Newspaper Page Text
) l^hmond mstnbutors ; FdarqaraaS;- Temple & CO., Direct Importers of: jof Butterick Patterns, RELIABLE DRY GOODS. " Bejff^L^? Cs.' ■■■■■'■ ■ : '■■;■■■■ " jf% ' ' -" ' '' -■ '^ ~. «~ » • • - --■• ' ".•■- ;!-.. . :■-'■ " :': ' \.' -■ : ■■'■ ..■■" • . -,■• :■ -. ■•■ ■. . ••; .. ... ' ™ ' . ". •/. ITS VARIED BEAUTY, ITS BROAD USEFULNESS, ITS PRONOUNCED * NEWNESS AND TASTEFULNE our city folks and; to our' city visitors. Our booth, as before, is ' 'The j Arch of Rest," plenty of seats. Come and rest^^ be? comfortable,; or look the store over, get Ideas, be posted. Of course, everybody will be looking for funf but MAiNY WILL HAVE SHOPPING TO DO, THEY'LL WANT TO DO Yt QUICKLY, WANT TO DO IT SAFELY. Let us make your purchases a pleasure. Our thirty years^of reputation foi\fafr^ argument for RIGHT GOODS AND REASONABLE iPRICES. Here's a list of some things you are HkeJy to want. It's brief for rapid reading. Come in for reliable service and full details of these and every other dry goods need. Tailored Suits and Skirts. : % fewest -Wraps -and ; Furs .v rfe--- :—: — - — - — — — — i ,~ — -^- — Silk and Flannel Waists. A ? Worn cVs and Clilldren^Uiiderweiar^ . L_l .^ : _ : . —^— Muslin Underwear and Corsets. < Women's and Children's Hosiery. laces and Embroideries- -':} Handkerchiefs' and CollarsX /'\ — ■ — $ — — -•>• " : " Notions and Dress Trimmings. / Art Squares, Matting's, Ru gs. Lace Curtains and Draperies. Blankets and Comfortables. , ; — — - — ■ — — — — — — - — '■ — - — — — , p '- — — — - — • ' — — — ". \ — ; ' \. ' .,' ; — - Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels. j Table Damask and Napkins;?:* New Colored Dress. Goods. / Black Goods and Veilings. • Black and Fancy Silks. i Men's Underwear Furnishings, f BffiKLEJOHNTERTIFIES: IN HEISTAND INQUIRY. Li. S. Hoel Tells of ' Allegcil Tlircriis Made l>y Haula-s AjraSnst Parties in Combine. WASHINGTON, D. C, October 7.— George:- D. ; Meiklejohn, formerly Assis tant Secretary of War, was a witness be fore the Senate Military Affairs Commit tee, at the Heistapd investigation, to-ciay. He said that when the. proposition was made to him by Colonel Heistand to take stock in the hemp company, he replied that, he" would give it' his consideration when he had leisure. He explained at length Major Hawkes's uppointment to a position in. the Philep pirie sei^'ice, and asserted that thu ap pointment -' had nothing to do with Hawkes's controversy with Heistand. OPENING AND CLOSING OF PORTS. Mr. Meiklejohn explained that the open ing and closing of lieinp ports- . in the Philippines was wholly within the control of the military governor of the islands, and ho could not, and would not il" he could, have influenced him in the mat ter. He '; said that he saw uo impropriety In officers' of tJie gov-eru'rueiVi' vesting m such an enterprise as the proposed hemp company, if- they desired to d 0.."..50: Mr. Meiklejohn emphatically denied the allegations that he had at any time used his position to pay Heistand's' obligations. ALLEG32D THREATS BY HAWKES. L. S. Holt, of North Carolina, testified. as to conversations ho had had with Major Hawkes concerning the settlement of the iatter's alleged claim against the proposed company. Hawkes had said that Tic wouid "get even" with certain parties hi "the hemp; combination if they did not settle" with him. He said, that Hawkes had told him he would have an - investiga tion which would involve ■ high; onicials ■if the government. Hawkes had not said to him' that ho would stop the- inveSUga iion for $S0O: ' " , The committee announced tha: jt/.would conclud.;- to-morrow the taking: of tesll •jiony, lor the present. At a date if u e announced ; later some, other ■ witnesses will be examined," and the committee then •will makeup its report. K. T HALL AIUII2STi:i> IX HOAXOKI2 Cliiir^'cl AVitli ComiiliciSy i" tli«s AJ t<'n>i»t«*<l Sulc-JSJotviJi;;-. - EQAXOKE VA.,; October 7.— (Special.) To-night E. F. Hall.: a; young man, w:is arrested on tli.i charge of bfting-; an ac ceesorj'. ? to the". attempt;-' to.: blow open the Fisbburne Company's .safe by furnislr.njj the eetjot burglar's tools which were Hek-ley, the young married'" man, who is alleged to have instigated the. at tempted robbery, ; broke down this eve ning and confessed all. ':■.' Tho tools were found, hidden unuer an old building, but Hall, the alleged .owner. dcrUes air knowledge of them. He is now locked up.; ' : p '''■ JOM:S A\U I.4AVSOV IXDICTKW. Pr«>niin«-nt Hainptoii slen Cbarfft'tl AVI Th lllKhivay Ilobbery— Courl. ; sc«!