OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, May 12, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1900-05-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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STREET-v'; „,; -: ? J \£};^r : %.^l^?:-t:;:>;-. :^i '
STREET. ' ;.-: ; -..■■. /-- ; '".-' : ■.-:> L"v.:-i: .;:,v;;: "
SATURDAY. .:.:.... :V::MAYv 12^1900.
■_* ' ; HOW WILL IT UK JIET!- ••;-:
•■ jOiYrt said a few days ago; that' whiienhe'
were apparehtly---"indif£erY'
* nni" tbltiie constitutional • convention
- question, we had no doubt "tha t: ; in' pur
«;suance of the declaration of their State
con veil tion , word .had /been K . ■ passed '
?: 'throughout.: the Cummonwealshr by.- laeir.
- ;lrad«'»rjs calling upon- the -rank: :ind->l!le. ol
the- Party to rallj/ to the polls "orf the. 2ith.
. of this, month and vote against'- r<v. L*-:ion.
j,iV ■ i-- •- .-•■....,, •»-, . , = .;. -, ■'. t : <-;■■■- ■.«■■•--.■ ..■
•.-;■ In" other ; words.^we wei> satisfied;. Tha t; in .
'the- secret "counsels'. of- Uie; party..':ir,]:ad
v"s l«een'.deterniihed : to i 'endeavor, toi:4ivc prac
;":--v--:^. -.■ -- -.. r- " ■:■ '" -' ■:"•■■ ■■■--- '*:* 's # : ■' r ■■--■..:■■"■-■■ . — mt -'-
'finical-: force*. and effect to' the 'resolnt ion . ot
I Ilie; Republican State Convention, wnu:a
'anticipated: the- apiioit-f of.*.iJie ; Derriiiuratic
. cimveniioii in making thp' qiiesiionvof-.a.
■ : jiew constitution-, a' party." issue. -As we
• - then set for; h; we could! not:"'considering
vJiat.tbtt.Reiiubiican leaders; hndtat-siake,'
He« .. liow— ilivj* ■'■c-ouid ari.ouiiTWiss'rt'hahi"
- - snak<t-a suj'remeeffort to defeat; the -o;<!l
• joii'a- coii.-?;'iUUi<jnarconveni3or..' Tn.:-r<;
- - lore. ■v\e-v.:.rjj-'(3^ ilia IX'iiiocrati ; 'that",they.
.' -uii?ht;*j when the day came .for /decuion
cxju.tii.- a= more solid 'array- of thr- cncniy
.than they had witnessed in years.— /
• ; And that" this -warning was justified is
■; vnow established; bevond-'room for -the I
sH?Jitt>>i t-ontcntioii. . AVhatever '■.; other:
-j in.>;ins : tho Ri-j uiblica ns ha vq useti to •or - '
• ; tuuiizt/ thoir. coluirts have been suppio
nitfinod by a formal and' -jflicial" ;-a!l to
.;■;: "fall in." That rail is in;the foimcf an
'•a<h\ rtts'.s" just issued by the : Il^publi.-aV.
Statv^chairniHn.,. ."urging'!'. every; Hopubli/
.cah.in the State togo to the polls'on the
Thursday in this-nuVnth-' ;u:d
voto against, : a;: constitutional-" cbhven-"
-.lion. It is.-- heedless for us to say
. „:hat an "adilros.sV from" a. . Republican
.Si.itt chairman-. amounts'. l'oVa lii-iW.ptory
r- order to follow i he course? outliMed-iivihe'
:i,addre-s a^ she p.iijy.\<"_p"olW-y;it'-is-"j^2cr
■ iK r dless lor . us. to^ assert Jljat-;,n_order
from . R' ; publicrin ; Vlica"dfiuirrt?irs-wilu.T^
. ol.eyc-d nnniipmy. .'However. mucliVthel
-leaders' may t^uabbiej among; t l:emSelve.s; ;
s over the FrtJeral spoii.-;. when the cha:r
: man .vp.Mkn tl^r,- n d gv n^r ; r. "!j,.tT.ng
iio^ether" and bowing to.his Jii^h.b-ln.-sta.".
t.V'«r\l_»lf9 u Kli'-over. ' tniny 'ywirs— .•ilmost^tlie' l
.-, ]ift3 ; "of a scni-rai ion-have": vpaWse-i"'-: si'nre
; _:ynderwoo(l and his. inH-igijani-rassociateV
m«*^-.: by -Federal/Jjay.uujts.&nimn^d
- XMr levoltJiig-constUulion'^iVxvn/CVir-^
Ztogk threat, .ho n, ijlih]u^r. ,artj „f
. .VirsiMja'-,is to-aav praptjcally ;li. ; shifjl'ul
ifiate.l ..ff-unnir o:,u', r .« «|,,, pVkormcd
that m.r.,:J wl> v , «■.,»,.!.. i.h1..,^,,^,.,
|P«f^U the oonstitutionHl -.cnnvVmlriiT
an,] perp.-tu.,:^ th« present "or
i^ 1 :^:' tlie Parj>vnot': only/ohami>ibn^
. . ww h ji „ its proßoniiw J« uvCbiijp!i<. h ';- j n '
4'H&- - way ' V r )V-aP'»s Jiisjju"' and:;iium'iVia-
tion upon ..in p.n.pi., ,„,, rfl ., 0 1 — j,,;
&^^^:%f^W"' li '^^^J^'lccSi^^b?'
2-..r a.isvvo., uc tun, backsio ijj^i-^t?
