ffIM||NTS,(«IND ENDS.AND LEFTOVERS FROM UST FALL AND WINTER WILL CONSTITUTE THE to-day. All of the last fall and winter stuffs are on odd and end counters to-day to be sold as remnants. It's one of those money ipsjhg days that occur aHhe opening of every seasbn. Silks Arc- to Be Seid at Prices Like These: $1 -Black' Satin Duchess, pure >• & n silk, for . '.-.■. <.. 7 .; : . . . . ;. .- v - **?- Fancy Shirt-Waist Silk, pip worth 45c, f0r . . . . ........ " Sx.2o^ Black Silk Taffeta r>f\ n f0r........ .......... ••VC 20-inch Black Taffeta that sold «Q r for 50c, for . ; . ...... :-■ 7 . . ■.'•:■ . .: ** { ' Solid-Colored Pure Silk Taf- «p- fete f0r..... ........... ..."...■*?»o_ Heavy Skirting Kersey that e*f\ n sold for $1 f0r . ............... WY. The 69c. Skirting Kersey pQfi 4-4 Woollen Cashmeres that tg*2hn sold for 25c. are . . . . . . . . .... '/O'/w Nuns-Veiling for 20c. 1 00 Pieces of Fine Black Dress Goods in the Remnants, All- Wool Clay Serge that 0 /'/)/) sold for $1.50 for .;. tjiJ.yV Satin Finish Venetian that b o*+ sold f0r.f1.50 for. - - - OOU Oxford Serge that sold for 65 Aa r and 75c, f0r. . . . • *£*• Plain Thibet that, sold for r9&~ 51.25 per yard f0r.:.... • •''* Linen Damask by the Thousand Yards. You ' May -Expect "to- ~ Find Most Anything at Most any Price, Heavy German Table Damask a p* _ f0r......................... 6&G Heavy Bleached Table Dam- a/)** ask, in 2- to 4-yard lengths, for */*/(* Barnsley Table Damasks that were 51.50 per yard, in short <** /\/\ lengths,- f0r ..;..... ... . . % . V>i*VW Turkey Red Table Damask, //}-» lengths from 1 1-2 to 4 yards, for*«'« Heavy Huck Towels, the 29 rn r md 35c. ones, f0r.... :...*•'** 18-inch Bird-Eye Diaper for +&].* per yard .... . .... . -. /**" Absorbent Crash for ic. per yard. fhe Domestics and Flannellef tes from Last Season Are to Be Sold Out To-Day. This Is the Way We Will Price Them, Dark Fancy Fleeced . Outing : <* or. WC '4-4 French Percales for 4c. / Fancy Stripe Flannelette for sc. • Brown Cotton for 3c. Woollen Eiderdown for 3c. Silk Ginghams for 10c. Canvas Cloth.' for Be. Dress Ginghams for 7 3-4 C. Pillow-Case Cotton for Be. Lace Stripe Chambrays for sc. - Dimities and Batiste for 3 7-BC. . Odd Lots sf Bed Coverings. Full Size Heavy Crochet Quilts tsr^^ ior .... ........ yUG Extra Heavy Unbleached po^ Sheets for ...«Ow Double Bed Lambskin' Blan- o^-, jts ........: 4oc $5 Gray Wool Blankets, §3.25. Extra Large Pillow-Cases for 7c. f§6 Eiderdown Comforts for §3.50. NOTES OF SOCIETY. . Mrs. George A. Lyon and Mrs. C. P. W r alf ord jj .will chaperohe the ■ excursion to Natural. Bridge, which will be given, by the Belle S. Bryan Day Nursery and Free Kindergarten, tlbe first week in October. The patronesses of the affair will be Mrs. George i , A. Lyon, Miss Robinson, Miss Annie Moore, Mrs. Gordon Wallace, Mrs. J> P. Harrison, Mrs. Bland Cmith, Mrs. Otway Allen. Miss Loulie Nolting,, Mrs. Elizabeth Burfoot. Mrs.* James Caskie, Miss Lizzie G rattan, Mrs. 'Herbert Clai borne. Mrs: Randolph Wellford, Mrs. Ed ward P. Oox. Miss Bessie" Hill, Mrs. James Caskie, Miss .: Maria Blair, Miss Juliet Lee. Mrs. James -Siiiton, ! Mrs. S. G. Wal lace,, Mrs. Beirne Blair, Mrs.' John* Harri son,/and Mrs. Harr>' Hazard. : ■■•■ » • ■';?;.-. 1 ■" ■ '- Miss Marj' Dean Scott and Mr. Walter RussellShafer were married in the home of the bride's sister, at Blowing Rock, N. C.; Tuesday last, the Rev. A. A. Little officiating. The announcement will beire ceJved with much interests here,, as Miss Bcott is the: daughter" of Mrs. J. P. Scott, and is well-known- here. Her mother/ is now visiting Mrs! Little, at Blowing Roclv. MnShafer i>s the city attorney of Selma, Ala., and Miss Scott met him while Vis iting there, r :"; 'Mr. William M. Habliston returned from Europe' Wednesday, haying b'eezi ono of the passengers on board the Columbia. ->Testeraay*E Baltiinore;, Sun says: ."Prcfessor Charles :: Woodruff .Shields, who has been thV gutst ;of Rev. F. Ward Dpnye, ; at t hey 'Baltimore'"* Country Club; has : gone ' torßlchmond '( t ofla short visit prior ■ top his - return : to : Princeton;-/ His" book, /' •The>United V Church Unf thelUnited Statc-%' : has ; attracted much 'attention for Its; ecbqlarly! treatment- of /the: subject of church -uhitsv^; Sometime 1 durinV the win ter , he s will V.preach. preach ?onl thisV subject in . Stl Mari^siProtestant'EpJscbpal^churcli,' Ro laij(J!aveDue."-v:;-V ~--:'v/^:'\ l*-/:~i;.- :!■■*■ •■"' :-"*... • ,*'-"'■ :':: ': The; Woman'B^Exchaiigefehfeftirjusttre' <^lved ; a ■ fall 1 supply : Jbl k beauti ful \ artlcl es, nj^ ;theUadi^;ii^ charge ;wbuld!be gladj to hays" theirJpatronß : inspect them; . Some of thoee j whoj composel thelboardfof I the ; Ex^ .cbange's are ? Mrs; v G eorge 'i Street, ;■; Mrs: J. a?^V«Uford. Mis, y^att,. Mr^lptway,^ How Is the Time to Buy Hosiery. Ladies', Men's'y-and Childrens. Stocks Are to Be Cleaned Out. Thousands of Pairs for fo-Day J s Sale. All Are As Good as Ever. 7 Ladies' Fast Black Hose for sc. : Children's Heavy School Hose /•//-*, f0r. ..... . . ...;.:......: :.;. : Wj?G Ladies' Fine Hose, worth 20c, f/)A pair, f0r . . . . ... .z.