OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, June 24, 1902, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1902-06-24/ed-1/seq-3/

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juigEDf os Wmm
Mr. E. M. Fnlton, Ncnr Hampton;
I^oncs Sinch .Vnlnnble. Property ,by
Fire Knrly Sunday Morninsr—Deoth
of n Phoebuß LtLily.
riAMPTOX. VA, June 23.-(Spcc|ai.)-
Considcrablft dipcussioii has been'- heard on
the streets to-dajr,ovcr n. sermon preached
In the First: McthoGlst Church by.ths:pas
tor; Rev. Sydney Fetor.s. Sunday, morning,'
in which the minister severely criticised
the action "of t lie town council' Mr.
Prters Mas discu?&ing the bad effect of
Bumbling when ho referred to n. rccnt
ordinance adopted by the council; licensing'
Blot machines. -The-- minister declared the
action to bo the most highihariilc-il - out
rage ever perpetrated on a Christian com
munity.. Ho urged the people to make it
so warm for: the members of the council
as to cause! them to; resign their seats in
tho body..; He raid; Thnt! in r.ll his ex
perience this was Die" first town that he
ever heard.of licensinj- gambling, and that
Jt; was time for the people to take a.hand
In ihe affairs of the" town.
Mr. JPcters's remarks were stinging and
he .; handled : -- the .Councilmen !. without
gloves. As the result* of the sermon; "the
Ordinance Committee of the Town Couri
dl act to-day and determined to order the
police to confiscate the slot machines do
ing business in- Hampton:
Tho large barn of Mr.: E- M. Fulton,
threemiles west of I lam pto*. with all its
contents, consisting" of two very fine
horses, two mules, several head of cattle,
grain,, hay arid farming implements, was
totally destroyed, by fire Sunday morning.
The origin of the lire is a df^ep mystery,!
ns Mr. Fulton.is confident there was no
fire in the building when he retired Satur
day night at his usual! hour. .*"*?.„'.
About S o'clock Mr!
Fulton was awakened by cries of fire, arid
upon oOJng: to his; window: ho discovered '
that his barn was then in-! a burning
mass, in fact almost ready tp cave in:
Mr. Fulton hurriedly 'went to the scene
hoping to recover his stock, but it was
too late and; tho animals perished before
the doors could be thrown open. The
horses were very fine specimens and
their owner valued- them; at a very neat
sum. The mules were heavy draft mules
arid quite valuable to Mr. Fulton. .;'-
Mr. Fulton thinks the loss wi II probably
reach $500. There is a. small insurance.
'.-■ ; :. : BRIEFLY: TOLD.
Mr. Sv. 31. Carter; superintendent of the
Hampton Telephone Company, left' this'
evening to attend tlie fifth : annual conven
tion' of : the XationaL Telephone Man
egers's Association of America. Avliich
will meet in Philadelphia during the com
ing week. V
News.was .receiveil here this mornins?
announcing the death of Mis. Elizabeth
Seymour, wife /of Francis Seymour, of
Phoebus, which : occurred Suriflay night in
Paterson, N. J. Mr. Seymour is the presi
do'nt' of the Point, Comfort Railway.; and
JSlectric Company, which proposes build'
inpn. line of railway to Grand View. ; ■ , ' ,
The fifth annual .-commencement exer
cises of the: Old r Point Comfort College
will be- held in the college chapel Wed
ne.sday morning. ' „..
prater IC. Pots us Uies r £ri Ailantu—
?**■ To Represent fife Imi>erial.
CH^VSE CJTY, June 22.— (Special:)— A
lelegram from Atlanta, announces the
death at that place of- Mr. Frazor K.
Pettus on Sunday. His parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. 11. Pettus, reside here. The lioily
will be interred in Richmond on, Tuesday.
3ie leaves a widow: who, before marriage,
was Miss Ida! Chambers,: of Richmond, and
three children." -
There will be a 4th of July celebration
here on the Academy grounds under the
auspices of the Southslde Council. No. 93,
Junior O. U. A. M. and the business men
of Chase City. A band of'music has been
engaged and distinguished speakers are
invited. The public generally are invited
to participate. A big dinner; will be a- part
of the enjoyment. -! :
Mr. Robert O. Jeff r ess, buyer and mana
ger of the Imperial Tobacco. Company at
Greenville. N. C, who has been spending
a few weeks herewith his father. Captain
T. D. Jeffress, left to-day for his post of
<luty. where he takes charge July Ist. The
tobacco crop in that section of North
Carolina is reported very flourishing. Sales
commence. there over a. month earlier than
in this section. ; 1 ; ,
Dunccd the Ccrnian-Kow a Rias
Was .Rescued— Personal.
RADFORD, VA., June I:3.— (Special.)— A
pretty german was given; by the Radford
German Club at the Adams building Fri-
Oay evening, in honor of the visiting girls.
