Newspaper Page Text
k THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY. APRIL 27. 1890._ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH BY THE DISPATCH COM TAS Y. Tlio IXUl.Y DIgPATCn ! ?'. gboertbert ai PI FT) < iNTl i I ? ?hi' to ?I Malted ai i Mill?. , * . Ii. . r ' I i' i ' tmp, 'il., W?iKi.v DI8PA1 CH I " li life -1 In t\\ . M ' ..i Kl \ ," DISPATCH a? ; nanum, I | Ie in ad ?xi iratton of i paid 1 i . . leek, orr? ed i *t I!," t wighing ti i attn tfeeii _ . MA HALF INCH OR 1,1 ? , .S u" I ' en . S timo*. . : lin . . I . i i I'd. . r \ Above i t Un f?ye Unes o? Chrd of i on .. ; _ A",! I must 1 , ? , THE DISPA' I . tUJIi'd._ All : , ' Of our.i. ________ ? I ' J'ii IRMACY, ' ' ! . MAV ,.: PER OFFICE. IM H1 U 1 THURSDAY.....APRIL 27, 189ft it i? the sense nf the meet Ion Ihnl the eenferenee In Rtehmoadl ???i ,>i?> i??m?. shaald nui he for or ngrataat jiiiv inn,II,lui?', lint r.illi?! at riet 1] fur the ngeaaeemenl ?>t' ? great nanee ?enres le the people than ?n> in it n ni- m ? n.?Il ! - ?! it 11 ?> fi a ,l?> |>( ?-.I li> iiu- n?m?,, ,ai?, ni' Soatbnanpton. MAKE II ? ? Rfl i ' !' i r. T1. May ii'iii in i-. people, -will 1 - : bera and ol i have taken 1 In V'lrg many j promise wkl tne it willl . r. And . ?, for thi a .u i? ., history.mak Jug. It Will triua 'i here i ) ; In ?3 . r? before tl 1 ' . who, wl : In all tino loyalty Implies are not "in polltl? " In tl 1 m rally und? i I i . with the m i Hi' ?l tlu-ir pui po? : i?, at t? nd the ci ?/I w, the i and "?n1' "h. it . i ti? n? - that the prtn b the C"nl. i, n. ln the mind - ol ti,,- n I has 1 thoroui hi ted; and wh !? it In Rowh I ' in, nt aa a i nt n Ithln i . Virginia i ?em ? : i than thai . ' t ' rinvr. Tl. hie for th< ajgngglde the 11 t,i the past. i w. : : . . aid to have ea 1 Uion j , t-n ill i. elected l y the popular vote, i ul pg we und? i land It, the M ij onl vin i, pr?s? nt th? i i ,: i!:.- I-. 0] i I direction to \'i; - ; ir\ therefore, In 11 ion of !.. hip In the actual fighi foi th? prli Ipl? i Bl? nt cl .in to i | i im? g of true Demi > i gleati ' n and maki :-:"",l her . i lailn".' going bol.. to whk h - n.. .. ii .; rank alongside ? i our ftp ati . m be ta ? nd , |k p n bo favor in? nl of th Upon \ | . I I Will be In such volui I and l tl . : nee lanli"! I riuinl Imiii?..-.- on '-: v tanks ui n i ;; , conn ?!. .- : : " will be th? ! : of hat : ? la Us pro A fl i? :i I Of tl 1 l? y? brother, G non on ti i i -.o t- d, n111 pi l i?.: I d? >i sume fil, nd. v. ' t" ":.' Oit the ui".: ;..,,., WQm quitted slk a win? a a the ? - it? of I The runo, red ... left : rop? from pu.tept ail" s luv. r ton l.ut tl - - i 1 ? lau' k Lu log tlgSI baOsX U U Mil L'. ftp Hint Mrs George once threatened me ., :, ,| t., m nttb breaeh of?pn .?nit. and that be gnvs in r a large -Mi|?n ?n or.! r to . ! .? k ti-.f litigation whi? h she contemplated, a rseelpt f.?r this amaey, it is ? lalmed by soase, trouii pe i IW] I . r t,, a Ml l"'i - l'l"'-' Utlon Of the ii,,\v, ? 