Newspaper Page Text
? THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, APRIL 27. 1899._ _I YOING MAN MISSING. ?O%. T1I.KH IMiiRURD OF *> ggggi KTH1M.I ?isvrriLiit *XtE. CHARLOTTE MAN LOST FOR MONTHS. teuang fcaagah i*- i.?"?" 'eft lPem ^uiiii.m With >l??n?-> aa?l Horses and Uns DI?ii|?|?e?rrU??.inrriKir? In* Itnllon?I ii|ill??l > >if?. i; :,. ! Pi 1er a ' ' flay the - .?n:% ate \ '! Gov? B v Doeei Lain L ... la Charlotte. 1 . bim i' tret mbvr ' 0th. !! : . " tau SSsS 1 v ". : Oarnett ymrs of **,. >1? * *niJ ). ; 00*81?M I k/10W if H '" <Jo ai ythli I I tthott fate. Tl,.- Govei Ha.! d l!" ii<*\ *r^. Us Is not , .1 ;. v. m fO lN'i'L ILEY. ? ; \. -, ! J ll.v i ?i tl i j t, :, > ' " : > . , and : . ! t uk. ?... : ably a ? , : t 1 la the Uvlnj M glan v. bo : V:ll . ll/i. . steh. ? ; '. inn" I i 1 ha\. A I .'.'. i.V MEMOR ? D. Br< ' . : ( s Vl, . at t'. Dewej i, ? coa i : ? ' ;...., th? mov? ' BT. ?. ' i i 11,, | ar,' , tbs rernal j . anil " : 0? ' I !'? '.-: cb? erlesi . ik? s. ia a i unrlvall? .i . :: i h i '.i Inheri ; , " AI", .lohn ID g 1> ' : W? : I : the U \ ? Il ? I'HIM ING I'I.AN !". It? kdvleahlllt] u Plssannng Ha irciu tniii-iit in Thla i)i-|ini-ii?i n?. Print Hai: Inst night an,l " an lot ' i I el'y Mlsb a r at "f |-|, ,i !" I," . ( inapt t Util. . - > nv i,; :, Bdtng n rk performed b) au firm . : 'i , .., . Ths n.! n I Mr. B"l Cut Wl :: fOng argu ment ..n i" half ui hi We> mouth, Mslstsr g s.. leated by tin- - mi"... and .n am, i "in. m to tbs i ling for tl Ins of th. igsln. I Hi: Mill lv TRIAL T?>-\M.IIT. Il Will II?- I.Imii tit Hi?- JeBomon f??r UM Viiaii'lM HoKl-iluI ? ll?n? ill. :,. wrltt? n by Mr. I g ehesten toed in ths parlors ol the Jel ?i., r tl Virginia H ? . AA* mission n, eun 'i at !. UM i : .. "i at t!i" at? ' t?T 1 ? n!y a lltn r\,-r\ i: bel s rrj with it ths talnty "f : t, with a | I VI? w of in wh" in. nt i r It nu m? tt-rs ?f t!n bai trsditl ?om m th.- English cou I ,* ih?. mu cast: .i , , tin Prank ? ...... . Mi. ?Ti the Chan? i rj O urt ??:' tl mon<t. Ballig, Mr, H. ? Cky Ssrgi ^?? I I II.SU ' ? ! The New Cleaner H?s arsiT? nut mt univ?. in, Thcss to--? WSI IT SAY. "COV.JHT HO WITHOUT IT." ! An Excellent Combination. The pleaaanl method mid beneficia] effects "' be wall kaon n remedy, Sven' of ii?-. manufactured by Ins Caupokvia Pis svki'I' t?,. Illustr?t? t evalaeof obtaining the liquid laxa , tiv<* prin? ipics <.i plants koOWfl to bs medicinally laxative ami presenting i then', in Um tonn mosl ra?resning I ? taste 3nd unceptabl? It'll.? ystem. It I Is Um ??ii? perfect strsngthening laza? Uva, clianMiH' t!i<- system effectus ly, | lispelliag ct'l'!-.. headaches and fevers gentl] yet promptly ?snd enabling one tooveroosM habitual oonsUpatioo pei I maneutly. It- psrfad freedom fren?. atety (>lljec1ional?h, qua!it} snd .-ub . snd its sating ?