Newspaper Page Text
ONE GENT CHARGE A 25 Cents, WQaD. CashlnAdwance THESE ARE THE WONDER WORKING WANT ADS. THAT BRINQ QREATEST RESULTS. MIMIKUM CHARGE 25 Cents, Cash In Advance one CENT A WORD. US!,? WANTED? MALE. CIQAR SALEBMEN WANTED; EXPBK* lence unneeeHHury; good pay. EMAN UEL CO? Statlon "J?" New York. WANTBD-RORTER. APPLY AT ROOM No. 2, No. 911 Koat Maln Streot, Mon? day. C1RCULAR DISTIUBUTORB EVERY. whero; Vi to 17 per thoui-aml eam ed. DISTRIBUTORS' NATIONAL UNr ION, Clnclnnatl, Ohlo. _ ' iWANTED-FIRST CLASS LABBL COM posllor. Flne posltlon for up-to-dai? man. JULIAN C. ANDEIlSON, No. 1830 Best Franklin Streot. WANTKD, FIRBT-CLABS WH1TB3 BAR BERS for Hotel Ncfldo Bhop; 112 per week; one-half over *24. Apply to J. T. JONE8. 877 Maln Streot, Norfolk. Va. . Vanted. OOOD CANVAS3ER for unocnupled torrltory; free outflt: c&Bh each week fnr wholo or part_tlrne. WESTERN NEW YORK NURSBHY CO.. Dept. 9. Rochoster, N. V. itAN TO CARRY STOCK AND BELL. our house polnt nnd palnt spoclaltlea; J1.20O to 12,000 cash, roqulred; salary pald; state buslness experlence. CONBOLI DATBD PA1NT & OIL 00., Indlana polls, Ind. tVANTEI>-COMPOSrTO-R, TO SET JOB work for rirbber stamps. Apply at once. Oood salnry. SOUTHERN 8TAMP & BTATIONHRY CO., Twelve Hlx. Maln Street. YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE, COPY letters, home evenlng*, $7 week.. Send addressed envelope for partlculars. MANAOER, Dept. 8, 98; Box 1411. Phlla delphla, Pa. WANTED, AT ONCE, A OOOD RELIA 1 ble and Induatrlous farm HAND; whlte or colored; marrtftd or Blngle. Apply to O. C. SM3TH, Atlee, Hanover coun? ty. Va. _ WANTED - FORBMAN TO TAKE charge of a Sheet Metal Snop, one who can cut patterns for Cornlee Work and who Is famlliar with furnace work. Pleiue state age, marrled or ttngle, wages wanted. OBORGE L CROW. Norfolk, Va. WANTED, A GENTLEMAN OF OOOD addresH to sell flrst-elass mlnlng and other stock* Uiat wlll stand investlfra tlon; llberal compcnsntlon. MARY LAND SECURITIES COMPANY. South and Oerman Streets, Baltlmore, Md. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR VIR* glnla terrltory: nll-round huntler; no tcchnlca.1 knowleflge; exceptlonal oppor* tunltleB. Eatabllshed, rellnMe and well ratcd house. F. R. JENN1NGS, Salea MgT., Detrolt. Mlch. WANTED. TMM ED1ATELY. BY RELIA ble Cleveland houso. a wlrte-awake man, with good buslness experlence. to corn* plete our trnvellng force for 1503; gen? eral mercantll* trade; permanent. BIX* LER & CO.. Cloveland, O. YOtrNO MEN E\'ERYWHBRE, COPY letter*. home evenlng-s. 17 week. Send nddreiFPfl envelope for partlculars. MANAGKR. Dept. W, 38. Box 1411. Phil adelphlo, Pa. 8EVEN CAH-H PRIZE PROVERB CON TEST TO-DAY. WANTED. CANVASSERS AND STREET SALEBMEN to Bell our Cllmax Water proof Black Patent Leather Shoe Pollsh; a good marsln to goo'l Balesmcn. HEB. BLEWH1TE MFG, CO., GatnesvWe. N. Y. WANTED. FARMER AND FAMILY TO work my farm and orchard on sharos; etatlsfaetory aigreernent; will advance money as wanted; orchard wlll pn>- from WOO to $.'/00 thls fall. Addrcss JNO. J. GREE.V. Grecn Bay. Va. 6TRNOGRAPHER, LrST YOU APPLI catlons with our employrr.ont burcau. Krce prnctlce room stneked with all standard machlnes for your ure. SOUTHERN STAMP & STATIONEUY CO., Twelve-SIx, Maln Street. WANTED. FOR THE U. 8. ARMY: Able. bodled, unmarrled men, between ages of 21 nnd 25. cltlzens of United States. of good character and temperate habits, who can spcak, read and wrlte Engllsh. For infor? matlon apply to RECRTJITING OFFICER. 110 East Broad Street. Rlchmond, Va. GOVERNMENT POsTriOSS ? MORE than 13,000 a-ppolntments made laxt year. Caances better for 1JKG. Exanalnatlons soon ln every State. Clrcular 1S3 giv? lng full partlculars as to posltlcni, salaries, etc. sent free. Address NA TIONAL CORRESPONDENCE INSTI TUTE, Washington. D. C. \ BBLLINO AOENTS WHO SELL TAIL- ' orlng from eamples; one wlde-awake: man In each town; men who have an eye to buslness and money-maklng wlll appreclato our work and woollens. which are the flnest on the market. Our llb eral buslnese methods nnd powerful ad vertlslng wlll trlple your salee. Spring and summer outflt now ready. Post oftlce Box 624, Chlcago. WANTED-CAPABLE AND RELIABLE men to prosecute the sale of the stock of an attractlve, hlgh-class manufac ?turing proposltlon; must be experlenced buslness men of good appenrance and address; capahle of Intervlewlng men who are looklng for a profltable and safe lnvestment. To such, an excep tionable opportunlty ls offered. Address Postnfflce Box 294. Rlchmond, Va. ?= AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL GREAT money maker; every pentleman wlll buy; your' opportunlty: don't nasa lt. Post rmtd, 25 cents. PRICB MFG. CO.. Nor? folk, Va. WE PAY 126 A WEBK AND HXPENSES < to men with rlgs to Introduce Poultry Compound. INTERNATIONAL MFG. CO., Parsons, Kan. AGENTS WAiNTEOD?I WILL BE GLAD to mall you a prospeotus of a good thlng. DR. B. D. WARDES. Corry, Pa. TL??T.A^rKRTCAN MXJTTrAL LTFE IN QURANcra CO.. Elkhart, Ind., lnsures personR from 60 to 84: R?ventee>n years ln buelnesa; liberal contraets to agonts. AGENTS-J30 TO $80 WEEKLY EASILY j?.???- Wo prove thls. Lumlnous nam? Ei2-h?'. nuinber? Blsms readnble dnrke.'t nlghts: samples free. RIGHT SUPPLY CO., Englewood, IH WANTED, MEN WITH RIO TO INTP.O ?"eekirMn?^arch Pm,,tr>' Mlxture; &> weeklv nnv CXI,^Ts; year:8 cnimof. neld. IU. ' ^'^ Box im- Sprlns-1 KuS ou*$m i9N investmbnt: AGENTS-DROP BVERYTHTNO Avn wrlte us for speclal termy on otfr iM^t offlc-s speclnlty; Bel!s tself:" BrtSnteat money-mnlrer In years. AddoMn A\avn ICAN LOCK-CRANK CC?'"wilwaffi DR. LVON'S SANITARY TEA um Coffee Maker; Just patented; nta anv poti sayes coffee; otjents onBl y oloar J5 dnlly; firto. aample 25o. Send now Dr LYON, Pekln. Ullnola. * Dr> AGENTS CAN MAKE $2000 TO U 000 next thrae months handllng newly-na tanWd a-rtlcle; absolnte necesslty; de? mand enormouH! experlence unneces, earyj exnlufllva terrltory elvan. HOUS10 K,9Y^ ^VEI/nr CO. (Manufaotureraj, 1613 Broadway. New York. AGENTS TO SEIX TfrB "ECONOMY1' Alumlnum Gbb Tlp; Bamnt* and terms. 10e. Address ORIOLE SUPPLY CO.. 1487 N. Fitltnn Avenue, Baltlmore, Md. tpAVELING SALEBMEN ON COMMIB slon, to enrry 8 Bamples of a man's shoe to retall nt |1.50; state terrltory, experl enoe, referonce, eto.; ready sellers everv jrhteTe. TlfE *L60 SHOB FACTORY, Baltlmore, Md. ? Six Prizes Cattoon Contest Flrst Week. Flrst Prlze. VVITH WANT- A O COLUMM. BUSINESS. By L. Fitzgerald, Amerlcan National Bank, Clty. EIx prizes will be awarded each week for the best drawlng sub mitted, illustrnting that it pnys ad vertiscra to use The Timea-Dispatch want colurnns. Tho six prizes will be awarded in the following order, vbs.i Firat prize, S2| second, third, fourth, '^fth and slxth pmea, ?1 each. ) All drawlngs must be original and must be mado with black ink on white paper or card board, and should bo five to seven inohes in width. Naine and address must be written plalnly on back of drawlng. Do not send letters, but inclose stamp if you wish druwing returned. Do not fold, but roll, when mailing.1 Address all drawjngs to "Cartoon Contest," Room No. 17, Times Building. All drawings must reach Tha Times-Dispnteh offica not later than 12 P. M. eacb Saturday, in order to bo counted in the week's contest. Every reader is cordially* invited to take part in this liighly instruo tive and most interestmg competi tion, AGENTS WANTED. A COMMISSION BIG ENOUGH TO PRO duce heart failure for travellng men wlth goldon tonguos and established routes. Address SLDE LINE, Box 003, Clncln natl. O. WANTED^ TRAVELINO SALESMAN to sell Flavorlng Extracts. Druss and specialtles to country trade and clty frocery trade: good salury. 1NTER. TATB CHEM1CAL CO., Baltlmore. Md. SALBSMEN-J25 PER WEEK TO SELL a lomp that makes Its own eas; lamp free. EASTERN GAS CO., 87 Nassau St.. N, Y._ SALESMAN WANTED. SALESMAN-TO SBLL STAPLE LINB: good taUclng proposltion; scheme man Sreferred: exnonaea advanoed. Address L Y., care tnls oftlco. "WANTED?TWO BXPERIENCED Salesmen; regular and speclal llne. Dl rect from factory; no scheme. Address care of paper. 