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HDA3 I HOLtCS;CEI-Kn« iTKD IT WITH lM'»H>>flGHTi MASSKS : - «>' '■ SUXDAVItI |l>r?|i;Vi>gid|fc?f Smith? Del tver«, a 'Flno' |i#A<B>ilireSß" on t li c'i Wondcrtnl ; X-l fcTand ;"*vi"--; --V ;^' v >-~ V-'o"-.'' :-'■ -:'^."» . :..^. . ',:«.:.■-•'■..■.-'-;:;■■.■:->'- -:'. ; : ii^iWoirJc'fvoCt tlie'ifCclc'b'rhtca-i Evn»grc / liist~O»'ftcr.Chnrcb Xcwh. ; • ; , ' ■;. . MidnJglu masses ; wore celebrated in; the PCatholSc churches-, of : Michmond Sunday. 1 rtiight' In accordance uith; the oGsire oi Pope Iweo/XUL 'that the 'oirih of the Holy year :?liouldVc marked )ior. *-;*. At St; Peter's ■ CalhodraV hiqhr mass was f sung, n.ndi was foiJowed by benediction,; H the blessed sacrament 1 - being;ycsposc<i..'on v Tbs v altar during. il:c; f tryjecs; '.-' Hey. J^aihei^^vßowler, onjcialod.: assistrdX^t- | benediction by Rev. Father ■Waters ■fistsbop Vanfle Vyvcr^ -occupied his throne, yla}-> tha " Jranctuary. The ■church , was crowded Jn every part, and hundreds, of :': ' tlJC: faithful went to comainr.ion. It; ;.vas s injftossiblo to lind a seat :n the church L oTter 31:'A\ and a particularly noticeable ;| l^ature el tlj©; congresstJon— which "con-" ■| taiiiedf. many ProteslantE— was the : O'jvo- and'closeattcntion nianifcsteu. • The icnoSr," which- was augmented for : the ■ oc 'vjcssioiv gave evidence of the:-; most'; care-1 ; jul? iTaining, . aud: sang: with taste -and jr^xicatf <33scrlminati on. Si usicians trb o ■ at ; Tended the service Gxpccting a rare mu'=Js .c c'al .;• trta t, 7 were i n o r r . tiisappoiii tedi and; /Athereiis reason; ;for the statement that \ '■no' better interpretation of any,; mass -has given ; In the Cadicdral -.than was "jg-!v«n- of- the majestic, grand, and* bcauti ■; ful' ;s«lectJons from Gounod and ' Kalla .^xvoda'on- Sunday night. \ ' : The soprano solos -were sung by Sirs. : C;v :O'B. Cowardin ' 'and JMrsl- ■.;. JGertha -: Voe]kciv:Richarflson; MrJ "WaUer "VVat •7fion;fsunar?the)'tenor solo in the Sarictus i.wltii] precis; on and: taste,', arid Mr. Uollo . ran,ithe-bass ( soloist, \vas . heard . to great ??aclvantage; ; -r.Thii;: accompaniment was ;ad by the organist, Sir. H. a : large orchtslra. Colonel : C.';O'lJ. Oowardin directed. ( At St. Marj^s CatlioDc .church solemn ■^tiigh : xa&ES was sung, T.'ill: Bishop Xeo .jHaid,?cf North,. Carolin'4, as celebrant; ■ : Kcv. Father •Willibald. 0.^.8., deacon. ■:andc Rev. Father; .Tohn, O." S. 33... sub ;, d eacon.* ' The '. congregation " wa s a very :,Jargo one, and the .music unusually fine.. f^.tThe mass held ;. at Sacred • Heart s cljurch was" celebrated .by Rev. 'Father |p3eilly.V: "There were fully: 850 commu s«scant£,- and most ■ ally tha members of tlic church:, were . present, besides *nume ,'*r'ouß-r members of other: churches. The r jn"usiC;'was directed by Mr. Moses Stein, ; ilnd 'was: 'very beautiful. ; ; ?isHisrh naass -was celebrated at St. Patrick's ■ r church -by Rev. Father Mclveefroy, -and "there was a .very large congregation:; TJie music was the same as sung, on Christ- r "mas-Day, and was weil rendered. ' Methodist See Old Tear put. ■ Watch-night services were held in all the ; Methodist churches on Sunday rJsht; ths congregations ; were ; very", large. ; 'Rev; I>r^ Steele oSiciated. at Centenary, £■ and "'at* midnight the f chimes ran^ out :: their greeting, to' the Kew-Ytar. - - . At : Laurel-Street Methodist church Rev. 11. Finley Gayle conducted iv waten-'nighf; ■ service, aiid at i Union-Station Rev; C.D., %Cra'iß'lej'% Cra'iß'lej' conducted \ watch-night \ service." iii Both i churches held large ?XrVßev. ..George Cooper • conducted at; the ; ;i First' Baptist church a -Xew-Tear prayer 1 1 *ervice at . half-past; 7 yesterday, morning. ; Dr. S. A. Steele will discuss the life ai. a h svct!k j of- Moody at. ihe Cen tcnarj- church !> nest Sunday" night. : ' " : / : iilii'PAJitoral Relations Dissolved. 12:jst Hanover- Presbytery met ye's-ler : day "at- Grace-Street church . and formally I! severed . Rev. C. M.-. Chumbley's- pasioral ar^ations .with' Westminsier/ Presbyterian schufdi,- and the. young minister .will enter: r-<o_m-; his' •; pastorate";-.- at--'; , Samuel; '..Da vies, of -"Hanover," next, Sunday." f";. . * ::3lr. Chumblejv at a meeting of, his con-: ■jijrre.jjatJori; on ; Sunday ; afternoon, commu - ulcated a request that the church .unite j.'-.Tith-: him; in a- request; to presbytery to:, him. The congregation agreed to \l- unit c : with their " past or; and . Messrs. JEv *I3:',Mobre, J^D. Leckie, : aiidJ. H: Clayton Ifivere /apjiointed • a committee to represent :£'the!church\befor.e presbytery- The church I sdoptedi resolutions; reciting the faithful jSand-:-acceptable - services ■ of: the . pastor,. ■^ and .-assuring him of ; : the- continued ;'■ prayers and .interest of >tlie -congregations ft:AYcominittee- was, appointed to consider. * the calling of a new. pastor,- consisting cf Js?Mcssrs. ; A. R. : Hci.loi-by. r Jr/,.E. : :D: ; Moore. : -. - J.H. -Clayton, J. I). L,eclde,; and Thomos $ Fra^icfc r;;Tlie. meeting of presbytery v was nc>t a '% Jons" one. Rev., C: E. Stebbins^" of Cues-, 'vter, was xnodera tor, and ; a!l Jlie ministers '- of presbyterj" present; The request -'of' Mr. Chumbley read and granted. \" " A .petition- was read from residents - 'ot '"Barton Heights, .asliin? : that .a church of pftliel Presbyterian} denomination f be 'cslab-; ?|lished in that town. There were t •sventy &f.<»he" signatures to : the' petition. The pips--' 'wb'ytery appointed a commission, to inves- SliSate;witb-a view to meeting the wishes ■jF'vf '; the' -petitioners. ,"'-' On the commission |-\verQiappointed Rev. .Dr.iKerr, llev. :Dr. %% r 3ere r Witherspbon, '.•Rev. C. M. Chumbiey, " Rev. D. 1C Wallhall, and Messrs. John oSs:Munce, George R. Cannon, and F: P. f.- : :31asgov?; •■■ ; . - h',.-//':' y -' : ': '■". V. ' ',- '-','_ £? "The •.resignation, of Rev. Mr. Chumb.ey ■^'malres vacant three Presbyterian, puipiis ''•'■'Jhl ßichmond. . The other: two are the- Sc- Kcorid; and- Third churches. : No successor li Jia's been chosen as. yet, to Rev. Dr. Guth-: , rie^-ind none has been' called lo' succeed: '■ ''i Dr. ' Hyd- It is: said, however, that the 'name of Rev. G. "W. Bull, of Atlanta, is Hb'einß: considered by the committee of the t'Thlrd church.; : -; * . The ."week of prayer v.ill begin .at the . Presbyterian church next' Monday iinrht.' . " - .;- : . -..''