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WOLE NUMB^^HI cry th mil r Tiir niT\/ W \lf Hill t IHp 1 1 If Carnival King Holds Sway from. To-iirfowVDai'/iii WEEK OF MISRULE BEGINS, i Tremeii-ions TnroDg of Visitors Coming in on Erery Tram. TUB OPEXrVG-IJAY CERJSMOXIES. At SoottTo-MorroTr, "IVliexi President Hoosevelt Presses an Electric nut ton, the ; Festivities Will Cora- xnenee— Elaborate Preparations. The wcelc of misrule begins to-morrow. The dty .will, be turned over ; to Res and his merry minions with" the dawning of the <3ay, and not until.the: toll of ■ the midnight -bell on Saturday will the fes tivities be brought; to ; a close. The domain of Rex is - already; pre pared for his' comins— as ; gorffeous and ia:;tastic a city- as : cyer_,was ; built. From the great tower by 'tiie -Masonic Temple, %vsih Us triumphal- arch for the entry of the procession; when ;: the- Ivin'ff comes into Ms own, past; quaint: and beautiful booths and under electric /arches'; at; brief inten-ais down the ' stretch- of Broad street from Harrison- toi the City Hall, t&e panorajna ; is one '■ loner; procession;, of color and Ifeht and Ktvanse eilect. The effect of / all^ tliis!. showi; of //quaint I VaiSu'.n^s, with : the glitter of electricity ironi 10,000 'lajniis, and glint of color from on miles' of bunting of every color tnd :,hap(.- and' description imaginable, can only be pictured to the eye; it camict i« nprcHcntcd to the imagination.', . • . Tim ' ADVANCK --GUARD;* HERE.: ; :^" The .'idva:it;c suard of the visitors has "iirivod. aii afternoon ■■yestCTdayiqtho ' c t*"th -,v<-re crowded with strangers,';, vbo were easily disting^'-h.-ible Ironn the «uai El «,,, P i ng crowds. The street was 'iHjnur.jitcd from end to < nd. and the tff cc: of the dawnhitr' lighta w; s -niagl| v^- llwih- t'-!l \he story of thtlr.p^ !>^ r , :.:id indicate- the iiu-mfe interest U] "C'n in the by wholesale a"^ '■ -^c inquiries 'at •■ the > rail road: offices -.all lines have H ag t£i '-xj..-ot rjov.ds of unprecedented prp »i«cn fc all tJ,,ouch the ti-cclcl Nor^| X: -'-i- c^;: i>oisibl^bc formed of the- num-» _ ..—, ' • • •" " ■*•"•'• y y ' ' ' ■■■■■•■''■■■■'- --- ■■' -•--■■■• .■• . : .-. •■'.'■. .■."•.• ■•■" " '-'- . ■-■;;. ■-'■■ - ; ' '/.- '. 1...-.';,:.'.:' ;. ' ' ;'.:'. .■'.■■: 'U' .-.-' . : - '. - .' ■• ...■•...•:■■- .:■.■■■ Monday, October 1th — Opening \£)ay •>> © Thursday, October JOth—ftlilitaty^ XI (noon.) — Opening Ceremonies at Eiffel Tower stand, Jefferson © MA, — Parade of Local and Vis ting- vMttitary, Infantry, and 4jyj|p§ and Broad. '-;-:- vi| tillery, with many : .bands. " Route : Start at; Fifth^and Xrrace, 2P. M.— Grand opening of all shows. . :-■":: -■": /; > © move to. Franklin, out to Belvidere,- up to: Broad, 7 " down to; ■T P. 'Mi Illumination of Broad street 10 000 electric lights Hash © Eleventh, to Capitol, to Gfoverner, clown to^^ain^ap^wSixth^^^l 8 D >i a• l a n *.- £.i tt« £ j.u r\ -i *. ® 7.30 P. IV!. — Fire- Works, SnanrHßat tie, \nth^all§Band3i^d^ilitar^B r.fti.—— Arrival ana Coronation oi tne "' : ±LinguOi tne OarmvaL at © .. . - . , Mrp '"■•-' ■ r, n\m l °A\ v. 66 al * -, n - irr -. * c -r, , '•" BJS P. M.-^Horse ; Show at the Auditorium. .- 9 P. ni - — OlvmDian Games and Firp- YV orlc«s m\- honor of Epx at ' a ' &s&&**£**.