OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, September 22, 1901, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1901-09-22/ed-1/seq-11/

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P^lade Her
' MX^S^l wm III wM I ■
j^vorj- l-mly in. Ihc Land Can Xor
IInv« a. Konutifnl Skin.- ■• '•-•'
It has remained' for.aClhcinnatt 'woman'
•>n discover " th«) secret, of: a!porfoct" sltln."
Slip has «"i lnst found; the kcy>to fem^nin^^
Nauty. All tho sighs ar.d heartaches over
t poor appearance may now be banished,
for it is within the means of every, lady,
{young or middle-aged) to have the.clear
i-st and most refined complexion so dear
jo -woman's heart.
Faimie B. Ralston," 62B Lexington^ ave
nue. Newport.- Ky., says: -' When I began
usinjr Mme. Ribault's complexion beau
iJfiers I did not think it; possible' to clear
mv skin: my face was in a horrible con
dition, literally covered with red spots.
j>imples. blackheads, moth patches, and
freckles. 1 suffered a thousand ; deaths,
juid when I sent for a: trial of Mmc; El
banlt's beautifiers I Improved, so won
d<rfully that my friends did not recog
nize me. so quickly had the change taken
• lace. My skin is now perfectly lovely,
Mid there is not a -blemish or wrinkle
vn>"where." '-. „">."... "-. -
It is not a face powder, cream, cosmetic,
jr bleach; contains no oil, grrease, paste,
jhejnicals, or poisons of any, kind, and is
\bsolutf>ly pure. ' "- : •
Write to Mme.' Ribault, 2547 Elsa Bui!d
\;x, Cincinnati. 0., and she will mail fre? 1 ,
f repaid, in a. plain senled w r rapper. a
free package of her wonderful beautifiers,.
pad you will always bless the <3av you
wrote. Do not fail to -write; to-day."
H can be produced only |
|j upon a j
j Wasfibtirn
I Guitar or Mandolin, j
i The Washburn alone I
I possesses the pure ere- |
| mona tone. & ** '? & & |
I You are cordially invited to I
II inspect them* . - . j
if Beautiful Catalog Free, j
§1 •.-•■•-. - : -■. ..:• 1
Sj Exdusire /Washburn features are: {
ij ! New and perfectly balanced model; special I
?*. process of scEtosicp all woods used; patent j
Js| canstniction, securing great strength; fin- /_ i
gerboards absolutely correct in all pott* \
H| uons; inlaying all done by skilled work. J
ife men; patent heads far superior to ordinary 5
H heads; designs always in good taste; per- |
p feet rystem of ribbing; polish secured by I
fes thorough courses oi band-rubbing: every, j
nut, screw and peg of the very highest: %
0 quality. I
a sold by Leading Music Dealers
Sj| ' Everywhere. - i |
| LYON &HEALY, • Chicago. |
S SlannXactnrerß. " g
'1 i '''■■' I - U
. (ma 3, sep 22, nov 24) ;
I 213, 215 N. First St. |
1 Wall Papers.
|| We carry in stock thousands
k of rolls from which you can
| make your selections. All of the,; i
I newest styles and colorings from : : _ : \
I the mostin- expensive to the fin- |
y est that are made. We . have no |
1 one in our employ but the most ; j
§ skilled; workmen, never "too |
I busy to execute your yvork at the
I shortest possible notice. -'
I Old 'phone 622. Kew 552.:
I ' V"• •-' ■'•:. : ■■•■-'■ " '' ■■■
se 18 v AV<^Sun-Hm ;':
Antique Furniture
A Few Rare and ; Beautiful Pieces of \
that have no duplicates in shop ,or home.
Among them a; Patrick Henry Desk,, a.
Pilgrim Chair.-a Horn-of-Plenty Sofa;
Carvc-d-Column, Claw-Foot, Swell-Front,
and Inlaid Bureaus, ; Sideboards, and
China Closets, i Grandfathers 1 Clocks;
3'edcstal. Consol, Card, and Sewing
Tables; French -and Teaster Beds,- &c-. ;
Corner Second and Main Sis.
(selli-Suri&WSro) : v ■■
JSSSSa^-' dimples, cenlarged -ipores^crup-
f^&^ tlona. red nose, red, rough, oily
/ 71m skin, barbers' itchvand all aSee- -
to '—^■^B tions sol the skin and'scalp per- >- .
ff^*- :^Si manently cured: at your home, -
I W "W inidmatton witn book f re«, ~
West: 23dj Street, New York
/V;;'Vqy^3^^^Sun&.^^-- ;^:'-' :^:
Be!! 3077-Ur.g Distance 'Phones-229 Richmond, ■
socccssoii'to ■ - ' ' :
1200 Z. MAIN ST.. RICHMOND.vi^
"-"■/", I ; ?: (aulaMTt Jan 1) r'iM£k&
ItttlLCpX MEO- <^i '32*.ll£l6tti S!,, P»s!».» Ffc JP||
Cmh-Tuisat&fiunly}' & -'\-
i -.'**. * KWT ' PRETTY - NOHTIICJ «BER-
Xow an AMiircil Thijiß-Cnptaln W IU
Many Aortliera Xevk'erx Will At
tend ll Jcliin'oKd Carnival.
ri?S G t°^: VA " Se P ten^er 21.-(Spe
al-)^On; last^Tuesday-Mr^Ramlolph- P.'
Carter,- /iOf-jßehoboth; Church. -"Northum- 7
.btrland^county. ' and Miss - L-ucy :E. Cun
diiT/ J daushifcr;OfW.M.Cundiff,'^of White
Stonc,sL,ancaster? county, were '''married^
mi Baltimore. -
• • •' r . h ' ls . marriage came" as ■ a' surprise' to
their, many, friends in ; •: bo th counties. : ;
Th e "young peopi c . are ; well i kno wnl and :
highly: respected in., their neighborhoods.
- A- very > pretty V/edding took pla ce :In
Baltimore . on ; Tuesday v of ; ; this week at
3 ; o'clock,^ the i'ebntracting parties v being
[Captain i?. Willie : B: ; Clark, of Wicomico
Church,- Northumberland county, and' Miss
: Florence A. iHahks;;daughter of Captain
iG.^>W.-; Hanks, of /Bmmertoa.i Richmond*
county." ■V\ '";:.: -;S'T-: " :: ' .I ■■■'. J:"L., ■;" '■■"
/The bride wore a lovely travelling dress
of mode cloth, heavily 'braided, with hat
and gloves to-inatch. X '
. Immediately -after"- the • ceremony the
briae. and -groom: -boarded the steamer-
Ida for their future home at Wicomico
.Church: .
