Newspaper Page Text
HELP WANTED?MALE. ?lnto, ?rcllnblo travnllnR salesmen to sell 'Ollmas Ktove Pnllfh ,inil Slioe I'ollsh Sfust bo wllllng to show nblllty ns tfnlestnnn ln our llne on n coniinlssloii 1>nrls for twn wcoks, HEBBLEWH1TL MFG. CO,, Gnlnesvllle, N. Y. HvANTJ^n?A'r ONCE A COLORED boy, nco lf. tn ?. Apnlv SPOTSWOOD HOUSE. Governor nnd II?>:?? Sti"'is. "WANTED?1-ODGB n R G A N I 8 1* R Wnnlrd; must havo experlence; strnc'y posltion to rlRht ninn; wlll pny p>oil wilnrv. Apply "'FRATERNAL,'" care thls oftlco, _ WANTED - CANVASSERS A N D Street Pale?mrn to ?ell our Cllmix V\ n ter-proof HWpk P.ntenl l.oaihei S e pollsh; n cood mnrpln to p-iol snl s incii. ITEUBEEWHITE MFG. CO.. Giilnnsvlllo. N. T, i?_LOST._ tiOST-ONE BUNCH OF ICEYS LAST TiiomiHv. about f, nr 7 ln number.1 In ro Pt^i.le ltov. p'p.-i;.o return to Nn. I'H Wesl Lolgh Btreet. Wlll pive llberal reward. . WANTED. WANTED?LADY OR GENTLI-MAN 'Hndy prcferrei>) with J2.V. ln cash to liiHo 1-.1 lnt.-rr?t ln a business poy ing Sl.Vi to K."4) c.tOi per month: can bo doul.lod ln slxty days, wlth the cnpltnl. Wlll gifarnuteo partv 530 per month. Address D. E. W., thls offlce. WANTED. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE to oceuVv n larsc front ROOM, bath on . tloor. ln the most dellghtful sltuatlon on Ubhy Hlll. commnnding tlie vlew of both pnrltF; board moderate. Apply at 3003 E. Maln. ROOMS TO LET. JWANTED.OCCUPANTS FOR THREE dellirhtful ROOMS on Becond floor: fur? nlshed or unfurnlshed; 201 E. Franklln. ; BUSINESS WANTS. GU1NNESS'"" BROWN~~ST0UT, DOG head boCUlng, S2.03 per doz^n bottles. at CEASH'S, 'enrnt-r Sixth nnd Bronds Sts. WANTED-^tOU iTO: STOP WORRYING. Makes the best of llfe; be happy. Get the be,st. latest. most durable, artlstlc, up-to-dnfe and perfect nlano?THE "CABLE"?cash or credlt. Easy terms. THE CABLE COMPANY, 213 East Brond Streot. BUSINESS OPP0RTUN1T1ES. THE-?CALlFORNTA-NEVADA MINTNG CO. ? gu'a'mntee 0 per cent. per month in dlvldeuds; have JIC.OOO.OOO ln sleht. .Wrlte for pros pectus. AV. II. BALD WIN & CO., Brokers. Volckcrt Bulld? ing, Albany, N. Y. 8" PER CENT. MONTHLY DIVIDEND pnld by North Carolina Mlnlng & De velopment Co.; 25.000 tons of oro ready for mlll. Wrlte for prospeotus. E. N. VAN COTT & CO., Brokers, SO State Street. Albany, N. Y. CALIFOBNJA.-FORTUNB OIL COM pany has three blg wclls. 40.000 barrels of oil storod. Will pay lnrge dlvldends ? soon. "Wrlto for prospoctus. T. J. GAELAG1TER. Fiscal Agent, Volckcrt Bullding. Albany, N. Y. H00 INVESTED IN TEN PRIZE FIG1IT inc; Penny-ln-slot-machlnes will oarn J10 weekly, J. BURT, 136 Liberty Street. ? New York. ? GOLDEN OPPORTUNTTY. *XY SAFE ty Investment p'an guarantees 5 por cent. weekly, and pays much moro; SS.2,'5 pald last weok on accounts of S2T>. Ovor J2O0 made nnd paid slnco January lst dn every* ?2o account. Weekly. settlo ment of p-oiits. Wrlte to-day for pro spectns. GEO. P. FOWLER, 2 W. 10-lth Sl., New York city. H.1C6.W W1I.L PURCHASE STOCK IN Ihcorporated company; the. sald stoek carrles and controls a permanent posl? tion l-avlng JV*l per month. Address "CONFIDENTIAL,': thls offlce. JT.Ki.0l WAS MADE LAST WEEK WITH !?":'.'? i capltal. If you have J2.V0 ? .': 0.00 to Invest, wrlte us. DRAwER ; .' HAWK.1N3 & CO., New Orleans, S1.200 BUYS THE LEASE, LICENSB and part of th" furnlshlngs In one of iho l'iin'sl hole's In tlie State, dolng .t profitable Sittiated ln ono </f the best tldf-ivatcr towns of S 0.0 ' populntlon. Address B. E. 1\. No. 1T0 North Nlnth Street, Rlehmond. Va. WHAT IS THE PROVERB TO-DAY? iWANTED?TO BORROW $4,000 FROM pnlvate party. or will offer good saio tnvestmont to right party. Apply aulck: Address C1LV.NCE, care Tlmes DIspatch. ANYONE HAVING TWO OR THREE thousand dollars to Invest in a mlnirg proposltlon, safe. sccure and guaran teed, can double money. B< >X 120, Rlehmond. Vu. jSEND KOIt FREE UOOK. FACTS AND j'lgures. cxplainlng option tradlng; 5-M margins, 1,000 bu;, 2 cents. OSBO'RN GRAIN CO., 17 Chamber Commerce, Mlnneajnolts, Mlrin. *vN INVIC'STMENT THAT HAS ACTU ally returned 593.10 In net proiits on each MO*! investcd durlng the past eleven weeks is worthy of your Investi? gation; legttlmate buslness methods; setllemcnts every Tuesday; references. Wrlte for my elreulnrs, "The Only Way.'