Newspaper Page Text
Three SectionS rnSa IPSft 1^-WH'OLE NUMBER/16,160; .' RICHMOND, VA.., SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1003. PRICE FIVE.CENTS. THE DAYS SUMMARY.' THE WEATHER. *?.^f^BH1N*QT0J,?' b"ob- 7.-Foreca?t for Su day and Monday: Vlrelnla?Raln Sunday; Monday, 'falr; iresji to brltlt enst v/lnds. ?o!, lr,h an'1 So"<-h Carolina and Ooorgta? R?ln Sunday; Monday falr; fresh to hrlsk ea6t, shlftlng to south west wlnds. After a day. of cloudy sklcn.' a cold. Pfpetratlng rain bagan to fall late last nlght. and tha chancea, according to the Weather Eureau,. are for a dlsarjreeable aayj followed by cloarlng to-moiYOK'. STATE OF THE*TFlEnMOMETER. 9 A. M.'39 8 I". M. ........ ii 9 P. m.;.41 12 mldnight . 20 Average.-111-3 Hlghfest tempernture yesterday. 50 Lowtst tempr.rattire yesterflay. 31 ifean temperaturo yesterday.40 NQrrnal teDiperaturo for Fobruary.... f:<5 Depnrture from normal lemperaiure.. (?! Preclpitatfon durlng past 21 houra... CO , MJN1ATURE ALMANAC. Feb. 8, 1303. Bun rlses.7:00 I HIOII T1DE. Bun sets.5:10 I Mornlng.1:01 IWoon sots....3:M | Evenlng.,..1:3 _ , ' Fe*. !); 1003. Sun rlses.7:W | IIIOIITLDE. Sun set8.-,....:.:Ji Mornlng.2:<W Moon scts....t:lg" | Evenlng.2:31 RICHMOND. Whlle trylng to hold up Wllllam Blate, Ephraln Reed, a negro, was shot and kllled thls mornlng by \v. B. Ueiis. of Manchester?Bar? keeper rearfully cut with a blg1 knife rr7 a n.?5ro-Creditors retartl rehabilltn !. of-.,TrleS' Plant-Judce:;hlp nomlna tlori wlll not be edltors go to Plorlda to-morrow?Lead lng senators- arilently advocate Dee etatue bill?Coming events In munlclpal otrcles--Rev. Dr. Strango fast reeover ing hls he.ilt.ti?Elil to Investigale eon? ditlon of negro race-Imp.-ruint Housn of Dclegates?Orplian Asylum green*hous?s to, be reoalred at once Mlnlsterlal Unlon facc to Caco with a knotty question-4-Offer of me Sons of the Amerlcan Revolutioh?Thousands of pounds of butter held up by a mlatake Of Congress?-Decision of Shafer bulldlng Tuesday?-Pig-skin graftlng a complete success-Rich man. wlio Uves ln the slums to make an address her<-Case of JudKe C. J. Camplwll cornes up Tues day??Speedway not closed on Sunday? Rev. c. H. Crawtord not to be re-electod by Antl-Saloon League-Bovs arrested t?It,ar*'*?-;'JnS ?? Chlnamaa. M.ANCHES V.Z?-\lan- h.Jur*yi near Manchester not yjtldentlned-Needy famlly eared for bv ?ind peoplt-rJohn H. Whaon dleraissed oy Mayor Mauricc??*A ficjht near tho courthouse-Commlttoe vlews the streets ?-New lodge of Elks?Ilon. D. L. Toney III-Services In the chnrches to-day Daughters of LIberty to meet?Ladles o: Bacred Hsart Church to glve a supper. VIRGINIA. Tnbnee servlce' to be held In old Unlon 6tre*t llethodiat Church ln Petersburs Boejety news of the .w?ek from the vir? ginia cltles?Strong argumer.ts for good roads from Mtfcerrtn?Goc-d re-.d move ?ment started ln Nottowny?' jbrnaiine rab*! under- Hampton Roads?Thone rates tn Rocklr.gham ralsed-Feud be? tween Norfolk county furio-usts itrjlghtouts contlnues?'C'lse county mlr.'rs' wag^s lncr*AS*|?*~rnfuwrfkl Etrth Con-ipar.-- s er.ercr.iqns in Klng George-? Negroes..JpMHWS ln Au^utta ahd Albe ?*r?'>-Z:*'r*J'*'r%Uo? t0~ rogariniaklng ln Hishlar.d-?Cojr.ty 'phone systern in i?harloi-.t-? BJackstOn* and Chate City r?iro.?.d EUH'ty cOTn;:lettd-donfirmation services ? at yorktown-Peterfburg nerroes lnter*?st?d..-in. th? H^nna bill Llght and jnwer .plant Charles ?~T\orran acjuitiefl ln Sootsylvanla or. eharire of t-elllr.