Newspaper Page Text
_ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, APML_aj._lW9._'__^_ If wo can catch JOUI eye with this cut th? pri'-e 1 ?'1 hold your attention. $3.00 f?ir Irin ion fiat w. re made to sell fol $'; '>" The reason I BoMON w< t tired of seeing jron go .ro.nd in b.i'jify-knecd trovi i - n jj.^ Unlike the tailor. v3ltil3e we don't make to order; hut like the tailor--we Hike to-fit. Result thessme, except tlie prioe. ^?J& \-. * \ mon i ?n? t: \?.t i: n ill,, ?.nine Ht W (i ?hill Kl ?m ? .-illeil on ?-ount nf itti j ii. WASHINGT? IN, April DM to il, y ? third InnliiR Ml a" wunt "f I no:. ood I to I In fat of N? w York, 'i -' ft | basent? tinn M i rland, the nee in t!i" boa for tin-- lo? ,1 TON, :?, I ill!.Al?l"l.Till I PHILADELPHIA. April . 1 er |iv : t> I tee three i tin? tin ? ?UUnp flV? : . Willis v.,- . | . I l?,y I . . . \- " I am i:. n. E, Phllad? Ipl i.I I " I " 7 :: nn .." .II : : I I i : Wheeler and Do n la -; W'il i . T'mi'i!. i: M? i Email? Time, 1 boor .;-.' REDS, i". <"U:\ 1.1. \.\: i < im i " . Aprl i n ton) I ... . " i" II ?? .'. 11 ! Batte) Breit? 1 I . Umplr? -. M< ?Smith. Tim?. l;i;<" iKLYN, ' : B ' a k'ORK April 2 Wkl In In the ninth Im y i, iiro kl) n, Baltic ed and Blade 1 bagger In 1 nt Brookl; i ?. The I, ml evenly I R.H.E. Brookl) i .I " IOC :? I Bal Hi . I D'i'! H i mpln M ? Tun. . in! in mil. PITTSBURQ, T. i.? 1UI8VIL1 ' l. ,i ISVILLE, I.V.. Api l 26, To i '. trong F ?ur hits : . . :< : K. II. Ii. Loulavtll? ..0 " 0 0 I 0101 I I I '1 'J j. man. X'.- O'Day and 1 : unan. CHICAGO, 7. B i'. l.? ?ii ST. i."i 18, M".. \| .!: " By bunching hits in th?- last Inning ? . lured the third gai l with St. Louis, ii?.: t tlie formel club loot by 8t. L Attend i R. H. E. br LOU s .? 2 0 fill 2 " ' " ? I . igo .0.110011 7 13 I i:,,?? . - : Wilson Call than niul Donobue. I'mi'ii' - .'-' .arlw>.? ,i and pi r. Time, - hours and '-'* mlnu STANDING OF THE CL1 Won 1. ft I."ills. .... Iloeton .7 rhlladelpbla .7 Brooklyn . .I Phlcago .7 Cincinnati.I Baltimore.. LoulavUlfl .9 tAea Torb.;; Washington .2 Plttsbnrg.-.I Cleveland . i i .. . ' .'_' " m,i sot Play. ruii.Ai'i.i.i'iii v pa., "v. ? cinl.)?Tin- University o? V'iri ila ball t, am did nol i I ly a nia ai Franklin i. Inla man ., ?ah hour, and the I ean laglana was mnda up to at! fj tators i?? is' nt. The afternoon ni n Virginia f ana'? action re? > . ni legina feai "! ?! !? : ling tin- northern i n Itilereolleu Inte Hull. WASHINGTON, April ill r? units: Hai rard, ;,; i mrtmout! ton. 4; LshlSh, I ATI.SSTI?' I.BACK i: iii:?.iN>; TO-DAY. Sew AlvUni.imi 'l'enm Opeas i i> ? Mil HI \\ lll.i ?1,11 ire. Pa, Tlie Atlantic "ii ol Xths oi m, with Rl? bmond ;.t WllkeSl un . All? " I " ,,.it?., Seranton at Paten Rl III!!'-. nions ?!> all R and imps to y t ,i - The m. ' n are Steelmi H Wrlgley, Dundop, Bhunnon, H ni,,? Bsj i, i.i. and Pltchi ?ovan. Bishop, and Pfanmtller, N'lKli.u.X ,i!,'l ' Vlgnaua juins th? Allentown t? m i bnrty and G.In In d d n 4 leav? nlth th< ti'.'in. but me held 1 i n and ma) rf* th? club on th \ g, ... , ' ! ' !!,, i Walk Ii i BaM Is atron? ;i> now compos d without ' nlth . ?ras l? perfect, H< Mill b.