-llnv Baaqael al tha ?JeBersaa T??-\i*ht. Tha convention 6f the ?Phi (lemma ! Fraternity for the sac Bon < ?no pus ?i of Maryland, Virginia, snd North Ina, win be h? Id, under tha auspices of i:h" ? in Chapter, al the fr itei alty ball, .? Rli him.ii'i ?-oliege, tin.? moralng. Delegates will !?? presen) from tii" I al? . of Virginia, Washington and Lee, Roancke College, University of North Carolina, Johns nopklns Cnlverelty, sad ominent Institutions, Tonight, at the Jefferson, a magnlfl e, ni banque! b in be i read, and a good i? anticip?t? ?t. Mo M of the I dei i th. i n : and promln? nl alumni of this will be pr? will be Mr. I Can pi" n Si rau -, t i ? - - | Ion trader, and Mr, T. Alii, ?I V? t ii"i:, ?'ia- Of tti" n prominent fraternity men of the com s bo ?. ild? m New ' ?i k Th t?<-, win, arranged the convention, are j Re ide Ta) lor, I ion ild 1 B len vv. !-*? ?r i ?i i ?. Strubtx McConnell, an?! R y ? il. 'i' illey, Dr. 1l?-l\ Im I?? rr?-?i?-|i. R? Dr, Randolph M< Kirn, of vv ? h Ington, D, ?'., ?ni preach al St Paul'a church to-mon ow, i?"i h moi nini Bight, iii?, m ? Kim la an exceptionally . and i ?i g?tions will hear him. I't-rnoUlll? ?Hill Uriel. a?! |utsnt-Qen? ral N ilia la In Re will i? ' rned from vv., bington, where b ral daja. Th.- i - r u? . -: will i??- ?repeated in a larse at?aber of ati - to rn..! ! ?W. I I ilpb U M "Kim. who will pr- ach at St. Paul'a to-m ii the i ??naht Oothrie will address tbe H .Y al Ihe ? house to-daj. ? ie ./. i: Taylor ?preseb at ' ble-8| reel Baptist hurch o both m?_*alng ami night. . I?r. .1. i:. llav\th? i? h ptlst ' hurch to mor row, boih niotnlii'? ami Bight Mi-- Mary Reynolda, of Newport N i is tha gu? -t of th,- ? inaily of Mr R v No. HW ?Prank this 111 Bet B I Ibbott, ot B iltlm? : . will pn ich al the s? ;, nth -81 ; ' ? 'hi chun h >*o?morrow, both . aad Dr. Bda i'- n sill I? the fl n ?i ?. 'Bchool Mi i, - ' ' m?.m ?it 7j o'i-Ioi-k. Rer. TbnaBs? Baslln will i Third Chris! Rev, s. it. MsxwsB, will . m tha mornlag r.t Kpi ; of th" Third i'" tii. t, had the ml lay to lose a J?i gold-piece, win. h waa attached t,., his w.iYh-ehahi Bfl B i'h.irni. Tha ?Clay Ward A " aiU ?sold a regular are? Bag al ?BslrMsre Ball I ,, H o'? 1 ... k. A i*1-! --:'- ll'l-'le ?red. T ??'111 be an important lilas Sarah At'h? r Parker L daugbtei of Major vv. \v. Bentl ,t tha moat prorainent ??f Pulaskl tann ers. i- the ?juast of Gevsraor Tyter'a faaaUy. B? It. l'"tts. Who fa <s I? n from It??- 'itv. has r.firni.l. and Wl?! till his puipi? Beadey nwraltsg ami evening, ii?? win ptooth ut the ersah .. "ih.- 'l'r.ilt.,r." Tha itev. Dr. Wlthsrepoea, i ? - 1,,-t Pre.-hyterl.iu chureh, v. Ill ,?? his pulpit ia aaarrew aaeralng a-o Bight. The inornlnif service Will ? v?.:iti the aacraaaaal ?