Newspaper Page Text
AT BERR^S.I. The school boy —the boy fV^ 3 to iS— is, we consider, cur mo^t important customer. We are looking for years of trade with him. . You can see the value we put on his trade and approval when you look at the large variety and choice quality we have planned for his disposal. For stylish young men — our Striped Hansel Suits at $7.50, vS.SO. and $10 are pa'lJcularlv striking. WIN IN PETERSBURG. RICHMoSIJ TAKES A C:.\3112. l.\ WHICH THEIIB IS LITTLE LIFE: KORFOLK AND PORTSMOUTH TIP. ■All ExcitiiitcTcii-liininjc C«ii<cst oil the Gronmlfs 01 the lyiitlcr — New port Xc■^T^-lIaI^lIlt^»Ii Contest IMarlc c<l l»y DiMinlcr and Scrai>jiiiip-. rotorslxirs. 1; Hielitiioinl.?2. ; : I'urlMiioutli, :;: Xorf«»lk. ;S. Haiuiiton. <!: 3T«*\vjiort Xewsj T. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. .... Won. Lost. Pc. Norfolk 10 Z " .542 '35ampton 14 G .700 Richmond -J. 11 S .030 Ifcrtsmouih 10 11 ; .47C Newport News 0 17 .251 Petersburg 4 l'J .IGj WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY. -Jlichmond at Petersburg. Norfolk at Portsmouth. Newport News at Hampton": PETERSBURG. YA.. May 2S.—(Spe *cial.)— The game of base-ball this eve ; iring between Petersburg and Richmond; •while abounding in errors, was neverthe less an exciting contest. Neither of the learns should have scored, as not a sin gle earned run ivas made by either team. The run-making was started by the Blue i birds in the second inning, when Taiine i hHI scored after the home team had the •chance of blanking them. Petersburg tied the score, and made" the only run ihat she was able to make, in the third ■Jnning. on a base on ball?, Holland being hit by a pitched" ball. Berte's error of Hennager's easy grounder, and Kelly's f=ins:le. Richmond took the lead in her half of the third inning on singles by Drauby and Tannehil! and Hunt's wild throw. The lvmaininf? six innings of the pame was a beautiful exhibition of ball playing. The features of the game were ihe batting of Clint, Hunt, Kain. and Slouch, and the doubly plays of Berte, "Stoucli. and Drauby. The score follows: PETERSBURG. A.B. R. H. O A: E. I Ciinton, 2 b. 4 0 2 ?, 4 0 Holland, c. f. 4 10 2 0 0 31enii<iger. 3 b 5 0 1 0 2 0 Kel!«-v, 1 b 5 0 1 11 0 1 Hunt., c. 4 0 2 2 1 2 i <"'Brien. s. s 2 0 1 :2: 2 4 ft .'Manners. 1. f, 3 0 0 3. 0 0 McCaffrey, r. f 4 n 0 1 .0 0 Tierney, p Z 0 0 0 3 0 Totals 34 1- 7 24 14 3 RICHMOND. A.B. R. H. O. A. E. i Kain, r. £ 4 0 2 1 .0 0 Foster, c 4 0 1 4-2 0 Gilligan. c. f 4 0 1 3 0 0 Draubv, 1 b 3 1 1 10 0 0 Berte.*s. r s .4 0 1 5 .3 2 Tannehill, 3 b 4 1 1 13 1 Ftouch, 2 b 4 0 2 1 J 1 Kelly, 1. f 4 0 1 2 0 0 Hooker, p ....Z 0 0 0 ;3 0 Totals 34 2:10 27 12 4 SCORE BY INNINGS. 12 3 4 5 6 7-S 9 fv-,<--r.«burs- 001000 o.oo—l -Richmond 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 *— 2 Summary: Two-base hits— Kain, Stouch, Hunt, and Clinton. Double plays— Berte, Slouch, and Drauby (2). Struck out— By Tierney, 2; by Hooker. 2. Bases on balls — <>:T Tierney, 1; off Hooker, 2. Stolen liase— Kelly. Hit by pitcher— Holland and Hooker. Time of game— 2 liours. Umpire- Mr. Adams. - ... SOItPOLK AM) rOHTSMOITH TIE. i'lay an ExritiiK fiaiiio; in Whieli Scores Are AliUe. XORFOLrI. VA., May 2S.— (Special.)^ Tbe Ten-inning tio.ganie of: ball between Portsmouth and Norfolk to-day on tl\= former's grounds was chiefly remarkable It the similarity of scores made' by each team. The details ' follow: PORTSMOUTH. : * A.B. It. 11. U. A. E. Kolmle, r. f... 4 110 2 0. Clark 2b 5 1 13 r» 0 LwiKk-y, i. f... 5 0 0 0 10 Ki-injK-r. c 2 0 0 2 1 0 Myers, lb 4 1 1 13 0 2 Murry, c f : -3 0-2 5 0 0 s. s.". • 4 0 0-1 a\ 0 Myrrissey, 3b .. .. 5 .0 1" 2 1 0 Luitifh, p...... 3 0. 0 0 4 1 Totals ..........S r > 3 6 30 19 3 NORFOLK. A.B. R. H. O. A: E. Spratt, 2b. 4 1 II 3 1" 1 •lames Smiti). s. 5. ...... 5 2 13 10 "'Am Smith, r. f.. ....... 4 0 00 0 0 Armstrong, 1b.... 5 0 2- S' 0' 1 Sullivan. 3b .. ■ ...4 0' OK 3 1 0 i'ulsifer, 1. f........;..... 4 0 0 3 0 0 kelson, c. 4 0 2 7 l 0 JlcCloud. c. f..l 4 0 1 2 0 0 Dannehower, p .400. 1.12 3 . Totals ..35 3 7 30 17 ;3; 3 I SCORE-IJY INNINGS/ 1 23 4 T, C 7 SO 10T~ ............2 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0— 3 Norfolk .0 010 20 0 0 ! (> o— '3 T<-n innines: darkness.. .'. Surr.rnaiT: Earned runs— PortFinouth ■'■ Norfolk. 1. Three-base hits— M >•<•«•*< X«-I s-pn (2;, and McCloud. Stolen hns.-.s—Mor nsß*»y. Clark, and:: James Smith. : Hitsos Jn balls— Off Luttich. l:'off Dannehower, -. Hit. by pitched; balls— John Smith, Luitich. and K<-mmer.: Struck oul~Uy LuitSch. 2; by. Dannehower. ".'■: Time-o'iv: «auj«-— 2- hours; and i. 3o. --rninu(*s. Umpire— -Jr. jMcNamara. '-'. -:•■'■; ..: ; " •tii .% r»i» v cam 1: at XK\vi'r> i:\vs. Clohe Coutftiti Miirked liy ; I'useeiuly Coudnet 011 <lie; I<"i «;!«!.- '..■_ -_•? •.-' '. cial.)— Newport'?iCewH won t the: tlrsf- game tOday in . tJje ; scries " witiiv liamßLonijTin £r?l?> . \ he , , mos t dls sracef ul *. exhibitions : NW« 1^»»"; t «y«rs*«enr»heres iS »• Played .the better, Kame all around;' •lti^? am l> l s>"-^ied v: to >win : outiby klck-i - £' \«. a , y r<?sor tlng: jto scrat)plng, which: almost became-: general. This was ithe' >core: ---..■ ■.;'.:'• ~- ■ ■- .;. • . .. - ' NEWPORT NKWS ; '..:' , ■■■:.-; -r .:■;-- A.n. r;.h. o. a; k. Weaver, 1?.. c. f: .....,.r, l 15 0 0 Pautctr 2-b. ; ....:...r.;nV:4;-i2: l U-; 2 1 \\ caver, K. s.h: ...... ;v .4; 0> : U o^4 1 Macee; 1:1).;am1c.,.;..:5;-0; 1 11^ 0 1 iMgbie, 3 b., .;;.....:... ,\2,\ 2 ,0 0 2 1 Lnndrum. r. f. ...:;....- .5: a) 3- 1 0 0 Hoffman, 1, f. ........... o 'l'.-l"{ V. 0 0 •Jrnst. l l). andc. .......5 0 .1 5 1-1 ;O Brien. p. ...............501 3 3 0 Totals ........ -.-.;.-. .-:.3.» 7 10 27.12 5 : HAMPTON. ; ; ; ■ ; A.B. R. H. O. A. E. Gillignn.; p. ?. -.-..:... ....5 0 0 3 21 Ashenback. c. f. ...-.1....4 2 1 2 0 0 Durrett. i. f. ............4 0 2 0 0 0 Mulhmy. lb.; ........ .;..s';o- 1 12 0 . 1" Allen. 2 b .'. ...4 2 12 ?> I. Deiscl. 3 h: ........ ...!.!.4 ; 1:' 1 3 ; 5 1 Chandler, c. ...............3 0 0 G 1 0 Martin, r. f :..... ,.s 0 1 0 00 Leonard, p. .........;.... .5 1 11 2 0 Totals ...r.... .......30 6 8 27 n : 4 SCORE BY INNINGS. : ;_. '.:.-... ' ■.-.-•• :l 2?, .45 67S 9_■ I Newport News -..- ....51.100 000 o—7 : Hampton .. ......:.. .0 1 1 1.0 0 0.0 3— 6 I Summary: Karried runs— Newport News, ! 2; Hampton. 3. Two-base hits— Magf-c and i Delsel. Sacrifice hits— X. Weaver. 2. ! Stolen bases— Magee. O'Brien. .- Bigbie, ! Hoffman. Durrett. B. .Weaver. Allen Dei | sel....iartin. and Ashenback "(3): Bases on ! balls— Off O'Brien. C; off' Leonard, fl. Hit by pitched balls— Hoffman and Gilligan. Struck out— By O'Brien, 5; by Leonard, 5. Umpire— Mr. McGuirk. XATUIXAI- -LEAGVK IIAI-1.. llrooUlyn IlcfeutM the Clit«-a«OMiis— S«tM»rc-, 1- to 7. . CHICAGO. May 2S.