Newspaper Page Text
MRS. JOHNSON DEAD.. •■■-.:' ' ■■'"-■■' |- J| ".:■ '■ ;'; ' --ft ' .—". — " ' --'•-'■- ■•>■■■ -■: :- v '--'". '.■;"?-*- -■ win: op gv;V; n« adlkv t. jronx- WAS GREATLY » BELOVED HERE. \ :,llntl .spent of-Hor I.lfeln nicii momJ; nna;Wn» JtW<l in lUjfli Ks t«>oin—Mr. AYn r j v .; B ./ 1)1,.^ !„ Kiiij- AVttltniu-OIU M .i^iiu l i, c tit Poc.V Mr-«. .lafte Claiulid Johnson, :v.-ife : of Gcncrnl l>r.-.lley T. ,iQ)-.nson, died sudden-" ly Rvmlay morning it c.'d o'clock at "The AVoodK-XJii??,"' their lcov.o try' hoJne, near -\mcJia Courthouse 'r\.i oauto of death \va^ heart -uit case/ The acath of Vi s most cstin-.abjc lady was a great- 'stis/lc. to ],cr'-: friends, hero und elsewhere. / .Mrs. ; { .-jbhhson spent" Clisfetmas v.-lihj Mrs. .'"Clnrlcs T.nthrop. on.j left for Ttrt homo on Tuesday. , She was then snt'iilns from the effects of a. <sccp cold* '-lie lf she recqvotfil from this, ansl -R-as In h>(: usual hciiHh up to \\lthln a few hoars }' her <ieath'. The Ur;?t a'itclHgenc<^(oj; Ahe J death of "Sir:-. was convWed X a:'tc!.esrajn i.ciivcii Y.-h early on Hunda4hy. Captain Louis; F. l/)K'* 'eux. an ; iiptim:.\ j Irierid ■of G< .]/:jn;.t>n*s, who left \-, the next train for /The Woodlands/ 1 "- \ SKETCH- OP HHIV;I J ,lltS,V , Mrs. Jahnsonwas a woman ..1? heautt ful life laid character; 1 and waV univer sally b/ovod. She was in her ftih year, having/ been born at Kaloigh,\ X. C-, March/ S, ISS2. She was Ihe-dau^itef" ot : Hon. /It. M. Saunders, a disiinVnished citlzc/i of that State. . She and <Si;ieral Johnson were :narrlcd shortly -befor-j the ■■-: civil/ war. When the First Marvland. lttg/nient was organized to; entc-t the • Couieticrate service : it- rendezvousAi at Harper's: Ft-iry without uniforms \ana : ! jjonrjy equlppeo. The regiment- was nm nuiiiied.'. by Colonel Arnold ElzOy, "'V:th' ; G^orgo H. Stuart :is lieuiemnu-colViCl and Bradley T. Johnson as major. ?lrs. Johnson sot to v.-ork and soon -secutnl ■uniforms and ether, clothing for the Ar tire command. She was also largely i^, '■ strumetual in having the regiment equip ped with Er.fiold "rifles. Kho was a rela- 1 tivc of the Governor. 0' North Carolina, and secured considerable help from thS ' people of tliat .State. ' \ During the winter of IS<33-'GI the Mary-\ land LinewTis oncampeu' at Hanover \ Junction. Mrs. Johnson spent the winter in camp with her .husband, then a bri • sadier-general,"- 1 and induced the soldiers to build n church, ; where services were liu-id regularly. Several years alter the war- General and Mrs. Johnson moved from Richmond to Baltimore. She. was: always active In any work to aid l'ormer, Confederates, and ■\\*as president of the Hoard of Lady Visitors to the (ronf.ede rate Soldiers* Home at'Pikesville. Sho. was also . president of the -hospital for ; she v,-oir.on of Maryland. About four years ago General and Mrs. Johnson re-, mpved to their country home, in' Vir ginia. Mrs. Johnson leaves only one son. Mr. Bradley S. Johnson, whose .vrife waS visiting Dr. George Ben. Johnston at. the iime of her mother-in-law's death. . EEMAIXS TO COM3 HERE. Mrs. Johnson had spent, much of: her life here, and_ enjoyed great popularity. "Wiu 11 General and Mrs. Johnson lived" liere iheir home was the scene of : many entertainments of note. Since their 1 re mot al from ihis .-ity they had spent most of their winters here. The remains Avill l>e brought to Rich mond Weanesday afternoon on the South ern railway, and will be taken to the residesiee of Dr. Geoige Ben. Johnston, whfir.6: they will lie taken on tlie 5:45 txßin Thursday ihorning-. to Baltimore. }'*ni ■•. - :.j sf-rvi.^f-p will ■T3rnl»fiblv_j2 Ij_-.con'ju^ifi]1 j_ .con- 'ju^ifi] ■at the resilience-- of Mrs. Julml'. Ppe« ;t cousin of the deceased, : Xo. 3500 Jr'jiik avenue. The burial will be in the soldiers' section in L-oudon: Cemeterj'. : neatirnf I*liss Kli.Jtabetli l'oe. Miss "-EU^aiieth I-t?e Poe, fourth daugh ter of ihe late Major John Poe, Jr., died Sunday night; at l0:J0 o'clock. Deceased h;ii\ been ill for about- four weeks, and htr. death flits not unexpected: Jshe was a jiative of Richmond, hut since her fa ther's death, about four- j-ears ago,*, had been ijPKidinsT-in Fluvauna.- Sh"e was here .i:i a visit when stricken." with her. fatal illness. - . . . . Miss Toe possessed of- a. wide circle ur friends. She' was a consistent member of Park-Place ' -Episcopal; ! chiirch, ; from: which her funeral will take place jat 11; o'clock: to-day. She issur | vived by one "brother, Mr. George: "W. ' 1..v four fijsttrs— Mesda'mes; Una ; Steams; X. E:. Bell;: AY- R. Roysteiv of Blraiinghapi, A1a., .-and-- "VV. A. McGee— two" half-brothers— John Poe. Jr., .and, Harvey: Poe— and two half-sisters— Mes-: dames" Mitchell and J. J. Fairbanks.. IJi«>s fro'a Kfi'i'Pl of Acciileni. Xews has been, received here of iliG; \ death, at his- home, in King. William. Vcoujny of Mr. Thomas 1 M "Waring. Death Iwas the rfisult of an acctaent. Mr. .War-. %ng was thrown from a horse Wednes- Vay and never rallied from; the. injuries Wn received. . \Mri Waring was a cousin of Mr. \V. li. A\U"iV - of- this city, and was a .brother-. h\:-w of Mr. John Bowers. He was smul 55-y ear? of age, and was one of the HKAt prominerit citizens of his county. He\was a veteran 'of the" Confederacy, ;--flflfflwas highly, ref:pectud l.y all v.ho kne\ him. ■■'-.,.■■ \thop T3«a«hs; ami Funerals. MrA Charles T-ips^oirib. a ;well-knowri; you nAprin ter. died yesterday at 4 A. il. at liisVome, No. Sl3 north Twonty.fourth sU<-et,\lie had Wen ill for. many months. Ho wa\3B years of W?- The funeral will take Pi\ ; c from . the resitlence this af iiir- Hoon aiV:3O o'clock. ' ■ Mrs- Anuio li. MoCann dlerl : Sunday morningXt luVr home, Xo.Sra'west Clay street. i-\ was tho daughter of the late Charles ?\-Cann. :H<r funeral will.talie place froV Sacred-Heart church this mornins a\T:SO n'oloek. Mrs. Bell, White, a, repid^nt of King W'il!i?-rii cxAity. who was on ,xt visit to the MethoAt " Home for OJil : "Ladies, in this city. «\i very ■: suddenly- " Saturday .-■moniing nh<\ 5 o'clock, tshe- was. sick only a Hhonltime, anil lier Oftitli .was : supposed to b\due to' heart trouble. Hyr. ': .r-criiairi3 were |vke«;;to; her old iiom«, in King Wi?liam.|'ester(lay morning-.. Bhe leaves two sisttis and several nieces and iieK'K'iv.s. -1 -.?-'' '- *-•'_. The fur.crnV ilMajor" IV C; : Wnrwick ; tQolf, place fvoin" fiomutieninl church yc-s- ; jerdav at rioon, \uY- th« interment was tnadeVil "Khocltoqftill ■•'^emeic-ry. ■■ ./. - . - v -.. ■ ..^-- -..- •■'■•■':;,:':;: ■HE WIMAOT UKSHIK. , -- '' ' : s . '■■ ' y ' •-" - '■ - j Jlr. 'Ax««?);t fciinWitli t!i« C. j Mr. IJecJitur Axtel; second vice-presi dtnU of iho\Chi;sanq|ii); and ;OWo.' who has just Kvert. olecte.lto - the pre.sij-incy of the Tolpdo.Vnfl Oi \ Central lines. le turried to \ho \"y yc\eruay from New Y Zr' AX(<>l! -statV' Hi* W» clonUon j'» " 8j« two positions >v\'!(l lot uOiiif to ■ Ohio Central -.^^l^J.Ahatruli^/re^ thefm-mtu-.: ''^^'Ifa.r.i.irial.r jiiaik " ..wa.S ; :^r, »S yfe tho : ■:.;-■; ■;•■■■?