Newspaper Page Text
; " ■'"*•• ■■-■ "' ;:--." '" " .; ~ -'■■ ; : of tcn;^:!}^'. duration : ; will r'rovc a golden opn'nrlunitv.for belated Clbtliihg.buvers; \ : -'. ? ' The'li<n of GKHAT REDUCTIONS, whiclwve api : »eiia to.tiiis au.'for tha benefit of those wlio failed to observe it in. Sunday's papers, proved att nidi ye 1o ilic lit»>ts of purchasers who took first choice this Monday. stock is inunen^e— the sizes (with J)ii t f e \v -exceptions) ; still full— and ihe:bargains^consi(ieriii<jthe : Leafli£ess''of thcTseasQii. W& : : tKe"\f.harp"advaLiicJCs.-iii"ali hnos of Clothing, exceed all-previons oiferiiijjs. Don't fail, please, to state what paper you read "this ad. in. J'l^^r Men's ■-Wittier- Suits. .N; : I Boys' and Children's Winter Wear. "^ios. ranwC?sLeie.S7.sO«l«.at $475 at _s«>Vcn«^^«sts^ C.iss>me«^Sults. j^-f^*_^ lm f™/ M -S "^ i 1526. D:uk Cashmere. ?7.50 value, at . ! A 75 a ••••:• "V.;* "''■'" }.'■'"' ."■"/.".'■'■'' ''■'■'''.■'■' *: '-• ..- uV •>! ' -akcc .t -,* • ere 200 Knee Pants Suits., in nice, mixtures, also <t>_ _, Q i .5.113. -.BlacKC!^o^ss vaiuca,. ............. ..... a ,5 : Blackand Blue cheviots: $4 values, at.. V..., ':1.. $3o30: ! ), 112. Eiue C?:?» T iot, $S value, at. 0 'o ..-•>, ." ■„. .-' ' ; 'V-'.''. ?4514. .:.park fc C*sin«rc.:<i2;sq value, at........ ...... T75 400 Knee Pants Suits. $5.00 values, at 52.90. • , b37ior AU-Woftl Black Cheviot; ?J2 value, at.... -•••.. 7 75" fSO Gape Overcoats. : _ajjes three to eight, years, (£- -ViA'. i ?3712. -An-V/c/ol Blue Cheviot <i2value ; at... ....'...; 775 $3.00 values, : at. : .. .:-...... ,. : . ........;........ i P3«S7 Dt)c Cassimere, >1 5 \-alue", at . ... . . ......... . . 975 ! ' '65 Chinchilla Reefers. ages eight -to 'fifteen, with (£ _ :„_«: „_ « |M?s9^ Bro^Csssimcre;^ 5 va1ue : 'Kt..;....r;.. '..... 9 75 | ! 2424. Broun Check Cnssimere, $15 value, at .;....... 975 . : : ' Qrißriwi-Stioe S^le : 11-3592. Dark Brown Cassimere, $15 value, at.. ...... .. 975 ' special MQQ Sale. ■ / ; j, 4157. Dark Worsted. «i 6 value, at /.. .*9 75 : We offer you in this department- tivo ' hundred^pairs of' j £ 4294. Biowr. Worsted, $1 6 value, at.... 375 Hanan's -and other makes, : Patent" Leather, Enamel and' Tan, I" 2765. Dark Brown Mixed Cassinvere. $15 value, at .... 975 -.single.: and: double soled shoes, $5.00 and $6.00-.( £ _; :^ : r\J ■4219. riaric Gray Csssimcre, $15 value, at. ........... 975 values, at. . . . ......... .". . . . . . . . . ........ ....... y ■ 29A6. ■ Cray- Check Cassimore,s:s va]ue,at. .......... 975 | : Meil ? S; aild BoyS^BatS. 4202. Dirk Gray Cassimere, $15 value, at 9.75 - • ■ ■ ■ "".'".' -cfirt ' \ DaxV- Grsv ' Cassimere. v-»li'»' it o^=s We will offer, in" this department two, hundred dozen filack ■,3960. uar..uny uin=.R ,15 value, at. ..-.;.... .. ;> 9 To Brown : and Pearl Fedora „ 3373.: GrayWorstea ; Sis;vaiue,at 975 am i other shapes in soft hats, $2.00 value, at..... .-. ■«Pi.3s'' 376-U Dark Gray Cassimere, $15 value, at.;.. ..-9 75 „ , \-„ ■■■-.« ■ :: - rts ', '.„_„. . -,- ■■„■■: .i. -.-iv v . • One lot of Mens Golf Caps. 50c value, at.- ..25c . ; 371 7. AlWypol lime tiievio,. 9 \ 5 value, at 975 One lot of Children's Tarn o'Shanters, 75c value,' at 39c '. 2515., All-Wool BlackChevior. Si 5 value, at.......... 9 -75 ; • .; ' ,-■" 2517. All-Wool Elue Cheviot, §15 value, at 9 75 Fall OvefCOatS. i 1 3720. ""'All-Wool Black Cheviot, value, at.......... !2 75 LOT .' ."■ ■";' ; 372}: " All-Wool Blue Cheviot,^ iS value, at... ........ J2 75 llS7> Qay Cheviot, $12 value at...-. ............ ...Ts 775 ■ I 4CSC2. Gray Worsted. ?iS ;..■. ........... .... 12 75 -:\ ,59. . fan Cheviot, gi2 : value, at . . . . . . ; ...... ... ..... 7 75V 43J7. Brown Worsted, S;S value, at^.., ............ .r 275 3612. Tan Covert; $12 50 value, at......... \.y 775 k 5350. Gwy Check Worsted, 5iS value, at........ 12 75 ! 190. . Tan Cheviot, silk lined, $15 value, at. .'.'. ..;1 975 X 5507. Grsy Cassimere, $20 value, at...... 13 75 4964. Tan Covert, $15 ,value, at.... .......;.;;.■,.... 975 6751. Gray 'Mi?,ed Cassimers, value, at..... ....... ■1375 | 5215,: ; Brown Covert, $15 value, at.. 975 1313. Gray 'Worsted:s2o value, at 13 75 j2Oj 20 - Gray Cheviot, silk lined, $15 value, at.. ........ 975 4226. Brown Worsted, -S2O value, at.,.. 13 75; : 317 .,. Blade .Ch"eviot,;Si 5 value, at.... ........... \..'. 975 5753. Gray Stripe Worsted, 520 value, at.,... ........ 13 75 6S]2- . Tan Covert, $15 value, at...!. ........ .).. .... 975 ' 6 / 47 - 9 ny Check C^ssimere;-|2b value, at (3 75 35H. TanCovert;sis value, at.".... ................ 9 75' j 6/45- Bro-ATi Check Worsted. ?20 value, at 875 „„,. ■••-_ „ ■ ... , ' „■ . . - _ __ ' 6754! : Blue Worsted. <20 value, at E3 75 J^ 2 '- Tan Covert, silk lined, $20 value, at.... ........ \3 : 75 ■ I 3916. -Black : Thibet* <25 at \7 7Z. T«- Covert, $20 value, at ....... . .-. . . ... . . . 13 73 fi ■ ■■' '}■:...' ■ - - '. — - - '^. . '".' , ■ '"-". :.-.'■- ■ " ' ■■■-■.■• [L • ■-■- ■-. ■ . ■---'■■ -. -a ---• : ' • ■' ■ " -•■ i ■ . : ■-.. Main and ■Eleventli' Strpets. '- ... - ' - THE HILTON TROPHY. KI2PLY TO GEORGIA niKI.E TE-V3.r OX TUB Si'IUISCT. ■HIW — STATEMENT niOM HEW JERSEYANS. - . "\' ; - '..'. governor and; .: .Tntlpre-Advocntc o£ "* the*"Sin?o oi? IJecision IJisiuisslns Appeal of Gcorsinns from Adverse Decision. ;- .. KEW, January I.