OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, October 08, 1901, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1901-10-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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to-dayT :
i is Ushered In on the Bright
est of Autumn Oaysi
Broad Sires! Black With People acd
Throbbing With Life. • ■
yil^lG AXI> 31AXV -"WElltb'- XOISKS.
JXlmntcd Tliai Tlilrty-Plve Tlion
sai:«l I'ooitlc. on l'lcasnrc. Tleiit,
n'hronK-ctl tlic fircat Avcnne. from
KitTcl Tower to City Hall.
1 AH hr-il tho .Kins- • . :
T&e weok of ■ misrule was opened yes
terday with j>orop and pag-earilry; cere-:
inpny- arid circumstance.
It was a. bright suluir.n day, -with a
rippling and eager air. that made the
pulses leap, and the blood tin-le through
the veins- The confounding- of. the alma
nac weather prophets, who foretold dire
;ind dismal weather, was all the more a
' causo for congratulation, since the prac
ticed eye of the weather man sees only
■ lj'rirrht days and rising- temperature as
. far as his eye can reach. '■••
Tiie people were early astir and Booth
street was soon crowded with those who
Flood wide and open-mouthed watching
tiie last efforts at construction of the
citadel of Rex. Every train came to" the
city loaded with country cousins and
visitors, and the Carnival spirit was
• ar!y and emphatically manifest. Ofii
cSals. at headquarters .were kept despe
rately busy until the time came for tho
formation of the first parade. By"' 11
o'clock, the pibroch, the torn torn, the
megaphone, the big drum, and the steam
cali ope, were working- desperately and
with great effect. The bands were hurry
ing to take up their positions for the
■march that preceded the function that
marked the opening of the Carnival.
ending the stir of martial music to the
general din.
Tho procession of the Carnival digni
taries'was not imposing, and was not so
Intended. "All the men who have. carried
the burden of the arrangements wore in
the carriages that drove along Uroad
street headed by Phinney's Band, with
other musical organizations at unconflict
■'ing. intervals. Governor Tyler and Mayor
Taylor -"were conspicuous figures in that
brave galaxy, and the procession was
triumphal in its reception from the time
iliat it turned into the Carnival region
at Ninth street until it halted under* the
shadow of the Eiffel Tower that stands
like a sentinel and presiding genius at
the head of the Booth street. Thousands
■of people.were gathered about the stands,
and every seat in the two structures
1V .13 filled when the officials arrived.
The ceremonies, though simple, were
strikingly impressive. It was the calm
before the storm, however, for when the
message of President Roosevelt flashed
the powder that was the signal of the
opening, pandemonium broke loose.
Every "whistle, every, instrument, every
bell sounded the accompaniment to the
roar of the cannon on the Eiffel Tower,
and tho babel of sounds was wafted all
over the city announcing everywhere that
the new era had been born, and that
Richmond's Electric Carnival, was a
settled fact.
The courteous messages that accom
panied President Roosevelt's gracious. act
in starting the wheels ■ of the Carnival
through' electrical contact, were cheered
to the echo, and the crowds scurried oft
to tako in the sights. -,-,.,
All afternoon Jiien. women, and .chil
dren jostled each: other oiv Booth street,
and everywhere the best of good humor
prevailed. The shows did a land-office
business, rindl the" --fakirs" simply coined
But it was after the great mass of peo
ple had been released from work that,
the real- Carnival began. . -
Estimates "vary as to the number of
people upon the street last nighl. witn
::r'.OOC» as tho minimum. ■ "',:'■,■'■
It was a; gorgeous spectacle— almost like
a leaf from a book of fairy tales. ' - y
Thousands upon thousands of electric
lights' substantiated the claim of^ the
Carnival to be -known '"-as the first Elec
tric Carnival" ever held. Broad street
was spanned by a dozen bands of silver
lights-bno on each block. In .the dis
tance the graceful outlines of tne_ Eiuei
Tower surmounted by its star. ■■' ..were
lined with electricity, and each side -Ox
the street, looking west from Tenth, was
a solid mass of bright, white light. Great
oJectric signs stood out, on .-each side or
\bo booths and stores were outlined with
mvraids of the tiny bulbs =of fire. On
the. streets, young and old. rich and poor.:
wandered under fleeting showers of con
?<mi. "■ ■' .. ' .:/■■■ '
The brightness of - the scene was:
heightened "by the glow of color, for
bunting of every conceivable shade nact
been woven Into -every imaginable shape
on both sides of the street, and the quaint
architecture of the booths was, rendered
the more fantastic by the coremy of
bunting that made the. street from end
to end more gorgeous than the rainbow.
