Newspaper Page Text
\ TaritS^Kinq March ' .'M- ''' ' : '^^^^9t PubiisherfHere. 'S Published Here. ■ ':■ : ■ ■ ■ '' ■ .■ ■ - ..:■ ■ .■: ■'. - • .■:■; ■,:•■■■■ " ff You wish- to' see the finest Display of Pianos ever exhibited In the city of Richmond, you will - v find them at our warerooms. We want Visitors to come in and examine our fine instruments; We Pwant you. to> become acquainted with our high grade Pianos and Organs. •DO YOU KI\!OW ? ? . Thai v.-o arc tlio largest manufacturers of Plffl^Qß AND ORGANS , V. i ..•■■■■ IN THE WORLD? ' We manufacture our own instruments "and. sell you direct, thereby ; saving the ■Dealer's Profit.;, -Is.-, this worth saving? Every instrument fully guaranteed. ; ;.; , EASY. CREDIT-^ PLAN, I?J.g P sell for casH, or on accommodating terms. „-';•. *'§fi file 3fllVlr^iL^E-r>^, : - .The wdnderfuf Piano player. Come in and Jiear it Publishers of the Official Carnival King March. /You Should Have a Copy. .!• G. Cori^fManager. 283 E. BROAD. STREET. ''Possession While Paying I '■■■■■That's life inviting proposition we extend every purchaser. You may select ihe. articles you idmire or desire, and settle the bill while en joyin? the full '.-.pleasure of. possession. Why not make the most of, our liberal credit system?. You're welcome! . Couches^9 be^ad tfsre in every , ■■•'-..,' ' T r rivih\!> vstylejandvl covering:— Velour and Tapestry - j; coverings. prices. .; h _ 53.95 Couch worth £6_ | ' : 56.95 Couch- worthed?. .'[.}{ $i \ $10.75 " extra '\7sgz; worth"' jSl 5.* '!■•■"' I ♦>rW''n!!Pta ? n«s" ThisYeason we've fathired the" finest assortment of J ' ' Lace Curtains and .Portisrcs for your selection:. ' ' '}■■ LsceCaHiiris 9SciipS?r£p«stry Portieres, aircolors; fufl ; size, £2:45 up. 1 •' ' ""'• ' ' — — "■'"'' — : — ■ :—: — "'■■ -~X ■■ "towest'Pnces and Easiest Terms-at (F,<; .*35-:Stxiai.Ta. <St V :>m) peryadeevery department of our business. We furnish expert service in the adjust ment of GLASSES for the imprbvenie nt 'ixixly preservation, of ilie' eyesight. Prescription} work is our specialty. ..-,■; Cohir plete. pptical Iworkshop /oVllie"^ premised ■ Our PHOTOGRAPHIG DEPART ; MxJ>'T is replete with all the latest Cameras, Kodaks^and Photo Supplies. In structions and dark room free. Mail .orders; promptly attended to. Also a: complete lisi'e of Fhouograplis and llecords. ',■;' ;. f : . "■ . - -■'-.', f-gr^ij'J.- ■-'■■ ■ "'/*& '. ■-'.■ ' J7V -i-o- 's&'•■■- -■"•- ■■■fl •• '.• .■ ' i^St -"''•■ "JtL °• ■ ■'"' 'X ■■■ "' ■' /^y '''■■'■ '■! •'■''-- coiiXKLt xrk Tii ani> aiAix stkeets. **■-■• ■■"• ■ "se.l-Sun, Tv &ThtOc 13 '* t - .': '-"'"'*■■''"' ioc l-Tu&Th-oc,no,fe,inh,ap&my) Chamber Suites in Oak Mahogany, Birch or Bird's Eye Maple. , % :r _ $12.75 for Oak Finish. Suite, value . ; $i_6.00." . ; ... $17.95 for solid Oak. value $22.00. $24.75 for 'Swelled^Frdnt ; Oak Suite, value g30.00,g 30.00, Experieneo : aiid S Mil* -'■'*■* r ""-" SAFETY OF LODGERS' PROPERTY. The, Question Involved in a Suit Xovr in Lavr nnd Equity. Conrt. '■"''■"? The suit of "Vl r ., H. Hanmer; against R. VT. and I. B. Gary came up for trial in; the Law and Equity Court : yesterday. The case is ; a very; important; one, in-; volving as it does the " liability of ; lodging and' boarding housekeeperp'for the safety of: the, property of their. boarders.. The; plaintiff "lost; frorii his trunk in the house -of the .v defendants on last Christmas day one gold-filled watch.valu ed at $20, one; gold-filled watch chain valued at $5, and '§63.55 in money. The case was called yesterday morning and was: not concluded .when; the court ad . journed until to-day. ..';; -"" . . ' __ , - , • In the Chancery Court a deed of trans "cr. was fined by Mr. Joseph; TV Lawless -.:: d his wife,. Mrs." Marie \ C. Lawless, to Ir. John "W. Rothert, transferring the '"'. ouse", and lot on Grove avenue, the^num ..r of the house" being' 1312" The consid ation is $5,750. The extent of the ilot is .