Newspaper Page Text
Leaders of High-Grade .V^S* Las-gest Stock in the State. CHASE-HACKLEY PIANO CO S^otAtSnn.Ta^Tlitde22 603 East Broad Street. . HOTELS, BOABDIXC-HOCSBS, Ac. MURPHY'S STAG HOTEL, Op <& n N i Q Tit a n d D ay. , ■ 1114 and 1116 East Blain Street, .-';. /;' ; . - : NEXT DOOR TO THE DISPATCH , Elegant Rooms. Finest Imported and Domestic Liquors and Cigars. Hot 10 Cent Lunch. 10:30 A. "M. to 3P. i M. . Service and Cuisine the Best. * IV! W. LSiAZRENCE, Proprietor IE CfllL OPENS. ■1 » « •" — ....-..,..-.. . - ■■ ... :■■■_■. (COXTISKKII FROM PAGE ONE.) Plectra, the Flying Lady. This is located the south side of Ada:ns and « "on^e'trinngular 3ot ' « >c | Stuart Square is iho animal- show of Col- ■ ffi-erari Within the tent are xnans iSs oT wild and ferocious animals . them specimens nf tho African lion, while/at the/rear s S^SSltoarred aroria; similar to that used jtt tlie la^t Carnival on the Masonic Ten- Si lot- In this enclosure Princess Dela ware pives an exhibition, the feature of >\-5-ich is that of the performing lions. • "Wallace, known a? the untamable lion, has a capo all to -.himself .-■ noar the en .Tnnce to the tent. One cannot but au 'Virc this great creature, as lift sits sullen ly in a corner of hid den. or paces up and down his narrow cor.iirics with mea sured step. Never for once does he crouch, even when the 'keepers are ..prodding him with their b.irs of iron., Wallace i? well r.amed lhe "untamable" lion." AMicn Grant enters the cage, it is only to re nain a. few seconds." and, whiie he Js vl-Uhin til o- steel enclosure./ two keepers nre at hand just outside th'e~ bars, ready to render assistance should be iicc&p c-lry. Grnnfs act is simply a display of -nerve showing,/; as; the announcer ex pressed it, "the sand of an ' "'American citizen." '■■ ~i~.'i\- The next "sliow" is at the stana 01 tne Fr.ake eater, who, si'nee he was last here. has lost a part of his name. He is now known as-Osco. However. Osco seems to have last none -of his appetite, and .sits as serenely as ever among a Avrithing ESnss of slimy, crawling snakes. The Edison moving pictnrss. showing ecencs of the funeral .of President/McKin lt-y. ar-o located on the south side of Fou ■shoe.- The views, sre quite -inttrostlng. ! Minnie, the wild girl, is on the. south' side of Second street. She 5s said by the announcer to be between 35 cjnd 40 years old, which is leaving as much margin as , is generally allowed when the ago of any, woman is brought -in question. The ■ wo- 1 •man is certainly a freak of nature, being j verj'> small, while her head is out of all proportion to her. body, being very little larcer than that or an infant. The Streets of India are one the north Fide o£ Second. They were not in opera tion last night, 1 but will open up,- to-day. The features of this show will be ex hibited upon an elevated stage. The Dog, Poultry, and Belgian Hare Exhibit is located on the south side of Third street. The exhibit is a very credit able one. The Genuine Cake-Walkers hold forth on the north side of Third street." Baby Kuth. the smallest horse in the ■world, is exhibited upon a ptand between Third' arid Fourth streets./ This little nn iinal is only twenty-four inches tall, and weighs but twenty-eight pounds. She is live years old. Major Agninaldo. a native of the Philippines, is also exhib ited with Baby Ruth, and horse and man nre a. "good pair. :, , The lattor is thirty-two inches tall, and weighs thirty pounds. Woodford's dog and monkey circus, is 0.-:liil)'ted under a tent on the south side of Fourth street. The show is a most nmusing one, especially to : me litt'e folks. Sirs, Murphy, a monkey, makes 11 balloon ascension during the perfor jnance. • - :. ' . The Moorish Palace occupies inc. op .posito side of the street. Its name indi cates-the character of the performance. A lire is- a portion, of the - enter tainment. "There are many illusions tho jnost startling of which is ,that of the (Statue turning to; life, mid then of the living woman being- slowly converted j£to! a skeleton. Many, of the younser -oiks who witnessed this last: illusion will no doubt ■ dream, of it for nights, to C< The" German Village is on -the south side of Fifth street. This is really- a. vaude ville performance;. in which is heard some very good singing. A wire-walking act is also/ on /the /programme- -'„„• The Gondolas are on the opposite , cor-.- Ji One of the most pleasing^ entertain-, jnents. on Booth street. is the Crystal Maze where "you see yourself as others. ■, e vou." ISvoryonc who comes from, ilie Mase is laughing. Seeing themselves must put them in a good humor, v- _ The Trip to the Moon is on Eighth Firctt next to the Bijou. , Tnis/cntertan jnent consists of a series of living pic 1U On S 'the north side of: Ninth street is the Indian Tillage: One of the most^ sen naUonai of the free exhibitions will ; be eiven on Broad street, at this /point-: This is the;' 'wonderful' performance of virant. vrho will rido a bicycle on a_ live rlfctric wire; and perform other ■ feats 5n mid-air, such as are secn^ . upon; che: trapeze, on the high/ wire. All .of U ese v.ill be done- upon a live- electric wire. Ihe performer, bein?: clad in a suit ] \ v,;n be Ktwidcd with incandescent lamp?. Another -£reo exhibition will b3 on the north side of Tenth 1 . at which -point Mat Gay will leap head foremost from a tower, seventy feet !iigh.' He will make this dive into a :;'«k of water.v " /. / . " The Streets of All Nations arc on -.the. f'.uih side of Tenth /street. ;K.9leni:-.^.- Ktimy. who was secretary to tne Jui k !?h Consul at Washington, has charge of this ■■■■{show. -In: the; -Streets: of, All- Nations are seen represpntatives of an tho Eastern countries. : There . is ' -.also a theatre on the "streets" in which are l.rr-sonted the Sdances peculiar , to; the Orient. TIK-se arc similar those '-. seen ut the- famous Midway , of .the- .World s ■KaJr, and- which- fjlnce have .beenvpre-; nr.iod... probably., at every . f^ sr . 9 r ' car - Jiival held In tills- country.- "* .' ; LOCAiIOX OF FIIEE SHOWS. K«'l!<'<!uli; Tim twill '.'.\nnvrcr a.Tlion wtnil QiK'Ntibnti Anlied T<rxt«'r«lay-;; Vh<} true shows will l»e in full blasMor •ay... At intervals not greater r than r an i'jur xhi'iti V.-1H be ; freer entertainment fnougb to kf't'p Hie curious busy. from! 10:"^ li - M. until S ]■". M.:,. This ;docs; not : inr. t!ucS e ti le concerts Riven; by the bands =at SiffW<;nt locations- during/' ;,. i' ;;; ' r »'- ri-r-,, -shows/ •will all/ 1 be siven^pth •'•he north Eid«/«f;:]?r6ad^ at /the;-; cross ■: ttrvetK Indicated below: - , -:-..' _ M:ZT} A. M.