<- HAMPTON, ..VA'.,'. ; Ociobcr, 7.— lSpec;a..). HuntVr Jo;i«!s .and Carl - LiW»on. oourig, Knotty menqf Ham))ton, wore to-^ay J«-. dieted by the. ;, Elizabeth C.ty Coun.^ «iand Jury on the -"."cliarge" of ;liiglnva>. robbery. ■ Tho young men" left here, several weeKs ago when warrants for their .arrest .were issued, and their, present ; ■ v, hermbouts. ; itrc- unknown to the police. -The County Court will, however, -make; ansaUtenipt. to locale them. • '.i-^ t<ii Jones, and "-Isawson are char^d^wlUi ; holding -up and robbing Williafnr.Free- j rimn, an old soldier. on. : the public- roaa , boiween Hampton;: and". Phoebus. 7 T^:r^ij;; Tli«: former.: Js'a member of the/Hpnip-,-, tun German. Club, arid; has alwaj's^bce:).; a k'ader In society. * - ' , m The grand jury alßo returned truej^ns ; arainet -Frank ''James; « Kobert ;Swfcde, ; Richard Hrirris, Waiter ;Wallo^e,)ar.d ; CIU-j ford Brochenborough for ■ housebreklng^ and against Green Henderson for,. grand larceny. . ■ In the County ■ Court to-day.. Peter Obory. a Fort Monroe soldier, was. sent to jail for six months on the charg-e-of housobreaking-. THEYAUE DIVIDED. - Tl«e Gooflilmul -Democrats Sairt to Ilt» ■ liojielessly .'Divi«ic«l. GOOCHLAND COURTHOUSE, 'October T. — At a. meeting- of \he Democratic Courity Committee held at Goochland, Courthouse, on Saturday, October sth, Mr.W. T. St. Claire was made temporary chairman, and an effort was then made to reconcile the party differences in the ' county, one faction being led-.. by ex-Senator F. ,M. Parrisli: and the other by Judge Monteiro. • Tlie. trouble arose over the contested committee from Licking. District, which both leaders claimed. • ; . A motion was in a do. tha?. the cbmmit teemen whose seats were uncontested from the other districts should and decide the contest. The chairman, however, refused to put the motion, wherefore, "Judge"; Monterio moved that his committee be seated with out further evidence, and- the chairman ruled accordingly. The Parrish men, claiming the ruling was unparliamentary, ana without, prece dent,! withdrew to the jury-room with nine of the sixteen." cominitteemen and proceeded to organize anew Democratic party. \ Mr.* Ll M. Pitts was unanimously; elect ed chairman; and J. Colon Page, secre tary. " . .. . .■: .. ■- . The members were th«i instructed to hold "■ themselves in readiness for, an early call from their '■■'chairman',"- and, at this writing' it seems that a reconciliation is hopeless- : . . - . ,' L. M. PITTS, Chairman. ; :J. Colon Page, Secretary. . ; r . . ISLK OK Vt'lGliT ruCKDEIt CASK. rrlsoii«rs liirtieten— -The 31unlcr of Mrs. I2liKiil»'c<l» . XOIIFOLK, VA., October 7.— (Special.)— In. the charge of killing with ;■: strychnine, Mrs: Elizabeth Matthews, their wife, and sister, respectively.: Captain .R. Henry V. s tihews and - Mrs. Susie . Sadler were to-day indicted by a grand jury of Isle of Wight county- ■ Matthews's bond was increased from «'cOO,to $8,000, in default in which he .was "recommiUed tojai!. Mrs.;Sadler has been in prison several months. . .._ ■A ' - The ' alleged conspirators. and paramours •ire charged witlv killing Mrs. Matthews ■'last-February. Over- a month after the burial there . wjs aii autopsy. >State- Chemist Taylor found strychnine in the stomach:; .•Matthews's son at the. autopsy i;ave 'e'vifienca against him. ' _ The matter will" come before, a. ; petit . jufv- to-morrow... Slates-Attorney Boykin i moans to liave the woman's;- case called J first/ Three- lawyers who took part ; in j ■the; : Gilliym -trial, will appear. LYSCimURG .TOHACCOXISTS. Officer of tli«; .\»sa<-Uii ioi«. Klected— " ' Di-a«H "of Jolizi-v: 3Eatilie>vs., I LTXCIIBURG.'VA.',;. October 7-(Spe- . C ial )_Thc "3-ynchburg Tobacco. Associa-. , tiori. at its: annual;;: meeting.; to-day^.re-;: clcctcd-.tlic" following^ officers :c^;Wilnam Kins.- .1r:, President;: ■Rl-iC.vStokes.v vice-;, rircsidcnt:- : James* Franklin.: jr., secretary and treasurer; P. E. .Haynes,- supervisor ■^ThV^iembers of the" "association ; com- mended the purposes vot^ the Nationals Tobacco Association! recently ■ organized; in- llichniond. .-,.-.. '■* ■:■".