Newspaper Page Text
O The : Best . Natural Purgative Water -in -Bjli^pplttacks and Disorders of the Liver. •Sole Exporters: ' THE .APOLLINARIS CO., Ld. t London. ■ ' " ,ur-^.- "• - " -■- ■':■• - ' ■>'■:-•.- /. '.- •■--.. h:j.'--- £' :CSIiMMKIt RESOnTS/" ;:; NearitKe Sumniit of 'the Blue Uidgc Mountains, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MD; mSTcR\"MARYU\D RAILROAD. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ROOMS EN SUITE j WITH BATS, TIRST-CLASS CUI- ~ VSSNE, ALL MODERN Booklets of^^information can be obtained' in Richmond on application at ' Richmond' Transfer -ofHce, Norfolk and Western Railroad office, Southern Railroad!: office, I*olk ; Miller Drugstore, and Dispatch of fice. l ? or other irifonnaubn*address JAMES P., SHANNON. -Mauager, my IT-] m Kutaw House, Baltimore, ]\ld. . . HOTKi; iI,LEGIIAXY , ; .:-,:- - i- : ' - AND- , - •- ROCKIIRIDGi: ALUM SPHI.VCS, COMBINED .MOUNTAIN RESORTS ON - CHESAI'EAKE AND OHIO - t' ii; ):'""HAILWAf.--- '-■?••■■ " ; Reached "iii time for early dinner 'by. special vdaj-Jisht^train leaving Kichmond,: Va.. 11:55 -A.~ M. weeli days, after Juno 16th. ■•,-■ - .'-', '"":: v--'i.-:v --'i.-: .-,.-.■,-*«•-'■, .:> ; HOTEL.' AI.LEGH ANY. a" luxuriously lurnished and modern hotel, atVGoshen, Va.. on the 'main line of ihe . Chesapeake ruid Ohio, railway, and ROCKBRIDGE ALUiI -SPRINGS, nine miles- distant., ■<vith a* broad acreage of shaded lawns, 3ine hotels and cottages', ";. and mineral ■waters famous for Ihoi'r curative- powers, have practically become one resort. Steam Ftreet cars at frequent intervals enable, guests ;. of the two i>laces: to" "intermingle as ; though housed under one- roof. Fine- Golf. Links at Rockbridge Alum. Orches-I ims at-iboth hotels, selected with the view of,; .merging- into concert orchestra, to alternate between the two resorts cer tain days during- the week, when- concerts of a high order will be" given' during Ihe day and. full-dress german in tlie evening. Lovely Magnilicent mountain scenerjv"" ExJiilarating summer climate.. Special. inducements for early contracts. The Alleghany is now open, and the Rccl:bridge~ Alum will open in June. Address J. B. WOOD, - General Manager, . . '••■.* Hotel Alleghany, Goshen, Va. Or JA^fES A .FRAZIER, Managing Re ceiver. -Rockbridge Alum Springs, Va. my 22-dlot&teod2ot . .-". ' . . Isioe Beil lei Direcll}' opposite Hie Capes, two mile? above Fort Monroe. . Finest' bathing and fishingou tlie coast. Jsew pleasure nand- fishing pier over 406 feet long. Electric lights. Lithia table vater.'. Professor A. You Smith's Orches tra engaged for the season. Open May '2lst. r For rates apply to CHAS. H. HEWINS, Manager, my io-3"m ■ HAMPTON, Va. ynilllTMU TfiD HOTEL AND SPRINGS, IVjUUN I A!N UF T Gap. Blue ■ . Jtidge Mountains. Ele vation 2,m feet. A delightful' summer resort.^ Fine views; strong Chalybeate and other waters. Within sight of junc tion of Norfolk and Western and Chesa peake and Ohio railways. Only 120 miles from Ttichmond. Reasonable rates \d dress MASSIE & C 0.." my 2,-3 - , Afton. Va. TUSCAAVILL.V SDJIMEII UESOUT, NEAii - LEWISBURG, W. VA WILL, t OPEN JUNE 1. iflW. ' Supplied with water, i rom the famous Pence Sprin"- the fneat health-restoring- water. Buiidinc -.newly furnished and specially arranged lumS SaSn\lyT^Sss tO : SPe " d \ n Mrs. J. R. ROBERTSON. my 20-!;w« Lewisburg. W. Va. ™ ,_ ■■ .—:. — : ' — ' |, - TUE.PRIXCESS AXXE, Virgrlniu Ileacli. Vn. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. J. A. KEN N ED Y. F. P. MORTON Proprietors. ~ ' ■ -^, First-class in "every particular. Lights. Elevators, and Every . _. ± . .Modern Convenience. . ■■-,:■■ , Bathing Facilities Unsurpassed. ; ad^ri^ S SSS^^Sffi b °cklet and terms aadress KENNEDY & MORTON ■ -m> o-ts Virginia Beach, Va. WARM SPRINGS, : BATH COUNTY, VVAt. t * ARE NOW OPEN FOR GUESTS. ■' For circulars and terms address EUBANK' & GLOVER, , '; :-. .. .Warm Springs, Batli County. Va, WINCHESTER I XX-EL E GA\'T lurnished; home-liko riAv^ 1 | foads. livery saddle horses cvciin'- AlaSv r-.>osnts of -historic interest. LarS "\\uHZ m™ JOHN ' W-nchesieiyya.- YELLOW SULPilim SI'IIIXGS MontKomcry Coiint%-, Xa ' OPEN- TO VISITORS JUNE :isT. ■'. I -These springs are situated on the eum i.jmt of the Alleghany Mountains ' The Mr uißPure Ltt nd invigorating. No ''fogs, an d malaria. Accommodations iirst-class . - J n . every respect. Send for pamphlets " : "'- RIDGWAY HOLT ' Proprietor. SWJSBT.