~J>roi hers' acrobatic net, be iRY-en Fourth . nnd-'lTlfth. '- J;.-Tji]jl e horlzoi.ial act, between Eighth. and Ninth. ... /•--.:.■ .: ■ -■•■■■." ■■■ : - 1 P. M.— Troupe of .barrel-jumpers,, be tween ' and Ninth. ■■•-...." •J P. M — High dive from SO-foot tower, between Eighth and Ninth.. • "... .--,_:" . 2:30 P. ;M.— Balloon ascention by* Mrs. Murphy, the monkey' balloonist, Jefferson and/Broad. UP. M.— Grant will ride a bicycle across Broad at Ninth. ' 3:30 P.; M._— Brothers' acrobatic act, be tween Fourth and Fifth. , ' /„ -IP. M:— Triple "horizontal bar act,: be tween '• Eighth and: Ninth. 4 :30 P. M— SI ide f or" life, S j -ond strc /. tl 5 P. M.— Troupe of barrel -junipers. Le tween--Eighth and Ninth. //. 7 P. M.— High dive from SO-foot to ver, between Eighth and Ninth. S P. M.^-rGrant.will ride a bicyclii across live wire at Ninth and Broad. . Every hour, from ;12 ;>I. to S I*. / M-, Jimmy, the dog- wonder, T.'ill'.inake a hish dive at Fourth and Broad. 1 -. THIS IS PKESS-DAY. Festivities in Hoiior of, Local and Visitini? Xew»i»ai»«r 31en. This is';. Press Day. -It. is the day set apart by the Board of Directors of the Carnival Association in honor of the newspaper men to whom the success of the festivities are in no little measure due. These gentlemen of the Board of Direct ors recognize that no matter how credi table'an entertainment their, money and wisdom may provide .unless .the people know about/it; little will come of it. And to-day the only successful way to advertise -. aiid create interest/ is recogniz ed to be through the newspapers; in ' city and country. The' country editors with their weekly papers that go into every, home can make or break almost any en tertainment they choose. They and their brother newspapermen of the cities iiave done much for this year's Carnival, and to-day's festivities are in their honor. The local newspaper men will meet the visitors at noon and go with them through the'shows;/ At * o'clock" a; reception and concert by Phinny's Band will be tender ed them at the. Eiffel Tower. ._ ■ -•A banquet will close the day.-. This will be given ,at the Lexington Hotel at 9 P. M. \. varied menu has been arranged. Cov ers will be laid for. about thirty-five. There will be plenty of music and some bright speeches. The Ide* Reporter, Mr. Evan R. Chosterman, will t>/the toast-^ ' m The er "Governor. the. Mayor? .President Meyer, of the Carnival Association; Mr. L. Z. Morris, the King, of -the .Carnival,: Mr "A. B. '■- Williams; and; others -will be among the speakers, while ; Mr: E. H. Clowes, .Captain I?- W. Cunningham and others will sing. The Blues- Band will I furnish instrumental music. . . ■■ . 3IISS STOKE ASD HER CAPTORS. letter Will" rrrotmlily Xot Enforce Their riiimatnm To-Day. : WASHINGTON, October >. 7.— lt . is not probable that the kidnappers / of Miss Ston.- will on force: their ultin^tum "-.-. morrow, although that was the_ date named as the. last dayot -grace m her case The danger is by no means. ayeiL ed, however, and "the ... most - thaV can. be said now is that .there is a lilcolil^oo^ of securing a. short extension by the brigands of the time allowed for the pay ment of' the ransom. _ -♦•„,; The State Department is busying ltself earnestiv in this direction. The officials are feeling more hopeful than they were of a successful outcome 01, their, efforts. Mr A"dee, the -Acting. Secretary; of State, was again/at the White House. to-day;.in Consultation ■ with the President touching Miss Stone's case, 1 and it is believed, that negotiations are in -progress, indirectly, with her captors. -Meanwhile, the W hue House and the/ State; TDeparUnent.arej being flooded with; letters and^telegi-ams, imploring the officials to savV Miss • -Stone,. TIAIE EXTENDED, IT IS SATD. • LONDON October s.— "lt is reported from* Sofia," / says; a -.dispatch Vienna to the Daily Express, "that United States Consul . Dickinson and an envoy from the missionary society ar rived there Saturday, intending to follow un Miss Stone (the. abducted: missionary) and to deposit a portion of .the ransom.- ' The brigands have extended the time for uavment- one month." ■_ „.■_,,_„ NEARLY HALF THE MONEY RATSED. BOSTON MASS/, - October /< —.Nearly half the : money needed to ransom/ Miss Ellen M •■ Stone, the missionary, from .the Bulgarian, brigands, has been: placed -in the hands/ of Messrs..' Kldder, Peabody &Co The exact figures ;at . midnight were "$45,543.40 cash. } and $7,5004n pledges. Of this; amount, the firm; this afternoon sent $35 000 -to. the State Department; to f be -forwarded -to its consular,- agents /at the" place-where it-can be. used most ex !?M?»b?£" of the firm, when informed nf the Associated Press cablegram, from London 1 to the effect that Vienna advices Seated that there would be^ months of the; time m, which lo, pa^ the "ransom, said: that the- forwardmgr.of money: would not be delayed m; the least. FATAL SHOOTING AFFRAY. One Negro' Killed uniT Another ; , ".:;:r"\Vowiirte«i; v ; CHARLESTON, KANAWHA' COUNTY,_ W. VA. October 7.-(Special.)-As.,the re sult of a;shootin^affray;in_the railroad yards at Handley,Saturday.mght, be^een three unknown negroes and S two > wW*e m^?,Thoma^ Cochran andJ^H^Mg rick 'one of the negroes, is : .dead, .and SShcr is at the: hospital :at^rcKendree, with a bullet ■■ in , his back The third , ne- Jro- has not" been heard ■of ,■ s lnc^The Sroes- it is/ said,/ werenfakirs; follow ing in^ thai wake of,: alsliow^ that v w^ in th^ city last^week; and- had- swindled several men out of money,:: by/ Producing a- knife with, a secret, spring. v-whlchi.they.. wbuld bet their, intended: victim; could^iot onen /A white- man: nasnod/Plymaleihad Kens ■ takcnf= mi by^tV* f ake.^ and^he ported the matter, to' Cochran^ndfPatrick. : S> run^ : sbrt/bf ,f detective -agfincy^at H-indlev ' '■ The latter, found /the^negroes Uo^get PlvmalsKmone^back. ] : The j- negroes^at tacked'the white/men, ■•'and/a pitchedebat-. t^ ensued. -The/ identlty^ofathe^dead inan^aridHhe^wounded-man is ;aj mystery.-. AJlt'thei;authorit!es^ havei toCgo^y^^Maj ■ fecelpt^ fronil'thclCharjli?s!tonlomceVofc.th6 A.dnms^TSx'presslCohipanyJ for? a jpackase J r^liliam>Berry^to; Snfejonkirjs^a^Richmtmd^aMhe, Srdly|SghSco^a^||P^rJcks^| II HTT 0 PUT D ViPU HDP D 'WAT * H DDT) AVl7n*f On 11»e Contrary, AVheri Snn»i»»on : '": Cnhic-i to 1 It 1111 11 tlic I'roof h ; He AVas , ; : ■. **Vcrv '■ - -• .Anf^crctl.'