s^^^^^S^M iiJGIITIiUX SW'AUATL ,V\i) Dl"s f TIACT J;XinHiTJO.VS. ' : IIBSEHEKT FEATURE OF THE FAIR. >VJhcre? the Vnrlons JilioiTj* WUI-Jlc . J^ocntfd— -Street hi-.01m. M1, \;tti<(nn— » .Trained and. V/ild/ Animnli*—Uciixi *![.in.<:~ Gyp*y~ Camp.i i >j:j r . •:' : :-.. .". V-, ; ..":;>. -V fj .Xoi industrial r'cxposillonLorr commercial r fair would be complete without' an amuse ment sccUon.-; In: addition : to the displays .-; of ■;'■ manufactures ' and., commerce,-. • in teresting _as they may.:be, ; the£ publ'c wants to lie amused, end! In view,' of. ihjs lor.g-f elt want. It remained f or Mr.. Frank - C/-: Bostock, ■■ extensively kriown ; as^ "the King," to evolve" the' idea or a monster midway carnival' that_ could be r. transported from one city to another." The (.magnitude of this enorxaous undertaking 7 amazed, the less progressive .showmen, •and it was thoughtHfiat irtr.'-Bostock- /-ad undertaken more than h2h 2 "ould fultii.'But tlie.resuit was jiist the opposite, and to day- Mr. Bostock, who : has yet to reach • the twoscore mark ? in-: years, 'owns more wild and, trained, animals, show property^ and general .'exhibition* paraphernalia: than any other single; individual' in the world. The result of. this energetic, showman's arduous labors, and, incidentally, the'otft •Jayof nearly. 51,000,000,: is : known as ."Tho -Frank C. Bostock Mighty: Midway; Canii-; „val," which will furnish*; the ..amusement feature' of Richmond's Street Fair. 'Xliis monster enterprise , will' be' presented in its entirety, coming from, the great Elks' Carnival in Greater New. York. Those who were at the "World's Fair in; Chicago" and remember the ; renowned, Midway. Plnisanee can form an idea of "Director- General Bostock's, big collection of shows. Each of the eighteen distinct shows . is presented just as it. was in Chicago, *and. in fact, some of the .same; performers particularly the Oriental dancers, and ; other men and women from the far East, ; have been with Mr. Bostock ever since the close of the great fair.*' WHAT AND "WHERE THEY-,- ARE. The following outline will: indicate the • jiature and location of the attractions. On the north side of Broad street, be tween. First and Second, "Waco" the smallest horse in the world will be-ex " hlbited in a ■ covered theatre. "Waco" is .owned by Bostock. The horsed is pure' Ara-' biah bred,, and. has been pronounced ab solutely sound;, and a perfect specimen pi- Ills kind in miniature. ~On the trianble lot — Broad- street : at the head of Brook avenue— y.*ill be sit uated a number of gondolas which will ;be propelled by gondoliers from Venice. : "Jjunette."' known throughout the amusement world as the "Flying Lady".' will give exhibitions of her marvellous ac complishment at brief intervals, through out the dayr The-booth- Avhere this 1 exhi bition will take place will be lighted by. ;fio Incandescent light? at night, and it will be located on the south side of Broad and • Adams streets. ." •- : ■. At- the- corner, of Fousiiee and • Broad streets a band stand has been erected, ;and here concerts will be given every hour from 11 o'clock in the morning. • The fifteen bands will each be heard in ■ turn and the lovers of the brass' band will here find a continual feast. W ;.". In the neighborhood, "Granada,'' . tlio - lilghirwJre .waJkfer, v,-ill give three exhibi tions' of his skill daily," at 12 M., 3 ;and 6 P. -M. v>;:H§i..Vtill perform^ on- a - wire : stretched 40 feet above the ground from | the Meyer's building to" the roof of the j building occupied by Messrs Caxneal & ! Davis. : ; : ; j A GENUINE GYPSY CAMP. At Jefferson and Broad streets will be located a genuine gipsy ,camp, giving a perfect insight into the life and. habits * ol< this peculiar people. There will-be;for tune" telling and all the strange . interest 1 ; usually connected with a settlement of this kind. Scenes from the Boer war will, be re produced by . cinemetograph on the south : slde of Broad and Jefferson streets. f^The Grent "Menagerie of the Bostock "snows will-be located on the lot adjoin ing^ the