6ALESMEJN-J25 PER WEEK TO SELL a lamp that makes Its own gas; lamp .free. EASTERN GAS CO.. 187 Nassuu Street. N. Y._ SALESMEN TO SBLL TO DEALERS on commlsslon as a slde llne, the hest and cheapest Roll Top Desk made. Good money fnr hustlers. No eompetl tlon. No snmples to carry. Address: ED. SEIFERT. No, U State Street, New York clty. TRAVELER WANTED?TO WORK general stores. Salnrv JIOO per momh and exnenses. IXTERNATIONAL TA BLB SUPPLY CO,. St. Louls, Mo. WANTED, IMMEDrATELY BY RELIA ble house. a wlde-awake man, wlth good buslness experlence, to completo our travellng force for 1003; general mer cantlle trade; perrnanont. BIXLER & CO? Clevetand, O. SITTTATIONS WANTED?MALE. WANTED, BY AN EXPERIENCE REG Istered pharmnclst. n ponltlon; b?st of references. Address PHARMACIST. 713 Cameron Street, Alexandrla, Va. WANTED, BY A BRIGHT. ACTIVE boy, 16 years old, work of Bomo klnd; good at flgurcs and wrltes a good hand. Address M. Z., care thls offlce. WANTED. BY EXPERIENCED REO. pharmaclst nt once, a posltion oa phar? maclst: Rlehmond preferred. Address PHARMACIST. care thls oftlco. WANTED, BY A BOY WHO HAS HAD experlence In offlce. a sltuatlon lmm<\ dlatoly. Addroes WILLIAM HENRY HARRIS. 612ft N. Nlnth StrSeet, clty. WHAT IB THB PROVERB TO-DAY? WANTED. BY YOUNG MAN, EXTRA work; stenography and typowrltlng; cspylner noatly done. W, D. H? care thls offlce. WANTED. EXPERIENCED GLOVE FITTETt; one who ls thoroughly capablo In every way and accustomed to walt Ing on the best trnde. Applv, hy letter only. to MANAGER, Mlllor & Rhoads. WANTED. POSITION AS WATCTIMAN by good rellable man; ffrat-class clty ref? erence. AddTress A. I)., 17 N. Seven toenth Street, WANrPED - POSITION BY YOUNQ man (25; marrlod); outdoor work. Am well employed, but work too conflnlng, Wpuld do oolleetlng ln oonhectlon wlth other work. Address E. B? care Tlmea Dlspatch. WANTED, BY A BRIGHT BOY OF IS, ?illl? iWO?lt; *?nn tlvo eood reference MCOY, 814 North Thlrty-slxth Street. WANTED. BY OITY SALESMAN, WELL acqualnted wlth stnndlng of clty trade, ft posltlpn on pereentano or salary. Ad dresa dlTY SAJ^ESMAN. care ths o? HC4. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALE. STENOGRAPHER. LIST YOUR APPLI catlon wlth our employment bureau, You aro also lnvited to coll and use any rnake of type writer ln our prac? tice rooms. SOUTHERN STAMP & Sfl'ATlONERY CO., Twelve-Six, Maln Street._ HELP WANTED?FEMALE. $12 PER THOUSAND COPYING LET ters; materlal furnlshed; stamped en i.?l?peT tor partlculars. ' CRYSTAL NOVELTY CO., Room 74, Chlcago. WANTED (WHITE) HOUSBKEEPERS, Cooks. Chambermalds, Seamstresses and Nurses to call and leavo thelr addresses at Uie Tlmes-DIspatch Freo Employment Bureau, Room 17, Times Bullding. LADIES AND GENTS, COPY LETTERS at home; nothlng to buy; J16 per thou* sond. pald weekly. Send stamped en yel?P? for appllcatlon. DE MAR MF"G. CO.. 109 West 6Cth St.. New York. COPYING LETTERS AT HOME, FULL or spare tlme; no names to supply or addresslng envelopes; nothlng to buy: 13) per thousand, pald weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and appll? catlon blank. 1MTERIAL CO.. 123 Llb erty St.. New York. 1NVEST 00 AND MAKE $300; NO stocks. horses, lottery or gamble; eaxnod by yourself ln your house. Send for clrcular beforo our offer ls wtthdrawn. THE ACMB COMPANY, 100 Fulton. St. New York. LADIES OR GENTS. COPY LETTERS at home nnd return to us; hlghost prlces pald .weekly. Send addressed envelopo , for oopy and Instruetlons. REGAL MFG. COfr 130 Fulton St. N. Y. LADIES OR GENTS, COPY LETTERS at home; no names to supply or address. lng envelopes; nothlng to buy, J20 a 1,000, pald weekly. Send addressed en? velope for copy and appllcatlon blanks. PRA.CTICAL MFG. CO.. 128 Market St Newark, N. J. PLA1N WR1TERS BVERYWHETRB. spare tlme eVenlngs 19.50 woek; steady home wopk. Self-addressed envelope, full partlculars. MANAGER, Dopt S 88, Box 1411, Philadelp.hia. Pa. $5.00 PER HUNDRED FOR ADDRESS Ing envelopes. Sond dlmB and stamp for materlal and Instruetlons; steady work. C. B. MILLBR, Bly Blde' Chlcago. WHAT IS THB PROVERB TO-DAY7 $12 PER THOUSAND COPYINO LET tors; materlal furntshedj stamned en? velopo for partloulnrs. CRYSTAL NOVELTY CO., R00m 73. Chlcago. WANTED-A RELIABLE WOMAN g^wofi?. sleer^^re^V^d1 Nom|l8mElaf Broadrl|thrSetarty- APPly LADIES EVERYW1TERB, COPY LET ;vls'??honi5n0.v^n'ngs' m,d r*.turn to us* vto pay $J0 thousand. oa?h: now plan; steady vvprk. Send addressed envelopo full partlculars. GHARANTBE CO. Dept. W, 98, IPhUadolphla, Pa, PLA1N WRITERS EVERYWHERE, spare tlme ovenlngs, M.EB Week: steady i10,mo w01"!