Newspaper Page Text
~ ( " Moroccofinc," Better Than Leather. % <* \S<pr9/phohiori'nff.) jl\», ■ y-. Tliis l'naierial' will not crack: or show scratclics v^: T- '-. Xlilcei other; iniitatioiis of leather.; ; Grease :Avill^t^-^A •v^ feet it, aiiVl stains can be: removed jwithoiit -leaving a \> ; y iTace.. Answers every jiurpose of iipholsteririg- leath- jp *_ erat thirdof cost-— bt upholstering ■dc]ia>iraent, second C R>y" floor. - -_ "... : ■_.■■; ■■'.?- ■ " . " " -^ "•" • fil ? ofk Eniijosscd'Chairr Seats, -wide margin. 39c. i ;\> ;^ ? IMam Morocco] ine, the yard $1." A yi 1 ;Jsmbosfeeil, same as leather, yard 51.19. . J AH Mas! Oilers Promptly Filled. Good Jifmrj:!*/^.' . . -- •'-■-.' . . ' Now that the season calls for Blraw head wear, it does not come amiss to know how to make your last year's hat do service "for another season. First select a ■■-"brifflit. snushinv day for the « ■cleaning-- '"The band and other like material should be remoA-ed -from the hat, then with a stifl" brush thorou zh\y rub in . the followiii.!? .: solution : The juice of one lemon squeezed into a cup. and a Icmt tablespoon ful of powdered sulphur thoroughly stirred in; next shape and place the hat oii a, flat surface in the sun for two hours, and it will be bleached beautifully. Use the same brush and clear water in removing the sulphur, and; put it back iv the sun for lialf :m hour- Adda new band, and tlie hatjs good as new. To-iorrew's Stare Events. ■ {In a Nutshell.) r>v^«a/vv^%^*^v^vvvvr«^vvyvv*O > Being a directory of special | t events at The Meyer store to- V $ moruov.-, and announced in the > \ «tore news to-day. Ladies'^Tailored-Suil Sale. Third. I'onrth. Fifth Column s— Top, The .Millinery Furor. Ti::n' i , Fourlli. Fifth Columns— Bottom. Trouser Sensation. Centre of Fifth Column. Ladies' Oxford Event. Centre of Fpuilli Column. Black Dress Goods Sale. Sixth Column — Top. Damask Tablc-Clotli Event. Second Column — Centre. Whitney Baby Carriages. Second Column — Centre. % - Silk-Selling Extraordinary. Second Cohimn— Top. - : -;--'-- GREAT- SQAP SSIE, 300 Gross of Soap Must '"-Go— Sciisatiou at the ~>le3'cr Store. (Main Floor— Front.) . The famous Blue Rose Soaii, 4 cakes to .1 bo::, neatly wrapped and highly ]>erj'um«3; gpeciul price, 4c. cake; l~»c. box.' 7-ounc^-cake of- the Best: Glycerine Soap, usually j=<-lls for 10c; special price, -l i-^c... cake. Cliarles & Cie Yioleue de ' Tarme Soap, usually sells foivlOc.; special price. *ic. • - "JleKal," the old style toilet Soap, Glyceiltse, Brown Windsor, and Oat ,mea!. 8 cakes to a box; special price, a Sc. cake; -lc. bo:c. Meyer's Pure Tar Soap; special price, . l-^c. caki. 7-ounce-cake of the Best Transpa rent Glycerine Soap, we sell it to day at a special price of G 1-— c. cake. Meyer's" Brown Windsor, Palm, and Kldcr TTiower- Soap;- special price, 4c. cake— 3 for 3 Oc. -3-ounce-cake of the Best Palm Soap; special • price. - 1-2 6; cake. 2-ounco-cake of the Best Palm Soap; special price, 1 1-2 c. cake. ■ 1 1-2-ounce-cake of. tlie Best Palm Soap; special pric*>, Sc. dozen. CoSores Bress Stuffs Win Meet Their Fate To-Mor row. CMaln Floor— Rear.") Those who como .out and tell'" the' truth must say that the 'late season has left them in a bad way, so far as Dress Goods are. concerned. In com parison with others, our sales have been phenomenal. -- yet we bought heavy, and now feei the importance : .. 'of. makingr prices to force sellincr. Tlio news to-daj* ".vill make* everybody's V customers ouvs to-morrow. $1: Cheviot Tailor Suiting-, choice col .orinss, the 51-inch plain and. fancy ef fects,- for tho sopatate skirt, so much in \»sru«, a most desirable pick-up; i?peci;U price, yard, 70c .Two-Fared Plaids, for walking Fkirts or combineil suits, -Castor, Blues, Garnet. ".Brown, and Grays, ef fective plaid backs, at less than cost ■ 'of" production;- prices OSc, $i..!»u, and' ■ 46-inch Seeded Pure "Wool Gior.a • dintsa. Mauve. Tan, Slate,- ideal snm :.... mer. effects, ;.the best $2 values; to give thorn a push we say, yard, Ji.7o. » 45-inch Prench Gienadin*-., Black or v.. . Kluo. with AVhite pin-dots, yard, ■r %\.-JXi. .. ,-■ . _- ; ; '. . ■ . ; Pure TTool Imported Chnllies, Yic lot, Blues, Slates, Garnet grounds, . neat, small inures and dots; al?o, French Twills. in-P:istelfjiJaldJJa^igns; - if or dressing : sacques. desii-ab"le"stufr at ■-.:'•, €sc: our special price, yard. 4Uc. ; "•' ' : Yaid-and-a-quarier-wide Fancy Pure Wool Suiting, latest new Pastel color-* : . - lugs, were 50c.y now ■• special, yard. ;v;-:k><\ .