OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, January 12, 1902, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1902-01-12/ed-1/seq-2/

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'~ • - ■SgLjUf'- , - '.. - . ■-" beautiful and
pure.' ThY critical or<3eal' through Which 1 tKe. expectant mother must
ipass^howeve:, isso fiAugKt \vith, dread, pain/suffcrihg; and danger,
M&at'the very thought of it fills her w^appr^eiisiojQ^n^horror^
1/Tlwr^is^nbneccssi^lWthe ei^h? r JP? inful :
T The use of Mother's Friendsb prepares the^system for^;
-^the coniLng everit that: it is safely passed without any ; ;danger.; This
lgna.t' % ands wopdcrful . * ' : - -' ■ ■■ . _, :- : /
• DBS CS>WiCd.;tnOUSanGS . Jbb '-. Ear , BBS *"^ *"; .f*r .'- . . •
of r women : through •"■"- "'gßßa *'''&■ /tsf
Brol for }rr.c boole cont&lning information $$& M^M|®,#SmW '
«f piioclcss vclae totllrii>cc:ant jnothfrs. •_ t&J gg jp*] Vs-&& fi& $3 \!§p/£Si : ~
Tbcßradfield Regulator Co.,' Atlanta, Gc- .
special Clearance Sale ; : , ■
i^sSSiBK ...// : .;/ : . .or . . /. .-/'■:-.■ - if
Cioalcsv iagtans, and Capes
Af a RedUGfion of One Third to o nen c H all Off
I^Hi S§f. ■; :f FORMER:PRSCES^; ; f;/ : ■; „.
Ladies' Box Coats, velvec trimmed, Blue aud Ox-
foM, 85 value, f0r.. .............................. ■-..•^^•p tlJ '
' Children's Box Coats, velvet piped yoke, the $6.75 &-^ ao
"kind, f0r. .". . ... ...... .;. • . ....... -, ••••••■•• •••• • • • • 3 '^^
t :/ Castor Auto Coats. 42 inch, full lined, stitched £fi *7ff
yoke, sls value, f0r. . ..... . . • • ; • • WR* *
Golf GloTes, in Black, White, find Bed, per pair, 25c. &S\ r
and . . .... ....... ..•>.•••••• •■•:•• •• • - v. - • •"• ■:■• •• • ••;••••;• 3VL
' ■ . v ■■ **'- _ - " "'■'■' i--' '' ' ":^" :^- '-'■
I Will Use This Spece to Advertise j
| Their Special Sale of j
\*~~" -.' ..://''■ •' -"■■ ..A*.*'. '-.. ■-■--■ -. .■."..-.• ■' j ■>•»■; .-~ ■■ .. * ..."' ■ . /-';■.// R
I - '/. ' -' : "■-■ ■-. ' . ; ■ <§£*-. - ■ • ■- -; ■ P
■■ ■ . ■ ■-'.■-;.•-■-•.. ' , ■ ■• ■ -i js
; ■ ■ - .•:-• ■■ . . -. :-,'■■ ■ -„.. - M
of a watch are the most inipdrtanti part— a l
pretty cnse doesH'talwc^'scoutaintne best . .• ij
timekeeper. We. sell American and impoitv s
>cd, watches, nnuyive you the choice of sev- p
er.il styles of cusesin i;Old, silver, and gold : 5,
filled; 'with nccvirate inovciiient in each ! jj
„We alpo have "a^ ■beaiilifal line of cuff- ■■■ . f
buttons* neck-chains, J lockets, charms,* I
and pendants. ;\Valch repairing, nianufac- |
• luriug, diamond setting, engraving. |
■■ " ;'; ' ■ *sk- ■ '■-■• *'■ '■' - : ■■• i ' : ■" . " ■ "■
0; Jviimsden & Son,
f^uzi&-:->- .■.:...-■■..■.■. .-. •- ■^■ : -;-. < *• : - ■ ..-. ;. • ■-: ,_-:•'■.■ . ■■■-..■: 1,
„..M anufacturing Jewellers and Opticians,. 731 E. Main St. x
3 -""-■■: ;. - -■•: "■■ i a ts-^un.Tu&Th : ■ ■.: : ;?;:,.
''■■■■■■^■•i'.,:-.-i--f'-A' 1 . '"-'.' ■■ ." - ■':
I UJPJRIGHT—7H octave, fine Ohx
cago aaakei iiped sincß lest Christ
mas; xv&« $800, now $125.-^
I T7PItIOHTr-7K' octavo, ' sa me
make, used oncyear,Gabinet grnnd,
■ fancy : Walnut, v was now
:B UritlG tlTS— 7H octave, Roston
. make, special v rice t0 introduce
• tliem (new), $250. -. = «.".,;■ ■
I; SQU Ait!3-Win. Knnbe & Co., full
octav6, finest Koscwood case, $100.
