Newspaper Page Text
Jf;| ;;Pri^ Vroiit and'lbsstbas its easy, ending Avheu-once ihe, order is'^iven : for 'stock clearing. l . - . • ■ .. ••. - v j Oome ' : a.iid-gct your ]i:rrt of the.- Inst; season's- -proiiis.-.- ;lt/s'a; arid. h;is "pro rcii a correct ..policy in. the. past; 'X.-'V ;.■"•;■."■• -/■■'.• '■■■■:-' 00^k ' '-■;./■■' ;::% - ■ • to produce, go on sale at $4:95 each. i;^;Si,'k^lyin«>^. Oxford Jacket, 1 that sold lor^a.r,6;4lS;'iire S&.SS. -.;■ '■; -'•'■■■ : .- • .'" ;-' Ladtcs' JTaJlor, Suits.- of imcst materials iii»a -tyle,: gold' «ip to, ?1f.50. for Siu; ; ...»i, ■ oihors'-o'fr. Homespun, . f-or ; SG.Tri, • were • H^?;>,thCiUfiuulUlo Suit? are-S.^ af^uits^that' SS.Wf are. J3.SS.V;-' 1 •; ' ■ ££• Silk'; V«lonr.- Jackets; '.witli liAndsome ' applique; beaming, ;:; for $12.30; ' fm^ • <j acs g,j|ySct^SlJV£wcrc.:?3s:. -■/"'-■ -•-.-. ■"-■ : - -."• '.; W? Fur-Trt mmeci Tciour Ca pes; tli3.« ;. . spaiion's; f^or.Slfi.oO. • ". .j • "'■'■■' ' An IMiiK.VSK I^OTOF' . :■;-. ihai'akb to 13)3., soli? iikgard i-ess of what the v. o^l at ■■? - . : . : ; ; have cost us. \. : -; Sl'O 'Hoki'Ston-a Marten; CiuHor Scarfs. with stout ■•"mantn 7 tails ax. d naturai »:.'■" c:aws;Tnow J35.50/"; - ' ; ; " ' , "jfifeHv'al^TouffloD -Merouo-Shape scarfs ana vere" asfi. slo, now S3. ■ VR'-aV ßrown • Marten Cluster bcarls are ;."- . • now S-2.T3. ---.thoy : vrrre . tht:. Fea?on-s best S^s\^uiid-Snape and ;.S^i:Col|arc:ttes ; c * v/|;h-lor.-; ; wi:bo«u yoke- ntornV- collars,'. •?,i?^i*iLSS- was" th<ft. pHpc.; povr.s2 ; oo. -:'" . •■• ;-,■; -,■ V.'- Sku)ik:-:-C^Jiarjr'a«sy.- Took Uke marten, ' GifmanJ'XsrteniClustflr,; Scarfs,, with- 6 .I- murtw tails r «tifiS;hea.aj, «c- ■> ■. . .CJinaWn's tninK St-ts,- cost.^S. .• }>nT Btue';"tlyns: Cluster \ Colliir. ;; with "'"■' Jyux*; §r» was the pnec.; now HKy • ; , v.ltH iini^-slzo -i head, and. --tail. ■ was The- pjice, now, 'S3S.SO.-. ana otneia. .■ = E VKXING SH.AD^S ' OF ;[-;■ ■ .' ' India Crepes, . CiMPOEt'bD '"T&i SEII;*FOR SI.M, "FOR ;;/.' -■; ."': ■'■■■ - ■-' KSc.; A -TATID."" . . •;■'. f /---j-jHch'Hana-Mftde-' China, •.- Siiks, in ' . Ji^hVen ; sil°k': GausasA' '«.'" 'Jil'^h '';Ms£* Bluo.- Pink. rWniw^ia^Violet.; was ,Tr,c A-^rd, forr4Jio. yard...: ■;■ . . • ■_ : , .--■■ . -.-■- ■.■■_ .^itle.^Sn,;ior s'.'C. ..yaid- ...- ■ H~o6o:: pairs of $i Kid V--.--T* i^'if.'"' Gloves - : •/■'" '■ [. ;" : .'"" ARE .TO.CI.OSB" OUT AT 1 ' - • s<?'- - - • ' ' .'. *-■•-•> A.-PAIK. ■-'.■■-.'" -"./--■■' -■;',' The' Very Best.76c. Kid Gloves for We. - -. -VSmVon-Venkth Suede «ov*s in Block - ■• rr.w-, \vhitc' for $I. pair— usuau>..U..»'J v ; \ m^zm^^^* ':;; : ... 52.23 • and :SS.iS pair. • .- ■"> .. _ / ._ 4_"..Ti:j2i.<jn^ii3 TO ;TUENEW YBil?., ..._. It AVas 3lore Gcntrous ■ and ■ Conlinl ■'. Than. Usmtl- '. ; ... - - .-.; .y.. i The laFt year of .the nineteenth century received .rather a more cordial/ welcome: ■ t-han is usually, given |a. new year, when it- is?' turned up by "old -Father -Time-. ; . ;.-■': :> The demonstration, was: n ot noisy, riot "Eo noisy as many of the pas', but it was_ bearty. . The public. was in fine humor to .celebrate-" The' 'most:, bfiiliant business : year Richmond has ever known had just ''ended. The promise of : au'oUi'er as" good and better, circulated a uhivorsally. up- Jifting: spirit. It was as., noiiceable; iis tgia "crisp breeze; ajid as cheering. It seemed to make the whole world, wear a Kinils of.beiicfjceiice." The result.w as • a general JiearLincfeh. and 'among- . : business-men : . a. good fellowship.' such as- never charaeter r szed them on a New Yearns. ^ There was noshing like a general sus "jvoriFi otj of - business. " Yet the susi>ension ■.•was rather more general than usual. The iStat^ offices, nearly. all the municipal of-" fices,' the banks, and many of the w-hole ftUe houses, ware closed. Sunday hours \V«"*re"; observed .at .the post-office. ' '} fSoma oi the railroad'. oflicas were closed: Vii al! the least amount of work possible; "was: done. All- local freight-trains were ''annulled.': and freight- "and ', express-cilices were closed. ; " . : . i ■ Thcro -y.-'.Me— finc : dinners at. .the hotels U] -honor of the day, -They were partaken of -by ' a larger number than usual, as Ctrave"l was good. . There were special i dishes at Ihe restaurains. things v.-Jth. Cl-iriKtmas narric'H. and at -the* bars 'there severe-- dispensed prescriptions supposed to fb'ej-jnost* needed; at' Christmas. Indeed. ; -Ihe -entire.' day- was , more like chrjstinas iOay:''than, issual.. ',-",.. . C: There were few pyrotechnic, celebrations rat- the hour of 'the ;Xe-w; Xe-w Year's advent. Ari.- som<;: quarters- of the" city- the boom xofi'explosives saluted the memory..". of tke year: and welcomed; in the. ne_w ; . Th« ich"urch> celebrations wereVof 'more' r than VusuaJ';interest:''Bigh mass. was' celebrated "iit'-'jnifl.nißlHViir- all .the" Catholic- churches. ,The sanctuaries . could", not "accommodate 'crowds ; in ajiy instance. There were s^vatchriight service:-: in many of the -Pro rtcstant churched and the old: year .died and : a -ugw was ; born,", aniid 'inspiring )liymnH : of praise. ■• -- :'■ *~ VI n<S IMA SI ISTOK ICAI; SO CIET Y- Ann lull JiU'Cti jir «ii<l ion of.Offl „.„"■' - cor* Ileitl !»si<nr«lji>* XisrHt. : - :~: ~ ■.' .• '.The ari'nual'jmoetiiig of the 'Virginia' His .torlcal Sod et y was' he I d Sa turu ay ■ <n : ght a t itsVhbnie. .707. e-iFt Franklhv street.-, ■■'■'jir. *Jd"Eei.'h"riryan, v.'as/oaHed to tli'e, chcir'and: :3lrtV*\Y. ' G.: ; SuuiarG 'el-oVen secV«?tn.vy. ' : rvpf<rsiaejr vpf<rsiaejH ' Dryan submitted h:s -annual 'rcpyi't, which avjis, on' ir.oilon.' ordorhil. to il>e-'TeceivV--a;"filed,; and, : ,as upca^, publish-; ,*i'3fcin ; t3icv society's magashi'i Th<j' re- ; port showed; a lar^e • increase; in inembtr-' ' iphip.'i'wliich i is- .r.oitv - lan?er/ thani ever .* in Wfc'ory. of. the socict", a:v' ( that;tlKi ifinaTicial '.:6ndS'tion !< ss:also Kratifylng,; $4*JO ih'avlng- beers -ad dadf to , the; iwnianent' flund;.-?200; appropriated, for. puhiishing/ii: ccatalcguri of ilie in tho^cbl-' 'lectiMip-'' the • society,- aud, a balance' of. rTtvariy r Ci>i>o rcrr-SLininfj sn ?ihe.currvtnt:-;acrrQoun't.^.? ihe .currvtnt:-;ac rrQoun't.^. -The frff t' o" loan of' a lavt;e/r.umT: tJjer-f <>f r v,alua.b!<? ibpoks;; manuscirlpte, . ppr-. 3|rait«r:.?&«.;'-: Tra« reported. - Th« pr<«Khnt ia"777. :r sain of^; ttveiit>j-tivo Jovrr/'tJiCL-' .■■ highest .-number v«yti' before 'iro.-j ■•3)Ortc<s;'-T- !■.■;"■;■■.;■■ ,, - ; " ."'■■'■:■'::■.{■ ';.■>.•"•.:'-';: fSfiA f tf-r;=" the • president's -import :■ v;;is ; ' swl> 'jmitteiithf meeting -vvfcTi? : iriioith« election sVJC-ioOieferi I " for S the.