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!"lCfII!ON!) CLAIMS. •& ■ .'■■ ■"'■'—-- ~~- "■ - "■■■'■- '.:. f tiiiA, ny tirsxicii coVicntxc; tiik:,i 1.J1C121.Y TO J'.VSS. 7 HIYEU AND HARBOR MEASURE- J*sun«\">t litfort <o Hn'vc". One ,Con '.lii<Tci|. Ilcsii«<«' Ktirton'M fJChjec ; tiott— More Troojn '-; Ssulcllert n T«rxns— Tl«c CrnmimcUcr IWII. _.. , \VA,'-';nNG-TdN\ IX C, January* I.— .-; rci.i!.)--fv::iauir Teller lias fritrotJuctd h iv.!i which iiVeHHles the claims oi nil the K-iobrnoml property-owners who ihave ciiarecs'-ragafu'st the government. ] L is -i.iu-o that the bill will pass at this! ses sion <•£ Congress, as it is the desire of that 'body to iinally dispose of all these jrc'ltors. The present bill has beeii re ;<r:'- d to the Committee on Claims,: and it is the purpose of Senator Teller to jmsh ihe measure as rapidly as possible. The i.araes of .-..!; the Richmond clbitri nsts under tho bill. -Including isaaciDa ,.:., rrt. and ol3:< :>'. h:ive :■' recently -"been •■•.üblisbcd in! thy Dispatch, as mentioned in a introduced in the House by 3Kep n^enJntivc Lamb. ' •..: • ! ' 3UVHUS AND lIAUBORS. | . " nt'pivsOKJitUvts whose constituents are proatly interested in a. river and harbor hill are determined to make an effort to i, i such' a, bill considered and reported ;.; the present session. It is nowH-aid that .i corriblaatiohbas been effected; b« ;v,..-;m cert:: in ■ Democratic', and Jiepvbli ca;i members on the Committee on ltijrers :;.f. Harbor's, whose districts ate ci ; pe -■■■ interested in the matter, by which it j.i.'.y ho. possible- to override the resolu-:! lion of ■Chairman Burton, of the comMiit it •>. Tlie leaders In this movement iare ;.,i:I to l-e -Pierce, of Missouri, and Ho " tfe-ijbers. of Illinois; (Republican:-), jiiid Kail "mid JvJeberg, of Texas, and Spsrk ::..: v. of Florida (Democrats;. •■HOiifß XECItO TKOOPS FOR TI'ZNAS. TJesjHte tnc recent troubles between the white; .'residents':". of Southwestern Texas ;v ■. i tl)o colored troops now garrisoned ::; ihsit State, tho "War Department "is:ss •■isued -Jan order which may jjrove -a friiit :al source of more friction. .■Orders were sent out by the department fi r tiie removal of a battalion of colored ..vz'.ry from Cuba, where it is now stationed, to Texas. Four companies 5 of :: .-•. Tenth Cavalry were selected by the j partment.- The troops are to be brought :.. Galveston; and from that pyint sire'!; xo bo distributed over the- Stiite, where needed. " - : 53 view of the recent clash between flic residents of Southwestern Texas and the icolored troops quartered in that £--ee tfsn, it is. felt, here that the department i?::,-~ht have exercised a little; more t-ict i.; d good: judgment in. making the 'is- Eignmeat. ' . ■'" ■ ' • .. CEUMPACKEP. BILL. Congressman Wilson, oi South I:::a, who V2S chairman of the Judiei/a.y Caminitiee of the constitutional ■conven ;; iii ( of ISPS, -which enacted the pres6ht suffrage laws vf Souia Ctuoliua., de clares that the Crumpacker bill, ;• if it t>e f. iirnes law, -will . be unconstitutional. . f ' Tts South CarOiinian cites a immber T of v authorities in support of his opinion "that : Conpress las no powers to restrict the ...number of representatives from a Stale ',an account of tho suppression of suffrage: ri '.'present ative. Wilson believes thmt there is not even, a remote possibility .of tho bi'l's being adopted by the ■ 1-^e pufclicsai caucus or of its beiiiij passed la the House. personal; Captain J. C. Feathcrston, memlier of the Virginia House of Deleiraies from Campbell county, was in the city to-day, on private business. .. Judge P. "\V. Strbther, of Giles county, If^s. !Tn«t. at ■■ thfi.: jU"etroT»olitnn. R. 1\ Green,' B. Miller". Oalpeper; W. 1.7. Collins, Lynchburs; Joseph: Shepherd, HichJßOnd; K. N. Goolrick, !M. U. Bait, I-'r.;"J!:.:"k i ksl>urs— Metropolitan. .". ■■' KID 31' COY TZIi: viCTOH. ile luincks Out !\Jnlicr iurlJio I'tfili : ?CEW YORK.. January l.—'-ICid" McCoy ssrain placed himself in the championship class by defeating' Peter Maher, in a brisk, •sveil-fousht battle of five rounds, before the; Coney Island Athletic Club, this after noon. The figlit was scheduled to last twenty-five round?, and the purse was to have been. ?2'},t"Do, but the attendance was not' as large as had been expected, and before the fight was begun the- princi pals agreed that the -winner should re ceive the gross .gate receipts. -. The battle was 3iard-f ought from start V> finLsh, but McCoy was. far the cleverer ■■xaan in ring tactleSrr-dbduSng, £:de-step yAf.g; and hitting' powers. He showed him f'V to be a good riny: general, ever,Avatch i:ik tor an opening, .aiid never failing to tat-? advantage of one. Maher, aJthough crcciied with being a •heaT.-y hitter, did : notWct in many effective, blows. -His fooiWork was poor, and at times he did jint Vppear to have perfect control oi lilmfaf. . - ■ \ -BOTH: LOOKED FIT. Whit the men entered the ring- and ■;•-•. rip'pA .fur lhe battle both looked to be in jx-riVt condition, and they were greet ed vrtthYurimitKous applause. Under Mar quis of\Queenberry rules, new gloves, provide A)}- the club, were handed to the referee, Vid be in turn g'avethernto the boxers' 1 sionds. : Ma her donned his quick- : •;.ly,.but A Coy claimed that the gloves] • ::■! not i.\ him,; and ■stubbornly- refused j .to use I'lict. He insisted on wearing an | o!u pair, \isch he claimed.- suited him, but the rtf\oe was obdurate and McCoy jjnvc in. \ ! KXOCAotT A CLEAN OXE. > The knockXut blu\v came in the fifth I round; McCtVfcnt. a right which fell a I bit :"thori. : :am\tlu-n dropping his U-H to : the body, tri\ a tiyht fcwini;. and r .as j Peter Bide-sLe"p\'d tlie Kid met him with a full f.v.-irigniglGfCv/hicli landed: « the point. of the j;t\ and the Jrishma invent ; down, ■: resting oiVvis right, elbow, and was . counted <.'Ut in tl-. position. It was a ter rilic"blbw% and .■•l'a\'in"g right on tlie mark, uu <:>:; could sea\ily have withstood its! force.. It was: \- cleanest knock-out] ever seen in a rinjs"lctH-, and v.hie st)ine p V'->r!e wore- unkin\'enbugh to -say that ■■'.'■Jlriher could have , it; en up again, those who were nearest. \i;Tjie: lighters-, and raw tlie force of til blow, v.-ere- of the oj inion ilsai Suliivaii.Li his palmiest ways could not; have witht&ocl it. QUICK CIIAXGE*3X BETTING. Probably in the hisHs- of riiiy fights in this vicinity, -there haftnevex been such ..a quiclc chanse in thlbettihg us that wliiuh occuJTed ye.steiay in the two hours preceding the sl^h% For some days past ilaliiii' Iris been te favorite, as KOOd as .100 to CO being 1 U'ii on hi:n, TO to I(o,: being the ruling prit, and at thY different sppriiug; centies^his price was maintained until an hour <.