>n I be kldm liver and bowels, without weakening or Irritating tbeno, make it tin- Ideal laxativ? In the prooess of mnntifaetnr arc u-i'il. as Ln-v an- piea'.n to lha taste, bn1 the mi dicinal qualities ol tbs remedy are obtained from senns snd aromatic plants, by i method knows to iii<* l Ai.iH'KNi? lu? Stbup ni,. in ordt ?-1?> get its benefit i;i! effe Is nnd I ? s old unit ons, ] ease remember the hill name <>i' the Company printed on ts,- front <>f every package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN KKANCI8CO. CAL LOUISV1LLK. KY NEW YORK, N. Y. i .-.: - ta?Price50c.perbottla if.. 1-T.i Tn g Be iy I v -?- -. -- ' - ?-??:-e~. Mr. .! ?ant, Mr, : ! and Mr, < ?romp i Mr. Chai Plei Pe| . ? i. . Mr. n ! man ' Of th? Ri? hi" ian), A. J' if. \ ,Ir.. Robert 1 I r.. J. Hei ' A. ? ?. Bo! h? n. and M i ira, B< ',. : ?. .i i hi: BELL TELEPHONE ? ISE. ? nr. - itloraej Pellard is Very iiiuie fui?Oplalaa Bnpeated in Oetaher. i to tbe : city y? . . : the city of RI? hmon I against ? Bell Telej ii-- ex great gratii ti'.ti for irt, u ta. h will m? ! '" n i ? ii n i n M ' Pol that thi "in t will i v n an ' [ Inlon In this i la before . m. ? Httl? Intt and n, my wer? pr< Bent 1 to it. ,.i-, r of tin court, ? l< a, tr."k his pi the to wiih ti. ' tlon. ; over MISS <. 1 . B K.iiMi in sin;;. She >\ ill Ippear m the Bnterteln? m i-n i for Hi?- it niiii ?>i ih?' Pellee. od, ih ts i such a reputation f,.r hers. If .n i. tori hcomlns dnmsnt t- n at thi Acad emy of M im, next Tu? iy, matine? snd Be and will ! sccom - will be m in this i a distinc tly '? li M? thodlst church laal Sun lay la count? !. ' he ling, and filled In n is eatlmat? d, w< re una. ad : .n snd the vat tbe pi will be ,; other In? . in all. al all] pon 1 tage at , ach i now lo HOI n ? 01 VI > ELEI i lo\?-. The Presea! Law Does n?>i Ipplj Where Oalj Oae Caadldate. Tl t,.r , ountj .t.. bi Id g . A ?. writing Drah n th, counties bsvi ths tIgbi to hold an law. " m ta! Mon '- ws ... d "In the oountti l party ni for > tint) oi ' Mr M ntsgue, "thi \ the : oiii.'iai ballot, , .. do i hut In tlcall] : h? old .VI, r. : - mich Ian Section M ol tbs Vt alton ) irk? r law, ai . by u,i bpi Man h S, Il whl ?i this M?. Mis WITH IMITATIOS STAMPS, Baai Thaaeaad Coagseatcg, Thaagph i bei >i?i> ne Betaraeg, The intt-rnsi revenus nuthorttlss con? > arlng the I sd In 1 " ' . La . ; .. " it ls un Blctallj ? i un. whose s p m? ni ol ihr tax. 1 i Coinn U,, II t) , ? S I" ft " b . ... th,- parti tb? oignra In m i i v "ne Improperl) "f the K' wlthoi ' Lii;! . Mg la Richmond : <uoi?er'f? aetergteee i? P?gala* With Ludios. Th? v., ilntlng "Trill y by A?th . i- M C "?" : ..? No, : g m-'' .y ol art "-. an.) all say It la the m it tinil and reni.,ik.,',! picture they I,.., ? gr< il fa with ths i.i.1. s, and Ma i ; .