And everywhere the bands were play
ing. The deep base of the "barkers" in
front of the Hhow places told of the won-,
dcrful fights that none might wisely miss;:
organs were grinding: out hoarse; tunes:
and the shrieks, -"and .screeches/: and
trroans of divers instruments, furnished
the accompaniment to the deep mono
tone of the human voice, the. occasional
bhrleks of unterrified; ■excitement and
the cheery laughter of those; who moved
in the foreground of this bewildering
picture. < " :■■' ■ , . . . :
Slowly after 11- o'clock : the,, _ crowds
dwindled away; but st was .'midnight-be-
fore; one could walk with" ease. and .con- :■
v^nience or. Broad: street .and; then^tho;!
Ji! 'Xt day of th(j\"Electric Carnival"., was j
as a briKht; and:; happy- augury
of the days that arc yet- to ; come. :'*;. ,\j\
H is the- concensus of" opinion— an jpplnrj
ion that is bors^- by - solid ; fact-that|j.he:
crowds are ""■ larjj'^r.-V-.thc^boo'hsVV.niore
nvrnerous, the decoratiorisrnoreTgorßeous,;
■•i!i,i f:v. ; "rj' line tnore enthusiastic at; this
••'wnh-af th;.., at lust. ,\ ' r'■;:-';;r '■;:-';;
A.A '. tin; corona tion" last, nigh t;.;thei sp<?c-
was. wfcli}: wbrtriElhie^seeih^andJ:
;■;; J 't x of the: Hx)Ufie& of4rValentiriei r enlerea: |
3^ "- - ' ~zmm^^msmmSm. ■ - * -isßjggig:- . ■ ■ - ■ >
ful kingdom, with the surest prospect of
a happy and prosperous reign that ever
overhung-- the throne of majesty.
How- the; President- ■Performed tiie
Interest in;c Ceremony.
WASHIXGTOX, D. C, October 7.—
(Special.)— The opening of the Carnival
at Richmond by the President of the
United States from the "White House here,
was a very, simple, but exceedingly cheer
ful ceremony. According to previous ar
rangement the necessary telegraphic con
nections had been made, placing the "war
room," as the telegraph office in the
Executive Mansion, is called, in com
munication with the headquarters. of the
Carnival. Precisely at 12:25 P. M., Presi
dent Roosevelt was informed '■'■ that- ■ the
preliminary exercises at Richmond had
been concluded, and he was then escorted
by Secretary Cortelyou and others to the
telegraph office. He was met there by
General "vVhittleseyj and Dr. >E. , Merrill,
who happened to be in his office at the
time, and notified that all was in'readi
ness, for. him to Vset in" motion- the
machinery" of Cai-nival week* in Rich
mond. ; This -was thereupon done by the
President's pressing \an electric ''■ button,'
and it is presumed that agreat "hum",
or din was instantly let- loose in Rich
mond. * V, .
Telegrams exchanged on the occasion
between President Roosevelt, Mayor Tay
lor, of Richmond, and Governor Tyler of
Virginia, are given in the press dispatches.
These concluded the ceremony at. the
"U'hite House, and the President, after a
pleasant chat "with those present, re
turned to his own office. '
All .Virginians here who may be de
scribed, as "cant-get-aways" are wishing
the Carnival a grand success, and cele
brating the opening to the best of their
ability. Many will go down to see the
parade and electrical display on Wednes
day next. ■
Aninsciucnts from Masonic Templeto
City Hall.