I BQtJAliß—Fißcher, full- "octave,
. . flae UosßXvbod case , $75.
All oour Pianos we fully -.guarantee ",
fprS years, and . furuieh a Btool and
coVftr and tune same for one year with
butcliar'ge. ._ , ; "• .A " "~ : . !•■
EdftllCand hear the finest = Talking
Machine 'y known; uses rubber flat
■jrfeeoy&s.'i; Ahead of any tiiitig ; on the
Manly I Ramos i
14 119 E. Broad St. .
> . ',': CHRONIC BItOVCtimS, \ '
:.' %OF% OF THIS- v^V^ER;, /„ ; V
(SUn. Tv & Fri)
are more valuable to a Carpet
dealer than any other truths;
because they are vital to his
self-preservation. They embody
to a greater degree than ever
before 'tout truthful character
istics— x ; ■ ■'■ .V: • :--■. ' --■;■'
Quality of Material v
.Excellence of Texture,
Fixity of Colorings,;
Novelty of ' Patterns:
v ai,
[■ 215 East Broad St.
• .',' ' • de 20-Eun,Tti&Th ■■■",• V
'/•:■ X ■'.'.■;' An Alii StorY. -'*>..
-Lord Avebury f !. declares that- ants that
maintain their 'sobriety .make,. a
distinction iil. their .tienttuent'of ihe.in
toxicated stranger arid ih6 : feliow-citixen
who has (sUce'unibed, l<j hlsLbiaiidlshhl^hts.
H<> inebriated; fifty ants; twenty-live-" from
one'- n^st. and twenty-five ;;from • another."
and put them all into Uie nest from which
one "lot had boi'h takti:^ '.The Inhabitants
at oncfi ■ tOuK. the heU^fSij; strdhgers'ianii
iUifcWilhemVihto^JJif 1 ;- -.\«t©r;f.whnev those
who were" cilteenV- oi'.tHe! iiest ;\vere cdi*.
.ried tenderly away into 'corners jtb
recover? from , their : festivity at 'leisure.
This 'Mifi'lhtVihJ is oil pVdf J? box of tHn >elittine
Laxative Bfpmo-Quitiliie^bicfs;
the rcrdcar.thJit C&ItES A GOLp !tl sfi6 daj?.
! r.-.; Old ■;■ papers i Or salfe at . the .Dispatch
■:.. in;peteusucrg.yestbiu>a^ . -,
We' Garments Came from Baltimore
and indicate That.the^yearer W«s
a. Person ot Means— llandercnlel
Bore lhcXame t ««D." G. ")llnrrison,"
'■■ Sad^Case pt - Auner;; r WIIH»»V' a >Y a> '"
ward Boy.' *. ; -'/.-''-
: PETERSBURG, yA... January ;U-- :
(Special.)-A strange lindin^- th!d morn
iri binb ''in a freignt-carlof'.thc i'ej'inisy.yania;
; Railroad Company, loaded with oil, ,shP-.
ped k i torn - Bal dmore to trie - at'en t : o£ : aicj
Standard ' Oil .Company; in this city, ma>
involved a mystery. . ' " .
Theleast that can be said of it at this,
writing is - that / it ': created -a : ■ sensation,
boupled "with/any. amount : of conjcCLurco
and ;; surroundings; ." -: . „ i^ur
'■■■: Onopening ; the car the agent, Mr. John
F Henry; noticed that; the seal had been
broken: The contents ). of 'the car, how :^
ever, appeared to ,b, be ■• all; right. - .;-::<,"
• After removingrsome^of; ihe barrei^ol
oil he "found 'upon the "floor of a car a
lady's shoe,;; No, 3^ apparently new and
but little .worrit He P.ckcd it ...up and:
laid" it aside, but in- his further work.of.
unloading; he : soon .lound;.iho companion-
Sl On' the insideof the shoes appeared the
name of "S. Kann, ; <Sons;&;Go;. N.s. : io.-51.:
sout^s?gScS;s i^HE S ;-
This was not all^Veryr soon afterwards
he found behind .. some .barrels _a larg, :
Sa P e?^ox, loosely tied, with .stringy ami ■
on this box appeared the- name or tn,
same Baltimore firm. Examination sno.y
cd-the2 box to; be filled., wan lady fi
clothing of fine. 'quality, and nearly new
and/in good condition, v;/;^ '
•-Among.the.contentswere a-blue serge
tailor-made suit, a black-silk a urdersk r s
a white veil, a flannel/vest (% a black belt,
a navy-blue waist, -a? whiter body.; icons d
erably worn), collars,-: corset, and oiher
articles On a much-torn undergarment
were blood :stains,- On; theVcor^wver:
were the storekeeper's: marks. "121192- ol.v
35 "the numbers: under each .other. -A
much-soiled handkerchief bore, the name
of .."D.'.-G. Harrison;", "... . \ t '
The matter was promptly reported .to
"the -police and the property turned over
to them, and 'an investigation; was a.
