Newspaper Page Text
I THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, APRIL 8. 1899. a ?MR. SEMMESTO LEAVE .,.,,T"n "K ,T...?. _"** m m m ?O? FIXED . -.Thr"r"r l Un? * . ? i . ?, ii< ?II? nllli - DrBatt? ?Maaa si ,i? cr??..?rl.. r.g?M i..i bi * tot et ai s natloa li u <! bis Ions, 1? ' ' m I 11 '-wood, . -: night, ai . i I . , all tO . i to? ' m < n ., I \*7 REO ?MM! ' ; i I to a vsi . ; IlSd n ' ' .., lb? ' . : ' ' In I J A ] . -. lion. i . ? m V in i an i nigh! .| Mr, .*- m v. ni be - rrow ( ?is .i. iri ?i ? it in: \n. i.,? si .11-1-41????? i? i.??i? ru??,-,i I ?way ti-rtiii?? Other ?Deaths, ' i L'umptx a , : . intrj in ," gim? n! lantly He ed 1 how ' . !? : t Ark. i will tak? ; from the ijamin The In Hoilya f Mr. .1. ' i ; : Leigh . : four chlldr? n .lohn |? B . ber ft Mr. f tin- aftei .'"?on m :: i ?h Tw< ii iii??n?l for ? .. u?.m a at 3 M i. .\l i. The ! :. Bi Hyde's 1 arawell aaraaaa, l:. ? f the rian l mon i?? his ? Hat-*? You ^, Been Siok f rt'covering a? fast as you Ha? not \??ur old troubla - t'iood fall ai impurities? tins the reason you k<?u t | ? Don't delay recoTery : it take l l Mi i Y S s !' I \la i: r N | v. HOIB all impurities from I it lH_l.-.,?a took of itn v?iue. Give Nature a little time. Aid her by rem-ir ?r 'docta o? diaeaso from I olJOO. All _^gs^ta. AJ*?r?i I'ills eora constipatloa. . . ' ? ?1f?-toT fracir and r?relr? I ?i?K.>ut eo4t. i AJUxess, U_J. ?. AYER, ta^ Lowell Mai, I S TI of Chi allll w.-ll sppi peat bos i Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ..M______J_W " '?? " ? I ?q?PM CO , Nf? yo??._ _^^^ THE VOTE IS ALL IN "I Mill?! Pit Ml Mit HI7Ttlt\?i QA1 ? ?a-Bas- 11V Till*. I OB_bTI I El.. BRAUER DEFEATS HECHLER 2 TO 1 He lio??? n??-L it? Tr.n.ari-r. Mr. ???I ??mon Maja In Hi?? s|( , r i IT'?? ?UTtr? ?n?l Mr. A. II. "???lui? ?noccil, Ml IIrot her n? \ttorin-?. Tin? i ; tnmll noon ;>n ... , on th s 1111, wh : .. Mr. .1 ? *i.-rk Hon, W be : li ra pg X . 6 . 110 10 !? . . . . - - - ' HelKht .' U? 17( |lf! , nit I1UI . km m . , . :* Iso 112 v . . . . 128 121 77, t; ' I4S ; - "i ; . . . 1"! 110 . il*? 1181 ' '. .' 171 ir?s Town Hall . iv li . 7? 73 'J 41 . . 11??- \.?i?. far Dtatrlel mti.-er?. of the : appen?! : rvloor, of the y . is three ma und all ' ' ?1? ,1 vote: TTCKAHi >i: DISTRICT. A N I ' I I C _ _ S ? x m i .... - i.._ .2$?: 17 17 87 U :: .113 G y .' - ? il :: '? .i ?_? ?? '.'. i 7?; l.'?is . 114 15 ? .9 '.",411 .11_ i 14 M .. IM Mann . . ' f'onway.991 11 7! .117 11 ?KI.AND DISTRICT. AXDin - --* s . X 3 . .M 17 115 4 20 "7?i .4- H ?tl . Pltxwllaon . , ..,- )( , . On .V 1 :.' 171 114 Jale .H . ' : i H ?' i- : Schl?ter. -ti >i ; ;?,-, ?s m ...? Ford .71 it i ; ?-, Hunt? r .?M I U 66 71 r? Id .1"! 150 11' . | 164 FAIRFIELD DISTRICT, INDU g a? ? '/. - h I. ?'. H-'lilr-r. U 1?.IBS Ir? .r,:;?? ?ntttn .113 . .',,; .B8 .161 123 l-. I? 14? -. l'77 sa . ?. : U ' r, 124 .?lui 11 I|"11UIS . .u .140 .243 i i loUHton .?u 1 S\ . T y ... I? 77 ' 417 | ?v 117 t?.' 11.? tu r.w i s \Kl.