■.::.'. :About.l7^pieccs Fancy Suitins. vari ;■ eolorod and mixed designs, sold 371-2 i to T>Oc.: special price, yard, Use. -'. ; $1.25. 50-incJi Venetian Cloth, in. selecf ■ i«huding. Tan. Slate. -Blue, Brown," -. full. satin llnish; special, yard, $1. One lot "of 4 piecesUfihtPlaids, sliit .od -for misses' wear.- would -be cheap ■ at 15a; special, yard, 3Oc ' ' . Yard-Wide. Electric Skirting, ele trant 2?e. : ..mut erial, a good f. colors and. effects ; -special, yard; J7c. . ! vyai«l-"\Viue; Mercerized Italian Lie ■ .-- ijijsrbiflateiit colors and -Black; look like :.-. _ silk, and wear, bttter.rthe 50c.; quality; \ special, \ yard, . ::.'c.;' the ZZc. quality, ssjKfrial, ,- yard, iiSc. Yard-Wide Silk-Finished Taffeta, ;*•■■.'■ Black and col»rj>, • 25c. gr;ide; : t?oeoia' • Hi*; .■:..:■ *■-■■ ■ ;;-;. " ■ •"•■'■'. . - Silk-Finished Taffeta, full yard Wide | ■ . all color:.-. 20ti.. ; ?.rade; sjjjicial: i.fc- . -.lT»e, 13<-stl Quality l'ercalines.arid s'Sl li-sia. colors and .Black; special, lOc. ■. 10c. Black.: Slate, an.r While Canvut; '■"""j^wefry Specials. ; ' (Main Floor— Front.) • i A ku*ii,e.>s l failure of one of ui)»v^e [■■.•l-.i/iwl'.-JvwwlK-r^-teivvs- us- oppononitvof ojTerlHi^iho: finest.; Keleciion ; -"of .Xons ? | ry* ateh Chains ever shown: at^any rdrv- f - soodu siore. - .... ■*" * So^ild Silver, Ilciivy Engraver] Ciiff l-.iiks: worjh.ujKto «Vc-..:fo'r J7i:. pair ■ <e;\ -,-liiuidfiom<* ,'-. Enamcll«d-r OR/Wc-he- ' . OV'«rUrltc,i f|n-cia!; no.-- : : — ' * IVr.- White IVarl S^ih sVuds'; jwith- : " !'" ! 'K, "?."""*" * J - lU '»l-l':ielc>. 73 >'i Hvl:\: woiUiii?;.; !ii*wlal. r ;ioe.-' set.; . . - 1. : .- :■■■.■.: r' . ,■■-■■■■.■■ : , : . •'■' . ' '... . ,-:r • ■■:■ ■■.- f , - The Mover/Store. ■ / Greatest Silk SaSe of M Season To Attract Ladies Wiio Have 3)elayed -Buying or Those Who Appreciate Excellent Values. !Np event of greater importance has stirled our store than this sale of silk will. The- cheaper stuffs ai'e cheap enough anyway, so we get hold, of our representative silks and niark them down low enough to meet the approbation of knowing silk buyers. It is hardly worth while sounding a note of warning, because every body knows that :our announce ments are authentic, and goods don't last the day out sometimes. (Main Floor— Centre.). Handsome Satin-Finished Foulards, in Black and White.' Gray, Heliotrope, Gre«jn, Light and National Blue, in dainty figures. Persian stripes, dots, and scroll effects. $1.25 value, for JHJc. Twilled Foulards, in bowknots, seroll-3, and dots, 75c. value, for 5J)c. • Printed India Silks," 24. inches wide, . Cue. value, for •SJ'c. * . . Plisse Siiks, in Red, Gray, Cerise, Castor, Blue, Pink, Brown, and White, sold for SI, now only ODe. Crepe de Chine and Crinkle Crepe, in Black, White, and a complete line : of colors. 51. 23 value, for -O3c.' Black Corded Crepe Silk, 75c. value, for ."»!>c. . Black Silk Satin Duchess, 21 inches wide, extra. heavy quality, -$1125 value, for §1. Black Taffeta, all pure silk, extra' fine" finish. 2_' inches wide, we guaran tiee to wear, or your money refunded,, an excellent value, for $1. . Black Taffeta Silk, 27 inches wide, for 7!»c. Black Taffeta Silk, good weight, fine finish, full 30 inches wide, . for SL--' yard. Peau de Soie. Satin Duchess, Silk Poplin, in a complete line of colors, ■ only D.'c. yard. . Black Jap. Waterproof Silk, full 36. inches. 51 value, for~BSc. Biack Jap. Waterproof. '-Vs. 23 inches- wide, 75c. .value;.. for. HUc. i "'Peau Jliunoniif." .a soft and effec tive dress silk, in -Black. White, and a. complete line of the. season's newest colorings, for SI yard. • - Standard Kake Baby Carri ages Uufc in I'rice at L.ust. _ "_ (Second " Floor— Front.) It is beyond "dispute that the Whit ney Baby-Carriages are aY «ear. as po.-ssibletjfe perfection of- vehicles for the little ones. This-' fact'makes the makers independent, because there is a universal demand for everything- at the head of L its class: arid. this case is no excepiion. Xow, the Meyer. Store, is ever ready for. a sensation, pro vided the people receive their share of the benefits, so they have selected ' a Uimit»;l number of the ■ celebrated Whitney Baby-Carriapes .and estab lished a- precedent -by marking- them down. There are some carriages that almost meet these prices, but they .are not Whitney's. Not a convenience or suggestion of an -improvement' for thr* comfort and safety of baby is off the Whitney Carriage. Parasols. with -adjustable rods, ?!..