Newspaper Page Text
mm Tkfi -^Tlwl^i^Pl" ■f t M " f^M STARTS TG-DSY. Not riflYaff, Iwt: Erbbrbideries r tliat appeal to/U of tnstji- -Ml the goods are.perfect, a!K the styles are the best, aOfl '" ■ - -''■■■ ■: ■-■.". . . ..-■=: ■: :.'":-'- '.: : • -..-■-■:. .. , ! - ' '■ ■ - ; ' ., " '. ' ... - ■ ■'■■■■ \~■■- :- . :. -.= Ptrees J^verage a Little Less nian Half. : Mucli- oi! t]ie.Kmbroi(lery7is iir maf.ching-'designs-^so. early conien; njav^ get;^Various \vi<lllb> of-Edgmgjand^iife^tioa^bf the sanic design. \ v. J _ : l .'"']'■' ■■ .. • ,-''*";* " sS v. importer fetched over t liese Embroideries with a sjpe cial?pur<jhaser hi^ view, and lie oiideavoied. to iiiake ;sure;-of his sale by liaviug iiie - -put : v.up in a certain queer way^Steanier was late/ audgil^ 7 Here are the Embroideries. Qome.'early :-i£iypjil>vish-;.tp. v get maicbedisets. Come to-day if you expect to get any of tlieni: Eaibroiderlcs at. 5 3-lc, They are the 1 :'-'■ ,wJd<.\ '- ; -^oj*«a-work ; Irish-Ppini Inser-' ' lions.' Uiat cost you 30 and -32 3-2cr al- WJiys.' Some 2,000 yards for to-day's >r^sclUugi . ; . ■;- ".' 7:/ . 7: Hundreds of yarns of \ Beas:tiful; Fine, '7 Swiss and; "Nainsook .Emhroideri-;?,. ; . ■'- Edges;-. FloiinciMß.-:, and Insertion?, .7 cost to 25c, for .;...321-2e. yard.; The FSnti-t, Dainty, Swiss and Naltiscok 8.-nbroJderies for 7. 3, nml 10c: K^. ;•. -wiUi iJitcrtiOTss to ma;ch, that.' retail at. 121-2 to 20c. yard. .. 7 .7 This stovy doesn't :l»;ilf desci \h expeetjnir iinelliLTifrs and vary daii uisappomted. -.- - r .; Thest Prices Are Down to Economy's Foundalidn. Mil! "Ends of i2lc. Fig ured Si!kdlines for 2^c* Black Velvet Bindings, 5-yard pieces, always 1 oc M for 7c. a piece. : Screen Windows for ioc. Bob Net Curtains with Point de Paris lace border, 52.75 value, for 'sl.2s. AVash Percafe Under sktrts, in pretty stripes and solid colors; 3QC 50c. Percale Shirt waists for 29c. Dress Shields, cheap at 25c, for loc- Fancy China Mattings t ■15 and 18c. qualities, for ioc. yard. ' Double=Faced Covert Cloth for 6^c. yard. Venice Lace Insertions, sc. yard. isc. RoSSs Decorated Crepe Paper, 3c. Dressmakers' Kid'Cam^ brics, all colors, 2^c. yarcf. Fiint-Qlass Tumblers, ic. each. v . i2ic. Tape=Neck and Arm Ladies' Vests, 7c.' yß=B3ll i Croquet Sets, Fancy Ribbons that cost to 3 5c. y a rd f o r 1 2 ic . I'_; Lace- I rimmed Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 3c Alt uf Kipling's Works, 50c. edition, for 9c. 7 -Sterling Silver Hearts, cost ,15c. to make, for sc. Plain White India Li= -nons, sic. yard. 7 7 Smoked. Eye=Qlasses, never sold for less; than 25c./ for 15c. Aliover Laces, insertion effects, 25c. yard . : . White Mtislins, Persian Lawns,, and Pique Muslins, cost to 35c;^yardj for ; i2^c. ". ; 2sand soc. Cloth Bound Books for 3 c\ - 7; 7 K«r h: Slili*' Triicli. ' . Tlu-re will' bu v special . meeting- of tbu- Comiriittee;on Str..-<us lieJd.on .Thursday ,V . ■' SClioice. house-lots for «;->=: each • c-> . i '- ■'; , ■ " : ' less than. fc^o after thit time.-: See iliesfe M^a^ilfifnA*- •■ ' "^ A ■ b P ATK -^Nothintr : Rk ; i -^^f^ 0 ' 1^ been contracted Vf6r%v-=B6^S^?,"^ : ?- V i" ll - uth *' nuni^ |J^ « ,s buck . c 0.. 0; _ or fui , n Park> Bt rai ; Oak -;; - Beautiful, Wide Embroidery; Insertions f0r.121-2c. >;ird,;"thar.cost .up: to'Soe. 7 -, AU-Over Swiss Insertions for 5 and 7c. 7 strip yard. . ' j. ;.:„>; 7' ■ "' " ; Dainty- Beadings, for ribbon-run, at 8 and 10c. yard. . Handsome.; Swiss -and Irish-Point Em broideries... Flouncings, and Insertions for 16 2-3 and 19c— cost; to- '4oc.- - ■- Swis:.= and Cambric Edges, in: full pieces. I •'» and sc. yard— exactly half priced: ! Beautiful Ail-Over Embroideries, staft : . '. i:ig' at &X;. yard, for; the well-made; - rn-at; pretty: styles.", up to $—regulai . j .cost would be. 9Sc. to $3. . ■e -tlie g-onds--noiie 'could.'' Conic, ■ity Eui broideries. You will not be A Price Stampede in Extra Fine Silk Waists. *-Tii C h T o^ b . ewild ering, 'complete. *„ ■• ail , d -Pnuscworthy. display tliat Txllf. ™« • . . co .unters. unters of -a Richmond perf^tk.n ? V^ 61. shirt-waist Five hundred Silk-Waists purchased from America-? most noted maker who in. .sellmg . us these Waists so far below thoir actual worth, made us P led 4 our •?-■»• Silk' Shi rt-AVaisitii for Xl J)S V«e riionsan,! Full - UuiiHlen'.! Sliirt-\V..,i* ts , vln ;. soI(J J|f t . Most of th.-m ,-ost 50 and 5Sc in all on *L,f y « PS * and coiors " Sellinl to be «"rly St Hnd Wnd floors.. Come Wil l S Jndlo.Llnon Waists, front- -of in- Set H°H,^ ld p". Ck V lUcked Va0k....«0" Awn w1« FH C;i] Z and Fine 'Fancy Lawn Waists for -SSe.-; that cost C 9 and Th « .Finest", White Lawn WaisN pin are in "m,^ 1 " 1 ??"^ 1 "^ at'aw r>i - l\. th2S • al ° for-' ........ .-• nsc- Plain \\ hite Lawn Waisis. wVih"laun *<'r%± collars and cuffs for ■ 3V" w-^l^i ,A 5 - I -. T ' J % d .of othert! ' are C; th inmdreas Extraordinary Cotton Values. of^ur planning saves you moi-e thantalf Imported Black Cotton --Fabrics evei-v .. kind produced this vofir in TSwft-er land _ and France; 'Mercer zed If & slnped. embroidered cord "mbrolder" co^fro^^i^i o CtC - f^'O'/K . I,'o-y- 2 li ?Hsc.; : these ; for ? s to ? feS? r<l^!? S rH S - in vmious Printed • m-f^-his^d'of o^ summer fabric > S bra v^hl i??. d , El ?