- untiiilng ->v;tr.v.-;TJ iri pCominaUug" 1 Comuilttce,- , <;6nslstijiigr--'' : ' °- i^V^^X^.r 'Krc-iit. Merrlck; -aud^ilftrfdltli,, -recoiKiflcnSfcd thut all:tfcc pret e.nt l -3jicuni-; rqj-nts : bo "rf-eiectfid; v/hlch • wa?' Oone " by; *ixiQn:ii*Am<j\i* vote; -I-. y : : .\" ;;- : "^.',"'K:>. 5..:'5 ..:' it|i'A"}'t< i r; a: disicupxloribv. various v-membevs ■iarv'dlftv-r^jit; "methods ;v*of'; benefltinjrMth^ ■■HfctjV'-.iho'.-xo^elin^ttdjotirriOd. .* »• : P^lftriyv;i|i<niifah'd:r;d6lJurs".-vore.^ r ijrot!Kht^ :■:«) ' .'iifhraoiid each.; ye'aroby Joca!- J:;«ur-. «! f {'io 'v'conijijjri^'s;-" :a;ci mariy 1 ihov.s-snd^ ; 'fiirifiiii&.i^.';«vay by , ' cHiz^hs^ ttii^forci^'i • g^»^j^^^^*">:2i:- IriKurj-«h'"iA*ir,?isiia.J |fcL^N TA3U-u3i'.;As:ciit. : ) bed Vests for. 9c; 1 - \ " " Lnrlios' SI.CO Fine Ribbod 'Pufe-LarnVs-.; S Wool Pant? aw» $1 a pair. . > -.'i^ v .Children'srHcavy Fleeced Ribbed- Vests -jinu Pants are 121-2 c. ■. .. - ./-■ ■; \ ' : ; i-aVlies' -'-Heavy. Esb-ntian liibbod. Vests. •„ and; Side-Button Pants for Sf.c. ' Cam«?rs-H;tSr;* Wool-Mixed Vests -.and; ;•. . •■ p.i n(s. were;^So.'.'.-nov*','. 4So. : : - •. : .;') | SV.U* Wool Ribbed '-Union Suite, for ladies'; and misses.; are utysv 73c. . ". "••- '- ' ; .: ;% : Cljildren'p'2s ohd - 33c Ribbed.: Union' .■:'■: Suits are 18a .; a' EUit. '{>:■■.- '." '-/■;;^";.- Boyß'fiOc.; Nattir^l Woo! Shirts -.'and Drawers a.r& Z'?c. a" garment.'-/.^ v./. . . • ' Ladies* 17c. Fleeced,, Ribboa .Vests -.and- Pr.nts .are 121-2 c. .'." .- T ;. 4-"4 '-" ■ ■ The MunsVnsr Plated ?1.!5. TTnioir Su'.ts, fof ladias, are 51 '£ ■J-uiU'l-"" ; , .". '-':•"■ '. ; 'Boys' ■'Kl-tced R-lbbod Shirtsiand.Draw-^ «is,' woro 2*c, now 19c. . ■ • :."■- / , ; .".White Spreads. : V,):\ CAN'T- RESIST TS/JJ-JNG YOU OF'EM. ; AGAINTp-DAY. : ; ~ .;. ; .J- .■*•-•■: - Hundreds sol(s;*ycsterday. Enough left,; f however, for to-day's :9ellinsr. ; ,"./.'.. ■■ .; ■'--',. , Main -Floor— Ceritf*!-".: Aisle- -. c « "'-Full-Size" Doubie-B«d Crochet , Quilts ;for; ■-;;.'"'soc>.; ' ;^.rv.--'C- ;: "- : - ■'- ." ; " ■■'' ■ : '-' ; ' ■"-'"■• . v Extra Heavy Handsome* Crochnt Quilts, : '-'' Cthat -sold£i"6r SI , and' 'sL2s, ava pit the. TSc/ counter: '..;'. ■ . -,'. '-- ■ / • ■: ; ' ■ SI .no; "and" 53.75 White Crochet Quilts for '-'"■" Sli-'-;'-:"' ; - : .i -■ - ',- :■ ■' -'•'■■ •■ ( v ■-- -./:•' ■" '• ,W]iite Crochet Qiiilts.';that sold for. $2.23,' ; are'?Lsoin. thislot.' ; .. ; - , . ;,:";>' ' .'.-:-: ' SPECIAL^TO-DAT.;" ■ .-' ;• *\ r '5° P a i r s i ;"^White: : ;;.;Woqii Blankets, ; \\ =-4. soJd { for $3;50. for $2.55 a pair. V Underglazed ; Toiiet Sets, 51.35 instead S5 Gold-Stippled Toilet Sets for. 52.95. . •Solid-Colored. ■Decorate'"l -Toilet Sets, ■ ': ..with Slop Jar, , were $10,, f0r ?s.C's'.coni :. - 'Ipleie. . " '--','■:■-.-■'.■■ ': ; ; ' .*- ; ]Decorri.ted:Soup-Plates. sc. each. . . . i Decorated i Oat nieal Saucers, Sc. . - -■ '■• Decorated Cups. and. Saucers,- were. 2Cc".;' ; ■ for 30c." each. /;: : . ;'■-.. . ... Japanese Decorated Cups and Saucers, 4c. each. .. : " ■ Wliito and, Decorated China After-Din-" ; ncr Cups and Saucers, were 15 and iiOc, for sc. choice. ■ ;v ■ China Picture or Photo.. Frames, 10c. . Large Sheet steel, dou= ble linedivs2.7s instead of S3. ■ -■ ■ - _\- ; ' ;-■,; . "'.-.: ■■'_ i:# O ■■ if/-- 1 * :'i?IVORTAXT 17RBAX 'ISfPROVE3IK?t"Ts" aiueli Has Been .Vcconipllslicd— Plaas' ■ .'.'.■ . --for .-. ill e Fu(nre. ■ ": .' The. departments of: the City. Govern-;. Sient". having-, in charge: the great, public .worlcsv have' been very active duriug- the • past. tv.-elve months.. . .-■. -■ / . The 'Stieet, Committee has done won-, ,ders in the way. "of -new Pavements, "new road-beds'; and; new sewers. Tlie old stone sewer has been: replaces by a new and 'modern construction, and 'the F-it'th • street- frcw-er; has been rebuilt ; at the co;=t '■■ of ■ §20,000;. '■• Sidewalks have been laid ard. impfovcii. and -roud-beds:: and jriivters paved, r the block', on "which the- City Hall stahus ■.has been paved/with 'Belgian '• blocks.': and. a .line- road has. been built : fi-om" Cliimliprazol to Fulton. .'-•'-...■•".-".- . ; The wo.-k.of improving-, the harbor. goes. .steadily on.. The: city is -"represented in ■ Washington; " and- no' stone wiH be -left : unturned- to induce Congress to; make an; appropriation to ; carry out the" plans for ; .the "dykeing of the harbor, and .the deep ..eninjirrof. the. channel.". This: .work .is. of ':■ '■ immense importance, to 1 the Khijj-buildins"; indusiry,--.a.« well- ns to- the shipping/ in- : terests. The day' i? not far off when'a' new city jail,' modern ,in every respsct, ; will'be built. The effort 'to obtain an-np 'propriation for this* purpose" ..will be re-" neweil. before the -Flnance'Coriimitted this . year. ■ The parks of the city hay.i been ■ '.much improved, and other, important:' works have' been carried onV The.water, works has- been' repaired- and .overhaul «e'd,' and the result of ■ the -tests to ■■■ Jind'! some ' method, to; supply clt'arer;' -wat'Jr . will shorilj'- be.m ade known, and :: v.iU lead to some definite action. '" " " , ". j The "gas-wpi'ks will '■'. be" renovated, and modernized' this year, and extensive, im provements are contemplated at Rcser ;voir;Park. . " : . . ■ - . ; - ' ; 1 . ' ' - ■.-■.. '■•■; -.- -- •' .■ ' I FIXE DE1 >! T OFPICKRS ESCAPE. |. .... ,-.. . ,- . . -■■ ■■-■ -;- ■ ■■.'.. '{Chief PnJler'.s Mind j -Saved a«-:AiivJ£%vjird ; Siinat ion: j :-F2re-Chiel'.,.V,\.: -F2re-Chiel'.,.V,\. G. Puller,. "and Captain ' L.. O. Jenkins, of the Fire'Departmenti had ,a__narrow escape from .fa; serious-acT ' cident; on Broad street yesterday morn ing. ■ . - . • : r ," Z. ' . '"-. .; . They were d ri vi n g • toge t h er ' d own .13 road j street, -.when, the front axle of-'the buggy j broke. Tiie horse became frightened and. j ran away. ; W3ien* Mr." Puller, found: that the' frightened 'animal could not be 'stop- J ped, -he'.deciueil to run her into som.> ob j struction, or to tlirow her^'down. '- "As->t7icy j reached .tht;- corner of . Adams' streot," he ! t turned her suililenly pntho'.i'rozen 1 ground J-and tripped^her. t lhrow'ng'-li'if. heavily to . the, ground; ThV ; v.h«jrjie '" fell? toward" jh« ..broken »i<!e.' : oft the -bugrgy^and ; turned it '■oyer.'-'. r ;Mr. "Puller.:, and Captain • Jenkins j^.-ereVthrown - to 1 the .-ground.. .The : Chief 5 fell,:-: upon , the ,-. curbing ■ and', v.-as' badly. j.bruisc-d>a'bqut.-:thfi,,hip and>jeg, and re- *^ceiv<*d;- a: .severe' gash -.ovci itlw lef t ;oye; Vhile'Captam luid ''his shoulOer' j <lislocated. Neither of the."irentlenich.-Svas jjserioiissly! injured.