-<>. . .. Go-Carts start at $2.»5. Ruhber-Tire and Patent-Brake," Reclining- Back Ones for S£. Upholstered Carriage for S3: others ?1O and $ir>, worth a third more. • S3O Carriages are $-<>. 5?.9 Carriages are §20.- • Every , vehicle has rubber tires and patent brakes,' 'according to how the prices climb, the trimmings and fix- -'. Hires are elaborated. 'Anyhow, you set the best a: considerable off regu lar prices. - h QKE6T SALE OF Satin Damask tablecbths. The Meyer Store hasoverhanl* d their stock of Satin Damask Table cloth and found a, great many pieces slightly soiled by the eager shoppers at the recent selling events conducted by the store. The feature of this sale will be the low prices, combined with the extraordinary qualities. By being slightly soiled this fine collection of cloths are in most cases one third less than value, as is shown below. . (Main Floor— Rear.) 21-2 by 21-2 yards, reduced from $G. 50 to So.' 2 by 3 yards, reduced from $9 to $<». by 31-2 yaids, reduced from $10 to 1' by 4 yards,, reduced from 512 to SS C Handsome Scotch Damask Cloths slightly soiled, 2 by 21-2 yards re duced from' ? 4 to $i!.soj S-V_Cloths. :j yards longr, reduced to 54.50 Cloths, U yards long, reduced to &>. .Hemmed Huck Towels, Union linen reduced to l-Uir. each. Satin Damask Towels, extra large size, hemstitched.: knotted fringe, and open-work, 39 to 50c. value. —~>c 'each Pure Linen 70-inch Bleached Da mask, heavy, quality,* 59c. value, for 41c.. yard. Pure Linen Satin-Finished Damask 70 . inches wide, 'reduced; to <»7 X-^c' yard— regular tflc.: value. \ ■ Cotton Crash Towelling, unbleached" for 1 7-Sc.: yard". : Pure " Linen Unbleached Crash, re duced toO l-ilc. yard. •.- Checked Glass- Crash. Union, linen reduced to 5 7-Sc. yard— loc. value ■■■' Puie Linen White and Colored-Bor "dcred. Doylies, reduced to 4c.*eaeh Turkish-Bath Towels at less than cost to manufacture. "*~"."' " : Very Heavy Single-Thread Turkish- Bath Towels, ,22 by 4S inches, -.- 15c. •value, '-for. lOc. . each. " Extra Heavy Double-Thread Turk ish-Bath'Towels, ".with woven selvage inches,": a' bargain at*.2oc; thi.-i fcuccial, .'li i -^c. . V;ach^? ijitt dozen.- Wash SooSsV i ■-..;" V •'■ (Main Floor— -IJeft.) New,- -desirable:, stylcs'.Tof. I">imiiy," dainty., patterns and coloringt-'JOc' •value. « 7-Sc.yard: _., ■ Floral, patterns of. of dotted : Swiss Mulls, all- the" new, desirable -stales for I Oc. yard. -"..".*;. -. •" ■; -'. vPlaid and Striped/' -Pique, light iwvight, just the fabrii: for waists 'ific value, for, H>o. yard. : .. , * . Lisht Shirting Calico.. .in Mill. Ends snmli .anrl large patterns, 7 for *S7-Sc ■ ,:yard:".-- . -■-. . ■■. . . .-. ' -.-- ■ •-. -', ;/:' :Stripoi3 .{Oalatea ; .Cloi.h. -"''Awhite ' and : colore«l - grounds, -for,. a Oc: ; yard?. "5^ '"■ ." {. r> ?;! nch ;'F ik -"- : ' n<l Br «v;n, Covert 'Cloth :F-iiitintr. 121-i'c. .value.^forXc.' y-ard -.-;^ ■ t?cotch_; ;Lawns,: .dainty,^deslrable" s-tyifs, for, •» 7-hc; yard. vv* -"-•*■ ■ :3?-h;ch AVoven" aia'i3ras;^special p'at tersis.-for 'ladies', waists ; and Kentle yardf *£&&* f<> L c - Foushee aiul.Brdadw THE RICiIMOND DISPATCH-SONDAT. MAY 27. 1900. "- ■ iBOWiS TS FLOOI W IHE iSYEI STORE. L { . The Sfore Uses on Every Suit. : This announcement will create great interest among ladies^ who will befglad to get this season Js beautiMly=^alored suits for so little. Some time a^o The Meyer Store fr Ladies' Suits in the hislory of their "Business ;* .; was the'higgest mistalie thep;' ever made/ The backward season has leto over for aa other season. The thousands of dollars invested in ihese 1 Suits would mean the stagnation of a great deal of ' moiiey if the goods are carried over/ so the store stands ready to lose on every single suit in order to clear ihem out. The huy ing sagacity of Richmond shoppers ~r. should^ be i iii ;l--eyidehce to-morrow. 4 iYou can secure the newest and most worn Tailored Siiitß' for ; a third and in some cases more than one half off real value. A schedule foH promise for great savings— a mark-down -youHwilß'hardlycredit, hut the suits and prices are here for the inspection of those w^ho "desire to take advantage of an oppor tunity seldom, if ever, offered. - ":} 1 y—' ~~.