~. ......... ..*^^ Children's Hose, sizes 5 and 6 _ only, worth ioc, these sizes fori.^y Summer and Winter Underwear. Ail last Season's Stuffs Are to Be Sold Like This; Ladies' Fall Weight Vests, high neck and Long Sleeves, are to be closed iA~ out f0r . . . . . ... .... ..... . . : . ::JUG Ladies' 25 and 35c. Winter Weight Ribbed Vests are to be closed out ef%^ for. ................... JBC Ladies' Early -Fall Knit Vests * ■_ are to be closed out f0r . . . . . . . ... *rG Children's and Misses' Vests for e% _ 5 and..;... ..:........... ; OC Ladies'. Fine Merino, non-shrinkable, that sold for as high as 75c. m Om, 10r ...... ........ . ........tOC Boys' Shirts and Pants to match that sold at .39 and 50c. e%p*~ f0r .... . . . ................ '. : .*a9G Dr. ..Wright's Boys' Fleeced-Lined Shirts and Pants to match that «'f?L' sold for 50c. are to be sold for.. &QG Men's Department. . 1,000 Fleeced-Lined Shirts for 50c. The 50 and 69c. Heavy Knit Jer sey Ribbed Shirts are to be sold <**% _ f jr. »^ Men's $1.50 Ribbed Woollen Shirts and Pants are to be rt a /\f\ sold f0r . .......... ... ..... .0*. 6/ 1/ Men's Working Shirts, in solid Black and Black and White stripes, $?/)-, are to be sold f0r..............f 0r . ............. OUG Men's TNegligee Stiff-Bosom Shirts," that sold for 75c. are to be sold ar\^ 0utf0r......:......;.........5w Thousands of Lining Remnants. Fast Black Percaline/ that sold r/} ~ for 15 to 25c. are to be sold for. . * vG Spun-Glass Black Lining that: jr/)^, sold for 20c. per yard,. now . : '. ...SwG Shrunk Canvas that sold for « 2/--, 12 i-2c, f0r. ... ...... . . . :. .'. . § 7»u $3,000 Loss in Ready-Made Gar ments. Ladies', Misses', and Children's, Jast, as Good as Ever, Only We Want to Start the Season With All Hew Warss. Ladies' All-Wool Suits,' in rt p* f\f\ Gray. Blue, and Black, for;. O Q*UU Ladies' Fine Cloth Suits too &s\ that were §12.50 to §16, for oOoofc/ Ladies' All-Wool Skirts, in Black and Blue, that sold- for- §5, ;*»; *» ~e*s\ $6, and s7, for .... . . . . . ... . 0C.34/.. Children's Coats that sold 0r pmrx up to -ss, now f0r . . . . . . . . . . . tpi.QU Children's Coats that sold tf« 9 c.n up to $7 and §8, f0r.... .■..■.o.»»vfe/ Ladies' Flannelette pretty effects, that sold up to 85c, **rz-, f0r...... ...;..... ......... .^OG len, Mrs. Charles Davenport, Mrs; S. W. Travers, Mrs. Henry Wickham, and Mrs. Randolph Cannon. - -' ' * • * : , ' - ; Miss Susie Harrison ] has returned | from a pleasant' sojourn at Mrs. Jones's- cot tage, at .Virginia: Beach; -; _ - *"*•., Mr. Benjamin Grubbs^and family, and Mr. Alfred Benson and family, have re moved to Barton Heights: .Mrs. A. C. -Young is spending some time at the Rennert, in Baltimore. , •' I -.-' ;"■.»• •> :;■: -■'"-.'. ... '„ Mrs. George Watt. Taylor has returned from Way nesboro*. ■ •■ ■ ■:; •', '•"';..- .• Mr. George Watt Taylor, who returned from . Saratoga last week, has? left for New York, to attend the fire convention held in that city. -./■ ■•*■*./ • ' .;-■ Mrs. Peter Warwick and Miss Lena Warwick are now at their home", "Camp field.'', after a pleasant summer spent at Virginia Beach. •-: 1 * •'* -\ . • ' Mrs. H. Cabell Tabb is spending the nionth of September at the Sweet Chaly beate Springs. :• ■ v -'•* • '-. . ' . Mrs. Paul Orgain . ha s returned from a delightful trip to Saratoga. - * '» • I"! . Mr. R. G. Lambert has. been called to ?Cew York to fill a position. with the Amer ican Tobacco Company,/ as assistant'su perintendent of the priming branch. ; --*.*"■• : .• : '; . Mrs. C. G. Lambert has returned from the . Jefferson ."Park Hotel. Her daugh ters,- Misses Bessie arid -Mattie Lambert; are visiting Mrs. H. Minor: Davis,, in' Lynchburg,' where they will remain until October Ist. . . . . :-■ * * * - " - '-■• . Mr. C. F: Dowdy, 'of this city, was one of the attendants at the'Avaht-Hall'mar riage, in Norfolk night. r -. ... .■:.:■•■.- .''.:.-' : ; . ..-;'-;. '*r.» ;:*.- ■■-'■■..- ■-.-.■. ■.■..■.:-'■.•-. The veil worn by the at the" mar riage Wednesday, in Baltimore county, of Miss Annabel Lee ; to ':-Mr. " Calvert A. ; iMac-"" Clure> was also^ worn^by,Mrs.;JohnWalk er, of this city,- at her • marriage lastyear. : '■'-■-.- ■■]■..'■■ ■:'.' - v * '» '.*^-'- : ■■-. -'.".■ -..-•■; ':': ";'."■". Mr. and Mrs. J. H.' : Tr6up, of Baltimore; arethe guests of Mrs. Henry ;T. East. '-V \ '' ' » „ • ;!.-• ■■:-_-'. 'it-:. : ' .Captain Charles M: Wesson 'has ' re :turned/from':a,;delightfuli^yisit \ to Xthe mountains of i.Vlrginia. ' " ' '".- ' • ' ' .