-jt or the ptoctfJ.n^s.oi il.- co'in^mou
make; a few a,, nn , ::t . m a^,--^
- Uic lat. ; Dr. Jaim-> i; s-.sith.iM. r ou l. .. ,;
Pl^?'^^/ f^Ci: ; irK. !! cVvii^
Was i »;."J'l>osit:o:." ll y^he'mai.i-h"^
l '- " ii ; 1 Il ' l - niiiu; - " ! -««- «r^Si
PSSFj^r?— Amwii,, uk.,. "fKI
;:;«L? l *\ U if ill « bind fi ..•i]].,r.i
race. .a»d /d5 " vr "i,S
-?fi t" ?t - l " '■'••"' 01 - h "- - rarest!!
th -oH f^- k , ° f Rlvai ''"■^•"S armies^
th»--c! ijufi thai come after diseomnture
SS^^^RomaM. LVlt and
i?Mp?f«lMx i ■ - ■ -
.'oituiiv. ■ r «• -'• \V,- know r.tiv.- ),„ tt-il.-cJ
g^t^toSce^auehty^.,.,.. g
»t>- nSHlfiy : . • V^S
®«SMl§ftS!j-' *•■- ■" •> -<^vvn.<Vr^c#
••3 1.." iv.iv. i.-. ! .»^ o -iff i.,;;.-; ,t"S. n-
RSg*" l ' ; >!<i ' - »«* v -««-«» »' tro niffraK
■■ Ho"- i.l U. I. ;4 ;.,U. . -Uci-d l.y Ujlivor-
Jo ..!i: ; -,, OnjUhft contrary. sU^KCati
l»" inn unrlorithe' ban. ■ ' ' / ?:
fe?;©r.irsouihaii next proceeded?! to §Bhovtf
how ih>- prescriptive provisions. -,woula|i
ensure n< gro ' ni«JjorHfe's p.'n»i-tu'i?ly,
demon*' t;iuh? thatjncgro supremacy .was',
fa%crirn< agiiinstStlii kiwh of God. and
i added: . - y -isggll§«
■ ' "You piopo.M t« d«"-lroy 'r-^ (the white)
ffaci!;:' you | propose ".to; bre« k the beautiful]
|j&8i?:f ypu| _irrdpose>to;da^ltgjpleoes^tlils|
elaborate und admtrable^piece^of^Tv'ork^
i propose|ti>! tiihg ; a wa y this \ peerle^ f jewel s
' : to:mar ** ■ -!'- 1 "i . glowing cunvas;";.to;
seal up tlils >r-rinc" of/ living ' water; £to^
fbarif^this i;^bray<: i and/iJndbjep'pl^iiC^^pu/'
■propose; to ; perpetuate"^ that^awfulgcrlnle 1 ;
]ri"t h'»pe of republican 'government' iriTthe:
' ■ A-lV:tr'ui Jndiitmert that, hiit l:\H',-;is
diri -vtcstify :p.very. man who *s familiar,
.\\Sth> the a-'-'v-. <•■•;■ ;•-.!•;.<,..,. „f jhe
juSderwooa^creiv- And libw/.'il:d - Dr/
fSouthal! .Jetrribe that yre^T^Kert^^anSj
>remember^tha't^his: lanstiaKe' 'iWus :;j'ot
rtiia.t*<>r»ajnianiwlKv'.eoi3kl-bc-swftpt/away <
ztiykxiiH ' .''passion - of . tho .Vhour," "and- be
;=.. .-*-.. ■■ '■„;, --■ v.-i; -•;..•=■..->.>.-.■-.•:,.-■■■■.■-, ...;,\-- : .... •^■-; i ,,
joe,traye«3^iiito ; cx(ravag«.nt
f ncr. li>-- wa-- ;i man ,wh" weighed v'liisi
i every. .word, .und' looked vat*/;oye.ry/ subject,
;f roni/; t h e'V.ca 1 m •a nd ■ph 1 losbjih |c ;i (Stan*!;'
Dpint. He said: • ; '.','" '' - "
■ '^You:^: call/ ■ yqurselyey^Jthe [jtHepjublician^
I jparty. of v " Virginia; >'TThefte t is^ rib-Republicans
j 'party in .Vii gihia; 1 : in; any intelllgehtTsense."*
-.You * are -, the "; negrol pa r t j^* of / V irgihia: J Ycu %
I 1I 1 afe^the/ excrescence^ ; bfi the
!|yo^(qn.lj^ppHedJso^e3fiftjr.^whitef votes ;inr
'ahe: late' electiouMn;' the 'city -of Richmond."'.
•The '/member's?^wKb/ represen OirnyV
, whiter yotes:\/-Your party ?s V-ompbsed pf-"
:allrthe^riegrnes.'ai!(i : nothing put "negroes.:
isave": a' few!, whti s i leadors"." : ; •* ■V-*;**'* -■ '-. : i '-■ -.'•;
; :f;Th'ere : is i riot a sentence we have quoted ■
; from pi\ y<"iutha!!;s : sprjeohthat .is'iintiri-'r
stinct with "fact.; "He: in';iJo..wis<i 'distorted
'or- in isrV.'niv-s'i nn t ed -; t n'j;"/spi r i t . .til at.. r uierl ; ;
: the; convention;-.: nor. did -; Jie. put/ 'n- single-!
vtoUCh'of. false color ' on. liis picture/ of /the";
V*f ou p ' 1 1 f Vn a 1 i ci ou s'.\v »:ribm o\is. ; a n d \ymp i c- 'i
rtivetactors ; in the horHble- saturnalia;-: As
%e^have!;said^; : thV' l ßepubl^<^•Vn'liparty^•;oi/
■.Vn'sli}i;i? to-day; is the """bfTslirhigvof-- 'those ';
P^P i?ohitli;i,ll-. ■.palnte'd^in;'uhe fiast '
•tiony we'^have. made : for; hlni; ? ::'anu;"/;ihe" : :-!
Ifjsacy; the party, has '• inherited ;rroni : ißese ■'■
is _-the spirit au« ■.wenVay.;theTs»ubsiance;of :
?yi e }? : 'k n ™ c : The>Re"publlcknV ; party/m.
r »inJa/ would perpetuate; lha't/ legacy,
_aridj through its State ■■* chairman i /chal-
■ 1 f n .5* r . s .i r ne^ Dembcraey/tbiattijmpt - to- ex
tirpate : it." How; will ;the chaUengeibe met?
?.I?; "there; cou!(3 '/have '.-'been /any
dpubt-as to Democratic duty ftb^ party arid
;Sta</e,: in.the: premises, -the' Republicans
have dissipated triat;doubt. 'ip'there; could .
have: been any -possible; loophole/through: .