1 aim. Wiii" Mr?. <;.',,ts'''i claim Ie the W third would, la ???ir oplnleu, i Marly SMgcnli to estsMlsb, and wool i ,1, ut upon many Inti ..r , rid? n? s, her andnelotts tl :: qui B? lid a i I person who bad nun,h red h . : i : be entitled to don r ? s n ii ?i question might ?> - I Mm", an.:, to say "?? ! ist, it II . v,. do noi believe i R? w York 1 ' rd a a in which 1 11 bal the i i i ? , , rod a i !' | ? ! '! the an,n '|i ' hlS d> alii, ?ind 1 h? Il red to n 11 ; In 1>" X. ?'. Jl?. a Wlf? h-? II'" , ..... It a tilled to . , deciding ., m i " . n !; the v i.t to ! " wi or to 1 ,.:: pro? ' are ? ; ihelr pi .1 law ad mini: t? red . , tries, and ha* do wh< r? I by i r legal friend* 1 . : ie beat - ', -, , . bul the rrled and re li who din? the X"! i o 'ii. i in: m;?.m<? \m> RDI < vi n>\. there I no iiniii . ion of tl)- - lion In the S lent to transform thi rom n bru : human being." Ai i with this - a tei '. our ? :. |] - . It 1 how mu? h the South have in ?, In Vli glnl i al< m a a | millions and m Ulla all o? i a hit? t ix-pi While we 1 roes o I Vlr ... ry, and whil" our criminal i of li g pro] tlon \-, t ask? roved their ' ' i :. public iniiid u. i > ' tel . a :, 1 tory, that soi .Hid . has in VI ' upon Hi" Thla mui li |j know thai the fr< dn a as the slave 'i blood rdllng i i lm< I thai ? "inniitt' d b) m? mix ra ol tbli i I by 1 i m and AU the advunl I I ? by the n? gro? -: In the icatlon have 1 than olf in i!i?' wblti.--. . iiy th" r,. groes wer? brought under milles. N"\v lim iw-, i,. - are : i part The their own pi and th? ir on n I ; ble. They do not . rain? ' I In 1 than In ii ci nae I - n most \n? i the color? | We mi- h ' if th it their rellgl m snd f not i ight to i". Vt t Indulging In wholi und universal condemnation, but are We Judge from ill g ti ke i "'ii " >,i the fact that our pi mied with them; that ihey commit the diabolical crimes uppn the : in ill? l provo tl ' i- ' ny "i th? Ir > outha \ ibond? ; th a ai ; i ? ants they sre ble, and that th, imong then . e. And In It? m the question of i I en? III ,11 111 ;-"IIlL' Of t: Appai ? 1111 y th" ti it of ? flucation we : i not i?' en ] of the n lults de? Th? un < !. that it ?in. nol j.. ro ptlbly lm| thi Ir un ' \ !: iv" no pui pose to aork of 1 : nu n and nd weeki ' ich them 1 No Impar " ,n upbraid ii"- South for failure to give tl oppoi tu ft'? . ! tor th? in. W " WOuld h ii ore i is more. il In dlii:. ta dness thai moat ol oui mom y la i Bl I? BBt that tl th? ? M'> ndltnrs are not ai should be. ur i?? ople b ted to halt ' rts to < ducats the i lacks, uas '.m i"' found In the fa< t it oughl t.. i being < rally n k t!i" fores of ob nrvey of '.h> R? Id. ; Ihnt thi : i "H* ?! ? i ol take i a i\ itlon of : ? their men opon rd fron ' n en augh on r thai v ti naucl tban i moral iiu,j n. And how be i to , I lbs profotu to leal with. ,,!:?' tit > In? : . Peterabtti | thr, at, on sd ol the H . i'. & t". gg| a .,l 4 Its own tfc grlcltjd A WORD FROM JFFFF.IHO*. in i?.?, pease ?ft?r the Caaailtatloo hoi been sdogted, Mr. Jefferson wrote to John Tailor gg hglonrei ??n the imp?" t of the erord republic, loot? id <'f baa been .