Newspaper Page Text
4 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. APRIL 22. 1899. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BY TBE DISPATCH COMPANY. The DAILY DISPATCH if delivered to 'Mbaertbera al in ty CENTS <?- aaoath, isynhie to the carrier weeh! n ?muitM.? Mailed nt B per annum van? i M for six a ni'inths : M cents for ? ' pu , ?,p?. 3 <-. ?. The R I'ii.i.v Dli :1" ' mati?-?i la two | ' , tea. The BUNDA1 DIBPAT? annnin, Hui s. rlptlona I " nA' veno?, and no ; , expirai ion of ! Id for. 8 pont-om. ? m.?! ed letter. Cun at the risk ol wishing tl ' r ! give their old in new ] office. 8ampl? . i w ADVERTISING R . BAUT INCH OB I 1 time. 2 times. S times. t> ilnirs.. 13 tlmei . i month . thi. . .- . Jlil-.ll, BBS W *?\. I ? ' A? eartlaementa rum li ; 1.. a I ?TOttO! ' BvC Mm or ! tota ilahed en application. ah lett? ' i,n: DISPATCH ? OMPANI j Ri nlcal . - i, - i tun.f'l. _ All I ? Bee moot ?be i aid for to lb?ir pubUcatloa Thla : of m?' _ Ro?it*,hiii??iis ?.f r? ap?i t te mera ? . -. "-' , rged I a?dr? rtislng matl "?P.TOWN OFTI? B, i IEET PHABMA? \. II BAST BR? IAD Si REBT. MANCHESTER OPPICE? UN HULL STREET. BATUBOA1.APRIL 22, 1899. it i? the eeeme al Ihe meetlag thai tii?? e?fereaee in Blehaaaad Bhenli not l?r lor or ntnio?! no.? ? i?tiillil:it . I,tit rntliir mrlilly for ?l?<- ?nl ? tiii?'? im-tit of n Kii-iit eaaae Bearer t<? ii??? )ii,i|ili' I hriii itn? mini of iiifii.?II?'?'? iniioi? itiio|ii??i i?> the Dem?rrate ?>' >?>utiiiiin|i???o ?>ii Moadaj in?t. COMB I?? Ml? HMO-ID. dur Infoi 3?,nty ?>f th? i from the i?"tt"iii ol "sin1. . . ti.tiiiiK United 81 'J'ii?. political altuatlon In Virginia iu terei t.s th? m but 1 h< y are looking beyond tb - ? rrow field. They m.- taking a n itloi .: ?. when the t? ted moi und hold, .,!i' i. m bringing m ??Ith ti. ; '-ii . How cen < n,i to look to the poopii l' un di and ai pro val? n w. are re? Bolvi d 10 check pos . . omblna i - i the ' iv. n how , .m u. do it_ bettei than b making -, I I" tl -, |V? iim la far from bi ng i i i... ,U It || ol? and broad thai ? r been raised In tbl: oun? try. i'w? nty-iis le bave expressed a l foi ._ cbang? .. ?i? sire that tin- ? shall be am? nd? ! ao ai to Impo upon the whole bod | sin Ihe dut] now i nj< In? d upon ? Do Vh a i h ?a ni In 1111 -t mregaent or not i ? w? maaei ?. ta h tva nu i pre afraid to un-1 ti That tha aentlment In ii". <>\i I ?hi lmitu ly in favor l tho Diapatch ?hasn't the Lut ??"." I to "wall ,t th? May movejn? I lll-advlsed; thai latcnSod to ?boom Bomebod) and injure Bonn body <; . ? lc if ?v.? ?it" to y.' heed I Uona .? ? these we aball tha cbang? , va i ball atand In our i i ti? k- i' i all time. i la ? ii! ' : ' M,\ Ira etll . . it haa at. all . ?nu cle?na. .1! well und? n lood t?? ?be an bonnet api i Ie ?"in. i.?. i hi r and petltlou authorul?.- to give aa a fair -, to tee! Ihe general aentlment upon thla ? act. it i - : mu? .??iv?" .it? - "i t..? to inrik?- knoan ti- if : ' : ?n ^ in.nt ami inriu'a.i.; end I i?? i ?r party lo i ^ *s- . li?'