Masonic Temple. An- interesting feature of the exhibit will be the ele phants and. camels which will be. available for. riding; purposes. Children and others ■who care for novel sensations* -will be civen rides: on the animals for a very inodtst. fee. -. - ' . ■ . •St. John, the high diver, will give a free, show three times a day during the Fair. week: at Jefferson and Broad streets. He! will dive from.; a tower ;erected for the purpose nearly C 0; feet high: : - STREEITS OF: CAIRO. " ■ The' Streets of Cairo, will be. located on the north side of Broad, and First streets. They will faithfully reproduce theY Egyp tkin' streets,, with, their ■ quaint inhabi tants. : It' will ., be one of the raost'^ Inter esting and iiicturesque sights of the Car nival. .; ■: - ' .:_ ' ■ i.The costumes and the occupation of the Inhabitants: of tlie streets; will" present & : ?: very - realistic and. vastly entertaining picture. -L: Durlng : the week the Barton; Heights' cars- will stop at" First ."■ and Marshall streets instead of First and Broad. .S The American Theatre, with a staga 12x50,". is located on the north side of Broad and Second streets. Performances of : varied: interest will' be given here dur-" ing the day, and the bill' will bo" changed freciuently. " *- " ;:: ; ,\ .' EATS. LIVE SNAKES. ' .•'"' ■:-Ori- the north side of Broad and' Second streets; "Bosco," the famous snake.eater, will give hourly, exhibitions of his insatir able -appetite for reptiles. ;-; - -: ■ijOne. of the most interesting of. all the freo street shows will be the wonderful feat, performedi by Mile. Onoeo, cends?a- spiral platform in a •: steel- ball; and atthe lop makes her appearance from the:centre of the orb, and descends walk- j Ingupon the ball— a most dlfflcult feat. She willi give tliree free" exhibitions each day at Fourth arid Broad' streets,; oh the south i side; The hours '. will Le 12, ?., bnd 6 o'clock. . , •• -'■■. . V S.The: great 'Wild '."West snow, will occupy Fourth? street north, from Broad to ; Ma r will- be includedand thr.ee exhibitions will be given each day. VAi Moorish palace has becnbuilt s on thf north Bide of -Broad street at the: interscc [tiod !| o£ I Fi f t hffi : AH ftUie latrlkingr,? m aenifl ;cence.h.iabc-en i'epro-Thc : : Crystal jiklaze.'Tpnc: of -[ the most my3-/ j ri Ify tng, of ; will be located ?on 5 the^ ' : sido/oC ; 'Broad ;: streetJat ; Sixth^ltU3!> t Vnhde^ > ■ I '^^i>.^f^^.oo"rns.-'of:■ :^hlh!risJmifro^s?j : arr.-irigod "s"o' -■.'deceptively] . that: "the"- most • perplexing r«nd»;lauphable" mistakes; occur; ; as- you 1 - endeavor, to/; walk";/ In 'thej'niazy, ■ mystery. . .-' . - - ??Ons'the north" side of Eighth; arid"; Brolia : : streets.'^ Minting : ? vwin performs wonderful' ; feats on "a : high spiral tower: He ■will: give ; : J. L. HILIi. T.yv. C. KOI.AXD. I GEORGE AY. .MIXTER. his wonderful "exhibition of trick bicycle and unicycle riding, and will, ascend the spiral-way on a single wheel, and return to the ground riding, backwards. . ; •■> STREETS OP ALi, NATIONS. - The, Streets of All Nations^ will be spread .over Ninth, ; Tenth,:, and Capitol \ streets. " Representatives of all the na- j tioris will be gathered there, and no bet ter .place canY be imagined at which- to investigate -the:, different characteristics .which mark the great people of the earth. ' ;.' r - - There will be. palaces of amusement' in these streets, where any^ one may.. learn something of .. the different modes of en tertainment;', -.which are In vogue in the various ~ foreign .countries . there repro duced., ', ■■':'_. „;■• • : .Tlie last, but /not the least, of this list of extraordinary attractions : is ."Bonner," the, talking ihorse, who will : give exhibi-. tions of /his wonderful conversational ability at -frequent intervals during each day. His .theatre" will be. on Capitol street facing Ninth. / - MontU o£ Mrs. Bettle Smitli. A telegram has been received here an nouncing the death, of Mrs. Bettie Jen nings Smith, at' Vinton, Roanoke county, Friday night. - : Mrs. ~ Smith was the widow .of Benja minß.j Smith, who was a native of'Hen rico county, and who, resided until a few years ago iiearMalvern Hill. She-leaves several children, v among j them 'Mr. . Ro bert O-. Smith.; with the' Richmond Loco motive-AVork's. and .' Mr.