£i:o feet. -- ""_" ■;:-.•; -...: ". - -./- : . Tn this ; court,' Messrs.- Joseph C. Taylor d John W. Guy qualified to practice. ■ - I v n ■■' the Law - and; Equity Court^judg T nts were granted in favor, of R. B. - "= iver against T. : J.. Walsh "for : $150, / and favor; of Dr. J. Upshur^ against T." P. ■ ; : m'pbell for $110.- ' - ;,;.;. " : ;_ The following, motion was " filed for Morris Bank -against Li; Boch . "r^r; sTo.G3.. ■;,;,;,.. ; : ;.; v ; ... ■.; : :-r'--- ; :. -:.■;■. . o The grand jury in the Hustings Court eturned the following true bills: - . f L.y H.-. ItaroiT and "/Archer ;A. BaroiT, irand. larceny. Bailed in the sum of $500— . amounting to* $229.35 alleged to have .been takeh -from the /Reliable; Jobbing House, :Silverman &'.;Todes, • proprietors. ;; William Burton,; robbery. ' . : ; John Branch, ; housebreaking. ; ; . , : James Delaney,' housebreaking, .' . R. T. Ford, housebreaking. . ",. William ; Harris, breaking : . into . railroad car. - ' ; : - ;";; ; . '•'John E.- Hale, alias R.H.: Lee, alias J. K. Brandon, -forgery' and grand larceny. Walter Jenkins,' housebreaking. . ■ Jones,, malicious wounding. ' '- Frizt-Kragle, horse stealing, v ;. ;'V Henry : Lewis, housebreaking. ' . " .William L-ewis, burglary, j : '; r ' - .Frederck: Runyon,. larceny. ' •";■.'■ ;■'' ' L Geofge.i Smith, Jgrarid larceny. ".-•■•• ' : . .William :H. Taliaferro, . murder. Henry. .Thompson,, alias ; John .-Mayo, breaking into car. x _ '■-f. John ' HaH-ey Williams, X housebreaking. , Charles White,; grand larceny.^ .-/.••• ; DIVORCE SOUGHT BY MR. GEBHARDi Application Mude in Sonth Dalcoth '-.' Tliut of- DeKertion. ' ' ' SIOUX FALLS, S. D., October 7-All speculation as, to. .the reason why Fred ' crick .: Gebard,' ; ; of Kew -iTork, ; took up his residence; in jSioiix; Falls; last April is now removed;- His 'attorneys, ; Bailey & Vorhees.of this, city,; have -just -'filed, -in ■the Circuit Court /here, v a ' suit' in : which; Mr". ;JGcbbard asks for ; an i absolute : divorqe from his ] wife, , Mrs. Louise Mor i-risv.Gebhard.'; ":~ "; V k. i-'v v ; : ; '■ • • ; r,The : suit; for. divorce ; Is based upon the simple ground : of desertion. Following the customary it • Is ; probable ' that within; the"; next two^ weeks: the Shearing will: be held -and ; Mr." Gebard -granted the' divorce:: he \ seeks. , :. : ; •, : ■ Louise^ H. : Mor ris, ;■; of t ßaltinidre.'v Md.l .' She '.was for. years ; the acknowledged ;belle; of that r city. lV^: Mr. Gebhard ; positively refuses 'to dis cuss his 'divorce;- suit or his ■= plans r for the future. " i ■ - ', •tetter from President Diaz. '•: Mlv 8.F.: Johnson, of .this", city,: has^re ceiyed'a • letter'^ from j President? Diaz, of Mexico, : giving;:: his ": estiniate^of ' th 6 ? late President^ The letter^was' 'translated by •air.-: Alphonzo ,Calzado~-va Mexican'student at Hlchniond "College^ Itf folio ws:, vi? J :, TJ - ;V ■ y '•;■.•. ■.: >.V; ; Chapiictepec^Septernber:24} : 19GL; Mr.:- B.,, Fa; Johnson: '; ffWhensyo'u ;i ask'me vf or> a - though ti: that ;Would:J.chMacteri2e3him - :?qE^residenoMcT' :.