Newspaper Page Text
CONFLICT OF FORCES Animated Strength of Wabash Made Poor Showlng. CLOSE F1R/H AND ACTIVE Publicatlon of Bank Statemont Caused Such a Declino That Demand for Shorts Oaused an Effective Rally?Bonds Irregular. <Hy Asuoclnted I-rens.) ,''?', NEW YORK, Feb. 7.-Tho animated strongth of tho Wabosh securltles In tne stock market to-day contested for a pro valllng lnfluenco wlth tho vory poor show? lng mude by the banks. Tho Influonco of the bank statoment was lesscned V* tne notorlous.easo wlth whlch loans can now bo obtalncd. It Is well. undertsood also, that tho Btiitemont wlll be compllcated. by tho chango ln tho capltal account or tho Western National Bank, due to mer? cer oporatlons. lt ls estlmated that tne loan account ls oVersDatctf to the extent of moro than four mlllions by thls ad justmont. Tho loan expanslon ls stlll left ot a largo llgure, and it ls belleved thnt somo of the effect of the $8o,000,000 Pcnnsylvnnla loan oxpanslon ls thrown over from last week. Tho J7.234.SOO declino ln cash rescrves ls more than twlce as much as wqb Indlcated by tho known movements of money. The {3.000,000 pay ment to the BUb-Treasury on account of 'the Central Paclflc noto was mado Iast Saturday and bo ngured for a full week ln tho avorages. The sharp rcactlon ln prlces whlch fol lowcd tho publlcatlon of the statement dovclopcd so large a demand -from the short sellers of yesterday that an effective rally followcd, and the market closed ac? tlve and flrm. The Waboahes were th? features of the market. The movement was apparently based on tho news of tlie steps taken towards consolldntlon of the control of tho branch llnes whlch are de algned for tho Atlantlc outlet for tne Bj-Htem. Other members of the Gould group wero strong ln sympathy and were hclped by tho MIssourl Paclflc showlng of an Increaso in gross earnings for the fourth week In January of J303.020, or more than 23 per cent. ns compared wlth tho correspondlng week of last >'ca,r; Wabosh preferred rose an extremo 3jfc ln the lato deullngs. The dobenture Wb bonds were also in largo demand. Asin gle sale of Burtalo, Rochester and Pltts? burg at an advance of 9'4 over yesterday attractcd attentlon. Sugnr was run up a polnt ln tlie flnal deallngs. Thero has been eomo broadenlng ten dency In tho bond market durlng the week, but tho price movement has been rathcr irregular. United States G's de cllned % and tho Ve. coupon. % per cent. Tho new 4's. reglstered. advanced Vi per cent. as compared wlth tho closlng last week. -'V. ??' '?.?'? The total sales of stocks for the day wero ?03,200 ahares. MONEY AND ErXCIIANGE?CLOSE: Tlme money, Bteady; slxty and ninety daya, *tV& per cent.; six months, 4Hqh*S per cent; money on call nominal, no loana to-day: primo mercantlle paper, 4y-,05 per cent. Stcrting exchanRe steady with act ual buatnca in bankors" bllls at J4.87.25 for demand and nt H.S4.U5S4.81.25 for slxty day bllls; posted ratcs. $4.85 and $4.88; commerciil bllls. J4.S3&04S4. Bar sllver. 47%; Mexlcaa dollars. 37H- Government bonds steady; railroad bonds Irregular. WEBKLY BANK STATEMENT. NKW YORK. Feb. 7.?The statement of Clearing-House banks of thls clty for the week shows: Loans, ?924,95S,C00; lncrcaao, 130,447.900. Deposits, S94O,lS0.1O0: Increase. 18.401.200. CIrculntlon, 144,175.700: decreaae, $1,003,200. Legol-tenders, $75,'57>,900; decrease, $2, 677,009. Specla, $178,014,800; decrease, $U5,G57.200. Rescrves, $25.'!.{>S0,700; decrease. $7,234,800. Reserve rcquired, $236,045,025; Increase, $2,100,300. Surplus, $1S.545,545,C75; decrease, $9,335,100. Ex-United States deposits, $28,567,075; de? crease, $9,335,500. THE EDITOR'S VIEW w An Interesting Summary of the Situa tion by the New York Evening Post, <Spcclal to Tlio Tlmes-Dinpatcli.) NEW YORK, Feb. 7.?Tlie Evening Post ln Its weekly revlcw says: To-day's bank statement was had; that ls to say It showed a loss ln cash and a loan expanslon much greater ln both cases than the market had expected. As a result of the seven million decrease of cash and the twenty mllllon addltlon to tho loau's surplus rcserves are reduced 19.335.0OJ. A closo examinatlon of the statement wlll, however, show that the . weck's loan expanslon Is not wholly of tho ordlnary character. In other words, the Increased loans do not reappear ln proportlonato Increaso of doposits. Thls suggests what is probably the cor rect explanatlon. that tho Wcstern Na? tional Bank's operatlon wlth Its capital has played some conslderable part. lf the seven odd mllllon Increaso of capltal, under the merger, was affectcd by that much lncrcase ln bank loans, then the loans would, of course. affect, not the de poslts, but tho capltal account. It ls probablc, however, that other lonn opera tlons llgured also ln the statement. As for the J7.234.OO0 decrease