Newspaper Page Text
EELING OF GONFIDENCE Publlc Does Not Sharo Feel Ing of Professlonals. CONTINUETO HOLD ALOOF Money Contlnued Easy Throughout tho Weok, Although Banks Are Losing to Sub-Treasury?Venezuelan Affalr Had Little Influence. (Speclnl to The Tlmen-Dlapntoh.) NEW YORK, Februnry 7.-<The Flnan olal Age. in Its weekly rovlcw, says: Tho changes that occurred ln tho slt? uatlon laat week wero of a favorablo Choroctcr, and ns such were generally appreclated in stock market quarters, where thero waa a notlceablo Improvc tnent ln speculatlve sontlment. Thls fccl lng ot oonfldenco as reflected ln stoek inarkot oporatlons was not sharcd In by the general publlc, who havo perslst ently refuaed to lond tholr support to an olevatlon of values. Favorable ond unfavorablo developments havo nllko been treated wlth an lndlfforonce that ls as ?unpreoedentod as It is dlsappolntliig to brokers who havo predlctcd ench woek -that outsldo Interest would soon be awakoned. Thls apathy, wlilch has been the subject of much comment ln flnan clal clrcles, connot occure.tely "bo in terpreted as an evldenco of a lack of con^ldence In Hho prevaillng condltlons ln tbe commerclal world. It ls more loglcal to supposo that past experiences in Uie stock market have tnughl Uie publlc that the very condltlons ithnt are indlcatlve of rlsing values are not safe guides to follow in tho matter of speou ai'he" volume of buslness transacted on the Siock Exchange lost week showed, that the aboVc noted apathy on the part of the public did npt extend to the ranks of the larger operators. who took ad vantago of tlie low prlces of dlvldend paylng railrond and Industrlnl Issuos to further Incroase thelr holdings. Money contlnued very easy, and no at? tentlon was pald to the fact that tho banks aro losing largely to the Sub treasury, although they contlnuo to gain from tlie interlor In somewhat dlmlnish od volume. But tlio money mar? ket has, for the tlme belng, ceased to be a cause of worry ln flniincial clr cies. WITHOUTT EFFBCT. The annonnccment of proposed action of the New York Clearlng House to compel the trust companles clearlng through Clearlng House banks to keep cash reserves which on and after J uno lst shall iiiiiount to 5 per cent. of all thelr tieposlts, and whlch lt ls intended shall eventually bo Increased to 15 per cent., as required of the State banks, was the most Important flnanclal news of the weok, although It had absolutely no et'fect upon the stock market. Thls action wlll undoubtedly tend to strength en the flnanclal sltuatlon, although tho oplnlon has been advanced that In times of strlngency ln the monoy market tho reserve whlch trust companles wlll bo compelled to malntaln ln thelr vaults wlll be an Important faetor ln keeplng up money rates and in lncreaslng the strlngency in loanahle funds. Inasmuch as trust companles wlll have ample tlmo to prepare for the lnauguratlon of the new system, whlch wlll occur on Juno lst, prcdictlons of thls sort appear to bo somewhat prcmature.' Whllo the pro poSiVl action of tho Clearlng House au thorltles wlll necessarlly entail the re tlrement of a cortnin amount of avall able funds, the added socurity thus in sured to depositors and to flnanclal In? terests generally wlll moro than coun terbalance thls effect, and Is far prefer able to the greater elostlclty and frec dom ln extcndlng credlt whlch the trust companles have enjoyod under the pres? ent system. The advance in sterllng exchange brought that pnase of the sltuatlon In for greatcr discusslon, although thoro seoms to ho not tho remotest possiblllty that the rlse in exchange will lnvolve exports of gold. ANTl-TRUST BILL. Senator Elkins' nntl-trust measure, whlch last woek passed the Senato wlth? out debate, is regarded as by fnr the most favorable blll relatlng to the reg ulatton of corporatlons that hus conio before the national leglslatlve body dur? lng tho present sesslon. its principal features, whlch we have prevlously de? scrlbed at conslderablc