^^^>o;i'l'.tb^k i '-thatVoneVcaii?rrieve"rJ;fe"ei tt ° C) . mi i Cn ' t°el loss '(of ■ Pf esident - McKinle->-.' ; He i.js^'admittedjandijustlfi^'fu^versally' as^ the : ; idealUypel of ahd^headr^;the7f^ny^i^eal^6hlyoepljr that lin these - three ■ respects : I "admired and' respect lum. ' v : . PORFIRIO-DIAZ, . President of Mexico. ■ : W:'ii ; i"-. : .. : r.' : --: ; ;-- : - -- ■'■:■ ■-■-'■' "■■-*■'■-* •"■:^- ■■■.^: s^-;-;. :m3-::i>^--^.^ slThereg^lMlrehe^^bfltlreiWeanesclay, iClu)> vyrill 5 takeVplace : 'i tosiightl atl itS anew, ■place* o£ meeting, - tb«- Old All Saints church, building, Madison street, near Grac&|fe^pplicMi^^^ meml^aliip^S the "chorus will be received. Rehearsal at 8:15 to laijt but . one • hour, ' so as to enable th:> members to attendK.ttie'fGsff-i mado on, the- orator.'o o£ Elijah io?t Tuesday Jii^ht. and r tho members aro P:v;;'TPhe|^^^^^ YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDIN6S. iteifiiiiiisis^i^^ : iS^Sc^wersprS'eSted. r^!: Thls^was ttieiixtent. of : ft the-rout neibuslness. Q Rev^ Sr! kcltwain^^ member from the county of Prince Edward, made the open ing prayer.. .There were very few spectators in the gallery. OFFICIAL REPORT. t Monday, October 7, 1901. ■; The Convention met at 12 o'clock M.;;.^- | ' : Prayer by. Rev. ;; Richard Mcllwaine, D : ,D. ; r The PRESIDENT: * The Secretary will call the roll of members. ; . ' ; ; : ! ;\The ; : Secretary called ; tho : roll; »•" and ' the following 'delegates';' answered :to-> their names: '- ■'■:'<■ V: '--x-'i'-''^'" '<■■ :i *-- -"'^'.v ■■'::'■■ - 2y"-''-v;! .'Present: ; ; Messrs.' ;Ay ers, ; Barbour, Man ley- H. j Barnes, 5 - Thomas H. : Barnes, Blair, Boaz; ;- Boleni :Bouldin; ; Braxton;' ■ Bnstow,- Brooke,^ Brown. P. :^W; Campbell^Carter,- \ Cobb, : ?rDunaway, s Earman, ; Epes, Flood, Garnett, ; Gilmbre.y Gillespie, B.v.T/i Gordon, j James W. "Gordon, - R. L. Gordon, Green, r; Gregory,-: r-Hamiltori.s :; Hancock, .; Hooker, j Hunton, ■•-Ingram,'; Claggett B: Jones, G- W.; I Jones,7Lawson,^ Lindsay,- Mcllwaine,': Mil-; j lor, ! R.:Wa.i.on. Moore, ,Mundy, ; . Newton, 0-laherty,:Orr,Pedigo,iPhillips,-J Port lock: Quarles, Richriiond; , Robertson, Steb bins, Tarry, ' Thorn. Walter, Willis,'^ Wise, Withers, 'Wysor.t and the .President— s9. : s ■fcThe PRESIDENT:;" Fifty-nine members have answered to their names. : The Jour nal ; .of the proceedings of 'Saturday.; last j willbe read. . > ':•■ ; v • . •_; ■'■.'■■-■ -•: 't; The Journal of the proceedings of Satur day ; last was read arid approved. ,' . v~n' = s PETITIONS AND ; MEMORIALS. • j - Lg Petitions 'praying ;f or:; the :■ incorporation in the Constitution' of , a provision ;that^no license -to manufacture ;■ or. sell ; intoxicating liquors, shall be granted: to ; any,:person.ex T . cep t '; upon the ;,writtenj request : of ; a. major ity of the registered; voters in the precinct of thecity,- town or county inwvhicmsuch manufacture or ; sale :Isvproposed%to>be conducted,- were presented and referred to u:e' -Committee- on "-Preamble and Bill; of | BARNES. from 10 1 citlzfris: of York: county., ' '„„■-•!. : By, Mr. THOMAS H. BARNES, from the Portsmouthißaptist.Association. •• ■■ ■ ,••'"> .By Mr. COBB, from 4G citizens of Caro line county;:.' and 1 •' • ;;: *-',„;... ■':'*- I By Mr. DUNAWAY,' from 19 citizens cf Lancaster and adjoining counties. ■;. . . •■■••Mr.-- THOMAS H." BARNES presented a memorials from the Virginia -Portsmouth Baptist Association remonstrating against the i appropriation •of • public ; funds to . any nstitution wholly; or partly under, sectarian control; which*was referred" to: the Com mittee on une Legislative : Department. ■-■■:-■■; -LEAVES OF ABSENCE.;^ :. Mr. 