.lu?l u there anythln | g in thai T Haven't ? .< tha right of petition? if our views are it tii y to be adopted by the part; ! II th? are un goend can'i th > be reje? ted? The tu?'" for tbe Mej meeting la near? li.,- ; i..i ??,. ti net that the I ? rr thi? State will now give their attention Ie the i I alone for awbll?. R. m? I changa can 1 i n ol nominations until it ?.- Bra! . ? ; our party authorities, All tint th ' ,,, ,,, do is t ' ; t?? ini|?r?. - nt on tho Den the limy "f asking that 1 ai ? i?> ti -?u i Ih? ? Bltloa .?.?.Ilk?? >,..; bf .-?ir- ! , , B on M BBBoag U . who ?? 111 i ' it?'n- ??n thai r "a- .m app? : i i' n ly of Virginia ' ?Mti? th? Ir brethren ol favor ii,.' cnooatng . th popular \ Tin: miMii: BOXOH \iu F.T"~" Tii. ? ??it Ih?- Y| tnrillty iiiul SOl? mni". and a wh ' ' u* M ' ira ol ih" i > .- . i,, re? v"kt" IB M ment s gains! Hotter Rrilllaaas, !.?.<? r ?a , in l?tt, and ??.i up g BtUt IO| y el hla -_---_ .,?. which ea were te the 9mtee of Bhode Irland, m-1 "ft ,"r' v,!? "lil' '"' ,""1 ., h?'.'i?!ii?? ol Mi enB I a In? Bned t?. think for hbaeelt .; IU years, uni n Btrlk? the! ?option thai he wouM like t" ooeae bach and wander arouad la bin bM heunti ih rather ;i rleleni m v- ? rtlurt? aa, it i?, to the <-r.?m ..f M Ate ?ii'ii it la i'i?.i'"s? d thai ?;1 ?apologlaa te i im and in.ik?' tha aaaende bonorobie. The petition i? avldaeca ??f >>>:'t "?' ' , . ouraga which to Ineepai Item hlvelry, and a i . *** : ,;i.,?v. .1 i j a mort ni' nl the Sab m wtt? hm ?be? k and a? th? m t n? i< - ream feettval. \ t.itti? i\t. PI zzi.i:. I . ' ?. reported thai Mr. Mi Klnley ! ring tha oju? 'ran ol mat Ing Imperlalli m ? bem tic waj of potting n. The iii?,i?' ung? iceful way "f putting rr. ' I' r , ai- ly . onstd? ;nj; the lia ' ' r g, in dl alini; With them, Aim n- ai '. i ? i ilk n the " '?li li.u really ? hanged from thi gen tle, lovable, attracth .. i ; rnted t?? I ?. into ti? p . ' : : Igl ia Y t ' |gh< b ?\ "i k '. without iii volvlng the diplomatic trouble w- .. - In iii. tributlng I ? r ah would be ; would be to throw I i I thi wo ild do tl ? ur Filipino ? . th? in ? K !? t with one another. After the gamo waa ,"Uld to ns - rabei left, . ,i is mor? to be desired, \?. ? ?? < >ui?i ??f the t ivlng m. militating agalnsl thi pros] i?. iiiK work? ?l that ?\ : fact that It nor I to app? ar thai tin Flllpin? : "humunll ; mtemporarl. i I us thmk, or els? the) havi cba ;., Unir original con? I , ! re i . i" ii? ve that if th? . g of the Y"iLt'.w n f? il i-,!?? "r< bel" bands lb? y bi n kindly that tha ?Filipinos have , onsld? iii?- toward. Am? 11 in n hom thi y had pr? vlously i a ured. None hope moro d< voutly than . . thai 11" i ?- ground for this be? r there is, and the si t? m< i I iti letten from the Philippin ouching our dli position of r-"iii" of our iii?,ii - rue, it followa that in i.i for vil. i also followa thai | opl? of auch l llatlli? 11 WOUld be li?! 1 t" g? I UP a that the r.miuble a uld patiently await individual on.h tlon bj the monetai ind that, consid? ring the vas! ? ol hero, Un? would b ?k? ly ' an almos! > ndleaa on?. if a truth ; I Philippine puaxle .