.which- any Democrat' might have; escaped
con f ron ting :7 : t hV :; issueV the; /Republicans
closed; it. Their chairman's/ "address'^ eii
dofses^j unlimited ;'and/uiKiualified .negro
suffrag'e, -arid all it implies. "It throws off
all : disguise in: ;the .: shape lof /indifference," ■
and: commands the "party to" rivets thai:
outrage upon Virginia./- It: beats; the -long
roll for the arraying/of-" the negro i "against i
the white man. more solidly than he has:
been. arrayed since 'the' days.: of .Mahone
ism. It is a fiat -th'af" the 7 .: •■revolutionary/
conditions. l^ ; referred; tbin/the/Nottoway /
resolu t ions, arid ' -in which lies -the only
hope of a renewal of Republican and negro :
ascendency- in" the State." must be- main- '<
. t; i-?ned, cost -what they: may to- our civili- <
zation" and peace" and prosperity. ./ ; A: re- ■
cognition of *this ? 'no.Dernocrat caii avoids ;
and lienceVnoDeinocrat: can" justify him
self, in not>girding.,hisloins r and : answer- ,
ips "Here am I", when" Virginia ;«um
mbns him to: enter 'the.:. lists ;bn; the' 24th.' .
; We trust and- ■believe ;,that the exposure 1 ;
by the^Xorfolk and Portsmouth 'papers 'of
the covert opposition to the constitutional
convention on ;i: the ■ part-: of", certain /pre- '
tended/friends in that, section / will haye 'a -•
good effect. -But it pains us.to Jchow.:that :
any person who claims -to? be Va'Dernocrat
sho "' <l need any such "/warning/- aV? our
brethren; of tlie/press ihave : l/ad Ho-give
them."' -..'.■-■• ;.■■..'. -r':"",. ."H •"••• "•."■ ■■.."' '•' ■' ■ '■•.
'-- : O a r ."* a dy ice • t o" these jvickers " is to -~t al 1
into" line, and be ■ very quick about it; .The
lo.nser; they hesitate the ! grea^erHwHTThe
theiridanger. ■ ••■---•: --x^y- .";■ .■'.'.['■'.'". ..':'. ■'■..
: ~Yes;; : they ;would;;; would;; better ; ;ch'ange" their
.tactics at once;:f or therconstitutionali'con
■.Y^.l-|o».Js.'s?ing : to/be 'ordered i;Vthe'iDenrbV
:cra Henparty is going, to; assert Us author
ity.and obey the commands' of the '■■"people:
', It" would be a' terrible/ loss /of /-prestige':
foT ;"° l . !r ./party to'- be 'defeated^ at- the, poKS
on*:the^24th.; For /the -people -tb/'rejecCa'"
.'Policy/ urged $y /a\Sta^conyeiitionvw^uld;
-S?'".: un J, iear <l : of Ttliins'^.liere, : andfifoulcT
tha ' l .'^ t H a Y^ •:- a^i; i n?ffecUveJofganizati6n,.
: and", that the tie ? ■\wbich?lbi'nd. usVean • be
br^enra^ win^^But; i^'is^incredibre'toius
that .we are in i^trie. presence- of sucli. dan- :
™ e F{: '.? n . '° v , ri : oPipion; {pur /party ■is: going •
:to "• prove ■ r itself:'i tsel f : ' coura gebus,/.." loyal * and '
L true:;-:_-:;;;" : / :; : ■'"■'■ V/J}Tn,ii^.x r -. ;;;". jji 1 :^;;."-- ■
iWhyj^ipemocrat^sliould turnout ana
! .^t;is; thar bur* StaYerconveiitibn -urges ; its
; i° S ?V^ and ; i^:F e^/ B<>od Kparty ' mcii ;
=>^£^H?5$?Y^ to_ Jhe^Msdom^aiid /author-:
v " y-:y -:l jf .-. o . lIi ; : supr^ine.'oryan'i'zatipn. The se-"
to! make/proper/ provision /for- the/Vupport'
i.ojQ^icjripp 1^
: u^" 6 h^ -'/;t!!f^lsirsel t; of" some bt
her,by,ilK:i;nderwbod Constitution. i- T
c .V 1 rem'iid old ConfecW
r ates ;i; v ;.t hat ; our: "■■; Cons ti tu tion; '■: / v as ■
'}} n^3 to 2^ y^i^s '- Constitution; ■
■whichtcvery -Virginia' yoter is sworn to
-^BS^fP 6 ? 'i l^^ l^ rebellion;^- and^re^
fers /to- John J.etcher. and ■ Kxtra'Vßiliy/
| Smith and tluwe who were associated
!|wlth th.-nvin the w.u government o- Vir
ginia as "u-urpeis" and 'pretenders."
• -; <PRoVIDKD.
Ay .rtir iwdtis, know, it has been an
nounced several times that the war in the
t?^.PP> n»-Is:n »-Is : offlcially over,, and we- are
Hr 1 "" '" the "PaClfiCdUon"" PaClfiCdUon " ° f the
In view,- however, of the fact that in
the last two or three weeks there has
bi-en considerable -slaughter- O f-P:li
;pinos. . i- : ,up1r.,1. iiu-ideiitaUy. with'^the
$£2gfc£' a ""mber^fpfeerioan- KoU
constrained , to -remark:
g£H- il..- progress of p v inca-ion'-loW
ionifat^!.- rate of. tw> my United-iState^
-soldiers to j m |FiUpin;os| kUled^inf obuMJ
ol time (!.<• rhilippineiqiaestionlwili*^
!M,.i ! .15.-!, I . IY ,,|, l l the supply \, r Howjora
t^Vf*?'*: 11 ' il ■- ls Vsriia.r r woul(ioiik«-V|' (1 "-i,V
•^^V5 sk^^!/>Bovej;ns k^^!/>Bovej;nq r :general bf the
pS^p^^^^ttpiop ,-, ;- to %#;
k/.WUIk /.WUI youbeklndenbuglKtbi-bvoln'your:
jpiper|tHeiwhple 'proceedings^ aa ■;.tOi.h"b'VV|avjj
: newj Constitution . will ■ be li f ratned ?§|MoHtJ
|peop|6faref in; tlie; darkitJHbjw|^iiiy|mpre||
; gauii t lets i wi 11/ thVs scheme -j ba i v'e cto Z sun
Jbefor? Virginia; will -be.rid^of the Under-
|w6bdj"c^£se?|and3 t 'jef9re^thc old soldjersj
f : wtllf|^?avUttlelmbre;'bfithetState's^eve^i
i3'l:?Thc- people* at the polls^ori *M*Tvp24i:hfc
-- - -
imustveommand tt he General AHsemblyiitpl
make provision for the holding of ; a^con^|'
l^w^iol^WlFeviapS^^^eJ'd^The^St^S 1
rCtm?titutkiu All eitlztuY Wl-o. -':■<•' - ir:
• ■ ■-
i TavorS or- : .ilhß.t-prdp'o'sltion— uho w -i lit
see ;- cs»nv»_n:lon -hold— should r : i.vot*sani
- , ...