'v BROOKE : . I ask leave ■ of ; absence for the gentleman from ~ Petersburg : (Mr. Cameron for the day, as he is detained in New York. . £<■■ 'V--,;; . : ' > Leave was granted. • :_ . v ' Mr. NEWTON: asked and,obtained leave of absence for two days, beginning. to-day, for Mr."- Meredith. : ■-' '■'-'■ ■'.'. .-, ■" ■ -.<■ -\'. .-' -• i Mr.; BLAIR" asked; and": obtained two days' ; leave of absence beginning : to-mor row, for Mr. Gillespie. ;.- ' "' /Mr.. LINDSAY:: I have been requestea, by the gentleman from § Lynchburgj; (Mr. Glass), chairman v of the Committee Printing, -to state -that he is unavoidably, detained to-daj'* on business in connection with -the McKinley.;: memorial. I suppose it isnn order, to, mov.e .that leave of ab sence be granted him for the" day/ _ : • The PRESIDENT: HThat : will be taken as the sense of . the-body, unless; objection %lr^B'T. GORDON: asked and obtained leave of absence for two days, ; beginning to-day, for Mr.Waddill. -' ; ; Mr P. W CAMPBELL. asked and ob tained leave of absence for five days, be-. AFFAIRS IS SOUTH BOSTOX. Finci Sales :of, Tobacco— Liocal Im liroveiiieiits—Personal an d Political; SOUTH BOSTON,:;Octob'er;7--CSpecial.) The past week has been one-of ; the busiest ever witnessed in the tobacco ; trade of this town at this; season; of -the year.; -There 1 has' been a perfect .rush every: day. v> The average price/ has been higher than : for ■ ■, many, years,.- quality considered. : Keally fine -wrappers: seem to be rather scarce; the highestprice paid was $40. ■;■■ Farmers are beginning to/ real ize that early -sales are the -most ; satis factory. r . IThe : indications; are . that . ' the entire crop will be sold much earlier than was ever known. _ ' ;. : - :. .. ' Merchants are ': jubilant over the good sales .they have made of fall goods/ and the . cheering part is" that all ■ purchasers pay cash. V ' :r ' •'■-. - : . The contract for building an iron-bridge across .Stauntbn' river at , v Clarkt6n, . has lijeen Jet . to' the' Virginia Bridge ..and Iron- Company; : .the'; bridge -will ■;; cost about ;$5,000. ." ' ' -_' . The "tobacco warehouses "here -hope; to get a good deal of trade from'.: Charlotte county -as soon as the " bridge is ; com pleted; heretofore, ;the ferr> r charges- have been; heavy and were a drawback to this placed :;: ; , '- ..-. ' .'.' ' • '■'. . There has been an unusual amount io£ sickness- during ;: the autumn .principally, from, chills. : . ; The; doctors have had as much as v they, could d 0... - - -.. • 'CHRISTIAN- CRUSADERS. ; .: . The '•fChristian ■' Crusaders have ;invaded the towri.Vand :. pitched their ; tents m ; a convenient:iocality.- This is an; ; innov a tion ; in this : section, rf. ■■ Active % service; will mo t begin until : next week. People have not heretofore; beenvattracted to : evangelical serviceslbV brass ;bands. ■: ■ ; ■• '-^ V vThc- ; school :. Trustees^ Electoral Board,, consisting 'of : Judg^W. ". R. Braksdale, Commonwealth 1 s- Atorney I William vl^eign, arid V Superintendent :; Schools^ Colonel T B :-Ba:rksdale; met Friday -to -appofnt orie-third. of: the; trustees of the. county. All i of = the; old; members. were re-appointed . 6^ t anSrs; C^^^ sued-.'invitations to ..the marriage of .-their ■daughter; •./•Miss 1 Bessie , .