-CHALYIIKATE SPIUXGS COUNTY VA '' ■ S U- These springs^ are situated; in a 'iovelv n aSvc^^ Ssi A11 fe»al : amor.B.the most valuable Chalvbcatft h >\ W^ ld / ( The - H-mpeVature liv^ i H , at al ? times. ; morning- and being; invariably ,,, cool The' scenerN' island, wild, and inspiring, and rSSwT'™" 0 " * are all lhat co " ld b * For, further information add"re=s B. F. EAKLE. Matiaijer. W -I-T^ns^ 1 Chalybeate. Xi. THE EYRIgCOTTAGE, ;- GREENWOOD. VA., OPEN TO A FEW GUESTS FOR THE ■ - summer!;:. ■' s>> Pure .water.-. Mountain air. Woods ad- Finest prospect -in Albemarle ■ -_.-.. GEORGE EDWIN SHIRAS my 21-Th,Sun&Tu3t : Greenwood^ \ : a "■■ :?^,; : ;- ; HOTEL HEL-AIK, '>jMߣ£ - : ' NEWCASTIJB. VA rSRCQXDSEASQX '■ OPENS Juki-: i iW f! S Table ■unsuri>assfd.: : Many Unprov^neuts l . t-Two uaj-seaKt-r trains daily each wav |g^«»^;Ya:^Uher^JuneW i^ i ; It A WLE V S1»UI \«S. " -':^^ITCICH. PrtiprK-ioV. :T"-:: T "- : ;.: - .SU>I!»!1':R.:I«KSO11TS^ ; : . : ATI/.V>TIC CITY, N. J. FOR THOSE ATTENDING THE MEET -. . inss ofuhe :. ,; ; AMERICAN. MEDICAL : ASSOCIATION; •■■'-. •;-.. ~- ', . JUNE. 1900... . - . : .. ; Centrally Located bn.Jfennsvlvanla'Ay.enue : :-.".. -.THE LEHMAX^CRAIGiiALL,:-\~ one half; block from the ; Boardwalk and -Steel Pier, with: view: of Ocean. The CUISINE AND SERVICE ; are a special.feature. "Evening Dinner^ is served. Send? for -folders. ■• ,-y .- 1 :-■: -■ - c - . GRAIGHEAD & CRAIGHEAD. ■my.,26-S:i.Tu&Th2m " ' Hotel American-Adelphl. '.-': J Flnent I^ '"* .' " '- .". ■ 4*4 * Saratoga Springs, t Xear Mineral Spring and: Until*. OPENS JUNK TO NOVEMBER. ROOMS EN SUITE, WITH BATHS.: . GEORGE A PARSnAM, -.Proiirlctor.vV. ' (my 19-Sa,Tu&Th2Ct)l ■ .:;-. y" GUEBXIIRIEn': AVHITE SULPHUR SI'UI.VGS, WEST VIRGINIA. ' OPEN JUNE. 15TH: TO ; SEPTEMBER loTH.- The great central point of reunion for the best society of .the North, South, East, and West. . $40,000 worth of-improve ments for this season. Modern plumbing-. Private baths. >yew 9-hole golf course, with professional in charge. Write -for illustrated booklet. HARRI NGTON - MILLS; ;- Manager. ' my:l3-Sun,Tu&Th3ni BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY NEAR THJ3 mountains. Good social surroundings; large house; attractive grounds;. ice; milk; physician; telegraph; railway near; daily mails: Address Miss BOYDKN, , Cismont, ■Albemarle county, Va. my 17-Th.Sun&Tu2w 'HOT. SPRINGS, VA. NEW HOTEL ALPHIN. Steam heat. Convenient to bath-house. Open^the i entire Year. Rates moderate. ■& L. C/ ALPHIN, ja9-Tu,Th&Sun : Proprietor.; . _^ATLAXTIC CITY, W. J. ki w IVHiftMh VIRGINIA AVENUE AJs T D -BEACH, ■ --■;■ ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. ' First-class and modern in every -detail. AVrite for Booklet and. terms. - „ , S. S. PHOEBUS; Formerly of Hygeia. Old Point Comfort, ap 12-7 St ;■;. .■■>■■ ■ ■-'■ An established hotel ■- thoroughly ahrcaßt of fho times. Visitors to New York will find the Kverett In the very heart of the shoppin k district, convenient to places «>1 amusement and readily accessible Iroia eU parts of Uift city. EUBOPEAN PLAN.. tie .l3-Tu.Tn.Sat x yj CITY ORDIXAXCES. A£ ORDINAIcC^^RIN^IN^r^ERMIS STON TO THE SOUTHERN RAIL WAY COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT ' A TRACK FROM THEIR TRACK IN \IRGINIA STREET. BETWEEN CARY STREET AND THE DOCK, TO AND £§££££&§? MBCBiZ ON THE WEST SIDE OF.. VIRGINIA STREET.. BE- ? v S^^r THE POPli: AXD BLANCH ARD WAREHOUSES. (Approved May 23. 1900.) 1. Be it Ordained by the Council of "the City of Richmond, That permission lie, and the same is hereby, granted' the southern Railway. Company, a corpora tion, to construct, •' on which may be ope rated with all necessary cars "and en gines, under the conditions and terms hereinafter set forth, a railroad track or siding from their track in Virginia street: between Gary street and the Dock, to and- along .the- alley on the west side of Virginia, street, between^ tho Pope: and Blanchard Warehouses. • • - t. No car shall bo allowed to stand loaded or unloaded on Virginia -street, so as to impede public travel,, and the hours. during which oars may stand on any part of said track shall be governed by such rules- as may be laid down from time to time by the Committee- on Streets. 