- iM, it may mean anything or nothing,' ws Sgj with truth and moOBlng that gov? rom? ota are more or lern r< publl? in i i h? y bat more o? I? ss of c,,- slemenl of ,? | ind ? "n?i ol In ih? ir , ,,in ,,. mon; and bell? v Ing, ss I <i?>. Ihul tii, m.-.- ? ; the cltli t depo Itory of th? Ir own rights, and . ape? lall) thai the et Ils Sowing from the ,i i|,. ri. a of th? i" opls ere I? ss insurious Hi m i0' n from th eg ' m of th? ir agent I nm a friend of thnt ? omposttlon of govei : menl a bl? h b i - la II tl nioel ?,r ti nt." In th w ?,r the pn senl ' ;> for pot ting Hi" Ingredlenl . r elecl Into the ?mpo iltlon ol the I and of the . orulltlons In several ? Btat? , ,,!, ibut? d so i irgt ly ' I stimulation ?if th- agitation, the nhovs . ,,? Mr. i n ehallei ..- mote than a ? i 1 It The Turki ii y Intel fton Is I Turkey - i Zlonlsl movSra? nt I He given in 11 "" " ?"n. hase and i pal r,!*" Holy Land I ' ol ' ,:"1 !_l '"" i to II.?V?' i i ' ""'' i ..., ! , , ; | - Id? I I" itry that yam . . involved In this plan In high i \ : : ; ' I | , A thai sui li Is nol the late ol Bublii I ees not d? all to il any , i. r hoe m in - mllll? this nol be al tered This -:.' ni. tit Is < 'i " ' - plj from Constantinople to n . The i ? be lieve, and it has galm . I . he ? ' country. Net ii. . , the F b moeo? . : Blmlll i t to Bghl the darl i pino TI plan i i ins ac cording to the eternal fitness ?,f thin am!, Inde? d. haven't w? beet ,! i, ill? ts and u belli no far with "l ' ?r rolenl an Imitation" f i ts? We w? t the gov? a that small ? win 1 e. All ? rlenci In ... in,1 foi I) i un? Ivlllzed, friendly und hostile, is against The trouble thi Is m king for i ing t" ? : bi rs In South, and the tay in the Phlll "iLiht i acted on, it would iMlli ad . a to all : ind. n i' mains to be seen v.hether the Unit? <l Slati i "-' : : i I by the ? i irdly be i one that "happen? id to occur." i i .. ind ?'?! : ? Republl uni' h to I the ? omlng f tl u k." With i . u ti,?. i ' anoth? r on i adi, airly in tl" . omlng thi : No i" nt-'?i' Lan : t!.' ters. The n ind . T "!. : m t make rul? i for Jurk i and thi he prlvll? ge o? hlma? If ? g tin m. to be all right nu the i Filipino ton > .. We et i'?ar o? Jun. ter. Ora wing in Popularity. (All is.) ' ? a . 1 make | " I ?ote. This Is only one ?>f m of the tendy gro th In popul eblch li bound to com? oi later. .. i . t the pi . nor.' plainly than dui he ; . : Ka( I C rentlon ighl to adopt a vor of i" i un", n ill Democrat In C n n.- .- ut lui - ilon of Buch an i in-lit. ! it; il Is ?popular; it la bi i . "ii.'