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Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, January 04, 1903, Image 16

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1903-01-04/ed-1/seq-16/

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j%fffcg^\?: -
Two Smiles of LJnusu&l Import&ncc W^itii
Qur Annual January White Sale
for wliich we have made the mosfcextravagan^
parations have richer been more- complete or prices lower; . Ouigadvice is, make your purchases now, while assort
ments are at their best. *--.". -"•■.:■'■ !j, -. ■ . ;:.. \ .. , ; : ; \ „ ,-: .■
New tWash Goods
> of the Wanted Kinds.
■■ -. ; •■'-'- ; ■ ■ a -«■■.-- ■„ ..■■-'. ..■■■■• , .' . -
'i '■■ Reals4rish Dimities in new ; and
effectiyp and colorings,
25C. ' ;£' \ ■"' ' ' '[ ■'..• : ■
Striped Linens for shirt waists,
new arfd stylish patterns, arid col
orinss^Soc ■: .
? RibbSh Striped Muslins ; new and
stylish^4oc, . :
Silk {Striped Grenadines, new and
stylishr patterns, 50, G9, and 75c.
' Embwuidered Swisses ; new and
stylishi- patterns and colorings,
50, > 60.VJ5. ; So;- $1.00.
Figured Silk and Cotton; Mous
selines^ new. and: stylish patterns;
all street and evening shades, 50c.
'. Fine^rMistrals, new and stylish,
in"alir*he wanted shadings, 35c.
Linen- Ducks, in all the wanted
shades,-" 50c> • ' [ ; : :
Mercerized Oxfords. new and
stylish^, patterns, 50c, 59, and 75c.
Embroidered dotted, new
and stilish; Ssc. •'■•■ ■',
Real^En'glis'h '.Galatea Clotlis, ab-
Eolutefy fast colors,. 15c. -
I Cottx^i Grapes, in new and stylish
weavei^ 1 ' every '■conceivable i shade,
19c' M
Embrcideries aiid Laces
oiir Own Importations.
The most complete and varied assortment r ever
sliown by any Richmond house.;
X Two Very Spsclal Yaliiss.
■' 2,700 yards Cambric edges.- 4 , in tho
liewest and most effective patterns
and in widths from S% to 8%
Inches. The kind that retailevery
where.at 16 2-3, 20. and 25c. Spe
cial. 12% c. per yard. ' '
Tho 15 and IG2-3c. kind in widths
from 2 to G inches wide. Special,
lOc'per yard.
Cambric Embroideries
The newest and most effective
patterns. v V ,
•Cambric edges. 1 to 2 inches
5 and Cl-4c.
-Cambric edges 1 to 4 Inches
wide. 8 1-3 and 10c.
Cambric edges, 2 to 7 inches wide.
12% and 15c. _^
Cambric edges 3 t0. 9. inches wide,
16 2-3 to 20c.
Cambric edges 4 to 12 inches wide,
25 to 30c.
Wide Cambric edges- with inser
tion in widths, from 9 to: 14 inches,
20. 35. 40. and 50c. . .
Nainsooks edges, 1 to 2 inches
•wide. 6 to 61-4. , -
l^ainsooks edges 1 to 3 Inches
wide, 81-3 to 10c :
Nainsooks edges 2 to 4 inches
wide. 12% to 15c.
Nainsooks edges, 2 to 6 inches
wide.,2o to 25c. . . -■* "
Nainsooks edges. 5 to 10 inches
■wider3o to 50c. • ■ :
Cambric Insertlngs, 1 to 1% inches
■wide;sHo 61-4 c.
■Cambric Inserlings, 1 to 2 inches
■. wide, 81-3 to 12% c. '
• • Cambric Insertings, 2 to 2% inches
iwide;is to 25c.
;■•,-;• Nainsook ..'' ; Insertings, 1 to 1%
inches wide. 10 to 12% c
•Valenciennes Laces*
Cur Own Importations.
I Edges and Insertions/entirely
new patterns, in an • immense : as
sortment.^Prices, 25. 35, 40,' 50, 75,
$1.00. $1.25 to $9.00 apiece. ..
A January Sale of Table arid Bed Linens.
An r Unusual Opportunity to Fill All Your Linen Wants at a Saving.
Table Damask. .
The; 75c kind 5.......... ..-.59c. ,
, The S7%c. i-nds. ......:... 75c. 1
'■; The 51.00 kind5.. ............57M:C.
$i.25 kinds ............^.J1.00 ."
: The $1.50 kind 5 ........... ......51.25
: -The 51.75 kinds .......$1.50
Damask Cloths, all sizes and
widths and remarkably low prices.