- ma to jrow more Intricate, and t?? put us :? day. ? i it. ? .III. The I aaya this in of ?m artl? Ie on the May < on . i? nee: "The question of selecting our aena? of the peopl - ,. - alnlj ? n iltude and Im lortance ti b? considered ilone." And 11 y la in Vil ?t'i'i'.v" tbe chai li.ii? ?Itity to attend the M tlon un? i, i their oplnl ?n i ? n ia n antl to r hem t'i? a'lth the _p? nts And 11 "Surely, wh? ther a i Is In ac ind public policy, I vbetber it i p should h.i\" more a*? Igbl in the than what ma; b. i li dividual, no m itt? r low ?i? ? i ?. in?-' " All of which is w? II said and i i lelghl of the lys: "The committee appointed to reeom I gins Its work '. i it :i? the R< publican m mi- r ... ? i . eated by n In the i hat it mlghi ?. : ?. which ?t'ould command the support "t Republl* Wan a, i thai the Banking and C ur? nitt, been i.mpllsh la... dllti - ncea of opinion among Republl. ami on his sni'.i' ' i. the arni,?us hoped that I igatlon and comparison <?i different mea? b) a competent committee would ?. |p Hani, is t,. united a? lion in the n< ?t ini-i ? - Fool wh"? Dollars t?> doughi lequel will prove lhat tho commltte? ? i for ' h? purpose ol k? eplng tha mi'," lira h ? ipil : out of i .. ' h u. Nol . :.. with ti-. ? uirency n tlon until mto power, and until the in . th? bus!? down t?? nvi? lion and act upon i; th? i*e no su? '.i thing , nt pi os tua* ii.ui of the present banking n< j i mor? , ib. em bj Mark li na 1 r ha-- tbe follow? . ommentlng on tha "f? ar*' ol the Ihe M.i\ ' tha lathering will make senatorial noml? nation: ' w ? . are that any one had tious though! t . of the nomln ttlo That Is beyond ? i i lei stand the ..ii. Tbe movemenl is .? : ripie and not one for or ?against llvldual." Tha ?'"in 1er exprei ol the mal 1er ea i he S hampton i ? II-'. J r 11'..- iiank ' it-- read? n ? la tbe ounty .- .t. llrotl But w] t ea pi th-- ] eopii impton ?. act a I from an an I? irt i indmai k? i .' ? ' Immission t ?'.' "1 g! i Is ldV< Ills,- for bills ??r ih? ? haplalaa ii- th? Btracl 1" or." >. nu.m a aun.lay I?, i;., t?? I'i |,.\?. ),,,t a rr. ta i to whether infll. tj i" on tho convicta arouM sol i? In violation ??f the conatitutlonal .inst cruel due eoneual imn -!l!U? llL IT WIM. COMB. a Waehlagl a -i???? iii my* thnt Oeaei Mltee ??.ii ti'?t i" altogether auetalned bj ih?. Bndlnga <?f th?-? beef covrt ??f Inquir? No ..ii" ha? aver expected the! to a . ing Ihm h bei bei ? leer fr'.m u, beginning thnl Ihe soon waa organised to dlecredll Mllea and kaleemlne the - -1| : ' r the outrageous i ?ndltlon of tMnga and the Jobbery Mllea eapoeed if the '"?nt busI lins hm In any partira. lar. it win ho : annot help It? -? if .mi tha mm?. Hile ' ' ' 'i"r In? i by Ihe flndlngi ol I n haa been ?i? monetrnted to th? antli : . tlon of tin? Intelllg? nl i i thnl W? ta line, an?! thai wet a y "i the mti rest of a cons] g . . ?, will n th? n imo ' tl ? wntrj until it ?h ill bava t?"'ii i-1?' ?ved I y the punlehmen! of all the ? ever. :-. And ' a r or later th?? Intel! masses are i | I to that It la rem After tl.Imlnletratlon'a Inv? it la f ?r.. i are over, l I " They nr?