Newspaper Page Text
BUSY POLITICAL DAY. aOXTACriB AT nOCKV MOtJ2\Ti AVM. • A AM)i2KSO"N AT Gl.Ot CI3STI3B. ; S)ODJ : SPEECHES AT LEXINGTON vrilinrd nn.l "Cyclone .Tim" ' Mnrsliall -: There— Ma jor Otcy, Jn.lsre - Cifmrtl,'! nnfl lion. ?. I* Kelly nt ; ->- ...vs.: :: ."-v.:-:>v---.'/ : / ■-;;■■■ '--, . ; ; SmllUvllle. • " "•• KOCKY MOUXT, VA.. October 7.-(Spc^ 'A. J. Montague addressed h audience hero to-day, and his speech " -w&s well received. He took up Mr. Hoge's - 'charges • asalnst the Democratic party, und showed that they vcrc utterly with out foundation. •'.' .■;:'... : : '; - Ho ridiculed the suggest that the Dcmo 'Vcratic party," which- Is the, parly of, the 'whito people' of Virginia and the South. Vfcas ever contemplated for a.'iriomcnt Lho jlillsfrancliJpement of } the white poople/ of ' -''this'' State— the very people to whom the : Ojarly has always- looked for its : support, j Mr. Montague did not seem to think Uiat Mr. Hoge, who, as described by him. ■v-cnt "West some, years ago shouting De mocracy from the rear platform of his rar, and when recalled : for cause Iy. jrovcr Cleveland^ returned a roaring 'Be * publican, was" a very good 'against the Democratic party. :-ilr. "Montague showed ihat the impfove •ment in the financial condition of the country was due to enlargment of th» circulating medium by. the : prodigious, in crease in the output of gold and the con tinued icoinage of silver by the Republi can party.. He criticised the' policy of that party, in the Pliilippincs, and insist ed that if the. Republican party was right in Cuba, it was wrong in the Philippines; ■that it could riot? be for liberty arid 'lho cause of humanity in Cuba, and for tyran ny and inhumanity in the Philippines; and be: right in both positions. / The Republican orator, Mr. S. Brown Allen, failed to turn up, but the party invent ahead and 'nominated n. legislative candidate for defeat in November next /by that sturdy champion of Democracy, 3VI r. Joh n H. Fergu son. • The choice of the Republicans for.lonis iative honors was Mr. John P. Dudley,'- ?- : j.'oung member of the party from the -Gills i Creek District, in; this county. Mr. '■ ■Montague's speech will do good here, arid the campaign will now move .Vigorouslj' on to victory. ■' .. ■_ '"■'«!»■' 1 -■ :, ... ■ ' - axotherlaccocxt of it. , "Slore Al>ont the Discordant Conven tion at Diinvicldic Vestcnlay. ; DINWIDDIE, YA.. October 7.—(Spe ~ lial.)— The Democratic convention to ' iiominate a candidate for theV Legislature; .'■:, assembled here to-day at 13 o'clock noon,: v and after much'wrangling and 1 disorder -adjourned- late : : this . evening /without; nominating a candidate or even -'perfect- Ing a temporary organizatioji >; the party /not being reorganized as l.aid^down in -the Norfolk platform of 1901;: or electing any delegates to a convention to be held to ' morrow at PeterEb.arg,to nominate a caA :didateto succeed* HonJ W.~B. Menwaine. Q'here was^^Tcontesting delegation from Darvilles./^bne : faction being for- A. M. Orgafxy-^nd the other, for Eugene Hobbs. ,:-ftliere were motions made and roll-calls 'were asked, but the chairman would - : not 'allow- a roll-call -by precincts, stating that there was no complete list, as there Avas a contesting delegation from Dar "villes.-.- . '. ■' - '■' - (>-■■ -''■ ' There were three candidates— A. M. ~' Orgain, Sr., who had eighteen delegates; ■t'cJ'F. Smith, with seventeen, and Eugene ■■ Hobbs, /with five.- ■ -• . . ' ' .. i : After the convention adjourned, Messrs. ' A. M. Orgain, Sr.,; and Charles F. Smith both announced their candidacy. ORATORY OF SMITHVILLE. Mnjor Otey7 Jmlgre Ca^scll, and Hon. S. IJ. ICell>- Deliver- Speeches. SMITHFIELiD, October 7.— (Special.) ■'■']&. meeting of the ; Democrats of v Char- Jottc county was ; held at the court-house . 10-day. .:■"■• : - '.; County-GJiairmah Monroe asked that . pome one be elected to preside, as he had pressing engagements,, and on mo tion. Captain Norman L. Shaw was elect ed to '■ preside. After a few : remark"? ,as >to the object; of ' the meeting," several speakers being- present, he introduced Hon. J. N: Hutchinson, the nominee for the Senate from the Twenty-fifth Vir ginia District, who ; in a. few well-chosen ; words presented the -of the present' : contest, , arid :' alluded .to the method '■■ adopted in Mecklenburg for: in ; curing a full Democratic vote. . """He- hoped that a like method would be -'adopted: in L Charlotte, and, that every ( 2>emc-crat" would do -his full duty at the : l>oi!s. •■"• ■--■■_ . /'- ; ■-•.. ... _ ::.