*' - V WIS - N 13\V ,YK ATt ' CASKS. j Ju.sijce .Toiiii->rtir<'rN l'rucn 'Goml Ites ,. «lul ions— l»bi»el'«rl for tUr Future. :>f Good resolutions arc -all tb.jigo \v.il2i ' Justice; Jolm's'. devotees just now.- liicon- j sequence, his ' Honor; hixd . tho V. sirallest ' docket yesterday- h&,has liatl- for 'iyiany:>'~a^ long "day: .: X 6;; cases -of'"-impor't ';uice;cazne iiii'at aJL , : "-,- . '„■ - . Berrjv^TOK- up; for. beings drunk. JusHc*"Jo!m.'!ef hua ;;o lVe<i:. r- ■... •- • ; a^..7.">>J.: Barker- was -drunk on thutstreei ;Hii',v. F as-lii^diSl.-. ' ■ ■; ■ « ---- ■ ';-; ' i~ -■'• -Q.i W-ißass .also drunk: lle^-was •flnnd SI. ,';-■■ r,^.:- ■:■■:■' -f ■'. --," .'.' i fej^T, ■■:^V.^:J^.-.' Johnson (colored) c "gave. ; a ; ; b«at? ling 1o ; . llettio Johnsoii.-; -ileiv;as "lined ,lhe * r iisual,:noouiK; 07510.-" -*•">;:- ; • -;,-;.■ J tnQ^i l^ovvers . (cojo.rc'd ) t. c3w«eil Iwi tli I cuniins and abuaiiip: Spen'ctir^'ov.'ers j was* not present,: and .an «i\tachmeu t " whs J : issued «/pr:liim: / "."..; - , •, ■ ;• -; ;-,; ; -•^eOrgv;,.Xc'lHon • OcoloredV-Avas^disordorJy j ■oji the ,'stroot;'.and -AyasjllneU SW- r>. >,'.-: \ - .V \ i t Quiclc adju^tiheiit. <)f •jussft.s.'.i.iadoeafiy by/in£Uri!r,;i ; v/itlv-tlie;A;irjjihla ; -Stuto:j'fNq? M- " M^M* JLJ <M*W*M+ » f 1-» > *** >•"-'--' ,*» . > t * ■* r * * laium mmJ 11 ■■.■■■i.....*i ■ " 'I ■— ■" wiwiiwl "n ■ nn'»""f*' ' _'.■'..* LT'-TTT hb BE !>!Bsm " T " s .;rS icXoflOM. ISSUED AGAIM-T CUI. . THE'-'-LITiGATIOif HOT' ffIDKD, While Tlii* It AnolUcr JJiKnal Vic <ory for tii«; City, nic C«>c M«y, Still' •jjc TnUen to lUKJioyjCr-iutH— l'ointM ? J Tlmt v ArC3N«>tiDe«:i«l««li , Judge -Nathan; Gorcrh;is:r dissolve^ thej injunction' ros^alnlng; Ahejcity-from Tin-^ lerfcring withriheiCeli: .' Telephone iCom-v puny' in its occupancy; off'the" atreets|of j 't&iz city..,- ■ ■ ■-■■'-. ■■-. ;;' : ' ■" ;..:.' : V i',«".m": ;3"udKe: Goff \liqlfls;-that'. if .tjie , Southern'.; '801 l' Telei>hono: and'Tclesraph^ComlV 11^?; ;as decided'- by '[ the :Uni ted;States. Supreme Courts has; no 'right ui\6n^ tlie;, streets'^ cf • kic[nn6nd;:;.vin-aer : aii-'^agt^bf- Congresyj., ; passed; in -lSOO.'rcgarding^lesraph^iines, ■: it .lias*no-rightcuiider;:the laws^ .op^ir-^ :^}ui'a-'-or" \hei ordinances' -bf.-'.the '.'cit^Vof : 'RichmdndHto'use^suchj. streets^ -.Hfi.fwll; • at-'a'later./<late,~ issue; a. deoree; dismissing UlO biU-of-the-'complainanttcompany. _ The liUgatioh": does not,^however, end^ hero ■ Tho /Bell; Company -can appeal, to tlie ;iUnited S States Circui t" Court : of 'Ap-. ; poais for; an opinion; on^the points ..which ; ijudgo.'Go'ff ihas just decided. In such m, CeVent, ■Ju"dgo:Gofl t .win bo disqualified from, fitting 'in -the. higher court in this case, 7 "and City-Attbrney7Pollard will ask t.hiel- ; -Justice^ Funeivitoi-'preside, with. .Circuit-: i.rudge Simonton'and one-of the^ district . 'judges.' ■:-,-■■■ . . .- ; , . . ; - •;. . TEXT OP -THE OPINION.-.,.. : Tudge"- Goff 's opinion was . received'. here . yesterdoy,: and copies ' were ' tco;Jnl«el--iii:-thc ense. The full; text of the; opinion is as follows:. ; : "_. - .; -•:..- - ..-.■-■ .inthe'Circuit' Court" of "the. United States, >;for the K;L3tern;Distvict of Virginia, at .Richmond: :-. : - ; ' ■■'■]-. „, , ■ 1 'Southbfu -Bell -Telephone and l&iegrapn ■ Company >■.....- /.- :. ..... ..Complainant, City • oi . Richmond . : . . .... ...... .Defendant, i.,; '-.-""-;- . . ■•,-'- -In -.lSquitv: ' : 1 - ' "■; Geofsre .H.- Fearonsv- l>eako &. Carter, • -Stliss && v ilolluday, : : counsel for complain-- Henry R.Pollard, counsel for defendant.^ Goff, Cirouit 'Judae. . ,'.-,' ; For. a -statement-'ot' this case and the ac ; : tioiv of this •"• courts hereinbefore, -, see ; .Fed., SSS. The C^-ouit Court of Appeals modified the decree/entered by this court. and ■remanded, tho case with instructions ' as set forth in'theopinion k of -that-court, '42 U S ' 'p. C>S6.--.Tlie : Supreme ' Court ot: "the .;.TJniteu ,- States, : ..- on r :Certiorari to= the : Court ! of -^ Appeal' for .the Fourth pijcuita :reman<3ed Jthe' cause to -this court, with di-; ■iroctiorisithaf further- 1 proceedings be had 'hercin- iniconformity"- with the principles, -as announced in the opinion; of that court, '174 U: S., 701- Mr.^Justice Harlan, . m ■closing the opinion- of ;tha Supreme- Court .(174U. S.; 17S), says:: "What rights. the^aP:, 'pellee had, or.has: under. the laws of ; vir-. "giniaVaiid-the ordinances- of the city pii Richmond,' is a qtiostiph which the Circuit ■Court did not. decide,; but, expressly waiv ed • If ''is-- appropriate that that question, should -first be considered and- determined, by. the , court of original jurisdiction.. The -only- questions in ithisvease; at this • time ' therefore, relate -to vthe :ri?rhts or the complainant. ■L'iider:section-32S7^ qi. the Code of Virginia -nnd under, .the ordi nances passed by the" Council of the city. -of Richmond, -granting -the . consent of •tha t city to tho Southern -Bell .Telephone faril Telegraph Comnany touse.its streets withthe "poles and linesof that company, and also under the ■ ordinances -. repealing the resolution of consent arid-relating'; to the joint use of poles erects"! for.the sup- ; port of wires used in connection With trie : transmission of electricity. ' Said section of. the Vircrinia Code is :as follov.-s: • VKvery telegraph and. every telephone company. -incorporated by this-, or any ■ other. State,- or by the United Statesvmay ■construct, -maintain, and operatevits line "along; any of the- State or. county roads ~or works'or the waters State, and along and parallel to any qf;tho -railroads .of- the : - State,, provided .the ordinary u?e ■of -such roads, works; railroads.- and 'waters be ' not thereby .obstructed, .and 'along or over the "streets of any-city or • town.- with; the ..consent- of. the rCoi^ncil thereof. • - - " . ■ .i;'i ■. , "WHAT THE ORDINANCE PROVIpiES. " The ordinance of . the city of Richmond, "under- which the 1 complainant claims tha ■right t'o-use the-streets' of that city for the' poles and wires of- its lines, was pars ed '.Time -2(5. ISS4: and.-, while -it',' plainly "granted permissinn to -the = Southern -.-Beli Telephone and -Telegraph: Company., to erect poles -and run wirea thereon "on the> public '-ptreots of .said city, upon the-.con- ditions and under the provisions of. said - -grant, it al?o. in 'its.'.- fifth-, section. . re • served to the Council of the city the right "to ' repeal said entire .ordinnnce" .'at.', any ' time.' such repeal to*. take: effect, twelve' 'months. after the adoption of the repeals sng. resolution: '..