— After having- a good lead Jto-day. the locals went all to pieces in the. eighth inning, five errors and' six hits giving the Champions nine runs. At tendance, 2.500: Score: • i ■'. R- H. 13: Chicago ."...... ...0 10 11 310 0-7 H 7 Brooklyn ..........0 01010 1 9 o—l2 14- 0 Batteries: Menefee. Garvin.-.and Chance; McGinnity, Kennedy, ■ Farrell. and Mc- Guire. Time. 2 hours and' 25 minutes. Umpire, Mr. Emslie". . PITTSBURG 14; NEW YORK. 0. PITTSBUKG. : May 2S.— ln addition to being wild.. Doheny and Seymour were • hit hard.- Chesbro- was in fine fettle, and in no inning did' the New Yorks. have more than five men to bat. Attendance, •2.200. " Score: - . • - • R- H- E. Pittsburg 0435 11 0 0 *— It .12 1 New York ........000000000—0 3 1 Batteries: Chesbro and- Zimmer; Sey mour. Doheny. and Bowerman. Umpire,' Mr. O'Day. Time,. 1 hour and 40 minutes. - PHILADELPHIA, 11; ST. LOISIS. 4. ST. LOUIS, MO.. May 2S.— St. Louis played a listless game to-day, both in the field and at the bat. and the visitors won as they pleased. Score: ■ - R. H: E. St. Louis. ..10 00012 0 o—4 .7 C Philadelphia . ......2 11 0 2 0 10 4—ll • 15 ": 1 Batteries: Powell. Hughey. and Bue low; Berrihard, Piait.' and Douglass. . Time. 2 hours and 30 minutes. Umpire, Mr. Hurst. Attendance. 3.300. POSTPONEMENT. CINCINNATI! : May' 2S.—Gincinnati-Bos ton game postponed on account of rain. NATIONAL LEAGUE RECORD. U r on. Lost. P.C. Philadelphia 39 " 10 . .055 Brooklyn 18 12 .000 Chicago ...... .-...:.1 7 11 .54S Pittsburg IS 15 .515 St. Louis :....... 10 14 .533 Cincinnati 12 17 .414 New York 10 IS .3. r .7 805t0n'....:..... S IS .308 Aziiericnn Assncintioii. Buffalo. 4: Cleveland. 2. Milwaukee. 3; Minneapolis, 5. Chicago-Kansas City game- at Chicago postponed; w«t grounds. Indianapolis-Detroit game at Indian apolis postponed:. wet grounds. : • - Knsieni Leasne. Syracuse, C; Rochester, 7. Slontreal, 4: Toronto." 15. Hartford, 'J; Providence, 2. SMALL CROWD- AT fJRAVESEXD. Clover St'alECM \.\ „■-: ».y Sweet I.avcii ~ilcr. NEW. YORK. May 23.— A? cold, raw day and a poor card were responsible for one of the smallest crowds of the season at- Gravesend to-day. Four of the "nishes were of the driving, order. Only two fa vorites were successful. The Clover Stakes, for. 2-year-old fillies, were the fix ture, and Sweet Lavender and Ashes fought it out at. the end, tne former final ly winning by a head. Summary: First race — five furlongs— Blues (3 to o) won. Schoolmaster (S to 1 arid 3 to 1) se cond. Beau Gallant (15 to l)..third. Time, 1:02. Second race — one mile and a furlong — Lothario (5 to 1) won. Gulden (7 to 2 and «i to 5) second, Maximo ' Gomez (2 to 1) lhird. Time, 1:34 4-5. . v ■% t Third race—five furlongs— Sky Scraper (6 to 1) won, Oliver Mac (15 to 1 and 4 to.l) second.. Sir Christopher (6 to 1) third. Time. 1:012-5. Fourth .race— The. Clover Stakes, four and -a half, furlongs— Sweet Lavender (13 to 5) won.-Ahhes (1 to T arid S to 5) second, Lurana (20* to -1) third. -.Time. .55 2-5. Fifth . race— about six furlongs— Queen I^ouise (T ! to 2) .won. Bombshell (4 to 1 and S to -s)' second. Lime Light" (2 to 1) third Time. 1:12 2-5. Sixth race— about six furlongs— Plncher (oO to 1) won, Nansen (4 tol and. 7 to 5) se cond. Scales (25 to 1) third. Time, 1:U 4-5. LATONIA DERBY A FARCE CINCINNATI. 0.. . May 28.— Tlie thou sands who gathered at Latonia .to-day to sec- whit promised to be the • greatest Derby of the year, met with bitter dis ai)]iointm?ut. The race was a farce Lieu tenant Gibson was the only starter and simply had to gallop around the track to win Die bis prize. Up to noon the track was in good shape, but then there caino a heavy . rainfall, and .this--, spoiled all the chances of a contest in the, Derby. Hiram Scosyan. Highland- Lad, . Florisar, Ken tucky Farmer, and St. Ivor were scratch ed. This left but one. horse in the ra-'-e— Lieutenant Gibson— and- h<> galloped the distance, a mile and a half, for tin- bitf ]>uif?. Thus th<- famous Latonia Derby of 19W passed into history, and Lieutenant Gibson, the. crack western 3-year-old, re mciins" unboa ten. ■-'■■-. Cliurcli Does Graceful TliiiisrN. • The Broaddus-Memorial Baptist church knows how" to do: a graceful' thing, as proven, last Sunday. Miss Katherine Quarles. daughter of Pastor Quarles, of this church, has been organist for this church for three years .past: Her father's connection with the church closes tSis week, and, presumably, hers ■ also. Sun day riiorning, -Mr. 8., F .; Johnson, on be half of the church, presented Miss Quarles with a handsome gold .watch and chain as an evidence .that her services were valued, "and appreciated. "The is .a beautiful one. ■ selected with admirable taste, fit could hardly- jhave, been more worthily , bestowed under any • circum-' stances.. ■- .---"> .-;. . ■;■ ■ ';. .-. ■ , - Sons.of-Tcteranx. ... "■ A well attended . meeting of the Sons of -Veterans; was held: last night at. Lee Camp. Hall. Comriiarider John , A.'Lamb presided. Mr. E. .1. Eukef .was elected to in- the camp. , Much' rou tine business was transacted: "Comrade W. R. Walder read" an "interesting; paper oii' the battle '-.of Harper's; Ferry, which was greatly enjoyed: ;. Short ; talks '.were made by Comrade- E.'J.-B."." Thomas on and K. L. Sperice. Jr. - .' ... ' ' ' .. ; jVcrouut • of : -Their Trip." !)r. W. K. ■"-.L.'-Smithjind : Rev. B. Cabelf EicniiiK were called : upon. at^the^Baptist ..Minister.^ Conference: tolgiyej accounts ifof :hc:r. trip. to., the coriv*Miti6n "at Hot Springs; Ark:-: Their/responses were: very entertaining. : " . '.' ; ■ ."' Townc'n cllmly.; Found.-.; :'. ■] , The body of . Jaraos I'o\v:h>.; tho noi'ro man*\vhd jumped Into ithe",eanal = near ithe LTreilejiurrWoiKs: on 'Kriday; mornms>lnst;' ■ wasv found 'yesterday* afternoon: Coroner Taylor viewed; --the 'remains ; and /deemed ian :.inquest^unneees.«:iry; :.:■.-■■-. . FJrMi of tue/IHlile' DelmtcK. :; i The ■•"first? of a? series of , -three biblical :de ba tes between j ßcvvj Ji^E.'i Smith jand £Mr.* pa»i- •>.' boih -; o£ : whom '£ are g from f ' a.; THE RIOBMOK^ piSPATCH---TIIEBDAS^M#S^iifIOO. distance,- the former : being a Phlladel phiari, took place f at^the Auditorlurri last ri'&hf, in^;Ule;■p■reaericV(of>a^bui''soo'people;■■ : > Th ? ;subject ; wiis yammwrtality/': : the '* iia^ MllQiot •.^*h l .9fir ; way;'d|sculssedr£romVoppos- : ing points of. view. r ~*~. ""• " : : ;' ■ - *r. - The second<pf ; the;serles;wili; take "place to-night, r No- admission ..fee^s^charged.-.; THURSDAYS ELECTJOxf A KoviHeil Tnlile of -tlic Goiislllu tlonnl -'Cwn'yentjbn* Vote. : - The foliowing tables was revised ' from all the returns:of the constitutional con vention; vote, of last Thursday, received at. the Dispatch .office up to 12 o'clock last night: ■ ■'.;. \'{ .. /.;; r -: ■,;.:•-.':::. ■ -; -;=:,-■ : ■;'■ ■','■ : ;.