-Grace,',: to -,ReY v »■; Marshall -Owens, vj Tuesday,-Oc tober 1 15 th ;; at ' Trinity ' Episcopal church. Mr: : Owens : is , they oung . and : popular . rec tor'of^the -parish.. ' ', *'*•'*. vl Some': barbecues are ' announced for, next ■;} at ;which ; :time f the; county ? canvass will be gived' in real earnest. There .will bo ■■ no^lack :of s local'; speakers; as^ every, man in the : county is; a- politician, r -.\, .; ■: ■_ ... *! There ■ Avill'doubtless \ a , large. : delega tion : of ; HalifaxersTat-; the:; Carnival Vthis,, week f. '■'■ More r people speak of Italdng ; ;in thfl ' ) show Z than % was \the ;; case ;vlast^ yeaiv Tired Out -nothing. Everyone is tired at times. The trouble is you can't get rested. It's Syour?impure;blood thatraaßest? ithefdisturbance^fl3ry«AyerfSi |SarsapariUaWpou»octoi| fiwillitell^yoU'What;is?in lt^andl .Ms^ilsttfferediiteirißiy-liQrilj^pyeaMp §llierdo^r«^saiil < ;myjbl6'odrwa»a£ltura'^ |Sarsa^^l|^ajiflwa^is^»Kn^tnc|b"cs^^ ginning to-day, .for. Mr. Summers. ■, ,£ - • ■ ALEA\rE'OF-ABSENCB,FOR;PAGES..v :^Mr^WITHERS: • I -offer : a. resolution.^ ,l_ ithink i it ; is - privileged • and caru be I consid 'ered-immediately. '"' '■- -■■;. ; . '■ ■■ - ;' •< <.-■. -■ -i: ■:..■■'. ?S The PRESIDENT: ~'< The gentlemanfrom Danville offers \a. resolution, .which will ■be 'read! ■'■'''>■:''.;■"?'?{&' -'•■ ' ::: :':-:'. ','■'■ ".'V.' I *'- ■■ v.'- ■■■•:' v : •• ■ ■3The resolution was read, considered; and agreed Sto.i as i follows: : ;. ?: ~" .\' : X -,•': :"-\* ?■• Resolved, -That ithe Sergeant-at-Arme be instructed^ every j morning., to- select ;three pages, - alterriating?in;ithe| selectionf each davi: Sto £ perform • such? duties '■-; as ; may '.be necessary,"^ in the"? Convention 'i during ,the week of -October! 7-12,1; Inclusive, ; and fhe be^further; directed '.to 'grant leave lofab serice ;f or the day to: the six . pages not so selected; " ;, .■;■■■.-'■ "r/.:" '---■'■■' '■■'■_ - ■'■••V:-.. ; - ; :-. : v - ADJOURNMENT. . : V. ;;-■ . ; . -•iMr. GREEN: Mr.t President,; I % wish to submit- a f motion 7 that: the Convention ••■ ad-* journ ■:.■; until to-morrow morning; at 10:30 o'clock.'--..- ■■-■:■;; -;■■■.'-.•■.■■•,- -> ;','>.''■: ■■■■;.■ ■ "■;- ■'. tfij ; l submit : this 3 motion without consulta tion- with any.;/one,; but -after.; some? con sideration on my.own part. \E believe that when the Capital- City • of the State .has given '■ itself lup | to , the celebration ; of ; any occasion, ; arid jjj a body ; of A the r State's citi zens^ are r assembled = ; amongst them* ;^they, ought at least : to ! show, enough courtesy to the city in which they are .. assembled to adjourn for. a; single day. , ; ; - /.iNone; of ,us can say that : we have,. not received at " thß. hands f of ; the . citizens of Richmond numberless courtesies >nd kind nesses.". Not ;one ■■■ of,;usv from- any,;; section of -the State .'does-not.feellthedeepest-in terest" in the :• prosperity and • growth ;of the city, of Richmond. 1 In view ;. of ,-:■ the city's Carnival and Street ' Fair, which is, :openingat : thishour,T. think it .would: be; an excellent moverand a proper compli ment -to '•■pay Ho ;the;city for.thoJConven tion-,t6?adjourn*for a single day. " . :. ':: In I addition. to -that, .sir, II wish to state: that" the matters .which" are 'before ' the Convention are such that they require and ought to ; receive the l support or denial'of more than a bare majority, of the members of the S Convention. :'\ We 'have here - only fifty-four; members, according 'to .the roll call, and it ; is shownby the Journal .that ;we:have granted numberless -leaves of ab sence for to-day. ■.