- . "': ' ■'•;• ■ ■ , The complainant accepted ihe terms of the ordinance given -and consent, and erected. :its" lines along; and . over ; ; the. streets : ' of the „ city of. 'Richmond unri^r ' the provisions of' the -same.: -Having agreed- with the; city.; for : reasons of its own. ' to tho terms, conditions, and- jer , strictions' of.-snid .ordinance, and: having; for years" acouiesced. in the; same, com plainant shouldcnot" now be "permitted" to either deny its vaHdity or; 'escape its re quirements. The city of Rienrnond exer-" "cising the right of repeal reserved it on, the iitlr day .-.of December. \£S4 , repealed "the ordinance of. .Tune. 2(i. I£S4: .granting the right of wav throxigl'.out '.the city to the .Southern Bell -Telephone " antV'-Tele 'granh Companrf^tichmpoal to take effect ."twelve months .thereafter. C-onseatiently.: the complainant, -on and -after the 14th • day of December, : ISSS. had, under tlie 'laws of Vircrinia" and the ordinances of '.the city of. .Richmond. . no: lngal "right -to: occupy -th^ streets- of said city and use .the same for- its poles nncl wire?: 1 " ' THE "POWER "OP. REI'EAL. , -This court, is' r.o't -to pass upon the. pro prietj- of the ordinance of repeal, for tho power "of repeal -does not .depend on either, the necessity for it ;o; or .'• on i the- soundness' of- the reasons -assignee), for. 1t. ".-. The. Sa-, prpine Court'Jiavinir held tTiat .the ,act of :Congress . of o the United States of ; July .24,-; IKB. 1 entitled- "an act' to .aid in the construction:; of-, telegraph lines' and "to secure, to , : the government the- use' of the same for'.TJps+ril. -"military, and other pur poses"o4 Strit. :22l, C.'-:230) does, not apoly to and .: protect - complainant. . and this C(>tirt now ■ findinc: - tliat under the ; laws. •of Virginia and. tlie "ordimincVs of the "city of ' Richiniiid,' the Southern Telephone and Tolcgrayh - Com-p-iTiy,- has no right to use-: the streets of -that city, it; follows that; tho bill is without, merit,' and. that the relief as asked for must be drniod. ..."■ •-."■'. ■- ■ .. ; .-' -:,;;■.- .. /'...:; ,';;, t I-will pass : a" decree; dissolving the. in junction ; heretofore ; gran tP(V ami -dismiss h;-.?.Uie bill: . ' ■ XATHAN GOFF.- : • --'•United- States. Circuit Judge. ■ AFI'AIItS QV KKXRICO COUNTY. Sta.4«i«irnt. of 'Taxes Kerivi.-«1 from [:■.-.' . 'Various- Sources., . The 'followins: facts as to Henrico 'af fairs "•.will prove, of ..public interest: .• "-, ■■'. . ,Rate- of county lev)"; ,';0 , cents' on': the ?iCt);O!!.*v;;lue: tax, 30 cents; diHtrict: ; Hchool ..Utx'.io: cents on I .', the.. §100 of value in", the districts' of yarlna.';Fair field,: and Brooklr.nd;-'ainlS cents 'eh the OC-0 ot" yaluo in -Tiiek'ahoc'L'istricts. l ; '."■Arnoixht * : of . county" 1 , tax -derivGd '.from railroads - arid; telegraphs] : 'xs2,SS3.Ps;: school tax derived r'roni. Sam Sl.uisi.ij3. , , Am oy n: '* paid .into .the " Srtita V.Tren.iurbr, .eollccied at- the. County "Clerk's. 'o.'Hco- for .llspn! ".' yeary-ex'pirihs Augasit 51. -IWS," §isf i-v"A:n.ojint of'cour.ty. and school tn^. col jecte<3 - 'during ' : same j period on del 'tiqijent ["lands,- "paid over , : to' County "Tr^keuim\ j?IS,2-52.75.' .:/>'--: '■' . ■:"■-•■ v- : -' ; V-; : / ■ ■ Rate";, pi: tax." for, ' State, "county, a:uV i 'schools i?-ih ' '".. jfalriield;.- 1 aaitl I Variifai-.'SO^'cfcn'ts^Qii^th^^JCOSoCrjYaJiior.ihe j District'-' ot,';Tiic3tahpc, i r.SS Vcerits;--yn\ the. i : Si CO s- ■':.; -V "- , , | ; -' Th6;Coim*y-Boar*<i'Of S-pijryisors/wbjc!! ■ hoi J r. afizteen ; lijectf ng« -s'diif Jrfjj ;. cbo ■:■ y.ewr,; I , is -'.composed rt»f^Messrs. ;£ fenry .- C.i H&ci'lir 1 ;fti'; tiie^coußty/; during/ Uav: Vy»jar— IL'T^io Jwhiitj ': an/1 ;T37%to ' colored -,'(iii up? ai-T. /. i- '^" : y : - i >'■ /I'lic. .Oloiiiit' V«;E-iio'n-C*rr{isjui'iiie.s. !./ ,vDuk<>;.*Jr.> ;ii)<irCaptativ;Koai>): iu'K;ii:oi)MM:r, XJ,h6 '.EKvuMtivo-vCrtnisijittcoK'jt ith^TtWiish-' iU^'=i.cerpmqiiJ<! i J i . i "' s ?i"MI;-rhi*Jit^ jai'v'the if«l'c»f*irson ' ii)-xii6rvw:, s£j}!\"Oio.'je.'.->up .Hht'irJ&iseouiiis,'iincl ■ arrange; £<>;•.■ ihevoniv -pletloi) of theii' sour-fnir »)ook by aclding 1 •thci-'eto .in account of the ueremonioa :it Mount Winon, with th-s sppech of I'rcai tit nt and -in* many other or. .'vilciit adchussp.s mudc by dlstJiiKutphed Allisons from all the othyr.SUitfa !-'' ti.o -; 'l'OW\ 'J'OI'ICS YESTKCIUV. • ', -« ..'ln> J ,>F«ro,-Com,Mly. ':< The ."'•■ success 'r of VT6\yn;:Top}ca".£doj)erids '. al most' 011 tircly ■■ upon/ , : the-^company; ■; pre- ■ scntlna 1 st, .and' thosir^•nKaßedjln;; that, task v yestenlKy ,' werej responsible -for ;the rather hpoor,*, performance ?:hol: ahe;'/' farce,; comody:'- With one or two exceptions,' 1 all-; ofi'i the S coles : are ■-. i n t n ow ".ha nds. ■ '-. Vv . . •MackMsln^hlsbld'part-ofaVinie-Pay^but; iWlUieviKnott;/'HinitaV-Quick,;;anu,', other, jn'inclpali rplcs*3ufl'ered:at,;thc.- hands? ot, ithbse-whb v attempted to 1 pla>v them. a i.i.i.e- ; dainty aiidibewitahuiff Ma jvStirk.wns also. Imissing^Xrom-thovchorvs;^'-^-:/^;;* ;. - 1 \ :" ■ Howevt.-r;?as a v wholLV-the^perCormance,; seemed ; to :please,':andrcert}Liuly..kept:.tne; audience' in;.a^ ; gfiocl;'-h'uhior,'-so?.tlie tarce didniot y^fail : invlts;Sinis9ion..v;/:;V. ■''■■■^'•■■'i Property r Trahsfeys..":;. 1 _':,.-" V" ?J' _'' ! Cary; E4 ;and- Kerbei-t II I.'1 .' Adamß | to .R. ; H.';Har-j dosty" ' ami AVil Ham -B: c West, £4l;4-12 o feet , 011 ;; west -side :. of Seventeenth V street, -,~ ue ;twe'en--yeirablo; : iC : extended, /and Brown streets,/ *1,5U0.T. ,'• ' v . ; v ' ; -f --■:'. :;: ,::. /V'V, ••'• T^^'_- R.- H. "Catlett's AV-C. Brax t'on, 'andr'J.' N.: McFarlarid; and; wue to :R: R .B. Walton, &t.'f «et on .-: north tsiae-- ot Ashland street, between {'Reservoir and Randolph' "streets,- 53C0. - ■;;,->. ' "■. ■Vt H.-Harwood and wilo to W. C Saun ders, T2O "feet on ) north ' side ■■ Cabell street, . UOlfeet;. from northwest corner HicUory street, SoOf)./ •"-.'■' / .'■■.; ",,-'■-; "V, ' :.R 11.,-Hurwood and; wife .to Pollard & Basby, 100 ;"■ feet .on /.Thirteenth street, [southwest] corner; L.eigh. street,^.). . . '■ • Esther /Jacobs to/R- H..;Hardesty and William. B;: West. 2C 0-12 feet 1 on wost side, of- Valley ; or j Seventeenth street, between; Venablo st:-- n, if extended,; and ; Brown S Regi'na Kelson, executrix : and devisee. of'/N W.f-Nelson, .Drcivry- Hug-hes: Company.;aol"2-12 -feet; 011 north «ide o£- Cary street, northeast corner .Me iSsfS^^^?;^; '^Henric^ Fairmount "Land. Company to James W." A tkinson. ;!0 feet on east, side of Twenty-first street, southeast corner R street,-. ?St». ' ' 'V: i t> .