■:.: : •■': ; " ;v; ,v~,. fellccman John: F.i: Matthews , -died th s -n:orn:ris. ageds7. He < had., been" W the'force twelve or fifteen: years.. He, leaves a widow and two daughters..,. • ' . j HOTH AKITIXDICTEIJ.- Kleliar.l H..>r«llie%vh u nil Sxi win Snrt .SJiITHFIKLUV: VA.,' October; ci ;i.)-Richard H.^Mathews v; ; and,-Sus:in v S okfr-whoVa re charged, with 4the,rourA ? r, Richard H. Mathews/ were in ,Wr.t ;^ ; 'iv thV'ffraria 1 - jury to-day. Si Ma he^ was' a sist, r 3ndl|r. The case will ; be 1 continued •t>{-;t >{ - ; ; TJ^ GENERAL 3IBAXEY > TALKS. Reaily to Go lo Work iii Once— That J J «us--llisitancc TraLJisaction. - /'As soon; as the. Mayor- -signs the ordi nance," said General Meaney, in reference to the passage of : the Bell Telephone Company's franchise,"- "or," he added sen tentiously,'"as soon as it is passed over the Mayors-veto, we shall begin at once to construct' the new-system. ."I .'may say," he continued, "that we: shall go to work the day -after the "ordinance be comes a law, for we are anxious to show our. gratitude for the favors expected:": : General Meaney declared v->ry po^itiv^iy that, the Beli Telephone Company hj-.d no bought /out the Virginia Long- Distance Telephone Company. '• _ v • ■ •'>■'.. ■ • '■■ - ' "What' can you say "'about : 'the v rumor .current here that the Bell Company, had absorbed the Virginia Company," he was asked. - '■'.■■ . " _ • "I don't know anything about it," he 'replieu, -"except that the Bell ' Coriipany has certainly not bought. : it and' never thought of buying it.. >•::■. We intend ; to make all long-distance, connections ."'with' Richmond." he said, "and we are going to give tlie city a service equal in.; every way. " the best in any city.'.--- in :~ the world;" ; ■■.'•'. ■ .". -. ■ . Mr'-'.. John C Robertson, president ..of the Richmond Telephone ."Company, said that there had been, no . interruption of the service • with the ; Virginia Lohg-Dis tance Company," and would. :be none. The alleged sale, lie said;" was not a sale at all; it was merely a block.of. stock placed; upon the market 'to .rais,?... funds for. ex-, tensions and improvement ; to. the : sys tem. ■-.■■ :■■-'..' .'■ '!.-; : . iii Jtiii^ TO PRACTICE -LAW HERE. Bl>Tia Hunton, Jr.. Ib .Knter :\ Co .Partherkliiii—Father Comes Also. • The announcement" is made "that the Hen: : Eppa Hunton," /Jr.. "now a .-member of the Constitutional Convention. ; from Fau quier county, will in -thenear future -re move to Richmond, ; and make his" perma nent residence in this city: m.Mr. . Hunton is well known to; Richriiond people, both by.' reason of ; his service in the General Assembly and by' not infrequent ; appear ances .in course. He -comes to enter .a hcopartriership for the practice of law with. I Messrs. Beverly 8.. Munford, .. . Edmund Randolph Williams/ and -Henry. W- An derson. .". Mr.' Munford and Mr. Anderson arc now partners, arid Mr. - Wiliams was i until recently, a. partner of the late Wil- I lia'm Wirt Henry. . , ,- : ; The style of the. :new firm will /.be Munford,' Hunton;-.Williams, and Ander i son ; and the . datejfor: -its: formal an- ; ! nouncement is ; the; Ist: of- November, next. rMr. Hunton, it. is -understood",;' will ;;'be accompanied by his 'father, { General -Eppa "Hun tori,'./ who: will also"' make- Richmond his '- home.' There are , no .two, men ;in Virginia who will 'receive a more cordial welcome to the city. - ;' ; . _ ' In <lie U.S.- Cireiiit Coart; -" '. suit: of; Charles >H.^ Moore: against^ I the Southern Eocpress^ Company for:dam i ages -was- entered; yesterday in- the\United | States .'Circuit v - -; .;;' r - ;.-. ;.; ,-:.-; ; -■•: ';-*';' -< ; ■'■ 1 ... ":.'■.: '. -. Bb xB ■ •&" ■:"■ a". En a B : --,%9 .'-: ,■■■-- ■■ :■■' I is compounded with the; greatest: of care" and" contains nothing It is- a- -safe;'; and; reliable remedyvvfor; ■jstbniachlcomplsiJßtsVand has' a;record ! ; of fifty ;: years 'of cure^tq^ its vcVerlit}: -Many proiDineiit^>hva 5 and^ re comine 'id lit "as a ,■'. cv re ' forf dy s- y . pepsia;<an^is^tioii^tlatuleiicys ybel<^iii»sr^»ervousncss, ? arid;) iii^ ' "s6muia: r :Try/it^;£The genuihelmust^ i : - have bur/Pri vat e|l>ie ' Stamp over ; the neck'of the bottle. '(oc ■"6-Suri.Tu,Tn&w) •'/^ijlll Cards, Bill-Heads, Statements- Letter^' ? Heads, ;.>.= Note-Heads,'i .-" Circulars, ; T ' Haridi 4Bills7'DodKers7Setcl?