•• . '- -• / : .Mr. and! Mrs. Gideon tDaveriport ; are fat the -. Jefferson at - present; /Mrs. Dayeh port % will! ; soon :j j oin y, her i ? daughters, s AitlM!' ; Misses V Davenport; i who '; are ; ' with B Miss ! Sal lie : Coles/lini Albem^lß,3andEremalnl [there v n til ; the ~ 'younger fm 'embers lof |her- I family/ are established fat |sch6oL|pl^ TOE RICHMOND --.Plgp&TGH^^^ Thousands of Spiled and Tumbled Muslin Underwear; Picked Up; Here and There for To-Day's Sale. - ; White Muslin Skirts are. to be :/Qp» ciosedout for v ..:•.; . . -. ''.■:-. . ... . . * **y Another lot for.-isc. A lot of Corset Covers for 35c. • .••'■ ; r A lot Vbf Gowns ■ f?/)^i are.tobe 1 sold for . ". / «31/w A lot of Muslin Drawers that /mi : were sold for 50c, -f0r: . ... . . . . &&y The End of Shiri-Waist Selling, -..:■ One lot of Lawn 7 and Gingham Waists that sold up to 50 and /(?/» 60c. f0r ...... ..... . .... . . . . . ; *®V 75c. -Shirt- Waists ' are to be -«'n«'>, sold f0r . . ; ., . ...... ../...... .. «^^ A lot of White -Waists that Bfi n sold up tosi;for '. : ..1:.7.. '.:L '-^Vy Silk -f Waists that "sold for $4 &r ■ QJJ and $svare5 v are to be closed out '' forv»/« •?<■>• BoysVClothing. The Odds and Ends Ire to Be Soid Out To-Ooy. ' Boys' All-Woollen Suits "0 / f?/) are; to' be sold f0r ,7 .. .... . . / 0/.%? v. 7 28 Boys' Suits, that sold for $4, fine all-woollen goodsj are to be <£«>/)/) closed out f0r .... . . . . . . . . $»• *fy A lot of odd Pants are to be pSf* closed out f0r.. ............... «vU Carpets— Hundreds of Yards of Remnants and Odds and Ends firs to Be Disposed of To-Day. Bring your measure— enough in some for rooms.: ,/..■ /.:,::;/ Tapestry. Carpet for 40 1 and 50c. .. Moquette for 50, 60, and 75c. Velvet for 60, 75, and 85c. Ingrain for 25, 35, and 40c. Quite a lot of Rugs and Trunks are to be sold cheap. About 2,000 yards of short lengths of Mattings that are in our way are to be sold out at your own price. Trunks and Satchels, About fifty of them leftover. We want the space. ■ You can buy them at your own price. • Lace Curtains and Draperies. 2,000- pairs Lace Curtains that sold up to 52.75 and $2 are to be a » ■/)'/)• closed out for ... . . . .. : ...-..;<»/. vv 2,000 pairs of Curtains, were $1.25 and $1.00, are to be sold.»« for........... ......... ..... (OG Quite a lot of Fine Curtains that show a slight handling are . to be sold cheap. • 7 One lot of Damask /Table Covers that sold for .98 and 75c. are to be ; 'r /in closed out f0r .... . .-■ . . ........ Oi/G The House ware Department is Going to Sell fill the Remnants That Accumulated From Last Week. Dinner Sets that have a piece or two short— quite , a lot of them ; are to be sold for quite a sacrifice./ "7 About 2,000 of Odd Tumblers and Water Glasses, Granite, Iron, Tin, and Wobdenware, some Haviland China are to be sold cheap in order, to close out. Toilet Sets, with a piece or two miss ings marked down to one half the price. will join his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, of New Bedford, in Italy, and will", not return until January, when the family will go South' to spend the winter, months. Miss Elise. and Elizabeth Davenport will doubtless come to Richmond ..... for the Horse Show. . - ■ ■ •-. - - * «. • /. - Mr. and Mrs. Fendley Dickinson have returned from a sojourn at the Blue Ridge Springs. / ; . " . ' - . - ; - ' . * a * -Cards have been issued to the marriage of Miss Maude Eugenia Wood Mr.vA. M., Williamson. The ceremony will -be performed ;en Tuesday, Sept. 30, at the Methodist Episcopal Church, ; South, at Shenandoah, Va. - " "• " ' / Miss Annie Wise Mayo returned yester day from a charming trip to Boston and other northern . points. : Miss; Mayo has bsen away a. month, and was trie recipient of much attention during,her stay. ■■ ''*-,'* ■-■-.•- ' '•■'' ■■■'■■■■ ■■ ■ . Miss Mary Mea'de Burwell has returned from; a. delightful visit to Boston and Clinton, Mass. At the latter- place' she was the guest of the Misses Winston. // • Miss Eleanor Abbot, daughter of Gene ral Abbot, of. Boston,: Mass:, „who was 'one of, the bridesmaids at theHudgins-Mo'ran r wedding yesterday, will- arrive, in. thelcity to-day, and will be the guest ■■ of Mrs. James A. Grigg, on south Third street./- ... , Mr. Joseph "■■'. Bryan ..has 7 recently -con tributed -to; the Belle VS./ Bryan Day Nur-': scry " and ; Free ; Kindergarten two i: porce lain-lined bath tubs, and has also had hot and cold water placed in •.:'. the- building,: which will cover a long-felt need; -for the mothers, as well as for the children, of* the institution. ' - ' ■ • ■/.■ "■.".." 7 '■•/.-' ;•■ '.;-.■■; .7 V : * .•: '*•■ ..''-. -.':': ] :.":':■: Mrs. James B. Pace" has "sailed from England, and is .expected /. home 'next week.'.:','" '.7 ■.-■"• ■ '•■/ -■■■-":' *..'.■-"•' -.■-.- — ■ ;:; - ■..-: ■ -■- J--. : :■■' * • * 7 ; ■ : Miss Ella Jackson has returned i from a charmirigvisitto Wythe"ville,.ya:/. 7 ■■ : ■'. '_■'■'■ ' •' -'; : . : ■; . /V si^ .-♦ ■'■'! ■".-'■'■~-'-7./ ,'7: : :' '- 7 ;..' Misses Mamie/ and: Emily: Jennings /will leave ' Saturday, to i spend J : some S.weeks-: at "tha '..'Summer" Rest," in.Aibemarle 'county. :'.' / ./ "7 ■"' / -■: : ~v;". : -i.-.'*. ■'•.»'