- :V ■'■■- ilajorities:; . ' ■"'■• : .■■■"-■:-'.■■■■ For. Against:. Accomac . ;......'......;;; - 400 -- ' - '■■ ■■- Alleghany .::....., ..!'.!!!*!* 25 Albemarle ......... ...'..'....'.. gfo '" Alexandria ..'..;.... . •••••• . ... Amherst '......„... ....[.I" 766 :,;... Amelia .......... .-.-.v.-r ";-... . ...; . ; 16 g Appomattox ......... . 501 - -' Augusta ......... .....; 550 :'-' v Bath ......... ..:..„.. -..-. ■-.•■■-■:' '^ Bedford ...::.... ..'.....;...;." GGO ■'-■-■ Bland. ....•...:.." .".....; - -'" Botetourt, ......... ... . * - ■•'«»] Brunswick ■.............;;....- 256 Buchanan ........ "; . ','.'. Buckingham ..... ........ ... ' Campbell . \.- ........:.. ..-..- ;: . ;.;;,"yq Carroll .....-; :.TV-*":rr • v **~^*sw Caroline ... "at> Charlotte ......... ...: 550 • : ; ■ - Charles City ..... ........ ...\ . ... 1 Chesterfield .................. 279 ■ Clarke .:.......:; .... ...*....... C 8 ■]" ' Craig .r....^..... .50 .. Culpeper ....:.:.... 569 ' -... Cumberland ".. 74 - ..' .;'. Dickinson ........... ......... ... Dinwiddie" =....-. 95 - ... Elizabeth City ...... ........ . : ;-.l(J8 I Essex. :... .;. 25 I Fairfax lijO r'auquier ........:. 075 ' ... Floyd ..:. • . S4l- F'luvanna ....;'.... ........... ... ' 29 .Franklin .."..... 300 . ... Frederick 92 Giles .... ...... .'.) ' 10) ... Gloucester ..- "... 94 ; ... Goochland . 301 Grayson '.. • ... 5)0 Greene -' ;.': Greenesville .... 2!ji> • ... Halifax ......... 750- : ... Hanover . ........ S9 ... Henrico ..... . 702 '... Henry ". ..11l r ■ ;,_'■ .".-. Highland ....:.-. . ' Vi Isle of. Wight ...-. 550 ;■ ;... James City &3 : :.., King and Queen 15-1 King George 539 King- William, (estimated)... ... j ]s:> Lancaster ... - 40!) Lee Louisa ....; '7 ..'. Loudoun .". 12S 'Lunenburg .„ 50 - Madison ................ Mathews 72 :.. Mecklenburg ... 350 Middlesex .. ....!.. '.. ... 18^ Montgomery ..; : K'.V Nansemond ... 11V Nelson 500 New Kent ..... .... 2uO Norfolk . 1 ■- si»o Northampton .......... 3'J Northumberland... : 300. Npttoway C-S5 : ...' Orange :.-'.': 150 Page .: ... -14 Patrick" .......... .;. . Ui Pittsylvania G9O ,; ... Powhatan ......... 150 Prince George '...55 ; ... Prince Edward G4 Prince William (estimated).'.- 151 ..V Princess "Anne 250 Pulaski :.. . 400 Rappahannock ... Richmond .:... ... 179 Rockbridge .". '. 4-5 Roanoke 43 Rockingham 160 Russell ... 210 Smvthe 405 Scott ........." Shenandoah .... 524 Southampton ......... .900 ... Spotsylvania ... 225 Staffoi-d .' .... 175 Surry 2 Sussex ...-. 291 Tazev/ell ...: ... 745 Warwick" '..... Warren. -262 "Washington I.OCO Westmoreland ..:...'.. .... 300 Wise ........ :.:.. S4 Wythe 53 York .. ... 160 CITIES. • Alexandria 71 Bristol ......... .........:. Bueria Vista .....: 6 Charlottesville. ........." 492 Danville 1,124 Fredericksburg 260 Lynchburg :.......:.. 565 Manchester .. .... 295^ ■ Newport News ..:.....: 2.04S Norfolk ..4,177 Petersburg . ....: ....632' Portsmouth .......1.155 ... Radford 229 Roanoke 1.726 ... Richmond ...4.291 ... Staunton .....:..... -f43 Williamsburg ....... 106- Winchester 229 Totals ....... ...31,802 13,217 Net majority of above re ported cities and counties : 18.555 The counties to come are Bland, Buch anan, Buckingham, Charles 'City, .Dick inson, Rappahannock, and Scott; also, eily of- Bristol. They will nearly all give majorities against the convention. Hence, we guess that the net total recorded above (15.555) will 'be reduced some few thousands. Kuriert . in Hanover. The body of Sally Redd, a colored wo man, who is alleged to have /lied under a criminal operation in. New-York, was brought to Hanover Junction last Thurs- day and interred. The woman's father and sister live here. It is their intention to cause investigation to be made of the circumstances of their relative's death. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, . A POWDER TO 'BE SHAKEN INTO the shoes. Your feet feel swollen, nervous, and liot. and get tired easily. If, you have smarting feet or tight shoes!" try: Allen's Foot-Ease. It_ cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen, sweating, feet; ingrowing nails, blisters, and callous spots. Relieves: corns and bunions of all pain, and gives rest and comfort. Try" it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores- for 25c. Trial package FREE. Ad dress ALLEN S. OLMSTED,' Le Roy, X. ■ Y. ap 17-Tu,Th&Sa3m-f r_ "^ - fIIAItIXE INTKI/l/EGEXCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC, MAY 29, 1900. Sun rises .........4:53! HIGH TIDE. . ' Sun sets ........ '.7:2l|Morningv. .;..:.. ...5:6fl Moon sets ..:.... 5:24: Evening........... PORT OF RICHMOND", MAY 28," 1900. ' - ARRIVED. Steamer Richmond, Catherine Norfolk, merchandise and passengers; Old Domin ion Line.- ■'■■.;.- Steamer 1 . Yemassee. . . O'Neil, Phila delphia, Pa., merchandise and passengers,- Clyde Line. - ;: " - ■ •'■ - --. SAILED. Steamer, Pqcahontas. Graves,. r Norfolk and James-river landings, merchandise and passengers; Virginia Navigation Com pany. ■ ' ' '' ' - ./ ■ : ■. . ■ . ■, ■■ Steamer Richmond, Catherine, Norfolk merchandise and passengers; OldDomin ' ion Line. ' PORT OF NEWPORT NEWS, MAY 27. ' .-'.."''. .■ (By telegrapn.) ARRIVED. • Schooner; R. and" T. Hargraves, Boston ' . . ; ; / : ■•■; 'SAILED .■ . . ;._:' SlypDunstallnace, Philadelphia. - ■-"'■■■-■ " .Steamer Rapidan;; Liverpool. " • Steamer St. Leonards, Antwerp. • PORT OF NEWPORT. NEWS, MAY- 25.~ (By telegraph.) arrived: ■ Steamer ;Granavia;. New,- Orleans. • ; Steamer Cape Corentes,-.. Galveston. R:W.Sfevens.~ Providence, « Schooner George P.^Davenport, Boston' i ■ .';'•,■ .-' SAILED.:," 1 ; "". '[ , ' Steamer Granavia.. Hamburg." Steamer Cape Corentes, Hamburg. PORT OF BERMUDxV- HUNDRED,' VA :.-; : -.; ;;: - : May:2S:.;i9oo. ■:-' -.-■ ■"■ . - : (By ■telegfaph.v : . ;•;■-. :-~ : -P':l^.) - ' / SAILED. ' "B:i rtre O vc rbrook. v Maloiiey , . loaded ■with lumber; Philadelphia, "Pa. ,(,: '■'-■' =■-.-: - I ißarge Roberts,? Balch, : loaded 5 with' rail road ties; Pa. : :■ portlOf ; west.; point; m a y 2s; idoo;' ■ ;"*• ■■■■■ . (Byyt elegraph.) v .,*r ■'-.:-■ ■: , ' ARRIVED. ■• ■:~ Steamer iCharlottej-VMufphy, >Chariotte'i 'inerchajn^iseiandjpassengers. .' Simmer Charlotte" .Murphy, ChariotteM .mH.rchnndifcQtand'Dasseaeers. 1 ; . . v . - - • '"- : STOCKS UNCHANGED; MARKET COXTISCES TO HE DIILL :■[/.-?'*:%'■'* .''::; i 'XXJ3T. NEGLECTED. - ': MOmROTI|OF|MERSSUSPENDS The Failure Attributed to Cotton street Sentiment ;Dnli . :'and.:irreerii3hr. ''.<; ■■...-.-■ - - ;: NEW.-i YORK, May,: 2S.