gunscratched a!)d:unmarked | sballbt ; onr-May.si
. 2. will devolvi •; • : : " B ard of
•= sta te : Ca nva ssers: to ; canvass [the, vote thus 's l
; cast; and .'r,.->Tt?iTi the r^sitU. I: is madej
ihe duty of the f3'»v. 'nor to commuriicdie I
m&snu to th, «;.v«l A^«i'..>S3ltSsl
■-..•' :" ■~" *",i"---;'? •..'"■■> ■.-■:.'■.»-,■ ;■.-- : j- ■•■„- ...■;.* ■.•_- --—■■--- "-r--.. ,:
:-£j3.7lf the popular vote is in favor of Bold-";
lnjr a onvi.ntion. when the G rn-ral^As'^
|sembly/riext :nVeets^it/wiii ; be>ohligalory^
luponFit to .provide by Jaw for -theliiefe
'tj^hjqf^delegatesitor: aforesaid* convention;!
jlfiJshortffitffmustVdeslgnate when -those^
delegates "shall: elected, whatVshall be'the
basis;. of^repVesentatiori;jand;i.when i Sthei
: ; constitutional. convention- sha 11 mpet. ' ' •
-.- • 4. .-Then ;m ; election! for "members' of ■•the'-
I convention must be held; iThey mai'ibe?;
elected <>ithf-r at a regular or. a specia-i
election,, as the? Legislature may deter
mine. '
; "5.. -The ..^convention:. will meet .to
and amend the -Const it 11 tion.
•6. ; In accordance with the Virginia cus-
Norfolk;--; the /revi^arCons'titutioirwiil':.
;be subtnit ted V to/the people VforVratinca^/
L*J.9^. /p.IV ; r<?JPCt ion. ■' i.-It-'rmay ; beCsubmitted f
'^s'an.eritirety.Sor-certatn sections rriay be
• designated^ to .be voted upon Vseparat ely:
r This ■.•Bras"" the course pursued, : under Hresi- ;
dent. Gran t's^brder.; in .the jcase;M)f [the?
Underwood Constitution; ■ ' " "
;;/<■.:; Lastly; .the:' General ; Assembly (must/
meet an^; adapt the /statu tes of the' State,'.:
'^".j-fire '/necessary ,: to ahe.p ew^Constitution 1 ; :
a-n d £ perform :,; such '(o th er.> d v ties ' as/ the -;
: Constitution; may! impose upori.it.-. '
■■:- If ■::'it i has. hot. already v done i so, it/ is
to be - : hoped /the Carnival/Coirunittee will
arrange /with;- the 'Board /;of^ ZHeaithV to
keep . Broad street as free as possible
from dust and:;dirt next week! "■ : -■-"" ; =;
. : ."Unless special '■ efforts -tiey made, -/in /the
. e .^. en ' ; P f : °ry ; wea th er, . Wh ich \ is ; inu'eh : to
be^ desired.- many 'of/ tlie goods dismayed
inV4he booths will suffer/ t'rbm, dust.: Jus
tice^ to. the exhibitors,? and a; due respect
for . the' : opinions . andrcomf ort *of ■ our visi
tors - and - home people, ought;. tbscause
the"; city authorities to keep /the'::'street
in superb condition. • ;;•' :." ; - ■'■■'- '■'■■'■■'■ '■'>■■ -v
.The dust ought to be -laid, as -far as
possible, and -there ought to /be / men de
tailed; to^pick "up/the paper ;.';trash'.-;.other-
wise it - willrbe ffoun'd -scattered" : on- the
roadwajv- and -sidewalks, .and: -will give
the .whole street an junelean- appearance:
/Everything; else 1 may be/ beautiful."
if;paper trash'' is;; to ,bei allowed to Jac' ;
cumulate on/the .street /day after" day.
pur city .will- makejra. poor impressibij:
UDon. visitors. * ' y
■ H. ill^.i 11^ .- ",9 ar ! n *Y*J» Committee--, and ; -the
Board; of ;lieaitH/have.;an .understanding
about the matter./let. us rejoice. ■£ If/ they;
have ;no such: "understanding ..;it' is' time:
they .were .*• reaching; one. f" './:' :^ ■/ .'.-"/. /
. Yes,' let u*s : . protect the. \ goods -in V the
booths, a nd give X Broad ; ; street ■ a ' tidy ;
appearance at theVsame' time. ;-■':= /
- It is clear;;that;uhejpension ,bili> passed
by- the "Legislature ; at;; its • lasE/sessibn::
,wiir ; prove"/to>be ; insufficient "and unsatis
factory. ,/Yetvthe. Legislature' did' .the
_best -it could I ' with >the^ means ■at-harid:
The* remedy^ proposed.:; by.;-; Ma jor.:Daniei;
in/ his /Norfolk 'speech, . is: that a ,consti
tutional,: convention shall ;4beVconvened;,
AlfL.' yiajt/uiVir&ima's j "^ove?nment^-^ ex^
penses' shall -be' 'reduced." so -that r there;
will be money in* the^Treasury' to"; make
proper provision "for destitute. ; veterans. - :
; . If ajiy one \ knows of . *a\ bettefplari than
. we should' like /to -be: i informed
lTy^t : /-lt''^s.r^Certairij-.Vwev-are'>thatilwith
our present tax-rate, and- with/ourjpres
ent bu rd en "of .'- expenses, • it f wp'u Id : ; be : im
possible, for. thf; state! to/do;rhuch;;more
;' than. it. is/now ;doing_f or our impoverished
and^ decrepifold soldiers.^^. ;".;<; /^'
.An: accident very;: mxichv; like:;: the .one
on lower aiain- street here', not/long/ ago i :
occurred /in^Baltimore: Thursday:^ A;J der
rick -:_f or ■ h'ea'vy.'j iron'^ girders -used
in'?tK&; construction of i a : ; 'hf teen-stqryj
.D.uijding,/'at/;the';cor'ner/of .Baltimore/and-
Calvert- streets, . broken. and "/aa r a : /result ;
three .men .were /:■ injured". ■";'. .-.pne. "?6"f F-^'tHe-'
great/girders. eighteen: inches wide ; >nd :
thirtjv-feet.iin: length^ was/being/iraised/,
and ; when* it"; had reached: a : : point •about
the height of 'the top of thW. second/ story;
the derrjek/gave way. i j Several men ;Were :
at -work . oii a plat form 1 on /the • second
: floor, ;/directly:;benejath;/the/derriclt-^and;
.-very^ fortunateiy, /neither > of Ttheni^iWas!