Mr. William Rosenfeld led, ; assisted by
Miss Emma Peyton. .or Pulaski. The
dancers -w-ere Miss Emma" Peyton with
Mr. William Rosenfeld.: Miss.Katheryn
Anree. of Danville, with Mr. Hal Tyler;
Miss Madie Roach, of Texas, with .Mr.
William Ingles, Jr.;: Miss WMllie Harvey,
of Shawsvillo with. Mr. Charles Kinsey;
Miss May Bevcry. nf Essex, with Mr.
Henry Ailen. o£ "Cooper's.: W." Va; Miss
•liiiie Beverly. of^rEssex, with Cadet Ros
onfeld: Mrs. T. S. uaskerydlle. of
Clifton Force, with Mr. Baskerville; Miss
LiHie Tyler with ; Mr. Robert Preston;
Miss Laura Kimball w:i.nMr. Joe Cald
v.oll; Miss lvinc WiHiaaif with Mr. Field.s
Baldwin; Miss Laura. Ingles with; Mr.
Dave Barton: Miss Etta Rosenfeld 'with
Mr. Robi Roberts: Miss Mary .Washington
v.-iih ; Mr. Will: T. "i Mlcou, of Louisville;
Mifs May Thornton " : i with Mr. James
Mlcou; Miis Fannie Wasnington vltJi Mr.
Bland Beverly, of : Es?ex: Miss Angie
Barger with Mr, James Zoll; Miss Judith
Tiarger -v\lth Mr. Truman Bullard; Miss
Mary Mac Ingles with : Mr. XedCasssell:
Miss Anna Wilson: with Mr. Thompson, of
Roanoke. •, . . ; '; ; >
Others present wf re ex-Governor Tyler,
Judge and M^rs. George 32. Casssol! a nrl
Miss .Cassell, Mr. and Idrs. George B:
Kimball ami Mr. LaseH Kimball: Miss
Anna Hull. of. Marion: . Colonel and- Mrs.
J. XT Vi'asSlngton: Mrs. v ßobert Beverly.
of Essex; Mr. and Mrs. f Irvine Miller, and
Mr. Beverly Petor. "'■"-. ! : .
Ai a meeting: of! th» Scliool BoardFri
ciay, teachers for. the.e nsuing* year ' were
elected, as follows: Belle Heth? Academy,
Miss Moorman of Rustbt:rs:M^i«s Mildred
Pamplln. Misses Grace: and: Nellie:-Cald
welU of East Radford;-, Miss Richardson,;
of Marion,-, music ; teacher."; - ■'■ ■ .:
Wadsworth School, Mrs. Henry Ander-
Kfis, Mrs. E. • E. i Shanklin^. Misses •'.■"Mary,
Washington: and Anna-Kenderdine..: :
At a recent meeting or tiH»;. board Prq
ressor. Hill; of Marion, v.-ss elected princi -■
pal of. the. schools.'; .: . '■': ■■"■ '':■'..- ; . -.
While at work Saturday iriorning.'Whitt
Rutledge, a' oolored" employee at the jiron^
furnace, suddenly/ dropped' dead.'; : He* was
iboui 35 years of age, and came "here
from Johnson City,; Term. ".-..-
At Mount Horeb churcli, near .Vickers.
y»«— *^aah«u—^iWiM^—iMfc>Jci«r»B^M^""' " ■ _ ■ __ ■■■' . — . 77^, ~ . . . ZZ~. . ■-„, - - ... --j ■v.r''.- '"■-. ■ l i.-71
Brewed from carcfiilly, selected barley, and hops - never permitted -to J
_ :•;.. , lcavcthc brcwery^until; properlx- aged.; „:,:, „,,;,^J
TAKE N Hflmi
1' CONG. H. 11. PO WERS M I
fe v Says:. " I can recommend ji I
ra . ■Wj f remedy. 'arid' very -good ;v^ 9
ra /or coughs, colds God c<3« (1 B
fe totrhai } affections.'* '■■■■'■ '1 I
Miss Hester Christman was married; Mon-'
day to Mr. James Hawley. The bride is.
a daughter of 31 r. John Christman," a,
farmer of the : county. 7 ' The groom! is'; a :
merchant of Vickers! The ceremony-was
performed by Rev. E. Jo:inson, of ■• Rad
ford. -.. . - . . , .:,,: : - - :- ■■ ' -. ; - :
It pays.'; to have ideas of, one's : own.
Not .infrequently ,they are directly con-,
vertible into cash. '-For instance; a clever
idea brou'^ht; Mrs. Harvey Barnett, . the
pretty .young- wife' of the City ' Treasurer ,'
$50 in gold a. few days ago. .In answerito,.
■Kxcell's; advertisement for a suitable title
for his new sonjr-book. I.rrsi Barnett. sent"
in the- name .••'lnteriiatipnar Praise." ; That
was two : months ago. - ; Meanwhile;- r she
thought, no: more: about . jt. until Friday,'
when she received the -?ix> prize; for ihavinjj:
suggested the most appropriate .title for;
the. new song-book. .: ; !-. "..