~z\C ~"'\- ■■' : 1 lot of Tailored Suits, in Gray and mixed wool material, double-breasted E tons or tight-fitting jackets, taffeta lined, sold up to $20, for. ss. Xavy-Blue and Black Serge Suits; also, a variety of other shades to se lect from, -with Eton or jackets, taf feta-lined, and skirts in the new-cut and nicely tailored. Tor $7.!> S. Best Taffeta-Lined Jacket Suits, your choice of double-breasted ..Etons, fly front or tight-fitting "jackets, in pretty shade of "Castor covert. Cadet' Grays, very "Light -Blue, Navy-Blue, , and Black, for >I>.J>S. Fine Tailored' Suits,, in Gray home spun. Castor covert and Blue covert, with doubk:-breasl.f;d Eton and ; flare front, talf<?ta-lincd, and skirts finished in the newasr. style, for $12.»5. eieiHISISD FOR SHOES, SETTEi IM esEaPEs: here-; Than In Metropolitan Cities. . 7£ Case Is Cited; Here : ' - (Main -floor —^rcar.) In all the large cities the "Empress" Shoe is", is sold for $3 in the good shoe shops, but the Meyer Store has secured this se/isou's best styles and put them on sale at $2.50 the.; pair. It is just as Aveli to state that the "Empress "is intended to compete]"" ~~~~ i~~~ ■' '.. • .-. . with 53. 50 and S4 | _.;"a Wi Af^> — -^ ShoeSjand they more "^^a^^g^^^s^^ jfJ^P ' nan til their mission in the ™^MWw^ point of coin-fort: -^&* in them < %$<r < **-£r -^s^^^ . ,c shape ly i' cc t ; ..'.'.: — ' . ';; ..-ok . slia plier. Thirty-two new up-to-date- styles are car- ried, and you are thus guaranteed a. satisfactory selection. jSew* arrivals, in the Shoe &rh &£% store f0r. ... ..'.... ............ ..... . . Cp^»3xl. Ladies' $i Oxford Ties and Misses* Bicycle , Oxfords, 49c. : _ One big pile of Ladles' India . Dongola Skin Oxfords, with solid counter, pateut-le'ather tips,; London toe ; ever\' pair on the desirable wide walking last ; sizes, range from 4 to.-.S ;«to make up this lot of attractive shoe bargains, we have piit'in a great many'- '-Misses' '•' Cau't-Slip " Bike Oxfords; with solid leather bottoms and Granite denim cloth tops; not /JQ^ one pair worth less"than $1 ; pick your size out f0r. . . . ; 7 Styles Ladies' $1.50 Oxfords, 98c. : We tnade a mistake in mafking^this lot, and it Mill be for you to find Shoes \\ - oilh three times gSc. ; The main- lot con sists of seven different styles Oxfords in the . famous Southern Button, with figured silk vesting over instep j Southern .Ties, same as above, only with silk. ribbon laces, and many, new styles and shapes, in Solid Leather Oxfords. You wiH-b'e_liafd to" please if you can't pick out a pair from this lot without a moment's hesitation.; You get from this lot-a Si. 50 _. shoe for ..., yOCt. . Children's $1 Oxfords for 75c. ... This lot comprises Shoes for children, made like the ones : mother and big sister wears. We show three styles of Children's : Oxfords, with patent leather vamps, silk vesting over instep,", and Black satin bow with ornamental buckle on button straps lined throughout with White kid stock lining ; these Shoes" are just the kind for the little ones to. wear without disfiguring, their feet. If S}< to 11 is3 r our child's size you can get ■'" a $1 shoe f0r................. ;^/.3C«. 9 Styles $2 Oxfords for $1.25. ;' r ~ 9 styles Ladies' $2 Tan and Black Oxford Ties and"-Foiir. Button Oxfords, newest lasts, nothing bu an exanii- tfTg <-* nation will do them justice, for," sale price vpi»^&>3 , One immense table' •'■ containing 10 styles Black* "arid- Tan ' Oxfords, good ■"- enough for ■ anybody; sale a jj» >\ . Xmce *P.!»3lr 27 liew styles in ' Ladies'. S3 Oxfords ; money will fr*-* not buy a better fitting or wearing shoe, sale price............ ''vp^ : 5 Styles Hisses' $1.50 Oxfords, 99c. * Misses' Fine Hand-Turned Pateut-Leathtr 2-Butlon . Ox fords, with silk vest and'kid quarter lined inside Avilh'White" kid sock lining ; Misses' 2-Strap Sandals, niade of fine kid skin. Black jewel ornament on vamp/ lined inside with-AVhite kid sock lining ; Misses. Vici Kid 2-Button Oxfords, good,-nie iuiii heavy sole, patent Leather tip, White kid" lined, all,- solid leather ; counters ; ; Misses' , Vici : Kid 2- Button Oxfords,- sDk- . vesting tops, White kid, lined with White kid; sock -lining, " welt soles, flexible and serviceable ; Extra Heavy Misses'; Ox fords, for walking":, shoes, suitable for boys . for' '-light ; wear, marie :of kid stock, extension soles, all solid tfV#Y~^ "' 1eather...;...........:................. „....:....;........;.... ..;.;:.........r^^Cii Si. 25 Vacation Oxfords; solid -.leather bottoms and m f* r ~ heels' and waterproof ■denim tops, f0r. ...... .;...........'.... ..'