. I>r. SxnltJj «ti Muoily. : The conqrepatioji.:at tlu- Second. Bapust '; church'' Sunday ■ night: listened to 1 Jr. ■fSmith's ; discuKK:oh..of the life and work IpfiEvanseiistl .Moofly with rapt attention. < . T>f. Smith read a portion of -Scripture, the life ot. JohnMhe Bap- life Jn ianifi "respects ,v.-as Siiot-'unlike that of John. :• Dr.-Kmith was >-rp£riiciilarly--gractrful:v in" " his:; sketch', of life-; He told: his: audience .all ilhe7.main facts of the, Kroat^evangelist^ S'life:aTidr: work, "and ■ it.' was barely .possi:: Itilevfof' cne : to' see; that lie was dealing :': 'v After mpidly> sketching Iwhat^Moody had accomplished in his mar vellous? HfeVof : activi'ty.vhe aslted;for/ihe Ifexplanation. :-There- -was an : explanation; Ihereaid: One secret; of Moody;k power HSvasS'his';, great; and;: indomitable ""5-' n 'w % s>';. : i:Bj'ated;i 1 hat ■ ;- lie) preached qan ~'< ol' : Ibne'Eerroonfa'dayfpr'lforty years;- Besides |i>e4rig(;tt /great:^prvatlver^^liejAyas a. .great' SvrrKerfand: author. "Ho 1 wrote.' a yreut finany hooks ;'; wh i clt; h ave been •traus J a ted |jhtott)ier'toliffues¥of>iiearly^all;tise^v:i. Ilizedi nations. ; -M oody was : a r greatvpub-' lifcher. - He .-a-.v- that publishing^ i houses \ ,.iwt!-c -■: j.ulti'.iji/.:. . poisonous;: ■ Jitf ; ?erature "in itht . v-n.'.v -n.'.- .'of - r the people; at iviryr cheap • m;-.- • :>•-.- fourid(«i: a'.Kroat 'pubHhhJnfT-h'-c- . Ch'caso. and fro:n the pr.-hbc- <>' «' jilani the b^t read : slih^tofvihV:^-^-' Js;iH.; gone into ,/overy '.prihftn in Hi- i > :•« iiiid. Hu ;vas also < a Kreat huiMfi :", \& organizer.-; u llv relabo^ |TatedSt.hejie: ; i'ol»l"i> ..-■;. weli;^i4.lling"*of&ihV •bunirlwieeibyyMoody i ynKChS£ lcasoif«nd ; ithe North |jJieSd.i^Mfvss'Hjnnil ■; t Ma ;i splen d id ;: - schools |a^lconf^reno<MKii% > ( ; />i;Dr^ r^ithl\^s«: JljiK itVet^and-tiic k^nops he tactfully^dreyy $Ircjn*yi<.vdy r-xnivn ful} iv Co sooil. P|Same one hii sis •-! "M > »<3y would doJlier^ |jiaps :in-«iuoh" in !;!.'■ de'pth;.'iJ« ha£d_pl|,l_n;>: uvnih\'vy J«.W \UJr vrv-i! _y<?M«-rd;iy T m'ji-iilriK ~-'at tjic- it was report-day, and Jio m^^^^^^K 1^ , "■> , „ * ;thlhe|h^phd;- routine buslncli|was|tJgiis-v uelcd." iho body adjourned ' il^resUrijg^Jiscussioh: look -placed in b\vh!clu ® number J^£|m{nlEters|partWpi^y|The} question was jaKid. "\Vhen does the l.twcntlclh^contury bi^in?" Dr. \Ha\v-£; |;liioTOe'otoqki\lhe'wpositio»;i?and^ :lt|^r!th } the, oloq[»>encel and 'logic? f or j^hiclv] lie l Jei^-idel y ; ; known, ■; t ha t fc ) t had|alread^ Lbcj^iih,rSO|.sierJ minister!?!; replied ijitpVhimU i bui^faiiodno : coiwlncei'hirn^tl]St:HlWO^be^ i-longed-' to Mhi: prime century, as ]b?9. -■ : ;: Vlrlcf jClmrcli Xotot. ii The nnnunl ■ meotlnjj'of : tlu: officers. ana: i"tcaehcjs';'aiHJradult 3 iHcholars; ; of jUieVSunr: dajv: tchocl!ofv the ".Second"; Baptist;: churehij. ;was^ h"«»ld: Sunday nfternoon;; -The; eloeii'in; rof^oHlcorsifor -the ensuing,; year :iand!thC; ; ! Ireadlng; of Uliei reports >took' Up/the a"ftef^| !|«^'nlV';- : -Thcv-rei3brtsvwere',:niost : .'. satisfacfi I torjv. and' "showed ithe -school to. beiinfaj: |;«iburJshin"gS: conditlon; : v,Hon; - J.; "Taylor; JiUyson superintendent;; ItThcjother^ofScers, elected . ; Vwerc:H ; \V^ ; A-" I'W'iiitehiifst,; first ! assistant superinteMdeni;- second Vassistant^ ;'6uper|nten(lent; : X. : J*. ; Phippen, secretary,; Augustus : A;: nopth,UtrcasiM;er;>Th(3maSj Starke; irofarian; Cecil-Epps,:-1.%y» r .' Kny', I Robert; liouss, and C..S! VPetcrsV. assistant: ! libra rihh.«;W.C. rMcrcer, chorister; E. H. (llbtchkiss, assistant chorister; ■B. ; J.. ; Wiiiihghanv collect or;; Mifses-iFannie. :;Pdwcr;-:ind: ; Mary/ .Slieiion, 6'rganlsls.; . ". •Key. 1). "A, •- Guen-y,' .-;. eliaplairiV of <. .the ; Unlvor.sity of tJje ' South, :at-',:Se\v'anee, conducted the New Year's service at, St.; Paul's EpifcCopKl church on Stindiyi' night at ; U- r o'clock.' The music sung on; the- oc casion : was very.: fine', a; /.poeial.ff-atiue.- I 'being the Hallelujah chorus, which .was ! isung at midnight. .- ■ '-■ • '■■:";, ':/•; j< Mrs-j Cralts, of ■■VTashinston, delivered ian '.interesting talk : io the" boys ■•'of the j j Gospel;" Army- Sunday, afternoon, the sub- j I ject being "'The -Twentieth . . Century j Knight." She- addressed, the, men : at 4 j j o'clock. Her subject was "Christ in Art,", illustrating the talk with beautiful "stere^ opticon views. Mr. C. *."\Y. Hunter; sang two: solos. . : ■ -'■ :,. ■■• ~~~, f" - — .: ;-■ ; ; - . AT XEWPOItT SEWS. A" Visit from air. Huntingdon— nis - •■Secretary-Talks.'. •■':■ ■-■-:-.- NEWPORT NEWS, VA.; January I.— (Special.)— Collis P. , Huntington, owner of the ship-yard, arrived from Xew ' 37ork [yesterday morning at 10:10 o'clock,", ac [ companied by Mrs. Huntington; Mr. H. i 3.' Jiuntington, his . nephew, and Mr. G. '■13.; Miles,; his private ; secretary.; The i party travelled, in " Mr. ; * Huntington's private!; cars, "Oneonta" and VOneonta 11.," wliich .were sent into; the ship-yard immediately on arriving, and are now on the track neax the- general oflices of tlie company. , ■ 'i, I"- 1 . This morning Mr. Calvin B. Orcutt, ' ! president of the Newix>rt News ' ; Ship- Building and Dry-Dock. Company, ar rived here from New York, and spent ! the day at the yard. 'This afternpon : Mr. Huntington; and party went down -to the Hampton. Nor mal Institute, where Mr. Huntingdon de- Ilvered an address to the students,, who are negroes and Indians. Several; days ago; it will bo remembered, Mrs. Hunting ton sent Principal Frizzell, of the : in stitute, her check for $2,000, to be used. in establishing at Newport News a' training' school for- colored girls.. Professor Friz zell had hoped to. have the school started > before the; visit of; the magnate and his i wife. "; ' -V ' "■■,' :: ; -\. -. - - Since the visits here last week by an.