— The' opening^bf | h . e^ new,' week showed: no material. change in speculative conditions', and" the stock markets of New York,. London, Paris? and Berlin .continued "dull and neglected. In New -York ; another •brokerage; firm ian noUnced -its =- s'uspe'nsiori; ■' the -failure" being ! . a 3 no H. n " ced > : as .was .that, of Price, McCor mick;;& YbnJ^he^potton and- Stock- Exchanges, almost -simultaneously -The cSßng: but of the. firm's ; contracts on .the btock .Exchange under/the rule resulted in transactions.. in > about -io.CCU shares.-; Ihat,prices'^'ere:inclined' to advance'un der; the influence of: the, settlement was" sufliciently; explained .byth ei fact that th«, buyingof. stocks forthe firm' outnumbered the,selling fully, 3: to 1 ; That is to say; the house was. largely short of^themar-' ket. .. ' • '■-■/ "; ■.■•>' '■■■ ;. :■*-'. :'. ■•; . - :. -The failure -is; attributed to cotton spec ulations, as the recent. movement of stocks Irr^isSEi 11 « aVOr con- ■nf ? flnn • 18 .l m -,r Last: * eek>5 ' rumors of financial difficulties, which specified; thi| house, brought-pressureto bear, upon -nt f I?!! precipitated .the .assignment, lne fact that the. same kind "of rumors hn?,' ' clrcula S ed Regarding some ' other' houses is a factor in', keeping Wall«treet sentiment unsettled. ■ ; - ; ° , ,~ tree , : _ The.only notable movement duriric the day were the .advances: in Sugar, sup-: posed to be on bear covering,: and in Bur lington, on'a. resumption of -buying 1 of the same; character as that which has : given ■• the stock its recent strength. These ad vances prompted- some "sharp rallies at other, points-. in the market,, and some -.of tne earlier losses -were recovered. \ MARKET SEMI-STAGNANT. The market was- semi-stagnant at times, -and the closing was dull and ir regular. - - . London sold small amounts of stock al though that 'market as. a whole showed some strength, ; on the' advance"' of the British into the .Transvaal. It is worth remembering that the speculative world has based its largest hopes regarding the end: of the Transvaal war on the effect to be produced in- the money market by the resuniption-of the gold "supply from the South .African mines, but at the ".pres ent' time "-there-Js "■a.-.reflux of cash into the reserves of all the. great banks of the world, and . increasing, difficulty is being experienced in finding profitable employ ment for. idle' capital.. / This is entirely without effect • in: arousing any specuhi tive.-: demand for -securities, owing to the fact, that the release of money is, due to a decline, in trade.' - . , , . : The dulness to-day was accentuated by the fact that the week will-be interrupted by a holiday in New. York, and .by the year's great racing, event in l^ondon". : . Sterling • exchange was ; weak" to-day. . . The, bond market was very dull, .'and showed weakness in: sympathy. Total sales, ?1,160,0C0.. par value. United States bonds unchanged in bidi'quotations. To-day's total stock sales -were 213,400 shares. , . • '-. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. . Money on' call steady." at l%@-2"per cent.; prime mercantile "paper, . 3^a4Vi per cent.- 1 Sterling, exchange weak,"" with actual business in bankers' bills at §4.S7 1 / t '554.87% for demand, and, at $4. S4^i<S s4^B4% for sixty days; posted rates, •S4.Bs l^f^.BS l /»; com mercial : bills, $4.83%#54.&i. " Bar -silver. CO I ,^.- Silver certTficates, 6Of7' Cl. Mexican- dollars/:".47%. . Government' bonds, steady. State bonds inactive.- Railroad bonds weak. :-~- Xew Yorlc Stock Quotations. ;' . ; " ■> Closing Bid! Atchison ............ ;....... ...... 25*£ Atchison, preferred 70% Baltimore and Ohio .;...... 7">'!4 Canadian Pacific .......... 92% Canada. 'Southern — .......... 51% Chesapeake, and Ohio ; ....... ..... 27 Chicago Great Western v. 124 Chicago, Burlington and .Quincy...:. 127V5. ! Chicago, Ind. and Louis 21 : Chicago. :lnd. and Louis, pref... 51% ! Chicago and East Illinois 100 Chicago and Northwestern 162' i j Chicago. Rock Tsland "and Pacific...'. lCfi : C, C, C. and St. Louis.... SSV& Colorado Southern.' 6 Colorado : Southern,' lst pref. :...' 42 i f.'olorado Southern. 2d pref. ..:... I^Y~ j •Delaware and Hudson 113 ■ Delaware, Lack, and Western. . .;.... 177 j Denver and Rio Grande 18*4 j Denver and Rio Grande, pref. ...... C 7 Erie '. ..•.-. 11^ \ Erie, . Ist preferred 35Vi Great Northern, pref. . ; ISMi, Hocking Coal ............"124 Hocking Valley 37>4 Illinois Central :.:-........ ............112^ lowa Central 17% i lowa Central, pref. 4S Kansas City. Pitts, and Gulf .. 16 Lake- Erie -and^Western ...... 27V4 Lake' Erie and' Western, pref 91 Lake.. 5h0re. ...... ....;.;.-. 212% Louisville and Nashville .....;.. 79V& Manhattan L. .•..........: say, Metropolitan"- Street. Railway: ..... 155 Mexican Central .......... ........ 12% Minn, and St: Louis 61M> Minn, and St. Louis, pref... ....- 9§V» Missouri < Pacific 55 Mobile and Ohio 39 . Missouri; Kansas and Texas „........" 10'^ Missouri.: Kansas and Texas, pref.. 33 New Jersey Central h....... 117 New' York- Central :..:.... . 131 'Norfolk and Western ■' 2&V* Norfolk and Western, pref 7SV2 Northern Pacific 59% Northern Pacific, pref......;..". 73?s Ontario- and Western '..". 21 Oresron Railway and Nay. 42,. Oregon Railway and- Nav.. pref...... 76 Pennsylvania ' ..... 129% Reading .......... ..-• - 16% Reading, Ist preferred 55% Reading, 2d. preferred 2S Rio" Grande W r estern 58 ■ Rio Grande Western, pref. .......... S7y 2 St. -Louis and San.Fran. .10 St • Louis and San Fran., Ist pref.... 68 St" Louis and. San : Fran., 2d pref.... 33V1. St ' Louis Southwestern ............... 10% St.- Louis Southwestern, pref......... 26M; St. Paul .:......-... ••••' — ...: 115% St Paul, preferred ..........:. 172 St. Paul and ; Omaha ........:.. .:.. 11l . Southern .... -•-.. ..... .. 33V» Southern Railway....... 12^ Southern Railway, pref 55. Texas' and Pacific-....:. ..\...... 16^4 Union Pacific -....;:... 53% Union Pacific, preferred ...:.........-.. 73^ Wabash ' S Wabash, preferred ......... 20% Wheeling and " L E. 9 Wheeling and. L. E., 2d pref........... ,25^ Wisconsin Central ' 15-, 4 Third Avenue .......................... 113^ EXPRESS COMPANIES. ' Adams ...."•••••• •••"• 115 American '........ ;.. 150 United -States -. 45 Wells Fargo ........ ........... r. 116 , . .. ; -MISCELLANEOUS. ...__ American : Cotton Oil ................. . . 33% American Cotton Oil, preferred...... 90 American :".. Ma1ting. ; . : :: ::.....:.. ... .. . -:. 3% American jMalting./pref...... .."...;... 22 :'. Araer. Smelting, and- Refining V :U\ Amer.^ Smelting ■! and Refining,' pref . . . 8S American • Spirits .....:......... .-..-. . . .-. ' . 214 i American' Spirits, preferred .......... 17 American 5 Steel Hoop : :J................: J . . .............. ,20% Am erican 'Steel Hoop;* pref:. ......;... :70V4 ' American - Steel and iWire '. ..... . . . . . .