in cash, lt ls to be remenibcred that last Saturday's return showed on its fuco an lncrease ln speclo and legal tenders two or three mllllons largcr than the facts had war ranted. Even wlth thls allowance, how? ever, lt must bo admitted that the flgures are slngularly large. Surplus reserves aro stlll sllghtly above those of a year ago, for loans Increased and cash hold lngs decreascd then also. Wlth that ex coptioh they are agaln tho lowest for thls date ln llfteen years. Very little Inlluenco was exerted on tho market by tho statement. Prlces had been uncortaln, wlth some irrcgularity, untll the return was puhllshed. They ylelded sllghtly on Its publlcatlon, but rocovered beforo the close. Whnt most Impresses tho thoughtful watcher, as hls eyo scans tho financinl horlzon of tho moment, ls tho Berles of Indlcatlons that thlngs whose tendency con bo dlstlnctly seen aro worklng fav? orably. Thls does not menn. ot course. that there ls nothlng from whlch may bo drawn an argument of potentlal dxngor. A sltuatlon wholly freo from such pos Blbllltles ls raro, If not lnconcelvablc, aud the existing sltuatlon enjoys no pnrtlcu Iar lmmunlty. lt ls qulto reasonable to argu'e tlmt labor difflcultles may recur, that corporatlon expenseB may cnt heav Ily into corporatlon proflts, that gold ex Sorts aud tho Panoma settlement may erange a futuro money market, or, as a flnal Kupposltlon, that tho harvests may turn out deflclent. T.hoso aro all posslbllltlos, but as yet they aro nothlng more. It may, lndeed, bo further sald that tho prosent outlook does not show, by any of those automatlo slgnals whlch aro tho safest guldos, np prohonsloh that such devolopmonts are near. Comlng evonts may bo embraoed ln the foregoing Ust; If so. thelr shadows have not been citBt ahead of them. Or ganlzod labor ls qulot, and for obvlous reasons. probably wlll remaln so untll the ,, end of wlnter. Corporatlon earnings, l? ? while aomowhat conlllctlng ln thelr char ?t aoter, hardly as yot boar out even tlie more conservatlve mlsgivlngs. In tho rnonoy markot not a rlpplo of dJsturbanco /ls vlslble. For tho harvests, lt ls too ' i early, to draw any deflnlte ooncluslons. / Wall Stroet Is not woll pleased at the / Inertla on tho Stock Exchange. Slnco thls Involvea commlssloiis and proflts. tho nt tltudo ls not aurprlslng. It ls, however, ratlior oddly charaotorlBtlo. Two months ago tho Stock Bxohango was foromost ln i esprosslng tho wlah for exactly what has happened. Even tho lcaders of tho wlld Ootoboi* pcrformonoes, It wlll bo romem ? bered, left tho mossage, on thelr dopart ura from tho scono, that tho best thlng ror tho stook market was a period of rost. The prayor ls grantod, and at once the unanlinoiis complalnt nrlses thnt some, thlng must bo wrong. Tbe faot. however, la thnt Wall Stroot was wlsor ln Decem? ber than 1t ls In February. Jf all tlie above-namod n'egutlvoly fayornhlo slgns were present, but woro acuompanled by oxoitod spoculntloii on the stock Ex? change. experlenced watch'ors would tnko a vory dlfferent vlew, Absenoe of such Inliatlon of the maohlno of oredlt, wlilla the govoriiing Uiiiuoncoa of tho THOMAS BRANGH & GO (KSTABL-ISHED 16U8.) MEMBERS / New York Stock Exohange. New York Cotton Exohangt. PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINGIPAL MARKETS. Inveslmenl Securities. future aro ns yot only cautlously unfold* lng, Is by far the most encouraglng port of tho wholo sltuation. At tho present moment lt Ib qulte use less to guess how soon a chango ln this rcgnrd wlll como. Thero Is a good deal of'truth ln tho maalm that capital Is con stnntly accumulatlng ln prosporous tlmes, and that tho lnvestment market ls its ln* evltablo outlot. The bighly Interesting problem whlch ls worklng out at thls very hour of aoemlng* ly apathy Is the relatlon of supply to de? mand in securities, or, to put it another way, tho relatlon of productlon to con stimptlon. It wlll be rcmembored that oVory contrlbutor to tho symposlum on tho flnnnclal outlook Docembcr 31st agreed that supply ln thls Held had outrun de? mand. Productlon has, howover. vlrtual ly como to a stop durlng tho throo past monthB, but power for consumption haa nece?sarily ' Increascd with accrulng wcalth. This power would undoubtcdly have dlsplayed Itself ln a strlklng way, but for a fact that Is commonly ovcr looked. In reallty, lt was tho outside publlc whlch was called on to take and provlde for tho hugo mass of lnvestment stocks whlch sllpped from the hnnds of tho "western pool" when tlio banks re called tholr loans. | NEW YORK QUOTATIONS. QUOTATIONS FURNISHED THE TTMES BY SCOTT &. STR1NGFELLOW, BANK.ER8 AND BROKERS. 1102 E. MAIN STREET. Op'n. Hlgh. Low. Cl'e. Atchlson . 87% 8774 87% 87% Atchlson _pfd . 100% 100% 100% 100}f B. and 0.101% 101% 191% 101& B. and O. pfd . 