| influeniial congressional party from Washington, and Mr. Cornelius .Yander- i bill-, there have been all sorts. of rumors j put in circulation, which even 1 go so : far j as to -intimate that the mammoth ; ship- j yards here may be sold. to the United; 'States by. Mr. . Huntington. This rumor, j which has been started before, was doubt- ' less colored somewhat .. by/ the visit here of the- congressional party, four members. of which- are on the mittees of : the Senate aiid House; Some time ago, when it was reported that -Mr. r Huntington contemplated disposing of his plant to an English firm, he said. that if ;ht: ever saw .fit to sell his yard the United States Government ought to be the purchaser. . . ' : . , On the authority cf Mr. Miles, it; can be stated that there is nothing whatever ia these rumors. •_ This will be welcome news to-.the local public, as-every one realizes that : should Ithe ship-yard pass into ; the hands -of the government only warships would, be built here, and the main sup port of .the city .: would, not be the im portant plant that it is. to-day, owned by. Collis; P. ..Huntington. ' When a representative, of the. Dispatch; called at "the ship-yard this morning, 1 , Mr. -Huntington. was engag-id with busi- ' ness matters and he could not he seen. M^r. Miles, his private secretary, v.-as seen, and from -him an official:, denial;! .of the- rumored-, sale v.'as obtained. ;■ : :7 ," : ,' ;. When shown a dispatch from a New York paper, asking for information .in reference"; to the- rumored sale of . the' plant, . Mr. Miles., said: ; .■'The whole story is ridiculous, Mr. , Huntington is here,: but the important, preliminaries -of a* transfer of that kind are '';■ I presume that congres sional "i^arty from Washington, which has aroused so much curiosity, on account of its visit- to Newport News, ..came down on a_ junketing trip,; or possibly, the con gressmen are making a tour of .ths'ship yards ;bf- the country with a : view: of making, a report of some kind on thoir capacity for, work, and. equipment/for do ing .it, although I have not seeii that any: committees have-been appointed." "Mr. Vanderbilt came down here solely to sec the .ship-yard," said Mr. Miles in answer to an inquiry. .VHe came into the ollice" in New . York several days ago 'and -asked for a letter :of introduction to the ■superintendent, saying he' wanted ;Xo make a tour of Mr. Huntingten's great ship-yard, which- he ' had j heard so much about but had never; seen: That is all there is to that. .He came, he saw, and now he's gone. ;* He and Mr. Huntington" did net have a meeting anywhere' on the road.: There was no reason for such a .thiriL r ." . . '.-.-... ;■' , : ; ' " - . When asked to confirm ths .reported award to the- ship-yard of the' four new Morgan Line steamships, ' Mr. Miles said that : he was not as well Informed about the- matter as some. of the officials of. the company. While there is no doubt that: : the contracts have., been -"awarded, an I ollicial: ; confirmation "' cannot be pbtnine'di' '■lii a letter. .to a marine paper," Mr. ■ Orcutt wrote that /the officials were not talking .'about'- these contracts. .' • The visit; of Mr. Huntington, according to Mr.; Miles, has no significance what-. ever. ;: In • reference :to the" cotton-mill, which: Mr; Huntington recently said would lie built, in all probability, Mr. Miles said:-.; , .: ; -; ■ ■ •■-...;:;'■ / ;;,;•,", ; • .; , | "i cannot; give you anything ; new : at": I ; this time, but there may be -developments tioon.Mr. Huntington has had a number of ■applications' for. land here on w-liich. t6; erect mills of every description, : ; and to' each' he makes the same reply— that he .'cannot give,- the land, but will make 1 a ."very;: reasonable, price. \] Mr.' Huntingtou | tells; aJI of them 7 that if Newport News -is I thu- right place for their mills, .then:-the coat ■' of' the J land -is. but a'trifie; : it' it is l-iibt ■■. the right place, .thc-n'," surely, •'■they*" (do not rWant the .land at any price. .1 h hoard-, Mr. :; Huntington. , tell . one '•'party/ jSy^ioY- appeared ; to be in earnest: about; Lstartingrafcottonrinill: here,- that' lie would i let- him ; have- the land cheapj and ; even LolTfred • to;aid .the | 'project. Yes,' a num-. ■ b'eK'of, silk .mills 'have been proposed, ton.; lli-: would ! like ;fd see" one , come hero. ; Ifis} ' [ : just ? the « place for;- an industry, that will " ; ! give; the; tender, asid 1 nimble bunds of .'the' j jfyounfj ones work.*' , . -;:-V'; -,; ' ;•'.:■.":;.■;;: ; When; Mr.tUtuitingion'vv^s here; at the jildunchlhgTol'' the;.first ; steamship, ICI Sud, ] ;jn?3i>9l;;:he; : inade a', numl/er, of 'predictions!: -Jo r.S Newport. s News,, and Vevery bneli;Of i iilj«cm have been : realized. ;^Whcn; reminded; ; of -th JJi.'i and asked J'or; Mr. ,-Huiitihgton's : 'city's future, ; Mr/ MUes^ fj'epliedr -^:' ,^-l' :'; : 'i [ ]:]:' • "*;;-'" '*■•-::. ;t ''You imay-say. aiiy thing you want i. to ihiHhut^rconneetion.. Mr.v Huntiiiytou^ is fafgreat' .believer in Newport News, d'ml;he'-i :pr<idi(:ts^a|bril!3ani; T fu'iurtr-fb?v tljcXplae&.V-.i i/Many.^ thousand;. dollurs Care brought :t6: by.ilocal; r iijsura>i:Cfll C-wimPjinU-w,- aiuL many- thousands^ are* sisitl 1 away l>y,, cWy.l'Uh to foreign r-oiii- , piSnJeW" 'Mo'rul; Jusuie- \\ith the Viitinia; p^|i^^^Kf^^^^ ;^^^ ' ■ • : the news ix pktrrsdurg; aso THK VICIXITY. ? THE|I)EIIfHiW)IfiWIDDIEKOiNI Of ; a'-.WclI-ICniwwi* .Citizen—- Condttion ■■ of '■- Colon«l Draily— Good '.; Sl£titirigr"A vPrcsenlntion— An S> Execution S To ■;-;Da>'—Pcr.«tonnl vKotca. v PETERSBURG; VA., January I.— (Spe-V cial.)— Mr. 1 W. D. Young, a well-known citizen;' of vDinwiddie, 'died this^morriins: at- his i residence,"' a- few- miles \from : 'the': ■.co'uiity. .'court-house.'-i(He,. was a, widower,; had ; been- married ■ three times, : aiidl'icaves several, children. ' * v' Mrs;, Martha Jane U3easiey t - anTestiica-;: bloUidy. aged JsG ycars,;died yesterday at; ■ her.; h'qme^t on '••■JrcKenzie:;- street,-.. from"_. the-; effects of a recent stroke ;;of -paralysis. :■; ;A telegra m* ;was. received here 1 a si- nig h t announcing ; the death,' at > her ; home/- in J-unenburg county, yesterday,- {of Mrs,.' S. J/; Marshall;; relict; of .;■ A. W. ; Marshall.' She; loaves -thrpe: sons and two; daughters.