*' Salf-address'nd envelope, full part culars. MANAGER, Dept W, P8, Box 1111, Phlladolphla., pa, LADIES TO DO PLAIN SBWING AT home; steady work, good pay; materlals sent eyerywhere freo. Send addressod envelope for partlculars. DU PONT, Dept W, OS, Loek Box 13S3, Plilladelphla, Pa, INTELLIGENT, AMBITIOTJS WOMEN assured good, permanent lncomes. wlth? out Investment or oanvnsslng. ODELL & CO., K 21, Elm St? Rooliosler, N. V. WANTED-A OOOD WHITE WOMAN to housekeop and asslst In cooklng. Ad dross East Rlehmond, care Ttmes-Db> patch Offlce. HELP WAWTED?FEMA1E. LADIES EVERYWiTraitB, COPY LEr ters, home evenlngs, and roturn to ua; we pay $20 thousand, caeh; new plan; steady work, Send addressed onvelope, Cull partlculars. OUAKANTEE CO., Dept. S, Phllodelphlu, Pa. LaBTes" TO DO PLAIN SRWING AT home; steady work; good |.ay; tnuterlals ?ent everywhere free. Send luldressed envelope for partlculars. DU PONT. Dept. B, 08, Look Box usa, Phlladelpttla, Pa. LADIES EVERYWHERE COPY LET* ters. horne evenlngs, and roturn. to us; we pay $20 thousand, cash; new plan; ?teady work. Send addresscd nnvelopo, full partlculars. GUARANTEE CO., Dept. 8, 88, Phlladelphia, Pa. WANTED, FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRES8 to go outside clty. noar street car llno; good wages. Reply to P. O. Box 151. SITUATIONS WAMTETj^ifElfA'LET WANTBD-POSITION BY LADY TELE grapher and Bookkeeper; ten years' practlcal experlence. Batlsfactory ref? erence. Address P. 0. Bux No. 842. WANTED?A REFINED YOUNG LADT deslres a posltlon to teach small chll? dren the usual Engllsh branches. Ad? dress Mlss M. C. Gays. Va. WANTED. SEWINO OF ANY KIND OR any work that can t>? done at home Address 8EAMSTRESS. caUre. Room 17? Tlmes Bulldlng. SEVEN CASH PRIZE PROVERB CON TEST TO-DAY. A YOUNG LADY WI8HES A TOSITION as teacher of stenography and typewTlt ing, or a posltlon to do office work. Ad? dress Box 83. Clarksvlle. Va. YOUNO LADY WISHES POSITION IN office; Is experTtenced tn flllng. ccpylng and all klnds of office work. Addrcss N.. care thls office. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS ?tenogrnpher: experlence and best ref erences: would work for small salary. Address M. J. M, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. WANTED. AT ONCE, BY A WTDCW lady, a sttuatton aa housekeeper for gentleman or ln small famlly; can fur? nlsh the best of reference. Address BUSINESS. care of thls office. A FTRST-CLASS LADY STENOGRA pher deslrcs a posltlon; have had nearly seven years' experlence, and am also ao quainted with general office work. Ad? dress EXPBRIENCE. care thls office. WANTED. BY RESPONSIBLE LADY, with A-l reference8, posltlon aa cashier or llght office work. Address CASH? IER, care thls office. WANTED. A POSITION AS TEACHER durlng spring months; have had success? ful experlence: reference furnlshed. and for further Informatlon address Box 12, Umbra. Va. A LADY STENOGRAPHBR AND TYPE wrlter. with experlence ln office work, deBires posltlon: small salnry desired unttll real worth ls determined. MISS N. S. G., Tlmes-Dlspatch office. A LADT OF REFINEMENT DESIRES a posltlon as companlon or to teach Eng? llsh. Musle and Languagos. MIbs ADAMS, care Carrler No. 1, Petersburg. Va. WANTED. OFFTCE WORK OF ANY klnd immediately by young lady anxi ous for work; reference. Address M. O.. care thls office. WANTED, A PLACE AS CASHIER OR office work or copylng; can glve good references. Address EARNEST, care Woman's Chrlstlan Assoclatlon, 7U E. Franklln Street. WHAT IS THE PROVERB TO-DAY 7 A YOUNG LADY DEBIRES A POSITION as teacher of stenography and typewrit lng, or a posltlon to do office work. Ad? dress Box 13. Clarksvllle, Va. A LADY OF REFINEMENT DESIREB a posltlon as companlon, or to teach small chlldren Engllsh and Musle. Mlss I. X. ADAMS. care Carrler No. 1, Pe? tersburg. Va. ANYONB WANTING A FTRST CLAPB wash woman. who gunTontees emlre snttsfnctlon. can seeure same by s?rd ing a postal to MATTIE EDWARDS, No. ?018 West Clay Street. WANTED, BY A YOUNG LADY. A positlon as teacher In some county school; enn glve reference; would like to hear from some superlntendent ns eoon as posslbTle. Address TEACHER, care of thls office. A YOUNG LADY. WITH THREE years' experlence. de.ilres a posltlon to teach Engllsh