Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. APRTL B lMi? ?V At Itero s. ?it itatstrea- " Our Sale o? New Spring Suits. : ataj?a th?) wan? 1 blnffat it ; .: judged or ?___ i rauco oi bia | ut you 011 the I 4 Lr _ TRADE IS QUIETER I M \\ till Mil.I I I I I < I ' "" ii M tvu \;tii sritiN?.. 1HE PRICE SIT?ITI0? J'AVOKABLE. am atatlatlca Iho-a Thai ??? laaaaea_e ?salneaa.-'" ' '"": -'"" - ?*l.c. Was i""?' ' "-" * ,l"* lr"' M?u?r?' r ..f I ' Jobbing : winter m the fl -'. In i otht-r bl? s from tfa . snt _i Iron ? In 1 , .. s 111. : -Ii'l at I , "It : I I have I and v , Ing bj and all iat I I? ' a ,- : wd i?.ui -. kelj to hi r a ?i?. . . ?ui -, - ? i for ' a .. bul ' . : the :.i. ai **?M| ? oi M.w U MIM'll ? * ? at "? ?i??- ?.riii??r?-ii ? ralaora i?? lie ss .?t \ Irarl-ala? I . a a it VtrstaIs ;???. , li.n RIVALRY, rlvalrj s Whit? ? ' N ?TUBBD. i mlnatloc only to tin an also .lilt I.V. the fiar) De? g ': Y Bl i lew J? t '. in the h,-t m ai fnjlowi i Thr? lag the : asi ful < !<! - ? - tbsii Mass, upon a ' t U.I i, Be; to 10 ' ? vo the hlKhePt ?peed ntul Rronte?t radius of ac tion, .im! ti ??-??t. exclusive of armor and irmatnent not eaceeaing j-pf-m.???? onr-h. Tht eraiaet are aimllarly do rt, except that they ?re to ?'out li ? h, and are t?> have a ?_-*>place. an? m of II ?Ma usas, CBtTTBBBJ ro bssj fast. -The -fil"-',? i>< t.v.-r. ci, Ireland .?.nil ribed aa "protected I about MB)?tona ?lit-pincement ithed and ? ppere?, and to have ' ' i ? ni] attble with i "<xi 'I titi.??. sad gi u i . Hog of . '.'.;? t'l i B ! th? ,t ? lasa sad Ire ot annstnent, not ex. a, i, BBBUBIIBB Tin* IM Ut fui. l<l?-liii),ti)?| nuil < a rol I in? II. H. ( ,,._ l.nrao >_|,. ,,i I,,,,,,;,,.,., ' VA . Api : ; ?->.,?.,, , rion in thfa ' :> ; p:i an<i tO 1 Y . ' . . found ?seeded It t?? > did ra? i adeat . their fan?l) d otts result I? ? ' ti in the been ae ? , the 'mm N i Yen cured BALB 01 LI "." . A p. of lumber dealer? 111 forty ..n the i ! I?M ? ' t and ?'.H,, river. Th? ..' t In 1 and make n |. . The family Im and bad to hun But little and I Mr. Rat . b? . a j platted A MISSING MAX. Mr. Juhn Kltrkland, B dnliynian '?f Dln his borne about a week ago and hat i t been t? a oi from ?us,? : . bla family and i wruni' 111 I to a . . for a bal i t week < be bl mi nt. Mi i Bl out I u fii- . rben be gol and d : nhet return? the thief. Maaa - II CK1 ?t MEMOR1 IX II ILL, ?iiiiiiiiI for II ItroU. n ?ll.-M? > E_i Shipment?. LEXINGT? IN s.\. April I (B] i rial.**? gton nd Lee 1 this morning for the tlon r Mei . cl w\ by a . th en uaed I I the Minis : Ion 1 War? thai let rator has the C .' if B It and W< ' : Injui ? d id? m ' rnwall, R i hen orth? . rn : of tbe t**. ? .. doing i??!- in have about ' at the ! ' lv? d 1 ;?' th? I hip : blpmenta do ia>t r? pi all i tupped from k kbrldge othei pointa In tbe county other ??ui!' ta for ahlpments, Mr. Wllllsm B. Board, i>t Buffalo Wo und Misa Bailie McCormlck, daughter of Mr. .?i ' ml? k. ?..; married Id? i. of the !> ide'a . W. Trawlck, of Buen i An old-l Vii I after tbe held ;t th? Hi i ' s, Beai of A -a.? ? t MBBRLABD DB-HOCB vis. I on illy ? ?,n\ ?in I?,:i llt-lil mid Siiml iinlioiiN Millie. ILAND COURTHOU8E, VA., ratio con :, of C imberland county i The ? !oun? i lirman, A. B. Am the conrentlon to order, and explained i.j. cl t" be th :. lection <> ' ? for the ae*? ' ' ' ,;" .1 chair? , ? .i. T. Poster _iry. W re nonii i i. Arm ir Bh? riff, ;i K Adami. foi ? omn the Oeorg? A? per i ?istrl t) ? R. Dat a b (VUllam .' ' . I Farms : : . LEE! Ill BO. \ I'u 1:1?