— General Bird Spencer, inspector-general of rifle practice of the Xcv/ Jersey State Guard, and head of the rifle,; range 'at "Sea Girt. New Jersey, has issued a statement in reply to the Georgia rifie team, : which claims- thai it vr on the Hilton trophy last year at Sea Girt, although the trophy was awarded to Xcwv Jersey. The Elatement is as follows: "The Georgia team, desiring apparently to keep alive the controversy about the Hilton trophy,: and having; published , an address to the public, notwithstanding uheiri appeal tos heard and 'decided V^rainst them by the Executive Committee \r the New Jersey PMie Association, divernor Vocrbces. and General Meany eVnstitutang' tlie committee which heard &jV decided the-, appeal., have given out io\he public. the following' statement: "\Tlie atieniion of ihe undersigned has beeV called to a communication published in \t p-jbl'ii press, of Deoemba-r 22, lSf)3, appA':itly signed by the member;; o' the rifle! Yams ironj the State of Georgia ■ \vhit.'lftf;ompeted -c't Sea Girt at the. last ; ineetiA o£ the Xc\v Jersey State Iville As- Kociatit, questionins-: the. justice of our . ■ decisio^ v.ith refeTejjee to the protest: irorn" th Georgia team upon the award of the Alton trophy to the Is ew Jersey j team. \ iT j FACXixOT FULLY. SKT FORTH, i " 'The Aita which were brought put nt ; ;ho .nearA' held before us. and npo:i ! s - hich vreVor.dcrod a '-c.cifion, d'smiss- 1 sng th<j ap\al of the Georgia team, and ; uffinning t\ award of the executive oili-j cer. arc s!ti fully set out -in said corn- I munication. \ . , " 'At .Baid'AarJr^ the members of the ; rJeorgia -teanVj-r.-d': their counsel. Colonel j Lmv:o:i, v/eriVivi-n every opportunity to j present 3 11 fi\~, within their knowledge' j or roach, and tin : is<e such argument »•''] In the judgvnel of Colonel ..La-vvion "the j evidence :V,'OuliVperniit. j — 'A'tcr hcv-rjl all tlie-cviclence offered ' -by both t;id-is V the oon'roversy, and ' after a full and iV considerat'H'ii •.hereof, -.; the .undersigned Ye of the opinion that j there was niit "■^iV>a<io\v of 'doubt /itonr i , the dccisSon-Jof-fidesyc'-jtiye otiicer ] correct, "and sMJt»l«»e a:lirmod. GEORGIA COUXS'V AYATVED : ARGUr ! V 'We assumed ,-.t\:, the; :n-?:nl>ers; ;of - th'? Georgia team :\ re also; convinced; that they wove in e\,r. and that ih'eir j ."contention, though jiArsed. was nof>vell j founded, and their, ciis-el did iioico::-; isider it worth while i^-.-nalce ar.y -iar'truf'j ment afier hearing Uit*.'ideneo in behalf j of the claims of tisn X« Jersey team. ; "We ;lhere'or« confts considerable : .surprise, that further %>rts shciuM. be j : made to prejudice the p'sic mind by- .he | publication of grarblcd %-ts hiul urgu-j mentK. baseJ upon, a ■ ]iar|j statement vf. ; j the: evidence %-fore us, -diifi ujion which our .-decision *s :nad.\ '•-. ] (Signed) .'VFOSTE^M. ,'--\|OT : :HKES.,' : "'Governor of %ow ,ion»ey; ; •'• P.iricANV;. ; i " 'JiidKerAOvqc-aift ot Aw Ji'i-soy: I ."-" 'Executive .Co!hinfite«,' ; ye'.il.?;-«ey ,St:iie : | ;| ltifle, 'iA.ssfJciat.soh.' " ' \ "__ j jMrK.' '" ficorffc": f.oulcj in Sor-ilv a< I.rssl^ . -(Nev.'.-.Vork .TDUrinil.V -.-. ! At JaEtMrs. OtOi'ije'.Gpulu: '--isli KCc!Vty:Vi It -."was.- the ina.gnJJlci'rit/1 Kfi!iiai.Vc-i:t<;r- -.! taSnnc<mt given at"-..l;ake\vooO; v ; t C3:rt-st^;j id as- y.'eclc, that, did: it. -;.'•;;; | '■:'.' ],\ Stuyvo>aht ilvishVitluv. nl«;-c;>:chi- ; i give, -went, ;a:U 't;vr>: hundred of iiuii<}rt;a foilo'wo'i" lfc*r. - '._ .' i ' ;-Tl:ii: KtorS- of thri; ■striis.:#>-;';.-'of JLv; :<V:d:/ 11 rs. Georga ■.■Go'wJd' i ;for ;'ra*^ss«,a"j comedy of--reinarkAblovJniciv»|-4>--\'; iA{\ They; spent ;; their* finilMoris •'like; Vat i'r;'j They ihiduoed :^rH.U"r^raii- :St.ftyc4; to_y cliii:ni>Jott their cu use. Thvy bot:ail iij« 3=airu.T3MagTpa<' i re3acsgaa«jcaiii.iii»Mi»iiii n iiim naa Vigilant ana met the Prince himself. It •■was all in vain. ' .'•' ' II« was the soil: of a famotis f.bancicr. She -»va? beautiful, though onee 1 ,an ac ti-os. Why were they kept beyond the sacred portals? The answer is not clear. At. any rate t hey have entered r.o v. 1 . wit.tJtamsijurg. ; A lje'anUful JCiitertuinxiieiit— Good %.;.. SJvjitiup: — Uriels. WnXLVMSBUIIc:, . XA.;r. January.-;.': 3.— (SptcialV—A beautiful" entertainment was given a tlristoric Carter's Grove,- Saturday : evening to the members of the Kappa Sigma irii-jrnity and their lady frienc?. .: by ZMr. jylin; Thomson Booth, a fellow mernber.. LMter dancing, refreshments were served. The entertainment was greatly enjoyed. ' A numler of former residents who came back 10 spend. Christmas with their relatives and .. friends' veturned to-day to their 'various - places of business. :' The work of improving and beautifying i th,e interior of the Baptist church, is now almost comi)l6te.i;iml the alterations have made the building ''one of the handsomest ; houses of worship in our town. ' j Jones's Pond, pear town, .is filled with j skaters to-day. ■■ The ice is about four j Inches, thick ahdjj iir, fine ■ condition for :j skating. .■. ■ ' i Rev. J. O. Gr?nbury, Jr.; the now pastor | : for the Methoiitfe church, occupied his :] pulpit yesterday-;. morning -for the • first I tirr.e.-and las: niqTit the presiding elder, iicv. Ur. Garla.r.d,\ preached, to a large congregation, but old not hold his quar terly conference, -.Tliioh, will be held du ring hi.-? -next visit here. . "- . Mr. M^cauly Bright, of Philadelphia, j who has been hero vifeiting, left for home yesterday.; \ r Jiliss j Jennie Morecock returns to "Wash ington to-morrow, after a -visit to her lieople here. .' \ Mr. .Custis Harisford; who holds a clerical position with the Southern road in Norfolk, returned yesterday, after a brief' stay here. '.}; . Jlr. Harry Lnmb,. son\:of Colonel Wil liam- !Lamb, of . Norfol'k.y who ;has been . visiting hero, has returned home." j Rev. Mr." 33rossius, assistant.- at Ascon- j sion Episcopal church, Baltimore, preach- j od at Brutnn Episcopal church yesterday, and, afterwards dined. at the rectory- with Dr. and Mrs. W. T. • Roberts. : The annual meeting of the Executive Committee of the William \ and Mary - Alumni Association will lie-taelcT here the 20th of January, at 12 M. The members will be notified by .the secii-ta^. " .. ASSESS.OUS ..^l'i'Ol.VTJ'in ! For -SliViianiloa!: Countj>-Tn :i Wdj : Gv»kii. A. \ . WOODSTOCK, YA-,: JanuAfV 4 I.—(Spe cial.)-Jud£e F. S. Tavennerl , of the! County Court, lias. appointed t't|>., follow- ! ing assessors, to conduct the. reassess- j merit of lands of Shenandonh— \lz. : ■J.