struck ■ : by.- the big girder"; which~f eli/with;
a ;^rash,v- but as' ;the three,/injured ; /men
ran', to escape they were> hit" by flying
pieces of timber.: Neither of the menVthus
struck^ was; seriously- hurt^it^iWybeiieyedj
but otherwise the: similarity/of /the racci^
;deht\to, the;"one. in: Richmond' is :- quite
striking.' - " .;..,.. „
In discussing tho consiitutional conven
tion question. r tho APpomattox and nuc-n
ingham Titnt^s says:
J'-'-We; cannot- permit ourselves to doubi
niamhe ; people(of.thejState; will 'respond 1
i t °i..^e-.-? a P- ofvhonor) and/self
rh&-<>ne hand-ahdj-onith^otheHhanu^td'
tn ® call;of self -interest/ : ahd;UWe2clamSr^
OUs . y?!? and • f ?r : ;reformatbryiahd i salutar''T
changes ;in the law/Vand'oraerfi
shal 1 : be |in .^ha rmoriy^wi thVth c spi rl t b f ; tffe
times;,; andj with|the^geniusaiiiiihaVacter:
of^tlvp -Virginia ; people." '". /. < V-i\V -i\' -.■;;. ..-
Potent reasons those why tho people
should, on th*. 24th of this- month VdeciSe
to rip up tin Underwood Cwi-.timtion. /
; ckli»eper;F'';
...(Ctjrn-sp..i I<l.1 <l.. l ict ot th, Dispatch.)
rag BB
a '^^!>mpMmentaH'.vote'^^l
IS?* 1 *?, 11 ." Lh^ e^ctioriglofCelectofitat^llarge^ 1
:^henv a9 ked,wbat:he:tbougfarof/the:posi^ '.
|SB^lS^^feP^^iiiMtb?thefciiffiat2tibi«il^ ]
•conventiori":he!'stated-that : in~hls/opin{6nV
the action; of ; . the; convention .undoubtedly^
L™? de ;H a'parfy, meaaure^and.ithat.-at 1 i
iF o^ !d ibejca^edJaGthe7p6Us7atithe>3ia^ '
election ~He thln);<~ ?hat'tbp action of ;
lthe;?party,Unf;demariding%Mhapth;e.awbrk^ !
of Ihe frarnera of the new Constitution i
? shall ? be; referred' to", toe 'people for. tilth;! |
|i?l^%^ o ,Qior|feJectira;^illfften^il^6ly| t
siofe^suregwisef andgeonSeryatlv6 ;SlittJbn| i
ftHe prodiictibn| |
: of«;an .acceptable; Constitution. -X-51|p"Si I
■;\. The Woman's Missionary' Coriference"'of '
;tbe Philoh Baptist A«oclation'held their
initiatory conference in the .Baptist
church here;"- Tuesday a:ul Wednesday.
iSS^SBlSSWrches put of the twenty-two.; ;
Scomp^^ng/:i^ejas3^clatioiifsent!<Jelegate3:i I
i Qjfflcers'Eddins i'and F Sirnmsfand | \
LSP?? 1 ?! iQfflderf crf:Hf| Sear^ma ; de^afvery| \
r^ s 3,^y- > ftTtie|'st3ll "was upon the' pre T " ;
lffilse^,ofjMf^TJ|B??Beri^ain^|j^|inJfull3? j
J-whenjUh'e^fficers?arriyedf^rTh"el I
iO. ff 'SSrl S ?? fl s c ,ated the still and .eize'dfa? I
■qu.intltj.of low winy. and pomace.
A. P. -Hill Camp, No! '2,' Confederate '
Veterans s ,r this place, having d-Mor
|mined:to;haveiaTpo^f^t?pflrtellateVCblp^ <
ine^iW^Ta^w^l^Pattbri^bf, the;Seventh|)i
"Virginlarjnfaptiy, to b<^ j.ietented to~
!-^?4^^P^ECs^f e^ e rate} ; JA'etera'ns;|fiof.| i
i^ c J**n°?ld, k^a^?liayeJawaFd ed ilthe| cqm?| t
JS^TS^.JP^iell^ioirtally^^/wburided atSGet-'
ch'argej ' - , ?
'o^'^ decoration-" of -thetgraves of. the, ;
::Ccnfederat^riif'o'esJbuße T d^h^^^^ |
place on June 2d. Hon.- David Johnson,
vmember^ of^■i^CbrigressffFbm/^es^Virgima,;- ? :
« wI ?P soldier; in? the -SeyenthVl |
/Infantry/Swill ; deliver;sthef;ad- ; :
dress. _ " ; -'
Mrs.. Susan Fray died at -her home,
? near,-. Bright wood; Madison .county,* yes
1 terday-'morriing-at n very advanced age,
froni^paralysisr Snl wr.< widely knownl |
?and ; greatly}b\lo/vedfe;She.cwasVth
"U.H." Fray.-~ " f
The - Ancient." -Freei ' and ■ Accepted *;Ma-, \ ■:
■ sons::bf/ this ::place -/have'- just'soldjtheiri |
Mngjonrthe -. southeast^ corner.:'of '■DavisYarid;; i;
.East- streets? w >. TheY two: upper JstbViesiWill? f f
-be jusedVfor'; lodge//purposes//vTlie/imaim; $
floor will be; adapted" for I storerooms. ■);,.; -■'■- .:
.Eugene Willis:--DaiiielEA.v 3 Slaughter^ ajtid l |
|--WiJJia i m».^uttrell;-'V^omplss!BS^^^^^^^a I
|Bo^d^bf.:thisrcbunty^h'aveifa^rabJy^iact-^ $
ed - -.upon .about : sixty for 'pen- . ■'/.
■ . .'-■■-.-•• Cnufclit Fire..-- •-.■■..■:.■;'■■.•■.■:•
BERRY VIL.LE, VA., May, 11.— (Special.)
•Mr. Treadwell S: Gibson,, son- gf ■: County.
