Newspaper Page Text
TWELVEMGES \\nJOLE;:;;?ppßEmil l^ (lunuL'uriUn ul|unul Crowd Esiimaied ai 4,000 or More Present Last Night, A VERY BRILLIANT SCENE. ; Society Sets Her Siamp o[ Approyaloiiv ■■ - tiie Exliibition. tOMIi OF THOSE IX ; THIS BOXES. Obc -Arciilcnt Occurred in tlie Kin.c-, I 31 «t" Xo Serious Conisciitienocs Pol ]owc«l— Tocltiifoal Gossip of ' tlio Kvc«ti»— The "Winners* ;;.- :V J( . r'■■ ■ ■ '- " -'. ■■ .. - •■ : - The norfe-Show is the thing! Society Vas jiatnpwl it with " emphatic approval, and t"ie pretty spectacle was witnessed Vi<t niclit-by an immense crowd that was tjioro«ghb* representative . of the wealth, "■beauty, and fashion of Virginia and the : -. SotUh. ■ : The novelty of it a"l attracted many; others tliere were who had tasted of the c;e!i?2its of the horse-show entertain ment before, but all entered into the spirit "'of- the: occasion, 'and enthusiasm. ; iabltiod over on all sides. The audience *.vas estimated to number between 4,000 find 3,050- ' -:■ :. .- - ... " ' / -■■ - - •The vhl Auditorium, was simply unre :./.-cognizable. As one drove towards it from the V-ast, it looked like a huge ball ;'"--<f fire. The extei-ior was not brilliantly aiurninated, but the Interior was a Hood of light. Arc lights, cluster lights,; long firings of electric globes hung over the ring, while' the galleries were fringed situ the tiny bulbs and lighted from the : roof of each tier with hundreds of elec tric lamps. 32verythiug was literally bathed in light. The dark taiibark in. the ring made a Etriking contrast with the white fences juiu the whitewashed judges^-stand in - t he centre. Circling the track were the private':" boxes, decorated with the 'na tional colors. , A dozen men ,In white . uniforms, with black peaked caps, kept the ring in order, anil the officials, whose business carried them within the charmed circle, all wore dress suits with Tuxedo coats. ' f SOCIETY SLOW IN ARRIVING. The social lions who graced the occa sion with their presence were a little , ,laic in arriving-. Bishop _ Van _de Vyver was amongst the' first comers, and seve ral priests and clergymen of other than the Catholic denomination, was present. There was no great scramble for seats on the part oi" the general public, in spite of the fact that the present 'arrangement of the Auditorium makes it 'possible for. every one to get a perfect view of the ring and follow the events of the evening with ease and comfort. The . reserved teats were soon all occupied, and''gradu ally the boxes were filled. "Society was on dress parade. Gorgeous picture hats, with wonderful creations of the dressmakers' art and imagination, were the cynosure of every eye. Red, green,: and gray were the prevailing colors, and many costumes were set off with the iilmv feather boa. SOME OF THE BOX-HOLDERS.- The following list contains the names of nearly all the box-holders, and. the num bers of their boxes: j\lr. C. D. Langhorne," Ko. 3S: Mr. Longhorn Putney, Xo. 27; Sir. J. P. Branch, No. 3C: Mr. T. H. Mayo, No. ;r>; Mr." J. S. BiT^n, No. S4; Mr S.