^- i:f;upr license A cannery at willlamfharg-Dr Rob^rt ?sCrange. of Rlchmond. hnx. sallod for two months of^reu i- Europe-Antl-saloon agltatlon at Siutolk-Ladv ln Rooklng hr^m dying from frleht, wl-cn there were n6 burglari-Historic "?Vns'nir.fton sll verwire sfoten from the reMdence 0? R?v pr.Efvcrly'D. .Tucker ln Norfolk-Nor. fout' Repuhlioaas "turnltig from Rooeevelt towannai Mirria.sro?: Thonas Jenklr.s and ..l.t-s r;;:r.a Oesterheld m Cnrollra. Deaths: Mrs., 2Iarv Franc-s Arr.iMrong at Hamp ton;' Taom?s' P.' Rc.b?rt?on aT Farmvllle Mr?..Luck Flchlin .in Cutoeper* MIse Keen Grawes in PittHVlvanla; Thomas H. Stc-e:er at Roanoke: Romujus L. Hurt ln Nntto way. V.':!llam D. Norvell at Charlotte Courthous6. NORTH .CAROLINA. i Supreme'Cofcn announced the names of thlrty-five ?successfi;! p.ppllc^inrs, to prac tlce law-Yo::r.-j man co>tinilt3 sulci-le at Foreet Qity-Reslgnatlon^of,Rev. D. P.' McGea,chy'-? Cumbc-r^arid county wishes to Usue bonds "for road mal-:ing? Marrled ar Durham with falsc- name?. "Want records corrected-Petition for Rey. T.. $rlght.-. of .AnrtSTOv.-ens-Cherry Tree fa,me-Trlnlry College libary..the glft of Mr. J. E. Duke. to t/e opehed Contest eoritlnues after Co:if;iesam?n' 2-fOfOdv's.deajh^?GrteU flood of.Iocal hllis In the Leglslature?T.he London llquor bill referred to a subcommittee to be re ?nodeled. . GENERAL. House' paSE*d ' ariti-'trust hill bv unanl mous vote of 24o to 0-^?Polygamy again diScussed In Senat* durlng oonslderation of statehood bill-?Morgan resolutlon sent to Naval Commtttee b> ttrlct party vote Arranttements for Confederate reunlon in Ne\v Orleans progresstng satlsfactorily Svjcks closed rtrm and active atter sliarp reaption on publlcatlon of, bank 'state nient; money easy-Lee Hftll, negrow-ho shot sherlff ofJohiiFcn.county. Ga..itaken from and lynclled?Tlie Slxth Vir? ginia Reglnunt (colored). to get nearly ,S3.0C0-from war claims durlng the Span Ish' War-Tllman'a' counsel clvo noilce that they wlll ask for bail^?A- South Carolina mnglrmrftto.sheorp the heart out of a farraer?Va. Iron. Coke and Coal Co. tncrease w'ages?^-Conferees in Congress ngree on provisiohs"cr'fatint? new depart* ment 'of" commerce aud !al>or?Boston soclety people talk about the marriage of Mr. Shaw and Mrs. Converse-An Amerlcan, woman pcrforms a 'successful orerntion upon her daughter ln Parls The faet thnt Germany is In'secrot alli unce, with Italy ha? lr*aki*ci out" ln the yepezuplan negotlatlor.s?.stop to be put to the practlre of haiing nt West Polnt Academy-The citv of Caraeas may be tn darkness by Tuesdnv nlght-Big Loufsvi'le tohicco.-coneern absorbed by the BrlMsh adjunct of tha Amerlcan To? bacco Company. SAID TO HAVE BEEN MARRIED FIVE.TIMES (Sneetal to Tho Tlmcj-Dtspntch.y CiraiBERCAND.- MD? February 7. Tohn H. Wllllams. aged elxty-flve, ws arraited In Pen41eton county, VV. Va., below Bweedlin Valley.' on the chorgo of hlgamy. and was. lodged ln Jnll nt Fank lln yesterday, Ho went to Pendlotou county from Virginia .over a year ago and later secured a marrlago I' from tho clerk at Franklin. 011 tho rop resentatlpn that hlsi former wlfo was dead. On last ? Clrrlstmas he was marrled to SIlss Josio T.' Lambert, of Rocliing'am county, Va. Slnce then lt was harned that a former'\vlfo la llvlng at OUoblre. Rocklngham county, from whom he wos never dlvorced;- henao the arrest. it ls oharged that Wllllams haa been the hus bapa of fjva wlves, DR. J.L.M..CURRY IS SLIGHTLY IMPROVED (Speolsi .to The Tifflos.Pispatch.) ,'A^HEVILLIS.. N. CM T6bruary ?.?Dr. iCurry.le reported aa resting quletly. and M' anythlpg, sllghtly Itnproved. He has (WMefl a falrly good day, - . GERMANY AN ALLY OFITALVS Disclosure Made' in the Venezuelan Matter. MR. BOWEN WAS NOT SURPRISED He Had Heard of it Before Leavlng Caracas. SENSATIONAL STORIES HAD BEEN