\ \ DISTRICT. NDIDATE8. r? u . ill? y .; " pi .n : rlttsln .il*? m ri? nd. . . ?i ii:k . . istable illill'-l .IM u.-, r I ai rlner. * - i ! .11?, l.V, _ ? 43 m 7 I. : .s, 77 311 - |S7 i ? ? :??; I ?i m Le?l?f Usa ?iiar t ourse. uni aurabsr of th?- star ?Morae iititm nt?i m th,? roung Mi n'a Istlan I iUob laat niniit was thy of the ?i? llghtful on? - ?hieb bad t-iii-ii u i ?--i,,, iba beat j rala until opaalng ?i?,ur, the hall v..,s Aliad, sad the ??ninm?- thoroughly actatlea The eeeaaleB vvas the ap? asee af the Tt-eaaoni Qtiartstte, at .on, auiilated by MUM Nell Ames ilyrr, nominal? ,1. II. ? v? i Mr. w. w. Tiller, who opp? I him. ? ?ii" at ?If ma =t i,, \, iba! f'?r ?'omni'.inv? aith's Attorney. Mr. a ii. Baada ?raa aoralnate?!, leading Mr Thi?" kiii'irt.,11 by 47?. rotea. M? i,:ih! ? ! the other tare ??andldates, ?ii?i not ?l8*ure to say III tin I Mr. !.. H. K'trip ?n-i-? r<?nomln*it? <1 for ml i, u? r ??r thi i: ... for the Lower l>; ' ; : I t Mr. ?*. \S'. ? I. i.-iiorninat..?i f'.r CornsMaaloner In I I'l',. r Diatrlct, hid a har?I Bgh1 l' Mr. 'i him, by nty vot?*s. Mr. Herndoa TallafeTro, lao in thl i Th?. mi fhts Were Ii I i eral of thl bul In all ? ?* ..... | II r. Bros ; ) renos ras Mr. 1 n Vai-ina. Mr, H? ,,f the board, who repi is F ,i by . ity. FOB : i v i : i : ,1 01 The vote In t ? 7 II ! 1 21 IS K , - IT! 41 7.! 4 ' I! ' K Ml 81 121 - 176, 115 I I ..-.: ' ' SS nil? i E. McP! : th? audlen e from . i i ; ! ?1: re they all. Mi ' ; impll? m? ntnry mention, no! slow ; ? m r r?.i: i 111 it tin SOCIETIES. Exercises ?>r n?<- l*tr?llolos;laa?? \n in? i? ? ?-?i lag i ? salaar, Th? the ] ' . t . in the ' (ht. Mr. Ro. H. Ta I ley, the orator of I Mr. J. y :. . lection i ? the . . Mi-. ? mation of high order and well i in hi.' b? tring Band slon, \- hi? I ?l by all, ? hla waa the ; ? 'lub. The Ident, 17. T l:. ss'. N? R ii. . i Mu Blgma Rh I lent, W. C. s i ?, I ; retary, P. H. Ha? y m. Ritt? i i i ? r ? u \iti RSTOB im:i.i?; \ m -. i n- ?nuil? tt in Perforai This Dat] i i Ida) ?-Sight. R, E Lee Camp lerate Val , kiv m- ting i tat night, i ia- ? "harti n should I i : - ht. The cam) tha invitation of u. r i. ia! its public i in at in?. Hall. Mr. Robert i. Lynn, ol Richmond, nml I to ii?? mb rshlp. Smith present??] t' i were i thinks, and ?i u ,! in the library. iin?,?>! tan! Ing of the Picture Gall? ry > omml the camp nexl iy. The attendance at last nlght'a masting of th?' camp, or Ina to Incl? a Isf-gi ? mmandei \. I., P? Marlral at Lol_h-Stt--eel t harsh. The r? vival aei 11 Baptist church, will be thi i: hi Jones, of I i rch of the Eplpban]. Nea s i'.? r, the pa itoi In the pn aching. He all! apt ah it 11 ? I B ad S F ?>nly. Baptist BaaBaj >B-*>h?sala, Tha Baptlat sill h??i<! its i.. ?ckton ? inoon at t o'olo k. M I .: Long ' itui tsaehlng of tl ma | d music, i it*? tit.iAs i o?? t-i: IBB, r to be shaken Into ? be aho? s, it this r feet feel i< rvous, aii'i bol. ? marting I Hlen's Poot-E I I i i'l in?ik.