>f tha I??rd*a Puppet*, ni,l the Iio-toi will tak? for hi? subjecl "l-'r,?m the ?ppet t?? tha i; irdni ami Cross." His anblast at Bight win t, "Our Rl - .. \V oik." It I? I, ?non,let? In Baas \orl?. NLVV rORSX, April 7 [BJHHll 1 f. S Hoffman; J. O. Cari?-y. ?Iilsy, ?!. IV. 1'rlee. u,i*l wife. ?larlboroUKh. Cubaos Decide to Made Him Commander-in-Chief Again. A BOARD TO Distribution of tbe $3,000,000, Disarm ing, and Formation of Police. MM It OAlfBBB BB-BP DK.*?TROVED, Actloa Taken IVIIhoal OBclal Swr? xey, I nil.-r Hr-KMlations Prorldlasl for ? u ? Is ?our?.- Whrn Publia Health I? Menaced. HARANA, April T.-Th*? ?'uhan renernla met to-day at Marianas ami omv'aily de? CfcSSd ta reinstate t'.em.ral ?ML xlnu? domes BS ,.?mni.?u?l.r-in-ihle'?. Tin y til.?B decided to appoint an Bs?ecuUvs Hoard of three genersls,to assist lilm In distributing th? '.""".n?''?, in the detail? of ,t!?aimliiK. and In the organisation Of the rural police fur the I'toMii, ?-?. II" will be oftlclallv notin? J of their actloai. ami S pro* lamatlon, will probably be Btsaad t ?? the Cohtwe, l'our thoii?aiiil on?- hundred can? of beel bat beea ?saatroyed at t_a Koala Warehaass ?1'iiltni the last three, months, without action on the part of boanls of .,i, andar the dlreetls_ of chu-f-i'un mi rsary a. i.. BBtth, ?nd in aa* lotilati... with tin- nviilations allowing auch scUoa when Um public health is ?i BOMB BJCO?LAR foNi?i:vf nation. Boate addltlanal cana hare bsaa 88? strayed after sa (Bnctal aun y, ?mbbbb tie- 1'i.v.? eans that w-t" ?'um!, mne,l w h? n Inspector-Oenera] ninrbluihaga was here. Tlie Kei-hi warehouse l??'"f destroyed by Major .1. C. .Mulllken. am! the be-f which will ?bars t" be .. ?I. formed part of th.. ,?!,i l'orto Bloo conatgaaret?, HI I 1M.IKS UNFIT POB I'SK. Al BL Of all UM in? ?L hauill.'tl bas t?et-n --p.jile'l. ami about 10 per lent, ??f the conn ?I teinat???. TtVra is hut littl?' i|,'.i>??1 meat in stoek now, but there ur?: probably 'uO.OllO , an? of to. inn?:.? uafll for conauaapUoB, owing to Btoraaja in a damp cUtaaate. The, tismn in the hoi,!?- *?f tie- atst| ? 'ir.'sion of Um tin. lia- tii'i'ient bandllng involves more at I? ' bi'"aka?*e, ami f> mi? illation, ;iilt. NO i'VNNKD MI'.VT FOR IBOOPB. No ' una ?1 lii-at has Pe?a ls?ll??l to tho tro 'i - in ?Cuba, who bars ? iratiahty beea supplied wttb fresh or refrigerated sweat, the canoed beef ???in?; to the Cubaa das* tltute. l'leiu-th? m there baa tVen ?ppa I'lilly in? eomplaint. In fat, they have been eag r ?to >;?'t it. ?-BBfl TAXATION ON HAI'.ANA. Ti," i,-. atiy-issu. ?i taxation ?aBcrae ',?iys U.W.QBO lis? ??f imposts iip?,n llaliaiBa, wiuie still ?eavinK a greater i ?vi. for tin- city, ??s mu e la now applied tu ths ih? ???'in rat ('.overnment. N? ? ORDER8 TO?? IHN?' BuPPLOBB. WASHINGTON, April 7. Upea investi ratton to-day, Acting ?Saneta-ry Malhla ( dm ,ie?