- not | lo real nten! untfl the con have be? n I :?"'' made I.y the of thi Ir ? i Im? n., . ar. to hav? in Invest?a itlon te, ' ' the i????! thai baa madi . "iiirri. Is s reproa? h to us tha woi Id ' . ' r. h an In*? eatlgal by mi Impartial i mmltt? ol ? gathering I i will contina gather force until it is complied ? ., inquir?? a, delay the ?lay "f Vt bave no fancy I ' ' : the com ' " . public in vindication Involvi branding and repudiation of tho corrup th? Ir m? ia ?h.nil.i v. ; ' me mor? Quayatone III.?? *?,-Il ?Il II?, -li.I H?* ? li'?"''? i Bi Ulm m.) p? rday without ? nator to ! pr? -.nt tbe State In Itai ia fourtl iture win? b haa thua ; D ?are, < 'alifoi nl i, L'tah, and Pi nnaylvanl ?. are left with bul each -Hut? . when tbe Oonatltutio i each ol them two. Th? re la no way of n m. d) Ing th.- matter. Th? re i- some Ik of this or th il I ap? tor to v? during Ihe of the legislature, bu! Il la more iiian probable thai no governor has thought ol doing so. It would be ad an' itlon of Ith? r lanoi in? or a lack of dignity. The i t, and, II It were not, th? 8? nate . itedlj d? such a I i H . I . ' ' I ? The machin? ry pro? tutlon for ihe proven d? fectlv? Dlacei nlng .??.?ns h i y 11 tor It is n.?t the first tlm? i that a Btate ha i be? it-* prop? r : tlon in the *- na? b? the failure of th? but this anda! Is tl thai !, and in one "i th? dupllcat? i i obvious il ' Bl if the appolntm? n arei pul Into the hall,is of tl ,"'i. bul tl i he peopli '. t . othi r ofllc. : - the I. t for the i -, ; n?. r a son for > listen i: Il the This ; this foil? n doe u. The only one that ? III i . peopli ! elr ; ' , Th? ooner It I i the bettei lature is . lected In ild I?" Ilia . . th? n m ike applli ation to ? for a coi tlon, trusting to enoug the other States lo fall In! ?Hi II the i auch ..n am. u,ina nt n may v doom. Deaaaada ttteatlea, rfaj n eld i - from Virginia ? anno! b for evei ?i. nl? d ? nti inca Into Washlnj tlon b) and the Btubbornn? is of i net Tl ginia delegation in Coi ' ' ' 'i r a ?..vira!.: ,?,js ' ? njoy i . ric railroads ar.- eat? ndlng land In every .,,'?[ inclng in river, 'i'h.' only bar to - d? v< lopm? nl of thla ^ e\.^ fact thai ?i- are d I "111. '. \ .lllll-l'. 1 ' Btandard and Tin. Cholly: Did he i i, ,,i more : wain ' !? . I? Ique: w by ao? Didn't roa a dollar ol him to daj * "What . tiave you : - ; ?it Why, when the began I lo toy hi ad. Baltimore Jew lab ? ' 'inn,, nt. An tiitii-nsf. Lament. i '. I li I!".?. ' day our p .-ain how thi ?. ii lu distan! haunt . I for me l : u I . -.! h. r t? n, I . i i,.., i , n Mehrfach? la oft ?-n a warning thai th" liver is Ci tori,iii or Inactive. Mote aeriooa m troubl?e may Hollow. Pora prompt, H e:ii. I...? . ur.- of Fieada? i.?- gad all M liver troubl?e, tako 2j Hood's Pills | WhUo tip y roneo the iiv?