once begun: It;is evident that 'the pro
perty to- whomsbever it belongs, came
from Baltimore, but how it got into, the
oil-car, or why it was put there, is a
mystery/to be solved.. ■< - v ■• :■
And whether- the/ mystery, involves _a
fes fa: question .that detectives will
Abner Willis; the. young man who. was
arrested.here .last; night ;by^h,utcn.nt
J, J. Donahue on. a request from Ciii^
of-Police Velllncs; off Norfolk on -^the
charge of the larceny -of 573, and -£rom :
whom 1 $53 of : the money was
spent last night -in .ia» to await the ac«o..
of the Norfolk authorities. ...„„,. to
To-day Chief Raglnnd wan- A notifie(V to.
set the ' young man , free, .as .the
stolen' money, belonged:. to = his mothe,,
oid she would not prosecute her son.
The eve is a sad one, the money lnv
iP P been saved : for a- Eacr^. purposo.
Willis was released to-day, with/the a,'i
vici to- leave town.;, and avoid further
trm T bl i ERISBIB. WTWT TO .JAIT, "
: The ense of J. A. Frisbie the .flnftnclnl
secretary of the .Tobacco .W ortwra /Union
iiere '.who' was ■" charred with embrzz e
ment in converting to his own iif=emoney
that had bon po »d -hlin. : by; members Ifoa
transmission to the headquarters of - ; the;
International Union, was. disposod of fn
the Mayor's Court this irorrnn-
The accused ploaded guilty to the
chnvge and threw himself." on themercy
of tbo court. "By reason of the suffer>vg.
condition of FrSsfcie's fani'ly pt»A hppcal>
for oVmerscy. and Ihe understanding that
all the money taken by ., the -.aceuaofl
should 'be returned, the Mayor excrc-od
clemency find only., impcsecl a sentence
bf thirty days in .inn. _ _ .
The foil owin£JAv."lJ T kn own .erfhtlemer.'
nave been-annointeda committee .on be-;
iinlf of the Yotin* Men's Businrss Af??o
oiation' of. this city to look after the.
river and harbor bill before Congress. as :
fnr as it may* interest .; Petersburg.
The; committee Will co <0--WdSh|h^on
at the proper timc.ahd wilVr.o doubt be
niried in its work by^comrrf ttocs of, the
Common Council and Chamber of Com
mprcp. » : -■■-.- -
' .A strong effort is. to be nin.de to spctire
f rnnv ConsrrPß? nt.thi? sep«!on ("he necps :
sary .annfonriatJnh.'for .oarrving. out our
river-division scheme; which hasTeerlvea
the endorsement of 6tovei'nrpoi>t engineers
and the River and Harbor Gommittee... >
It 'fsi'saki that' drawings hnvo been
made -for a splrndi'V. depot bui'ding.l.to
be erects oh -Washiinrton strrrt by the
A Mantie<-C6ast L.ine;'RfiilrOcid. Company.
The .company';, now owns nearly all ; thfe
'property from '•' Sycamore to Potv; street,
on the "south side of .Washington, stre-t.
ahd It IS said contemplates great imprcve
ments there. - . - ; "
It is reporfed that a . number of the
female opera tivps in the Silk- factory, on
Fleet stt-fpt; loft their work this ' afer
rioon* Thpir action is said to have bron
-caused by n tiu^stioh of;: writes, report
haviner it' that sprne skilled -female oti"
rativps are to'bd'brouThtVhere from the
North.: at Kotftewhat higher Wages/than
#re now mid. - ; / z-;-
A deed w v as admitted to record in the
'Holds piirsii 1b QfiQ iif ]
'^- '• Head Colds.