Broad street last night was hardly re
cognizable as Richmond's principal retail
thoroughfare,- so great a change, was
wrought by the army of showmen, whose
vaiVs -blocked every cross street. On
either side the many colored "fronts,"
studded with electric lights, stretched from
one curbstone to the other, effectually
closing- these avenues, all of which for
this week will, be occupied by the many
amusement enterprises:- of the Bostock
'Ferari Carnival' Company. Broad . street,
as it appeared last night, can only be
compared v.-ith the board ,walk- at Atlantic
City. Thousands of lights illuminated the
thoroughfare, which was almost as bright
as though the noonday sun shone upon
it. From the Masonic Temple to the City
Hall there are "no less than twenty shows.
At many of the corners, both the north
and south side of the street, are occupied
by the Carnival amusements. To witness
them all, in' their entirety, would, re
quire a full day. A single ;.evenirig is not
sufficient time in which to make the tour.
Ono is almost bewildered: by the sound of
drum and cymbals, coupled with that -of
every instrument known to the modern
showmen,, while the cries of those .who
announce the wonders "tobe seen inside"
mingle to such an extent that one is some
times at a loss: to know .whether,- after
all, his show is; not on the other- side
of 'the street, instead of in front of him."
The cries and exhortations of i those .who
explain what may be seen beyond- those
arch ed portals and: beneath; the .tents will
be heard .in Richmond long after .the
Carnival has passed into history. "Eats
■em alive" was an expression that was
heard for moriths. after - the Slay" festival
of a year ago, and so it will be - long . af
ter'tiie last: sign of tho" present Carnival
has : disappeared. - • • '
The first show .on. •■ Booth street.-com
mencing from the Masonic Temple, , is
12 Xoon— Horse-Show ; ; Parade £
Routes From ; the; -Auditorium : T
down Broad strftt'" to .Eleventh, to i;
. Capitol, to Ninth, to^ Grace, ; to •+;
Fifth "to Franklin; to ; kombardjv to ;:■■£
Broad, and back to the- Audito- T;'
riuhi. -■ ■ ■' ■ ■' ■ ■ • ■" ■ . + ■
4 : P M.— Concert and Press Re-; 4-;
coplion at Eiffel Tower Stand. •+
- • T-,
' 7 P M^-iiusJcal^ Reproduction ipttgj
with^lilitary, Participating, ;^
at ihu' Eiffel Tower. . •£
' 8.13 P. M.-Opeii>n ff pfJ^^^^|
. Show at the Aud iiorium. -ggg
• Weather porccastJ-Fair.: Tuesday, 1;
0 U Li! Luji illblULli lUi
Strains of "Annie Laurie" Si^
lenced by a Noisy Throng; .
Paper Headgear Affected by • t|e Women
Made. an Impression. 1 \-
It AVns a Sight to See Them See the
Sislits— "Osco," tiie Siisilce Eater—
FaUirs.tt Little Sloir. iii Begrinninfir
lliisiness. •. "-.•'.'"-
The bands are to: be perhaps the most
attractive feature of the -Week. The music
which they made :; yesterday was fine.