- . .. ' . '" MAJOR OTEY'S. ADDRESS. /// Major P. J. Otey, the earnest and --faitii-' /■ful representative of the Sixth District "In. Congress, -was then introduced. ;/■/: ,% He made,' an earnest: speech, .showing that the prospects of the State, as well as county, /depended upon; the wisdom Siind faithfulness of the people. ":ne im ■Jjoftane^ of- united action was urged. In :the day, of reconstruction Democrats irptood V together, and the growing pros fjj'erlty of the State was the result. /, ' %j\ Major*'. Otey made a warm appeal to Jithe Democrats of Charlotteto stand with % nri' unbroken,; front and give : a . full vote lni November, for Montague, \\"illafd. and "AndersoriJ / - • ' •' '■■...: ' .-/. . ."/' - ; ; /■ / - *;■ yi. Tlie next- speaker introduced . JuOge "George E. Cassell, of Radford. His speech /^vas an avalanche of strong, arguments, expressed, and .delivered: with 'iiV clearness: which riveted I the- 'closest i\i >: tentiou and called; forth the "--oaruest ap yjilause.^-: He likened the Governor; to a /joint stock company;. in : which every one jwas concerned, and for; which' every, one vinuVt^do his duty! His" illustrations y_ ere g telling.', arid, he held the closest attention /of/hifi :au<2ience. / . / : / S; Hon. S/L.. Kelly, member. of the House iTroin; Richmond, was ' the";./ last . speaker. iMe' paid his respects to 'the Republican ; Ti'ominee ■; for ; Governor, -a. •mm w! - ,<j, ?.. he Jfiaidi was. a Republican, be;a\is«. he was | iiot'T good •enough a l')ernocrat: :'He Jinade? some most ■•■ telling ' points, which I'BJJcitcdiwarih applause. . V; \ ' ; fep The speeches were all listened to with B^ose /attention, and it is hoped they /m &■ He thinks he ; lives, but he's a dead ? brie." No person is really, alive whose liver is'deadi ■ During' the .winter most peoplespend nearly all their time in iwarm; ■ stuffy houses or offi-> ces or- workshops- Many don't get as much exercise "as; : they,, ought, arid > knows 1 that ; peopled gain^weight^ in"; winters- Asa ruleit is = riot a lot i of ■ flabby^f at \ arid . uselessV rotti n g v rri at- -. ter a staying in ■■ the] bo^y: when^ it % ought tqi be ;driven outhßut the i'kyer. is oyer-burdened^ deaderied^stopswork; ; .'Th^ al^eadiliver, anci^rightinow is- thetime'for^ resurrection^VWakeupthe^leadl^Getalltheh filth" oiit (of ypuK syste ni^ arid ■ get^ready; f ori ; thel winters ; trials j with!: cleans cleaftblbodr; bodyvbrain free frbrn bile; : Force is'iiariger-' oiis and destructive unless -used iri'a gentle/^ P^^^ive^way^aridjh^ightpl^iflolgivel _ _____ n^w/strength tothemu^ularl^aHstbfjthe^ l^k^welsifandistiriiiplthej liver to new life andiWorkiwithlCASCAßETSpthelCTeatl ;Bystemscleaner;vdisinfec?arit^and!b>wel;tonic.; -GetTajSOc box ito^iday~a¥wholels ;jim^tbTsltrearaelnt~aMCseel;ho%? quicklyl you will!be:bnmghtlbacklt6lnew r Slifelf fiSwhplcand bdoltlet free^ ;" Address" Stcrlia^KemedviCo^ChicafiodSNewiYorkT^iil Charlotte in Noyemberv Convention X aS o«ru^^VrUUon^^ ' , DIJCWIDDIE/ *:V\ r AS< October ' |i§ggl| ! ctal)^THej;DcmQ'craUc?convention?j.n|^2By sionherctto-day- falling UOj^ effect van|or^ ganlzation" to - nomiiiatev?;: candidates^- 10: .'represent:; the/ cOyntyTof /pinwidflie" in^the. next- Leg"s!ature of Virginia. a-Sjourned /without actioh. - '-'■ •A. M. r Orgain/ declared himself as a, candidate before- the- people for " elec- After (lie convention adjourned, a m:sj; 'feting was heldiaridkhesfollow'nifwcrej elected' delegatesj to^the/Petersliurg.con-i [ventionr. J. 7 Y^ C." /E; ;u:ia^k, ; "John'Uargrave; "vr.vE^Stockdeil;^G.:vA;; Boisseau, Caboll Rives,/T.:K./iChamb2r;; ■William ? Hitchcbck//Av:ar. : Orga"n,V/andi W. J. Revoll.J. ; T. 'i-Harrls'/i.?;. chairman-; and W./C. Rivos! secretary. - : • ■■ , . ■■■■ . ' ■' . , -. wn~———., -■■:■■■' niSCI-SSSSb TXJfc" COXVEXTIOIV: IV; Prof; !UilOK \Tcllk"j'tl»c v..rulnsl«_l /P«o /. ■/-,/■; . / ' iilo'to'lJeiPatieii.'. >-'.