Clerk /John- M.- Gibson, "was .thrown^ from
his j horse i"bn:;?riday4 night-last,* .-a,nd i sus
tained- injuries whichf nearly ='proved; fatal:;
'■He' fell upon^his head; strikingithejgrbundi
; with : terrific i force, /and- was - rendered . ifn-'
; conscious "Jfor./ nearly^twb/Vdays:
: present r writing/ his 'i condition < is/fstill£con-<
'sidered': precarious. : Hs : ' -^H^-^i/^l.^^'/^i //^
;: Supervisor-of-Cehsus ; Jblin-M: 5 - Stock. ; of
;!Wi ijches ter . j has /m ade ?. ] thejf ojlp wingi ng ? a p-,
pomtments J . of/; census /enumerators § for.
.Clarke :• county : ; Greenway 'District;/ George'
'C. /Meade\;and/^:i VA: /Mannings/chapel?
; town : District? ; S:-:; M.V:Taylori~and s C^B^
Boxvyell. j •
Engineers of the Norfolk: and Western
rail way .} are, ' engaged? in rriiakingTpre'pafa-j
tioiis- for ;the;-building-of vaynewybridge;
over s Uhe:,. turnpike; road j^ ■and'.?streamifat^
the-Old/Chabel,-in this county.'- " ; - -■
'-^V.*U le : drivi ng Hpmej- f rorii Berry vi lie ? to
White Post^Tuesday/ evening, /Mr.; Charles
K iS?-^^/ n arrowly : [escaped;bein
:burned..;TJ|ie/back'ibf/his"buggy,Un;Svhich ;
was •: a nurhber,;: of ; loose ; ; papers,"'/ caught -
fire rfrbm :.trieVf tump o f.,*a, : : cigar, ■ arid - be
?'?/^,; ■ 5 /.flam es. "< an dV bu t/f 6r . the/ timely,:
arrival-'of./-MivV. John^ Car 'per /the/ result/
would have been very serious.
The : final Zvexe'rcjses ;'of ;rth'eSßerryviUe; r th'eSßerryviUe
High-.Schb^^olfwiir.be"held:imthe;Metho"dist- :
Episcopal ch u r ch~, ! : Sou t h ,f "on ; Tuesd ay eve
D^D:.;iI>L. ; ;D:/iof;:wa^ingtbrifarid;oLee ;
University. ;wili;make^the^ principal lad-:1 ad-:
dress. : and the jbtherV exercises/will'be^in^
delivered ,. : his:.;iecture^6n/^Venice iat^the^
school ot ; :Miss^uraVGbld^rid rMiss- Rbi! ;
df ternbbn • of ;
th 1S; week. ; f : The lecture was-Very:inst?u^
of ; stereoscopic .views] :bne:- could iklmo^t
SJiSf dE?' 8 self on '- the ldsoons of th;t
".." '■■"-.- •'■■'■!': ';''■- - - ■ '^i, r ""* ■"*-*■■ - : ' r '-- T ";"*"v* :' •.■'-.**-■-■ }' :*'''''-,
' 'I-EXIXGTOX. : ■'■:■■.■'■
Lecture <„ St«.lent*-ApproacWnß
■-■■-■ :.' ( -;-.Marriaß&l.Lowir Option". ■ :
President William L. Wilson, of Wash
ington and: Lee LUniversityv
.address .-. bef prefthe | stiSentstat"theirVreg- ;
: umr,:weekly.:gatherihgV;his-subject^being:
a description rbf;his "trip :: a rid;sojburn^ini
Arizona.: • ' -
.Invitations have be^-n issued by* Mr
and tgbmery,^ bf ■Rock"- \
bridge..lo the, marriage ; of .their ■ daughter"^
;^'?s;- Julia -Lena^^ntgo"ihjeTy^fandffMr'«
st P a^t : F -" -"Montgbmery^^bffiCbviiigtori^
.The i ;marriage:;wiir; be ■ solemhized>: Tues-^
town .Presbyterian - church.
/■On^the^ petition;' of ; ia? large j humb'eriiof
voters ;;of; Natural : Bridge -District: :■ Judge !
°t/ Ro(: kbridge,^h^j; ordered am election^
in\;,that s" district /bin KThursdaS^^July -• 5t h;
; decide\whether : the ; sale /of i intoxicants?
shall be'Jallqwedj-i'in : that "^district: v.^tpcal'j
option is>also ;'behig-^ agitated ihrSKerr!si
Creek District. ' " ■
Death of PoHtmnster Warc-Pe'rS
%ISl' >«tes. X -'^r^
-YA."; May: li:-4(Spe-1
"*;■•- .■".■■'->, V: T . r «' ■ '-- i '- ■-> ■'■-- ' ' ■' . ■'■'■ -.'::.'■-: '■'■: .-.- '■-_:':
.of, the, city of • Williamsburg,:died at his
although those who; watched at 'his bed
;of t^e:disease;!yet;they;wefe/ura(rUis^^^
|beHeye|his;?endtpb;near. at hand. - -
iof/New;vYork^City/|Hbspita]. X.-w ' Ybrkp
.was -inr.the/clty yesteninv -" ..
A great many tourists ■were h< r \e«ter-
Sday.-^yisitine:''Jame"stownfahdf : other, 'places:
ip§S\V Bb| VATfTtMay! "^(SpecuU )
££e lyegetafalej and^f ruiti traffic vrovertithel
iteiegraph^omcesShavelbeenT'openedStbex-- 1
;pedite>movernentfoftthis£busineiss l^ss??fei l #
fgiiMrygPi,: SSißutterworthSa hQ «ifa inily; 'i of ;
R.iH:%\Yrigh V "
g£A-^fine rain fell yester.Jav nvi-nius
[;W.hlch£ greatly,--: helped fefarmingJojieraticns"'?
iandgQarplinf I|c9iintl?s Suntil i'May-lfcourt.'l
forilac^uhtf of on 5 th c I par t -Cof iprd- J
iprietorisjgtbllpostiSth^ notice}; required f«bvl
ithe? recent-Jlaw^^herel isTal general fopin-i
i ion |tha ti the^ sa loonilfeep^rslwere* urif afriy i
:treated;SasHhe;Cornmissiqherslof4 revenue?