."': AVillie. the 7-year-old son 6i Dr..,AV.: W.
;McElra'th, ■ had his arm- broken Saturdays
The little fellow fell.'' from- the cistern
rd'of at a neiphbor's. a distance. of only
fivefeet, yet both bones :n"the forearm
were" .broken : near,,. the^ wrist.'! < ■ ■■"
. 2\lrs..."\V. B. 'Fuqua lost- lier engagement'- 1
■ring-,. a valuable solitaire. Thursday. ' Dili- '
pent search was made., and the ring <lis- f <
covered -■ in' the !pig--peri'' next! day. • The";
circlot of gold was bent; double,,- but- tne:
stone, which : was founri In a. different 1 i
place, was uninjured.- The r;ng had. fallen I
into the ; swiHnai! from ;i nail : "'on> which'
Mrs. Fuqua was accustomed; to hang, it: I
The delightful house.,. party -given, last |
week by; Miss Laura Klm'oall broke up J
! Saturday, Miss Kimball and her, guests
going ;to -Pulaski to spend - the • coming
■ week with Miss Emma ~Vysor. : " '
Mrs. Robert Beverly and son. Hill Car
ter; Mr. Bland Beverly and. the' Misses']
Beverly, who . have been guests at Mrs.
J. H. Washington's for the past two
weeks, left to-day for Eastern Virginia.;
, The family of Mr. Henry :! McWane,
: owner of the Lynchburs: Piow-"Works, ; ar
rived in Radford Friday ' to- spend the
summer. They will occupy the Loughn
residence, on Fourth street. .
Mr. E.. D. .Stephens. , assistant claim
agent of the Norfolk and. "Western at
Portsmouth. 0., . spent Friday with, his
mother, Mrs. A. D. Stephens. ' . :
Miss Virginia Snowfifer," of- Cedar
•Rapids. la., with r her nepiiew. Park Ben
jamin, will spend: the cummer with her
sister, Mrs. A. D. Stephens. .
.Mrs. R. J. Dunahoe and : little 'son
Charlie, of. Bristol: wil:i Miss Jeweli
I Howell, . are the guests of Mrs. T. E.
I -Vaughn. .
' Keysvillc Surgreosis Have a Busy
Day — Condition of Crops.
;■.-■ KEYSVILLE, VA.. June '23— (Special.)
I\lr. J. B. Vaughan. while arranging his
reaper a few days ago, had • one' : of his
fingers ;So badly mashed that it "had to
be amputated by Dr.F. J. Gregory.
A negro named Smith was accident
ally, shot in his foot on ; Saturday! Drs.
%F.% F. J. Gregory. F. J. Gregory, -.; Jr.; and
Hugh Ilenvy" amputated: the front por
tion,! leaving the heel and ball of the
foot intact.; ■'.- ,"!-.• '..'•. „
;Mr. H. D. Peters, wife and child, ,"of
Houston, Tex., arrived in town a few
days : ago, and will spend the summer
in' Virginia. M^r. Peters' motherland:fam
ily :rosido in .Richmond.. ,'■■■;
Misses Viola Pr'ddy and -Evelyn Os
borne left; mi Friday, the former for, Vi
rginia Beach and the • latter;for.C-harlo't.tes
ville. where they v.ill spend seme time.
Mr. J. 11. Carson and wife, of New! Jer
sey, are visiting in town.' "• '
The recent rains .have giVen^new 'life
to the rfarmirig community.; Much, io T
bacco has been planted,- but' not : more
than half a crop can be made; as plants
were not sufiicient for a full; crop. Corn
is looking well, but wheat " and . oats: are
almost a" failure. - ''; -. ■ -
A Prominent Jismcs City Man Ex
piro.s: in- "XVillinmsbnrs'. '■
WILLIAMSBURG. VA., June ' 23.—(Spe
cial.)— Mr. : Robert .•'■' Henr y; LTee 'diecf ; "Sat-.
"urday at the home of his sister..: Mrs. ; .R.
Bellamy;! after! a long and ..painful:.;ill-;
ness. -His malady was a ' tumor' on^ the
brain - * ■;-■; - : ;; ,
, Mr. ; Lee. was born ; in James City county
about/fifty yearsago.. When -taken} "sick
he camo to Wllliamsburg- for: treatment.'
H is '■• immediate I relatives ar^ :; Mrs."i ; : J.i R.-
BeHamy; and ; Mr.' Whitaker Lee,- -sister
and brother, respectively. ",...,.,/"/
> ; The funeral \tpok;place;' from iresi
dence/of Mrs. Bellamy,: SundayJaf ternbon^
at'tive dVlpck,';;dnd;ilie';intermerit',\vasjih-
Cedar • Grove cemetery. / Rev.^G.V Ea 1 B.