-.' PUL.ASKI. '■"- VA/,*f October" 7J— (Special.) i Professor George W./ Miles/ of i ßadford;: addressed '■: the' people here/ to-day.; lie d-vvelt at leiigthi upon, the work/ofi/th3 Constitutional ; Convention, urging tha people to ■■■ be patient jpendlH? i ! s delib-. ; crations,;and?predictingaV;Spiendid in strument as ; the/ product, of its work. 1 / ': He discussed /the Democratic adriilnfa-j trationof State affairs' and r d^ir,orstr' ted; j how; under such control"? "Virgin iaj. had 1 taken great si r'doa in: iridustria! progress arid material development. ', " His speech was a very/ able . one, char acterized by a" scholar" y finish ; and e'.o- ; quently and forcefully presented. The crowd that /heard -him /was rf fairly gcod proportions, and h;s speech. Vi-as well received. .It made • a; profound; and favorable impression. ' - ; ; A\DERSOS -AT GI.OICSSTER.. ■--■■■•; - - ; ■ ■' -■-:-'--^' ■■..-'- 7" :;-■ • Fine Specoli by Our Xomiiifc for the AHor:icy-Gen«.»rnl.shfi». GLOUCESTER V COURTHOUSE./ VA., October" 7.— (Special.)--Ho^: William A. I. Andersen,' Democratic: nominee: for Attor ney-General,/ spoke here, to7day.-and.rat the conclusion of his!; address", 'a/gentle man / remarked /" that; it was ; :-.- the ... finest^ speech heard in this neighborhood -sirico the days of. Beverly Douglas. \ ■_ . In discussing the- suffrage, question Mr.; Anderson said that the 'Caucassian. race always rule. He cited- the case of -the handful of Dutch in/Java and Sumatra, who dominated the thousands of the yel-' low races.; •■ • .'..'. .---■■--.■• .•.;•■»,:..■..-•■.■..•■... He :paid"a;glowinEr-tributP to tho DntMv "in noting their resistance of the. Spanish for thirty . years. The speaker ; cited tne; case of the few English, who. routed "the ]0,000.000: of . India. -The negro, -he said, is incapable of self-government "and Vre-; .: trogades when lef t / to himself as in Ha4U. Jefferson was in favor of gradual eman cipation- and foretold the : events : that would follow unless a. wise course were pursued. It: took our race ten. centuries" to become capable of self-government while the negro is still: but a few centu ries removed from barbarism. , '■■ : Major Anderson was .very clear "on, the. question of taxation. /He showed that: if. what is called "invisible property/we re properly taxed the burden would be lift ed in a great measure from real estate. He cited the case of some railroads, that are capitalized at from $59,C00, to ?€o,COo.per; mile andare taxed; on a valuation of only §30.000 per mile. ' _ ;/ ~j. The speaker showed the 'tremendous saving to the people that would resij't : from quadrennial "elections and by the substitution ; thirty-five judges for "the ISO now -in the State. "Major Anderson was attentivery listened to by a good audience. . '• After him "Messrs. J. Boyd Sears, George - Y. Huhley, ■ arid: J./ M. Stubbs- spoke. The crowd here to-day, manifested much interest in the new ■ bank building :bein^ ; \ erected by "the T. E. Mumford Banking Company. . / / | -■.-,. _ — ~rpo ■ :. ; -- K. DECIDEDLY DE3IOCRATIC. AVillardantl "Cyclone-; Jim*' Mnr ... tilinil at : Lexington., . LEXINGTON, VA:, October 7.— (Special.) County. Court day. "and pronounced, de cidedly Democratic! Owing- to fine seed ing weather many ! farmers chose to work, yet there was aya v large, crowd present: bi Lexington to -hear the "first guns" of the political campaign. .> Both Democrats ■ and Republicans had orators, and speaking . was to .be heard from two points in the court-yard, where platforms had been erected. ,;:". -_■.- Colonel/ Joseph E-'.Willard, Democratic candidate -for Lieutenant-Governor, open ed thespeaking, and made a well-timed address, which, with* his ;fine personal a^p pearance,.caught 7 his auditors. ; He-is not new .to Lexington, though little, known to the county people, for: he spent four j-ears as a cadet at; the .Virginia Mili- j tary Instituted '*' , : : ' , . -He was' : followed - by former Judge Samuel AT. ; Williams, of Wytheville, who delivered a capital. speech on the leading issues of the campaign, which was well received and heartily applauded. . Hon. v" James .- W. • Marsliall. of ■ . Craig, closed in a lengthy but: telling- 'speech; suchtas he alone "\ can deliver. He per haps had the largest audience of the day; as many: Republicans came to hear him after their speakers had finished.; . •. He upheld his reputation:' as "Cyclone Jini," and made telling hits all along-; the' line at his dearly beloved (?) Republican friends.:^// /■■ '. .- -r ■■: '/: ;-_;.; /; '/ : -^.:' ./;: ../. .-::> . The occasion en/led with calls for Harry Tucker, who. stated that he would talk at a future date.:. . . , ./ Simultaneously: on j the other platform the Republicans were addressed by their, candldato : for" the State Senate, George A./ Reve*rcomb, of Allegheny county, who arraigned the - Democratic ; party = from its inception, and paid special attention :to the /present Constitutional Convention, which he painted/ in colors peculiarly his own.