-T. Mor- Kan; .No. 33; Mr. B. AVilliams, No. 32; Mr. JJabney S. Crenshaw, No-, 31; Mr. George W. Stevens, No.' 30; Mr. Allen Potts,. No. .2; Mr. Fritz Sitterding, No. 24; Mr. W. J. Wallace. Xp. 2S; Mr. ; Albert YountT, Nos. 21- ' and 22; Mr. Jo. Lane Stern, No. 20;, Sir. G. A. Davenport, No. 19; Mr. Aslitbn Starke, No. IS; Mr. C. 15. Doyle, Xo. 17; Mr. Lilburn: T. Myers, Xo. 16; Sir. J. S. Williams, No. 15; Mr. J. T An ci-rson. No 1-T; Mr. R. Lancaster "Williams, Xo. 33; Mr. B. 31. Gundy. No. . 12. IN THE BOXES. Among those in the boxes were the fol lowing: . Mr." and Mrs. R. Lancaster Williams, M:ss Helen Christian. : Miss Elizabeth ■ Davenport,- Mr. AVilliam C. Xoland, and :tr. Berkeley "VN'illiams,: in Box 13. Mr. C. W.* Branch and Mr. B Gundy, In Box 12. ■ ; .- Miss G: Casscadert, Miss Casscaden, "Philadelphia, Perm.; Miss E. Scott, Miss Grace Cunningham. Miss Herbert Slaugh ter. Mr. O. W. Gregory, G. W. Rady, t.r.d Mr. J. F. Taylor, in Box 10. : Mrs. R H Fisher, Mrs V. Hall. Miss Mary James, Mr. J. R. Taylor, Jr.. Staun ion. Va,; Mrs. and Mrs. J. M. Higginson, fcf Albomarle countj-,: in Box 9. : Miss B- Perkins; Miss Mary Ashley Etll, -'; Fluva'hna county; Mr. R. Prybr, of 44^4^44 f-Mf iff .♦'.f:if++i+++++" J Jo-%)ays Carnival X i &vents. % ■*■'" ■■ .. ' ' ' " ;■-..' ".'■ "♦"'■ •i II A. H.— Judsinsr prize-winners at 4; Poultry and Pet Stock Show, ihird ;£■ X and -Broad.. , "„■ - a. T 7:CO p. M.— Grand Illuminated Rex -J. I Parade and Spectacular Concert, T 1 full lenjjih of Booth street ■ -■ . ■ + kJS p. M.— Horse Shovr vat .the _^ ...* ■ Auditorium. \ . ... -f-' v TJiurKiliiy — Militnry Day. . v H A. M.— Parade- of Local ,ana «• Visiting Military; Infantry; and.Ar- us * tiik-ry. with many bands. : Route: ;+. -Xi Start at Fifth and Grace, move to •"+' + Franklin, out to Belvidere,. up io +;. "-*- Broad, down to Eleventh," to, Cap)- "♦■ U«l, ■■■ i.o Cov«rnor. down to Main, ;+ * «)> to Sixth, to Grace— disband. - -f + '30 P. M.— Fireworks, Sham Bat- 2 t!» ; . with all hands and. military -par- -f- Jv tfclpating, ai iSiffel' Tower. - -f * !>:lu p. m._- Hprse Show . at the + -T- Auditorium. ' 4"' ■ -'..' ■ . ..-.;•.". .:/"■■// ;.■ ■, "4-' * Friday— CMldi-onV; »ay. •".; •' I^.'-r' + ■•"'■■ll A. M Parade of School -. Chil-","t].' ■v " n 'n, escorted by bands, and:- mill- :^. > tury, from . "■ 'Eiffel Tower, along:_^ •i. iiroad io Capitol Square. - -Ti ■v.. U fnoon>-.lubile«.; Concert- of 3,009 . J •t- Children and all the Bands in; Cap- -T; v HolSquan-. .;.. ... ■ ■ - . ;' "■'■'■/:"£■', * " P. M.-Kihg's; Mardi-GrasvPa- 4 ran.?; iv;<;ijty; magnificent .; floats :^«] > fc'Kl cavalculeof mounted- Knights^i ; l ■* f 1 'he Golden 3 Horseshoe;': full f-T-; i ■"» i^n^th of )Jooth: street; >,; . ■ : - ; " ITv ';■* ,v:ls p ; jkj ._ Horse: Show, at.' ; the pT; ■•>: Auditorium. Grand distribution 1 ofrTf \< l'TOus. \-\ .-;■ -,;:■■:}:■,;;- .' . •"'• X' |f -£ . _ "Wi-atlier K«rt'«nit(. ' ]jl •i , ] '", i '' Jn .northern;' rain i fn^butliern^V |y. 'jf^'JJi. laiti -Wednesday. Warmer, *+H New York, and Mr. Charles U. -Williams, Jr., In Box S. Miss B. E. Heckler, Mr. L.. F., Martin, Mr. R. W. Reynolds. Miss .H. Michaux, Miss L. Weil,- and ■.-.-Mr;. V. B. Goodman, in Box 7. ■ Mr. A. yon Rosenegk, Mrs. A. yon Ross negk;. Miss P. Gehner. St. Louis, Mo.; Miss A. Roßenegk. Mrs. , Harman, and Captain Charles W. Burrell, in Box 6. -"■ Miss L.. Rider', Mr. and ; l>lrs. : S. \N. New man, Mrs. W. r G. Newman. Miss Marlon Newman. Miss Hattie Lowry, Mr, E. N. Newman, Box 5. , : . Mr. and Mrs. TV R. Southerland, in Box 4. '.' .