•£' < Wr. Aw f 'hnioJ)iJ, Tho <:orMJuctoi-s - : pn ■ tnefm ; , r wori , j-TodorickHburg^aiJd^tornr^W^y Qf notffi* <J y«>Klftraay. : <<f, an, ; ;i ' >^fc jn^'-ut: iwr cent./ j(lMl.fcJr.;Kuiuri«'H.j (I Ml.fcJr. ; Kuiuri«'H. b ''lKi|iiayol oucv; Oilier «';npl<--" ' ''• ' (> IH^^'^r' old^lino i* on joy Ing imprcccdentcd pros perity, which H ls":-harlng with itn cm iPrcsldoht- John Skclton WiHiams--, of the Soahoard Alr-L.lne, ret iirned Sunday from Now-.Voi'krand'.lJaHhnor^whhfo^he has :boomfor^s6verai;dayjp?JMrA^illjams;said ho..' had nothing;toraayTregardiriglhis^cori (rovcrsy-vwltli;Mrv-;Ryanr;; It \\ras? stated' tha t .the . consblldat ion ■ sohemes 1 were ;pr o eresHing in'-tho most- fatisfact6ry>:mari-' ncr. ; " '-'J- Vjv. '■'r-:''^--'^:-'-".^-i : i :^:; ",^'ii: -\^] - The' Atlantic-Coast 'Line; has •issued an attractive; Illustrated'- Pamphlet 7;tifescrip-" t i vo of tho : couri try,* th'rou gh ■ \vh ich their trains run in; carrying -thei. tourist' to. and from Florida. ;e;schc«lules-for:Uho; entire year are 'given. in thohook. 1 -.'-"; ; ■;;:':' : - : -;' few tAW'fM Aicrcns a n ere. .Sonn<or lliirlisrtnle Alone- Arrived •I>«»t. • i S"ijfl»t~iii«us';;Exi.»c«tiea To-I)«.v. Tho members ".Qf.'thej.eslslaturo-.'wili be' coming-in to-day, as, the General Assem- ; Wy reconvenes, to-morrow. - Senator ■W. IV; Barks?t3alo was orio.'of ; those who . af-' •rfved at the- Jefferson. lastaiight.; lie ap peared abmewhat •Jonesbme; but expects company this morning. ; It. is Vxp'ected that the House of Delegates .will -adjourn] immediately after convening .to-morrow, us a m uric of respect to the: memory, of Hon.; M. s, Newberno, who died since the body adjourned for, tho" holidays. S'; ; ; -\s ■ soon a-s the- members- get' down to work jigiiin," liio llqu.«g will" net oiv/the bill abolishing; the Land Oiiice. orrather abolishing.the position of Register; and transferrinjj" his duties to. the 'Secretary of The Commonwealth. It lsaiotthousht. that the House will agree- to -abolish ;.thls ojiice. though : it, is expected: that tl>.e]v'jte wiMbe very Ciose. It is uriderstuod'that' lour of thi; lsve members from * this city will vote for the abolition of ;the oH'cc. :■'■ Senator 'Barksdalo said"' last night -he believed his pure-elections bill would pro vokothogreat fight of this session of the General Assembly.' He; says he has re ceived .:' numerous letters vfrom - the most jirorninent the State commending the hill, "arid that many prominent mem bers of the" General Assembly have.prom ised to help him light it through. Very ■many, however, have declared: their oppo sition. - . :■ .:..-■ :■■ ' ■ -~ : .--. . ■ r :' - AVhen the Legislature reconvenes ' tb morrow, Mr. S. (3. P. Patteson,. member of the House from this city, will offer a bill-, which- wlllprovidefor acomplete change in the organization or mauaga ment'of the State Library. ' , ". The bill will;. provide that the library, which is atpresent under the 1 control of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, who appoints the librarian, shall be controlled liy.h. board 1 of five trustees, to be elected by ih«. State Board of Induration. The trustees shall appoint :a librarian, at.a> salary of $2,000 per year, and an assistant at a salary of ?(100. They will each give a. bond in the sum of $10,000. The trustees are to serve: without nay. .' :. . The bill will also provide for sending books from tho library -to various xpor tions-of ■"the. State.-upon; the application of persons who wish to use them in the prpse'cuU.on, of- "scientific," historical, ".:•'. -or , literary studies. Provision will be made l\)v the proper- protection of the- State ■tig'ainst the loss of the book?. : ; ' : I Mr.- Patteson'- will';. also offer- a "hill, vhich will provide for the establishrrient g: :i public library in Richmond." The bill authorize cities of more than 75,0t'0 it'iabitants 1o set aside a. portion of the , tax income, not: exceeding one. mill on the dollar, for the purpose of estab li.sJ.l:ig public libraries. Under such alaw, ofieourse. Richmomi would : be: the only. cit> ip tho State -which could thus usea portion of the revenue. : . , Tim cor ( i>' coxTixjJEs. There Is Xo I'vospect of Any 3lode \ l'liiion Very Soon, ' . ii'VJiie extreme cold wave which Struck IM:limO!id . last Friday- continues un abated, though there was some, little moderation during Sunday, and the wea-i ther 'forecasters- give no hope of any im mi diate relief from the frigidity. • . At 'the Weather Bureau yesterday it was stateil that the cold would certainly continue until Wednesday, and might then abai'.t;*or continue indefinitely. - The indi ca'tioiis are that clear weather will pre vail.^ 1 "••-.■ ' a - ; . " : ■ The continued: cold -has: given . the skateri abundant means of exercising on the .'ice.-s At the various lakes and ponds around^ thu city the ice was thick and ilrm,- c."i!l--{liroug]iout thjg. day and late into'I night merry parties glided over. the frozen surfaces. ~ : Tho ri^er continues 'frozen,, but the_ ice. lias, not, 'thus far, proven any: great bar rier to navigation. The steamers came in all light yesterday, and the city lug Cunninghiin i.-s busily engaged in an en deavor to keep the. channel -open. Five tliiee-mastt'd schooners were • ice-bound near City IJohit yesterday, but the "tug Annie br.ouijht ■ them to ;tlie docks herti in- the afternoon, ' the Cunningham open ing the way for them. ■ Fire Coitiinissioiiers* Meeting- A regular, meetins- of the Board of Fire Cpminissior.erS - held in; their, room in the City Hull last night at: S. o'clock, with all of ; th'f members except Captain L. C. .Jenkins, iwho was laid up from his unpleasant \'xierience of being thrown from vhe bilgtV with Chief. Puller -.yes terday rnornimn .'-."- O. 'Knight; call -hoseman in Truck Com pany No. 1, va^ dismissed from the ser vice* and Geors'ti O. Shepperson, substi tuto in the- 1 samel company, was promoted to the position. \: The reports of\the Chief Engineer and Superintendent of Fire Alarms showed that their respective departments . were in the best of conditions. There were fortyrsix alarms of fire dur ing the month qTj December, none .of which proved to ba serious. The secretary submitted his financial statement for the past year, which show ed that there were 'nice balances to the credit of all of the'; accounts under the charge of the board, which- will; be re turned to' the city; they"; will amount to about 54.000. V- • . . ' ; The president read : his regular annual report, wliich was forwarded to the Coun cil, as is prescribed ty law. - Pijfcon Slioot 'i'lijls Afternoon. ■ There will be ,a shoil"; at live birds at lihindon Park Afternoon at l-.M o'clock. Some of the list shots in Rich mojid-will participate. ■There will be birds shot at. ,■ . ' - -. : . - 1 ■ "A THOUSAND PCUND«)F COMFORT." : What makes a wom| contented "with her Icl . How many philosophel can answer this question? Some- shallow observers imagine that all . a worn- * an wants is an easy, do- 1 nothing sort of a life. But that's a big mistake. A woman thrives on kindness and care. ■ Give her an affectionate; and , congenial. atmosphere to work in, ar.c: sound j . plvysical health and she 7 will work harder than / the average in an and never grow discontented. If you have a fret ful"wife, fmd'out some new. way to be kind. to her. If there is any weakness or diseased condition mat, causes irritability, see that she ; nas^»c proper remedy right away. ■ T)?at wonderful oripinatec^^^y Dr. X.