AFLOAT Facts All Lea'<ed Out When the British Ambassador Asked Mr. Bowen to Cut Out of His Note a Sentence That Would Cause Him Embarrassment With Germany and Italy. (By Assoclated Press.) WASHINGTON. February ".?Dlsclos ure of a secret alliance between Ger? many and Italy conatltuted the most Lm portant development lu the Venezuelan sltuatlon to-nt&hL Thls fact lias been made known to the British Ambassador, and It will put all of tha negodators more elosely on thelr guut,d ln draitlng the proto>cols whlch they hope lo suomlt to Minlster Bowen durlng tho next fow days. The Gernian-ltallan was old news to Mr. Bowen, the fact havlng l*=aked out in Caracas bcioro ho loft twuro. GeneraJly speaklng, the alliance is ln tended to secure to Italy the same treat ment ln the allies" seulement wlth Veno ruela us that reoelved by Germany an<J Great Hritain. MR. BOIVEN IS FIRM. Mr. Bowen has mad? it plain. both to tbe British Ambassador" and to the Ger man A-mbassador. Baron Speck von Stern burg, that he cannot afflx hls slgnatura to' any protocols they may praaer.t to h{m which tre'not substajitlally of tha same charactey as that to be 'submltted by uic Italian Ambassador, Sigcor Mayor | u?! Planchei, -All three. of" the flret-eet ; of prorccols to fce slgned. which' win'con >'catn the conditbns prt-ced?nt ?6 t?,e ra-'isV jinjof the-bloakade and the provlslons ; for referrlng the questlon Of prefefen I tial treatment to The Hage ? for decislon, i have W-en recelved at the Italian, Bi.~sb | and EmbasMes. Thelr contents ; are not known to Olr. Bowen. nor have tbe*&llies' representatives here been ac j qualnted as yet wlth tne detalls of ; e^ch others' conventlons. Several Irn | portar.t con.erences have occurred ? throughout the day at the British F-m i bassy ln an effo-t to reach an agreenaent I upon the protocols, . SENSATIOXAL STORIES. ' ' i Several more or less aensational S storles have been ln clre-j'ation durlng i the last few days, whlch have caused 1 considerable annoyahce? to the' British Ambassador and to the other negotla? tors regardlng the note Mr. Bowen ad j dres.sed to the former on Monday Iast I proposir.g to rc-for the questlon 'of prefe'r i ential treatment to The Hague. That these reports may be corrected the ne? gotlators are desi.-o-.ts that"'the facts shall be atated. On Tuesday after the sendlrigof this note to the British Ambassa'dor.'the lat ter called on Mr. Bowen and asked that he wlthdraw the entire note . on tlie ground that it was. not dlplomatlc in chajacter.. Mr. Bowen was corapelled to' refuse to grant this request. The Ambassador thon ' asked ' that the sen? tence beginnins. "On. this side of the water we want peace and uot'aJUaneeC" be wlthdrawn, Again Mr. Bowen re gretted that he could notgrant the Am bassador's request. ' ? OBJECTIOXABLE SENTENCE. ? Finally, the Ambassador. represented that tho latter part of tlie sentence re gardlng ihe ontlnuance ? of the alli? ance or" Great BrlLaln wlth Germany *ind Italy would cause him embarrassment when submltted to tho- Italian Ambassa? dor and tho German Ambassador, Mr.: Bowen roplled that he would be only too glad to do nnythlng. that ? would further the negotiatlons, and-** once struck out the objectlonable clause, ? whlch read as follows: "And. it will occasioti' ereat surprise and rt-gret when it beeoraes known that Great Britxln has even ?'proposed con tlnulne har< present alliance with Ger? many and Italy one rauraont longer than she must." . ... Wlth thls change the, noto waa for mully transmltted by the- Brltlah .Ambas? sador to tho German embassles., LOUISVILLE PLANT BEEN ABSORBED It was purchased by