| printed |by.S the fDis^f fpatchtCompany^at)jßw¥prlces.f c WillfgiyOi i you- good work \at the* aame prices^ you* | nay for Inferior Hc-nd us^your" ,'orders'and we will ruaran^eisaUsfactlonr 1 SOCIETY t ■ GIHtS WEXT "CARSrVAIL ■'IT-T*^ WITT- ■•■PP^-IT- Till? *' : If ADOU'CIIftWf >«>t»«c ot <lie Dvbittiiiitcft o£ tlie Com .lnj? SeiisoH— Miss : Annspiun{;li; Before ■ * tltc i-AVoiiiJii'M ;■ CluTb—^fotes^ and^Pcr soniil Mention. .. Society. ;went;' Carnival : ; mad last ? night, v and trie :c<snfetti. flew, thick and fast. ; Perfect good; humor prevailed- cri ; all • sides,- and :\: \ the .. coming debutantes "cheer fully rubbed' elbows with :-:less : preten tious: neighbors, ■_' and: seemed to : en joy.-; the" ; novelty. ""There .Jsl but ; one ; subjec,t- dls-,' V cussed -X by .'devotees of ; society,, and: that .is i'ithe - ! approaching : .; Horse. Show*:; to-; : night.'- Some '.■■■".;-; of • 'i-'the "gowns y worn 'will: "be :'".*. elaborate .;::■' and v Picturesque, '; v . the .. .• majority - •women ; . oWill r be in -fancy f^waists .with ..'dark >: skirts. .Hats or "bows mv the hair, will be "use;l : ', as each ; maid ;&?' matron ; may ; decide';; f or .; ?her'self. CThe . boxes 'will: be -/filled ; with "the fashion and" beauty; not only ; of the. ■"Old.i Dominion, 'but . from other StafesV; arid'xthe": scene 'will; present one of:- the: ■"most- ".brilliant-; ever witnessed.. ; ip. :Rich- ; mond!.-. The list /of :; women yr ho ; will-ride . "<■ h'as;been printed ;SO; of ten; that the'hairies -have becomevfarriiliar "to ail. "Those who: ' have Jtaken'; boxes vwill' have" them filled : ;with .friends, ' and t the seats - down stairs. ;"will : falso ; be crowded with beaux, and' belles. ; -; * -.'■ . ■'" '■■.■;■' ■ •■ - .■■■'•.• ■-■■■ ■.■.•■■.■■•-'• ■ *.-■■■*. . •- •■ •■ •■- ■ .The ; following .will .be the debutantes Ifor.i the ; coming -seassn: '. ...; ; . • .•■:... -; '"•'• Miss ; Helen '■■■] Christian; 'daughter .ot , the 'iate'Edward D. and Mrs Helen P. Chris; • tiari,' ■•■■" of 414 west -. ; Franklin street.:. : : : . " ; Miss Margaret ' Shields, the daughter, .^cf .'theilate Dr. C. A. and .Mrs!" Margaret ■Shields. ■ . ; . *' \ : : Miss .Mary Buford, the daughter; of : Colonel and' Mrs. A. S. Buford. . ■ I • .•: Miss ; - Cameron, : the daughter, of .Mr. • | : arid i'Mrs/; Alexander Cameron.-: Miss v Nora • Langhorne, ' who will visit: ' her sister, Mrs. Moncure" Perkins. 'She is the daughter of ' Mr., and Mrs. Ci'-D. Langhorne, ; of-''Mirador,". in Albemarle 'county, ■ and a sister of ; Mrs;.-. Charles Dana IGibSOn.- '.. :•" -'■■■-:.- " : ■" .. .- - ,-, ■;■ . '•; •-■ Miss 3 Connie : Knox, ■ the daughter of , Mr. "John C Kriox, of 209 south Fourth, street. " -Miss "Helen-.O'Ferrall, daughter of ex- Governor arid : Mrs:",Charles T. O'Ferrall, 903^ Park avenue. ; / . ;> • vMiss : Helen Stevens, the daughter of Mr, "and .Mrs. George"; W., Stevens, : of .819 Floyd -avenue. ".V; : ■:: : : •■;" :■. : Miss Conde: Bridges, a sister of -Mrs. GrahamvHobson. .. - ; ■ -.]■ ' ; , Miss- Agnes'. Drewry, of "Minneola," a daughter, of Mrs. 9/ D. Drewry, and . Miss Noia-Leary. - "- . - : "", ■ . - .- * „ • ■ , .- .-■::, ' ■ ' Yesterday afternoon- at the Woman's Club was especially enjoyable. Miss : E. L ' Aunspaugh V; delighted her '- hearers ■with selections -from Browning, and then. spoke on the artisjic study of literature. \t -the conclusion of .'the lecture. Miss Mary Ashley Bell rendered a beautiful ; solo, which' added to the pleasure of .those present. Mrs.;; Crump served tea.and- Mrs. Winston the coffee. ; - • . : The guests of. the club were- Miss Par mell of Norfolk;- Miss Emma; Poster, -| .of"- Brooklyn; Mrs. R. Lindsay Gordon : of Louisa Val; Mrs. Eppa Hunton,: of W-rrenton ■■•"Va.; Mrs. Alfred. Randolph, Of-Pittsburg; ; Mrs. A\: A.. -Warren, of West Virginia; Mrs. Alice M.-Parker, of; .Washington, and Mrs. J. Emery Hushes, of Lynchburg. ■ . ■ ■ . . ■ .^; - •* .* ■•■• ■-.- ■■.■ - .' .- ; Mr James Crenshaw, -. of.. Bon Air, Va., '"returned to the city to-day after spending a week in Weldon, N. C. ■ , Miss Helen Waddey.; has returned" home after a. delightful trip to Minnesota. ' \ Miss Jennie Tabb- is visiting; I Miss Emmie Thomas, of east Franklin street. ■ Miss";'Eula Bagby ' is visiting/ Mrs. Thomas, of east Cary street. ■ ■•■ !■■■■■:■•-•■. -■■■■■. * -^-*:- •-'•'■ •.■■■ ■■ '■• ' ■- Miss Kate Michaeux has returned home. ..": ; ': * * • . - ' -.;■■■- -.".