%oidercd Cham- Dra\t, the Ul-2 and ig c . kind, 'for. Corded Muslin, in pretty floral .patteras' m". feo?' 1 !?!!! -^..f^?"^ Or^n^;'in : hanas^ iumted -designs, for 6S-4c, instead of Little-Priced Housefur= nishings ai M°^ : ' m ? SUMMER HOME Months have been spent in the nren-in Oil^SlS Sp^9feWng of the helps tlMu.make summer housekeeeping ea«v Many lots of goods have come in fullest S^mSSS [^ N&9£p could make ?ni c - nff ■ 1 * may take individual b^?& V\ * hu r r ,i'- There's many a -good SS 1 . 11 -! 0 .ho Picked up, many; an article otherthat^s oftered at a third ,at l«a«t of the good .values: Ihe Peerless Iceland lee-Cream Freez ers will positively .freeze, cream ' in V, 3 , 1 " 2 m'nutes, 2-quart 5ize. :....-. .-.•.51.50 Colored Macrame Hammocks with toK ' stretcher, and valance.-3.x7. feet! Fancy Grill -Screen- boors! -"complete w?th comijlete ...:..........'..... n» 1'"!1 '"!- 1 - Slain6cl Doors, ; complete* 'with t "\^ r e-Ply : (ia rd'eVi" Hose^ lbc.' 'a' foot! \\ ire- Wrapped Garden Hose. --3-ply for ; H^e ; Reels .....-.....* ...;. 5 .^;.^ Reclining -Canvas - Chairs, on'.'-Ktcvi irani(is,v\yor.e :?5. for .-." . . «•? •)-, ?l Reclining Hammock Chai"rs"-V.V.V.*"isc! I'olding -Lawn Henchos ..v'.U!>c" LargcVft Size Folding Lawn SwYiisy'jij'is" sS.)'."iiaby-Cairiag«>.s, .special' fur ...!?]<) 56 • *.S..A. Go-Carts for • -.- fcj'ns' .-lite. Straw Porch TMatf for .. : . Ie :;-Kurner Tin .Oi!-Siovos;- with iron "tops; The Best Refrigerator ' Made. The "North. Star" ■ -Cleanable Refriire lator is. the best built; and costs less than any other. It has removable ice compart ment and waste-pipe, making., it eas\- to clean. On« article of food ,wHI not taste" after, anoiher. • 7 ' A;! Refrigerator 27x17x43 • indies for S9.lC— ought .to- st;ll. for $12.75. - ' " $35: German Porcelain Tile-Lined Re frigerator, for. ......;.. J-.-3 Indian liefrigorators, with removable v.-aste-pipe ? .-^ . Apartment^ House Refrigerator takes ;.. .up little ' spaoe; but will hold a-lar^e i".;.';.ainou'nt of 'provisions, a $15 size for : ?12.50. ; ■ ' ~ ■ ■ . "7 ' Kiitt;enth stivets. to consider, the Petition of the Seaboard, construct and ouerHtu a .side-track from its ■'■ fro'»tit houpp. Frankllii and Fifteenth: eastwai-J ly, .along the east Hide of Fifteenth street. /JS4»wjt'.. > j/ taagnri^^ g| f :mm ;£|;AtJCT^(nT>-|sAI.E9-rTliI«|Dn5V; £ |;AtJCT^(nT>-|sAI.E9-rTliI«|Dn5V ' WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SOLD ; THE TAXES -::FORV-f HE 'CTORKNT. C :ALEN r D AR'f YE ARi ARE? TO BE } PAID7 PRQ RATA BY TIILJ VENDOR AND THE •yiirTOEE^Tj^ ,: - ' -By. Sutton & Co.", v- ■ ;;. . . :";*".":: 7 ;• Real -Auctioneers, ;: '• corner :of Tenth and; Bank streets. -A UCTION SALE :xjL-V-.-- ; -; :; --; i -7 'v;'OP, .7 : -.7^. -.■■"--■ ;'■,--- TWO VALIjXBLE,PIECES;Or7 lest Bioad-Sfreet Property, SITUATED AT THE":NORTHEAST: AND " NORTH WEST CORNERS -OF BROAD . AND 'JEFFERSON STREETS- . 7 :--'.."■ ALSO, r , . '['■'■. - - 7:JL>liJbti/jH.7 O A r-^iF JtvJlii.. - ON -THE- EAST: 'SIDE^ OF; FIFTH ■- STREET ;'BETWEEN : JACKEDN r AND DUVAL; STREETS. - At -the request^" of Sail: the ; parties inte rested,- who" are selling for a division of the: estate."; we shall offer, for sale at pub lic auction, on. the ; premises, on TUESDAY. MAI' 2971900; :\' commencing at 7 s o'clock P. M., and in the'; following -".order: ;;_ ■. ■■-.:■ . First. That BRICK STORE AND LOT. adjoining,- on the west side : of Fifth, ; be tween: Jackson, and Duva.l: streets,. No. 734, with Jot fronting 41% feet,' and running back 122 feet to . an v alley. 16 feet wide. 7 ■Second.- At' 6 o'clock. P. M:, that FRAME STORE No. 128 west Broad, -at the ;northeast corner- of Broad ;and Jef ferson, streets, .with lot fronting .20 .feet on-: Broad. --street,-" arid running--back-. 128 feet: to: a" wide' paved alley.: . , . :. •■ " •■■. . Third. The LOT, with a-BRICK STORE THEREON, at the northwest corner, of Broad and Jefferson streets. .This lot fronts 45 10-12 feet on ;Broad- street, and runs back .between- parallel Uines 1121-2 feet.-. If deemed best at the hour of sale this lot will be divided and sold as two lots. ,_■ ;■ --..:,-. - - ;-■,'-■'"--,■: .-.. ■■ :-■■■ ■■ ■ There is (every -indication' of a decided improvement in business for the future, 7 and as business, improves, _ Broad-street property (especially corner lots) will sure ly enhance in .value. So the purchaser- of this property can safely expect a con siderable'"increase in its" value in a very, short time.. • TERMS: Liberal and announced at the hour of sale. :. SUTTON '&■ CO., my :24 Auctioneers. By J. Thompson Brown & Co.; . Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers. ft/TODERN, ATTRACTIVE GKACE- ItX STKEKT-. CORNER RESIDENCE, r : WITH STABLE,. NORTHEAST. 