Newspaper Page Text
^^am^^^0^ML^ NUMBER, 16,151. 1UCIIM0ND, VA? WEDNESDAY, .1 ANUA.ItY 28, 1!)(M. PRICE TWO CENTS, THE DAY'S SUMMARY. THE WEATHER. ]? WASHlNOTONj Jnn. 27,?Forecnst for I.WfednMday and TMirsaoy: I Virglnla-lUiin Wednesday nnd Thurs day; warrrior Wednesday ln wost portion; ffesn oouthennt to soutli wlnds, i North Carolina?Ealn Wednesday and Thui-Bday; frcsh sout.heast to euuth wlnds , Tosterday wus ono ot tho most dts BBrecablo days of the season. Rain fell at Intervals through tho early evening 'nnd night, lieavlly ut times, and the at mosphero was ponctratlng. 8TATE OF THERMOMEt'EE. t A, M. 38 J2 M. -12 8 P. M. 4t) 6 P. M.47 G P. M. -18 12 mldlllght . 16 Avorage . 15 Highest toniperntnro-S P. Ai. j* T-.owest temperntiiro?6 A. M. *jj Mean tcniporaturo yesterday. ?* Normal temperaturo for January.... as ?-Departure from normal temperaturo. 00 Precipltatlon dur.iiib' past 21 hours... 00 MINIATTBE At.MANAC. January f?. 1903. ,Bun rlses. 7:15 I HIGH TIDE. 'Bun sets.r,:2S ( Morning.4.tJ4 Moon rlses. 5:20 | Kvenllng.1:51 RICHMOND. . An ex-convlct arrested. charged with forgery, though -unable to write?-Death of Mr. Pcter Stumpf-T.homas Dollarcl, a. moulder. ground to death by a train? ; Cancer cured by Riohmond physlclan who used the X-ravs?A hlll oltered ln tho 1 Senate to crrate Btato liquor dlspensa rles-Amendment to law rclating- to llbel < Bults against newspapers-Trades and i Labor Council appolhts n. committee on I chlld-labor bill?St. Louls Exposltlon Commission ovpanlzo-The Governor elgns Important bills-Prlco of anthra clte coal soon to be reduced-An opera tlon, not serlous ln its nature, to be per formed on Judgo Wltt to-day?A stngu ? lar caso of mental silhpension-Hlgnway robbery leported on Broad Streot-Re? mains of Mrs. James Monroe. to be re movefl?Mayor will approve telephone merger?Frlghtrned negro runs Into the river?Stato Board of Educatlon mem? bers to be elected to-day. VIRGINIA. Movement to secure a local option eloc tlon ln Danville-Fugltlvo wounded by Windsor offle<=r ai'terwarda proved lnno cent-Record-breaklng day at the Lam bert'a Point coal plors-Tobacco eom panv at Bsdford city Incorporated-Pe? tersburg and Richmond trunk factorles may be mergod Into a trust-Negro at Petersburg ls turnlng white-Rev, J. R Ronno Rlddlck 13 at home-Mayor Moss ?vetoes the proposed chaln-gang ordinance et Newport News-Double traoklng or tha Southern proeoedlng rapldly at Mn jias'sas?Amateur iheatrlcals at Dexlng lon?A sawdust nulsance suit at Wyth-3 ?villc?Medals 10 bo given at University of Virginia?Flshrrmon buslly prepar lng for -work on tho Potomae?Staunton youns men form a country club-Wash? ington and Lo.e base-ba.ll schedule-Dr. Hattle's reslgnatlon at Potersburg-Al tercatlon on Chlncotcague Island results ln serlous wounding of Captaln WHltaia Butning-Ntgro found aslaep at Alexan tfrla, but in the wronsc house-Fatal shooting nenr Kmporla-Smallpox, at Wcllford's Wharf-No busts of Wash? ington for Wtnchestor schools?Smallpox at McGaheysvlllc-Promlnent men have ????rious flght on railroad *'-ain near Blue field?Marrlnges: Tom Davis and Miss Kannio Burk at Burksville; Nelson H. Clark and Miss Mattie L. Soma, of Luray; Snmuel Harrington and Miss Mlnnie h Butler at Alexandrla; R. t,; Gasklns and Miss- Annie M. Huff at Suffolk; O. M. McCauloy and Miss Mamie Lincberg at Winchester-Deaths: Captaln \V. C. Brown ia Plttsylvanla; W. H. Brooks at Norfolk; Maior Charles Old In Powhatan; William Boley at Lexlngton: Rev. Her bert T. Bacon at Clnrksvllle; Henry II. Irvlno at Monterey; Mrs. Jolcy Forreat at Foster; William A. McCorkle ot Lexlng? ton; William Henry Harrlson at Peters burg; Mrs. Mary E. Barker nt Alexan? drla: William H. Kent at Amhorst; John G. Miller near Frederieksburg. NORTH CAROLINA. Another meeting of t.he Demoerntlc leg Islatlvo caucus falls to reach a nomina? tion; Walson mak^s some galns; chargea that tho ballot-box was stuffed-Discus. elon ln the House ln regard to the licens lng of tralned nurses-Other Important moasures consldered by the General /m seinblv-The aalotwi agllntlon cor.tln. r throughout tho Statd-Cotton-yarn spli j ners a"t Ralelgh declde upon a ten por c-:r ? valse-A council of debate forci?d at Trlnlty Colleg-e-The news from Groojis boro and Durham-Mrs. Charles B. Ay cock s receptlon at Raleigh. GENERAL. Sontiment clianges and promlnent Northcrn men favor the piacing ot a etatue oC Lco ln tho Staiuray Hall at the National Capltol-New York Grand i Arniy men heartlly favor the piacing of ? etatua of the Southern chleftaln on the I fleld of Gettysuurg-Coionel McClurc 1 makes eloauent plea for the npproprla 1 tlou for tho monument before full House Rnd owwded gallerles-President Roose velt dclivors an oloquont eulogy on Mo ; JCinley at banquet .li'i'd ln deud Presl I dent's honor?