../, 3C •'- The Celebrated "Ladysmith " fiat, Popular Elsewhere, Wiii Be Here. ' The J.Meyer Store Mill iuery f oiks Have a gain *s lio wn {their enterpnge by placing- ■ 611 sale List Sveelc the •hatV.fpivla^es;">' Tlxe Ijady —- /._ ../^-^Oh. 7,^ 'Si ;|mith] V\tiie nanie beiij-:" tulieii;f roi^the comiortnble.aiid picturesque headgear; , ' •; y ;^SA * worn by the people -TepumicA tSff^*! l^!^'^^^ smith by the.English icrces alWotf lar with lns re-imeut, iii : \^U^^^^^:/^§\ \\ \ hoitor^bf i^tHe- -British - Tiiis : i .was'senfc: t^ iorlc city Myithm the last six C~> . '^igW ,w .weeks.-. " This hat is exhibited in The :^ e^ tor^^ lu^^ e^ "*?ew ||^:||i^S| ;ralv>styles;^ For on r second: .noor at less than JSew i ork prices, only t^s^\S one dolfar fortyroiglit. f\r,^" ,sIH-, sIH -t wf!l1 mentioning For tomorrow — :^_\f "* ~ "^ "White Jumbo Biaul Li^-ht-We'.'h &). ami $7. *t jii^t one half the.- former (f^-^U ' A few odd s»*«-P»-»«s »*«-P»-»« in WiilU«» Hats, i .(,t\ so ;.•>o n eun^iook ioi\. some ; ot -Uio <■' " tonner prices uerv A:.Vs aiul *•>' now" 1 r^V/\r;S*Y we <lre sliowin^ a splendid . valre. in n\\ ci- i Iriiuiiud liat,-<, regular selling price was Si, wiU be g|ge norths. . - . { 50e, • _ g||| RIGHMOND, VAr; MAY W((, 1900^ Qressißg 'vSacqu as, 50c. Fancy Outing- Cloth Sacques, : in; Pink. ' ' Blue, Gray; : and- Brown-cheeked,' with', crochet edge, ; -for uOe. Fancy 'Colored" Dressing -Saeques,.-v with large collar and' ruffled- trimmed, for 75c. . ' -.. -■-■; V-:*^:> #?-m':A •'-: -.'i-*-; v .W:-y£i Pink, Bluer* and . ;_.L.a vender .■;. .LawnV.; ■■. Sacques, with "full front and'plain'foUl around neck; ; edged with, Valenciennes- • lace, for ?1. :./. j. ■ ._•„.., Fine White Dimity Sacques. .with : ruffles and- Xalenoiennes - lace, — for S3. so. ■'-•---■;• ;..-....;-^;;- u v.> ;.*::■•; ";:.'- GrasSiikfrts : f ot Js'c. : [^: Crash Skirls;" "with good liem; and " all lengths. for'3sc: - ' .. ' ":. ■ Crash Skirts, J.bVa:d : '* trimmecij* for * ; 4Sc. ■-.-■ ' "," - - ' . .:: ■" ■'... '. i : ':V' ' -■- Denim Skirts, ;in' Blue, Brown, :and Gray, for 60c. ;"' ': ■;. .- .-•• -■'■"■ ;OIJT :0F; - 2;iS5 ;; : PIIBS: ; HEN-'.S; P&fITS . v;EtEVEN:HUHb.REp .-AREIEFT ' .-•- ■r. To Jel l^the.TaJe of Economy to Hen . -.-.;^». :,-.•■'■--: —.','S (Second Floor.) '.-, ■, ';. ;A high-class department store of Brooklyn re cently closed its doors, and disposed of a /ina jbr portion of the great, stock at once. "Their, magnifi cent stock of Men's Trousers were priced too high for rapid moving, so would-be purchasers supplied themselves elsewhere, 'and in the mean time the landlord wanted his building-, and the" trousers went begging for a customer. To make long story end quickly we" wish to state that this entire lot of trousers were on sale at our store all day yester day, and-the buying was -so brisk we have only eleven hundred pairs left to tell you about. Most any size is here, but you take chances in this re spect, and the longer you put it off the "longer " your chances are. Short talk of "what is left. Si v-^Jfeo All- Wool Men's Trousers, 68c. V . . On one big table you will find Pants heaped and piled up. We can't tell you . all about them, but as far as we have gone we find them to be cut in style/in Gray andi- Brown cheviots, made with A jax waistbands and hip pockets. You will find some we have never seen, be cause they came' to us for so little money. It will be good advertising .if you '.accidentally get 'more than is coming 'to/ your All-wool, remember, and you can see for yourself they are worth $LoO and more, -Put ; on your size f0r.....:.............:....... UOC. ,: : Extra-Fine Made Pan tsr ■ V Worth $2.75, for $1.48. • •■: In tills lot you will fmd.Men^s All- Wool Brown- Gray Cheviot Pants, well'made, cut in good style' and lined with fine quality Silesia. The maker s price was S2!Tui : our price i 5.:'....;... -.:......■.;•.:.. Z.. ..:....„„... $S»4-8 ■~x_-. -,.. .Men's $2,25 Trousers Go at sl.29. % 1; MeirsAH-Wool Gray. Cheviot Pants that are made 11^?^ hip-poclcefcs, ; ; French waistbands, and lined 1 : .S?pl ; quality/ satiric. -Manufacturer's ' : - price'.was 'S2.2s,; but you pay 0n1y......................_ $1,20 ;:■:■ _$3 Isi:he^^WholesaleJPrice for Trousers We , ; :'-';. ;.:; .;v V" .;•' . : '_' "" Sell'at'Si.yS. ■ '. 'y : -^;r&f: ; ' TJMeriV AU-Wooj :Brown^Cheviots, Tan-Striped Cas simeres and Gray-Mixed Herringbone Trousers >-ood eiiouglrfor any welWo-do man,; finely cut and 'made Clothingstores pay..whole«ale"S3 for same Pants . - : you get for .....