;tIS-Inc; t IS-Inch r , Hemstitched All-Linen
Damask Napkins, $2.50 \.ozen. '
Dae In" Part To Six Xußtjr Intantt,
; Wlio Arrived In 1003— Some In
=;Vdu»trlßl Noies of Interest— Sale o£
■ tke Teiuplc Farm— Politics.
TORKTOWN. VA., ; January 3.—(Spe
cJal.)—With the advent of the sun on
morning, another cycle of time
had been passed Into eternity and a new
'" ora, full of hope and roseate lined. " from
the past year, opened
"'■ ianew; for old Torktown; and. the mother
of York; which! has^ seen so much
'^Df; American • hlstpr>' and \ given so much
??.?-»f ; value': to our country: i The \ past year,
marked with any event: of es
>f 'poclalei note, was full of minor Incidents:
i?? which lent considerable^ color to life; in
Pithecoid town. T as well as blessed the lives
Visnf its 1 inhabitants and- gave; renewed ac-
Uvlty to -" business .. life. Crops ■ have been
jii- cobd, turkeys tiroupht fair^ prices.- oysters
litand l-theraccessory" branches ' to ?.the oyster
•V business^ have - : had^a good "season,- and
!iitnVrcant!le- and other pursuits have felt
f||lhe~ Impetus; Euildlnjsr has been ■ heavier
pjtifnn i usual, and the ' people of this , sec
ftf tibnj of "country are living -better, 'and
£i^&a\Mnp. niore "of this world's : goods ■» than
riifver"' before.' Amon? the ..striking, inci
#Jai»nts: "of '• the ;■ :ir was- the '< visit of the
&?'oldSPoTninJbn v Pilgrimage- Committee,"
sMafi: New V.york. on a; pleasure^tour of the
aistorlc points connected with? the Re\'c~;
fej(itlonary ; War. The :: distinguished ladles
i-fefpi: i- this -pai-ty .found a rich .field of ; inter-'
«"■.'."'„ out- here. 1 - and were received in> true Vir-.
•S£f ginia l hospitality, and :; from - ; letters : : af-
H^torward -j received, by people ; of. the town,
: memories •of York ; are pleasant in-
' ; '--^i ■."■■"-. -'-'■■■ ■"• ..::' ;„'■■
of ; the good, luck .which
S v^;: has , at tended ft ho old . town "has . been the
llflfrMittarkable: increase.; 5n- population;;." This
P*^ has ; •'. not ;■ been ,' of ." the" , "flqtsain X arid ; jet- .
jKun'^.sortr^biit . ; real ■■ natives .of her 'soil.
The i good : old (town ■ does < not * numborTover
««.yenty-flve white Inhabltants,\l>uV to^thls
, gs^Bpartan ; band.l has :l>een r added [during; the ■
l||t^ jiia bl«a,v/ four';'; boys 'and Vtwo* strls. ,•• to ■" add ;
'fimivi-trf^io-- the} town's ' history; as;' well i a'sl
KfUiatlof." their r native "State.^ This is" a :
Kw;oria-baaUrig? record .;' of the town*
-:''isqufte'proud. Jj£*aSS£ii'ii£lSss
ffigZjrhis" place* has\been^naniedjas ;the | proi'
|fe'bftbleFi.t«*mlriu6 V'of % several
fpwadßi'srtioThoW i charter* f roml; the Stated
is :; the ' probability of Its ; be-
SJwl? onoV of /jUheb larest^^ports^bn^tha!
HgfAtJaotlc % fieaboardis^The % natural * : faclll-
V. Chesapeake*'
pirtiternTr«llway ■'hm ] completod it»; eur-',
One Extra P. K. Value-
Extremely Low Priced.
Figured P. X.'s, of extra quality,
neat land dainty patterns'. Thp
usual 25c' quality. Special. 19c.
English/ ICainsooks. put up in
pieces of 12 yards each, 15 and 19c.
■jer yard.- .
White Goods,
The Wanted Kinds,
Modestly Priced.
Sea Island Batihte. fine, sheer,
and lightweight, 15. IS, and 20c. per.
yard. V
French Batiste.
Our Own Importation,
■17 inches wide, fine, sheer,, and
light weight and a most" satisfac
tory wearer. Ask to see' our'spe
cial at r 2sc.
Other qualities at 53, 1 40, 50, .and
60c. , • ' __ '. ; ;; .
Linen Lawns.
Ona Extra Special Value.
3G inches wide, all pure linen, soft
and close, arid the quality that
has always retailed readily at 40c.
Special, 29c
Other qualities, \j, 50, GO, 75, to
51.25.",- - . ■■ .. .. ' '•
Sheer Linen Lawns, all pure
linen, 40, 50. 60, 75. to $2.00.
India Linons. excellent wearers,
81-4. 10." 12%. 20, and 25c.
