Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1899._ _ Prices in New Shapes, and as w<> buv .?o w?> M-1I. [ft Whofj itOW Of wdUli *d talk of prices, The ca?onee of qualities at ^" - gtoce carry with them ?'?" -lP ohdJVP plication of principles that is novcr deviated from. ^^^^^^^_? The good* sold must be ?JLjcXII-l^ ri^lit or our close scrutiny will have avoided the sale of them at this store. (?ur quotations may*e aggresehre to ordinary storekeepers, bul they are honest and true picttorea of the stuffs on sale, and merit the attention of an entire community. Percales are the Cottons These special Linens to ttw in.iinv. flore than dav : 26,ooo yards that cost \2 to 16c, for 7Ac. a yard. i gt? i. gad the nom printing. No i A Pi ni, : , >rd? : . Plqu, nd VI . "" Full , : in, ?.'." . An Umbrella and Para sol builder made a mis take in the quantity of his production. Ton C',. Wblt?. ' h, ,1 Silk ! Ji in .ill i \ i-linni' ! i ' Up. A Wh," J i Silk ? I, 7.', < Pui Taflf? m S!!k - . 1 Nayy, Garnet, i . -: 1!'. p:ik < a rola Cmbr, Men; ?1 1 , worth 11.501 i. n Bai ir?. k Tow? Is, hi i ?0,1. : i. that <"st MM doa< n Damask Doylies for Be. < ai b, ths , '- s i.'. !''.' ii Ish Lin? n '," ! I i';i k, thai . ymd I Best H SO LI n 1 lamask l In m r Napkins are priced to-day at J <!'v bad Bird-Eye Diaper, II Inch? w FROM l" TO 10 ' ( ?"CLOCK Ri ! Turklah-Batb Tow? : -, doable ; . each. The order to close stock has been given to all La= dies' Dresses, and the prie? st n Ich yon can buy tbem a ?aid to nil gri .i.v - au. - WO? ?!. 1" -i i:r i : V. I!,"l",l NEW SPRING DRESS , ?8, THAT < "< ?ST I , FO Fancy $i Silks of newest de i. es' or M? ' Bmall White stuck u !i. White Porcelain Cov ered Dishes, i8c. Decorated < I? r Itlpi , containing U : ; . : ' Be. iranite-Ii on ? , i for !!'< . ich. . Il .v ,. I-SI i-cr 1 - , Be. ?i ndl? ,l Knlvi and Pork -. ? u the con em ca pi??pgmmmsmmmm i ??wn n \\ ni i | Mlill It?.. A l)<-iuiM'i'ii ?l<- I uii\ 1'iiliiiii ?Niimi nn ||nna Prrannnls. WUtLIAMSIU'RG \ \ . a. i . . i \. : any to in be voted 1 ti',11. Ths : ] tan. three < . g ro to Th?. foll?n Ing i Icket ' in r. Thorn m.min ii'li: Shi i Iff, W. \\ : for .Lin,, i < !ity, B. S Hanklns (ra . I? idopt? i!: \, h as to )>: thi? , " In ii"ini II \ \S'illi.tiii thi "i,. be n i. . int of our :,|. 'iii and wbli Att? n? . and for t ir lovi for hlra : ?". we, th? memo? r? of 1 ..; \\ illlams burg, ,i" unanltnoui i and hereby ezpi i r hli ; unlly and relatli , i . had he been I h< r.?i i would bave b? an Ui _ ol this body. Be it further rat olved, t utloni !" ; ' : ? his fa ml I j. ti" i.l.i. ed ?>n the i this g ting. itiiyy. ' ' . Vt. i ' '.Man ton, F. ?'. St( wart I \ Warr? o. and W. B Vt in,- foll?n Ing candidat? had bi i n \ v ?reed upon, th? > b? eumbents: Bup? rvlsor foi J . n !'