-" ■■'Wlxy- .- He NEW YORK. October 7.— Colonel; Rob-: crt M. / Thompson, of ;t his/ city, /president; of the United' States Naval Academy,, Alumni- Association,; 1 niakes ithe -following : statemerit . : to /the : Associated PressV r 'in ; i connection /with; the /Schley ;^ inquiry:;; v ; "There is one story which' I am very? anxious/ should 1 be i truthfully v presented; to ' the public. ; After ; aiaclay's' book ; was published, . Mr;; Maclay/' stated that /his ;. proofs; had. .been -/submitted; to the;, com-.: manding officers^ ; including/ -j Admiral; Sampsbh; 1 and .that Vthcyi approved. /his/ statemenis^ A: repbrter_ ; calling.; upon; Admiral Sampson -when: he was ill .in; his. bed obtained from.tthe r 'Admii-al v;hat ap peared to be. a 1 confirmatictriaof /this*. state-/ ment. -The Admiral .waS'-sec-n'. and asked if he had;^ seen h. and" rea"d : ,. the -; proofs'- of j Maclay's book;* and vhe/ sasd: .''Yes."/ But unfortunately :^hewas:too. ill to> go Into . the- matter at any length/iand e^pl'iin everything, and so : the public was /in f c.Tir.(Ml . arid; to-d ay believe -.; . that Ad miral/Sampson: entirely. - approved ; the ' statement; that Schley/was 'a coward; and a. caitiff, ;. ; which; was: /the; gist. :of Maclay's charge against iSchley;. ADMIRAL NOT IN GOOD HEALTH^ , "I 'am in:;a f position/to Btate. .the, ;true facts,- and you may/ absolutely.: rely.; upon them* as the truth: The proofs were sent by/ Mr; , Admiral Sampson, ;. with the request that ; they,, should be read and corrected.' /The Admiral/at/the time was not . in good ; health, . and/ did • hot /wish ... to undertake the ■■.-. labor, but : his secretary pointed out that the Maclay/ history was a-standard one; . and'.. uped. at the Naval, Academy as ;a /text-book.',, :,This; volume ■•.brought*, the history down through/ the ■period of the Spanish war,. arid/it was de sirable that. 1 there should be "no rinac curacies in ; it. //.The Admiral, 1 therefore, consented.- to read them, -and hedid.cor rect a. certain 'part/of .them,, but as; soon : as . h e arrived at the part wh ich; contain ed the ■' statement that Schley was a coward and- a-. caitiff he-was very much angered.: and-, said the statement was . one the author had ; no right; to : - make; that it was unjust and /unfair/ to > speak of any naval officer in such, terms,; and he declined/ to have ;any thing further do with the proofs. ,/ -. : "HOW MACLAY .WAS. ; . MISLED. "His secretary, impressed with, the great 'desirability .of having .the -state ment of : facts": accurate, . ; and-.not believing "that *he was in any; way .responsible for the statements of ; opinion, did;;.pn/his own account, compare the • book with / the records, and mark on the margin a num ber of corrections. .As these were in the same handwriting as those made .when • Admiral Sampson.: was": giving, his per sonal attention : to : the :.--. correction, Mr. Maclay was perfectly Justified .in , his statement. The order of :,the Secretary of - the Navy, forbidding naval officers to ; make' any statement for publication /re garding this controversy, issued imme diately after - this interview, .prevented the above correction 'being officially made." ■ : . , . WILI.IA3I .1. IIODELL DEAD. He Laid First Cnl»le Between Xor follc aitrt'-.Olrt Point, in ISO 4. HAMPTON.-.yA.,: October 7.— (Special.)— William ' J.- Bodell, d chief - clerk to^the 'quartermaster^ : at Fort Monroe, , Old to-night /at- 11 o'.clpck,--; '.of Bright's disease. ■ .:. ■ / . ; -jyf '■''"• '. He '■ was .government "secret-telegraph operator' during: the war; between the States, and had resided at Fort .Monroe forty/. years. .-/ ■■ -' '■■'■'■ ■- '■'.."".. c „ " ! He laid the first cable between /Norfolk and Old Point; thus connecting ihe'places by; wire, in 1664. . '"'"". ' " "He was 59 years old. THE CONNECTICUT ELECTIONS. Cojistltntional Convention io Be Held— Plurality Vote iv Future. NEW HAVEN, CONN.", October 7.— The people of Connecticut, to-day voted for a constitutional /convention, the majority in favor of this somewhat radical step being something over 21,00). They, also voted in favor of :two/specific;".constitu tional , amendments, . deciding . ; to ?-. elect State officials by a plurality -vote, instead of a majority, by the'margin: 0f.' 35,993, and in favor of ; an increase ; in ; senatorial representation; by a margin of . 27,012.. . In the little.: town elections; in ;l62 of the IGS towns,- "the Republicans carried 112 towns, the Democrats 43, seven towns be ing : missing. ;/- ". . . :/>/'/ CUiiarch's __ The children's mass-meeting, will, be held ' -on-' Friday.^ on', the Ninth-street -side of the Capitol; -■Squarei;-:.1 / he r change «&Q5»! the' front of ithe State 'Library building was decided upon /yesterday.- A large platform willbe erected ; vand.' gramme already, print edvwill; be adhered to strictly^ / ' -■"•.■-■ .V..,"'- :^.--v- ; / : '■'-; •'•;■ Captain Frank' Cunningham has-. issued a request that on Children's:, Day. ;next Friday the public will/keep: clear of the space from the . steps to - the ' Capitol on the west- side back to the ■: Washington monument:" This- space is to be reserved solely for the children .- of the public schools./; '.'•'.-...■•.:■ ..■■■'./;■.■/::■.-/■ ■■ ■ • Use tlieDispntcli Knlletin nonrd. ■ During an occasion sueh s as the CaxnU; val many persons '■ become from various VmaH articles, /not- the/least: of which is ; the all-important ■ pocket-book.- The ■ Dispatch Broad-street ; bulletin r board is at the- disposal; of such r.unfortuna.tes.- Upon request the loss will :be announced on the bulletin. • ; • A Rieliinoitd Coniiioser. . Ernest -Lee Bolling.Vbf , 3017. -Floyd : ave nue has composed several- selections ifor, the 'piano,'- which; will be"; published 'short-, lv which arejpronounced^critics, to -be musical . gems. •/ They - : " are v;- '^The Princess "■ Pocahontas,". :a- schottische; ••Moonlight on;/ the James"; "The Belles of- Richmond,"/ a concert; waltz, and .a "NccturneMn E' Major." _ '.'.-■ - -; : ■ _■_ ■^Mr "" Boiling; 1 will' give a " recital VJn ; the near ' future, -when /the -public: will have anY: opportunity/;/ of -shearing vhisf.. playing.- He has studied/ under/. the, best; teachers," ar d his :. phrasing, : touch, -technique, : and style are all ■ regarded •as ■ remarkable. . ; Rev.Paul L. Menzel,;D. D.Vthe^bploved pastor of St. John's ;; German | Evangelical : Lutheran . church.