3. The said track,- or siding, as to loca tion, grade, manner, and materials of ■construction, shall be laid subject to the approval of tlie City Engineer. ' 4. The said railway company shall re imbursa and pay to. the city any sum which the city may be required, . by rea son of the-laying of said track, to pay in putting said streets in proper condi tion in the opinion of the City Engineer. v. The said track shall be constructed in the best manner with oak cross-ties, girder rails. a_nd concrete construction, and all of which, as to location, grade, manner, .and materials of construction, shall be laid subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 0. The permission hereby granted shall, at all times, be subject to any amend ment or revocation 'by the City Council or by the Committee on Streets, and shall be subject tp all ordinances now in force or. that may -hereafter be adopted, as to the streets of the city of. ".Richmond. 7. The- permission hereby, granted is given upon the express condition that the [Southern Railway.; Company, or its suc cessors, will indemnify, reimburse, and save harmless the city -of Richmond for any charges, damages, or costs that the said city may be required to pay by rea son of any person being injured' or dam aged in any way, in property or person by reason of the construction or mainte nance of the aforesaid track, or/ by rea son of the operation of the cars thereon 5. But before any work is done under the- provisions of this ordinance, the Southern Railway.' Company must first obtain from the City Engineer his writ ten permission to excavate in the streets of-, the city. 9. Upon a revocation of the permission hereby granted, it shall be the duty of ;said railway,; company, at its own* ex !l>ense, to immediately have the said en tire.track removed, and that part of the streets affected, by said removal restored to a condition similar to the remainder of said streets at the time of said re i mova!. . - ;.- -'■,:: -; ;. ; -■■ . . _ j 10. For a-faiure to conform fully -to the' [•provisions: of-- this, ordinance, or any re-~ quirements" made thereunder, or'anv amendment or revocation thereof the said; railway company shall be liable to ; a line of not less than ten nor? more than one hundred dollars, to be imposed by ! the •; Police Justice of . the city of Rich- 1 : mond— each day's ■ failure" ■to be a- «ena : rate offence. -. -"; * , ; 11. This ordinance shall be in force from its passage. BEN T. AUGUST i:--my,29-5f -■ - -;' ■..;.-:.:.; City Clerk. : AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAW. FUli TO PUIX OH.PROPfU,T\VO OR MOUK ■-■•: BABY - CARRTAGKS TRI CYCI.ES. OR -AVAGONS- ABRE\ST ON.TH B : SIDEWALKS. . . *' A - l Be it Ordained by- the Council^ of Hic-h mond.' That it shall be unlawful for "an y T'«*<>n, or: persons, to null. or. propel two or more - bal>y-cavria«es,' tricycles or w;iKons;abreast on thai: sidewalks ' \\\'v person guilty.; or •■■.yiolatins this onliirrn'-V shall-be fit; .Hi not. less than one • doUuV'ur more five ;doUurs. ' : .-° ■•■.Cards, v Bill-Heads/: Statemer ts :'vkrt----:: 'vkrt---- : HeaasT.Ko^^ad^iCircu^^anibE :Dod B er S . 440Jf printed: " bb y ;;t h he' c "pt&ktbh Company atvlo^prJces^-Willvei^Tvon Stwas workvat the sari* priced yo^a^ Inferior- work:feSend;usfyourNird^l^n :^^ W Uie{ru»rantee ; iatisfact»Se^rv nru-iciur. - * a '-very THE RICHMOND DISFATGH^-TIJESbAY; THRin" -HKLATION DISCUSSED I.V HArTIST MIXISTEUS' MEETING.''-' .-■ .- ■ <~:--: «a>i : '■ ■ ■■ --. : .'■:..;• .-.•.'. MR; SE&L READS JA - PAPER. He Vpcclare'H r Tlint lOhlj- Sniaii^-Per renitasre of Workingmen Go to :C!»nrel» ilere— Vievrs ot prs. viHnyr-i'. ihornc, Derieux, an«l ' Others. : ■ : ; Mr." -\V. E-imore Seal, secretary, of the Paintfirs'i.and Decorators' Union: of this city, ■■■ read a very, interesting paper, be fore the Baptist, Ministers' Conference; yesterday morning "on" "The Church:: and tiie" .Wage-Earner."-;; -Some- statements m'ade^ Mr.; Seal, who is; an experienced" labor organizer,', brought ; about : an in- ; teresting, discussion by: a > number '•■ of the ministers: present.; . - - . . " ■Mr. / Seal is; the grandson; of Rev. Wil-. liam. Taylor, during his lifetime an able and honored Baptist preacher of Buck-; ingham: county. He was presented :to the conference by Dr.-J.-B. Hawthorne. The essayist .said at the offset that he had travelled" the- world over, had seen the laboring man in all lands, and hav ing closely studied his problems .for years, thought himself prepared ; to;make a strong ;and' accurate presentation of his trials and struggles for , a. -livelihood., TPIE CHURCH WAS COOK;:",: Speaking of the' feeling of the laboring people. of Virginia and America "towards the - Church. Mr. Seal deplored the lack of confidence and affection on the part of the one for the other. . It was: due, he declared, to the coolness 'of .; the Church towards" the^w'orkingman. ' The cry of the breadwinner had been heard by the Church, but she had turned her back and closed- her