.. Val District I ti let. John A. B n i AN'. !.. .1" ' "it.v, 1? rn fur ' '!> ik. B. 0 this city, : Commonw? alth's Atto i i: i. ?"iiy, i.- th? Ind? pond? :.: Sh, nfl". The City Coum ?l y? I th" gnarantln? agalnsl N? a Old Point, and Hampton, and , lo ll mi- organislni n r Are bi igadet Mr. William !' - ' lei II k, a ho n i for son? i'- t.." n to-? Mr. ? niomi Mil i Lottie c. '" m. tl Is visiting, In Richmond, Mrs. Fannlc ?\ Tu? I Mr I ;, oi g< i- ' ' r of York oounl y. I to-day, accom ( I by Ui Bryan and Mr?. Ii. K. Harwood, "t Lee Hall, Warwick county. , tain W. J. Btor? Bchooli "i" i ork, \\\. white the county for Graft Buiiizi; at? AI.III.? Mil C. KiuU-ii m- Own i it*?i:iii lion mi opean. HARLOT! E8VU I v- \ I t< i ton. of Nortom \ 111?, ? Mi. Cntl : :. n lit?- and ] : .i.. ,i i ,? n serl a vith a kn n re t? ,i.l .ill, ni: ?i-i:-.!, .-i i ui lion, I in his QOOUnUUll I. v CUtlVS ?'"innil': \ glnla Press A el? cted a : !.i. a for its annual I m, hay Ing ,?, , i mu.. .1 to y. t,, the K Hi', of J i. i> who attended ti l, Bb< ffej Lewis, ol th Han Spirit ol the Val Ii i Dl ; J. L ilm, of the ] H \. P, Rons "' Pre? J n !..,. . ,,! the Char ' :-;< .>.i i" a hi? h un t in thi? city, wa| ' section ',r tl 1 ths ice which conti ; Alb* n, ' imp, Coi 1 ni..- mi renlngi n i th? ?lee il?>n "t . ih. : lor the i i apon nap, Tii" eti -i i ? .ijiih Woods, ,',, it i ' : ' -. Van?! iant command?*! ; ' ' i- ;, third ttpntonaol i 1( W, N. Wood, ad-j THE COHEN CO. ! | Id? i I' : W. c. Dr <?. it. ! iin? i ir. 'i. T. N' ion, surg? on; Dr. W. ? N. R indolph to 1 r? mli n ?:. I '. V C, r. i" nson, .h,un s Pi rl? y, L M. Sncad, w. c. Payne, C. i ?. Flsbburno. < RE \t"i:n \ SI EXE. Bpeeefe < !' n Mnn ? oadnnncd in m?-? Norfolk Bllk-MIIL NORFOLK, VA., April . r T?te n I to day i" i"' bang? ! for thi murd , Malo hi i, at bis counsel's ? t the i Ti ii of Nov? mbi i. m ord? r th pr? me < ' .in n pp< ,,l .:.. tO !" b< Id in I ' : '! > i. ' ::. d thi | ' . win, ii wai grant? d. n : . and . in lmpi with solemnly uplifted b . ?it c.t.'i, ,i upon hi? Mi : wltm i that he s I the murder for a hi? b he Ii to die. ' y the Nor : iny for Ih? construction it, a hi b will be th? .nil. Th? il M,M, r a ;.'!.. nedy : & Hamlll Ni wporl N ill] will ! in op? ration by Sept? m o well pl< , : thai ih- ) ar? n >w ont? mj latlng t ' mution of another company to d mill n- .ii- the sit? . r th? flrsi i Judge Martin, of thi Court ol Law and i Chancery, waa to-day asked for an In junction i- K. Lb Mil In th? coal i : that h.- l. John Prltcb? It ??- - lMti? i; m:\ti.m i:d. Rothlng ii? Bnj kvalasl \n> on??v Mni-riiii;?'