- 33^* ! American; Steel and;. Wire- pref. r ...... 7:;% "America'n r Tin-Plate . ?.-: '....."...... ... . . ; 21 '/> ! American-: Tin-Plate, pref. ........... 73 i American .Tobacco . .......... . . . . '...;.. J- 91% , ! American. Tobacco.; preferred..;..... 130 r I "Ariacondav-MiningSCqmpanV;-!.. •:....... 40% ! Brooklyn -Rapid -Transit .. : .......:.... 70%; Colorado- Fue1. and;Tr0n:;... .....;.;.... 3534 I Continental .;............... . ■;■ 23Vi - I Continental:" T0bacc0;Lpref.. ...;.. ■.....; 77 ".' I Federal" Steel r::.^:V. ;?;■:. :::'.. . : .. ..-;.;> 3-t '-.-?. Federal -Steel, v pref ::;.... . /...c;.;v.v..? ; 66%' i: General^ Electric : ......;•-.;;..:.;.. -.;.-.. 'i3:?-.; ; I; Glucose: Sugar,.. ..:......;■ .:....;..;;.;., 47 -' Glucose^ Sugar..; preferred: •....;.;;..•.;• $w. •International Paper ................. 21%' International Paper,.. pref;..... :...;.., f«ii r.aplede.G:'i= ...-•'-•'--••-■............:... National ; Biscuit^:...... ; :r:i...v..;.". 29U: ,pref;-.^.^.;;...:;V.550: " [National 1 Lead V;.::^'."V. .'.:';.. ■.-::: ; .:v ; ;.:v Xjifc -National '.Lead.;v pref :.r.v. .■.'.. i ;;;;-.-,• gs ; "; |'Nationar-.- : Steel'-;'-.-r:v-.'V>:'v.^;:-.-..- ;;-;^v;. -.•-■,: 28'4; v\a t io"--il ' Sti*el;> r»rc-"err«d; . riv;v: .*.".-; ; J. 7 ' Bt>' . ■ New :York^Air/Brake;..:.r:i\J;;V:;..^ "l2f ' North- ; :Americanj^v;.r:^:r.:.YT::r:;..:v;~:l4=v; Pacific Coast !V^:y;J,.;v^c.wvr;; r . ; ;.:;::.\:49:' : Pacific Coastf|lstjpreferred^v.;^:;^.r;iS()Bi ■Paciflc^Coast; 2d:'rpref/.. ;..;-. :'^;.;';i;f6ogK Pacific "Mail .:,!28'/.' People's? Gas '-. i .'."..-: 9D»/i" .......: ....43 [jP,ressedJSteeUGar^preferredi.:;.i..^;vS76 : ;',\ jPullraanTPaliice • Car "T.". v:c: ■;■;■;;%■■. "•, . . . -.i isoSfi I : Standard. Bope and: Twine r.J£s%s NEW- YORK : STOCK QUOTATIONS. .- Sugar^p^eferrud ILL'S :Tennessee;Coar;and:ironi7;-.. :....'."..!' 72; :uniteul States Leather '..<lo%' iUnited § StatesaLeather^prefr^ :::; ; ;V^ 68% ; United : ; States:Rubber w :^;n;v.n:: I .::^r;'fi2B^i fUnitedyStateslßubberr pref..;;::.^:.. "as " AvesternSUnlon'r' •. ; '• -. :Republic?lronVarid?Steel- :::^V..:;;::;v. 13>^ Republic -Ironiand-Steelrpref :;.;.::;.. 5-5' A P.. C, C. ; and -St. L. ........: :i<>\l Bondi. • - United States refunding- 2's 104 ■Lnited States 2's=:" ; registered ::.;v.V^:.i 33% L nitedv States 3's,-- registered -.•■;".'.-rrlloa'A; U nlted f States . : 3's, i : coupon V".:: X Z \--.\-', 109 & Bpjsed i Sta tes i new : 4's. registered. ..: 134^ :Umted, States new -'4's;;t'coupon.\.v; r . 134^ U nlted ? States J old : 4's,i registered.: .V."-7= llo^ ; United^ States : old :*4's;v coupon!. 7 . ; ::.-;' Hs%r United^: States^* s,-'-registeredr.f.-r;v:.':fll3-14 United iStates:s'sr:coupon^^.::::V.::Tll3% : -District jof i Columbia 3's, '65s . . ... : . . .121 - Atchison; general. ~4's :-. ..".:;... j .-..:.;.• 100% 'Atchison:;; adjustment 4's -.......:.....". .SI Canada-.Southern^'s :..:.......:.:.... 103% Chesapeake, and.: Ohio :4V>'s .:..:..... :j»9 ; Chesapeake and; Ohio-5'5";^:...... 117- Chicago and ; Northwestern con. 7*s.. :l4iy: A^mcago and North.. S.F. Deb. 55..; 119 ' Chicago Terminal . 4's y';-. '...;:•...;......'. ..;:•.. . ; . .....' 95 Denver:and .Rio' Grande Ists :....:... 101»A Denver and- Riof;Grande-4's ....:".:;:. 99% East^Tenri;. Va: and Ga. lsts ...':::.-". \10S*:( Erie ; general : r4's • . ::.'.•"::::..■.:,"-.': .-:::':.i '.'■•-•: 7l ,'- Fort , Worth; and: Denver City lsts.:.. 72 : General Electric s's . . .... . r; . ....... .7: ; 120 • lowa : Central lsts ;.. . . " - ' ; " * - VvilsV v ils Kansas. City, P. and G. lsts ...i.-.V..'. J 7>% Louisville and'NashT Unified 45..... : 99- ' 5 'Missouri,-: Kansas: and: Texas 1 2's. :::r." 6SV4 Missouri,- Kansas .and Texas 4*s -":... ;93 •; - N ewr.York Central -lsts . . . ......... .... Ill ".:' New < Jersey : Centrals general 55:;".. : . " 121V-' Northern r Pacific 3's' ...::......;...... 67»4 -Northern -Pacifi-c ? 4's r! . ...:.'.'.':. ......i:.,101% New-York.: Chi. and'St.'Louis 4*s:::.:i 106 : 'N orfolk and Western consol 4'5;. . . . ; v; 95«/i Oregon -Navigation lsts ... ... ....:.... : illi'" Oregon Navigation;4's:. ....-;..:. ..;..-.; 104% Oregon Short Linen's:... .:./..;.".; .129 - Oregon 'Short Line consol o's. ■=;'..':.■.:-." 114^4 Reading: general • 4's . ... r. . ..V: ..-.'".;. . . '•'■ 57% Rio ? Grande Western: lsts ........ ....-9si4 St. Louis and Iron Moun. consol o's./HOVi St. Louis and San Fran. gen.. 6's..^. 124" -- St. .Paul consols .........;.. ;......-. 170% St. Paul, Chicago and Pacific lsts.... 120 St: Paul, Chicago and Pacific 55..... l2Ui Southern Pacific 4's ......:...: S>4i Southern Railway : s's .-. . .... . :. . ....... ; 111% Standard Rope: and -Twine- 6's-;:. " -71 Texas and. Pacific lsts ..:.......; 114-i Texas and Pacific 2's ..... ........ 67' Union Pacific 4's .: . . . ...... . . . ."..-. ..... . 10> ; •Wabash .lsts ....... ....:.........;... llo^s •Wabash" 2's .............. ... .'.-; ..." iqo West Shore -4's ..;...:..."...*-* 113 .Wisconsin Central : lsts :. : 90% Virginia Centuries .......... ........... -D'^i Mobile: and ' Ohio 4's :..:.: 'S<i' Central of Ga. '....i'.:. -.;......;..;..;.. 51.V, Central of Ga., Ist incomes .....'.1... 42% Central of Ga. 2d incomes ... ."..;• 12 ' RICH3IOXD STOCK EXCHAXGE. ■ Richmond, ya.;. May 28,-1900. Sales: Virginia-Carolina Chemical; com mon, 10 shares at 52;. 10' at- 52^ ■ . : GOVERNMENT SECURITIES: .; „ ./\, • ' ": ' . ' r"' ' B:rt. Asked!' 1.; ini.ed • Stales S : s. ; - c-o upon . .-; .... 109 . . ; . . United. States : 4's, c0up0n...... 114 STATE SECURITIES. North" Carolina 4"5. ...-::....:".: io« '''■' North CJir!)sina «'s :..;... 130 '" : Virginia S's (tiew) 93% 94 . .Virginia- Century ................ <j2?i 93 CITY SECURITIES. V" ' >* Richmond,' S's:" 130 Richmond cityfi's '... -115 >'.'."' Richmond city s's ..;........... 112 Richmond city 45"..: .. . . ..*...... 106 '.'.'.'.'. ■RAILROAD BONDS. , Atlanta, and Charlotte Ist Ts.. 117 Georgia Pac-itic Ist 6"5. ......... 121 Ga.. So: ana Fia. s's .......... no Petersburg, Class A.o's 117 ' '.'. Petersburg, 'Class? B 6*5. ....... 124 '.'.'.'.'.■'d-W. railway. -15..... .....- '95 Southern : Railway Ist s's .... 'jll'i ' ' ' Western N: C. 15t' 6*5. ...... V-l ' Ga. and Ala. pref. s's 105 Ga. and:A1a.c0ri501.5'5... ........ 93 : j South-Bound lst.o's' .......'....;.. 99 i STREET RAILWAY BONDS. . ! Rich.. Triction Co. lst b 5'5..v... .103 10G r R AILROAD . STOCKS. Par. Atlanta 1 and .. Charlotte.?.... loo 3'S : Chesapeake and-0hi0.....;.10i> 27 :.]..' Norfolk and Western, pref..JoO 77' Norfolk and West., com... • 35 :•• • Atlantic-Coast Line. "A"..;... 70 .71' T:.. F. and P., com..