branches and Latln In a eciiool or famlly for the sesslon 1903-'0t. Address Box 3, Sparta, Va. FOR RENT. ""^^^ FOR RENT-SECOND FLOOR FLAT of four rooms nnd bath. Apply No 105 West Clay Street " FOR RENT?NICELY FURNTSHED ROOM on seoond floor, on Park Avenue near Harrison. Address L, IC, care thls office. FOR RENT?DWBLLING. NO. 216 EAST Franklln Street; contalns fourte'-n rooms: all convcnlences and in nlce order. DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR No 1115 East Maln Street. ' FOR RENT-YVHOLE OR PART OF soven room brlck house with oonven lences. Rooms small. Call at No. C10 North Sixth Street. SEVEN PRIZES TO-DAY. Find the 21 Capital Letters and Work Out the Proverb, The proverb published In last Bunday't Tlmea want. proverb contest waa "Mur der wlll 'out" Tho natnes of the wlnnera and others sendlng Uie coi-roct answera wlll be found In another column. The proverb ln to-day's contest ls com* posed of twenty-one capital lottera, and wlll be found in the mtddlo of words Boaltered through tlie want colunms of both pages. These capital letters haven't any vtilue whatever to the words?u?, for lnstanoe, tho letter "A" ln tho word "barsralna," vlz: "barAgalns," All answers should be addrossed to tha "Proverb Oontest," Tlmes-DJspatoh offlco (wrHe namo and address plalnly), and should reaoh tlils ofllce not later than Friday at noon, when thoy wlll be placed Cunopencd) face downwiuds and thorough ly mixed. The flrst soven owroot answera drawn wlll be awarded tlio seven in the order drnwn, vlz: Flrst. $2 oider) Booond. H order; thlrd, fourth, flfth. atxth aind seventh. flfty cenls order eaqh. Thpse orde-rs lesued by Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch Company will be as good as oosh with any merohnnt, flrm or lndlvJdual uslug the Sunday Tlmes-DlBpateh advertlslng or want oolumns, for, ra palT work, eto., etc, The ord'era can also be used ln paymont of trubsoriptlong to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch. AU orders, when presented at Tho Tlmes-nispatuh ofllce by tho adveirtlsors, wlll bo redearoed ln cash for full face vulue of tho order. The TlntM-rMapntcli has oppolnted* a speolal repreaenrotlv-e for the oonvenlonco of Its reuder* Uvlng out of the olty to make purchuttes, have repalr work dona, etc, ?to., for them. What is the Proverb To >0ey? FOR RENT. FOR RBNT-.THE VERY BEST DWBI, Hng In tho city; now vacant; No. 2011-2 West Grace Street. Comploto In every , respeot. Soe us about lt. J. B. BLAM & CO? 1113 Majn Btreet, FOR RENT?STORE-H 0 U 8 B AND WARE-ROOM; trood loeatlon, on South? ern Railway, for } ,ieral morchnndlse and Inrge hay nnd ,raln buslness. Mrs. JAMES B. LEW13 Mltcholl's. Va.. FOR >ALE. ~ WA.NTBD, TO SELL FOR SFXTEEN dollars cash. ono onk offlce DESK and CHAIR. Apply 601 West Maln, TYFEWRrTBR, BAR LOCK. NEARLY new, for $45 oash. Address A. N., cars Tlmes-DIspatch. FOR SALE?FOR $30 OR BEST OFFER, nlco slngle Vlctorla, ooirt $?50. Must sell. "VICTORIA," care Tlmes-Dis patch, FOR SALE?-LARGB, OOOD LOOKINO lron Gray' Horse, nultable for burr:y or carrlage, for Bale cheap. GEORGE T. KING, Both "Phones. . i . i . FOR BALB?200 DOZBNT FRBSH COUN try Eggs. GBO. L. HAYNES, U8 N. Elghteenth St FOR SALE?RUBBBR TTRBD RUN about and harness, Cheap. Apply C. H. THORFE, 1110 Beverloy Street, RJehmond, Va. FOR SALE .. HOUSBTTOLD AND Kltchen Fumlture; good as newj a bnrgaln. Apply No. 1)611 West Cary Street FOR SALE?IB JfORSE-POWER OASO Une Bngrlne. Oiod a* n*rw. Only used Blr months. CLARBNCB COSBY. 834 Brook Ave. FOR 8ALE?fi.000 CORDS OF WOOD BTOwtng. and 300 acres of L?.nd. can b*? botwrht for $2.S0O cnah. One mlle from rallrond statlon. Arldresn "CO"D WOOD." Box No. 120. Mnnchentor, Va, FOR SALE?RETAn- BAR, FrXTURES, stock, good! wlll; flnn locstlon; jrood tradei good rensons for selllng. X. Y. 7... care thls offlce. ANTIQtra?ONB SIDEBOARD, CHINA Case, Bureau and TVash Stand. Sofa end Chalrs, one French B*d. Ca.ll at No. 124% South Fourth Btreet_ FOR SALE?FIRST CLASS 8TRICTLY pedlgreed Belglum JTares, Bucka and Does. FlrBt and Speclal prlze win? ners. Young stodk a speclal ty. For S-lces. wrlte at onee to BXCBLSIOR ECUHAN HARE CO.. No. 1203 North Twenty-second Street, Rlehmond, Va. WHAT IS TPTB PROVERB TO-DAY? WANTED-TO SELL SEVERAL DB slrable homes cheap and four lots front lng on electrlc llne. $2 front foot, at hea.utlful HIgMnnd Sortngs. FARM & SITBURBAN DB\TEX,OPMBNT CO., No. S32 Maln Street FOR SALE?TWO STORY DWTJLLINGi 8 rooms; good condition; ah-out 435 acres fertlle lnnd; 500,000 feet lumber on same; neaT railroad. chuTch. school, stores, etc: well ftmced. Price, $2.KK). Terms. J200 cash. bnlance on ensy torms. H. OARRINGTON KERN, Corner Twenty-third and Venable Sts. FOR SALE?PHOTOORAPH OALLERY; be^st loeatlon on Broad Street: one nf the be?t naylng studlos ln the clty; splenflld chance for pnrty seeklng a blg r>ayln?