■': *'••■'■"■;'. V-"-"-' 1 ; : " : : ;l "-' ■'?':' -:fi'. % J Mrs> Clifford : , Smither; /of . Noi-f qlk;^'ilf be ;. the .-; guest of vMiss r: Page : Booker,- in .Mrs. P. ;L. Gumr has from^a" :delightful{tw6^m6nths\strip,sdu'ririg": which; shep.visited Sthel; PrlnciasaJ Anne?JHotel3fa£' !OTJf^^?^.^ch;\toe>Blue%RJdgV*Sprlhg^ fand^ForStjlLodge Inn, at .Glen AllenJ'i dMrsi^Gunn will be at ?M5 east 2 Franklin; iitroetlthid whiter. - -^$^||pgg| I-Xrtf, \V. J. Johnston, who is now In •WashinsxQD, »a ejepeoted to s Chesapeake and t Ohio; /arid he left here last week for Prince, W. Va. S;Miss:Ltezie ;Umlauf A who/has beenfsum-' mering in"' Albemarle'-couhty,"' has; returned to her . home'7 in: this "city.-; >; ... ■ 77 %J .-•■. - . : • • • ;- Mr. % WV. H. X, Glazebrook^v formerly-.;; of ißichmond,i ßichmond, : -but ? now iof r; StJ/TLouis, ; who has been^ spending : some 't time .visiting ;Mr.' Preston Belyin ; in '-■':- Miss Willie England, of r Ashland, is vis iting the / Misses Garthright, "of South Cherry : street. ■_'.'■ '•'.'. ■'■'.'■[ jyTarichesi-er and Ghesterffelci At- the meeting of the School; Board' last night, Mr. J. J. Bayley offereH ■ his resignation as chairman, of the. board,, and it was accepted. He' gave as .'the reason his ; appointment as "master- me chanic in the railway shops ' at Lawrence ville, Va. Mr. Bayley, ; in presenting his resignation, made quite a lengthy speech; reciting his association with the" board through . the . troublous ;■ times - : they . have recently experienced. Both Mr: Bayley and the -members present were visibly affected. ■, x . Mr. Shotwell was elected to. fill. the va cancy made by Mr. Bayley's resignatiori. Mr. Bayley :has filled the position 7 with ability, and his departure from the board,' however admirably, the chairmanshfp may be" conducted in the future, "is sure to be felt. ~ Mr. Wakefield, speaking of ; the de parting chairman, was unable to proceed, being overcome by emotion.: Messrs. Jones, Wakefield, and L. M. Nunnally were appointed a committee to draft reso lutions of regret.' .: . '..':' -. , Mr. . Shotwell reported from - the Grade Committee/ on the action of -the Assembly in answer to the request of the . commit tee for relief from the present" over-crowd ed condition ,of the public | schools. . Dr. 'Rucker '-. spoke in favor". of, / and ' made '■■; a motion' that, temporary quarters be 'leashed at.Tenth and Hull streets. He said that inasmuch as the next Legislature would undoubtedly pass; the bill allowing, the School' Board to borrow money' for the erection - : of. a permanent. school, _it ; would be futile to use the money allowed by : tfie Assembly for the erection of a temporary structure. His motion .was lost, however, arid I the Building and Land , Coriimittee ordered to investigate and report 1 on the most feasible - scheme for getting a tem porary structure ready, for the use of the children. , '• ■ ' - . . * Mr: A. J. Daffron reported that lie would probably be able to "get seats for the -building, and the building will be gotten under course of construction as soon as possible/ : - ." ' - # - ■' ' »'•- The board was ' in ; session three hours, and. "besides the /business mentioned,- did much routine work.' Judge-Gooch,.repre senting the B. F. Johnson Publishing Company, was heard, and the board adopted for- trial in -the formation of grades Ellmore's' arithmetic. A boy named Lee? was expelled ! on the recommendation of Superintendent Pulliam, : and the follow ing-students reinstated, Wickham Lloyd and the son of Mr. W. ''-E.'Kahh. :./•: ./• ■- ■".■• . REGISTRATION TO DATE. The following is the registration' to date, given- in- wards: ' - - ■ First Ward— SO whites ; 1 colored, regis tered .under the property clause. Two ne groes rejected. • ; : -: \ ■ - Second Ward— l2l whites; 3 colored, 2on theproperty clause, and 1 under the un derstanding: clause: : : ' ■ • V Third Ward— s6 whites; 6 colored. 3 un der/property clause,-. 2 under understand ing 1 clause, and 1 (Major Johnson; who . served in the. Spanish-American -war) the soldier clause.. ' ."•/'.' .* - • -' :'■ Fourth Ward— Sl" whites.. Three negroes 'have applied, but were rejected. ■: MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED. / , Mr. and: Mrs. L.T. Winner have an nounced the approaching marriage .of their daughter, Miss; Ree 'Winner,- to Mr. Joseph- Hill' The ceremony will ■be per formed at West-End Methodist church, by Rev. A; C. Berryman,; September 24th. "";. - POLICE NEWS.f " ; James Riley, . an Irishman, who spoke with a strong ..Yiddish .accent, accord ling to an afternoon 1 . paper,';.., was / dis-^ charged by ; Mayor Maurice . yesterday morning on /a.] charge of drunkenness. - Lee -Wilkins," a former .boarder^ of Ole Olson's, who departed from the . domicle of Ole in June, accompanied by' several articles of wearing apparel belonging/to other . boarders., was sent jail for twenty days for not having $5 wherewith to~ pay; his; : m'ne. : :.