%. whoi rhas .been; "quite sick and *a •; greats sufferer ;f or .several : weeks - is ?still~ confined'; to .his 'i room;? but it;is*hoped.that-he"is,nbw:on,the;road?to steady^ improvements .Duringihis 1 . sickness he has : had^ every.: "attention *>. from ■ his : con gregation and .hosts :of ;other^friends.,./ ; ' '*//' 'Gnests/ut, tlie;3laiislon^» r;-' : . / / ~ Mrs. l '"■ J. '"■• Hoge - ; Tyler- will . , have Vas li her , es ts £a t Hhe '} mansion -1 during . Carnival \ week '■'' Mrs.- George r-W.KMiles,; ■ Mrs.Vs.'Wil-V liam" Ingles.V.and Mrs."- Stockton Heth.'of • Radford,-Va:^^;>;";. : -W-t^;C<^'-<i"^s^ ;\MissfLily Tyler will. haveias>her,;gticsf; at/ the. 1 ' mansion iiduring ii Carnival i>week Miss 1 -Jklaud 'Ba ttlei' of -Washington;;- D. :,C1 {NOTICE!!^ .'.;../• Observe this blue signature on every Jar 'ofWlj^^iA . . - . - . COMPANY'S EXTRACT 01-Bftef^ liyer 'oil. 1 hey are not the; Scott's emulsion is cod-liver ©i^^^ared^^ptbe^tctoaG^^ Let ccd-llvcr oil alone if .you! need n. When your-physicianl ; , . . * J . - f r\rr\ orc^ TT^Q Qr --''^ m O'^Vfin B hi*f*n I^TQ CT r 4 rUIUCI osUUcloLj x^XKJ^j V,»^f I- 1 * CclK-lcioLi ; ; ; ;; Pure '. coQ-ii vei"; oil : is - hard, to take and hard to digest. A man that can keep it down,, : can -sawr wood. He thinks he; is sick; he is lazy, /"/We'll send youi little to try. if you like. / SCOTT, & JEOWNE, ;:^ojPcarl strcetr? Newyortß REX RULES THE CITY. (COXTIXUED FITOM PAGE OXB.) | dozens of ?:':. colored tapers ' set oii ; the outer edge of the ;p'atform around three sides, but /behind --the .stage it .'Was in tensely '. dark. The royal cortege was com posed; of 'the /court -.officers .and about seventy-five Knights of the'' Golden Horse-; shoe) who acted as ; escort to His -Majesty.' When the royal party'; came' onto/ the staged from the rear,/; into the glare" of the ■ many-colored. -lights, -the/scene' was one of such magnificence that involuntari- ? ly a storni -of cheers . broke ; from Jvthe: -thousands .of throats. > The ' King,; took his seat on ? the/ throne /with -'right :' royal ; air,- and aboutrhim were 'ranged i the .officers, of 'the court. / On the right were massed ' the "Knights of. the //Golden : Horseshoe,: their 'brilliant . costume •of many /colors,' ■their waving/ plumes, :- and, ;-.their_; lances; .with' the golden symbol of their order, on "the "end.- On the -left of,; the- King, were ; the Officers of the court, .whose . brilliant "dress: caused them to ; vie '"with the Knights: , in-- lending -'color and gorgeousness to • the spectacle. At the rear.-, were the torch bearers their- flambeaux v lifted /-high above their heads so; as to throw' over; ttie ; scene a ruddy, glow/: as r brilliant- as .-.that which was cast by. t he colored; lights burn ing on the -edge /of?- the • stage:. In front of the s throne, at its; foot;, was the royal car in which were seated two little girls,, arrayed/ in"' all/the; bravery: ; of -gaudy: 'silks and/ribbons.:: -' ' . ' : In' rear of the escort was a band 01 music the/ celebrated : Phinney- S i Band. f_ .- THE* CORONATION. ' . : ; '- There was a i bin st": from 1 a trumpet. The ' royal ■ herald : camo forward " and appeared, to" Way something; {though/; the v audience, could not-hear what was his ;proclama T tion.' Then the Lord High : Cardinal,-at tired:in the-scarlet "of his_.holy "office, and wearing . the . red hat; advanced from- .the ?eft of the "throne. 'He bore in,his hands the golden crown. Pausing at the side of his Majesty, ■ the Cardinal hesitated a /moment, and^then placed, the .crown_upon the; royal head. "I Proclaim the King, I? Se : was a great cheer from the crowO. a fanfareof -trumpets, 1 and ;then the band struck up '-'Hail toVthe Chief. ! When the air. was ifinished the.. Lord Mlyor." attired iiuPrmce; -Alpert.and sHiv Ha? came to theifoot^of :the;throne n^e was loudly" cheered, f or the , crowd gngv hewas: give up the: keys of -the /city; .'toV. tho.- King. He. said:. - ■ _ _^ - "Your MaV.ty./.a-s/thd mayor of .this city I present to /you the ..keys of ;■ its your- reign; b e ;amid much : ?&?i£$ w^Siken:by the Lord :High / > : : There was another crash of .trumpets ; Scribe- standing at, the right and. slightly., in rear of the throne, -read, a royal-pro ;c^aSon,; expressing .th. thanks ,qfXthe Kn^gfor 'the" confidence which had -be^rv 'reposed in /him. : The . proclamation, call ed on all loyal, subjects, to devote the week to merrymaking^ and especially,, to make .heartily welcome all strangers 'withinthe city-gates. ;In conclusion the scribe r! announced . that . it/ was the . rop }, pleasure' to bestov// upon certain dinr.n guished citizens a.mirk of the royal favor, ; ?nd* the jewel' of , the which . they :wSsed-to:wit:/NobleJ:;Ho g e.Tyler, Chief of . State;)Nbble B: F.. Howard,? Chief of the: Department- of -Order ;;Noble L. Z. Morris,, Chief 'of ;the- Department of: Coni- \ merce; ."Noble -'A: -H. Meyer, ; Chief^of Mer- J Noble W:' G. Puller.^Chief -:of the -Department- of .Safety: Noble. John - Crutchfield, Chief -of /the ( Department^ Justice- Noble" W.R.Trigg;: Chief, Ship- Builder; ■ Noble 6.: H. Funsten;:.Chief ,;of ; • Exchequer; /Noble E. K/Bemiss, -Chief Electrician: Noble/ Joseph, Bryan/Chief Loco"motfve Builder;. Faithful Tillie Hent "• shell, Assistant. Secretary. -i • ■■' There were :>■ loud, cheers -': from the audience as "■ the names ; of the men whom the King w-ould honor were read. Then the band ; played Rafter which;. the Scribe . advanced ;' to the front =; of the stage \ and SanS FOC)LS AND MERRYMAKERS. ' ■ "Ho! let the /niimicksome fools -be, : brought forward -.'. and ■ make . merry - for ; His Royal Majesty. l^;'/ . ', At 'the words the .nimble, acrobats' ana tumblers- from the; free .shows" down an ■ Broad .street" sprang .upon the; stage and began to/ cut their shines and; didoes.-: ■ Horizontal -bars were Yon the platform front of v the /stage /before^ ; hand; ; and : the "workr done on them •excellent. -•■:;;:;.■ ■-.".•:.- : ' ' -■• v.-.~.-v.-;-. ,- v -.:/:" After the acrobats had been performing, for -some: minutes there was ; the )su dden • boom of a- cannon from/behind the throne, arid V then there /was ? a^royal ; salute:^. Fol lowing'the cannon: roaring came a display. * of fireworks -that was) as fine as anything the -kind; seen-in/ this; city in ;a;long. time. As the/rockets ascended high in -the 1 night -the -Knights ; were; marching ; and fcountermarchirig before:' the King; during the display, and. the brilliant,, ..moving ! fi<nire"s ? iri'the' 'foreground--' found I J background in -the glare; of the- bursting' hfock'ets.' ■•'.".