_1 A?? l?l?nl ?l.ea' Hi -.?.? ii ? ou,, r Ment?ais. l'K?. VA., April . Jitc-r Of ' ii Thursday In Roun I Hill, i - a saking half-way and kn< . This morning l for by Dr. ? family Ian. ,,n the Leesburg und ?o nt-of Ist? '" ''' heglna ,ii on Monday Beat, batrliig sua ,,t the tlm?? o? the February blU :hi'?;. <?i:om.K JUtY COMI'I.ETI.D. ,lal?iii??it B-S-S of Wl???l Mate Ki U4Mata t?> Prove-. CANTON. 0? April T. The jury ?S_ioh ,,! the ?fate el Un. Abi . ?i of the murder of George aapletei a! 1-0 o'? lock noon, and t- fore ooort adjourn ., itlng Att'.riirv ?Pomerene bad , ,,, to the twtilre in>-n who bad i mips of wbai h? e\p? cUd tbe . j.?r the titutt i" I rove. Mr. \, ?v intim?t?*?) that the ?tstement for i... defence would be somewhat lengthy, nd it was deferred until morning. An Excellent Comb"nation. I The plea ?.?int. method and beriofi'-i-il I ('?TV.?-, O? ti'?' syi-11 Ifi?invn r? tii??!v, StBI P Of Ttee, na BU facture?! by the CA-IBORBIA I-'IO Siia'i? Co., QltsBtTBta th.- valut- of obtaining Um lu-nid laxa pnricipler*. of plants known to he lifinaPy .axiit:.?- and pr??sent?if ... in t) < tot m most t-efrsB-iing to the ? und ?if.'cptable to the system. It is the one pcrfei't .streni-theni-i??- lnxa tivo, cleansintr t_e system affact-aaily, ?i i'1'liio'? cold-, hoana ritte* and forera I gently yet promptly and -?ablins; one to .?-.i ; tOBM habitual oonMipatio-j per? I mauently. Its perfect freedom ir?>m ?very objectionable quality and snb nice, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without W?B_ken_lg or irritating them, make it the ??Icui ?ut*a-_re. In the process of manufacturin*-*- fi?/s are u.-id, as they ate pionaBDI t>? the taste, but th?- iueiM?iiiai qnalitieaof th? remedy are Ohteinad from senna and , ,. r iiroinri*. le planta, by a method known to tbe CAUyOBBLl 1 * i r? BtBVF Co. only. Iu ot'd: r to fat its benefl? lal e_??eta and t > n ? i ?Imitottona, please rameraberthe full name of the Company printed on the i'roiil of ever'.- pa I CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sat: francisco, cal ! LOUiaVILLK, BY. KKW YORK, N. Y. ! For .sale 1 y all Onis-iriste.?Prite Bto. pet buttle. (te I-T i Th a Ba ly ?'.- weoa tonr) .1 Mi?> ?ill. I?altera??WMIIanaaharg Bar? ?oust? nuit Briefs. WILLI | \'A., April 7.- | Bill, n | ?! . not at P riet, on n when the pa Ber. J. W. ? preach tt?o funeral sermon ?>f the late Kryne Nightingale, ?Idest msm? y i vf the congi a sad on? '.he found? , h. Mr. Night? at ths I i i a T? i:. hip. Andrew B wa . m< g at 1 : ! ' i or Ii .i ; .. i the P? n?as it In i area !' lie i Will b.- ? I, Hub , i !.. .-' ! Bei er who .' Zlmm ?-man, ?Mil return ? ac< mpai will t turn t halt. in ber ol the H Ths ? d snap > m of this fruit Dr. ? ?- for int. BAWDY ?IBBBB1 MBB. Outrun?-??'!-I II? lu?', ?m <"i the I".. 1". A P. H.jin!. t???sssi:u.. t il.) f the N?s , North, on tb? RI? hm< ' i . erlckaburg and thle thieving procllvl ef an entire crate of 1 ea In tin? ib, ,[ ... n, and oi wie being committed, when the proprl? tor brandli the ii,- men and ? m to : a,'.-. A! R?ther ??i- n, It ; , i. i ! Btoi of Hu? i? r ?fc Co - ffei M ! \. h _i.