- ■•••■:• Dr. axid Mrs. Philip Taylor, and Mrs. R. B. Smither, of Ashland, yd".,-" in Box 3. \ '.' - ' " ' ' - * - Miss G. Wright, of /Norfolk, .Va., and Mrs. B. Hall, in Box 2. - _ Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Langhorne and Mr. and Mrs. T.. M-^ Perkins, in Box 38. . Miss M. Morgan and sister, Mr. - E. ; B. >OT EVES TILE nASS-VOICEO '•SrEI LER"CAX ppWXJTHE SHRILL. CRY OR THE XEWSBOV. Menzies, and -Mr. J.R. Craig, in Box. S3.- ..;>",_ " Miss M. Williamson, Miss A. Lassiter, Miss Lucy Kent, Dr. Robert F. Williams, Mr. Henry Anderson, and Dr.' E. G. Wil liams, in Box: 32. Miss Amelia Pilson, and, Mr. J. S. Per rin, in Box .42. ft ':- Mr. F. O. Robinson, Mr. J. J. Ewing, Mr. E. P. Westlake, Mr. J. V. Bell, Miss ■Patty Irving .Gregory, and Mr Andrew H. Allen, in Box -33. y .-• S THE • SHOW .' COMMENCES. _ The judges- entered the'ring shortly af-j "t er S and \ the hands of the .clock scarcely j had reached the S:ls mark before the notes ' of the bugles caller the first event o£ the evening. . . In the gallery at. the north end. of the building was stationed .-. the Artillery, Band from Old Point Comfort, and ; the notes "of : the assembly sounded by the cornetist had scarcely died jaw-ay;, when the band added interest to the occasion with a -lively; medley of southern airs. " The Horse Show as a whole Is one of the most intensely interesting entertain ments ever given^ in Richmond.; The va rious events were followed: with keen: ex-f c'tement and zest, and horses that struck, the popular fancy were applauded; to the echo Well known riders 'and drivers were cheered as soon as they were recog nized, and all the ladies appearing in the. ladies' hunter class were given round af ter round of ; QUITE CRITICAL.; The audience was more than responsive, it was decidedly .-. critical. The awards in. class'l9 saddle horses, and class ,6, norses in ■•■"harness, did not, seem to strike .the popularVfancy, and disapproval stant and vociferous. Time > and again. the crowd .went wild with enthusiasm _as •some handsomevhorse or; popular rieer, went^ through the; prescribed performance wUhoSult-orblemish.andfthetoppmg^ of a rail wa S roften ; the; signer ; a groan or- wail =of disappointment. . . , - - The ladles', hunter class wa-s by far the m bstpopular:event-of ; the : evening.^hich i l^ saving much . of an: entertainment .that. 'HciudSrsi" classes, :with^never.,a,dull; ; moment from start to finisl^! .V^ggjg ; - Only ten minutes .wan lost the whole final; class- scheduled tl^eSn^m o'clock, vas over half -in- hour afte'rthaf time, - allow theCar.etao.G'gH;i\r i£"?,.rwi^ ENTRIES^ GRATIF^ING.^;;:; Th^mter^r-entriosffoMtheilentire between three and four hundred. well-filled, par icularly, ? nd^mpin ff ;c^;|great : iiliiiililite SGENE AT THE OPENING OE THE <HORSE SHOW ATT THE AUDFFORIUIVI LAST NIGH® Great Throng Grew Enthusiastic at the Tower Last Night, A DESCRIPTIVE PHANTASIAi "From, Battlefield to Fireside" An a Fine Concert-Spectacle. ■ THE JIILITAIIY ALSO TOOK PART. Boom o£ Cannon, Rattle of Musketry, Volley Firing-, Trnmi) oi Mnrcliing .