-» r^ r^^^^^^T* .^^ G kincl' thn-t stop
,«|i^^l the eyes : nclio, and j
'' y f^ytx^/ ye you'u ' that stiff6
:f=^(sS^j f^" ca te9 feeling, are re
•"' 'Hi f^^^W'* 1 % !^ '^ XiX tw e n ty ' him
I^^^' -H l^^ 1 ari 4 Cured in one I
'""^W^K/aayby ?impiy;iriljaK
. ; Ig? :^v 'ing Hyomei.-J' .:-*"';: '■..';
fiat£lffhal^Gojds. . _' _ '
*^^ jH^ik "When' the . nose \
J^^l^^, vims, the eyes
*f !i earing becomes j
'■^^Siyfes relief;
:r - HvlvllV' i«lit li on," stops'.tlie
iv:-^ip| U -W!^ je(}r.etid n ?aha ;
■v \ii [ «ij : -^^^ ■ ; ";nakes.a66Jiiplete
:" : >f^^ :■'}. .^ll) iiifd in .-.twetityf
vUyomki is iiOt.lin expectorant, inor-, I
i phihe iiiiixiuV'ei r oi "a stoiisftch nietlicinerj
i^utj&Vdry^air {|erimcifle takenirifitlie-i
"air yoni bfeatue^antlvwliioh^deKtroyp^
!.(Jb!ds i i";catfiffhjAbfdnchitisVafid7.pneU':^.
i Tui Din a.
I Votl can carry th&HVOkEiTnhttler
|:iii yourveptvpib^ket^r^tlse'ivjrew dropaf
I on^your^ imndkefchiof-^-it^doesliriotf
! iimtterA«hich— all|you^Have^tdidqtis:
! tabreatHe natviraliy;a^vHYOMEK\vliil
!do the rp^t, ' '
i■ , itY OM BI is soid by nil druff Jrists! . or. sent -by!
hiriaiU •■.frleJj;sl.(Jo^: i SemUt6itlio.;-ai ! j.T;f Booth?
;Gp/f ltbaca,".N: Y.tfor.BUlvpdiiys.jtreatinent^
iffrie.sand youiwilivnever nsS'Stoifiadli^iaedU';
i ; « inea for these diseases.
"Clerk's office to-day which had been arist
across to England for B!snAltlreS_ysg.nM£to i
&RALEIGH. N. C. Januanr|lir-(Spe-
,4local newapaperetare^ak
ing inquiries of the i.eal omej^hergj
roiMrdiny the statement made in this
' v '-■• ■-" •"■ -"'■- .--■"• ■;„■.*■;-■::■-■-/■-■,■?.-.■■■-■ .--.,..,■...■■...■...■,,;. ■. . ■* ■-■■■-... ■ .■■■■■ ■ *
corrcspojiaence -that the : largest; shops or ■
the Seaboard Air-Line are' to be at Ra
leigh and ■ Savannah. . High officials .say
this i3ihe plan,'; and the news was tfirect
lyflrom'xham. '.- . "\-\ ..
'< pru w. Vauffhan/ & the ■ negho V ;^hd f "was
convicted % of ] killing fani aged i "hegroV ons a]
sie»iub(^t;ih ; sHert^rd^county l iarid^ho;
g"e is' life ' Smprisbriment insVead of > thejgaK
Sheriff j Taylde: 1 .r.Thellattcf 3 s ays^aUghan|
is a; desperate; criminal^ and-, thatSit-^wiUj
require :?great care;; on^theipartKOf the
p'enitvntaaix- authorities Tl to - keep , Ixim.
there.- ■■; „ .: : ..;.■ •■ ■: .. - " . " . ■ -■ •
[fAAW.'. Fraps; one; of ,the. best-known i.old
citli^risfof j^ied here ;this;eyen^
ing, aged • 78, of astKinaJ "He ■; cams nere :
f ion "- Sakony : in 1859.- • During ; par t of «; thei
civil: war; ; he.. had factories; : hero i; and-.
iiiade-for. : the .Confederacy and' the; State.j
teins;isaddUe^ ; cartriqge-b'oxes;^baybnets,'
&c. ' He also made lead pcncils/uairigithe;
pjiirabagjb; found within two miles Of Ra
itigh.■;.■■'•"' ■'.■■.'■' '■ ;.: : ' ■■.."" " \ -';:',
: Afterthe war he ,was in.the'furniturej
biisiricsaiind later in the ; liquor. trade..lt|
was,; in thelatter that: he became iknownf
lo ."prominent men allover. the; State; He
was a Mason. ;' One of his spns's a -prof;s-;
nor in; the. : Agricultural) and .Mechanical,
Colloge.^:: ', * .•/..." :.-. 'V, " ""
■ Commissioner of Agriculture -Patterson ;
has returned from his .home in Caldwellj
county: He Vsays the;; condition -of -vthe;
poorfe'r class' 'of -'farmer's i is distressinglyj
! a-J. They made 7 very poor crops, owing;
to the rains, and' did not raise " enough •
corn' for -bread. '..The price of corn is
so h!sh as to make; it evident that there •
will be hard: times for that class of ifarm
ers in thercoming, spring and summer.