-..■..........•::...-.....-._; ; -_' ..$1.78 .Here are- Trousers'; you must "try on to appreciate Tiiey:coiue;=in::aU T wooi::cassimeres'iin Gray andßrown so^d.^^n^G^y stripe and cheßkAVorstedsand uiixed clieviots. y; The jQianutacturej-'s price , was §3.75, ■ " :i so yoii can figure outwliatyouget; for:::.:..- ; 'Sf .98 Vvhite Pique and: Duck; also, Colored -.Pique, trimmed with fancy strips • : aroand -bottom, for »Sc. ' Good Crash. Skirts, .with double . stitched seams and deep hem, for $t | Blue and Brown .Denim Skirts, braid -----trimmed; for $1.50.., All-Linen' Crash Skirts, embroidery "- trimmed.' for $1.09. . " r;.- Fine Clash- Skirts, with the new .plaited bottom, for $ii.»O. ~ ; i ,. ■f ine '"-fiefcale^-Wiiisis .- for' :•;;■; ."5.0c. -■••■.■ ■■*r .Fine/Percale Waists, in assorted col-" " «Ifinw slzes; and a eat variety to — select -from, for 50c; ■ White '-. Lawn' Embroidered Waist 3, laundered cuffs and collar, 75c -- v~ ??• hemstitched, tucked. $1.2.> . w^i? e c.? n^l a Lawn ones, with tucked ■ D3CIv t •>-*■ .*^O. ' " : ' ; «,'£ heer t. ln ? ia 1 ones, tucked in groups back. and front, §1.09. : f?s ' Boautiful Golderr^ak Bed, Dresser, and Wash- V k - Vi stand with large ■ swinging- bevel-edge mirror, top" of C ?~r\ yA^bed^and dresser neatly carved, the siiit topped off witli ? 1 V soft-top mattress and pair .woven wire springs, the en- ;Vv tire lot for-— take elevator to third floor— : ) Y\ -fc '\ > ' "■■■ ■■- '■—"■■' : "- ■■■ : "--- ■ «, -■ ■ s A fi Stirring Reduction. Great Sale of Finer Black • Goods. : '%. . "'•. Cllain Floor— Front) ■', . r- ;; The, bead of the Black Dress ; Goods' has carefully , selected the higher, class prices and marked them all for a clearance "on Mon day. Those who - appreciate { the better quality ::can readily see the savings indicated in the -schedule following. The : medium and lower grrdes will be found here, biit priced v; down below what other stores can afford to reach^ :. The New Figured and; Striped Gren adine' Crepons,. just- out, 42 inches, the ' yard, ?2.00. r -Chenille .' Waist and Dress <srena dines; 41 inches wide, the yard, .?».50. : AH-Silk Plaid Grenadine, 48 inches, ~i : the yard,- $5.."0. :- : .- .:. .'. 44-inch. Silk Grenadine, very thin, the ■ yard, $1.45: ; - - ..-■."".•■ ■■:,■■ Separate ; Skirt Figured Novelties, - 4-1 inches., the" yard, $t.t)S. : . Krinkle Crepon, 42 inches," ;S1:5O. - New. Small-Figured Mohair Rage, 44 inches.- the yard, S-.00. . . Lig-ht. Crepe Cloth, all wool,- 42 inches, the-yard,sl". • ... Prunella Cloth, 4£ inches, the yard, ' ?1.50. New Clay Diagonal, 44- inches, the yard, $1.59. > .• .' . . '; . - New. Figured Poplina, 40 inches, the : . 3rard,-:sl.ii3.3 r ard,-:sl.ii3. Hofsce io Ribbon Bayers. (llain Floor— Rear.) "~" Black Velvet Ribbon 9. satin and linen baclt, in all widths, including- the . "Washington brand, at: the most popu .lar prices. ' h Black- Satin-Back Folka-Dot Vel vet Ribbons, ■ so ' popular', for. neck - Wear, -21 to 49c per yard..: The New and, Swell Tie "Ribbons, in ; • satin- stripes, corded! Fleur .'de Las, : also Persians.. at^LO to 25c. per yard. : Tvlberty Satin Reyersible Ribbon, all ; silk, in all conceivable -shades, 59c. quality, S9c per yard: Swell Hemstitched . Plaid .Reversible '. Taffetas, 5 1-2 inches wide, in all the new shades, Violet and White, Reseda, Corhr. Old Rose, Pink, and Mode, 73c. value, JtOc. yard. ' Overflow Sale of Fine Em brsideries. (Main Floor— Rear.) . . The 'Meyer's Store ". will take long chances at "any' time : if it means a. - lower price for desirable goods. Three days ago they, purchased a. fairly large I stock. from a "Down East Department Store," and it -has been put right in ' with: the regular stocks You all know ' that thia class of goods; bought at this /time of the year, must mean, extreme ly low nrices. Here they are: . ' • Sc. for, 12-yard-piece /of Valenciennes Lace— worth 121-2 c. yard. oc.and 4c. ; yard for Valenciennes Inserting— worth. 6 l-4c. yard. . White, Black, and' Cream Venise All-Over I^ace, 50c. — worth 75c. yard. 45-inch Black La" Tosca Net,' 50c yard. i - ' 5- co 9-inch-wide Cream Lierre Lace, that' was 50c, for 25c. yard. ' Black Silk Chantilly Lace. Inserting, - 1 1-2 inches wide, oc. yard. 25c for a dozen yards of Black, ! -Butter,- and White Valenciennes .Lace, Honiton, . spray, .dot, and other de signs. . - . . > ' , 3-inch White and Black Silk Chantil ly Lace, 10c. yard. ..Torchon Lace, 1 inch wide, starting at ot yard. ... ' . • - . .. ' White and Butter Oriental Lace,- o inches wide, 12 l-2c. yard. - Manufacturers' ends of Cambric and. Nainsook Inserting, entirely new, 1 to 2 inches Wide. He, yard. ' Manufacturers' ends of Cambric and Nainsook Edges. . 