'CORNER FIRST AND GRACE STREETS. FORMER RESIDENCE OF THE LATE THOMAS POTTS. By request of the present owner, a non resident, who -is determined to sell at a sacrifice, we will sell at public auction, on the premises,- on : -: TUESDAY, --JIAY 29, 1900, at 5:30 P. M., the above HANDSOME AND .MOST DESIRABLE CORNER RESIDENCE, No; 100 east Grace street. The lot fronts 3S feet; with a- depth of 151 feet (> inches to an alley in common 21 feet. The dwelling is two-story,, with man sard roof and English basement. It/is a: most substantial-structure, admirably -ar-" ranged in. its" apartments for comfort, light, and ventilation.' It contains twelve rooms; has water on three' floors, and two bath-rooms: There is a neat brick stable on rear of lot, fronting- on First street and the alley. ' / -' You can attend this sale with an 'as surance of its being made, even at a great sacrifice.. . - 7 ■-,' - The premises can be inspected on any day, only between- the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock, and at the. hour of sale on the day of sale.- ' i * > .- - . TERMS: One fourth cash; balance in one, two, and- three years, 6 per cent, in terest, secured, by trust, deed on the pro perty, or nil cash, at option of purchaser J. THOMPSON ■ BROWN- & CO., .my 22 Auctioneers. "A TJGTIQN SALE il , OP THAT i ' ' Desirable ...Residence Mo. 518 North Fourth St. By request of the owners, I will sell by public auction,- on the premises, on : FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1300, . at 5 o'clock P. M., that VALUABLE PROPERTY, No. 51S north Fourth street, a substantial two-story -and basement brick residence of nine or ten rooms, in good. condition. Fronts 201-12 feet ori west side of Fourth street near Clay, and ex tends buck 116 feet to an alley .15 ; feet wide. Being:/ centrally located! in a good neighborhood, is always in demand by a respectable, reliable class of tenants. A desirable home for a purchaser wanting to reside in this part of. the. city. The property must be sold for a division. TERMS: Easy; announced at sale. JAMES -H. CRENSHAW, "" '■ '- • Auctioneer, No. 1115 east Main street 7 POSTPONEMENT. Sale postponed on account -of rain to same hour : TUESDAY. MAY-"29, 1900. . (my 26) . . By John-T.' Goddin & Co., Real Estate Agents, and Auctioneers, Bank and-Eleventh streets. .-A UCTIOH SALE XJL ■ • ' - ■ -OP . ■ . THAT DESIRABLE MODERN Brick- Residence, BETWEEN HANCOCK AND HARRI : SON STREETS. ■' At the request of the owner, we will sell m, public auction, on the premises, on ■ ■ TUESDAY, MAY 29, laOO, at 0:30 o'clock P. M., the abbve-dGscribpfV PROPERTY. . The.dwelling is uvo Tories i l v aScmcn - t ;w "^l -built; and contains 11 rooms, with bath/, range, Latrobe stove, slate mantels, etc., and in good re pair. The lot fronts' 20 " feet and runs back about 90. feet .'to an alley. 7 This pro perty has. been by.a'good tenant tor many years and. its '.close- proximity i V, VCV C °ffl c , es - and shops of the/Richmond, I redencksburg and Potomac Railroad Company, with two: electric lines within one squarp would make.a desirable home or a_ good paying investment. ': TERMS: Liberal and announced at salp : , JOHN T. GODDIN &CO ™y 2 fa-tds ; ; Auctioneers. .- By Edward S. Rose Company, -,: Real Estate Auctioneers, No. 11 north -Eleventh street. - ESST STREET, . By request of the owner, '■'■ we will' sell by, 7 upon the premises" on" ? . " TUESDAY, THE 29th DAY OP MAY,' 1900 : '■:■':. '.■••;• AT 5:30 O'CLOCK P.-: M:;: ' 7 one I^^ lo^ted ; as above.: Some Snd >" irbe a yfe^ in^ COlne t0 the '- sale TERMS:" - •: '" '"Z . mv S DWARD S - ROSE COMPANY,;- / • " ' - ;| ~ '.■. ■ :■-- ■■■■• . ■■.;"5;: Auctioneers. ■■'■j- '■'■'.'■'."■: r>: ' '1-^' ■ ai;l v°r's>JOfficer mmsssm Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac ; . :::;-•. : -Railroad -Company, ~ : *? THE FRISr I ]^!^ B^^ I^S-T*" 11 - "'. i; :-sht^Ae?ntM A DCTnio^S'Afiß^flriSa^B^ ,-WHEN REAL^ESTATE IS SOE D THF }f CURRENT .- CAiENj ~P^l i'itl £&: arb|t6? bb^ paid|-pro RATA BY' THE VENDOR AND THE VENDEE. No^ 6 north *Elevontb'&trc> t. rjpO WIND UPaS~ESTATK . . .CONVENIENTLY-LOCATED 'jQgfc Lots and Dwellings / . ' ON Tuesday, May 29, 1800, at ,s:3o7o'clock-P7M7; in /order- named, will sell . following- j-propertles:-"^ : --- :>"-.-'^-- r • - V-k r . r , The - ' old-established;: busi j\ ESS . STAND;, at ' the southwest U corner of :. Twenty-sixth. aridSO streets. 7 -'■ ■-.<■.. 2.. FRAME DWELLING- - No:; 2510 . O street.:. —7:.- "-~ "'>:;::.'-'■,. ••:■-.'■ ■■•■■. "37 UNIMPROVED i LOT -adjoining No. 1000 . north Twenty-fifth street;-; ' - '' . • 4. LOT on east7siae- 7 Twenty-fifth tween Leigh and M- streets. '^■P'r^^-y-y- TERMS: ; One . third'' T cash;;: balance -six, twelve,' ;and: eighteen-months. *. — " ; my; 27 7 •;' : E.; A: CATLlN,; Auctioneer. - j^CTWV S ALHS--Fiitnrc ; Day »; .; 7 -By Douglass E. Taylor, : ; > Real; Estate Agent Vand Auctioneer, • ■No. 1115 east Main street. : - t \ - of r Otacfi-Hil! Store Prop erty, - No. 908 Twenty-Ninth Street, . between O and P Streets; iaiaiEDIATELY ON THE CAR LINE. I.will sell at auction, on the premises, on . MAY.30, .1900, at 5:30 o'clock .P. M:. the above-described 1 ROPERTY. The improvements ronsist of a^ substantially-built, two-story' frame store, with ' dwelling above, having a separate front entrance to the dwelling portion. .. There is' also a stable" on the rear-end of this "property. Lot fronts 27 feet by : 144 :feet. "depth. ,-Youmay geta bargain at this sale, so come. . - * TERMS : I Liberal arid . announced at sale. DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR, m y 27 ■■.... - Auctioneer. v. 7 William B. Pizzirii Company, Tenth and Bankstreets. . AUCTION SALE * -ii- - OF. :.. '■■■ - '. r DESIRABLE, - Brick DwelliriQ, No: 1108 Capitol Street, FRONTING THE CAPITOL PARK AND GOVERNOR'S MANSION. MOST CON VENTENT 'NEIGHBORHOOD ; 7 . IN RICBQIOND. . ■:. . At the request of the owners, we" will offer the above desirable PROPERTY at public-auction, on. - ■ ■ . ' FRIDAY,- JUNE 1.. 