-. :'■'■ Miss Helen James and Miss Katharine. Fountaine are'visiting Miss Lizzie Brand er of east Franklin street. -.' ;;;;■-;"' ■: ■-. . "., * - i , : -. *■' .■ .'•' ■• ■ '■ ■ Mr and • Mrs. John D. Stubs .have is sued' invitations to the. marriage. of their. "daughter,- Miss r Annie;ElizabethTStubs, to ■Mr Hensley BidellPost, Wednesday, Oc tober 16th. -at 9:30 'o'clock at their , home, "No: 504 north Twenty-seventh street. Miss Anne Winston, of Louisa .county,, who has been 'spending a few days with her cousin, Mrs. Ernest Boiling,, is now. visiting her sister, Mrs. Lindsay Gordon, at Miss Pitzers's. '■ , ' . - . ■" - - * * * -' : '■ .1 Mr Norman Guy, of Norfolk, formerly of the William. R: Trigg Ship-Building. Company -is spending Carnival week at 302 east Grace "street. '■• ■■- ■■■• ■"■ ■■ •* " ■;$ ■■ *■■ •■•■ : ' ■ . ■ ■■' ■■' ; : . ■ Air and Mrs. Raymond Mancha, of ■ Grand Rapids, Mich.; will visit Richmond next month.': Mrs; " Mancha was, before { her marriage Miss Delia Stringfellow, of this: city. .•" .'.\. : ■- ' '"- - ' ■'-:•.'•'.- ■ .^ ■.. . l ■■;■.-- * *.* ■ ' ' : ':■■'-■:' ■■■■" i Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Fairfax and ;Mrs. Fairfax's sister, Miss "Anne Tennant, of this city, . were prominent ■ figures at the Louisville Horse Show last week. ;.-..: ... . , * ,'* -. / >;; -. "■ Mrs' Taylor Bissell. and son; Robert; jett "Bissell ' of i Staunton, • are- guests during the' Carnival Week, : of ; the Misses Lay- at^No. 109 v Monroe street. ■ ; - ' <• v .-*'.*•• ■ ' ,: -■;: . The "Stay-at-Home". Whist Club '.held their -regular" weekly Vmeeting -with Miss ; Emilj- Glasgow last night. " .• j ■;•-.;--■ ■'; ."■;■. - * » * The Rev. Thomas Clagett SkinnerVand Miss Florence . Burrett ■■ will be married on October I-.; 15th . at: the; First Baptist'church'. in. Baltimore. . '„ Mr. Skinner is well .known here, where he has many friends. .". . , ' -^/;:.:i-:- ■■•;-. : -" * : V;;*; ; ; ;^;;. ■.:;,,;■■; \ The "engagement 'has been announced of Mr." D' Arcy ' Wentworth Ropef, ■: of...Pe terlburg, >to., Miss Elizabeth -VPowell,' vof Cleveland. : The. .wedding will • take place in ■.■December." Mr. Roper has many rela tives and friends in the city., - ; ; : ;•■ - ••"■■}■;■ '■■•. .-■■* - t .* ■: - ■' . ';-■-'.•" '»■'-■ ' : Mrs. "Henry Bohmer. -will .visit her mother, r / Mrs. Addie " Dean Lyons.' ." this ; week.:" Later ;•"• Mr. '-.•■ and ,J I Mrs.'- Claude 'swansbii '-.- and Miss :Loulie JLyons, .who will arrive : in' "New ..York, f roiri ' v: South ■amptoh; England,! Saturday "morning, -will : beUwlthsMrs.v' Lyons. . . / • ' ': ; .. ' . Mi- Senator • and . Mrs. Martin, ;■ with ; Miss Day,: :-Whb been.^tjavellirigr inv;.the\ same fparty.v; will ; g6s directly;?. to :l"Scot-"; lands,'- / their> home,:; in '"Albemarle ; county, rieariScottsville. ' '-, : . ' • • - . ■ •; ■ ' ■* t * \-: „ . -.- ■ - Mr. 'William: Savage, ■ of < Sussex j county. is : visiting . his ' uncle, vMr.' ' Baker,; on east.}- Clay street. .~'■ * * * - Dn, and : M are -s pending Carnival ;week?with{friends* - -Sir. .' Thomas . Baskerville.".' and" son,'-,. 0f JBoydton,- < are in ' the city; r £^o£j. : i~'j.';'*£i Mr. and 'Mrs. - Joseph. S.»; Parker and family, 'of Sussex, .Va., are ; with. Mrs.' • Mr.- Thomas Doming of Norfolk,- has "receritiyS come^tbSthe '■■{ city^tolilive^witli' the William^R. Tri?a r Ship-Building 'Com- Mi;s Tjizzio Freeman, of Norfolk, Is the guest of the Blisses Waddill. '■i?Mr^ > #A.ubrey^Chesterman>.aiid wife 'and; family,! formerljriof jthisfcity, but now .of -Lynchburg, fare ,visiting r the home of ; the [former's -5$ parents, .'and ,wlll remain^in, 3 , Richmond during Carnival week. Miss Florence G-utes, or Cltiybix'nk, Va., , 5s '• spepri^CajrilvaY^W^^ita^Miss' ■Kfla Scott, 1227 Floyd avenue. Miss Corn, Lebault.' of New Orleans, .Roanoke^wlih ?.be'the r suests of the Misses Ingles during j the! Carnival, at 32-1 west-Grace. .jj---i:% ;•: .<,■■; i'ss :..-..,-,: ■ v*v * ;.'.•./;^ ;::•,-•;; ■; •■..«rV.-u- ; -w Mr--. J. H. Browder, after a very plea sant visit to relatives in i^a.-ivnie.'^V^f James .'A;'' ; Seay/: of . Norfolk, will ahe \ lthevguestfof;Mr7':andl3,lrs.| J. H. Browder during the Carnival .'week. Miss Eloise Bruce, of t!ik~ city,' is in' ;Ne w^Xork^ wbrki rig^ and l : stud ying } in j her ! iprofessiori— designing j?aridSillUhir=,. ling. -'■ - *, • , ;■; ? Mrs/ - .T^-H.