Smith. ,paEtor.;;of; the jlethodist;'Chufch,
ahd'jßev.'.H.- T.;;Loutrian.V6f.,the!ißjaptist
church,' ■; 'conducted r the . : services. ■' -\^ ; -^ • :
Tfce great popularity of. Peruaa
as a catarrh remedy has tempted!
many people to Imitate $&emnas
A great ' many so^xiled catarrh
remedies and catarrh tonics 'fare]
to be found in many drug stores.
'—-■.. - . ■ -: -St-^
T/resc remedies can be procured
fi^ /lie druggist very much cheaper
Peruna. Peruna can only
be ; obtained at a ■ uniform ? price t
and no druggist can get it a cent
Thus it is that' druggists are
tempted to substitute the cheap
imitations of Peruna for Peruna.
it is done every day without d
store to procure sdinc Peruna and
the ijdrugglst recommends: some
; thing else that will be just as good, v
it: may be that he does not always ;-■
recognize <the iresp^oiisibijiiy thzf
he is taking 'upon * himself.; /Such
a/substitute i is always sure -to re- 1
suit in failure. , •
The' claim of 'Peruna to being
the standard catarrh remedy of
the (world ['is based upon the fol
lowing facts:
: It has the endorsement of—
PHYSICIANS. ; ; v.'; • '
TORS. ./ ■'•''[•
They Will!, Be Among the Most Im
portant Figures at the Corona
:■ . ' ■" tion. . ' ;■;'■.,■ ; - '
; (Washington' PoGt. : . . ,
, , William ,K. Vanderbilfs'- English; son
in-law,- trie Duke >of Marlborough, ..will
bo the most important, figure among: the
members of his' order* at the -oorooation.
Ey appointing him to 'the office .of. lord
liigh steward ,of England for .the corona
tion King Edward has given him tempo
rary '.. precedence: over, every other peer
and dignitary of ; the" realm, including even
the Duke of Norfolk,, who. on: all other
occaslDns,,'by virtue of his hereditary dig
nity as earl marshal of ; the ! : ; realm, "and
by reason of the seniority -of his duke
dom, ranks as premier- peer -of the em
pire. As lord high" steward the Duke of
■Marlborough/will .precede both; the King's
brother-in-law, the Duke, of Argyll, and
khe King's son-in-lay.-. the Duke/of, Fife,
;who lias been .appointed lord highfebnsta
blf> ..of Ehfiland for the : r coronation; ,He
will also outrank Lord Salisbury" the prime
minister •of the . vast Bri lish; empire, "and
snaro v.-ith the -Duke of (Norfolk -and 'the
•Duke of. Fife the distinction of -being at
tended by two pagesfof; honor, all -other
dignitaries having to content themselves
with one page. As lord; high: steward the
!i/uke of Marlborough will bear before the
King in the procession into the abbey, on
a' cushion the so-called crown of! St.. Ed-'
ward, with, which the monarch is: subse
quently crowned. : ■'-. ;.■'. ' .' .
The lord . hTgh : steward of : England;
whose office must not, be .confounded, witTi :
that, of lord steward of the' household^
is the. premier great'dignity of the crown,
and 'the olfice dates ;from long, prior to
the reign of King, Edward the Confessor.
So great: were the prerogatives and; pow r
."ers.of the lord, high steward- in : ancient
.times "that the Kings of England found
it politic to abolish ; the office as a per
manent dignity, -alid cohtent: themselves
with* granting temporary commissions .to'
great- nobles ,. to act as ; lord high steward .
at certain .great state functions.- It was
the Marquis of Anglesey who officiated as
lord high 'stewara at U.e coronation 'oi:
King George IV.; - . '• . ;
It. had generally been .expected that
either the present Duke of JRoxburghe or.
cosne duke of: more mature age .wouldibe
appointed by the King to ofheiate. as lord
high steward 'at the "coronation. ■• But the"
Duke of Roxburghe hasj'received no of
fice whatsoever in connection with'the.aT
fair, an omission v.-hich has excited some
remark., while:; the nomination, of the
young Duke of /Marlborough to the oZ-t
lice. •. following so closely- upon his alto r
gether unexpected; . appointment as : a
knight. of .thegarter, shows tha.t he stands
exceptionally': high in the favor of;' his
sovereign, and; that he has; a great future
before-.him. ■ . .; ■'"■'.•'., - - -. .
1 Indeed, "what with the honors showered:
Witli.;so lavish a hand, upon : the master,
of Blenheim, and the action of the Queen
in. inviting, his, duchess :to';be l ohe of ; the
four '■' peeresses of,, ducal ■■■'■■ rank to '■ attend
upon her during the coronation; ; and- to
hold .the canopy above : : her.' liead "during
the ceremony of annointing,'. it appears
that '.there are of all the- members of : the;
British .-nobility none ; who! enjoy- to ■; such:
a .degree; the good-will and the' regard of,
Edward VII. and \ of- his consort as young
."Jack'.'j of Marlborough, and his: America n:
Wife. '* * ; :':■- - :".;-■ ' ' 1
- i _ . - 0 • .■ . '.
apostrophe; to a julep.