1900. - at .5:30: o'clock- P. M., : fronting 25- feet 5 inches -on Capitol street, and running back. about 150; feet to Broad -street. The house has 10 a-'ooms,- is desirably constructed with stone foundations, -in elegant order;' papered and all modern improvements. . The" lot- is of sufficient depth to' admit of the building on the Broad-street front. .Also, a; detached kitchen of A rooms in the yard. Back yard nicely, paved; - a more desirable home' : or investment;^ a quiet and con venient neighborhood cannot' be had Be sure and .attend. . TERMS: 1 One third cash ; balance in ' one and -two years. " - ■ r : : WILLIAM B. PIZZINI COMPANY, . my 27 ■ . ■ : ' 7" Auctioneers. George W. Mayo, Auctioneer, . : 909 east Broad street. 7~ "PIVE CAREIAGES AT AUCTION. _fi_ - - ■.- ■ -. ■ - ..• .- ■ . - ■ I will sell for. the owner, at my auction house, at 10:30 A. M., ■:■ THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1900 - 3 Victorias, 1 Vis-a-Vis, and:i Coupe made by Lane, of Philadelphia, all very ■ — ,»ne and light vehicles and in excellent condition.- GEORGE W. MAYO 7 my 29 . -Auctioneer. ATE '; AT PRn'ATE sale. . FOR SALE?^f7^ U ' T^KAVE A DELIGHI'FUL "DETACHED DWxi>LLllst, with seven rooms," on Twentitith street. Fairmount, and two on I<airiEf>iini avenue, "detached, with six rooms each.- Anyone can be had "at •>2o casn and balance smali monthly pay ments. This is a delightful place in r which to dwell, as ,it is-near church, electric car, and school, and has excellent water' !£Vi . J.'.D. CARNEAL..v" my2S-lt No.. 1106 .east Main ".street:; 7 FOKREST. A FUKXIS HED HO USE." Offered at a Great Bargain.' y HO THIBD; STREET. > Apply at the above number. •■•".' ; (my 29-iw.) ] . •' MEETIIVQS. '.-: -■■-■ . r v ATTENTION! :■ ' HEADQUARTERS . PHIL ' KEARNY POST.: No. 10, G. A 7 R.-Comra'des and Members of W. R. Corps, No: 1(5:7Y0u will please report rooms, No «0-l east Broad street. MAY 30TH, at 8:30 A. M., sharp. Bring all the flowers you can Friends of the post- and. corps are most cordially..;inyited to unite .with us. in deco ration .^and' memorial .exercises at Rich mond: National. Cemetery. : .Transporta tion furnished. . We. leave post rooms -at 9 A. M. . ■ ' and ■ take cars for.: Fulton Uat Ninth- and Main. '.: . : .:.■■ :.a , : j PETER A. MORTON . Chairman Memorial Committee; pro -tern THEi ANNUAL MEETING OF • THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE - BRYANT FERTILIZER Z COMPANY; ; for . the relec tion 7 ;of .officers .; and : directors"!' or Ihe en suing yeaiv and; for; the transaction^ of whatever ■ business may properly come be fore-the said meeting, will. be held at the office. of the^company.vNo. 117. King street : in tho ivy or Alexandria, Va on Ui.> FIFTH DAYsOP JUNE, 1900, at 2 o'clock P.M.- ■ •■■■: '-..,. ;■- .;; . .r ' .-. ■ ••- "Dated Alexandria, Va., May 5 . 190-j . .:.' : ,::r;-:^r- ';willia.M;Bryant, my t B-Tu4t v - •■■ •.;-. : -\- ■ "Secretary^ TO^WATKS-TAKERS. ;.::. ..7..;;bffice>bf;.City:WateriWorksi .: ' . , - ' >City.-Hall;-;;v - - Richmond, Va.; May 29 ; IGOO7 NOTICE TO :,WA: ,WA TER-TAKERS - JN ; THE S SECOND i ; DISTRICT7USING7WATER • THROUGH .-;*-- /7^" .>-. Where " bills" remain K unpaid •-' MAY 29 lEoO, » the. wateri -will : be7shut -off. \ :^ ' "7 7 - ; CHARLES E.-BOLtLING ; - ■ -:my^29 ;-.;•- 7 77777; Superintendent.?/ - ;-. -\; ; - ; - proposals; l : .'^' : ' : :: : ; : -;. ;"•*•;: FORT MONROE, WA;/ APRIL'SO " 19wX Sealed ;} Proposalsi".-- in > triplicate/"-: for -: Put ting?Third;~:Story>pn\ JBarrack:'Buildin<'J Barrack:'Buildin<' No. v s,V4 wiir-s be^ received ,j here « until ;l0:; l0 : a ' M., May 31, ISOO. ,U^S. -reserves right ; "to accept ; or, jre ject : any, or;: all| proposals '-• or any:: part; thereof:-;s;Envelopes?;fcontainin£r" proposals -; should- be 3 marked^-vpropoaal^ for-:;Puttin.£ri-ThirdsStorvSoiiTißarrack '• addressed-^ C;iP;;.TOWNSLEY ;':-. M--' % : ;; ; ' T ' ' sStatenients, Letter- Heads,p>lcte 7 Heads;tCir^ulalrs^Hafldbills^ Dodgers;;, &c:;:sprinted-byl the:- Dispatch Company, at lov, prices. Wlll^giVeiyoul good work at the same prices you pay for /inferior work. Send us your orders' r SALES-futnrp Da 3 r *^ when re al estate is sold {thw iDARIp^EAR lARE. ; fi TO :-Br'!: : P AIdIpBO; rata by the vendor and the ; vendee. ■ -.< ; Real Estate 'Auctioneer, A Speculation Here COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF A Large Quantity, . of Vacant Land. 'in puyAf/s AbbirioNTSKbßTH 1 of ' " AND NEAR TO THE; CITY; OF;.. . - ;.In ' executions of '- a j decree^ of the "I Chan-' eery. Courtifor: the : city 7 ofJ. Richmond; entered -April 3, 18S5,1ih the suit ot" "Brown. etc.,-,vs. Burton Vet; als.,'.'xweswillWell -by Public -auction-" 1 on :the- : premises, on : ' r -. "■".''.WEDNESDAY*:; JUNE] 6,7 1900, : •beginning. promptly.rat'l:?.o o'clock IP. f M:. the ; f ollowing LOTS "in Duval's; Addition— to-wit: ; Nos- 1517:152,: 153,71 54; 155,- 150, ]»7, ; lfiS, ::.