* Investment. CaBll or address MET.V1LLB DANIELS, Room 17. Times Bullding. FOR S\LE?ONE BTANDTNO DESK, one Revolvlng Stnol. three offlce Chalrs. one Letter Press; n*w and sccond-hand Safes. nll slzes; prices nnd terms to sult eiiKtomer. R. L. BARNES SAFE & LOCK CO., No. 1431 B. Maln Streot. FOR SALE? A PROSPEROUS MANU-J factuiing and mercantile buslness, In oreose ln 1902, 331-3 per cent. over any prevlous years and growlng steadlly; ten thousand dollars cash capltal ro qulred; books open. to lnspectlon; satls factory reasons for selllng. Address MELVILLE DANIELS, Room 17, Times Bullding. FOR SALE?PLANING MJLL AND BOX FACrORY, controlltng tobacco box, hogshead and lumber ouslness of Bed 'ford; also comploie SAW-M1LL; a llno establlshed buslness. E. D. GREGORY, Bedford Clty. Va,_' FOUND. FOUND-CAMB TO NO. 609 SOUTH Flrst Streot, one. Black and White, Blued Speokled Hound; owner can get same by provlng property and paylng for thls ad._ L0ST~ LOST-A FIREMAN'S DUCK COAT, No! 3G2. slre 43, golng to Are, Box 131. Ftnder wlll please return to BROAD-STREET BNGlNE HOUSE._ LOST-A FUR CAPE. MARTEN, OR Lamb's Wool, between Grace and Broad Streets, on Foushee, Saturday evenlrg about 5 o'clock. Llberal reward If left at No, 112 Bast Maln Street LOST-IN RICHMOND OR MANCHES ter, Gold LOCKET, wlth sorpent on face, contalnlng pictures of lady and chlld. Reward lf returned to U. 0. MIOHAELS. No. 1013 E. Maln Street. LOST-ON LAUREL-STREET CAR. IN front of Murphy's Hotel, Feb. 4th. about 6:15 A. M.. Elks' Watch CHARM, wlth monogram J. J. F., B. P. O. E., on ro verse slde. Llberal reward lf returned to 431 B. Broad Street. lost-frtdajY aftbrnoo'n BE* tween Etghth and Brond Stroets and Old Domtnlon Hospital, a lady'a Open faoe Gold WATCH. with hiltlals B. C. F. out on back. Reward for Its re? turn to O. H- FUNS.TEN, No. 1113 East Maln Street LOST-*T(HTrRSDAY NTIGHT BETWEEN tho Mnsonlo Temple and Seventh and Grace Streets. probably on Brond Street, a narrow gold bracelet wlth black enamel Grectan flgure. Suitnbl^ re? ward lf returned to OWENS & MINOr DRUG CO.. No. 1007 East Maln Street. WANTED, THE PARTY WHO PICKED up a DIamond PJNG, lost between Brond and Maln on Elghteenth, or from Elgh? teenth and Maln to Harvey and Maln, to return same to thls offlce or RICH? MOND PATTERN WOHKS and blg re wnrd wlll be pald; no questlons asked. Rlng lost January 30th, and ls prlzed on Its nssoclatlon,_ WANTEL\ WANTED?TO BUY A OOOD COW. AD dross B. C. BR1STOW, No. 19 South Flfteenth Street. WANTED-TO SELL A GOOD HORSE, Harness and Wagon. Apply No. 3301 O Streot WANTED?TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH ono pool table, Address POOL TABLE, caro Tlmes-DIspatch. I WANT TO TRADE A YOUNG 10 months' old COLT for an old HORSE that wlll nlow and work to buggy, Ad? dress L. M. N? care thls offlco. WANTED?A GUITAR; STATE LOWBST cash price; Wnshburn or M&rtln pro foired. Addross A B? No. 122 North Lombardy StToot. WANTBD?BY THE UNDBRSIONED A young man to share wlth me two fur? nlshad rooms, Address G, W. E., No, 8111 Wwt Graco Street. WANTED?TO PUROHASE A SECOND hand Pool Tabla, ln flrst class condi? tion. Reply onrs TJmes-Dlspatch of? flce, statfng price, N. T, P. HORSE l WANTl^?SinTABLB FOR Vlctorla or Carrlngo, snumj, centle, not nfrnld nf cars. Apply at Sl'THKR 3*ANf)'S STABLES, Seventh Street, i between Oraoe and Broad Strests, or I state where can bo ceea, WANTED. -0~~_ WANTED?PURCMASER FOR THREE pleces of beautlful Antlqu.j Bed Room Furnlture. Apply at No. 218 East Maln Street. WANTED, BY MARCH I2TH. A FLAT of flve or slx rooms, between Flrst and Twclfth and between Lelgh and Cary: state terms. locatloii, otc. Addrcss 261. E, Grace, clty, WANTED?TO BUY A HOUSE OF TEN or twclve rooms with good lot, West End. sputb of Broad. preferrrcL Ad paton HOUSB- care of Tlmcs-Dis J^ftuS 9ocon<J-h'?'