-m ssvei to tire talking of Ils grandeur. N'? "tie who lovei tto- heuiitlful of ?? BderfUl In art ,Mu afford ' ? miss i sing this ?celebrated picture The hunt" * i me aim tndOWed v^ ::'i Ill "i" Vll ItOf Bgld yaeterdny, "II only Inch tb? breath ts . .iiui'.i i It? v.. they ar?"' ...kinK si beautiful living mod*! until they go rij?ht ttp te it. The cxhlbl tt?iii I ; ' "< BARTON HEIOMTS m?mim:i:*. Candidates lae Mapa* nmi Town ? oiiii? ii Wnnseg Th. . 1 . " I ghtS ttdd a I me? when " " for iv for 1 "ir ...,,i f. y >.. exp and !. id la 1 i : ' : ill' V. bul tbe incuml i In the i ci!. Mr. A. ii. ' to fill the ts In t' M? Rngland, and T. K. B ring i : i v\. - i. mina w...... . i ts, In . tal I and ths bett? rm< ni quire said water : net IBctenl d? lia), l r* n? j nounl the corporation 1 lilng fund Ity to be disposed We tat nt of the s can i ' : , lo , | irv. be pul w . favoi '. igh i W? ; ivor ': addl . ' : In Ilk? Vft ?" th<* . laid Increasi , - ' o\\x citizens v\ h., h.,. fully t men al nfort. We 1 ng term th heat their fell? Mr. Lee lo I o? an- Hire. Mr. ?ore with a me i ; for 1 Mr. Let will Pel Ittoaa i?? r.-?nhrapte] . 6 l n ? i. Courl I : v Daniel tiom r. filed ?n behalt of J. L ? : t i by y John Lamb, Mr, ? ; Mile Married Taeudaj Slaht. Mr. Wl m Val E I o'clock, " "i usb? r . ' Richardson. Centrants Were Sal I ward eg, Bngii post 111 1 May Pro] .n? i n eaters? R. B i ?h tide B i n, itave ??m Hot. A still . ?m ov, rh< - - - ilutor and I can . \V:'!'s ! ' " :ainous 111 I ?. - .. Little Pill* Thej tisons rte Dblmsftwn Dy ' 11 > H ::y EatJtaf. a por bctfemsdy br ] , Wiiiks, Drowst Pttt, BsdTli te in the Mouth,4 l'ain i-, lb? Si i", Tl ?RPID I U i R. That a th B \v.-. I uic?y Vggl Small Pili. Small Dose. Smali Price. SllDStltUtion the fraiul of ilic tlc.y. S you get Carter's, Ask for Carter^ insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Filk t. I. .-a. Tu c- v , v Twiddle your thumbs, \\\ N if you've nothing better to do, in 11? the time that's saved by wash ing with Pearline. Better be sitting in idleness than to spend unnecessary time washing with vXV ws ?s-r i**? soap, doing unhealthy and weary in- work. But almost every woman has something or other that she talks of doing "when I get time for it. \\ ashing with Pearline will save time for it r"* fntnee ! 1 I Ar,., il ratet eoaesatntad. r\-t-r i" 'a Ih. A q - ? fot a!! liver, kiJtiey, ?torach ar.J bowel disorders. li cures? Torpid l.iver, Fillousne.M, Jaundice, DySMSS?S, Heartburn, 5ick ilcud.-ichc, Dysentery, Constipation. Chronic I)!-ea?e? ol th? KIdnsyS, PMsfc CRABORCHARD B tTERIi ll a ,,t ihanatnral mineral ? iitrs; n nl Convenient to take; most acooonl? y I The gmo tie . all Jru^v itt.witb Craii Apple,-?Itr '.-..ok ,.n TTACt fc ?HA!%, ..,-,-. -? ^(^r? CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., LouisvMIe, Ky. BK Dr, Lyon' S PERFECT AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY.: (Jggd iy people . . \ggrt I fat on r i- Quart I ay? . ja u-ibt?.