There are half a dozen bands in the city;
now and each will give two concerts daily'
during the week.-. Thousands heard them
yesterday 'afternoon, and the music was
enjoyed to the fullest. ; A peculiar thing
happened while the band, in} the stand; at
Second arid Broad was playing.;: Several
selections; had been ■>- rendered ,; and the
crowd had listened;'/ but :■ there "was .much
moving" hither andV.tliHlier, yfor': in "", the'
vicinity were many., things'-to distract the
attention. .Then : the ? band. "struck up Annie
Laurie. - After the lirst bar the crowd' was
quiet.. When the' baiidi finished "the "first
stanza there. was- an;outburst-bf applause
which . lasted some ' seconds r and .the Jband
had- to. play r the. air/ once ' more .when; it
was finished.,. Even Dixie ; was heard al
most .without 't applause, ":but "not so with
the old Scotch song.V which has - become
the property of alKraces.' "
■ ■--'- -' ■ : - .- ■'•■ ——-"-. "■ V ■" .V; '■
; "Did you ever. see.so^much red in your
life?" asked one of^ the best known cir
cuit, judges in the State .yesterday .af
ternoon as he stood with the"' Dispatch^
writer watching-; the- crowds;; pass :Mur- loiJR. RClßulXi FRIEXDS AREiWiTHUS
phy's: He alluded to-the .bonnets: and .: „, "^si^vririTrwPFif ; -V
dresses of women! Vlt really i; seems Xthat ' ••■ TO SPEAD GALA. WEEIv.^. ■: -
they never before wore so much red. But B ro acl. street, and' seemed ' to . en joy every
the women- themselves \cari : ; speak,; more step "tliey took, though-, tlie'wife was rather
accurately . ; concerning -this. . : . ; /.- v feejjie. : *The husband. : was -far:from;sick
, ' • i iy: in ; appearance, and ; his : jolly,, laughter
"And look at the paper.hats," said the [as c saw something, which, tickled " his
judge a minute later.. He ; was talking. .-■• ) /nn^ T VTiE n n\ PIGE 3 V
of -the estrange creations .of' paper which, :,j.(COACI-tDED O^.lAGl. o.) ;;^
the -women, are now affecting,. and which
he had ; not before seen. .They are of
red,; chiefly, and are * fabricated of crepe
paper., ..They are pretty, but one cannot
help; thinking of the '> disastrous ; resultsl ts
which '.would; follow exposure to; a shower;
The hats made. a deep impression on -the
judge, " and it is safe "to say that he
will think as often of-4he paper, hats as
of anything. lie saw in Richmond during
Carnival "Week. - : -; '..'-;
One of: the /sights" on the street, which
"most amused- the people, yesterday, w-as
an, olcl couple, said •to be from - Bucking
ham, who had come to the city to see
the sights of . wonder week. And , they
were seeing "them. 'They -let '";. nothing- es
cape them. They made "each . side of
Great Equine Exhibit to Dpeh
Most Auspiciously.
It Will Be One of the Cliier Attracticms
of the Second Day. ■■'
Tlxe Sliovr Will Commence at S:ls
: ' '-■■■ . ' ■■: * ' ' ': ■ x
and Concladc About;. 'll o'Cloek—
Some of tiie Faiuoua Horses on To-
Xiglit's List.
Enthusiasm has developed in the Horse
Show to a remarkable 1 degree. The sale
,of seats and^ admission tickets at Branch
'Allen's; store has all records,
and from information to hand, hundreds
of people" will arrive on; the special trains
to-day. •' '.■'"". ■ - • "'" '
At the Auditorium 1 thei-e are quartered
.over a hundred horses, and fully a hundred
more* are stabled at the down-town liveries.
All day yesterday the ring was occupied
by riders and drivers, and the track is
'in almost perfect conditio^. ■• -:
■'/"■'One, of /the- most interesting, features In
the Carnival -will : be. the. Horse Show,pa
rade that.is to. take' place at noon' to-day.
, All the. horses 'entered will- be in the
procession, and a general invitation has
: been extended- to: the public -who have
carriages to join in the parade.* Phinney's
■Band and the other musical organizations
will all take -part in the pageant, -which
promises to be the most brilliant, as well
as the. most generally, interesting, feature
of the week. • ■ - : ■"'-.-.-•■■
% '■; The route of the par'ade^will be; as fol
lows: 'From the Auditorium, .down Broad
street to "Eleventh, : to 1 to. Ninth,
to Grace, ,to Fifth, to Franklin, to ■ Lom
bardy, to Broad, and back to the Audi
torium.' .;;; ■.-•'■ '■- ' ■- ■. .•'..". , ; :' .'„ ;~ .:""";■' i
. ... THE" -DAY'S '{ PROGRAMME. , .
The progi-amme for the opening day. will
Introduce i the ■ roadsters, ■ class 3 ; tho local
classes, class IS; the saddle' horses, class
19; the horses In harness, 'class 6; the
ladies' hunters, -class"32,- and : ithe hunters
and jumpers, class 1 26. . ; • :
The -ball will be set rrqllins: at S:IG
;promptly, ; and the final number, on the
programme will be- reached" .-.by -ll o'clock.