■■;.. ;■•;.;■.;;" ; . The PRESIDENT: ; Fifty-nine members were 'present on'- the roll-call. "'.■ ■-.: ; ': 'Mr. .GREENs ; ' I thought, there' were fifty-four. We ought v to take judicial notice of the fact that a i large number- of the I members . who are here now, the" very minute the .Convention is organized; will leave, and \in •an hour.: after , we proceed with regular ;.we shalU-riot have anything like a : quorum :' here. ■■■: I do not .wish" to* have i the Convention- put ; in the ;positioniof adjourning, for want of. a quo rum, and I believe; the proper course to ■ pursue is to adjourn now. ; . . : I hope my^motion will receive the-.sup port of, the Convention: - ; The. PRESIDENT: The question is on : agreeing - to -the: motion • of;- the: gentleman from Danville: that the Convention,' do now. adjourn; until to-morrow morning at 10:30 o clock. •-; (Putting '.. the question). The aves:appear to have it. v . 'Mr. R.- WALTON MOORE j I call for a ; division. ,-' ' - '. ■ "'■■.'■■■■ . -■. There were, on a division, ayes 25, noes So Mn Green's .motion was agreed to, and (at 12:25 o'clock P. M.) the Convention adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday,; Oc tober 8;'. 1901, at 10:30 o'clock A. M. •< | Rev. -Thornton S. Wilson has purchased the residence of ' Dr; W. H. Moseley, on Main; street.; .He will,;, in; a short time move his] family, and make this his" future hbine.l . . ; . 'Many handsome residences- are in course of -erection,' and nearly all : of the many ■business . houses _ that have;, .been built during the year are now. occupied^ ;."■■-.,. A:; : new hotel building '■■■. has • been con tracted for. It will contain thirty-three rooms, and has "already been leased, by Mr.'vß. H.-; Dowdy, who has . for a number of years been ; the ; proprietor of the hotel at Roxboro', i'N. C. ; The new hotel will open January.!, 1902. / ;• "~ SALE -'OP I'AVEXTTCE.'? Historic Home in LuraT Cliangre.s ■■■■■; Hands-Local Notes. . L.TJRAT, .VA., October. 7.— (Special.)— At the recent term; of, the- Circuit Court of Page.;county the judicial sale of "Aven 'tine," ' the -Borst residence property- in the . west endt of ;town^ Mr.^Jacob Burner, of fi this cpunty,' for : ?2,401, 'v was ' approved and confirmed 'by the: court. . - v This home. isVone of the most beautiful -in' Luray 'and around it cluster many ■•his toric: associations:- r . ■" :■;•.. ; . :. .'-.■ During ithe^war'betwe'eh the; States and . following ; some .^of . the..; bloody engage merits in- the.valley; the Union -forces -took ; possession /■ of the: property.' and " used' the mansion -for hospital' purposes. ' " ; It is related", that" the -ibasement floors were .so; stained .with .'" blood as to require the surface's being planed off: : : Mr. ' { P. B. ; .Borst, -; the . owner 'of the property,; was -'engaged . during the war ; iri i furnishing. suppl ies to the; Confederate ';■ \" ? . . . : -- :'";. -:- : "., - ; ; ■•---, •-. -■^ More; recently the^property 'has been foe .cupied.asa^home^by. Mrs. Belle C.Borst, the..widowiof'Mr.;B6rst/ and other mem bers^ of: the.;family. ; ;:', -■ ■: , ■> ; The; two fire; companies, "representing the east -and' .west .ends of the town/en 'gaged;yesterday afternoon in? some: trials '. of speed,' • coupling : on the hose I to. a: desig nated hydrant, ;&c., arid |asa> result: of the .the • East-End "men ■ canie ' off : ■triumphant.Lf"Th~e contests were' highly in- and; exciting.:; ■;. - : ;'-'-;; '-'- ;- ; ; iJ.The;Luray Cornet Band as. been'pro vided; with! a ; - new/set of and ;they/;^are now; prepared to . make- .better ; music than Vever. •■ ■ ; • -;-' : -- >"•"•', -o- y \ PROSPEiu>US PIIINCE EDWAHD^ ; Farming C i» ; Profl table ivi v Tliat nni : S,; (Correspondence^ of the Dispatch^) "-^v f ;.