- Fairmounr Land Company .to John P. Stirling,' 20 feet on west I side of .Tw enty_- Fecor.q street, 1(5 G-12, leet south, of; T. "'sa^ne^ oJohn.on0 John.on F. Newberry^^feet on abrthTside of Falrmount avenue., or » street; 105 G-12 feet east of Twentieth S A! e M. ? Kuyk to B: -Iv.'- Garrett same. as. recorded iiv Richmond -^Chancery : Court M B!'°F.^£add" aWd'- wife to T. Crawford' Redd.;" 9 1* D ' acres adjoining ■ the 'lands of Dr.'R;-P.-Dunn and als, 595>." •". :. ._;'.. _ • _- " Samuel-.H; Pulliam to :Cliarles ®$&PS -kins, 27 6-12 feet on east side; Xwenty-hrst 'street' l2o feet south of T /street,^J p.-^O Same and wife to ; Alyerton C. Wren. 23 6-13 feet on Fairmount avenue, .north west . corner - .Twenty-tWr.i street. &j#jgS ;. Same to James H. ;Hoa:ris; oO feet on north side of State. street, .30 feet east ox Gilliam. street," 5750." ; "- ;Toia -.Tluunl> -AVoclflJiiff. Misses- Miriam. Ruby, and Helen Ken a dclishtful reception ; . at their home, 108 Randolph; street,. Tte - (iay. evening for tha benefit.of^he pisan j'und of Park-Place church. ; The lollow in& invitations. :waro senf out: ... "Mi\ ' arid; Mrs Santa Glaus invite you to "the rriiiVriaye of their daush tor, Alice Gary - Tennyson Stout, to Thaddeus La fayette • Longfellow Sianley; Blanton. The little people were; in full dress, and. tha" brid.j anii groom looked lovely. The bridesmaids were Misses. Alice Stout, Mamie Bailey, Miriam Kennin.? lianij LotCe Fletcher,- Ethel Davis and ■Virs'inia Callis. The ushers, were Mel vin Godwin. Howard Blanton, Paul-De bold -and Edwin Stout. \ ;Master, Percy Yarbroush officiated. After the ceremony Misses Mattie Pegrara,: Mr. Smith, and Mr. -Stuart Hopkins entertained the gnosts with elocution" and songs. ■-.- Refreshments wore served. Mr. Retinal Walker pre sided at the "organ. ! "" * ' "'." '. . " ' The bride wore white satin and carried bride's -: roses. -At', handsome diamond brooch" held the veil in place." ; ; The groom' wore long pants, .wliite vest, silk hat. and carried a.gqld-headeus cane.' ; Three-of ;the bridesiKaids wore in '.Trhite ..'orgundie. en train, aad 'three in .-'h^k organdie rthey carried bouriuets ot' aolly and fern. Among the guests /were Misses Tyree, Minnie Jones, Annie'Tarbrough; Mrs: Cur ley; Miss Hope Kates,-- Callis. 1 Lillian Barries.- "Miss Nannie Dririard, Mr.- Laii avum Stout. Warren. Blanton. Williard Mcßaih, Bessie -Gdf)'dv,-yn; Mr. John Stout, Misses Mamie anttn.Emo-- Batkins. Bessie and Sarah Fayne.l Agnes : Gibson, "Mrs. Fletcher,.. Misses' Kenningnams, Mr. '••Cal lis,.. and' -'ethers. ■ •. - V Personal and OfhevVPnlton Items.-. :Mr. TV. J. lloorn. -who .for several. years lias , made Massaohusetts : his . home, is hereona to his mother: and: friends. : JKr. , William - Christian, -'.a;, well-known Pultonite, who ■ was' connected- -with - No. S, ■ Richmond Fire Depart?Tient, and -who is now : employed in-Philadelphia, spent "a week "here • with -: his.-- family,-; and • left ■ yes terday for Philadelphia. •; : -'- : ■-. " .. ;" : The Christmas entertainment for the Sunday-school children of Fulton -Baptist church, held .Thuisduy,nignt, was "a great success.. ' ;■■•.■' .- ' .--..■■ ' ■./.., ■ V Miss -Katie Ellar,- of Portsmouth, 'is spending the ' holidays with her friend, Miss -Mamie Gogan,- of Tjouisiana street. 7\lr., .Tames Hartley spent.-' the Christ mas with relatives in Alexandria. . j- . Mr. iVlike Knright;.the weTl-known ball player, who is employed in the... Newport News ship-yard, is here on a visit, to his parents. - -' - ' '" ;" ; 5 - The little daughter of Captain George Rogers, conthiu-js. very ill. : • ; .• • City Cosii't Xotes. Virginia Ranson .i'ualified as executrix of. the t-state of the late -Henry. Payne in the Chancery Court yesterday. .'• . VS. ■ B. Frayser qualified as executor, of the estate of the late "Captain , Richard 12. Fraysoiv The value 'of -the 'estate is ■32. 700. : Tho January term 1 ; of tliis. court began yesterday. ■'■". \ ". " -■• : \.. : : :..■''. ' > The following casfS'willcometip in :the JL'aw and Equity Court to-day: •: ; -The case of Henry J-W." ■■•Fisher against N. F. Jacobs for an unpaid debt. ,';■ "■"'. The case of Annie O'Kectee- against the Virginia Fire and-Marinelnsurance Com ijany.. Damages occurred from lire. : Sir.' R jiegcr's . Xew-Yenr Hecejiiion.' Mr. William Rueser.rmany -years ago cStai/iished the .custom." :of ''serving free luncheon to. his \ patrons , aiid f rienGs on Ne'.v Years -Day.. : ■ Yesterday -ho -eclipsed any of -his previous efforts" and gave a feast; .which was, -in ;poiht ':'o - £ ; service. and general excellence; /the-i -equal '-- of 'any which has been partaken. o£ in Richmond in years. / '•■•»>!.■■','• -- .:',■■'':■"':- -;■■ The nienu embraced almost, every deli cacy-.- afforded by' the. season, '• and. the ba'nnuet was : served in . the spacious .res taurant.'. MiV Ruegnr .welcomed liis g\iests and looked after .their comfor-t personally, and aHogother made a must 1 genial and hospitable host. -.-/.• .-• ■/•• . -. - • -i-,.■...i -■... : : . First Alavjfii* of :t?ic;-Yoaiv . • The fii".-;t "fire alarm" of tho new year vras turned in from ;Box 15 at !ll:D2-}Mohday morning. .-.The, department soon resppmled and; put oUt theilire, whtch-was in a small hou?-3 ia tho;; rear : of 103 • wes t Ga ry streot: The dam&so was slight.-" *: . ;-. . .-.The \ firei s'dl\ i alarm was | sent lin i from Madison- and Broad istraats - *>t i S.o'elock fn the:morn'ns'. awniiig'-oT the coh i'eetionorr stors'ot >■ jerry I Ivjoi'aiio ignited from-.a-pdpcvacfc^v'and dit3 ajbout $20 "flam aj p cLbsEoj'6.'extlnguslierl.:'Uoi's, combination \vajjon. responded Jancl ; did very eificient \rork. ■ '.; :,-. ■■ v -' .'" , " - 1"- . ;''- ; 'i •;•■:: r. ■'■> : Siio*lgr:i«ss /Se'sloiislty-'Ill;-. '-; . .The':'6t>Ma<br.ObarWs;'E,?Sn6d erac-s-- ro'Jnainsi.unchangqfi. ■ Major. Snod ferass';basbeentseriously-ill--at'.l.he; rest done© ol' his soR-in-law.-;Mr.:W." S; '-WooLl koiv.No," 109 south' Second,. and small hope 'is. eoitef talhftd i of-: his • recovery. ... ■ * . : :; i '~.'. TjiiujniMsy-'r'ss'e^s ' £»» '■ ttlcliiiioinl. : • . Mr. T..Davld : ': Fi'^edV -'onfe'' of, the ' School Ci>rnhiJß«>on«t"r'i' at.;- jS"oTr>York, ' Avith : -Mr. il: VW".\'<in, ~lot • th'a .153.1110; - city, are .visiting - B-icbmond:' ; •; I?oth : KonUtniun are TBiß^na&y.? Tigers r-'^nd ■were; gl von -a cor "Jiur?reception vt r tli^Olty^.HiJ'/vo.sterdayv . Owwwi '.■Ca'se\iT<JSts i «l-. To-Day. . v.TiVAuHltcd, .■•i^teK "District "Court will ."enny-me /'at \'A losruidrhiv^t'o-'iay. 1 %:. yjudnis iNVuCUU tcU 1 pre&l&e. •'■■■■ Tha O vf ens ■ cii se Nviil ■bo. one ot-'.tliiY /lirst /'called/.:;': v ; /:..v.i.;-:.'y ■-.. ,-., J "M.uiy 'thounaTvd -;<loHn rs/rirtv- brought to -. Richmond ••■' each -Vyear' by-- local" iiisurasiriij ;.c/jrflpi{hjt!sV. : 'ond;;isimi>v ; thous'?iid3\var6"-pent; av.