'-.Another .large patrol- of .convicts; will
be sent to tne Ohio River and Charles-,
ton fail way; next .- Monday. The - first , use;
ihb! State macie'of^ convicts outs'de'of the.
pripr.n was on railway work.; That '.was
on the • Apheville 'and Spartanburg rail-i
v/ny. in' 1873.-: It: was done then to.; earn;
soino money, for: even > that ""'early -in 'its:
existence the' penitentiary .'-was in straits.;,
'There 'are -grave: suspicions : that the;
Hre nti Grimesland ; was of incend,iary;
"origin and the. insurance 'commissioner
will be asKecV to investigate.. He "has
had great success In-- his investigations.:
of such fires. : : l. '■-''',: '■■■ ■:, ':■--;'■ ■ ;
Affairs in'St.P<(ter's rariHli.inEx
. cellen* Condition— Notes.
'The annual report* of Rev.- Father Bow
ler, vicar-general of thedioccse and paa
tor of the cathedral; has been, submitted.
Tho report' Vndlcates; a highly .encourag
ing condition of' affairs at : . St. Peter's
parish. For the first time for some years
the parish -• is without a flp.bt. Sufficient
funda are : in. hand to l^ay off ; all. .the.
current indebtedness, '.-as ': soon as the
bills have -been presented. / '
The Holy Name" Society will hold the
annual election. of officers this.; evening at
7:M o'clock. Other business ," of import
ance is to be transacted.-,, Rev. .Father
Magri will '.- address Hha 'members on this
occasion. „ :
St.. Patrick's Social. Club held, alargely-.
attended meeting on Thursday; evening.;
Much business of importance 1 was trans
acted; - The impressive VRitual" of '■> the
club was used. Three new..ms:nbers".were
received. . The ' memuers off* the club re
solved to g.:ve- a grand; ball , in Corcoran
Hall beforp L.c/nt.
The -Catholic .yisitor prints an article
by. Rev. Joseph Masrri,. of: St.; Peter's
.cathedral, called-,"A Trip, to the Eternal
City." '■ ' . • ':'; ; _
": TJonday evening the menibers of the
■McG-M! Catholic-U nion will bo entertained
in'tlv-ir rooms by Rev. . Thomas 'X
"Va" ers," .whose.: subject will he "An Even
in?;with the. Poets.".
Rev. 'Father William' i d'Hara, . of
t.ynclibur?, Va., spent a few. days/ in the
city during the week.
The work on St. Mary's Hall will soon
bo completed, there will be, a now stage.,
new curtain and new scenery.
•On Saturday January 10th, there W.ilV be
fofmpfl a first communion band at tile
d" the?. ml, jam! wilV.be ; instructed for that
event by > Rev. Father , Joseph -Magri.
Rev. ; Fnthor E'lwarci;ha^.;gorie : o,n an
extended visit to New York city. ; ■
DißC«'sse€»n of Plans Herc;'Last Weelc
•■'Mr. ill'.isa CoiitlicOior. ;,
' Mr. E. C. Glass,.: ■superintendent of the
Lyiichburg .Bfci.ouis aim eQiiuucior of the
■summer School o'£ Msthoas, was^n : tn.
city Friday, and ■ visited the office of
Uo.binor Montague ;yeslc-faay and with
him discussed- ihe ■' plans for the scnool
next summer. Mr. Glass wa^ : accompa
nied by Secretary Frank P. Brent, of the
Board: of- Education: ' ;' .. ■" . C :'O
The - custom :of holding a great State
school of methods.' for. - : teachers.-. .was. in
augurated in^: ! this -State about, fifteen;
years ago, " one of the first being had.
at Lynchburg, in which Air. Glass . took
an active interest. ' EVer since that^ time,
he has been prominently idehtitied with
the development: of 'these school, which
hive every year increased In . efficiency ;
and value. For several years past the
school has .been -held .in .Staunton,, Roa
■noke'.' or CharlottesylSler arid Uie^itterid-:
ancV has averaged; nearly, five.. huhflrea
: teachers.' This yeaf and eVery year here-
aL'tcr the school "will: be held at the.Uni
versity of 'i Virginia;- the . splendid: build
ings and spacious grounds 6f which iila<le
it alniost ah;- ideal .spot for r summer
Echools. - : : Another, norinar yn\l, be held
•it Tat'Pfihaiinocki Essex county,, for- the
acconiinodatioh of, teachers living in.Tide
water. . A : - fine corps .of -instructors ;• and
: lecturers' r will- be secured for.; the school
at the .University, which ;_is the school of
nieUiods. ' .':.'.'''.- - 'V,'.