^New Tork men seteneed to ? threo mbntbj on the islaml for etealing t ehoes fvotii feet o? a corpse-Residents l ot Broolily'n onter vlolent protest to ea ? tablishtnwt of a branoh of colored AV. C. T. U. in tholr nolghborhood-Rockefellcr /Slv(ii siVen mllllons l'or tho puri>osfl-of researoh for a consumptlon <;Ure-Repreaentatlve I-ess!or takes stnnd befu.-e committee and rcitevates hla former etitements, bratidlnjj Doblln'a teB l tlmony of Monday a3 absolutely faiso? Thlrteen-year-old boy nmngled by llons at GharlMton, S. C.-Jlm llnyes makes tlncendiary npeach to Washington negroe>, ? advocatluK n*o of eword and torcli to re ! slst dletrftriohUoinont ln Virginia-Flfty j two'.' women burped ro death In a ! flro ln British hmnie nsylurn?Salarles i of Federal Judgen lnc;'or.?.-d by bill tliat passed Tlon^n of Roproaentatlves?Beriator Quay tried tn foree pattsaire of the omnl i bua vof'o MU?Coal etrlko commission 1 made good pre'jresa ln tholr Investlgation lyeaterday nivl lieard Interestbig and varled [ testlmony?Thcu.'.-ht thnt protpcol for raltlng of bloelcade on Vcnezuelnn ports will be shortly r.lgned. -mly detalls of tlie ?jettlement rcmalnlng to be conipleted? JUDGE WITT TO BE OPERATED UPON Well-Known Jurist to Be Re moved to the Virginia ?Hospital To-Day. .Tnflt:e Kamuel D. Wltt, of tlio Huatlngs Court of Richmond, will to-day be re moved from his residence, on Park Ave? nue. to the Virginia Hospital, where an opcratlon, not a dangerous one, will bs perlormed on Thuruday. Judgj Wltt has beon unwell for severnl ! ^oelts, but he ls In a eheerful mood, and ' xnany fri?nds have called to see hlni, wltliln llia last few dnya. Judge Wltt will nebcsHarlly liave to ho R-wny from his ofllce for several weeks, and Judge John II. Inuram, of tlio Cor poratlon Court of Mauehestcr, will ln the meantlme preilde over tho Huatlngs Court of Richmond , v. v- v ?, The Royal Blue Ploughs Through Local Train. FOUR COACHES WERE TELESCOPED Wreckage Caught Fire and Men Burned to Death. HARROWING WERE SCENES WITNESSED ln Sight of Those Who Were Working to Save Passengers Who Were De voured by Fierce Flames?Ex press Wns Running at Top Specd When Awful Crash Came. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Jan. 27.?One of tho most appalllng railroad wrocks that has occurred ln the vicinity of New York for many years, the loss of lifo bolng: more than twenty-four persons, took placo to nlffht at Gracoland, on tho Central Roll road of New Jersey, near TVestfleld, N. J., when tho Royal* Bluo Dlne Express ploughed at top speed into the rcar of a local train. Slxteen charrea bodiaa- have now been taken out. ElRht dead were elther re covcred uefore the flro or dled attar being: taken out of the wreck. Immodlately after tho crash threa scat tered cars of the local train took flro, renderlDg Inipossible tho re3cuo of many of tho wounded, who were plnnod fast tn the wreck. Many bodles nr belleved to have been consumed. On board the fiyer all the passengers, nlthough badly Bhaken up. cscaped unln Jured except for trlfllng brulse3. THE DEAD. Tho dpad so far ldcntlfied are: EDuaP* WIDLIAM, a Ne.w York lar. yer. C. P. Thayor. of Plalnfleld, secretary to Thomas1 C. Platt. HAlutY G. HAND, of New York city. HARRY PATTERSON, of Dunellcn. GEORGE E. TtEED, of Scotch Tlalna. THOMAS CUM7N, nf Flninfleld. ROWDAND R. CHANDDER, of Plaln flold. RDWARD FDYNNT. of Plalnfleld. In addltlon to this llst. there nre many charrod bodlns. unldcntified, stlll at the scene of the wrecK. Those lnlured aro: Among tbo Injured are: Wllllnm Geddies, of Dunollen, both legs broken. Gaorge Chandler, pplne Injured. Charles Dong Worthy, Injired all over body. Mrs. iBeloh, both IcgB broken and body crushed. Mary Rynn. Intured about head. William Van Venter, cut about body and face. Everott Relghton. both leg-s cut off. Miss Dlzzlo Keller, scalp torn off. Porcy Irving. Dunellen, legs crushed. Mrs. Quelean, bruised about body and head. WAS RTJNNJNG I,ATB. The train which was run into left New York at B:<8 o'clock and runs as an express to Bound Brook, making stops at Ellzabeth. "Westtleld nnd Plalnfleld. Boyond Bound Brook is runs ns a local. Tho Royal Blue left flfteen niinutes later, but trnvels at a hlph rata ot speed and maki>3 no stop except at Ellzabeth. and ls scheuuled to overtake the slower train Just boyond Grnceland. where the lat tor swltches