-.iri!),-:-15<).5161., :1C2,--16^, 161, IGS. 16<5," 167' .168, 160.: 170," 17;:^ 174;^375, :37tt, Xil^ 17S .^lTO' ISO," 1S1, : 182 f - IS?; 184, IS9, : liX> T >. 218; 219,- 234, 235. and 2'AH.* , --. ■— ::^-:'- : :■';.; Jots .lie .': mostly ; on ." that plateau :between::Barton- Heights: and the Valen tine-Abattoir:; The'large area "of the. pro-; 1 perty^thecnearness of it to^the city, and 1 the convenience -of its. situation';. combine" torender these lots desirable for -specula tive purposes ; in the near if uture : i indeed.' with a; viaduct thrown across v the" valley of-V 'Bacon -Quarter branch. : these -lots would at once be in good : demand as sites for modest homes, and this is a feasible scheme..: '.. : : - ? ; "As to: the larger number of these lots; .they -will be sold, either in half squares or v/hole squares; -as may seem best at the. time of sale., leaving a few squares which will. -in. all probability, be -sub- ; divided and sold as building. lots. • ;For further; information see the auc tioneer,, who will exhibit a plat' of -the property. : • . . ■ . ; TERMS : One third . cash, "and the .resi due atone and two- years, for notes, with interest added, and title retained" '■; .W.---J. LEAKE and JOHN DUNLOP. -: Special Commissioners. . The bond required, of the special com missioners in the above cause has been duly: given. 7 -;.:,. ... ,: ..-. - : . my 29 By A: X.. Adamson, . Real Estate- Auctioneer, Manchester, Va. : ..; >- npKUSTEES' AUCTION SALE 4- OF THOSE _^ . Nos. 7(JO and 702 Hull St. temper rt "f Ol i S V leed trust - dated Se P r^l- i' ISB3 ' ancl recorded in the Clerks ofhee of the Hustin-s Court of Manchester, in Deed-Book 5; page 194 d of U two h n?"R- l3een ' madef in the^payment ot.two of..ihe notes secured thereby.: "and Serfo/T-n *°v T do b >' the holder. ;lhi r Ss^: n6n 6n ell at !>ublic : auction - on FRIDAY, THE Sth DAY OF JUNE. IDOO. A\rn °T e r,^ ?• M - the ab «ye STORES nn^fh lJ r0 - n , tins to sether: fifty feet on the south side .of Hull street and running back, between the -..western line of Seventh., street and . a line parallel therewith 155 fc-et; more or less,- and «£/ nn ™ a • fi V^". foo - t7t 7 al!e >" •on the : upper The Diulding-is a three-story brick, double tenement, with large: and attrac tive, stores, on -the first story and corn tor table rooms m the upper stories This is good, substantial .business : .property, f.nd; should command the 'attention of investors. . ;. ■■-.. .TERMS:. Cash sufficient', to pay costs of executing this trust, taxes, insurance premiums, and to pay the above-men tioned notes; one, being; the six-months' note for the sum of $357.30!4, with-:inte rest thereon from September, 24: 1592- the others being the eighteen-months' note also for the. sum of -5367.30U. with interest thereon from March -24. 1593; the balance upon such terms ias will be announced at the sale." -WILLIAM I. CLOPTON " m y 2s Trustee. By A. J. Chewning Company, '.' Real Estate Auctioneers. mBUSTEE'S AUCTION ' SALE J- .OF WEST-END BUILDING .'LOTS, :-06x105 FEET .'• ■■•:■-.- . dOX - Ui> AND ONE-ACRE LOT IN ROBIN PAR IC 1I;1 I ;' y =, v t5 tue of a cert ain deed: of trust, dated November 13. 1596, of record in Clerks office ; of Henrico County Court m Deed-Book 153 B, page 134. I "will sell uy auction, upon the premises, on 7_ -_;■ .Friday, june: 1.19 M. "-■ at" 6 . o*cl6ek*P. M., that LOT OF LA.ND ivontins 56 feet on the southern line nf .WINDER- STREET. 60 feet east of Wash ington street, by a depth of- 105 feet »o an alley. 7 - 7. ■ Immediately after sale of the above I will sell, at .the corner of Winder and Washington streets, that LOT. OF.LA\n containing about 1 acre, and designated" as Lot No:- 25; in the plan of Robin Park about three, and a half miles east of Richmond., on the Nine-Mile road front ing 160. feet on Barker avenue "' ■ TERMS:; One third- cash; 1 balance' at six and . twelve months, interest added and. secured by deed of trust, or all cash' at the option of the purchaser ' 7 • "I: JOHN A. LAMB Administrator of W. F. Reddy, Trustee my 27-tds • ' By E. A: Catlin,- 7 No. -6 north Eleventh street.. ON • MARSHALL, THIRTY-SECOND " AND THIRTY-FOURTH STREETS ' • WINDING UP.ySALE OF THE . - - Lllnud.'',.cd.Tal£ a : At request of those in interest I will on WEDNESDAY,; MAY SO.', ISOO, ■ ' at 5 o'clock P. :M., sell a number of vfpv BEAUTIFUL LOTS, located as abov? de scribed. . : . .; This property is loca ted in a new clean fast-growing "neighborhood.- with no ob jectionable -features of any descriotion whatsoever, and it should attract* the attention "of all 1 who expect : to secure ? home in: the near future. Park, city and county ; public . " schools, chu rches. . ':-■ -n d street all 7 convenient.:. Will he sold for small-cash payment, and balance on- very easy monthly payments if do ■ sired.- 7 ;. E. A, : CAfLIN, 7 24 ■•■■-■■..• ■ - Auctioneer. By Pollard &.Bagby, ; Real Estate Auctioneers., A UOTION SAUES OF , - Two-Stpry i^ame Dwsiiingi ;';7 ' ; ' No. GO2, OX; NORTH SIDE 7OF FEDERAL, BE --TWEEN SIXTH' AND. SEVENTH ' * - STREETS.- -. 'At the request of the owner, wewili sell to" the highest --.bidder, on - WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1900, at-6:30 o'clock" : P. M.,- the above-mentioned FOUR-ROOM DWELLING: : ' ' - ," unea 7 TERMS: Announced at ; sale --■ < :■ ? 