I>i(i j«s of ':'. ;.We.vtminis*ei* .■. ■ ChtiTph.-.'"
■ . The ■Todies' Aid Society of .Westminister
Trpsby terjan church Vh6td their first meet
ing' of -the new year .on : last -Monday,;
January^ 6th. at thehorrie of Mrs. J. vv.
'Aio^rttidpr, 2309 West" Maih':street :_After
the iisuat; business "was' trarisacted, th-c
memiiers : took: part in the., stripping .of a
Christmas." aree". -.: The^ occas oh .was- a
.very", enjoyable' one. . and brought back the
happy •■ memories of childhood '■ days.VL.it tie
■patKerlngs Hkv.thig'doVmiich 'toward rriak
iS| the members' f eel : m6re united ; to each
other' and , interested- -in' the welfare of
the society,- ahd : church.,'. . ■.'■;;:.■•■.
7f y..- T>:.ii O n<ii £ nt.ro»itt of TJ£nih. . ,;•
KBW. YORK; January^ll.— John; F. : :Pi^- :
co?"- 1 ., president ;qf;Hh(j; 3 Georgia.: Northern;
railroad, who underwent' a surgical -'i ope-:
i-atioivat Whiter^Hbii^N;-^,: about; three,
his :' physicians ".; said ; : flea tti tM&s /. expend
at" any Cmament- 7 sCocrtpllC^t'Ons,: onc.ibf
and ;the 'hope : of /recovery
• .' " Mr.-'vPidcock l \vas jiharf Jed *. oh thS l.ddy ;
-the. operation ivas performed. .■■ . . . . ;•-■- .<
; i- BB A f /flMOßfcp MDm ! ; Jan'uarjr * :; il.-^TRe
;>T(?ronnhts*;-and jMiners'^J^ne^teani^r.
Jin- la ta.; 4 vrhicfiß- sa lie d ; ■ for.;; Bos lan;-s last
nisht-: returned •tocher dock: this =; morn-:
on ;fire.;;-:l?Aiternscveral^hbiifS"|of>^hara
! j V qrfc,? diEriftgri^Mfcti] thej cbrhpaf tmentltf dS
icomnVtclv floriftccl by Iho Fire ]>parr
mrnt the fire was extihtnli&hed. No t-s
tlninlV of the damage has been md&el%M
■~~ r-« m m ■ i™* r-» r*t tii r\I?VT/^I .^^-. C A CLTT I*l ASM •'}'■''
Suits and Overcoats reduced to -- j vJP I i" ® M vj
\; /. Every, s2o --Suit, Every $20 Overcoat,.
'< >/ - ' Every $22 Suit, Every $22 Overcoat,
% ; : ' Every $23.50 Suit. Every $23.50 Overcoat,
- - arid Hundreds of $25 Suits and Overcoats-at;.
| This gives the men of Eichmond .an advantage never De
| fore equalled. It is almost useless to speak of. the merit of
1 bur Giothing^ to dv^ell on tlie perfection of the fit,' : pr the supe
jiriority of maka, _, Every well-dressed man Imows: the high-
Igra^e of theG
j stricted choice of the entire stock gives an opportunity that
| will mfeari a great saving of dollars to everjr purchaser. j
I / Sale begins iat 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. An ample
! stock' of every size, from 33 to 48 inches. '"A
| ■' . " ' ■-■ „ ,' ~'■ :■ ■ ; , ■ ■ .: . " ■. ■", ' . ■" '• -' -.'. ■■ ■ "' ' \
.f ■■■ ' .■■-• .. ■.-.-- ■ ' . ■ ' ■; . . ■ ■ ■■■ ■• ■'■ i ' -■
c / -- - - ... ■- --#--• ■ --..'■;. . \" - ■ . , .*
BritisH Estimate Place Onr "Weultli
at $51,750,000,000, England Rank- ;
ing Second With $59,030,000,000
(Washington Correspondence of Philadei
j ': phia Press.) - > - -
The standing of the United States with
her neighbors, . and especially With those
of Europe, is' illustrated by somo state-
ments made by the 11-ondon Daily Mail
Year Book, for 1902, & copy of which has
just reached /the Treasury Bureau of
Statistics. Under the head of "Wealth,"
it places the United States at the head
of the list of -great nations, the figures
of wealth "being; ...
United States; : ?81,750,000,C00.
United Kingdom, ;- $ 59,030,000,000. .;-
France. ': s4B,4so,ooo,ooo.