French Nainßooks, fine and sheer
excellent washers, and wearers.
30, 35. 40. 50. to $1.00.
French Organdies, full two yards
wide, extra good values, 33, 40, 50,
C 5. 75, to $1.25. . , .
Persian Lawns, fine, lightweight,
and silky. 12% to 50c.
Wash- Chiffons, '4o. to .75c.
Paris Muslins, 50c. to $1.00.
• Corded P.K.'s. light, medium, and
heavy cords, 12% to 50c. .
$1.^5 Napkins ........ 9Sc dozen.
• 51.50 Napkins 151.25 dozen.
$l."io Napkins ........ ?1.50 dozen.
52.S Napkins .....^..52.00 dozen.
$3.50 Napkins ........53.00 dozen.
54.00 Napkins.. $3.50 dozen.
Hemstitched AH- Linen Pillow
Cases, the 51.25 kind $1... pair,
Hemstitched Aii-Linen Bolster
Cases, the 51.50 kind 51.i0.
Hemstitched AH-Llnen Sheets,
the $5.50 kind $5.00 pair.
vcy to within a mile or two of Gloucester
Point, immediately across the river. This
road 1 taps the coal-fields newly discover
ed in Virginia and West Virginia, and
covers a country rich in. both minerals
and lumber as well as agriculture. An
electric road has also been surveyed and
mopped, and will materialize with the
advent of the Tercentenary Exposition at
Jamestown. . »' :
The new Virginia Constitution which
begins 1 , to make itself felt tlO year, has
caused no end of commotion* among the
office holders of the county. November
-oxt is reckoning day and in anticipation
<" that great and t awful event there are
•unbers of good' citizens of Old York
who are anxious to serve the county in
an, official capacity. From Common;
wealth's Attorney down, there is such ii
display of patriotism as would do ..orior
to the heroes of Balaklava or Gettysburg.
County affairs are an immense checker
board, and the move of each man ts
watched l with keenest interest, less he
show more arder in espousing his coun
ty's interest than would be healthy for
the pocket of his fellow-citizens. The
first gentle simmerings of the ; political
cayldron are distinctly perceptible., but
the j bubble is deep and stqng and shows
We Wish You a
Happy New Year
as well as a prosper
ous one. We thank
you for your splen
did holiday patron
age—the best you
have. ever given us.
We thank you for
your patience and
good humor in wait
ing cheerfully on
the crowded days.
We solicit your
future business^ and
shall continue our
po)ic.y of lowest pos
sible prices, consist
ent with good qual
ity." '" :
* 14tii and Main Sts.
Gil Glass, Bric=a=Brac,
arid Art Geremics,
For Wedding Anniversary and Brioal Gifts.
Remember, our stock is the largest, and our prices
the lowest of any Richmond house.
Ladies' Muslin Underwear, New, Properly
t Made, and Rightly-Priced. > -
AVell^lade Muslin Gowns, H. S. $3.00,- $4.00, $4.90, $5.75,, $7.50, and
yoke; SSc. > 00
,, -«; >. ,„_ _. WVI t,,rkpfl Cambric Skirts, with 6-inch era-
Muslin Gowns.: --with tucked brok , er y . flounces j' our 'leader. $2.50.
yokes, -and medallions. $1.23. Cambric Skirt. - fashionably
Muslin Gowns, round yoke of ma< 3e. with knee flounce of lace
shirring and- lace, $1.59. ; . and tucks, neither straight or bias,
Muslin Gowns, round neck, point- $3.98. • '»";
ed tucked yoke, embroidery inser- Handsome. Skirts, lawn flounce,
lion, $2.00. ' ' : lace. trimmed, $5.50, $7.50.
High-Grade Gowns, which only High Grade Skirts, $7.50, $S.9S,
have to be seen to je appreciated,- $10.00, $13.50, ; to $1(5:50.' ; ....
18x36 Linen Huck Towels, hem
med; the $1.73 ones now $1.50 dozen.
20x40 Hemmed All-Linen Huck
Towels; the $2.50 ones now ' 51-9S
dozen. ,
22x44 Hemmed All-Linen ;r Huck
Towels, extra size and quality; the
?3.00 ones now $2.4o "dozen. . •
20x40 r Hemstitched All-Linen Huck
Towels, a great bargain, - 53.00 per
an unusual amount of steam pressure.
The fires of ambition, stirred by the imp
of political intrigue, and^fed' by the evil
spirit of personal gain,-\\-1H paint the old
town red at the next general 'election. ■■•■■.