ears, to the appeal. He con trasted this state of affairs to the.con ditions "existing in .Europe. There the minister -and the wage-earner were co laborers—the latter coming to the. former for- help and -sympathy and not being turned" away. ' Mr; Seal made the state merit" that but . a small proportion of or ganization, members in this city: attend church; and said the reason ; for this was that- the ministers did not sufficiently in iterest: themselves in. the cause- of the workingman • -i that the situation was deplorable. and'"that his presence and paper" were intended to stimulate the churches into a better consideration of the' matter. ' ~ ".The 'pastors, or some of them, he said, could, not afford to express themselves for the laborer, as they.- were' supported by capitalists— "those who sat on the handsomest and best upholstered pcw r s in tthe church"— and: he cited an instance in which a minister, of New Tork had made such a remark to him and his reply to it. ; MADE AN EARNEST APPEAL. Mr. Seal closed, his paper by making a most earnest appeal to the Baptist" min isters of the' city -to'": take a decided stand in the workingman's behalf, and lend the workingman a hand towards better con ditions of -living.' .' ■ • . The paper .was given the . closest atten tion. It was: evident; to all that Mr. Seal was deeply in earnest.- Dr. H. W. Battle," of Petersburg, sug gested' that a discussion of Mr. Seal's paper be held. Rev. B. Cabell Hening made the opening talk. He declared that the position of the Baptist ministers in Richmond was- not understood by Mr. Seal. He assured him that there was not one minister in. town who was afraid to say what he -wanted to, no matter who sat on the front pew. NO LACK -OF SYMPATHY.'. Rev. M. Ashby -."Jones, ••warmly com mended the earnestness of the. essayist He said he believed the Church -oughr to touch the lives of the workingmen. He m J? , kneW the minis ters to be closely identified with the interests of the labor ing class. He denied that in. Richmond hf e r-, U ' aS , a " r lack of sympathy; between' the Church and the laborer, saving' that the overwhelming majority of his ma?e "embers at Leigh-Street church whn^ ?? ce ° Pl % Mr - Jones deemed the wholesale condemnation .of capital how ever, as. entirely out of place t liS ZThv'T sp " r ke fll0 »ff the same imes set by, Rev. Messrs. Heninjr and Jones. He said the labor or^nlzltS expected too much, and that for iisWt the enn V «^ **} P ° SSib ' e tO ™S SSiSfSM^ himself with a - Dr. Derieux closed the discussion, and V^m Orne cff ered a resolution, which was adopted, declaring the con ference had heard witlv pleasure the Paper of Mr. W. E. Seal on behalf of- Jhe tS r - . Orß ,^ ni , zatio »s of Richmond, and that it will be gratifying to us to have other representatives of these' organiza tions come before .us and present their views at such times as may be most convenient to- them' AXXUAL MEMOKIAL SER3IOX. Dr. Hatclier's Amiiversary-Ascen- Kion-Day Services-Church Xotes. The sermon before the Holly wood Memorial Association, preached by ?t cV ' t 6y R Mor San at the. Seventh- Street Christian church on Sunday eve ning;, was heard by a "very: /large and at tentive, congregation. - The ladies of the association, representatives of the other associations, and the veterans from the boldiers'. Home, and . the veteran camps bodv e nf !t X' occ "P ied reserved seats in "the oaay of the church. Rev. Mr Korean's S™. }vas thoughtful, Vender^ and ft^Th* ™,c-, c -- AllA 11 l )resent greatly . enjoyed mi™,r al f° sramilie was excellint, B ™E S R n fa « rite hymn of General n. &. Lee, How Firm a Foundation." Dr. Hatcher's Anniversary. - lin^ iS - ° w t n , ex Pre3sea,'wisli; Dr. Wil nam k>. Hatcher's twenty-liftli anniver touching incident ■■ tools" place. I ° dele-a* lion, consisting of Messrs. Bartlettßo- R^en m^ n S iri S J - E - WWtehorn.fnd- Spratley, appeared, -bringin" Breeungs. f rom the First Baptist"cSh of Petersburg,. of which Dr. Hatcher- w^s pastor at ■ the time \ he was called to Rich mond They were invited to the fVont footfn UC f l \° \ th f -alienee, and an^ af- Sr^a^^l^^ he :^^«; i >^ r ' , Hat . chei : reviewed the history of rnH^V^ 11 * since he h ad been -pastor. Under, his- treatment it was expppdin "iv The closing iSSS; f^^ho f hS^^'dis; during ; all -the changing years A e-fn ™ « T len it beins? th sl . ra PP I>':1 >':- overwhelming.: ohiTvM, , Ui ' Dein /;- the -anniversary of ■ the If You are Tired Take It affords immediate relief in"mentali an intimate knowledge of the man who inspires- it. " - ■ . ;. ' Kniglits Templar Attenil Service. The ..Cdmmaridery of St. " Andrew,: Knights Templar", attended St.