■■.Troop's — All Blend in it Picture Coit* jnred Up by <lie. Musieinn. j .; The. presentation ; .of the . descriptive phantasia; "From Battlefield to Fireside," . at the Eiffel Tower last night was one of j the most artistic and at the/ same time ! realistic, musical events of -.the. kind that has been seen in this city. Thousands and thousands of people saw it, ■ and heard it. : For it was as much' a spectacle as it was a musical production.: ./'■'_ - ; ■ , '; : -.;■ •!• It was . a< successful effort . to put music into a picture. Phinriey.'s Band .was sta- ■ tioned in the stand just- below -the "lofty tower, -/- from ■ which flashed ■ hundreds' of electric lights. .The stand , was -packed, to; its utmost capacity; .'there .'Were. literally ! RICHMOND. ;OGTOBEEI9iI9OIi?^ acres of people; all around, thronging the . streets, the vacant lots, on the" housetops even, to say nothing of the hundreds who jsaw.the- spectacle from: the iwiridows of the nearby houses; nor ?6f the- boys and young men who had perches on the .tele- ■' '■ graph poles. Street-car traffic .was -prac itically./ impossible"' 'for' two .hours;- for nearly an hour Jt was absolutely suspend ed, and the cars we re .-banked up for over I a block- to ' the east; arid ; the- west. '- I THE TROOPS MARCH ■ UP. Tlie people expected' the band to begin playing, at 7 o'clock and' it ;did. : Eut it 'was. 9 o'clock: before .the' military.""feaiuyej of the spectacle was presented.. After. Liie band had played, a great; number of &elec- : tions : ; to the pleasure ;of ~ the crowd, > Cap "tain " Gray Bossieux,';' • adjuttint "of ' 'the Seventieth Regiment, 'appeared on scene' in command of . Company A. The ; soldiers:. found .it very--, difficult to' get •through' the "dense ;• masses ; : . of • -humanity; "which surged -about the stand- and tho "3LRS. MURPKY,", WHOSE >Ivftl> AS A BICYCLIST IS THE TEXT OF THE SHOWMAN'S SEKMOX. base of the tower. They '- were 'formed after! some difficulty, beneath the arches of the tower. ..The Blues' Band:was'sta tioned'east "of 'the structure ready: to play its partin' the.act' to/follow. ' • / -' - - : A'REALISTIC PHANTASY. ■ / ■Then Phinney'sßahdin the stand 7 began the realistic phantasy. : A cornetist arose and placing his horn to his -lips sounded the reveille: He was answered 'by,anoth er from across the street. .-The echo "effect of this feature was bear tif ill. Then there (CONCLUDED OX PACETHREE.) Complimentary "Blovv - Out" ' Tendered "Pen-Pushers," . E.THEIEIIIGPIHOIi Elegant Menu, li Exclusive". , Company, ; - and "Brillant" Oratory. "" MRS. "VA: D. ATKIXSOX "SET >EM UP." President Morriis, of tlie-Clinmlier of Commerce, and. Other Local Spejilz- ers— Mr. Lindsay, of tlie Convention, and' i'-A'isltihgr Editors; Speak.' The : complimentary •;. '"blow-out" -ten i'dered ;last"j:night ; at the Lexington Hotel, rby the 1 Richmond press to --"the visiting j pen-pushers'' ,'■■^ was : one . : of; - those " affairs 'which' -long will '': be remembered; not only on account of -the magnificence'/ of : ; the 'appointments,.' the / of menu, arid 'the rexclusiveness; of : the-com pariy,;/ .but '.: aisoj fori account : of ; -; the bril- : '■."llancy .