-.'is " i"'' the itlon-h md ? : bis watch, a goal waa t ik< n at r burg and ?Quantl-JO is minus a fa - and aeveral clocks. The rowdies further smus? ?i th? ms? i Th.' .' this pre F i mini ' er be lated In tiii i the ?-"ii'. Pro good, bul t? 1. \ I're.t.v Home ?\>i!?ltn? In LewlB? I?ern. LBWTBBURO, VA s- rll : t?p ?aL> Testai it 7 o'clock Ml ta A<1 ili?'. the third lUghtl r of Dr. ami . -1 II. AUI '?'i. v, Bl ? "" ? ? Mr. D Pu rb, Rev Will! im M*?C Whit,-. ' liar. It a Tha attendants a He Austin, Bister of the b : Mis Hale sad ' Aus! ?if the tr b, of ., ! broth? ' ; Ml. Tb? n tl mlly. Af< erved tit ' train, where 1 Push ,i for an ei borne ' .??nil, : ' ?a?. III' ?Til Oi* \ Ml MM!. It. Hev. Jniiie? H. < ln?.t?in. ??f llie Vif . ml?? ??nil? rinri', LTNCHBUBO, \'A, Aprti 7 v. Jsmsa k < : , Clev !, .a..' to- la) i Be pneui B native of ' BBIB Of ggt. tied, and ; I the Vb. Confereace ahonl two reara agre, when he was aenl here to his' first rhirge. p Bides the ch'ireh h<-rc, he bad inotbei t Daartngtoa, and eaa same atghi aa? alna In 'i" ! uBtry._ __ _? ?B___?_MB, The Ileat Ii? H?e World. ?A'e 1 . -1 ? ? - -? - ?'la.nil" lala'i Cotaah I: a* ?s the ??"! I* ' '' a rid. a few weak? ago we sufferM with a severe cold and a troublesome i-ou?!i. and baring read their advertisement? In our own and other pa vse purchased b ttJej to - e ?f it would B?eel Ba. h i? ! ae ?sefore the 1 ottll area more than half used. It b?tst me'?Icliit" oui t??r elds and r.niah?. -The Herald, Aml-isonvllle, Ind. Kot sale by all druggists. Sat,SunAW A SLUMP IN STOCKS. ?.It EAT BMHs-M If PR ITK tl.1V ALL SPEI IALTIE?. Ulli IN THE AFTERNOON. This Hedor??? ?t I.OHsea to Very ?mull Proportion? In Some (??< ?, anil i:?tnlill?lie? Subaeiincnt A?J ?, nu eis lu Oilier??When t Lower. NEW YORK. April T.-To-day'- graBBa tlon.i1 I ; . r?-marku.h.' gres 'lint t? ok ?place In practl ; laltM-. Issssee ot ?m ? I at the end of th "frii the ? The i ' .-?a! influei.t-e h? hir.,1 | ?t*<?B?ge In prl'-e? tarai Use rnn-v : rii?cr!mln??t:o-i v. i ? titles Th-; Inability of i to r-n?w k ana on those ka at th-; Lost prices ObtslBablS. Call rat . from ? to u per ?senL, hut left off at the ?A\.r figure. The f - by many commission-.-. . '?uiage 10 th?: l,?;il -. Whd ' "! - ..' toned new ?pot? of weaknes number of bsoi tar of any atten - I r kef , bi ?trailing b tartly In t!.?- Ir.i'i ?ria?. I .g _I of .'arm, g? ,! : ag of them by ; . or t" secure fu: ih?- aharea v. hi' I in the hope of profit In the rebound. '?. ' f ,.. - i the de :i of BE? While Uk " 1 rush of ?;<---i?'.:> big apt ' Itb it tbe conn? Uon that the ? of Usa I ? ou d la t i b ; ; i gradoally ?tuckad tie ??Broa ru,.-la.?..ght on prl? . and r? ad. Ma h thought whs given to the probable BSOOCt , tin nt. In the In the I? an ? rowd by an rsry p:"nthn at . ss :,, n I'.-i,-? ? were sot fat" from the low eat a i ami er of < ommlaal ?a bous? s fr? My .; el m b ? re the buyer ?-??uid I "i in.- char . ii. Many interests, s hi? b mo m? ni' in el ?! a?tall i i?b liahing mem arnl? b i . the . . , tall ? . lait ? i Off ' ri ii .- ! 1_V|, With .1 ' "'. BSt lo??. ; - si.-'? vn:.u : : ; ?A It ?1 - ? ' ' . - Manhat 1. ? 1 r ?. ' irai; 11,900 . ?rtl i ", , ': I Interna? P per: -red: . : 1,6*? Br Continental ' re? I s ' , ? ? \ i IAIS ': firm at ' .-.. : ' . m nal. and IlM-i-isi1, ' *i. .'ver, . . . . -. i;1.