90% 9C% W% 9S% B. R. T.. 08% 68% 08% 68% Oan. Pac.137 137 130% 13C% Can. Southern . ,. ... 74 C. and 0. 52'.4, 5244 51% 52% Ch. G. W. 27% 27% 27% 27% C. C. and St. L. 07 Col. and Southern .... 30 30 30 29% C. and S. 1st pfd pr. 70% C. and S. 2d pfd pr.--. 45% 4f% 45% 45 Erle . 41 41% 40% 41 Erle 1st pfd . 72% 73 72% 72>4 Erle 2d pfd . C3% 6.1% C3 63% llllnols Central .140 140 145% 145 L. and N.12C% 120% 125% 128 Manhatton .144% 145 144% 144% Metropolltan .137 137% 137 137 Mex. Central . 25% 25% 25% 25ft Mex. Natlonal . 1S% Mlssour! Pac.112 113% 112 112% M. K. T. . 2S% 2S% 28% 28% M. K. T. pfd . 60% ..1% 60% ?0% N. Y. Central .149"' ' Nor. and West. Ont. West, .... Paclflo Matl _ Pennsylvania .150% 150% 150% 150% Readlng . 64 64% 63% 63^1 Readlng 1st . 88 Readlng 2d . 77 Rock Island . 48 48% 48 48% Rock Island pfd . 81% 81% Sl% SIVi S. A. L. S. A. L. pfd. S. A. L 4's. St. Paul .178% 179 178% 178% Southern Pac. C4% 65% 64% 05% Southern Ry. 35% 36 35% 35% Southern Ry. pfd. 95 Tex. and Pac. . 89% 41% 39% 40% Unlon Pac.101% 101% 101% 102 Unlon Pac. pfd. 94% Wabash . 81 32 31 31% Wabash pfd . 4S% 51% 48% 51% Wabash pfd ;. 48% 51% 48% 51% W. and L E. 1st pfd. 69% INDUSTRIADS. Amal. Copper . 68% 69% 6S% 6S74 A. C. 0. 44% Amcr. Loco. 29% 29% 29% 29% Amer. Loco. pfd . 94 04% 94 94 Car Foundry . 41% 41% 41% 41*4 Car Foundry pfd. 91% C. F. and I. . 75 75 74% 74 Con. Tob. 4's . C5 65 C5 C3 Int. Pump . 44 44 44 43% Int. Pump pfd. 83 83 83% 82% Int. Paper . 18% Int. Paper pfd . 73% 74 73% 93% National BIscult . 46% 46T4 46% 46% People's Gas . 107% Pr. Steel Car . 63% 63% 63% 63% Pr. Steel Car pfd. 93 SloBS-Shef. 69% 69% 69% C7 Sloss-Shef. pfd. 94% Snuff . 97 Snuff pfd . 127% Sugar .128% 130 128% L"9% T. C. and I.? 64% 64% 04 64% U. S. Leather . 13% 13% 13% 13% U. S.. Leather pfd .... 91 91% 91 91% U. S. (Stcel . 38% 39% 3S% 39 U. S. Steel pfd . SS% 89 88% SS% V. C. Cliem. . 64% 64% 64% 64 V. C. Chem. pfd. 124 Wcstern Unlqn . 90 90% 89%, 69% BONDS. U. S. refundlng 2's, registered. 108% U. S. refundlng 2's, coupon .108% U. S. 3's. registered . 107 U. S. 3's, coupon .107% U. S. New 4's, registered. 134% U. S. New 4's, coupon .125% U. S. old 4's, registered. 110 U. S. old 4's, coupon. 110 U. S. 5's, registered . 102% U. S. 5's. coupon. 102% Atchlson. general 4's . 102% Atchison. odjustmeiit 4's. 92% Baltlmore and Ohlo 4's .102% Baltlmore and Ohlo 3%'s. 93% Baltlmore and Ohlo conv. 4's.105 Canado Southern 2d's.108J Central of Georgla 6's (bid).I08y Central of Georgla lst Inc. 79 Chesapeake and Ohlo 4%'s.106% Chlcago and Alton 3%'s. 78% Chlcago, B. and Qulncy new 4's. 94% Chlcago, M. and St. Paul gen. 4's? 111 Chlcago and Northwestern con. Ts.. 132% Chlcago, Ro'ck Islnnd and Pac. 4's.. 106 C. C. C. and St. L gen. 4's. 93% Chlcngo Termlnal 4's . 84 Colorado and Southern 4"s. 90% Dcnver and Rlo Grande 4's. 98% Erle prior llon 4's . 9S% Brle General 4's. 87% Fort Worth nnd Donver Clty lst's.. 111% Hocklng Valley 4%'s . 109 Louisyille and Nash. Unlfled 4's.100% Manhattan con Gold 4's. 104 Mexlcan Central 4's. 76% Mexlcan Contral lst Inc. 26% Mlnn, and St. Louls 4's. 103% MIssourl, Kan. and Texas 4's. 98% MIssourl. Kan. and Tex. 2d's. S2 New York Central gen. 3%'s.104 New Jersey Central gen. 6's. 138 Northern Pacillo 4's. 103% Northern Paclflc 3's. 72% Norfolk and Westcrn con. 4s.101 Reading eGneral 4's...... 97% St L and lron Mountaln con. 5's... 114 St. Louls San Francisco 4's. 96 St. Louls Southwestern lst's. 07% St. Louls Southwestorn 2d's.,. 84 San Antonlo and Arkansas Pass 4 s.. 85% Southern Paclflc 4's . 91% Southern Railway B's. 117% Texas and Paclflc lst's..116% Toledo, St. L. and Wostern 4's. 79 Union Paclflc 4'b. 103 Union Pacltlo conv. 4's. 100% Wahash lst's .117i4 Waboah 2d's .lgg ' Wabosh Deb, B's . 82% West Shoro 4's. 111 ' Wheeltng nnd Lake Erio 4's. 92% Wlsconsfii Central 4's . 91 Contlnental Tobacco 4's. j>5 Colorado Fuol con. 5's. 92% Rock Island 4's . ,87% Pennsylvanla con. 8%'s.................. 106 M. and 0,. oollateral trust 4's (bid).. 1)8% Central of Georgla 2d Ino. 38% Va.-Carollna Chemlcal Oo, com. 04% Va.-Carollna Chomlcal Co. pfd.126 Standard Oil.743 BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. BALTIMORE, MD., Fob. 7.-Soaboard Alr Llno common, 20; do. proferred, un ehanged. Scahoard 4's, 84, Atluntlo Coust Dlne common, 134; do. proforrod, un ohanged, WALL STREET QOSSIP Wabtisli Issuea Very Strong?-Talk of a Dlvidond on Sloss-ShefTleld. (Spcclal to Tlio TlDjou.nun&tcli,) JTOW YORK, Feb. 7.