-rov . Lbs ! t i' Vlgnanx, i Champions i ' aeal week In Beadlni ! , x.' ..... i,, op? n up with ) wn. lancastei Wiik, sbarn I ?How In th? i ?n K FAVO.ITM FIRM, intvr. MAOnt Makrr K,,t.? I (, Hi* \\lnit|i,u Mt-l-llk. HKMPH1H, TBNN . April M John W Behora'? < <? i oil | . . , ,.. ,. ,,t ,,., I,' ?Inn m nr"Hk kfoifh , nort "f f.iMilnii. Rour of the ais i>" rnrtffs llnlslnd EHt W?-atlnr WtMtA', t?a? h '.?ft i-,: t ren 1 irl? selling Johnny McJfale (I lo I) iron. Traveller I i i and i to n ond. ind ?" Itw find <v '" ' ' third. Time, l i i a ' four and s half furlongs ..,] ,.- to n won, Flor? ne? Anette id, and Onthi? 9 to D third. rd i : I. "! in.,'. 1.17. Fourth i c to "i won, Verify (I to 1 "> '-'> i . ii third. Time, 1:11 I Plftl ' ""' Rol i . ? ' I "i- 10 1 SB I . , .:;...!." ,.i.;?' 't , . Our N"'i p jimp (I to 1 to J) 1 !!l|, . 1 II. M:w TORT ?'"l"l:-: C1NCINN \'i I. " . Apt II w? ! In 11" tavorltM ' i foui 9 . nd, M Chi? k n (SI t.. !? thli I tblt " Third : i ft to 1 Fourth i -n'h. (12 t.. I) third. ' " " ' ' third. nth Helen II and Am'" t rd. Time, AQUEDUCT TR ICK. NEW Y? >i:K, April Ique i r / mon? ?h to K v, ndi ty (4 to 1 . Klnnlklnnlo ?4 to li third. . . ..'"i ' : \\ Ird. Tim? I Third i M''~ m Lady Exl ?) ' ? i nn.1 f. to '? l ' ' ' Bl< Knight of th? Garter (3 to 1 II ??d rd Time, ' ' half fur',?"' ,..!, , v . Bun m r : i , i and evenl ' ' : '-' 'u Bi x 11 fu rl oi , ,i,. ,7 . ti ild ! ! (7 i" 2 ami 7 I, and Jam? - Tod (15 to ii im. .OAT ?lin THROWN OP... \ Crowd l.niov the Oee:??ioii? \ Crow i?? Go <? Le Piannala, Ai,"'it n hundred oarsmen with I thered at the b '1 1o no formal < , !. i!i" clubm? n uni th- r guest I boat-bouse and Its equipment, all which la now in rder. I ' : : : ' tors hi ?'i :, ''.? ren? e api d? n four-o red crew to th? i Whl? b N< " " ?i !:. N'. J., ' 'ill. crew that w?l It pi glnla VI i ' " ..Is W? ' k. :hii| will eommi a 1 - -, will be n hi men for position? in p : ten -,ij>. 'rii,. Imminent \>.ill a gr< ,it ,i" ii . ! h? i". and there \\ i'l probably be Bicycle Ructag ?t garaaanfc. BAVANN KM, GA., A: iprln ? ,,; bicyel? i Ing n ' clpal evi i ; W. I. Hul ' |, i M \ : i of ?'"LI Kprin;' X. Y Won th" mil". ; n: .1. ?-. \\ ' in th" five-mil n.I. ., v. 9, K Baldlei '?. 1? ful I'nlo. Uli ESTON, B. C, A i the . I, , ':" the 8, m. nt, who had !? i i \. - .ni'". " pped or I.-!! from th? \ i.n..- n:iit> .:t Pee i Bl itlon, In I Nothing wat he ird "?' him th" Coasl I.ii 11 ' i had t! : an I i"ii w II houl avi II. Thi i v, unravell I o.i Bunday, wl> i m ol ?. n?g?u ? hO : ii the rallroa I i,, ind ' ' body ol ? lou |ii In . om? Iml v :? had ti".,i, .1 and lodged. Th? bodj wag identifl? I, though in ?i horrible" of d? ompo Itlon, h is been in. pui ' and. nac? Reparta to Ihn laaeanbly, VLBANY, v y., it. thi i" n?.- " . iv. Th? r in the , . nun." : during ' itlon The the rut i-e?tlgation, and prays? the Ai - mbly t.? . h eporl ?.f th? ma il ti, committee to luv? "III. ill-, ;, Of til" l.i i- a 'I III ,:r HI , ne ? I ,,|> ?I. |\ . .