-.V- Pierce, of Buffalo,, 2ST. : V:,'bis;-^^A-'; vontc .v ! "escnj>tiou,"'for \v oi p en ' s <lisea:^^^ will restore • perfect organic; vitality; a^^^ iu-^'itjh. It will pive cheerfulness,; ener^B aitii-' i>ov-'er. lii the words' of^a New Yp^H lady, Mrs. O; N. Fisher, of'iS6i . ; Lesihgt'cM |; Avc.-jt' will {jive; a /'thousand pounds oH ' "'l'jsc-i'ii ;» iiutyio iir^ra: you," Writes* MrsV Fiiihcr *r» au earnest icUevto Dr. Pierce,, V t that ll ; i-ar\ t?e«a' v huflercrfbr many, years" from, nervAl - dtisness with . all :i its s symptonis;and •; comjjlica- J ■ dons.-'-I yras ooustai}tly.s;oing: to see a phy^ifianj' 1 or? rmrchnsiug'!; nteOicine.: for* this or ; - that j com^ •t)laiul as -m%'» roubles [became ;. unbearable.;;;-. -In" ■ thesprisigoi' ii>97 my husband induced me to trjvi nerce?3 Favorite Frcscrißtion: .'After takiugr-i foue bottleaiid^ followiu^ your advice I : was so,; encou ra ucd that ■I ; took i five ' more i bottles { and .'; <hen 1 didnettsikeany.inore for sev«ralwee^s ' *hs I felt so ranch better.^::;?:^;^^^;;^;:;: ";;:^ ;■■' - " J am'uot'iiov? cross ond"irritabie.?-I;have; a .; I'eood- color in snyi face ; < have gamed > about tea i- Jpoundsiin weight* an&Yone:tkousand:ppuHds t pf--i r coti:fort • for I'am?a : new woman ' once inore . andt '■ voilr» advice send . your*', Favorite t> Prescription Ui I Rinsed it ;; coupled . xyHb your ■-' Pieasant; Pellets ' h X wWch ; arc , not to bt dispensed withal wilH not & Hake;a'nyinore=unless you so ednse, tor I ao.i)Qt ; iftccUintlneedit." ; . "; ;;rDr. ; .Pierce;;wiH;s«;ndi advice byanailje^ liifclv^freeof chaige^-zAdaress as above. 1 S ,■ THE RIGHMON® DISPATGH^TI^ESD A^YS^ NI^R3i^^I?ftO^ .- y *"S '"" "tiler ULlblilc»7>, gsss^i^iii y 5 Proviffeni iSavsne:s ? Btink^P ■-v 1 ) 911 east Main stree.t^ SiISQ nrC '} Ml sums accepted. Interest & urn first "dafff - \ compounded semj-annualfy, : H:;-H :;-' { -^ : 'y : ' :-y^^^''& : ' "^V^/i'/'^'-'^-Cde 7-Tn.SuadiTu) ON THE SOUTH SIDE: KEY, 'J. A. SPEXCRR FINDS lIIS FATHER STJLi; LIVIXG. :'■ : - :■-',: •"■ " ; : * - -'■" "•' - ; :" V . - a.;.,..-|;' 'SQUIRE LITHGOW PASSES' AWAYi Tills- /WeH-TCno*»vn! Mahcliester *-"Slaii Dlcib" Af ter a , T-oiiff IllneMs— Fn n crnl .: Yesterday .-Afternoon— Snniiiinry for, .the Year— Pollce-Court :'-3few»i "-. •:;. -■ | A letter has. been -received here -"frdrrij- Rev.' ' J." A:_ Spencer; now in Henry 'coun'-j ly.V saying- that: his father still. lives.:;.' ..-I ..- Rev. <Mr. Spencer was last week called; to lilsj old hornet in Henry county, ' by a! telegram saying that- his aged father was'j thought to be dying. "Mr.. Spencer went away fearing that he"; would never .>seej his -father alive. The' intelligence : that: tho: aged man- still lives— or ■■ was ■ living ; when his son': reached liim^-is; very giadly received by -that son's congregation and many friends here. *• DEATH OF 'SQUIRE LITHGOW. - The; news of the death of 'Squire' Wii- ; Ham D. Lithgow. which occurred at 1 -1:30 o'clock Sunday morning, was received .by. all-Manchester people with much sad-: ; liess;* , ■ '■ " /. " •"".','*': Mr. Lithgow had been sick for^ some time. For some! 1 days 'past heihad,- been , ill, -and his death. was almost hourly. look-; ed for. " When he -breathed his last : Sun day, jmornlng he-w as surrounded by his father," mother,' and; sisters. . ... 'Squire. .Lithgow was born in c ISuG, his parents at that time living in Petersburg.: -When he i was quite young;; his family: moved to ; "Britesa'-Camp," the country, home of the •Liihgows, In 'Chesterlieid;" ..where 'was spent his oarlierichildhobd.^ Later ' his . father m o ved to Man ches ter;' 1 where he. had .lived since. '•.'.' He ; received his education at'the^city, schools. .He had always taken ;an;active part in politics, and: held 'several 'positions in .the', gift, of.: the people.-.; At one time he was i High j Constable of the. city. At the time of his death lie was a Justice of the Peace. from the Fourth Ward. -He 1 usually held the civil courts of the citj'. . ■■•--■- , Mr. ;Lithgow was a. modest and unns su'mjng man, who was courteous arid gen- : tlemanly in. all his. dealings ; with his t*l- . lowmen. He : was well-known ' in ; Rich-; mpnd, as well as in .this.'; city.- He was a son of; Mr. W. T. Lithgow,' of this: city," and besides liis father and mother,, four sisters. '. They are Mrs. Albert Mayo, of Petersburg; Mrs. -. Augustus Atwell, - Mrs. P. .Thornton, 'and Miss Mamie.Lith gow,; of/ Manchester.- -f ■:'. The funeral service took place from the; Presbyterian church yesterday aftevn oon at 3 o'clock." Rev. Charles. N.Vaij Hou- ten, pastor of the- church; -conducted; the exercises, assisted; by Rev. J. C. Reed, of. ; the ; Central Methodist r-hni-ch. "_.--° '•■, The following gentlemen acted as mil bearers: Mayor ;H. A. Maurice, -si*. Q- ■ Sheppard. George;. Gary, Charley' Page, • Alexander 11. Fitzgerald. E. .'f.. DuVal, ;: Gary Jenks. and George 8.1 sfj ken ship. . . - JIAYOR MAURICE',^ COURT. '; Mayor Maurice had a company of rrap : shooters before him yesterday riiornuig. They , were Isaiah "Love, {Henry: Neal,- Linnard Johnson, Alex. Hicks, and Lewis . Reid. 3layor Mauric^rtaxed them ; sl each. •All raid- the price. but; two,. and -tliey_ went; down.-^ : ■ ■ .',' ::". : - ■ ■ i ■ }%i ■ .' ; ,'i'jiumas Redd was charged with, steal- 1 :ing wood. He was fined ■ §5, which was paid by his employer. •• . --' FIRE SUNDAY MORNING.. Manchester 'was visited by a' small fire. Sunday riiorning. . Flamfcs broke out in. Pleasant's grocery-store. The department was called; and responded" with much "promptness., , The flames were soon put out andthe damage was small. Ade feetive flue was" the cause. ; ;■ ■ ' SUMMARIES FOR 15.09. ? "' The Manchester police force made, clu-'. ring ISfO, 452 .arrests.^ . Of ; tlieiie 233 were for ordinance violations, and the others were distributed between felonies,, mis demeanors, and charge's of lunacy. - . .At the Clerk's office of .the Hustings. Court there has been recorded Sivdeeds in the past year. 'The marriage licenses ; issued number SG."-;transfers were unusually great hi number last V Cal ' PERSONALS AND ' BRIEFS.. ; Tlie Cemetery Committee is called for to-night at 7:30 o'clock. /.■ The Street Committee -will meet; to night -at ''S,' o'clock in the Engineer's of-, fice. ■'.- . . •: ' " '•"• ■ "- . . ".' ' Miv.W. O. Goode has returned from a visit to his home, in Powhatan. Friday night, a very delightful: concert was given by tlisEpworth League. Meth bdist"church, at Chester.- Mrs. Robert son's parlors were, beautifully decorated with holly and mistletoe. The programme was as follows: Song,' EPworth League; Elocutionist, Miss : Mattie Pegram; Solo, Virginia "ißpbertson;. Pianist, Miss Minnie LuiJipkin-: After the entertainment, re freshments were served. . • - The -funeral of .Mrs. W. H. Callenberger; took place f vbm the West-End Methodist church yesterday afternoon at 2:SO o'clock. This lady died Saturday afternoon at her residence, No. 1317- Porter street.