-Thoro has been no myst'ery ln tho absenee 'of James R. Koono from the street. Every brokor knew for tho past two "woeks that he was not at hls offlce, and, no attompt waa made to kcbp thls fact a s*norot The ab* sence of Mr, Keono from hls office flOM not necessarlly mean that fio ls not ac? tive ln tho market. He h?s a ttckbr closd ftt hnnd at the Waldcrrr-Astorla, and ft soro knoe does not koop hlm from itslng a tolephono. Tho attompt to mnko n sen* sation out of hls lllness waa an abfiolute fall u rp. ROCK ISLAND: Thoro ln llttlo rcason to bellove that tho orric nl Hock island announcoment con coniitiB Its lato deal wlll bo mado untll 'next wdok. Apparniitly tho cssentlal do* talls havo 1>een puhllshed, but lt Is Just a possiblllty that the ecopo nnd import onco of tho dcal have boon undor-ratcd. Rock Islnnd wlll be ln nn immonsurably utrongcr posltlon when tho now arrnngo ments go Into effect, nnd thero wlll bo on offenslvo and defcnslvo alllanco ln the West that wlll mnko for penco ln the railroad sltuation most assuredly. ONTARIO AND WESTERN; Vague yarns oftucting Ontorlo and Wesiorn uro tlnding their way lnto clr culiuion, ruiiKitiK li'um Its purchase by Wauasli to its ueiug 0110 of tho prospeullvu memuera of tno tneorotical securiuas liuiiiiiig company lor oji tne coal, ot wmcii pennsylvania and tho Vauuur bllts would lmj tlie direcung torces. tio tar as can bo seen inetu m no tuugiuio i-eason lor mixing up utuario una west? ern in any auiu ol a auai, onu it ia up pareatly puiciuiug tho even leuor of tls way. ineio nas uuen gooa buying durinu tne weea, ana tnis niay nave insyireu uie rumors. THE READlNG D1V1DEND: Tnero Is notlilng stBiiuicant ln the deciarution ox a i per cent, divldend on tu*uiing. Ujs perlectly natural tnut ,UW coai suiko liavmg endj-d ana Uie incoine uaving been restorod to a normal dosih, tuat mo resuiar ttiviclend snouid be de* cliued. Unaer tne vouuk trust agTeemem the uivldenaa of 4 per cent. must oo paiU ror two conseoutive years betoie the trust will lapse. sinco conurol ot iteaauig nas passea to Pennsylvania and JjOne anore, nowover, lt may bo assiimed inat wituln a ahort tlme the truaices wlll exerclse their power to diasoivo tne trust. WABASH STRONG: ?_ . ln connecilon wlth the rlse ln Wabosh securlucs, a report was current that tho long-cxjiected plan for the retircinent of the "U" dobenturea would snortiy be brought out and that contlnent 6 per cent. Uatmity wouid qa replaced by a 3% per cent. Dond, whlch snould constltute a llxed chargo. lt was caiculated that lf such a plan were put through lt would increaso the chonces for aivldends' on the preferred stock. Much taik was heard about the benefits to be derlvcd wnen the extenulon lnto Plttsburg ls completed. Curlously enough, the state? ment of President Ramsey that tho In? creased wages ate up ail of tbe increased frelght rates was lots slght of. The heav lest buyers of the Wa-bash Issuea, as well as of MIssourl Paclflc, were George,P. Butlor & Bro., who are recognlzed as Gould brokers. M1SSOURI PACIFIC: The reeumptlon of lnslde bull manlpu lation ln Wabaah preferred stlmulaled tradlng ln MIssourl.Pacttic, and the stock rose early on scatterlng buylng. H. B. Hollins & Company bought 6,uuu shares. The excellent earnings for the fourth week in January, whlch showed an In? creaso of $303,000, was also used as a bull Ish argumcnt. SLOSS-SHEFFIELD: Indlcatlons are that the dlrectors of Sloss-Shettleld will conslder the declara tlon of a dlvldend on Uie common stock ln Aprll. There Is no telllng at thls tlme, with ac curacy. what rate the board may pay, but whatever ls done ln thls directlon will be along conservatlve llnes, and ac? tion wlll be based upon what earnings have actually been ln the, post, and no attempt wlll be mado to establlsh a dlvl? dend rate on the common stock whlch mlght seem justlfied by present or pros pectlve earnings. The current opera tlons of the company are showlng good results from the standpolnt of proflts. Controcts that have been made at prlces, showlng a good margin for proflts, are pow belng executed, and thls class of or? ders wlll keep the company busy for some months. The company is having some dlfficulty in obtalnlng cars ln whlch to ship Its products, and the shlpmonts ln January were materlally affected on thls account, and at least 5,000 tons more could have been shlppcd last month lf the company had recelved enough cars. On thls account the earnings for January wlll probably fall below those of Decem? ber, the actual surplus earnings ln each month, after allowlng interest charges for the month, amountcd to $192,802. The an? nual report of tho company wlll be Issued withln a few weeks, showlng the results of operatton3 durlng the last Hscal year ended November 30, 1902. Durlng that year the buslness done by the company was at prlces which afforded only a mod erat'e margin for proflts, but the results for tho past year are. all thlngs consld ered, regarded by Interests ln the company as qulte satisfactory. GOULD INTERESTS IN WEST VA.: The Goulds have purchased the Clen denln and Sutton Railroad and the Roar lng Cheek and Charleston. ? RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Biohmond, Va,, Feb. 7. 