^BrbWaer^will . have as % her.: ? !^est l ldu^iri'g'|CaraivalCweek^MisSiJSusiel of Saluda,XMiddlesex county;: Va.' '" * * My Miss , pickirison,- of Roarioke : : : is^the" guest : I • of ;lir.' ; and ; Mrs:"- W:i M^; JFos ter, ; east;Leigli j. street. ■•..■■■■■■■•■■■■.■ "■■■',■■ r - '" ■-■ : ---. ■ i>- ■-■...■. -■■'■ ■.•:'.■<■■-.: • ;.;^\J« .- - ■■'■■ . --^o1o 1 - -'■■ ■--'■-»■ ■■■■-■ ; j f ; Miss .Pearl : Hartnian; of 'i W ; estiVirginia. Jslo-rijaVvisi t- to ; herluricle/rDr./C^ E.-JHart-; i'riiari, at, 605 east Main .street.' i : . ' " : : iMiss--:H. ;M. ., Lett*;of -Mecklenburg, will :. spend - the • Carnival -week ] with '-her/ sisf er,'; ; Mrs";;-H. J/.Childress,;9l3 l-2 north: Twenty-^ "sixth street. "'. "_ . .'-..-' ; • « •' ■ ; Miss ■Arine>Winstori;":"daughter;of Colonel .'-.William ".'>Wirist6n| ; : of j.'.'Malverri".'.' ; Louisa": ': is 'visiting. Mrs. ; Ernest- Boiling, : ; of - 1017.; I Floyd -avenue. • ■: • * V ,■ Miss Lyna Blum 'i has '. returned .. from, a ; visit /, to. her :sister,-;-Alrs.\pavid>May, ; ;in : (Orange 'county^- While "there she: attend- j ; . ed ■ the Horse ■ Show.' J-S ,"■ ■"' r ' , \' : ''■ ■-:■ i ... : ; ; •■■-.'■ ■■ . ■■ ■ •■' >. ■■. .-«.■■ ■« ■■. - V -. ■■■■... : ' Mrs. Percivair; Smith; : of 110 \. north 1 iTwenty-severith street, has returned -from" a: delightful^visit-tb- friends in Suffolk,' v a/- ■■>•;;:./• ;;:'-v ;;,: r ;;;?; : . ;- " '-^■: :-:-,.; :--.-...: •;■'■• '■ " •■■-■■ *-»■*' '"' -^' "■-■" ■'■■■■' Mr.'. CharlesJ'S.: Sutherland" arid sister,- Helen-.: Edna;' \ of ; -Baltimore, 1 are \ stopping with their aunt; Mrs.jWilliam H.rßurkert;': of Fairmount.' - : ." r ' "i- :. . " •" ' . r " ■-.; Dr. _C. E. "-.; Hartman, of 605 east Main street, /and .wife," have .'returned .• to the city, aftera; delightful visit to his; brother, 1 ; in West Virginia. " : '~- "". - ■ - ."*••• ~ : ; • Miss May . Hager,' ; of \ Stauntori," will be: the guest of : Mrs. Edmbnd Bossieux, ;: dur ing the Carnival.' . ; - " '■'''-■'". - -".":".' '' "*• * * .' . - I.' : Mrs.' Henry T. .-Christian has^ returned ; tocthe city after spending sometime in Harrisonburg,- Va. , ■ ' ' .* ■ - - - ' ."*~• -■ - '■ •■"' : : - ;;:',; ;:', Mr: . Ba tch> Bray - and Z. :•■' C." Bristo w, of Middlesex county, v/ill spend 'the/Carni val : week at . Mr./.C. ;H;; H; . Bray's) No. ', 009 north Twenty-seventh street. ' r; : ' -V ; '-•:.'- i *'-*■* .'■ . ■•- .'Miss Julia A. Grant _ is . spending the winter with Mrs. Armstead, No-'207 west; Franklin. ' : "T- ■ .'• : : ; ' ■ .■ * .j. ♦ Miss- Lulie ;D. -_;Barharn. of Newsoms, Va., will^ spend -T; Carnival: week -"at the Lexington, trie guest . of her father, Hon. ; T.:L. Barham. '-; '"''. -.• '.' •■ :.- ;■ .: ;' - ■ ;':■ .. _ * % ♦ ■ ; :■: - -■■■. • :Miss Lula'Kiricheloe, of Warrenton, Va!, and Miss -Lizzie. Warwick, of N. " C, are visiting " Miss ; Irene". Winston, fR3 west Grace street. ''"■'':. " ■; ': !-' : - * a ♦V ' ; * ,Mrs.' ; Jonathan: Nesbitt. of. Baltimore. Md.-,-. is the guest, during Carnival of Mr. Charles A.-Nesbitt. Brqokland Park. ■';--- ; ' ■-,- . >. ; .."" *__-*•*■-■. . -■ : . ■ -■ ' Virginia Bruce Braithwaite, from .Williamsbu.rg'. " .Va.," and , sisters .are' stopping with' Mr. J.S." Moore. ": - ■:: ' ■ '""■ ' ■'* '.*.:'*.■■■ '■:■ . ;■',,.' \ ,/' : ' : : Mrs: C. D.; Hutcheson has. just, returned; from; a deiiV^htful 'visit to friends ;in; Staunton, and- will have- as her guests; •during' the. Carnival, Dr. Johnson arid 1 Miss Johnson, ' of North Carolina, ' Miss Margaret; Gray, also Miss Brooke-, • of" Staunton, Va." ... ' ; . _ -- J * ■«'"*:: ' ' ' ■ ; Miss Phoebe Gadsden, of Charleston,- S. : C.~ is the guest of 'Mrs. Samuel. Reges-." ter.-SIS west Franklin street, "j." . -Miss. Gadsden, who. is the daughter of Mr. C. . 9. Gadsden, president of the At laritic T Coast; Line Railroad Conipany,; of South Carolina, has spent several sum-; mers at Rawley arid other '•£'. Virginia springs, with her mother and sister, Miss Flossie.;-'. ■;.'../.'-.;■,/-;•.''. '-> ' ■' ' |j ■- C6K& }' J SKamppo (St. 4 (Toilet Soap - k \% makes a rich, creamy .and-- V '.V-!~'.- .cleansing lather that eradi- cates the dirt and impurities; • A !l .gives t h at \ indescribable v ; T y "feeling of freshriess" to the i,. scalp. As a skin soap it erad- >! j^ V icates blackheads, softens %. y and freshens the skin. ". . ', {.