^ joac .. _» I j*ridcxy 9 October Uth— —Ghildrens Jßciif^ 0^ >IK§ fir i /t\ , i ,>„# m* p>\ : © HA. M. — Parade of School Children, escorted 'by;Baiid§@Sa^Mili!ary. . 0/ U&&\A\Alj 9 tfe/fefvC/ee 01/ I fi&&&g^%AUC* © ironi Eiffel Tower, &ion<* i> road toxCapitol oquare. 4. P IV* P T? t' AC -f fFffi'rr © 12 (noon,)7— Jubilee Concert of 3, 000 •Children, and alLthe Bands m 7P. M. — Spectacular Sham Battle, with a reariment of soldiers land © 7 P M-i-TTi-nfr'qM -i-TTi-nfr'q TVinrlri-fi-rasi Parnrlp* Twpn+u Maamfirfmt • =MM^ oanus paruicipd-Ling, au j^iiiei ±owei., anc [ cavalcade of mounted Jvmglits of-the ; lGrolden Horseshoe, . : M.— Opening of the Horse Show at the Auditorium, .holding ® full length. of Booth street. . - '/ \h?-'l 15,O f JO people. . o .8.13 r..-IV3, — Horse Snow at the' Auditorium, fcrraua distnbucion of isHednesdau October 9th— Confetti Baw-* ' © c * m< l „ \*>sl j^- /#\ "■"■ • ■ ': •* :■ " - ■■■?;•■■ .■.■■■■■:-' -...:■■■■■.-.-;■.■■ •? J ■ *"^ m* -.■■■■..:. ■■■.■. ■■.• @ ■: ;■■ • «/ bli&ff 'M W %j/Us v(/C*f $4mlll jQ^ UllAi of*lAl§C & - SA. M.— Judging Prize- Winners at Poultry. and Pet Stock Show, © A con tinual round of fun. Burlesque, Oriental, and Fire Parade. < xaiiuauuDiu.ia. . @ • ' concluding with, the capture.:and\cremation ot the Carnival 7P. i\fc— Grand Illuminated Rex Parade, and Spectacular Concert, © Sprite at Eiffel Tower-^th'ousfnSs of spriteWllno^efifnSrl'rWS tull length or ±Jootn street. . tesques assisting in the final ceremony. ■:•,./'':.' 8.15 P. M. — Horse Sho-wat the Auditorium. .'-;.: : " : - '. © 2,30; P. Ri-^-llorse Show at. the Auditorium. : : ' -. ;-^ . -| Indications' ; a31 ' through ? the surrounding ; country, point to "a greater Carnival than last year, and one .of the " largest '"ever held in -this- country- • :■ ■ ' ," TO. START. THB CARNIVAL. The' 'announcement " that; -President Roosevelt Uhad graciously "consented to, ;open the' 'fair ; by touching a button: in .Washington attached ; to" electric- currents that will set all. the wheels turning,- all ■ the" bells tolling, and whistles ') screeching: !forth the: glad news of. the : reign" of -;the King ■ of Folly,' has lent an additional "charm to ; the occasion. . :: . ',:■■_ The Carnival Association has ! made ar rangements for Fife Alarm; N0.<191 v .to ~be turned ;In when the President; gives :the ■signal for" the opening after the speeches Jof the day- havetbeen -delivered : and the formal exercises concluded.;. : Simultaneously- there will corn ea flash of fire three ' feet high ; from ;the Eiffel . Tower, a. thousand : pigeons ; and ; a thou sand balloons'- will ibe * released, the • latter, carrying: invitations to the surrounding, country for all to ' come to the .Carnival.; : Every '- factory whistle, every locoino-, tive - whistle, every -bell, ,every. street-;, car gong, ; and : 'every ; part in the -city alarm equipment of ; the Fire and Police departments will toll ; forth the -.-.-■ glad tidings that the reign of Rex. has begun.; : ". - r THE" OPENING t. EXERCISES. ■ ; ■The opening exercises 'will begin -i at noon.' The babel that marks the opening "will 1 - occur, about-: thirty^ minutes: later,: for tho-speeches of. the Governor and Mayor, resigning : the city . : to • Rex ' and his court will be brief andY to the -point, certainly not; exceeding ; five minutes. ■ ■.