<l Bng?. any klnd, any 3ir?c^DWhBTd c'o w fre1sht aii ?J38?: T' '5TN"d' PnOPRIETOR. All klnds now and second-hnnd Bags and Twlne for sale. WANTED. BISHOP MEADE'S "OLD Churches, Mlnlsters, etc.;" 2 vol.; Index to snmc>. Geo. R. Gllmer's "Goorglans," flrst settlers of Uppr-r Georgia. Name WILKINSON, C2 Laclede Bldg.. St. Louls, Mo, WANTED. TO BELL AT BAROAIN, flrst-clnss HORSE. Htiltable fnr dellvery wagon. suxrey or any purpose; klnd, gentle: ntand anywhere left; sold ror S1*SlliU,:.SylJ,e?fw''!n ft* w- H. COS BYS 8TABLE, Flfth between Marshall and Clay. BOOKS WANTED?MUNFORD-S POEMS, Huguenot Famllles. Hnrrlsons, Virginia, Vplume 2, Virginia Stato and Pnrlsh HlBtories; name prlces. Address BOOLS," 227 Harrison Street, Poters burg, Va, WANTED ? FATHER DESIRES TO send slxteen-year-oid boy to school In the country. preforably near Rlchmond. whoro he can get board In a famlly In which there are several boys, Would T ,er ? small prhute school In a famlly, to whlch only a few boys at? tend. of somo fanlly where a tutor 13 employed. Answer SCHOOL BOY. care ot Tlmes-Dlspatch. ASSORTMWf~OF~GO-CARTS; FINE A8S0RTMENT OF OO-CARTS: old ongg taken In part paymenta for HfTkJZl'13 DOMINION WTLLOW & RATTAN WORKS, 400 North Seventh btreet. ARTIFICIAL PALMS. ARTIFIC1AL PALMS, 43C, EACH. TOMPKNS', Bole AgeAt. *-"""-?? A TRTJE BRAIN AND NERVE FOOD. KOLA CELERY AND PEPSIN CEL Pop-Ko is the only true braln and nervo food ever discovored. Cel-Pep Ko curos nervoua exhaustlon by feed Ing the braln and nerve centres with cerebrln. thus aupplytng new onergy and vitallty for the whole 6ystem. Cel Pep-Ko will strengthon your heart, In? crease your flow of language, lmprove your nerve and braln power, Bharpen up ynur buslness ablllfy and cnergy, mental or phvBlcal work for lawvors, preachers. lecturers, elngers, students and buslness men. Cel-Pep-Ko wlll eure nervoua hoadnche. despondency and the bluos In tlvo mlnutes. At your flrst opportunlty try a .glass of Cel Pop-Ko at nny cafe or send for a 6am ple bottle to at.v drug store or the Hy geia M'f g. Co.. ATrGUST ARNDT, Dls trlbuling Agent, Richmond. Va._ aw?i!to^ten~ts^nd~flags. WHEN YOU NEED DEOORATIONS CALL BELL "PHONE 2142 J. RQSS JONES & BRO.. NO. 902 EAST BROAD STREET, FORMERLY MANAOERS FOR M. G. COPELAND CO. IF YOU NEED YOUR AWNINGS RE- . pairefl send us word. J. ROSS JONES & BRO. ANTIQUES. JUST THE OPPOSITE. INDEPENDENT TRANSFER CO. RICHMOND ANTIQUB FURN1TURE CO. will buy, sell and repaJr Mnhogany Furnlture. We buy old Candlestocks, Brass Fenders. Cut Glnss and old Chlna Bric-a-Brac, etc; 219 West Broad. THE FINEST LJNE OF ANTIQUE FUR nlture, Brass Goods, Chlna and Bric-a Brac In the city; spealal low nrlces dur Ing February; 309-SU N. Elghth Street. BOARD WANTED. WANTEID?YOUNC- MARRIBD COUPLE. prlvnte family preferrod. State terms. Address BOX 77, city. WANTED. BY A LADY, BOARD IN prlvate famlly, where she will bo treated llke one of the* famlly: board must be reasonreble; refereVnces given. Addreas HITRRY, enro this office. WANTED?ROOM AND BOARD BY yoimg man, between Broad n:;d Cavv, Seventh and Flrst. Terms must be modorato, Stato rrlce and ronven lences. Address Box No. 307. olty. WANTED?ROOM AND BOARD SOUTH of Maln nnd between Belvldere and Cherry Streets. Address, statlng IZ71.?' ?c-' PACHELOR. No. 212 North Flfth Street. WANTED, TWO FURN1SHED ROOMS and BOARD for a famlly ot three adults; prlvato famlly proferred. Ad? drcss, stntlng terms, CLAIBORNE, care this efrlce. WANTED?BY A YOUNG COUPLE UN furnlshed room with bonret; south of Broad; west of Seventh: stato terms; referenfes exchanned. Address LiS. C., care Times-Dispatc.b Office. _BOARD WANTED. TWO YOUXO MEN WANT BOARll and cxcluslve use of room on flrsl or socond floor, not more than fout blooks from Capltol ftjuaro. Wlll lng *?