•■' : )~*:'k : - ■! i; This was : the '< end/ of , the spectacle. v. lt was magnificent. Indeed,^ it ris. : doubtfui; if .thei-e^is' anything seen during Carnival ■'■ week /which |will ;'gi ye V more ; real •; pleasure '■ thaii -the 1 " i;Henryj I. '? ;•/;:/://../ v - ■■•/ -THB/COURTiOFFICERS./ • ; ; ' -The identity off the: court officers,; those; ."grarid-lookirig\ lndividuals V attired ; in" such lordly^ ; cos tumes, /.will ;■ interest? theTpublic.'; { Following :.; is/thellist : Rqber t^ Lecky^ Jr.^ Lord High Cardinal;lColonel John; S.*Harf; "wood,; Lord ' Scribe;;^Hon:vß:^M:-- Taylor,^ ■'tor & " ; Mayor ';■:] Eu gen e % H. : ; Clowes, , Lord Keeper";' of V Jewels; pjColonel^Henryj/C/ /Jones, -vHighv Receiver .-• of : Keys;; c W/? Gray ?Mdseley,7 Jester, 1 - and'-L. -/W.^McYeigh ■ and George W. /Warren, 1 Guards. 'Band- an«l-iiStaff t Inspected. s The /' hbh-commiesiohed p staff .§ahd:-J. the j band" of -the s^ Regiment ;%were: inspected kat;! the £ 'Armory; ;-: last : ,; night /by . Colonel ; Jo -Lane^ Stern... Tho first ;£?tia.rdv' mount of ; the was -heldft at^-theJSeventiethf Armorynlast niKht " Orders Shave jbeen'r posted *f or^this 1 to*be" h'eld'on -Monday,: night [of ! each week until J further^ orders. ' ■ ' •'-'secVetnry7olE-;Porto:nico'i' : g^^& - WASHlNGTC^|P^G.;i;Oet6berTj.— The^ •Presidehtsto-da*yj appointed iCharles"? Hart-/ -zell a of Cblofado^secretaryioffPortotßicqf nil n the .?caused|by r stHe fpromb"-; ! - tioh ? of - : Secretary,vHunt Ito t- the ;-goyernqr^ ship of the laland. fTol{Be> Internal Hwvcumo .Collector. fe3v^SHINGTbNrSD^tC.V/:O<itbb'eßt7.^ "was $? announced?^ 1 authoritatively^ to-day i that SpreßidentS.fßooseyeltti'hasg? selected t Loomisfßlalock fas llnter nal i Revenue? :'Col^ Sector siorJSbuthl Carolina;^ to| succeed vttej latelEiS f A:%Webster. t |The;apppintmeht, i |lti ilslexpected; will be. announced? shortly.'^ ;. . - ' ■-. ■. - ~~~~ - ' . _ - ■> WAll§sizesVOrlental&ilug3i;axidvCarpetsJa,fc importer's prices: . -.3sSS§g iiiS- ■ WSB IIW^WBHSIs lIisXYNCHBIDSI&SBS^«^ , KO CONFER EHCE : LIKELY TO-NIGHT / 'Jfot Serion'sly ■,Slok— riVcTvsi. nii<l -.Gos— A telegram received in this city^yes-;.- from Lynchburg conveyed -the infbjrir^tion'thatiSenator;Johnj>V^Dan^el^ whb^wJ^^expected/tb/addre^sltherpeincKg fcratici! conference;/; to-night/ iri; vbeHalfgot-^ theVm^brity/Treport/bfUh^Tsuffragiß/com^^ :mittee^fis ■ ill;, at hisi home ; hear 'that ;city»;^ 'and:- will'/ be -unable -.- io ... ;uts- pi c»«. "•...;•■-.-..-— . Senator Jis "said/toibefsuKerins fronrchiUs ', \ and - fever, /and is under ItheHreatdae;nt Jot ; : a; physician: KThose/ whoj;: have /•■ seen Y ; the • Senator. } recently ; have :• nbticeS r that ;■- he :.., did? not; appear/c to >be v'in/rhis"; usual 11 / health:/: and ; itherahnbuhceinenttthathejis^ causegf eat surprise, -though^much-regret; r is; expressed^/ It;is;hoped that^hisailness will not prove serious. /•/■ The iunexpected ; illness "of \ Major; Daniel,'; who /■• was /? announced ■• to/ speak \* to-night : ;o; on r .the^Suffragei Committee's I"report,1 "report, iwill; /probablyZ^furtherVdelay/^actibh' by.? the ; convention . /land > will ; r ; almost : certainly, cause-the cbhfef^ence.; called for; to-night •to;be";deferred,/;thqugh"it/is:;barely ; ;posi sible ; that ; ■ the conference .will - be;; held '■- and that '■ some one else. : willr address :_i t: ; Mr'./; Keeezel ,' the. , chairman/ of \ the _ con^ ferehce, could not be : . located-; last ., night;'; /but ; several /prominent.- members of;; the convention,' ' including.:-: Hon."/;: Rufus //A. /Ayersiahd Mr." J./ H. r Lindsay, a member i ;'o'f the Suffrage Committee; expressed :.tbe opinion" that a 'conference". would: ; probably,] •not beheld to-night: jMr.'Ayressaid'thar he though t that no 'posiUve annbuncemenf ;■ could ;be. made "on .'.the subject, until /this '■- morning/when /the matterXca' discuss ed -by. the members/ ' ■ , '.' //; Major. /Daniel/ being ;the/;chairmanXof -the Committee and /originator -of the'minirity report -it isof great im-| : pdrtarice,' ;not to" -.- mention the /courtesy j question involved/.that he 'should .be -given -a hearing: on '■■•a-; matter ■■so ■"Important.-;.; .-It ; "was ." expected th at- 'M r. " : Dani el _~ .would -: make a great 'speech,- ahdibeing the cham ;pion of the minority report, (that he would ; reply to the) able; argument of : Mr.; Thorn.' ; the : champion 1 of ithe : majority, report. / His /illness; will -but defer; the/speech,; and it Is ■ hoped: that the delay -will be for. but a few days. .' '..',', .'■-"'--• •- ; It has ;been" announced ; that Mr. l Wysor.' of , : Pulaski, . would - : follow ■ Senator Daniel: in advocacy of the /plan r which* he ipro£ poses, and' it . is" possible : that he. will/be the o: speaker : . in '■. the: ' event of a confer ence; being . h^eld '.to-night./- /- " " .: , / : : Several . member^ ■of the; convention , are opposed to /thesholdihg ; of -conferences //during the; Carnival, when all'the mem bers' have^friends 'in the; city, and at-an | hour ; when all: naturally desire to be at leisure. - ' _ - I-. Only two. convention committees- were [ "scheduled and neither |j of UhespTwas able to. mustvr^ a quorum, manyjJof ; the' members who went Uo':- their ; horo.«-fs' for Sunday not having x returned; and' others being occupied with*,/ friends in .-"the city : or weaned' away from/ work iby; the. allurements of; the Carnival^ 1 :. .; \ ;.; Ai .well-known member of the .Suffrage Committee, who did not .wish to be quoted, . expressed the opinion last night /that ; neither. /the hor : the ; ciinority /plan- of the Suffrage Committee ivbuld^ be adopted.- He added his; opinion 1 the ... convention will ultimately " adopt; the majority*; report 'in J a ■■• materially amended : lorni:'-- In short,- ho at the suffrage clause that would be; adopted, would be ; almost; if not, /precisely .the same ; as; the; ! Louisiana clause. ; A temporary /under standing ;claiise, with: a; rigid educational 'qualification and a. property -clause as an .; alternative, are the chief-feature? of - the plah : that will find favor '.with ..the "cohyen*-' 'tion, as the member" in' question; believes; ''.''