English Adjunct of American To? bacco Company. (By Assoclatcd Pr*SH,) LOUISVILLE, KY., February 7,?Tha Courlcr-Journnl to-dny says: "Tho enor mous rehundllng tobacco plant of W. S. Mathews and Sons, of thls clty, has beon tibacrbed by the Brltlsh-Amerlcan Tobacco Company, the Engllah adjunct of tho Amerlcan Tobucco Company. John V. Mathews, tho head o,. the Mathews platlt, wlll leavo to-day. for Now Tork to coaiplete the final detalls of the deal. All tho maln terms have boon agreed upon, the purchaao prlce belng. lu the nelghbor hood of f2,oai,000. "Tho Now Orleans rehandllng plant, the largest under the contvol of tha Amerl? can Tobacco Oompa.iy at the present tlme, wlll be tranrlerred. here atid wlll ba merged. wlth tha Mathewa plant. Other buslness jf a slmllar nature also wlll bo transfwred to Louiavllle." The new owners of the plant wlll in oorporato, th.e capltal stpcb belng placed ?at about fa.OOO.OOO, ,' " " ?mr>'""? Thomas fflTCtUE joh-n ^mmm L cJOHN -HanPDEN pleasants gflCNRY.K. E.LLY50N. NOTABIE RICHMOND NEWSPAPERMEN OF FORMER YEARS. OUR PAPERS KEEP PACE WITH COUNTRY RICH MAN IN THESLUMS Hon. John M. Glenn to Deliver an Address in Richmond. A MEETIMG OF CHARITIES Among the dlstlngulshlng features of the thlrd annual meetlng of the Vir&lnia Conferenc6 of. Charitles and. Corrections, whlch wlll begln ln thls clty on Tues day nlght -nest, wlll be the preser.ce cf three or four philanthropists of national famo, about whom thoro ls much that Is Interestlng ar.d ln some cases unique. Addresses and statements from these gentlemen, to secure wljom the Vlrgihia body has gone to much trouble, will forai a symposlum, ? whlch will be a distiaet featureof tlie sesslon. One of those who wlll be here will be the Hon. John M. Glenn. of Baltlmore, who wlll deliver au address Thursday nlght on -."Organlzed Charitles." Mr. Glenn ls ' ex-presfdent of the National Conference of Charitles and Correctlons and has been prominently .Identlfied 'wlth philanUiroplc movements throughout tho country.' He ls a wealthy banker and ls'as prominent ln soclal as ln buslness clrcles. 'Thero is an lncldent ln the llfe ot Mr. Glenn whlch ls Interestlng to a blgh de gree. Recently he was marrled to a daughber of Wilcos' Bryan, of Balti moro, and now he and hls, brlde have moved lnto the slums of- Baltlmore and pernianently taken up thelr. rosldenco there.- They are making practlcal ap? pllcatlon of thoorles and are studylng condltlons flrst hand. "When he .speaks here Mr. Glenn wlll tell sornethlng of his ejrperlences. Another Interestlng featura ls Mr. Jae. Alllson, superlntendent of tho Hou-=e of tlefuge. of Cinclnhatl, Oh'o. Dr. Martin L. Barr. a physician of Elwln, Pa., wlll speak Wednesday nlght. Dr. Barr Is at the ,h?id of a big tnstltutlon for the feeble-mlrided and ho wlll glve some val uablo Informatlon a.bout tlie work In thls llne, A well-known mlnlster of the gospel? the Rev. Frederlck H. Wlnes, D. D. LL. P,?wlll bo one of the vlsltors. Dr. Wlnes ls of Washlngton, and he wlll have some thlngs to Kay about State charitles, Mr. Jeffrey.R- Brackett, of Baltlmore. wljl deliver an address on tho openlng nlght, whlch wlll be ono of the strong polrits, A flnal meetlng of tlie Exeeutlvo Coun eHwaa held yesterday afternoon nnd the tlnlBhlng touches wero g-lvcn to the pro gramme and the arrancements for, the en tertalnment of the vlsltors. Ttoports ro oelved showed evorythtng to ho In a most satlsfnctory condltion. Speclal nt tentloh Is belnpr gWon to tha receotlon on TueRday nlght nt the Executlve Man ston. when Govcrnor and Mr*. Monra gue wlll reeelve members of the confer? ence and vlsitmfe. Tho