• C. j .Towns. Davis "District; -V. JJ Sibert,' Sontewoll V District; ;M. . F. Scl-mucker, ! Johnston' District; J. "\,Y. ; Hollar, Madison , District:': J. H> Downey. Ashl.y . .iM'siribt; ! and J. >Vi livers. J,ee District. /Jju\ ap- j puintments were made on. Saturday in va>. cation, and -the. appointees appeared -and . gave the roquircd bomls.' "- .-'• This section has been in- the .grn?p.iof the "coldest v.vnthe'r in December, for ■ m:tny years. On Jnst '■ Wednesday. Hie. mean ' temperature was 20 degrees; on Thursday, ; "t» di'trrei-s; on Friday,. 2o decrees; on S;i- .'; d:iv. "12 deyiv.'.s, and : yesterday,- 10.5 -tie- i Sites above. Yesterday morning Ihe gov.| I •■rnnnj lit. thermomei er V registered zero?. j The. voluntary: weather. station here, ;f'iuri years o!d, reports: nothing, to /.compare- \ with the above record for the -month of, Deoembcr. since the commencement: of. lh«* record. - ';': " . ,! -'-- The ; Sunday school . of ; the Christian : 01-iircli :.o£ this} place reorganized yester day, by .''electing the following^bffleers ifoi % ISOl): *Supc:rintc-ndt!nt. Plovbei t -F. ;Milf-y; Assistant Superintendent,;" Hubert. - : .M. Art'/:':' Mr«;.'C.;:M'. • Ilit'e,. and Treasurer, Miss Mary X.^Fry. 1 -;,''_: ■;."■ StiNplcJfuiV Df:i(li.i of Xoßrucs, • CHAHI.ICSTGN, S. *<;., January IJ— Dur-' ing:thi; ji.-ist woek.thi>ri? ; hav^-boen'-^iKht'' jruddeh * deaths'- <>£ -',-.. p'rimu; you ns"? negroes r on Italy's Island. : in";the vicinity, of f the Central J'hoHphate-AVorUs.jlJeaufortrcoun-; iv. thisi Si «<<'.- i'i'htre:::jr«:'suHpicionsahat; the'-' -wliiskeyiltlic'yi'Hisedwwasy either, jd'iPd' with {.»r not; clit'mically 1 - pure. tjjglj'ih"--. msiT!— therhail-carrier o'i the -com- ; liany— died; to-day. > .- ' - ;Many,thbu!s:Jnd dollars :hre 'brought it pj Hk'lmionu-'oath* ytar:-byr local' -insurance'; ojii:i>Vuii</S/andy many n thousands aro; sent); iivr-.O' by citizens; to -.'foreign, v cnm- -,- v., ' . ■■ • ■■■!■: • • .■■.■.-■'...-■:■;,:;■,- '■ . ;.-;.....,,' FfiE RICHMOND DISrATCH-TUESDAYii^^NUARr 2, 19.00. in'in iiiimimiMinii ■ii»»i inn -irnT-ii-n-i-r-rn •_•_ MOXTOJO K.VrLAIXS IUS DEFEAT. Illumes Bewcy f«r Kefiisiira; to Come \Viiltin Ranjue. 'CHICAGO,'--' '• .January ,I.— The ' Tribune prints the /text of Admiral -Montbjo's de fence under court-martial proceedings for his defeat at Manila. The bulk: of the blame is charged' by the" Admiral, not- to himself or his fleet, but to the Spamsn Government,, for its unprepared condi tions. He also claims that Admiral Dewey kept out of range of the Spanish guns— :i proceeding which Montojo refers to as a retreat.": • .- ■■ ■ ■ Montojo says: : . *-,'- jjThe ■: only preparation that -had been made for war was made by the Ameri cans, who were btii?inessllke, and at I ranged everything with pencil and paper. The initial velocity of our cannon was ulO metres; that of the smallest :cannon ; ot our enemy was 750 metres. Admiral Dewey with pencil in lmnd, noted the thickness of his mantlets and his. case ments, and knew .what energy -.was re quired to penetrate, thorn. He also knew exactly the weight of the most- powerful projectile of our ships, and by a simple mathematical calculation he arrived, at the distance at which he could, fight witn out himself receiving any. harm. Thus he ascertained that he could fight at. a dis tance of 2 UOO or-S.OCO metres with absolute impunity. The situation, therefore, -was iust this: We were, vulnerable to nil the proiectiles of the enemy, and this The enemy well knew, while he got out or reach" of our cannon and remained out or reach all the while."- Admiral Montojo adds: .^ "In order to give an idea of our miser .able situation.M may mention that we had only fourteen torpedoes for the defence of metres of space, and .-that the cable, which we obtained 'in : Hongkong, was only long enough 'for 1 five: torpedoes, and therefore; only five torpedoes ■: could be nlaced." : •;;.-.. / : — -p. ■—— ■ . [.■ - XEW VKAH HAXDIGAP, 'LcaflinsEvciitat Crescent Ciiy Won liy Prince o'Veronia. ■ : NEW ORLEANS, January;!.— The New Year Handicap proved the best race on to-dpy'n curd. Prince af Veronia, the win ning favorite, and.' Red Cross. IT., waging a battle royal in the last eighth. . The -weather was. clear and the track heavy. Attendance fully -5,000. Results: . First ' race— se-llin?, mile and seventy v:\rds— School Girl: : < 3to 1 and even) won, •Manlius' (12 to 1 and -I -to 1) second. Frank -McConiiell HI to 5). third. Tinie,_l:^ . . Second race-one mile-luagicListit ,(o to 1 and 5 to 2) won. Frangi!e.(v to 1 and G to *2) second. :C)iickarnauga (10 to 1) piohtl^-P.'m ChfU-in (9 to 2 and-; 8 to ;>V won -Our Nellie (T-to 2 and; 6 to 5) secona • V-T-.-'r. l a d (7 to Tj -third. Time, .!:ou. 1 Fourlh race-New Year. Handicap, ono niile-FrinceAof Veronia 7 to -5 .„„ He.l Cross 11. (13 to 5 and 6 too) sVco'nd I, Miss Mac Day (S to 1) third. Time, I: fjfih race-sell ins, ' one" -milo-Uhlers: (13 won. Old Fox (7. to 1 and 2°: t- i) Snd, ''Bright Night (20 to 1) third. Timi:, -1:19- . ' . - ■ : - -.. __ -met" -— — :—: — :'-■'■-': .... ■ GAMSII.EKS EATGA3IB-COCKS. , lee-noui:il anil Fovee(l to Feed on ' Tlicir FislitiiiK ChicUens. ; : (New York -Times.) ' " _ KNOXVILT.E, TENN., ' December 31.— Forty : gamblers,' ..with 100; game-cocks, left by .boat Christmas-Day for an iso lated "spot. , ten miles 'below Knoxville, /where a .'gig-antic- fighting-.:" main had ;,beeh arranged. But tlie'- boat -got.stuck : on; a sand bar before .reaching,. its destination, ■and i r had. no lifeboats.- -,'. .'. - -. ■ A: Fights \were"¥held"- on aboard, ..but -when the' three-days' food supply was exhaust-" ed the men "grew- desperate. No one v.'buld venture Tto swim Hhrough; the -floating ice to l'ind ; and most of«the . ganvj birds.were killed r to -^prevent 'starvation: No /noise m-uie could arouse : the: inhabitants of ; the ijiearest'-farin-housei-one-'milesiaway.';.'