. Let's ? nun- in ?m kgrreeaseat, or "i the i Uspat? h: W? : : ora ) oui that an or . 11.. 11 its In publl .,- ? ml i b) 111' , ,' . . v . , I,. BO CO] ol thi re ..i th n i >ns and all unmindful i t.'i?. . omfoi : ..f ih.'ir d We and d. - nand thai an i rdlnam l r m.- n. fore Iheae 1 tei "'h . iid n not i ed that out of 1 ui,i na . Ill off? lid s? Thla i imil dlfg? oil -. .. it in ' > tat we women ' - ui on ' tild are i I .. to | - ,,'ir ray about on di y land, and lb il II a .'. t !... gh a . h.,\ ,- oui ut us off at both ? : lent can be made, then enn ws i i a tilted, bapp) I imlly, i tltlon I Inance prohibiting tl tab pon the .-'i", '>. mai t., ih. reputed | . i, loved : I, Indeed id .i . r'".' A DISTR DAU8EI? v n Rgeetlve Repel maag, imoi. !! ; x aa II ontll ruptlons to hlch he ! .o i. . deHverj f in.- bi rtnon, stopp? d si ,: nd i."i at i in I? a. - ild: Bom? tun. aj ?. while delli r? i was frequently Interrupted bj u ma n s i ? ? i :, ?? in front ol igte wta i gas? culnted, ssoved about, .uni whispered to Is neighbors, and il i addi seeed > lu?a 4 sharp .... 1 for big un? seemly eoadnet, When the service ame ever mv ii?.rk. in the vestry, mentioned the Hunter to in.\ and asked If 1 a Ignoraai of the hfci thai the person ad? i v .' < an idlotl I h a v?. since th"'i alwaya heeltated to reprhaand any .,f mv congregation for Interrupting me, in the fear thai I n ay i"- addn i?lng an I who is not respon Ibb t"r bla actions." .- ! ' '. i ' t tbs d? livery of ths remainder ..r hi-? sermon. Ml ROBR nu IRSOR. a ti?.ri ?i.i<- il,h ni,- Crime in garth ( iirnlliiii. ORRKNVILUB, X. ?'., April M?Otao rial.) The horrible doubls crime of m?r it i and ,,r "ii w., | ..niiiiitt. d in thl ! ? ounty thl * mornln I ha - carried ..n a : i ind li" : .:.: I .; :; | 1 ,,,ii" t. "ii mil. from Cf avilie, ai i bad the mv. His neph? w, Mr. it'll ! t Tu. ked and . I? pi in Hi" st.ii.-. A!, I "' ' " k this : .- .Mr. Turnoge, ths ?proprietor, v, hose i Is near ths Btoi ' light, and. looking "'i'- - ? -V tiii". i fire. He bun t!i" burnli ? . . i ' i w, but get ting i," i' i ; store and broke open the door ! > til.- sleeping-room, Inl Plndlnl nu ?ni.. In im- i !. I" -t.h t..I ii,t., Hi" and .-run!," d ,-. r i h? ,! id body 01 young m-m. Ii . Oi" body th" building, and found tl phew had i skuil was bn k? n, ll ol IS t? mi'!", boulder, .'i"i i ind . md ths young m that he .' . ?, i i the si "i. d, the . ! i i m and <"i! totally d horri? being i m. DIDST mmi: -. k in. I In- Viirlli ?>lnli'? Mount ol \ar-inl tore Trouble, l: I LEIGH . ? Special.) This . II ; " ? by lbs Com? - i, ! . ... ,-:i . : -i i.y ths i t i | it?rai Department and i. < '. i.. Harris, who clalma t,, be chalr ' ! Ill" F ; . ; oi i, door and denied th? m a Ing th? , : ;ui. All the d wen lock? ! iti l r the l d the wind' .. and with buildings. The ?Democrat I I i ; . ' . - a. nnlngham ? . . the books and | ...... They then deposed Ram*? y, ? : . ' . . that date. fh? maud for th? I".ok . 