The colored folks of this section of
country were out in force on New Year's
day, and celebrated the anniversary .of
the . emancipation proclamation with all
the vigor and native glory of the African
race. Everything was ebony lined, ex
cept the instruments of the negro !band
in attendance,, and the clear blue vault
of heaven. The' new Constitution does
not seem to have dulled the ardor 4 of
these sons of Ham, and they are still
able to show the-white man, they have
the right to enjoy, the blessings of free
dom in the manner peculiar to this race.
Nothing but a" seismic disturbance, a la
Mont Pelee, or a: Democratic: national
administration, can ever dull the Ethio
pian's delight of public display. A nation
that can :draw pleasure from attendance
at a funeral, can never -be.; greatly dis
turbed by a proscriptive article of govern
ment. . . ■ . ' ■",■ y > ■
While not disturbing -the negro's .. equa
nimity to any great extent, the -new iCon-.
stitution has surely given -rise to^ new
• political conditions, which cannot have
been overlocK<si. by all thoughtful people.
The old "}:.-*ukee maxim, "United we
stand, dlyiuad we fall,'*., is very, applicable
to: the present situation. "With the. love
of contention" removed, personal animosi
ties leading to political intrigue, would
undermine any political structure, no mat-,
ter how strong. ;. In conversation :: with
a prominent gentleman of the neighbor
hood, a few days ago.'your correspondent
learned ' of the * existence ' of r a ; "Reformed
Democratic party," in this "section, and
was authorized to make known its* exist
ence. , ".."*■'- -- ; - /. ■■.'/- : " : ■'
- Mr. A. O. Mauck is again at home from
Washington, D. C.,- where' he has been at
tending the short session of Congress.
When seen .by your correspondent,,. Mr.
Mauck: stated, that; it is .impossible ; tt«
tell whether the famous' Temple farm bill
can be gotten be.ore Congress this ses
sion or not. The bill must be offered
;underl propitious ■ circumstances, other
wise" it j. will be withheld. The St. Louis
World's Fair management has under con
sideration -the removal of -ae ; . celebrated
Moore .xiouse, on. this 'historic 'farm,- to
St:* Louis,:- to be ; used as one of the. great
drawing cards ; of- the .occasion.:: -
"Real, estate in York county is advanc-;
Ing by leaps and bounds. Mr. J. J. Whls
pell 5 has just : sold .= his magnificent Restate;
"Kentucky" forj a big^ fitrure. and Vreal-j
Ized 100 ; pe r; cenL on ) his . investment. -IThe
tide", of ; Northern and * Western " immigra
tion • iS; beginning .to -be .felt as ?ey-
deals In 'this >lineU have; been'
pulled? .off lately. Most 'of these; people
are; '"Michigan V. folks, v^and % reautly ;. adapt'
themselves ato the .newi climate ; and : con
dltlons, land -make ; many ; friends^ >■ i,;; ; v
vJcMrJ"andfMVs^v;R^.;C^Maitlan^:haVe ? fe^
; turned ?■ to 1 their.; home 'i in^ Newport ' News. 1
accompanied i^by^ Mr. ;;: Jameii 4 'M.i'X Cruik^
shank, after; spending \the : holidays las ; the
j^estfofiMr.tJohn^prulkshank.j. -; , r ."
r.tTh'e^UnJted? States * ;raohitbr.f Puritan, s^;acs,
-^Pebria;" g leftfltorl Newport^ Nowb, l^ *nd
Huapton^Boade^yeßtetdftyimorsloff, ,
Silk and Cotton
One Extra Strong Special,
Silk and Cotton Mousselines, good
quality, and- weight, colors. Pink,
Light Blue, White, Nile, Lilac and
Black. The usual 29c quality. Spe
cial, 19c pev yard.
American-Alade ; Ginghams, new
patterns, 10. 12%. 15. and 16 2-3 c.
New Percales. 12% c.
Corded and Striped Madras, 12%.
and 15c. ■'-- ;
Scotch Madras, in neat stripes
and checks, 25 and 30c.
New Fancy V
White Stuffs.
Exclusive Ideas.
Corded Madras in new and styl
ish patterns, 12%. 15, 19, and 25c.
Mercerized Damasks, in new and
stylish patterns, 35, 40, 50, 59, and
75c. ; ■
Mercerized Oxfords and Crcviots.
25,-29. 35, and 40c ! .
These are especially desirable for
shirt waists or shirt waist dresses.
High=Grade Furs
At Cleaning-Up Prices.
■$44.50 Squirrel sets, muff and boa, 522.50 Black Lynx Scarf, -now
now §39.00. $19.00. .
' „ _i _ ■,'■'■ , „. „. $.0.00 Natural Raccoon' Scarf, now
$39.50 Badger sets, muff and boa, v-r> '
n0w:533.50. . . ; . ♦?: oW> ■ ' \ >.