-;..:...^ i To-day a: hunter;passing-near..:the;boat was induced - to. seek Assistance.: and ; -tne 'mt-n-v/ere rescued. -returnnia«. to/ the cily. in 'carriagesyto-niglU. ' . l COIiD AT: LI'R AY. ii\<i\: V.'i'liifrn! r oiheto». ; :? KoTovv/^Zero, ?> Wmlcli-MbM Jjervii'f*. _ i/uri'A V, -VAl.i JanuaVj'? I.— (Special.)— ■ Th^Hierinofnet< Ir.:liDLurty1 r.:liDLurty : SuiiHay : inorn ii:'.'.'- rl'i, r istei ; «d'::^s : "de's'r>en !| below .. zero. -. tha t , '■b<-TrU-iho;lowest..toinperatnre/of ;th'e ;.wit|s/ V •]■h^'^ienlOl]ist=Vcongreg\ltlonvof':l-llfay^ ■l'i'ul.lßti nightvto - . : c'bViini£jliratesl.he'noioshi'y: 'o f ; the old and ,th.' 'ililln? of tin- h<hv veil. Tho t-or : ' .•S'l'.'Os'l.mJ ot an inien-sting aril api>ro fpriat(;Vm^ctcr j^hVid-;were;oondi:L-ti.'il by, ■;-"Qnlt:k\]^MStrnehi.;.'6f .!; iosses;. : xnailo < ;i.-v by.-inf ull^^with .tlie Virsinia Stnto. No „*- - , - *i \\ - f\ TTTIW v 'V*tts T nP -' ■' TlTfl^n* * *-TTV Trt*\™<% TlTjT*^^ '■'. Jfc ;'i \£ I'Alj M. MB ty m. ~i_ ilik'tj Hi i .■- '- Ail tf V * xiJLI MJ MZd -j :A- r POPULAR; COUPLE MARRIED. 'A ;l^ l'loclc of -Slicen Deslroyoil— ■ - '• ' ■ r : : . Necessity for^a.pos-^Lu-VT— Killed a: IHr- Eagle— Personnl. mii nil dL;.; : General, Jtotew. •■"':■ i (Correspondence- of the Dispatch.) •: TAPPATTANNOCK, YA., December ' 27.— Our v -town- : has --had ■ .a • quiet /Chrlstmas/VwUh ■nothirigUo.Vmar/'tnV-en-' joy ment; of the occasion; except-;, in the ca se "= of : the "', small boy. '. wi th, ne-w skates, .whivmourns.theabsence of ice. . ■ :Mr. J.'b. Scott and Miss Ida. Bray: left tovrn . for; a drive en -Wednesday, /and' ■quiotly 'repaired to -the; Methodist- parson-; age:ii(. % at Millers,-, v.-here; they^wfre; made; man-and wife by Rev;. Mr. Jett. '.Friends ; :of ;.i.he': happy pair ; have been inquiring, for-some'time when the' : event: was to bey biit' : .they kept their own' counsel. -After the marriatjo; they/went on '.to] the-^resi-. - denrie of. Mr. Atwell ; Walker, iti King - and : vQueen, /whence : '.they /started for -Rich mond nextimorning.; The bride is a" great favorite /with: all :'our people,' and: one of the preti Jest and most popular of Tappa .'hannqek's- long list of pretty •girls.;. Mr. : : Scott: is .equally populnr, and; possesses business . qualiiications of a•' high order, juid : sterling traits of character. : . : . 'Probably"; the finest flock, of sheep In the county up to Christma«-Day was that. .-'-:of ■■•-' Judge.; Thomas Croxton; but' during the night of ;the 24th; dogs got into' the l^en and killed several, and tore every sheep in the flock, ''a/ majority of ; them : severely. . Mr. ; ;T: ;c. McDaniel : dis covered th e a ttack abou t daylight ; on : Christmas morning, and surprised the dogs, at/ their .work: He procured his .shotgun, and advanced on one ;of the. dogs that' was in the act of killing a sheepi. The dog was a white bull, and stood his ground, turning upon Mr. McDaniel at ths very; bars "of .the pen. ; Mr.' Mc- Dariiel, placed the muzzle of the gun with-, in a "foot. of the dog's liead, and blew- It nearly off. The other'dog started to run, but tho other barrel laid him out also, The : sheep are ruined; however, as not one out of thirty escaped being bitten. "DOG LAW NEEDED. , .. . Appropos of dogs; it would be well, while • the- ' Legislatu re is in - session, to have some act passed making the owner of a dog that had previously killed or worried . sheep or, other stock, liablo-to a fine/or •preferably to punitive damages, for keep ing the dog. The same legislation ought to include in its scope dogs that worry or :■ kill turkeys or other fowls. L Many ladies : are engaged in raising turkeys, and.every year muchloss is inflicted on their young flocks ; by : dogs -that are, generally, of tho "yallcr" variety, [ and not worth their room in, the world. The depredators; are generally killed in. a" second or third at tack,-but the loss they manage to inflict is tremendous in, the aggregate. ,;. . The. wind. was Easterly. Christmas-Day, and no doubt contributed in preventing a successful. issue; of various hunting ex peditions that went out in high:, hopes. Master Ellerbe Carter. Wednesday killed a gray eagle,; measuring 7 feet : and. 2, inches from' tip to tip of his wings. The bird had. been caught some time- recent a hawk-trap, and had a small steel trap on one. talon when shot. It was the largest specimen" seen about .here for . some • years, with enormous beak and talons. :His great strength Jiad enabled it to break the trap loose from the polo to ; which it was probably fastened when it caught him, and; fly qffwithit. The condition of the talon in the jaws of the trap showed that it had been hurt some liUlo time. /.- ' PEOPLE /CHEERFUL. While no new enterprises have been" started. in' 1 our tov/n. lately,, we -have-few complaints to make,, and our people : are looking cheerfully -V forward" to the New Year. ■ Tlv^; sales; at- the stores indicate more money among all classes of: people than twelve months ago, or, in fact,. for several , years ; past. -/ Two new dwellings of very fair proportions ; have recently been erected, and no old ones burned or. torn down. Several ■ have been repaired and. improved. 1 The rim-bending business here is fiourishin??.- and the capacity of. the mill is taxed to keep' anywhere near up with the orders. - .' • ; Nothing new has developed in the case of the- drowning: of the two: fishermen from Richmond county, and no inquest was held, the friends: of the men being satisfied their death was due to exposure. Our people are looking anxiously. for .work on the Richmond - and ' Tidewater road which, it is hoped, will soon put us in rail connection with , the State capital. Judge T E. Blakey; is. at home during.; the adjournment oC the General...Assem bly, visiting his .friends and attending to his duties as 'Commonwealth's.' Attorney. Mr Robert Croxton. of Richmond, is on a flying visit to his; father. Judge Rev - 1 Alex. Fleet and family, of Bru ington ' are spending a few. days with the family of ; Mr.;J. L.