from track 3 on to track ?t to permit tho Royal Bluo to pass. Thla evcnlnir a freight train was blocked on track -1 nnd tho loenl re? ceived orderd to proceed on tho express traclc to Dunollen nnd there take the outslde or number 4 track. Shortly af? ter rer.elvltig orders tho train hnd to atop for a hot-box. which delnycd It sn tiiat when sho got under way again sho was due at uun'elleri*. AT TOP SPEED. Sho had Just started antl was moving slowly when the Royal Blue, trdvellng apporontly al full speed, whicli nt that point usually npproximntes Blity-flve miles an hour. erashed into the rear enu. Tho heavy engine of tho Royal Bluo toro Its way Into tho rear car and nt tho same time drove the forward end of that car Into the rear end of tha car nhead, whloh in turn was driven Into the third car and thla |n turn wns driven Into tho four car from the rear. The fourth car was only partly wrecked, but the last three wero torn to pieces. The engine ot tho lioyal Blue left the ralls and lurned over on hor side, tho engineer nnd flreman slicklng to their posts nnd going down ln the wreck. They nro now In tho Muhlenberg Hospital, at Plainf.eld. and the engineer ls not bo lleved to havo a chance of llving more than a fow hours. FLAG-MAN KILLED. Papcngeis on tho flyer Eny the engineer appllcd tho brakes hard a mlnuto or so beforo tho wreck, Tho train ahead had sent a fliiemo-n back, but lt ecoms he wns recalled when the train got undar way, and nllhoueh ho left torpedocs. the Royal Blue dlfl not hced them or else was goin too fast to Rtop lu the short dittanco rP.v.a'.niiiE. Tho man wlio went bu>k to ftqs tno train had Just swufiS Into tho rear end <?f hls train, and ls omonn; tha dead. Tho englno and thre? worst wrecked cars wero plled an awful henp, con talnlng at least ona hundred dead aud Injured. Frorn tho mass cama fearful crles for aid. WRBCIC CAUGHT FritlB. A mlnute later Ihe wreck oniight flra from tho flre box nf the locomotlve. The Bcreams of the Injured In tha heaps were Inteiislned u. they found thomselves hemnied ln by tho flnmos. Tho pa*n?r.gors ln tha t wo forward enrs of tlie fttst train and all the r.ien from the expresa and ovcryone in tho neigh borliood Btarted work at once to get out the injured before the flames could roacli thom. At. time*. whllo lolllng In I tho wreckivgo tho lliiincs roachetl.the rcs- \ rtiers, and Iholr clothlng took flro, but thoy workcd on, though lu CdtlUtant diin ger of bolris: killed thonmolvoS. Somo of tho Injured wero burned to death in sight of tho men who wero working with des poratlou t'b oave them, hut Iho flnmo"! soon ffnlnod coniploto mastcry of tho two laal. cars. 1TIIKMKN' TO lUSSCTJE]. Tlm flronien from Westfleld were ailm nioncd by telophone; but arrlved too lato to savo many llvos. Doctors wero called for from Ellzabeth, Wcstf.eld nnd -Plnlli fleld, and thero was a score on hand. Tho pnrlor cars of tho Royal Bluo T.lno train wero convrrtcd Into temporary hnn pitals. Tho doa.l K? they wero taken out wcer lold In a row nlongshlo the ttnck unill monns could bo found to convey them to Flntnfleld. Tho flremen after n tlmo mnMered tho fln.meg. Then tho wrfckago was attacked again and the work ot rccovcring tha boiilos wii.s bcgiin. Out it tlie 11" l car eight bbfllOH wero talion. SIGHT IIORItlBDE. Tho sight whlle Ihe wreck was burnlni; was horrlfylng. Men could bo soen ln tha wrccknge plnncd fast amld the tlmbers of the' co rs and struggllnjr to bo free, while tho flames roarod around them. Tho rescuers were helplesa to ald them, ns they already had been driven from tlie wreck by the flames. Ono of tho>e who tried to tako out a man plnncd in. found that he w-as hold down by one leg near the ankle, nnd see-lngr lt would be usclcss to do anything elso. Is nald to hava fl nnlly sevored tho man'a leg and then carrlcd him to ono of tho pa.Tlor-cars. Rotli rescued and rescuer wero badly burned. When tlie englno ploughed Into the rear car it partly split tho car open and at the same tlmo llfted it up and on to lt solf. This car was the flrnt to tako flre. and most of those ln lt ara dead. Some of them are bellcved to be beneath the ovtrturncd englna. Thos<> in tho car ahead, which was (Continued on Third Page.) The Senate is to Choose Three Members To-Day. THE PROBABLE MEMBERS Profs. W. A. Bowles, of Staunton, and Charles W. Kent, c' the Universlty, Thoughtto Be Certalnties?Oth ers Who Are Mentioned. The Senate to-day wlii ? eleet three members of the Stato Board of Educa tlon. There aro llvcly contests for the po sltions. Under the new Constltutipn, tha board will ba