Germany, $-10,270,000,000/ '
■ '". Russia, $32,i25.000,000.v :■ . • -y;. ; • -.-■•
- While the ' United States heads this
list Of countries : in its wealth, it shows
the smallest national indebtedness, the
QgiJres- being: •
United States, $1425.000.000; Germany,
S1?S 1 ? 155 000.000; United'- Kliiigdom,: $3,500,000,
000; v Russia, $3,55D,(K)0,C00; iVarice, $6,130,
000.000. ■-■=■"■"•' '.:•.'! : " ■';..- '":■"
'The percentage Of: debt to wealth ; is
given as:' United-- States, 1.4 per, cent;
United Kingdom, : ; 6 : p6^ - cent.; Gerniariy,
8.1 per. cent. ; Russia, : 11.l l>er Cent. ;
France, 12.S per 'deht. . -
Under the head-fof "Commercial Com
petition,'' it. says that "the first year of
the twentieth dentury Opened badly, for
tw6 of the ;fouf leasing industrial na
tione/' The trade: of 'the United States
was good and : showed tie decline from the
booming, period 'of ' IS9O arid ISOO, but
rather, in mdst industries, a continuance
of the boom of which the United States
has had so -disproportionately large ; a
share, arid FVaricer which.h ad Responded
lps't! '."pjcbalislvely -: to ] the -boom," remained
unaffected by :- the decline .and progress
<=I=> v/hf re- ■ In England „mcl'
however* the ', deetifio Was felt - acutely. :,- ;■'•;
Uridei- the lioadot the "World's Wheat
■-■'"' " '•'■-' "■'-*•'■■ •■■ -.•----■■■'■- ; ; ', ■■/.. . ; ' \ ' - --■ .: - . ■ . ». - - -■ ■'•*-.. ~ •■'^i k "■'■' - ' ' "■'' ■''
..Every advantage given to a pupil of music "is a step in the advancement of the desire for -knowledge' of
;rnusic. ■■■.■;'::-:■;: ";;'■ ■■.■;■■': ; - : * : , .'■'■■'■■;.'':■'" '■' .'■'■ '■ :,- .- :; .■ ; - -.: '■ / " ; ■■.. i: ;.":- ': ."■ ,\ '- : ■ " : ■•-- '. ..' : '„■.::
' -I'ifst of all, get the best high-grade t'iano you can. Why ? Because the tone h correct, the tone is just
as it ought to bdj.and it will be durable. Where will you find. the truly really --HIGH-GRADE Piano? At our
■■warerooms.-/:-,"".--^^:-- ': :■'".■■ .-. ;!' " ' ■ '<v- -"« L- ._. "j__, * — ' ,-L " ■ -
'We are tiefl, to' no factory, but ar6in ; the open itiarket to buy the' products of the b£st makers iu-fchU or
any dther- cdUritryKfof .Vaiiythinir V.'Jn our liae. lOnrtwenty-throc year's experience pi:v:es us in a position
;toV;kno\v ; Where 'ilie 15E53T are to be ■"found ;;-"atidJii'\tlie .''-v- >,;;."■■.'■'- . • v
;ybt\'fmd:the Result of biir experience. 1 / r We ennnot be undersold by any house anywhere, arttt T our tfe.rm< are
; ;just"hs : '^sy;il§;y_oh^ish^^; ; 3^f^ '}- ;y:' .}-i: : :'-: :^ :'_''■'. :': 'r .'.--..•■ ■-' ■/■ ■'■..-'". -\v "-i .'
Th 6 Positsofi p^ | TC" J\! g^ H W * 9 Acknowledged
of the Great & iril^^JL^r^ the WorSd Over.
It is the only PERFECT PIANO-PL IYEK, and te so testified. to by cho3e whose opinion you will nui
your trvmt in— i ' - . *
' ;si;;/£he : flneat toecha^ Of»l in and hear it ami do
coitvinccd: , _ „ ' - - -'•_*• ' ■ -
I Quick repliss to a!! Ie!« Wftl TEfj !| fl!|\F^ r?T TO ' OOHMOTTOa
i %n« Write for Data- H fiii I LU Ui HIU JL J* i& LUh Bas! Soods, .
!oguo_Ho L 22 I___1 ___ 103 E. Broad Street ' Honast Dealing^
Crop,",, It shows the United States far
ahead of any other country in the pro
duction of wheat, the estimate of th«
world's crdp- for ISOI being: ■
•United g States, SO.OCO.OQO quarters.
Russia, 42.000,000 quarters. .
France, 33,GC0,(X!0 quarters.
. India, 30.000,000 quarters- , .
Italy, 17.C00.000 quarters.' -
16,000,000 quartara ?
Spain, 13,000,000 quarters.
I Roumanla, Bulgaria! 12.000,000 quaxtera..
: Geraiany, U. 000.000 quarters.
United Kingdom, 7,000,0C0 \ quarters.