- - ' ' ■-.".. ""' " •;• In.his audience were many negroes. Charles W.Waddy, of .Buena. A r ista, one' of '.the_ Republican candidates for the House, made a brief speech in: conclusion; J. Hampton Hbge, who:- was billed to speak, did not put in-his appearance. T. G. Trcnchard. the former celebrated Princeton foot -ball player, 1 arrived to-day' and took charge of Washington: and.Lee's team. ■ : ■:.. ,■■ ■" - - . -/,./:./"■ - ; ■■ SHEXAXUOAU POLITICS. Democrats »u«I UepuliliennK -Speak i'n't' AVooilstoek— Many XiiilictiiientN :r AVOODSTOCK, . .A'A., October 7.—(Spe cial.)—The political campaign in Sti°n-" andoah county was opened here to-day by: both the 'Democratic .and* Republican pprik's. -' _ ■..-;:. . - ■ . Hon. T.J., Downing^ of Lancaster spoke to a large audience in Irwin's Hall i while Mr. J. Hampton - Hoge. . the Re publican nominee for Governor of Vir ijinUi^ addressed the' Republictns in the Courthouse. ' - - ■; \ The' regular, grand jury for Shen MiVER^ newspaper reader who enjoys good fiction by the best /authors will ;be ; interested in the B "-H-CESTER FORD -^^^ | M^R^^E ~' SB SgffiSg" " ARR " S Vs&&>&£g aa ss?honv b^ r h li^iloils v. ssH»d «iSSIr , ;s.^?#if^ DERs ifpis& b URNETI - rtii^gg- WOMS : . ;s^f |p EE D w° s NBAR . mis 5 . ißol A B T A H R E R RTO N J B^^S R js££%%£^ JCJ C A Q S ULS L 6nT E Vh AN gg ffISSBU HOW TO GET THESE GR.EAT BOOKS / 'HpHESEarinouncements 1 are made in this paper exclusively and in each: is printed a book voucher. ,--'■: ■:1-/ .which,' together with" the little price, secures the books published .while; the i allotment .•lasts..-/ It is I ' .best to -apply promptly,: '.'either /personally, or by mail.; Resident readers ■ secure the. volumes: for :;. ! 25 cents each and this voucher at our officei Out-of-town : readers mail : 30 : cents each with the i voucher and the books ordered will be sent by mail. . You can't go wrong in getting them all. Bring -, I /or send the voucher to . -.. :- : - / _ / ■ " .; ; -/ ■ - , Distribntion of TlieseFoiif Books Begins, October BtH and Ends Oc tober 15th - andoah - : county convened }-':. here- /to day, trid rendered true bills against Wiliiam W. Craig,; John B. craig, Warren . T.^ /Craig./: .John V R." Ln thecum, Robert . Linthecum, and > Solon Lintheciim, who are charged ; with burn ing* the- saw "and grist-mill- of. Mr. Samuel H. Lohas, . of :. Belgrade, •.' murdering ".- his son, Bruce Lonas, ■/•who was sleepingr. in the. mill . and. .afterwards .burning: . his : body.. ''"'.' '• ;; ' ' " • This crime was committed on December 18th, ISOO. Bench - .warrants' /we're issued for John R. -Linthecum and "■■ John,-:;-B. : .- Craig, who; it is. expected; .will be ar rested^ 'to-night at their .homes, about twenty miles; west; of Woodstock. , '"-■'■ •■:..:■:-:.■' ■^ T-T -— «»• . / --:■■--... = ,--;"- ■'; •■■ ■ POWffATAX DEMOCRATS, :/'//■ Disappointed Wing ; Nominate ;J. M. Gregory ami John E; Croivcler. ' : POWHATAN, .V A., October 7.— (Special.) The ? County , Court ,' held •.'-■ session .. only - a short time .this morning.; and > then • gave way to "political^ speakers. Vi-/ -■''['-/> .■;:;.' ; The I regular ■ Democrats. ;' -were ■: ably. : re r . presented; by Congressman Lassiter,.\vliq also' presided at the meeting. : Colonel- BP O. James, Captain R.'-i S. -"; Parks, J. Has kins;vHobson, and . Candidate :\Vi W. Bak er .spoke^Honr'D.^L,.; Toriey. .was .present but did, notmake^an address.:-^.;. ' The speeches were listened ;to with at tention- and' enthusiasm,' by a full house.. Captain Parks won the, hearts .of ;the people and- was "undoubtedly the orator of the day. v ' :: 'r-y -■-:■.-' . . .In the afternoon the ; disappointed; wmg 'of the DemocracSvhadi.what- they termed •-. a . : convVntion arid'- nominated^; for 1 i. the House Messrs; J.-^I; Gregory and. John. :E: Crowder. : ilr. Crowder , accepted :. the honor in . ; a neat . little ' after-dinner '.speech ; before a small crowdin /the court-house.- •_ There had /been*, some show. : of 'indiffer^ ence among-: the Democrats of the county, 1 ■ and fear was r expressed thatf. the^party ;wouid ; not turn ; ou t : in" full, ; but the action of.^he independents^^ to^ay.will servermore than , any thing Ve'i see ; to|bringi out ia, full vote for the; straightout 1 Democratic.tick et-on the sth ?of: November, v. . The Republicans are ji'lyingjlow,"; . with the hope' of : having!si : :split v in>the^Demqs cracy larsre enough to slip their delegate in. - " * , T GREEXESVILLE DEMOCRATS. ."