1er of the I They ! ' , to "tt thai the rights, They w< i uld ?ill be , a hen the L tur? them . solicitation of th? Ir lawj i rs, thai l ' m will probably tak? rrow which : iltural 1 im,'. nil ov< r the Statt. It Is h re m.'tkii; ; itlon by i , . || laid . rely upon tl For the i It will be forced 1 I a h was th? : ' ' The Vn A IMiiiiiinl I h lUR. Oi.. "Wall, - md pui i thins II yore ihakin' the bal i ii?- Star's Bnlnry, ' i it bo liipi - n? d th il the star lal i- replied: . in"" \ , ; get?well, that's _ ? ???m- EneouiBgemcsti (Chicago New | i n. I ?poki iboul hat In ,'in't do i? you hat > m my va Mr. Hurrah! ' if thi all. mam A ? easts m Peril. (i>. al.) li'.n "f i man will make a monkey of him .? Love mu? Death. Two from the I l Qui? t, men; r, N h. ! ,.,!.,r . : Ii. - my soul unfol : . ' ?1 i! 1 'I ii ira that fall rid fl : : I. ::.- : i n .; ::d do? n lin- M i con : forever In all th "? Wbethi r i Tin- ol i One Dose tent the star, v. i sn poet h ni a ',? -. a i I \i:i ft , ! biliOOl. ?i?i.-!i ,a!,.,i. un i ,,:o ! tone, lib I tu '?ii. i. h Boor ; lai i,?> appi Ute, Jos! bu) -i na? kag? . : ! Hood's Pills i I And take g '!"-?', i "il 1 lo 1 pllll i will be Mir?n--".I at !i ?W ? y will ! > their w? rit, care your I ', id.,, n and billow i ess, room the p liver and make yon f?-? : nappy acuiu. U'**iit-, >nid by all medicine deniers, m i Gersoi?s. LADIES! TO-DAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY There Is Belnjr Shown ^ at the JEFFERSON HOTFL fill Triron I Ha1 the ladl B of Richmond h ivs i r? r :: on? " I ' ly, becom I pries .. Bon I Turl Bnely trim rlb ' v, 11 every thl r 3 !! .. you < r bod th?- pi? ssurs * of I ted trimmed I Com? In 1 nder : t., |u London, Pi . Neu . Il g. ? i ?, Room ~, Rotel Jefferson, ) To-Day, Friday, and Sat i i urday of This Week. GERSON'S, | Pemberton, j I Cordes & | Mosby. I i An Extraordinary Value ' i lo an Irish Dimity. w ! N a v y - B 1 u e Iri-h $ | J A \ Dimity, with white j ? polka - dota A (?ne, \ '' sheer, and light-weight * ; quality that will qive < ! thorough satisfaction J ' reqardinq wash and ? ' . At ; wear. i be kind that j sells r\ cvyw here at \ toe. * \ Cur Special Price, 125c. $ I uv\uuu\\uv%\>wv\u?) _ (apjSjMj _ COMPORT \M? I!? OXOM1 . .\ ?;.\s l: \N?;i-; THAT MEETS THE _i \>ll BEMR5I ? 9. I0W ON EXHIBITION, THE OREAT rtASTERPI ECE, FRILBY, JTLEY I?. at. COOPKR. The wonclei of the art world ! Tin painting of th<- a ntu ! \. M. tO i?, I" Ailiii - SIJIJUs VPRIL 24TH. ? oui nu -n? -i ni; Monde i. i:nii(.i: \\ i !.s?iN. ? in- >! i !ini r?-t Kinm Wcihi. Pearl, Keys nnd Nellie, iiiiiiii ? Hin?. Berks nnd Hcott, H..:? inn! ((uni n. ( Kir mu? >li'l.?'oil. The Kondeoerlpl i rla III.Mil POPI I \lt I'lti? I I, mil ?tS*St) etiirn Engagement. ?.ASSION PLAY, MO I ION PICTURES, Street, ioii.i!?:m'I SO /10NDAY,App?!24Ih, Every Evening! N:I5. Admisiiou, 10e, ? n ?ei i ? d - .?' - in. ap 20-ta \ Q.AKD * i Mil ii\ni:\ i P THE ACA1 - ' ! ' Mrs I'" . AV. il POLK K iii:m.