•.,/ /■' The negro Graves, ■• who attempted ■ to beat .the little; daughter of Susan Robert son (colored),- . contributed • $10. - " : .CORPORATION COURT.- ' AVith a new jury composed of the regu larly .; registered .voters . 0 f : ; Manchester," the; Corporation Court/will open <• for ; one of :; the : busiest- and most/Important-sess ions it:. has known..:: Among: the" more' important"; cases -are: those". of ■: the iyoung white man, /Pitts, who is j accused of en ifenng; the /room of, arid V, attempting'.* to assault, .; Miss Morris;^ and/ th^t^of the;; f our,,.negroes ■ who: ; are .'accused - of murdering John Stokes (colored).- One of. the men (Davis); has practically admit ted, his guilt, and. the other three -aeree in-accusing him. ■ . - . Mr. William J. Puckett,. on-a of the oldest h and-best- known of Manchester's citizens,, died :at;his:hom"e,v2l7:Pocahontas: at;his:hom"e,v2l7:Pocahontas street,': yesterday morning; at- 2:40 o'clock ! after. a^shortailness^vThe. funeral -will be;,, held from Clopton-Street 'Baptist churclr to-day at 2:30.P.\M. ;\ y . ?:;< ' : ; , STREET-CAR ASSOCIATION. -An association . of : street-car: men' was organized /^Wednesday knight vtwith '■■ 115 members.- ; ; The-., following a officers '•'■ were elected : £„W. j T.v; Hart. J chief./ carman-; «-B.' S. > Smith, assistant ;1-F.VA'.^ Jones, ; record ing,;; secretary ; B. •: % T.- '-\ Barb-er, - , financial secretary; £ J. -E. -Davidsonr ■ treasurer- - T ■ B.^Franklln;tgulde;£W.^A;dMoore, ! i : :,wari 4eii; :C:;?ArCox,l sentinel ;^J.AW;'iiWeisiger^ chaplain;: J.' ■A.^Meredithi.pasts'cßref I car man ;-;C.^V./Rip2-an; -insurance S"agentr /Trustees— M^: L.- Walk'er.v: B./: l: ■-: Huband," FUNER At OF •, MIS S gCOSB V. ; Will Take Place from the Idencel r fiThe7 funeral - : of ' Mis s.-'■ Lottie /Lee :• Cosby, : jWho X died | at 'the j,VirginialHospital I early" yesterday^ihornin^.t "will Itakeiplacel from* the.lreßiaehcefo£3heriinoth6r, : iMr?. l; !Mattle| °A;HCostoy.ttNb/l 316 Invest | Clay;^ streets at?' 4* P:A M.'ii, to-day.M The interment swill | beii ih= Hollywood^The s pall-bearers!are|thVft>l-i |l6wlng:^f;Messrs."£ /-Robert *;WiitQri;^Rpb«rt! a Arthur. Samuel , W. : Bljnjer. \ Robert r S. . ;s^g&*> * .- .,.--... ,y..:.. .\ - ..-.. &ssss3s£ : EMPLOYMB NTIfWAHTS? ed, l^ VLoitn Bttvrtdti orj Btaltt^M^i}^^, BOrtod,^ properly I clasiifledii 85 * word«J,or^*M, tot* 2sc. f each- :iasN0:i340,.- Greensboro'; N. C. • ' - ;. • selS-4t* :;i-.7-,-v v\/'.'iaWAJfTED.:r-7 ■-. • 7---/^7^7 FOR '-UNITED "V STATES "ABMT! ABL*, bodied,';: unmarried: ; men- -between^ ages t of 21 ,; and i 35,<; citizens ?of S States ; of good character. and' temperate ihabits.wno can'speak, ; read, : ; and iwrite . English.'iv For information . apply to? RECRUITING; OF FICER, :110 i eastsßroad, - - Richmond,/: Va.. ju 2-W.F&Su39t i-V:77.: : /:-.v: - :7' WASTED,'-":,.-. /:-■'/-.- .;•;-■-■ 'A. ®TEACHERV OF SB VBRAXi^TBAKS ; experience i desires * a*« position , ih7 private -family -to /teach the -/usual /English branches,' Vibbth: vocal : and". Instrumental ' music; musics a '^'specialty ; s small /children preferred. . : Address i Miss . M:f ■• care ; ; post master, Riceville, ::Vas7 se 18-Th,FSun3t*. / :7;i;':Z ''-' '7.717 WANTED;^: -7 ■-.- . ; AGENTS ": WANTED-^-AN ' '-: ENERGETIC salesman ? to T accept 'ctheV agency^for,^ the sale \ and -general |; in troduction /'■ of | an t ar ticfe of > mechanism .;Uhat:; is ■ guaranteed to net 3 hun :"• aT, yearly; income /of rat least $5,000 ; to - $10,000; i very little -: capital ; rre quired. A.. F.i HAWTHORNE, Room 12, Lexington Hotel. ;V 7 > : - se 19-lt -•• -■-:■■ -';^ ; 77/WAIfTED,-'::^-'-/-/: - : -■■ AT 900 FLOYD 'AVENUE A -\WOMAN of experience >to - cook ' ; and - house clean for small familyi- ; Must ■have: good^rtf ferences. ::■ 7 / -,-n -■- .vu; ; . ; - -sel9-lt»^. ,"•.'.'• ■'•■-': ■-'■'' '■'-.■ waxted^"/ : '.:77.:,/-. /:. a ■'-'. position - -as : / stenographer and; Typewriter;- some '"experience and good 7 7 references: 1 - Miss 'MART 7L. HUTCHESON, 208 west Clay street,^ Rich mond. -. ■ . ' . ; s*e 19-F,Su&.W6t* - '■':>-: 7/'- ■■ -- ■-.- /WANTED, ■" '■ '7V7 V ' ./";-; POSITION AS BOOK-KEEPER; CAN give references as to ability and charac ter. v/Address A.-B.- C.,/407: north" Eleventh street. : ' : . . "• - ":-7 7sel9-lf 7 ■ : -■■' .-••- ■ : -. ; :,;.-.-^.waktbd;: ? '7..-, ■--/ ". .-t- /- A CHANCE ; FOR : HUSTLERS -IN THE health and accident j- insurance line. We make the 'agent a : 'participator "in : the profits.: Write at once for particulars. F. R. VAN DUSEN, Detroit, Mich. . ,/se:l6-7t- . --\i .■ ; -.■>' ...... "..,- .- - IVAXTED,7 P v .- : -7 ■:■:?■■? ■■" A REGISTERED -PHARMACIST WITH some -capital to take half ;. interest7.in small I stock .of general j merchandise .and handle drugs ; good " town ; , : no opposition ; paying; business;: money in it to the right man.. R. L. FITCH- COMPANY. Kitm ball.W. Va. : - :' se 19-d2t3ewlt* ; :-. .7-- ; • „-■ 7. wanted.7 -.: -■-■/--:'- ■■/ a competent- cook and clean er. Must have . references. Apply at 1312 Grove avenue. :. '7 \\- se 19-2t* - FARM MANAGER/WANTED. FOR A SMAL-L :PLACE NEAR RlCH mond; an experienced Working Manager; young man r.