councll rec&lvefl and accepted from Mr. John Stewart Bryan an invlttnlon to make the rninainc of The Tlmes-nig. patch the hendauirters for tha confer. once. A apeclal ronm wlll he eet annrt for the pnrpone and a bure&tl of Infor? matlon wlll be estabUshtd, Evolution of Journalism ln Virginia's Capital. LITTLE CAPITAL IN THE OLDEN TI/MES Plants Were Small Compared With Those of To-Day. MANY NOTABLE MEIM ' IN EDITOR'S CHAIR Brtlliant Editors and Successful Business Men Were Identified With the Lead ing Publications in Richmond's History?This the Birthplace of Many Papers?Some Historical Facts. "The newspapers have blazed the way for the progress and the espanslon of the United States." Whoever may glven expression to such a sentiment may not have rea lized at Uio time tlie full meanlng of hls words, but ono needs not to go from Rlchmond ln order to learn the truth of the statement. When we come down to rock-bottom faots, tho ovolutlon ln tho nevspaper tield has been, parhaps; greater, than that In any other fleld. The truth ls, newspapoi-g havo expanded even more rapklly than the country. Take, for In stanee, the old Willlamaburg Gazette. When lt was known that the Britlsh forces durlng the Uevolutlonary War werei going to Invade that clty, tlio capi? tal was removed to Rlchmond. The Ga? zette camo here and -was published as the first hewspaper printed ln RIoh? mond. True. lt dld not long survlve. Tho war soon ended. Thls country becarao a republlc. Everything was In a chaotlc stato. Polltical partles wero formed. Partlsan feeling ran high. Each party had Its organ. It was an oasy matter ln those days for any ono to start a nowspaper and to conduet lt for a fow months. Condi tlons^are as much chaneed now and more so than tho map of the country, Then we had only tha thlrteen colonies on the Atlanclo coast. We had then a ntHwspaper of about four or fivo col umns to a pago, not ovor four pages, and very short pages at Jpat. The of? fice was such as now would not ront for fivo dolfars per morith. The editor not only wrote hls edltorials and "loaals," but he generally dld the most of tho type-settlng for hls pap$r, As a rulo, he had one person toasslst hlm. If ho was a man of famlly aod had sons, generally the elaest was taken In'to'the offloe tp (Cvnttnued v? Second Fage.) THE TOPIC Marriage of Alr. Shaw and Mrs. Converse. ' THEY HAVE GONE WEST (Speclal to .The Tlmes-Dtspatcb.) BOSTON, MASS.. February 7.?Boston soclety ls ln a ferment over tlie news of "Bobby" Shaw's marriage to Mrs. Charles H. Converse.- of Newton. Mrs. Converse first began her soclal success as the wlfe of Charles Henry Converse, of Newton. Related by marriage to the Tudors, Hlg gtnsons1 and others of the most excluslve famllles, her place In soclety was easlly assured. As an ardent horsewoman and a faithful attcndant at the Country Club fiinctlons, she became even better known, and met the dashlng "Bobby," who ls sald to havo specdny become enamored of her. Althbiigh she never.partlclpated promi? nently ln, the Boston Horse Show festi vlries, she is sald to have frequently met with remarkable success at the bigger fi.nctlon ln New York. As "bobby" was a prominent llguro at both shows, rldlng hls own polo ponles ln the ring, they met v,ory often.. . Somo four years ago her husband dled, ar.d slpce that tlme she 1ms been more oi* lnss a stranger to soclety ufl'alrs ln thls ylUnlty. Foud of travel and possessod of a considerablo Income, slie spent the ma? jor porUon of the year abroad, prlnclpally ln Frunce. where "Bobby" agalo met her reeently. She generallv spent (he wlnter at Lakawood. N. J., where, "Bobby" often wcnt for polo playlng. Lust wlnter she spnit at the Hotel Somerset, ',whero he called, Mrs; Converse-Shaw ls about thirty years old. rather petlto and a declded brunctte. Slie is of euperb flgure and of nn cx troinely attractlve persouallty. She has one chlld. a daughter. seven yenrs of age. It ls understood that tho couple wlll rcies thelr honeynioon in tne West. LYNCHED THE NEGRO WHO KILLED SHERIFF lllv A?8fx>lated Presn.l WFUGHTSV1LLR, GA., Fob. -.