. FARMVILLE, \ A., April : il.) Thomas Vf. Pi i convlot id last w? ek of th? murd? r of Hall Cai i, r, was sinn ' it? to bang on Wed Thli v.. i in- very Is t Any the ? '"im , ould ?ilinv.. beard the 11 ntem e without any more apparent concern than n i .,; i Khlblted her? tofore. When t. n, < should not i" i : that h<- had n"t bad Jnatlce, and thai h? had i Inal sny man. "nol aven my good old friend, Asa Watklns," refer? attor ney a ui, ,i,ui t-room. Mr. i" - . - mi If be thought 'h' ' ' Was any (nil1 for hi? in.. and If it was Ilk? nor would i mmnt? n- s ;:-,'i and n lends would do all In th, ir i,"?, ! t,. ?avi from the Mm ii : ip v under Mr. n. m. QUI ,, IM Maud ] wei : in,me Mr. i>. T. Elatn. lm pi rformed by R? v. T. IfcN. Bill couple left "ii w? ddlng tour. The I lar young man : 11 ARMI l, \mii:i> \i m y,o\. Mi:i.i"?-ni t onalgrned Oatenalbly to Mii?miiiu-i-?>nii Megnn, \ ' '.HA, April : m th" | thai "ii April tat a WTll w . i ' Sllveal r, of i h? in n ol i. S ? offl ol th? I B th steamei I nla. The writ i r ; nit? ! Stal Courl March irih by M g \, bo n eki lo rooovi r from BU vester thi - do of 15,1 red to ten 11 : ' v\, ? 11 i, 11 1.1, that the United Stub i sp um r m !. mid i t'i Blngapore llllon car i >n th? strength of th? bond ? cu permit wa? grant? I. Th? hlpm? ni \* - !:.,i landed at E i ijj.i , ' Ims Th? tm< i Abb? j i : pr? ?eni if in tin* bands ot tip- United Btntes naval author n . -. liri- in llu.i illmi. Bi ?vi'Tii.v. \'.\ . April M. (Sp? ' iai.i i. Rob? i - - - toreboe?? caught ttrn this m,>i nuni and i : u< tl.,n. The fatni!) d the iv, t"t i wna in on? "i these room? thai th? Are start ad Mri Roberts wa? .,? ?K. n? d bv ih. HRiok, Y' alarm. Tb? Boyd lun Hi tel i'.ii'.i.. '- i I. a? that Is v? i near lb? ?tore? Mr, Roberta gwaj ..,i , n. i,,,.,? ul Uk MARRIED IN HENRICO. MIS* IVA MWflO.V MADE Till intuit-: oi' >mi. t.. n. ji:\mm.*. THE CEREMONY AT SHADYHURST Monllilv "?li-plln? of * Ii?- Confpil^rnt? Meaaorlnl Liters*? sm-ioij? i.rctur? ni Ihr Mfnaannfg < I it li?Oilier Bo?tOl Vil?-*. < \. ' > Mr. Georg? f.. .1. i...i Ins ?t "Sha ?-a Brook rond, the immo of hoi Cb im nt i>\\n ,- to ii? ; a nf the brtdeTg grandmother, the wedding wna s reiy qnfei near relntlves gad ths hrl lal i "' '. The pnrkm of the bandooms honnr decorated la while aad green, and the ' a perfoin? i h* '"r<" en, banked with palgss ind whit? Bowers. Tin- library wal deooraled |n [ uk an i the dining-room with s profu sion "f American 11 v : white n- d afltb ." ' i i end ?h? i bi Id? 'a roses. Her maid of honor, Mi.-,. I Mff. ta, and i in* i . 'i h i . in whits over v. hit? taffi were Carrie I . ,r Danville; N I "i b? : The . of Danville, ?rere ' M Randolph M - id? . U L sing Inn; i. Al ata; C Ted io? k, and Th? oftt latlng cl? rgyi lev. J. v. 11 man and it. r. J. .1. Gravatt known In this his ning : tlm? In All i bolr. Mr. Jei , ' liai yo Mr. and Mrs, Jennings left for an ex u.. m tour. The) v. ill i, future bom< :'>' : ?onfed? rate M? morl il Li i o'clock, y " '" i : Dr. , th? tional lecl C I bjects, and will I I o-moi the audit oi lum of Ii.