■ Hon. -.': J James ; .W- i . Marshall ,' and^Mr.' ". Thomas ; Lee Moore were absent ; f rora . the /convention' yesterday, one having gohe\tb rLexington- to. : address -a Democratic gathering and the other to'Fredericksburg .to speak to. a Republican crowd. ; Feileral Exhibits at Olinrlestbri/" : / WASHINGTON, I ; D..C.V "October 7.-T-rohn A. Avehill, - of -Charleston; S. , C. r , director general;of the Charleston -Exposition;; was here to-day;'; in> conference 'with .officials of, the Smithsonian'; Institution' rands the Fish Commission; / and 1 other ;: government officers,/-' relative to exhibits:^^at Charles ton/ /'?-;■ '■: -,-■:-/ ' /■ . ' - : . ' - ■ ': -':'--V'- TJie'Ameer«.ii/Den«l. '/LONDON. October ,7 .—A / n ews ■ agency publishes * the;-, following/: dispatch from Simlajv'dated'. this evening: "Habib Oullah iKlian,. eldest -: son- of -the : Ameer /of ghanistan, :.has- reported .to/the? British agent -at "Cabul. that : the : Ameer; died last; Thursday,/: after/ a; ; brief illness."/: V; ; ; ' .- A dispatch to the: Associated Press from; ; Simla says the'i"- Ameer, -was -taken / seri- : ously ill; September /2Sth:-/ Habib Oullah Khan; October 2d,asked"ih;a durbar/that public/prayers ; be?'offered/ for- thel'Ameer.; In ,the = morning, .of ; October : 3d Habib:Oul lah. Khan that ?' his; father ; had : expired ~ at 3 ■ o'clock/ that -.morning. //No-' thing- is.known.o f the : state. of affairs-at Cabul. ' ; '■ '.---'-. ■: : Speylkl nsr at Charlotte/iviHe. ! - CHARI.i>TTESyiLIvE^ VA., - October 7.-— (Special,)— General -Thomas :., I*. f Rosier,-' I"{;Republlcah>'candidatel "{;Republlcah>'candidate~ r ifor Attorney-G^ncc-al^and Mr.-Hoge, brother' of the- Republican ./candidate for Gover nor,, spoke I..«ye/ to-day," with little effect, judging ■ froni?..f%^earance? : - :'Mr. i Hoge's : : speech vi alone r seemed ■; to .claim' ; any thing like marked attention. • :.-. ■*•' '.■■'■■• ./-■ ■ .',.■;"■ ■•" -'■ * '. ' -■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■■■ -. . ■ ■■■ . . ■'!. : ./Personals ''anil. Briefs. .r-1 , - VMr. Clj-de Hurt, Vof iCrewe,", ;Va., . is visiting, his sister, Mrs.. James C. Daniel; , } Misses 'Maude and'/ Fannie Winn and sister, ' Mrs. ? Clarence -. Love,/; are spending: : Carnival '"week with ': Mr. "and Mrs. : James C. .: Daniel, ."north- Eighth'; street." /. ' . : Policeman / Pleasaiits . Dunnington -and. bride ■ have/- returned ; f roni - their > bridal trio, . af ter "a: splendid time, visit-: ;ipg- Baltimore,! Philadelphia; ./Lynchburg,; and other cities. - \ £> Miss ; Ruby, Southall/.? of Charles City.-; Is ■ c visiting Mrs; ■ A: W. -Frarick,: of Uhis's city." i'Mrs.T Florence M.VTimberiake.T- whoi has' a critical; condition, for,;- the loast': ten days, '■•■ is ; thought ito be . improy- : ling. : ■: The -house , of Mr. UV^Ashbjv Jones,:No :6o4'%west4Franklin . street, 1 vhas ;. not ?. been: rented/to . Cap tain. Willard.;l> ; ' .;.;-:- ': ; v ; The East-End / Gun . Club .will have , a shoot?this afternoon;; at > : Mr Hermans Groot, : .\vho*has r been cseri-; iouslyoill- at;;his^residence,^9;'west-;Caryi "street,/ is not expected'to-Uve through. the Mr. James C. Cherry, for so many ■years rassociatedvwithUheiflrmt of Charles: G.-'Jurgens.;andilatterly;; with .Charles iG4 ; Jurgens"sU Son.i.has .'accepted :;. a ;,- position ■ i with 1 Robert >-Mltchell : Furniture; Com--, O;iv"and jotvillrleave; ; on V the : 1-itir Instant"; f orchis : new ■ ' field; of \ ; Mrs. ; Alfred' A." Eskridge/a.nd' her : sister,; /Miss -K*- Bertie of jStauntonjviVar.'j tare '■ the r guests fof ; Mra:f Louffl F.* Bossteux.i 322 south Third street. : ■••-•'. Miss E ttie -Adams, -of •;, Lynch b'urg,-^ af^ irived^mT-theicity^yesterday.; and :is at-;, itending^the? Carnival. ..".-; fe^Hoife^niiamjß^Pettit.tmemberiofithe; f convention " ; from, f Flu vanna, d -| returned '& to j tthe?city*ryesterday;taccompanled:sbyi|hiSj ?sdn* andl law? paftner^Mr^- Paul|Pe ttltt^ gSMr'*-i ; ahd">Mrs.~^Villiam;Starke?Burkeftofi jStaunton^are;ih|tie|cKjrifor:sthe|Carnl-| ■ val^stoppingfat^the^New-Ford's^ f Mr fßurkeSi^Sineinbersof City Council; Miss Rosa WiU./bf^Stauntoh;/-Va: > f ; l3; f inUhef cityi to (attend Jthe i Carnival^ She ■ la |the£suest, of Mis^E^n^|^ojirtney,^o^ = -Mr;^/AVR6binson : of;the Durham ;(N. |c.)lSun^is|inxtheloity. He is oneiof&the sbestj-kndwriKnewspaper. men o? the old .VMr/: K.D^Urquliart,/of-SaltvlUe /^a:; |. ; the > giant: travelling S. : man, : .well 7: known- .) Avoid :Nepvauß Pr L ttßtrattonm, : \ Hiflf -^|you^^fdangerpiMl^sick>^fbat ,i j|| ! |qffi^s^h¥jQQrfousrsy stem^H^^eadjwa3| j ; -'the pain T * : and yon- sleepTv/ell . | IsSlaf j^^ou oiisrhi to know that when you .j goeased to be rcgiilar In 'yqurrcoorscs^ fgrow;/;irritable without cause, and ' Ipassislee^leSTEfeliV.". there is serioua 3lks.° Haetlst. . /:;/ ; ;. .../•// trouble somewhere, and nervous pros- : tration. is sure to follow. ."'.'-/ - You ought to. know that indigestion j '. e x h .a'ti.s t ion;; womb/ displacements, fainting-; .idizziness, /;headachei an d backache ; send the ; nerves yriltl with affright,' and you cahnbt sleep. \ / /Mrs. HartieyVof 221:W:;Cdngress"StA^ Chicago, ill;'; whbse'i portrait . we pub - lish;/ suffered Wall : these \ acmes';; and was entirely cured -by :Lydia E.,Pink ham's /Vegetable ; Compound";; her case should be a /warning :to other's, and her cure carry .conviction to the minds of -every; sufferingi woman- of / the un failing efficiencyof Lydia E ' Plnkham's ; ; ycffetable.; Compound.- ': . ; _ throughout the .State, /is in: the city at the NewFbrd's. •--"-... " . . >'/.: ;.\llic"!tmbii"rter!» '.iniXerr. Yorlc. .' ■-. NEW TORK.'October 7.— (Special.)— W. W. : Russell and' H. S./Burch. --.-.Broadway Central; H." : Copping; : New- Amsterdam; G.F. Schoen.- Vendome; N. Ju. Mont gomery, Grand iTJnion." ';; :. / RAILROADS' FWBTEAU. Their Receipts Thi»;Yeni*AVay Alieatl | -:-/-' "of Previous /Years- Personals. :. ] "There is /nothing, more- interesting to me than the study: of the figures. show.-, ing the freight . shipments "to and from j this city," suid: one of theM*T3t known m railroad m*jn in Richmond to ;a Dispatch; writer yesterday. "I: have -been doing it j a great deal lately. "You may : or may/notjj know -: that . the ' earnings , o f • the- roads en- ; tering: this city, have never been sogreat; in' any year- as they have been during; the year | three fourth ended.