-'"of .theTs'peeches and\the* sage sug gestions I made/ by. 7 the / orators. \ . . : , ; •■; 'The /Richmond/; newspaper' men ;:ap- ; peared 'in' full ; force,' and entered thqr-^ :oughly,-:into .the: spirit "of the occasion,^ but -it - is :no : flattery " to say . that it" was ■ ■'the'- rural /journalists -who ; lent zest to the' occasion c and inspiration to. the" .tongue .of every ' orator. . -.' :. „•. "■ '■_.. r Mr; 'Evan R. - Chesterman, the Idle Re- porter -. of •' the IDispatch, presided as toastmaster,; and lost no' opportunity to make .the guests' .of the evening" feel cheerful -'■: and "happy.." His introductory, re marks were ; couched .in fl«o.tter«ns- : lan guage, wh^chfma«3e? : each .respondent feel ;that ,he 'was?a-:Deinosthenes, while' tho :choering /that /'.followed .... the orators showed^beyerid -the" --shadow of a doubt: that '..-■ no r . speaker had ' s' . his seed .-. In. .barren/soil./ -. , . A MOST GRACEFUL. .COURTESY/ .. A most - pleasing incident: -of the en :.tertainment .was- the appearance of.'Gen •eralirEdgar- Allan; '.\vho, after being pre sented,stated.:that Jho' was a representa tive ; of. : Mrs. ..Atkinson, the proprietress Jof . the ; Lexirigtori, . ; General '.":■ Allan read :the , following ■ commuriication./which was received : with the , 'pro found est gratl itude: " - l ' ■.;;";. - • . '. '- r ; : ..Trie ! "Lexington, :. Richmond,, Va.V, October. B, .1901.- : "GentlemenCof : the : - Press:- -■ '■:■. '• -. ■"":I--.'appreciate'-.very highly the conipll-. Good Red HOTS IT I'SED TOVBE'-HOT TOJULES;" i SOW IT'S: "RED HOTS." ~ ment paid by you to/ the Lexington Hotel . when- youaelectedtit.forithejbanquet ten dered. by; you -to/your .visitingr ~'pen-push-; ■ ers,"- : and; I] deslreV to 'give; expression ito the gratification .TifeelUn^ having jyou hero byj^tendering- you: freepi of: charged the "blow-out" "of- which \you are" aboiit;;.to partake. Wishing-: you all -the enjoyment you- anticipated,. :•/ . r : Very .respectfully, - '■-■■ /■ ' : : : : : ". vJlrs. :A*.: D. ATKINSON. ; : A storm of applause f olloVed the "read- Ihgiof: the commuriica.tion; aft ir which a ; committee,- "consisting.' of MeisX Georgo i'-aiinter.t Horace Hawkins, and Howard J. / was - appointed fa - committee to ■..wait 1 ;- on . Mrs. •; Atkinson and ■ express : on» behalf of the f'jjress 'their, ni^n abprecia -tion . xier :^gra.cefup act ■ of coufttsy. f The Y same - committee, ..which: forthwith j 'discharged] its duty, will ' later ! prepare: | 'a" ; paper /more": fully ackhowledgiiis';j\lfs., K Atkinson's kindhess:; ; :^ :. ■ ; - :■.■■■■-■'■: !''': ? And;after:;tbis^iriclderitSthe?journalists,7 t;^with^one^:accbrd;; assailed- ; the; ."plate' j -matter"/ 1 set before^themr- and "ruminated i -as oiiljr •'.•-reporters'^and > ; editors can. /.Every': [ ?; moVseli calculated? to.-t empt iith^iappeTite j. was i there, f arid as "for: the^wines^but that. :Is another.-: story. ..; For "why shouM ; space . be?deyoted ; to'Jmere iafticies Let i'food' :: aiHti drink when there gushed ; from ; the : racii ths \h of -/the banqueters^ a; flood:, of^elo'ju'cnce I p which L was": arij oratorical y Niagara . f a "nd~ f '-. w hiciv cu t ' ; riichea :; In to , his to ry.i &i : tho Jj itr 'terence 6t every; syllable.^ " ■'■'■ . •' . • ' 'V^ I . /• "• 1IR." MORRIS i ..WA3 JRE ADY. : : ' ; i : ;•■•: Mr. -, L. : 'Z. --tMorrlai,-. the .President: of ;the : '•Chamber of. Commerce,'?, was :/ the/ first i (speaker,'/ and ;. thoughjthe ?toas tdtaster . had' Ifmade^aifidayitith^t'hb'oneTwouttiib^ ; upon "^'foV.r a'?; speech',^: the* genial "'merchant : twas :notiunprepared; "Hissredponsi;.was/ exceedingly ;; felicitous* I- and : "» in i j taste. /."What! he said? about'; the \ usefulness' of ; the press was \ highly iappreciated/and • evoked hearty applause. . t^Jltiwa'sii^^pleasaxitfdurj'.of Mr.