The management promise no delays. The
cafe! has been splendily, equipped to meet
all requirements, and no more' attractive
lounging- > place could b© Imagined than
the- Auditorium, with-its •brilHant illumi
nation, ;•; • Its ■ gorgeous : decorative effects,
and; the array of [ fashionable"- society, ar
rayedjn the finest cfeation'of the dresa
maker,' tailor, and; milliner's art.
• : BE'IN-THE ; RINGiTO-r)AT.' -
"Among the famous -horses -'to :be "seen
in the ring to-dayare Lucerna, Albemarle,
HHarryiKomis;- Russell sßei,- Top Sail,
Jackson^Marthai :Bolling;';St. Geolrge, Xov
folk, r > :Rbebuckrf Unknojvvn, ; El '} Capitan,
Glory, Lord Fauquier, ""'' Goldfish, Elsie
•yennerr-Miss -Bird .""^ Day .-"XKream," " Echo,"
St. : George, , Champion, " Challenger, . Doe
Blackburn; Lady Lyons. Buck, Blackbird,
Geneste, Virginia, - Amarot. Titwillow',
Brunette, ; TJp-tcHDate.rKathleen. Bachef;
lor, Tip Top.SearchHght'iMidnight; Gray, 4
Cap, Nancy Brack; Bowery , Girl, Conflict,
Zaba, King, .Spinster, : Craven, Pelham,
and : Charles: O'Malley. .
The general ; admission :to the Horse
show is 50 cents'. The holders . of general
admission tickets are at j liberty "to go all
over the building. v Their tickets entitle
them, to any seat In the galleries, except
the first three rows. ~ These rows are re
served at ah extra charge of 50 cents.
On the ring floor there' are 215 specially
reserved chairs,; for which $1 extra will:
charged. .Private boxes - for the sea
son, entitling/ the owners to six admis
sions at each performance, are* JSO. "*
To IlevleTV. '^r 11 i tnry Parade.
: General. Phillips,* Colonel Jo Lane Stern,
and Major Evans have- been appointed to
review ;the : i military.-, parade -and make
the award of prizes;nextvThtirsday. The
commi tteo : will meet v at" varlo u=? points
aiong the line ; of march, but these points"
will i not : be .. announced; ? so : tha t . the men
may ; be i- placed ;^upon .their, mettle from
start to -finish.'' There will -be-an inspec
tion at the base-ball rgrounds before, the
march begins; and .the-, verdict of the tri
umvirate willc.;be -based on the ..wide 1 ex
perience of.all.thfee members In rniliUry
matters., It k would -have been: hard ;to:
find three :.better-;men as judges, and
their appointment^ gives universal satis
faction.- . f. V . -•:. ■ ■
Rermitaße Sr-hool FTonor TIoJI.
: JThe ■ honor jrdll'iof Hermitage School for
the past? week was as follows:, Bernard
Butler, Kenzie' Quarles, "Marion Sanders,
Hiram Sand ers.v; Peachy Freddie
Schultz.- Ethel Einfdrd, Lizzie Clyhorne.
Lula"~:Clybome, Eva; Ladd, and -Ivy
Schultz/ ■ ■„--■ -
JFcll on His Hea.l. .