/-'•■ I ■ Tlie'.^iCain'pnigrn'V: ."pjiened— Siieecli -;.of Cone:reHsriihn|Lanib. EMPORIA;; .ThejDempcraticVcainpaighVopenea'hererito day S (cour t-d ay) ; : wl th * speech ess; f rom"* Cap tain: : 'A^£ Rf "Hobbs^v candidate^ for '•; the State'i Senate'"!' fromsthisYdistrlcti and Cap tain, John: Larnb^V of . ;f;Mr^HobbiVEpbke?^ly*>a¥few^ininutes, which^timeshejdevotedjto^lthej expression of the lathis cbuntyi f6r^lwi^jupp.ort^ai^?-hisiplea%m : e atf.being"Sa^6"ngCthemS|.Hef d Idv, not£ at temptvtOsdiscuss3ih^iss'ues,j|His remarks vv^eSg^ac^ful^a^&^li?lchosefivv^';;s ! /f Mr.;- Hobbs was.. followed, by . Captain Laihb^^whose^sneech^/wasyableirarid^elo luent, i and seemed- to •bel-tlioroughlyJ'enT loyedfcby^the crowd, as lie was^lntef ruptedf rnany^ ■; tlmesiiby|h'e£rtyj;and vcon t|hued applatisf. ' After Va-gfew^ graceful •emarks, assuring- the audience . of the Lender" regard in which he htld 1 , the poo >lo of GreenesvHle, ihc speaker launched nto a discussion c:f the issues of tho campaign. He b^gan by cxpresslnfflhts ivould present a united front in the pres ent campaign. He said that whatever " -, -. / ./- '"•;■■■.-->-.■■:-"•". : ; "/' ;; V ■■'"■-■-.. :\'-'- :'"; : : .;■■■'"..■.,■ .' ""/...■'■ /■/'■■:' ' : •-,/•■ . " • ■■:■-■. ■ : ■/■■ '"• ■ ■.■:-'.-■■■•■ ■■■ -. i :.■..,..■-■■■ ■•..- . ■' a• " . ' ■;, --;'■;:■"■■■'• .-.. " .■■:'■ . .■■.■ -. . ■■.;. ■■..■.:. ,■ ■■..:■ . .-■■■. ■■;■.. ' :'■■ ■ ■■- ..■-.: ' ■,■■.■•• .: : -.-. Twelfth and Main Streets, ■- - - - Richmond, Ya, contest for nominations ■would; be -for-" ■gotten, and that ; the Swanson • element of • the party wbuldYgive to the nominees their hearty and; loyal .support.". -W'-',. ;'.'.■ v The speaker dwelt ;at some' length .upon the r declaration" in the; platform .•declaring. in favor; of:' .the election^ of Unitedi'States;. : senators by 'the people;,,uniform'primaries; forKthe nomination ; of . all\ candidates j^.for; 'ouTce,. and ...the^employers I:'liability,1 :' liability, bill, and gave it as. his 'opinion:, that^.their ; loyalty, to these : measures was-in: : a; large degree: responsible: forithe victory- of.: Mr.' Montague-and 1 his; associates on ; ' the State ticket..?; Captain Lamb then took up 'the ; Republican * platform ■; by ■■-. section/ "pointed out ; its inconsistencies and .reputed claims," dwelling.; more especially iupon the claim , of: the T .:Republicans,that. they: had ! settled- ■•..-" the ".•■ State debt, ;' and were ; the ..patrons and. champions of the free ; school system. " ■■ .■':■-■'■'.■■.■'] ■ „ . 'S, "~ . . .-, '■ '■"'. ."■". The -tspeaker/ ably- rcontended'. that:; the present prosperity of' the country, was ; in . no. way .'due" to^the Republican admihistr'a = tiori, being brought about entirely, by the ; workings?of Providence., , i. -v ■"■:'. '- '-.. . : ;: Captain ' Lamb, paid/a tribute to the C onstitutionalp;Convention,",;aridl p; Convention,",; arid :said he; believed that' when . their work "was completed .Virginia would have a.Con stitution of 'which her.sons'mightvwell be . proud. > , ■•■■■ ■■ . ,^ - _ f-His .''■:referen\fe'?t6^.th"e7-FifteVn^h\ I "amena?^ , merit i.was especially, eloquent; ; f he ; speaker; ■ among i other- things, "•! declaring itliatiof fall i.the i ; formsVof^humiliation- and indignation : that 1 conquering States;- had ; heaped upon r. the history;" would M proved that the enfranchisement of '-the. negro i .wasrth'e ' only; instance s of ?ari attempt to place the : goy er rim en t% of {the f mas ter in -^ the •= hand s (of his slave- . ■ ■ ■ - ; - : --■ :. : Captain .Lamb .closed ■< with an 'earnest app.eal": to .stand 'by; the ; 'n6niinees^ ; ■■-;Mr.";;^V:';';H;> Battle^ibf ' thisi county i^has jCannouncedJiimselfas an indeperident-carir I ? d idate : f or ; the :; Hous e ? Greenesville i arid? Sussex. - " ' ! v; Mr. :Bat!tle ,is a 'prominent: farmer, arid is a Democrat. in politics. . I REPUBLICANS AT COLTJMTJIA. ."\V.. J. Enrigrlit dominated as Gooch lancl aad Flnvaii'«n'.s'Cnndidate. "*' COLIIMBIA, yA.,- October. 7.— (Special.) ■;.The ; Republican } convention s met ■■■ here • to- r :Hon^;J;;Hanipton';Ha^e^^wa^ ed -to the chair, and Major ; Norton elect ed; secretary. "O Mr.^WV;J.^ -Enright > was % placed; in; noni- ■ ■inatiori^rid^elected2as;\the^candidate'4t6'; [representVtheCcountiesjof jGoochlahd?ahclt Pluvanria :in the .next I . House -of ;■- Dele-j IIAI> A JOIXT DIsdUSSIOX?. D eui o cy a t f. c^MdSHeii hbi I caii^J ID o c^K rt^in^iDe'bntedfiitf'SixdtsylyaiilalC.