-s aslhlng essy, Curea awollen alloua i , i it\ u a-,l iv. Bold by all druggist? a ? i Trial i , kage FREE. Al l EN 8 OLM8TED, I- Roy, ; -, . a I? B-Ba Tu, Pnouibmwla la aae of 11 ml fatHl dlSSBlBSB, It all ta f i "in .??1.1. ?'Ii uiiln-rl i Ii,'.-? Cotlgb llfinnly V.I? ulckiy eure a t>ald Bod perhapa prersat n nttack of i?iH"iiniiiia It ??, in fi?*t. ?ado sepsefally for thai allBas?t, lad Bai ,., n.. fataoas for Ita ? iras orar ? targ? ,.rt <?f UM ?avili/.??! workL It ootuitsr* ,-is any t, lai? iit'v of ?i '??M to*a*ard pneu? lonin. fun you afford to aegisct your i|?l when s?, r-ll.,1 L- a t.-nie-'ly C_B !? hail g a iilfl?? Tvr sal? by all ?lruusi???. ?4l.8uy&\V ACROSS JA MES RIVER. ? in v ii, <ommitti:i:h meet ami mnnrT mm h m THIEF OPERATING AT CEHTRALIA. He i:?ilerr?l Tlt-ket ?gJC_t*a Offler? round ig Money?? ofHIon ( IniY? ?.?-riiinn I.nal Main?l'lrn?niit Tn Irrtnliinii-n? I?, M, n nalinro? Itrlff?. Tl M ' ; ic ?atsslttse ea ' ' ning at the office of the Cltj - an?J : . iw'.ii'.iit < MBtracta for f-imi-htag feed to tl ?m and doing the a bag for tha teaaa. The etmttaot for te ii. a. Bowea, sad fot i ag to <'?mpanv. The ron,m that trat ,i of b ,-iin???. - ir m-ftine- af ' atmlttee a r. ". i m -s alee i : i. The bsssIob ', Up l'i TI bud ' : >_A8T BTOHT. Th? rnsB at i well at? .- ' : '??111? on ? ' with ; t, will be th? rs. ill? l iw . r-ITERED. ... morn? te the He i 11. | m?t tin?I. There the | l be ! .'ii .?=. n a )oung man about I n imp. The detect I v? ?e their ? , rnj think I I A ' r TIM!*. - ut' rtalnmenl at Cersl? 11 ! ' , . ,. rhe fol- I lowln iphonlum, - by Mr. P. J. Bert D. A. Ritchie; bun lions, Mr. I \' i: < Tawford; duet, Mr. and i m rs. Perl Mrs. 1 i. hie; Imp? Mi. W. B. < I; I lophone, ? imllton Fish, .1 PER ' s vi? BRIEFS. | Of Su III. Mr. Rl? hard Eld? r i v? iv mu? h better. He has I The usual nun. 3 ier. Of Mr. n N. al Merchant Will? il ? 111?- l'"!i II II liiltv ,l ? bur? h, ,; Mr, M< : f Dr. F Frlghteaed Iwai imrui.-ir?. i,t- r th ' lllilln?; ,?.?111 al rindo w tit r by i -knife, vul? ml. Bon Ami The Modern Cleaner. VllL NOT CAUSE TMt HANDS TO StOOI* IN CrtAP. IT LCSVIS TrtIB ?OIT. DE 1THB. M'INTTRE It A. V., ;iii. ii th? . I Dart, I .LINK Ml MS RE I for S P Cat 1 at 10 BAT! l.l'.W. N i ? 1ENT . : i north Twenty-ninth IP ". . Ml MARC liRET SI'? . i l from BL Pal HIS ?.- IPTBRNOON at I .? d nd. SWAN * t 11 P. M., the i i'l A. IV t, MART P., Ilsm T. Bwsnn, In thi ige, tter. rEi'su i i.f her n. Dr. R. B r? t, MARY .n:i'l''i:i:.-' ?\ ] El BLER; - bouse this (1 RRNO UN at l ? ?.' k. . i i rw ' "!. iir. \\ m i ?a m Bslsata, In 1 . Va., from -avril; h!m*?a'f he Phe mob said, i ering si th.?* Boa '"f M in, iVho, for oui y > t of irlanda" thl? dear ph> ira, n ? i lid i y i ? orar i im?, I for a life, to Death hi? r.wn life ?. s , \ . lo n. v. r ?trove to ?ns ? l.lin??