^ ) . •' -CORE " : ([ ■^DANDFsUFr^ y The reliable guaranteed cure - V for all Scalp'; ;. Troubles: * '-'A j. i Awarded medals and :.• . full ?• y/.-ff;. honors over : all competitors : ; : k ; at Paris Exposition. Don't A accept; substitutes— : they are C |f '■; 'only poor; imitations. ■: Sold . V; : everywhere. ' _ . ■ : ;; ; • .;; A |A. R. BREMER CO., Chicago, k' ; ; proposals. : . ; -Eastern State Hospital, :■"-.;. '- : .- Steward's Office. : Williamsburg, Va. r ;lOctober 2. .3901. ;: UXTIUV I2 'O'CLOCK :-M;" OCTOBER 16, 1901; the undersigned^ will , receive : bids" to furnish;this: institution: with V .;: ;■! '■'t GROCERIES, -- DRY-GOODS;^ SHOES," ; "and'otherlsupplies for: threes months. end-; ing -December 31; : 1901: : , List of," articles needed,: quantities ofseach,'.togetherv.wirn :instructions:;howf;to . bid, ; for, deliveryior ■ goods," and other ; details . can '\ be k- had '•: on . . - A.- BROOKS,, ;;: oc 3-10t Steward; Eastern State lHosp-ital. :i :^FORT^iIONROE; ■ TA., OCTOBEJt 55,5 5, 1801:— Sealed^ proposals, in ; triplicate, for CONSTRUCTING DOUBLE .BARRACKS AND £ GUARD-HOUSE -here i will :;■ be : ■ re ceived - until "12 M. .-NOVEMBER C4. ISOI. United i States ; reserves .right' tofacceptior ■ reject* any 4 or; allsproposals^ or. : any^part thereof. - infoPmation^furnished^oniapplit cation.^'S En velopes S containing 4 proposals should^be .marked: ','Proposalsv* for: Public Bu!lding3 t 'b: address C: P. -TOWNSLE Y,° q" it "'■ - • - ■ocs,B,<Uo&No 1,2-6^; Regulates i^. menstrual: flow/ca^ leti^ I zotthoes.f^falling of the -wooibaid all tibc ottie? ailments peculiar to womeru Buy v a $ J bo<4!e irom your druggist to-day. : qy IS-Tu.Th&Suntf) ; JHeads;^ Npte-Head3,sS Circulars;:^ Hand^ ißills^Dodgers/fetc;^; printed' by itheaDls-- c6rapanyJat|low|prices:«gWiUjr give | ybtif good swbrk*atr4the^ aaniel; prices rj you / pay for Inferior work. Send- us your OrdSTS^STKi : ; 'WB' will - gfUEtr&ntC© iSfIUSIQCtiQBjj I Promotes DigcsHoaCkerful- £1 - :£;- ";; >*$ffiJ[ \s* \\\ ! ApefectKemedyforConstipa- MI tion?SourStoinach,DiaiThoea, »| -&»* «a $> , , ■ I Woir^.Con^j^ions.FeN^risli- j| Vlf " tfl?* 8 ii^/PiT \\ ia^mdLpssjpF.SLEEE- P :^^ .* 8 Uft ■ UsUI "■ • s Yflfe Simile Signature of • ' ■ XS. <&&&*^* *$k I Si! fI¥TO BTS For bile coming contests we have elegants Horse Timers I: CJi7'onographs^Bte7'Z^ Love Cups 3 suitable for . besides other Fine Gold and Silver Goods. We have, be yond question, the largest, most select stock tjv the State! % '?*".'*' . ■ - For this reason- you *will find our'.prices lower than ■ anywhere else • We give. 5 per cent^ discount on casli purchases of $1 or 'over, ■ : - The No wlan' Company, Jevveilers and Silversmiths, 921 E. Main Street. ';■'■" ..'.. : ' r ..' (Sup,Tues &)jfh-ts)y . - : ; EXPLOSION AT SEA. A BRITISH TRAXSPORT COMES IXTO NEWPORT XEWS BADLY DAMAGED. ' ■'-■:' ':■■:-■"'.■."'.-— — -•**■:—: — :—: — - ■:-.■"' "'.«-■";'■-■: SEVERAL m ; .SERIOUSLY HORi Accident Occurred- on tlie Ocean— . Hampton 1 Hoge to Speak— Spanish AVar Veterans' Claim— -Further Liti sation Over tUeKiuen. Estate. I NEWPORT NEWS, VA., October 7.— (Special.)— The British ; army, mule trans .port, Kelvingrbve, arrived here this mora ing from South Africa, -..via Barbadoes, and "went to the -ship-yards for repairs. ' While en route across the" ocean two ex plosions occiifrcd'on -the ship. Two tire-, men arid the third assistant engineer-were badly burned, and were put off at Bar badoesfor treatment. ' Seyeralother men. :it is stated, ; were injured, but they re mained with the vessel. It: is not known at this time just what attention. ;to the ship will be necessary 1 - at the yard, but she will remain here a'fweek before pro ceeding to New Orleans .to load^mules. - G. W. Butler,; Republican city chairman, to-day received -notification : from Colo-; nel J. -Hamptori ■Hoge," Republican nomi- j ! -nee for Governor, that he will be hero j on ithe night of October. ISth .to make ail address. , ■; / ,■; . ;.'■ The Executive. Committee has secured -the Academy of .^Music for -the occasion; CLAIM. OF THE] SPANISH WAR *A r ET - ._ , ." .'•- BRANS. ' . The veterans of , ; the- Spanish- American ' war, 7- numbering over - 200, . ; have called; a meeting' for to-morrow : nigh t, 'to mak« 'arraiisemerits for presenting to ; the- War Department :their:. claim- for $192 each und to *the State ; their claims" for. s*i each, j •""=' This, - according rto> a. x lawyer who • de clares ;■ he has ; /-unearthed ' an old _ law, ."