> Henley. Mr: Frank Wynne. : of Baltimore, is visiting his parents; here. , '. Mr. Oonnor Mallory, who has been for a year' past engaged in. business in. Chi cago has returned to Tappahannock, and -is renewing Void associations. ,/ Mr« T. : S. McClelland and Miss Winn, of Clarendon, Tex., are visiting/heir sis- ter Mrs. W...D. Carter. - Mr. Bathurst Bagby, of Washington, is under the parental' roof for a few days, and busy as ever,, .calling upon all the .young ladies in town. . /. -Mr. Gayle.Anderton, of Newport News, is on a visit to his father," Mr. George N. Anderton./ '■•;; . '-. -..-, .■ ; v Mr. i Taliaf erro, ' of New York, is the guest of Mr. B. 8./Brockenbrough. Mr. John- Meenley, of Baltimore, is in town, enjoying the company of his.nume rous friends. ;; ; . .-. - /' . ■" -;__ '■ — ■ — '. ■■"■•■■■■■■ ■■■■'■ ' " ' ' BUCKircGHAar. Geitihs Ice— The Smsill-Pox Scare Alioui Over. X BUCraNGHAM; COURTHOUSE, VA., January li— "(Special.)— We have -just -had > the \ coldest spell of the season, and ice gathering'was the order of the day. ■:..■■■■:■ The small-pox scare lias about sub sided, and it seems 'there . was- more scare than small-pox. , Three negro -boys went \ to" Farrnyille with tobacco, and/ while there ono of them traded; overcoats, wi th • a negro- from Arvon, where they had; had; this disease! r AH ■' three: broke out;with:it^ Two of the boys : are up and at work. ; I hear that one . of. these boys will be vac- : cinated, to see it it will take on him.One doctor "..vaccinated : forty. ..people .'in the vicinity r.f the&a"- negroes'; houses in one fcju'y. -. _- . - .-:" ; " Mr; V?. Morris and MissEthellne Jones we're nia.rried at New Store .church on . >y"edriesdfis',' ; and. a: reception was ; given, them 'at i the ': Buckingham Springs: that night. : ;;k^v-:v-:'^- I-:.;1 '- : .; ; ./:v- : ■ •-•:■".■-.--">-' ; iIr.C.//\T..: Jones, .of Amherst Court-; house; spirit the : Christmas '-. holiday's .with ; his : . sisterJ :Mrs.-;E./B::- Haskins,'. and., will leave/lvi-day. for his home. . •? .Prqi.p;;Wo"r /William P. '.Ellis; principarbt itiie! A Vyon;". graded school/ V spent v Christ-; mas ■'' at-> A f ton;-'. his Void ." home, V' and ;.while ; there killed a very- fine deer. .. • . : ; Jtlr.rllerbertForbes.Vof. Richmond, and; iir. -A.' C. ■■/ IT-orbesj of spent; the holidays withrtheir' parent s here. .' : ; lD.r.'7P.erldnp.oGloyericameAiip.^frdm;;the: Medical ? College/.at;Riehmond,f and' spent, 'the week at his old home. : ;A; s good9iriany -calves] 1 haye/.dJetls of disease J kiiownVas';>'blackfleg',^/ and /Dr/i; McCulloch; of Blacksburg,'' hasTsentfsome; ■fanners vaccine matter to vaccinate" :those,'running -in same -fields \wherevthe ■deaths Occurred. ,- .. ~ ' -lives sister^'u Mrs^^ SiW^-jWordjirWas ;,' so > unf qr-jj tunatoVasito/faUJandflbEeak'one: of? her' Ankles during this:cold.sPf 11. FttrmersTare wisliiiig toi a clamp sPcH; fsofas to strike down, their" tobacco. >little ; oi* the. Jioit tobacco has been, sold Thorn w.-,s ;i i.inr-:- crop or. turkeys Praised liore this pcafjon, and the fowls h.-ivo U-r. 51 polling us low a.36 cant 3 per •rmund. 'Tho repldence of the loto B. P. Spencer, was "offered? for = isale?on'? the 1 ! premises <on Friday. - \ jA-y ,'ifount -Rush,": or the old Morris place, ; ■'was * recently - sold ■to • Mr. ; R. •• S. .- Ellis;: of COUXTT^ SPORTS \p n fin R the Ho Ii <7 ays- Gra r: iJ-.Toutnn '.' .." 'iiJOiit in Cliarlotlc. V- . • : ; < ; ;; >^ '?' (Corrnspdndence- of tlie/Dispafch^J''*- U^EUREKA'-MILLS; ;::^A: ■■?. !D.cceihber^ Si>."^.. •To^ay^ends".;tho^'ChristmasCfestivities 'wi th /. coun try. 'people. .;- .' The weather . has been v /ideal '/of ' .eiijoy-;j 'ment. '^ The >firstsnow;bt:t nc' winter ;feli ■on : Wednesday. - covering '■■'; .the;--'tjroanfKto... } the : deptli: of about ";: two- inchos,', 'arTovdins. .-good ''sleißhJns.v.-. ' • ''.':. : .= A imerry; gathering-'of'y-oifngrpeoplej as-. ■ : snmbled at; the residence tor"- Mr? ; Roger, '^Hrior Carter Monday riight^to. open/ the, •gaj'eties of i Christmas'-, time. / Dancing and "o ther : forms ;. of amu sern en t were 'engaged ' in. ;■"•."-.. ; ;-X '' - :;,':": ;,' : " • __.."■*•»■». ;' The- "event of Christmas /week, though, was : the. grand tournament; at' Abilene :.on Tuesday . NotwitHstaiiding- the fact-, that the^ ground was hard frozen, Tand it was ibitter cold, . a- large, assemblage of. ; men, women; andY: children? .were"; early 'on hand to witness the trial ol speed of .the pretty horses -and slyll' of ".'their .> riders:; Owing/ to the/fact,; -that-Jt was ; so cold; "the charge. of {the knights -was, dispensed: ..with.' The.' scene .v.-as ; quite picturesque 1 , with large log,fires kindled about .on.;the grounds, around : which wera huddled gay; : groups -of those who had come to sea the "tourney. • ■ - - : ' ■' -;:Following:is;a list. of the:knights,;wita their respec live ncir.^ ciepHtmo:: Aubrey. Roberts, Knight of Hill's Creek;' Robert \Yatkins,;Knight Red Robin;. J., S. Chappell.: Knight otßoseland; Thomas : Anderson, Knight of No Practice; Sam uel' Nelson, Knight of Spencer CroekjH. lE.1 E. Jones/ knifeht ■- o£ x Felderi ; . . Benjamin Fanklin, Knight' of ■Nobody's Darling; Samuel F. : Spencer,; Jr.. ; ; Knight of Abi lene* W.