\.i-n r? I mm Bic^?Si m $35 SSO Prices Lower?Qualitj Higher, ACENTS EVERYWHERE. Monarch Cycle Mfg. Co. Chicago- New York. mmmmmmmmummamSS^ la?l?'a-.iV:.;-- ^ IFOR FEMALE TROUBLES Sl^ATALLD'RLGGI'j?S KUX..'- - ?t--?-r-r ff ' \ ' li - di reloping appllan fort lit- Bfking. v ta . w rite. luMtluuinc Ini ti'.-i i ERIE MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo. N.Y. C '.." ! 11 | ll?" 96 11DQ ."an h??! I?- i"";i? hed by ipravs, in? hgling n? ctun To I??" per !iuii,'ii'li rid of 1 dig? igg take 3i n ' - S % Blood Met?I lili H4440SS ? i ! 1M Constip.nlon, < B?ECHAM'S Biliousness, ( il*iLw Skkneadddie, ' f^ ir. caen, women or ) K, tent<?&25?rnts, X chil'Jren, cured l-v } ai :iru'| storev . \ \?. I 1? B. y Taxes, Blchi LICENSE TAX. CITY LICENSE TAXES FOR TM H YEAR 1899 bavs ! 1 In my hands tur collec ... ini AGEl - , , ting. Lai 1. 1. Manu ' F ' ' y y U IS . "i pe w ri tel AR? un.-? B ATTORNEYS Al At ? "il? ?NEERS? . K-tate, ' tier. i: mi f.' ? ?M, BILLIARD ?MPA i a.N'i O? B RS, l" gTANOg " - IM1 OUNDINQ INTELLIG 'ICE, - DEALERS, :. 1 : DEA1 \ :.i\ ER 1 STABLES, Ll "i; :it Sl'Rl r.'iAKi'iN''. TABLES, MER? A . . BROKER? 1 ,tt!. . C? n.i. '? '?al. Pawn, i: . : Tl? ket, Ship Sti eh, Tob ? HuiMiiiK and L s 1 Ions. CHEMISTS. ."llli'.' 'i' ?DIRTS, ?" IMMISSI? ?N MERCHANTS HOUSES, PI A.SCIES, OUaPHERS, PHYSIC1 VNS PRIVATE BANK? ERE, PRIVATE EN rER li BLIC ROOMS, ?I RANTS, SNA? K8, ST? IRAQE, M'i l ANO ? EI.EPH? ?NE C? iMPANIES, : BINARY BUROEi ?N?. ge . A' Parties ?aiimg to pay this ux on or he lore Al'itll. V). ItS?, will bs th? p. nali 'i by tin- City ? ?mi ben ?1 nor nor? . . : ' titt, IbS to be imp se.l k? ?li Police Ju itl s. P. W CUNNINOH , ' ap i-lm Collsetor ?.' City T:ires. ..- : Job Printing gently sxeented at the Lna;,uuh Printing-Bouse* S. ULLMAVS SONS MMMCMMh) BAMAUML G?AR??TEtTO SAVE YOU 25 PERCENT. ? 'oun: i < irenn? ry g itter, ?per pound . 15 New Calffornls Rnlsli -, per pound.. 5 Early Juna i , .-an. I ' >':: , i . U - . 9 h i Ammonia . i- . 4 r i ?' mato sauce, p. r , .m . 6 A \ . Il) 8U . 5 Try i .il Spi ing v\ hem i'.ir- m Flour, ?- i bnrrsl. "r pe? beg . , Yellow Tel le P a Bnow-Plake Taunt Family Flour, barre] . i 0 , lack . ly, r'iour, !. 4 ' . M ! . 4 i Hot? fi's Fini st Virginia Cl M A. ey I Large Pru Ra pberry Jan.s i I Mad, Mm mfettt, per pound.. 5 :- PolIah, li i, and O i .i iN r bol Us . 5 Pork . 6 Beat Qual Hi m ind Jolly. 3 Good ' ' ' be and Blackberry Win , wi . 10 or. per gallon (fins drink). 40 i, per can . or I for . 25 i .... 60 -i kins Powder . s s. ixlm.uts SOB, 1S20 AND MB BABI MAIN STREBT. l | Town M r?. Both 'ph It ' ' t our ' complot,) price-lists. It's a regular money : Mam bester S1 md 1211 Hull St. Lea & Perrins' THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Cives a most delicious flavor to Hot and Gold Meats, Gravies, Salads, Soups, Game, Fish, Welsh Rarebits, etc, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. 