*r, leetoie jjj full, regular action >.f ih?' bowels, s< tii??y .in not gripe or pela, ii" ?not H irritate or InSamethe ?internal organe, f but lut? ri p ltive tonta effect. Be, 1 at all drugtlsta ..r by mi 11 of ?j c. 1. iio...l _ Co.. Lowell, Mass. Bj itf'ff i! luiiAiiiAMi iin-uunn _ ? an.i ??ii? i?ooaaa thai aS n?c may take H wtik tad bonaaft, ir i mtaeiea i? t?,????! end etaeaea the Meed i;? ooaaem ami other tortnriag, dlaflgarlag bumoa, nehee, and Jrrit.itlati?, ?vlnli? -?anil lutin ?vi'h (i I KWBA oAPcteanoatheamfaaeel eaaataan?i ?, nn?i geatle ..noi.itii.iri with Conta aa ?tint maal aootha and heal itvh imr, baralag tkht, H?l,Ithrour!i-?it ???? ? -,-!,:. KiTr.t [?? ? i **n'?'? * ' Co ?I?-. Su.?- erui>... Uui.on. Ali Aboul ?.b-''. Skin. it?. Mi:i:ir?. COI'RSB < tl ?KB IN-IIBTT, BeKlaley*a Prleads Fear ? Beeeei i Bderetaadlaa With Platt, (New Torh H Thoma - B. R? ed'a from U In? I i ?hii < Ity : : un II M - Klnley. They suepecl that, Instead of his pi Mr. R? ed has m? rel round to k better | . i : evell nlrei I ) at ha?,in.: a i: p iblli an of Mr. R ortan? e 1m I in tha a ' I for ing? r in tbe situ itlon. v. up) for the nom I no . Thorn w Hi I ent McKlnli OOtlng at tin UI. ii : ' It I- lal - I the bll n \h Klnl? y t" fore the St i convention. SUSP1 RET L'NDERSTANDINO. They are dlaln? lin? d to en : glv? n by Mr. ? nds moval to this ? Ity. Thej he v -. of i on ' r end Influ? in Wo g it. in. > mi le |W< ' II h??! all 1 li nr. s\ hen by I In 1898 Will 1 " ? if Senator Hanno wan In th.- city while Mr, H ihe Ind i h m i., change his i w li u the New Tork al hi ? ba. k, Mr. i:- ? i would I much in"? ' i"i mid ibl candidat? foi the than h? v. of thi from Maine, Moreov. England would probably hi- dlsi even If hi >uld I d ..f N? w Yoil. Mr. r from Congi ii: th? ' Ihe administration's supporters, is iik.-iy to help him with the r thai ?. i , here a I] r? 'i in some quarters, wbi? li would have occupy a i m which : ti to the n ii, o dl? out, and, i criticism In privati llfi h h ; a Iai a . i iind than V. KIGHIXa REED'S CHANCES. : ' ' Spain, Mc Ri i I ' .' ird the administr?t! ' .n why h should ii"i trength to Mr. I H : an) actual l i th -m Fforil to o| . should ai Non. city would candida. 1 frli n?l . of the form? r S| tlon i . If Senatoi In mind any pi which Justify the f? ira ol Ihe Pi friends h? t 11! them until thorn Into executl Fight lor tin ?|.i:it.?i?lii|i. a Baltlm The fight for tin- s] -in, ,i Hoi kim of Illinois. ol la r in. of l I : enor, VI r. He| . Was! ton to-night, ui noun? be a ?I?? not m- Mr. . I to win I He r . | ;. : < ?hi? i lv< r la? . tour vol Hing the 11 all lia ' B l?- no difficulty K th, and ev? u the . The : the able "ii,' i . . nit Ion whl h ' ' i.? r . , . the ' r ! | l! [II >. hi t?? li?? laid it n Mr. Tanner ! ruai ; t V .1 I York i: sill k. p Ih? Stat? soiiii in ?. i be Lam of i ?Mi? Prleaa. t., the publ Ir? ?! from ll In front ??f Ihe ... m? nt. ..iai ihe ? ni m? i . ? ?I. i ve i,,., no tlon the I I b? ,, i few weeh .?. i ?ill i? :: n ?lemollshina the prison. ? huge . xi...?iii..u l irg? i than 7i.nil-"::-.