- i : Col leg, of M< 'in t, . i n. rail Jackson." ' on il., nlv? rsltj i ' Inl ?rill be i'i"- thi m, but tbe eneral i ubllc Is cordl to ;'t e only led and it Is >iii . au : i li wai '! idi d to Invite 11 i ring m at re It s i. - m..n in < '.. Mi -. i:. C ..; r will : nilth " 4 Th? i board meel the Wo londay, M Th? rere most .In insequi i repairs tl innual a 111 lin !" b? Id to-d . ! .i on? 'i until ih" mit of May. 'in,' r? .:-"ii the distribution o library h but will ! sain ih" Friday aft? r the annual mi 111 i . Porta, i ill L . * Mis:. F. H. Curtis, ' a lub yi terdaj aft rn? on at 5 o'clock. Bt? 111 Of i . Boston , hon ?i Ii ndly \ Isll - among i h< Mrs. C. Minor the rternoon, whlcb n\ . The pal lurch will il i'i gbt in ill" lectun -room. In lent Is given by t in faltbful hoir. > * Mrs. Rob? : t v Ind or, of i : ton, a ho ft yesl ' ', the ill )>. ?rtll ?turn fi Rl? bmond on Pi ? . Mr. Henry W. Rountree and wife, i I i and " r a Hip t., .\. at ^ "i k. ".-t,.n ?r i rn ill return in a I' , S . * Club will mi ' '. Minor*! "ii Bate [terni. This la an Important meel ni ail lii'in',', r are earn? atlj i ad, . !. ti' r- from Rev, Hai tl< y < 'armli thi cb? erlng intelligi is ipldly i,, sums m Richm Dr. and Mrs. Hugh M. T ylor, II unie .' ,- ! I ?r. Vb : rrl W?S< k in .N. w t . . . .... irned bom? aft? il visit to - i, N n at .,: the Ml .- s Mori in, on i . < ;: tc? Bten -i Bai nej, of \. a ,'iiy. UNION t MADE ilvf.t.opueUBiHorco.; I **?*l?r* -* """" * "AAU1 1 it l*mty Ayp 53.5? .BLACK CALF :PAT. CALF :blackvici 'russet calf' 'coloreo vi ci rTAH WILLOW CALF $3.50 UH wff ssiswieis ?i n njm?pfc Onr large bosioeesand method tone profit throngl i ro stores i; th? reason wliy [i . t ??.?rcoc? i elsewhere from 145.00 ! - 17.00. Ipreq, KE\t I'nitT KEWS. luu Marriages romoaal Motee?Tb? t battoir. NEWPORT NEWS, VA., April ,n. a : if tins city, and Mr. il m ird D a! :, ., at ; ' iodlst i, Ri t. B. P. Li| .- omb, I .. imi. aft? r the < I Lu foi a si !i, which i for the . -. \.- ii iii!. ,i with frii mis ,,f til,- y Mr. R : . Tli. ' I Robl ived In the : an wa - Mr. ?'. C. Kent, Jr., Ma-. J'.lir. ol Rl of Portsi i brothi brld? - of Portsmou h, and J. w. Dau Floyd A. Hud w - Ham " n, J. , - Little I - : The brld ' n the arm M from i Me irch half a . : ' Rev. forming Mr. Sew i. aid? - in Phlladi Iphla, I to move lo Newport well ui H i will ! . witb ih" int. ret ity. the 1 y a ithln "n. m border. Ha ? mu n ?1\ il,1,-r. '. . \ \ . ." man of this ] : I !.. C. Kibler, . ball. Tl minist? r a I : D. P Lillian ' i.i for .: vieil lo v I >. i '. The bi the rec!| nt-". u> ron VF, Klag Next MonSny Sight. - Ighl 11 i f Ml nib, i -' Hall, n. xi Mon : the n ld ach . _ ?m \i.i.r.w i ???? i -i : \-i :. 1 ., rv,.ii- II ' t . All.