*^vhe beginning 1 of the contest. Then a li&uliar change occurred, and for no a;>^r«::it reason Slaiier- stock was beared,, wiile the Kid's ■■''wns bulled, and whfcn fhe aen got into tlie ring: their positions in% he betting 1 market v.'tro reversed, withcie Kid the favorite, I TUl'2 FiGllT J:: "DKTVJL... Hound i. TlieKld iiiimediat-B' took. the oitensive, Peter breaking" gt ; «and/ !Ivid fainted with left. The Kid t hc?j tent left hook to; jaw, Jioorji'.y Mailer. Wuher up. ia two seconds. . The KJd : tried Voss, but ' JulsHed; Maher 'irfod left; s'winiifor the htad, but the .Kid sidi»-stepi»e«| neatly. ?>lah«r .'ig:;!u tried Ifciti but Ihe Im|' again . "."ide-.-teppeci. ilcCoy Ki'rit left »V body, E «d iV't^i,' in. an rjiteitiin to reiyn \ho blow, jtjippe'l "uiid lell, bu'. rcyaiis'd hiii •f«;<.'t quickly,; ;Thcty came/ to; a ■ fe!iiu:h. ji!ih<-v forced the Kid to the rop«.'^; \vhtire h t put right on Mho Kid's bc-ly.l Kid '.broke away- nicely, ■'"•"and utter,-; a-.BUiiu" .sparrlnjj.-.-ijiit" a- ■■lcft'-to- Mahcr's stomach-; TMlv MEX-^MUSEI). ; ; Hound 2. lioth: men enme up laughing 1 , oach FpnrrSnij for. an opuiilng. • ■J.lcCoy- feiriteu . with left. : I'eter mnde ' vicious right and loft swings,, neither ,lmidiriK, :m<l at; close q\iartcrn-the. Kid put (right! r.iid loft to body. As they- broke, away the, Kid put left to the jaw; {lien th<>y mixed it up, Maher . 'ianding right and loft to tho body. In breakaway "Mnhei" p"Ut-'-;left to body. Coming together again, the Kid mensural his. man and sent right to y.\\\\ putting? Maher to his hands and knees: 1 Maher up in four seconds, and; rushed mndly nt McCoy, -'getting to body, while M'cCoy jabbed left -three times to the J'aoe. Mahcr forced the Kid to; the rope's, .".nd'sho Kid slippod tothe Jioor. As soon .as he: got upv he. sent left to Mailer's face, sending >hla -head back. Tlie Kid , sent two left to jaw, and McCoy followed with right over jaw, which turned l!a her's: head sideways as song 1 sounded. M,'COY COXFIDEN'T.. Kound; 3. McCoy came up more confi dfiit than over, while Peter wore an anxious look, but was very determined. The Kid feinted, without a blow being struck. Muhe'r forced the Kid to the ropes, but the KiO hooked left to jaw and escaped a return. Twice Ihe Kid jahiKnl lift to Maher'R stom'ich, and Peter became, more wary. They came to a clinch, each landing riyht to ribs. The 3 via sent two left hooks to jaw, which sent Maher back, and followed with an other, which knocked the bic fellow three yards back. McCoy blocked light return. They-, came tp : a! clinch, but in the break the Kid sent a straight right to face and bread-basket;: Maher tried to mix it up, and forced the: kid to the ropes, but the Kid fought K !back and got bank to the centre of the ring 1 , where he got in a straight left to trie face just as the bell sounded. ■ M.'COY THE QUICKER. Round 4. McCoy was quicker on his ic-'i. lioih sparred carefully.; with Maher forcing. The Kid tried left, landing light ly on the wind. Maher forced Mc- Coy to a neutral corner, and landed left en the face, jarring McCoy. McCoy Etep ped. to left, and Peter struck out with left, but fell short. In a mix-up Peter got riglit to head, and McCoy was cau tioned-;, for ..: holding. McCoy booked left to face, and Peter followed with left on body. Maher jabbed left straight in the face, at. close quarters, without .a return. This"; Kid sent left to. face, but Peter hooked two lefts to head, and then used his ; left twice more to the ICid's' head, while McCoy jabbed left to wind. They came to a clinch, in which Peter w;is cautioned for holding-, but at the same time he sent left hook to McCoy's" face^ This was Txlal^er's round. MAKER DP.OPPED. Hound: 5. Peter forced the pace. The Kid tapped with: left lightly to the face, shifting to the left side, which is unusual in McCoy's ring tactics. Both landed lefts to head. " Then Peter sent another left to face, the •Kid countering.-, ., Peter shot left to throat, and tried to ! cross right, but missed. Maher led. McCny laiided"'.- two 'hard lefts on: the jaw;,- Mc- Coy crossed right over to the point of the jaw. Peter forced jto! clinch. McCoy drop-, ptd the fellow with a left swing on the jaw. lie-was counted out. Time of ..round— 2 minutes. 22 seconds,. DEP'T COMMAXBEKS. S. A. V»*. T. An iimi ncemcj»< ?Jhtle Ity Genevhl Ilultngi. Coin in aii tier- iii Clstpf. L.AXCASTER. PA.. January I.— General Willis J. Hillings, the National Association of Spanish- American War Veterans, to-day an nounced the following .appointments of department commanders: Alabama. Colo nel James W. Cox; Arkansas. Colonel Vigil T. Cook; California, Colonel Victor Duboee; Florida, Colonel Irving E; Web ster; Illinois, Colonel I). Jack Foster; In diana. Captain WiliiamMJ. English; KanV sas, Major A. JI. Harvey; Michigan, Colo nel Chnrlc j s I*. j-Joynton; Minnesota. Major I J'rancis H. Bidwell; Missouri: General j Milton Moore: Montana. , Colonel C. : F. ! 3-\ord; Xew IlnniDsiiire, Captain' Frank | E. Kollins: .. Kew Jersey. Colonel Quincy. i CM. Gillmore: North Carolina. Colonel ! \\". 11. S. HursHTn: North Dakota, Colo- j nel William C. Truman: Pennsylvania,;. Colonel Christopher T. O'Xeill: Rhode is land. Major Lepter S. Hill: South Caro- ! lina. Colonel YVylie J'Hies: Texas; Coltmt- 1 !G; W. Hardy; Vermont. Major Henry .!">. irillmore; Major Edward H. Fox: West Virginia. Captain .lohn Baker Wliite; Wisconsin. Colonel Martin T. Moore. These officer?, together with the com manuer-in-cliief and" adjutant-general (ex osiicio), siiali constitute the Executive Board or Council of Administration, and they will immediately, select a istaff. to consist of an assistant adjutant-general, an assistant .Quartermaster-general; an assistant inspector-general and assistant surgebn-gerie.ral, a juuge-tidvocale. a sig nal officer, and a chaplain, who will hold OJiice until further orders. 7u. GUERIN-S DKrEXCF.. Vi.yorf>us A<<a<*Tc on Prencli Sfiutiovs. Sjjeo.f :itj>r 51r«;is lJonti. PATiIS, January L— Ths Senate, sitting as the High Court for the trial of the conspii'acy charges, was. in session yes terday, in ord^r to hasten the conclusion of the! proceedings. A sensational inci <3ent occuri-ed at tho opening^ when a spectator suddenly fell dead in the public gallery. . The session, was chir-ily devoted to a speech by M. Jules Giierin in his own defence. H«' yigurously attacked senators and the public prosecutor, and was be coming abusive when he received a sharp caution from M. FaiHeres. president of the court, who warned him to moderate his language, under peril of being re fused a further hearing. He then pro ceeded until adjournment:, with an elabo rate rc-pudintion ot' the accusations against him. ■ . —^.'s?