-. Some of her." •relatives' reside -in this city. :. ; Colonel '■'• Jain'es = D.L Bra d>'." : Collector r 'of , Internal: ■ Revenue *fo"r 5 this; district;^ who; has : been quite sick; for some time, spent: a'bad nigiic last night, and is,not>so well ;to-day;;;;;;:-;...;; to-day; ;;;;; : -;...; ■■;-,"/-;■ "■ [ X "Z -'^. \ ■ Appropriate to; the- birth- of the jubilee, year,, 1000, solemn high' mass; was 'sung' last nigh t'.at.St; ■"'Joseph's Catholic church,; commencing promptly, at. midnight. ; Rev. ; Father O'Farrell: otßciated. alta'r' was beautifullj' decorated,; and the church"-; was crowded, " ; many non-Catholics -being- . present. . Remarks; apprbpriate'to; the .oc-; casion, j'and'. explanatory '-thereof, - were made by. Father O'Farrell. . The; services i hroughoui- were- highly -impressive, and; a: solemn "feature/was the •partdkins-' pE;' ;tlie holy communion; by a large:; number, of persons. were -concluded' v. ; ith the;benediction of the blessed sac rament. ;,,.. .;. : : "-. ' : ;> : -;; ; ■: ■.;- ; ' Early., yesterday morning -a: burglar;ef fected an entrance into; .the residence of Mr.;.W.;. D. Tucker, ; on Halifax ;street. : While making- his .search for .valuables, he awoke Mrs." Tucker, who .was .in 'an adjoining "room, and who called 'out. ".to know ' who was there. Without making; response, the burglar rapidly ran down stairs and made his exit through the. rear door, slamming it after him." He -did not; secure any . property, being, fortunately," ; discovered too soon. : r , . ■■-.Chlef-qf -Police Ragland reports . that ■ 1.953 arrests- were': made by the' :police ; corps; during the.past year, and 177 diiring ; the months of December. . : • ; '. In the office of the Clerk of the Hust-' ings Court during the past -year'3Bi;deeds : were admitted , toY record, 32 ; ■wills' pro bated,' 62 ; ' suit s' in -'chancery; and'- common law were instituted, 235 marriage licenses . issued—lo3 to. white and. 132 to colored couples. ; '; ' :, ' ' Mr. J.McS. Buchanan, the;faithful'su perihtendent of the Old-Street Presbyte rian. Sunday, school, : was yesterday;' pre- • sented by .the school with a handsomo, gold-headed cane, in token of their : love and esteem.' The. presentation': address was made .by .Senator .W. -13. Mcllwainei who has a large Bible class in\the school. ; Although the weatiier has moderated considerably, to-day, there is excellent : skating on the. Ponds and lakes adjacent to the city, and the young people are ■greatly., enjoying- the -.■sport."',. "..The river, is covered with ice 3 inches. thick. . ■:■■; Junius Robinson (colored), the murder er; of Mr. W. M. Jolly, a : merchant of . Dinwiddie, -in November, -will be taken out to the county court-house to-morrow, morningto be:hanged for his crime.. .Ro binson has been faithfully attended by, ihe colored •ministers of :the city, > has" professed conversion; and been baptized, and' declares his;< readiness die; ; s Tlie execution will be a very quiet one. .; .' .; The cash receipts; in the. City; Treasury during; the month of December- amounted to $59,-157-75. The expenditures ,-.. for; the month,. including interest, on" bonds, were- 520,415,33. ■■:■■' ..-■■::..-■- : ■" : : \. V - -•■■ ; The; Chief of Police late Saturday night, took charge [ of a" citizen of Korth Caro lina, who seemed to be ; unable to care for himself, and carried, him to a • hotel. A large sum of money was found on his person, and probably saved :to him. . . ■ The port ..warden reports the value .of the inward freights [received ;bjy; river' at this-port : during the quarter ..ep'ding De- : cember 30th, at ?G7 ,274.40, : and of the;out ward freights, -$143,«55, a total of $211,2G2:40.' The tonnage of the. port -was 43,520 tons," the. number of vessels arriving! being 3Sl,' -The: amount of lines collected in ;.the Mayor's Court in:. December. iWas $173.50.. The. improvements . mi building :in our city -last, year aggregated -about §200,00<}. Independent-: of this,, the,Southside-Rail way ■ and Development Company expend-:; ed about $150,000 in its plant, and the city: expended over 530,000 in the improvement of it's streets. .; -'■■ -, - 'Judge Mullen to-day,; upon application of counsel, decided to grant bail in- the j sum' of 53,000 to Albert? Hunt,- who Is charged with the killing of John K. Par rish,on Christmas nights There are miti gating circumstances, which induced -the Judge to grant bail. Th^ ■ case will come up for trial at the .Januaryterm of "the court. ;. ; ' . : , : '•' ■ .. : . ; ;- ; : PROFESSOR R. U. AVILT^S. He Bied Yesterday ; Mornius? - at Chatham. .. .CHATHAM, ; "VA. , January I.— (Special.) Professor R.H. Willis/- principal "of .the Chatham; Episcopal Institute; died here early/this -morning of pneumonia, having been : sick jui?t one week. - - "Professor Willis, 'was an ; educator.^ of large experience, having .taught in 'some of tlie best' schools of -Hhe country, . and was; a n:ost- estimable; gentleman. His death was a severe: shock to .the commu nity,; a*' great loss, to : the .school, which had made rapid progress under jhis management. However, have been made to' supply -his- place, and the school will reopen on the : 4lh in.stant. ;'lt has not yet been determined whether br. Willis's remains shall be buried here or" taken to his former home,"in Orange counts*. He leaves a. wife,, who has charge of the^ art: department of . the school,; and two small children. - • . "' • - ; ,- •. .-Culpcper . Count j-. . ; : - ' ;, . : CULPEFER, ,VA.;: January ■ 3 ;- (Special.) Crooked " liquor : dea . lers : and illicit;- brandy : distilleries are decidedly. : numerous ,throughout.this section of ■ the State. The . heavyjcrop of apples, thisTt'all; and': their, [correspondingly /low;- prices; seem ?Xo\^have • created. a'boomr'in? moonshine distilleries, ranging- from *the : tea-kettle size to- the I barrelra-daj r .' producers. The: revenue i officers- are awave.of, this, -and a- crowd of: them- have- been;' constantly, operating, in: rCulpeper, -Madison, and RappahannockJ .counties since, the apple crop; has been I made; : ": Their :>labors . ha ye j been- rewarded.-: .They: have"^destroyed'; some; stills, seized numerous - others, : and | confiscated an y im- : meiiße amount ofr- illicit .apple: brandj r ; East ' night the revisnuo ":'otncers;;haqled into this 'place for;- safekeeping f five"; bar rels of unstampedbrandy, "which they' had' ; seized Saturday upon.tlie premises of .Wil liam Tyree,; a- colored; mani; living .near" Brightwood, f -Madison -county. 1 iTyree'says the.brandy was not his property,; and im-i plieates a "prominent citizen of ! the' 1 neigh/ ■borhood. ' -•:; -;-;:;.. ■^.';; i .The: several prizes for~ scholarship* and ■ depor t ment; offered ' by Miv ' J7 Q.