$12.00 Gray Lynx Scarf/now §10.00. ' 517.50 Mink Muffs, $14.73.
: 'WJSQ^kc^Mrien.^t, "now Mink Muffs. $B.CO. . "
$22.50. „■,/■: --.. '^..v. ■ 327.50 Mink Muffs, $22.50. , - '
. .-• ■: ';•'•:• • $30.00 Mink Muffs, $25.00.
. $10.00 Isabella Fox Scarf, now $]5.50 Sable Muffs, $15.00.
$12.95. >; $ig.so Persian Muffs, $14.00. "
$17.50 . Isabella Fox bcarf, now $3.00 Water Mink Muffs. $2.50.;
$14.00. • ' 55.9S Opossum Muffs, 14.95. .
Marrinjcre of 11. M. Itoberts andMlss
■■.-: Allen— Scottfcrille Affairs.
SCOTTSVILLE. VA., Jan. £.— (Special.)
Tn' the list of marriage licenses issued,
to Virginia couples and reported by the
"Washington correspondent _mi the Dis
patch of.. last :. Sunday, friends at this
place were much surprised to see the
name of Mr. H. M.: Roberts, of H'ender
wn, Ky. ( and Miss L. G. Allen, of Prince
Edward. Mr: Roberts has, been principal
of the graded school here since the fall
of 1901. and Miss Allen has had a school
near Ermont for the sanie ; length of
tinve. She is closely related to Mrs. .Wes
ley Lane, of that place, and has been an
inmate of her household for. nearly two
years. , . -.. : . ■:. . ■ ■
■A -few -"days' before Christmas Mr.
Roberts announced to some of his friends
that he was thirsting for ; th'e Grand
Opera and thought ofJtaking a little trip
to Washington. He did: so. So did r Miss
Allen, by way of -Charlottesville. ; On
theirreturn thebride was cross-question
ed by her niece,- Mrs.- Lane, but: managed
to 'evade all inquiries as i;to'.the . obieut
of her little journey, and the lady decided
that she 'had" been, visiting relatives near
Before x
Toilet Sets.
We call: attention: to the 'lrtr^e
line of 10- and^-12-piece Toilet
•Sets that we are now showing.
Our 12-Piece -Deco
rated Set at §5. 50": is
besides; b^in «r one of ihe -best
shapes and decorations. ' , .
Dinner Sets.
; A larofe variety ;of 101-piece
Dinner Sets in .good shapes; and
colors at v prices i rauging }'; from
§12.50 to $75.
We thank our cnstomerß for fcHe
liberal fpatron^igf) daring tha bolif
da^j season r : and ivrish^ them all a
prosperous New Year.
~ No. 1011 E. Main
.' and
No. 9 E, Broad^
Our Semi= Annual? Cleaning=Up Sale.
' ■ ; -- -■ .;■■■■-■"■'';■■;.■-■". ;•■•-■■■■-.' ■-..■■■■-■.■ ■-.-■•.. - ■ ■■-:■.■■■-.■-.■.■■■..■■. ■'"..-.-" i -»-.■..-■'■■.■..- ■ -■-' :•■.."■■'■ -- ■*■■' ■"■'■ -~'."*i ■ '■- '. :"*-*■:■ 1 _ ■ ■ . ■ ..■<■_
January and July^months prior to stock-taking time^ are two periods of the en^^S?S^l
sidered by- us; ■Our&st. energies are now bein^e X ert«i;to clean up the balance of/our wmter^tocLq^ck^and
merchandise? ; Bufto-see:isHQ:believe.so^xamihethe;SPEClALS^
are not idle boasts, ' -."':,-..'"■- - "' ; - "• " ' >>i.i .' r ".> ■ ■- *~~ r ; ,
High=Grade SsWMs
A! January CUanln?-UoPrj c?s
New Japanese Wash Silks of ex
tra quality /and weight:;; carefully,
selected patterns, 33c .
Wash Taffetas, . very effective
patterns ,and colorings. The; 50c,
and 55c, kind, now 39c.
; Moire Silks in a ; fine- range of
colorings, the $1.00 kind; now 79c
125 Fancy Dotted and Striped
Moires, all colors; now 98c.
S9c Fancy Velvets, for 'waists,
etc: 69c.
English Lining Taffetas, every
conceivable shading. The 39c. kind;
now. 33c. • .
One Specially Worthy
Taffeta Silk Value.
19 inches. wide, heavyweight,' fast
edges, and all • pure ; silk. \ Colors
graj', green, heliotrope/ pink, blue,
tan, cardinal, brown, nav>% ' roae,
and slate.-- The quality that retails
readily at 75c. Special, 55c. per
Lace Robes
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
Black Point D'espr't Robes
taffeta appliqued; new and stylish.