^Hi' graETO^ICKSBURG^ASi October;?.^ f(Sp^al.)^Thegflrat^jo^t^djsquss)on '$ in ithi^^ectio^during^ttfe^rey^t^aliiyassi was held at Spotsylvania Courthouse to ~T " . "• , " ~ T< Cordeß &, Mosby.; have; the, greatestj.col lection. of Oriental- Hugs :v-r rtownain; I2AIN;SIiSTOMAefIfANpfLiyER44TABA XiBTS,*! andft' flnd % them p t he .« best 8 thingMoT) ff.y/stpinach>ls[evergusediti- r saysi : T. t »vy;."Sßo-S blrisori.^Juftlce 3 of SJlhe #Peace,f§i Itboraia^ MlcK^ThegelSTabletaWnats:; onlys" qorrepi^ ; dlsprders^ojC^the'i"stoxriach,i v but | regulate J tbefllver^andßbowelß.'J tThey,st They,s are a easy^'td' take »' aiid-*wleaßant -I ln^Veffeqt3Pr!ce',° '%■{ 25ci: per|box;s*w^sal«sby:,valisaru»grlstai^^@g i^^iWO' HUNDRED English and American Newspapers have organized for the above jflKsl object under the style of The InternktiohaJ Association of Newspapers and Authors - ■ * :■■ ■: ■■■:--- : ■:■..:■ ' ■ ..:•.-■■: '■. . .• . ■ . . . ■ E ACH of the famous "authors will be , represented byv a / noted /book, hitherto published at i : Sr2s 'or*si:sorbut: which will now be .published ; for,vand/sold' through the medium o£ the newspaper members at a merely/nominal* price,: 2s cents a volume— only sufficient to cover the actual cost of^production: in^editionsof unusual proportions in fine cloth.b^ T HE books/were originaliy published 'at $1.25 and $1.50 each. They are now reprinted da ; good 'paper 'from \ the some plates ; in 1 an entirely/new edition, but under an arrangement with "the writers and : their publishers for a temporary surrender of royalties ana r . profits which (with the ) great economy in printing and binding "unusually large editions) effects a gross saving , which en ables ':: the 'Association to r lift the price-embargo and hand out .the /volumes m a country-wide Only 25 Cents a Copy F~ OUR ; books are now" ready, and ; hereafter four ; new novels will be issued each week, and the /.week of issue will be especially devoted to the authors whose books then appear. The supply •of "thevV'books of the week": will be ; practically 'unlimited;' -.bat after the week has been passed there ■is liable to be a scarcity caused by the /after'demand, which will probably far outrun the allotment, subscriber or;^reader; should V«r/^^^ttwi bring or send 25c. to. this/ office for one volume or $1.06 for, the fourvolumes (30c;or $1120 if ordered by; mail) .with the voucher cut i from" the advertisement. !■:^^Or better still, : in order to be quite 'certain of obtaining the complete set, $12.00 in brie payment will guarantee the delivery of the whole forty bboks, postpaid, as fast as issued. U NDER : i NO CIRCUMSTANCES will these books be sold in-any other way during this dis- Stributioni and when it ends, the full "price must thereafter be paid to the authors publisher for the regular edition. ; ' ._ . / . . Bbbks Now .ReeikHy---in Cloth— 2s Gents 1 . " The Great K. &A. Train Robbery ■.'? By pact, incxsm ■ Ford; (author of "Janice Meredith"). A delightful love story running through the : exciting chase for three stolen letters of great importance. 2. "Tekla. By Robert Barr (author, of " The ..Mutable Many"). Unsurpassed romance of Mediaeval days.,; The winning of Countess -Tekla byan Emperor Incognito. /Over 400 pages of breathless interest. 3. "Simon Dale. By Anthony HoPE(aathor of " The Prisoner of Zenda "). ■•■• The best of all " Nell Gwyn " stories. Romantic adventures in England and France - : : j with Charles 11. acid King Louis. '-■■"■: . / .- -■.; /■'■; :■ ■ -\] :. ■•':'" * 4. "A Piiritan^S Wife.X By MAX Pemberton (author of" The Garden of : Swords"). Strange adventures of a Roundhead after the Restoration— the days when - grass grew in London streets. t ' ; ,- . .^ 3OOIC VOVC/f£J^ ."":■■. ( ) "The Great K. &A. Train Robbery." Paul Leicester . ; .V /■ Ford. , ; . : _ ] (■ . ) "Tekla." Robert Bark. ( ) " Simon Dale." Anthony. . . ; Hope. ■ ; ; / • ( ) «' A Puritan's Wife." Max ■*'-''■ ' v PrVRPPTHV " day.- The : speakers and! terms were .as follows- ,~ ' " ..;.