-, This year; /will .be a much finer one; than last; last year %vas a better one:than the* : oue pre-. ceding, snd ao ; oit b2£k| t0 ;1597. - 1 tell you | it 'makes: a man feel, good: to -know; that i every year/ the trade :of -the city is in /creasing at such: a rat«j ; *lf you -want to; have an idea- of the volume of .the busi nesst being done by. the city, and -by /. its ; -railrcaSs; add' to 'the total for ; this yettr;; one 'half : the 3 total/ for the -.year/ -15.97.-s I do ■ not think there /is- a city., in the. country, which" can. show such a record.". • Following .is. a comparative statement of the gross- earnings of the Chosapeuke: and Ohio road for the quarter. of Septem ber:-"■"--■-'■- " : .'■'■: . - : :.': ■' : -'::■'■■ ■■ ■■ •IMH ............ ........ "..$425,730 S$ 19C0 ............:.-......... "..."..-3S4.CCO 33; . Increase^ .'..... ::.. .......§ 41,721 25 ! Forthe" month of .September: // ieor .•.....%....;. .r:.:v..............5i.-i 13,573 os : 15C0,.........^.... ..:;....-.'...:... l.SoS.Wi^i/ :. 1ncrea5e. ;.......... ...........?. -.-':8 9,077.G S Beio w are ; the es timated earnings .of "the "Southern '^Railway System for. the: "fourth" week' 1 of •'• September, -.exclusive of the-St. Louis-Louisville lines: ; . _ . - This; : year .i.-.T..... 1 .. ............ ....".876.fi80 Las t year.. .''. . . ......... . '. ...... - .'. ... &75»1^ ■ '* Increase ..-. ...-.................■? 1,501 '?.*" St. Louis-Louisville lines: v . -' . ; This 1 year /........./...... ....'......:..$ 75.™ 'Last year '...1.... ... .' ;. . . •- . • •••••••- • Sl,S>> •;■-: Decrease ....!......-. ..:..■...."....5: 6,011 Mr. W. A. Riach: general - auditor of the Atlantic-Coast. Line road, -died last Friday; but the intelligence, has "just.been received here.- -- .ac:.v- Riach : . died -on the steamer Awhile .returning;! from where he :spent> the. summer. This gentle-, man::has long been "connected, with the : Coast Line. "■■ .' ■; ; - Mr. John'D." Potts, assistant : general \ passenger * agent ; of ; - the Chesapeake ' and = Ohio, V. ; has / made / arrangements lito i have eepers: and> coaches /attached to all-trains running- to : this :city, from CharT lottesville and Lynchburg .during ■ Carni ;val'.week.: " •.- - . "'\ /. * 1 Mr. :F. P. /Nininger', /express: me'ssc-nger on the/Norfolk and /Western :roB>?. is off :on?"a" vacation:*.- He ;and his family are now visiting " relatives :f.t ; Salem, -ya. ; ■■■- Engineer John R:' : Nuckbls, of ■ the Ches apeake/ and;- Ohio, -underwent ;ai)ainful 'operation -for; a . large : abscess ; a.t the Clif • ton 1 : Forge [Hospital Friday.' ..." / . .. . - •""'''..' , \ BEATIIS. ■ ;; MORRIS.— Died; '-'at/ his/ residence, No. 216 feast; Grace", street.' Sunday.; morning, October .6; 1S01," JUNIUS: A. ■ MORRIS, : in his-; 66th -yearl-;-..' ./: ;W ~V' : '^ : '-' ' '-■;.-• :'-;//: '- ; // /Funeral v from/ the/First -Presbyterian church,/';. THIS (Tuesday) /-AFTEKNOON, at ' 4 o'clock.' •;'}■ ;/' ; . ;. " At a meting of ;;the)-'Whblesale Grocers^ ■Association, of : Richmond;;.V a., called spe-^ ciallS'.; by its -president^" to . take suitable action" ;in memory Vof? r the death :. of" Mr. Junius A- /-Morris,;, of ! the I /; concern //of Davenport'^,-'- Morris J'&'.l Co-i /who/ has /been f or: inahy : years ■identined- with * the /com mercial ?-- interests v; of ]\ our' cityi; and; who has ' done and : "sacrificed/more Uhtin any. man in theitf ade ; harmonize and ;pro mote ■ good feeling > and : engender 'mutual confidence;-: the; folio [wins '.'.resqluti6ns'-w.ere_ unanimously/, adopted: .... I '.':• Whereas^; it has "pleased y our.- Heavenly FatherSto t take 'from /ourl midst .the soul; of /ourj'beioved. friend (/and /associate: ; ... '■'Resolved^/That^in^the/Tdeath/ibf^Mr.' Junius" A; .Morris : the^business interests;of durrcity-have'rhet'with a. s-irious Uoss-^oria ofithoipilars of Ithe' Temple (of iCorhmerce j hiasf f allenl axid\: .they city^anajStatelhaye) sustained :-th";e-;ios.|'- of 'ajgdbd. and .worthy; citizen. -" . ■ : ■■■? Mr."^Morris -possessed ;'many. kind.^lova^ ble^randU. social traits i>'o£ ;.-. character, -jhe -was! loyal vi tc^t his :; friends 3 and .was ; ever. /willing i to f extend. I the ■ hand {of i forgiveness "tOittibsG \who]hadilnjured':hini. ; ///He wasja !manlofjsplen&ldjmental|endo^^ts.-vand; : have^ succeeded in; any^yocationiot 1 if C- in which he .might ; have employed^ his ; [talents^pHefpossessedftha^ m^b; : S f oirtiter S in 5 re/^that|gavelhlms anj 'attractiv'eTpersonaHty^andfanjyndl^ caused those who knew him I>> . t to|re« ■gard, him" with sEpcegg affectlo_i^^^^g | ;thy,-in'.their;afflictlon: , ', That our association attend Ittie'tfuneral services In a b-'>rty: /-^|jg|3| !tbSthe*famiiy. of 3 tho j deceased, j and j that tSii ;.--»mo L'C spread -upon .our xninutcj. fancy wa-? Infectious. and->,wher_eyer ha ■ vv. Nt h-j w.i.<4 surrounded •!•>' 'a crcnvd; : ; whoao ch>>f , object in helrigr;ncar L hiniiWa*|^ \ Uo^stc'-andjftfcSß'M^ ! bylthatllaughTgiyen with as mucfav freedoai;^^^ as'Vif he wort- In tht • back"^fleia?i2ati^ ■ ■:: ;: S-- ~ ■ : fore*:. They ate here, to h«- morf« exact, ■but tho' liive not yet fully opened for i Ibusinc^?. Tboy are working j to] get. ;rea4j^^ for trade and by to-day theyj.wllphe^^ .ready to "serve tin 1 public." ilany aro *alre:irty open ' for ft business?; The ! Amuse- . inient Committee tiad.many, applications , forp||| •ipriviles^^sterda^ifNea'rly^aH^wefe;^ I II ff a kifsl,who]liiad f s'.cKen«s^wbich7 ttiey^waht- vv l .jgj ed/toAworfcrb^th^pl^Uc^Th^yJsenecany i /gbt:;wha;t/ith^yli"^shed:^||T^ ;• } doesjnb t sicrutlriizo"Xyery..vClosely^^ " ■!suchlap^ltcatlo^s^"Qanj^h"aw'|alCtoJrat;^^ 1 val fakirs.*' Vaid a pollceEaan^^ •; j ' yestcrday?;/"The ; country^ pepplejvwouldn" t - - 1 1 ike ) it. T hey /expect rschemes."^ 111 1 ; looj^ 3 , - :/ i ' hik'e^they->wiH set "em— as many of 'em as «., ,,..,__ - ■; :v "A loaf o' broad an 'a pound :6 : meat - for f-i-v-e cents'V was the famHlar.^cry -;, ; which was heard .-on" Broad -street 'yes- . l.terday "and -last nlpht. : |/:cltiwas 7 heard^soio£ten'/cluringrjthc;;CarV - 1; nival last; year. -and .hasr been abywonl ; "{"ever "slncer -The: mensure is short, .< ;[ vthe/wci^ht; iajlisht.vTh^: loaf Js' a'; small -■: ? aand^thin^sucejipt^bread.and th« pouna ;--A-~i ■ .ofrneat is a sm;iir;we!nerwm-«t. But tho ' sausage* is' hot; /A: great many were sold,; : : : j - :and : - g"oing )like /''hot- saussase.'' is : a - say-. -; ing which finds ready and apt illustra-. tion. 'There were -never so -many.' ■'eatlnffj-s* / houses ':] in ./the /same -space^as are on .-. ; Broad /from Foushee to Seventh. _■;.• Jn ?