-jijv . l»y.v citizens ■ to' : . -. foreign - com ..juulie^;/; iCorauflnsure -Tviih" thOiVirgiiiiJi ■ A^JUlllion, litiilur C'«*s"t*«*l CouipaajJ CHICAGO,. .January .: 3.— The/'. Tribune^' '.anysiS-Ferdjhand/Schumache^ Sctiuraachei will be tin head of a new ;Jniilllon-dollar;'f:ifeai^c^p'a^y^ns|:Ku3'''i Iwin|^fsituatedHmChtcaso;@lt^2^expect^ ■fi';beiari:active;competitor,tOithev...Oac- : ancalt?Trust"?within^a^year.«:;SSubscrip-. i tions'i>f'6r-.r stock j wiUJib;e: ; ;opcned^in./.tv,-o JChicaffo^bai^;s::Within^a^fe%y v s.we^s.^y-.y A h:\Y oEGraoe. X I Tho j ofTlce^of' Ciiy-COUectoi^ CUnninsliam] hvasjicepftopen'j-esterday.Hlespite-the'fact; "thati'it' was >:■ a :■:. general -holiday .r; ; .ln^oruer. ?that".'Lh'ose who wished- to. payrtheir. taxes: Iwi thout t tlie- r» ; per.; centv pc nalty;, could ; do ; 'so.' v'.'A.' larprc-iiumber^pr.-. tax-payers .took; 'adyanuif.'o- of theiConsideration.'; . ■ -.■,,; ;- , I pi/.nm^ ll .u_tn L iif'i tM - > -' MA? -' t tMtiJ>wiwr g ' ? - A!MA '« "■ *t.i>^-HTg ■ 1 ' : 'V-'.'.'r^£f fl W' V W«9«U'W>l> <> ; ;'y. , ■ ' ■'--; //^**'" .^>Sf/ -;-.-'_- :'• ■; ; ; \ 1 The most palatable, : I ■ -tlie best and safest remedyvknbwn /;! 1 1 to the medical world for the relief -. j . f'-of^ sick headache; : constipation,.. \ ' \ :: biliousness arid evils arising from: J S -imperfect . digestion; disordered : \ I stomach or indiscretions in diet, r I ,50c.. and -, •"■'. '.. i t: I TARRANT & CO., Chemists, New York. ; | I ; : Soldl)V^"ise ists . i [ orfiit yyear 3-:^ ear 3-: J CHOICE aiFTS ' FOB We exteiitf, aEcuppy Jfewr^6^s{gree^^cunW iriake our t[ '. grate fa6fc'a&-, -li^oiuleclgnieiijts fon-the 1 liberal '{patronage winch was extended ibstliG past year; and . beg to an nounce .that notwith standing ioui; ijLarge : - and unprecedented- Christ mas .business, i ve' areiiow, ■prepared to show a com plete assortment of ele gant articles in ; r FINE GOLD AND 'STERLING SILT'EE,: pai^tieulsaifyfjappropriate for presentation and wedding gifts. THE NOWLAN CO., JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS; ■•' - ;-.;-. -. : (de 2S-Su,Tu.Th) ' ■'- .. .; .-, one of-'the fsmest GREEN ""'■■ ' 'GROCERIES' .in the WEST END -for; sale CHEAP to an early purchaser. ; The owner contemp lates leaving the cityv-""'-- . ■■• For further. information call at. .Vja2-it"; -.1311 AY. CARY STREET. J9QO .--ALMANACS 1900 :Tfie-;!iSystra;ted .Southe-rn- Almanac lias no. equal. No -vveather predic tions lite these. A trial is alltbafc is needed to prove tlie value of ' ■■' ' TH TS ALJtASAC./" Price by mail, sc. Special prices on application. J. L.'.!!!LL"PmNf!\ l & COMPANY, . " ; . Box 543; ■'■ Richmond. /Va.- - ■ : . (do 16-dSiSifcTu<itwtFe 1) ;. - ' : L; LIGHTEKSTEJN'S; SONS: ■; .WE- HAVE- REMOVED TO, OUR "NEW Z -J ".-■- •;.•■- STORE,- ' -. ;" ' No. 1413 EAST ' lIAIN-, STREET, -where we- will carl'y a; larije stock of DKT-COODS, ■ - siiojjs. • '' \ : --'_ ;._ , ; IKUBBER TJOOTS. ■■'.'OIL CI.OT3IIXG. : SEIMJ-TJIItEAD, NETTING, Ac •We make all' kinds of Nets to order. Lowest prices. .^Reliable, Goods.; ' Note the location: ' r ..-.: ;. W?, .EAST MAIN STREET. '• L. LICIITENSTEIN'S SONS.- • . '• - / ' ' (cle 2S-Tli.Sun&Tu)'..' '. ': ..:'-. -, PEESOXAL. ': : Richmond, \Va... January 1, 1900. ■' MR, COLEMAN ; .WORTHAJi; IS THIS day admitted to ; an -.interest. in our 'busi "j^-l^_ "'" DA.VENPORT &. CO. \. • '. Richmond, .Va:, January 1, IPCO. -, ;-' MR. A\ r ,- HARRISON BL.AIR IS -THIS day admitteil'as a partner; in- our ,busi ' rie'ssiS HARVEY, BL.AIR : &, CO. . REMOVAL. NOTICE.. " • By. February. Ist we will occupy :,PA 6TRICK'S .AVAREHOUSE; ' Tenth . and i Cu^: : nai .streets,-; where, with J larger "charters; ; and railroad- trades to door, , we will ;have' better facilities for'g our-patroos. ■ "•■ ja2-Gt--; ' HAHVKY, BLAIR & CO. ;-. . , •:' :■ - 1900. ; .- ■ •" . . " -DR GEORGE .Bit STEEL, V "-• ■''' . DENTIST., -_■ . ■' :■ •■ -■.•No. 727 EAST. MAIN^STREET.. •- '.all my friends a" happy -.and 'prosperous >'New Tear. I' betr ;;to ;. thank them;l'ortht:ir patronage 4 in the past, : and bespeak a continuance of it 'in -the : future. s iMv^longJexpuriejice.^antl" a -determination •to . -keep :abr«a'st>"with %thei times f enables me - tc- promise on tire- satisfaction: in every particular.- Charges- reasonable.-: ■' r . : - - 'Respectfully,/ /,: "•- • \ .• . r. do; 31-2t ■ '■•-" ! V; GEORGE-B.' STEEI^ ' ' ■-•■■: : Kichmond, A"a., December SO, •"' 185l>.; ■" VWTCI DESIRE J^TO"-/ THANK. -OUR friends : - and ! : the - public -for. their liberal patronage ;the~ past? year. and. be"j?' leave '■■< to >arinonnc(rhthat *; pur ■• increasing business ■ has t caused ".us . to^take;-; the{:cqm rnodiouS:-store,' 1 -No:} lllo east -\Carjv street^ : With,;.increaaed>j;racilltioa,V:^ve; "a" re-'~: better' prepared ;:to? : glve- our • pa trons :bettor;ser .vice ;thanr before, :and- ask ia continuance of;rtheirM"avors:;L-Wosaiinhto ' carrvy the higrhest^srnd^sfof.'Hay^Grjunj'VMiliiX'Vail/ and Flour,; juidiinvite ail iinspectioit-'cif our stock.'-; Ye- v, ." : r«3p.pcu : u:l\v '"■£'- ■'■"'■ ' ; - - : i, de;3l-bun,'.*u&teunycv;" .-;> ■■"■;/" K'/--.:S'i: r , •"•:/. IS^niicr, ueoiiipaoled &y, t*#- «*«!*♦ fVErtplorSieit^WMntw,' 11 ,"R»*K»»gt»r] t^SV;«htefljßooiiiii.^^^Tloora«T» ,£ttdyca. or Sto2eH," will be inncrtert Sjiw»erly;cli»*ain«*l. '■•JSSi.Trord* i?>rtf£*»S fpr 25c. each inicrtloniaiidiUonal _*■ . . - : ;TVo**l» ; lc.;encli. . • --• 'xSMPtpTMEST^WAIVTS-; ~~~~~ " walvted.'^.'.vS, ;. : ;./. ::/•-' ''TO : - ivtAJKJB RHERSEliF generally-useful; in ran office £ Must ?be;nc-. curate s arid"^ write- *a p;oodl:hand:3one;/witn. 'somej practical", knowledge !of;book-lJeepin£ pref erred: : S'Adclress,:" stating age?S3IAN"(J •FACTURERi^Post-Offlco 1 Box 3G2. J |city;V ) /-■:>:/;;.?/.•;; ., './■' /:;;;./ . ■•:■::"-•-. -' ■;■ -ja*'2-^ts: ■ ;/-:';: '■;■. : ';, ; -. : / AVAXTMD, . . \: ~S AGENTS /TO""/ SET.T./.mG'l^GRAp^ r .Wine3,' Champagnes, and I^i'tuors: to sCon.^ burners and'iDeaier3.. : Liberal commission." iWINE^GKOWHH,. ; 39 Contra! . - iivenue,: VRochester/N./Y. ;■:•//.;/ -v " : /;ja2-lt/; ';: . , '■ ' WAXTEO, ■■':: ' \_ ■ RELTABUE MAN ■ TO ; DENVER -AND i Collecti. ;,Sa.lary, sls a weKk.'and 'expenses. Address '■'■', MANUFACTURER, Po^i-Office Box 1027;Vphiladelphia;;Pa-: " ja;-2-sc:-;' '-'. '■'.:'■ .'/■■"- WAXTEr*. .- /.,■. ; ■'. ■;.-.. - YOtrWG MAN, EXPERIENCED BOOK koepcr/wants Position. - Al / ref erences." Address P.; care Dispatch office. ; .-•.■../-':/; : ; :.-■- ' ?.-: --> ja;2-2t* ,_ : -.'