••; is due ~ the men : who_; fought ~. f or ; the flag.; ; and ithe^volunteer .veterans will ;lay..claim to -the bounty. ,; : .;' ; : - - ' - v John l)onnelly; the^sailors' .-. boarding house-keeper, "who was^arrested on the charge of . atterripting to kill his ; wifo with; a-:hatchet, ;was = to-day sent, to jail for a year in-- default 'ot: 11,000 bbntf- i A .commission of .lunacy .may examiiif j him. ' | A^: committee )i of ; ' city^^officials, 'to-day, \ inspected ithetmateriaUn :the ne\v,-5125,0C0 j '- bridge^ arid|w passed i on :/ It ~H a. vorably,^ the buildersydeciding" jto^operi - ; the^structure for' public before: •; its final ance. . * . J ■ THE. FINCH ESTATE. - At Accomac Courthouse 'this ;; afternoon > argument;: was - commenced : jbefoT"e».JudKO Blackstone for; the ; appointment . jOf ; a , re 't-Banker^F^F^Finch"|issbeln^saedlfor, divorce';byA^r^yi : Finch^J: Tiie application j fbf'a receiver ■waV^made 'by v^lri=i;- Finch's" dttorrieys^H^The^itotal^Finch- Restate amounts, it is said, to be something, lika ;?i.c00,000. I^-WSJ.^Bodell/.VcWef. {clerk ■■: in : .the -'fiuar^ ijtermasterf sCdepartment |Jat ? Fort I Monroe;; :arid"bheTofsthe~ibe3t?knqwnv"men'lorilthe ipehinsula^ died ,s to-night iat ;.7 ; 6'clock^Hij -had?been2iUTwith'fßrlght's\dtsease, and summoned;^; ,«;?;:; IPMrTvßdddl^l^ditheiq^e^betoeenSOld |pbint>; and 1 CipefCliirles j; and ;£opera; ted|lt; |forlthe.\Union;ariny. ; '■; fefP.eterßO'Berg. a F->r!; 3|onrog priyate,'; HndlctedWforShouseTbreaklng 1 , was Itordayj given six months In jail. '"'^^ (engineer' o:i th-i m-ii<.- tran-^f>'->rt CKelvirigrove, v.-h»> wa.s aniongr?;thQ3efii§ '.the v explosion Vat Vsea,- is, in a IcrlUqtllcohditJon.JandXwHl bo taken 46 a' iNbrfblk^hospltal tb^mßrrow. ' *'^^^ Another lot of Pan-Amerh in i< r nips wore received at the pnst-ofiice yesi-sri" - day.- There Vwere lgsmilii ? the|lot^|^l h. .-■......' Mi SAJE-aRE-Tin!- No. 125 E. Broad St-§ .:■ ■_ ■/.': ' ' '- ■:'■ •;:^: ;:■'-;. ;/:'"':/ . :"-] :: h^~; right opposite Hospital BoothV ■■■:...-- .--.--.. ,".:■.'.■■.■■..'■' I-.'-";"' ''".v 1 ..- : -- '-. ;■ ':'-:'- :.i~ . where lunches are sold. t; and cordiallyinvite otir country friends to come and sea us, and leave their packages and lunch with the hospital folks. : (sc 2a-Sun,T«.tTh-3m"> .. MKKTIXGS. :*"•■'-.■-;■. Southern Railway Companj"/i - Richmond. ;\Va..v October : ; 7;3lQol;*rf The annual '■: meeting of the; STOCK* '• HOLDERS :OF.:TH£:^^SOU.TirERN-RAlI^- WAY. COMPANY^ for the-purpoaogpCl ; electing;; directors, ,■;- ancl "\ f or ,: the* \t raa3ae»i t:6n of such i other .'i business as 'may -coma's ; before ; tho '- meeting; .will ;■ be : ; heldsa tfltheti office of the company, in : the [ ci ty of : Rich* mbnd. ".Va.. on: -TUESDAY; '.October* 22*. ILOi; at '-10 ..o'clock; A. if. ; / >-;•-'■ '":■ ■•■■-=■■' ; : -- ■ : OCS-td :. .-. :;; i \; : -- ; •:'.;:,: : Secrutriry.' 'k: ...THE;; ANNUAL^ j :ilE£rnN*6:- OFJtH X STOCKHOLDEKS : : : :O?:;THK>;DAV!S: ; DOOT AND SHOBICOMPAXYiVriIIrba r held ; at the;ofrlce of ; the ; company; fit-.Ricii rmond; :Va., ; on -MONDAY; ]On tober 21." 1 !*)!? a t -12"M. " • --'L. -B.'THACHEK,- _ ■ . } -'\ : . : r- : ■:•■ : \ r :..£.;.;! '• '•■ ■-'>. ;..C-'-' : f >."■;- President.*-*' :■- T. ; ;W.: : Thacher,) Secretary/'- - - ; :/; - , so2f&Oc;l.s;&iS-4t-S \-Jt THE; :BOARD : OF i PHAKitACT OI 3 hold Mrs =-s«mt-an-nuai: t meeting 1 ifln^RicfcraQiitFt OCTOBER :'lst.Vsaf 9 "Ariai.^APPlicatlohs'jinust JbeifiJetHwiith,. ither!aecfetar^gfivc- r t:ay S .;bcjoc^m«JetiniSrJi ■For.Jblar.k ( forms r.rKi-further Irifoncatloav iwldress ' " T. A. MILXEK. 1 . . SO2-J-D!: S^rt-tP.ry, Richmond.^Va^ ,?rANO OHIO UAILWAYiCOMPAN^Si . .-; A'a.. , Soytcmber :T^lSot3s^ tls?herobjrj^iven':thatsithe-«nnuifi THF.S C HESA PItVKBVixKD > OIIJO: IwUl^ i pVAYtCOirPANyiSIiQ^ta»::eJ-cf;or!,:ofj;dt«: ire.ctors^anq ;av>r/ rtie 3 ltran;;uctioa ■ o-C.fswcli-: pther,lbUßin^ssla3^tti:*i'l UtwfiUiy ; come \ be iiriff;"i?lii'stntf:lcltr.*'"df^»Rl'chniyntl.V4.YaV3sod:: fcT.(;^pAr//the'f~rd*-asjyuf ; : 'Occober;;:_2SCl;^ sal!lG;o'clQcU A. : '.. ■ - VThf-»^ ik-- >■-.-,.>.- v s^*;- •.-,>;•. i- cto a<! at'the oittco o! :-t--;-'^. J i. >.:•. -;a *s Co., No :'2..v. ->. ..;;-..>! \>w Vonc. i»m ■P.: M..-anb bi-'-n-i-r.t :...M c. ■/..■•.■sr.vj-..: ! ■daj-,'3 October ■glhlfiX?) \itVt->lc*clocV^Ar-/lO;