1903. SALES. Virglnia Centurles?J3.100 at 94%. STATE SECURITIES. Bid. Asked North Carolina 4's, C. 1910.... 102% ... Va. Centurles, 2-3, C. and R.- 94% 94% RAILROAD BOND& A. C. L of C. Cer. of Ind. 4's. 89 Char., Col. and Aug. 2d 7's C- U2 Georgla Pac. lst 6's, C, 1922.... 126 Ga.. So. and Fla, 1945. 114 ... Georgla and Ala. Con. B's.... 110 Nor. and West. Ry. *4's, 1996.... 102 N. and W. Ry. Pocahontas 4's.. 92 Pet. Class A 5's, R. C, 1928.... 116 Pet. Class B 6's, R. C, 1926.... 129 ... Rlch. and Danvllle Gold 6's.. 118 -... Rlch. and Meck. lst 4's, 194S.... 90 92% South-Bound lst 6"s, 1941. 110 S. A. L Con. lst t's. 1950. 83% 84% S. A_ L Collateral Trust 6's.. 102% ... - Va. Mlrland G. M. 6's, 1936.... 115 ... RAILROAD STOCKS. Par. Atlanta and Charlotte.100 165 Atlantlc Coast Llne com....100 133 135 Atlantlc Coast L. of Conn.,100 ... 330 Chesapealte and Ohlo .100 52 Nor. and West. pfd., 4 p. c.100 92 Norfolk and Western com....100 74% ... Seaboard Alr Llno pfd.100 42% 43% Southern Railway pfd.100 9o Southern Railway com.100 95 j ... BANK AND TRUST CO. STOCKS. Amerlcan National.100 125 131 Broad-Street Bank .25 26 Clty .25 33 ... National Bank of Va.100125 ... , Planters National .100 330 ... ' Southern Trust Co.100 112% ... Union Bank of Rlch.50 160 ... Virglnia Trust Co.100 118 :.. IN3URANCB COMPANIES. Va. Flre and Marlne.25 86% ... Virglnia State .?.25 30 ... MISCELLANE0U8. Amer. Tob. Co. pfd., 8's.,..100 ... 150 Amerlcan Locomotlve pfd....100 94 85 S. I. and S. Co. lst bonds 6*s.. 110 Va.-Carollna Cliem. pfd.100 125% 126% Va.-Carollna Chem, com....100 C3% 04% V.-C. C. Co. Col, Trust Bst... 99% 100% COTTON MARKETS. NEW YORK, Fob. 7.?Tho cotton mar? ket opened llrm and qulto exclted nt an advance of 3@f polnts and Immedlatoly developed pronounced strongth and actlv lty. March contracts, whlch closed last nlght at 8.S6, w'ore soon selling; at 9,04, whllo May, whlch had closed at 9.01, showed 9,12. The rapld advance hero waa duo chlefly to unexpocted" strong pubjjo and prlvato cables. Tho latter showed that the forelgn advano'e was duo to tho strong statlstlcal flgures of last night cabled from thls slde. Egyptlan cotton speculators wero roported to havo rc-en terod to Llverpool market as actlvo buy ers, The spot sltuation at Llverpool- was called pai-tlcularly strong with splnnors drlvon to tho purohase of the more ro raote futura dellverles ln an effort to se curo a call on supplles needed agalnst orciors for goods already ln hand or ex? pected, Tho South wns an aotlve buyer ln New York- The wostorn contiugant also bought freoly. It was rumored that the lato boar leader had flnlsbed cover ing hls shorts and now stood hcavlly long of tho markot and wns stlll buylng, Spot housc3 and exportora too March and May, whlle tho publlo demand showed a proferonco for July nnd Augttst. Trndoru showed Indlll'orence to bad woathor re ports from the Bouth, nd also to htoavler estlmateil recelpts for Houston and, at other polnts. Tho sellln ghero was ohlf ly by partles who wore dlsposed to se ouro protlts, but thls proved inBUfflclent for the increaslng demand. and tho mur ket showed a strong undertone. Cotton ifuturea opened flrm; closed steady. Opon. Hlgh. Low, Close. Fobruary. .9.00 H.00 9.00 8.99 March .8.99 0.09 g.iW 9.03 Anrll .o.os ?.09 o.ns b.oo May . 9.07 9,15 9.(?! 9.09 Juno .-..9.00 IMH 9.(K) 9,13 July . 9.02 n.w 9.00 0.05 Au trust .8.79 8.84 8.77 9.(6 Hoptcuiber ...8.3.1 8.83 s.xi Octobor .8.1D 8.22 8.19 JI.38 Spot cotton closed quiet, lo polnts high? er: mlddllng unlaiuls, 10.25; nildrlllng gulf, 10.50; sales, 1..W bnles. Cotton, qulot; mltltlllnc, 9.20; net ro celpte, 384 balos; grosH, 16,907 bn.les; sales, 1,307 bnlos; stock, 151,815 bnles. Total to-tlny 'at nll seaports?Not rc colpts, 24,259 bftloa; cx|w>rt to Great Brltalti, 3,887 bnles; lo the Contlnent, 4,411 balos; stock, 969,435 balos. Cot.solldated at all neaports?Not re? celpts, 24.259 bales; export to Great Rrltnln, 3,887 bales; to tho Contlnent, 4,411 bales. Total slnce Soptember lst nt all sea ports?Net recelptH, 8,475,271 bales; export to Orcat Brltain, 1,903,612 b.-ilcj; to Frnnce. 559,719 bales; to tho Contlnent, 2,031,101 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 7.