\\Ml. GA.. \|"il ,\ ,i ; i m : turpi Ih u i|, The . two-, .in.i Ihn e-yeai rpentlt ' . h low , week oi so behind. Then rill .! . no diminution " l he i p " int nt tin ," . M, Parale??, nl Wnahlavtna, Dea?. NORFOLK VA.. April M '.' M Pat ' ."!? :i. I ?. I '.. mouth. horl He : he i.,". n N'ushtrigton. igra?aaMn kaknJnnaann? tin. LONDON. Api .: \ Bhani la I ? it. ,i n Tdo'a ' I ,i ring. Jr. pan 1 ... ,,,,,.? Ith th- i nil I P ? - K Ion to ii i? ??. , ", ma ' im? m ? is , i , .,! Uisltlon <?f tellll,,! y in Qhli de Bee the Lient irllb>." | \g BRILLIANT PAGEANT. intuirnos or thk sii/rtvs rumMSSI.M IS f OSST*STI\?llM.E. GRANDEUR AND GREAT RICHES. \ Itlelinionil I aily Tolla ??r the (Turk. l?!i Miuiitrrh nml III* (iiirnrnn? Itr llnne??iilriiillil ??olillera nml Mna llilleeiil II. v Th? foil? wing l?ttei written on m ir h , ! |y now In Constantinople, will pn ?. In? pis Aft. r thi ' I ICh I f? -l I bad compila? i m sitting ii i : two ? ' anks : i Ron i will up ;i bit. ' : Thh .. th? pal and i till,' :. ! A <l'."U I? IN 'III!; RAIN. A1 i . ut with our p? Mon in th" pal g< IS, we had ' hours b< fore drove tilt !, ?IS in, k ' of all nal m it !.' o in and nt' od at our bacl ; l" low us there was the roads to tbi i . and be yond thai the minarets end of the city. :i ; 'l.i' l. \?"!: DISPLAYED. - - ' Of 111" g? own th? y could bai : " ' ' ; - iqulslte tl mortal I coats of aal mall Turki a prettiest . : ' ' iow, no hem; nor waa nut. Tl walking, and I warrant that it l,i turn , urious /. and bin? unlf? rra Thi ndivlduala, I node all oth? II n look w? re got! nsion. , I ' It will not fall i ' CROWN PRI1 the 1 ".vu -ii? more i ' Sultan's I . . ralked s? veral I ill In uniform, with II t.. their 1 I ; n th" i m, his I sword, n tuti ilm in llis ;.ri!is : . lip tlir; Ing him on i .' | t',t 1 n his tu toi ilm t,. move, he lifted him * '"ii. THE SULTAN HIMSELF. lining la : for ! cams befoi i the liai I srlth t ut. All ags flyli : ". Then all was i i.1 111 . uard. The , him, leavlnj p ice, in whli h wall rala in the army, il" himself rode In a gold de? riven by b mi in all la decora Ilona, aal cm ? 't. the . loking ,i en 1 Id. Hs has s aal of dignity. The I .. . i'S.MAN' PASHA. P ihn is verj loking, but although hi Ii : mi' r than the ? i. , v. , Our i nt, we ad w? spok? n to him. n as he ' ' a i-- - . a hi? h a ?mm. d by hite Ai ablan hors? s and mi" im n, i ,nii" don n from , ben al i he end of twenty i out, gain thi le in:' in one ind .,1 ihtly as | " ? ,' ...... t. II? ha fing under t: I walking ??n ??i: louaand i ol nd th? m. Tl ' -i foot, ration? i aa wer? 1st. ' ?m- of th? m ! ?oh ns. ': i. HALF BTAR^ BD I \Ye run back for lunch? ! ths I ttlf U of i!,< m q .. | p of tl Gala! towei ear of tl It Is i an r : ii -, i : , i ik my : Ih. in little . half .... I must ] Mil!" 1 ?hi. My candi? B'OMKVS .ISBI03AR1 BOCH M : ?e min nee on Opening loaalnn ,mi-Hi,m-? lteeel).l. for IBM ' - > 'ii rSBURG, PA . April M i i of the ts - Foreign 111 i ti.- Prsgbytnrten < i bortj chart : ided ... ,.,.?11':.., audiences, D< 'i i \ al m im i: ?i continue,I to arrive ?luring- the forenoon, ami it wna not until th? elons ??f th? lm< nt Coni mlti . i" ..i :., bo k- ind pr. Its v. ink iii",. ft ,m abroad 11 - ; C. H. Turner, of Philadelphia, waa in th? ebalr when mi.!'