* anSSTSSIPI'I ASSI3MUI-Y TO-DAY. II<i!:. .5. .T. misseM. of I.:i-«itler«lfilc. to Be : 'Sj>eali«r of House. JACKSON, MISS.;.' January 1.— Nearly all the members of the General Assembly have arrived in the city, preparatory- to thevsesi-ion which convenes at noon to morrow. The election of. lion. J. J. Rits p-.'li, of T-audeidale. as Speaker of the l-loure, "is assured, the other ,: candidates'' haying withdrawn from the race. The new Speaker is tho general attor ney of the Mobile and Ohio railroad, and a lawyer of considerable prominence. ! Governor Ivlcliaurin's message, which will be submitted immediately after the session of the .two houses convenes, is a very lengthy document, containing nearly thirty thousand word:;. I.AllOit TIIOITIII.GIX FLORIDA. Xoii-I':u«Vi Employee of Saw-3lill STiut fro:n Auiliusli. . BAGDAD; FEA., January -1.-r-Simpson Vfc Co.'s mill refused to accept the rulings .'of a recent arbitration of existing labor troubles, and gave notice that they would no -longer employ. Knights of Labor. v Last Thursday they posted notices that they would pay 10 per cent, advance to all old hands who would .sever their con nection with the Knights, or to non union men who " applied - ; aj once for work. ThJs morning the mills opened with a full force of non-union men. Late this evening ;; one of the employees was .shot from ambush, and wounded in tlie thigh. A lot of logs were also, cut loose and set adrift. Serious" trouble is. feared. V>*hon your joints are stiff and your muscles sore frdKi' cold <'r rheumatism, "when you slip and sprain a joint, strain your side, or bruise., yourself, Pain-Kliler will take oui the. soreness, .and fix you r ; -'ht in ' a. jiffy-. Always have it with you ai)d use it freely. Avoid .substitutes, thero is but on<f Pain-Klller. Perry Davis* si -.Price 25 cents and s'.O cents. - Quick- adjustment or losses made", easy bv-insuriiig with the. Virginia "• State. No; u'uHinir. SvilUamaon; Tu'lcy, Agent. ■;_. _^_. THE RICHMOJND mSFATCII-TUESD AY, JANUARY 2. 1900. IIAJirbF.X-SIDXKY. niMflnKnisli^tl ■'SlmiciU.i— Dcnll» o€ « ". l*oiJiil»r 3T»'n. . IIAM^PDEN-SI DNK Y. VA., ; January .!•— (Special.)— The weather continues from last week clear and cold, and icc-gettlng Is the order of the day.- Should the sea son continue favorable a day or two, every one will be fully supplied. Tlio .summing ujr of ante-Christniaa ex afninations Is generally. most encouraging. Most of the students are even up on all their classes and the number of distlnc-. unusually large. The names of those distinguished in all subjects arc as follows: . ••-'■ • , Senior CIaHS-W. C. 8011, Augusta county, Vo.; Vv r . B. Buford. Uoanoke, .a a. Junior Class— F. A. Brown,' Norfolk, 'Va.; W. TO. Jones, Dinwiddie county, ,-\ a.; • Alexander Martin, Hampdeh-Sidncy, \n.', G. O. Kobeson, Farm ville,, Va,; It. H- Webb. Suffolk. Va. _, SophoTnoro Class-S. C. Bowen.^Taze well. Va.; Hardy Cross, Norfolk, v a.; -T. A,. Daniel, Prince. Edward county, \ a.; H. -11. Moore, Augusta county, Va.; H.M. Mc- Allister. Covington. Va.; J.- 1 C. Pancake, Komney, W. Va.: D. 11. Willcox, Prince George county. Va. . . ■ ■ Freshmnj-i Class— S. C. Akers, Campbell county. Va.; P. W. llamlett. Hampden- Sidney, Va.; K. S. Preston."* lMarion, Va.; J. C. Wolvorton, Hampden-Sidney, Va.; A. W. Moorcfield. W. Va.— nineteen in all, of whom thirteen are old students and six an; iirst-year men. Mrs. Sal lie Irving Dickinson, relict of Judg..- A. I>. Dickinson, died at 'Springfield, her residence, near Worsham, on Satur day, unexpectedly, at an advanced age. She was a native of Bedford county, and was married early in life and had resided at "the place where she died more than fifty years. She was a. woman of deep piety -and a large assemblage of social and Christian virtues, beloved by all and an example of gentleness and devotion to duty. She was the mother of Thomas H. Dickinson, Sheritf of Prince : Edward county, and other sons, one of whom is practicing law in" Missouri, and another in Texas, and also of Mrs. Lacy, wife of Te'nri:': of Mrs. Alexander, wife off Rev. W. C. Alexander, lately removed from Concord. N. c. to Baltimore. Md.,"and of Misses Sallie. Anno, nnd Bettie Dickinson. Her funeral will take place from College church to-morrow (Tuesday) at" o'clock P. M. The death of Mr. Richard S. Thorn ton tiiis morning, though not unexpected by his friends, is a surprise to some, who had not expected; so speedy a termination of his suffering. Ho was n son of the lats Colonel John T. Thornton, of Farm vine, and brother of Professors J. T. Thornton, of Uavnpdeh-Sidriey, and Yv'il liam M. Thornton, of tlie University of Virginia, and was tho youngest son ot his parents. Flis health had been delicatuj from his childhood, nnd ho was debarred from taking v a .liberal education on this account. He was aman of many ster ling 1 virtues and an' ■•humble-minded and earnest Christian, and was greatly valued by all who knew him. lie was SS years of /age. I; is burial will take place from College church on Wednesday morning, the hour not yet fixed. GIM.IGAX, TIIFTi'Ii'UGITIVrc: A Kcward bf-;Tlire« llisr2tJ:-p<l Di>ll:trs ;OJVerc«l for Jsis Arrest. (Correspondence of the Dispatch;) PMITII FIELD, VA., December 30.— Colonel I\. E. Eoykin, Commonwealth's Attorney of Isle of Wight county, an nounces that a reward of.SIOO has been offered by tlie Governor and S2OO by others, for the arrest and conviction of A.C. Gilligan, who is 'charged with tho murder of Mr. .C. B. Turner, a prominent citizen and lumber manufacturer, who lived;. near Fergusson's Wharf. The following is a description of GL'li- A. C. GILLIGAN. gan; He is about 2.'» or 2G years of age: 5 feet 10 or 11 inches tall, and carries himself very erectly. His weight is about 150 pounds, lie has dark-brown hair, in clined to curl; gray <jr light-blue eyes, and a small mustache, which is lighter than his hair. He had on a dark suit of cloths, and wore one shoe which had a pointed "toe, while the other shoe was squarer. One foot was sore from some cause. Mr. Turner was shot down in his yard by Gilligan near the stable about 0:30 o'clock the night, of the 27th instant. His body was not found for some hours thereafter. Gilligan is said to have rela tives in Richmond and Manchester, and is believed to have been tracked in the direction of . Petersburg. .Gilligan was seen in the- yard of Mr. Turner shortly before the shooting, and accosted the daughter -of Mr. Turner, -who. was just returning for the Christinas holidays from Hollins Institute, where she was a pupil. ■ *—_ **zzs» • -■ I'tiL-ASKT. The Col«'i Siiap- A Roniid of C,i\yviy~ Oilier Mention. PULASKI, VA., January -I.