>Paul's. church Sunday night. in a body. The: oc-. casion was "a special .Ascension-Day ser vice arranged forthem, and the Templars, assembling at : their, asylum (Masonic Temple),': marched- in full-dress J uniform of a JTemplar on foot to the church. They were . given . front seats in the sanctuary.' I Rev. Preston,; Nash, .pastor , of ! -Christ church, -who is 'also 'chaplain of:the. Com mandery: of St. Andrew, conducted::the service;: and the sermon Was preached by.Rev.<Mr. Rideout, -of : Petersburg." He preached on the ascension of Christ; Vand made frequent: allusions to the Templar work, holding :the ;: before". ; the Templars; as an exemplar. •: - " The ;Commandery. of St. Andrew was accompanied by a large delegation from Richmond Commandery, N0.. 2. Eminent Commander Charles '..- A. Nesbitt: was in command..: . . : BEAUTIFUL OHILDREN'S-DAY EX *;..;.-.'•;•"; . ERCISES. The forty-first- anniversary of the Broad- Street Methodist- Episcopal Sunday school was held Sunday morning in place of the regular church service. • The : children's day. service- was combined with the anni versary exercises. -The pulpit was beau-: tifully decorated with ferns, daisies, and palms. In the centre of the platform was a : large; arch, from which:, was swung, a huge floral bell -made of ; daisies. .Under this was a throne for .the Queen of "the Flowers and Children's-Day. Seryice. The person taking this part was - IVtiss Ruby Humphreys. The ; floral bell service 'was something entirely new, and was well rendered by -the children of the school, who took part as grasses, roses, and .a sunshine band.- The programme through out was a very delightful" one, and :, was much enjoyed "by- all present. The sing ing by the school was very.; fine, and' the attendance on . the. exercises is said to have: been the largest ever seen at this church. Rev. Dr. George F. Hall, of Illinois, preached to a large congregation at the evening hour. . ..'■"• ' s '.Brief Church NewN. - Rev. B. Cabell ""Henning preached' the dedicatory sermon at ; the Rising Mount Zion Baptist church (colored),- in Fulton, Sunday afternoon. The : church house is just completed, and very : beautiful- - At , Union-Station Sunday school. Sun day morning ; a call ,was made for con tributions for . the " benefit': of the- India famine sufferers, and : $27 ? was . raised, which was turned over to", augment the fund being collected by Rev. •: George H. Wiley, and Dr. Stiff. This makes about $300 these gentlemen haye-raised. -; ■ .; ?: The Rosebud \ Society of .-Laurel-Street" Methodist church "held a very' interesting meeting Sunday afternoon in the lecture room of the .church. . The young people made; a very creditable; report.' of their work, and thermite boxes for the special work of this society were given to the children. Five members were received • into the membership of Immanuel Baptist church on Sunday. ' This church holds its annual meeting next Sunday afternoon "- at 4 o'clock. ■ . ■ ... Rev. I\lr. Maxwell, in his sermon at the Third Christian church Sunday night, ar raigned the police authorities for allow ing the. games, of chance on Broad street during Carnival Wreck.W r eek. There was one addition to the church. ■ A SEW FIEIiD • WORKER. Professor J. A. Sprenkle is Engaged liy tlie Va. S..S. Association. The Virginia State Sunday-School As* sociation has,, sinee \ its last -annual -con vention, held at Rbanoke, been' on the outlook for an" efficient and experienced field-worker for this State. Several promi nent names have been" mentioned and con sidered by the Executive Committee; and after. much labor and correspondence the committee has selected 'Professor J. A. Sprenkel, of New Cumberland,. Pa., to fil] this most important position. ' Professor Sprenkel comes to the. work in Virginia endorsed by many prominent Sunday-school workers . and the -local press of his. home. Besides- being fully qualified for. the duties; of field- worker, Professor Sprenkel is a musical ■ scholar, and the author of the "New Ideal' Music Course." He expects to arrive in: this city about June. 14th next,, and. will enter at. once upon the: discharge of his duties. Mr. Alfred. J. Gary, the corresponding secretarj', Room 3, City Hall, \yill give any. information as to dates for teachers' institutes.; normal courses, or county con-; vention work as*soon as plans are fully made out. . ; . ■ . Pimples and Freckles oil Pace. .; Your druggist will refund your money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure you. Fift-v cents.