. ,,j mori m-'. \ . -, report wei ird. The nn ii'i ,i :. irer sh iwed to 141.2S. This : All Inn-; " During i the pr? : four \\ ? hymn a :; ''; !' .1 they were formully UC? '1 t., III" BUI I I lit. 'I il- III noon " . ?"ii ws ? .-i talk on I ng in til" N ' ! b. Cunnlngh un. o ton. Pu. Cunnln im I lonnry in , Mi . 'i A.ti r, In Ii -.- i y i r, Jo? . ' '",i to 1 '... mil ?im \ IH IERVICE \ OISG.ACB. v,i nectarea Bs-Assistaal Pnstnsantor ?iiiieiiil .lone., CHIC ' di| lomatlc serrl? e la a disgrace 1 ' I Chicago i "The ' ?n Miitii.ii' ,1 ' I I mem aas loud : I," be said, . many of them ?it"' wn I , disgrace 1 country. How ? <n we l ? comm -,' "I bell? I r, bettet M 11?. Il) \ rri.MI'1 > TO BRIBE \v rrne iimIk \ u! i i- t Delaware dem III.> mini mu? Sennit- < teil?. DOVER, DEL., April - ted to the Cent county . with bill itly th? :r;iinl jury n ? . " | ' ribo to , to vote ,,! .1. Edward I h i m with ' rn as < ml which, when II 0 ?vernor, The : I The Iteel Boons. ! I, and et Un i the dei large ;. : 1 ,' k i.-tit th ; from th? . prli e : ; : u-, ,1 ?i : ' : i I ' i i far th " til. v. i ? * ? i.i vu'-, Mistakes* y I ' . hoola v. l most .i- . ni . :. r than t. -\s l V ' ' : ' ' ins. m 1- I i till - t boy In > ..i the I - koo?" It doesn't I In V - I'nn CASTOR! A Toi" kilaats and Children. e Kind You Have Always Bought lesm 'h^ gBttV? oJ i in) " The ??rein I rill?. ." . cnted the Dispatch PrlnUiuj-House. de ent thi fro ! ll. "i Ing lv? of ful hin . i ] nal . I! \ "THE NEW POLICY;1 nrnuAUsnu pa*? utawm UK IIAVK EXTEHED. POSITION OF GERMAN-AMERICANS. firm S In ml taiiin.t Mil I In riiiii nml the Ail niiii i.I rn_t inn". Iile.-i of Fur ,-lun ? oii<| iieol?l,o J I? I ? > of l.'riiillli. A iiierlen n l'opnlnt Ion to Inion. ST. LOUIB MO., April M The Q imtn : a i sper ; ibll ih? I held ?? oeetlng here to-day f..r the ; Mining their poeltlon regarding whnl .'. i Hey "f hnperlal -m.'' Dr. Km:! Pr, " l'y.y tdttOT Of t!. i led. i the follow ously gdopt* tic ind nnlnterru] ti i efforts !' by mlsn pr? ind unfounded m nsntl ?no, tl ng and the old i.: I ween the i f M lennany. i i malicious Intentl ci n ? :. We, th enoum e thi - tlnued fais? ho a hi? h en langer the Id frl? ndshtp of the countrl IERM IN - AMERIC w PRIEN1 . he bl i m republic, and ' ; Yederl? k I i? first ed the rm was tl United the Philippine?, Th has no un - i m th,- Orl? nt. "I, in the y. United from til- l of the civil war, th? ei m.m Ity !?> the Union. ; i iii-Am- rl? ins a! - will do Ii GERMANS MISREPRESENT ?. rman-Ami n l the (;-r .u's in miar? presented. We . rovi I . and \\ ? : ? hat? v? i- the : a we : . interrupt, in tin- Int? : ngland, th" fil' i the - .i tit m : unanimou ire of the The Balk) Will/? ?rof s in tic.) m with an abnormal tj balk; will," I : ',' t ' y inhibited In n i orally Im] . ii if it 1. , do it If : itward ilar in h children g that tho nd the h< n n situation ,'f this kind i Irly d< vi . sardly, nl ... l cut nd, he will r ould : limply : ' : g it on him It, and : He ?rill [de him m ! teacher will :?i .?t Korean Doctore? : ' " levoli mona, and in nt In s to propitiating th? m? dli in.