-.... .-■•-. -These ceremonies i. will.:, occur, on the platform built beneath the -shadow, of the Eiffel Tower.V Phinney's -Band will 'occupy at prominent- place- and;: this great ; musical organization :. will, lend :' a; flood of ;harmony-to r the. occasion, _^; s;- • Upon the- stand to .the ; north L .-wiU.r be the master of ceremonies, -, the ; president of the association. > the, vdirector-gene rall ;■ the * officers ; vof - .the ;! "association, ; an^ftheJTarious members^pfithej commit^ tee S vwho:have;labored so ; fajth^ny,and j so well 1 for the success .of, the fair. - ; The directors* of: the, Carnival Association^ occupy a- stand on the, opposite side of the street with their families. - At riooivPresident^leyer: will: enter.^ stand •the master of ceremonies , will! rise^ aSanfare^f StrumpetsV will ; .be;soun^. ed-^T^ Governor! and .Mayor cailedWand^anfescort^n^be^ent^o. Se^Ss onTand^rayor'sf offlce^-where StliSu:be;in\ waitin^iAiprocession^wm Sicn : be- formed/ and the officials will . be aSn£gW^ Colonel Johnt&jHarwood^ S^^^present:Governor^Tyleiv pSfcst^d in 1.,, =«y »y Pr|^. The electric circuit between, the V.Tiite Tow'-t has been taken, in nlgh^.at (aevarsplen planned. upon a sc^ t^ mm p ted; , j ni 6U ch a incidents ; to the ''great "central^ fact, gand the climax will be reached inithe procesr "sion r of | the • King on Tuesday/night iwith; his finely/ caparisoned -Knights;"- of Jthe <(lk)lden : Horseshoe,"/andr; the ; floats J setting forth, the/^ualritest of quaint fa^egorieslt::; >Every day/; has; /its/wealth/; of ,■; special! features,"-, butt- free '/.entertainments,':;;' the' shows, 7 : the a passing throng-, ~: will ■/furnish* ; illimitable ;J interest -.:. through) every.;'; hour ;bfthe : .week.. MAKYjEXTI^-L POMCE3IEN; l^r'ranß-einents'Perfecteiivfor.Protec ■ tingr -Visitors to : Ca.niiva3. . The police arrangements/will be all that the occasion ••/vrillV deraandif or^S-thelweek^ MsLfdr-f Howard' has Jbeent hard ; ; at , work for ;;, some ' time ,' endeavoring: ~ to \ oiit .the.,best>plan?by :^which^the : VvisitorsKt6 the^; Carnival .would_be protected from: the crooks that .will rendezvous ? here for the week. , - '.y. y Forty-nine extra ;; police i have '■ been ap'-f pointed ; for > the v extra ;work. "■< Six ;;of ?the number win .be :sergeahts.;^s They; will -be .equipped^\vith:;badgejarid'lnace^onJyAThey, will?,bo /under, ithe>;direct£c6mmand/fi the>;direct£c6mmand/f of Major- . Howard, v and : will \ not V make - re-^ ports a; special .captain., i fiOGIESY AWAITS :THE: OPENING OF THE HORSE SHOW NEXT TUESDAY* | HORSE-SHOW' EXHIBIT The Great Auditorium a Blaze of *MAY OF EQUINE BEAUTIES, j The xVuditorium was a blo?;o of light last night. In the stalls in the-build ing almost 200 horses rested after their journey to the fresh fields /of : conquest or disappointment. Some of them seem ed : particulary. conscious <of their beauty, and v all -of them realized that something unusual ; was about to , happen, n Thous ands: of people flocked to the theatre of next week's horse show exhibit " in. sporise .ito /the invitation ; issued on Friday, and drank in