-- 's Foot-] ind maki - v. wollen . tain, and Try it II ill ?Ii ii :!:: ; v AI.I.KN S. ?U.M -ill- I Uoy, S," "l A '' A EMPLOI MEN l W \.vrs. \\ \-\ i i:i>. MAN TO Vt TABLE ind attend . b - ;Uy._ ap g-lt? \\ -,\ I I 11 ' ron? r. i ' W \V! II. \ WHITE GIRL ABOUT ' ir,,t. _aj I V \\ I ID. \\ ILL Bi ?ME KIND I*ADY IN NEED n pai Ion a rite : V .. ;..' I 11 i'lilll, SETTLED W ' 'M \-N TO COOK A] IMO W< \\ \\ III). tULER AND I'1 !:',' tRDER AT ONCE. ITWRIGHT BROTHERS CO.. Danvi \ . \\ AA i Fl). PROFITABLE WORK OFFERED i^cnth In ever) i"'.\n to ?ecurs sub >> :on?i to lb? Lisdli iio... Jo.rii.,1 an.i in-Situi,la> Lv?ning Poet Good pa) . . ?uU W"ih. ws wy.m agents to work iiurouahiy end with bd item to over each section wllb our Uli. lat?? booklets advertbun ? r How well son., el our agent? bav? .. ,i Is i"ld in a linle torklet W? vn'jlU Ilk, to Mild joa |,,rli tit? of BOB? ? oar i? ?i agents, wan ins stou el i.w ih, y m id? it : ' THE CURTIS M'bUSilLN? COMPANY, l'hila-1 Iphla. >u. iaM-tm Confidence Is the s wide winner. ? ? ! > H ?HU CULPEPER CREAMERY BUTTER ? i<! |, ?und m t fe ed of "ii l":i , t , "iil?? p, r <Teamery uni? . . mellow flavor; nothing flnef ut double the price; all artnter ! '. I" r pound, In any l^f quantity .t-j*~ SM9 p.,nn,is Kinest California cjr BUver Prunes, per pound. i ''.ms ?allfor- it i c ma peach??, In heavy syrup.** ).*' Vermont Maple Syrup. in 9^r snarta.ajv. I IM MHV ?.HOI M> w \ I"i:it MMAIf " ",| bush Water-Ground Rflr Cofnmeal, |? r bushi i .JVW I In? Import? I Port w Ine, per (41 Aft gallon .;.wW Imp rted Sh? rry Wine, p< r gal- Tic Ion . .' ^-'v' + t H fV ' "t"?"? " ' |i*M MIM ISAAU ti,i:iMti:its 1 im: 01.11 itii: M HISKET. ?-reared Fine Mellow Old Rye. 1 ins has a w.,i ld-wlde r?puta tion. < ?a.- price doe in'l repre . 1 ui it muai be sold t., get money. Pi r Aihn 1. _'TVrC ' Blended Whis In 18?; thick with T^r rli 1 ta t<. per q 1 t.' Jt " '' gallon - 1 i , Old Wilson en,. Whlxkey 0894), per quart .31/C ?bottles 1 , iid r,. i, a 7g. quan. -JL ip. n t(\r M id?. .... IUC 1 Con? Lun? be'o'n H IA^ .It/C I u ins Pur? Cider Vinegar, t?bt* A lll'll. M/C t Malt "Whiskey,.'liK, . . OJt E '" N .'. Bloa p m I each; oui I SI II .mWeAti* Bmithfleld Hnm , whll? in,' last .s"^ I ?be. A..-.npw 11, me-Made < li: - Af Snap-, pound . Family Flour... ??C I" 'in- so * nn ? "i lur, i- r i arrel.<p-t.\i\r 87 Ston? Jar - (10 pounds eai lu '?ftr Imported Glngei .*#w To- K OXe. 1- .vJvJC .-jUC 5.0001 ."?C on? .'vv .,vJC S \ 00 i Oc y, 1 r X^r .>****> Afir 1 .,.JV< l m. 'ured Ba- fir ."^ 1 aln In the list. We We our customer? - you D. O'SuIlivan, ElgklMStk and Main Streets. sp 1 .">-*- n. - W \N III?. COMFORTABLE ROOM ' KK. r..i COAL IM) M <?<?l!. -, ii IN V'OI R ORDERS FOR ALL , iS < >F F1 . . tlcth and ? ?ary ; .1 1 G? 'i'V-. IN ? n,] 'phoni ' .'