PrOiiuct iof i.the ; Imagination of. a'
.'; -Well-Known Rielinionrt. sran.\:" .
VAtr a recent 'quiet'.^ljttle » dinirig : at
Rueger's a well-known 1 railroad'attache of
■ considerable! sen timeht,anuno;little imag
ination' delivered the- following, apostrophe
toa' jiilep:v. .;.: ?--' : ; ..v.-'^:^^^':,^":;';
"Oh.; thour- combination" of -'. nature's;! gift
and human art. ; Wit him thy,/ amber; depths
three zones; unite; iii;_lic(uidiharrnony~.';.Tnere
breatheslthe fiery spirit : of; Kentucky/i sof t
"ened by-thelVirginia: James; andv mellowed!
tny-slacial"contents.touch ; <my>lips." Jsfeel
the^chill of ; Greenland ? s^icy^ mountains,
and "".: then' :by aid sweetness
, takes me to- the Creole cane-brake in dis- !
tantvLouisiana;,- where >the iidleiTeche -iso'
gently I flow3f amidst .the .'white is oaksi ; and*
; apple :in S slice - recall ;, the ?sof tness'
fof Caribbean'' caresses. : -Thou^trinitj'.7of: -
: t aste;;. color. >= and V. eff ect:t:r'Just,' six :'• of & thy
ilU,: andmethinks I hear:
of '. doves Uh?; lmmemorial "' elms
And-;the'; murmurings :,innumerab!e?
•:>; ; fbees."
| ' , -?'- rr * 1 !? l 5 f . er! '. of property.
: In Richmond:. Maria L.Bolton to Xplia
; IS." ■Phillips. I : ,-15 <• feet': on VwestVsldte^bf^Plurn 1 '
? streets l79 9-12 feet hDrth'ofrPloydlaveiiuo-*'
? 52.0C0 5- , - ■- '
? :i-;R: H.*iHarwood;aridlwifeitb'iW^ ; "^^i^r3
I rston,?3o,',feetiOnshorthfside;.DfrMoh'iifii t entT
I, iavpnue.ilM r: feet >westf of ;.;Mead«V\ J - street^
? 81.500 - .
« iKlMiss J Evaf B.^Palmote Johnf Ps
I IDayidson.^ 27-i feet fon 5 north -side 'of I Grace?
s rßtreet*jNo;?2o6feast,isS9,ooo. -:"«?St^i
\ toJohnTG/JPettus;andiwite'to John S>L"aPi
I ,, r cpmbe, : T3s;feet?'onSnorthfsiaeiOf !Park>avtf -
I .nuer- No.', 816.-? f 8.500. V^gggH
,; ;. In : Hcnrico.'aißlsJng] Sons • and'.Daugrh'tersf
; ; of f-Estheritol George|Morri6,tll acre v about?
j -4 ! mllesif romfßichmond^fsdu th^Of ; the Nihe^
■ ;Mile!road. SSO.
\ MS^I'S-^Tuckeritol Comey^riiKt/.sß|,fec:.t-s
; ori&west.'side^of.iTwenty-niirthistreet^be-T
Minute and -Resolution Adopted at
The following minute / with . the ap
ilngTof the Klchmorid Clcrlcus, held ycst?r-
When the Richmond ClerScus c.irried
the body of nnr beloved andTrevere3
; BishbphWhittle ; to itte Jgrave|last |
UastJ6^^X f ?fX° n .®l9 f ri h ?J^Jiatest£bißhpps.
itruVst, I Vm'6st'*;'faithfuJsarid|deyo
pures tl> ; noblest.-^ iiibst^f riiahly; vandflisln-^
cere'ffentlemnh In Virginia.
.-jyhlttle; was an extraordinary
;mah: ?.jKls^to"weflrig, r -- erect, % sinewy"; fbriir
r Cay^th^impresslj6ii^o^sbrCT^h>|hls^^^
set; determined face^ conflrmedUhe;liiipres- :
sion ; his = firm ; mouth ; aridj? theYdif ect^,un|;
flinching slance ;^f;his'£eyevlefJL :nb;dbubt
thatvhe "^wasTih ."earnest^ thiit'i he had; con-!
Evictions; and' was-; prepared^ to maintain
them. *
r .His mind was ;ofithe same: robustVchar-'
acter. -IT«-; thought clearly^and •directly;
neither imagination nor!; f eolih'g • could ; tiirn :
him from the point to:;which;his;.reas6n
ingr! conducted .him. Convinced \ that »a
thing, was! risht,>he gaye ;no/ place!; to ;the
■ consideration of the ; consequences Uo)h' im-'
"self of TdoinS: : -that7 thing.'. He -felt jm'ost'
deeeply for .others, and often. his_. tenderly
aff nctionate henrt : was grieved because •' he .
must needs give. painlm. the; discharge Cbf ;
his duty. He was hot stern, Vbut firm;; He
!was-not cold; but true: ■'? Het!was Junbend- 5
i ng. : because •he belieycd ! to • bend 'would . be
:tb'.be;'false. ' ■'••"..■.- ..... . ' - / .-- r ,'^' V \
; . - His lien rt was ever kind; tender., arid faf-)
fectionate. .but in. the; discharge joffihis
duty" his ;feelings; did n'otsway. his' judg-.
ment.-- ; - - . -. :;, -. ■ ,- : '':;-.' :;. ■i"
His Christian: character was of tbo same
"order. ' He loved" peace. "-. but" with ,him ! the .