Rev- E. -J. . Richardson, of Middlesex
county, is assisting; Rev. F. W." Clay-;
brcok, of . Kilmarnock; Lancaster county,^
In a' series- of meetings at Wicomico'
Church, . Northumberland • county.
A small boy living. In Northumberland
county, while out hunting for squirrels
one . afternoon . this week, suddenly, cam©
upon a large fox. , .The animal was shot
and caried home in great ' : •
v It -is now an assured fact that.Urban
na, Middlesex county, is to have the new
ice plant, -which has been talked about
for .'some weeks. . _ . ■
W^Key Howard, who isjat the head of
this movement, was here one day this;
week,, and says that it is certainly to
be. -' ■■ . . „.-■ . . '.. ■. ".'. ;... . . ■' »
Some stock .. was : subscribed in l this via
lage, and ."..'although we regret' that this
enterprise :is not to come to Irv'ington,
the people here will give it their heartiest
support. • - .. - - . '-
Immense quantities of Ice are; consumed
by the large fishermen along the Rappa
nock river, and all of 'this has to • come
from Baltimore, Crisfleld, or. Fredericks
burg. There is no fault to be. found
with the ice f rom\. these cities, save that
nearly half ' is melted when it . finally,
reaches the person to whom consigned.
Miss Ethel N"ewbill, of Centre Cross,
Essex county, is visiting -her uncle, Dr.
William J- Newbill, of Irvington. '
Protracted services are being conducted
this week at -White Marsh Methodist
church, the pastor, Rev. ■R. B. Bentley,
being ably assisted by Rev. C. R. James,
of Irvington. . ; :
Miss Blanche Messick returned this week
from Pen Mar, where she had been to
see her " parents," who are spending, some
months in that section. ' . ' '
Captain W. I* Messick, who went to the
mountains for his health, is improving,
and is expected home within the next
two weeks; when he will again assume
control of the large Carter's Creek Fish.
Guano-Works in this, village.. ■■=
Mrs. Ann McGregor, of New York city,
arrived this week to visit her : P.a«n.ts,
Mr. and . Mrs. X. James, Srs. .of White
A telegram received by Dr. W. J. New
bill, of Irvington, Thursday morning^ an
nounces that his son, Captain; Willard D.
Newbill, United States' army, arrived in
Sand. Francisco Wednesday. :^
The Captain will report to. Fort r Doug-.
la*s Utah;- and in a short while proceed
to his home here on furlough. _ „ '.
The time and place for the- holding o£
the ibint convention :of Richmond and
Lancaster counties .to nominate a can-,
didate for -the Legislature, has been
"SoSunS/'RichmoVd county/.has been
seSSthe place, .and Monday -noon,
cipntember 30tn, as the time. ■
■^runiSd Stages pension of * P^J
has been granted to Normon Guion. of
. M g? l Tp? < rSr; of Wicomico Church,
TvTorthumberlan^county, who has been^ap
but to -Port- Riley. Kansas, at which
leading farmer D fj
upper Lancaster county, has a; fine crop j
of teostinte,a fodder corn soinettme _call- S
ed Guatemala grass, ; the stalks of wmen
began heading , last week. ;
•Mrs •■ Steptoe . Haynie, of Uvely v . Lan
raster county, who has, : been at aeath s.
Ztr^several, months,! died Thursday
and was interred in; Bethel, Methodist
Cemetery, Mrs.. Haynie , was a devout
CnSstian and all -through her long illness
showed great patience.
Large numbers of our people are al
ready making preparation to visit
capital city during the ; Carnival, and at
that time will make their winter;pur
>Sut S very few attended the last Carni
val in Richmond, but those who did re-,
turned singing the; praises of the town
and commenting on the royal good time
theY had. These, with many additions to
their numbers, are determined to be there
whenthe fun "begins this year and see.it
through! r ' .-'.'-.
The; season: of protracted = meetings
throughout the 7 Northern : Neck is about
drawing to a close, nearly every church in
the entire Neck" having hadjtheir week.
. and some ; of -them two weeks, of feasting
on spiritual truths. ./: . ■-'■ ■'""
■Large numbers r have been added to the
"churches, and even where the conversions
■svere few; the great gooddone the mem
bers' has. been ample compensation for
holding" the meetings. . ; - . ',
v: Rev T." J. Wray,' of Heathsville, North
umberland county, is this week; assist
ing Rev. W. F. , Davis in. a., meeting in
Westmoreland, county. :„:;= . -
"Mrs. J. G. Rice, of Heathsville; had j
"three dogs to get into :her flock of tur-j
keys one day this week. .When they were
finally; driven : off fifteen large turkeys
' were found dead. . ? ' '_
It is 'very seldom that turkeys are
in " this manner, .but .. it is : no
thing: strange for -a'- 1 - whole flock . of sheep
to' be wiped out of existence by dogs.
Miss; Mary-: Junius/of^ Jamaica, .N.J.Y-.
is* the guest of : Mrs."jDr. A: M. Brent
-at her- home in Heathsville,.Northumber
land county. ' -" ■■ * :.:*; ; - ; .
■■ ."■■■■-.■■ ' '■■; ■■ ': ■"' - — — .r*** * -' - - .
Schedule* in Mnruwand : Assignment.
NEW -YORK.- September ~ 21.r-Schedules
in 5 ; the'"assignment^of Henry Marquahd
& Co stockbrokers, who failed/ June,
"Sth ■ were ; filed -yesterday ' in: ; the ; Supreme
Court. Thevshow;iiabiimes;of : «,l9S.6/6;!
nominal.. asiets. $5.002,230; actual; assets,
:55 098,496.;;,.";;..;;-.;: ( :-;■:. :.\:' : :■;:-;':./■
VniMlcrl)Ht Railway Divi denrts.
NEW ; YORK, I September! 2l--Thecdirecr
t ors •oU the LNew^York * Cental! ;* the yBi S
Four and the 'r other ! : yanderbilt , railways,
niet'at'the^Grdnd'Central: Station yester
day tb^declareSdividends'/ZAfter, that ad
•.bnlv'actipnNtalceniwaaJUie 'declaration., of ,
the* regul^r.^dlvidwtds : of ,:■ the rospectiv c
' Fourj Kill«"tl '/i a" "Freight; AVrecU. : J :
'3? DBTRQIT. * MICH;; I September,! 21^-Fou^
Vn^n-werc ! killed 'last ;Mar
auette freight i wreck! at IVTayne^Michjv^ai
sinall^ village abdut{twelvesrailesi>west|of:
£ed;s They^are*J.liW^Sweeney^of
ledo, 0.. ;in<s fins Leopard, of West Kay
|^BRIDG^«DinV^CpNN. 3 September 21.—
!JK£th'frine?Kupf cr. Ia: ybimg jar^t^virhoraj
:the=*iate' George F. Gilmanjjbefriendeafc
ihasi filed n 'claim of SIO.OCK) against his
estate for services as an artist for sly
Wear Eyeglasses?