--... " SCharlesM. Wallace, Jr., Democrat, of Richmond;tledV off -in forty minutes ;-T.l». Moore,' Republican member of the:Constl itu'ponal" Convention, .from Montgomery county/ replied -in forty-five minutes ; State- Senator W.v -P. 1 '. Barksdale, 'Democrat; spoke : for twen ty minutes, •• and Mr. Moore clbsed}iri : fifteen minutes. V; .: "U "All: of the , -speakers . "were listened to attentively, ;' and C applauded : liberally^ by. the members of : their, respective parties."' - PRIXCJS AVILLIAM POLITICS. Thomas H; Lion Chosen n» the.Conn .C' ty Chairman— Public Speaking. ... ' ■^MANASSAS/^A^ October 7.— (Special.)— The Democratic Executive; Committee met heret o-day and selected *|Mr. ■ Thoinas;H. Lion as _ county-chairman. '■■'.'-.' ; : : . ; . : Hon. J. B: :T.-; Thornton, who has served :aschairmanVfor;the^ past sixteen years, was !: requested" by "the committee .to . act liirKtha^^capacity^forvat^leastVanother i term : , of four .-years, '-". but, ; o wihg L to -"■ his ; duties as a' member of; the Constitutional Convention/? he had -to decline.. * Hon. John -Fi-; Rixey Jahd Hon. J. B. T.vThorritbriVtfdaressed the. voters of the ; county- here^ to-day, y : .. :■. ; - ■'-. ■■■■" .]'■, : . f : ■.■-.. :_.: _ . Dr. tW. P. Stqddard, who 'died very", sud [denly^yesterday.morning,..was buried to ■ day at! the cemetery near^town. ; v WARWICK COUATY 2VOTES. , Hapyeii Injjs at Deiibisli— Off, for the : Cnrhlval— Personal;? Mention."'-'.:' DENBIGH; >yA., ; Octoberl?.— (Special!)-^ J. R. Phatip, .' j section '-"foreman f or ; the |ChesaDeake^andjOhib : railway' a£sOfiana, i J was sick- and 'left ;to-day -for.' Clif-j } tort J Forge ; Hospital .I|."-. I| ."-- Mr. ITyler, - of ; Rich^ I vmbnd,:;was";; sent "to" .take- his : place.;7 r ; i fH Sheriff^Curtis^andvhis^wife; left 'u for' >the' Carniva- yesterday, -and ' Hori;;' BJ ; C. : Madison a;id: : . "otli»rs .expect to follow tb . morrow. ;CDr.^J.'.H. Young' was jiri\ towmtb-driy^ f and : : reported ,?niany j as ! sick] in Warwick oiif account Lof J the; chills. : Jf : '-■: V; ;; ,;"// :^Thomas}' Ogderi; theScbn tractor ;for \he ; largo; Avindmilli: a£i> the .".-: court-house. ;.ex fpeots sto7make |theljsecbnd ; pull7to-dayl; to^ get the imill "uPtVandsit" is hoped;" he 'will inot'have a second downfall. : . ; = V ;W^SiaibJg]iripVtbvYorktbwn;vetc.V {plannedsbyfithe'syoung^people fof Denbjghi las t-i nighf % but :- as the i[ ladies"4f ailed 't to .perform their part;Utvwas (a~ failure; ; so It^^^^^Sen^^r^ej^b'igh^arer^heay^ Vifearted'' ; and light-handed .to-day. J.-' E. Coif and severar other? lawyers ?pf|>N6rjfblkllireJexpected at the- Hardy ' . " Mrs. J. T. 'Garrow has. just 'received a llargeilriumber.rSof .:sewihgrmachlnes7£'and^ f expects Sto> stock; the county jot |with|ageht3:iin: ? a;;few:|day3.^:f:;VvSa|;:pS AfiK-- C 5 K. Garrow anil many ofi.her, vfrle'nds "— ti; leave for the CarniyalSTonl 'Her.'^ 1 . W. Troj M<*K l ini»* Y \Vdric\'Witli ! . :i Marsliall-Streot ClirlMtianSCliarch^ -Rev. F. W, Truy was formally installed! lasjipastor of the Marshall-Street^Chrls-" Hian'church on Sunday. Mr. Troy^preach §"d|hisl;inltial3sernion ,to" a large • audl nce^Th*63lhstallationi; servJcel|jv^|^held ? thetaf t^rKobrKg J"he ifollowlnffi mm€ Isters 'took part: Rev. Caroy E." ;Mor ■gan, Rev. H. P. Atklna, Rev. P. A.- Cave, Rev. C. P. WilMainson, and Ji&v, H. H. Moore,' of Manchf-ater. Mr. Troy resgond| '«d to the : welcome ;! extended i hJm\? la§ a^S .._..... .. CWhen ordering, t>y mall •fill out the following blank, and bo sure to inclose 30 cents for eaca book desired, and put cross before books wanted.) ." /r Inclosed find $.v:.........f0r which pleaso send me, prepaid, books designated by cross. ,-. Name.... Street ...;.v.i..-.;.v... ;.....■ City.. j neat : and fitting manner. '-"A feature of the, J service was the solo— "The Holy City"— -which was rendered ( sweetly by lit tle Miss Katie Messerschnildt. . ReV. Dr. W:E. Evans, rector of Monu ! mental church, 3 has • published : in an at l tractive/ form a- history ■of - the church. :;The pamphlet was distributed to the mem bers of the church who" were present on ~",;Rev. J.B. Hawthorne, D. : D., was elect ed president of the baptist Ministers" "Conference .yesterday. '--: 'He 'succeeds ;Dr. W. E.Hatcherj^ who recehtly : resigned. ;Dr.:.11.M. ; Mercer was elected.vice-presi dent of the conference, and the Rev. D. A. Solly, secretary. . "■-..'' "Rally day" Was .held' at West-End : Christian ; church; Sunday,: school .• yester day, at which time there was. the largest . attendance « in : ;i the"'-: history \[ of -the school.' ■ The . programme : was a ■ patriotic ' one,: the scholars;; being =; arrayed i in v- white, with •Americans flags. ->v A.