composed of the Governor, Attorney-Generai ajid Superlntendent of Publlc Instruction, together with three othor persons to bo deslgnatad by the instltutlons that recelve financlal ald from the State, who after being choson by their respectlvo lnstitutlon3 are to be elected by the State Senate. Tha balloting wlll begin In tho Senate aoon after that body mcots to-day. Yes? terday Senator Claytor offered the follow lng resolution: Resolved by the Senate, That ln tho electlon of members of tho Educatlonal Board on tha USth thnt all tha names of candldates shall be piaced before the Senate and the vote taken vlva vooo ln open session, the nnme of tho lowost candidate to ba dropped, and the three members having tho hlghest number of votes shall be declared elected; but each shall havo a majority of the Senate vot Ing." It Is gjencrally conccded that Professor W. A. Bowles, tho prlnclpaj of the In stltute of tho Deaf and Dumb and tho Bllnd, at Staunton, wlll bo ono of those elected. Dr. Charles W. Kent, of the Universlty of Virginia; Dr. J. M, Mc Bryde, of the Folytechnlc Instltute, nt Blacksburg; Professor J. R. Jarman, of the State Female Normal School, at Fnrmvllle; President Lyon G. Tylor, of William and Mary. and Superlntendont Scott Shipp, of tho Virginia Mllltary In? stltute, aro the other "ellglbles," haviu? been nomlnatcd by their respectlvo lnuti tutlons. In polltlcal clrcles it is generally thought Dr. Kent wlll bo a winner, but hls friends aro not bo sure as tlioso of Professor Bowles. Judge George Yv". Morrls, a former State Senator, and others aro hero huit llng for Dr. Kent. Former Judge A. A. Phlegar and olhers aro working in tho lnterest of Dr. Mc Bryde. The board wlll have to elect all ihe city and tho county suporintendenta of schools and will havo the adoptlon of tho now tcxt books to be used ln tho schools. STOLE THE SHOES FROM DEAD MAN Ohlemacher Said Man Had Promlsed Them to Him, But He Got Three Months. (Spoclal to Tlie TlmfB-Dlspatch.) NEW YORK, January 27.?Cl-sment Ohlemacher, Nlnety-seventh Streot, was accused of collectlug nn alleged debt ln a ivery niean way, by William Greely, ln the Harlem Court to-day. Greely said Ohlemacher had called at hls houso nnd asked as a frlond to see tlie body of the compalnant's father, who had dled lu tha HnYlem Hospital. There wero many mourners In the Jower part of tha house, whllo the body was ln one of tho rooms upslajl'S. Greely uakl he nshered Ohlemacher Into tho room and left him. A few mlnutea later the man went away, and the son went to tha room. The feet of the body wera protrudlns' nbovo tlm sldes of the coflln, the fhoes having dlsappeared. Greely ran into tho street after Ohlemacher and had him arrcslcd. Tho prlsoner told Maglstrate Crano that tha dead man hnd promlsed him tho shocn two weeks bafora lio dled, and he thought tho bosi wav to get them was to take thom. Maglstrate Crano nentenced Ohle inacher to three montlis on the Island. The Dread Disease Yields at Last to Science. CASE REPORTED BY DR. BEADLES Little or No Patn ls Attendant Upon the Method. TREATMENT KILLS THE DEADLY GERM A Plan Which is in Vogue Elsewhero lntroduced Here?Tho Pallent, Six ty-slx Years Old, Was Cure.d by Twenly-four Applications, What Dr. Beadles Says Concerning lt. The flrst distinct success ln tho new palnless and liarmlcss X-ray treatment for cancers and other mallgnant grnwths has just been reported ln Ric'mnond. and lt ls moro than lihely that as a result no dlstant day will see an extenslve em ploymer.t here of this method, which ls already being used with advantago ln Northern cities and hospltal.3. Tho new t'reatment, to a large extent, robs the cancerous growth ot Its terrors to the patler.t. Heretufora it has been with dread that the sufferer submlttcd himself to the caro of his physlclan, for It was known to him that* lf fortunata enough to bo curcd of the dlseaje tho harsh, caustlo treatment or the necessary lncislon was of suoh character as to leava its lastlng mark upon him. the s'?n of days of agony. Now lt Is all dlfferent. The X-ray searches out tho spot and de stroys the genn, whllo tho patlent suffers aboslutely v.6 paln. DR. HEADJijES' CASE. Throughout tha North tho new treat mont ls now being eitensh-i&i used with mirked success, As: usuajp "hjweuer, lt has been slow findlr',(!: Usdway Into the South. and at this Ume l^i Juat entering Kichmond. Several IocaI physlelans now have cases ln tho conduct: of which :.hey are employ lng the new method, but Dr. F. H Bea? dles ls the first to bring the treatment to a successful Issue. So Interestlhg- and