-'Alfredi JB.rWUliam^^fof.Uh"e>News;-xt6>{Wsjcom^ Ivyisitors^and fstralnf^hlctil'a^n^sho'wed^odajwwiilts.^ |F6>Ayerily7{the^lslUnffJprM3'^p^t6]Hc!GUJ| llyTand 5 flgurati vely^speakj^^erel^ioadQ fcd?fjorjbear."s : S^ely,itHey^^us^ I pared fi themsel ves'iweeks l beforehand. ~-\ t " ro^^th'eXCharlott<OTin_o|'^o^es's^Uie^ab|el |land.^faith'£S^inemberr:?;'iof.' ; the'^Constltu^r |tio"nal |C6^ventloh,%whose|peh|anjajpo^ersl Ipf /speech have be^si a power in vworklhg"; ?refbr^s?yHe]'«spondedito}Uieltoastl^T^ | Suff ragetComrnit^e;'' ; .and -: what ') hetsaldl Iwaslwell i worthy of doub^o-ldJs and v) tevfenefSflitallcs. -^MW^ admitted that 1.-: thought] ithjrigS\^ere"imoyin^ fventipnlahdp threwj iv»» other^nuggets fbf j ry^'a.omfwhlchTqught:(notJto"Jbe.|forg6£tei^ . Mr. T. Ri^VV;alkervrof s 'Llttletbn^Nj|C.^ %vas another of tJie visiting journalists'. ;who responded In happy velnj-i after' whlcnl . .1. ,_ \v- . ~ . . v ....... •■ . .. ; : ; oil ill- iStreet BEGGARS ON illtt] TIT n XI » T '„. " I- Wary Gentleman Makes a Tootliacfta FaSiT; Give ?Awayiifi6>Trici GIKIiS AT THE- OJSIEXTAI.' .DAJfCJE.^*: Some . of : Tliem - Malic ; « ■ PtccJpltiltilll^ "•"■ JRe-treat— -linprovcmcnt Vint Dm* ■■■ ot ■.■.--Country -People— The- ' Rnliber Bail ■ •- - Beggars areja distinct feature oCßroaii; street. 'Every block ono encounters two or. three of: tho meddicants, • some of them making. open appeals for "help, others tie-, pending upon/appearances to touch" th« hearts of the "public.;' There are isbmeloC th?em . fakirs", 'whose ; ingenuity ; should £ex*~ cite' admiration-. r. The. 'cleverest^schena»* for getting- ■ money was seen on o uppers" Broad street "yesterday •morninsr'ibeforer the crowd was:'; so : denso;as : ,it»"waa^latei£' in the day. A-man 'approached a genUe^j man of thi3 city- andtasked;forjls' cental at the same -time -showing \ lOVcents. / : He* ! saicV he'- was \ suffering ; vwith ';;a "'- terribla: toothache / a rid icotild have ItTextractedlfor^ ,"^ :^cents."-'rV ; Ho"^call^;^attyntl6"a>stoJ?^li«^ •swollen ; jaw as an ; evidence .o* ; the vway ■■. ho was suffering. The f gentleman • had; in«t the:sameVfakir:of the sajne-game.'in,': PhnaVtelphii*somo',yeare_ r ago»'!'arid he r ;prb^; ceeded- to" 'make;: the Tmaja; spit -out VoC^hlSj mouth a wad 'of cotton." largo enough ;to stuff .apincushion. :/:*,:. "- ' Many-- pairs of crutches vwere Vseen. In the crowd last night^;; One o£ ithe/most; striking 'features on the street was ,l that" of an old-m an using. a crutch and lean-; ing on the arm of a younger , man; ■ evi dently his / son". ; : / 'An '■?. aged ; woman; i W^U ; dressed, was. seen In the street near. tha : car track, being pushed along In 'a wheel chair by a young man, probably .her son.; The halt,, the lame, and. the" blind v are oh: :the. street. .'.