-|f, hut thoa VI, in -uflf.-rlnK ami allll? tlon ?Ji.l a-p. i - . -? wei n ?. hta ! - light. pabi he Iroin-ht relief, to ilarknes-i light. ha saved; himself ho cannot ?a\ P" Jut. lik.- ibv Cuijdt, his Ufe for others law: . J.C. 1>. BEST FOR THE SICK, a ______?_?__??????-???????-???-??? Nurses and Doctors Are Now Presnr* Paine's Celery Compound. u r woman is laid to _ y i . rtalnly foi entera 1 - should ??r i hyatd m> I :- lillil it?"l, . i ' | ' : ' Smith, wh? i his ??ursi Mim found ' ?TU - I .?111 . il, of Chi "lo i j hns'? i hlfl . i '.?ful I j ; ' n'i ? s. No otw*t v i? asd . v , irina thorn 1 -, I s ? i dl pla? ad all ? i the opinion ? of i physl un? pespl, . resalta il?is for Itaslf*. I l IW ?I by the Pali arj eon?*? pound an i Beat ? In ?very walk Of IIP . ill | .. the l?' i ' i,"'iiti?l. 'I'll" i i it, lorlaa tha public is that Palas'a e ?"ir, i | iflris the i i? Irt, i, : i restates t?a] 'la - ?? . .?? ???__?, Sorrleaa ???r ?i??? Bowltaer?. ? i. ' : . ifterno? ; BETWEEN THE ACTS Little Cigars are clean?all through. They are made of clean material and in a clean manner. There is no feature of the process of making them that would not please the most fastidious smo ker. Perhaps you have thoughtthat all so-call ed "little cigars" were alike because they look alike. There is a great difference, favor of "Acts." Send 50c. in stamps and let us send you 50 to try; ^ou will like them, and they will save in cigars tvhat they cost five :imes over. Amentia Tobacco Co.. JP7-519 W. 3id Si., New-York City. Two New Brews that merit. and receive popular approval. ? "The American Porter** ?in pint bottle?, more mild and refreshing than the but English brandi of Porter, Stout and 'alf and 'alf. The Anheuser-Busch Dark ?a Special German Brew that is mellow, nutritious and palatable beyond any Dark beer previously placed on the market. Made only by ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWING ASS'N, St. Louis, U. S. A. Brewer? of the Famous Ori-*lr_I Budweltrr, Faust, Michelob, Anhcuser Standird, Pale Lager, Export Vdt and Exquisite. Asara'?I Baal ?n*lw?-?>r concentrated. s - f r , | live* k?ney, un.ain aai asaal J'aeratra. : TorpiJ l.ivtr, Rillfiii-nf,?, I ?Il .',.,- Il> sp.-tpsi?, llearlhurn, ?Vick Mtfadaih?, U> sentar-,, C<>n?tlpallon. Chrunic Diseases ol th? jf._aeys, Plie?. CRAbORCHARD WATRR?, th. m,?,t , ?. I dsSBaat?i Bisa?I w.lcr?, ato?! ciivcnicnt t,. Ifl?e! atoM al t.? buv. Th* (??.niiine i? ., ,1.1 by ?Il Iru^'f vl?,with Crab Apple iraJ? uiarlt un f.ny b?itle. CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO.. lovissille, K,. OI.U P?J-flU KOH Mil' ?t BB, l'KU MUNDB-BP ut tbe DISPATCH OFFICE; ' ?es?*? rOBI i it i IV il mu HIT LAVILLE'S l.l?)l ?ill OK I'll.I.<(. fully i . I< i,linar i?hy?lclana In tr? mm* I lie MOHT i*(iMPI.I?'ATi:i> n i HTCnH?HN <'H KO NI, ? Ast:.-?. Pampblet wltli full Infer? . fr??m