important was the matter consldered that lt was reported last nlgiit to the Academy of Medlolir*. One or two photogrnphs clucldated the explanatlon, which, from the point of vlew of the laymr-n, was rather Involved. Rrdueod to ordlnary u*i teihnteal EYigllsh the explanatlon given by Dr. Beadles ls substantially as follows: AN AGED PATIENT. "My patlent ls a farm<=r"*Trom Orange county, and Is slxty-slx years of age. Ho 1ns been suflcrlng with epithelioma (sktn cancer) of the noso. Treatment at tha hands of a Charlottesviile. physlclan was without effoct and then ho oppllcd to me. He camo to Richmond on the 12th of last December, and I at <-nca applled caustlc salve as a ;jropnratery treatment. On the 23d ot December 1 gave the flrst X-ray treatment. and slnca then thero havo been twenty-four oxposures. By the end of the fourteerith er.posure there was a nfsrked Improvcment. To-day the patlent at the end of the twenty-fourth cxposuro ls apparcntly cured." The new method which ls Just coming into vogue here ls palnless and leaves no marks. The prlnclplo Involved ln It ls nn exposuro to light and n. drylng up of tlio cancerous growth. The success of Dr. Bendles and of the othor physlelans now practlclngr this new method will without doubt Insure the wldespread use of It here. DEATH LAST NIGHT OF PETER STUMPF ln 111 Health for Years, But Confined Only a Short Time. Mr. Teter Stumpf dled at his resi? dence. No. 115 East Marshall Street. at 11 o'clock la/rt night. His hoalhh had not been good for some time, but lt was only (wo weeks ago that Iw was suddenly taken very 111 at his of.'lee In tho building of the Mer o'nants' Cold-Storago and Ice Company. Ho wna taken home and his condition liad been sertous ever flnce. Mr. Stumpf wa.s ftfty-two years old. He was a native of Germany, was born and c-ducated there, nnd came to Rich? mond clther ln ISffil or 1870. Hie. hnd re nlded hero ever slnce. His parents are both dead. Messrs. Juseph Stumpf and E, A. Stumpf nre his brothers. The lat'6 George Stumpf v.aa another brother. mnny. Mr. Stumpf leaves a v. idow and three ehlldren in Richmond and a daughter bv hla flrst. niarrlago In liermany. IIIs last' wife wns a daughter of tho late Ott oMoygonstern. who for many years conductod a cafe on Broad Street. Mr. Stumpf wns for sevwal years eon rWOted with tho Youngllnff Brewlng Com? pany. Ho was tha ploneer In the estnb ltshmcnt of Iho browlng oompanles thnt are now In exlstenoe in Richmond. Somo ten year6 or more ago h? formed what Is 'now known n" tho Home Brewing Company. For a few yenrs Mr. Stumpf eonducted a enfo on Tlroad Street neir Fourth. When rho Morchants' Cold StorngA and Ie? Company waa formvd he wns made. the president of the con? cern, Mr. Stumpf wa.s a man devoted to tho city of his adoptlon, and was a publlc splritod man. Ho wns a man, a most cenrpAnlonablq gentletnan, and the nows of his death wlU'ho re gurded by mnny' people In Richmond ns a pei-Konal loss. Mr. Stumpf h'lor.ged to several ordf-rs and soclotlaa and wns nne of the leidlng members of tho' Gesangverlen Virginia. The arrangemenis for tho funeral had not beon made last night A Remarkable Charge Against J; T. Lane. ALLEOED PLAN OF PROCEDURE Reputanle Merchants Induced to Draw His Checks AND SIGN THE/Vl FOR TMEIR CUSTOMER He is Alleged to Havo Succecded in This Manner in Securing a Sum of Moncy?He Was Released from the Penltentiary Only Short Time Ago, and Bears a Very Bad Rejjutation At the lnstanco cf Detoetlve-Captain Tomllnson, Jullan T. Lane, who was only released from tha penltentiary last week on a hnbeas corpus proceedlnu brought in tho City Circuit Court, was arrested yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Patrolman Folkes, ot tho First Dis? trict, on two chnrges of forgery. The ofllcers aro contident of securing a con vfloUon ln each case, although Lane stoutly denlas nll knowledga of elther of tho crlmes which have been lald at hls door. Tho arrest of Lane, who slnce hls re leaso sccms to hava been operatlng under tho alloa of J. T. Lowry, divuiges ono of tho most remarkablo crlminal operations with whicli the local pollce have ever had unythlng to do, the cunnlngly clevor work of the man being an absoluto mar vel, tho llko of which has never beforo happened in this city. FORGERY CHARGED. Desplto that Lano can nelther read nor wrlte, it ls alleged that ho perpetrated ono of the smoothest forgerles Imagir.a ble, by which two up-to-date, twcntleth ccntury bush.css man wero duped. ono after tho other. It ls fur! her clalmed that this man, who-nas for the past eev en or