- E. Hennirig -Makes the food more delicious and wfrol^omi^ Smith/ a; well-known ■.travelling, inanv of this city.' . , ' -'- . ' ,~ v . Th e ; , Prc sl>y teriaii '. Conf ossion. ; At:' the >First : ,iPresbyterian: church" this morning ; Dr. 5 Keirr' will!- preach/ ;. .-..v-; ..:;. ; . : :i ; yv L ; :-■ j •Mr. James ■= Moomaw, of - Greeii r Bank^: ' ",' Joseph' E.* Glenn and wU& to ■^|y,^JV. vvaliccr, ai'pe¥t^^iwestSSde| Seventh SO-- feet" v soutU- o£ ■. i-'restbn/? , : Brajnch \ from \ %3» \ lbX* : . -^ulii&xn^ trustee, itet on ca^,. side Kandolph street,^ 50 |f eet; east j]ofjWiUls,"'se4r : /v ' =iaW^Mi|Parf^hta3d}'.Wfd7to\Thomas;C. I J^;^etTo^T"soutttT^d^'Grace' streeol6s feetVy^t;^ffMadison,^sS,s(y>. . Robins] sSdJwtt eYtSI SquthernrAid ; SobierTjrSlfeetfoh-east^ideJ^cQ^ ;,bfet^eenlClaly7and : Leigh'' streets,- X,250. ' UiHegrico:'fJjimesiHi;Ba>tbJn's?trustee^o , Ricjunon^Perp^tual|Buihl^si^6an"ran^l |Tirast|Cdniipahy4lO ; -feetVatlthe) 'southeast ' corner^ Mitchell? and T^Pbe streets -^Barton [Heights, $10. , ■--•, ' . • --. -.. ■ ■ •;--- .;- ■' .: '.>(■ ROBERT LECKT, JR. B. STETVART HXTJKE. HEXUY C. JO2STES SCOTTSVIIiI/E. Still at Large— Personal Notes— A - * 'Blarrlage. , .-. . ■ - :v: v (Correspondence' .of the. Dispatch:) „SCOTTSVILLE,: ; VA.- May . 11.-TIW ne gro, -Massie, partner. ; of . . William Slaugh ter,: who- was in the row here Saturday night, . and : who escaped, has not as yet been : apprehended; but as he " is -well i known through this, section, it is. thought i he'wiir be ..captured: soon. . ■"-"'.•-: ' ; - i;_ ... Mr. :'B.- H.rjones,: of ,W. -yal .who has-. been : _here visiting his r : ; mother I and- sister,; left this\week on his return.? Mrs. DeVries, •of Stockton,': Cal., wife of: Congressman De Vries.Vof 'that State, is here; on j a .visit :.to the family of 'Mr; Jonathan" Pitts, her. relatives. , • - ; :•'•:■ Verger, . Jr.', by; lmp.; Yerger, rafsed here by. Mr/ Jackson : Seal; ; has been sold to a. : ;; New York ' \ party ■■: for. " $1,000. : That is considefed a good score for ■■ South - Albe : marie. " ■ v : ■Jherecame" near being- frost: here again >thjsi;inormng. - '"-__• :. Mr.-, Roy '; C. Moon and ; : Miss: Lalah '! F. Zimmerman "were married .yesterday -at the '.-: Methodist parsonage by Rev.-U -' T; .Hitt.;;- r /' -. :'::i'l '.>.; "". •. /; ;r ■■•: - : . -V Our. people"' will, cast a big"; vote if or the constitutional .convention. ! '>• ■': Rev. K r T.;Hitt,vthe Methoaistpastor;at \thisj place,- is in a successful .protracted ; meeting [at; Wesley's 1 chapel this '.week. ' ; : '. At ,\ the'i annual * meeting =of -the" stock- ; holders ;of the Fallsburg; Power and Man-: ufacturirig Company, this;. week;". the : foli ; i ; lowing / officers ,wex eTelectedff tori tbelen^j |siiirig;ye^r: D. J, "Carroli, f |piSld«Ht;|Hif Fi^l^a^^ice^s^sidenlt^andfgeziera^lmw^j fag&,ja^ I ]tG3C^^B6stfck; : i : sejcretaryJaSdj. itreasuruir. . "VVhou thof company/fgetsliitij ipowerJtp_|the|A^berene I SoapstoneJ.Qua tjyj 'UmdC^tb'^4aisi^enter^ises^fa&at^lll:l(ir^ |zi&&'|*e3ep&steli^SouthTAlrj 1 beia'arlepiwhere^thes demand ft,willf jdstifyl Wf: : mm ■ -.; ;Mr;, Anthony^Tr^iGoodwLn, of V county,:" who i. "was -, :-Iting" ; 'his - son' • at> "VSnowden" th'i.» v, ■ - k. has just left for I >horae. ' „ ~ . -~;Mr. J. W. Jennhigs, of Cartcrsvilie. was hhengia'few^days; agc^ivisitingjhis :old y friends, - r >\ ' . ;:a,'j Mr.7i,Thomas ? JohnsonJ and : daughter,, of . were in our: to wn : ; this" sweek."5 week." J pj MisslSue' ■ Beal ; riwhd has , beendteaching^ I ; in jFluyarina ;\; jco untiy.^.i re turned :to her j i home; i ri^ar~- tbwn.saVfewVdaysl' siheo. :•:'; ; - i wr-VMrvj^ Charles >Andersbb, " son'--, of Major I>. > JOHN D. POTTS. r O. A. ELA.