Australia, | 7,000,000 quarters.
♦Quarter pouals eight biisriela.
. „ IRON -AND, STEEL,. :
■ Under the head of ','Flght , f or tho. Iron.
Trade," it calls attention to -the; fact
that tho United States Is now tho world's
largest producer of pis-iron ,r.nd steel.,
and says: "It will be noted that the
United rKingdom has lost ground, pro
ducing 326,749; tons less in 1500 than in ISM>.
the. total for Great Britain beins nearly
5.000,000 tons less than in America. An
unsatisfactory feature in the British iron
and steel trade is that in 1900 we taported
more iron and steel than In any previous
year, and exported less, while the: Ur'W
States exported more, than, ever." Tha
tables accompanying this '^.'statement
shows the pi£-iron production of. 1900 to
be: United States, 13,789,243 tons; United
Kingdom; 8.905.5"T0 tons; Germany. 8,4*1,
852 tons ; Franco, 2.6D^.49-l tons ; Russia,
2.521.000 tons. Artd of steel. United States,
J0.057.322 tons: Great Britain, -.4.501.054 tons;
Germany, "4.799.000 toris; France, 1,-521,040
t<ms; Russia, -."1,43-1,000 tons.
Recent Ciiplensinntnes* Bet-ween
Vfnf.lTyf^" pfl.P.rv. My. ?tobcrtn.
"WIIiLIAMSBURO. VA. r January 11.-*
(Special.>^-Jlr. Tyier, was Seen" to-day.
nnd\ expressed regret at the manner In
which , Bishop Randolph's visit to TOI
: Hamsburg has been . desc?lb<»d fn the
papers as ft mission to investigate "the
Roberts-Tyl6r controversy/'.
It aoppars to him : that thfs statement
is calculated to create . the impression
• that' he. as; president: of William* and
[Mary, ia a; party to , some controveraty
I with Mr. Roberts; 1 of .Which r the Bishop
{ Is tc» be.jttdge, v,'hicb is not tho case.
I . rPhe college is nonsectarian, and -.the
ii& l2sh&iStfsi&!
president fs subject only to hia Board o£
Visitors, who have already enquired Into
ilr. Roberta's "open letter" addressed t'^
i the Constitutional Convention, and vindi
cated the president and faculty.
If any investigation 19 toslng held. Mr.
Tyler says ihe has, not been invited.
| either officially or unoflScially, to give
[ a.ny testimony in respect to tha ao called
i "open letter" of Mr. Roberts's, or bia
other letters, or the; circumstances at-
J tending ■■ them, in connection ' with Mr.
i lioberta's church, of which Bishop Ran
j £o7Dh is tho stiperior officer. .
•Ilr. Tyler wishes to imores^ i^n t v " ■
people of Virginia -that tho matter, ao
far as he arid the college arc (.■•f-.t-tu-. ...
has been closed.
• Rev. W. T. Roberts expressed to yoai
■correspondent to-day a desire not tn
: further, prolong the controversy starte;!
by him in his opea letter.
■-- Mr.". -Roberts'. Invited Bisfccp Randolph
here, his object bein? to have the 8i3h05
thoroughly informed as to the rector'
relations /with his consresation . ani
/" There seems to h* nothing to justify
a contlnuanca of the "controversy." so
called, in any form, and the public hert
is not a little tlrpfi of it.
; Cocnty Court convenes here next 3lon
' <lay. end ''Tuesday morning Judge JV W.
:G. Blackstone ' will bejin a. special term
of the Circuit Court.
j Rev..Predricl:son. of Brooklyn. N. T
'■ will oreach' /a sermon at > Olive-Bran^
I church, Jarnea City, to-morrow af ter.
I noon. The sermon /will be in the Nor
• » -wPEfian . lanffnase." and addressed -to ■'■-"
colony of that natirtnality r.o-n- located ir
[the •vicinity of "Toano/ .
l Mr. Edward Gardner, of Mtchlgan, i"
' ' vlsitint; ; his brother, Mr. C. O. Gardner
•near here. ■-- ■.■■» . .
f Mr. Gardner ts Clerk of the Courts
'of his county In Michigan.
"\ ?.Iri Thomas Newman, $s-Treasurer o|
i York coanty. and aya v well-known citiz-M*.
a 13 very ill at h!« home, .near Jfairrusifr.
~- : -Mr. Archie Brooks, steward of tii ■'
.; Eastern. State Hospital, was in Rlchmomi
.'■: '.-'■- N _
Messrs. John Barnes, of ■ Dlascund: -i>.
'{^/.Spencer, of Lfghtfoot; -T*. it- Bcebe,
I ol Jamestow n, were here to-<lay.

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