-. ? lovernm? I state bonds I I bonds w?bbI BANK CLEARING!! The toi il bank cleartnga la the l'nit???-! I for the week were I of N? w 0.1 BOW *? ork MoeU. <i,.,(., i i ? . Atcliifnn . Bra , l . B ? . 7 . . i . ?V't . - , ' . It? . . n. m. 111., ] . ; W. i. . ?*: i N. W. Iffl . V)2 . . . 17?> R ? i . I. . i . Ft. was no . . . . Lake I . U i ak< . . Nai Ule . . n; . . . [ . I i . ayo . _ Mo., u and T. Yi. .SP, K . :l'??l . ' . . 1.;?.., ! a ' t. L. j,,-* S v., Chi and Bt. 1 . : ? s? . , Chl a nd 81 ? ' Western, prefei Mo Am rt? an Co. ,j - . . : W. ,., i in. R. mai Nar. iD * . ?: . " ' rred. -?a - ' rg . .;. . ; l?t prof. v. . i k. 0. W-, ?prefer?a?] . 7C Rock laUnd , . mi. 5i Louts and fl I. ?j 31 Louie aBd B F pref? : y, St Loula and B. !'.. 2d pref. ' ?^ ' 2.;.! m, - 1 . 32S ! >.;. t. Paul, preferred . u., i. I', an.l <?m. . 84U -. p. and "' i :*'?. |f " iac . -?uthern R ? Iwsy. toJL outhern Railway, preferred . jB nd P i Ml . . U ' . ?. Inlon Paclftc, [ r?terre?4 . 791^ p . 1? aad ?J. I2t4 'iibi-h. HU 'ah-tsh. pruisrred . ajg NEW YORK 8T-OCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Wheel, ind L E. lit, Wheel, and L P., oref. 3U Steel and Wire. >A American Btsel BSd Wire, pref. S6 EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adams Ex;iri s? . 110 Am-ti ! | | .140 T nlted States . M Well? Fargo . _S _I>'t'_LLANE<:>l._. A. Cot. oil . Ut rred . BB 'm Spirits . it1? I . af) -, . _3 -. i r. f. If) ntal T< '-e ? . M entai T? be? i o, preferred . ?7 Consol Id it? i Oas . 194 ' ' te. ? . c . IM coi. p. and iron . -W-?; and Iren, preferred . '*"> . lit' ;i iw, Com'l Co. w Brooklyn Rapid Transit . IkH ' ?Paper . BB ' I Paper, pr< ferrad . si La G . - . 6C"' . 34V Lead, preferred .UBI : it Lin ? m . 4 Padflc Mall . 49?. i - tlaa . I8J Pullman Pala? a . l*>> . U '1 Rope and Twine. M Sosar . IBB Bugar, pref.116 T. ? . and Iron . 5ST U. S Leather . M '". S. Leather, preferred . ~2\ C. S. Rubber . O1? ?. 8. Rubber, pref. IBM n I "ni?>n . ?M i ; St? -I . Mj I |, preferred . ^ ? ?gti. Nav., preferred . N i i ferred . *) -' ut hern . i'/j Colo .8 1st p? ?ferred . M SOUtbsrn, .'d preferrcl . BBj nonti?. I 3's . Bl ! .12 I .*-'.:, W ! .- .!_'? . - l'a .115 i .-'. I -, coud ?n .U I - . .Yd .IIS .us eut ! I. 117 S . 110 . IM s ? ' . It?' Alaban y . ?B , l'a . . 1'?)', I, t'a . ?-i . lio iiio 4Vh . 93M . a?7, iblo l'a .tltu ' i. ? ?i : . , /- , " i?,ii . h w '' Q, IStl . I"?1; I? an,? , ', .I0f?4 1-7 i - r Ti . 105 , . 7.' F. W. ind D ;. B 1 ; ' i ? ' .; . l?? *-j 'I 'I ! - S ?Y . 111 o. H. i ib. a. rs.r??> II. and T. C. y-i . U_ H and T C. ?son. ti's . Ill Iowa C Ists . MM l.i .*. I l'a. l'O-, i. and n Uni i's . M* i Pacifie ?>'s, f..?:is,,is. ll'-? M . K. and T. Pa . tP? M.. K. . N. Y. ? - . IIP, x. J. ?' t'a . 1114 North < s . i '.,? i i . l"t . il?,'-, ? . th? No I l's . V'P N I ? ' ai . i " i ',':? . I " Northw? . lt:t'. . . 111 f . bBM ' B Une ?.'s. t. r. UBH 0. 8. L ;. m . W1?, B G. ' . BBl : M. . MB Bt i. id San Fi a. G ?Ta. IM -y P C? n. ' - : C. .", ! P. lcta . IBM s-, Paul C . ?-i', ithei . Il v4 . !?a ? n? w eet. S'a . w T? i i' . L. O. lstl . un Ter, Pac. I- Q - . BM r t>. D an : Oui! l>ts . M . IM i 2'? . %-, W. Shore t'B . Ill . MM I).. Ht rai . , : ' . I \S - i a COI l'nhin i . 1'.'? . 96 Central ta In. 4> In. (offered). i:?r4 . s:'-. it if BMOBD stock i.