~* Holla day,; to:the:pupils»of ithe?Culpepc<dgraded' schools,.' v.-ere;awarded'ithisr,webk:wThese schoolfi have- over; 2oo; scholars.v Professor, [Hendrlcks e isjipriucipal : ■' -: )Miss :. : -Juliette' Johiisbn.\rMiss:rA; T 'F. -WingfleldiVand'-Miss • Mary/.Wager are; teachers. gin J^the.- higher] classes : -Katle>Gully^,was! awarded^Sfgoldj :pen,s: pen,s while ithe ;sameK.styleXo£>.priz3vwent* tot'Ruby: -Inslceep; in- ? . the - intermediate. grade. 1 ,;; :L.ittle: Clara tßaileyvjinUhe" lowed grade, :rec(iivcd;-a'; handsome doll. - :-VrThej numerous jfriends pf;CaptaimDavid : 3^ailey,:<'aupervi?pi%lof? 1 .th61 : Southerns rail-'J Ayay, ; andltownfcouncilmanr*,Pt'es^ntedihiiriil wJthlaifmagnlneeiitsgpld^watehvohaiti^fory aTChristm;ts? r glft."jKor."at'least prfce-ihvhis; Hftfithe.'Benial Captain was: at:los.Sjfoi-: a' reply. ■ ; ~g£te Quick :;dju-tni»;i-.t ■>).' losst-s nuulo ea.«y ibyllisurijl^lwHhTto waiting. A. U -rJLUASANTS,:Ascnt. v _. • ....', : - WITH THE SEASQN BARELY AT ITS ,HE|^lwe.a re for our HEifrl and ' WAISTS, AND IJM^^SPli^S^SMM^H^^W^^lAoJcS' COMPORT- buying «s such a feature nowadays that on y e W nl winle^ | dg . EM _ cjems. Our arrivals for spring are claiming space ami forcing us thus sop BB AU'TiFUt. .IRTISTIC, BROIDERIES are already liSre, fresh from Switzerland— SNU.W wmiv - . | ; UNIQUE PATTERNS— I i Hie price. ■■ First floor, right aisle, third cou^?j^__ :1 —i_V.____ ] (^nr^s;, ;im = n^g^ fwe t ?; 4— i \ - The entire stoclcof Black and Color- I: ;, Some . specials :; at ; : : space-making r. .:;?■— "• i -.g a c^ & ca'rhbrici~Swis»,-:and >*ai n -^ |.V;;Corded-V/arj-p|fnt r-Ta.Tetas new > {\ed Coats, this sea-sen's goods, perCect . in^Gowns: " . : S ook .SEdgJngs^and^^ouncings^m., nlperVanl. ■ f '^ in -pvprv-iiVrticular vat' these prices: :■ .; pn - co ?:*' i ' T^ .' - , • '<.- -i ' """ : " from 1- to 12 .inches. ;.Our A impo-c._ .:-V-,: liace .g t rip«d Jaffctas-iaAl Liberty I X I^SMx^SaWSoim^O^M i belies' {Gowns- .,, with :v-embroidery^: v - embroidery^ 1 !o Vder.rwas; placed; for itheserfgoods^n, { -,Satlns;-p, Satlns; - pr ett^ ,^inty. and;Vew, at 1 I v : ;l : Illlli 1| I : i :M^Bmi^m'W'M SWn^MB: SI mmsmmk •!, I I ■■• i I WB lillli; |^sppl^p^pip^^*^^|p^i^l^gg^ V --; T c : § 200 Coats>for.s S.O().^.;r; .: i trimmings; weie:COc',;now 43c.;each.. :- I opportunity>t<>|practlc^e^ J ■y^^^e^U^to^oAm6 S t every:. ' hal C.of ;former ? pnces;, ;- . .■■■• • ; l^M^^^^mM^l ' W n " 50 '' ? ni # er yard " ■"' S\ i < size, 1 at greatly reduced- prices. • EveaJng S»KS. ' ' \ :.\\ m J . \ { t 'Wnnl llnderwoar .■• * Lace Curtains. . - J , All th - e delightful new things for Garmturfor Evening Gowns } •■Wpqi;:Unpery^CHl. .;:; ■; ■;;;-.; ;v;:: ;::■-.:;;,:- -y : -.y :;. ,;.; .;■.. .-:,■■ .; -.;EveningKGowns;:-inythe^damt.est,and. andXwell-selecUti as- > X forl women : and children. Three- spe- . , All- of -our. Sample Curtains,:' which : ; ..'most desirable tints_ and lioUnn^-^ : ; sortmec: o^Braids," Bands. Beaiings, <* f cial^lots.. displayed on.centre counters,. slightly soiled, and all the single;; ;. •■-. -White and; Colored --featins^ --J.3 i»i-» ; |.. and .. Frin? J;;. passementeries.' Giidles.J X Drawers at half-- of .original prices: ... vson s;se ling.;have been culled out, ana ; ? :, 75c . : : per yard ;' } . i y. o - n Vid' colors --- binatim *in ■:■ iridescent . . shad;ngs, < f ■ One.lot of, Ladies I ; .Vests; and;l3raw- : you :Can have;your pick.of r,them , /;.;crepeideJChines, - Crea JJackj ack and ; the approved col- I X :ers at half -of original prices^ ■•- .■: :. ..<. ■ ;— Uie - dollar: : Some rich.patterns .;• v 23-inch width, -at ;^1; ana 51.-U i «... ■ ;; oring ;. ft -; v : ' . : ' \ V^^ for 'those that come early. _li yard. .^^^^J^X^ A CRYSTAL BRIDGE BETWEEN AT/BEMAHLE AXD BUCK INGHAM COIIXTIES. JAMES EIYER" IS FROZEN,' OVER. ■e'cottsviilc ami; Vicinity Harvesting Ice Six and Seven Indies Thick— An Elegant Dwelling: llnnied-No Insnrnnce— Personal Notes. SCOTTSVILLE, VA., -January I.—(Spe .'ciai.)-eThe new year comes in with splen did winter weather. , Sunday niornin-g the thermometer was 2 ; degrees below zero, but this morning/ it was 12 above.: Ice: on the ponds' is six to seven inches .thick, and' our. Bucldnsham friends pass over James river" on .-the: "free bridge" oil ice in perfectly safety. -I never saw a better Ice; harvest, and everybody who- has an ice house is eager to fill on this freeze. . -. Our "people were ; startled' yesterday -- by the news - that' the large and elegant dwelling of Sir. Ben. H. Jones, about two miles' north of our town,, had -been com pletely destroyed by lire. .-.The fire caught; about 10, o'clock in Vthe morning- from, a; fiua in the kitchen, and: as Mr. Jones had but; lUtie- 'help,'.', andr'the llam'es spread, very rapidly, it coulc>, not« be-, checked . ; in time 1 to "save the tbuilding. ; Most of the furniture/clothing.' and bedding was. saved. • There .wa&; no -insurance. ..The family, who are very \ popular, have" the sympathy of -this entire community. : . Miss Rose: A.'-Farraiv ;who has spent the holidays at home,, near town,, left .to-day "for Red Hill to resume her school, Mr. Frederic Fahr,' of Manchester, spent the holidays at "Cedar Hill," in Fluvanna. V- Mi«s Sue Beal, who ■ teaches at . Nahor, Va.,. was athome during; Christmas, but has returned: to her duties again.- Miss Bei-ta ■ Fox, of Burkevllle school,; spent Christmas at 'her home, near town. '-■■ JUiss Brownie -j' Fox, who teaches in ■Gobchlaiid, spent the. holidays at her home/heie. : ' ; :- ' ;: ; ;: - • : V Mr. J.: Tyler. Beal and-Mss Alma. Beal, ! his sister, of bur town, ;spent a pleasant Christinas in Fluvanna. "- ... Rev.-J.R. Daniel preached at the. Bap tist" church, in: the.- morning, and. Rev. .!•. T. Hitt at the Methodist church at night, on Sunday, and- there, was a • '.'watch meeting"held at the" latter church. . !•! • Misses H Laura • and Mena • ; Ramsey, , of neai- Howardsville", ; returned ■ yesterday to ; re-enter the graded' school here. -Mr. Willie Philips,' of • aharlottesville, ! spent yesterday with 1 friends near town. I; In a letter to- Mr"; Thomas H. Clements, manager. of Belle Haven,: froni Mr. George W. Clarke, : of London, he says: four j o£- his. family are; sick— Miss Nellie, his daughter, "seriously.: 1 ".-- ;;-.'.>' : ' .'■> ;' ■I have just' learned that Mr. B. .1-I. 