. II. PAGE. w wii:?. A PARI M'.i: IN AN HED ,: ! Clothing I Furnish . and son name and 1 I VIS N ?, 2113 Maryland avi Aue, : Md. ?tp km inniMi 1.? \n OFF? 1 . . : EL BACHRACH, Proprietor. LARGEST AND MOST RELIABLE, AND - ' NORTH NINTH STREET. LIBERAL LOANS ON SATISFACTORI GREAT BARGAINS IN FORFEITED PLE1 <\M! 1::. BACHR tCH, ap M_ SDIESI CMdMSkr*! Enrlish PVi are the Bust. , . scium Man. Chlchctntr CkSSMSal Co., I'lilkiUa., ! ?. (an S-Tn.Tb.8uly) ?old per l 1; ?h? I _ t? ,1 Italian Vei mouth, L EMPLOI MES! VI W 1*. \\ w 1 ED. AGENTS WANTED TO BELL "RE pul ii" or Emptri The Phtllppii lia: ". " x H . i 01 outfit quick. THE 1NDEPEND ' PAN Y. Franklin B III. M IN I ED, FOUR INDUSTRIOUS LADIES Full 1 KITED M F'G I?l ING COMPANY, \ np "- :-! \\ \VI I.D. MEN TO TAKE ORDERS FOR Iho market; iw??r. -V" ."LIGHT -\'a COMPANY, i" Ik, Va. MINI II). PER WEEK AND B3 - with referenc? ,: H WO ?WARD, _ \\ \ N I I ' ' WHITE B< 'V. AT 1- ' NORTH I I Quick Ij rell . 1 pen -res ail Ncrvoai Troabl??, H>-a,! , :a. Fe npUinti Malsria im ;,!! type? of du es?? originating la, 01 . k :.inii-ii i \ ?lewand weakened condition <i I be I ivsiSM. pleasant, S4*.\ .-II,. a, ions. $1.00 PEK BOTTlE. AT ALL li?HGlilSTS.' unh T-dly-apexTth) hi:>i;i\ tLS. int. \\ 11 1.1 im r. min H8EA8ES OF EYE, EAR, NOSE, AM> Till.' >AT, h.. ,ili. to No 3 .V KIM I'll. H . - . rox>TEBEuma ros palm, 'HREE MALES 1 MONTHS OLD. rell 1 red and i.- lutlfullj m uk..,!. Appl) \,i. u Tobaecj all g 1. V. up M M _?genos **LKn-TJblB Dor^_ WHEN REAL KOTATK IS SOLD THI TAXE*? FOR THE CURRENT CALEN DAB YEAR ARB TO BE PAID PRC RATA BY THE VENDOR AND THI VENDEE By T m ?forthaai ft Co., Real i and Auctlg No. 101,1 ? st Main sir.', t, Richmond, Va 'PKUSTKE'S SALE OF A MCI A PKAMf OWKI.I.i.vo, Na T.Y, N?;IM II THIRD STREET, BETWEEN Dl VA1 AND JACKSON STREETS, Now IN l ER ?;< i? >i> RENTAL By virtue ?r ? . . i of irusl to iin. th" undersign? .1 dated September -i IMS, and ?inly re in h? Cl< ik'^ ofll.! th Rli I mi nd ?'han' .ry Court, Dei d '.. default hpvlng bei n m ule in th? pa) m"iit ,'f -m of mon and being required i . I tie t? m :? public au? ' Ion, on th, pi , on THUR8DAT, AI'UII, |ya ;: , a*( lock i'- M . th? PR? ,1 :.l;'l V ,!. . s, i it,,-,i m -a:.i deed. Th? loi f, ?nt .; i. - ami inns t, n k !.. t\-..-. n perall, i line? | . an alley i? feet aride T , Din tins I or 'i rooms, and a i ERM8: Cash si to sp? and any ' ixt that guy be I enough mon? ) to g iV s a? I a i ?I int. r< ?t th? i".,ii from H .1 , nough t" pay a i i lance due of |2TS, ?nd in from July 27, MR; balan? if ... . an,I twelve months, tor note? with I pei cent. Interest, to be ?eenred by a deed ol a th prop? rry. T. M. WORTH \\!. Ti up M-tils _ a. L, Adamaon, Real Estati Auctlo r . ! at, Mam hi iti r, Va, rmUST?E'8 BALE -L oi \ HK??l.V IMPROVED FARM, A VERY ATTRACTIVE DWELLING, AND A FIRST-CLASS ST? ?RE, IN THE VILLAGE OF CEN? CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, \ A. By virtu? of h i'- ed of trust, dat ruary 11 en ma I? In tin pa) m? nt < it tlie bond - . holder thereof, i wii . n ih" premises, "ii THURSDAY, APRIL H !'