\ preferred.'. Give experfence and* pay expected.' /Post-Office Box 666, Richmond,- Ya:;. 7/ :-.-; se 18-lt* / BE AL ■ ESTATE AT PEIVATE SALE. I FOUND IN FRONTS OF -MY RESl dence, 901 ! west: Clay. /street, ONE TUB LARD.' Owner . can' obtain , same .by pay ing for advertisement and proving prop erty. C. U. i TIGNOR. ■ sel9-lt EXCHANGE: FOR ; •'.-.■ : . WOMM'S WORK calls : attention to the opening , for the fall season. /A large /.assortment : of • "EMSROI DEKIES and LACE :.WOEK on hand. ; - Orders taken- for 7 all styles "of WHITE WORK./ ' ■;,:;■. „:,'': ,-. > ,r/,, r /, „: ; v ; '..,_.; OHILDKEN'S /CLOTHING' a" specialty. se\l9-F&Xu2t ? 7 '■■:.'^-: 7 r " . . Christian, Jr., John R. Wilbon, Jr.,. Eddie Cosby, Frank Cosby, and* John_Kain. pp The death of , Miss • Cosby jwas expected. She v had -been* ill at /the" hospital for sev eral /months, though 7a 'month or more ago - she was .taken ; home,' : where she re mained several weeks.7 A>few days ago she returned to", the' institution' and under went - another/ operation.' -She : was never again 'conscious. /She died at 4:So;yester- the'daughter of the late Police Sergeant Junius A: Cosby, probably the best-known police officer in Richmond at the , time of his | death, | about -a ■ year ago, and one of the. most popular men ever on the - force. ' • -' :*. Miss Cosby: was twenty-four .years o t age.-. She has been/a : great sufferer. :^. - The mother of the deceased, Mrs. Mattie A Cosby, - survives her. V She also / leaves a sister, Mrs.' Ada Cosby Weems, and two half-brothers^ MrJ R-; A; vschutte,/of^ city, and Mr. Henry A. Schutte, of TNew Tork.7-.-.:/, .7.:": V..", -.'■.■; -. .....7\ ■"' -" .' '„ - ■■ Steamer Berber -/PlcfcedtJp. NEW ORLEANS, September 18.— The steamer • David, /Captain -Durye, / from Truxillo via. -VCeiba^ -Honduras,' reports that on September 12th, ■ at ■ 5 ' P. M.,^ when between Ceiba- and '■ Truxillo, she fell in with- the Norwegian .steamer: Bergen, from Truxillo for -Havana,- with SSO/head of cattle, with :her "propeller gone; and towed her into 7 Truxillo. >When picked up she had been drifting for/ three; days and had placed: her cattle on short al lowance.'..:'■ r- r :-;"■:•'■ ' : :; r ; ' Clothiers/ Close Early. ' v;/y Every- . clothinjn, ' furnishing, 1 and ; shoe store on -Main street, with the* exception of two, closed Wednesday at 6 P: M. It is thought ■ that within .' the : next day the naitfes of;: these two will* also /be added to the eaflyj closing -list. ,"- - -•"-,*."' The following are those on Main street who!close-at-;6/P. : M.; except Saturday: W. ■:; E. :Drew,^Alleny & Wilson,. M. H. Garnett. ; . Constable ' Brothers, ; Cox ; & Shea; Taylor & yßrown,y ßurk - & Co., .K. Fisher &. Son, v and -Theodore "Nelson./ / Major Randblpli/Rettirns. „- Major: and: Mrs. Norman: V.:, Randolph, of west ~ Grace street, * returned 1 : from Waynesbdro,* /Brunswick cou nty; /-yester day.v ■ Mrs. " Randolph? .-who has / been •• in poor 'health, /has beenv/in the /.mountains for about 1 three ■months.^ Major/ Randolph has-been 'with iher about .thirty days., His own =health ; is: much improved., ,//*- / ■. ' STEAMSHIPIVIEN' CONFER. TJniform. 'Rates/ lor : EuropenniSouth ■■.■ '■■■-■■'■ :• :-■ American Lines.- '-.- ■■■. ...j-. , bsTEN^,-; 'BELGIUM,' September : 18.— "A : conference of the .managers of the Ger man?. and ; British^ steamship '; lines : plying between ' Euro pel. and •?. South '-^America .: has beenr-begun here:lil The" purpose, /'ofr the conference: is to f establish: uniform "freight rates'in the South .American' trade. : , /The": rumors \that the conference had if; view; the ]of fa :^trustv f Or .' the ; pur- i pose of'fetain^afmbmipoly^i^the^ trade between i Europe^ an4.^ South. v America -: in • the -hands i of I? European f ship "0 wiiers, lean not be Iconfirmed: '''- .:V^he^xConferen^e^h^s;;a|fe^y.K held; -two sessions; but It is ; not expected- that \ the decisions^ willV; be^ given '.-: out ; until^lthey : have,;b'een'.ra^e^;ibyHh'e ? !c t ompa^^:.cOTi'f4 : cerned.\;/;-It'' ; /Isi ; said^, however, v. that % trie conferencQ.has -practically decided, 1 :: in /view^bf vtlie "\ continuance '■ of the} low] re tu rr : 'freight .raites^tol make^fgen'eral ; Increase •piC 'l 2ojper : fcentl-';3^^on\butgoing(ffeightft^La Pla^:~lt''isT^ded^thatJ^simll^;in^easa' wili!b*elmVde'!by-It^eliines^plyingl^^^ New York and Lcl Plata. . . " Schooner Ma i thew* to» i. September l&^Thfj Ithr^masted ? s^OTnorJoor^l^ttliewsiitbf \ •Ne^Torl^bpJ^|tfol^^wbcffy^rtlfor) ,jNe^T(Drk|ci^^weo^sfiorefat / lfo'clocjci s]W^^rnini^^l^o^Md|HU}:|bl^o^ jOtiatham, and will;b6j'a!£to^l?loss.^,Thel ?«a?aJtfJnvthljs^^ I rAXES JFOK|THBj gJ^fg^SSkm ?l[*ttO tn AfHZYVI AR#AKBiTO ftSTS &PAXD.££fW : iRATfIBrfT^^N^RfANDjT^ |VENI>EE.