-COTTON Tho spot cotton market was decldedly strong to-day, but factors' tublen hnd been pretty wc-H clcareu off by yesterday's trnnsnctlons, and there was lltllu stock tabled for Inspectlon. Tho short Bcsslon to-day was a perlod of juliilailon for the bulis In the cotton contract markets. Llverpool moved up threo one-hundredlhs to four one-hundredths on dellverlesi and on thla slde tho advanco was quickly re sponded to by free covorlng. Inliuonced by weather conditlons In the oelt axid grow? lng appreclation of the fact that consutnp tlon Is cuttlng a wlde swiith ln vlslblc supplies. The opening was &S7 polnts abovo yesterday's flgures, followedj by an advance of 4<g5 polnts. At that level a halt was called, and tho free rcallzlng to cov'er sent, prlces off a blt. IThls Influ? ence was combatted by hcavy buylng by tho bulls, howevor, and on tho eound of the gong the local board showed net galns for tho day of 9?12 polnts. Spot quotatlons rovised: Bales, 7.050 bales; ordlnary, 7%c; good ordlnary, 8c: low mlddllng, 87-loc; mlddllng and good mlddlln*. 91-16c.; falr, lOHc Recelpts, 7.5GI bales; stock, 860.206 bales. Cotton futures flrm: February, 8.96; March, }9.msi'J.02; April, 9.07@9.09; May, 9.1409.15; June, 9.UAIO.20; July, 9.2-K<i9.25; August, 8.SS08.91; Septembcr, 8.37#8.40. THE PR0DTJCE MARKET. Rlchmond, Va., Feb. 7, 1903, QUOTATIONS WHEAT? Longberry .84 @83 Mixed .84 ?85 Shortberry .84 085 No. 2 red . 85 Virginia (bag lots). 75 684 CORN Whlte (Va.) bag lots. 58 ' No. 2 iwhlto . 50 No. 3 wJilte . 55 No. 2 mixed . 55 No. 3 mixed . 51 OATS? No. 2 mixed . 41 No. 8 mixed . 40 No. 2 whlte . 42 Wlnter seed. 55 660 RYE.63 @G3 NEW YORK. Feb. 7,-FLOUR-Flrm. but quleter; Mlnnesota patent, $4.10if4.30; wlnter patents, $3,650-1. Rye Flour? Steady; falr to good, 53Q3.35; good to cholco fancy, $?40*93.55.. Buckwheat? Flour?Steady at $2.20?2.30. Cornmeal? Qulet; yellow wcstern, $1.20. Rye?Qulet; No. 2 wcstern, C0%c. Barley?Steady; feedlng, 47c. Wheat?Spot market flrm; No. 2 red, S2%c. Optlons were actlvo and strong on coverlng. lnduccd by very flrm Parls cables. There was moderato foreign de? mand also and some outsido buylng. The elose was flrm at %@%c net advance. March, 84%c; May, 82%c; July, 79c.; Sep tcmber. 77c. Com?Spot qulet; No. 2, 62c. Optlon market was strong on the 'bad weather West, Bilgher cables, tbe wheat advance, a good cash demand and coverlng. Closed strong at %@%c. net advance. Feb? ruary, 59%c; March. SS'/sc; May, 62c.; July, 49% c. Oats?Spot flrm; ~Xo, 2, 43%c. Optlons qulet, but flrmer. May closed at 42%c. Beef?Easy; famlly, $1&51G; mess, $10? 10.50; beef hams, $20.oO?'21.50; packet, $12? 13. Cut Meats?Steady; pickled bellles, 8%ffia0c.; pickled sholdcrs. 8%?S%c.; pickled hams, $ll@ll%c. Lnrd?Steady; westom steamed, $10; reflned, steady; Con tlnent, $10.30; compound, $7.50JJ'7.75. Pork? Flrm; famlly, $18.75019; short clear, $19? 21; mcs, J1&S18.60. Butter?Steady; extra creamery, 26c; factory, 14@l9c; State dalry, I5<325c; ren ovated, 14@19c. Cheese? Flrm; State, full cream, fancy small, colored, fall made, 14%c; small white, fall made, 14%c Eggs? Easler; State and Pennsylvanla. South? ern, 20@20%c.; refrlgerator. 14@17c. Tal low?Qulet; clty, 6%c.; country, 6%g6%c. Rosln?Flrm: stralned, $2.10?2.15. Turp'en tlne?Flrm at &5%/g67c. Rlce?Flrm; do mestlo, 4%<S6%c; Japan, nomlnal. Mo lasses?Qulet; New Orleans,, 32?40c. Coffee?The market for coffee futures opened steady wlth prlces unchanged to 5 polnts lower. Trade was qulet all tha sesslon; near the close coverlng by shorts stlffened ncor months to a level of 5 polnts abovo tbe prevlous close. The market was finally steady, net 5 polnts lower to 5 polnts .hlgber. Total sales, 9,250 bags. Spot Rlo. qulet; No. 7 Involce, 6%C.i nilld, dull; Cordova. 7?ll%c. Sugar? Raw, steady; falr reftnlng, 3%@3 3-16c; oentrifugal, 96 test, 3%c; molasses sugar, ZliifiV 15-16&; reflned, steady; confectioners' A, $4.50; mold A, $4.90; cut loaf. $5.25; crushed, $5.25; powdered. $4.75; granulated. $4.65; cubes, $1.90. ; _^ ' ? Potatoes?Qulet; Jersey, $1.75<g)2; State and westem. per 100 pounds, $150?2; Long Island. $2jg2.25; South Jersey sweets. $2.50-yi 2.75. Peanuts?Steady; fancy handplcked, 4V5SM%c; other domestlc, 3?4%c. Cnb bag'es?Qulet; domestic. per barrel, white, 60f?F?Oc.; red. $1(31-25. Cotton?By 6teamer to Llverpool, 12c. CHICAGO. ILL, Feb. 7.?A bulllsh sen tlmont prevalled in both the graln and wheat plts to-day on favorable forelgn advances. Wheat closed Btrong with May l@l%c. hlgher. May corn was un %<ffi%c., and oats were Tsfg'lc. hlgher. Provlslons closed flrm wlth tho May products up from 2%??15c. The leadlng futures rangod as follows: Open. Hlgh. Low. CIosol WHEAT?No. ? ' Feb. 75% 70% 75% 76% May *. 79% 60% 79% 80% July .' 74% 75 74% 75 cnriN?No. 2. Feb. ?? -. 43% May . 45 45% 44% 45% July . 43% 43% 43% 43% OATS -No. 2. Feb. ?? ~ 35 May. 37% oS oi 2S July . 82% 33% 32% S% MK88 PORlC-P?*r ubl May.16.77% 16.92% 16.77% 16.90 July . 16.35 LARD-Per 100 lbs. - Feb. . 9-47% May .9.32% 9.42% 9.32% 9.40 July .9.25 9.27% 9.25 9.25 SHORT RIBS-Per 100 lbs. May .9.10 9.22% 9.70 9.17% July .9.00 9.04% 9.00 9.(6 Sept. ,.9.05 9.05 . 