'Jones will >imrriediately-erect; a' ; small for his: motherland '"sister, to live in until the main dwelling can)be rebuilt. '"., ' ■■ ■ . ■ .- .■ .- . • — ?— •**^* — :—: — : — '. "" - .- ■ -' . ■ -" " I \VAS pELAUOABAY SOLD? : I Ijeadiiig Gernmu Papers Believe in a " Secret Treaty. •; ; j BERLIN, January I.— Despite the sehii i official disavowals, several ■; of the lead- Ing German, papers believe in the ;ex iisten'ce :of; a secret treaty .-.concerning Delagoa bay,. but they discredit the state ments of the Lokal "Anzeiger regarding .its'.nature.; ;' :• - .-: ' : -''. 'v -'• ■'• ; : ■--■:.. ; ..The Hamburgiseher' Correspondent says: :.:' "The. treaty has no. definite form," and it would only "come into force in case.Portu gal. should ; consent : to ;;sell;. a portion of her "colonies. It- is confined solely to" her : African possessions. Russia _has;secn the treaty and- has offered" nonobjections." The Yossische Zeituhg;also;asserts : that •the 'treaty /does .not Portugal's Asiatic possessions. :„. ; J :>.'.■" : 1 . .; From ;a well-int'ormed authority it. is i learned' that have been going ■on, for "■'■"some t.time-:between; Great Britain and {Germany in* London; for > "the^pu fpose of, extending: the" scopeVo'f UierirGaty te gardihgr ;the Portuguese": colonies, : .but that the: Asiatic, coloniesi. of .Portiigal/ ; aie i: not comprised' in; the '.extension^propo'shi.' 1 .- , \ ;# Regard ing;: tlie .seizure :>hjv'jthe". British ;eruiseiv:Mag|cienne/;of the;; iinperiai.;mail ?'s teamor'.l,.; Bundesvath, "b f ':-■ %he :';;■: German ; :East : ; f Afriea"n-;;l.ine,',/a : high. omcialjiofC, the German ; Foreign ■; Office, % who : waa " inter-" iyieweditb-clay.vsays: / ,-■■ ;;; _ * '. . v .;; "Si lenee;; must ..beJprescryed . ,at : presen t iccircerningitheactualjstatus-.of tho-'neg'o-j tiations;r^vhich; .' have/bee'h ; about ! ;the'imattei\-;.;Appr6^ ■ priato^; steps ;have\been;; taken,; ;bf ; which Germany^musti'a^'aitV; the vresult.;;;,~7-Che' matter ■ is; regarded by as Jof.. the ; utmost \ importancG;; bocause] seriously.: in volvingUhe bf^neutrals." \. ; This- afternoon ;thd' ; ,-F.ore|gii-; Secretary; Countr;yon;;:Buelow, : ;;confefried' i ;at;: : the Fbreigu 5 Offlce^w|th^his't;oflio!al; advisers' and then- reported -"•. to -:tho,.*Kmpcror;-,v J ; A CabinetJmeeUngXwilijcbnsiderlth^ ;"tioned?.andsthat-, s lin;any;eyent^the:^ 'vjghftto'^toplpassenge Tt en dii o ; rlgh t \ £ or. the B oers"; or not;', i s 3 tfen^ :u6uslyidispyted, v ;asVtlia;vessel]up^ni ;^ich^ theys"\^fe;isTn.eutral ■ ? and I the} tef rltory^tp* which,- tliey.'were ;proceedirig;irinmbly|Delarf 'goV^Jßuy, i.- skls-o neulril. Hodrt-hH;iit|is ■agsorteil, will b,- i^lstcd upon ;y -Gcr ,-,Tha, r"f tn-iiay unanimously, condemn* l!ntj?h "iictiuii in the Huudi-s 4'l'l-'-33'''4 ' I ' l -'- 33 ''' wi: ' h ; - fh.uMjtu'-izod. js u an i instance oi aross insoivuce," and us "calculated again" -to : -y illustrate the'neeel, of . a ;powerf ul "German navy ;to render: such; : overbearaiic,fc- oh ;the /part of . Eng-. land- impossible .in the "future." ;■ . .' , ,; : ■; The National , Zeitung strongly.- argues' •that- England" had no -right, to interfere with the- Bundesrath, : and : 'expresses vthe_ hope that she haslnot adopted 'a flexible, theory regarding contraband which .would reader ■ almost everything "of that nature, the Lokal Anzeig(ir surmise's ; that; there must have been a serious qu.-iirrel.oetween the commanders of the Bundesrath' and the Magiceinne ; ' before- ;:the latter ..officer '.'overstepped . his prerogative in carrying off the ; steamer," 'and ; expresses -the hope that Germany will '"speedily enforce ..tho release ' of -the .vessel.'.' Even the mode^. rate .Vossiehe calls- -the • pro ceedings "characteristic "English •_-: inso lence," and adds -that "the whole, atti tude' of "the. Eng!i£h. before ;Delagoa Bay provokes a; general protest." , : .; Ifis significant-that to-day the German Glottenverein distributed in Berlin :200.000 copies'- of -a strongly, -worded pamphlet, "pointing, out: the need -of a' strong Ger man navy. • v "■ - .' -: "'■ :"-.-•' '■■■'.' —^•^S"-" 1 " .■; ;; — .--;■' '" IRISH •SY3IPATnY.- FOR BOE^S. . Monster BI«ss-Meet inpr i« Nevr York . .' to Express It. . -NEW YORK, ■ January I.— The United Irish Societies; of New York, and vicinity filled: the Academy; of Music last night at "a niass-meeting to express sympathy with the Boers and- opposition -to- England=in consequence of the: South -.African- ; war. Senator Mason,' of Congressmun Suizer; Congressman Cummings.vof.lsew. York and others '.addressed ; the meeting. Justice Fitzgerald,- ;of- the Supreme Court, • Pr The "entire house' was filled: The pro scenium, : the. boxes, ' and the .balconies were all ' decorated -with -a profusion .of American . flags , the green Irish ■ emblems, and- occasionally the jflags. o£ the two South- African republics. ; " - . ■ v, ■■: Justice-; Fitzgerald, .after calling, the meeting to> order,- said: ; ..;, . •; - : ■,; '^■■'_'J "It is a great honor to 30m in express ing our deep indignation at .; the. unjusti fiable '- war m ow being •.. waged by-^Gr eat Britain , upon ; the people ; of_ the Ti ansvaal. "The British Colonial Office seems to have, up- to this point, : made; a; mistake ■in calculating -the slighting- qualities : of those •farmerS. ,-: It. is s said .that, the : Colo nial: Secretary-, will ' send-jnore: troops vto Africa Perhaps swhen3theiyeomen,*;ifox> hunters. Tand, 'by ;tlie;graci6us. permission of the Queen, ; the .Duke of Connaught. = go to the tQliS^^S^^^A^SfiSSS?" ■land's "cup may -be -again filled with.,bit - fpnn" S i'«siniqii' Sulzei 1 ■ spoke next; • ■He e^^e^lr^t^inpathy^it^h^Boer ; cause;, and urged ..action by the; United States: to secure peace. •:.: ;. FIRE I?? GHEEXSBORO'. M An 01(1 Fonmiry Burned— The Dis ' . xieusary Prdflts. a GREENSBORO, ;^. Ci, January I.— ■(Special.)^-Another' v bad ; fire :: struck Greensboro'; this afternoon at about 4:30. This time it" was Sergeant's.foundi^y,:pro bably the . oldest manufacturing/;estab ment in Greensboro. ;.. The- entire: plant ;was •; The:- loss is .estimated at 525 000 ; insurance, ' about , §5,000. The : firs :originated>from- a ; spark .-which . lgmtsa the roof The ' sparki.was seen ■ almost as soon as it struck, but a- strong wind- was blow'ng, and :in ■ almost 'an instant, the roof -"was -blazing-.fiercely. '. ,The; Fire De partment ; arrived . promptly, .