-Lee Hall (colored), who shot and uiortally wounded Sherlff D. A. Crawford, of John son county, last Wednesday nlght, waa taken from tho county jail here to-day apd lynehod. Hall was captured yesterday and was brought here nnd Jallod yesterday after? noon. Threats wore made early ln the nlght, but later the exolteraent had aome what subslded. Early thls mornlng, however, a moh forced tho jail ofll cials to deliver Hall, whom they carrled a. few rallea from Wrlghtsvllle and lynched. Sherlff Crawford ls reported to-day to b-? barely aliv*. Negro Killed by a Man? chester Man. ATTACK IS MADE ON MAYO'S BRIDGE Three Negro Men In the Gang of Mldnight Alarauders. ONE OF THEM SHOT: ANOTHER CAPTURED Thev Were Endeavoring to Rob Wllliam SlateWhen W. B, Wells Cama to His Assistance?The Negroes Drew Knives and Mr. Wells Shot Ephralm Reid Dead.- | . W, B. Wells, of No. 10C5 Hull Street, Manchester1, thls mornlng at 1 o'olock shot and almost Instantly killed Killed Ephralm Reed, a negro. highwayman, on. Mayo's Brlde, -wlthln less than flve mlnutes after the negro, together with Aurelius Moseley, who is now locked up at tho Flrst Statlon. attempted to hold up and rob ; Willlam Slate, also a citlzen of Manchester. The capture of Moseley wa3 effected by Wells with the asslsta.nce of Slate and Joseph Nlxon, Immediately after he had flred the fatal shot at Reed. Ten mlnutes after the tragedy Wells surrer.dened himself to Patrolmen Hacett and Keegan. He was carrieM to the Flrst Police Statlon. where he -spent the' night In tha office. pendlng the result^ of an inquest over the remains ot the dead highwayman, whlch' will be held this. morr.tng by Coroner Taylor in the Old' Market Hall. FIRED TUST IN xIME. From tha .statements of Slate and Nlxon, both of whom wero eyi-witnetses to the tragedy. , Wells fired up6n Rted just In the nick Of tlme, otherwise h'4] would have teen cut to 'p'eces with, a knlfe ln the liands of the now dead man. He was advandlng rapldly upon' hls slayer with an Open knlfe ra.lsed in his lian^s, rea'dy to strlke. when a bullet from the llttle' pistol lald hlm loty. After belng shot Reed jumped about two feet ln the air. ran about one hun dred yards. ' falllng stone dead just be yond the canal. Here his body'remalned untll about 3 o'clock thls mornlng. when lt was transported to the' Old Market Hali'by order of ? Coroner Taylor. wno vlewed the remains- shortly after the shooting. ? > TWO:OF'/A GANG.' ?"' There 13 llttle doubt but that Reed and Mosely are two of a gang of hlghwaynien who have been cbmrnltting depredations in the vle'nlty of Mayo's Brldge for sev? eral months. both Wells and Nlxon claimlng positlvefy that they are two of a bunch of seven who attempted to hold them up no later that last Saturday nlght as they were returnlng home from Rlchmond. Shortly after midnight thls mornlng Wells and Nlxon, both of whom are steeple palnters and whose families oc cupy the same house in Manchester, started from Richmond en routo to thelr residence. They advanced as far across Mayo's Bridcje as tha toll-houso. where th^y stipp^d to deposit thelr fee with Kesper E. W. Seay. The gentlemen had been In the place scarcely two mlnutes. when