*,??? S< f1^. wp'-* o^ch. Address ANUM. care Tltnes-Dlspntoh. u"r"" TWOQUIET YOUNo'lfrcN, WHO WORK want BOARD and ROOM. withln three blocks of Capltol S<iuure: must have oxcluslve ujo of room; wlll pay $4 pef m$k?5f& tor. ,1rBt otwcond ?00'- "<?n and board. Address GEO. fc HENRY. earo thls offlce. BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED, BOARDDRS-I.AROE. COM fortablo rooms; cood table; homo com* forts; teTms moderate. Apply at 610 N. Sixth Street. WANTED-T\VBLVE TABLB BOARD ors* rate ? per we?lc: unsurpa^sed culirlne: professlonal cook. Qulck ?f>r y. S' ?A. few translenl bonnlers can nnd flrst class .iccommnrtmlons. Ap ply No. 219 South Thlrd Street WANTED BOARDe'rS; HANDSOMELY furnlshed rooms; house ttmrn heat?<J througriout; conventent to bath, not and colri water; references exchangod; torms modernne. Apply at Mrs. A. F. CRAIG. 317 West Grace Street. ]50AIlDTNQ~Ain3 LIVERY STABLES? WAXTED-A FEW MORE HORSES TO occupy tho oommodious dry, warm jtallB at tho ctolobrated Temple anfl Madlson Boardlng i and Sale Stables, whore every attentlon wlll be glven for the most reasonable consldoratloni speclnl terms and rates made Tor fancy horsen; amplo Toom for vehleles. B. D. KAY, Prop. , "" BlCYCLES AND REPAtfrS. ' IF YOU WANT TO BUY. SBLL HENt! exchange or have a blcycle reoalred call on JOE BICKERSTAFF. There ls only ono JOE and only one store?IS03 El Mnln._ CEL-PEP-KO. ^^^ CEL-PEP-KO, THE WORLD'S BEST? nerve tonlc, can now be hnd at any drug store. a slx-ounce saraple bottle, freo of charge; ask your drugrlst fo* It. Kola Cclery and Popsln ls the only tonlc for catarrh, collc, colds, dyspep* sla, Indlgestlon and other diseases. Try It, lt wlll make. you strong, healthv ana -IWRKt Tho "ygela Wf B Co., AUGUSTJ ARNDT, Dlstrlhutlng Agent. _BUSINESS WANTS. FIGURE WITH Us! INDEPBNDEN*! TRANSFER CO. WHO SELLS THB BEST PIANOS Ij{ Rlehmond? Why. FERGUSSON BROS 815 East Broad, of couWrse. HO FOR TTIE HORSELESS CARRIAGE The Rnmbler Is the best ln the markel and price as low as the cheaoest. HAHi HIS HARDWARE CO., 403 East Broad, Oon'l Agents. Automohllea repalred. 8,000 BUSHELS CHOTCE FBED AT 48 Cents; 10.000 Bushels Virglnia Corn. G0 cents. Mnke money by fiavlnft lt. Buv ?J .D' O'SULLIVAN, Elghteenth anj Maln Streots. RICHARDI & DANBBR. PRACTTCAjy machlnlsts and cleetrleinns, No. 411 Wost Maln Streets. Grlndlng. Plating, Pollshlng. Lacquering; Pattern and Mod? el maklng. EXCHANGE COLUMN. WANTED, TO EXCHANGE A LOT OF cxtra fancy bred PIGEONS for a Beagle HOUND. Address HOUND, care Enplne Company, No. 8, clty. FLATS WANTED. WANTED, A FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM FLAT on Grace, Franklln or West End by n refine<l famlly of t-hreo adults. Ad? dress TENNENT, caro thls offlce. WANTED?A FLAT OF 4 OR 5 ROOM3 for small famlly for llght housokrep Ing. References oxchanged. Addresa FL/~ . FLAT, care hls offlce. WANTED?TO RENT BY THE FTRST of Mtii-ch. a House. centrally located: south of Broad; modern lmprovements, wlll take unexplred lease. Address Buslness No. 2, care Times-Dlspatch Offlce. FLATS FOR RENT. WANTED, TO RENT A FLAT. TWO OR threo rooms, centrally located. Address J. M. L., care thls offlce. * RENT?DESTRABLE FLAT, NO."*/% V\ Marsholl Streot; modern con* venlencs. FLAT FOR RENT?THREE ROOM9 and kitchen at reasonahle price; 16 N, Nlnth Street. ROOMS TO LET. WANTED-OCCUFANTS FOR BRrGHT, banutiful, newly papered rooms. Also stornge rooma. Apply No. 234 South Thlrd Street WANTED-TO RENT TO GENTLEMAN1 furnlshed room; also for ront siable wlth two stalls, carrlage house. etov Apply at No. 3 West Clay Street WANTED - OCCUPANTS FOR A' brlght, sunny room, well heated, flrsi elnss table board. A small room ad iolnlng Is deslred. Address PRtVATBi FAAITLY, No. 217 East Maln Street FOR RENT-JTTTRiEB UNFURNTSTTED rooms on f>?r*?nd floor. wlth bnth| southern oxpo.iure; also ono ropm on flrst floor: refernnce exehanped. Ap? ply No. 912 East Marshnll Street. ROOMS FOR RENT?IN THE CF.NV tTftl, most deslraWe snuare on Grac* Street; second and t.htrd floor roomBJ newly furnlshed throughout; turnaOs heat; all modern Imr-rovetnents. Fof. Informatlon npply "F.." thls offlce. WANTED?OOCTTPANTS FOR A NTCE. ly furnlshed, wall heated room; larpe, brlght and sunny. wttb flrst o1r?S bonrd. S=Tnall room ndtnlnlnr If d* slred. No. 217 East Maln Street DAILY SUHDAY BY USING ? SOUTH'S GREATEST sKIeR (OLD 'PHONE 38) HE WILL CALL FOR YOUR WANT ADS, NO TROUBLE SPARED AND EVERY EFFGftT USSD TO FURTHER nm INTERESTS