-..: -.100 200 ... .It:. F. and P. d,iv. 0b1u.....i>30 2(n) "v R., F. and P., 6p. c. gua.r.:.loO -200 ; ~ R.. F.and P.; 7p. c. guar..,.100 200 | Southern Railway, pref.. ...100 ~>l Southern Railway, com.... 100 12. \ Ga: and Ala.. i>ref. • ....:..- 5S " ";.h" : Ga. a"nd Aiji., coin. . .-.- vij {{$ ~eabonrd Air-Line, pref. ...:;*' : jjo: -[i Seaboard Air-Line, com:. '.', ','■ ioy 11 Ar.t«ntic-Coast- Line, pref... loo : 100 ~"' In.; Atlantic-Coast ' Line, com. 63 W, BANK STOCKS. American National ....;.....; 100 ; • City ........... ................ 25 :;o "."-.'.* First Naf.ional .....100 170 M^iT.iiatits" : National ...... ;\u\ 220 ' ".. National Bank, of Virginia. .HM) ill ii'V Planters' , N^,.' ..10ft 275 . ..".. Peters. Say. and Tn5.C0..... 20 40 • Rioli. Trust and S. I>. <;0..M00 113y;"ii.5" Savings Bank of Richmond. 2.T 3S " Security ...... — 5.... ...... .100 110 ; - . State Bank of Virginia..... loo 155 Southern Trust Co. .........100 100 lio ' Union Bank of Richmond.. 50 130 :...." Virginia Trust Company. ...loo: 115 !!:'.! . INSURANCE COMPANIES. Virginia Fire' and Marine.. .2s -:.. ;41^ Virginia. State .'.. ...... ..-.-. ...-'.25 20 " SO^S MISCELLANEOUS. Amer. Tob. Co., pref. ..:100 12S ..... Amer. Tob. Co.: c0m.......: 50' 92 Old Dominion S. S. Co. ....100 99% ...:: ; West-End L. and. Imp. Co.. 25 ...•' Va. -Carolina Chem.,- pref... loo 105 " 10Cy« Va. -Carolina Chem., <:om;...100: 52" .--t 7 Con. Tob:, pref. 7p. C.......100 :78 J Con. Tob., c0m...:. ....... 24 ..... Greater Seuboard Certificates.. iit>: 117 ; Seaboard Lean Certificates -Jll9 . 12^ UICHMOXD LIVE-STOCK MARKE'IV (Sold at Union ; Stock- Yards.) ■ -.'• • Richmond, Va., May-28. :19(^).- Receipts: . Cattle, 150 • head: sheep " and : lambs, -200 head; hogs, 250 head. : Sales: Cattle, 150 head; sheep and lambs, 200 head 250 head; %&£§§%: Prices: Best Cattle,-4?i to o^c; medium to good. 3Vi; to 'H-^c. ; -common to :f air,' : 2^ to 31,4 c;3 1 ,4 c; bulls, 3 • to -3^>c:;\ sheep, "4 to sc; i.ambs.oVa to" 7c. ; hogs. ; 5 to a^e. -■•■. ■,-.'- GRAIX AXD COTTO.V EXCHAXGE. Richmond , .Va., May 28, 1900. ' . Quotations:- Wheat— Ldrigberry,, 74 :t.o 77c; mixed, .74 to 77c; shortberry, li^xo' 77c; No. 2 red, 76 tq-.77c.;. bag lots, .70 to 76c Corn— White, -Virginia, bag lots,' 46<\ • ! No. 2 , white, 46c. ; No. 3 ..white, 45 -l-2c. 4 ! No. 2 mixed, 45 1-2 c; No. 3 mixed, 44 l-2i:! Oats— No. .2 mixed, 271-2 c; No. 3 mixed, 27c. Rye— Nominal. UICHMOXD TOBACCO; MARKET, :- - Richmond. Va., May . 28, 1900. /" Private sales: reported; to-day were lights Internal-revenue: collections -for thefcily of Richmond,' Va.,V to-day 'were: 56,3^0.66;: cigars; $5,956.68:- T0ta1,.; 512,397.34. The -warehouses- -report ;" to-dav: Re ceipts, 36 .hogsheads; . deliyeries, -75 hogs heads. . ■■..-•.. ■ . . ": : - '/ :'■'. .".'.; 'C'.i-l - "■..;.-r: "' :. -The tobacco inspector reports Lto-day: Inspections, bright, S hogsheads;: dark," 115". hogsheads;, reviews, -bright, "1 hogshead; dark, 6 : hogsheads. and 1 tierce. ■"•■■-, ' The warehouses" wiir have -their usual dark sales; to-morrow (Tuesday)..;. ;• '- Xew York Prod nee. Market. •- ■ NEW YORK;- May .28.— Flour— Dull ibut' .luief-and steady, having, no pressure •: to : sell. ..Rye Flour— Quiet.' ' ' - "' - <;brnmeal-Dull; , . .-". " ;;• Rye— Steady ;?Nor 2tTvesternr 62^«V; / ; •: Barley— Quiet..." : " .... .. v;ruarlejS : aialt— Nominal. ■•'•■" : : : : :: '" Wheat-VSpo t ■'- steady ; : ; No;; 2 ; red,' . S2 I 4c ! Options" opened:- easy- 5 , and ;,weakened'-;fui-i ;ther,'.becausej.ofs:bearishrcables,^favorable;£outhwestern;ther,'.becausej.ofs:bearishrcables,^favorable ;£outhwestern ;crop news,ftand ; -;- general? 'ijpeculative- -indifference:;; i' Prices' -rallied' again^inctheJlast'.hourionireduced French? .■:op,estimates,v2C6rthwest: drought Inewsr* Urid sympathy .with' corn,"; closing ; steady.' a t a J «@-%c.'. net'v d eclir.e ; ~ May closed Fat? aVJe.Y f J uly.>72^c. ;i September, 73c. ■ - : : Coin— Spot ' fi i-mer ;:-N0?.2, r ; 43%c: : i Options market : declined ; most ;of;the*daiy^ under' ranproved? crop /conditions/; la rge-arectipti;; ibe- decline : in .wheat:.; and "lower^cables ■ iltallyingsfinally/on?big;export;order^the; naarket closed ;firm; at .a partial ;%c::nei udvance; : May,'closed;at : 4l%c;;:Ju!y,''4l'isc.V .3eptember,x42i4c:-;;>v;-; : ;-';"n-.-; v-;~^. : y ;^i'£~-'. '-: : •■'■■ ; ;.';: pa ts— Spot Iweaker ; ; No. : - 2,1 23Vae. i'- Optioiii< : \?4?ry .-slow. -and:. easier, with • corn;i>-* ■• ■■"■■■■ • ■" [i^Lard— Easy; we^ti-ni su-aintd, «7.12',i:: ißetlned?quiet:i^r^-^-. ; -fe-S ; -^:^;.::-;^i ; :i. : -';#V:-; siiPork— Easy ;I3 family;^ ?13.50S i |14.50 •&• sh'cVi* jßlearnS ?13.50(g:514.50 ; % mess.n $11:75® JI2.X-. teßutter-^Steady^swesterhgerearnery, "ifiU' r ?Statejdairy, i fl6@iac.- • W^i W ; |Rht*ese^Easy ; £ t anc y^large, %v?ti\ re^an^il u'olored.'ii^c.;; fancy; ; small;; whJteS-aaOf • coloredp 8»4i19c.-,- - -^^| SSEggs— Firm ;^S,tate.. : ■.■.amli'- ■P<3r i.nsv!v;u«l.i,' j 14rgl4VsC.' ;| sou thernTf at : ma rV- l0»«-«" 1 2c.t-^S Qntct: a New Xork. $j(ff|iir»O; ■•Jftrsei-;«iweiitsu ! ?S3SxS4.;a _ '. . - '. ; v "■/:„ ;.■..-■■.-. ■- ■_■ Ml--'M I --' £' >• wL\ fA -TMT m mm. mlrsm. - W ■■■',-.. *-^ ■~m » Jk : ■( m /:•.■-.'. jg\ W^ ■-'"■'^w /B ■%'<^* k Sft I B"^iT^^^S^s f ffliiil^iS^lilUliift l^D3Wlraur#^lKuiNll\^Pi ;, v'.fvv^.V^t.iUNira s i^^fr* ■- * - ' - * — • **aH". ~---*^f -* ??■■? ~*~~ * 'WssSle&} \ -^f :%I:-.-' "- 1 i *' 'V- GEORGE^CHRlsTiANi^PresideriL'^.^-- T^'^i^^Ps -" ' W. M HABL.ISTON;iVice-Presidentc:andSChairman 1>: G "■•- ite^^J ]-: T. K. SANDS Cashier., ;- : O.;S.- JtORTONf Assistant^ C»sWer.-^|E^J .) <:Geo. L. Christian; Benj. "P. Alsop,- H. .Theo. Eilyson. John .ViilNon'^^^ii v F..E;:NolUng;:^:i;:Gea?R^Cannon,-;?R.-Lancasr^illiams; A F.-D.-WilUams,., H'M.Vaughan,- T. H.'Ellett. !r G^ R ennoiaf^i|& v: T:, Aj- Cary,^-- ~" :B. Rand'AV'eHford,-^J;^Wi -Rothcrt.-f • "-"W'ir^HahTfsttm^J \ •"'-'' - " Robert S.:;Bosher. -" . " "\ '. ..' '.' ACCoUNTS;SOL,ICITEp.-;;;;-; : ;^-;>";V;;" :,i^-;ir;--'.iU^E||\ Interest! mid onr Deposits and «W c«^Ua^^« V cates 'of ' Deposit: '-- y''^-^^:.^~^^--^y-^ : ff-ZJ']-i^^ r^. -~^'"WSxiit? \ ';■ : LETTERS- OF- CREDIT. .FORElGN^E^kAN^£;^ :^!:g?sj Xl: : Y.-j :-Pr6dtscß \ M ARKETri-Continued: 'T.illo\v-Ea>-y., " - ;■::' V ::~: :~- , .:' .CPetroleum^ vVtak. ".Turpentine— Steady. -;*-.Rice^Firmr":-A-.-r..vJ ;: -"->\ : v:"-r;;"- }-'■ v - '•;"-.;. >-•'■-.'■ :'".Cabb"age--QuJet;r;:Florida, - per -crate, $1.22fj-$1.75r^ ~-;~~,.;::z\.z \- \z~ :,.^-;£':-.;";:V- ;.' ; \ s .. ;.-'"Freights'i*t6Mytverppol— Firhi. -' ' - -' :;. Coffee I—-Futures:Topened'1 — -Futures:Topened' steady* 'at";un changed; prices - to): a 5 ■ points i advance.. Jon iliglit ? locals demand.:- -with-:- sellers:.' scarce;" owing to ; fears ' of ."further, bubonic plague cables .from £ Brazil.' ' Ruled verytdull ; and ; 1 e,a turel?ss.