""""" 111111% , - ' . ■
Or, at least, TEX,to;^ear them? Many, people Jhave their pa
tience tried^bytheir^ eyeglasses con tinually-lslipjpihg off. and irrita
ting their nose !If you coup ult our optician— he, will give you
glasses 'i that -will fit you comfortably. We can please you in. every
way— especially the price way. ;• ~" ' . .
. -We give^ Cash^ Rebate Coupons • or, if you prefer, a 5 per cent,
discount for cash. r •
C. Lumsden & Son,
■: " . ..- ■. -..' _- -•' ..--'- : ■■■.;: ; . -.■; ' ■-■ ■■ "
■Manufacturing "Jewelers and Opticians. .731 East Plain St.
I Old Gold and Silver Taken in Exchange at Full Value for. New Goods. 1
2t/a hold tho rapuiation 0/ carrying tho largest stock, of fine g
\ Sold jewel?y and soUd Jilver^are in Virginia. On this voiy H
-, account some people i/tih/c that cur prices are higher than other
ffl Stores.. Such is not the ease-^zve would be glad [to have you E
M come in and let us demonstrate thai our prices aj c as low, ff,. 1
g not lower; than you will find anyzoher* \ for the high quality 1
m goods we sell. '■:-/ ; ■'■ '. '„ * - " ■- ■ -■ ■/ . -■ ; ; ' " - '• ■
life allow a s per • cent. discount 'on all \eash purchases 0/ ' s/ |
I and over — but give no cash rebate coupons.
Th^Nowlan Company, I
1 Jewellers and Silversmiths, i
I - 921 E Main Street. |
pervade every department of our business.
We furnish expert service in the adjust
ment of OTjASSES for the improvement
and preservation of the eyesight. Prescription', wcjrk is our specialty. Com
plete optical workshop on the premises. Our PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPART
MENT is replete with all the latest Cameras, Kodaks; and Photo Supplies. In
structions and dark room free. Mail orders promptly attended to. Also a
complete line of Phonographs and Records. .
The^ 5. (iaJeskl Optical Co.j
' • • : sel-Sun.TucfeTh'tOc^
S. Ullman ? s Son's.
Arbuckle's or Lion 1 (VX
Coffee, per 1b...^ *VV
Grape Nuts or Post- t^p
urn Cereal . . \. f y
Pure Lard or Good 6r*
Salt Pork . ... °V
Best Washing Pow- *Cr
der i 3 packages . .
Fresh nacaroni or Spa
ghetti, 4 pounds ■, / l'C/?"
for /.'. ... £J^
Snow Flake :■ Flour/ rp _ |
: per Tbfol- ite.9s, or bag.^^y <|
Silver King Flour,
$4.2o; per bbl., or bag j&,*. V
Dunlop Flour, $4.20 '^'7^ ¥
■ ; ; per;bbl: or bag.....; ™,/ vvX
i-pound* Box _ Braad <y |>
Soda - . •• ¥
Mixed: Spices for pick- frifi'^; %
ling, lb -. „ *vi |
Duffy's Mai t".? Whiskey, d K>^ |
i per bottle : il. ; O3V^
Congress Hall Rye ym - ¥
Whishe}^, qt. bottle. . /3C |
Roast Peanuts, qt... 3C I
. ' ' ' : - . ' ' %
1 ; Pint Bottle Catsup t. . . •• 5C5 C
X Large ; Bottle Household K/,
Ammonia. ... .F. .. . . . . :,r?.V
% Quart Jars Sweet y. g|T|^
I Pick1e. ....... . . . . .,. ?y V
.% can ; Honey ',ri'(\£
h Drip 5yrup.. .......
% Best' Table Sauce, per I
I bottle' • v^V-l
<c Cany Tomatoes, per „ o I
Z can OC
-% Bartietti Pears, large '• : ,-^>K£
$' Cans, 3 f0r ....... . . :^P^ J
| Potted \ Ham- or Ton- ; I'Jr.^
|j gue. ...... . . ...... .'. . ■■.-;■■.■ vTV'
. • 9 f
4 5-11). Pail Home-Made ;^a^
I • Preserves 3)\sK.
Jellies, per <^_
% p0und. .. .. ........ ; . .
f-Asso r tie d Preserves; x^
I pound. -•••^"S
I Best Lump Starch, per fittS;
I pound /*V
I Celluloid Starch, per a
I , package. J^.
I 8 bars Octagon Shaped ym
•I Soat> for . . *3!b
Every Article Warranted to Give Satisfaction.
S^f^^-ULLn^-^N"*^ SON,;.; :
-•■■•■ 1820-1 823 '1506 JE;''Mar»liali;^§r^
6ld!Pl»oiie3l6:^eiv:Piioue 1509. Old ari|^Kf^?Bbdni«?34^
B^PM&-]S C H JESTJS JRf 81?O JRE^I 2JL2« \2 l *^H]U JuKi vSTRBBTi^"" I' 1
Sun, Tue" & Frl
( Sun, Tues & Th-ts)
Experience and
Qt. Mason's I mp'dEjCjr
Fruit Jars; doz.;.. 3CJv
Best Granulated ■, jjjl >•;
sugar, per pound; a/4V
Best City Ground 10/?
Heal; per peck. .;. A ; 7-V :
Oyster Crackers and Cjv»
Cracker Dusty jb.. ■;? V
Best Ginger Snaps >€■ Iv
or Sod a Crackers* V
Pure Cider Vine^ i^|V^
k^r, per gallon. .^"1
2-pound'package Post- H&/\^t '*&
urn Cereal £\sL> |>;
Mountain 'Roll Butter, | jw* X
pound *^£_x":
I^-gallon Mason elm- j^gf^il;
proved Fruit xlars. ...•7;.Jv;.'f>
'Good Wash Board OCt
Good Mixed or Green n>ri- %
ig^Tea, for -3UV-- 1;
Cuticula Toilet Soap, I
||Sper dozen .:...; , * ,
Shreddea Cocoa n u t. ri C***§f <»!