- .- DIJ.E. '- E. IIOMAR'TOE MAX.; ITe "Will Be "Assistant;." Secretary.;.- of FoveiKU Hoard- Cull for Br. Uurto'u. Rev. Dr. E-. E-. Boraar,; of South'Caro lio'a, has been invited to be the assistant secretary of the Baptist" Foreign Mission; Board; and - has accepted. '; He will enter upon his duties as the; assistant of ; Dr. R. J. Willingham/of this" city, about February Ist. . '. -- .'■. '■■■•■ Dr.Bomar is a native of Spartanburg, S. C, being a member of one of that: city's most, honored families. He was graduated -from .Wafford', College, witli the r decree ': of '/ M. A. ' ■He also ; graduated in law at the ''; [University of Virginia,: and practiced' la.w ;^pr ■ five years. \He decided • ■to ■ preach, howeveiv; and took" the.'. 1 full course at the Southern Baptist.Theologi; cal Seminary. •:'„ Hisj. Is st -pastorate 'was with the churnh'at Aiken.-S/ C. ; V ; |--Dr.'; Bomar--is : 37;years old;: and, comes; iito : his new ■ position , with all the \ visor "of: ftrime manhood fand'- an ;orator o£^ ability .> \He is peculiarly "adapted 'to: the ;.work: Awhich he'Tfill -take UP, arid will ; prove, a Vpleridid : working- . riiate : for ;Dr. • Willirig lam.vpr.:B()niar;murriea Miss'Landruni;" iKbusin'ofrDr.;W.;W;-l.andrum I :wlio",was; of=|one : t!mei principal; of the .-Woman's? Co{\egi3^ of ; thi/i- city. •".■,*T'iej-; haye ■;. four; I cU'Wren.' --: -'■' ;',-.: ■■>. "':.-■ *^: : '-\ ■--■':■-.-■■■ .::-""; M Tn©£:Baptist^ papers: of h-Arkansas. are. ; U stffiow urging-Dr; A:- J. -Barton.Vwhom ; M- )r VSoniar- succeeds;":, to "accept: the >posi-; 11 . corresponding^ secretary :?.bf:?the| r -.i^e"ned'.v that; position ;iwJth'- : .'.Uie'.;;For-, ■t'aPSard here 1 with^a-vleWito^ accepting, secretary? of ;the; Sunday^: i'^^^j^oard-atiNashvilleirjWhilejhold-; .'{^Htb|\fhtatter:,y^ : consideration,; (j^M^^VJ^ed^ tlie ' : cair;; ; .frorri; ?his ?; c natiye « " S^^/'iWliis: call Uias:'peculiar attractions ■ to^^n*^i > t'ci"n/:;agTaVnian; ; ?arid;.very r :natU7.'' ?j or^^i Mdmongi; thel* pebnle? : he.|had|^bXen;: i^ n^B^'Miiriself : ao I *;th«"SuriaayrScJiool JBba^Bf^l^ w"lw "l • not evonpconslder'the hatM^B^mfrilfent^unlesa'&th'a^Na'sliyiHe" 0 ! 1 sen C •i , ? ': : . . IS3 " on ' ;Board :' :!llslfr : roaen i-.*: .lyjriaimeditiire'e.'mlsaioriUrleß/fbri'&'^'forV eigri; field::: .-.They-Jarb^Misa'-'Gpolßby.Y-. of Ml£3sis^iPß;,V::whOi;"goe3i;to ; ;yßrazn;>Miss: ■Duttbn/('offMlMQUrlrl%li6"}v?iHsl?e T iseiit'it6 iJCorth;; ■■■Chjn'a.-'VtVahcirv.rMlss^KeniJQh; --'of FloVida, -who .will he :serit ; to - Soutli } China; THE Tt'EATIIEII IX.DECEMBER. ;,QnitC;Cold ; tlie}XastlFerf ..'ijn i y;'a:'"ot^tiic; Montli. ' %■:■•, Th% ■:■•, The 1 following^ ; is ;the;: weather,; report for. .DfJoeTnber, ,: 'the >■• readings. 1 : *of 'the ;. Hher"-; rhcimeter : having jbeen.:taken ;wlth a^gov-' erhmerit instrument' a' few- : miles rfroni -..tha city: -'-;.-" : •'.-' ''[•'..;./"'■ '''£jjjsM CONDITIONS. 1 .. ■'■■ »-■ -Si ■;.;'■ -/ <;-,£■ ' :;' ; '■ '"■ '"' - : B" : I :';g-; ; fT '&:.\ .- -■. :■ -; :-.. g g g 5 et ■. : : ---. : ,- '■ ■■:-";.-■ V^r-;,- -"-•.:-; ■■'? ■■■' :.?- ■ '-. ft •*: :i t l— Clear... '...:.. -- : 07: :: 42 ■ ;: Hoi.::;:, g; ; < -.■;. ■; .2— Clear;. :..::.. • 67 , -13 ■ '4-4' ".18 C .-W-' :; 3— Clear,.. ;.';".*;■.; ;-,6aK.; U?j. : ;v 2a .;;..'. <.yf.': .4— C1ear..'.. .;.;.. .....50 J;,37 ';;.; 13 ; .on \V:"'--; .--5—C1nnr.■.■.....'..;.. ' " 47| -(i-y ....... N.'W; ; 5 0-Clear. ..-.::... fi'i y.s[ - ai|.,..v. \v. •■■-:. . 7— c10udy.;..'...; , .-ia .■■-. • 231 .v:,iv;i.. -■;.'. n. E.r -• B— Partly cloudy ..'OU 30|- -2G ...■..; >'.\v. : i;9--Partly. cloudy :; 01 . 31! : 2ii ..;„. p. .'. "tO— Cloudy;...... 57 : 3l|- 26 ;.;... S £•• :ll: ll— Partly clOady [.:09 : .34 30 .;.;.. *'.:w t r ; l*-i— Clondy.'...:'... ■ .: 07} ••?,- ;J7 . 30 - .so S."-W.-. 13— C1ear.,.....;. ;.tis;; .tis; ;: io\ "•> ....:. .n.\,. 14— Clear.;-."...... ; ; •■• »« . 37i ' ~'l ....... N.WV" 15— C10udy,;.....; ■'"•■ "Oj - ;<7\ ■ I'ij.VV'.v' S. W. ■iti-vCloudy,.'.,.-,.. :.. 47 'i>a-t' "■■':~3.- ■ . N.ii. ,17—C10udy.,..:... v 5.0 y>%4\\ • -ti ;.s.W. 18 -Partly cloudy . -00 '; yvf .' 33 ( ;■;... 5.W." 10— Partly cloudy '■■(!« 03! .: :!Si : ;< '--[.s. W •=■• SO-Clear.;.i.:VV. 57 , '30! : '27 -.2:;'N.:: yi—Clear...... 1 ... -.58 " ;>BJ ■'-'.n0\. .... . H-4— C1ear........... 51 .; as 2Kj ; ......i^.W.; -3— Partly cloudy '57 -'.- . 30 :i ~'-...~. :is.'Vf. ■ 524— Clearing..;.;-. :G2 ■ 311 311 .72JW. ' .!20-_cioudy,.'.:.... '■? <k'-i -no ',;■'-' J ' 2 ■; ■ ib. \V. 2G-Cloar.-..;u...; -31 ""'^Sj ;- P..'.''.'.'.'!S; W. : M"— Cloudy.;.;';...-. . :\2 : 16r ■• • - 3t »i. .'...'. s: W.-. XS— Cloudy.. -.."..;; .-33 Z'-i\ la \\V.l S.'.WV 29— Oieftr.... 1 ..-.:..; -,. i -.SO '.-. I±\ '■ ■'■ - 1 ? ;.., i'N.'W. 30— C1ear......-..; ; .'M : - 7! ' 17 '...y -N :7 ■ 31-C10ar........... ; ;3>- . "I ■ 30 jV...V. [n'W.; .'.5um. ..,..;...... ;....-; .;...'.|.'.'..:.j;i.051'' 1 - JHean. ...;..,.;,„ .50.8 25.13 t Sa.«B|. ....-.• ,. ' .. Moan temperature for tba m0nth,' 39.49. Haiufall for the month. 1 .95 inebfls. ; -' •'/ . REli .J. Rain in evening. / *' : 4.'. Rain, very early in 'the mbrrilng. > 10. Few drops of rain at 8 P.-M.V : . 12. Storm,' ;wind,' and rain: early in the morning. :. Thunder and .lightning. ■' V..16. -Eclipse', of moon 7to 10 P. M. ■ 19. -Raiji.4-.t0 .9 -P. M. . : ; 23. Rainftvening and night. . -':.-! ;. ;.-27.:Snow in the evening. ■ . : i During, the. month there f Ayer,e fifteen ! clear /mornings, nine cloudy, 'and seven (partly cloudy at the time of observation, !' which is 7- A; M. each .rlay..y'r :: v:. ' j : .The for the past ."week "has been j very cold, the thermometer:; registering 1 'almost-, as low: us during tho blizzard in I February! pn-the night, of the 10th there ! was-anerjlipse of .the moon, 'nearly total; ■and' unyiually beautiful, the night being perfocMy. clear. -, • ...--.-. • '.:■ - : .-'-:' We-vsive in the .table below the mean temperature and the aggregate ''amount, of raK:-fa!l - during ., the month :of December to? the past twenty/years: ■ ■ ' - ' '*' ■■'■' \ Mean-: Rai'n •" ■ -...:• . i ■ .Temper. fall. . ; ~••-.:-..;■"~ ••-.:-. . ;■" ratxire. Inches.- ISSO .............. .........';/... 40 9' 3.61 ;iSSI .... ....... ...........'...4G.2 :--' C.l-C ISS2 37.5 . ' n.n<> :ISSS .............. ;...... 41.7 '■' ■■.■"■ 1.59 -.188 1 r '.. MA : •!.(;"> -.ISSS' -11.2 - 4.21) ISSti- .............. ." 32.7 2.!5 : • ISS7 .......:. / :,... 42.0 ' .4.0-; IVSS ; ;.". : ..........:..: 40 d : ,5 52 issn : .. ..'... ......; 51.1 . 057 ifiW ;.. ....i '.;........... .'44.2 . 3.01 l.Vjl : .... ...... 47.2 : . .IS7 . 1 St>2 : .......................... v.. :'39.1-v .1.17 isr« -..../.:.:...... 41,2 — 2.52 1S«: .......;. ........"......-"44.7 . J ' --2.C0 1595 ....' ...; ....'.......;.. 40.4. : -2.o[> \X«\, ............................ 40A ' 1.27 18i-7 ■.'•13.7 ' 4.01 :sns ....-.....;.... .-... ?.n.r i2.p5 ISffl .'.....;....... 