\ iii.i:\ i i i \?. _ ! \ MOCK I III M. II.!. BE OH EN \ i THE JE1 iN PARLi IKS TH' J;-i?A , KSl) ri: . \ V A | he Confederate Museum, TWELFTH AND CL/ ? ' \ I'M \ Free on ? "? 11 : . BEVALENTIN?M?SE?M :leventh ant? a.a i s- im. miaul? n. 3 Frss on Sat irdayn le 13-1 y i ilDllORIUM, ' ii? 11 in >. II?.Hill M HHIH o| WRM.?BM i Ol Ml . Y " i A MALL. Ml 1X1 " 1 \ I'll i r M \ V 1ST, BYRON w h A hi? ..." 9*. The Wedding Season is now at band, aiul to meet the demand i??r }\ \A/edding Silver we art? daily receiving the very lates! designa in shr. IIM, SI1YIR MR!I\MKI. Conspicuous among the many lines .e display are the pn?ducts of such eslsb lished silvfi -.mitlis as lilt GORNAM NUMi'GCO., RIM) & BARTON, (Ml WM1IN6 MANllf'6 CO., DOMIMCK & N'dl, and other leading mannfac tarers whose tratle-marki f tell tin- tale ??i' quality. {* &W!!iw4MM f7~~~ m**\ ?y^V-^V^V (:tih ' ' - - Why Buy Ready-Made Shoes ? WHEN " v ' i: TOUR MEA SURE T VKEN SHOES M M'i: ro FIT IR THE SAME MONET, A S I > MADE IN RICHMOND BY THE BEST BH< ?EMAKE vi."i y ii?. GLAZE CALF. \v \ S RL'SSI \ CALF, TAX CALF. an.hi n Li mi: ?us 1 ? 111 Rubbei Hi Will pair, and T'i W. F. DREW & CO., Main, Corner Eighth Street, _ Gurney Refrigerators, THE ONLY REFRIGERATOR THAT CAN BE KEPT OLUTELY Pl'RE AND ? I? IR ALL Tl " ; i:... j AND IS SUPERIOR by i In t i I. Free i , ' ? V i : til ' ' :. Frei dorn from D I. Pro] f Drip 1 . MILLER CHINA CO,, 100 IAS! BROAD STREET, Between Firsl and Second. Send for ( ?atalogue or ?';ill and examine. lap ' WEIL WOMEN iake M?Ut's Sarsaparille lo Beautif) ?heirComplexion? I here Is No Secret ol the Formula of Miller *s Sarsaparille. ! ! . ' ' It is an Ideal Spring Medk ine. : | ? | \ T. ?. Miller, Bnxid-sti'ctM Phemiai \. r>i0 List Ire ad Street; Jefferson MotH Pharaety, I rider feffersoti Hotel, Richmond, Vci. H m, 1 h \. Hi Old. patch ? ?ill be giren prompt at tention, an,I :h.' ? , r \. . ? will b<. rap to y-in you. I THE ONLY V \\ politi 9 '' von -1 . I E W I 6, I ate Shafer's, 9~&<9*'9*'t?'9>"1?~9?9~e}-.u).. Good j Hard man Pidno, A Cabinet Grand li I In- piano me of lh< besl m u II trdmai firm during Ihe pei Iheir greatest pi and lip.? eer. 1 he in r men! i guaranteed for five ? and a customer $200 upon it. MAKLY ?. M til ii?> I i.l.l. DE WITT'S Witch Hazel SALVE A ultaMiMri for r'les Cores -' i aodi , in . The b ?I ?i? jirul ice o? i buy. ir GURF.S PILES. (ai -A?) \\ i; mil ?IN. m ? . IMi *l l I PATENTS. Standard Spccialtj i.. i:i np i SUTHERLAND ? SISTERS' Il \l |- i.i,, w i i: im) >?? IM'CM IN Kit * AI ALI lili) KM? i -?h?n ?il COO LIVE, ?'i I ill \ I lw\ \l SUMMER LAW SCHOO i . ,i i . . l M Min :: ' \ i I \\ I n i i > . V J. ' * N i . . : - ' Hotel American-AdelpM' SABA?8GA SPfliNSS. uih 1? Su \\\ \l\> 1 II li'l -. HI'!"1 \ " . 1. V - -