^ ireVßry^block ythere' /is : on^;\;in^-somo,^ ! places : there /are "two or three in^ suce'e?-!; hsiori: The majority of them are run by . /private" individuals.^ but • several ; socletljt jp £ are^runnihp: "others -for' the ./benefit -jot:. their/organization?." They ; were " well::^ patronized- yesterday, ... and with .'"a? large*,.;;;, cfowd/out-to-day it is likely that they will all ; do a great business. ■-'- . : ' .---'--■■ u_^_^_ ' ' : :...:■-.;..-';'.; -;/ -.:. -, ; : There' were 'few:of ' the shows open yes ■terday afternoon. /but ithose- which wcri vready for spectators did ;a fine business, ,, } The people. v/ere awfully ,:; anxious : ;to/'Ket;^ -inside the gaudy /entrances and sec. "tha?9 .'wonders' proclaimed"' from the. outside -by the ■ stentorian- V voices. \.o f the. men/; wha.,;/ have to be/able totelt good Jones Zb^fbrajcv i ■ they are capable- of holding.: their jobs./'/ - There- seems ;no '^likelihood of their/ Iosf;:;/; mar them;//: ; .--'/ ■"' "-' : / : ; - ."• -/' -• . ' / .-■■■'; The shows .were .In "full blast aftet j ;(lr.rk. " .'- ■ > - '- ' . , y "Osco," not Bosco, . this ; year. ;Boscc /.': bit off! the/B ih/his name, and :now :!the -^ cry is' 'VOsco, /.the wonder, _ eats ;'enT/;; 'alive! alive! Makes : you -hungry - : to: sea.: ,: him eat!: ;Hurry!/hurryt .huirry!" / . ; /v//;/ Since the :last Carnival,; the sreporthai-^ gone out that Bosco .'is dead. /Mr.- -Pot» j- f terrßostock's press manager, denied .. this; v'; last night. ■ "The original Boscb who wai :; : : wlthius /last/year.'V ;he : said, '"i* ■■/no-vi ■/. {runh'fngr^a'n'/'anlmal. ''show on Jthe 1 strength >;; of -the advertising- ; -hls '; name ; has 'gotter:"/*-~^;.; REALESTATE. .» Testerday real "estate was dull. It will - ', bo all this week, - because of ; the '.- interest^ of the -. "people-- -being:-. diverted" to Carnival " , entertainn:ehts./:This:will .be pretty much" a" week of :rest, 'or/more : accurately,' in-. \ activity in realty jahd building. v But : not;i; : £ ■sb -much in' •building. The contractors^ have all they, 1 to get workmen.':yc i.Tho erection of booths has drawn many - ; i workmen 'from the : more :o£ ; /: edifices. : _./' .' •/./..:-'- . _ »» ~ Mr. Trent Miller is '."overhauling. andJm-^i; proving/ the '.residence '.No.'. sl6 ..west Grace ; ■ street." which he recently ■purchased./. A | will be put;to;it, tho plans for /: which were' drawn by Mr. W. C. West/. .S. S the architect. ■' . , . '.The : following property was sold by N, S^ Bowe Saturday afternoon: /'Building, lot ;:near/ Twenty-fifth street, New Bridge road. ;:/."/;■ "'.' -.-', /;//-,// Small frame 'dwelling .and Jot, . 2013 Cj- ■street. ; . '.»'," :^-A : -.Uirge: lot in "valley of Gillie's creek 1 1 - r just; below the road leading .to National ■ ./ 'Cemetery. . : ;■ ' .■'". /. . : ■ . . ..../: . v vacant ; lot in the . valley ot Shockoa,^ crtok.'fronting/onsiri- alley: between Ma^Jj "shall - and Clay -and Fifteenth, and 'Six- _ :'teenth.^ : ' .'■.;.''■/.:■.-.;• "J.: '-■/■////"-'. ■"' '-'/ * : " :^ "■::-/ -"•/Four lots on sbuthslde of Llttlepagc -*.' -?trt;et. : botwt-en Lownes '.and /Baker; .streets. /. •_'•>"., : •/Frame/ store and dwelling with, , -I«V-':' : : soutiitiast.- ; cofifer .~o£._. Bhur and Was hinges "ton -streets. '■■■;' /". ■■".'" ' '■. . '"'■ r/'Vacant lot northside of Blair, street, _ east of /Washington '•; street. ... . ... / 'Vacant: lo,t on Washingtoii:-strefet;-jb«H|> tv;eeri Claiborne and Blair. streets." - '; s ■Tho 'following transfers/ of property, werf recorded yesterday: ; / Richmond:- -.Albin/Bulklejr Branch";to ; Nanhie/Ficklin /Branch, personalty /f la house No. 1222 Floyd avenue, .; subject nto.; life" interest of said Aibin Bulkley, Branch. $1. _ :-;■-/■■ - :-'"'• /: ; ..-' : ;// ..:■-'.-.■■ : " -J^lLOgburn to H.R.; Pollard, Jr.;:3o; 'feetion/west side 'of "Rgservoir.: street,:; W feet "north 'of .Berkley street,; $-180. . ;.■../: F. S. /and A., P. iSpbtts to ■? Jamea^ vT. Sloan; 16 jfeet on east side .of fßuchanaii: street, :10S 6-13 feet . south f; of/ Baldwin istreet, 500. ' ' /' - ' Henrico: ircDonough Jancl wife to j. H.. Barnes, 26 feet on south sides/ of Washington. street, $SOO. N. P.iPerkins to /B.E. ; Perkins, ■ 50 . feet on^vest'side of twenty-third; street; /130 feet north : of S street, subject to. deed, of -trust,- $522.- .'■ . - - r :: Virginia .and North Carolina .Wheel Company /to^Chesapeake and /Ohio Rail^ v.ay Company ,~ r strip"of land ;l6; feet iwide^ beginning t at ; point .where the ceri tre 1 Una of tho /Janies-River/ Wharf Ktract/Inter^: sects ; t he"; centren tre of line jo f Marshall street," :and : fa strip/of lahdsbegin'nins* atfa-point; the Southern's^right^ocfwayjof ithe Chesapeake/and ;Ohioßiillw~ay;.Comp^ny .intersects'/ the 'centre-line lof. -Marshall street; $1,250. ..-."* . ' ' ' -." " ' aiUSlt^Vt. SH-V3I BATTLE. v Pill nney'a ;:im tl Artillery. BaJads, \Wltlk i ;; /Mnitary/ParJlelpntliijt. \ / pne;ofsthe/'most'e^jbyabla;purts^ot|th6; prcgranime/f dr.; to-day twill be^tho^"GranilJ Delffiptlve.Far.tasia, 1 froui? -Battlefield If© Jriieside," by'-Phinney's -Pan-Arnerlcaa Baiia.; //This w HI > be :a ?sPlendfd?reproduc^ ill'-n of a «ham-battie. Itlwiintako'plact. at the Eiffel Tower this evening at 1 o'clock^ S'.. The k band "/will |bo /assisted ; ;:bj "\ Comp:»ny ■■?&'■: of < the i "i Seventleth'ißeglmen^ and /the -Fqurthi^Artillery -/Bancl.^-yThf production will necessitate aft extensive 'display /of f pyrotechnics?. SvTh^synopa!srof|tK^ 7 selecUon';glyen]her"a' will present an Idea of - ■wbatymay^M expected :i Camp Vrdrummer's call; morn-; ihfe'i eSai% r 3v/-^ *« : ilVrValsJ'ast fcatl ; - maxclxV; Insrjto th*> farew»-il. all ;abo"ordj; thefstarr? arrival at scene iof actlon;|ban<i in" crimp; "Ant-rica"; Sband" encaefped across "tho- ri/^f.XVD'.jco." "Re<l.uWhlte^ an<ljßluo.'"-*Ark«n^a-; Ynveller," 'AWhttA! Cocftad'-." "Girt I I>-ft Behind ife'^Ang clan to '■•■ Relioso ;/ Choral : -.;-"J ost ; :Bef ore |th« , Battle.*' ©-The Zxttl&;\,': VThe^accnt Chair," "Stcir Spangled Banner." <.-£ .^v Mn^cnAxpßtesmctASt:: SMT to Klrhmrad.' -'^S^ S|G^RwyrTi^yi.Lt£^.iiip^^^<AM .7^(Spec:at>— Mr. Jfhn ' Arrrt^tronsr Chan- Uer s Kwas/-nere/al!/'day/:|iR!con.ferenc^|\rttls^ 'hi^lawyeKi^Nothlnjr y«ui |attempte<ayto'ij .fcpurtf?ll.TtalChanlerlca9ef was- ! pojtpcro^tf ItoTtne | Noycmberiterm (of . court; > ln|«a»E* to slvo nil concerned tSat? to gather facts."^ ■ It 'is understood that' Mr. CKanla%l9tKg ; 520.C00-woriti.7ot Oriental. Rojfa-tsooa ;._