.-. , .^".-'- . "Tw $mi +?s**? 0--j' ; '■
•^The'Salf of Salts
"■' "' '' ' 'fltf AfirhAl fill' fnlf fr ' ' ''""
' COOIS :i^ D I O O d|^ j
tern, ensures ■ per
fect health; ogives
a new zest to life.
At too* draifiiua yy mall tS^nswttt^WpirtaW*
Suvfe v* ffwkW fret «nq«Ht
The Abl)ey Effervescent Salt Co.
; .9-15 Murray. Street,' Ncw,York '.' ; - r-_r -_
..-: "Capital City Route.''
Short Line to Principal Citie3 of the 1
£; SoutH and South west,' Florida, Cuba^ ■;
f Texas^ ■ California^ -;> : and^:.<; Mexico,^
v reaching the' Capitals iof six States. ,
Scliednle In Effect May 26, 1901.
"■S-x No. 27. ■.■.'■■; ■No:: 31:^ 5i- v • :■:- ;l; : -" : : - ;: ' 'is; H;/ ; ;
12:40 P.. M. 10:40 P. M-V^Lv.- Richmond.
• 3:27 P. M. U :30 P.M. >Lv.'Petersburg. -
57:40 P.M. ; : •4:10 A; -M^Lv. -Raleigh.;; [i
10:35 P. ■•M.';,y 7:00 A; M. : Ar. Hamlet. ; ".
■ 9M Ay M. v 4^5 P. "M/'Arl'- Atlanta; \j '
10:50 P.- M. > t^o AY: M. i Lv. Hamlet.'' -*\ ■'
■ ■ZM A. M. 10 :35 "A. ;M.^Ar.: Columbia 1 ; :
; ■: ■•■:,::; - : . (Eastern Time).
,1:05 A. M. 9:40 A. M. XiV.' Columbia " : : : ::
•>-; •«:-■ :-■:'■ ; . ..:; ;■- ■ . ; (Central^ Time).'
4:52 A. M.: 1:47-P.:M. Ar. Savannah. ]\ ■"..
/9:30 ArM.t 6:00 P. M. ; Ar. Fernandina. •
905 A. M. 6:10 P. M. Ar. Jacksonville. -
:3a5: 3a5 P. M. 6:30 A. M.- ! Ar. -Tallahassee.
:=1:48 P. M. ; 1:00 A. M;~Ar: Ocala. ;
P. M. 7^o A. M. Ar. : Orlando.
6:40 P. M. 6:15 A . M.I Ar; Tampa.
10:30 P. M. 8:80 A. M. ■ Ar. Port Tampa.
9:45 P. M..::..;.;v..:. ; Ar. Miami;; / - :
Train So. 41 leaves Richmond 9«30
A; M. . daily, ; f ojr Peterstourgr, j jVorllna,
' Jf." 'C, and all - intermediate •" points.'
Connection at Ifbrlinii Tvi<h vraini ar
rivingrjEteridersbn S:1O P. M. and Ra
leigrh 3 jBO P. , M. daily, and Dnxnam
4i15P.^31. daily, except Sunday.
.Trains; leave Ricliinond: for Wast-
Ington, New; Yorlc,: and; the Eart
dally, No. 34 at 6 :40 "A. M. and . Jfo. 6S
;at:3x3s : P.'M.;-V:'-:;-. : "'.->;;^ : :";; ' : -;' ■; ' . :
i Connections at Jacksonville and Tampa
for all | Florida East ; Coast > points,- and
Cuba and - Porto - Rico. ; At i New ; Orleans
for all points in. Texas, -Mexico, and -Cali
fornia. T-.. : - :.■-/•-•:-. '■:".-
r" '"-:■ :■--• ■ ■ .-;■■ DAILY. --■. ■ ■-.-. ■ '" ''.
6:32 A: M., No. 34 I From ■ all points South
3:81 P. M., No.- 66| ; and Southwest
6 :46 P. M. , No. 2&; from Norlina. N. C. ,
Petersburg, and localpoints.
Nos. 31 and 34— Florida: and -Metropolitan
Limited. Drawing-Itoom," Sleeping Cars^
and . Through Dayv; Coaches between, Ne-w
York -:-. and Tampa;? r: .Also, v Through
Drawing-Room . Sleeping; Cars • be
tween New; York and Atlanta. .. _^ ;
Nos. 27 and 66— Florida and Atlanta Fast
Mail. ; Through ; Dra wins-Room ■ Buffet
Sleeping Cars between New/ York : and
Tampa, connecting at Hamlet ; •witn.
Sleeping Car to and from ' Atlanta. In con
nection ■ 1 with which Through i Pullman
Tickets are sold. : Finest Day Coaches.:
2. P. - SMITH, ,-i District • Passenger . Agent,
- 836 east Main street. 'Phono 405.
J. M. BARR. ■'■ •:■■■-■;• sjr.:y:rpl ;--.^v.:,, .-. ■
First Vice-Prealdent and Gen. Manager,
Portsmouth. Va. R. E.-L. BUNCH, .
mygj ■■■;.:-. ; . : , Gen.. Pas3. Agent. -
For: KeW Vorlt, .tlife Nortb, aud Ewst.
PASSENGERS can leave daily, .except
Sunday, by - Chesapeake and Ohio railway
at O A.M. via Norfolk, or O A. M. and
3-15 P. ; M. by Norfolk and Western' rail-"
way,- via Norfolk, %both lines connecting,
with direct steamers I sailing/ same day. ?.-
Steerage • passengers ! can * leave . by- aux
iliary steamers .; Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday,'; sailing .: f rom ; Rocketts at 5 P.~ M.;
and = changing to main-li?ae ships at Nor
°FREIGHT for! all northern, ' eastern,
and f-jreit'n ports ; .received at cempany's
wharf Rocketts,' and - forwardoa - daily
; PASSENGERS^ can. Ieave daily, except
Sunday,- from, company's;: pier, ; No. 36
North river.- at 3 P. M.. : for QJd Point
Comfort and : Norfolk, ; connecting . with
Chesapeake and Ohio and 1 Norfolk and
Western- trains for. Richmond.; .:-.; .
• FRElGHT. received and forwarded daily
except Sunday. ;'. " -■.