— (Special.)— The new year starts out cold and wintry. The thermometer this morning at 8 o'clock was 15; above zero, but yesterday at the same time it was 12 degrees below zero. Skating, coasting, and ice-getting are the. order of tlie day. Ice is G inches thick. , , Christines was an old-time one nere, tne festivities being enjoyed by old and young. There were Christmas-trees in the t-hurches and in the family homes,, lire works. &C, tor the children, and parties, &c. for the grown people. ; . Mrs Lucy D. Steger gave a beautiful prophecy; party Tuesday night in honor of he- lovely and accomplished debutante daughter, Ellen Douglas. The handsome residence and bountiful table Were beau tifully decorated in red. white: and. green. Mr Randolph G. Fitzhugh won the prizo i-i the nrophecy game. Thei\/were present MeVdames H. Peyton Gray, William IT. iloward Kate llubbard, and John B. Bas ]<M\Hle- Misses JCmma . Wysor, Maud Darst" Lizzie S. Bennett; Miss White, of Abingdon; Lizzie Watson Nettie Leache, \lva Watson, Maggie Watson, Myrtle Wvirall Susie Price, and others; M.essrs. Kiufdolph G. Fitzhugh Harry iilocksidge, Knbert Campbell. Edward Howard, T on as Iloward. William Iloward, An drew B Hunt. Guy Darrt. Louis Painter, 'Harry Van Doreh. and otners. . ■ M-4 'John W Kc-kman gives to-night a X-nv -Tear's party, in honor of her son, Joseph KeUmnn. who is in _ business in x.^v York and is spending liis Christmas IVrV Air. 'Joseph Eckman, who is just -rown is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania in the Scientific Depart ment, and occupies the important posi tkn of chemist in one of Mark Hanna's New York State furnaces. .. . M--S Peyton H. Gray gave Friday night o "u,%.^c and handsome party. The young [l^diesiwere beautifully dressed, to person ify The different months and seasons. Mr -md M-s Charles H.Leache gave a delightful party to their daughter, Miss S-illv who is attending tho romale Nor mal''School at Farmvillo, and! spent Christmas here. -.-■■ ' , ■ ' ' Air Joseph Davis and wife, -of Maple "ay« a beautiful entertainment to their 'many' young friends ;.at the Maplo Shade a few night? ago. THE 3IURDRH OK S-VYDKR. PleiniMK'N Trini to, Commence To , ; i)n>-Ln»li for Wife-Keuicr.s. ' NORI«OLK, VA., January ;i:— (Special.). Before the Princess' Anne County Court to-morrow Magistrate Oscar I. Fleming will be tried for the . murder of young. Clarence Snyder, of Norfolk. ' The second trial of. Captain; Partridge, of- the; Government Life-Savings ;.. Service, charged AVith attempted criminal assaulf hear:' Virginia- Beach, alse, comes up, this ■Week.- :: . " . '■<■'.:■:'!" -'■■'J.V ■•'■ ■-".;' * :; The, International Colored 'Young ' Men's Christian Association has odjourried its convetilion here, 'to meet 'next , year at 'College, Salisbury f.:N.C/ Ad dress eS- wore made at the : last session. by International-Secretary';.. Mooreluiu.l, '.. of Wasiiingtori. - Resolutions' ; . expressive ot regret at the death' of Dwight IV'-Mootiy were adopted, and"' a movement, having for it 3 object the improvement of , tho moral conditions of hotel and railway help : was Inaugurated. . .Delegate John Whitehead declared, -In an interview to-night, that, the bill now, pending in the Legislature providing lashej for wife-beaters would become a law. The point has been made, -he said, that the. .whippirts-rpost would degrade a man. Such an argument in favor of a man guilty of maltreating his wife, the legislator holds, is not valid. . TIIB OJA> BURG. SeciiiiC tlie Old Year Ont— MW» '3}}* 31 ass— Personal. FRIIDBRTCKSBURG, VA., January I.— (Special.)— In one way or another tlie dvinir of the old yoar and the" ushering in of tiio new was either witnessed or ob served by nearly the entire community. The 'usual , noise, though that annually inafks the dying hours of the old year, was decidedly less than heretofore, duo no doubt to its boing Sunday. night. Tho niost interesting even in connection, wuii the occasion was the midnight mass iield at the Catholic church. It being the iirs.. midnight mass ever celebrated here, a large 'congregation was present. Among the musical selections was a beaut.un «oio sweetly rendered by Miss Annie is. Kirk of Richmond. Midnight service was also held at Trinity church, the holy com munion service being observed. _ At 'the annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Free Lance newspaper, Mr. \\. M.cDoruild Lee was chosen managing di rector, and Mr. A. P. liowe, Jr., assistant. M^r T^ce %vho recently purchased a con troliing interest in the Free .Lance plant, is editor of the Virginia Citizen at Irving ton., and president of tlie Virginia Press Association. The. independent . policy ot the Free Lance will lie maintained. Mrs. Edith Abel, I . wife of Mr. Wallace Abel of Quanticb, died at her home at that place last night of typhoid-fever. She was a daughter of th<j iate Dr. Leary. of Prince William, and a highly esteem ed lady. The funeral services, which were held to-day, were -attended by -Colonel and Mrs. K. D. Cole, of this city,, to whom she was related. Besides her husband, she is survived by four young children. Birt David, a former colored resident of Orange county, was instantly killed Saturday at Klizabethtown, Perm.. by tho bursting of a boiler. His remains were brought here to-day and taken to Orange for interment." Miss Ruth Tanner, oC Richmond, is the guest of Miss Kate Newell Doggett. Miss Anniu B. .Kirk, of Richmond, is visiting tiie family ot' Captain T. I\lc- Cracken. The banks, post-office, and city. offices observed the usual holiday to-day. Owing to ice in. the river tiie steamer Richmond, ci" the Weems Line, was ■un able to reach here Saturday. She suo ceeded in getting within ten miles of the city, when she Ivas forced to put back. DFDX'T KNOW IT.VMS LOADED. Shot liiul ICnieJ Hi« S-iveetlirart— 'flieu Tried to Kill Himself. NORFOLK, VA..-' January I.— There was a dreadful.- tragedy in Rbekinghara. coun ty. N. C, near Adelaide post-olHee, on Tuesday last, when T. V.