The $37.50 ones now $24.50. Entire
ly new lines of imported- lace robes
just in; colors cream and white;
prices, $16.50 to $42.50.
New Veilings,
Spring, 1963.
The entire new stock is here: en
tirely new ideas; exclusive designs,
and with our usual low, prices.
Ch'arlottesville. The groom attended a.
dance in Scottsvilfe.on Monday night last,
and was also put through examination by
his pupils,, who formed the greater part
of the i j gathering, thus reversing the
usual order ; of things and • "getting. even 1 !
for some of, the difficult tests he has given
them for. -nearly, two years. He received
many- congratulations,', but managed ' to
"bluff off" ; his too-insistent friends, ana
conveyed, the impression that it was a
huge jokfe. which had^ been played upon
him " by. two college friends in "Washing
ton. * „. .■■ -• „ ■ '. -;." , ■ I
Finally when - Mr. : and , Mrs. Roberts !
"got good and '■' ready", they "f essed up." i
that they were married: on Christmas- |
day. They were guests t this Week at the
home of;- Rev. > and-; Mrs. J. R. Daniel,"
where Mr. Roberts-, has been boarding.
Mrs. Roberts -has frequently visited : in
Scottsville, where she - has many § friends
and -acquaintances., Mr. Roberts has filled
his position in .the school here with: dig
nity and ability since.-- he. first came; here.
Mrs. Bettie Shiflett. . an aunt of Miss
Margaret Clerrrents, .of. the Home Hotel,
came -very near being: burned to deatn
recently. .She is an aged; lady and exceed
ingly feeble. White sitting before the fire
in, her room, a spark flew out and ig
nited -her; skirt; which was soon In a
light-blaze. ;But for the timely assistance
of ; Mr. William Moon,* nothing could have
saved- her. j.'-'.. .;' .: *■ : — ,
A delightful reception ; was given at the
home; of "Mrs. Maxey, near Rayner's, on
Thursday night. : Dr., ; James Hart; and
Mr.^Rylahd Fox- attended.; A large crowd
was present. , '. : . ':.../ ,„'
A dance will be- given -at ; Seal's Hall
on Friday night, and ' tmj young people
anticipate ; a happy - ; time, despite -* the
steady /downpour, of Train. : : *•".'*
'; The remains -of .Mr.. vßolton, who was
killed in the locomotive works at Rich
mond, were : brought "up on the 2nd,' .and
will be conveyed ; from '.here; tO;Albererie
church, ■ where U the \ interment will /.take
place this l af ternobnl The "■■. young man
was only- IS i years of age. ;
; V,^ PERSONAL,; :
Miss Pheb Mable is : a guest of the
Misses Pitts. ' " ■•.--. ; "
[ Mr. ; Thomas Staples returned to Rich
mond Tuesday ' afternoon. '. : ."" : > •'
■:;■■ Mrs. Stone, who .has -been visiting her
' sisters, the:. Misses , Pitts, left on the 30th >
for her homte. . • . / , ,'■'._;"
; :. Mr. S.- R. Gault is, out.again after-sev
eral days' illness. .- ■•:'•■•.■■ '' ■'■■•■■'
V"': Prof. ?W. -A. ; Shepherd has r returned to
.Richmond;, after; a s :week*s yisitr.-to ; ; ;the
familyTof^Mrs7'D.>P.; Powers. " ' *_-
.'■>: Messrs. T. .; Walker -Gllmer and ..James'
Dorrier ..s left : \t or ■: Eggleston >' Springs; thls'^
' ~ - :^ ' .-I ,_ •"_ ■ '
O- Mr.; Jeff person Durrett; leaves Sunday for.
fßlacksburgJ •
V, Mr. ■} F. JH. "-. Fari-arC returned to Richmond :
on Tuesday. .- :': ' :> .- ■
;: Mr.-; Frank Bolton;); of iHatton;;; was in
town Friday.' .."..*
i'< M f.'\ D. ; H-'; Pitta ■ has gonei to Esmont on
|s The" ? graded f school \ re-opens ; on '■ Monday...
aits this place. -, ,\-'- - .
"h Mr.'l and *Mr&f Charles > Bennett Jleft % on]
th 6 3fl^f6r,;Cbirt©BtonSS^Ci; where^t&ejr
[ wfflf Bptmdv the^wlntex.
; ProC * O, - AxwUrwny of Wa«Wßjrton,
" ' ;.- ... ■ ,' •
thoroughly %
Good Hosiery
At January Chan ln^ -Up Prices
Ladies' Lace v
Lisle Hose
Actually Worth 33c , Special I9c.