- "' .:.-:.-: * -_ XIJ - Ly SCHOOL BOARD MEETIXG. Eneonraging Report for the Montli 'A Teacher Resigns- Other Matters. The regular meeting of the City-S chool •Board was :■ held yesterday; evening at 8 o'clock. Those present were , Messrs. James; H. ; Capers, vice chairman ; ■. Charles Hutzler.R. Edgar.S hine; .ATilUam M Turpin, Sol Cutchins; W.~ F.:Fox, Super intendent, and C. "P. Waif ord; clerk. Messrs. Ellyson "and Dickerson were, out of^ the; city.' ; .- . ; , The Superintendent's ■ report for. the .month shows a .total, enrolment bf;il,<H>3; monthly enrolment, ,1O.:JO5; average daily attendance, ' 9,440; per cent, of attend ance, 90.9. .: ; v. * % ' \ Miss Margie W. Parker, of Springfield: School,-, resigned; and , Miss E. .-Gordon' .Friend was placed on; the r regu!ar list of .teachers.-- ■ ' " - . ■ .- .. ■; .The .board, at .ahe ; , suggestion of -the principals,;, who /were -represented:- by a committee.- decided ' : to \ send V Superin tend-" entW.F.; Fox as ,Jts' ; representative, to' the ;; -National?;.;;: Education. /Association^ which meets ;in i" Charleston,--' Sf C.v. July /ith-13th-«ext: .- /v:. :- ; : '-- ..' : r ' ' ■;>'.-.'-■ ' „:; '■ ■ L Reports- were -received ;irqm;the : various" committees: of. visitation,. '.which 7, showed the schools "Ho ''be ;iri a- good condition^ "■ SETTLED : OUT; OF.- CO URT. T lie Suit : of - H lid eUra ml As am s t t ii c ;■ ;-'Ci.-'l'ra.utioii Comiiaiiy. .. . . JS. * '■: 16 suit oE^-Hildebrand ?;against <the' Traction;; Company:- has v been settled^out^ .of - court; , though p.the ";■ basis l of ythe I settle-! iheht:;is3not7'inade public. V- - ' ; ;: This '••;• terminates > aY litigation : - that^ at? '.tracted ''considerably^ ■ L a^6.p.^MlssV;Hiiaebyapdi';\ about ■two^years' ;agbV'SUStairied th^UosSiOf-a'ileiff^by^bejng! ;run^bver|on|the^a&S?s^ jTfactiori'iCompanyi^KjShe "instituted 'fs'ulti ,fqr $20,000. Slu> was awarded &2.oQQ?danv? a«;es. Thi- vprdici \va^ .-.: aslQi on"an- : Pending,' the trial of .the suit a second j'lr^l^i^tisfacjor^fisettlen'utnt - hits just Wn uwile.;ns sraipcl; 'above. '''■'■- '■'■'■'■• ■■ ':• '■"■■' ,:." ■}■:' c:-.,: IS- TE.UPOn \\\Y VOMilO^kW C Vli'l IV^ ATTOHSP.y OF CISESXERKIEIjD. OTHER^KEWS^FROM^HE SOUTHSIDE^ '■---•-. v.— . ~. ■-- ..- r- .- -.—. — ■ -;-:--- ■ -■:■-■-- . V*..- ' T' • -■--'."■"■ ; --- 1 -- ; - .. '":.'. -.-' :■■■■ ■•■■■•.■.■■-.■;■■...■■.■■ .-■■'.-. ■-.:.;- -.-. -,-.. i ■..:■■. .-v. .» . -Pai?--Deatli of Mr. v Clail»orne—AVe«U 'V cled; iiastVXisht— Otlier Items ot U} terest—Mriefs. : : - - S'"- Judge --William-; I. Clop ton; of.-the -Ches-* terfield'-. County ' Court;; yesterday appoint-; ed .Mr? :^ torney : . of ■'Chesterfield for. the present, pending .a permanent appointment, t- . ',. , ' AVhileitus true -that Mr. Wells occupies' the - position temporarily, " : nb"appoi ntment ? could'have been "made' that would be more acceptable"; tp; the; Peo'pie; of Chesterfield _; thah;tha.t." l Mr. Wells is. a native of I Ches-. terfield,_Jias'»l!ved' there .nearly : all his . life, : 'has/pra'c'ticed' there ever:sirice he .was ad mitted- to the bar ; and' is thoroughly iden tified .with the- interests of. all her people/: nearly; all; of , whom he- knows personally. - ;-■ ; ; ; "Wh6^is CHARiiiEs' haines? '">•'; A. telegram. came to the city yesterday addressed, to Mrs. Haines. This lady.could; not be found, but the message came from ; Norristown, Pa:|:and said, that Charles 1 • Haines had been killed there. The sender, wanted to know if the body was to b,i: shippod to this city. It was then; in the ; Norristown .morgue. The Directory, does not show any "one by the name of Haines, and;.no "one who knew Haines : could, be -found. ,' ; . - DEATH OF MR. CLAIBORNE: Mr. Asliby Claiborne, : a weil-known resi dent of this city, passed. away rather sud denly at his home, No.' 512 west; Tenth street, Sunday morning. Deceased was in his 40th year. He had been, in bad health for nearly, a year,'. andvat" the itime. of his death was "at his ..home sick and unable to He .was a valuable employee of the Southern shops, where he had charge or" the steam-fitting and. putting the; jackets ; on the locomotives, and was quite an ex pert at his : trade. Death Was due to heart trouble. ;.. ■ . The funeral took place from the Stock ton-Street Baptist church" yesterday after-" .noon, conducted by the pastor, Rev J E Hicks. Mr. William J.