-,,,1,>.- a ird? .' ? orb ?Mil ' It by the < im Company on the -it" ?.f ih?- pr? sent building. It Is r ile that the .?"rk "f .?. i k'ni- the , building ??m i??- don? m h latlly that it m, n.'vi-r aealn b>- rebuUL" PEMBERTON, CORDES & MOSBY. Some Special News for Men Only*-**???~. onabh- standpoint, th? thoroughly corrt-ct ones?and rightly pri?''.. I"??. I < r ?Saturday sho| Ipeciftl prices have been mad?*, so as t<? introdiic?? our Furn ish lag Depart men! to Rlehfl Blue shopping public. These goods arc all BOW and fresh, and s??lr?*t?id by se with great1 Ac will M pleased to have you SXBBlins them and b?<DOIBS iamihar with tho variety und * *-.-.f" #.,,?- cl_-???l? ?inil Hip Mimnsrsllvs mrwlt? .tv of ?tur nr?cea. men's Negligee Shirts. made ??f an Extrs-TJght-v". eight i: : ? : to match ich ahlrl: nlc? i. n id?. with all th? comfort-giving improvements; ;. rn?i? h better value than the usuel ?i ?-_r garment; our peclal price .zt^jk,* Puff Bosom Shirts. UT"_/? Extra-Qua m <in : clally. :.i i , ?M? \JU < i ?'eight, deal sum? Linen Besoin Shirts. A* RA/i an E ' Linen _l JUt. m ? ' ? i ill rbe U7*:r * ?t-??? i- ! . ' IS and $6 Umbrellas for $2.98. h I'm* ?1? lias, steel i -. i . hancll? ? of natui il ? ".ni and buck horn, -? t r-1 i 11 a - no.!. ; r t? and 16 valm ; Pajamas. Nee Made of Pei < ai.? snd Mniiss Cloth; full in? ms. nicely made; an - ?tl t\(\ dally K""i ? it, i " t ..' ?" v'*' Gentlemen's Night Robes. At f^fir ' ' " d robe, i?i ide of f\l Jut? ming >';' w hi-- i f.? rold it 7*-5r fln??r Whit, and ' Underwear. it 2?_r At -?Or ' '"'''i? ind -h'Tt - At ?ti?i- Exti rKl JUl. Bhirt; I 4 an,l sli 'It At ^Or A? T^r ' Wt UN ITARY WOOLLEN l NDKHY. Neckwear. , Id values ?i )(., -., 'f. Miidras .,-? i HJc. Hosiery. 25c. **********. * Kt i i Handkerchiefs. A ? ' ' Man\*a\*a\*a\Waaaanmaaaam ' Collars. - Gloves. <?i, i . Geni !i'i?lr?'si_____________H S ' I | Pemberton, Cordes ?S: Mosby. The good name 6 good quality of BETWEEN THE ACTS Little Cigars has caused many manu facturers to imitate them. They are now sold in tin boxes?10 foriocents; 50for 50 cents. There are other tin boxes but no other little cigars as good ?as clean- as desir able as "Acts/1 You can use them scores of times when you cannot stop to buy or smoke a cigar. You can carry them convenient ly, as the box of 10 fits any pocket. Lctussend you 50, post paid, for 50 cents ?they will save you their cost. American ToImcco Co., 2 ?v?; s-9 W. 2 id St., New-York City. Habitual Constipation hei ' tient Um t m tret tot lo s I ORCHARD WATB8 ? krfttl est .,,.. ,. 1. h, I Ir.f.ij'-.i liver rtgulstof n*??!?' " y nature M BU? *--?~M-H h Ceaceatratod. Ea h 01 ->? ?"' - -,, ! r t.., ' Crjhi Arr'-' " " ' T^/JV C?-. ^VAjg CRAB ORCHARD W4IER CO.. lo.i.Y I K,. ATI. V*? 11? ? 11 \ . V J. IRE, .'. .1. Enlai ; '. i . . . PBRgOHA-U '? WHl ?M IT M I i'aia- t I have I 1 PLEMIN onduci W. I! HARRIS. ?it HORSES, 'it . i ?. .v.?. K??ll B mi:. ' ' HOR1 ' \i:'|- A\,, l.irri.- I A. J VTARRI ' "Mh Si ith . 