-• but .. it was impossible to do more than save;adjom irigl property. ' About ! ?8,000 -.worth iof pat terns were destroyed. ; This "concern was 'enjoying- unusual. :j prosperity,',- -.having orders - in- advance : up ■ to March.-jThe - firm is- composed^-: of -'staunch business-men,' and it is probable that, the; plant will -be .rebuilt- at; once on^ajlarger; scale. ; ,-;^; - The Greensboro' i made the first semi-annual "settlement to-day. .The profltsfor the iirst siK. months -amounted to ?5,000-rS-1,000 going to the city, and' sl,ooo •to the. county.-:; • > ■ -■•-! The: furnace- of the Empire. Steel and Iron Company, - at' this -place, : shut .down yesterday^ori account; of a heavy advance in the: price o£ ore. * % . .; ■-' ■- . .-■ ,. ■■■ '-■-■ ■ ■■ ,"■. : . NTSAV YORK'S POPULATIOX. - . Bourn of nealtlx Estimates It at »,550,000. ;. ■ : YORK, -January ;i^-The;Heaithi Board estimates' that the five.;boroughs;of, -New '':Yorli '.city, contain' i 3,550,000; inliabi 'tants,- a gain ; of lll.lai- during ISK>,; - . ; . .■. ■ The- board's? ■ statistics' show that no other city. of ; l,O0O,0OU people =in' the world has so . low- a -'-death-rate". ForJ th& Ventire", eitv "the death rate T isslS.37,;a. decrease ;ot .Tit * from IS9S. Brooklyn has the; largest death:rate;of:all;thebi;roushs,;Manhattan' ' -'; • '■ \ , '■■•■■ ■■': > - An Ancient Taldcciotli;:. - ?; w66r>STOCK- : :"yAl.i: January.- -1.-^(Spe- i ; cial.)— On;':^Wednesday ',-\ o£ ;■ this!; -?weelc S^Cline- arid^fafnUy, ,of; thislpla'ce,'- I entertained % County-Clerk i-and'.Mrs."-: 8. ,« 5. , (W r alker..and!.family;at;;homei i of ithel former; xThei novel -ffeature'tof jith« ?repastivJwas* that? the g table© "was spread] i\vith-;a#home-spun;flas^cloth;::madai:b)Y ;County-Cserk.y/fWalker;a ; «ancestors'^nvqf ' generations;; beforeKhinu; The A cloth %haf ::beenunHheifaniily.-:for|m6refthansavhy: :beenunHheifaniily.-:for|m6refthansavhy : r: Jdred'and?flftyiyearsAis\only|used:onjSM^ ( :cial^occasions,-aand'-isAas",well;s.preser>|d ;;as ; thousiy;less;thanr,ten'>'ears;.old;*:r-; rl •;%• A Mni?u'/.lut> KuriK'il. • /j.?>' ;. :;CTULPEPER;j,VA;.. ; January: ll—(Sifr'w.) : \ ■vAsmair^iirpn-sheathed niasa^ioe.^sitw^i iupon'a^high^eminencerjiist'outskiM.H^he. Ccorp6rate;*limits, I '-andeusedsbysMMsJß]W.l irH.'tGHkers.pii^'s Co.';s hardware 'ixwleimjit?', s\of j<this iplace.f as?al BtoragdArbbnM.'if vy n? jamlfeland^otherjhighVeKploslveM.l^i'UeT 1 |gtroyedihy3nfe:ilast«nightr,;The»il'»^i n 6 J fexiilosives^iriithe|Kbus6fat"ithf#'?(tiJ^^ n(^ Sitherefpre^ipiasbelieved'Hhe-itiM're^sJthe; l^yw-k-^o. an incendluryi No^lrMsufi'-^^V iallod'to add toM jitnwnd'^ ly^^Plty^comPany-Th;*' :«rg#^|;|tei SECRETARY: GAGE'S DEFENCE: Explanation of His Nrolicy \Vitli Re ference to IVerr York City Banlc. (Philadelphia North ? American— Republi ■■ .;■-■: ".■,.,■ :.-.-'■■-■:. rcan.) ■• :, •"•. •;■;■■•: ~S. BUREAU. OF : THE NORTH :, All ERI CAN, 11345,1 1345 , PENNSTL.VANI A AVEN UE N. W., ' WASHINGTON,/ December , 31.- Lyman J., Gage^ Secretary. b£;the vTrea su ry, ' to-nigh t ; dicta ted If the ■ '■/.' following statement to ; : the North American. ;.li relates -to -matters of grave public .con cern, = and .1 particularly . -to actions of -;tn< Secretary > that have provoked? censure: r "The r National City Bank Is 'a govern ment depository, and has v been since :: was s appointed, under : the ad ministration.-: It has Jbeen" treated: ;n all. respects like other; depositories. :■....-■ -\: times if has been a very; large depc.-i tory,<simply because it .was; able ito-put, up a large quantity of .bonds. as, securitwi The proceeds ■of the : sale r o f , the ■■ custoni-i ho/jse in New York were deposited -tuJ tb'afbank.. This .was '-. quite ;within tnf law/ and within the proprieties.', Itt is tru» that the bank, or some. one : they- r t p.| sented,. were- the ; purchasers or the cui tom-house T property,^: but^-that- ,is= -tJ t a . material •: fact— the proceeds; oflhe^ could vhave been vtd^posited^iwith ihiTTi ju-it the same, if; any- one else .haJ^r chase/yithe 1 property, I and fppegH ue f ir cumstdnces: would have been dopoflted with/them. 7 -..;.:. : ■ .',•-, ,i ips .Secretary. Gage' also spoke of the^f}^ originated .in . New ' York, .of -**™fi2St shown: the'National ,Citj-!Bank, ?W&gm rumors- of -an immense banking- «|g c™e ™ that was to be formed, and f of w^n. ne was to-be president^u -He.sairi: f : V BUT qNE^COURSE OPEX7 - • ; - ."There came a panic in .Wai! iS^e O^ ■ the ISth of December; and : : st""* B *?^-; ed : an awful ■: depreciation. fears that .the Mepressionjlwoul? spi eaa ;over the. whole country,- ana' '\ a^ t^P^^l^ was lookedto to : put;moneyan cJculation 'and s relieve : : the ~. stringency.; •v, ab only one way for us to do it, an^ hc^^l^ to ■ deposit? money ■■ in ;: the : - : bac*,v sp^we save-notice:that.deposits:iip bfMSI be increased, and that thote fc 3 "™^ putting up more bonds as MWm^MM ;receivQ-the. deposits. Sisty-sLfbanks re sponded, rancliput! up addicorll :^bon Ijbe curity.:rThe>National^Cnr morning, and the . other , ;ix^-fiya -banks put up .varying: amounts ; jmilr, :that --,„_. , "Undeivthe -law we \ o^™S money from .the. Treasury «>;-place. It? -on deposit.. and when moner M fX^Mf *|f^| treasury, or |any teffttWifeHgrSjgSfil treasuries; the only, war tj 1 -. 11 . 10 , ou c is in payment of ; the expon|ea i of -the i< o a\ ernment.nve-are ; accuflul/tins a.^burplu= aU the timeinow, and :o*eep the money ; in circulation; . and to aviid in the Treasury, .we hiv^ PaifVnterest m • advance, .with, that ■ caelsole purpose in V^VVhen" the .pahi^ caraefce In- 1 crease our deposits In kfe-™* C ?"r that take money, out ot ,t; * M^fSL 3^ "g purpose. ,but we-coulifto >.lt:. lt: on :itS;.way to tlje Treasury," and tfti^what^eduT. "Our"- revenue stations ,were. receiving to i the • sub-treasuruiJ These^stations .o far' scattered- could *t.. maki a .m thesixty-sixbanks. *d % a^ c 3 or c there anythin S ,like-;equi4le. cn Therefore.there w^^^S'^a^^epositl SS Sank 'ipffe distributing WHls^fet^^l^ for us to as the S ath erfp" rf(IW«S point for. our.funds. Wein^ormedtt/ bank: of our intentions, and that^ve **uld give^them daily. r Jn • qtructions ;^nnefrnins -the distribution .