-, number: of patriotic songs .were sung and several interesting .recitations a were rendered. • '..'■■■';■ ' : \. On Sunday, night Rev.' Preston A.\ Cave, •pastor of "the; Third /Christian. -church,' preached a most. excellent sermon onrthe ; theme "Readiness' for Service." A : large icqngregation heard-the sermon,' and it! was greatly enjoyed by them: - :•• .. ':'•': Mr. •: Cave is" gradually working -his way Unto the" hearts^6f: the members of ?his; ■ largo" congregation. ;. He is a' hard 'worker, ' and ■:- his "efforts : are i appreciated by his members: He^ will -begin -a protracted fmeetlng";: on ;next : ; Sunday ,:; to "' continue as I lobg^as ; the t - interest will 'demand ? it. : This '^evening MrHCave will conduct the Chiris r tiari'f Endeavor, Cottage r pray er : mc c ting -at ■No/"608 north":: Twenty-fifth street- . «;. During 'the i.-past : 'three, weeks theimem-. ;bers of • the: First" English ; Lutheran {chiirchjhave raised the-' sum^off $2,300 if0r itlie^building^fuhd ■ ;for.; ; a hew, church tbuildifig. : : The money :;has been pledged itoMb'ecpaid in- instalmeTits? covering', a I period i of« fouiri years; "At:theend?6f -that ;time 'there be /funds vAri-?. hand siif-r iflcierit : to replace the pfesen^buliding ,with J_a . handsome Vnewi one..^The congregation J.owTis^ a": splendid VJocatiohiat/ithetcorner : of* Seventh -'andi Grace streets. ~ S. A/L. ; FRE^^^^^||l '•' - . NE|^^g|oE, N. C. Engineer Dlcknrdnnd a \egro l'lrc \iuau Killed — Ttvo Ensines De-- • ■ .stroye*!— Ciirn Shuttered. - RALEIGH, IC.,:C.;.; October T.— A" special 'to the =Xews ■ ' and Observer ' from ' Monroe, 5 fsvi,"The i'^flouth-bound £3 Seaboard i /AJr-Lino f^H^ShJ freightyof orty Vcars^and |two eng^es^^was^[wrecked "about: two- miles The train was 'rounding a short curve, and the.Hrst engine jumped the trftek, tearing," it up 3nd causingr tho otlior eti^fne and cars' v to pile up in a complete wreck. Euslntur Djckardfandjal^oldfedlflreraanlwe^^^ cd. The ' body of - Engineer . Dickarti has notlitieeh^found/JbelnK buricd^jgifder^ wreckage fof \ care ) and" broken machinery. "The .whole of Monroo ?*6ut^ to v^ewSS-the" wr«ek, and .10 see tho raer ch£hdlse v that :la Scattered around - and — 1 Distribution of M Tnesfi Four Boo&s || Begins October Btli il and Ends October II iotL ■ i tangled ;in /the wreck- Both engines ar entirely destroyed, arid the cars are hope lessly shattered." SpcakiuK in I.ste of Wljsht. / SUFFOLK, VA., October 7.— (Special.)- Colonel /Willitni, Democratic candfdatt for Laeutenant-Govfrnor, was expected ti speak at Isle of "Wight to-day, but failct to get there. Dr. J. .W. Lawson, o Smithfield, and Cr. Gavin Rawls; or" Carrs ville,' addressed the assembled voters Oi the issues of the. campaign. y I have just bought some Oriental P.uff at Cordes & Mosby's; they are the cheap est I ever saw. PEKSO.VAI, . lIR. J. A. MORRIS, SO LONG I- V f the; confectionery and ice-cream business on -Bread vstreet. has returned to the city, to : take' up/business with MORRIS IN CORPORuVTED, at the same old stand. 525:'east ;Broad street, of which compan; r he is: president, and Mr. F. W. .Mfnson in secretary. and treasurer. Mr. Morris will bo glad to see his :o!d friends and pa trons. Any orders entrusted to him will have his , prompt .and careful attention. We' solicit your trade. . : MORRIS INCORPORATED, * . ; J. A. MORRIS,; President. : F. "W. Minson. Secretary and Treasure ?r • . . . oc 4-F,Sun.S:Tu3t '^ Moth", tan Jive'rspbtsandall pig' /v/ v^ < *"|^ mentarydiicolorations tire coni /' pletely removed by mv «;\'c!al w"?iS m "Ome treatment, and the corrjp 17 rendered clearandfcrfeh^ I^^ ,_^,Fullinformat"onwithbooiifreou "fS^^rDERnATOLOGIST WOODBL'RV . :.V— ■ < 26 West 23d SUtet. New YorS i Oy. 13-Th, Sua&Tu) • AMUSEMESTS. A CAKNIVAL FEATURa BIJOU. Tq-I)av 2:30. To-Night 5:45. 8 -rHIG H- CLfISS fIGTS— B The Aenie of Vaudeville. --..";. A Great JBi^r WhoVi*. ,oc 5-sfc : ' I'opulur .Fi'iccS, j|he Confederaid Hutsum •C^XWEL^H ANI/ CLAT STKEETS, r'Op^n; daily; from;* ATAL/to & P. /M rAdmlsston;]^ cents. Free on Saturday*. lIiIvALENTINE MUSEUM AND CUA.Y STRKKTS. jftfOpentdallyifrom ;10 ;A;";M.; A;";M.^ to 5 /P. JI. '^AdmisslcmuiS) cents/ E"rc«£oß Saturday*. §|||wn,i, iBK :^qsED^TiirßsnAY^, v fOUR3KE3PECmVI3 ISTORES (on VNBX t iTHUKSDAY.-stheJlOth. X«i suodis will b* sold'S. " <£**> UUCHMONDSKABD WARE ■. CO.. s J^W^WHITET&|SON^;sSSf^fe^v.S;; - -" _ k§B%CIiARKE * SON' rfAiir-UAlta kTA^-CIABOiiIN'ASiHARD^AKESCQ^S^SI 3^£g&. , :_i \ ....... i .-...: ;i^i&