71 -".. BOILER '?Ml RHGIHK. roit SALM, MM II? iR8R*POWKR RETURN TU? BOILER \.'i? ENGINE, mad? j Rlchm : 1." ? :. a, j,.1 t'.hr, fSO, .r. \\" ia1 rr. HOOKER BRICK ? ? ?Ml" \\Y. ao 11 -?.u Hut Morrison, Y A. lili il.KM ?> SKR .!?!> .Min, ( IIRIS1 I W. BE*? ENTH STREET CHR1 8T : \ S G HI ' R ' ? ' S I'. .M. by I \ ilmor.?, "i :. s EPISI OP \l . Till: M. INT'MENTAL CHI'RCH : str? ? I I Tari Ifth i: i u I m l ' ' -' ? li A nni 7. I'. M Hol? ? ' "n'a M *-'lla! 11 A. .M ' ; 7" A. M. PRESB1 l I Itl \ *? COND ri:? it 11 A. M I " y laid Quthri? will ?;:: \. !' - STR PRESB?"] CHPRCH Rev. i l> l?. ?Pastor - :. I' M Y B METHODIST. BRO \l> - FITRE IT M RTHOD1 CHl'RCH ? \! .ni-,- al il A. M. I F! W. ? i. Starr, i ? i ? B. B li"- . I ' ?i-:*. ist lu PAL ? III H l; Hallo? P \i:i:-ri.A?i-: m a will l.e |?i by i? I.I.. I? ! tl? ml. IN l?>\ M ET H O DI 8 T ?' l. I.?i i - ' the i t II A". M I I'. M I.I. I? ' : Mi ST. JAMB.?! METHODIST CHI Rev. W. B. in- | il A M v \i Epworth ! i l'. -M _ n \i'i i?i FIRST 0 -PTI-. r 'in RC1! ? - I' M J?, \ I. \\ . U I :.!>' I ' I ' . \?lH pr? ,,, . ,, h nlglil of 11 ' t 4 P. M. A ...\"l? BAPTIST CHI'H i W i: i. Smith, i ' L).. Pastor, t"i? , :, , QR \'i' Si'!'.i T CHURCH r; Hum i. Hatch??! D D., V ' : the i ' I P. M 1 in;; \\ a.lla i P. M. V t S P. M OROVK-AVB? TI8T <'?U" (near lie? K. K. U I : loch. l.l'.iYfl BTR1 . . \ ai II A ' 'TlOl! m J: y- ? ;. ?...Ml COUCH -SUBS c-ureir. '..> . Thtt 11 what It *m nadefor. Prompt,safe, sure, qu,.?. relief, quick cure. Pleasant to Ilk? . like It am adults like it. Moth?,*..: buy it for their cbil in v.. ?Vr?nr.r-?i:l Ir T.. C. DeWtrtA Co.. in?'/.-sol J/T? ?J?'.tt'o LitUo Early .". .- . __?i ?- -.. ?*?. (ap MVtb I ,'.i'u) \\ ini; ii\. in \. 1MB -iii. PATENTS. ?. Standard Specialty Co., :et, i : I ? 11 ' ?, M . \ . an i 111 mm:*?? OPPOR t : mi ii:?. ? BMBKT ? ?>'.t;.?. ? ?Mi" '. i :. !"? ?': i.i. ?. -i: . . ? lied lo nuallt) i trad? . YA\ li? RE KV, l-ynch? Va. a. th it I III ? \ I lit', \ I SUMMER LAW SCHOOL tgg -ITT OF VIRGIN.* .Tilth Rnmm? r T? nn, .? ; t I ? -' ? ?'It ?I ?II \ i ?. Return ? ?gageaient PASSION PUY, M01KWN PR 11 HIS, ?.? Street, AUDITORIUM, ' COM mini IN?; MOM DAY, April 2';?;-. l\or\ Evening, 8:15. Admission, Il i . Mm JEFFERSON AND Mill 51 .I'KII 21M*. 15. . I ' "Hi. Afternoons and Eveni PROFESSOR GENTnTS FAMOUS DOG AND PONY ?SHOW. i ' ! ? ? it it \ n. Admission : ? li?!? adult-, .?-,?'. THE WEDNESDAY CLUB. SIXTH ANNUAL MUSIC RESIT tCADEMi Of MUSIC, April 2?st and 22d i _ . \. IDBN1 <?i mi RR . ??Y M V ! A! < OSUROl I A I.II Ul'v I [}N| II ??? ' i m: m w n \//i , 111 it- : ' DEEP RUN HUNT CLUB RACES. ' - Millet ' ? bijou. ,,:,,,,,,'.;? \ ? |al<- ?1,1 I, I \ I III ? ol I . Press i i..ii?l??-. 1,1?,., lin??, n He - ? . \.i. Ill? Hi.-.,?.? i salle, Omet ? .? Kell) a it.-i.... Il mi pop? ? \ ic nu? ? . . i. ?--.*.? i ?? ?m ?i. ?n ?ii ?i? Tt'ESDA. I III. I M,*. i?l I . , The Confederate Mustvfli THE VALENTINE MUS ' \ ? CLAY ?II IN?. ??t nu ?i. ? ? ? i ; ?. ?'i \ IB?.' ?' ? . I i lohi i M ' ???.ly ?