! terms . of peace were fixed arid 'urialterableX
"First pure.- then.peaceable.V His 'faith in.
the .-. Scriptures, ' a s ; the ■ word', of God,' was
simple and childlike/ is
truth,''- and ; as ho I often ! said; -he had no
; commission to preach \ anything • else. ' .- He :
preached the Gospel with alH the powers
of:his spirit, of his mind, and b'fhi3 ! body;!j
and :: coming . from the whole/jinan"" it jwas
simple, clear, earnest; direct "arid* uhcbm-"
promisirs-.* * ■ ■ * ,"*'."- c
,r His! humility- of spirit, >ver seeking;- to
serve and not to' be served"; > his ; beautiful
siibmisEion in his ; many anci great "afflict
tions and infirmities: his untiring." labors
when the effects and the presence Of pain
and 'suffering were plainly visible; his;ef-.
fcits to' labor; on ■wheriidlseasa' and; weak- :
riess prompted ! to rest, "-.were.!! all-." in: -kaep-.
ing: with the; greatness and; simplicity of
his character/ He .never;: spared ' himself,",
but! he : was/constantly warning his clergy..'
against overwork.}' He lobked-;.upon his
great office of bishop as a'treasbri for
greater.' humility, -.and greater exertion,' as
making him "a servant.of servants." ;not.i
as justifying! him; in seeking- ease or dis~f
tmction or. honors. , , ; ; :
He was ever, retiring, seeking the lowest
place where duty permitted, often doing
the work of a deacon. ; ■'-• . . :!•:.'•■• '" !
Yes, a great man, a great . bishop, a
great- preacher,;, and a . true' follower -of
Christ has gone from us. : -AVe/'cannot -
thirik of hinvas dead. "We;seern:to heaf
that earnest, .ringing . voice: sounding-; now'
froriv. Paradise,; -'My brethren, : preach . the
v/ord,'.' ; and the : exhortation, - "Therefore,
my. beloved; brethren, be, ye steadfast, im
movable, always abounding;in 'the;work of
the.Liord." And from the sacred; page" the
spirit speaks,; '' Remember them that ■• had
the rule. over you. . which '. spake : unto you
the v/ord of God; and consideringthe issue
of their life, imitate; their faith/ '. . .; : .
Resolved, That, this ri: mute be placed
upon the records of the Clericus,;and'that r
a copy. of. the same be sent by; the ti:cre-.
tary.-to the -family of our late bishop, and
that ! it :;be! published in. the, : Southern
Churchman. ■ ' '•"■:■ ' ' " •■ " "'
' • W. B.'EVANS, "'
. .Committee. ;-
Thousands of Harvesters^ Needed
■.**. .,:- Thereto . Save tlie Wheat- Crop. , '
■! TOPEKA,;kAN.V June^?'22.— A ; -^serioUs
coriditioh confronts the wheat-* farmers^ of.
Kansas. "Ten. 'thousand. 'extra Vmeri; are
needed for the harvest fields 'and . only 500
are available. 1 ; For ■ three weeks r the . State
Employment Bureau has been- advertising;
for' men : to help ; the. farmers ! save ; their
wheat. -■..-Two.wefiks ago it. was announced
that 6,000 extra, harvesters .were needed
and only V about COO have reported.. : '. >;_... _•„
.Duringthe past week rains have!, flooded:
the "■wheat belt; : and harvesting! gangs were
compelled -to.: discontinue; .their... Jab.ors.,-
Now. with. clear.. skies and promls.ed.fsOn-.
shine,; the over-ripened wheat V is. falling
to the ground, and" farmers are begging
for -help and' offering '.,s2 l to] $3 a^ day. 7; [""^ .
Throughout the -great .'whe.at ' belt"' the}
rinff of the reaper was heard! to-day. Vno
farmer ;sent"-. his wife"! arid .; to
church and Sunday-school. ;but he and:
the;boys went -into the fields to save the
wheat. .- .-■ '" "..■!:!:'■ -:''
"At the little town of; lndustry, in Dick
inson county,;, the people. "gathered :in •'the'
church and prayed; not ;' only..!; for ; clear,
skies and: sunshine during^ the: week to
come, but", implored the Master:. to send
men to help in: saving" the : results , of ithe
farmers'' toil ; and 5 labor. ; ' In - the . same ■■
county, is , a-, large ■ of. ;River.;
Brethren. ..The wives and 't daughters of .
these .sturdy farmers to-day wentijinto;
the.fields as. helpers.-' " " .. ,' f . ..