length, nre fnr Jess drastic than tho provlslons of the Houso measure, and aro generally ac ceptable to tho eorporate Interests, -who take tlie senslblo vlew that as antl trust leglslallon of some sort seenris in ovitable, tt ls the part of wlsdom not to opposo conservatlvo leglslatlon, such as ls contemplated ln the Elkins bill. Despite the doubt rcgardlng an early Bettlenient of the Venezuelan Imbrogllo, thls subject ls not given nearly as much conslderatlon ns it recelved several weeks ago, and the falluro of tho Pow crs to agrep to Mr. Bowen's proposal ereated but passlng comment in Wall Street, where confldonce ls express wl thnt tho iiffnlr has passed the stage where thoro Is any danger of the United States becoming lnvolved. In Its most acute stage the nffalr was nnt entlthd Jo the conslderatlon it recelved, and ns has been frequently pointed out ln those ffiW"! '.l Y?? merbly a bear argument that;had but the sllghtest beanlng upon the future of the situntion. (Contlnuexl frorn Eloventh Page.) Medium dark leaf. 5.50? 0 '0 Goo" diuk leaf. 7.0,)(-(? 8;M Fine dark leaf. lO.OMn lL'.on Extra due dark IV,.; Black wrappers. l&.uoir "o lo BRIGHT TOBACCOS. LUCS Common ....... 6.00? fi.00 Medium brlght . 6.00? 7.00 ?ood . 7.O0? S.00 .mmon cutters. O.OCs? 11.00 \i>d cutters . l'.'.'JOffr U.OO BltriJ'l'1.!?.:.?^^. 14.00? 15.00 Coi HT WRAPPERS? Men ^on . (i.OOrff 8,00 8.00? 10,00 ?p?* . 12.00? 1K.O0 MAUOQvv AVRAPPERS C.",?h ,, '. 14.00*2)25.00 Medium . lo ootS **i nn Common. s <xkti> 12:M Medium. i2^o? 17.50 ('n'"1. 17.50@35.00 fancy ?.so.oo? gg.oo PETEHSBtJRCTOBACCO MARKET. ,,? . . PotorBbrg, Va., Feb. 7, 1903. Market viry aellv und jirlctjs aro hi^li. Quotatlons ure: ?Common lugs .j a.00?f 4.09 Shoit leaf. b(mf 7M Medium leaf . laoffb aiti ??ii & n'1" ?h|pi,|ni. ??'....' io:oo& m Good to One wrapper. i5.O0Ctfi2j.00 MISCfcLLANEOUS .V\RKETS. DRV COOl.fc MAItKIT. NEW YORK, Fob, 7.~Tlio m.rk?i nnn tlnues flrm for ull d,-Herl U. " .? ,,i 0 goods in thlH market. 'rliiu , i , ? uulet. but strong. Cotton v li^wk fur demand WoolU.n woibiSo' n. un Jute yarns flrin. ' ' ' ul,u NAVAL STOltKR WJIjMINOTON. N. C. Feb 7-KUlt XT8 Tl/Ili'KNTINE-Firm ,u &c*.?. ce pts, 2u caskH. ItosliK-Firni ut il.&k* ,\. peluta, 219 barrels, Crudo Turuent not frinu at |2.fO?fUi recolpts, M barrels. Ta?2 Plrm at JH.0O; recelpts, 304 barrels, IBAVANNAH, OA., Feb 7.? TURPI3N. Q?Cr**-OQ> Upright Piano For $275.00 This Piano cost NEW, less than two (2) months ago, We took it in ex change as part pay- ~ ment 6n an & ARTISTIG ST1EFF Piano. We will sell it now for $275^-' walnut case, full-, size, handsomely carved? posith ety can not be told from bran-new Piano. One Wellington Upright, has been used but short while only $100.00 This Piano was also taken in ex: change as part pay ment on a new Stieff Piano. INVESTIQATEl STIEFF, 431 East Broad Street. Cr**-Q$ Bales, 143 cnsks; wcports, 217 onsks, Rasln?Flrm; recelpts, 3,f>31 barrols; sales, ",iS 7bnrrels; exports, 226 barrels, CHARbESTON, S. C. Feb. 7.-TUR PF.NTINK?Flrm at C3'/jc; sales, none. Roslri? Flrm. COTTONSEED OIL, MARKET. NEW YORK, Feb. 7.?Cottonseed oll very llrm, with a scarclty of spot product. Prlme crinlo here, nomlnal; prlme crndc, f. o. b. mllls, o4?34V<:c.; prlme summar ycl? low, WTllc; off sunimer ycllow, 39; prlme whlte, liic.; prlmo wlnter ycllow, -luc; prlme meal, $27.50^8. PEANUT MARKET! NORFOLK, VA., Feb. 7.?PEANUTS Quli-i. Vlrglnlans?Acuve at 3'Ac. ror beat stock. Faiicy. 3@3\fec.; strlctly prlme. 30c; prlme. 2V.c. PETERSBURG, VA.. Feb. 7.?PEA NUTS? Spanlsh new, actlva at 7Uc. Vlr glula's, new. 2%?2%c. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, FEB. 7, 1903. ARR1VED. Steamer Berkeley, Cathcrlne, Norfolk, mechandise and passcngers, Old Domin lon llne. Steamer Sogitinw, Tunnell, Phlladelphla, Pa... merchandlso and passcngers, ciyde line. Steamer Pocnhontas. Graves, Norfolk and James Rlvcr landlngs, mcrchnndise and passcngers, Vlrglnln Navlgatlon Co. Schooner Mattiu Newmnn, Loveland, Barren Island, tanluige, Richmond Guano Company. SAILED. Steamer Berekely, Catherlne, Norfolk, merchandlso and passengers. Od Domln lon llne. To sall Feb. Sth. ,; Steamer Saglnnw, Tunnell, Phlladel? phla, Pa., merchandlso and passengers, Clyde llne. PURDY?HARDY Beautiful Marriage Ceremony at Olive Branch Church. (Speclal to Tlio Ttnies-Dlspateli.) M'FARLAND'S, VA.. Fobruary 7.?A brlliiant and Cashlonablo marriage was cel obrated thls evenlng at Ollvo Dratich Church. when Mlss -Mary Eugcnin Hardy, tho beautlful and aceompUslied daughter of llon. L,. A. Hardy, became tho brlde of Dr. James L. l'urdy, of Spotsylvanln ccunty, Va. The ceremony was performed by Rev. AVlllliim Oeo, pastor of tho church, ln a very Impresslve ihanner, Tlio cliurch was beautifully decorated for the occaslon with evcrgrcons and whlte roses, and was llluinnlated with plnk and wlilte candles. Mlss Nntnllo Hardy, the tlowcr girl, on* tcrcd, necompanlcil by Master Thomas Hardy, who carrled tho weddlng ring on a pinlt and whlte cusluon. Next camo Messrs. John S. Hatchett ?r.<l Nat Bragg, ushors, one down tho rlglit ;wd lhe other dewa tlio left nisle, crosslng in front of the clianco] und Uiklng thelr placcs by tho mlnlster. la Iho same order came Mlss Nnnnle Noblett, with Mr. Rlchard Bagloy; Miss Leu W'all, with Mr, Dun Rrldgeforth; Miss Kniina iiethorne, with Mr; McFarhind Noblen; Miss LllOtte MichaoU, with Mr. Henry stokes; M'laa Annlu Stokes, with Mr, DoubIab Mat thews; Mlss Sue (irg.ilii. with Mr. Poter JapBBOnj Mlss pnlllo Bililgittdrih, with Mr; lleiny Hatchett; Miss l.liey Orgala, with Mr. Edward Uaglcy; Mlss Florence I'uiily, with Mr. Henry Jonos. Tho grouni wiib aceouipanled by IiIh best man, Mr, Jolia Hardy, of Amolln, and the brlde by her mald of honor, Mlss Barali ISIIssaboth Tho prldo cnjrlcd Mareclial Nlei roses, and the jwild of hniior plnk (ianiatlons. Mr. Tlieo, Or. galn was mriHtur tif rcienionles. Tlio fereinony was followed by a recop. titn ut llon. L A. llanly's. Dr. nnil Mrs. l'urdy wlll bo at home at Fcieut llill, Spotsylvanla county, Va., after Fobruary 7tb. >?aaBKaammaBaBBBmmassasassm TMtfn ''' H.iomUrlc-UII i WU ?.b|q St., 10-itaic Ti'iiKtOn. on Ven each. JU'iil MAN NOT YET IDENTIFIED Unable to Make Clear State ment Concernlng HImself. MAY HOLD THE CHILD Eggleston Qlrl Remalns With Mr. Wilson( Aid Given Needy Famlly?No Devel opment in Church Muddle. Other Manchester Notes. Manchester Bureau, Tlmca-DIspatch, Carter's Drug Storo, No. 110! Hull Street. No Informatlon aa to tho cause ot the accldont to tho man who wns found Just outside the clty llmlta of Manchester yesterday morning has been loarned, nor ls it ccrtain that tho man's namo ls Chria Reod, as supposed tp have boon glven by hlm. Tho man was found yesterday morn? lng somo tlme before noon by Mr. Chas. H. Atklnson and his llttle eon John. Ho had cvldently been lylng beslde the track some time, and It ls tho bellef of the .pollce that he fell from a movlng traJn. Ho was carrled to tho almshouse, whero Superlntendent Allen gavo hlm all pos slble attontlon, but up to a lato hour last nlght no one had called to sce hlm or to ldentify' hlm, and he had not suf flclently recovered from hls exposuro and brulsos to tell anythlng about hlm self, except that ho llved in Manches? ter on Hull Streot, noar Slxtcenth. No one ln that neighborhood know anythlng about hlm. Hls rlght eye was cut and swollen and his arms and legs woro brulsed, but so far aa Dr. Merchant could ascertaln there woro no injurles of any extent. Tlio most serious part of the man's eon? ditlon rosulted from exposuro, and lt is bellcved he wlll recover. He ls a man of about slxty-flve vyears of age, ilve feet slx lnches ln helght, welghs about 130 pounds, lias brown eyes, sllghtly bald, gray halr, mustocho nnd beard. He wore a. coinparatlvoly now sult of underwear. Hls outer cloth ing was so muddy and fllled with dust and dlrt that it was hard to ascertaln the color. He wore a corduroy cap and had on but one shoo. whlch wns worn. GBNEROUS