*. Small killed his sweetheart; Miss Jane Koblnson; aged 17. pointing a revolver at her, playfully; in tlie old way/declaring afterwards thai he. did not know it was loaded, when he realised that he had killed the. girl ho: was. prostrated with grief, and crazed with excitement, so.-- he.- turned the weapon upon himself, narrowly missing se!f-de- in Ins shqts at himself. Both are well known, and belong to tho best families in that section. - -«■s?» ■ . C'JP PREaEXTHD To a Hoauolcii Five Comj>niiT-r-14nti • ROANOKEJ, VA.. January -I.— (Special.) The Friendship Fir^ Company was to night presented T/if/i the beautirm sityer cup won at the StAe Firemen's As cia tion in October Ar being the fasiest team. The cup was presented by Mayor Woods. The event ended with a banquet and smoker; \ Roanoke's anti-spitting ordinance went into efieet to-day. A. large number ot persons will pay fmesffbr its violation 1.0 morrow. / The remains of Mrs. Vaughan, who died at tho residence oC her son, Gooch Vaughan. of pneumonia, yesterday, were sent to Louisa Courthouse for interment. She was a resident of Chicago. IMG CROWDS AT EISTrmDKFOD, Competition. *ov tlie Am: tin s Musical and JAU'vavy Vrir.c*. CINCINNATI, 0., January I.— The Na tional Eisteddefod attracted large crowds, to this city to-day. The religious and social feature's were the order yesterday. To-day the musical and literary l!ea tures in" competition for the annual prizes constituted the morning, afternoon, and evening programmes, and kept luusie i-iaii packed 'with enthusiastic audiences. Some of the most noted musical directors ot the country, participated with their societies in the "contests. y. Committees to Sleet. The Committees on Light, and Second Market met last night and transacted routine. business.^ ' - - I'crsonalH and Briefs; ■Dr W. C. Nunn, of King William, was in. the city yesterday. Richmond Lodge No. 10. A. F. and A. m', will confer the third degree to-night. Mrs. Bishop, of north Eighth street, who.'is confined to her homo with grip, is improving. The work of laying the conduits has been temporarily suspended, owing to tbe cold weather. Mr Custis Fnssel, of Roanoke, Is visit-, ing h^s mother at 114 north Twenty seventh street. .,„ AO=;^: Susie : Baughan, of Middlesex counTy. is visiting Mrs. James 33. Turner, on Third street. D- Sills Daniels has returned to the. city 'after an extensive and- -^successful, hunt of two weeks. Miss Ivy West, daughter of T. E. West of 6id Church, who was badly burned about ten days ago, is improving. The public schools of the city, which have been closed for ten days on ac count of the Christmas holidays, will reopen thi.; morning- Mr. Harry-Kemp, Deputy Grand Regent of the Royal Arcanum, is on an extended trip: through Southwest Virginia m the interest of the order. Mr Cornelius Vanderbilt and party, who have been at Old Point, passed through Richmond Saturday night en route to New York. Mr W. E. Christian, who i?» connected with, tho passenger department or" the Seaboard Air-Line, at Portsmouth, was visiting Richmond yesterday. Fireman A. C. Ellington, helper of Steamer Company No. 2, and Walter Wood, engine-driver of No. 1, are all off duty on account of sickness. Mrs E. L. Slaughter, of. Roanoke, ac companied by her daughter, Ruth, is on :i visit to her sister, Mrs. Horace A. Hawkins, 2705 east Grace street. Mrs W. Braden Appleby Cnee O'Dwyer) and' M!r. Philip Garnet, of Washington, D. C and Miss Cora Leigh Covington. of Bowling Green, Va., are visiting Mrs. J. Hope, south Pine street. There will be a meeting of the Rich mond Chess, Checker and! Whist Club at Murphy's at 8 o'clock to-morrow. night.: Tho object of the meeting is to perfect tlie organiKation of 'the club. . There will be. a meeting of the Board of the Young M!en's Christian Association, held at the association this, evening, at which: time preparations will; bo made to hu*id"a M!oody-ir.emorial service. Rev. Tt: 11. Pitt.vD. U., left. the city on. Saturday xor, Mecklenburg, -where lie, .lie preached on Sunday morning the dedi cntorv sermon at the South Hill Baptist church,;' of which Rev. J. M. Coleman is the pastor.; -' '- ' ■■■^Messrs. Sam. PL Heller and Felix Hesa bxirir two of out- -well-known young men representing- a Boston shoe house, spent thti' past- week ,'n this city ; and .wt-re pleased 'to 'note tha -/great improvement Ju, ji.ti r city -ko, tha cast year. ;. y ■ THE SOUTirEUX 'ADVAXCB; I'Titvrn ';-': of .*•'..- Cnfou yo"-:- Occupied-— Ttyo AnicricjJiia IviUcd— Four AV'ouiulcrt. iI'MAKIL-A.- January £-10:30 P. :-.= ji.~ Tho first movement of a general southern ad vance, occurred; this morning, Whtui two battalions oC. : the Thirty-ninth In fantry landed ' and ' occupied Ca buyao, on the south side of : I-a giina. do Bay. Two Americana were lon-, ud and -four were Wounded.; Twenty-four of tho enemy's dead, were found in one house. Ono hundred and llfty prisoners and four C-pounder rapid-fire ;guns wero captured. . "The gunboat 'Laguna de Bay bombard od the town before Uw disembarkation of the troops from the cascoes, which was made under shrapnel fire from tho enemy. The enemy evacuated thg placo before the! charging Americans, rotreat lng to Santa" Rosa, to which town they were pursued.. COUNTRY DEVASTATED. Heavy, firing continued along the road to Santa ; Rosa, which was occupied, the insurgents retreating south toward Si landg. The Americans burned the coun try between Santa Rosa and Cabuyao. The gunboat returned; to Calamba ioi reinforcements, and thence came to Ma nila to fetch ammunition. She recently captured two of the enemy's steam launches, one under the lire of artillery at Calamba, and. also four cascoes. Two regiments are mobilizing to-night at San Pedro- -Macatl and Pasig, prepara tory to continuing the southern advance SUNDAY'S PLOT. Yesterday's capture of bombs involved the seizure of documents inculpating a thousand Filipinos, -who intended to riso against the Americans. Papers wero also found dividing the city into districts 1 , arid making a careful assignment ol leaders and followers. The precautions taken by the Americans alone prevented an uprisirT- The provost-marshal has- re quested that two more regiments be de tailed for the protection of Manila. Threa thousand troops arc now" actually in tho* city. ll f ADVANCE IX CATITE. Tils 3lOTemt:J3f Shortly on neJ'el Nest SoTniU o£ Slauila. MANILA, January I.