30.1 .' I.VS . Measurements- of rainfall taken each . ; ," " . ■ . -. - :' " KEAV YRAU'S AT TIIFJ BIJOU. An' Exceptionally Fine Kill and Two Large AiKlienccs. There -was; a matinee and night perr formance at the Bijou yesterday and last night. The two audiences tested the .capa cityity- -of the : pretty ; little theatre. ';' At- the matines hundreds were turned away,* and at the night performance the house was not equal to. the calls of would-be; seat buyers. : :- .. . -■ ' ■ ,'-■• : -• "■■- '- The bill in some of its features eclipses .the best., effbrts-of Manager; Wells. It is a- blending of mirth; magic, '.-»" and v music, eqiitil. to the best- he. has ever, offered." Goldin is one of the most wonderful il lusionists Richmonders have seen on- the vaudeville stage. He performs rapid and clever tricks,, and closes with: a most"re markable ■■ disappearing % scene. \ He enters a cage,, covered over , with , a. -canopy of black, and- then disappears, "cage and all, only to appear, a few seconds later in the garb'of -Mephisto. ,:;• . v -' ': ' . :f-i ; , Watson and Hutchings, with. the assist ance of Ed. Edwards, scored a hit in the '■ presentation^ :-of "The ■ Dramatic -Agent." a little sketch that was written for laugh-; making purposes, and that.has.succeeded =0 far as Richmonders ;are r ; : concerned." Eckert and: Berg, in ; a' Japanese ope retta, contributed one of , the most pleas ing features :of the bill. The stage is .beautifully -.and handsomely set -for this ' Andy Barr and FlorenceEvans are ex cellent v fun-rhakers; and. are entitled to- a hit Mr. Barr i's ; an exceptionally good acrobatic dnncer,; and. Miss , Evans is .the best comedienne Richmonders have seen for a long time! xC y>v ■; . / . Hastings and Wright, descriptive sing ers, are entitled to the torrent. of applause they receis-ed as ; a manifestation, of .'the pleasure it afforded' those.who heard the duci's sweet: singing.: .-Aside .from; their ability tor sing; both entertainers ; are clever : comedians./ . ', . . : : : '■Lottie and Fitz Roy.Tobm, musical'ex perts, were: will 'received, in; their enter taining music-making, and :to' Misses Big ger and; Dr^her,- two very; pretty yirls, a great deal of credit is' ! due for the -suc cess \ of -the bill.. These ; young 'ladies ; ar.^. sweet:singfrs,-ancl their turn; was, greatly appreciated, r ' ' : -:;- '-"■ : : - -' ■ | The -usual .Tuesday ' matinee ■ takes place at 2-30 o'clock thisafternoon. \ . * fiooil Year for tlic Hotels. b : .'it was stated '■. authoritatively last night that I the year ! just closed ; was |t>'yj far ;-the most successful V in ; i the- history,;; of : i ;the'. Jefferson Hotel. ?lt, seems ■< to -hgye shared fully '- and fairly ' in the . prosperi ty> which characterized- every phase of .Richmond "during -1599..; : >/- ;, : "rjy-f -<.■-'-. '.""•■ '. : The' foregoing ;is ; true in a- greater,, or ; less /degree -of all the. Richmond-hotels.: It- is: probably; true -j that ~ ever y ; one v.of. ■themihas 'had.'; a . better ■ year,:' than in; a' ;lons; lons time; i ■■-:-■■ '-.:■ ■.>'-.-•■■■ : ; - ; - ;X>> ■"■ "'■' - •'■ :■., Mr. "'Harry ..Woodruff,' ; of St.- -Lqujs,; has. : assumed; the management? off the Lexlng- : : tonHoteV Mr. Woodruff has been -a: com : mercial 1 traveller :f or^> several ' years.i, but says while >he"has.-had no rexperienceCJri "running ;a ; jiotel j -he kric)wsi:mighty^,weH "what travellers like, •: arid proposes. to give it ; to ; them.- .';""^'•-". i .; ■:- -. '. ! ,-: ;• '. ■;'•. -:-; \-r: : -." : "'..-:. V: ■ '.-■■' ;.;;Slie ; MaytXpt'Dceiae. ;'.' Mrs. ; Hush ; Nelson : Pa"ge^Sti>te r'egent;of tho;V: Daughters.:: of:-: th:e!<ißevolution,i; iuirf written-tofthe Old^poxninloi^'chapter.^H-r pressing ; doubt 1 as; to vher.-right> to vi deci-j.*; aslbotvrecn 'the 'chapter. and; Mrs.^CJTHihacii] tni-;the '" matter .: of -the '*reccnts unp'lj»iisrJf"i^ ness which ■ has - attracted 'so linucli .'^n- tJbn.'feltfis^understoodpthatiiahe.haH^fiJsb written; to counsel J jforiMi's; i Grahanil piifl^ The Windy Point CLiI.. &".The 'annual meetjhgrofithe.-Windyfpblrit;' IClub"-will be heldiinisTaylor'srnew'hallv' Von I ;. Church Hill, on? Friday^ night.^JanuJ; Earjr 12th. The;iisiialiprogram'mer;jin?Lud i l Ung'feasting, speaking, and hinging, ;\will; 'bei carried out. - . _ %ss& yirglnhi State Insuranoi (' unpmiy has' ■assets^excee"difigfc?4oo,OtK) and surpius to ;;pQlicy-hp'lder3fbf|s2so,COo. ~^lM. Si^#K;:p;W.^A^.CRIBNSHAW/; ? Aient^ SffIRAIioiHERiSEboiNGSIHERi nrilHanl ,Ne»v lear'd neccpUon :;ilay;;Gcrinan— l'crsonal ■ nnd ;; Otlier -Quaint oi.i Monumental church; wUhlts d ecora ti on s " 616 1 "pal ras and' Christ m a 3 ever- ; greens,; presented a beautiful- sight- yes tGrday.'aftei"no6n/ f when:Miss; : Jan}e;syuart : Ktringfollcw-beciima, theVwifejof^Rev.'ltc-j ■ bert -Williams Patten. The bride wore an exquisite gown of; white ■•with.a iaca.>"overdress. : \ She carriedi'a* shower bouquet' of lilies "o£;; the valley, and :her7/veil\was '■> caught ;with a "diainorid .sunburst, - the-. giftVof -the" groom.. The Jbncle'enteied". the'; church; on the. arm; of her): brother-in-law," 'Rev. ..William ; - A. Barr,; and was '-met'-ac .the: altar hy'. the: groom .withliis best; 'man,- Mr.; Tazswell; G timer. -"* -' ,/' ' ' ; ; Rev.n Frank StringfQllbvv; father '; of the' bride, the famous Confederate Ecout and: eloquent preacher, thei'cere-i rnony,". assisted by Hey.' ;Lindyay Piitton, "of- Japan; who. is; a /brother of the" groom.; ',;." The young couple - left : : on , the \Atlahtic- Coast *L.ine ' for. Stl , Augustine.-. Fla;.: a ntl ■ UtiericeVto Ouba.y. After j their return;: they 'will live ; at Hotel . Roanoke, , in Kounoke, ■ x*:: ■;■■;; ■• ;. -. ""■:■;■■■■";. ,■■■.-. :■ ■;";. ; .'. : '-'v-', ';:'-The;bride .is. the pretty ;;and / charming, daughter .• of- ? -: Rev.", . Frank ;..Strlrig£ellow.? Key.'Mr. the:, son'ofjthe -late .Colonel^ John' Mercer "Fatten, -and ."was,; iluring. the, late, war with Spain'jthe.chap la in of '■■ the .' Second . Virginia: Regiment, . by. which - ( -he was ' much beloved. :He is ; now. the pastor, of ; Christ- church, Koa noke. " . '' - " • ' >-- : - :: ■/•Among'; the numerous .and : . handsome presents , was a beautiful silver, service, the'sift of .the .vestry of Christ church. Siime"of the guests .from a distance. were: Rev. and Mrs.;; Frank Stringfellow, of :M;idisdh,' Ya.; Key., and .'Mrs. Lindsay . Pat ton. ; of Japan : ':-;Mf.'- and '; Mrs.- R.i; W. of Norfolk •; Mr. ami Mrs:'; Martin 1 S. : Slrin*gfellow, of Kilmarnock,' Ya.; ;Mr.; ,G eorge .* Patton, •'■ -/of South Carolina ; M r. IJiihteComstock, "of .Marion," IniL; Mr.' Frank Stringfelloviv and Mr.- John; Stri^v- ' fellow, of Madison; county,. Va. ■ -.' .*'■--' - ■ ' ■ -' * V * '- ■ - ■ ' ■ ' * The Misses Waddill gave a :delightfifi I\'ew ..Year's v reception -on 'New Year's afternoon, from '5 to ,7,7 in honor of Miss ISora ; ;AVaddill,' of Baltimore. '•".'. The house : :was prettily -decorated- in liolly and. mis tletoe, and the gleaming,, table was aglow with- pink: carnations. '..,.■ : \ ."' .'.' . Those;receiving;.were Misses Nora Wad dill, of Baltimore; white net -over pink. ■ silk ; Miss Juliette - : Waddill, white satin ; ■ Miss 'Mary ' Waddill,^.lavender brocade.; Tho . girls in the "dining-room were.: Misses ; M«nriie Boyd,* Caroline; Holliday; Kdyth White, r.Saidie Jeff ress;. Elizabeth^Chris tain,: Swasey, ".'Rosalie 'Smith/ L»ina;Mayo, Aniy : Werth.'HMadelains; '.'