1 to 3 inches wide, worth- 10c, for t> l-2c yard. . ; "; 12 l-2c. for,^ Cambric, Swiss, and Nainsook Edges and Inserting?, al most any width, and' design. l!>c for Cambric, Swiss, and Jsam sbok Skirting— worth 25 and 40c. Ribbon Beading, Swiss; Nainsook, and Cambric, . from -1 to :isc •'•JO -patterns o£ new- matpn ■ patterns of Cambric, -Swiss, and Nainsook Em broideries, 3 and 4 inchea wide, in a set, starting at sc. yard. . - 6- and S-row- Cambric and Swiss In serting, used as all-over, 'sc. single St Combination of Valenciennes- and Embroidered Swiss Edge, 3" inches wide, worth 50C. .for, WOc. . . Hemstitched Swiss Edge, entirely •■" new, 2 inches wide, for _,12 l-2c. .Hemstitched Beading, «c yard. 1 Gombmaf ion for Baying : ;Whife ---.'fioods V, At S-Montlis-Ajjo Prices. ISlam Floor— Left. A large store in Pittsburgh, one in "Philadelphia, and The Meyer. Store agreed to take, the output of , a mill eight months ago at something less than prices pre vailing at that time. The sig nificance of this -is evident in the difference between prices now and then. A schedule of goods and what they will go for is be low—a comparison will make any other store .suffers., - " '■'■ '■'■■"- (Main Floor— Transfer" Desk.) -50 pieces of Persian Mull, worth 15c, for J2 l-2c, - - . 40 pieces of- Very Sheer French Nain sook.-worth 32c, for 22c" ■'•: 1 case: = 4.0-inch • India . Linen,- worth ' 14c, for:-7,7-Bc. . '. , . ■ ' Ve'rv- Fine and. Sheer India Linen . . •-P'forVO -ir*?:? ■ : . V- .::--.'-. "...:•."". •.--'■ India Linen, worth . sc. yard,, for ;■ ;ai-2c. "■ :" : - : -" :: ■' ■ V-- .' .' : ' : - ■"■■ : ". ' -Pure: Linen La v.-n. fu11... yard wide. - the 50c;" kind.^for-I»7 l-2c. '•;."• .. r 40-inch Satin-Bordered Apron Musiin, worth 12 l-2c:. for « J--c. . : . . -. . 1 case of "P. X:," worth Sc yard, r .for (J;i-4c. -. ; ' • ': : ;-;-•■ '■ 1 case Extra Corded , "P. X.."" the 121-2c.\kind, ;for. ; lOc " :• .75 pieces' of English Loner. Cloth, 12 '■yards to the piece, the ?!.:}'.> kind, -for ?1.15.v -...;---"■■ ;- ;■:-. ■;-'?;.-.- ,--"-: ■• : ';. Extra Fine French Organdie for 12 l-2c. :. :'--'-': '--'-' ..- ''■'■.'.'-■:- '■-'■■'■■ ■' . -1: 50 pieces ': of Seeded and • Large-Dotted SwissVMuslin.- in- every size dots, from !<>.■ to; 15c. .worth;up .t0;.73e.-/, '* ■ ■ :2-yard-\vifief French' Organdie," worth ■;^35c.-,^-fprJ-;i,Sc-.? ..- ::^-.,\., -. ..-- -. ". ■ .:■■ ■■:. ■ .--.--: ■:' A-MO-hichSludia Lawn; the 12 l-2c. kind ;> ; ;fpri"3-4c.-'-:rL ; ' -".-■; :•'•.■, :-:-■:;::; . . ';.,--,■ .-■:. ;-/■;. F ttn;.=Yard-\Vide White "Cam •■;.;.hric;i worth 10c," for- T T-Sc/r " " . - : We are Tsrsilture Spe exists, Knamclled! 15cd, $7.15. ■-• '" v^: ■■'/ (Third -rFloor-^Takie; Elevator.) >:' "Hras-'s -Trimmeii;;'-" together y? stantialfAVpyen- Wire Spring," ami Sof t- ; '^T^p^Mattres!?::should?b^ $10; : :our;priee;. i ,; ; . 'HiUidforacrhMLnVxe 3i:- c " Keed -Rook- X: (1 rs,flwith;:fuil,"tu:avy:ru]l;»rini ft worth's <jSs>:.our;,price. -$:s.!>!». ' FoIUin X Can-. as <}) ,--. n.-, . r^tadS - jii-ucd to A.IH-. diitvroi't . positions^® , others askll-.our^price,. "s!i. and «Uc •77 if ■ c* ">>S $5 Mil Sent 100 files Free. Somr Hints for Summer Housekeepers, ; (Third Floor.) -The Meyer Store is esseutiall, the Mecca for summer ho Use 1J thusiasts. loiu- mountain seaside cottage can be p n <- ?r? r rights without passing- oaUfS our doors, --vßrief mention S have j-to do. .The volume of arri? c goods ■■; and. expected arriTJ T* somehow get away before till can be -talked up. " tile - r China Matting 3.^ |Qr Floor Oil-Ctoth I9c, Brussels Hassocks fQc Smyrna Rugs 25c Cocoa Door Mats 39c t Rubber ones SI.OO Porch Awnings, 4xS feet 58c. Wire Mats 99c. ■ - Every item a third saved. Merino Underwear at Re duced Prices, -'." (Main Floor— Left) 2 cases Ladies' l9c. Pure Lisle- F ni r ?i>i Swiss Ribbed Vests, subject to slight imperfections. 12 3-2e. ' " ' Ladies', Fine Silk Taped Swi« pm bed Vests. :H>c.