- for i hi Pel ; nothing ental than the m ting ? ailed for In ? aae of i tin- tri ' .til B d? n. I . . .. . ?ill I i.r sufl pitia I win? n which th,- spirit is i,,' - . naturally I other i, ol ?uni,s that : ractifre In ,i ?In I . ?f t!. I A 1?, -1.1 u in o i Metaphor. ?.. Ill " J.O S, \ n il '",i the few l n Um . ' if she would |' - i ii Ri ,. ?111 leav* r thi? ,i -m~ See The Great TrHlij.'' 1 > i an th? i II ? ? P< A ' " tl I " 1 \ ' i I I Otl ! 1rs IWtVMAUCU sTATV.ttr.XT*. rrcsttsniP er AtrrnoatTV of tub AtwiToaor rc?uc iSMSSflgp rnsirtrc or ntt't UNITED STATE* BRANCH Of THE BOYAL INSURANCE Cowo. OK UVKitl'ool,. BSOLAHO, ***! I ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 11 ,.. TDK CONDITION AND AFFAIRS OF THK I'NITKO STATIM 1 THE ROYAL INSURANCE COMPAN1 OK M VKKI'iw i| ORGANIZED UNDEfl THE LAWS <?K THE K IM ;; ,<, \\ ,,, TAIN, MADE T? > THE AUDITOR OP I'l BLIC A? ? 1 MON WEALTH ?H?' VIRGINIA, IN PI RSI ANCE To im 1 aws OIN1 K. Mansgei i" F BEDDALL Principal Office In the United Stati ? WALL STRI ' d or Ii orporat? .1 man tl, : ? ? ',,in,!i. n? ,1 Business in tbs I BTS vala owned by th? . i.,"! tgagc (duly recorded and b i",:: wiii"h not mor" than I on all said mort Value of land .. m, nta; v il1:- of bulldli . teral) . % ?BONDS OV1 NED A D rlption. 1 .,- \ : I Stati . 1 . -. s Ten H ' \i"u Capitol ? ""iitin . mono N w s 1 ' bon?. . ' . . . \ pany bonds . > : I H f N . igo and N? : -!.v. . . ?pany bond? . 0,000 ^03 Company bonds . 100,00) uims ? 1 :. [. . ' Co. I Cent. R. R. Co.j &O,0?X) , rim Ini Bt. L 'hi. bonds . road ?'..m . ; 0| -. ' : . . . . I Railroad Coi . and V. v . ,. k ' "i RD ! I npany bonds . New y. ork, < ihli bonds . ' v.,rk. 1 .1 and W? Ralli . ]' , : . . I . .. - ! road Comi 00 1 ! Com? road ' St. P ' I : lersey Ralli ?nut . ! ! ' ' Comp . ' " Ti tais. ? . mark? t ? on ?..?mis n nri itten In th? ; than three months due Renl ' paid . . . AGGREGATE IMOIT1 F ALL A IPA1 STATED AT THEIR ACTU \!. " \l.ri-. ^ LIAI !'.! I to he? i . including ther.1 . tmounl of I 1 ?, : . - I pr< minin- (50 ! 1 : premlui ' |1,103,239.29; Ul . " f I? by the II other liabillt . ' , . emlum ; paid a nd In I I - . 1 am..tint of all llablll B - . . A-! ' \ r F \ YY LIABILITIES, PAID-1 P CAPITAL STOCK AND NET SI ItlT.t'S . RECEIPTS D1 i;l.\<; THI premiums and 1.111? ! . I . aril . ! ' Deduct ' ' ' . : . . ' I . KG "" " ; \'l'! " tMOUNT OK RECEIPTS ?v; THE ? CASH - M !,, - RI?O THE 1 r re ., 1 ; . '.,:,i 1. .ii other 1 aid for fi this and I ? . 1 . ' aggregate " act hal di81 . - .ash . BUSINESS IN "l'ii:. BT vi B OF VlROINl \ I . -. - . . y - - [he Dime Savings Bank, IIIO EAST MAIM STREET, Richmond, Vci. \ l.liiil ?.??ein. ni i Joui Ik? Iton P\ ii'.i ,n i, n s of ill ", he has - III f.r !r \\ : eady th n th? ' .-.a and railroad und? r tlehmond, by . . . A i" h ' \ In n tl :i will : Ulan! Ma, ts to Quant Va , v.11! '""il tmll.t ?A -' .it.,, arrangements between ii.v> ? will n B I i tan* I "The I g as I : Ben i A \ : . Th - v I - I , ' V _4 -. ...