— An American ad vance in Cavito province, south of Ma nila, is expected shortly. Reliable reports from natives spies show that there are upward of 2,000 organized insurgents un der arms within a mile of Irnus. They are strengthening their entrenchments and possess artillery. At Novaleta ths Filipino intrenchments have been much strengthened since Gen eral Sehwan's advance. A thousand of the enemy are in that vicinity, and there are. 000 at San Francisco de Malabon. INTRENCHED ATXAUJIBA. It is estimated that 1,000" insurgents ara intrenched it Oalaniba. ■Reports- have been received that 2,000 insurgents are massed at Mount Arayat. having strong positions which command steep and narrow trails, and that they are prepared to roll boulders down upon advancing troops. Life along tho. coasts o£ the provinces of Cagayan and North and. South. Ilocos i.s resuming normal conditions. The American troops occupy the Important towns and patrol the country roads. The natives implore the Americans to con tinue the occupation, to establish a set tled government, and to; terminate ths un certainty, abuses, aiid confiscations that have characterized tho rule of the Taga lo revolutionists during the last eighteen months. Vast amounts of tobacco, estimated to bo worth $2,000,000, ara ready for shipment to Manila. The opening of the ports of JJagripan, San Fernando. "Vigan, Laoag 1 , and Aparri to-morrow will permit the re sumption of trade, bringing relief to com munities greatly in ncod of foodstuffs.. Many vessels have already cleared from Manila for these ports. STILL HOPE-TO CATCH AGUINALDO. Incoming Spanish prisoners declare that -. Aguinaldo has ordered the release of all Spaniards now in possession of tho rebels. The mountain- passes of Cagayan and the two Ilocos provinces are-S still guarded, in the hope of catching tho in surgent General Tinio, who Is still a fu gitive. It. is asserted that Lieutenant Gilrnore is in Tinio's custody. AGOIXALDO'S WIFE .SOTUtEXDERS. Also Hits SSater.s. and Three FillpLno OiHcers. MANIIi-V,' January I.— Aguinajdo's wife, sisters, and eighteen Filipinos have sur rendered to Major /March's battalion of the Thirty-third Infantry, at Bontoc, pro vince of that name. Three Filipinos officers. also surrendered to Major March; and the Filipinos gave up two Spanish and two American prison ers. CrttiSAUE AGAI.VST- -VICR. SiicU atovement Vmgnn on Lotvci- IJHsJtl'Sideiiii New York. NEW YORK, January I.— This, the first day of the new -year, has been selected for the inauguration of the crusade against the vice on the lower East Side. Tlie movement has attracted wide atten tion by reason of the forces behind it. These Include the Society of Ethical Cult ure, whose leader. Professor Felix Ad ler,' has announced Ins.: intention to rid the congested district of Its many "plague spots." Professor Adler will have the assist ance of over a f ore of ;ninisters of all denominations, among then, it is report ed, the Rev. Charles A. Eriggs, formerly or the Presbyterian -Church, but now a Pro testant Episcopal clergymen,, and In charge of the I'ro-CaLhedral in Stanton street, the very centre of what is .called "the infected district." ; \ o set? plan of campaign has been out lined but the work will bo pursued with aggressiveness. Much of its force will be derived from the fact that the- better element, of the district will lend a hand, and in their quiet way bring the leaders of the crusade face to face with the situa ""The politicians will be appealed to,; and if these appeals fail then other means ■will be resorted to. Just what is meant by this the leaders of tho movement refuse to say, but they intimate- that; the- politician who falls -in his duty will be treated to a d-.sagreenblo surprise. The police are also expected to lend their earnest co-operation, and it is expected" that the bluecoats of the va rious police stations in the district will he-"iven definite orders v;hen they start but their early evening and midnight pa trols. . . . ■ . ;: KOJiTII CAUOI.IXA XEGHOKS. Tliey Issue au Address to V/lilte People of the State. RALETGH, N. C, January 1.-Tho negroes celebrated th* thirty-seventh an niversary of the signing of the emanci pation proclamation to-day. One or the features of the day was the reading and. adoption of an address to the white peo ple of the State, calling on them to aid cSJSSs SnK^ tSMmM ■reJtio i of nullifying the • proclamation -of emancipation, and abrogating, as far as, possible tho results" of the war for free dom; It Is already urged bfeHnmentlal portion: of the newspapers 0f . .«»» • So^'= and by Borne of its leading men, that these amendments to the^Stato Constitu tion aro temporary, expedients ;_ that the 13th 14th and 15th amendments: to •; the Constitution of tho : United; States must ba repealed.-/ These^ are ( the .guarantees of our freedom and citizenship in tnis land.: Repeal: them, ;; and sla%-ery again bpcom^S lawful." *-.- . ; *- - After" discussing the negro problem ana the causes -that led tha nejro^ in to the Republ ican party, ; the address ; soea on to Sa< 'Should you reject .this appeal; and turn a dea f ear -to our :en t jeaty ; •, should" you determine to do that which we, so.mucn dread; ■■. we 'have' no . pov/er ito '..prevent.^ lt. For us. there will bo but one remedy— wo shall -be ? compel led ■■•'• to i' sVek a home in some other land— a better country." - cnmißOXEns 15 ■"ciiAnr.ESTOJf; Tliey Are Given Keys to Uie Ci<j" .■-.Tlir. ■-.Tlire c'FKPt 1.0nj?. '.,' • _ . CITARLE3TON, : S. C. , January I.— The famous Gridiron Club, oC Washington, I). C, arrived in Charleston this morning on a Southern railway special, and was met at the depot by Mayor Smyth, Mr. J. C. Hemphill, editor -of th<i News and Cou rier, and a large- committee of citizens ;ahd newspaper men. A" salute was pro-, perly "fired." and the keys of the city were turned .over to the visitors^ . The keys were represented in v/ood, and were each about Z feet long:; ;. After an informal/, but none tUo loss jolly, breakfast at .trie (Charleston Hotel, a short trolley-ride was taken around the city.. At H o'clock guests and hosts em barked for the Isle of Palms on a steam er which bore!. the significant name of ■"TJrooklyn,"'. arid boro a largo rapid-fire gun forward. Admiral Schley was ob served on the bridge as the boat moved away from the pier, and marines armed .with cutlasses swarmed around the fore castle. A ;short distance out the watch sighted the- Maria Teresa, and after a chase tho Spaniard hove to and the crew and a "blind tiger" "were captured. MUSIC, CHIN AND URASS. On tho Isle of Palms the, party enjoyed a lunch and; some ! miiHfc— chin, brass, and string. To vary tho monotony, a lynching bee, realistic but not fatal, was pulled off, and an up-to-date cake-walk, with genuine darkies on the floor, and