1 . .uaturc ou every bottle John Duncan's Sons, Agent*, New York. Z3-Thly-ch wk) cures quickly. That is what it was Blade for. Prompt, nfe, fire, quiet relief, quleic cure. Pl?>*uiaut to tnke. Children like It. and adults like It. Mothen buy it for their children. ^Prepared by E. C. DeWitt * Co.. niskgsgtg Do Witt's uiMa Early l\l,tn, tLo l?mLki HlegUi? (ap S-Th.8 taVtn} m ?PAH i ( it?. ??: 11 i: IMBUS. W*. "?fi* NAVIGATION VW^- lOMPAli?. \V^^JAA1E3 RIVER \ DAY LINE. - .:,, ARIEL : . : : ' lusle by ami ' a H. Dr? . Pr? ild? ni * I >B1L?DELPHIA BICfl. MOND A.M. NORPOLI BTEAMgHlP COMPANY. Appoint' . ?veri TL'Ed r?AV. FRIDAY, ui.d iUNDAY at day . i .! del y uni I i.. y nneal? ai *;, on ; tor further imoinvition apply to J. V, i ; ml South?rn \v P CL '<).. ja 11 I ?i-nts. Phlladi :-t-. I F RE M II I.IM.. Compagnie Genera!? TnmtllittyN. Direct Una to Mnsrn Pnrls CFenmom). at -it U a. M. Prom Pier No. ... North mrsi. M?iluii Itl Ml Le ? - I : - ? ; - La Norma ' 1.1 ? ' ami gn? ; ! up w.rd Q for U. S and Can., I Bowling Gi N 'i RICE M ?. Ml M . ANDREW WELSH, 913 eist Main Btri'et._I- 1-d'a AMERICAN LINE. pggg gXPiutae sKBt m.. NEW ?ORK, - -. ..,.'. LiU.N' laya at 10 A. M .- l.May I 81 !. ?Uli ...y ... -( .y y. \ m: .... May i. Bi .i,. : ?ED STAR LINE. NEW rORK, ANTWMRP, r.uus. Even W r: Noon. Noordlai a....Ma *W ,\ - land ...May 10 West? rnland, M ' r . . An . I - ' - I ' ,!. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO Pier? 14 and 15, ,\>>rth river, O?TU-?, $ Howling Qraen. N. V. V- B PALMER ?fc CO.. mh E-Tu.ThASaCv Richmond. If All,If I' II* I.I i?". S 1 RP Pr p Rfcbmoad, Freie >?lir<lul?- in I.fleet Jnnunr) l?l, Igggi LivUi: 1I?II gIMBBI vi vimv a.:i3 a. :j. ii.uiy lor Washington: .ma ponts North, dtops ..nitord ?and Pre isrii ksburg. Pullnn-n ^ c.,tni to .V w York. u.xo A Al., Sunday only. : . ming loi and . at Elnx. Uli n Ml? :.. .i -!i f 11. He, In??'. . . Kuthcr OU la, Mll . ..rd, WOodslH; , H u m ::i ? . lOurg, Brooke, am u l?.!ewator. i". ,rn,:n ca>". 8.45 a. M., Dally, except Sunday, for nctun a North ItOI i. Anh and, i Bjrl rcvl Itiithcr Ol< l?ll orcl, Woodi 8 u m m 11 Fi an i Wldewuter Pullman car. l?.uu II., lany. except ff'inday, ror Wasntngl m ?nd "points Nnrtr All? n. A all ?osweii, M i 1 r o r . I. Bi - "K.. end v\ idewater. Parlor ear. At?i. com >ii?h congresi mai Limited ai gTashlngi 7:40 P. M., Dally, for v\ lahmgton mi : at Elba, A*hlan'l. I ' Vlilford, m ice, ana Widows ter ' ttnns Sundays, Sleeper Ri^h rrord f V' " V Waahtnrtori te ph in ARRIVE BHIU-STHKET ST\TIO!f. tiow A. AL. I ' - ?I .... a tfrooKe, 11 . lord, i Elba, and i . . t>, Rlcbn a::'.o p. M., Daily, at \\ i 'i s w a t e r, Hrooge, rlcksburg. ? u m m i R '. i ' . ir from . -on. 7:lo P M . Dsll) 91 - j PTede. ?'unman ' *:40 P. IL, ' ally H r o o n e. Fredei Summit, Quines, u o Miiront. Hen la, Ashlai Ell EUEDEKi? MSB'S t? ' OMMODATIOg, ? 