H«s:ls Asked to Be One ol Fonrth
: ' " ■ . ■ of-Jnly: Orator*.* - . .... .
NEW YORK. . June 22.— Hon. William J."
Bryan has been ; invited- 1 to speak ;at-;thej
Fourtli-of-July rally, at Tammany. Hall. ■
/ No answer to !the invitation ; has 1 as ! yet"
been : received " from % him . ■'■ The .;
men! are;; somewhat^ nervous over ;.-.■ his. si
lence. ' Last 'year ,"s apparently^at the '; last
minute.; Mr. Bryan sent a telegram of re- ; ;
gret;^ and" this : was read -from the. plat
form; . '.'_!_,-. ' r
.Mr. Bryan ; is expected -East the latter^
part of- next! month .>: Lewis . Nixon has"'
invited him to. be; a guest --..'on his'= house
boat; and Mr.- Bryan ; ; has Saccepted;^. with;
the understa nding . that ; he/wi 11 ? reach ' these "
waters! about July 20th:', ::Itlis understood?
that after a! week's,.cruise;Mr. ' BryaruwilP
to.; Boston .to speak "at- a.rneeting,;of. the
Democratic Lea cue. \: His Ghosts "in-. Boston ■
will ;be- George. Fred ..Willia'ms-a'nd'Ge'orge:
T.-AVashburn. . .-
Waiter ! ij.v : Blnii-.;;;Gradi:ateft" frosnj
. " Boole 3ea Besux Artx.
. Walter • D.. Blair, son of Mr. Lewis- II.;
Blair;, of -this city, i^hasjustireturnedhto 1 ,
Richmond.'Kafter icompletingSthe ?:* thre*£
years' course, atthe Ecole des^Beaux Arts, l
Paris, ; Uhe :French;National:vSchool:6f:thb ; .
FineJ'Arts.vHis specialty >is: architecture.-;
Mr.^Biair^is a.;M:: Ar>"of cithe^Universltyi
of '-Virginia.^and'f a; Bachelor.; of
of the University .■.; of. I ? Pennsylvania^! and'
tlon;: of v aildiploma'; of |the; Beaux "Arts; ; Its:
highest 'and ; most ,- prized i hon or. "* Mr. 1 : Blair
willilreflect' ; honors oni his; natives city,' as
hejisla^ most = ardent jand^ehthu'siastlcjstu-'
If you -want 1
not take n bet
■will cure
'/-*/- '■. l f^ i ? : *'-- vj-~-»'*''-'>-'■'---■v j-~-»'*''-'>-' ■'---■- ".'-■•"' -■•■-,:. ' '■ .<• .'■ : - '*'"*li!'v":=' s - -' ■•' '."• . ' „ t - - . "•• •/ -.'"••* "-V-"; .~wj
h ■■ 'mBBRM^ttSSSSf - : ■ ■■■ - ' - I3BH - ; •'" "* ■ ': B^
■ and get the bi;st Ginger Snap you ever tasted.) Ig
H .:.■■■.•.•. - .-;■ ■ ■. . ■ .■.■-. c■ . •-. : - •..■-■"■•."-*- . ":..,,;:--■•■■■■.-"..■.-■■ •-•;.. . .■- : .• - ■•"'. ', ■ -v ,^.- s „-■■_ "-.-. , ;
f ~< One full '%}/$ octave} finest
Walnut Cabinet; : 4i I : RA-
Grand Upright.... t M^ l^ V
One full I'Yi octave, Gold
en^ Oak ficudoir; <D I 'T^
r ::;-'<Dhe;f till;- 1 -t*% octave; fcab
inet: Grand : Up- ;^| fj^l
V&~^ •■-* V * * * • *■:•■* •*• ..:'-••■■■-.
These Pianos fully war
rantedi and a'-Stool and; C
oyer free. not
paid on above special bar
Manly BBB B Ramos Co,,
Kip east Broad Street.
1 r - . fe 23-Sun.Tu&P ,
::■■■■:: can.be kept, cool if; you -/will .use
■J;-"tongl" oorf r our.i Jewel'v Gas-Stoves.