.". : •■•-: : x:.-T'-;'-\VA»TKO-. -;■":-;"- . '■// +' A • GOOD; SOBER ■ " MAN TO . DRIVE Milk Wagon; wit a; good references.: 'Apply No. JOS north 'Fifth street; ja' 2-2t* ;;;'■,;-.;.■ "'" ; .' waited., . ;a ; good, experienced "cook: for Board insr-House. ; Apply; at once to. J. B. GOODB./'JIT/weat -Main. ' ja;2-lt /■;■;■: , ;,- ,-■■ WASTEI^;:;"--; ' A GOOD SETT LED WO MAtST ;TO COOK, Wash, ■■'. an& Iron for family." of three. Call- at 301" south. Cherry.-street. ' ja S-lt» ■^:--'-'v'-.-.r v.-.v '.-'.' '-wAjfTEB; /';• • : ".". ■■' A GOOD NURSE.' WITH; REFERENCES'. Apply, at SOT west Graco'street. ja -jj-at- : " •-\\., ' '"■■VVAA'TEiy,::.;-- /■ , . ACTIVE MEN- AND WOIIEN EV.ERY wherc'to Take ..Orders " for :-.."X.ife-. of Moody,'?, the great : nyangelist.; Sells at sigbt." Saraple .," "enabling "you to, make from S3 to 57 dally by, jn&tr free on fe quest. "Address GLOBE 1 BIBLE PUB LISHING/ COMPANY,' 723 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, • Pa. ; - . . : ;. '■':■• aej^l-gt • :'"./-"- "■■■ '■ ":':. ■'-. yfXS'FTZD, .>"■' -■'■" •" ", :;.'".'.■ A FEW ACTIVE,' RELIABLE ' 1IEN : TO Solicit Orders -for 'Nursery Stock adapted to tho South. -A liberal trial offer, With permaißent employment on saiair. if suc cessful. "Reference or "security required: For terms address the R: G: CHASE COMPANY, south Perm 'Square.;-Phila deiphia. . -■-'.- ' -■ • de 31-4t*: " - •;■;■/..■. -..'. .■. ■ WAWTJE3S>.';-.' ; YOUNG I.1 '. MAN 25'YEAP.S OF AGE wants Position in Wholesale or Retail Store.- Have ht>.d eight- years' experience in retail store. Good rererence and re commendations furnished on application. Address r GE : ORGE;N.Al J TiEN, King and Q u e'en". Courthouse, Va. de 31-3t*. " ■■ ' -': .;-;; ■vvaxted, a good wood-turner. ; apply to TAR RIVER •; LUMBER/- VcOiI.PANY, Rocky Mount. N. C. . de 31-Gt WASTED. SITUATION" AS BOOK-KEEPER. Twonty-five years', experience. Thorough, accurate, and a fine penman. Address "F;:"" Dispatch office. • ' > 'de :;■■' avastei>, at once, et a registered; drug gistof seventeen years' experience, a Po- Kition, either in. wholesale "or. retail house. Best reference 'from; present employer an<3 reasons for chancrinsj. Address T., care oT Dispatch, : city. .- de 2!)-(>t ' . . A\'A^TJEB, :" - " ■■■■ . AGENTS " FO?. THE BEST TYPEWKI ter on the marker, the ."Plttsburg- Visi ble." Writing in sight at all times. Ex clusive territory givon. Address BTND LEY HARD WARE COMPA"NY, Pitts burg, Pa. de- 17,26&Ja2-3t / '^BTISI.VESS V/ASTS. :T: T~ VC r V^WAXraDr;x.; 'C ALL SKATERS TO" KNOW ..'."-TI-L^T I Sharpen and Kepal^Sl^v^^ ■"•'•■ 307 r.oith- Fifth street. Old 'phone BSS. ■-". ■ : -.- - - ; ... -ja' 2 -..--' \VA-A"T835, -- . TO BUT JAMES-RIVER FARM; IMME diate purchase if baxg-ain. Address, with full particulars,- YyIL-LIIAM POWEIsjU Hotel Del Prado, Chicago. IH. -. ja --It -- ; ; . • ' .Vv AWTSSDj ' j TO BUT BOILER. Engine, -. ?.0-hor=e-power: "prefer "it on wheels. Also. . v.-ant. pa-rty with Mill-.- to Aranufactur& Lumber by contract. Ad dress ' S AVv'-MILL, care Postmasrer, Prince- George Courthouse. Va.. do Sl--t* i? ABIES I Use Chiehcster's Enzlis?i Pennjrroja! Pills. j, R..,t: gslrfit: Only Koliiolct Take co ot'ner. ** 3ny of yaur.Brfiifii»t, or sen* Jo., .reaps, for partis »lar« and "asikrrurLKjiuV' iv le«er br rrjera •ncll. Cklehestcr Chacsi=al Co., I'hlladii., I'o. . (ail 1-Tu.T-b.Suly) i SPEC! Al* XOTICES. speqialT attention given to came and training op feeble mindedin'ded or defective children by retired teacher. For terms and partic ulars address: Post-office Box- No. 120, Hewlett. Va. . ; ... ; ;- ja 2-21*. FItAXK^I?«.HOI'SE. 1200 east' franklin.- board,' per manent or- Transient.. Furnished Rooms a specialty, at 2-5 to-oO cents night: Open aJI -night. .; '■■-...■'.- ;.:de 31-2t*; FOB SALE, I A HANDSOME CABRIOLET, IN PER foct condition. "Will sell -'at a-" sacrifice. For particulars call at No". 1116 east Cary street. . ■". '■ ... . de 27-lw KEKP YOUR. FEET IVAIOr. . DRIVING MADE' COMFORTABLE . IN ' - -.'.COLDEST WEATHER ■ 'BY THE USE OF THE . . . . LEHMAN CARRIAGE HEATER.. '; Call and see them at . . -1 '•-■: ; - ;. ' . ■ V.*. C. SMITH'S. ■ de "7-2 m - 314 north ' Fifth street. me-'Wliiskcvs :-■ .. I ;•■ -■- .■' : ; ; i': ;\ .. ■-'. -:~ .: : +* ■ . ?■ '•1 "years old, per gallon ...S-.00 Pure' Virginia-A pple.: Brandy, ■ per ; ■ gallon ......... .......... ...........sxoo Pure North Carolina Corn; Whiskey,' .per gallon ........... ..........?2.00 Pure New England Rum. per ga110n.. §2.00 Goods shipped to all points. A : . W.ROSENE,I!c3i!or: Deafer, 25 south Thirteenth Street. .-"'•'■•' r<Jffg9»Sun<feTai '" ■'-.■"" LOST, STRAYED. AXDFOIIXD. .LOST, : SUNDAY POCKET-. BOOK, containing about $12," in currency and a check dated Uecember. 20th. 'No. 5;92,.-foi* S->!.1'3. : drawn on First National Bank:. of Richmond ;by the Singer Manu facturing- -Company, payable. . to-. D. C- Horgan; L'bera' (reward- will be i>aid if left at office of the- SI NTGER iSI ANU KA.Gr TURING .205 east Broad street. . -'•"' - : ■■.:-.' - L ■ ; -ja 2-lt* LOST, ""OrN r iXO>TPAY EVENIXG. RK tween 7' and . S o'clock, :QXE 'GREEN FLAIDCAP t RIAGB ROBE, between No. 11. north Twenty-ninth "street and the Union. Depor. Suitable- reward if returned to W.T.HANCOOK.. Factory. No; X: ;.-'ja:2-it- ■■-.--'"■ '; ' -"--■' -■ .:■:•,. - ."";■: '■-.'■. :■. •LOST; ■ .SATtrRDAY ; iNIGHT^iOX Grove road, ..near Soldiers*-, liorae. ONE .LARGE BAY-MARE MULE. Roward for •return or/any; information; to JOESCHA fFER.T at above- address. ". ,; ■"■■'-. ■• ja 2-21* i'LOST— ?S" : :^^'ARD— RED-:i COLLTE -.PUPPY. '".white breast, "wliite feet;;and tip of -tail white.'. "Oi west FranElin isureet: '--:■-- .-- ! 'l^ :.:'' ,- ... -' ' . : ' : / '■ ■■ ' ' ja;i:-lt»-' •€THB ! EXECUTORS FORITHE E3TATK of Mrs. E; C;Il. r; rAGK;" deceased, beitif,' unable to iihd tha following REGISTERED ! .BOND3, of v tht>;\city >or" , Richmond -Va.,-;>. the ;.'; .' property,. -. of -said . -Mrs. E.' C/ PL* Page, , deccu'sed; ' hereby give no tice ;■ that ? th ey-.wi 1 1 a pply ; for a ; : retssue> or :said;>rovided by cijy;ordinance" inisuch cases:- 1 '.-.' .- '. , C -PKR CENT..-REGISTERED. ' ' iNuraber.,;..' ?■.";;.'. .Amount. . • ilaturihs. ■■•' C •"■ ■ s r : per :" cent. ■:''■■ n kgisteh eek ->?*?■• .-c'.s-j - - j.t.-.-v , j^xs ; Jlrs '*E.';C;; H;xPAGK!S>EXEQUTORS^ *Vpc : 3;Tu3ni • •. By C. L.Mlarrlsoor'l ;^^gAPOCTdy£SA^S^Wil>a-y, -■■"■ iDJ!U^rEAR^^JR|^TO ;i 'PRo ■R^TA :^BY/THE;;^N"DOR^:-A^ii i>; :.: .T Ji y '^Mi'P-y'^'*'. JH- -Gil I ram iM'Qo.V;. '■'. ".'■;' ' ' .Ii r al Estate Aucllonesrs,' . -«C ijast -Main str..-ct. • A UOTTON SALE OF ' /x3l>}Teiat complete: noi'iß; xo. soa ;AT^.THE r -- v NORTfIWEST;;/ ■C«icNsi» /r.' 