Wllllam Slate, out of breath and trembllng with fear, dashed np, statlng that he h".1 just been hold up by two negroes at the Rlch? mond end of the brldge. He asked for help to go back and Investlgate; BORROWED A PISTOL. Neither Wells nor Nlxon had a pistol. but the toll colloetor volunteered a smnll 32-i-allbre gun. Thls he hnnded to Wells. after whlch the thn?e Jburheyed baek-tb warda Rlchmond. Thc-y had reaohed tho fifth span of tho strticture (rom thls side. when the shndows of two men coull be dl-nly obsem-ed through the stllly dark ness. Tho negroes wero not aware of ?** a*' preach of tho trlo of whlte men. and wero leanlng cbntentedly upon the rall* Ing of the brldge. Cnde-r the eover of tho Inton^e darknoss. Wells sllpped arourd the negroes, suddenly'sprlng'ng In front of them with tho pistol In hls hand. He conni.indcd them to stirrender, but in stend thev both took to th.-lr heels. .V second commaild brought them to a halt, hqwever, and when tlie nien ap proached N'xpn and Slate .erappled with Mosely, whlle Wells cpvered his man with tho pistol once more. Seo'ng, however, that a hard tussle was on between hls frlends and Moiely, Wells lowered hls crini long onough to go to their asslst anet. Thls wns the opp'M-tunity sought for by Reed, and he ralsed hii knlfe- to strlko a denth-dcaling blow upon Lho person, or Wo ln. but ho was not fnst ennutrh, ?-mri ivn.i shot before the blow landed. Thorn ls thouyht to hnvo beon a thlrd uegro ln the party. ARRANGEMENTS FOR OONFEDERATE REUNION (By Asioetatei) i'ret<.) NEW ORLEANS, February 7.?The Confoderato Heunlon Conirnlttoo has de oided to oi'fer n prlza of K'3 for the de slgn for the emblom to be pliccd on the ba/dges for the reunlon ln thls clty, A'l tho committee repo^.'ed at the meet'nar last evenlng, an.i arraiigenients weie found to ho progresslng raplJly. A oonirnlt^ea jvlll have chaigi of feed lng and.. iodglng veteraps who como wltbout/'provsloiv for their stay, .\dJut/mt-Gen>'ral Meckl* has en nouiioeJ" that General Corbtn ls muc'.i better.jand wlll start at onca on a, lec ^?turlng ftour ln the North. ALL ARE OPPOSED TO TRUSTS Bill to Regulate Them' Passed Unanimously.' AMENDMENTSKILLED BY A-PARTY VOTE Democrats Trled in Valnto Insert Teeth ln Blll. POLITICAL RANKS BROKEN BUT ONCE Thls Was on Amendmentof Mr. Thornav of lowa, to Make Filing of Return* incumbent Upon All Corpora? tlons, Seven Re'publicass ; ." Votlng on. Thls With the Democrats. (By Aseoclated Press.) WASHINGTON. February 7.?By ? unanlmous rote\of 215 .to.O the Heusa." ? to-day passed the aiitl-trust blll. Th'ar closlng chapter was devold of escltement. For three hours the Democrats offeTea-j* sertes of amendment3 doslgned to . placa "teeth" In the blll, but they .were elther mled out of order or voted down by. m strlct party vote. ???-.*-? On 6nly one vote were the ? polltlcal ranks broken. It was on an amendment offered by Mr. Thom' (Republlcan), Iowa< to makn the iillng of returns Inpupibenl upon all corporatlons , mandatory. Od that ahiendmont seve'n Bepublicans <vot?4 wlth the Democrats. i The blll as passed riquires corporatlon* "hereafter organized",. to" nle retunta' showlng its artlcles of Incorporation, ? Cnaficlal- cornposition, ? condltion, etc.'., with the Interstate Commerce"Comniis-' sion on penalty of belng rastrained fronv. engaglag ia "interstate commerce,. jre'pnlties for fAlso returns, etc. The .commissicnls given'autndflty ln Ita 'disoretfon' to eall foi-simliar returns from existing corporatlons Interstat* busliress., The commlsslOn ls' glven power to compel the answer to qtlestlons, .and '?, ih\e ,not to exceed $5,000 Is imiiosed for failu're ,to obey the commlaslon ln thia respect., . <:.'