STRANGERS. Tlie deserving Rccd famlly at No. 601 West Seventh Streot, were klndly remem bered yesterday. After the appeal for them ln The Tlmes-Dlspatch yesterday mornlng, unknown persons sent them a Uberal supply of wood and coal, and klml-henrtcd cltlzens contrlbuted funds that 'wlll help. The sum of $5 was left at the Mnn ohestcr hendquarters of The Tlmes-Dls? patch by Mrs. A. D. Elsrod, and $2.39 was left at the Richmond otllce. These sums were handed Mrs. Reed by tlie paper's represcntatlve yesterday evenlng nnd tears came to her oyys as she ex presscxl her thanks to thoso who had so goncrously asslsted her. "This wlll keep us In mcdlclne and food," sho sald, "and I am so ^thank ful for the assistnnce glven us." Dr. Brodnax has voluntecred hls sor vlees for the siek mnn, and wlll do all that medicnl '-'11 can for hlm. Other contr -lfUms may be sent to The Times-Pispat'-.i nnice and provlslons may be sent to No. 501 West Seventh Street. to Mrs. Daisy Reed. CASE DISPOSED OF. The charge brought by J. E. Eggles? ton agalnst Mr. John Wilson for detaln ing the llttle girl of the former. was dls posed of by Mayor Maurico In the Pollce Court yesterday; Mr. AVllson showed an ngreement signed by Mr. Eggleston, by which tho chlld was turned over to hlm ln her Infancy, and upon thls agreement the Mnyor dls mlssed the caso and allowed the chlld to renialn Indcr the charge of Mr. Wil? son. MY. Eggleston retalned Judge Clopton ns hls couiisol, and further proceedlngs wlll probably I instltuted thls week. AF1 .RNOON TTSTICUFF. There was somethlng of a scrap noar the court-houso yesterday mornlng, when C. C. Elder and Mr. J. E. Eggleston en? gaged ln a sort of knock-down-nnd-drag out affalr. Mr. Eggleston wns hlt ln the face a brlck, and Mr. Elder suffercd from a blow from tho former's flst. Captaln Llpscomb arrested both par tles> and they woro balled to appoar ln tho Polieo Court to-morrow mornlng. LOOICEiD AT THE STREETS. Tho Stroet Commlttee vlslted Fourtcenth, Maury and Nlnth Streets yesterday after? noon to look into the eonditlon of the same, and n. subcommittee was appolnted to ascertaln the cost of repalrs. The subcommittee wlll report at tho next meeting. lt conslsts of Messrs. Grizzord, Hookor. nnd Sampson. LODGE OF ELKS. Mr. Eugene W. Llpscomb, an" cnthu siastic Elk, has secured a sufllclent num? ber of charter members to form a lodge in Manchester. The llst embraees many of the loadlng cltlzens and a number of Influentlal men. When Instltuted the lodge wlll provc a credit to Elkdom, and thero ls llttle doubt btit that it wlll be a most popular organlzatlon. Tho Instltution will talto place early in April, so that the lodgo wlll bo rendy to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodgo In Baltlmore next summer. In another place in thls issuo will bo found nn ar tlqlo of the Order of Elks. written by Distrlct Dnputy Phll. G. Kelly, of Rlch? mond, which axplaJns tho work and in tluence of lhe ordor. NOTHING NEW. Thero aro no further developmonts rn the Cloptfin-Streot Baptlst Church affalr, but It was sald last nlght that thero would be developmonts at tho next church SMALL TALK. Hon. D; L, Toney ls conflnod to hls room by a sovere c-old, with threiitencd grlp. Tlio llttle tln-ee-yenr-nld son of Mr. and Mrs. W, Edwnrd Brooko, of Swans boro. contlnues lll at tlio homo of hls putvnts. He is belng ttttended by Dr. Huekor, The mibject of the sermon at Sacreil Heart Church to-nir,lit hy Rev. Father Wuloi-H will bo "Marrlago and Divorce." There wlll bo ninss at 8 and 30:30 thls mornlng, ?