\< n ?.?,?.?K. k. . .: I, \ i., April 7 ' I . UOVE--?rM-NT BECUBiTU Bld. Asked, t'nltcd Sftt.s 4's .Ill . .WPA . i . BE? i iU'iii:s. North Carolina 4'a .'."? . X ? r 111 ? ? l'a .IM . . tury . ?i M* S-i't'KlTIES. leite! ty Ft .IB . .IM . nd city 11 .Ill . : It] l'a . l'a _ i;.- bmond dty Pa .?Ml"!. BA-LKOAO BOND? ' 7's.121 . A. and C. K t',1. m ?. -.ISO . __,, BO. and ?fla. Pi.M . irg < ? I * .us . urg Class B ti ?.12? . lt. und 1*. ' obsoI ra .Ill . Rich. ??' i M?* k. Is! l'a. 77 . n Railway 1st S'a. loi . i N. C. 1st ri .117 . : Us. prefer? I 106% 10B1 ?oie .101 i?.] .1"! . VY ?-t Mor. ?'"n. 4 p. c. 92 . . it) BTOCKB. l'ar. .i ? la . lu ind ? Ihlo .IM t .... .100 U0 ; ' ?;i Lin? ol ? i , "A"....IM . s "H" ...i-,'-? . , I p a B . P. iad P | ,, . com.i"i IM .... ? ' j-- and P. dlv. obll... . ? i \ . . , ?s p. c. e. a . R., F. and F iar.,101 170 . Iway, pref... .MO io . n .I'M _ . . A ," '. 71 7J ' ""' . M M ai -i ? " ? la ... ??t . Norfolk Btreet RaUwsy Co.;j |g BANK BTOCKB. Exchange . B , -, . Y--* Nat onal .100 . , . i .100 BO . ., -' '? B Irai .t ? i- \"i -, . .I'?' zu .... ?.... . : ? Hi l/ira i la .IM Ma ,..? - .... ? :' a). 4SI ut ...?.' I'AMES. Pire an.'. ..', 40 . I ta .2j B M es. I I .. .. CO.. ? "in. M .'?4 . i. a. Co. , '?... .100 111 n, Ina Cb i-,, i 'i?? .._?M ::>. ,-?:. , ions are for bonds maturing in i t less than sen yesr? _nti\ isiiiiiTiiis i:\iiit\u:, Hi. :.n.' id, \ d., Apiil V, I;'.?.?. Quotat!?as: Wneat?--LonB*b?srry, 7? to Bi mi i tberry. 7o to v No. 2 i ; * ' ;: -White, \ : i lie. ; .\ | v ,; to ? .' ' I No. 2 white, 12 t?> i-'Y?;.; No. ? ml?-e?l flc; N" l mixed, 4?0c Oats?No. ! mixed, UH?.; No. ? mixed, ?c. ; winter ieed, Me. Bye- " HHHMO>D IOHACCO ?IMIUiKV. Riel?sena*, v??... April 7. UBI, sales reported to d ?'lller.--, * h; ??head, leaf oar.,. 'ho*?head?; los?, t? ho-x-h? ??i-. T,,ta, umber ? r b< iTSheaaa ?o.d during the ?lay, atemal-revenue collec r ?f I.. ?nd. Va., to : I - cigar?, T tal, Il . i dark Iocs OB the Bl h roi d bl '>' *,**?. fri-ashaw'B iVsrehous? IM ?*??ounds--hls;hest prie, y Shock a Warehouae, ?,S?.? poun is? dgne t prie*. BT.J5; Stor.ewall Warehouse. 71% n ? . 3,106 pound??highest prie. 1777?. Total number of pound? ?oi?l during the day, 20,21u? highest pi I-?.-, 8U SBBf-JtAL M A It K ETS. N'l'W TOBK PRODVCB MARKET. NEW YORK, April 7.-KI -ur -Moderate I) a Ure and eteady. whbptit change; Minnesota bakers', *?t7M,2B. Rye Fl ur-LuM. Cornmesl?Quiet. Rv- Steudy; No. :, ?He It.u lej - Nominal. Barley Mall ?"ill. aaay; No. 2 ?,\<\ Option? opened ?toady, OQ ?-wring, but developed weakness. In cO te of easy cablea, ar-eakreaa lu storks, liquidation, and big Arg. n Ir.e ?lapments. L nrlces rallied on bad Crop new?, but flnaliv r;,?..,i rr again, through unloading, and closed vv a . May I, >.l 7'. ??-.: July, e -> ?- 1, 7ti"V'-. ?H p tember '"'"I 7?.?74^? ?' rn spot steady ; Ho. t, POBc. Op tion.? . > an?l ruled w< ik all day, with v. i th,u was very its , I (ay i 39Sc; July ClOB? d Oats-Bpol dull; No 2, WAC, Options Beef- F'-a ly. Cut-Meats?-Steady. ?.? ?1 Dull; w? mod, MM; April. J5.52??., nomo Sned steady. P r* -Quiet; mess, t?" Butter?Steady: we imery, 1 ft 2P ,?.; faet-Tv. Ii - 2V-: lml ta'ion creamery, l?il?'-.e. ; ?