>meiit " - - * - '
fetgatUr< - ■." . . ...aafc- *%ss§&&
Pr<HK-r{> TrauHlor*.: "
stSßichmond:?-jl<loronce, C- und - Klia W ■
rßriggSstoSJ ff-Fentbn iSOg f «>etf:6n|
ieast^corneraljeAvis ' sireet." $7CO
24Heriricb -.'; S:iP: .Wnddill; Clerk ,-. to " Mary
.White,-! 30 ft-et ;■ on: south > side ;StateJ street,
!-15&tfeet" f romSoasKsidegGrllliaih fsttcetKin "\
:name::ofi-\ValkervHa,.ves;rfor.Sta'x'es,"T. t ;^V !
the VKnl<«;v f
\.->ur (irugglsi will refund your moneys
if;Pa"zo- .Ointment;. falls to" '•'cure'yquHrFlfry*'
center: " *- \ '&. -jiSfet
Strengthens Muscle: Tissues,
I Invigorates, the Nerves,
. / Makes Rich Blood.
. T. Crump, Richmond, Va., writes:
PS?WP°^;I ;liad;- -?:£^^^^Bo^4^^mY%S&^
irieiids advised me to use Pained ; Celery '. Gompound, aiid P
it made myaierves strong, my blood pure, and muscles firm."
Paine's Celery Compound is a re=
strength, vitaHtv,
A Slarrlti^e— Houises in Demiind-
Sf^^v I'orsomtl Votes. ;
.'(Correspondence of the '
Nevitt Eubanks and lliss^ * Georgie
■< Powell were united -in - marriage" • last-reve- •
nirij;. :j 111 1 'was a home - weddi ng. The . cer&
moiiy.■"■ was performed by ."Eva'ngeHst^Vr/l
H,-'P ( w I-* ; -' *' , *-,''■ . ■' .■'',.-. .--*..--.-.
fvidence of thf ),u-i« that ls.be
;ing;'manife>ted in lh< bu me- circles
■here .'it may be said thoreia ,not:an" empty;
hou . s?4 l °■ 9^ fi knowledge^ i iilthef pla<ie)lan<i|
jiouseii-aro rental months. ih.advan.ee. ;'. . ■
s" : T^?^ cc h esa P)'«ke ;andj Ohi6" ; ranfoadgisii
Preparing to construct a lint ot road' on'
'Q$i sou tn "side /of^Jackson^{verjj tofcon^i
nect.with, the>;mainvline?/of : 'CthV v ?fiverl
liranch at th. ;•!.•--.;:.- hi fb- -• of •_■ •■
" PostmasUfr^d^^W. Elmoi. ,\<u\ witM'otl
Newcastle, Va . arf- -visiting in .iin/townH
ti^Jif^^te l* r ;'>k; ofl,Tullohoma' -W-nii..
aiy attractive 'y.iii'ng i lady^ has- b^oi'i^ visil
>lriip|rg.fDf .jMcCorkle - ;%g§
;«5^A. if i^tio.has'aqcepted trie {...stor'atei
;of ;^hu^^ur.cH|'ot^h'ri|t|h^r^Snil? ! J)e^n'?
hi. laboJ^]_Sunday. TIo i=, a l>rsj,'!u'youn"^l
'consi(ier.a''c?»n.tb:th'elP.rt's.bytori.qn Vliiirch •
atlW.inchp^ter. Vn H" his b< <■» wthithis' V
church .about twenty years.'; iii'il- is . vory ■;
;Our:-;Scho.>ls .:- ;:...:■- ;,.. ,m .
May I *.' mad( n.^.i '.'<;; to-iUiy- U '<>^ : -
i Confederate Memoriai-Day. • and never;:
was there n finer* one.'". TJk* ConfpcU'rc'.t.
veterans of|this'?cou"nty met at t'ne^Cltyr
Hali'nnu wei> given t lunch by flu-
I^idlpV Atemorial/AbSocMtton Thi- u»"- •
ternoon? the ': txercis'esy.of-'.th'e ; •"drtyiwerell
hold; „' There was -.a.- prol-es.sion, which
• : starteQ'ifrom \'i' the '^'Ciiy . -tHaUHSun'^er^rthlfl
;lh^U\eJprdcessibn' wereVthp'i 'Confederate^
Veterans. . Ij.-'O'b; Branch'_. Cam'p^ I headed t
[by-: "their ; '-r-drumj corps,;'';iwhlch.^iappear.e'dSifi'l-1
unlform'forjthe'first tirao; xlw ibcal .mil}-'
?tary^th£j;^dje^-;f^lemorlal^ 3 AS3qcla^
,the;"daywas dellverod «v tb-- Co"nfedpr,tto s
; Camei^ry-i py\f Henry r- a:; i Lbndbiii s Ksilf^
"cijrd^hla subject' bnns the rwenty*slxth^
-NorthCCarohna Regiment:- This ~;regi
n-e .?the^lattersnbw,-HvirigKmtChatHam
.county;-;.. The? grave jbf.Cblonel^Burgwyrt
iis';fn:theV cemetery the "f exercises
1 l?I d^^/was^hej^oungest;cblbhel;in :
■ th e^Confederate / service;-": ;- ' : ; t> .-"■■--"- ; -;.u*' • ' ■;r; v
;^S; ni sh t % the Sfi rs P: th r ou'g hl' s leeperj; on
jthey Seaboar'dwftir- LineK bet weeh. --Wasti
, ington s .andv,Tampa passed here.
! BiTiie:?h"eaHh^ officer. \ found :t white man
named' Wilder, of St. Mary's Tpwriih'ipS
i t^j s^ o ynty- v "withrsmall-pox^and?put^hirn
U I Hyi e iP ( r s^o«s«* cases "from
ij.th.e;{cou.n.ty.":-are'j! under /treatment:" "
if ? iV?^?J!. G: |p. st 9 l Tii n 'i/-Other: pliblic tbuildings^
j iWere".- closed -to-day^, and -;: the :si:si: 5i State ; fla^s
ii??^^?Pjayecl. /
: 'closed;/; and" the;^post-office> had >k Half
£S33s1 I }J££ Muirii,-,. to Ili.vs Krenclui
'So% rnrk;Sim~l«ii •
i*,:isil-rar-iu-.]f Alfred Gv.ynii^y'a^
'•l^rbnt-Vand^U^Elsie French \va-; . f.,r
toy&Mr-. (V.nipHiiß Vand.-rbHt mother';
„; , h ,. j.rosp... Hv briU.-!jr.,.,in. : i.d by
fMr^i-r..,. Ormund i :-. . h.'^M^
Fni-.ch-- mother. -Th.-- !.,u-r i- :••
-youngtn daiiKhter of th,v nue'Fraij^.-.u
Freii h. ■ t Njewport and New Yoflf^MiiS''
i-nm-n is, now in Lomlon. -w:xh J >.r
nuitiii-r '!■:.-;.- will return t-. a •„.-.•, -;..