therglories of the ring and I the % excellence : : of :■ the % arrangements f h f or, {-■what J Is f destined^ to Sbe/Jthe most iiiterestirig i Horse" Show-s ever '! given in>therSouth. ' «,The interior -of Uheibuilding is a blaze j6fiWght;f^Ne^ly/l,o(»lelectric ! globe3lturn; night 4ntoj dayv/ and;Ywith i the ; aid; ' of \ forty : ;^c|lighJs^the'Scene!i3ralmo3t:daz2liiig'lin.' ! splendor: This brilliant effect is en haiicedl hy^ thej prof usion. iof ibuntingi- with/ /.which %/ : the"' '. boxes &'. and preserved -5 sections ; are > most /tastef ully, :'covered: ; / ■ Fans •of color,? banners / of :design/;inational / flags, ahd?bunting r of every t -- description,^ fur-^ ?color; that iit|isjih«rdsto d.efine?i or 'describe. A PRIjMB 'ATTRACTION. ; From ; next- Tuesday : night : until '■■-■ Sat urday, 'the Horse Show will be"- one of the ■ 'prime ■: attractions : of .the Carnival;" I Lovers • of : the noble beast are coming 1 [ from^allvparts.V'bf ; { thelcbimtry^f^mejtot j take?rart ; in s_the"Uveixl. numerous j on the programme; others to nee what i 'the Old Dominion can ' do after." years without ■■ practice. Time was, when Vir ginia > led% the f country, -with ? her j exquisite specimens \of j horseflesh^ and vl there ?is^a /vastTamount \ of > interest •to see what \ has been?! done- in the ■ past ■; few4decades,rand to ; make"; cbiriparisoh r i'between » the J horses lot | other I sections^and^the^best^thatiVlr ginia; can put in the ring. For horses are '■■? coming -here from ■ " every quarter; prize-winners, 1 ? manjrfof 'them;? inHtheiNa^ ; ti6n's s^eatest £ shbw^|at|aradisbn.3 Square Garden;^ Ne^i^^rk^laHa|the>list^6f fen--; i tries? ii n cl v^ c i f ewjanlmals Iwho I have j; not ;WbnJproudrdistinction In" some show/! local or.. metroTjolitah. : -~ . .-"..•■•■ . SOMEfrIEV^OUScBEAXTTIES. I the "most famous :iorses already here\; are Rex,^ 13 1 Capitari ', Lord Fauqulej^ ; Gold^h^Gr)i^B^;S;Elsleli7er^ ner.i Ch'allengerli I^Ldy Lyons,? Buck; ; Blacky birdgAmoret^^p^tb-Da^Kathleen^Tii> Top, SearchlitTht. Gay Cap, Bowery, Girl. ; Conflict, -: Craven; paries ; O'Malley,' Mq^/ißiisUer^Echb,ilJay JDreamVlLady: Harbert^ Premier^ Helen s Gray;^ St. ; Vin ce^3Grey^Cap^^ti^^d,.iNell3rJScott^ mimk^Tip iTbp^f HelllonS 1 Kinlocjh/g East ■West, Vancluse,^ Muckross, Hurry, IJf e;^Ace i 1i 1 of j Spades; sMoJeskiri^St.:; Merry "Legs, -and ' Genes ta. TUESiii ARB; FASIIL,TAR ; NA3dE^.'.. : -'. ? The Judges r- chosen for this show are all men of 'national r^ruiatioii^meS^ij actlcedg judgment the 'most im iplicit;confidence]may be T securely.iplacedi; ; Irheirinames iwlliffall;bntthe|ear; of ; every jhorsemang with "§ a %f amiliar^sound-^and they:; are 'known^throughou t the .length; •and breadth_of -the "land as men of the most sterling Integrity. They arc: '-Roadsters and Harness;*; Horses— Mr.' Moore, of Washihgtbri^lX'lC.; ; Mx-. [William M. Manly, of Baltimore/ ■Md/^Mr/C. Mullikin,' of Kentucky. IfHittntersfandi'Saddle Horses— Mr.lwjfal Ellisybfg Philadelphia. Fa-; M& Robert Neyille/3 'of^Virginia ; ' Mr, Tomtjli'.ns jMo- Bvaii!e t .of New York. f«VeterinarySSurgreon3-<Dr. R A. Smlth^ Dr. Thomas Praser. sl/The\entire interior of the Auditorium :hail|been|f equipped % with special regard tbltheTrequirements 5 of • the ? occaslon7|TJtfei j been handsomely "fitted,' ar.l r everythingS served there will be of the .very.bestlquaUty. ""^g -."'A'band stand has been built, and night ty;, :cbncerts^ill:l3eTgiYen\by^Phlnßey'3-Band| Jdndflafthls^cpun^. J §!