7 7. 77 ; POLLARD;. & BAGBY; 7 '■■ _my 26 1- ■:: : ; - . . ; 7:. Auctioneers. 7; George W. Mayo, ;Auctioneer, r . v * gOUSBHOLD'FQBNITUBE, Sec, AT AUCTION. ; ?:; By.,:. direction" of ' ; :' James CaskiV Esci :administrator?of^Mrs. ; :Bettie,CV.;JohnsonH i deceased, : I^will t sell jat ? the] residence : No' i 211 west - Grace streets at'lO *30 -A •M ; ' ~- - - ; -WEDNESDAY, iI AY 30. 'lDCO.' 'Pliisb-^Parlof ;Suit. ? Rosewood ?P£ifio- "r^.v,' -; ?^net;;-Mantel^ClQek^ f ;Pictures^T-^bi^i - . .- arahqganyj Dinner. ; ,Table; s China -Pr^«« ; fir^iLeather-Seat'sDinnery Chair< %^Vh»i : . ; Couch^Leather^tibmryScS^A?^ - hoganyft Pier^Table,^ Crockery,- China^ Glassware; t . , . *,' v - lli n^, Hall : B^e'dl^d^bi^l^^S :. -Toilet3SetsSHair>MattressSjS^:! Beds^Pillows^lronf Bedstead '^Chair^ and many SmiscellaneousSar^ K|sofiDtTHE TAXES FOR THE CURRENT "m£aI*En| DAR^YEAR ARE TO'BF. P-AJDj^RO RATA'K B y3 THE VENDOR AND THE l^^^l- ~~~~~™^.™^ W. Bowe, f;;-7. % - NO. 2802 E: GRACE ST. COMMISSIONER'S SALEOF A CBURCH HILL RESIDENCE ; ADJACENT TO THE Pff'R X S, AND ALSO NEAR TO THE STRpt=CA^LiNES; .■.V. ':;- BY AUCTION. * . •i. In of a decree of the Ri"2i-' : moneT Chancery "Court, entered . March ' 3. 1900. in the suit of^'HerbertE.Lipscomb- 1 vs.- B. F.' als.," I will sell by -I public auction;: on 7 ■;•■- ;. r : ; : - z-■■.■.-.z -■■.■.-.- | : . :. THURSDAY. MAT 21. 1900. 7 at 5:30 o'ciock'P: M:, that SUBSTANTIAL,' I MOST 7 COMFORTABLE, ■ AND VERY I DESI RABLY-LOCATED -i 7 RESIDENCE I ;No.- 2502 east JGrace .street;':.together -with the.. lot upon which it stands, fronting 30 teet (more or less) on. the north, line of Grace: street. and running back 150 feet to' an alley.; ...-: -;. . '- The improvements consist of an excel lent-brick; dwelling, with about S-rooms, and., a detached .. brick kitchen' with - 4 rooms.: •": Latrobe in. the basement. : 7 AThe, nearness of -this^property to both' Chimborazp and- Libby Hill Parks 'and to: all the street-car lines, together- with : its, -excellent- location and neisrhborhood^ renders : it attractive for residence pur poses. : ■ . • TERMS: One; fourth cash, and ' the resi-: aue at six, twelve,- and eighteen months, tor negotiable notes, with interestadded. and title :retained. or all the op tion of the purchaser. - .. :. A. W. PATTERSON, Special Commissioner. : The. bond required of the special com missioner by the above decree has been duly, given. - . Teste: c. .0.-'RAVILLE,- Clerk. •-my 2(5 - '-. ?'■■ McVeigh & Glinn; Real Estate Auctioneers, No. 1112 east Main street. COMMISSIONER'S AUCTION Vy V - SALE OF .THE Two^:BrS@k:;iW3!|Sil|S f Nos. 4!6 and 418 Louisiana St., - . . AND A Vacant Lot ON WILLIAMSBURG AVENUE, NEAR OHIO STREET. In pursuance of a decree of the Chan cery;. Court of -the -city of Richmond, en tered, on the 21st day of May, 190i)7in the suit styled "Mary A. Enright vs. William' Enright et : als., and ; Mary A.. Enright, executrix of •T. J. Enright. vs. William :Enright etals.,": the undersigned special commissioner will sell by public auction, on the premises, on 7 THURSDAY, MAY" 31, .1900, at 5 o'clock P. M.,the above REAL ES TATE, described in said . decree as fol lows:- . . - ; . "-._ 1---."All .that' certain lot, piece, or* parcel of real estate, with two brick dwellings thereon, Nos. 416 and 41S Louisiana street,' said;property fronting on Louisiana street about, 37 feet ..and running back between parallel lines : to an alley." 7 _ The improvements consist of two very desirable, and' attractive two-story brick dwellings, of 5 : or 6 rooms, renting for ?10 a^month each. 2. ; "That certain lot. piece, or parcel of land,, in the county of Henrico. fronting bO .teet on Williamsburg ' avenue, near Ohio street, (of which T. J. Enright died seized: and; possessed)." ■ , Parties having money to invest should not fail to attend this sale, as the above property will make . a first-class invest ment.. :. . . , TERMS: One third cash, and the resi due upon- a credit of six. twelve and eighteen months, -th.? purchaser .to' give: his negotiable notes, with interest added ancT the title to be retained until the whole of the purchase-money has been paid and a conveyance . ordered by the Court, or all; cash, at"" the option of the purchaser. . JOHN A. LAMB, Special Commissioner. : The bond required of the special com missioner by the above decree has-been duly given. CHARLES O. SAVILLE.' >- : Cleric McVeigh & Glinn/ Auctioneers. ' my 25 : J. B. Elam & Co.. Real Estate Auctioneers. AND VALUABLE XJ GMrcli,Hill Residence At Public Auction, By request of the owners, and for the purpose of division, we -will sell by pub lic auction, on,.the premises, on " : . '■-- THURSDAY, MAY' 31ST, -, AT' 5:30 O'CLOCK P. ;M., that eligibly located, modernly-constructed, substar " tial, and :' very attractive I two-sto-v de tached CORNER 7BRICK RESIDKXCE 2620 -VEAST- GRACE STREET, at the" NORTHWEST CORNER OF GRACF AND TWENTY-SEVENTH STREETS the wall-known residence of the late* Henry" A.. Atkinson," Esq;, containing about : 9 rooms, of good size, wide halls nigh -ceilings.