.'. English; and' i ■'Plfcusahts. ''. Miss -Winder,; of ..Hanover,: I served the punch, and Mrs. S. P. Wad i day.;- and : Mrs. .Wilson the chocolate.' >/ ! Among 'the invited ■ guests were Misses Coolidge, .of • Boston, AVingo", Duke, Gib son,V Bosher; " Waddey, . De ; ; Saussure, Grant, ;Dunlop, Carleton, Watkins, Hill, McGuire, : . Michaux, ' White; Carr, ."\VarV wick, Hayes," Atkinson, Lay, Moore, Mc -. In tosh; Pace.-Moseley, Tompkins, Tlarvie; L.inley, of ' Texas; Montague, Smith, liotchkiss, Morgan, -Christian, .;•' Tanner," ,Mayo, Tyler, Ball, Archer, McCarthy, Deane, Donnan, Purcell, Cowardin, -Chil-. drey, Tinsley, Lefebre, Wellford," Pollard,' •Christian; Cose,. Morris, Elam, Powers, Call,. Beirne,Ne.lson,- ; Wilson,. ••■Werth.i ifllchcr, ; Abernathy, Delaney; ■ Trant, ',Chamber!ayne..: Pilson, . Stokes,. , Glenn,. Urquhart;. Messrs. McAdams," Edmund r Harrison , .Malcolm Ooles, S. Tyler, R. G. iliden,: B. Newton, J. Watson, M. Git more,.. P. ; Davis, ,J. Leake, ; C G.: Nolt ing-, K. -Pace, M. Glenn;' S. W; Stevens,. .Harrison, Livingston, R.Smith.-C: Grant, i). Jones, ; S- Michaux, T. Marshall; "John jjightfobt, George "■:"-■'" Gregory,'";.- H.^ l-TotCh-. kiss,'. Gardiner, R;; Lambert, D. Boyd. F. McCarthy, C. Bargamin, A. S. Gibson, S. 'Wellford, Ilablistpn,'' Rose,.. Leslie Reed, George ..Bidgood..;.Osterloh, B. Taliaferro, R; ll.' Talley, X: ■ Benson, ; George Mc- Creery,' C. , Johnston,. C. Miller, ;J.> tie Trevilio, ' W. ;Watkins, ; L., Edmunds, D-- Kaslej", M. Willis, J. Ellett,.. Joel Perrin, P. Breederi,: F. Powell, ;J.. Ho ward, Bar ract;" F. '• Green, 'S.: Carter, H. C. Rieley,"; P. li:;.C. Cabell; and S.S/P.' Patteson. . ';'': :;..'■' ■■■'-''; -"*■ • * ♦'-■ ' ~ -.- ' .;, '■} ; The second Monday german 'of the . soa 'son was danced yesterday evening: at the; Masonic Temple); As usual,: the affair was amost brilliant one; and the german was skilfully ;*; arid ; gracefully, led by Colonel ; - Jo"' Lano .. Stern^ Among: those , bresent -were' Lieutenant and 'Mrs. .G;M. Ander- son," Mr. and, Mrs. -T.: : N.- Carter/ JNfr.scr.d Mrs. A.C. r Tourig, Mr. and- Mrs. : \\*: '.-.' . Walker, ; Mr. and Mrs. G. - V\ r . Stevens, -Mr. .and Mrsl M: W.. Hazzard, Mr. . and Mrs. G. B. Wall, Mr. and Mrg. John Harrison^ Mr.* C. E." Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. Starke,- Mr. and! Mis. J. K. .Branch. .Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Donriah, Mi\ and Mrs. A. : T. ■ Harris, "; Jr., Mr. and Mr 3. H/. S. . Hawed, Mr. and Mrs. Levin Joy nes, Mr. ; arid M rs. Joseph' E: : Willard; Mr. and Airs., T:. M. Perkins, Mr. 7 arid Mrs, :.W;: Waller Mor ton, Mr.- and ' Mrs. L. E. Marie,,Mr;.'and :Mrs. :;W. ; 'A: -Meade,- -Mr.-and Mrs. W. Strother SmS th. Mr. and Mrs. J.Si .Wil liams," -Misst-3 ICHaiibeth.. Davenport,. Eda Atkinson,. Lucy. .Hayes,. Margaret War-. . "wick, Posie and Kate Meredith, Lillie Urauhar't. .' Emily Jennings, ; yirginia Mary Hayes, ■ Eleanor, Bosher, Flossie - Talbott, Janie Wingo, •; Edyth ■ White, May Handy, , Edna Forbes, Maria; Moseley; Marianne Meade, ■'. Grace " Shields, '. Lelia Gray, 1 ; Mary Hill, Bessie >>Vatkins, , Bessie Martin, Elsie f Cameron, s Judith :i • Deane, Kate and ■ Julia Harri3, Mavleline;! l ; ;riglish, ■'■- Bierne, - arid Messrs. ' C. J. : Ander son; Granville "Gray. -C. B. : Antrim, E. O. ; Mayo; C.E. McCabe; J. T.; Anderson, J. L. Antrim,. G. K^Lee/.W. P. Gray, George M. Reid.'Archer/Andersori, Jr.,.S.L. Car-: ter.-W." S. P. Mayo, J:' R. J.; Anderson/ K-'j. Willid, -John Rutherfobrcl,' D. ;Mc-" 'Donald;" F. ; A.-Davenport, : >j:vß..yqun!j;; li.H. -Gainen, -W. H. Blair, -Otis M.'Al friind, John P. George, S.-Hobsori, R. B.;| Campbell, John Currie, George A. Gibson, j D ' Currie, : W. R. Jah'.iston; J.";G. Walk- j or, ' L. R. ; Pag<?. vll. -E. rßuHkerville, rj.r J.^.i Leake, : "Jo.Lane Sterni'-.K. Mitchell. C. ,S. Stringfellow, -C" W. Branch;: A. C. -Me-; ; Kenny, ■'I>ercS'';3o3her,-;E..T;rßobertson;-/Julian/Hill.;I > ercS'';3o3her,-;E..T;rßobertson; /Julian/Hill.; Carl'H;, il.oltlncr, FraiikjX •Blahkenship,--Edwin -L. »Hobsor., '^R^-Massie,: Arthur I^^Pieasant^:W.; G. Grbgbeck,: W.. O. Ybunp, D.;:IiT; i^.^VVil- . liams^J^'W^Gr^v^^Jonaihanrpry^u^ ■Ben. / P.' Claiborne; : J." T,; Patterson, . C. E. : Buek> W". Ellerson," -'J.:' S. , Bryari, ■iW.^li : j '•Grant, Jr., M..:DeG.;llobson,,E.V. r vv r ii-; "liams ' ..W: Douglas Gordon, : John P. Loa; ;• Juljan s :'Blnford,- Ed; .y.';Harrison, :\Villiain; 'Allen\Pottis. : <■ , , * . " ;A ; Mis3vMinnle'Aße^:entertalriefd:^a^num-; beiv-of "her: : friend3 r-clelightfuUy;.lust[evc-;r -clelightfuUy;.lust[evc-; riing at a^o'clpck.^ There" were^ a -number of. smah;'table3,^an\l-at'r€^ch;:tablßr ; was; played"a{difCerent ; progressive, game. ;Af tor, the game ■• a ; delicious . supper was served. .The'dadie&an.'.thri'diriing-rbbm- were^Mfi^-. "dames rl^wis-Lybris, ; Jlrv}ngl'liipscqrnli. > A» b«rt.•: Rill, and Miss Beers.: 1. Those' present:' were •l.^tticnr^lJpshur.-ICpn-j VadfHutcherson;,Jueiic^^t^Pete^CJiris^! t laii; r ; Mat they?/- Chr is tiunf | Joliii? ChrlsUan ,: FredJf.ArcheiVvWilliam^ Archer, J6s|phj ? Arch'efV; Joseph ? Moiital ro* Logan AWal ford ;i ;Taz^reiljEllettri Charles? McVeigh ; Mi3yes; •Mattie^Lambert;;; Nellies Gordon [SLeiser; Arc.her^KaUe^Wferj'rs^ilianVrßinford^N JMo^Js^vMalsiei Fleming; 1 ; ? Annie43irajich;q IJlli^Upshlur^fßesslefUpshnr^SusiefanU; Lu6ie'.-McCarlhy,,j J ,-iiU.L and HJjllfe Bar "r!iot~'Mary J Abernethy, an.! Emily Uutch fi'endrk-ks s'wi're tnarrfi ;».... v ov-. nlng-'iif 'S^o"clapk at'Lho Ch :~'u ot :'<":;. •.'.'■■■■ M iSncrcd ; Heart;' Rev. 'Fathef^arnes" ".B:, ' O'lJeilJy.otHclatlnK, Tho -x^HUya waaf«« 3 very 'quiet one. ' - Thfi-hrhle is th. ; yr,v,,~, ? * datighter of ;: i Car t eH'street^and sls5 Is ? a frrios t Tat tractly e| :! Sy6^ng^]a<3y.*atr;?Ryan^i3ya^valuo(Jieintj J ! pioyep!bf:Uhe^Sßt^ i I OT^U??esi«Tei oh\ vre^t Maramjtll .-uc-rt.^tgi^ ! ■>-■:■ The young .aadie3 of ' the iset"- I i gave i a^'clellgh tf ul (german;; last^c vening l tp^ • atfelrlfrienQsjat^^ j :'cbo^eronei^w~c^^'Mcadam¥s^Hotcb({}ss^ ; jLeary3pre^;Van^iothers^Th^e\(wh ! iticipatedl^inSthe^Berrttan^: ;wererj Misses] . ; AddJe jßowe.; : Portorico; ;S3nd3»;;Nora^l;Leary.'iAilenbv: : Cowardin, \ rßessJo^'Bosher, l;v Sadie ;t Sat tonic; Masg'6; [ShieldsV'Ma^fy.; Burn, ?Mary>Bufo*i*d;s Connie! ! iKnox,; : >; :^WliUe; ;:; Elisq Stokies;; ; Janerßqyden^Le^jShleldsKM^iefGar-j , ;net; ,;- Lily!: t^-Tyler.>): Jbiephino;:^PutneyT : Messrs^ Robert ;j? ; Whitehurst^;Cbx/AGotl-i ; 'win^Boyk'ln. rjohn^ •Mason ,. 'Dan J>TaUey,- Tom. f Leary7-lTom"'Purcell,7CharHcvßarga3 rriln, V/Randolphl Cardozo, aHehry.f HbtchT£ : kiss,o Elmore. •HotchkJss, v iPaurjj' Shaf e"r7: ;stiiart;Leake.^Walter, Tayloiv; "W:U;Tay^ lor, yJohnV.^u'tchins, 5 "-" James : r :Cowardin,-; Charlie I^ -Marshall,". Jack /Potts,'^ Charming ■..^'XewtonVy ;.^^ Sidney ."J^Buford.^ Mazy^LO.'Brian," John Leary. Fred.