Tickets; on sale at company's office,' l2l2
east Main street;! Richmond ". Transfer
Company's. ' 90i «ast ••'■'•Main sirec r ; : Mur-'
phy'S: Hotel, I Chesapeake and;; Ohio, and
Richmond and ' Petersburg depots; Rich
mond. Baggage checked through to all
points.- ' ■■':' '■:V ; -: /'/ '- - ';' -V '- ' 'rj.~; ";•<■'■ -\ '- -■- '-
■ For further information apply to ■■■;. -
JOHN F. 'MAYER, Agent, ";
, 1212 eas t Main s treet.i Richmond. ;,"Va. '
■ General offices: 81 " Beach^ street, • cornor
West; street. New -York,: N- -Y. -
Traffic Manager. . Gen'l , Pass. Agent. ,'
m~~ " ""tSGIKIaJtmiGATM CO
- '■-„.—» -r — -. ■ - ''■'-:■: :?■;- ":"'-- v" .■■■'- - : . : ■■• ■ -'
rjteamer Pocahontas leaves every iiON-
V, X.y t,VedNE3DAY, and FRIDAY
a.t'7 'A:- M. : for, Norfolk. Portsmouth, 'i Old
Point Newport ': M cws, CJlaremon t, r "artf
J dmes^river.v landings, ..and Z connecUnar : at
Old Point ; and : rTorroik for .Washington,
Baltimore, ■ and the; North. . v ; ;■- : .
; St^tc-rooms^ reserved for the night at
moderate i prices."- . * ■ V': ; ; ; : ,^ •„ . . _,- : .• :'. ; !
Electric-cars ; direct xo the : wnarL Fare,
only $1.50. and% sl to ; Norfolk. Mualc" by
GraridHOrohestrion^ . = i- , " }
Freight received' tor above-named places
and all points in /Eastern. Virginia .and
North .Carolina; IRVTN.WEISIGER. :
.':■ _..- :-•.,"■': :,:."•.>; General Manager.'- ■
:S. Al Sarber/ Jr.- ■■ atotetaxy^-z^l aplß;y
V/'x;. .r-;- ■:•• .;COMJANir,r : :^ - ~mMg*l
Steamship line. t^,
'' Appointed' sailing days > Erery: TUEBr
DAY; FRIDAY, ; and A SUNDAY at- d*y-
HFreight received daily until SP. It :
For further informa^n.a^g^^
General : Souther 6fflce;;«Kockett»l
■■;-■,:,;-=.;• .■• „-• „;■:;- . ; ?
;.-':-; f e a -; General :
; SsSHHBs : Slodern, S»fe,F»»t,'Aver«sce voyngt |
■!_fsHßS«^Ks^.- : ■■ ■i "■ ■'■ under 7 Day*. .. .-■ .-:.-■..■
Boston to Queenstown and Liverpool-!
SaiUuz f rom 8."4 31. E-B: Docks as rollow;:^
■ -"NewtEngiand, ! ComnwnwealtoM
•: 11 600 tons., • I - Jl- 13.000. lonsTmMl
•SepSSandiOct. S i Sep.^and^Oct^
% Saloon^passage 1 150 1 andjup; : 2d % cablng
$40 •>&3d ? diSs \at U6 wes tl r ates; ; E\>r ; , pas
* saie [ illUßtrated!lolder£ap^
Iply^to ■'■ the .company's office, njtet*
street, Boston, Mass.
Heads. Note-Heads. Circular, - Hand
.BiiSrßoa^teto^prtated by thpVDl..,
ffcatchfcompany at law Prtce^^U;£T*
order, and wa will suarantee satisfaction
; „ >JUMIOAD lllllfc
• C.,: and- all -stations ibetweea^Keya^,
vliie " and pDur^am; B connectingffat;
Im , I bar«;l at" Jeftess < f or 4 Buffalo JLithlaJ
Sprtags [andrtocali stations I on f Nor- .
folk Division nto-'i Danville; at 2 Ox-;
. . ford for Henderson ;: at Durham If otj
Raleigh, ; Goldsboro', and ! aUf Norta?
p^^CarollnaVpolntai^S^i:: .;'>'.>.- ! WS&tgm
13:O1 P. M.. No. ?, solid trß'o HmHyMozl
Charlotte, N.C.; Connects at Hose?J
ley wlthsFarm-?llle;and3Powhatan
railroad ; 3at 5 Qreanabortfij f or^ purrj
ham/ Ralelih. anaiWlnston-Salem;!
- - . at,Danvnie"with iSo^ZS. -United;
States fast -mall, solid^traln^dallyj
for New -Orleans and points (South,
which : carries sleepers ; ; to > New i Or
'■:■ lean3sand Jacksonville.! connectjnS;
Zor Nassau and -Havana. Buffet
. ; ■&■::_ Ji drawlns-roomssleeperißlchmona ito
Atlanta- and Birmingham;! Through
. train, with ; sleeper, Salisbury .-, to
B^emphls. ■■ ■-■ - ■■ -■ ■■■■■'- -^ -■- ■. ■■
ll:3O P.-M.; No-1 11; Southern ? Exwrfss, ;
.;..-= 3 dally, for : Atlanta;?Augustar|\racK^ ;
!=! = - §
: f or ;■ Danvlllfr^ Greensboro^;« Salto^
- bury, and Charlotte; opens at ijMcJtj
■?.&■■■■; mond -i 9:30 P. ?M. Connection j^rith
" ; New =Tork and Florida > Expres* and
Southwestern iwhlclx^Cttr
ries through; sleepers«to;Augu»ta,;
." Savannah,, Jacksonville.
NashvUle. /Memphis.- Atlanta.
Orleans; etcs Complete ; ; dlnlny-car,
s»rvice.:. Also. -Pullman^ touri»t
sleeDer Mondays; :'W-ednesday3 i aaa i
, - Fridays tWashuigton to ;San; Fran-,
. i. clsco, without > change, with : connect
; ,--. '■•'. tions for all pofnts IniTexas,- Mcxi
;. cor> and :- /. -— ♦
O:OO P. M., vNo. =; 27. lo#al dally. -, except
Sunday, for Keysville. and - inter-
v 6 :*4O p." m!) From Atlanta. ■ Augusta,
" v Ashflvllle. and sllpofnts South. •
8 :4O A. M. , from Keysyllle ;• and . local
■~- .~: stations. >„■.." - ; .•.."■,;-■'. : .■_.■"- -^ -V"" ■ :'-J»:-3:12: '-J» : -
3:12 P. M.;: from Durham, Oxiora, ana
: intermediate ': stations. ; :^± -
Nos. 61 and 62, between 'Manchester and
.. » Neapolls- ■.■.■".'■■'■'■■■ .' . " - •- • ;.