. M . thai \ U.UARLE FARM, ontaii Ii Hing and The land rolling, ai Rl hmoi i " The dwi I is m i.n. and liavr ial barn and other outl located Ii I ' ' II tmi nt, ii will pay >. ! to I TERMS ' m nth <i 1896 due "n ?aid bond, thi upon such tern Ml LE8 !' DU VAL, Tru I A. It. A B? Pol Id Bagl l : E ?UBLIC AUCTION ui-" 1 ONE HUNDRED BIIII.D'K- LOIS IND FOUR NEW FRAME DWELLINGS, IN SUBURB l IF "Ml >UNTR< *E." NE \K N V.TIONAL CEMETERY. Will sell, on t! THURSDAY, APRIL tl Ii k P. M., 1 PRO! and Willi u itlone] plat, and b? ' Tl (I. "! ! ' POLLAR RY. I TKO.V SAIT. ORGAN, OSEEN 1 - KEKRIUJ, B \ rOR, SI-.W ING-MA? III MIS. I", II.] ?ING CARPETS FI'RNITURE & . AT Al'CTI? ?N. T a 111 ?ell at i A M . TO !' W (THI RSDAY), APRIL tt, with !" In excell? nl condition ; i ' ttlon-Locb - R M n nines, Atta Frames, '!' ;-.- I. .-.. .:,,,11 Cabli Chamber Bedstead*. V Tables. a Un.- lot frig? : GEORGE U MAYO, \ .1 p, Robinson I v ind -i north Nlnl lid (J8E HOLD ITKNTITHi:, NEW PIATTRE55E5, BREECH LOADING OUN, ftc., AT U i i ION. : ,,i -I..,. TO-1 \ \! . . n .- ' Oak Ri ' r relient Gun. In " void ? l'. II. WILLIAMS, II [OH CONSTABLE'S BALE. i a THl.TtSD \V. APRIL I ' Broad PR ?PERTY :.. M "|- A Brown : ;' ' : TERMS: Cash. i C OARRIS Ml li. <" i". R. LOST, -: i? . id. nu i ?it mi. Al'y Depot .,:: "I \ PA? k ININ G MEN'S t'oLLARS l t'N LAl'NDEI EH SHIRTS tu "s y " ! U EL\ E >tl.\i:i:.- . ?F BTtM'K ItICHM? IND il'- \' riON 1*0 \ ' i,'W :l'la ,1 \ny. ,,r : . i E? IPOI.D BTRA1 CARRIAOBa, STOEIBI, u i?.? ><?, Me, loll s U.E. FOR STYLISE VEHICLES, BIKSJ - Sur:. J ?, PI man u >i Top-Buggti - for l .,i i, to I ! :;. i,, i\, mon.", y , |0 W ' ' SMITH, :il nurih Filth s! mh -' S l ii-m AKTION ?AI.Ea r,i? ??? WIIKN REAL I.STATK IH s TAXEB POR THECCWtEN? DAK rEAR ARE TO BE y Itv i ' : ' ? M PE It ATI M. M LE Tin: LARGES! i ; i ; . FIVE HANDSOME, SURSTA? TIAL MODERN STORES SOUTHEAST CORNI EIGHTH I "THE PAIE BLOCK, THURSD " H INDSOME \N MODERN : il | tire upper | ? ?-n TEB ' fTALUABLl I NRKSTO ' CORNER MAIN \' " If noi Id pi r.t PUBLIC Al .'il. >N IDA! ' I I I ROPERTY, " ' i : l.V R MLROAD I.MPROl i ' i ' TTIQHCON CABL1 i a ? ' - I ?ill III ST. I lilt RI M. I ,,({ III M. ' J. I . u v \ - i . COOKS TOURS. EUROPE. y\\\. .11 m iiii.i u LI. i I HOI. " uiiiv 4 *.i\. Jill ami ISgtl Hi ...,.l >. i > N' *\ I NI II IN'-'. ' l.i ri' OWNEI a ill I* ' ? WATER -111 III? \l. ? nil I I.,. '.I . i'.lM? : . ' : I ritnrtiH \i ' TERSI ' \ - PERSON *l , I ! ' I t| : nly. II III I It ".M? I ' ,N' I tilt ?ALI >NK ?-H ' ' .4' ItOILKK *Nl> ' , - ..Ml. I. F " ? b,.,. BOOK* I" BIO? K , ap U cod?