-i?ie,i there ass n?? Booeaalty t.? at,:.- ?in.rat Brooks regar_lag th>- ,,,n Iscatlon "i luppllea at Habana, ??s ?saaa?? ral Brooke ami i?is ??fibers hare laapla lutborlty to ?deal aith stach bmitter?, ti n said u?? "Mi'i- hare pate seal ??r lerlaa "i" deatructlon of rations without i h ?ard ' ;' Burvey. ?s? - <.o-ns-\ <)ii-i'i?.iin<? Baas iit'Kan. NBW TORK April 7. Thirty-three 8MB darted in the twenty-four-hour ???-.?s-you ,l, a-.- m, ? al the ???.?nil < ' mi ! I' ?i??? o n io o'clock to-night Guerrero, tbe Mes? m. took ihe lead, tnd covered tha first nil? m ,.',?;. nnishlng up two miles In mi?-. At !' o'clock the score o'f th?- leaders lan, New York, it? miles, i ! ? ti . hmont, boston, !."? miles, John J. S!< II? . Poughk? epsle, ,,-. ! : I. Toucy, Brook? lohn Kogei . 'ork, 17? miles, 2 laps; Thomaa Cos, Am irbor, Mich., I. miles; ij?'"t'K'- Woalen N? w V"tk, IS mil? s, ileorg? 'artwrl use, N. T?, II allaa 'tKu ?-ml? li-?.r?-en I i-i lif ?t I i.i.eo. SAN PKAN?CI8CO, Ainl 7 The mm h I llalli bet W, ell "M ', pal I' ll ,i,l ? ?.."i'??' i Ire? u r? suited i a fia? v 9:40 P \i Ureen came lato in- rinii. hut Hin 1 th ilhl not .., pi ? in? ' : that he bad refu ?i to o ?m because there w?< not aulBclen. loiit-v in th?' hou t" wan.nil .1 contest. I?- il.'Uiamle.l .1 ?na rant.f ILK?, tie i-?? it ! ' l| were liven as _ ? ____?__? ?__ ?? ?v 'Una?-? for Ihe Jrffrrsnn, tnuel II. I:, ?a m an. the newly ? i.-,1 1 f th? Bichascad Im] " , . lag th? :? of tfTe company. , addition to purrhaslng aevarel new .-r\|.e, hi- h.lS ' r the ?tOm i?f th J? ff' is.,n l!???i I K'n ?t?. il.'Se co m? ly tllK'd I?, ami luv < Iga well al l llli.lrn?, ni ?,f Basa Paett and r'lorl* ?in Bpsolal ?.ih it.. 1 . ?v r. n. it. ??n and after Monday, April 10th ?s?juth in.i? snd Thursday, April 1:1th tnortt-i ,'?mii. Um New "?"ik and Kl'?rt?i,i 8pe? ,1 vmii T,e wlthdrawB ?for ths sasaaa, trap Boeth bound win, there ue, be Saturday, Aptil >?tti, arriving I P. M , and the last trip irth I??, urn! will I" VV'?lie -?lay. Aprtl ih, leaving Rl has? ? .vi. \v. p, Taylor. Traaae iianas-er. Are tua ?...i??_ tu Faroe?? : ' .1,' p lag t > Burepe tl?a ?prtng t th- State Baah of Vligii.i.t to furnish ?u wltb a travellar'a letter of credit The Weather. ?-j WASHINGTON. Atril 7-r?>re FA1II i''"r f"r 'Satur'-:'"/: J )' r Vllgtatl Tail nailer weather In assi?ra portion Satur iy; Mgti, aeeterli wii.j?; lair weather POT N??r?!i ? ?Th?? and co?ter rath* r I dinilnlshlng westerly Bl w. Bther Sunday. rtli; vv-LATH-B IB RICHMOND Yl*8 i:i:i'VV was riiny throu<hout ths iy. ?j?.till ?liar ?hb? at tilght. ? .?f th. iiu?unet?r; A. ML .?B *** A M.M M.M P. M.SI . P. M.W NlKtit .M B " I. ni? ?',',ir,. ._t t-B