)■■:■ They are worth Cmdre. than they
:O V cost: . Warm; kitchens, «: made so
: by \isingicoal-Mor-i wood-stoves,
I : can be made cool Sbyai Jewel. ;^
There icould be?no .betterirea
!; son "for an. investment than buy
! -ing 'a; gas-stove now— for; this -^s
! ;the* time; when" it's a pleasure,: a
'.'comfort." an'-.- economy: ..'; ■ ;;
Solo Agents,
Je lwelGas Eanges and Water
r 620 East Broad Street, r
■? i C M ? E D?ATiYpU R ; HOME B
■ &B&L : can PO 6ltiTeJ y. enre red nose, red M i
I'D /^T.^Jiafaco and blotchy, pimply, ugly skin," {9
IB ti"*i wH no m * t * er -.*liat the cause. Con- ; M
. ,H9 In .person or. by letter i] H
i 9 l^gv^^rfrea and strictly confidential." :.. : j Q| ;
26 W. r 2Jd St.. Niw York. JB
;- ! ■ l -^'-' -.. ■■.-. - ; ., ;„y -^-; -.-,. .•--,■■; r-' , -■- '^-..- '-■-,•••■■ •.- •-• -, -■■■ ■ ...... y ..'
dent of.: hi 3: profession, t He completed
:hisi course; initnet shortest ;tirneionj record,?
'and ri is l : the? only/ American, nwho | had Severj
/Ecole: : Mr. Blair . : intends; r'-turhing -to
iParlssln'thefallitoJependva year Inlpoat-J
graduate study and in travel.
llYcTv^Yairk '■■ Tiineai Cozamen'tß : : bin ; a tDeil
eet >in >: Hecent -Art.:; Pabllca«lon: < gls
:;;inahls?recent2l>ook:: ;;inahls?recent2l>ook : on
i^'Amerlcan fArts,:-^ onilts « from? the i list 2 of i
sculptors ithelnamelof, s Mr.^Ed-1
ginial sculptor^SSThe I New t.York ITlmeM in*
i 1 ts % x eArleyr^of WcA* iwork^which SIS \ pther-R
l^viseSj,veryJscomplete.'S;.takeSis occasion Sto;
fcommentioh ;the l ionTtfsßions'of'*Mr. : iyaleh-]
stlne'si name } and^ mehtlonrSlof shls£worjc|ihi!
6ion;aß ; a"noUceableierrorv,efipeclanyiiirhenj
br.^'aa-ith* TlrtisAdeirgnatc j^maM
teux«. < iar«;Klven:»ome:ae«re«r';of-noUc*.vs
' '%toM~itiA IXeMi <mL I \S* fwi jrtnr 3d kj \
ft ' ft L /) 0 -I) * *' j '
':. .'-"•'.:- - ..;' I :" ■ A ■-"- - • ' ; " cjn r ; " rt A* r - '
;' ■ ■■ ' ' " ''' ff 'It- i m. *'"■■ ' .'■'".-•' t/ - - ■'-. ■ L ' '-".- ■'- -.'i''.---^ ' ig {I '.'■■'' ■"'■••' ' ' '■' ''".«."
:'.- <:.-;*- '"-.% ■' : " U' ' '•■■'- "* •' IL-- \i ' J^f\ '■-'■■ ' ■■■■■■ : " '•'• ifr.:-^- 11 - -' 'm Mj 1/ '■'•-■ - ''-
is instructive, elevating, arid entertaining:" 'AYe are
■;- headquarters for 'KODAKS, CAMERAS, and
■-:, PHOTO. 'SUPPLIES, developing and printing:.
• Free instructions and use of dark room to. our pn^
> ions. Lowest charges and satisfaction guaranteed
in all cases. Mail orders receive. prompt attention. -
Examine our large line of Edison Phonographs^
and latest records.
The S. Galeski Optical Co.,
...,..■■ • ■ ■ ■ ■...', - - - . , _-.- -;■.-•; -■ - - .-■ .-., .. -j . ■
Manufacturing Opticians and Expert Adjusters of Spectacles/ v
Eyeglasses, Artificial Eyes, Opera-Glasses, etc. — V
" oc 15-Tu.Thu& Sn. 3m- - ;•
%jr ' . -'W-JL ■"■"■¥ UT A. -''-,
The Question is, How to Keep Cool?
We suggest Screen Doors and^Windows to keep flies out, and
let the air m. - . ..,.•-
An Ice-Cream Freezer witH ample capacity to reduce the tern«
perature.' ; „ [I
A good Wire Wrapped Hose to sprinkle the lawn in front, *n3
to lay the dust. : , . / V
-■■ All of these things we can furnish at rock-bottom prices. -
If you will get our prices^buy the goods; youvwill "stop -saying;
"IT IS HOT/ \ . ... ' >f:f^
BALDWIN & BROWN/ o^?^^^!
Headquarters for General Hardware, Roofing, Lime, Cement, and Terra-Cotti:
Pipe, etc. ■ V' ,r, r " San,Tu4W : ;
Arsenic Liihia Waier
Old •Phcr.e 1153. NevT'Phone 763. ! Crate, 40C- .-"'", .
By the New Steamers of the Old Dominion Line; I
Leaving Richmond SATURDAY NIGHT at 7 O'Clocki
Ret v m i n g, ■ Leave ■ No rf o! k 174 Q'Cloc k[SUN DAY^N 10 HTi
ihcludiuGr State-Room accommodations. Limited to return on SteaflMt
Fof*furtli6r f ixifdrinafcion app f y to ..,,.,, . , - .^.

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