-WKISS; J. STEWART BRarAJr. fW. Anderson, is at home from Richmond |,on : vacation. * ' - , : ! ' , | Our postmaster, S. R. Gault, Esq., .is i about .establishing a weather bureau. ~ at i his office here, and a slip will be sent out daily to every mail-box on tiie rural free delivery route. ; : "■"'"■= ■-...*■.■; . :•-.--'-; t : . Warren 3ieiuorial-Day. .FRONT ROifAli, ; VA.' ' May / 12^-(Spe- ; cial.)— At a meeting, of " the Ladies* War ren Memorial Association, it was/decided that* memorial-day, should be held as usual— on the 2od of May, the anniversary of the battle of Front Royal. The exer- ; cises promise to be more interesting than usual. The: main feature of .the; occa sion will be : the decoration of the. Mosby ' ■monument., by the ladles of the associa- = ! tion. : All -of the school children -in the. j county have been; invited -to -take part j :in -the exercises; and a great portion of them; will, be in the- parade. , : .--. ..:>■'"-.- ">' —~i*m-^ .. - . . -„- - - ■ - " :■■■;■■:■' ■-,-. ■■ : Soutliem Earnings; . : Estimated .earnings" . of *;the Southern railway system for the week . ended May 7th,.;were: : . Thisyear.. ....„ ...........: ....... ....sb^SO? Last year.... ...... .;... 45J,717 Increase....... ......... $477 r v> -.-•:-- v ----- - — ■ — -^; A BUDGET OP SCWjI t_ mi mmm m^ A'Jcarionn- : Theory i n „ 5 -, lu ae JUsOwnclotii^ Mcntlo tt . ??S (Correspondence of the Dj SDa -,- VA.,_May 12.-The death of S^ Johnson/ofShiloh. in this county's^ days ago, removes one of the t markaMe and decidedly unique char, /^ of :the State of.Vir^ the core, /his; scrupulous Integrity in • ve r.- spusht or accented favorsTof .any human b.w ' " rat '" !^* bave;to do, ; or decline toa? S h * others. :arr. Johnson was a ventV^ f ° r cluse < in .every sense of the S*' V*" many,: many yeargrhe h J^na- For alone Jin an. unpretentious liS--* outside oY the" £,? ° U o^Shilph-and^here. always soEur^^ a one-never;- making visits nor JSfaX* vls Aors-he earned a,: plain s^il ns Port, cut andmade his own *'?" ing £ apparel, V did his own cool-t ar * washing, ,and : ma de neariv every ,-t* 1 ?* though a' thoroughly »„ of v brill,ant. intellect and excellent % tion,; a n;able writer and cSSt 2^: he .was notoriously eccentric; and°hS™ ' utation V for - certain >ccentric?H« P ' tended'far beyond his StatelSSr^ ir writings -had gone; Like Paul v r t 3 son had > thorn in the flesh.'^anci that w-as a most singular theory in p.Spd7 electricity,: For many years b?4*S? bo ? sounder a belief 'that certain JJrt£ £ New Tork,; or somewhere else ha?w gol^electricity to the exSS S gg could produce any kind of influence aeon any man in any part of the wo£ an.i honestlrbelieved that he had been a target for that party for long years"i~t He ; -.;claim«i that evil and damaging* *£ tluences ,of electncity, from that e 7u source in New York, harassed and tor rented him by day and by night, aid thTt avery ache y. and pain he ' had „*£ and -reverse, ev ery drOUg S. and storm damaging to his crops and 2ven the: insects .that ravaged his vese tables. :.weredue to electricity directed ay that evil, malicious party who h a l >ome special grudge against him. It win 3e remembered- that some years a™ ht reduced -this most remarkable theTrr to "writing, and: the brilliant article Wa£ iressed to. the President of the UniSi at ?f.. supplemented by an able appeal to ie.Chief. Magistrate to have a s tsp put •o, the heartless work of the electric people n: -New; .-York. Subsequently he a* iressed. a similar communication, to the aovernor of Virginia, and this, too was i rare literary production. ,Ithas long been believed that Mr. John son had "lots, of money." ;;. -Several years igo .; his house tvas entered and he was :ruelly beaten- and. robbed by some ne ; ,2 nd }Z° ■ Of the aellfleld and Sam Moore— are now servin--' i: term in the penitentiary for the das- crime. During the trial of the rob- Jers, Mr. Johnson; was. of course, a wit less. and when It became known tsaf ie. -would be at the court-houoa great :rowds; flocked there just to set one look it the man whose name had been oa jvery tongue and who had not been aeea (COSrCtrDED'. OX -SEVENTH PAGE.) Think of a wouian beinj sick and suf ferin