- well-appointed, with ample light: and;-. ventilation, good ■>. sanitation containing the usual modern -conveni ences.. Porches front and rear that in front being a wide, iron veranda, the en tire, premises being in good order, the lot fronting 26 feet., extending back on Twenty-seventh Vstivet: :ot 'equal width about 100 feet to a wkle alley/ The «;itua' tionx;is high, healthful; : convenient. ;«nd: delightful, and the property ia all' re spects attractive and desirabfe ; Home-seeker's are respectfully urged to attend.- inspect .' the; property, "and- avail themselves of the. opportunity pTERMSr One third- cash --balance by negotiable ..notes. :at one and two years with- interest added; and secured by- (lo*?d of ; ;trust;.qr all cash, at the option Vf the purchaser. 7 J. ; B. ELAM &ca. " - ,_ my.'2G: . ; ;Auctibneers. 7 .; By John T." Goddin & Co.. Real Estate Agents and : Auctioneers, . ,Bank and Eleventh streets. , ttIRtJSTEE'.S AUCTION SALE OF 3- "- '.-; THAT ~ Valuable Brick Stpre arid Dwelling, N0..218, ON WEST SIDE OF PINE BETWEEN' rAND.CUMBSRI.AXD * >;;"■ - ■ STREETS. ■- 7 ."•. ■-;";.- 7 7 i.a Certain ; deed off trust""' ;bearing • date^ August- 1; 1592 f recorded ""in "' h ° Clerk-s: O ffice:;of f ßichm O nd^Chan2ery ; Court > in ?Deed-Bookjl4e;c,>page,S4S^d^ faultrhavmg|been?:macleSinrthe payment 0 ofja^portion,ofjthefdebttsecured = the^n amb being-: requested iby -the beneficiary so: to-do, I V , will^seliyat public"; auction* foni ; the> premises, on- THURSDAY, MAY 31. YXO, PPOPTOTV kk TT P h M r the at >ove-describod ;t/; t /. < -°"EKTI.;.Thc" E KTI.; .Thc : iimprovementss consist of t -airsubstantial^tw6-story^stock-brUxk^ front :*buUdins^the3iirste^rv|^rran^ed^ an *^^"?^ u l> ;fo^asßtbre3fori : v?hich'pur-i PoselltgbasgbeenSusedgfor^many; 1 years'^ j and * the* second: story ; as ! aid wellimr -« with' sevens rooo^nis.'Sbesiclesjrelosets^&c^'iwithl .wide^hallJanclifsidefentrance^from^Pine^ ? streets Stable |bn3loL^The 3 lot «f :ronts "» ifeetnandSrunsibacka4s?feeUtosantalley ;;^> i rfeet^vide^PorlasgoodibusineSi^sa^d^r; f ansin\^stment;ithisiprbperty.soffer3=many; advantages. " .ties. .it J S ; likely mor\ liberal teTrm^H ti- announced at sale; - ffe^«l!M:ESfATE^s SOLD THf TAXES FOR THE CL'RRrv- /-w DAP.' YEAR ARE TO BE Pw n t ' >VENDEE^-- : 7v v -7- : - z '--~ -7 A^D TK£ Bj A. L AdimsoVT^** «-»ii'] '-■'.■""- " ;N. W. Bowe ; ' ' Ke ? l v^'tote Auctioneers AUCTION SALE THAT^ILYIMPROVED A^ \ ALU ABLE .STOCK-FAR M L KNOWN AS . "WHITBY " FRONTING ON JAMES RIVEP . c two 7Mii*es-from-:richm o^>ut IN CHESTERPtELO °* N °" COUNTi'.VV .^IALIjaBLE DEPOSITS o? V BRICK-CLAY AND GRa^e _By of ;.two deeds ot h-t ,v first ; dated May- 5, 1532 an.l Yh ' PP 1 * dated -April 15. "ISSS. and' recorded i n °^. er Clerk'soffice of Chesterfield CnunV cJ?? the former in Deed-Book S I°s and the latter JnflDeed-Boofc No t ? r '"' 454. default having been made Tin rfc **"* ment of. a part of the debts s-cuV,! f - y * by rand -fUeins^directed so to Z > h- ? c sr" holders thereof /the under=i4-d tr- : h ' will offer : for 3 sale : at puol c au^f the premises, on 7; *«cuon, oa ; 7 -MONDAY, JUNE is I^o at o o'clock P7M-, the FARirV nnw « "WHITBT," containing TV'O m- a;! DEED AXD;NL\ETY-PIVE(i) xr^' OF LAND, more or less (^on-t RE ' S James river, and extending to'amV 4« ° a ing on the Petersburg turnpike tron: ..This land is in -the highest state of ny tivation; and embracesr.about one l.u^w acres o£ river lowgrounds. which 2.^1 yield: sixty bushels 7of corn pc- a?rp t^' annual hny crop is about on» h»; ,,, tons. The. buildings are a yl^ahSi mansion.- containing fourteen nfo^ c bath-room.- .and modern conv Pn w^ overseer's house, Quarters; staK* ££?!; for .seventy horses, hay bams e-T- t?,^ property has the reputation of Wr- tvS is, in reality, the most attractive anrf f . uable farm In the vicinity of RfcwU T " In addition tolits value as a «H and an attractive countn,- residence N. • exceptionally valuable' for th» >oIU-tin W purposes: " «-o«owtn» First. Its frontage of about ono hntr mile^on James river, which at ihte point is about two feet "..deeper- than at Rich mond, makes it very valuable I*o- m4mT facturing and shipping purposes. Th^r» is probably no fetter site than this fora large ship-yard and dry-dock. Second. There . is an excellent -raiir» quarry on the property- near thp rivpr also; large deposit of brick-clay sDlendfrJ shipping facilities, both by water awl' rit road, the deposit of brick-clay bein- i'™ mediately on the Seaboard Air-Line n'i! way, which passes through the farm- md Third. The electric line that hSMbeeh recently ;sur\-eyed: from Manchester to Petersburg: along the Petersburg turnpike passes immediately in front o£ the rear of this farm, thus making: it vilu able for acreage lots. TERMS: One fourth cash, and the b->I ance in one, two, and three years de ferred - payments bearing interest ~'f-om day of sale, and secured by deed of trust or the purchaser can make a larger cash payment if he desires so to do; interest on- deferred payments to be paid «pmi annually. N. W. BOWS, " Trustee in Firk D«'ed JOHN CHAMBLIX " JAMES CASKIE my 26 . Trustees in Second i>eii "•By J. Thompson Brown & Co., - Real Estate Agents ami Auctioneers. A PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF - ca - THAT MOST HANDSOME AND ATTRAC TIVE West Franklin Street RESIDENCE, Xo. 20S WEST FRAN'KLIX STREET .Two Doors West.of Jefferson Hotel,' ON THURSDAY. 