-.tat?? dairy, ltejiSk Cheese??Pina; large white, Holte. matt Til III, ftate and Pennaylvaala, I.V.; western fresh, 12*itI13c.; southern, U<?l2V?c. Steady New York. $1.23fc$l.W; sw. ets, Jersey, t- ? '- ?, ' '. Pr me , rale, lyttWAfl. Petroleum barely 3tea?Iy. Turpentine?Firm, at 433134c i '--l-'iim. ?ablat. -Option? open? d ll ata r tied moderately .-Ytive but gfi idy, on favorable Bra . ?n newB, HYi feeling in spot ?le partm? ut. and closed at? ad i ind an? ? to .', pointa higher; sa ,-. M.06; Ju i l B| M R ' No 7 iu\ . N" 64c. Mild steady; Cordova, Si M Sugar-Haw stromr and tending upward; fining, ! .; centrifugal, !>'. teat, VA. . ; n. I rctined i?">.: i a. i he 1'iY- -?.? ? >DS M IBB NEW TOBK, April 7. -T? no mal > lu ' - ' roods division. Bpol trade baa : >-. au,t mail orders ii ira t:"'. , general dy, and i r cea on all I? adlna re wlthoui change. The : . imes ?f printed ind troi | I iode la well No i hange itl .-,,> dlviabob. ?Burlapa firm at pi rtoua pi PAI/riM ?BB PRODUCE MAP.KKT. BALTIMOB??, April *Y-flour- ?julet and unchai ? Wheat 1 ?nil and lower; ?ipot and th<? month. 75 l-2<575 3-4C. ; May. T.V.iT?. t-1?'. ; saked; southern wheat, by san? . ,-; ?pot 'ind th?> m?>tith. .Itllie, BSki ?i. white ? orn, Be. aak? ?l. . .\ 2 v.l, : asked; No. i weatern, SD 1 -' !. listed I 1 led. Fll Wl II ': ' CHICAGO PI ' sHKK'i*. CHI? ?GO, 7. ? . siai-k f? 1. Ign dem ' h? try Argen? - as was a menace, rn and Pork Improved : ribs left 0_ un it ? I The Lea?Ung futur? rai p d aa f ? nil 1 _ iheat Lowest. Closing '.. '.lav .......72?i - Julv . Cora No. I ! July .15484 3t?4 85'. lent , . m% ? M's No :'. VI ... Julv .M4 M.-ss Pork Per barrel, Mar ... UM - " 0 $9 174 juiv .. I ? ? ' pJi ?ja*B Lard Mav ... y . . is30 ? <> J ilv .15 ?7y I5.4? ? $6.40 B I .....UM i I to....'2 i 111 BIba Per 181 pound?. .M.774 M.7?4 $4.75 ?i TV* . $4.90 $4.874 UM : YYY UM $5.0*24 ? a-!i qu tstloni follows: No I yellow Plour dull ' . No. 2 red, ' ; -7'1 f S white . No. 2 rj 18c No 1 flaxa? .?'._ _" I, U ??. Me ? pork per I ..,: ! I M-50? . ire ?i? ?-?e.i). ?1 37H?5 14.60: short -, - (boxed), $Vs--$5.1?'. . gallon, : " B.M; granu lated, 1 ter firm; cream? WttWc. dairy. 11 ' . fresh, n-'.e. Cheese steady; creams, n vil-1-,?-. THE COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, April 7 a',,'t?>n .-'????t in : m ind; prl? ea tirm; Amerli aa mid dling, .'. '. 'i i." aal?.- ef the d ly w.-r,. 1 ?les, ?.'. w id i? .' ? were for export and eblpment, and Included MM Amert? can. R? elpl - ocludlng IJ0Q Am? 1 lean. s opened quiet, with s m-op-rat* and closed ate id] at ths ad Ai middling, low middling April, April and M ly, M ; lune and J | 1 Sep in r and i? r - Novem- ( ber and 1 1 -; I ? ' ' bruary . P? bruary an?i b iy? is-. NKSS' V'llK April 7.-<'?.t f?n-Quiet ' ' ' ' '- 2 090 ba - - i IS&.xn bal?--' to-day: N : to Orea! Britain, .u.?4 bal? to intlaent, 371 bale?; stock, in,lM illdat? d: Net r< eetpts '. ?.". i ?t. ; ?les. Totals ?it; a! er 1st: N? r re? cetpts, 7,' ' H i ?,, the Ooi ' little Interest was n ?i? or v? . v.? k. dtt? g the pr, g!'?"--? Of tl and the : Ian I where oui of the ' .- while En hesita? market. . lern Initial English cabl? I which, v. ol *?' w ? ?i er with it night's > ' the i tock marke! i?-?-if dividual among l trad? . t, ; itoe mad?? n" lnopres?lon Light to killing I ?ted In the Bouthw?*atern Btal Bd in the old nor preparatlona s? Inx i ' ?i..j,i ment to ?h.