* At lialnhi-Ulgo-Btreot Church to-day the BUbJecU of Rqv, Jj}, y, Baldy'B ser? mons will ba: Mornlng, "Tho Thlrd Boatltuda?tho ltilieritnnco ot tho Meek;" nlght, "The Cooverslon of tho l'hlllp pian Jalli-r." The Lord's Supper wlll be adnihiistcred at tho closu of tho mornlng servlce, and an opportunily will bo glven at both scrviees for new niem* bers to bo recelved olther hy loltor or professlon of fulth. Thu ladles of the Sacrod lloart Cliurch wlll glve a supper In the Sunduy-schoul room pn tlie evenlng or February 17th. On Hi? evenlng of tho Kltli a Valentlne ten wll bo glven at tho resldeueo of Mrs. W. B. Brndloy, l'l-ogie.s.slvo Councll, Daughtors of l.ib orty, wlll meet to-morrow nlght at s o'clock, ut whleh tlmo buslnusa ot in? terest will bo trnnsacted. "Bcrry*s for Bnrgains." Between Times ?yes tliat's it?February is between times. YouWe bought most of your "Winter goods and it's too early for Spring temptations?but there are otlier temptatioris yon may spring at. Look right here! Our iinest silk lined Oxford Overcoat! You resisted the temptation at $28.00?can youresist now at $17.75 ? Overcoats that were $18.00 and $20.00 are now $12.50? the $15.00 Suits and Over? coats are now $9.75. You mustn't ovcrloolc theso liigh* grade fancy,- plain, nnd plnited-liosoni $1.50 Sliirts wo're turning over to you at cost?$1.00. We told you -why yesterdny. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED Many Take Advantage of the Attractive Offer of the Memorlal Hospital, At a reccnt meeting of the Board of Dlrectors of tho Memorlal Hospital def Inlte plans for the extenslon of the me? morlal Idea wero declded upon. lt has heretofore been tlie custom ln local hos pltals to dedlcato rooms by equlpplng them. To perpetuate such a memorlal lt ls necessary for tho donor to renew tho equlpment from year to year, as It wears out. Unless a sufllclcnt annulty is provlded at the death of tho donor of such a memorlal for Its malntenance tho memorlal must under this plan end when Its malntcnanco ceascs; and even when such annulty Is provlded tho fact that wear necessltates tho renewal of eiiuipment cnnies wlth It unavoldably tlie Idea of translency, whlch necessarlly attaches to the memorlal Itself. Wlshlng to make the memorlals ln the riew hospital pernia-nent ln character, tho board h.xs adopted a dlfferent plan. In estimatlng the actual cost of bullding the hospital, it haa been found that each word. of whlch thero aro slx, repre sents an expcndlture of $5,000, and that each of the forty prlvato rooms cost $1,000 to construct. The actual bullding of a room or ward ls a thlng of per manency, wlthout chaiige of any klnd ln fact or In suggestlon. The board offers, for the actual cost of constructlon tho prlvllego of dedleatlng a room or ward as a permancnt memorlal, the tablet of dedlcatlon reading: "Thls room was bulit as a memorlal, etc." The hospi? tal undertakes then tho malntenance of equlpment. and the one payment by the donor ends the transaction, wlth no an nultles to p.xy or provide for. Although the board, In carrylng out the Idea of a memorlal hospital, have adopted tho foregolng plan, they wlll gladly recelve contrlbutlons of any amount In order that the Interest nnd in fluence of the hospital may be general. Durlng tho past week contrlbutlons amountlng to over $14,000 havo been re? celved, as follows: To dedlcate one memorlal ward..? 5,000 To dedlcate seven memorlal rooms 7,000 Smaller contrlbutlons ln sums from $3 to $500. 2,005 Tho amount ralsed by the establlsh** mcnt of memorlals and by contrlbutlons wlll ho nsed to complete the equlpment nnd furnlshlng of the hospital and after thls ls provlded for the remainder wlll be nddnd lo tho ondowment fund, by whlch cb/irlty patlcnts wlll bo malntnlned. Contrlbutlons may be sent to Mr. F. E. Noltlng. treasurer. No. 1310 East Cary Street. Rlehmond. Va. THE KEEL WAS LAID Race Between the Newport News and Brooklyn Yards. (Speclnl to Tho TlmoH-DlKpntoh.