4 <** V M.,1 n. S:'J3 AM . An ltlon. ASHLAWD TR \i\-. (Dai i ?i 1-' A. M i. ?i -.'?> | i. Ml I ?i or, ! -' | - \v P I " !.' iR Tiafflc Manner. E. T. D. M vers. Er-? Ja Vi h n ? ATLANTICCOAS? s,ii. ,iui.- in i?i,ii \|nii p, tnee, imAlgf LE WE gUlUlO.MJ-l.Mll.N ggNT, y .ou ... i i stai Id , Norfolk i, .c .i . --or*. .., \ .. ?.05 A. il.. I' ,i., . A. i.. s - A. M . A. AJ . I .. AJ . . ... Ml A . ivill? ..., A .) Jll I J, OX .1*. Ai.. , Pull .. . . rk i. J 1 r, 11 .iiO A. M ... Ar P . : . . ?. ind ch?.3?.<.r on si 3.33 P. M.. Daily i. -, An t? i . . i . p. M y e.30 p. M., , ?eiiy. 6:20 i?. M. M ?. Lu:g i a,.. 7.30 p. 11., 1 .?;.', I h.'-d 1. Al . lor Norfolk and i?. pola . nations beti und i.., . ?az v. ai., F 6:0g A M Sa va ? i P. Al., Port 'j . , . NEW UNE fO MIDDLE G . ?. arriv ing Aik> K.ista - A A.M. il 11 A At,ant v 11:15 P. M Bleei .-. New Yuik i" mington, .!., !\ . Port ' u.oti p. m ? illy - Petersburg .. i' y. x.. Idon 11:1 M Mak local Wei doi \ K. M.; Roanol \ U ... pai Rieht to i.y i. bl 10 4f, P. M-, Dali) rsbui ; P. M TRA1V1 ARRIVE RltHMiiM?. ? -Il A. M., : uivllle, r . .-.. .: At ? i ?? \ M 1 i i 8.1.* A H.. : i v ne \ " h iii'i i M 11 i>5 I M " ' ' *:,(1 t -f. p M * -nat. T "O P M.. 1 i b .. < t '.", P. M.. D ~ * t,.Wi P. M ? Eyn li ai d ?le * . ' r. It. I.E." . iN. ' i f M Ja 15 Division P- r?n1 DBP Ul ' <'- ?P s " g IMBMS. LD DOMINIOS , IA^ iMSBl? < OMPANY. . : "' folk with Old I as i at fino S i . : ' t. Richmond ici hmond. ' : :.' g York - b . I t u iND FB r north? rn. es ! ! 1 If.. . ma with N i, ws ;; V BAI RUA : r \ : North rU ' '" ' ,-v , ? - Eoi' lui i"-' ! 1: to J. . W. L " Traffic n' . " ?. OL? PAPKMS Fou iVLfc. ..i Me. l'Y.n M\ M?*?!? t ut llK DISl'AT- H OPPIC? 0 ii wiiii) %ri mm--.?. Schedule in Effect M? roll IJt 1st??. Nry.i LEAVE RICHMOKD, in HI), m g| , . STATIgg, ll.OO A. M , . A. M. , J.05 AM 7::;o i at No;.''!K - O.oo P, M ? > ! ; blS I aian Train* arrive Rl LlMITl : O?: K " . General Office: . i ?\ CflK ^r?r OHIO KAI! Hi \I\M I!. V\ I SlIUl-, IV O.OO A u , I . 3:4C P. M , , . |, . ht C ... ton . 0:20 AM.,1 u : ' , ? \. , ta 2:1? P V. I \li 8 gO I* "' ' 0 no y m P - - in.ii\i i.i:t\t: ni.iiui TAI i?>v a. y lug Forge : 5 00 P Ma 1 it \i>-> IKKIPM H gMOAO-t II*!: - H'-lO A M well. s 3i? \ M I I Ml I :: .'.?? P g ? no r? a I ' N T4!tr M . '"' ' ii? vi ?s t;:iHVi ST * h M I M 0: CO P. M., 1 Ac-; SQUIHERH RAI gehedele ? Seel ? ? Ma r? i? ' - rMAihi i ? ? ? ?- ?<'< HM?*ai I .o?> ! ? i : O DO ? ru ?iv. irrive ta i?'? !<" ?; i,ii /, 12 S lu I M- \l i Ml i ?' I N? 9 [OHI-RIIEB LIME riUS PAVOKS1 UBAVa ni l.~U . I ' r. oo rmtift* vinivr vT h? :i i ; . , ,o.tu o lu 1 * : . . ' ' " ' IM ,JZ i ' <;*n?ra! M vj? ' '