- Morrissett sang pihTt-Me » erly the '^%^'Jesus, Saviour . WEDDED LAST NIGHT. _Mr. J. W. Hastings and Miss- Bertha C • Brown, popular., young peopleof this city were ; wedded .last .night at J the . .bride's' - -residence,. No. 102.Fifth street. ". Rev T S Wallace performed the ceremony The brs f e . 1S sverys very charming lady, whose host : of friends w-sh her the greatest-happiness all .through life. -Mr. ; Hastings isa popu^ &fi' of the; Southern Railway Company. , They will reside at No. 21 west iufth street. - v .. PERSONALS AND BRIEFS a^SiVfoT- CC 11 ° ttreli ** s from a visit to her daughter, i n Connecticut OakW^T / 3 !T c Ot - ba " was P la J-ed"bt the. Oaks Saturday 'evening -between the . fakmners and .the "Star", teams. The Skinners^ won by a. score of IS to 16 _WorkW ork , was ... commenced yesterday' on. Porter, street, laying- the gas-pipes of the Manchester-Light, Heat and Power Com pany. ■■■-.■■ -. • ■• • ■ . - ... . Rev. A. C. Berryman 'preached to ti largo congregation both morning and night Sunday .at West-End church ■ The quartette:' '' Lead Me Safely Home,'' by' Misses ;•"; Mamie .Berryman, . Maggie 1 Mitchell,' and Messrs.' Belcher. : . arid Ad kins,"' was well rendered.- ' The t Ladies ' Aid Society of Clbpton- Street Baptist church will have a special i meeting this afternoon, at the church atV ■io'clock. : .The Watt Plow Company has present-; ed; to the Sunday-school recently or> ganized at the. home : of >rrs. D. E. ■ Lips comb, in Chesterfield, the lumber used in the company's booth on Broad street, - during., the Carnival, which will be v sed to- erect a building in which the school .will beheld. ' The- Board of Supervisors of Chester-, field county held. a. regular meeting yes terday and granted the Manchester Light : Company the privilege o£ laying: their pipes in Swansboro'. The Chesterfield: Circuit Court was .in session fora short while, yesterday, hear ing the case of Henry T. W r atkiris against the-.Richmond. .Petersburg- arid Carolina Railroad .Company. The suit was. finally carried over until the" next term '..'of -'the' . court.; ' '-:■ Lee Pryor, a colored, man, .was. found dead beside the; Atlantic-Coast Lineroad near Falling Creek Sunday morning-. The man had probably been killed by a train '.Saturday night. Dr. Lovinsr.. ■ 'Coroner, ■arid;' ' Squire Cheatham "-..viewed the re mains and turned the. body over to friends for burial. - CHARTERS POR-XEV/ YORKERS. Anierienii- lly«lroeiirl»oii - Company ■ to";Haye Office Here— City Coiirtn. In the City Circuit Court yesterday af ternoon Judge Wellf ord , granted a char ter to the American i Hydrocarbon Com pany,- .whose chief business, it is stated, is-to:minevand "sell bitumen;, asphalt; •lime rock, sandstones, mineral - rubber, -ozoke rite, "-.-; mineral -wax,, petroleum -and other oils. 1 and like " substances - and materials. The company as- authorized;; to have a capital : stock ~of not less than: ?2so,oCO nor. more, than 1 §5,000,000. :■ Its principal: of ficewill be kept in Richmond. -The of ficers and are New /York men, with the. exception of. one, who: is 'a resi dent of New Jersej'.-as follows: :Presi dent, Theodore-' N. Ripsom. of New York city; -Vice-President, Eugene ,F.;- Perry, of-Nyack, N. V.; Secretary andTrea'surer, Samuel A. Bennett, of New York city. Directors— the above " and; --x»exander. S. : Fisher, of ' New -York city: Frederick W. Mattocks, of- Demarest, .N.. J., and John Jay McKelvey, of ;New;,York "city: ... Suits ;; for divorce were entered in the Law and .^Equity Court yesterday, by Laura John against Leonard" 'John. : : and Henry ;. Hunt -against : Virginia A. '_■: Hunt; ■Counsel .for -plaintiff in'the first fsuit; is Mr/. W. : H. ;:Beveridse. and '■. in - ; the second,: Messrs. -Coalter : and Wise.- ; ' ■- j . :. In- the City Circuit Court notices- of motion: for judgment -were filed : as : fol- J. : H. Stack against the Home In surance -Company,*- of New: York, : for- $ 199; EllavA. Jones, Louisa C; Hulce,; and. Rosa C.'^Moale "; against Charles 'A. Rose for 16H.07.' - ".. . . " ' -; ' . . "'■ : . The suit of: William E.v Simons against ithe'Auditor.of Public for: $57.50,' allegedvtOrbe. due forecourt-martial, ser- S'ices;vliasr.been": ordered - dismissed from: the Circuit: Court. - ; V .. / ■- : - .-.-■ ; In the" Hustings Court the jury in the case of ; Sue; Bradley -against J.^^W. Martin.:- who, sued if or the value : of; a f old ing-beil,^ alleged:- to . have ; been damaged, in deli very, awarded the plaintiff $25 dam ages. '-■ '\:-/:r-' ■--■ ; : -':: .-: - <::'' •There- are many, sc> called Malt Whiskies j in the market When ' .you sure it's - iDUFFY'S: Insist iiiponit. .Beware of : --?::.;--:?