'4*30 P. M., No?16,~ Baltimore Limited,
■ daily, except; Sundays. -connecting
' - at West Point ■■ tTith ■ s teamers t for
Baltimore -and York-river ; landings.
- Stops only at stations between
Quintdn and VWest Point. :
2*30 P. M..- No. :; 10, daily^ except Sun
days local express for »West . Point
and Intermediate : stations. Con
nects with ? stage at : Lester , Manor
for "Walkerton and Tappahannock.
5;OO A. M.. No. 74, local : mixed Leaves
dally, except Sunday. for 'West
Point and intermediate : stations,
connecting with stage :at Lester
- •■'-- Manor fnr : Walkerton and Tappa
. hannock.
»:15 A. M.| daily. from : West Poln*." vrith
connectlonjfrom Baltimore, except
-? Mondays. ' :;;•:. - "'• " "' ■ '• ■' - ' •
10:45 A;-M-,"-: dally, except Sundays and
'."-■" "."•■■ Mondays. ;;' .:. ."■ .^;,- -; . "}"■-■ ■. I
5:15 P. M., -daily, except Sundays, from
West Point und intermediate sta
- tloas. ■':'- ■'•vi.;; : ''.l : ;"-? .-.-">...: : ;
% Steamers leave West Point- dally,
exctoc Sundays, 5:50 P. M.. arrlv
ln-,5 Baltimore 8:30 A. M.
Steamers ; call at . Almonda and
Yorktown Tuesdays, Thursdays, \
and "Saturdays; Clay Bank and
Gloucester Point ; Mondays. Wed
nesdays, and Fridays.
•; • District Passenger -Agent,
■ : ' .- 920 east Main street.,
- Richmond. Va.
General Passenger. Agent.
. - ; : • •, . : F. S/ GANNON; :
Third Vice-Presiaent . and General Man
ager, Washington. D. C- ' r. v;?3el8;I
September 21, 19CMU
■•'.•'•■-.■■-■• EAST-BOUND. : :: .. ■ ...
8:O6 A.'IH. Daily. Local to Norfolk, Old
; Point, etc. . Connects a-t: Norfolk
with New York (Oldt Dominion)
- steamer, except Sunday. ; :
5:45 P.' : M. - Daily. : Local to Norfolk.
v ; Pullman, to Old Point. -
4 :45 P. M. "Atlantic Limited" 'to - Nor
folk, Old-Point,; etc./ with Parlor
Car, except Sunday,, to Old Point
Connects at Old Point .with Wash
: - ington. Cape Charles,- and Balti
- more steamers.' '. ? ' : ;
- \vest-bousi>. „ -
S;3O A. M. Daily- to iCharlotteaville,
• and except Sunday, to Clifton
• — : Forge.- ' ••■ ■■' * - --- - ■ - •-■ ■ ■' - "■'-■ '" ■■
1:30 A- M. Daily. Solid Vestibule tram
for Clifton Forga 'and ' Blue-Ridge
Mountain Resorts.' Parlor Car and
./ Pullman Sleeper. Connects through.
■ - to- Louisville, -Cincinnati." Chicago,"
and : St: -Louis. ii Flvd to. eight hours'
quickgst UneaWost. .i . •
5:30 P. ;M. <3ordonsville " Accommod'a-:
tion, except - j Sunday. Every Satur
day this train -will run through. ; to-
Waynesboro'. ',, : ; --
10-3O p. M.~ Daily for Mountain Resorts;
Pullmans to Cincinnati, Louisville, •_
' and West. AU: meals in Dining
; v ■ "iCar.- ; J'' ':" .'." '.:-'.'■.." .';■'. 'I' ' :l: l ■ '•■ -'."■"■
10:30 A. 1 M. Daily for iLynchburg, I*ex
~ . ington; Va;, New. Castle, -and: CHf-.
"* ' ton Forge. Except -Sunday or
Rosney and 'Alberene.: Parlor. Car.
5:15 P. M. Except Sunday for-Lynch
- burg, -with Redining-Chalr Lar,
arriving at Lynchburg 1030 'P.' M..
S:3O A. M. and 3:25 P. M. Daily from
- . Cincinnati. - - „
9-45 A ' M. V Except Sunday from Gor
dorisville." On Mondays will ran
from Waynesboro'.^ v
12-4O P M. Except Sunday from \N or
■"•;;"?..:,- folk.-r" -"•".■; -■■ ■- :,. : "' : :' : : ;'■• - -'."■ ■'■: : ' • '... '- :
:iO:15 A. M. and T^O P. M. Dally- from
Norfolk. " : ■;-'■:■. - ''■-"-'■■'
-8-15' P. -M; Dally -from CharlottesviUe,'
and except Sunday from \iClifton
■ ■'-.'■ Forge. ■■-'■'•'■. ':.■ ".'"'■•'■ '-■"■■ ■-. ';.-'■'.■.'-'-;.
S-4O As M. -Except Sunday from, Lynch-:
'-T.-.. burg and -Alberene,- with Recllnlng
'<:i:-' ; Chair. 1 Car ; from ; Lynchburg. .- y ; -
"'is -25 P. M.' Daily, from [Clifton Forge ana
'-■ Lynchburg. .and except Sunday
- - from New ' Castle; ■ Lexington, Va.,
■ ' - and*. Rosney. ■" .; "■'."-■:. _^. o . k
. Apply at ; 809 ; east , Main J street, 903 : eas v
;Mainr street; and :^J^ 3^^^^-:
, ther : information.; JOHN- D. ■: POTTS,
.->-. ?■■■-. ■■■-. -■■;v-.i ■■;■•.;'■ ■■-■•.■•'-■ ■■'...-. '' ";"■ '-"Ai '„G t. ■ P. ; A.*.>-- :
; -^TT rW. -FULLER, G^ P. A. "-r."-\S&2I--.:
Via C.&O, Railway and
Old Point.
l>ave Rlchmoni-wia . Chesapeake and
Ohio railway: flally," except JJunday. at *:«
p!^ M.; connecting i at Old Point, with
sunerb - steamers <s of a the i Old : Bay
leaving at .7:15 |P.i M.; ; Arriving , Baltimore
6^30 AT M.. in time to make connection
Short rail ridel and : all ; night jon one ;of
the finest ; steamer* 1 in' southern waters; ; ,
.For tickets 1 and ! general j information.; ap
ply sat 1 general v:- bftlces !? Cheaapeake Kand
Ohio - railway .^Richmond; Transfer > Com^
pacny^andß36»ast Me In street. Ui.il
Steamship Lines. , ,-ij
; ■OSTOH. f MA4B4^ A3H> , ?RO V IDKXCS» .