\CQne.l Toih McAdams/;Dawt*ry, -Alex. Moscley,' andTJim;,Tyler.;-: \;'j- ,; - : '' : :' ' -:/J: > . ■■ ■;.TIL r s •week, will sec notafow teas, re ceptions; -"Vand, carii. parties. V ; ; : .To-day;Mrs. ; ; , John " Kerr.Brarich a nil the' Misses; Branch": i wiH'be;''at;home7.;after{4 P.:M.;;On.Ay;e<l-^ 'riesd a y M rs.'-. By r d " . A Var wi c k -- \y il l Uiva ja\ "card -party " In'v honor ; of . <h'e»v debutaritt.^ daughter, -^Miss; 'Marguerite AVajwick;: '■}.: ■ : Mrs. '.Robert Blankenship "has. issued ■ ■cards"- to a tea; from 4'- ; t0'. : 5,.6"n i January:^ : itho 3d, in honor, of Miss Harrison,* otfTUil-" ;iimorc. . '. ''- t # -"" .' ; Mr?.;S. .W.:Travers>.Mrs. Jame3Paitor son, vand'.Miss Beulah .'Patterson >hayc. cards to a tea; ;. to; be 'given" on "! January 'sth"; at.their home, 'No, 602 west j "Frankliri 1; street.i: ' - X - , The I-adies'. Mn tine? MusJcalc will fneer next; Friday -afternoon promptly ".at 4:"0 o'clock at SI!) Floyd.. . aveniie.V- French music, of tho "nineteenth century will b» rendered \.iinder -tiie direction/of ; Mrs.' Pemberton-;. and I-jMi.^fJsi. 'Moore 'and Measher./- ;';.:;:;;; " "' r, ' ,; - : . •'.- . - . .:----■-■ -;■ *'■■ • ■■■ : .- ••- <■■"■■■. ■'■ •■ i On January 4thMis3 Helen Waddey^wlll ! give a reception at her' home," 3ll ; west I Grace/. ;': -;A:,.:.>."':; A :,.:.>."': '.* ■'" : ; -: .■-'/-'■;. . - r '-~ '""l\ : \ ;;Dr." and Mrs.. J. K. Upshur, will.enter tairi^fr6m."*7.'.tb-9.'"ln; honor, of ; Mrsr^v7.* Meade. Clarke,* on' January 4th. A merry gatheringtook ! place on Friday, night' last at ;the' residence *,f Mrs. Franklln,'; ; on S Floyd \; avenue/ when her little son. and daughter, ;.;Harold and! Hilda, invited ; a number; of. their young friends to a "tackey party," the costumes being in strict accordance with the ;riame." The ..young, people indulged in games of all sorts and dancing, until refreshments were served, after: which came the "event of the night, tlva cake walk; led byV.Mr.: Franklin, and entered -;lnto by all, : .with the greatest amount of -vim. Thecostumes. worn ' were , gay,' with; every, imaginable color,- and represented- every .variety of tack.* The prize- winners were as :follows: For.the.cake walk,', Miss Mary Franklin and Master Mat. Christian, :- ; while, theitwoi who .earner* In •• first, for 'the taekey prizes were Miss Bessie and. Master Alick Rountree. The young 1 : f oiks ■ were judged, and the prizes presented .; by';llr v | J. Beers and Mr. Benjamin Barrett, "the" 1 last-named gentleman making ap appro priate speech' for:the occasion^ .Among the. youthful guests were Misses ..Kate Christian, ; Minnie Beers, .Bessie Rountree, Marie Hanvood,; Rosalie Harwood,;:Llllie' West, ! Annita W;.e.Ht,7 Mary Franklin,' and Grace Franklin; Masters Alick Rountree,' Douglas -Christian, Mat. Christian, Jose Montatvo, Rittlierfoord Rose, and others. ■- ' ft' ■'» - \ -■* ■;. •' ■•''. ;-..,- The Misses" lCrijtchfield entertained a ■number of their "friends at progressive; hearts ;on Tuesday/ last/-' , Amen 3 "j.thb'se; prasent were Misses .Elise Godd'n, Eftie Lacy/ . Grace ''■ S wasey,'..' lone- Crutahfield, Misses" Taylor, Mamie Randall.' Misses BargaminV Louise '."Prosse'r, '■'•", ■' "■ Taylor, Nettie' 1 Thomp~son, Mrs/ John Jackson, j and Drs. Charts Uuwards, Alex. Brown, Jr., James liynn, Montell .Rudd; Messrs. 'Her bert Cook, ; Howard i Woodfin, --— -- ■ Hob son, Cliarles -Grant,- E.- Redwood, Goodall, H. - Taylor, -'—^— , Wortham, Ay. iett Goddiri, Dr. Price, E., M?" Cni'tchfleltl f " : E. Spehcs, Jr., and. others. _ Little -Miss' Nellie * Crutcrifield. enter tained a number ot her .friends Wednes day. Among thoso. present were Misses, Imbsene 'Warwick. -Gertrude .Crenshaw,; Mildred Evans, Floyd Taylor*- Mime! Smith, .Helen Loraine, "Margarett Criim'p,'- Martha Sutherland,- .Fannies Warwick, Ellen. Tucker, Jennie . Warwick, ..Mary, Morton, Helen Morris, JellLs Scott, Jen m'Si Goddin". Margaret Chewning. Lii«:y. Witt, Phoebe Cullingworth, Btasie'AlcGil vary, Jiilia - ; Co ttrell,- Ellen' Jenkins,. Lu cile . Massie, Emma Brown, and John ' Harwood, Alfred Crenshaw, Ham Register, Paul. Christian, Marion, :Bois seau, Stewart Goddin, . Alphins (Jhewriing,- Robert: 1 Boswell, 1 Joe Robert Sriiith, : Ned. Evans, Jarrett ". Weisiger; Russell Crenshaw, George ' Ready, and Raymond Massie. • : •'■/.-; ; 7?~£li- :-J ;■ . -■■ -* '* - . ■ '.'-': The annual ;meeting of the ,Rlchmonfl Chapter, Daughters of thy Cpnfed«ra'ey, willftake :place on ..the ,lSth of January. .Officers are elected : for; the year. The president -of --this; chapter, believing .that rotation- of ;Oflico is . the life ; of ' a society, declines denomination, arid, having " filled the; chair 'for three years, .thinks' the honor is one that should be divided. . The last clause -of : the; constitution: states: "'Any . member in good : standing is ble to . this chapter.". And every member should, therefore, cprisider It, her duty to .b'e- present -at election of ofticera,' All "officers -are elected by ballot. l^Only, members who have paid -thetr duea aro ; en titled ;to vote. ;.Paym»n t'i o f .,- dues •is expected .at -the -.'.annual meeting. ,- The regular: monthly; meeting will be hekl 'the.- second .Wednesday in January, which • is the 10th, at Lee Camp Hail, at 4 o'clock. Blanks for membership should be sent-lh : before that date,' ; '- . .- ' ■ -.':-':;'' • * .'- '■• : ; ' ■ ■ ' : -.: :•'.- Tho Church o2 the Holy Trinity 'gave . the V Christmas', feast; for the' "Mothers" Mission. on .Wednesday. Rev. Dr. Gravatt -h"«jld pi opening services,; and .the ;Iladi?s; lladi?s in ■ charge;.- -distributed " tb' 'forty-five •'iiiothers'.' ,-well-fiHe'cl • baskets, ami -nuu!<j : happy the hearts of ■ thirty children, uit h, toys and good, things.' -Kind messages : irorri .; the J Rev. • Dr; • £prigg were Ftc«i ve>.' ; .■andVniani':'- loving . wishes and eurnc.s; prayers, Avaf ted him, : who , f q'r ; years : had this mission in. charge, and whose itit« rest . is 'never failing. \ . - ' .:.-. ':. -Mingled": yvith; i the ; Christmas " joy ': : wa^ the .*• Triiriof chord ; of ; - sadr.eas as ; the '.' ! mothers'\ spoke tendeVly o^^ i fui. : frierid;;Mrs. ; ; -I3; T..'p, "Myr.rH. : recently; . "c'liU-red into-rest." A? lonu'as tiisre'ponf; ■ tiiiues. a 'i "Mothers' Mi-js'on'. '!inr'lloly !Trjnii.v;" will 'the. "name of Mrs. .Myers be j (inseparably; "cqnnectc.l with those- of Mrs. j Y?£hiiYC.";:Sha/t>!7 Mjss: Maria ;. For,: and; ■Miy-Viilxigaret'MacmurtJo;; elect^latHes now / entetird . f y to; the joy of ; their -Lord.. "' - • • • .;: =Mr- ana:.f."i-j=!, ■Jamss Hayes; have [vn-., noynced- the- engaKc.nierjt of "their rt?.yikh-;; :'U'r^ : ;Miss:--- i yira!nJai I (,>}fi!er;:llayfci,;' : to" : .*«trV. : "franc's W. • McC:Sil» Thi.» wf.uu;ntf i->vill^bV ;i;6lemrihici(. : ;^- :iite"ji:|/r!i{i^of : ;ihe? '; bride's '; mot her,*;- /X?*./,. In iui^C^l-Kyofi. ion iivftati'FrahlsliriTsrvcoT-T :s<fr!y ' inll>'obrui*ry- : rMissf-HayeVUa/one^of ,lUchm^n^Vft^f.'irr^t: 'daughters^ arid" ha^'been . sr be.iv? V.i" c .c> h*f rj \iebut. :'~. Mr.TMcCuHou??:i;"is : :a •v^omirift^t^ young 'msin^vma'i of^ Xqrf.»!k. ■ v Mr- and Airs..* Jamoi?,Hiirvie : have «n-; : ■ nburiced :the ;engagementlof Hhefr^aiish^i Vtep| :^Virsiriia'Bernard.