-.-.-;EurQpean -; cables « were 5 con flicting, and- public support^entirelyiwant-. ing,; \vhile-:spot --sunpiies';were:negiectedr Thermarket:advdneed.;spointstlate;in?.the afternoon. '^pn> covering:^ Close .'flrm^'at- a" ■s's'iOT-pdints'<adv«nce.Tj?T6talSsales,,OO') bass, fincludirisriMay :at?6.l?i:: at?6.l?i: \luly,;sixSo'g : 16.85; i September; 55.90^; ?6,23»;;, ijp0t ..: Coffee— ■Rio>-steady.;"rf2J6:r?7, ;• in voiced 7 13-ICo. iliid market quiet ;:Cordova,9Vt ISI3Vl SI3Vj > --: • .- (Sugar— Raw | steady; fair refining. 1 4c. : centrifugal,.- 96-degree test, -iy-c; molasses sugar, 3,l3rl6c.' ; »Retined,fi:-m. > . ~ : •;Cottonseed-Oil —Dull ■; and ; about steady without:: impbrtanti'change: prime -crude, barrels. r 3-J'g34%c.; -pt ime ■ summer yellow, 37c. ; off : summer, ' yellow. £6%<jrlv>7e. : ' butter , Sradestnominal;- prime, winter. yeliqvy, ; .4oif ; i'Zc. ;■■ prime white,- 40@41c.;?prIme~"m'ealj $23." --r:- .",-- .'■.:-.■■■- :-.-.-.-:. : .-.-- ; '■?-.:. '" ....'• T ,~;~ ':'.■":■':. -.-" ..' Chicago Produce. 3larlcet. - CHICAGO, May; 2B.— The grain and:pro vision : . markets .were' quiet lto-day.--:.Wheat was easy ' on' predictions of ; rain;. in- the Northwest;- to-night, and ;on favorable' crop- advices "from;, the V: Southwest, but' steadied | later; : on i decreases in the visible.' July f closing; %c. *: : : under , Saturday.' Corn closed tsc. up and oatsi a shade; reduced:; The provision market closed steady and' Practically.T unchanged. ; : . ~ ; The leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest: Lowest. Closing. ;. Wheat— No. '2. : : ; " "' . , -• Jlay- '...•. .■.65?4'566- 6fi"- : -'• 'fisii ■ 65^ "" July; ....;,. 67 <g% 67 (fi% 66^ 66"s' "."■ .:■ Corn— No. .-2. ':',-• ■ : • May " ;'.'. .V.-. 36 <{iy s 3fi% 36 <uV s : -2S%''A July .:...:. .36%@«4 37 36.i . 37 " ■ Sept. ..:... 3714 37^37^ 37V-: Oats— No. 2. .. " . " .'" May' ...::.. 21 '21^ '- ; 20?4 21«^; July .......2114 2114 21 .- 21^-1?% Sept.., ...... 2014-2%- 20M: 20V4(a% 20',-i" t : '. Mess Pork— Per Bbl. July ]..:.. m.1V&... $11-32%" :-5U.17% $11.30" Lard— Per 100 Lbs. ■ :' [;-£■ July -..;„. ?6.75 $6.82 $6.75. . Sf5.S2Va Sept. .....56.75. . ;.'". :$6.S2i-i . ?6.'i"5 ;S6.S2Vi Short Ribs— Per. 100 Lbs. " - July .....$6.45 . :-$6.50;- -'-$6J45^ ' $6.50 : Sept. . .-. . .16.45 : $6.50 ' ?6.45 ¥6.50^ .- Cash quotations were as follows: Fiotir. steady: No.: 3 spring .wheat.. 62ti6-%c. : ; No. 2. red, 70c... No. 2 corn, 36^Q-37c; No. 2 yel low,. 36%'537 1 /ic. No. 2 oats, 21Va'S22V§c.; No. 2 white, 24(515c. ; No. ;3 ; white. 23%^" ; 24c. No. 2' rye, :5514c.; Good ; feeding 'barley, 36^537c.; .fair .to 'choice malting. 4&@41»-.e. No. 1 flaxseed. $1.80;' No. 1 northwesttrn, $1.80:. Prime timothy seed, $2.40. Mess pork, per. barrel," -:510.15!5511.25.- Lard,- per 100 pounds. . $6.7C<556.52M:. - Short rib sides (loose); : $6.35@56.65; : dry-salted shoulders (boxed), $6.50(y56.75:: 5h0rt clear; sides (box ed), $6.90#57. Whiskey, - basis .of high wines, $1.23.: Sugar, l cut-loaf,. unchanged. Clover, -."; contract; grade, . ?7.50. Butter steady; creamery, '■ 15 l @-19%c. ; : dairy,. rJ'jAQ 17c. .Cheese steady at SV^SV-c. Eggs steady; fresh. IPZ-e. : DEATH OF MRS. S. J. BIRCHETT. Estimable Lady Passes Awny Alter Jlrief Illness— Other Deutlis. , •■' yTrg. Sarah- J. Birchett dieil Sunday, at 1 o'clock- 'ut. the Itornti .of. -.her :son-in-low, Mr. :G'jorse W ..lotinson," No.;. 401 we^-t Muhi iilreet; ...SKe; had been ill only, since . Friday lust, and her death was unexpect ed. ,' .-" ■■-:[ ;^ -, -•l>^.-... ri :'i ■ Deceased." was ;7<5 years -of age. ;Sh'e : was. the daughter of Captain John Skin-. ner and. Hannah Skinner," of Hampton; Va., and :the widow of "William G: Birchett, of Prince: George county, where they resided for a \ long time at the old' : ancestral^ home, "Roseneath." She had. 'resided -in "-Richmond since :r 1873 i::: 'and r \va3" '- widely known arid greatly beloved by", the people of the West.End. She was^-i* lady of lovely character, ilrs.. Birchett had.-i special; fondness '"- for ■ children, and often was seen in Monroe Park,: surrounded by. a group: ofrijttle "ones. . * ";■;■' ' : Mrs. Birchett leaves six children, as fol lows: Dr. Richard. W. Birchett. of Owen ton.'. Ky.;!Dr. : John G. Birchett.. of Lex ington, Ky.; Mrs; John G. Andrews.; of 'Richmond;. Mrs. -George W. Johnson, of ;Richmdnd;~ Mrs. -James r 'A. - Lanier, ,ot: T ■Petersburg, "and. Miss Emma Bircheti, of Richmond. .. . ■ The funeral took" place from Mr. John son's residence at . 5 o'clock yesterday af ternoon, and was conducted. by Rev. J..J. rGrayatt. or the church of the Hqly,.Trini ty- -'_I'!ie '•■ bu rial '^ ;*iya s made in Hollywood: ; . 3lr. Jnirie*" AVliite Dem].; r - died at 4:!J0 o'clock Sunday; morn irig at his home, "No. 220kJ east; Grace-streetf He had 'been" -in ; 11! health foi- •t\vo : jears ) .<'incl^was, .forced;.to retire . fronrbusiness aboirtvtwo ; : r mTrnths ago.^peceased^.was^S.years-of agftf^Hd ; was a ;wen-known ;• hardware .-dealer;. • hav ing been engaged; for ■eighteenVearsHyith :A: B.- Clarke .&?Son.:-?He went- into-busi ness f or -himself , : arid was ; president^ of the White v Hardware Company: He -was amember of the. Odd; Fellows.- Red Men; arid the Junior of American ■V:*-:r'-'--: He leaves his -widow arid; two .sons- John Hunter Land James White. ; Jr.— his > mother,: Mrs. . M.~L. White: of St. , Louis- 1 and three sisters— Mrs-' j6hn ?i ß»de6ut,- ; ' Mrs. Sidney --Jenkins, of -St. 'Louis/ arid! Mrs. R. H: : Kuhn.-'of this city. ' I The funeral took. place' at 6 o'clock. y<js-{ tc-rday afternoon from St. John's church. ""' ' Death ot airn.Ghyle. - - - . Mrs. Ada B. Gayle, wife of Mr. •JohnklJ.V Gayle, . attorney" at law, lof - this , : cit y^'dfecl at ;i2:2o -o'clock : yesterday riaofning at her. Residence," No. 1421; Floydf.a venue. ; ' ~i.lrsJ : Gayle "was a lovely : woman; arid her death, vyin'^be -sincerely.: mourned ;by a; greati ,'cwnpany r.of ; friends in city ; and ' country. ' Deceased" was ;a native of Hanover r '"c6un-j ty, ■•" a daughter of the latb Julian • Nuckols' andj Mrs. .Bell 'N. Niickols,;: who survives jj I'-heiv-r-lShe leaves. two children— a. girl- of; S j arid; a boy ' of 4— and two brothers— Mr. > [.Clarence Nuckols, "of Hanover, and. Mr. AVill lam ; N«ckols, ■ 'of r th is :cl ty- : - She. ! "a !so" leaves"" one -• sis tei*. Mrs. ;W. B.V Hope; -of ;thls city. -",..' - :; _ - - _*' -rThe .; funeral arrangements ■ have- not yet been made."' •.-..■.:;-■-*-":. / - -. v.:. ; r; : : ; '■: 'Othvr.-'XiculltH :anil.-Fuheral.K.- I ' .-. ■ ' * Mrs. : ißoPina . Campcdonico -"died ia t-.hof't -.hof' ho»tv. c orner 1 of ._ Main '; (and |.Twenty-fif th" -streets; Sunday: evening^ JsShe;Wf(s:i; 55 yea t f s of age:';;; She was; born ."near" Genoa";: j ,'Jialy. : and -was 1 ;: brought f;to:sth'is/ country. 