|These^|^ficeTts : albne3rotridffuntohla''dellgnttulfevenlng*s r entertalnment. The fcand come 3 here direct ' from". the' Buffalo' Exposition, where If has' charmed all lovers of musics. A SPLENDID TRACK. "A' very Interesting ? feature \ of, the prepa^ rations, r.nrt an all .'lmportant Spne^tob^ is the truck. It has been made on c ,the' sameTprinciples % aalthaglnsl'atl Madison Square Garden, in New York, and all the tracks "of the largest and best horse "shows".' • It is formed -with a sTibstfucrtife of ■ clay,-, and ' feet ■of tan-bark ■ upon . Contnvrv to the custom establisltedwln; the North, ladles will c-e allf*-~»"od to ri'J«f over : the : Jumps; at; this show..' The de parture has been mo?:t cord!«lly,/ s wel corned-';by the horsewomen who are cbmlhg/3 smd^H^vaivinarl'of % the'i absttrd: precedentthaS??*? eubt been ' responsible: in&lSrgeS measure -for the nUlhff4b£gt!ie' }&Cdes^cJ^se%%Q^^ioli^ea%horsc3^l^ 'bnelclassjalbne/ltherelare 110 Icssithan eightp'an . ladles who "will ride, and -they farelffiotl^niyXl^^l^^S^S^-womei^tni prjrstala, but fcoraerjbf^hja^iaostgnotied l •southern -beauties," and- recognized • readers &Tlie^H.pi«t^Show Association haaJforS fdeifedTt^eSfßUyerricap9»leach;Of ( 'thi^value pM^^to3;bb¥ay^[wtS^^WM^aa^K |tti^^nn^slin|t!i@i two|li|itli|^^Bffl^| fclaw^lSindStptKa'l^y^rai^g^lpXtte park hack claaa. In addition la'.theae ; M«n; .•Harria.-and: ot , -.-■-. ------ _jT ■_. 7& THREE CENTS PEE GQFT _ - . . . . • SO SAY THE BIG LEADERS. ■ - !r^^^xiPSßgr?*BTCßaT! r^^^xiPSßgr?*BTCßaT : fycjLK3rriji«Kr; Unanlmoiw Opinion Tbat the W«»H dertalcenj in ;Ric*bmoa<^ That the Carnival win he a success to — - J • ©very , aelifi ■ II S 1 - tno . confident jeipectiitloit^-"' of ■• every gentleman connected -with th* association. They ask fair weather, an* they have ! no . doubt but that the ■ crowd* will cover/i tself ■ w/tb glory ia fsivias' th* .-' . of royal entertalMMnt A /representative . of , the Dispatch -sei".^ cured /expressions -from. President; Meyer, Direct^Goiaal^BrasraV ami Directors Morris and Harwood:/ VestSfday-.v '.T^a question; asked theia was./'^Why do you | think si th© 5 Carnival "will 6d -& : isuccsss? iTherahswers sj^ak fcr themselves. 'Erer^ ing was .thoropghljr^enjoyed- by the thoa sa^dV;P';%yisltbrs^aadVlume;: *'^Mpla~ I;w£1 ;w£ ; 4 er .H.. H. Msyer. •-. "And,'.' ; ' he! ". contlaue<\ / - ■:arransem_oat3:-:aiid:ieffort3::to make >.tb!i ? /|^ : has ", been .: on:, a' larger -seal* ania :: mbr« \ : i, throgshbut ; North/ ii<| : ;V - [South'/ Carolina:^ ThVlhalfrrates on^fitti^^ roads extends or er, a territory /th'rei ttrm»C \jsx§er. Th^ light of Bfo^^^S^Sd? ; eajwciaUyJthev iUoioibaa ted arches ftf4 '• thitf :V: V ifliumtnated ;^ tower^ viQ, } ? ;'surpria© ; ,-Wea ■ ■■- /. ;thbsolwho% < have"i been. irSadinr^ bur local ' /: papersfor months. Tbe added f eatures-* v - : Horsd Show. Dog /and Poultry Sbow—wiH * ig^hUry good >awin* ftitm Tlui shows to' occupy the a!d^str««U-iaet: '"•ttlji ; '.;■ -/ ; ■ao/y'mucti.Vmoßej^f-wxc/c*^':^