- H. -■: Rosses, Knight ; of ..Prince Edward; -Thomas W. Morton, Knight of Gift Gaff; G. W. "'St. John; . Kv.ight.of No Sweetheart; Joseph. Allen/Knight-Beforef Last- P. L. Carwiles, "Rough-Rider".; Messrs. Franklin;" Allen, and Carwiles took nine, rings ■ apiece, .thus tying .for the crown. In riding off the tie. Mr. Carwiles took threo small rings, Mr. Alien .two and Mr! -Franklin one. Messrs. Chappell, Anderson, Nelson, Spencer, and St. John tied for tho last honor, but it was won by Mr. v Spencer, -on -the final, ride. -The coronation and ball . took place .at -the residence of Mr. Nathan. Bell. .Miss cab- Franklin was crowned queen . by Mr P. L Carwiles, Mr; Joe. Allen crowned Miss Sudie ■■' Overtoil first maid..;- Miss Mattie St. John was:second.maid,:being crowned by Mr Benjamin Franklin. Mr. Samuel F Spencer crowned Miss Georgia Wood , third maid •of honor. A- boun tif ul supper was: provided.: Music was furnished for the dancers by- the Messrs. Crymes. None, tJut "those who- had never^.been success ful at a tournament- were allowed to ride it being dubbed . the. '.'green-horn tournament. Those who were debarred Franklin- riding; for him);, and^ _the bridle was won by- Mr. James Franklin. -The foTlowing- gentlemen also contested for - these prizes: Messrs. -.Thprnas, Ro berts,'. X: M. Friend, y. B. Adams, W. B. Crate N. : C. -Crate... Samuel Deanor, -P. L. Carwiles, and Leslie Dillon Messrs. Edward Rucker, P. Henry Osborne, and Loo AY. Morton, acted as judges. I ne t me-keeper was Mr. • R. '-:M. Fr.end Mr. I oclofln Allen was chieE-mar^a being assisted by Mr. J. Herbert Priddy and Mr V M White, a student of the Epis coVal Alexaiidrin^pent^he Christmas holidays witn Mr. Lee W. Mor : t<^Ti=?e3' Madge and Carrie Goodc and M^sWatkins, of the State Normal School, been siting: the home ot Mr. J. Flood Morton, .: ' . • Rev -H L- .--Franlclln is spending- the .'.'v/eek ' with his mother, in Chesterfield '•■^MisTe's Mary Shelton and Sarah Goode spent Christmas-in Mecklenburg. YOTJXG MAN SHOT, Hnt Xot -■'" Danseronsly-Cayetr in ' Allc-slinny. .■;'-■■-•■■ COVINGTON, ALLEGHANY: COUNTY,: YA., January I.— (Special.)— Several days ago 'at the Hot Springs, McGuffih Carpen ter, a\ son of Captain John Carpenter, oC Bu'ena ; yista, was shot by another young man.;. ;■ The wound is not considered dan gerous I Miss Josephine McLeod, who is: visiting Miss Lily Vale Cover, will return to Lynchbui-g- this week.^ . ' , .'-•Mr." -and Mrs.' J. W. Huff, of Bluefield, W' Va., are here visiting friends/. Mr. ' Alien K. Bowie,. of I^imbnd, is to go-into business here. • ' ■ '..-•About seventy-five ladies and. gentle men enjoyed a dance and . Slipper given Thursday" night ■-; at .the Intermont Hotel by "The" Melancholy: Bachelors." / ■ On Tuesday nightr the 'fiospitabie/ home of Mr and Mrs. / H. W. - Massie, nine miles from Covington, was thrown .open to a large-number of their young frienas.. and" the following night the\,same 'com pany were invited to , tho home of Mr. and Mrs Walter Tuke, which; is -near-by.- At e:icli place an elegant. supper was: served, and: dancing was enjoyed. _ . .'• " -. ■- -— **»• — ; --■■' •'■ ■ ■ "* •-; .■■-.- Front Royal 'Sotos. ■■'- / FRONT ROYAL, VA., January l.—(Spe-_ e r a i # )_ii r . Charles . Estep, a popular young: business-man of this "town,: and Miss Katie Fritts, ' an "attractive young lady of Riverton, this county, were mar riPd Saturday.-at ths residency of the lat ter.' Rev. R. •Ey;i*...-'Ayldr performed _ ; the ceremony. The couple took the evening train for . and ' Washington, where thfij-, will spend a week. . ; Mr. William A. Walker and Miss Mary, E. ■ Rittcr, both of this county^were mar ried ; Saturday evening at the residence of the bride/ ■v-Rev;.- T. ; J. Miller officiated.; .. : Mr. Charles Morrison, an enterprising young man' of Rappahannock. county, and Miss " Savannah" Rosenberry, of this coun ty, were married Friday evening- last by Rev. : J. W. Reeves,:;at the residence of the bride.'-. "'- . .- -_* '.. , . ~ : - ..The Front- Royal: Cotillon Club gave a german in "German. Hall." to-night: "; Ice is being- gathered off of both- forks of the .Shenandoah 'V-.river,' the thickness of which is about five, inches. ■ The r wea ther is extremely cold here. . • _, ;kiiled«y explosion. / A Fiomiiient Coal /Operator •ol West "> 7 : //'■■ // ' ; ■ '-■. CFAELESTON; KAXAWHA". COUNTY,' W.VA., January l^CSpecialO-O.iC. Ku / bach, superintendent ' and- part owner- of -the 'Beury-'Coal and Coke Company, .at : Ston^ Cliff, and secretary" 'and : treasurer. ■ of the Kew-River; Consolidated i Coal; and • : Coke Company. wasJkilled "yesterday -,by. •the exnlo=ion- of a' boiler.:in: the company- s ipump-houseil.His.ibody^wasi: thrown. 3o ; fact; into the river. -The /.v/ill; be "brought : here : :to-mo.rrow:for- J ;interment.: 'a laborer.: was vsbriouslj-; ; hurt ;by; theiex"-! * pioslonri The • cause .-. oti the .:■ explosion ■ ; was ■lackiof- water- in:the;boiler. :^J^::,:v :-:v.V;;. > F iM ; Keatley, 7 - Assistant • Attorney t Gene'rai.;> to T <l«y- .; resigned.' lie will -engage 'in other buHinos.-i. v STAUXTON. ■ VA., January I.—(Spe years; 5 tiled v Frid ayj; nigh t ! at jheri; home^ln,! irthis^city^ofstheftinfirraitiesffofv'oldiage^ »Mrs."3 FuUeri'wiasj believed ?;to-f be jthe oldest; r^ of' the. city. : -" You have failed t<> add to Richmond's prosperity'if yon have no poMcios \with ;your j city '-company— Thu V'irj»tn>;(- Htute .'lusuruiice Corn pa ny. ', ■ " ""'7.; '^':\'- - '■*' - ■-■'." JAMES M COYO ( -P«8^kt. . MXNXB. QUARLES, V.cfPßl^. . JOHN iWaTOMj SiOT & T«w*» - "-_'_;• . « its *-% ■ ' ' • . „..«. . s _ stl^^^r^mwo,Va. Aggregate Assriu cf Conspaalss Kaprssanted, over Vslao of Bohd3 DspoiJle^to Vh^inUitmfir)^! e«5o,ooo,ooo. ' - — -^ - «noo,(too. ; SPECIAL ATTECTION Grjf£?J TaiNSURANCEbI* WELItHGSIUm HOUSEHOMJ J'URIIfHIJHE^.'.V' ; LOWEST RATES: : ' CAREFULLY; DRAWN COMTRACTS^ ■_ " ABSOWHE SSCWItnC^ r i -"■ ■ -" "" - 7- ( S at;Tu&Th) " - " . - i ;:.-•• ••■ — I^ve-Stoclt Mnrkcts.' _,_--■" ; ; : ; BALTIMOREi : A December. ;;^K— Calves-^ ■"We rQuote-asifollows:- Strictly, cholcelveal;-; per pound,-..7i4'5i7 1 /^c-J goodiVeal;;per.pounfl;i 61/i@7^zC.'rlroughitb6 l /i@7^zC.'rlroughitb; i good;:!per s hea(U ( ,ss>'S'Jto..; vLambsi arid : rWe: quo te:iy Spring; lambs;. good; to choice" u^'T? G^c^per; pound; ." poor;-:smaH;:stock.^4%tffoe."per;y pounds sheep,*s'per- pounds -choice^ ;3^xMc.;-. "goodr: per. head,: SS-GO^Sl; Inferior. :per-^head. $1.50 li,> 2: old ; bucks., per head. • $2.50^53.50.