•""_ •'■ '< The iniquitous Grubber-ball has appearedl; early. The police had to suppress It last j-ear. They -will have to :do the samV ;thla year unless all signs fall. . There ;ia trouble in- store'fofKeyery man- whoj has; one of :the T balls and v uses:lt:vL- Tho^devlca consists o£ ; a small rubber-ball, , to ; -whtch, : an elastic. string."": The;throw-: cr; holds on t6Tthe : string when;he throw^ tho ball against the head oC: the Yunsus pectins? ■ passer-by;' so* that the > -weapon; 'may': not confiscated by^th© /vicf^ tim. -But" tho throv/er oan be knockeel do^Ti; as was several times^demonstrated: last' year.^ ._ • ■ . \ -. v.:, ;" ; ." '-'.>'; Confetti throwing "may be abused, i but In the main it is not objectionable. .It was a, favorite: form of last ,'n'ght, and the .'girls seemed ;to»rather/en-v joy having their hair, and eyes filled iwtth. the pretty stuff. Sometimes their mouths were v : filled, and ; ; then -there were pretty^ protests. 7 .The girls^;do not thernf selves to throwing- confetti. Many, prefer. Dlowing^horris Jn" the Years tot :the n\en;; Last night a' Dispatch writer ,waa 'coming;; down the street with his customary gera-' niura -^on his coat: : "Allow me"-, said a stylishly-dressed 'young ladyr and /be-^ Voro'vthe bewildered scribe could say: nay;: she had re moved: the flower from hisjapet: arid /passed ~ on, fastening ,it>on r^heVi bosom as; she went. Her iescort seemed to enjoy the^joke as -much aa she and each laughed heartily at the ineff ec T tual" attempt ; made to recover the flower.: 6n« can't help .wondering :how plckpocke ts I are '- r : In the , crowd..; Few ; rob (CO.VCU'DED OX PAGE THREE.) ' ; Stopsithe Congrli ana WT orUm OttUic Colil. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Table ts cure a cbld"an;one: day^ ;No Cure^v'No^Pay. Price, 25 cents. _" Carnival ' Kins March. by Frank Harms. The prettiest .marcH ever v/ritten»i'; Adopted . by) the; Carnival As^ociatibn^^Every ? home .-.- shbyld;! have : l a copy 'THE CABLE COMPANY, ,--''*' > ' Publishers; tv ■ •- ' "Marvel of tHenHnK.'! , Yes, we know/ you mean* Diiia • Nerve ■ aiidi : Bone IJniment," ; It / cures i so /quick i and? effectually that I you '.'marvel -;"at'. the heal- ; Ing." ■ ,' '*"- .- ■■ /' "■ /■-.. '..::■.■ '. ■;.;■-'■...'■'/ ' :■; if sYon*yyinii • • _ a first-class" "Hairbrush ; and ; Comb^ iTollejT Soaps.- Perfumes, etcV^icall ion /■>/>: OWENS &JMINORVDRUG :{CO.;::?«: {CO.; ::? « : Opposite : ' Pbst-Officelifs; \ : ' Drlnlc ICenny'*;. Coffee. --;£•■' ; The best Coffee In ' thej world, al« ways ;i fresh." v Sugars^ at -cost. C. D. KENNTjCOMPAXY. . : . /nTeas,^Coffees,: Sugars. Eroad and 6th dnd;Main and 17th streeti-S " ; Bargains ■ In = Job Lots ; of Cigars ; by lthd bo* at . ;OWENS & 3nNOR DRUG CO. Sick headache .cured -"with Dr. Davld'3 Liver Pills. - - For Over Fifty. Tear* :Mrs.iWlns]ow:sl|iob^nlr;Syrup hasibeftt used for / children 3.while : Ateeth!h^"v;it sooth ear ?th'e.ichild.~|sof tens |the rgumsif at? laysj aUI pato^careaFiTCf nd • collc^fandl is ' the best :remedY,lfo>>Diarrhoe3. iTwenty-fli.» cents :, -a ibottfe.' Sold -by all dru-»gl3ts throughout ;tho world. • "™~ ~ WASHINGTON, i>. C.;' October ■ FAJI s-s -~ Forecast for Wednesday and l! H^* v ? 11 * I " i:^*^' Jn northern^ •^n-'-ii M-uth- ra portl6nliiate;fw;p^^g d iy : wiirmer Thar^day, ' ?rain:-, -freah» winds. . ' :2Srorth:l Carolina' J| cloudln««w^ and probably rain Wednesday; v.-waxmersj^ The weather in Richmond yesterday vena. a K aln almost Weal. The range o. thftHherTObmeter^.waaiaslfollowa: -- *. ■ _ '.\* ' *tr ».... 5T ,n \; '"" ** ***** -iji