9.00 9.02% Cash quotatlons were ns follows: Floui steady, No. 2 sprlng wheat, 78?S0c; No. 3, 77%c.; No. 2 red, 75%<S'76%o. No. 2 corn, 43%c; No. 2 yollow, 43:>ie. No. 2 oats, Soc; No. 2 white, 3Sc; No. 3 white, 85%SflO%o. No. 2 rye, 49%c. Good foedlng barloy. 44? 46c; falr to cholco nmltlng, 4S(S02c. No. 1 ilaxseed, $1.16; No. 1 northwestern, $1,31; prlmo Timothy seed. $3.G0, Mess pork, per Knnrni ?iR 87Liff7>l7> lnrd. nor 100 nmmds. er, 'contfnet grnde. $11.70. Buttor qulet and steady; ercamerles, lOQISc.; dalrles. lS<8>23o, Eggs woak; loss off cases return? ed, lOo. Cheeso steady at 13?14c, BALTEMORE, MD? Feb. 7.-FLOUR Dull and unchanged. Wheut? Strong; Bpot and tho month. S0%@51c; Southern whlto by saanplo, 78081c. Corn-Flrmer; spot and tho month, &4%<ft0:%o.; Southern whlto corn, 43?55c Oats?Flrm; No. 2 white, 42c. Rye?Flrm; No. 2. GUW50%o, Buttor? Steady at the declino; fancy Unltutlon, 20<i<'-'lc.; fancy oreamory, 2(i?27o, Eggs? Qulet and lowor; fresh, 2le, Cheese and Sugar-FIrm and unchanged. CATTLE MARKET. ?CKICA.GO, 1LL. Feb, 7,?CATTLH? Nomlnal." Good to prlmo Bteers, M.50<&'5.76; poor to medium, $3'o4.40j etopkers and feedors, $2.Sfl?N.M: cowa. $1.40?pl.lO; holf erB, $2.25(gi4.C0; hulls, $2<M*?i\ca ves, p.W'tf 7.75; Texas-fed steers, U?)(fr4.2a. Hpgs? Steady to 5c, lowor. Mlxed nnd butchors, $6.U0<8'fi.W>: good to cholco heavy, $0.lKif(i7.iO; rougii heavy. $?.70r&V..*5; llght JG.lMiUO. Sheep and Lambs-Steady, Gpod to clinlce wothors, $4.Ci*W>.&0; fulr *? ol^lco mlxed. $3.D0@l.&6; natlvo la-inba, $4.6O#o.<0, NEW YORK, Fob. 7.-BEKVE8-No snles. Dressed hoet steady; clty dreased Bldos, Ronoral s'lh's, 7<8m por pound. Toxus hcof, fl??%?. P01; Pouna. CiUves Quotod steady for venls. Vcals sold at J3Q0 por huudrod pounds. Clty flrossed venls, WWHo, por pound, Blieep-In fuU* Revlew of ?s BLANKS & ROBINSON, Paper Dealers, Manufacturers' Agents, Richmond, Virginia. Smith-CourtneyCo. RICHMOND, VIBSIHIfl. Southern ngents for the Improved Bnte CorllBs Enpino Mnchinory, Pumps, Belt Ing, Steel nnd W'ood Fulleys, Shafllng and Hanpors, Railroad, Mlno. Mlll and Contractors' Stippllcs, Fllnt Kote Rooflng. -J_,_ itterding-Carneal No. 10 Broad Btreet. Manufacturers of all ktnds of Lumber, and dealers ln Limo, Cemont, Polnts, Olls. etc. I RICHMOND, VA., Manufacturers of COTTON SEED OIL MILLS, TTYDRATT LIC COTTON PRESSES, THRESH EES AND CL.EANERS. GQROQN METALS 1426-32 East Cnry St.. Rlchmond, Va.. Jobbers of TIN PLATB, IRON AND STEEL ROOFING, BLOCK AND GALVAN 1ZED SHEETS TINNERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. Moon, Zirkle, Ooodall Co., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. 1420 E. Maln- St., Rlchmond, Va. The only house of Its klnd in Richmond. M. COHEN SON & 60., Dry Goods and Mons, Richmond, - Va. MERCIIANDISE BROKER AND COM? MISSION MERCHANT, No. 1320 East Cary Streot, ? RICHMOND, VA. W. S. F0RBE8 & GO., PORK PACKERS nnd PR0VISI0H DEAIERS, Richmond, Va. GOLD WATER PAIH TISG, HOUSE POTiIHG. RICHMOND SUPPLY COMPANY, No. 8S. 10th Street. I! Tho Larjrest Blotttnp- Mlll in the United States. Our Brand.t: "Statidard," "Impcrlal," "Stcrllng-," "United States.' Richmond Wood-Working Go. RICHMOND, VA., All Klnds of Exterlor and Interior Wood Work for Housos.' for Ofllces, Banks, Churches, etc RICHMOND, VA., Makers of Flno Varnlshcs and Japons. Branch Offlccs In New York, Boston, Baltlmore. . Agents wanted to sell on commission. Richmond Guano Company, RICHMOND, VA., Manufacturers Hlgh Grade Fsrtlllzers and Fertlllzor Materlals; Tr^.orters Potash and Cliemlcals jtc. RESPONSIBLFJ AOENTS WANTED-. ASK YOfJR GROCER FOR. Danncmlller's Csrdova Coffee, The hest popular prlco. :offee oa thc( marltot. Put up in u;io-pound packagns only. W. W. 'JCJFEW, Mcrchondlse Broker, Rlchmond, v'a, ?< Frictionless Melal '5 RICHMOND VA., Ownors and aolo m mufacturcrs of tho FAMOUS FRICTIONLESa METAL. It ls tho best in tho world. Richmond Stove COMPANY, 2502-2500 East Maln Streot, Rlchmond, Va, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL K1NDS STOVES. Wm. J. Anderson, Robert G. Ronnoldg, PTest. Sec, and Trcas. Leibermulh-AbramsOo. Dealers and Manufacturers BUIDDERS' AND PAINrTERS* SUP-. PLIES, PAINTS AND G-LASS, OILfl* . VARNISHES, BRUSHES, AND DRY COLORS, BASH-DOORS-BLINDS. 14SS East Maln Street, Richmond, "Va, Purcell, LaddS WHOLESALE DRUGGISTft, Agoncy for Virginia Sprlngs Waters *nfl Morx & Rawollo's Glyocrlne. Dealers In PAINTS, OILS, DYESand VARNI8BD3S. 5 Oovernor Street, Rlchmond. Va, -'?-?