~:zr??? !t zz^tk->. :^-s\ •refilled bottles; See that the seal over the i cork' is unbrokenl- Take only - '/ '" This is for your "protection as well as ouf£ : | igiFFY^S"AI:J ways v helps ; ■< never! injures.',' \ 'All'drug-j ■■ i gists and grocers, or ■ direct, Ji.oo a bottle. Book free. First.- -We are the only manufacturers of HIGH-GRADE PIANOS ORGANS HAYING A BRANCH house in Richmond. ; • - : Sec6nd.- : -We:sell : tt < he'best and highest-grade INSTRUMENTS; ON THE EASIEST MOST' ACCOMMO DATING TERMS/ /.";• :. ':;;-'; ; : : '.. : : ■; ', " ■ " ..;._ Third.-THE. CONOVER, GABLE, KINGS BURY; SCHUBERT, and WEELI^ON PIANOS HAVE THE HIGHEST/ ENDORSEMENT OF LEADING MU SICIANS EVERYWHERE* ' the Original Piano Player, enables one to play a piano per fectly.; Does hot require the least knowledge of '■'■■/■ music. You would>niake a mistake if you purchased .any piano-playing attach without "investigating the Several Bargains in Uprighi Pianos Wiii be Offered This Week. - :\ J. G. GORLEY, M§r. 213 E. BROAD STREET. Full stock of Edison Phonographs and Becords. ."■■■'"•■-.." '■'-.- my27-Su,TuS:F "' : ■ I Inpropein the Dark. | If you have a difficult job of bicycle repairing, fine fe ■' machine ; or model work, take it to * " # ?, PRACTJCAL MACHJNISF AND BICYCLE BUILDER AND REPAIRER. $■ &* ; --:-■■"..-.-'■ * jA Old wheels made up-to-date. Large Sprockets and % the best Coaster Brake fitted to any bicycle without % changing the hub. ~ V MACHINE SHOP AND BICYCLE STORE, <? 5 No. 310 N. Fifth Street, Bet. Broad and flarshall. 'Phone 18S8. € V Open^every night until q P.M.; Saturdays, 11 P. M. € -' - • ' my 13-Sun, Tv, Fri. y;:.THE CLSIM of this tailoring establishment to turning out the best medium-priced suits in Richmond is Bustained by my patrons. They come back season after season and give me their orders. Some say, ',' We've gone around town, but we don't seeany suits or trousers at the price of yours. THAT ARE AS GOOD." Have you ever compared my work Avith "the other tailors "? Start at these values: Suits, $20; Trousers, §55." HtiNRY;SGHNURMA:NN, Tailor, 909 East Main Street. " yon.v on . u,\«v, ,-- C. LUMSBEN & SON, Manufacturing -JeweHers and Opticians, - 731 Main St.> _ Richmond, Va. , May 12, 1900. To Our Ou t-of -Town - Cvs tomers : While ..Richmond has- thrown open her gates to visitors during the ' 'Great Street Fair and Carnival, ?^ we beg -to announce that we have thrown open our doors, to our patron 3 , We extend to you a pressing mv.i tat ion to make cur's tore your headquarters while m the, city. ' In our off lee - will be found stationery, etc.-,* for your use % Have jour mail and .packages sent in ourjeare.V^We: shall be glad to see you \ • 'Ypura respectfully, : - - - : : -C LUMSDEM & SON. : •'■ -.' -'-"-" -- . ap2-Sn,Ta&Th . -. Screen Doors, Wpws, We have a complete stock of all standard size Screen Doors and Windows, and if we do not happen- to have what you want we can make it for you: Green, black^and landscape t::Fly iWire m aU widths: "Come -tb see us before jplacmg your border :f or screens. Wire of all :kmds, ; Wire and Cut-Nails, Rbotin£c, etc., at : pfices,that: can't be beat. "' ■BALDWIN & BROWN, Wholesale and Retail Hardware, &c , jfOpiiosite Old Market. KlClUloil> VA. HILL CITY BXCITK.MEXT. The Mayo c ; and' s»n' I qilisnaiit, Clil-. ""•'seen Fiffht: - /■■ iLYXCHBIJBG. ' iV£^ ilay ■ 28^-(SpecUii.) f?°r.4^> v ' considerable .-.exekemeiit iwas ;ere-: atedem Main street,. in. the vicinity of; the, National : altercatibn^betwe^3Mr.viZack>li3!dln^S a Ivi^q^wnitinner.-andrAlayoft^niU^tiiii^ trou^e|i3|^eged|t(ytiayg|gr^wfi^put]'of* r -afrecent|oJnc!Sliact:b3'ithV" ;May6VsHn : :bai!insr}in^th"e;penaUy of £l» v a: ■ys^^S^^*P^4S9f^?^?^Pteafa^sauicf ;b^ywng;elrl;Slg^ettismiitt ; the^May^r| husbv^ft bv-vvnly crkicij.tHl for bailing thrt accused in such a small ycn.ii'y vi A-iftWibq t lie; isrnv I tyJof j thVoffenW ehat#tl f> );task. about it this forenoon. "■'Mayor .-Smit-i iresehteajMrjKßtain^^Ulcisra of his a<- } -tion.:and .wurmHvords ensued, foHowol &} ;;b!o\vjj^- >Mr;;Klain vtvai^arrostecl ami taket {■b't-fdreMagistrate D.rC. Fros?t. who hail*--' !=h;m;iimhe;sumlbf;s2s;for~his appearar.e« , next; Friday unitirnlrstrUo -answer ' W '^ • charge of : assaulting :th« Mayor. j n.Jith in Uiack.ttoiie. g«iClJard^Epe.~;- ..i tisU iou>i:y. j'.i *.-*'. a\ vay: ; a t -h er ■ homy - in ;■ t k:x : - ;>i:.tec"y-^tenl&: ■;ey* > njt!s--ii!. : :.-l-.o > t : !ock.s:it'; tht> a?^ of ? V«.u T .jn, <i-i ivtu r , ;,.. [>.<•.» inoacj >-Jf 'l'aasa Olmiueut fculs to ciri joyu^PtftJ