'LKIGH ; *ANDr./nViTNT"''"-FIFTII " i^:tfi>-v;y.^STREETS.;. v • r At -;f.h"e "reqnesttfo'f Zi'av '(crxn^r- whn ;j; j Reaving -<tbeScfty.« ! and«rHean3 to -#k -^'r. "will : sell :'Jby.;au':ti6n,': ori; the 'premises*' oa '^. ■ ; .'\TUESDAV,- : JANUARY 2. 1!XO." at -"4 'i b'cf bcic' V p. \M:^?t'he*. P ROPE-RTT "in ■catedi'as; abqve.\ The"- d»v«lli ne coafa'-il ; sey<sn J rooms; closets; and pan try - mSfcifr "palnted^aiul papered; .cookins; ran^e' "ilm porcelain :;bathrtut>, •■•hot nn& cold Watt-r ;latest;patent;',"Wat»r closet; gps in all Wr> : rooms. ;v.,Ther<?>isYa'lso- on thfr lot ■> f l^ stable -'and' •carrL'ige-houFie, eoal-hal'«> hen-house; and .'dot; kennels. .Ererythi'^ new, coraplete, anif. in nice order. Thi . Is a'very tTesiratjle'nomeV convoni'»nt T " in' cated, and :;shpuld Attract the atte"tio~ of^hbme-seekors.ior,. ..investors as it I" -I ready -renter!l price. ' * ;-;.TERM3: "Accomini>d9.ttn - and ahnouncerl •afsaJe. o ; *-, V.O. : ;K. : GH JLI am & CO.; ■ de-"3,30,3t&Ja 3■ ■ t \\ A'ictioneors. By George • JL" • ValeT.tfce. Auctioneer. : X^rRESALE.-..' ' \ . ; '-J- ■' : ""/"". * ' : '". — — '— \'■ ■ ■ ' . : FIRESALEOF-GRO^ERIES. ETC. I will sell "at auction; Afor account 0" ; .whom it. may concsrn, ; \ .TUESDAY, 'JANUARY 2. 10CO, !.'co'mmericirifr T at ,10^0 A. M:1 at Mr r m Turner' s./221-soiKh ResiQrv v ii r -strer.t'" t "» immense :s»«ock ■■'«><. as'o<ls;.'-wWch wag £a.m f ased '- by firs Christmas ' niyfct. Thr, S*. ; will ba • sold for [ tho hiph dcllar. % s Kf ! portion ; of . tfrh stock only stie-htiv dr»^ :;ased,.ancLa great many of. the gboa-s'H pcrfcct^onclition. All. desirable and sal £ able. -and -will be ordered, in 1.-ii-^e lota fa the trade;" for cash., v.-ithout -l.TniL o^- ras serve."* -: '"■■- ; .*, ' ' ! ": The -"above stock/ consists In V part n' 00-borres. Laundry Soap, li boxes assdrE ed brands. Chewincr Tobacco, abiut 7 bar rels- -Klour, large Quantity of -leas and Coffees. ICO cases assorted Canm'il SctbSs ~> buckets ..Preserves,- ail. kinds. orßakin^ -Powders in ;'^ quantities, ■■- iPicklos Catsup.- etc. In fact, all 'kinfls bC-sheli goods, -and in big- quantities, ami 'of best quality; several barrels -Syrup. -Vinegar Fish.,etc.;;"Woo<!enware and Broom--- an. l ;many oth'cr goods • too numerous to"mcr .tion f <such as aro found ia a first-class ffrocery-s tor o. ; Trade requested to be or hand promptly. . It will .be an aU-uay sale. ".'Brinsr. lunch with yoiL ("15 mirjutes' Inten-al).' GEO. H. VALENTINE.* ;/ de SI . • ■ ; . " Auctioneer. By the .Valentine Auction Company, ■'""'.'• ■■."•;-.'■■'' General Atictionctirs. ■ /. A" XJCTION ' ■ SALE OF FIP.E-PKOOF 'Xll-.PARI ITIOXS, BLOCKS, COfC'EIt TIEC? •; BRACKETS. •--. CAP " AND : CENTRK PIECES,:FIGURES. Etc.— Request oC Mr. -JI. A. Delhaye. we -svill sell at his studio, litSVa'Ceast; Broad street, . TUESDAY/. MORNING-, JAN. 2di at 10:30 o'clock.; larger Jot o£ Firepror Partitions,- Blocks. Comer Brackets, Oio and '.Centrepieces, r Friezes, ' and Panels'; large lot;. of Figures, of ail denominations; lot of Sash Doors. Slate, etc. THE. .VALENTINE 'AUCTION CO.. _de. SI-- ;V.- J. 11. Valentine, Auctioneer. ATTCTIOX SATvKS— Future I7»ra. WHEN R5-AI.' ESTATE IS SOLD THE TAXES FOR ; THB •.CXTRRENT- CALEN-l DAR YeAR ARE TO. 3iD PAID PRri RATA,,ES" i THK YSNDOR. AND >H^ VEND^EE. . - 4 •P-RUSTBE'S.-SALE . i A -■'- '.■; ::;. " 03" -.: . v - --■ * f A DESIRABLE TRUCK . FARM -NF.AII POLE GREEN, HANOVEK • COUNiT\%-VA. ■ ■ 1 By virtue, of a deed of trust'from Allen] J. Brooks and M.E. Brooks, his wife, td the undersigr.ed. bearinu date January 2,j ISS2/ and .recorded in the Clerk's office ol tho County Court • of Hanover ; county! Deed-Book. .13.';pag3 GC«?, detault .'hayinj? been made in the caytnent ot tha debc, therein secured, and .being '■.req"*' to do by the beneficiary jiameii In "sat-'J deed, I v/iH sell by public a«etlori, ! ;nn premises, on " r ~ '"" .■■•■'-.:"" - ■"" " ~ ■WEDNESDAY,;. TANUART S. IWO. at!l2 o'clock ,?.!.. that TRACT OF UXD lying in Kenry ilag^terJal DisSrict. Han over county. Va.. about one irnie Tt-es't of Pole Green., anrl described in paid detHl as- "adjoining ;he lands of R. Evans. SI. B. "WinsfisldT Thomas Meredith. — - — — Brcokin. Gray, and Mrs. L. Car ter,".- and containing 42 acres (42 A.) mora or . less." - The improvements cor.sist of a comfort able dwelling: and ample otitbuiKlin-s. all conveniently situated for -easy. farming- Most of fhe lana is cleared, lies well, and is adapted to the growing 1 of the usual truck SraJsert: in, ihis famous communiiy. Tt is about S ; A mile? from EHerson Depoc (Chesapeake and Ohio "railway), and about. ■7% miles from "the city of Richmond,, in a thickly-Fettled community, and con\*e nient .to the. post-otlioe. church, school's, and mill. ; . ■ . ' ■■"■■ TERMS: Cash as to'an amount suffifiient to "pay .the cost of executing this trust. any unpaid taxes, and to pay the sum of. 3250.-SS. with interest thereon Irom the 2d clay of January. 1535. subject to a cradi: of S3. paid December 13. ISS&, and the bi*> "ance in equal . Instalments? at one. ant two years, with interest from day of sal?, and secured by a deed of trust on t\e property. W. SYDNOR, Tru?i-?G ; D. A. Timberlake, Crier. de 23-Wj ItEAI> ESTATE AT PRHMTE SATE WHEN BiaAij EBTATK 13 SOLD-rKS TAXES FOR THE, CURRENT,'CAiBX DAB: TEAP. Allß TO BE PAII> PHO RATA El, THE ymWsOX AND T£l3 i IPfl ■RPJ^iWPSS t * ■-"■■■■ 'C*i*!! 9 ff"ff*" T ' s , on ITaxall-Crershaw " property I ■ V I fflM SiiF - -i : Unsurpassed railrxyi tacilities; » Superb fouTtciati'^'- . >: - •' APPLY : 'V/' -1^ t-iQi's East Main St. 1 . "" mo 5-wSv».Tti&Tui •■■'-' ;-. ... "..". ■-.:;■ THAT LARGE •rOUKHOUSE. AT TUX northwest feSob.C'Of -sl!iin r.nd Foarceonfa streets. recentr ; }^ca'ed. by. the. C. F. Sauei" Compp n: 9 Ths s buiWi.n s is wel i suited for any -todof 'AvnoSe^-alo or iisn: !maiiufaeturinsr^ us ' nesrf -"- ■ ' -~. '■ %^. TAYLOK. jaii-lt X(^> no r t>r : Ele vcnttt sts t ree t. -"'■-■ KEAIi liTATE AGK.VTS. AC. .-v.^™. _.| Qiiice :'jOj oast ila.iu street. • ■-'".-.. f -' ' January^. ;*w WF DEITU' TO ■ TITAXK OUIv i-esriL'.-tfulhi-ik. a.-epniinu:mce : or same, ■■^romffii -cP :besf -:-«Kor«? to serve. them taking o»| writing U «f£^iv •.work. 1 WfWnS ; '^ l!a ?l' y i ,f°* ;• ja: i:-I t -'./:"■/','';-, ; ; ■ -.Heal _g£ta_toAgoats^; Letter- "He'-ds ■•'^ote-lit ; ads: ; Circulars. -Handbills.. bodge^'&^RrlnWd -by .-. tho ; -Dlspatqh ; •C6mpaAV>t>'iowvpricesf i ;--W ill .'.:Rl>-e yy": 'go'ba-^rii-at'th'e same priccs^ypu priy tor •tnfert(PworK.V^Semi;u3?yoi;rJordors and i-Kciyifi lEriiarantct? sitiafaotion iv , eveiV. fpartl-c'-ar.