- r,.-ir ? ,., in 'he northern portion of he bell for to-night. Th" crop m?*.v??n ent was a ly ?mailer than ai thr w?v.. i in th?- Btstl - , ,,|,,ri wtn pretty much ?s n-p.?r? Bnd Ir.formii ?ion from ?outhem spo timrket? were much thw ?ame a? that ?f th- past few The murk?? Clos .??id net I i to I p. inta b gher u nct rotton future? ooened ?teady a, ,?, ; Ar.rtl. ? ?. p.M- June dy. (SVM: August. $5.97; Sep't,mbe.' $5.93; October. $5.?: November, Mm- rtT: emb.-r. y- Jan\i^ry. $6.0.0, Pebraary '$ac*7 ^jar?'h. $6.1?" Puturee clo?ed Mt.-a.1y; April. Is.,- vj.,y B.M: Juns, ??.!?"; Julv and Autrttst F,'% September, UM; ?Ootober, UM; Novem? ber, $5.!?7 December I?: January M_ Vbrusrr. U.M. March. M0?. It eloaed ?lulct and unchap.ged; sales, I 39?> bales. ' t B-liasnaa are th? total net receipts of i < ___F1MXI4I,. ___?^.~ MON KV TO LENT? ON ItEAL ESTATE. R. B. en AFFIN ?-.- CO. (In??rporai at?7-2f _No. I north Tenta ati m"()\i;yto?,km). MONET ALWAYS OB MANP TO LE.Nl> us REAL ESTATE at I per M i D. CARNEA-, ap <-ts_No. ll?? en?t Main at? Tie Slate Bank of Virginia, RICHMOND, VA. Capital.$500,000 Surplus.$240.000 JOHN S. EllLTT, WIIHAM M. Mill, President. Cashier. Directors : AIeyand;r Cameron, John 1 l?lli-tt. T. C. Wi* liant?*. Jr.. liraiiulle L*t. \ all-litme, J.inn?s I). Crump, John R. .Villianis, J. M. Fourquiean, A. R. liilcr ton, J. !.. Antrim. ja 29 " ? - ? ? ^ 1 at ?II nort? ?ince September 1, Galveaton, t,lM,<t4 bale?, New Or? leam-, tiM; Mobile, -48.2B5 bal???; bales; Charle-non. Wilmington. 215,1*3 bsie?; Norfolk. oi6,m bales; Ualtlmore. ?,7-*0 New V? rk. 11.', 117 balea; Boston. ' balea; Newport Newa, l.' ?23 bales; Philadelphia. 43 W bales; l.runswlck. 245,741 balea; Tort Arthur. 1?.7? bale?; Pensacoia, ITO.aW bales; l'.?rt Kojal, S?, Ml ?balsa. Total, 7,?x^,?;'..?sj bales. NEW 01U-BANB, April 7.??"otton-Fu Y Apnl. l?.tKl 1,1,1; Mav. $6.17*9 I." ?' ?. Jan-, IS. 7.'?-Ja 71. J;.:. ? ... J.*>7I; Augu I s, r. $3.71 .'Jw.7.'; ? tub? r, i ; '....? , .-, r,.7i>iji .Y 71, I'ee,ml.'er, $7,.; ;.,(:,.7?. UVE ?ITOCB MAP.K. I ' BICAG? ?. A| i lr sattle w?s il ?w to da f. and j ik IB mi ni roi s',s. -, me I? la selling Blight? y lower. Fancy cattlo brought v.-^u"?V>.r?; s. j? ;t?.-??t:>.?i0; medium steers, -t?^i>. 4-1 "in.7y ?t.?cater? ?nd ; | <i m heifers, $3 *?-.. fl ?; western f? d . 'ii-xati ?teer?, ?lulo..-, *.. ,: if?.7*. The Supply of bogs was n?>t large, but iy? - iianag?yl i?? fo UMc. 'V ". Fair to ? hoice . ' .', heavy ;?a ktm? lots $3 7 : :: ; . mlx?*d, *? <j0ib? ' butchers', $3.?0_S-.87 1-2; light. UM9 -j Dig . :--.s-<, . Whin- the recelpta of hasp afore not 'specially tarse, it.?' aras in unduly large pei-centage of lambe. Sheep sole at Heady priese, ?Ahile lamba moved slowly ?t a fill '!? r : lU *' 'ii Of ..'/ 1". . m ii, ' i totsl decline of 20c. for the week, th tnatid at ft'uii'. with the bulk of sales at $4.7?>(i$4aV>; yearling?. II.7 '>'?iJ-:'."., luiiY. ?.??<. ?s?, Colorado . *>o.7?>?i$5.?>j, und ?hum Krade?, It-M-i? Becelpta: ?thtttla hXAU lead, in??,?, -*a?X? in ad: sheep. I?i.?."J0 h. a.i. NEW PIKK, April g?Meeves-ll'? 4?*>7 hesd; no trading; f. I. ? at?ie.? quote live ? ii tie slow: ih< i? steady; refrigerator lieef lower at ? ; i i ,- i ound tie; t.orrow, BB cattle and (BB ?:?;..r i ? 11'. 