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA., February 7. Tho keel of tho battleshlp Loulslana was lald at tho shlpyard this mprning wlth? out.any speclnl ceromony. It wlll take several days to completo tho koel and then tho work on the shlp propor wlll bcgln. Grent Interest ls belng tnken ln tho race. whlch lt ls sald wlll he pullod off between the locUl yard and Iho Brook? lyn navy-yard. whlch Is bullding tho Connocttlctit, tho slster shlp to tho Louls Innii. The yurd wlll employ a number ot now men when tho work on tho battle? shlp ls well undor way. Petectl'i'o I'ayno returned to-nlght from Oharlottesvlllo, bringlng wlth hlm Mattie ],ou McCormlclc, tho glrl who ls to tes tlfy ngalnst Hobert Bnrker, cluir-jcd -wlth hetrnyni under promlse of marrlago, The detocttvo found tho glrl thls mornlng hldliiK In u houso near Charlotiesvllln, havlng mado hor oscapo from tho houso In whlch she was at tho tlmo sho heard of tho detootlve'a arrlxral. George B, Vnrnarsdalo and Miss Flor onco O. Jennlnga wero nuirrlod thls after? noon at II o'clqolf (it Iho groom's resl doni'o on Forty-thlrd Street, Tho brlde Is from Chestert'.old county. nud wns visltlng hor slstor liore, Tho mn,n*lago was a surprlse to nll tho frlends aud rel utivM of both ipartlos, Tho ceromony wns ncrformed by Rov. W, C. Wloker, _,^_____IBBMBSBHH TIIRCP Mcautlful Luts tirovo Avo | BnllCC Nico shiulo. Sjieculftlurs'H linrgiiln. ifiJD.OO, lUuil Kstuto Trust M POLITICS ON THE STAGE Governor and Col. Harwood See Hoyt's Polltical Play AM1D RECORDS MUSTY Judge Dew Huntlng Beneath the ''Dust of Ages" for Data With Whlch to Make Uncle Sam Pay His Debl. Exposltlon Commission. Governor Montngue spent the mornlng ln hls offlco cngogod With routlno busl? ness. Just beforo 2 o'clock Colonol John S. Harwood, a member of Hls Ex colloncy'a staff, called over the 'phone, and nsked Mr, Montagiie If ho would llke to go to tho DIJou and seo tho Texas Steer, whlch is one of Hoyt's tako-offs on polltlcs and polltical methods. Colonel Harwood thought the Governor mlght llke to tako a peop at a real pollticlan. Hla Excelloncy snld he would, and the bar gain was mado. These two robust cltl zons occupled front seats of ono of the and boxes, and many a good laugh was coaxed from thelr part of tho bulldlng. Colonel Rlchardson, Heglster of the laml Ofllco, has plantcd fifteen moro ma ple sugar trecs in tho Capitol Square. maklng a total of thlrty recently set out. They nre beautlful ; trecs, and If they llvc, wlll indd much to the beauty of the park. Colonel Rlchardson is havlng tho rondway to the Govcrnor's Monstbn ropnived with crushed granltc, and the grass plots top-drcssed. At the flrst touch of spring the grnss wlll bo very beautl? ful, and respond qulckly to tho warmth. The Mayor of Marlon, has appolnted Col? onel Anderson a delegate to tho Conven tion of Assoclated Charltlos, whlch meets hcro next week. Judge Dew Cnds thnt the claims and countcr claims of tho State and tho Na? tlonal Governments are In a tangled eon? ditlon. Unclo Sam's roprosentatlves demand that the State shall show Just when the loans wore made, for how long mado nnd what Interest was stipulated to be pald. Now all thls buslness transactVn happenofl nearly a hundred years ago, arfd Judge Dew f.-nds that the fecords, bo sldes not belng so well kept, are scatter od and poorly prescrved. fHo is earning hls salary dlgging ln tho "dust of nges" for tho data he must haive. Commissioner of Agrlculture Koiner was in hls ofllce yesterdny after a day ln Washington on Friday. Hc was met there by Flrst Asslstant Murrell, or tho St. Louls Exposltlon Commlssioners, who has been there nlready gettlng data nnd plan nlng with the helps to be obtalned there for the. exhlblt whlch Virginia wlll make. Mr. Murrell also camo back and when seen yesterday sald ho hnd attended to a good many matte'ra reiatlng to the ex? hlblt whlle away, but preferred not to mako any statcmont until the commls? sioners meet to-morrow. The sesslon ot the commlssioners to morrow wlll be lntereslltig, and lt would not be surprlsing If the general plan for the oxhlblt Is not mapped out. Mr. Koiner sald yesterday that ho <lid not thlnk any other asslstants would be elected at thls tlme There aro some flfty appHcations for posltions before the board. Petition of Mrs. Pizzinl. The eonditlon of Mrs. Wllllam H. Plz? zlni, who Is undergolng treatment at the Virginia Hospital, is as favorable as can be c-xpectcd. She suffored great