a presentation, by which the club obtained a mascot, in the -shape of a. fawn, all happened as fast aa the way could be cleared. To-night, in tiie banquet hall of the Charleston Hotel, made as beautiful as a fairy palace with palms, tiowers, and drapery, and little bits of incandescents, which formed an immense flaming Grid iron, the club was entertained by about one hundred o" the leading citizens 1 . Among the. novelties introduced was the music (?) of the Jenkins/ Pickannlny Band, and; lts arrest by a sciuad of im promptu cops. . SPEECHES, WITH POINT. There wero" speeches -without number, but few without, point. Mr. J. C. Hemp hill, of the and Courier; Mayor. J. Adger Smyth, Mr. N. S. Hill, Jr., of the Consolidated; Mr. J. W. Ke'dding. and Captain F. W. Wagener, o£ tho Pine Forest Inn, were invested -with tho Order of the Gridiron. Several selections -were given by the Gridiron quartette and other members. The music for the evening and during- the day -was by, the First United •States. Artillery -Band. v Hon. Chauncey 2.1. Depew made a most i happy speech, a regular shaking-hand- < across-the-line-talk, and was given three times three. To-morrow " the Gridironers the ruests of Captain V/agener and Manager Jameson, at the Pine Forest Inn, Sum morviile, leaving for Washington to-mor row afurrrioon. TIIK KAISEU TO HIS AIHIY. lie AslJ3 for Sltaplieitj', 3to«lestr. «r.d Devotioa to Vxity. BERLIN, January I.— Emperor William, at . tho New Year's parade to-day, ad dressed the officers of the garrison as fol lows: "The first day of the new century sees our army— ln other words, our people— in arms, gathered around their standards, kneeling before tho Lord of Hosts, and verily if any one has. especial reason this day for, bowing 1 down before God, it is our a'rniv. A jlance at our standards sr.tiices p. 3an explanation, for they are the em bodiment of our history. '•Jri what condition did the past cen tury, at its dawn, Jnd our army? Tho glorious army -of Frederick tho Great had slept upon its laurels, fossilized amid all the petty detail of pipe-clay, led by superannuated and insutric!ent generals, wlileh otllcers?, unaccustomed to useful work and lost in debauch, luxury, and foolish arrogarice^-our army, in a word, -.•as not equal to its mission, which, in deed, it had forgotten. Form and lira were given it by my great-grandfather; new laurels crowned .tho newly-created army and, its youthful banners, but" uni versal military service: only attained its true significance;. through, out great de parted Emperor. In his quiet work he 'evolved tho reorganization of our army, in spito of opposition and ignorance. He brought the German racos together, and gave us back long-desired German unity, it is ro him. that our thanks are due, and by the help oi that army, the Ger man empire, commanding respect, has again assumed the position assigned to it in the councils of nations. It is for you. gentlemen, to preserve and employ in tho new century the old qualities by which our forefathers made the army great— namely, simplicity,; and modesty In dally llfe; unconditional devotion to the Iloyal service, the employment of one's whole strength of body and mind in the cease less work of training and developing our troops, and even as my grandfather la bored for his army, so will I, in like man ner, unerringly carry on and carry through the work of reoiganizins: my navy in "order that it may be justified in standing by the side of my land forces, and that by it the German empire may "also be in 'a position .to win the place which It has not yet attained. With the two united, I hope to be enabled, with a firm trust in the guidance of God, to proves the truth of the saying of Frede rick William I.: 'When one in this world wants to decide something with the pen, he does not do it unless supported by the strength of the sword.' " AXXTETY OVER. COAST STEAMEK. Tiie Renrge FiuwcH is Oyerflne in Ne-vv Yorlc. NF.W YORK, January I.— Some anxiety is being felt for the coasting steamer .George Farwell, from New Orleans via Port Tampa, for New York. Mr. Fickett. of the firm, of Ray & Fickett, ship-bro kers, on South street, father of the cap tain, said to-day that he "had received a letter from his son at Port Royal, S. C, dated December lilst, which stated tkat tha Fai-well had put in there that day on account of a storm, and intended to sail next day. A storm was raging at that time, which may have prevented the little steamer, from sailing on the day intended, but she must have left shortly thereafter. She carried about seven men of a crew. VIRGINIA LADY IH'KS'.SDDDEXIiY. Eiyires on"; tiie Street in Xfiv York City. NEW YORK, January I.— Mrs. Marga ret Harris, 67 years old, whose home is in Harrisville, Va., died suddenly of heart failure to-day, at the corner of West and Barclay streets. She fell to the sidewalk without warning, and expired in a few moments. The woman was tho -wife Of James Har ris, of Harrisville, and a sister-in-law of General T. Harris, who served in the civil %var under General McClellan. Jticl:anl Croker Breaks Ills* LONDON, January 2.— A special dis patch from Wantage. County o£ Berks, says that Richard Croker, who has been staying ac a country house near there, slipped while mounting a horse, o '.ring to the animal's turning, and broke his leg. Mr. Croker is -being- attended Dr. Em erson v/ho. had reduced tho fracture. He is now resting easily. The accident oc curred yesterday (Monday) morning. Relieved from Cliarge. of Matriciile. SVVANNAM. UA.,; January I.— Mike liourks; white, who was arrested last ni"ht by "order of the Coroner, onjte charge oE having choked his aged mother to death, was released from custody this morning, upon the verdict: of tho Coro •ner"s jury,. exonerating him. . ■ It v.-as found that the old ,-woman had died suddenly from .natural causes, ana that her body, fallintr. had lacerated the faco and throat, which aroused suspicion .'jof/foui'pifay. ..' • , Many thousand dollars ara brought to lUchmond each year by local Insur ance companies, and mar.y , ou^"^ aro -sent ..away by, o«.tlz«n» Jo foroisn conifanlea. Moral:; :n»ur« tC ' WILLIAMSON TALJiEr, Agent.. AGEGSS THE BORDER! XEWSSOTES GATHEnED XX "SORTM CAKOLIXA'S CAriTAt. A MOST DECIDED GOLD SMK DcatU of a Confcilerate Vcleriin— A Good SliOTvins: for Jlnllnrny;! naii JlnitUs— nailrtlu- ;t>nrias ftli'c Fast Year-Briefs. RALEIGH; N. C, January L-(3peciai.