The ambulance was called to ; Trfgg's
foundry on -Cary -street; yesterday after,
noon; •./Mr.-.Tigrior.in "sbme,m>-3terious
way fell on hiSAhead;:inflictin£; quite a
serious -cut. He was ; taken : the . City
Hospital, where ihejis resting nicely. -
.:.• --"'Strucfc; 7rf.r r Kn£rin> Governor. *
J. ; R. Chamberlin. came In contact 'with
the : engine ! governor at'Hardesty's candy
factory ; yesterday morning, and had ■ his
elbow- very .much bruised, and cut. • '■
; v ; ., ; :>:■'"-;. Dicflnt. Great Ace. ;■ . ":V ■:'
I Mrs; Mary Bryant, who ?had ; been : an An
mate-.of ithe::L.lttlo;:9isters -of the ;Poor
institution for two years, and a resident
of : ; the : city -for ?, nearly % hal f . a cer. tury,
died at the ; home on /Saturday. ;' It is be
lieved that Mrs. Brj-ant : was 103 years
of ; age.vSho: was Bn^land,
having 1 - come ito '-this r country: many years
ago. \Tho\ : burial;! took- place jytsterday at
Mt." .Calvary = Cemetery. "■:
v 7SVIII Fore [\ Cast tlieAVenther. ' '
■ :.'■• Mr." Emil Vori > Kramer, / the toll-keeper
on- the .Fifth-Street iViaduct,"*Jf3" doubly -a
public; benefactor^' ■He*ha3^established r !a
system, of flags, by/which .he .indicates
theVweatheriforecasts/^Herhasierected^a 1
new-;flagpolefor.ithe displayjof- thetflaffs.^
He - has •<■ establ ished 1 com municationa tion : wi th
the local Weather Bureau by. means of
; telephone. 7: ; ;. '^.v: 1 - ;'■ T ~;:- \
The WeatHeK
1 ' I WASHINGTON, D. C, October
i|f rilO -7.— Forecast:". '.^ -^;"~.\:'^;i :
j . ■ Virginia— Fair . Tuesday and
I^^ "Wednesday; warmer Wednesday
night, light;/ variable winds becoming
i southwesterly.
North Carolina— Fair Tuesday and
• iWedhesday; warmer nt northern portion
I CTuesday ; c fresh."' northeabtv rly %> inda^oa)
\ fthe'- coast:-. ■ . :: 'SS^|
J'TERDAY^was-'-: ldeal from nurnln^ffl
I nigttt. Tho range of the thcrmomet.erj,"wail
[ v ;^p^^^»gifl
H,I fl I m"-&? 99 Uftl II ;ii i sj 111 *£*■ lll** **mM II ll\ f*/&? 11l' 1
R l l iif*^n i»!l I, t f <>li 1 M HI Qvt 1 1 Illluu^illl v
IT 111 W'i'jAl ft U til l l IfiWl.' .*•*»•>•■'"•»''■ •"*''■ v
n — j .■ - . . -.■■■■■-■■■■■.. ■■ . ■ .■•■■■.
a. Vast Assemblage.
The Ceremony Was Most littpresslve^
Iy Ferlorined, ;nncV Afterrviwrdsi th«
''Fools and ;Merrym»ker!i"'Di»pott»
oil. Tlxem's elves Xor tlxe Amusement
of Rex's Snl>jects.
":: : -": .;"•■ '■ V; \?\7 '.'^:' ;
Rex "rules. He assumed theithrbne la 3 *
night amid all the. pomp -and circunv*.
stance with . which the coronation could
be inves ted. .; - And :a . right f oyal . cere-^
: mony it was--a pageant ; such as is sel-»
dom :. witnessed— a spectacle with all . tha
features of a royal show.j "-;■
Henry "l. was .'crowned ; atithe Bait Parl<»
.The coronation was witnessed by at! least
10,000 people. The grandstand was pack~
ed almost to ; its_ full capacity.. There
were many ;people in. the .bleachers; tho
space between the : grandstand and tha
. stage in the centre of the field on which,
the coronation took place was thronged!
with hundreds ;of. people., ;. ..-.■■ ,; :
. The music, ■ the red fire, . the booming
of cannon, the glare of .thousands of
soaring, rockets, 1 the : magnificent'" costutnait'
all. lent their; aid in making the scene
one of surpassing - magnificence, and : fre-*
quently the vast - audience had to manU
fest its pleasure by fapplauso
and-cheers. '
' The hour. set for the ;coronation was 3
o'clock. The spectators began -.to" assern-»
ble some time before that hour, for "/act,
dense was the- crowd on Broad street andt
so few the cars, : comparatively, that ; thera
Was a natural , fear that there would bo
no : means ;of reaching "the .? scene of tho
great spectacle. Perhaps all who; wished:
reached the grounds, but every one o£
thecars for long before .the timo. set ; for
the coronation and "for long afterwards
was .crowded, though as many extras ; aai
could -be run were put into 'service. :; :,
At a few mlnu tea "past ' B "the ; .waitings
■.thousands ."'saw: the royal party "enter tha
space behind . the platform, on .-which : tha
coronation was ; to take place. The staare
and the space between the grrandstandt .
and the 'Stage was i 'brilliantly lighted by;
Everybody, Is Invited; to examine ;our\
immense collection, of Oriental Rugs and
Carpets. -- ' CORDES & MOSBY.