-ito'Mr.cJameijCanlT fnoji.'^ The marrlagelwiUJbe; solemnized Jati '•En'ster. V' Miss , Itarvie ?is•' of J exceedingly^ ; fattractivepersbhallty/ap^^aarialtjostiofj 'friends her**. Mr; Cannon is n risinsi : juimg lawyer of this city. ; '' -f^^^M •- Mr. a. 13. rhi'Hdler. Jr.. of Cq'§hW| 1 tl. -n. deliver ** •<■ charm' PS MMurc- L< - ; ; ; fore"ith« Wf.ninnN Club issc tv^nrng at l3'o,'c\oc\t. Ilia subject was "U%.-hm"n\i|g| Mr:?. Pavli! P-'>rtfr Guest will opf-n r-r otlitii wlilst ciL^i u.i. January 3thiatjber; iwM - - *™i ment^andias.tnestocKk aqers come across -aife - <****; i-" I ■■■■'•■■■■' c -~ • '"f"" \ ' '"■'"' Jit •* '■'■' ■"-' ' 'have aotime t\witfi as % lf^tp^^aJLe;^s^wcim ana^those|articlestor^*w\bl% • '■'it "'-•<" '~-'i ■''■ '■• I - , ''It i ithetseason^isishorrare a outfbr;sale ; . : .<■ .^V ■ • • >'-.-£--- . - ,A. : Many of these will .fe solcl-beiore ihe day is ot; .asVmany of our.patrok. who are:aware of-.tnisprsr t tee, make a special pointif Beincr here on -- •% \ _- * \ ,ncVne, : :not : west Franklin street. .; ilr3. Gues t*s w h ia U.ulasses^;;^ proved = raost 'inatfuctlyeJand.^dyilghifuU^Chave^^n vcry--iiu"o"ce"stffu].- ; -^'AU "vwho thla : rn'osi -scientific ;of gurTie3;are;coriikUly invited to: attend. ' , ", ' ; • « • '- :^ Dr. . and ; Mrs. C. A. -Y oun«. \ of ithe^XJnt versity -of ; Virginia, - are ;:thG^ : KUc3tts."|c* Mrs: J. B. Cary. ; : Dr. Youn? has iust'ira" : turned v from a trip: to Chicaso.ian.li3t. Xouis, -where he" went Mri;-the;".iotere;itjoi the Bible lectureship at the Unlverslry.lo' Virginfar whtcri:wa»rfoundcdibyjMr.?Jqbr B. Cary.'. : He will ; leave vf or : Charlottes ville ou-Wednesday. -.:: ' /Invitations have been' received ; hero. ltc t h weddi hs """. o'f ', M las ./iKathr iri'e,gßx>"yTar Kay wood to - Mr. Benjamin 'i Baker.'; -^Th* marriage -will take place on January 10tl at--' 5 half -after 10 A..M.. at Chriat; church 'in :Ra!elgh, N. C. where ' both.-'of ,'tl\< contracting parties reside." Mr^Bakeri ha: many friends in this city,' where; -he ji ha; often visited. - \ ' -':■■ ■ -'».'-'" : ~"[~-'~*. ~» "•■■-..■"-,:■:'■■■"'■. '-.-^ : .Mis? E. Antolriette-'Hulpher??,, of. Brook lyn. '--N. Vi'., ; Is<vlsttlng«her-ifri«->rid.VM" I Gebrgo '^Wyatt* ; '-H25 ;west -Main" *; stfeat Mtss 'Hulphars .lis ;the daughter ibCsthif; a? corid ■-.vice-president' of . the^Old :pornin;Q Steamship Company^ ' ■"•- ;; ■ -■ "-- -. " ;-- ■*: * - - i The Association for .-■; the • Tresseryatlp of Antlnuiti?^ wilt hold ■: the! annuuV tea In l\ their rooms of ' thq*-: "Vii girila Historical, Society. Thuradiiy.tu'tei noon," from 5 to . 7 o'clock. . iMisa Ollle . J.,Hutch'nsori was ■■■imarrlc to : Mr.' Frank:"A. ;Clarke>yedterflay|>?vi hlng:at her homo.. sl7; Spring street. ;::Re.' J.B.:Hutaon .performed^ tho ceremony;;^ ■The : Church Hill Branch "of "the :; ]S( ciety for' the Prevention . of i'CrusUy^l Animals will m«>et at 2SOI-: east: draf street to-day at I o'clock. -" • Tho monthly meetl'nß: -of ;tho Board .1 Managers: of the "Ho'mftOimthjc Free ?t> ! pensary will : be held .to-day v i U :ao A.»;J ■ - Master Peter Christian, sari of ;.M John IX : Christian; gave, iij^r^jni^ on Saturday at hi.i. hiirfie,- lLt^i'-'tfi'U^itv nue. . ■.'■';,- '; - ;"'■; "" v -.: ';■;' ■■: - v " "-•■ 'V. ',;■ '•'* .The Board of Managers of the Bapti Home for Aged Women will meet at ,U Horntf this morning at -It o'clock.; ;' " Dr. and ~SUs. E. M. Hardy h&vgigoj Xorth for a few days. They expect "t'i>-r turn; oh Thursday. — . , : Mr. and -Mrs. A. R. Ellerson and daits' rerW will be fit :;01 oast Franklin -aft. ■January itri, .:for tlu: winter. '.':> - - r 1 * . ■■■■■.-■■, ''.„'■.* "•*"-"■■ ■ ' '."""' -" . '-- 1 ",V '4. •Viailsses ' Earla and 'N'tsva Weaver,-? | Orange, are guest? of- Miss Trla Stb'.'allj ;.;■ ■ " '--■• ■:: ;. •■:•■* * '*-■-.-■■; ..;-■':— :^j • Miss >fary Jeffrie?, now of ;Baltimor Is the 'guest of Mrs. ..Tohn/Addispn. : y; ; ■ ' ' -:■ ■" :"■'' ' 7 i - --.-.. . ■ ■ -;:.-■ - ;■!■*■ ; From the S»le!f-ll etlslde. ;: v . Mr. Ambrose Page is'imprbvirisTsiowl :\: \ General A. . ■ I* . ■ Phil Lip s" is imprpv;: .Slowly. '/ ",,'.:■ :.. " \ .;' : --"."-.'''."""> Mr.- J. N. •; Cullingworth. Is out.,on>t again." _:".::;;. : .','.".'•" .7,.",'":"' ''H% •; Mr, John •W. Hughes was . well J enou. to be able to attend church Sunday. ■-, Dr. J. Rufus Hunter. :. professor at Ric "mond College. -who ihas beenvaicU ;at?t sßetreati'fpr.:the Sick.iwas •weUf¬igh. leave that Institution ;>;/:: ■•:':' :."■"• ; ' -;.~~ — ~~"V~~ - ... ,. :. ; ,'; ; ;:"-' V J2 Every citizan- *of "Richmond , r 'ahou .insure .a.; portion, if not laU.'iof : his .pc perty (rval ; or .•personal)'' la .the Virgin State Insurance Company.';-." ' ' : :;.";] ;. - •■"■- .:..:'-. SECURITT BANK'TAgents n'UATHS. . . G \RNETT.-'Die\]. 'December Hrh y.| bis home, lileak HII!,: Kir.g Jand .\Qu4J comity, suddenly, 'ailttfr/ seven ; yearsyl si;Vum •ninths. lilyUlilCNn-'tJAFIXE'C .ajjcd v 7i -years. ■■": : :':.. ; . . ; " : ■■ ; •T'£K'?< :>;'."Hcs?. leaves "tivo children to • mourn l^th Joss— .loiir.^lf.^OarncU ''aiul •• Mr 3- r . ; \J?J Pitt?, of ;Kinif ""'anil ■>- "Queen ; lieubttiiq CaVr.iitt, of Caroline; Mrs. 'James -E^Kf rifctly..'of.Eaohrnand; .Mrs. Chuclos I!sij of. Newport; it. I. . . v ;. -;. . ■■;_[■; : _ -At "H^t.. --; . : Funeral took -t>liic«.a.t 'Lfi'fer-.KinK^o ■ Queen- uhuroh. iinttnneiit at fatnlijr.-bu ms-grouiiil. i»t FrQwh'WlV.' r - . ;■ : "JOH NBQ>T.-iDied. December 31.HJ8W;] ■ the .."".Vpo.Ua «V!s,:: in v.\me! !a . L ccmnty;-j:{V A[ rs; ! .l A NX : C LA U D IA J.Q JINSON.^w pf^Hlenorar 'J>ra<Hvy : .T/V-johnsoni-ia daughVfr :of Vflon- ;-IJ..ViL ;- North CftroHria. \ < '.was .;: ]I?si reiriaiiirf. 'will ho Interred attLoac. Park (Cematery; Baltimore, Jllt3.,.T|rtJF PAY "next. " ;"* •liPSCOil B.- Died, January I, Iffi)i>,fa A. il., at the residence :qt .-his '.uncle,^ 8.-Xlpscornb, Sir; north Twency-fQU street CHAHf.KS f-f P3COMß,'lnih!sj2 ■year," 'aitflr % a Jotijj ui:u!^painful^tlTn* which he 4 bore With Christian * Q«l^ "./rhe fttnerar-witntakif place ■'tcnm.u residence. V.THIS.;.- (TuVsilay^fKVENK January 2u. at 3-J'»o o'clock, v-^'ofl^vcr ; Uoanoke antJ Pctordburvr .papers;pU copy. ' --. ' * * ' "•■'SrCANN*.— uititi. ?•■'"■ 3uh<lay rnorjiiuif;^ |cembef i31;;;ls^/;at:herZresi»leRCu;'SCjjWi 31;;;ls^/;at : herZresi»leRCu;'SCjjW ! ciar>7stroec.--'^JEjSNIK :- :>-n.^M»(Mt? i daughter - of jthe late:; Charles ; iand;^ | ceHa^xreCarin. : • ; *.' v'---va ' H -iM^ [ : I\ine ral , - : , f 1 o ra r ; > Sac red-Hear ti■s cnu ! TlJESDAY^^lamrary mass, at T:::0 A. it. private. POU -Di-a. Ufcmiber 3t. lv\ *t ;l ip. jr-;;EtJZA:BETH"LEE, :. -j-.rh.jilrju 1 x er.'o £ i'ttu? ; !at a 'Joh n ' Foe . ' Jr. -< _3<?j I -Funeral iromiPark-PJaceJcnurcJ:^; O'clock A. •:M. 7 .TUKSDAY.*i3ani»r3rJ«M FrltT.ds. of " the;, family .:* 'invifCil ,; ,QL'INN.-Di'd, it ncr r^idonce.^B •Newport N .-v/a. Va.. on ijutiday, I'^-tB f'Funt'fut: fr«,t,i rit FVt^r's C.\tho« TUESDAY »' vVJyck. ; "*^B WIIiMAiJS.-fUieil. IX cumber . »1. ■ a< the .lUchmonti H'»niti for i^ttil«»- J _. im ••v.Ttie s funeral wiiV'take plaw TLE»W« Juri-arv l-,-Wu. at U o'closfc, rrviu ;■ 515 uorih !3ev«nth suvei.