eight years been conflned within tha dreary Xie.Ua ot tlie Stato penlten? tiary. concocted a mode of procedure by which ha used one flrm as a tool to aa slst him In robljlng another. When tha ni.ount of money dovlved by Lnne is known, one Is lead to bellevo that the gama wns not worth tho cnndle, but tho cfllcer attrlbuted tho size of swlndla to tho fact that I.ano during hls long conilnoment was led to regard one pen ny as the average man would look upcm a dollar. Money to the amount of $10 was looked upon by tha ex-convlct ns a small fortune. Whllo yet clothed In tho garb furnished by tho penltentiary ofTlclals at the ex penso ot tho Stato and whllo hls fornier fellow-prlsonors wero envylng tho good luck of Lane and probably wondcrlng how ho wns onjoylng his long-sought libcrty, the man, lt lo charged, was Involvlng himself, nlone but asslsted, in a crooked operatlon. which proniises to send him once more to the prls^n, In tha event a convlctlon la secured. WON THEIR CONFIDENCE. Accordlng to pollco statemonts, yester? day Lano had succeeded In actually swindllng or/ " -T. J. King & Com? pany, of No. ast Marshall Street? tho amount l. g only $7.0:!. But tho worklngs of tiio operatlon, the manuor in which Lano played one flrm against the other, wlrining the confldence of the head of each. sounds moro llko a fa'ry talo than lt does the trut.h. Last Saturday Lane a.ppeared at tho braneh store of tho Klng Company on East Marshall Street. He saw the man? ager, Mr. R. E. Bruce, to whom ho stated that he had been marrled only n few days and was deslrous of purchaslng a cooklng rango for hls better half. 113 had also promlsed hiswlfa a new lamp nnd several cooklng utonslls. all of which ho wlshcd to get as qulckly as posslbla without puttlng tho flrm to any great lnconvonlonce. Mr. iRrucn ahowed Lane several stoves and tho man finally settled upon ono worth about $17. Ho wns in 110 haste to close tha trade, howevcr, and several' times attempted to get a small rcduc tlon for cash. Thlu bMng donled him, Lane set about buylng the utonslls and tho promlsed lamp. It requlred ncarly nn hour to oult the deslre of the mnn, aiLer which ln tbo most stralghtforw'ard manner Imaglnnblo ho told the BBJesman that hn Ilved at Hanover Courthouse nnd would want tho goods shlpped there. TO CASH A CHECK. Lane Informed Mr. Bruce that he would havo to get a chock cashed before paylng for the goods, and would return later ln the day. There was nothlng Btrango In thln, nnd Mr. Bruco thought no more of tho aiTalr, having tho atovo and other purchnses lald aslde prcparatory to shlpping them on Monday following. Whlle In tho storo tho man spoke of sev? eral promlnent people at Hanover Court? house with whom be was acqualntad. this llno of conversation Impressing Mr. Bruce thnt he was deallng with a well known cltlzen. Leavlng the Marshall Street house. Lane sauntercd around to the h.irdwaro storo of Mr. H. Clay Lynn. No. 409 Brook Aventio. He found tho proprlolor nnd told practlcally the snmo story to him as he had provlously relatod to Mr. Bruco, He wanted a atove'for hls wlfe an.l a few cooklng utonslls. ln tho same raothodlcal manner Lane searched tbo houso from one <nd to the other In the hope ot flndtng a stove that would sult Mrs. Lowry, ln h-ivlng In? troduccd himself. by that n'a'mo, clalmlng this tlmo to livo ln -Ashiand. Finally thg rango was salocted. a* was the lamp and one nr two othor trlvlals, tho entlre bill amoniitlnB to J17. - : Lana thon said that hn *-lsh?d tha goods fthlpped to Ashiand nn Monday, put would pay for them at once. Ha Bskcil fnr a check 011 the First Natlonal Bank, but aa there was none ln the hoiinf, Mr. I^ynu changad a Natlonal Bank of Virginia chock, turnlug It ovar lo I.ano to fin out. SIGNED IT FOR . HIM. The ?x-convlct aald he could not wrlte, end askert that Mr, r.ynn draw up tho elieeki Thn name and amount was flllod, nnd ngnln tho papfr waa pastcd to Dynn for his slgnnture, but tho mnn shook his hoad. oayltig ho could only mako hlu mnrk. Mr. Eynn wroto tlio nnmo J. T, I.owry In tho proper plnce, leavlnfr a spaos be? tween tho Inltlnla and tho nnmo fo!