3L\Y 31 13T0 AT 6 O'CLOCK P. if. " ' ■v Ji } ,\ c X» ab( £ eelc ele S Satn t and exceedinsly Franklin-street residence. lo portion of FVanklin street, situated oti ,o^f? Uth Slde ot " this fashionable tho ioughtare._ an<l within half a block oC i. ha s ,m 2, m 2f nificent hostelry, tha Jefferson iiotel; Tae lot fronts 44 feet 10 inches on the south line of Franklin street between J f so . n an <3 Madison streets, with depth ot lag teet to a wide paved alley. Tha .handsome.. dwelling i.s a -large, wide, dt i l£ d - br °wn3tone and brick structure ot, three stories, with tile roof, containing twenty, or more rooms, of fine- size, fa abundantly supplied with closets ser vants rooms; elegant bath-rooms, ele vator, ample furnace- and fuel-room.-?, anil is one. of the most admirably plan ned residences in the city. It is complete m all of its appointments and modem in all of its appliances, the r'stimbin-. heating, electric and gas lifrhtins-. venti lation., and sanitation are of the latent ami mostly highly approved models: Ike inte rior oC-the house is finished in hardwood. and the .walls in tapestry and fresco. Ths embellishments throughout are truly ar tistic, and the entire interior of the dwelling possesses everything requisite to comfort and. taste. This property mutt be seen to be appreciated. An opportunity of inspecting the sama will be afforded at the hour of 'sale. Those who desire to inspect it before the day of sale can do so by applying to the auc tioneers, who will arrange an hour suit able to the convenience "of the occupant. .7T.ERMS: One-fourth cash, and the bal ance in one, two,.and three years, 5 pc" cent, interest added, secured by deed of trust upon the property, or all ca^h. at option of the purchaser." J: THOMPSON BROWN « CO.. ; my 23 . ..- Auctioneers. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PYRITES MJMNG PROPERTY. By virtue of a decree oC the Circuit Court of Louisa count y' f Va., reriJered on the 20th dny. of March. 13«S>, in the chan cery cause therein- 'depending, -whereto -Boydil. Smith is comnlainar.t aa«l the ■Pyrites Mining and Chemical Company ci Virginia and others are- defendants, tka undersigned special commissioners oi sale, appointed by said decree, will offer for sale at public auction for cash or. tho premises,": about two. and a half miles northeast- of Mineral City. Va., at 11 o'clock M-, on the -.."■•-: . 20th DAY OF JUNE. 1500, all the REAL. ESTATE, PROPERTY. PLANT/AND APPURTENANCES OF THE PYRITES MINING AND CHEiIE CAL* COMPANY OF VIRGINIA, ccn sistingr of a valuable pyrites mining pro perty -.; and plant, including Buildings. Boilers. .ComiJFfSoers,il:ich:ner>v Pumps. Pipes, Cables. Hoists, Tools. Appliances. Commissary Stores and._other Chattels and Personal. Property use\l in and about said plant and three hundred and ninety acres.of 'land,,more or le-ss.on which th^ mines and plant "of .said company are lo cated- in I-oiusa- county, Va., the said land being described as follows: (1). Beginning at an. old stump on thd ea?t side ;of the :county road known .13 the-Tolersyille" rbail, and running thenca north ;- T2^i : . ulosroes; : J\V. •"■'3S.U7 chains to pointers-in Contrary, creek; thence with a;" northeasterly course ; down the sata .creek,? and: -with tho . meanders thereof .44.'45 / chains to;a stake in said creek in Jackson's lline; .thence S.73 J^ degree E. '44 -chains "with Jenkins -line to red oak j pointers on ; the ToJersvilie^road: thenct* i S.rll^i degrees^ V- r j.r 7 chains with sa!a I road ; ; thence S. laVi'Jegrees VV. 7.22 ■■ chain* j-wlth-sald^road; thence :N.47Vi degrees V.. j S.SOichains to; a ;stake»-and th S. 32 [ degrees AV.39.Cs : chains 'to the bestcniDS. containing: 181 -acres of land, more or le*s. I (2). All :that"tracttO*-land beginning at i a tred.oak : ;with- John s Hunter and rui.inlaiC i= thence .'N^eSVi degrees -W.UfMVI poles to * I chestnut! oak. with said Hunter: jhence :X;^49»4 degrees ;W.M2S% poles to a ehest nut;oakicorner to" Daniel: thence N. S^i I - degrees £W;; 62.?s - poies^ to,; red oak .pointers ! -with % Gun ter7und7 William' Baker; thence ;N.'"3o degrees ■£.'/; 13S> poles --to a corner Lwhite-'bak wUh r "Benjamin?Jenkins in said [ Baker'sline: thenceS. 4T ; "desrees E. KlVv i poles to -a . corner .stake hwith Jenkins: l i thence JS-^SOV" 3 degrees ~E. ; ' 12 poles to a i corner in -Contrary^oreek; ;theuce, up the I centre f ofisaltl » creek : 174 .'■ poles to a : corn*?!." [sin ~said ..'creekiin'i, Groom's ;litte:^thence N. ij7s"i j75"i degrees :iW. : s3^£ 3 poles {■ to; maple : poia t persswiUiSsaid Hunter;";«tnti -'thence . N. "•> ::<legreesSl£f l poles; « to .-; the i beginning. > con ! ; 213.22 < acres •of j land, : more 'or les>. :;J:"Also,^the';sStorehouse r^and :Lots »f iGrouud.v\yith :thej Stock \ of ] Goods' therein ;feontained;gsituate at- MineraT City, in ;I.ouisa: county. Va. JAMES H. CATON'. 1 " - W. L\ lIIHB. Special Commissiohers. j i .-...■■ __ ..-.. ::^Tho -bornlS required of ,"; special comrrns slonersibyJthfcj above?decree i has; b^en. duly gjyou \>\.j*.;. : , * n, Catonanrt V.\*;^E.3Bibb. -" t , -.^".'\"Hz r t .»>!>; a C ! --.-s,'t fvurt.