> •■•■■-..-■. :"-::/^f«>. " : -■■:■ '?■':
monpat. 1^* I**1 ** f^P^»* n *
- Ac«Mimod«doaa &n4 c&la* tnuur*
iifwn i- ■ " " -"SKSe^
~>tM«nir*ra ■ **4 ' <*•*«** tahm for -all
;'-JJ- Tlcfc*t> OS ! ,s^ ! ' ' JKUfll )fc MB i
teff; ; p p^RlcftinoiKl, PwftS^^
i»:3o:f^M.^X»iUly; t ;for^Wßabiß«tdoTaa(tfr»
Stops'^ at^MWf oc«fe^
t^St^erlcksirarff.' find .Qasntlcftv^
.-v ( :sieepers? > ta%.Wa3liinston : ; : aatr<-K«i»'i ; "y
pg^^rork.- . . . : -S3g*»gSS
. B.S» A. 2X.. Suxi<lajr only, for % "
; ; and .-.■ points ■, North . ■' - i StO^BJ at - : i\
i " • Ell}a."'.Glen:rAilen, an»l local>4»t*s|s
tions, -Ashland ;, to j QuantlcoiT' tadtt-.?^
. stvo. . Buffet i Parlor car- %% 1 - ' - , '^" "^
*#^aWa»hlngton.iandialis points iNortli£^||
Stops at Ktfca. 'GlenS ? Att«a.'a«a4j;^j
local statlox^^AaWanCtaiQuanttJ*. 1 :-^!
.'■ : ;'■ -;ihcluslve.'»B^et?P^oricar^f^^
*2^)Ol^v!SE^ly7i^excopt*^Sußaay^.g t f«r§t.|
-- " -;.- Waahfaigton&andigpornta^NoetJlj^v
. Stops at Elba^ Gles AJlcD^^AaWwid, 4. t
- . Coswell, "; JUlford.sFre«9rlcksbttrtfc. -£-
" and ■Quaatlco.:£Buft9t?PWK>r3caßm
; , Connect* iwi th ; Consraasloaal iTUmlXr>jfa
. \ed.atKWasMn«ton.
• - ' ";polntß Stops* at i-SltbaiTAs&^feS
land, Doswell; VMllf ord. . lYederic^aKiwv
. burg.: Brooke,^ Wf de-water. 5 »a«l
Quantlco.^ Stops fat j other! station* J^i
Sundays." r Sleepers - Rlcbaaoad to
- - New ; York and : :; .Waahingtoa .- to
Philadelphia.' 1
8 :4O A. M., Daily. Stops at Wldewater,
- "Brooke, Fredericksburjr»-i?Mllfortv ' ■
Ddswell. A«hlandr3nd 4 Elßa.^ Stop* ls4
ether stations - Sundays. Slaeper >
: "New ;York. to Richmond. . - " ~ .'--.,
12:54 P."; M.v Daily,-, except 'Sunday^' atopi" .;■
,- a - local stations, - Quantlco to -Ash- .*
v ''i- : ■'- 'Q land, ' inclusive, ' : Glen" 'Allen. '■",. and - . ■
--Elba. -Buffet Parlor: car. . - ; ; !
:2:42 P. M., Dally. Stops! at Fred«ricla»i«
> burg. - MilfordV Doswell, Ashland, I
;, : ' and Elba.
,-6: ST P. aL, Daily.- Stops at FtederJcks
burs,- Doswel*. Ashland, and 251ba. . ■;
Pullman cars • from New York i and szX
'. "Washington.
P. M., Daily. • Stops at local !sta
tions.QuantfccK'to; Ashland, Inclo* "
aivey Glen AUen.- 3 and Klba. Buffet - ;
Parlor car: / • - •; .- :...;
(Dally Except Sunday.) ".
■ T:I»f A. M., Leaves ELBA for Astalanrt.
.4^o P. St., -Leaves ;BYRI>-STRBET tot
: /*:?---'KFrederlckflburg.' ' -~ "^ ~ z
6.-3O P.- M.. Leaves ELBA for Ashland. ?• I
, 6:40 A. M.,' Arrives ; ELBA from VAahr. .^
■ - "land." : ■} '•"•:■ ; •;' 'j'. ■>. : >M
8-23 A. M.. Arrives BYRD-STRIET
:;'-.-? from;: Frederlckaborsf. ,■ ' r~"
5:52 P. M.. Arrives ELBA from "Ash* ;
■ -:;:•:■.: .land L:-;■,-. : ■--•■•-.■;■ ■■„'-.. ' -■■;;;;;■;•' -;.ii
6;40 A: 31., Daily, for.: Washington' and, •
; polnt3 .North. Stops -at Fredericks- .-"'v;
. burg ■•- and'; Quaatlco. Sleepers" to::;
New York.
3:35 P. a!.. Dally, for Washington anril <<?$.
: points North. Stops at Doswell,. ■'
"■:',' Frederlcksburg, and Quantlco.-. '-
Sleeper to New York. ■ . r '; ; .
2 :3S P. M»» Daily. Stops -at Fredericks- ■ ;
' burg, Mllford. Doswell. and? As- .
land. /Sleeper from New York. ■ .
t0:3O-P. M., Daily. Stops at Fredericks- -.
- burg-. Dorwell.' and Ashlemd. Sleep- ■
■ ers from New York. - ■ :_■
"■ W. P. TATT^OR. Traffic Manager.
m T. D. .MYERS President. ray 3f
UiilT«y.? Schedule in E^set
Jane 28, 1001. ! ':
9:00 A- ii., NORFOLK LLJdUTED. Ar
rives Norfolk 11:20 A. M; Stops ouly
at ■ Petersburg, .Waverly, and Sui-.