/ T.ano to mako his mark, but tho niin would not placo the mark In thla place, olnlmlng that ho had a Bpeolal arrango inmit with tho bank by which hn'always mado hla mark in tho rlght hand corner nt tho paper. This was done, and tho dcal cemoluded, no far ns Mr. T.ynn was concerncd, he Intendlng to havo tho paper cortlflod ut tho bank Monday bo foro shlpplng Uio good:? to Aahland. l.ane. however, was not ready to loave tho plnco. Ho had another matter on his mlnd. Ho askod Mr. Dynn to draw another check for S27.M, pnyablo to lilm eelf, This was done, nnd onco again Lana, a.llus Lowry, mado hla mnrk In tho corner of tho oheck. Ho remnliod ln tho store for wmo llttlo timo talklns about varlotis thlngn, nnd more than onre rcforrlng to his wlfo. When ho loft ho gave Mr. Lynn a hearty hnndshnke, promlslng to call ngaln when ho camo to Richmond. SCRATCHBD OUT MARKS. With the check for S27.50 in his pooket, Lano returned to tha Mnrshall Stroet, house, But In tho meantime ha had, with a penknlfe, scratched his mnrk off tho corner of tho paper. and tlio work was so cleverly executed that It. was not noticeablo. To Mr. Bniea he tendored tho check ln payraent for tho goods ho hnd agreed to take earllcr Sn .the day. Tho differ enco between tho amount of the purchase and the face of the check was only .17.02, and Mr. Bnico hnd been convlnced by the rptlet manner of the man that he was all rlght; so he agTeed to glve him tho dlf ferenco In ca<ih. Bofore doing this, how? ever, Enne tnade his mark on tho back of tho paper, by way of endorsament, and this time tho mark was made be? tween tho Jnltialj and the name. It was (Ccntlnued on Tenth Page.) LEE STATU New York G. A. R. Want the Alonument at Gettysburg. opposrnoN is narrow Col. Goulden, Head of the Grand Army in New York City, Heartily ln Favor of Honoring'.Southern Chieftain. !n Pennsylvanla Legislaturs. <Spc!?l to Tha Tlor'.fi-Plbpatfh.) NEW YORK, Jan. 27.?While there haa been somo opposltlon nt difterent Grand Army Itepubllc posts in Pennsylvanla to the MU prepared by Coionel a. K. Mc Clure, of Philadelphla, nnd lntroduced In the Pennsylvanla House ot Rcpresen tatlves this week by Represontatlvo Thomas IJ. Cooper, of Delawaro county, provldlnn for a statue of General Ro? bert E. Eee on tho fleld of Gettysburg, lt ls thought tlhnt the G. A. R. men of this Stato will come out in favor of it If tho matter be brought befora tho posts here. HEARTTDT FAVORS IT. Colonol J. A. Goulden, tho head of the G. A. R. In this city, said to-day: "Ttho matter has not been brought up hero, but lf it should, I for one am m03t heartily ln favor- of erectlng tho monu ment for General Robert E. Lec, neirt I have reasons to tielleve that the mn Jorlty of our m?n heTe wll! agree with me. Th're ls -not one of us who <".-o-es not know that Robert E. Lco waa a most ihonorablo enemy, that ho fought for what hn thought wa.s rlght, and that In honorlng our vanquishedfoo we honor OUl-dClVIS. "Opposltlon against this monument be speak-s a narrow-mindediicss that we can only hope Is Umlt?1 to a few fanatlcs. Wo of tho North havo ?rected monu? ment 3 for our soldlers on tho battleflelds In tho Soirth. and there Is every reanon wfhy w? shoidd let no opportunlty pass to honor tho mon of the Bouth, who, thougih foes once, nro out ibnethren now. I slncenely liopo that tho Mll will pass." NO BUSTS OF WASHINGTON FORWINCHESTER SCHOOLS (Special to Tho Tlnioi-Plspatch.) WfNCHESTER. VA., January 27.-Some thlng In the natiiro of a sensatlon was creatod at a mceting of tho City School Board last night- when that body de ollned to considpr a proposltlon to havo busts of Georgo Washington placed ln tha John Kerr public schools. Sculptor Mc Donald, of New York, had wrltten to Mr. Peter Wlnohester Rouss In regard to the matter, and he Indlonted a dlsposltlon to asslst In tha work. The busts wero to be an exact copy of tho Houdon stntuo In Richmond. JIM HAYES IS BLOODTHIRSTY AcvocatesUse of "Sword and Torch" to Rcsist Virginia Legislation and Disfranchisement. t'Epecial to The Tlrao*-PI*p?tch.) WASHINGTON, D. C, January 27.?A muss meetlng of colored agitators was held at Lincoln Momorlal Church last night. James H, liayes, a Virginia negro, rnused his hearers to tho hlghest pitch of tremy and political excltenient when ho auggested the uso "of the sword and the torch" by tha negroes ln forclbly ra slstlng tha Virginia legislation and all ncts of disfranchisement passed by South? ern Leglslatures, He created groat omhusiasm. Ho said nll sectfonal feellng between the North and South was dead, and during all tho jears slnce tho war the negro has not advanceJ one inch beyond the placo ho hdd when llborated from slavery, "There Is nothlng ln Virginia for the negro," he ahouted, "but degradatlon, un lesn tho negro makes a stand for his rights and will dle for thom. 1 am not an anaichlst, but why should we lei peoplo kill us?" This pnovoked loud applause. "ln Virginia," he added, "you are Jlm Crows. You opened to-nlght by sln3ins 'My Country, 'TIs of Thee,' but for my. self, I am a man without a country," 1 Change of Sentiment in Regard to Halsey Bill. EVEN CRUMPACKER APPROVES PLAN South's Bitterest EnemySays Virginia Should Decido. BEVERIDGE WILL NOT OPPOSE MOVEi Sayr, Hc Had No Time to Conslder thev Proposijion, but is Incllned to Be- ' lieve He Would Favor Recoiv ing Slatue of Generai Lee for Statuary Hall. i-snerlnl lo The Tlni?j.DI?ptt<>h. i WASHINGTON, D. C, Jun. 27.