(-F^]VrVELl*B,^>.yA.;'UvV October ' - 5^ D H i ?Spthe :vpast;c few ; ■ months 5 ;there hay ej been- quite" a number 'of £ tioin'eseekers from v j the -/North Sand ;VWest VlookJn^for farm glands: 7 ; in ; Southside Virginia, ;knd I soine(oje|thernjhaye;p2irchased/andj settled J down 'l airiorig us, and ■ are^ tHbroushlv pleased. - . y There are some ;f armera in Prince-Ed wafd,^ and /counties,; i who are | £al^gg^o^^money^ons*-the;-;(»pitaLiln-* yes ted | tharvhs J niad c : }, by f farmers % of | any! I other^ section ; > of ;" our : ■ common- coun tryi : There^were;} two L of" "Middle ■ Tennessee's ! lading l^farmers -Jin* Prince? -Edward^re- i f ; : were ?'f rom : oneiiof^thelrtchestrand'finost "productfye s^cMbiis iof ;"their} Stated they/unhisltatihi2 : ljr|stated | that|Prfnce?E<iward|and3 slater' counties' lands compared, favorably^ with' any' they had s<-on in thi tr extensive travel,. X jj;lt],lis'.. not;. uncommon for a. farmer i n Soutlisido Virginia to realiae- from%lili^ tobacco crop of one season nun-e^tharT .the^origi rial ■ cost of hia farm. Thls'ijis' a^jemarkable $ statt merit, but;. one'^whiclr' ha^Mbje^^Tecor(le"d|ioif^gman^^faTrimstfof": ; :|^j^e^practlcal^'sugge3tlon-! has-been jof f^rediiby/a?f?lend{of ;* Prince" Edward ifafm^; *rs.~ one that ' is ' worthy of their "consld- | c^riitictti nncl it \h Ht*l?ov^cl ivUi' w& put ! lIIK TO THE CABHIVAL g HOBSE SHOW v will: be welcomed to >"bur ..-factory,- where they can find ALL STYLES OF VEmCLES AND HARNESS. R. H. BOSHER'S SONS, 5 sou^ s STREET . ' .':-:.'■■ r ; ;rjJOUR:I.ARGE STOCK CAN BE FOUND - EXTENSION TOPSi CGUPE ROCKAWAYS; DOCTORS^ BUGGIES, SIDB-BAR * BUGGIES, END-SPRING BUGGIES, We will BUILD any style of vehicle you wish, and can REPAIR and REPAINT your old ones and make them look like new. A number of good SECOND-HAITO PHAETONS, RUNA BOUTS, and DAYTOWS for sale R. H. SONS, 15 South Ninth. Street: oc S-Sun^u^W^h^F&Sat i si tor's to tbe Carnival are invited to make our establisbraent headqiiarters -while in the city— meet their friends at our store, and have their mail ad dressed in our care. Come here .whenever you will i— a-pleasant, restful retreat 1 awaits you -when yon become tired of ;the busy street and out-door sight seeing I .. . ' . ' - .: . ■_.., . ; One Free ShoW you should be sure to see before leaving Richmond— that is our elegant jewelry and brilliant gems, whether y 6u > purchase or. not; It wiU be refreshing to the eyes, qtiietingto the nerves. Our prices are as low as the lowest, consistent with quality. •'■_ C. Lumsden & Son, Manufacturing Jewelers and Opticians.; 73 1 past HailV St. I&iSll^l^iSlP^ c bought from us for SI + I Every One is Sold Under an Absolute Guarantee, t ■ _^_ - * '■"..- . — " " . . ' .. ■ . ■■-' - .■ . ■ '....; ;t" i Oiir manner of doing business, our ciistom of fair treat- > ment, has won us thousands" of friends. . >. ±- ■-•■ ;■ * —^ — — — : — L . . . ■ t f HUR f|EALINQS||i|IN CUSTOMERS, t t Uld P OMiNiON ■■■..-: Match Ijompany, x | -OFFICES: 802 EfIST Mm STRSEL I • ■■■ MAtt ; 'OI^ESS: ■ GIVEN ;S.PROI!^ ATTENTION. ;--,.." ■ jv^v^^^^ H H > Vt.f H)H ♦> >. » f > IH-H+H-H^ "»^^ rT - ''.."'