Ladies' extra quality, fast black
lace lisle hose; double heels, soles
and toes. Sold as a bargain at 33c~"
special,; 19c
Ladies' extra fine guage cotton
hose,, absolutely fast black,; double
heels,: soles and toes. The regula
tion three for $1.00 kind; special 25c :
•Ladies* extra fine fast black cot
ton hose; double heels, . soles and
toes; special, 15c. . .
Children's strong and durable*
fast black, full regular made cot-,
ton ribbed hose; double heels, soles
and toes. A great bargain; ail
sizes U5 . to 10), ,12 l-2c '
At January Cleaning-lip Prices.
Children's Fleece-Lined Cotton
Vests, . Pants and Drawers; warm,
strong..' and comfortable: the 35c.
and 40c. kinds; special, 19c. ' ;
Ladies' Fleece-Lined Cotton' Vests
and pants; warm and comfortable. 1
The 50c kind; special, 39c. '• v-
Gentlemen's Fleece-Lined Shirts
and Drawers; warm and strong.
The 50c. ; ones, 39c. r
At Quick-Moving Prices.
50 r'eces 5-inch all-silk Satin Taf
feta ribbons, white only. Actually
worth' 69c; 49c yard. '
Fancy Ribbons in warp points,
brocades, and moires; : all evening
.shades; 29c to $1.89 yard. / •
Furnishings for the Home
, At Cut Pr ces.
'Kazak Rug. 5.6x8.6; tormer price, r $60.00, n0w... ........ .'....545.00.
Kazak Rug, 4.6x7.6; former price, $50.00, now .....$37.50.
Kazak Rug, 4.6x7: former price, $50,00, now ..$35.00
Ghendje Rug', 4.2x7.3; former price $50.00. now .....$32.50.
.--".. Daghastan Rug, 4x7.6; former price $45.00. now $30.00.
*■-' ■■■;,": ■.•■-■■ ■"■l i - ' ' " ■ '■'":'•'-. '■ ■■■■■■■■:'-'■
9x12-Foot AIl-TVool Smyrna Rugs, very effective patterns and col
orings; a great bargain, $22.50- . . ■' .
. l^a.and 15c. Silkolines, n0w.. ..... ...10c. yard.
15c. and 16 2-3 c. Cretonnes, n0w...... ... — ...... .....12%c. yard.
We Solicit Your Orders For
'■- ifo.de of Distilled Gity and Artesian Well Water.
..';'■.;;•, Phone or leave your orders at the TRANSPAEE^T ICE
WORKS, corner Adams and Canal streets, or
Hermann Schmidt,
; 500 East Broad Street.
WM. C. SCHiiIDT & E. G. SCHMIDT, Managers.
has been- visiting Capt. John ."Anderson
here, -^z} ';■"".' '•'.-'■' .-.'■. >:"-"..-.;.;' "^^^§
*^:Mr.- : Charles Huffman," manager* for Mr.
at Plain Dealing^; hasre-*
•signed his'position and: will be succeeded
'by^Mrv Redman. . : ..-■■■■ ■.■-_--*■:.,..■.:,.-■.■..■
-,W. V Anderson Is^worseV-v; v
v*«;Mr.:arid -Mrs.'/ James Love. : after : a ivlslt
;to| Mrs. 1 vLoye's 'parents, Dr. \ and \ Mrs. J.l ]
;s:-Pehdletoti.;have returned 'to! their, home I
iln^Tennessee. . - .-•■■■ : ■.■:.::-;.'■..■■■■.■;.■■-."■.:".-■■■.■'. --."
chas sold . out^his ln^
terestq in)- the ■ liver>' ' stable ;. here to ;Mrv
; Prahki Parkinson, i who will 'continue \ thY
: Business"^ aloneJ- » • • ] _* ,_-"■■ y'
ft Mr.f George' Hogg, : of = Rlchmond, ; is ' hen- \
?§,Tho/condltlonlof r ! Mrs;' LucyirHQlardre^v!
ImalMfaboutjthe | earned t ;^:%:'x^o^^^^^m'
KrMlsiea |IlAura*fandf -yirii^niit^Wlii«aeld'
••-■-,- ; - ■ ■ . J
Colored Dress Goods
At January Cleaning-Up Prices.
Novelty Suit Patterns
At Ibput HalfPrieo,
$14.00 and $15.00 Suits, now - $10. ■,
$22.50 Suits, now - $14.00. V
.$27.50 Suits, now $14.00.
$30 00 Suits, now $17.50. _
$1.75 Mixed Blue, and Cheviots,
now, $1-00. . . .
Black and White Checked Suit
ing, the 9Sc. ones; now 50c. ■■■:%.
■Tucked Meltons, .for walking
skirts, the $1.50 ones: now $1.00.
$1.75 Knickerbocker Suitings, now
$1.00 yard.