1 'vyheiiV a; child:;: She --vhadl;:liyed^6v»;V;lh'a!f; fa-^'cehtury/on; ; the ■"! same Vcorner. : B She \va~s ;welUkriowri iS^an'd ; •highly/'respected in the ittommririlty.^Shelleaves three ; adult chil-^ jdreri^Frank.^Joseph;|arid ;Augustaf^Thel ffurie^nwiHstakerplace^from^St^Pa trick's' "church at 10 A. M. on Wednesday. -"'', p. The ■; funeral ii of -i Captain'^W^ jZ^SLachi |laiid,^,whp^died:!!Siitufslayrfafte"rn^6offsat' sthe^e^denc<iUoX3hlSilao^y^Ja^^MrV4^y'«l S BUirikenship7«26^seast ;^Graee>i."streetJ tuok^place,ryesterday^Jaftelrnb6ri:^ut!|4;3J jb'c|ock"l from! StffJohn^s reh^chf^Heii^as^ V73|years , age.;>-- ,^fe» gSMisirßbsaUeTJulia|Reo;f6rdStiaushteflbt] |atgf;and|airs: G. E. Redford; of No. 202 oast»Glay-;strt;f;i., died Sunday mornisj™ a* fi-JU,o'cludk at !itr horn- . Deceased- wast — — : : :—: — -• • - ■ --^ . • ; The State Bank of VirpipS capital .$500,000 i 5urp1u5 . . . ...... . ;5240i0p0R3 JOHN S. ELLETT. WILLI4M hL mil. President. Cashier. Directors: Alexander Cameron Joh^^ S. EUett, T. C Williams, Jr., Grr.nVUie G Valentine, James p^cimnjv^Joli"^^ ■ WE.OFFER FOR SALE ' V/; Lexington, (Ky.) MM§U 5 Per Cent. Bonds. *- The Mortise Cover., Street RaiU -.. TVtty^jiiKi»t and Ice- JPlaataV ; ; ""• || Receipts for seven months, - - ?*•>'■[' _ to January :lstf:.....r.;vH;...sti3,CTisrß«^ uperatmg ;■■-;■ expensest,-^-g seveaffiSS-'SfSSP^^^ months, to "January Is t..; c .- Holies' S*^ 1 ? , "' '■ . . - $ST,2OT .Wzi?% Interest and' taxes for seven -" " '""«sfts>^ ■ V H2?.y??^"- to* January Ist .:.-.:..-; so.tJOO^OOi ig? , Surplus ■-.'••:;.:.v.-- : ..:::/.I.i);^ : .-.-s2«.tt0Ti'p»^ ■ . -- : Price. 1«"> ami Interest. ~ <-'' ~i John I. Wjlliauis ffSoili '• ■'•■••; _, __ , THE " t " J^^i Menfilßil(in|:il|ii|| HO. 1 ? East Main Street." : ' ' ' - - -■ -'- T: A. Weller, ' A. R. Tatum.' -' President. Vice-President.M - George. E.'Styll, Secretary.- - " -\ "'}.. - - -' : •'.-... :: VLOANS;;-:V LOANS ; ; - : - .._.- : ' ' 2^ made on Real Estate and other Approved ' r .' -;■•;-"-. "Securities. ■' " *-- - ■ . : - "MONEY " Received on Deposit and Interest Allowed ; , Thereon from Date. ot;Depostt:' Respectf uiry " solicits^ the] accounts lof Hn diviuns.l3 *: or..; Corporations; ;: and-.*is lV *pre-i pa reds to.-.; extend .facilities Abased 7 ' "upon, balances and financial standing. <" : : : -' -.?.« CALL. OX THE COMPANY," 1103 east Main street. ' • " c -"-'_• (my 13-Sun.Tu&Th3m) - . ' . ■„ IN SUMS TO SUIT 1 Oh Improved City Real Estate^ I EASY TERHS. \ 4 per cent, interest allowed on- -' deposits of 5! and upwards^^ s UNITED BANKING AND. TRUST CO., ; I 821 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.; I (ap ?5-Tti,Snn&Tn) .-^::-;v'; ! : $10,000 TO LOAM" ! ON CITY PROPERTY ';.-■-.:"-■'"- '"-' •■AT- C^ PFR TFiVIT --■ . ... . *\i j nil lOii, ! POLLARD & BAGBYi I :.-•".■ "■■:■ 5 north Eleventh street^ |- my 27-3t . " JiKed r 20 -years. : The funeral -took video 1 ; yesterday afternoon. - ' -Mrs. Sarah J. Woodward, wire of "Sir. W. Ml' Woodward, died Sunday night at' I*' - her ■ residence.- No.; 'Hi frior tb "■ Twenty^istti^ street.. She had only; been, ill ■three: days, f^ Deceased was in- the frith year of herfase*-':* She'-leayies-qne jjpnand a "brother.* • The : funeral - will "takeTplacb.; I rom^ East- End Baptist church,, or which sh»» - a consistent member. 'this afternoon at -i 1 o'clock.' •."*"*■■■- - ■- .. • '. ' -'•■■:' . Mrs. Sally A.. Buchanan." wife of" Mr. James . li: Bucha nan; died Sunday '. : evemria^ at her residence.: No; ;i2CS:..Mecharifc3V:i!(' turnpike.- She was'in thc^lstyear^of^he^^ i"^ funeral will take Place from th« residence this. morning at 11:30 o'ctr>.-k: Electric Tolc Thro' i»late-«la»» Window. , , ■ An electric-light pole, which was hOli-.G: taken down to be : replaced by- a ;new"<pole' fell through two larga: sections -of -*platf> : Klass in-the.;window ofcjMor'ris'sjCQnfeiS h tionery. .r)25. r )25 east Broad rstre'oc* yosttjnl.iv" i afternoon. ■ The - damage, : r amouritinffi^tovta j.abjput :SIOO. repaired ?,by^thS"'"Pfti««^ i s-enger. and -Power,- Company.-^ owners -lot JSS j : the pole. -.'No"' damage: was done *>> the I stock. ;: .r; . " ; • ! Picnic and Mny FestivHl. : ■■■■■■< ; -r, |: : The • picnic ;"arid May" F^tivaU given -,h\' hKoerner'Lodse.'.'No-SrOrder of;Hermarin*,*" | 1 Sons, : ;atß!andon"Park:lattraoted;a\weH--i^ pleased:- crowd 'iyesterday-afternobn'jiin't evening: -"The: afternconi-wasjdpvbte'd'; to :*. he : children and ■ the : evenin!Tjti>Uba>J trrpTn '. L people. ;i\There; was ;dancins,iarid Irefreslt^^ menr«s af"i ;rpii«ir; by Prof-.-ssor-JarvlOila and his orchestra; -_>- r : - I Price. JlfCormlckf- & -CocXinul-tTatlaixv'^ v NEW- YORK.-^ May;- 2S.—Thelt member^ of the-- firmjpf^Priee.-rfMcCormfclcf & "^Co.. stocks brokers ..i*v/ho ;f aHed:; ; Thursd«y^lasjt; 'e jfcept'.VMr.-T' Crocker, who ; is :: fri^Eurtjp^^f were - ; in 'conference .to-day ;with rAssisn'e-'* . Curtis.">Mr. : :? Curtis "ireeiairu at least- f or ty-eigh t-> hou r>3 - more^ to^se 6 ■any~.idea : ;of-.theT condition of matters. Th-. firm's j'on Ithe • Cottori*^Es;-^ change^have; been* closed: It -i^Junderstop^^ thatV.te*n :; or.;eleven;;millionsiofi'dollarH§iit^ loans ."contracted ;.bj*-S the.!firml^HJ&es"B<jfuEdi|! dated: In Tsuch a way a^ # not to^disturb '' |;the'mQney:or:stoc]t.rnarki.-t. .. ; \. & \\\ Directory Chahq;*-.' NEW YORK. May 2s.— lt waS'r-isblNfw'd "\ to-day. 'in -Walt- street' ; that : ;at?a*mt'etir.;; " • to -be .held '■;■ on ; June .ilGth^'bC i th>SNor/olkr a rid v Western directors^? thr«;«-;*S§ "and*: possibly -;otir.smemberssof*the*hsard^ ;wouM;resifin.t- : - ! Their_place3' i eKillibe>taken;*p lt.;;is ;sakK-;iby."- I Vice^r^esideßts iFreYv^i . ■PouqH, « nd^ReaV: of : the lPehnaylyariialrnitrSl road.^^TheresisjalscvlsbnieJtalk :of^elect ;inc: {'James iMeßea;?iflrst-^yice--piresi£!ent of the jl^ehnsylystnlJtjlln^s^'wcsfc; 'of j'Plttsbnri?; '.'■-■■■ j ;t'- i ;m^mber..;;cr-" v tho'.. ; Nyffolk^;ml!;: : ;lt\restefftp Sleepiiicc-Cur 'l'i:.s>4eni;«-r^ Hohbetl. " :;?FAi!I^;CITY.VxKn.. May 25.-Tb"o p.» a -* :stnsersionSthe;-j»le«pinij-cur' of "Train fv>. lloritheiMissjouriiiPacinc' which left;Kan saslCit.vJlast|n!khtiat?9^s;^were,";held-u;j - {andSrobbedSearlyrgto^Uays'bci.we.eß^b&TO'p ,; banditti Aft«-ri^fe§S itrair.!sleft^*ert3on;he"enterftr t\u- hKt."' • landg'compeiled^thertinbrtcr.'SWt" rht- pi>int -'0 fjalrevolyer;-'! to laid Hhlm;v;?He':: Gael's 6ii«(il 'ISixninijtestiniVrhicliltbi'workiiandr'Jn-rnp..^ • off atSto'.la without having -• ••isrwHnio^^ fawardeds theifir^n prf c^T* ?-*C; in s th^i'm^Jl*® ca Sjschool .g df -i r ta%ColamJ>»aEttftsalie«dt»^ ......... - 1 : . ... --.-._. 111