'lW to prune | 7<V ;? and Lam u id; 12 1-2 ? ar? on aale. Snei p ' mba mm? n te a "?i aheap?, . ?I la mi: :i ,'.* ij.'? 12 l 2; ii, ? i hesd; two ? are ea Mark? t dt? idy nt 1 100 e BALTIMORE At l I tPe juote as folios - \ sal i, 199 pound, He. ; good veala, per pound. 6<fi . iod, per head, $i?/W. v, q ! i follows: Spi ii?. 7 1 So. per p, i pound. per pound, cholc??, 4,/t l-4c.; k head, $l'o) i iitickH per head. $*i ??I. NAVAL-STOBB MAltKETS. CHARLE8T ?N. s. ?'. April 7-Turpsn Rostn Bteady and ?in-hanged; sales, WILMINGTON, N. C, April 7.-Spinte of Tut ??entine- Firm at Z'f^ZV.e.; re 17 -11?a? R? In?Pu m at Mu.fjBBi r??-*lpt?, 317 I le Turpentine?Nothing ?i.?inir. Tar l-'lrn: al 96 ' barrels. .-- \ i/ANNAH. GA., Api II .' - Ir!? i of Turn ntln? I ??*c; sales, Hi ca?k?; i a.? elpt? n Firm , ' aales, 2753 I? irr? la; i . iel?. BBPOBTa <>\ THE 1BMT B?fl leal ??non y of Mile?'? OflLera H.-.-nl ? l\???ell, It?.- I*rt'?rr?fr, Tu-U?)'. IPABHINGTON, I?. ?'. April 7.--M?rlBB iot mai forenoon si a ta-?i.iy t<? accept ?.-< evidence the oB?Bal N porta irmy, ?h.- beef l.'i'iulry court d.-v it d Ii - if P. Ils', tiliiK ' | r-.i'litiT Bf ni"-?' r p : <. They were resd tata represantatlve of I Miles, a n" ii"' r- nd or?)y r??out eighty el th? IB at thman, wheu th?. ei.iirt aiij'.u! m -i for tan ?Jap. Th" re?..?!!- wer? generally brief atate I mal xi?? 11? m ?-. of the 1 or atssssaaria ? ' the optsJeaa of ii.- ni? n uiiii- r th? in. 1 bl I bora _Inioi't kgcluaaveiv ?n I . ' '. 'nt than to the re* lad bt Tiie idflcer' generally ?sondent!led be ? ? du, '?ni m pal t of i at ion. The eomplalnta a? re thai It was nd tough, and in m??J I that il ma I lb? n n al k, m.I in others that, hungry th??u-<r? ?hey renerally \?? re, tb? rath? r ,n ?at i' in some ? isea, however, th? ,ili<-. r? reported thai they had bsari no lempl lin'.? of tl?' ai'at. Mr. .,.. B Powell, proprietor of the Powell ? ratlve pi will bo bsBIrfl : I? . With reference t?? th,- application of more wit t the court min itlon n?ji to lummon ,i'iv of those on the Us! whose ,tlmoi ' merely enrroboia'hre ,i that .:.: -?j??? The ?.(?i li?-i Tarf. rOlf, April 7.-Results st . Pirat i furloni Boney Roy ?77 n, Judge Wardw? II ?^ to 1 and 1 ?nd, Mara?in (20 t?? 1? third. Tim?, -i - . Second race?sis furlongs?Dr. Parker 7 t'< -i \v?n. i Y.!-' a' ... ?i to I and 3 to 6) lecond, Sir Plorlan ?", t,, i? third. Time, :1? l-i. Third rar.- half ' rrllly 'l ?o , won .' I and 4 to B hlrd. Time, 52 4-:.. Fourth i ' of e nil? Bist i/eni won, W.ilf Tin? tier i-' to l and 'i to 5) second, l'lantaln Fifth : Duko of Middle? lurg ?i1? to S) a/on, T>ran (7 t? i and l to <? lj third Time. :?JT. _ - i i i??W M tltlXi: l>TELLILEXCE. .UNI ITCBJB almanac, APBJL 8. vmi I,m rim*^ HH1H TII>B ' %;'' ' . -' . _ ,,|;T i>f NBWPORT NEWB, M'HIL 1. (By ' AHKIVEIl. Steam-g- rtawrrv. P"i' I ; ?n. t . imaa, L"3ton. .sah. Steamer T?.ekal. Rut'tiUam and Am? i: ?eh. Antwerp. . r A J Muruh> e. inah. Bchoon PB v.-tiport, Ko?t.-?B. R, ho?' I ' ''" r DayllKht. H???ton. y\ i harlesten, ??cbOO-er L. L Sprniiue. L> nn. TOM* Of 'A!-' P??1NT. AI'HIL 7, IBB (By t BJUUrBBk Bteaatkshlp Ha'tli0'? Murphy; passen? r*?? antl general curgo. 'p-eai-n.htp Elm City. Heynes, Matta >onlI river; pa??eng?rs and g?*a .I-.0. I i I LED. ?r,-. Murphy. pa??sa re>? an?! general earg?,. Il.iyn.-s, Mltta? >,:.i ?lver landings, paatengers and gea ?ral ?.ara*?.