'■■''■ -".folk. '"" '" ' " ; ; ' : .""■:••-"• ■■;""; ~y "'■^•^:
for .Lynchburg, Eoanoke, Colujm
• bus, and Chicago. Buffet Parlor ;
car Petersburg to Roanoke. Pull*
man Sleeper Roanoka } to Colum-
bus; also, for Bristol; ;KjJoxvllle».
and Chattanooga. Pullman Sleeper
Roanoke to Knojcvllle. - ;■-
Brls P.M.; Ocean Snor© I4nnlted. Ar
< rives Norfolk 5:35 P.M.; Stops onl/i
; at Petersburg, waverly. and Suf
folk. Connects at Norfolk - witlv
steamers to Boston. Provldanca,
■ . New York,* Ealtlmoro. and Wash
- . Ingcoa. ■■ '-- -' ■■ ■:'■-- ■" ■"•■ ".- «•: : ;'■' ' :-' - :
6:5T P. IL, : fpr'Suffoilr, Narf cat, aiid in
. * "termediats station. Arrives rat
Norfolk at lOyU) P. M., :; ; > ;r
QUO P". 31.. for; Lyaehbujcff and^ißoa-j
noke- Connects at Lynchburir -wrlUi
Washington ' and Chattanooga lim- ;
ited. Pullman Sieep^S: Lynchbrrr*
to Mamphra ana New ; Orieamt
. ; Cafe. Parlor, and Observation . «ax» -
Badfordto> Attala^Ala: Pnllraao
Sleeper Rich moa<T .and
Lynchburg. -Berths roady- -for^ioo-'
cupancyat B^o ;P- -JJI-: Also. Pull
man Slaeper Petoraburg and Boa-;
-»'-. ■ xioke. . : '■ '. .:■-■ ' : ' . '■■ " ■"■'.?'
Trains- •arrive Richmond from Lynch-:
burg and the West ■ dally «t 7:33 Jl it
and>B:s»-P- =M-; from Norfolk and thf <
East at 11 ilO A. M.v H:-«S A. V-M,; art %
: OfHce: 83S Main street. - ' •
• ~; " JOHX &■• WAGNER. ?>;? > ;
" City Passenger, and Ticket fAgenU^
District Passenger Agent. >
iW. B. B^rfLu
Qeneral Passenger . Agent.
General Office: Roanoke.- "Va. ;"Je 2S y ;
Schedule iaEitect. June SO, 1»O1.
»:0O A. M., NOEJFOIik I^illTKD, Daily.
Airlvesj Petersburg 9:31 A. M.. Nor*
Jolic;ll:2a A- M: .Stops -only at
-' . Petersburg; .Waverly. i and Suffolk.
P;OS A. M. -Daily. Arrives Petersburg
> »:4S A. : M.; Weldoa. 11:50 A. M.,
i r .-> Fayett«viile 4:25 Pj If „~ Charleston. :^
10:55 P. M., Savannah 2:55 A. M.;
r -Jacksonville 8:30 A. M., Port Tam-V"
pa 7 ilO P. at. Connects ac i WUsatt-lH
•with No- -17, arriving Goldaboro' 2:3§
P. M., Wilmington 6 P. M,; Pull- "■:
man Sleeper Nevr York, to Jackso*- . .;
1i:55 'A. M. Pally, except Sunday. Ar
". ■;.•• " rives Petersburg- 12:35 : P. M«;Stopa
Manchester, Drewry's Bluff. Cea- ;
-U tralla. and Chester on alsnal.
Daily. Arrives Petersburg j3:-15;P.
M., Norfolk 5:35 P. if. Stops, only:
. ; at Petersburg; Waverly, and, |Suf
4:30 P°. 21. Dally, ; except Sunday. Ar
rives Petersburg 53 P. M.» .Weldon
' 7-^7~P.'M.» ana Rocky.; Moanfei ß^4
P. M- Makes all lntarmediate stopa.
5:57 P. it. Daily. Arrives P«ter3burgf
' ' 6 :45 P. 11. afakes ; ail ? stops. » '
6:57 P. M. FLORIDATA?n>,WEST Df-
DIAN" IJMITHD. Dailyvv Arrive*
■ Petersburg 737 i F.^M. ■: Connacta -
with Norfolk and Vv estero for Nor
folkiand intermediate 'Points;' £n»>
• porla 8:43 P.M.' fconnactaiwitafAt- ;
lantic and DanvUla for stations be
tween Eraporia and Lawrenc&vine): :■:?
•Weldon 8:13 P. M. r Fayattaville 13^1
A. M.: Charleaton*si3 a. M.«;-at
vannsa -7"XO A. 2J., v J&clwonvlL!* :.
.12^6 P- M.. PottTanKWt'XlSO K-i M.
GIA POINTS^-ArTivine'An*us<:7^s
--■ ; '-'' ;J A-^M.y-Macon*U:ls:fA^M-^Jcaanta M
52^S P- M.. ThomasvillwS^S P. M,
PuHraan Sleeper^ Nev-xorkstovWU- :
mlngton. Charleston; 'Port iTamp^.
; Jacksonville.- AugU3ta,i and 3iacon.
»a» P. M.^ D*Uf. Arrivlnsr : Petarsbtir#«
>. .-•. -• 3-15 iF^iJ." -" Connects at ,'Petarsbur^
V : wltHsNorColk tand--^v"estem -rft«- <-
i wayv;; arriving Lynchbursr ,; 2:30 A. .
M.. Roanoke ■ 3 A. 31.. -Bristol 10:4§
•' A. M. . Pollmaa Sleeper
to Xynchbvzrpr.
11-JD p.* M.^.'Dally. Arrives Faterabnr* ■;;:
12-JO A. IT.
3:20 A. i!. Daily. From . JvjcksonvUi*,
Savannah, Chaxle3 ton. 'Atlanta,: Ms
. con/ Auaruata,' and all- pctatm' Soutl
T^s *Ai":s 31.? -Dally." ; ■ ;Proxa
JLyacLbura, -and :tho VWest.
: : '»:45-A.^M.-.-\-^Dally; -except ->Suaday,
•UilO''A; j ?3l.sDaUy,t«xceptiSunaar^Froa I , ; .
GoWaboro' and ?, lnterni*?<slarco sti
. - tlons, Norfolk.-; acd Suffer*. t
illrfiaA.^atwDattyi^Flronjjllarftilk^ gg£
f olk^ an^'PatewSjui^r.i^'
illiOß'Ar'Jt;^ Bund*y^oaly.- FromlNerfoU:,
a:iS P. M. Dully, «xc«pC,'Suiiffay,.'3ftoin
-P.-i? M. %•■ I>aHy A?; From s Mlaroh f Pert
Gnvia» to »« Wilmi»l*oo. Go!*»»
•borl*;: »«4 : *I1 points South. . f.'
6:5© P.^ll . Da4^. NorfoUut^^
SiWwE I'.mlf r« DaJ|jr«is«/l^^t f F«twSwr*\l
Lom«ab«rgi :■ and &**&&~^^!^^&
J. R. KENI>T. . .-.= £■ T«UBe : M«a«r«li_ >^
Wotswii^MMipt^inßt^ ■ • ;
.... - - C 5. SL CA3CMBSW*.
' '">•,:' ' ' - .sTh:;,'. sTh :;,' ""•- :

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