$1.50 and $1.75 Scotch Plaids, now
"9Sc. Shepherds' ; Check, now' soc.
''All colors Waterproof Cravan
ettes, $2.00 yard.
All- Wool Albatross, in all the
new and staple shades. Tho 50c
kind; special, 39c. ■„
Black Goods.
Remnants of Plain and Fancy
Black Goods, in waist, skirt, and
dress lengths, at about half-price.
Remnants of all kinds of Wash
Goods, and White Goods, at. half
Fancy Pillows.
Two Special Bargains.
26-inch Down Pillows, covering of
silk tapestry. The, $3.00 kind; spe
cial, $1.98.
26-inch Down Pillows, covered
with saUin prints. The $2.50 ones;
now $1.49.
- Whiting's Fine Papers. In white,
cream and azure. All. the new. and
fashionable shapes.:' The 35c. kind.'
special, ; 9c. quire. •>'
50(Q White Girls to Make
— y Gheroots and Cigars.
':'-■■:. Learners Paid While Being Taught.
Twenty-lhird and Cary Sts., Richmond^ Va;
Ladies' Ready-to-
Wear Apparel
« January CleanlnrUji Prlcts.
All this season's styles and mark-,
ed at ridiculously low -prices to
move them off at once.
Dress Skirts.
Fashionably, made, perfect ; hang
ing, and made of the wanted ma
terials. . « -
$5.9S Skirts, now $3^S.
$6.93 and $7.50 Skirts, now $4.98.
$7.9S and 59-W Skirts, now : $6.95.
$10.00 and 510.9S I Skirts, now -$7.50.
: $11.98 and $12.50 : Skirts, now $8.50.
$15.00 Skirts, now $10.00.
517.50 and $20.00 Skirts now $12.50.
Walking Skirts.
54.35 ; Walking Skirts, now $3.79.
, $5.93 Walking Skirts, now $4.25.
$6.98 Walking Skirts, now $4. •o.
$D.OO Skirts, now $5.00.
$10.00 Walking Skirts, now $7.00.
Short Jackets, nicely mader 'and
lined. . . .„- ,,
$6.98 Jackets, ; now $4.25.
$8.98, $9.00 and $^0.00 , Jackets, now
$12.98 Jackets, now $9.50.
$18.00 and $20.00 Jackets, now
Silk Waists of Taffeta
or Peau de Soie.
All cut and made In the best and
most fashionable . manner, full
range of colors.
$4.50 and $5.00 Colored Silk WaJ3ts
now • $2.50. "'■ . ■' »
$5.00 and $6.00 Colored Silk Waists,
n0w. 53.00., .
$4.50 and $5.00 Black Silk Waists,
now $2.50. .
;$7.50 and $3.00 Black Silk Waists,
now $4.79.
$2.75 and $3.50 White Silk "Waists,
now $1.95.
$4.50 and $5.00 White Silk Waists,
now $3.95. ---I . .
$7.00 and $10.00 White Silk -Waists, 1
nbw,54.93. i "';. ' - .. ■ -.' ••-■ ■-' ■■ V;.-
Flannel Waists.
$1.19 ones n0w.......... 75c".
$2.50 and $2.98 ones n0w....51.50.
$3.57 and $3.98 ones n0w.. ..51.73.
$5.00 and $5.93 ones n0w—.. . 52.50. .,;
Tailored -Suits.
All new and stylishly made and
msirked at greatly reduced prices —
$17.50 suits now $12.50.' :
$20.00 suits n0w.... ....... ...514.50. :
$22.50 suits ri0w';............51>;.50.
$24.50 suits. now....... $17.50.
527.50 suits n0w...... .$19.50.
$29.00 suits now... ..$20.50.
532.50 suits n0w..".. .........524.50.
de 28-Sdo,Tu&Th26t
; DANVILLE. .VA.. Jan. 2L— (SpeciaL)-^^ ;
Mrs. 'Lucy v Easley, . relict Jof John ..-liw.
Easley. , died ; at her „ home; near Rlngw \^
gold '■■: last night; at . S o^ciock. ■-: She; was • tkp ■
daughter:of/ther late iCoionel Daniel ;Cole^-?i
man, who represented his county in tn«
legislature for /many terms.- and was • »
j prominent'^ figure : ]jn sU»e^ReyolutlonaryiS;
Bh«7 Is i survived j byl herj brother, i Captain 'f
Daniel C6lemah. ;; j of? thlsTclty rfonel^lstwr.'sS
three V daughters. '-j Miss es ;;Mary. s and ?Annl«";
Easley.f of ;• the*^ county^ and ;MrsC":Bl*ttfc;-'*
ehßhlp.' and ; onVsbtCf Mr.'f JohE\W. y ?Eaal«yy^|

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