\of the money t '. fie other, banks that had : -iven us th<- i/aitlonalisecunty.. - " "Th^n a Ko^York.paperjimasinedthat •the - Treasurv /Department Was showing -favoritism to #« National City Bank, and heralded it 4^r and, far. Another : York mnor |>t to be outdone, invented, a ?s tor v^t\?i t'4 monster ibank was -" to^be or° ani-Jed nhdr' thrit. . when^term^ as gSrv of the Treasury, had expired .1 was to b^ nidde, president of : this. gigantic Shoiie> NewJ-Zork, and that bank, or^oroe one .represented; by it. purchased ■fnn' nrocerty, and,, becayse ;, the :mones t=6ivil<iitv^ank,;.these: newspapers, had. in th^l^wurins , of their brains.v.fqund ;; c oo n cl i: |^an(l absolute proot of depart nVentdf «vorltisin;'i and had;'; established TTiv"rffiiefctibii with the Rockefellers .and nthpi-ltya^new^banking-, enterprise." • : 'rJEItM AXY'S- GOOD YEAR. ISOO t»e Best Ever by - " / : i the Empire. ■ ■ ■ T EKRL.IN, January I.— The .Chamber of Coninierce reports and -the press ; reviews for/S9»f o r /S9» pronounce, this 'the best<yeaf.;Ger- ; rn->ay "c ver lhad. There has "(been . enor tihTAs-' activity mall: lines, and the outlook U £ow .most- excellent.": . .The v';Hambui-g rimmber of- Commerce" expects the I boom tii/ be -one ;Of - long continuance, i;and.',beT li^ves ;'that sudden /, reactions ■'. are ;Improb 7On"'■■■"the';; other/ hand; the net ; - proflts'j oC ftie'year..'were;seriouslj*';nfCectcd:by:.hiah Jvages and the cost of raw CAUSE C I E j GI\T3S $50,0.00; CtieyVnnejh..TlJyoM, :; '.lliiyc'j..F' > ree : ;- i lit l)mry Throusli IllsGoiisrosltj-. |:^CHEYIi^NE; ; i;w;yo;,f January.^i;- i -An-' dTew -~ '.Carnegie^t6rtlayVlniade;;Cheyen'nej ; a'. fpresent j"pf i $50,000,r tb'sbe vised l in ;J the ? con structiorioCra freeipublic-llbraryibu}ldjns." Then conditions iwere'^appenrteclJ'.that^the i city ; furni3haa :; slteiandv;that>;the^library: <be>malntaihe'd,;at \a Icostsof ■.notiiless-ithnn; ; ?3,00O : a year, -The ofttn\ will .be accepted.* Ten Tl.«««ri.l Pea. * pCHlCAOO^ filA^^ January l:~arore|tJiatv !:ip.oporof>;uhe,poQ.r|peoplejof*.Qls.lcngo-enj|oy£! ifedgyesterclayi?'the jf fourth '(givehfbyJthe^olunteer^of'Amerioa^'AUer, ithisJimurtituitr had. bve.n fed there"£re- f jma ined Senqugh ;s tood' to ■> supply -V4oO ■■■.poor ifainiliesKior several duys | Keep the niOHt-y for hi\-lnsur;mco;at .home-by insnrlnff vM\ Virginia StateSfiia | Bumiico Cuiopftny: «nsiaeigasssyNi I •■■-: .B.'iHaru Tournament :^ 3lontli. ;.. ■:■ p" (Philadelphia .Press.) > : -. ".likt*S'chaefer is ;arrans4ntr a billiard J to:rnjpient for ."shortrstops/'.to -beilieM" 1:'1 :' I in .Yew York the latter- part of February, 1 -jut Jjefore the* "Wizard" departs' 'foi i I^r>sJ?l£ighteen-inch:balk the ' ■ srvl. SoZ • game : - played, .' and $1,500 '■■ ■will , he j:'«isti3bute.d ?in -prizes.. s-It will'; be a bar.di- r I cap Journameht, and; Schacfer himself ; v;ij] ' iikdb* compote as scratch man. The play : ier-Imay- also take- a hand : at cujhioi •'caroms after the balk^line. games have i fee mi concluded-"/; Suttori, Carter, -Cattbn i.M<fLaughlin,;and Gallagher will be askci tjftompete.'. , "Student". ,S!osson having 1 de clined toienter. ;7; 7 ■•■'. ' :': ' ■■-.-. ■■'/■"'. § TlieFelotas Floated.; ;.. .;i I LONDOX, : January I.— The Hamburg am ' South I "American ' Line steamer Pelotas srom: Santos- for Rotterdam, which -went ■- ashore near- Dungeness Friday nigni during: a heavy": was .drawn oil about 10 o'clock yesterday morning- by fivA tugs. '">■' ' -■-.•] ' Apparently., the vessel has not received serious'. injuries.. She proceeded for Rot terdam .in tow of two tugs. Quick adjustment of: losses made ■t'asyj' by Insuring with :the -Virginia State.. ;"X<\ waiting. A. v L. PLEASANTS, Agent, ff iyoo. r : ;■'".% -' - Philadelphia Press.) if I corns: I tread the changeful sea <» - As Jesus irocl. the waters, I the. last *\ Fair Titan of a dying- race and; past, ■ Young-limbed and -perfect as trie oeum in chime \ -■ t ■■ "4F- In these two hands.l hold the rune an*" •.rhyme.' .'.' ■ '.- . ; - ■- . " .. Wherefrom Man reads his destiny t:» ■ • cast- - '.- ■ -': ' ■ ':' ,- . ■•' - -.. • '-'"A • Xewhbpes upon thls_ocean*3_bosorci .ya;^ Xett'rconiiuest aatl: defeat, •rneTT7-s : s<G k >,--ir=.'~' . crime. ■■.. y .'. / . : From "all -the aeons' .wreckage and de- Strewn black about me over sea and land ■ " .-"' ■ _ Build thou an. ark to sail .where Ha ha? trod.-:; ■ .". .. ■ ■ -.' I. leap the last wave's summit: Look be ; xond; I -~~ ;"."--: ,'"■*■'■-,,' ■-'",■■ The: sun is rising-. Come, I take ilan s '■ . ■■'. hand .--■■ ■;■--.-* •-.■ .' - . - -:■.■ -Ami lead -him one \ step nearer toward -REGLVALI) ..WRIGHT KATJFMAXN.. ■■■A}Wonaan- ;#| ■;" ::: ®s3ly Hnows- .'• I { • '. -' ' - *V-- ■ ;•■ ■' ■-.-■ ■ . ■■ ■ :•;: • ; ■* ■£ ■what Btiffering from falling of *3 I : -womb, ;; whites, painful or irres-jar j menses, or any disease ofthe disti-tly i feminine organs is. A niaa r=ay syipa- S ; thlre or. pity but | ha ; caa not kao.«tne i ' egoflles , she goc3 thrQUßh— tho ti* l p'» r Buffering, so ; patiently; borne, «»ca I robs her of bsauty, hqne and i^PP.i- J ness, i Yet; tliis suffering- :■ re JT a i ■ needless. , ■; : .;•• ; -;. :f ( McELREE'f M ISP- 1 ' PI ; to Will ■] %7iU'bamsh '■',. it.' This inedkice | cures all " female cliseaf •" q^cs- \ ly "andpennaneatly; v -; jooes a\vay, j with I humiliating phy,cal exami- ;, ■'nations- The :. treatef t may ;be. j : taken at home. } \ The* « not con tinual expense and- Ipuole. Tha I sufferer is cured aiirf^^ atnd. j : ,Wine'of : Cardui i=,Occoxniag the'? leading' remedy fo^-1 troablea of | ..this class. It costs |t $i from any | : For -.advice -in ■■reqtunng.s special: directio:?: address, : tue : S "Ladies- Advised Department, ;g The.lChattanoo^ Co., j . Chattanooga, Tj 2 -" * * \ . ■;mbs. c.\t. mft j*™^^' Te °°hl » ■wxitoa «— "This *Jdenul jnedxme o-J^nt j ; .. and .■wonisa.'-^; /i- if. ::-.■■ '■'■■ ■■^■■' ' '- „ , -^^.r^S : Sun'riH^::.;:S~7lH^HTinK. .-llopripsets;.:-.-. i-}z~^~.^l^-^^~~z:~~ '- ~ : : . ;r|bRT ; Vpp r |cEMpX.p^JAN-. 1,;.1539- - : Steamer i»ayandot^;lliUer,^J ■YorK-^nicrcfW^^andJ Passenger. JJomlalon if- SAlLt:ri .'.. 'Dominion n*-'-,'n *-'- , ' :1: 1 _■: ■>iU,'.. £ ,o '-. NTnWolk, < Va .pat^en^r--, slnlaJNVfcaUop Company. PORT iNKWPOKT NEWS. JAN. Ist. §§Sr£ 2 (By lelejsrapli.) .; ,.;; $■: : ."ARRIVED. . Stfa-ir O.HUSc'-F3r\^H,-Ncv- Yor«. J "I*" No »» X«-« n ''V