." ; . '.'; -I. oc i-Tu,Th&Sun - ©©© @© © O ©©© © d© S © ©'©©©©€> ® © ©© © © © © © ©O @ @ O © © © ! D, BUGHSNSN & SON; 1 ® Jewelers and OpHcianS, | © 111 East Broad Street, ! | have ; the most beautiful collection of Silverware \ 3 to be seen inithe city. Special attention has been c 0 ; ffiven in' the :'-. selection of Jewelry, both in GOLD -« ® -and SlLVEßVsuitable for BRIDAL PRESENTS. € © ' We can please you in every way , especially the | % price way. Your attention is also called to our c iJ4^ well-selected stock of | I DIAMONDS, WATCHES, &c. • ers '. of : the county unite in .'buying , the 'old : "court-house ■ building at \- /Worsham, seven^ miles : south "of :Farmville.; convert it ? into a Meeting: 1 house, preserve It from further.:; decaV/ meet% at i least 'i four .-times a •year to • confer ■; on matters •■ of common interektV .and- on: som^'day^of : the^year.' afterl the:- crops have allv been .gathered, n^a?^a^picnic;/at,which?time;ret ShMen^women-landchildrenjof.the Sm^S^one ;whole day,of unterrupted SSrefMsuch days :would;bo red-letter days 'in old Prince Edward. « .. TO BE PITTI3CCI V DEDICATED; { ;-..-;■-:; --C'T.% ■■.'.- \- !-,;";■■» y - .::r_ ,j<\- \ .- .'<...' I . j-vjupnvi^-ii :.;■-,»- .;;:>;, ( -■;■'/• =-i." a - : : fTii lilting I lit the Volyteclinlc Institute. | -/ BtJaCiJsBURG, VA.. October T.-(Spe-j -ciai >i-The splt-nUI 1 new. Young Men's | -ChriatUip. AisocUtion building,, recently j I irecfediatftn^yiri.ra^ Polytechnlc.lnsti-. •tute. .will o:* Sunday, October 13tbj^be ! fde^cfte^funrter very auspicious elrenn ..Tho exercises will be held iri the^ius«| i IHteSuaUorium:at ; U?o'cl6ckiin;the.mprn^ ' flng^i^^rgM??^ ll^^^^?^* 3^^— ' {fP/^Xiiderseu./of^New York,' secretary; of j VICTORIAS, RUNABOUTS. PHAETONS, TRAPS, SURRIES, DAYTON "".-*. WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, ■FANCY WAGONS. Sun, Tue & Fri -Bat you don't •want to be ignorant of tho "■economical features of the Wood Heater. You can have more solid comfort out of w >Vqod Heater that will cost you $1.75 than -. you can get out of a Coal Stove that will. cos-t i' five'times as much. When they first ap 1 -peared they.were looked" on as an experi .-:, ment, but each succeeding year has denibn t; strated : their practibility and they hare 1. become a feature in every home. HVe have t- them at all prices. ibr.'catalogue, or I better, come. and see us. ■ -.-■-: " . : ; ■■ ■' - ; - ' - . / "■:,-/. ..Opposite Old MarM, RiclimoDil, Ya. Hardware, Stoves, Eoofing, Lime, Cement, - -and TerreCotta Pipes. aa2s-Sa, Ta & w) , '"'--": A. Coutter,- State secTetar>* of the Youn; lien's Christian- Association, Richmond; Mr." Lawrence Pritldy. of New York, chair inah "of "the _'•■; Building Committse; -Major J.'M. -Hicks,; of the institute, and ctners interested in J the. work there^ The public 'generally are vite<l to be preseut. ■"■"■ ''-'"■ ■'■■■•-.:".'-■■■■■■■-■— n^»» . .■■ ■; J. " TV. GOOD^VI .V K I IXED. CitUen. <»f CUfto» " Fbrse S t truck try u u E n c i i»e. CLJE'TON' FORGE; VA.. October ..T.- W. Goodwin, a well-knowsl citizen Of jClif ton while /crossiii;: :thevraitroad 'tracks Saturday night, vras fstruck;by ; and • instantly kiUed. H£ •JeavcsTa ''• Iwitlow ; and five children, wh<» have the sympathy of their in'tihy friends. Jf-"- : :;!"*' ;^.', ; .SJ^;.: : .-' - ".j ' ''no»»'__" '". -■-: ■;'..'..-' '.•■' BROWNS Camphoratea Sapen<iccra^ DENTIFRICS extensively used and ro cdmmemied s by DehtlsU > for : over forty years. Sold every w her*, i 25 cenb*. .' Oru- of thlfSS^Hs of camlvu week-thecoiuctlotvoeorlental^^^ fearnct.^at.Cordes&Mo^-..