- I . -j£~®^;: Wffif.'- 'By Sutton & Co., // - *■ ."- 'Real Eatat't. Auctioneers, iMfefSSSlloT^fe^^Ell m SIDE i\ OFATHIRTIETH.f BETWEEN., % i . Q.AND R.STREETS^NO.f.IIIO . , '." 'NORTHiTHIRTIETHTy y; ■-* - >/, I 7 STREET. - At f the recfuest ; of r&ei owner, 7we ' "shall "offer. 1 for 3; sale? at ft public^ auction,}, upon the -premises," /on * ' * - , " " ■777FIUDAY/ 'SEI^EMBER^W, 'I9O2,;/ v '- at; 5 > o'clock* P^i;?Vthe" i PROPERTT- above : described:' "; -I- r;,'^.-./.' 7": ;%? : -* ?■'•"■':£ •".'■-'• -■'"■■'■ yine ': house contains ■ two ,or.,three rooms andStheelot" fronts;2s,nfeetaon; the--west sidev.Thirtieth 3 street, '; rimnlng-v bacK r /be-. ;tweeh-i parallel /lines \, about s 130 if eet / toj an alley:. - v; : 7/ i>'; /- ; .7;7//^ : ':■, i'7V7.7 ■-'-;;• " 0 TERMS: /Atsale/ 7---7 ; - "; .■:.-; ;-:.--,'_ 7. *. . •. . •- :. ■ SUTTON i&" CO., . se; lT^tds' - - : - ' 77 : -/,: Auctioneers.;/ • ;/By./The' Valentine Auction Co.,\ 7 / 7 : ;':-;i'-: : -'-.-v-.:612'-east'-BroadTstreetr". Large;' ; attractive' auction •ssalb of : fine -/furniture, ' cuttes i roller-top " desk.' of fice chairs. upright ;show-v: .-- -: case, wall7 show-case,' / ' ■j .:■-'■■' ..- vIiACE -CURTAINS. FINE - - .;. 7 . ENGRAVINGS.^ CROCK- . . ERY. CARPETS, ,7; • : ETC^/ETC:-/ ■ /::-.: Wo will sell at our -auction warerooms, Gl2' east/Broadv street.: /; / ' -, "7 '".'.■ THIS (Friday) MORNING, SEPTEMBER / 7 7 19TH/ AT 10:30 O'CLOCK./ //. Four Massive, Handsome . Oak :■ Chamber Suites;:- S.Walnut Chamber Suites; Hand some Ebony Parlor; Suites; « S -Walnut Leather-Seat DiningChairs;-9Oak Oflice Chairs; Cuttes .Roller-Top 7 Desk; ; s%-foot Oak China t ;Case;::Oak and /Walnut Side boards; Fine Enameled: Iron Beds; Oak Wardrobes ; I Lace Curtains;; Fine j Steel Engravings; '■ Brussels iCarpets Mat ting; **large-:iot of -Crockery; /Mantel Clocks; Z Stand ; ? Pipe: Wall Show case; '*. Cherry ' Lunch V Tables; Rockers; Cooking ' Stoves; /Heating./ Stoves; , ; Ma ttresses and Springs: and/other Household Furniture. 1 . The entire sale \of Furniture is:really;first ! class -and .in, splendid con dition; used >only "a short -time. The' ladies are invited :to attend.. ; . " THE -VALENTINE AUCTION. CO.. >,/sep 1 19-lt ;'-'••• I „. . 'Auctioneers. ■;.'~?: •/.■■•-■■'■■ SPECIAJL NOTICES. : WISTER: HOME FOR TOUJiG LADIES. IN WASHINGTON. MISS A. T. DANIEt/. Address until October. 'White ; Sulphur Springs, W. Va. For particulars apply for/circular. -■ se 17-edtoc 1 ■ typewriters rented J3 per month. All feUK<~» «scaanged, repaired, bought and sold, j Supplif* for aO typewriters. Hibboas that do not fill thd type. .'Carbon' Paper thot does . ,iot -smut •Phones— New, 895: old. 1805.'" Twelve Six Main. SOUTHERN, STAMP AIrfTsTATIONEaY CU ':.':': '7-^/7//: // ] ' : ' ' 7 ' /•' ap 24-6m - :■ 3VOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. .WANTED. TO HIRE A STONE CRUSH er. Address E. •T. D. MYERS. Jr., .Civil Engineer, William R. Trig?' Company. : - ..■- ■'■ ■ - -''y-y -. - : - "--". - : /sel»-lt' APPLES,, CABBAGES/ ■ POTATOES, ONIONS, ETC. -'■- - . WAXTED C ,' " * , " , ■ FRUITS AND PRODUCE BOUGHT OR handled . on ; commission. J. L. SANDERS, Commission and Merchandise '..Brokor, Cuthbert. Ga.We are always in the mar ket for special bargains. "Correspondence invited.'.'--f. :. ....r" 5«,7-2w* MEETINGS. A STATED : CONVOCATION -—--r- OP : WASHINGTON ROY AL Mffi& ARCH. CHAPTER, No. 0, will be W**& held in . the tabfernacle in Masonic ■"*•*' Temple THIS (Friday) EVENING at .7:30 o'clock. \Septeraber : ID, 1902. 7 . ; Members of : sister chapters and visiting companions 'are .'cordially 'invited.' ' By -order of theM.E.H. Priesf: ' T - • ■ --77-: - , ' ; :' .' R: B- SNEAD, : sei9-it- * - . . - : 7 secretary- BUSINESS WASTS. ■ r : wasted, 7. TO ..RENT A /SMALL DWELLING.-' OR about six rooms. in a largefone, centrally located. / Unexpired' lease would be taken Address PERMANENCE, Dispatch office. •:■•/;-. -7^'.' ;, WASTED, : ' "" '-: * PUPILS IN, SHORTHAND AND TYPE writing:; For "all particulars, apply to RICHMOND SCHOOL OF !STENOGRA PHY,, Miss Poythress, Principal, se 2-lm 7 : 7 .-,• ./ WASTED. ■ ;. "-;-".-,- ONE. TWO, OR THREE FIRST OR Second; Floor Rooms, furnished or:unfur nished, with , or without board, "by gen tleman "and .wife without •children. West Grace street prefered. 8., Post-office Box 665. ■'-. • • se 17-W,F&Sun3t*> . >--: -; ">>? wasted, TENANT FOR - DESIRABLE . FLOOR; two wlarge, .bright rooms i and ■ hall-room; freshly papered; convenient to'bath.'Har rison ? street, between Franklin and Park avenue. 222 Harrison street. .; se 14-4t • : „ . WANTED, NICE: BOARDERS AT, NO. 408 EAST Grace' 'street. . se IS-3t "■'■'';:.[;>.: WASTED/ ■ /'-v- / ■ /■ ■ TO RENT/. OUT TO-. GENTLEMEN Three Rooms, with use of bath; hot water heat; . furnished or unfurnished.- -Refer ences "required. Apply 505. west Franklin street. ?