pain dur? lng the enrly part of yesterday, but In tho late afternoon grow more comfort' able. Diamonds! Our stock of diamonds, mounted and unmounted, was never so large?and for varlety ls uncxcelled. It also includes other preclous stones ln eombl natlon witli tho diamonds. Our prlces are the lowest ?eem&ctem 73/ MA/N ST., Brass and Iron Castings Mado to order. Let-'us mako your Bruss and Iron Oastlngs! Wo wlll do lt as promptly ns posslble-from thn best miiterlul-and with? out tlawsl Thla ja <?,,. ape. clalty! We havo botm in tho buslness thlrty. two years, and know howll Richmond Iron Works, (JJstab'a 1809, Incorp'd 1002). ICth & Rroad ?nd 15th & Qraco Stroets, MONTHS FREE. ITp-to-dnta Minlng papor (fully lllustrntod), con talnlng all tho latest news from fanious gold camps, includlng Thunder tviountain V, S. riliiliiK Journal, 1S() Nassuu St., IN. V riNANCIAX. LAST CHANCE*t?,00pershme CALIFORNIA-NEVADA MININQ CO ? OUARANTBBS ? Tho company owns tho famous old Vlotor and Hoodtum mlnos, fcwo of tho rloheafc mlnosoverdlsoovorcd; also tho Arlstonn, Lymrlo, Onnon an?l Amu Mt 522S? 500,000 TONS OP HO ORB ARB IN SIOHT. WORTH $20,000,000. 1 wrc.St Com letcd 0n 'TOm S",C ?! Mgh arnde ?'e U"**'1 Vlctornfif U Tho Arlzona Mlll wlll bo flnisliccl thlHmonfeh nnd dlvidomls may bo biorcasod no** , month, Wlll posltlvoly bo Aprll lsb.1 Present Price $1.00 Per Share. W.ll advance Peb?^ 15 to $1.50. w'rlte for prospectus ^. H. Baldwin, & Co., *?tt^XiS^!S*t' KKrERlDNOK-Commcrclnl Agonclosj Stato Bnnk <& Trusfc Comnivnr. Ixis Angolcs, Oul., any mlnlng Journnl of tho Stnto or prominent mlnlng monl MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. CapHa!. $200,000.00 SurplMs and Undlvlded Profllt, . . $628,852.94 Designated State, United States and City Depoaitory. BaSS'S Cdllections a Specialty. ""Sraas:-1 Largest Bank Depository South of Baltlmore. JOHN P. BRANCH, Presldent, JOHN F GLENN, CishlW, JOHN K. BfeANCH, Vlce Presldent. WINNERS IN THE TIMES-DISPATCH WANT GOLUMN PROVERB CONTEST. Another Proverb Contest To-Day?Seven Prizes. Also C&rtoon Contest?Six Prizes. See W&.nt Columns. As th? Want-Column Proverb Contest has grown so popular wlth the Teaders of The Sunday Tlmes-DIspatch tlia-t lt has become a strong fcature, lt will bo contlnued. The Froverb Contest Is an amuslng and most Interestlng puzzle, affordlng a very pleasant pastlme. lt is oIbo very Instructlve, aa It culllvates study (deep thought) and brondons the mlnd. Tho proverb ot to-day'a Tlmes-DIs? patch wont-column contest la composed of twenty-one letters, whlch are scat tered throughout tho llttlo want ads. Flnd them and then form tho proverb. ALL CONTESTANTS SHOULD TJSB MUCH CARE IN WRITING NAMB AND ADDRESS PBAINLY. SEND ALL, ANSWERS ON POSTAL CARDS-lt wlll not only save tlme and troublo and bo more convenlent ln every way, but lt also suves paper, envelopes and pos tago The names of winners and contes* tajits dcservlng spcclal mcntlon ln The Tlmes-DIspatch Want-Colurnn CARTOON CONTEST wlll be found ln another column. "Murder wlll out" was the proverb used ln last Sunday Tlmes-DlBpatch Want-Column Proverb Contest and the seven prlzes were awarded as follows: Flrat prlze, $2 order?Molllo Moore, Statlon B, clty. Second prlze. $1 order?Miss Llzzle Butterworth, No. 216 Hlgh Street, Po tersburg, Va. Thlrd prlze. 50c order?Mrs. A.. S. Goode, No. 1715 East Maln Street. clty. Fourth prlze, 60c order? R. T. Stephon son. Yorksvllle, S. C. Flfth prlze, 50c order?John Martln, Hampden-Sldney, Va. Sixth prlze. 50c. ordor?T. L Slmmons, Forksvllle, Va, Seventh prlze, 50c. order-Mrs. Mary E. Buffin, No. 3300 East Maln Street, clty. , , . Correct answers wore also recelved from the followlng-named contestants, RICHMOND, VA. M L. Bornett. Jennle Wells. H C Ma-thews. Miss Ella D. Meech Miss Zula Ivey. M. G. Tcrrlll Elsie Price, Thos. Curtls. Louiso Sutton. Mrs R. A, Talley Mary B. Pugh. Miss B. A Johnson Mrs M A Blrdsong C. R. Rowe. r. E. B. Geo. E Vla. Miss M PSwocney A. V. Tcrwlllljer. Miss A. Barker. Mrs. II D Pleosants Mlsg A. A. Schadd R. M. Andcrson. Miss F. B. Webb. j. d, gCott. Mary E. Wllson. m. W. Turner. Rlchard Eanes. Mrs. r, e. Bakor. Mrs P- H. Kelaer p. l. parr. Mrs1 A L Bro'vmlng Russyll Barnett Mlsa Sadle Kesler. D. r. Johnston. J. Etta Bond. H. h. Chrlstlan, T C Matthews Mrs. w. L. Brown. Miss J. C. Rowe. NlRB Erma E].