l:Vte : in- July." '^Mr.^Va/niderbJJtrrwhiris^laol
,-il.romi wi)r/ return t '.a_C about th-'-same
*•' - f k. .-> bichftor hall at iti't-'Paul'
Aiiili v .- icottaVf on 'Be:lovis;> ",%"..„.;■-.
iNewporc The fn:t'rriage will :-.i „ , v .r
loi - ■< least fttjear t n- ,
;;.Mr: ..Vanderbilt^sr/the.iate Co'rnclius
.;yanderbilt|s .'rifcond son"; ami ;.« t;,<- i.i-ia
f«sipar helr' : i.> hisf estate :.'■• -•.- 23 >-...-is-~
aHd^Miss^ French ':iP : :irfe\v":y»;:irs:;
younger. ' -Her father w^i i>r--ui n : » t
tht- .Manhattan Trust o->>>-; ny.'~ HeJ-leXt;
1 -'^
!ir^-v^-:--.T***^V^^«^^y t *«.'S ro T' >R *"'^,' : -'i»-^--
Vmr d: 'insist " ft-Ul- r. fuswl you: m i -y
if P:\z > Ointment t'utls to cue, you. f Fiftj^|
:ceDt^%^^vi:/vY > :^;^^^-:;;rf.,^^- : ;;-V >
; -Heads. vNbte : Heads;> Circular?"/: Handbills.'
nDodg< !-•-. . &c. printoU hj -the 3M3patch=
'Company itt low prfc^s . \\ :l« '-I-., you
for inferior work- S*-nd v.. -„.,;■ order*
sM|iWf -will guurdn,'-"* ".•"i&factto^ftr?
every purtlcu!ar % •
1A . f
Patent Kid, Patent
Calf, Vici Kid, Box-
Calf, Tan, and Wax
from the YARD WIDE Common
;Sense,to fashion's latest cre
FoivLadies in
Patent Calf, Patent
Kid, Vies Kid, Velours
Calf, Tan, &c,
from an old lady's buskin to
the " ligh'est. patent leather
Louis XV; heel.
- v -: S/CV^V;eISIGKK, Secy aii.lTrem.
;.;: "■.;':'■'■ //[myC-Sun.W&E'J
'!MM,iJ!^^" lESORT? - ~
yellow iSi;r,pmru >piu.vr,s.
■' _• ■'-..i.jMbntKo'niery Count j-. Vn.
..iThese -springs are" situated on the-sum
init of.; the ■- Aileyhany : Mountains. The air .,
{ is: pure- arid' invigora tins:. .Na fogsand.
no; malaria., .■"Accommbdatioa^ first-clas*
in~ every /respect.- - : ; Send ;for pamphleis.
'';/.-. ; ;r°:r/^" ' RIDG^VAV HOF.T.
;-.my.12-2m- 5/; " * ' Proprietor.
/^{Directlyv'/opposite the Capes)
above /Fort Mouroe.
/ ivFinest^bathirior./and fisliinir on
:tlie ;coast. ./-'Ne wApleasure' and fish-:'
;ing/pier^/over^four hundred feet
long*. ""
Open May 21st.
/^6r; rates "apply to;
CHAS. H. HEWINS, Manager,
. . my 10-3111 -, :.-■■ v. HAMPTON, VA.
.•,...■,:. .::::, ..^ :/./;. ;. :^.."~ ' — ;—; — :—: — - —
?..; : '• - ; •VtrKiiiia lleaeh. Vn.
V J. KENNEDY, /v/ v - R P. AiORTOX.
/" !:;j iv-i- :? ; "*.V 7^fl'^Proprietors^ •■ -....'.
.■'■-■". *First-chiss : . in; -'every piirticular.
L Electric. '-'Lights.^Elevators, and Every
L •; ■ v '■■■■■"- ■•':- -"Modern Ti Cunvenience.
■•■■.>'■■ ;BathingJFacilities-: Unsurpassed.
--■ Terms:'moderate.7iFor ibooktet and tern:3
address i.;- 1 :/''. -KENNEDY-- & MORTCXs'.
!\-;my, 5-ts -:\.;:;." :.:--^:vViratnia U^ach. V-^
«For circulars and terms address
i /vVrni Springs, Iliath County, Va.
1 : .'.,:■; my '1-1 in}:-. : .”
ifLiittle^Bay/andlChesa.peake Bay. only a
Jminutes' -walk :;to?^Ocea!i:,VieV'% Fine
'bathingiifishinj^iand* boating.' OPvk HA\
1900; f?: Terms ivcry A<idresi
- ■ - 4Co>west'Hishian«t ayptiw.
2i£ap;2>-!m, . . -Norfolk. V»-_
iWBS'r ; ;i-:\»- iiotki;-;a.vd corr.\<:!'*-
"c""-. I '-'-- ■"■..-i.i.-v- "-t" --> '.* - -.■■-t*-- ■"■--,- ■- "-. : - _ Jl ,i — - : .-•'■■
, „ S:u:.:ted <>ri bluff fai-iny ocean
iCottajsis.s'v.opei*VSiitur«ia>-;.'Juac Otn.
IIot«»l oiiVus Thursday. June 2l**»
l^New^iYorkiOfnce; li- r > LSror.dway ;"•'
\V. K. HII.DKKTH. Mi'inttS"-
.w :;.\i;:; and beach.
p|^^S£B^TIiANTIOCITY^NrJ. - : -„,'•■
First-class anaymodcrniUn-Jeyery nea-i
•^^^AVrite^O'.--,-iXookletvanditerms. '■ - - .
Formerly oJ HygeJa. Old Point Comfort.
ygap t lg-TSt - _ , ~~-^zz____s
:|"/^^gXij^Vi»V,^^l t : |. { i|i|f lal*j!*i v"
ilnicphj-wk'tttu* tb^u^hv«if Europe la. ifeHtsn^
. ... ill rtsS _.. .?:. ' „;.L; . ,- ~ .

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