: To Cure nCoId in One Day. • ?
take '•.'.■ Laxative Bromo Quinln» ; : Tabletal
All druggists refund the" money ,; if It; f alia
to cure. :E. W. Grove's '■ signature is oa
each box. Twenty-five centa. : ' .-
Ony Tour .Ticket* at Branch It.
.:-yC-"<AlX«n'a. .
; ;.The general admission to tha Horse?
Show '-this;.- Week will; be 50" ■ cents.!; These
tickets and also, reserved seats can^ bo
purchased in advance at Branch .; R-
Allen's. No. Dl 6 east Main street, enablihs.
attendants to avoid the - rush .at tha
grounds. .General admission Ucket3 .will
be good for any . performance- -.
AH sizes: Oriental Rugs and Carpets at
importer's prices at Cordes & Musby's. : '
Sick headache cured with Dr. Davld'3
■Liver. Pills. A '■'.;■ ..;; ; - ; .: : -.- r .' r .
■ Carnival iCinic r»l«rcli.
by Frank"; ' Harms ./; The prettiest ■: march
ever^ .written. Adopted -byUho . Carnival"
Association. Ev ; ery home.shbuld have; a
■ - . Publldher3.
Go at once and see the collection :'6t
Oriental Rugs at Cordes & Mosby's.
Bargains In Job Lots of Cigars ;, ; by tho
bo^'at ■ ■ .. ::".- : ■•. ■ -.. .: -• •• :
- OWENS ,-&., MINOR imUG : _CO^
■ ■ ■ -: "ilor.se ShoTr. .-■■■,-,■■'■ y
Great Interest is \boink manifested yui
the iHo'rso-' Show at Auditorium tbutldin^
during CarnlvaLweelo* Reserved seats "iro
being, told; at Branch .R; "v Allen's j9lS{ea3t-
Main street; as !well, as seneratadrnJaistqix'
tickets. f ■ . _ / .
A i s2o,ooo ' collection of : Oriental ■ Rugs and
"Carpets at" Cordes" & ; Mosby's. -
•;■-; .. Owens* Flo/al Company ._■-; 1-V;
has : Fresh, .; S^eeti^JliOnsf-IStem^rDoubla
Carnations; ifetc. f"': : - ;
'■-■, : ;l;f'.V : 'v". v ;-j^sfqrmer3y ::'ll"": :'ll"" : M.rEby.;v
■' : i "MurTel of Ifenllnic."
YesV wa . fchow.ydir^meari" Dlxio Neryo and
Bone Liniment.: It cures so .quick, fand
effectually ;U:at; you '^marvel; at; th«T-l»eal-r
Ins." '
a (flrist-clai3 jKalrbruish , andi Comb,; Toilet
Soaps>iPer/ume3."jetc.~,- call on ." '
•. " - -. • Opposite J Pdst-QtHc©. lS
V.4 Oriental - RugsTiind 1 Carpats J at"-; lessi Ithaat
New YorkVprlcfis." '^CORDES ;&;"MO3BY^g
' I>rlnU ICwmcy's '£f,v. CtilXrr.
The' best. .2sc^:Coffea in 'the world, al
ways^fresh;:^:Sugafa" at coat.
Tc-:;?, pStfM^ Su«ar3.
ißroaafand : 6th : 'and}llain:and 17th streeg^g
| jmiifreturnli^saa^'tp SdferohaiSts^ aad«
? Aither3^aVa^portaU,^.Corap^y'a>pala^p
lial stfani«?ra. >Jea^ n.nd rtiafa'itacluAftdt^
: "Se.iid*forVparttc«larßT^tf<Bliwtrat^ibii(i*E^
'Stop* IJlacrUbi'o, und <ttawiie> Cfaaip*
, Genuine papo«^£A^«urik

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