- i ' 4 Virgima-Carolina Ghemical Company, Manufacturers of Fertlllzers, FertUlz ing Materlals and Chemlcals. Importera of Potash, Salts and Nitrates. Capadtyx One thousand carloads of Manufactured Fertlllzers per day. Rlchmond, Va. VjgSSl LUMBER rvi?ronTTA-| rough and DRES! ROUGH AND DRESSED TELLOW PINE, WHITE PINE, HARDWOOOS, SASH, BUN 08 AND DOORS Best and most complete aasortment in the South, ! Wntehoutc with 4,600,000 feet capacity. - ' Yardu coverin? seven acres. Wrlte for prlces. FINANCIAI. THE STATE BANK OF VIRGINIA. Richmond. - - - Virginia CAPITAL, - - ? $500,000.00 SURPLUS, ? - ? $240,000.00 Presldent, JOHN S. ELLETT, Cashier, WILLIAA1 M. HILL D1RECTORS. Alex. Oameron. John S. Ellofcfc, Jos. M. Fourqurean, T. C. "Williatris, Jr., Horace S. Hawcs, G. G. ValontLno, James D. Crump, J. L. Antriru, A. R. KUerson. BALL & WINFREE, BankersiBrokers, Room No. 2, 1112 E. MainSt,, 'Phone 330. PR1VATE WiRES to W. E. Woodend & Go., Members Hew York Con. Stock Exchang , demand, steady; eenoral saleB of lambs at flrm prlccs. Sheep sold at $3.e2%@4.(i2 per 100 pounds; reported saics of lambs at Ja.60 (TJ15.60, Dressed mutton, Beneral Halos, Oqp S',*'C. per pound; dresscd lambs SQUo. per pound. Hog-s?About ateady; Stato hogs sold at $7.-5 per 100 pounds. CINCINNATI, Q-, Feb. 7.-HOGS-Ac tive at $0.70?)^. Cattle?Steady at 12SJ.76. Sheep-Steady at $2.25<SH.50. Lambs steady at j?w@< TOBACCO MARKET. Rlehmond, Va, Feb. 7, 1903. Tho tobacco market closed strong to day, regardless of heavy recelpts, Tho week has been a very busy ono wlth tho warahouse peoplo on account of large offerlngs. Prlces are vory good on sun cured tobaccos, somo farmers reallzlng over 9c. per pound for thelr crops. Stem mlng tobaccos are not aelllnff at old tlme flgures. yet Rlehmond affords as good a market for thls class of tobacco as any ln tho State. We expect a good market next week on all grades. Total amount sold at the four w&re houses for the week 699,955 pounds. Quotatlons aro as follows: SUN-CURED TOBACCOa Prlmmlnga .J 3.50?$ 4.50 Lugs, common . 4.50? 6.00 Lugs, good to prlme. 0.25? 9.00 Leaf, common .???? 6.600 8.60 Leaf, medium ..'.. 8.60? 9.60 Leaf, flne .;. 10.50? 13.00 Wrappers .14.00? 16.60 BRIGHT TOBACCOS. Smokers, common .$ 4,500$ 6.G0 Smokers, medium . 6.60? 8.00 Smokers, llno . 8.5p? 10.00 Cuttera, common . 8.00? 10.00 Cutters. medium . 10.00? 12.00 Cutters, flne .12.50? 15-00 Cutters. fancy .-.14.00? 17.00 Flllers, common . B00? 7.00 Flllers, medium . 7.00? 9.00 Flllers, llno . 9.00? 12.00 Wrappers, medium .13.00? 18.00 Wrappers, flne . SO.Onfj) 25.00 Wrappers. fancy . 30.000 40.00 DARK STEMMING TOBACCOS. Lugs .* 3.60?$ 5.00 Leaf. medium . 650? 6.60 Leaf. good . ?.50? 8-00 BROWN S1UPP1NG TOBACCOS. Lugs .$M-Mfl$ 5.60 Leaf, modlu m. 6.75? 7.50 Loaf, good . 8,00? 9.50 W. D. CTJSIIMAN, Supenisor of Snlos. LYNCHBURG TOBACCO MARKET. Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 7, 1903. Recelpts of tobacco in tho warehousaa of tho clty contlnuo llght. Thls condition ls duo to had weather and bad roads. Lnst week 518,6(10 pounds wns sold Prlcaa show a tondency lo advnuco, espoclally for real good leaf und black wrappers. Much litrgcr sales aro antlolpateu. Quotatlons uro us follows: DARK ailADES, PR1MINGS .,.? 1.60(3$ 3..00 J Common and dark lugs. 3.00? 4.30 Medium dark lugs. 4.00? 4.80 Oood dark lugs. i-XiP 5.00 Comiiion dark leaf. 6.00? C.00 {Contlnuou on TwolftU l^ago.). II17 EAST STREET. Next to Hotol Lexlngton. THE INST1TUTI0N FOR THE PEOPLE. Doposita of ONE DOLLAR and npwords recelved and Intercst allowed. Loans mado on Real Estate. Negotlalilo paper dlscounted. B. A. PATTERSON, Presldont. L. Z. MORRIS, Vlce-Proaldent. JAMES M. BALL, Cashier. VIRGINTOS NB"WTON. Presldent. J. B. BEASLET, Cashier. UNIOi ORGANIZED MAY 3, 1866. Deposit your aavingrs with a Solld Instltatlon. Thie stronffest ln, tha Soutb. Capital.$219,750.00 Undivided Profit....$350,000.00 Deposits.$1,400,000.00 DIRECTORS: "vTRGINnJS NETVTON, R. T. ARRINGTON. Or., B. ALSOP, T. W. PTSM BERTON. N. W. BOWB, CHAS DAVENPORT, J. B. BEASLBY. Small and Largo Deposits Solicited. g &? t ? ???,??-. LoansNegotiated TO The first dollar saved and deposited in our bank creates a desire for further saving; and this de sire for saving increases with each deposit. If you are not already a depositor at this bank allow us to suggest that you become one. All Sums Accepted. Interest Allowed and Compounded Seml-Annually. PROVIDENT SAVINGS BANK 911 East Main Street S. GALESKI, Pres. W. GRAY WATTSON, Cashier. LARGEST CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OF ANY BANK OR TRUST COMPANY TN THE SOUT'H-ATLANaTO STATES Richmond Trust and Safe Deposit Company. Tenth and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. Capital and Surplus ? $1,712,188.69 Bxooutas TvuBts. Recolvea Depoelta from U.00 and Upjvards. Allowa 3 ner cont. Inte'ent on Bufly Subject to Check. Aooounts Sollclted. Correspcmdence lnvlted. JNO. SIOBLTON WIL.LIAMS, /LBW1S D, CRBNSHAW, JR., i>r?Hiiii>nt ' Treaaurer. ? * JAMES H. DOOLEY HENRY L. CABELL, Vlce-Presldents/^ JONH L. WILLIAflBS & SONS BANKERS, Doalers ln RICHMOND. VA, s0UT?rK"eht MUNICIPAL BONDS A SPKCIALTY. Corrospjndetico lnvlted, f Lancaster&Lucke EankersandBrokers, RICHMOND, VA.