> The snow expected here la3t nlgbc failed ■ to materialuse. East oi here It fell. Most'; of it i^ between GoldsboroVand Kin.jton," wharo thero is about ■» inches. The mer-' cury yesterday indicated a. temperature... of 6 degrees above here. There. Is good skatingr .Ts-ds-y—xvas fair and line, witli-: the temperature a little below freezing. There was not much New-Year calling. . Outdoor, work, which had been stopped for a few days, was resumed. The pub lic buildings were closed, though moist o* the officials were in their offices. To-morrow Special- Master Eugene "£>..■' Martin' will resume the hearing o* the fertilizer freight rate on tho Carolina Centra! railway] The adjourned term .oS ■ the United States District Court here-: begins to-morrow. Tho most notable.; cases en the docket are those o2 Mar- , shall, the Wilmington lawyer, charged" with, counterfeiting, and of a. ne^rro ex-, Ijostmaster, charged with embe2;:iem.ent. ; •! Georgo '-Goodwin, an inmate of :the;Sol~ diers 5 Home here, diod yesterday, after several months' .lllness,; He wasa ccem-' ber itv the Forty-seventh North Carolina Regiment. The railways made a fine showing in this State last year. Their gross .earn-* Ings on their valuation amounted to 12 per cent. - Tho banks also make an excellent showing. The deposits subject to check increased 57 j^r cent, during the year. -• '•.Deacon'- S. V. White, of Plymouth^ church, Brooklyn, and widely known in New York financial circles, is here for a day or two. He has been visiting a kin3 man. WVK. AVhite, at Mebano. Raleigh's development during 1&S indi cates a high degree of prosperity. Ths amount put Into buildings was almost 51.C00.C00. . -, '•"...•.. -" During December the police here made ; only lu> arrests. This* is considered to be. a good sho'.ving in the matter of good order. The cold snap mr.kea a harvest-timo for the plumbers. The damage to 'p-oes is unusually great. Tho plumbing work hero is, as a rule, of the typo known as "summer plumbing." Thero is no inspec tion of plumbing by tlie city, and hence the chief cause of tlie trouble. The Supreme Court library now .; con tains 12.G20 volumes, an increase of -12!) during the year. It- now has all tho re ports of State courts oil last resort say( eight, and oC these four will be secured this month. The fact that only two passengers -jrer* killed on trains In this State last year t_ remarkable. Sixty-three wero injuved." Of employees, only 2i were killed, out of W2O iv service. Sixty trespassers w*r« killed, and two persons -who "were; not trespassing. STLVDAY 3IORMXO FLArrIES AVorlc Damage in Greeail>oro!-» Deaths— Slcutlnpr. » GREENSBORO', 3?, C, January. I.—(Spe cial.)— Greensboro' was visited by. a de structive flpo about 2 o'clock Sunday morning. Tho fir© started on tha se cond floor of Ilagua UcCorllye's wholesale dry-goods store, extending into the Origi-. na! Rocket storo or" W. J. Clary. Owlnff; to the Intenso cold, the- firemen had sv terrible fight to control the names*. As' soon as the. .water struck any s<oild sub-> stance, it at once became a sheet of ice. 1 and it T ,vas with great difllcu ; lt.K..ttiat-tJi»?*'. firemen got übout from ono ii>lace to an other. Tho department wad: gr-_>ntly .sUil- ' '. Ed by the new and modern buildings n'.-xt to the P.ocket Store, the walls being very thick: ' .Messra. Hogen and McCorklo were in-:; sured for something over.'SSO.CCO.'and their stock -wad valued at about 5.5,000. !Mr. ": HcCorkla stated to your correspondent;. that ho could make no eat'mate o* t'c« ■; damage, for while tho fire did not rcacrt .; tho lower floor, ths wati*r haa probably;" worked almost aa ' much. deatructJon -a?;; the flames would have worked. :Kvery-J thins T; a3 destroyed on the 3«cond floor.' ! Mr. Clary estimated his stock at '?LWSjra and Is ..insured "for Sti.fttO. The- buildinrt ■ occupied by Tlaguo llcCorkla was ownd : by Mr. J. W. Whorton, who hact $C.fCa* tnsuranco on it. The othar bujldlnsiis.. owned by 'Mr.' P. T>. Price, who ts away,; and th« amount of his insurance could.; not be learned. lam glad to be ablato; state that both merchants v.'ill continuo ; business. Miss Ina Davis, who has not been ex pected to live -for several waeks, .;di«dj Saturday. She had gotten rid of fever,; ; but complication set in roquiriaf the ani-,j nutation: of a foot, and the shook was too - great for her to recover from it. .' pry. .McGnirn was called to see ..her twice, buc nothinjf'. 'could bo done. Xiao ■ remains wora taken to Granvllie. her father aad mother accompanying. . ,-;"\. _.^.-: ?.li~s Lula Brown, a lovable Chri-Stlaa woman died at the home of her parent*, , on west Washington, Saturday evening. , She had been ill for some time. _. "Only six students are left at^the Nor mal now. All or them are about well; and will go homo this week. . y The weEther has been m^^S^B here for the past week, and thf> ice- la, ilrm and the skating -la ff OOf '4f|i^|l party o't skaters were out i nd.iy ana; Saturday. ___________ : .'•• orx. c. s: osuonxn so morh; lie "'Wn-t JnilßC-Ailvocate o£ Conr * That Conilemneii V.'irvt. WASHINGTON, January 1— r Genera. Edwin S. Osborne. "a TeprweataUye-ftog Pennsylvania in the Forty-ninth, Fiftieth^ and Fifty-first Congresses, died iero to-. night, of heart disease. At the couclu siouotthe war, General Osborne was -ai£ pointed judga-advocate to ; invea.isa.a charge of crulty to Federal prisoner.; £5 against Captain Wl«. tho Con federate Superintendent of ? Anderson-, ville prison, . the result ot which was thu hanging of Wirz. ; ; ; cihxr.ciß'ciFT to coopku ixio.v* Three UunilrtU Tlionnanil Dollars:, for a. Day School. SEW YORK, January I.— Andrew .Car; negle has given. J300.0C0 to -Cooper Unioi?, for the .establlahment oJ a day school,; similar in scope to the . preseat , nisMj school, and tho object of which wUL^bf to S ivo such practical in3tniction_at ? shall enable young men to becorao urst*. class and skiU&d. workmen. ;> ACADEMY OF fVIIJSJG, Wednesday, { night. ]■ Jan, d 4 The Great Ne-w York Laughtn? SuccfiSSdji Sydney Rosenfeld'a UProartous Force, : i. TirpiV- Au thor ; of "The ■.'SeQator^.ii g-3 »— < ** White Horse Tavern. ■' ' * ' H;3 ILLs Father's Boy," PITPPTP "The Two Becutcheons, 1 '; T, ;;XM\7| riayeabyAugiistiaDaly^; J^Jll/^ Company. : .'■'■ -■ " /■ ■ ■,-.■ ■ ■-.- •'--.-'- Direct : iTrom its lons run at*:B^Q«| Theatre New York. ':, Oritjlaat prodacUoa.* and : a i splendid company. Including: ;= Mc-'j Frank Hatch. Mr. Robert KoK^ra.^Msv^ K. Robertson, Mr. Charles BtJwarda. :,i*^| Jsuues -.Carew. ilr.;ilcrry jStocktxUte^ Mr Joseph Coleman. Mis* Teresa, imx-a well, MUs ! Louise MacM|M|^^|y Laura Nelson tlall. XUj^H Miss Edith -Iviid; M^fl Seats on su,MX ■;■;-.. .^fl