-: - V CHICAGO;. December ; 3o.— Cattle, closed; firra; /with -decline; of the^week; generally/ ■regained;c v .Texas ; beeves in -goodvdemand,:. 'choictv:-$3.33-fIJG.SO: -poor,: to ! me-; dium.;*{ss.£s; mixed>*stockers.:SS?/».So: selected feeders.-: 54.2j?15J.85; good to choice, cows; ;53.40'rt? 1.»30; : heifer?. r; s3ssl.So;3 can-j ners' , - S2'?/?3.10 ; ? bulls," 52.50-S5-1.5O; ;.- calves?,; 54g?.57.35; ; .fed. Texas .beeves. : •, : :$4.25<g?i1.33:.; Hogs— About '5c. 1 lowct: 'fair ..-clearance ; : mixed dr.d $ I.lC@s 5- 10: '- good ,. to * choice heavy. . 34.202?5 J.42".-. rough.- heavy,' ■$;Uight;?^.ow@W.3s;''--bulk-- of j sales." '?4.20<fr54.30.-"..r Sheep -and ; ; iambs .: about, steady;, good- clearance; .native ..wethers,, ?4.15'5'54.G5,; :■ : ■ lambs, : 34@*5.75; -: -western wethers. ?4JO^-$-l.fiOr -western ■. lambs, l.y.^np ?'3.75. V Receipts— Cattle. CoQ-'headr hogs, 2U.C05 head; isheep, Sl,ooo: head.;, . , : ' PHILAD'ELPHIA-v December :;i.^-Re-.: "ceipts'-Tor--the week: --Beeves; l.Sut.-nead; sheep,-- 5,24D ;■•_ hogs, ■%'iSi: Beef cattle in litjht -supp'.v;; market active: and • prices advanced -fully: 14c:- on: all; srades;i extra; 6i^G%c; good.^'- 4 ??6c.; medium, o^laa^c-i common, , Sheep fairly active^and. good : grades advanced. whilo. t he ;others : were steadily held;: extra. l?4(T'sc; Rood 4U<smi.'.c: -medium. • Sv4s?sc; -common. : ~u\ : 3'/-c ; "lambs. iVz&te.; Hogs in good de mand' at 'advanced . prices; best .western,. 6r l i'i76 3 &c - others, GliGVlc',; with prospects of Another advanc~ ■ Fat cows rin fetter demand at • 3JJ4'.4c. Thin cows^ higher^^^at «10®-<(j(> Veal calves firm at iiA'gSc. i Milcb; cows sold well at 535Cy.?50.- Dressed beeves, 6^ft9Uc ■■ ■■■ -•"": ".':' -I' ■'■■■': , " : EAST BUFFALO, X. V., Deceaiber.3o.- The receipts of cattle 6 cars.. ; Market steady to strong; good butchers. .steers. *1.85«5J.25:' ; veals, |s@sß. Pfogs-- Receipts 34 car« aia?ket 'opened slow; but later active, at '. about = steady '. : l^er_ prices ': Yorkers. >\ good- weights, &55@ff£<» '*}*"{ -Jo., ?4.50'&?4.35; pigs, ,^.45@54.50r .mtxwl nackers;"?^?4.6s; mediums, $4.50; nea^^ ?4.555§4.fi0; roughs,' 33.SO@Jl.Os; stags. f>-^ ■?3.73;: Sheep- and ■- ; lambs-Receipts. J» cars. Barely steady lambs; -sheep active r and stronger; best • l^ a^^^f.) J5.55 : few. 55.90: culls to good o f^^ 1 - »* cheep, ?2.?0 / SS4-23; - wethers, .s4.2o@J>4.w- ■;.;. -NEW YORK; December 30.— Beeves- Receipts, 1.119 vhoad;- no trading; .feeling steady.: Cables - steady; cattl^ and 6,030 quarters of beef. Calves— Receipt St'head.- Marker steady; good veals, -: IS.SOSSS.TS: barn-yard. •caWe», =*»...•., Sheep- and ,. Lambs-Receipts, 4 3 i» 1( head. Sheep dull lambs 10c. ; lower; sheep,-S3''as4.2G; lambs, Ss.ooifiS6.lo. Canada ramb^V^r culls, $^54.50.-Hog^R.|ceiptS7 2-IS2 heatl-.rnarkec firm at S4.£oia ■>>■'•>• ~ . ' v i c:t T,TBERTY 'PA.. December - m-—-, Etui Hteadv; extra.^@s6.3s: good. 55.20@, SSW; common, i^gs^steady;' prime o o:l^.a^_hoK^ yoWeSi % L^£-»° roughs, 33-51-1.50 Sheep mon, $1:a»a52.50; r lambs ■ J^ lQ &g?* common to rgood^i; s4@J3.6s; -veal calves, -December 30.-Hogs : ac-. tive^nd^rmit^.TOf^US.. Cattle^steady at S2 SOfrfS.Oo. .:■. Sheep dull at $i.^y-$-i~ Lambs dull at ■■ <; .,.,..-,. ■A2IOSE3IESTS. fiiclimond's Popular Plass ollmnsement to-night i |nj[. -mjip: at" Bits; fII JU tJ To-Day Zs3Q. A Grand array of '-' - • \ ■MIRTH, MAGIC, and MUSIC, See the Great Disappearing Golclin. : . V. Tja2-iti THEYALEHTIpMUSEIM^ ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREBT3. Open daily from 10 A. M. to o P. M.^.. "Admission. 25 cents. Free oa &aturdaj ?: , • mh 14-ly. '/ : .'; .. ■ ; ■ ' '■ : - '.:■ Tha : -. : i.o.p'jifed©r : ate>HiiSßiimr | TW£LFfH AND CUXY STREETS, . Open daily from 9 A- M. to » P. 1,1.:-. Admission,- 25 cents. Free on baturuays. _de 18-ly -.- - ■ - "■ BIEETIXGS. __ JU _^ M^. '^~STATED~ r COM^IUNICATION OF RICHMOND;: LODGE, No. 10. XX A. F. AND A. M., will be held In -■** % Mnt<M:ic Temple ,on TUKS.DAT : EVENING at 7 o'clock, January 2. 1W"/. Members- 1 : of sister lodges and :.visiting brethren arc- cordially invited to bo pres ent." . \ By- order of the Worshipful Master. ■" . R. D. SXEAD,^.Secrc'uirJ^ l . Richmond, Va;, December 20, liSfl'J. THE ANNUAL -'MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of th© VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY will be held at its oinee, in the city -o'f Richmond, Va.. at :12 o'clock iM. on- TUESDAY. January, 16, 1900.:: ■ ' john morton; - de : 3l-td •-"• - ■••:■'■-:. Secretary. -"- ■ •'- Tlie State Bank of. Virginia, - Richmond, Va., T December 2S, i -aSS. I >. : ■ THE ANNUAL,' MEETING. OF. THE) STOCKHOLDERS^ OF THIS -BANK will be held in -their, banking house on -WED NESDAY, January 10. 19C0. at' 12 o'clock M.. WILLIAM M. HILL. de 2J-td------ "■" Cashier. ': ; -The: Savings Eank .of Richmond, • * Richmond; Va;; December 27,>159D';. ! : THE ANNUAL -MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THIS BANK v.-ill be held at the banking-house- . THURS DAY, January 11, ISW, at 4 o'clock P. 11. .- james ii. ball:-: : : , 'de23-td ' .'."."-■ '..:.'-'■' -.. •; Cashier.'" ! THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OR- THE RICHMOND TRUST AND - SAFE : ; HE- , POSIT COMPANY will bo held at the company's? -offices. No. 1)23 east Main i street, Richmond, .Va... on WEDNESDAY, ! " January. "JO, 1200; at IS M: • ■ j - ■- -■■: ■■■■- - h. l. cabell: I de 27-t Ja 10 in ; ; .. Secretary. .. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF. THE STOCKHOLDERS lOF THE GERMAN AMERICAN -BANKING .AND BUILD- | ING COMPANY wiU be held at thecom- 1 r pany's office on WED>rESD AY. January i 10'IOW, at .1 o'clock P., M.:;■ - ■;■ . " : . CHARLES XL -WILLIS. - .de 27-t- Ja 10 in -Secretary- and Treasure. ': ■;:•: .' - ; " First' National -Bank, s ■■-. Richmond. =Va.. December 23, UD'J. --. ■ THE ANNUAL iIEETING -OF THO STOCICEIOLDERS -.; O F. .THIS BANK : - jjril 1 ba -'■ Itcld :at - its ■ banking-hemse; No. 1 110-1 'east Slain street.'this cfty,:on TUESDAY, "January 9 th. j beginning .at 12 :: o'clock -M;: for the election of directors and such other business;as;maybe-presented; ;•■-.