<-'7.\ REEATES NOT ADLOWED. flebates by jbarrlers is made punlshaSTa wlth a-fine of, not less than 51.000, an'fl . corporatlons vlolatihg ' tne provlslons.o'C thjs sec'tion are forbldden the use of tha. instrunientalities- of interstate commerce. Carrlers are pnihlblted frotn kirowingly transportlnsr artlcles prodiiced. manufa<; tured or'sold ln 'flolation of the Sherin'au act. , . .;c . In cases of prosecutlon, no person ls to'-l be excused from testlfying on tha grountj' that- such testlmony would tend* .ta'-Zi&iS* crlmlnate hlm, but for such t&tinjony'.' the witness ls not to be prosecuted. Tha/-. Clroult Courts are given Jurisdlctlon in ' cases of vtolatlon. ls made tha 1 duty of the dlstrlct attorneys to in- ? stltute proceedlngs to pravent vlolation*. and Individuals damaged by "rtolatlon ara ? given authority to. sue. General debate on the antl-trtist .bill - havlng closed yesterday the blll was reaiS ? for amendment under ? the . five mtnuta " ru!e. Mr. De Armond, MIssourl, offared the minorlty amendment to the Crst seo? tlon. prov-ldtng that all corporatlons wlth': a capltal of $100,000 or- more doirg aa ". Interstate buslness. "now or harea'ter"' organlzed. should make annual returns* .-"" The bill of the commi.ttee.. he explaineiS-. only reqiilres returns from corporatlons "hereafter orgahlsed," except whera-'. called for by the Interstate Commerca Commlssion. He thought all corpora? tlons should be placed on an:eauaj foot- ' Inc ln thls regard. Mr. Overstreet. of Tndiana fRepuoll can). speaking for the majority, sald that it ^deslred fo "steer ' a mlddla course." It would. compel future cor? poratlons to flio returns, but lodged wlth, the commission.-.the dlscretion, to cail for repot-ts from existing corporatlons.'"' The amendment was voted down-r-74. to 96. WOt'LD NOT SCPPORT HTM. ; Mr, Sulzer (Democrat, N>w VorkA charged that clever trust lawyers "6?" New York had proposed the bfll. He ." sntrt th'it at one tlme he thought ,Mr,:"; LlttleflHd wns slncere. but tha,t he waa.. now reluctantlv comneiied t-o give fh* oninlOTi that bill of rh?. "Tru^t Bu>?ter from Ma'ne" wns "seven pounds Ughteft-' tlmn a strnw hat." Mr. SLulzev sakl he belleved the Prea*: Idont was hone-<tly H-vlnx to a'ccnmpltah ' so-pfcthinpr. The dtffioultv w-as that hlfc p-irtv would not sunn.irt him. The penfl? lng blll was ai Ineffectual as a ,"putty? blower wo'tld be to stop an *5jopoant ott. the" Mr. Heurv I'Democrat, Texas,) offereft" as n new seeUon nn amendment to plac* steel rallv "olndlng twlne,- paper arid some other nrtlrles nn the fr?>e llat.* T4 lt- Mr. Llttlofield mado a p>o|nt of or* der. ' ? , ' ? A mnnber of other amendmont* wera off?r?d t,i tho fir?t leetion. and all wera voted down. Mr. Do Armond rS,CI??inUrO fllnally moved that d'hita; on foetlon j cl'i.-se, nnd hlr, morion led to n sharp per-^. ao"'I rln^h wlth Mr. Littleflejd. "Ha?i Hio p^nMe-i-an tnk^n" eharge.ot tha bill?" ns<*-ed Mr. Llttl?n?ld. ' NOBODY IN CHARGE. "I wlll sny to tho gemleman from Maln*." renlled Mr. Da Armond. "that l do not thlnk there ls any suggeatton that anybody ls 'taklng charge of th? blll' nnd there mtght be some reaaons to ?ug gest that not very much of anybody haa had 'charg? of the blll.' I wUh to reach a polnt where amandmants that we h*va pr.-p.ired wlll be voted on. and I do not caro to play lnto the hands of the gen tleman from Malne or anybody ?1?* ^rtio may be di?poied to fritter away tlme oa thls occa?ion," Mr. Dittl^flald: "Let me a?H th<? _ gentleman <3oe? ho und?rtak? to lntt?. mata 'the getitlemaji txoax Slaloa* ba*'