-Thaft there Is a change of. .sentiment about tha Capltol ln regard to acceptlng the pro posed offer of Virginia to place the sta- . tuo of Generai Robert E. Lee in Statuary Hall Is evidant from statements to-day by promlnent Repuhllcans. Senator Chauncey M. Depew, ot Now Tork, was or.o o? those who favors acceptlng the statue, and Representatlvo Crumpacksr. of Indiana, was another. Senator Bov erldgo, ot Indiana, said he had not had tlmo to conalder the question fully, but he Inellnod to bellevo ho would favor ac-A ccptlng the Etatue. Represcntatlves H>.y nnd Flood are, both strongly ln favor of tho Leglsla turo passlni? too Halsey bill. DEPEW OUTSPOKEN. Ot all the Northern men who have been seen, Senator Depew, of New Tork. Is tho most hcarty In hls expvesslons of.. favor to tho acceptnrice of the ntatue...i Many say prlvatcly they would not op pose lt, but Senator Depew does not mlnce words. Tho following ls hls state-: ment made to the Tlincs-Dispatoh repra sentatlve at tho Capltol to-day: "My oplnion upon this subject ls very elear. The wa? betweon the North and. the South was fought for the prcserva tlon of tha Union. This question had been dlseussed in debate by tho two sldos evor slnco the framlng of the Artlcles of Confedcration. The Union side won. The Issue was accepted at once by tbo dofcated side, and I thlnk tho placlng of a statuo ot Genaral Robert E. Lea ln Statuary Hall would be an cmphatlo reoognltlon of tho fact that.wo are nll now advocatcs of natlonality and its per petulty. I an? haartily ln favor of re celvlng tho Lee statue." Senator Bevcrldge, the promlslng youns Indlanlan, said when asked his vlewa on ; tha Lee etatuo: "I have not had tlmo to give the matter conslderation and t j should llko to go Into lt thoroughly be? foro giving au oplnion. I am incllned i to think, however. that I should favor recelving tho statue." EVEN CRUMPACKER. Representatlve Crumpacker. of- In- I dlana, one of tho leading Republicans In ! tho House, and a man who has been try Ing for years to have pnssed a measurn 'looklng to the rcductlon of representatlon of the South. ls another who comes oub squarely" with the nnnouncement that ho would not opposo Senator Halsey's plan. "In my oplnion." said Judga Crum? packer, "the settlement of thl3 question should be left cntireiy to Virginia, Rooerr. E. Leo was a aistinguisnea cltlxen of tnw' country. Hc was a conspicuous tigur* ln tho cause or tne conreaeracy?a causa virginia espousea?ana ir virginia wanta. to remember him by placlng hls statue in , Statuary Hall. personally 1 seo no rea- , son why sho should not do so. Lee in ' Virginla'a son and lt ls for lier to decld?i this quesllon as eIio sees flt." Representatlve Hay, of Virginia, sall' to-day that ho had come to tho conclu slon that It would be Just as well for tho Virginia Lcglslaturo to go ahead and pass the Halsey bill, ' The statue of Le? could bo offered and then let what mlghs happen. Representatlve Flood was ot j tha same oplnion. HAS -EYES WITH X-RAY POWERS Mrs. Frederick Alfred Reads Through Opaque Substan ces Witjli Apparent Ease. (Sparlal rjto Thn Tlmes-Dtspatch.) NEW Vt'iUlV, ..anuary 27.-Mrs. Fred? erick Alfred, a woman of forty, has eyes that are ablo to see through subiiances that ?are opaque. When tlghtly bllnd folded, sho cun read from books or let? ters, which sho has naver seen before, She has known for tha last two years that she has this po\v<?i> ar.d has fre quently exerclsed It bafore her t'rlends. Mrs. Alfred has been submltted to a test where her haad was so wrnpped In handkcrchlefs that every partlcla of ilght waa excluded. A book waa plcked at random from * Bhelf and piaced open ln her hand. Thore was a hesltatlon of a few secomls. and thon thn readlng hegan and It cofctlnued without break until a full paga had baen covered without mlstake. Then Mrs. Al? fred, ccmplalning of eevera pains In h?r head, asked that the oxperlmeiit bo dl? continued. LYNCH'S SENTENCE COMMUTED.BY KINO (By Asscclated Prea-j.) LONDON, January 27.?Tha reiitence (r, tUath passed upon Colonel Arthur Lynch, who waa found guilty ot hlgh tr?aaon on Friday laat, has been coinmuted to pen&t ?itxvltude for lif?.