-' : . : . H.C. BURNETT; - de 23-tJa9inc-:: :-'. : : i Castiier. "■ : . :" ■■.. "'■. ".Union BankoC-Richrnontl; 1 Richmond, Va., December 21. 1553. THE -.REGUI^AR '"ANNUAL" irEETING OF f TfLE STOCKHOLDERS' /OF -TtUS BANK will be held: ln the First^National Bankbuilding e.t 12 o'clock SI. on THUKS DAY,^ January. 11, I£oo. -.?.-.;■■-.<■::■:-■:■ .-.-,-.. -/-■■ :■•■<-.:■'-■:..:-,-:■■-. ■■■■■ -J.B. :BEASLEY,: ; ; ; ; :': -de : -22-td : - : : : ■' ■ - -. :: '''.: Cashier.; / ■ ; 3IEETIXG. ;. THE AKXUALT : iIEETIXG - OF,- THE* CORPORATION 5 OP ; VTHE SISTERS 1 05*. 'rHEVBLESSED^SACRAiIENTsFOK^N^ COLORED iPEOPLEI IX sbe | held a £ Sti" Elizabeth's "Convent, "MaucUivßucknScountjViPennsyl 'vania.' on AYE DNESDAY.-v : January .! 3. ISW. at 2 o'clock.l P.'?M.Tl'" ! S'r'.l>v. ;'-■= - : :'."~ '..--'. f/./' . . .-•' -ANNIE E. irCAXN.'. ' ; tie ?19-t JaSih ■ r.S:>V^-"- ; ?O'0;' : :;^ Secretary. £;■■'•- .- Planters'^National :Bank.' - 'Richmond,- Va..:i>eceraberiß. ISK>. "-■: THE 'REGUfJ.ARiANNUAL^MKETING ?OV.i! THBS STOC KHOtiDEHS -; OPiiTHIS 'BANK"wlllibe'Sheld|atsl2:7M.¥;O'clocJc : 2on; -TUESDAT.'f January .£ &. IJWHV : s.ti the i bank •buiuiW. RICHARD 11. SIUTB3® ft*, de 10-Stin.Tu&ThtJa & • Cushlnr.^ ' THB^JREGUIiA.R&ANNUATJrriIEBTTXG OFSrHBSaSTOCKHOIiDERS^OFSTHr: DISPATCH ajCOMPAXY .iwill 5 be iheld^wt their JofflcftVbaiTUESD AT. % the 9th day iof r^^S^^^Rf§prS^ fhe Slate-Bank of Virginia, . RICHMOND, VA. . V; Capita! iv-.- vVv^SSOOIOODI Surplus. $240,000 .- ; :• •■■■ .:■-.. --- • ■■. - .■■ ■. /■■ ■■■. ... . ..■ - ■.• - ■. ..•■■■.-.■■:.' JGHN S. ELLETT, WILLIAM M. HILL, -• ■ President. Cashier. Directors : ' Alexander : Cameron;'' Joha- SfEUet^v^.C. .Wmianis, Jr.^Grarivilla : G Valentine, James D. Crumpv Vijoh'd 'Btfij fWilliani^ ;J^M^;Fbar(3Uiean, A.-RT:Elle^;: s6n,^J.;lj;"Antriin. : : ; ;; 71. : .~;-, ''p-.'^ ja c g^v RICHMOND TJTLEai GUARANTEE WAN, 819 -E. Ma in Street FURNISH -ABSTRACTS 'Of CITY AND HENRICO COUNTY PHOPIRI^ ON THE SHORTEST NOT»CL^MDrtWITIiI THE GREATEST ACCURACY; -V^CJERfjfi^ CATES OF TfiLES FOR BANK SPECIALTY. >KSM :;■■.-■■•■ ■- -. , . - - - - - ' ; •■;.>-•;'.-. Having purchased they valuable records^ maps; ami books of , the Title and 'Insorg" ance (Cqmpaay; and ' these, united \witlt j our own records, -we are thoroughly ec[uip^^ ped for title and guarantee business.; ' WILLIAM ELLVSON,; 819 East Main Street. "• Old ' Phone 165. no-i"! ; Virginia 3's, 1 '. yirginia-Carolina Chemical \ Company, Preferred; 8 "PerS Cent., And:otlier Attractive Ja¥e|t£; ment Securities. JolinLWilDams&Soji^ /Bankers and Brokers, ', . Richmond, Vsu\f -- '.-■.-, '■"-- . .ffe'ag-Tu.Thi;ii«a}'- " ;: : . ,.'' "/\-:' : .^k MONEY TOtENg IN SUMS. TO SUIT On Smproyeil City Real Estate. 7 1 EASY TERMS. DEF3PJITE -CONTRACr. 4 per cent, interest allowed on r deposits of SI and upwards. UNITES BANKING ARB.' •- TRUST COMPAQ 821 E. Main street, Richmond, Va. : ■ '--.--• - : [oo S-Saa.TuATal SCOTT & STRINGFELLOW, I -Bankers and Brokers,- ; j Members" New York Stock Exchangers ; ; ;I!O2;EAST IMA3N STREET, " . , . : .. -buy and ssli . -.-.", Atlantic-Goast Line Secnrities^ Georgia, Southern aMFlpndaS : Securities; Southern ßailway Norfolk; and Western -Securfi tiss. :: ' ' : - ''."»- Particulars on application. :-: - '.. -;: fob X9-lli,daATu] v-.^~ THE --^TTENIkIQJp : INVESTORS ==================== . . j : IS CALLED TO THE STOCKS AND BONDsI OP THE ''I Prudential Banking and| Trust Company, . -i 1103 B. fV3c!in SL |I| , : • (cc ao-Si£n, Tq &F) ~ ,] I LANCASTER & LUGKgI ! Bankers mi Br®ksrs f ■ \llO7 MAIN STRBBiS RICHMOND, VA. itij . ''(at>'l7-So;'TbfcTb) I_£|* - -, - ".' LIFE : IXSURASCe'. POLICIES, j^j • I WILL PURCHASE FOR iA^CLIEN'II'f OXE Olt . MO RE POLICIES.- for • ■•: cashes I : \V. P.-. DE ■ SAUSS'L'RE." Koora :?2./rMer£:j I chants' National Banlc; Bull Jing,rßich»j ; mend. ;,Va. • ... .,. ;. ;/ no .7-Tu.Th^:Sun3ra ■-'.-. .-\-~ :■--- ; . v//.-:~~; -/.v/: .•;;■::■'•:; V-:-.;>»»^ ! Gan«llle:Flnnimarlon.on tlie 'Endtf^S' -the Ceiitwry. * i- ■ (■/^.//■. : .; \(^ewfyork ; :lroru^l.);:,:•;-:;.SE|^ -';. IThe, capacity; g£ \xhs> eminent .Frenchjasf^; *ttbnoinfir,V;il»'^.CamilFe'v>i*lainxn'ar!ba,'-}-foyi lucid- expedition aa-J tor roakin^ .iibstraso: ! .subject^ -;tn tractive, : is ■• splendidly, jexem^] 'pUti'i(l : in : the -article vwri tten .j for 1 to-ilayrsj llerakl ; ;tnd' ier warded .by ;,ipcc!ai;;jcablaj liora Paris. » ■■ ' .,-* v-tFrdixfjtliav -tFrdixfjtlia "prqclamatloK ;'cf the fKiu's<Jc*3| Tor -thoikntinir /oCiibohtlra^ and Y the .-' IlfinU o *.-: ca nnon : ;< r.t- ; : 12 : .i 'o'cJccJfii ilast night -If would appear thatxGernianiri |.betioves:it : islwelcora{ng;thc;adv«rjt,ot",'!h»| I twentieth C2^tury. ;; bu:y j app»al3?W;:tht;;-:vt:r;tJ«^ arithtnetic uoTshowntWaf :: vv& ; faau3tgjWait| .'t:nUl v the."em!;-of ;the present year ifor^bafcj Jntercsttng t'vent. - ...-->' i A ' ■doxeh;; he argues. If corapo.<«eagOC | twoive: unities". uu;!:tJ:a nurebsr •p'i^|P»tt| (■■'c; jhf-'dezci-. A~huo«lred iy corhpes«<l^6 | a" hunti'rti'U ,. is nltics.^Kml 'j the ■ m:reb«r'*lg>gls| i pax ; t"o*'thctlhuc<ir'.;d. "There "iw'as: m* ycitri !o iri^h-elciiclsjtJahjera. /The ; Br»t yca>^«-i>| :th&^:yija>f:l;'fvr«nd;:t ; he^hun^ts^b3yie|H^9& Ithtiitirst ■-ceiituty7;.waa^thu';yearnCo/|afet| -the livAi year of the n!net«ent?i t^atur^iß J> the- year IKO. lg J^Sjjl MllFlsVniriar! r'- -k -. h -t f:r;>.^r -••;.>.-■ '"01-;he-c"ontury. ; .; contro v«jr^«as \an-J " '-bepsß iterePtfßg.-historicat'ranrt/chrono^leagfeß iforniatian v.-ith which h.^rc- lUouidsß iTOnthbuie-to':rmake}{rTtb*imo*tj^cJ«rwagiiß . : ing- : :aoa^in^trwctlvfv;. < o3tribu-dor/ ; k".»'Ui« a*jßa *jB