£-■;•; // : . =•■■* '--'; ' se rl4-lwr 14-lw« J WASTED, '-r-nr. STUDENTS; SHORTHAND TAUGHT by expert. •; Two -nights a'-week;' Address J., S. PATTERSON, care Chesapeake and Ohio ■railway. • .se 17-W,F&Sun3t* : / /:-:/...«"> / : wasted. . - '■ . ".-■■ / . SHOE i REPAIRING - BY THE ONLY Shoe.Factory in the city. ' - v 1v 1 Whole Soles, : just /like : new, ?1.00. Men's 'Half-Soles, 75c. .'■; ;/ Ladies'/'Half-Soles, 60c. / > / ; - Everj- Shoe J Restitched.,. Best Leather. ''.'Phone 'l232.: Will .; send:; anywhere, ;re paTr. and; return/promptly. -:' r -DREWS' .'ELECTRIC-' 'POWER' SHOE FACTORY.. 737. east Main street." : :'-. : -^ MBiiifiiGliiSi miss|^see|p^^6rrls^pSincipal: : : 412 - west;; main 5 streets :j-s^^ensJSE^EMßEl^^^JcjrTOlars: j s^^ensJSE^EMßEl^^^JcjrTOlars ;to ;j(be l; had &'at I bookstores.- Tv p-tawii J drai stores,-or"from the "principal. .: •. ■• , |^(£f,>> , • au;27 T W,F&Sunlrii*^ - . WESTMINSTER* SCIfOOJL. MisstcXß^iE'i]^B?CAJkn»BkLL V "- ; '-f " vsgssßsagsss&sm ! the ) SchQor*? new! and | larger ■ Quarters "-No. : LTOsiwesttGracolstreetr?^s.»->- --^Vb^ f-Faculty. 'of; ten:-.v ; '^■'^■^:>^-^i-^ WSMg®?,-. -.. . .r,r - .1 ~~" 3s*E£e& §lIRrHBN|BEAI^yESrATET-S SOLn^C ■TAXEammITHUxCnTtREiiT CAX^? DAJIITEAK^AIIE^rO : BE PAID^: ■ ber j 29th^at r 12 ; o'ciock,- ; at ; th 5 ShiD-v*^" ;of*the:Petersbtirff?lron-Work -7/ ;/ 7 7 : i' * Petersburs,- " vV l-selß-tds'-7;;./: /' . . "" Va !-p . : BylEdward S. Rose Coin pan-/ * > .7; 'R*** l / Estate Auctioneers. ' T:KUSTEE'S AUCTION SATE n» l^-HOUSE AND LOT ON GltAHvv STREET. FULTON*. ' By\virtuer of" ascertain deed of tm«* dated. 15th June, 7 l9oo. and recorded 1^ the -Clerk's: office. ;Henrico County Cni-»? Deed-Bookl6o A; page 366. default havu been the -payment of &» '/^ thereby secured, and bein?: roqu!r*i ! W /the" .beneficiary r so to do, I wtlt s .n ? auction; upon the premises on T TUESDAY. 7 THE : 23D DAY O P north line of Canal street of 43 fe»t ar.i exfenflinjr. back % between parallel lines w feet, to an alley 10 feet wide. All of th 4 nbpi-e houses find ready tenants at fii rentnls. ' - , TERMS: Cash. : " L. TV. GLAZKBROOK, ' . E. H. PPENCTS. f f .. , JO LANE .STERN. sel9-tds ; ■■./> ■'- > / ' ■ Trustees. LEGAI/* NOTICES. TO -THE ' TRUSTEES OF AMORY, Tredegar. '". Marion. Springfield. Artlzan Sampson, Shockoe Hiil. and Hutchins.m Divisions. Sons of Temperance, if llvins. if not. to any one concerned, or their heirs at law: Whereas, there has been nri interment for twentj' (20) years in a let marked .quarteir sections one (I) and four (4):in.-sectioutthirteen (13). ranee twenty two-7'(22), to' -Shockoe Cemetery; and. whereas, neither they or an;- one con cerned are» known ; to -the Committea an Cemeteriea to; reside, within. city, you ars therefore hereby notified by this publica tion that neither -the trustees or any om concerned: appear within thirty (30) dayj from the last day of this publication, to wit..- September 26. 1902, then the sold quarter- : sections uvwill be cons-dared v having, reverted to:- the 'city of PJchmom), in pursuance of. section 5 of Chapter :i, Richmond City Code,' 183 D. ... : . ; ' E. H. SPENCE, . .Chairman Committee on Cemetery. EXCURSIONS. The Last r xcursiqQ oof0 of tlie Season, to : - Via u.,-F.&P.R. R. MW DA ;, September iii>. 1902 l Train .: leaves Broad and Hancock stueS, Monday morning at 9 o'clock. -. Seturniny," : leaves Ninth and Mar7!isl avenne", ": "Wasliinffton, Tuesday, ' Septen-ei 30th, : at ,6 P./ M.;: sharp. " Bound-Trip 'fare Elchmond to WashinjM^ $2.50: • . •."-,.:-.-'■. /;■:■'■. ■ " ■"-, '"■-■ - ■:: "WE GO HAI2T OK SHINS.; • 1 For tlckats" and information, inquire of I M. Thompson, ; 20 - oast Broad street, and a the train. / . - ? : Train stops at all regular stations let»«l Bichmond and Quant ico. ' ■ ■ .:•'- J.H.: THOMPSON i 'CO. ; " • se 'l9 K81,23,25,26,28-6tK 81,23,25,26,28-6t FOR RENT, : . for ; rest, " a large. and nicely fl'r'mshed DWELLING;".;, desirably located t*x Monroe "! Park, .v Stable ' and carriage-hoa-^ on premises. : _ ■ H. SELDON TAYLOR. :\ sel3-lt No. S north Elevenih sired. ? READ ESTATE AT PRI VAT E SALEJ. Bargains in LEEMONUMENT LOIX Spedal Bargains— Two lot 3 FRA32- LIN STREET, $10 under market price. .' GRACE: STREET— Ons lot, 35 uad - r market price. ; IVY STREET— One lot, 52 .50^ market price.' 5 You can double your .money onth^ se i9-3t POLLARD & BAGBY.? AMCSEMEXTS. "'■ "'"'* - : TO-NIGHT S:3O. HUNTING FOR HAWKIIS> ,; ■•■.-■' .Prices, 15, 3. "3s 'and 50c.. - ■ s : - -; .".--■ '. : " . MATINEES . -J Tuesday, .Thursday T and Saturday —r - ■;••. ;■-. Prices 10, 20 and Xv. The Confederate Mussum, I ATfITCLAY STS. *. : -Open'*daUy : _from 9A.M.to 5P- & . Admiasibni 25c. Free oa Sacurf^y*. ':i!d r elß-1y.X4;.".-- ; .":- ;; -:' ■:.'.- " ; '-'' " j -' ||Efy|NTINEMUSEi 'CLAY' STREST* : S'Open^ daily 'from 10 A. M. to 5^ P-fh^ c? "Admission;^ 2S cents^ * Free on > ba'.uru« . - ' " BCntt_MKR'RESO3.TS. - .^ re*Qri^Ftne";vlaws;:J strong, "CaaW^. p«alw 3 andiOhlo .raUways: Only .1^ -&J Wnc|JUcluri<»a43Be»3onaWesraJei - *|