- "~ Ladies' ' Taped Bleached Swi^ rik . bed Vests, « l-lc. lIN Ladies" 25c Lisle-Tliraad ' Ttibbed Vests. !J)c. Ladies' 39c. Mercerized Silk Vests in Pink. Blue; and Cream; also Fan-*- Lisle-Thread, in Pink. Blue. Lavender - Old Rose, and Black, pin-stripes "i>" Ladies* 75c Pure Spun-Silk Swb« Ribbed Vests, in Blue, Gold. Cream a.nd Lavender; I5!)c. Children's 25c. Knit Undervraist* * patent seams and buttons. !.".<• Children's Taped Bleached" swi« 5 Ribbed Vests, all sizes. « 1-4- Infants* 19c Summer- Weicht Je^se- Ribbed Wrappers, 12 l-2c. " * Men's 50c French Ealbrisvan Shtrts and Drawers." subject to sHsht Imper fections, noc Men's Fine Balbrigsran Shirts anil Drawers, in Solid Blue and Pink Bine and Pink pin-stripes, licrTst- and heavvl weight, balbriggan coior. »> styles to ' select' from. 25c. . Men's 51.50* Silk and Lis!e-Threa.l Shirts and Drawers, in Pink and Whit> and Blue and White stripes, il. ''-'Basement Its!, Goods for the House— A Long Array of Savings. The Meyer Store Housefnr nishing Department is noted for its completeness. Things yon don't find ih r other stores you. can find here. You can hardly wish for something to make yoii comfortable in summer and uofc find it here^ — -'down in the base ment. Blizzard Ice-Crcnra Freezer*. "- .'qnnrt size, worth $l.t!>, for :>S.-. ■S-ball Hardwood Crociuet Sees, worth $1.25, for 79c ■. Iron Plate-- Heaw. Tin Oil Stoves, will not leak, worth $Be, for 7»c Blue-Flame Stinure tia* Slotm, -warranted, worth ?i.BJ>. for Sl.-}». Sheet-Iron Double Oveiis, the b^st I bakers on earth, worth H.-5. for »Se Japanned Tin Decorated Galvanized Lined Charcoal-Filled Water Coolers, worth ■■$1.25. for SUc. Vi;,'.|Kefrigerat(irs, Unit il l hold R'> ponnds ,olf ice. worth .f lO.oti, ioe ?T.J)S. '. 16-fiuart Japanned Tin Water Pot*, worth 9Sc; for <>J>c . Wire-Wrapped Ourden Tlo.<ie. worth lOc. a foot, for He. « foot. Auysixc AValiint-Staljivil Screen Doors, with hintr*;* and screw*, - complete. «Jf>c. Any size Grill Doors, with hinges and screws complete, for si.iO. _ T)oul>le Uoors. bnrtlvsrooil. li?:l>t finish, complete with hinges and screws and jjull.". $*i.30. Extension Window Screen*. itIH 'lit" most any wimloiv, worth 1!>«-. for'lUSe. Handsome Colored Hammocks, with, pillow/stretcher, and valance, stz« ■•.-36 X&1. worth 'Sl.OS. for ?!.4!>. . Gas Range, with baker, and 2 burn ers, worth ?S.f«o,.for 3<>.5(.». S-n«art Strainer 3HIU Vii}l», worth l!)e.. for l">c. . 10-quarc Enamelled Preserving Ket tles, worth GOc. for '{He. . Any size Sheet-Iron Pans, worta Oc. H Sheet-Iron Crusty Bread-Pan;, wortt 15c. .for io c . Tin-Rim Flour Sieves, large size. •'■■- 3-quart \ - Convex ' >auce-i «« • lons-handled, worth 2.'c for I-"" 16-1 rich Granite Cooking Spoons, value oc. for. tic. . ~.. 4-ijuart Enamelled Tea or t«" fee Pot». worth ;iHo.. for -«•*• I>arge size, Galvanfzed-Tron_ Refnse rator Pans, worth 23c. for i3<~ , 10-quart Galvanized-Iron covewn Slop Buckets, worth 39c, for - M -'o- No. S Wash Boilers, coppered D(K tom. worth 75c. for ns>c Imported Porcelain Dinner ci • handsome deeortttion*. Kold-lineoK old-lineo worth ijil'i.OS. for .S!>. t!>. 56-piece Blue Decorated Tea s ' worth S4.R). for S^.«!>. d Decorated Cnsi.idores. solil a« lloral decorated. Sc. Yellow-Ware S-inch Bakers, worta SC inSorSd eaCh bhina O.cor.te.l x Plated 'worth . !j?.l— •' '» «loze:>. -*«■• *:■ each. . . White Semi-Porcelain Cnina yw and Saucers, worth t»c. a set, tor -^- . White China Larse-Size Ham Disb» worth 39c... f0r -:tc . «.n.w< AVl.ite China Covered \ e«etam Diitlicx, worth 4O»S *« r - JK "- Carlsbad Decorated GoW-Hnea C>.ot Dishes, worth 60c..v for :«»o. llantlsoiiic i Decorated lv ., ." i JJpwl*; : jiold-lined. worth •'* c ' . -for -tile. -. •"; " . .. . ' vWhite Porcelain Fruit or -t»-> * Saucers, worth sc. for .:sc. eacn. Imltution Cut-GlasH Uerry >n« . cers,.lc. each. ._ . ; - Fire-Polish ilinitation iCut-Glass * 1 '; 1 :G6blets, iworth 7Sc. a dozen, for lL : :-!v Ipressp'a'iGhVss -\Striiwberrv Ko™'*;K o ™'*; •-■footed, -with tops. v.-orth;2Sc. tor l«^ .Larse. .PrexHed-Glu.s.t .s.iiistre . Shaped Vlce-CresVni Traja. wor* 11 V .VlK»e*.V : ]fop-ii)e^eaclii" ■'.'. * fcarie-SlzeVJmkation Fa::-Cu: ?* nl ' : >'or-Bevcy /rlJowls.-T worth Usc-. f«r. ~ 1c ",,. : £; .Largest Sizejlliird : Wooden Ice Bow -s. r''Vi\l«ej2sf.v'jfor -15c-. ' : . ".-':- : v-;M-to6th Ste>J^l>onir-!I»ndle »«»■ - ;• Chisels^ worth l'lSc, for:l>c. ',: . Ice "-'.' Shavers^ i round; with handle. ; ... T-e , ;.iSteei>;Har«lwood UnndU-u »»^ l*U'kM;-:.wortli-5v.. for .— tr. . - Largoßbar T6t Fine. 'AVhite^Uiunury \ ? Soap;- - worth": 5c. \r tor •»<;. ■ ' _-■ .. J* ous/ieefandfßroaco.