|tt. R. C. White. Jullet Anderson. Mrs. B. W. Wllson. w< p, williams. Stephen Oardner. julla Eanes. Nevin E. Savagc. Mrs- y, ^ chrlstlan John Ware. W, *jv Bossett. Mrs. E. M. Pollard. Mlsg Ros0 e. Stagg. Mrs. L. A. Tonser. .Mrs. W. A Eletohor Ella Plerce. Harry Andross. Ralelgh D. Glass. Mrs. Estelle Ivey. Tj. a. B. Valentlne Brown Jr .Tesslo L. Morgan. Mrs. R. P. Mann. Curtls Charlston. Graco Stokea Davlo J. R. Morgan. Mrs B X Furgusson *r,-?, w m Glass. Anna B. AndresH. Mrs. W. -U. Glass. Q ^^^ m?9 M. WT* f^T^or Mrlwm Mlnor. M? A. B. Oood. ... Mrs W S Morton. H* Wallls. H A Cowles W, S. Nnmo un II. W. Price. readablo. Ti w' Wllson. Miss M. A. Francls. Mr? C. Wnre. Mrs. II. R. Bond. Miss H. A. Sloan W. A. ^rylM. May Andorson B. W. Wllson. FARMVILLK, VA. Miss Mnrlo L. Rhodes. BUCHANAN, VA. Miss Mnbel D. Bonzo. WALDROP, VA E. D. Mlclllo, HARPBR'S 1IOMH. VA. Mrs. S, B. Brauohj. CASKIE, VA. Chnrlos T. Duval, PETBRSBURG, VA. R. B. Ooodwyn, H. G. Ooodwyn, Mrs M J Dabney. Miss J, B. Dnbney Proston Tlnsley. R. A, Pluminor, Miss M, R. Dabney. Mary Dunn, ?Mary Ousby. Mlsa Sarah Davls. B. G. Strachan. Mr, F. B. Chambera J. G. Strachan. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Miss A M. Irvlne, BELLEIFONTAXNE, VA1 Bcllo Bttenger. CHASB CITY. Mrs. A. F. Rlchardson. SOUTH BOSTON, VA. Mercer Carter. \ . 8BVEN ISLAKDS. VA. Mrs. C ELTutwIler. Lucle Thomaa. Postmaster. NORFOLK, VA. Wlll Schmoele. Mrs. J, L. Oblenuui Mlss Etta Buskla. Mr? C h MarsotUol M'KBKNBDY, VA Turpln Carter. Mrs. W. Carter, Jr. R. L. Cobb. Mlss Blllle Powell. G-eo. D. Powell. Jno. Plckrell. W, Carter, Jr. HANOVER, VA. George Woodfolk. TRBVrLIANS, VA Waltor A. Elfttn. NEW CANTON, VA. Mlss Annle Rhodes. MIbb Pheb. Marbl? Mlss Flem Coleman ENONVIL.LE, VA, Stuart Gillesplc. Lula B. CoIem&JV HAMPDEN-SIDNEY, VA. Mlss L.CarrlnBton Mlss Annle Hardef Mls.* M Chrrlngton Hunter Mann. Maurlce B. Langhorno. millboro, VA. A. L Tullah. CLIFTON FORG-B, VA Mlss L. J. Bow'es. BARTON HEIQHTS. Leo. B. Starritt. L. C Parrbsh. SALBM, N. C. Mrs. M. X Cook. EMPORIA, VA. Mrs. W. W. Robertson. ALLEN CREBK, VA. M. C. Houston. MLNBRAL CITY. Mrs. N. C. Coyner. NEWPORT NEWS. VA O. Guy Vla. PROSPECT. VA. Mrs. Thomas Cocks. DE WITT, VA. R. Butterworth. Mrs. Buttarwortk A- J. Butterworth, JM Evclyn Bolsseant. FORKSVILLE, VA. Mrs. John S. Bobbitt. DINWIDDIE, VA. T. M. Metherland. Mrs A B Richar'flon Mr A E Rlchardson BELFIBLD. VA. Mlss Lucy Maclln. ASHLAND, VA. Eflle Lcbcr. L. G. Hall. DINWIDDIE. VA. Alma Harrls. Mlss Laura Harrls. PROSPECT, VA. Mary Crow. YORKVILLB, VA. J. N. Da-vis. fl SAPONBY, VA. W. J. Branch. FARMVXLLE, VA. A Howard BlnntonJ. Edwln Harrlss, J| MANCHESTER, VA. I. S. A. Mrs. D. W. Shaw. Mrs. A. J. Whlte. HIGHLAND SPRINGS, VA. Mrs. A. C. Stagg. LINDSAY, VA. Mlss L. Jonnston. CARTERSVOLB, VA. Mrs W B Roblnson Mrs Male Crowdor Wlllle B. Rhodes. Mlss Ethol Rhodea. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Lewls Llttlepago. DANVILLE,- VA R. W. Booker. LUNENBTJRO, VA Mlss Rosa Cnrdoza. Rt'M'FORD, VA, Frank Atchlson. SAN MARINO, VA, L. B, Wooldrldge, Cyrus Dunn. CREWB, VA, Mlss E S SlaughterMIss Mary Tucker. B13L0NA, VA, Miss Blrdyo Mnyo Bauffh. OTTERDALE, VA.. T. L Hoath. NOTTOWAY, VA. May Atklnson, Mrs A S Robertson. C. H. Hardy. Mlss M Robertson. F, L. Dunn. Sallle B Atklnson. Goo. II, Robertson. W. A. Robertaon. Cliaa. F. Deane, G H Southall, Floromco Atltinson. Mlss B Robertson. C. F, Deano, Mlss M Robortflon, Mrs. C. N. Beck. HIOH1.AND PARK. VA Mlss M. M, Talman. LAWRBNCBVII-.1-E. VA, Mi-b, P. T. BoHtle*. MANCHBSTER. YA. Mrs. R. W, Rudd. crofton, va. > Mrs, W. R. Corlto. VONTAY, VA.' Jano Gathrlght. MATTOAX, VA, M. L. DetwllMD.