! GEORGE F, STONE. Box 124, Bronklyn, N. Y. H. E. WHITMAN & CO., THE OLD RE lliihle ;uul conservallve flrm. aro stlll paylns thelr rogular dlvldends ns here toi'nre. on each und every Tuesday throughnut the year. Thls proflt wlll ' not bo reduced. as they are ninplv ahlo 1o contlnue earninc the same 'on all capltal liiv-'Stert. Your money is not used for tjnmbllni; purpos.ep, but is In vested ln leirltlmote buslness. aml ls fully pro'f.ot..fl by thelr extenslve prop. ? r-.riics. Depnslts mny be withdrawn nt uny tlme. In part ,.?r in full. oh flemniid. Buslness m'-n. lian!;? ,-m.l merein'llo apont-ies throughout Iho coimirv endorse thelr method?. Itlclr] liiqulrv nn'l thor. ough Invostlgntlon sollclted. For full PHrtlculnrs address II. K. WHITMAN ??c CO., Callaehan Bldg., San Franclsco, ? al. MARVBLOirs HEVBlation ~ IN THE F'NANf'lAlT WORLD. An ahsoln'olv rellnhU- rnrpornt lon ail thorlaed r,\sn CAPTP.m, jl.OOOOOOOO paylng n ennropteed dl\iri(?nrt of r. n^r cwit. WEKKI.Y. 2? per tent. MONTHLY O50 per rent. ANNUALLY, wlth n Strlct K'SiilU01* of GAMBLINC or SPIOCU J25.00 EARNS Yt-.T MONT111.T IS W SCt.oo i-;.\itv-s yor monthly n.eo 1'AOi Iv,vi:ns -vnn moxthi.y 2!00' .'.'...f-ri EARNS YOU MONTHLY 110,00 ? A, "tf""'y Incorpe the year round. AH .SOLUTEI.Y'?? Si'RE. Unquestlonably haff. POBITTVBLY SOUND, All dlvl? dends rornlt'e-l Tucsdav nf ra**h weeli -?O^E^^'iudeT^ Y! B' GA^?N^ CREAM PUFFS. l'OI.KA ROEUS. WELL* ?o Puffs, Snow Ilalls Jclly I wlth iho finr-st curranl Jel In your order. "wlll bo Iho spot." K. PERK1NSON, N Slxth Streot. CANNED GOODS. TABLE] PEACIIICS, '?; ;; 3 pound eiuis of New Packed Saltnon, i lor 25 cents; Lnrgo 11< Baklne Powdor, s \ < <?? rits. SpYoclal and . !.?!' r ?: to country or llAYNBS, H.s North CASH OH CREDIT, tir all ii'i: bprTng buidsun'"thb iJi?J,..V '?''? \ ?' " '? nl sproad a fln.r wiiiK than tbe latesi up-to-dato sprlng Xftrmfmt* nt J ll BUSBY'S, 00 East ? -'!r,r,;'r'J, '"i'; ,:r'"' M,?|n* Wlnter t Uyerooat* B< hftU price, Cash or predlt, _ DOLLS. KHKSIl PECANS. a\IHT aBRIVJB?;.' A ' FRBSH "lo't"o'i\ P(-.:aM.; T'.oy ,:? jv|,|l, t|,cy )aS| at Oo } I J. iiound at KAEMI'F'S. 1 FRANKIIN HOUSE. FIFTY HOOMS TO BE FILLKD WITH lioni-dnr.i nnd roomers. Old 'phono 2656. <>fi'l<" oppti day nnd iilKlCht._ 1'lwE WHISKIK.S. O'GRADY'S PURE CANAr.'.AN MALT WhlskWi Go cent* por rpinrt: regular prlce, 83 cents. Thls ls only for to* dny. D. O'SULLIVAN. _ T'Oll SAI.K?1JAROA1NS. hioyclus-tomj kins* ? repairino. (iono, RELIARLE HAULING. INDE? PENDENT TRAN9FER CO. FOR SALB?BASKBTS?THE LAROEST Btock ln tho r-lty tn flelcet from; m y Baskqt nol ln nthck enn bo mnde nt tlie shortest nollee. Our rood- mndn on tho premlses. Deitlers in cimir Cano and Itn^kct Mnterlnl. OLD DOMIN'ION Wll.l/OW AND BATTAN WORICS. No. <M North Seventli Street. WHAT IS THE PROVERB TO-DAY? IF YOU WANT OOOD IIEATER WOOD, call olrl 'phono 1S7S. Good lo.ncl for J1.E0, FOR SALE?2 1-LB. CANS OP BEEF fnr 25 rtnts; large cans Hnm. Veal and lli'pf l.onf, S conls each, nt GFO. I,. IIAYNES', US North Eighteenth FOR SALE, 2 , _ _ WBLLINGTON P'-Zo UPRIGHT PIANO. :i PEDALS. TRIPPLB STRING; PATENT flttJBIC BOX. HAS BEEN USED FOR SHORT WH1T.E. WAS TAKEN IN BXCHANOE AS PART PAYMENT ON AN ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANO. YOURS NOW -FOR $125 -TERMS. $5 PER MONTH. STOOL AND SCARF FREE. , STIEFF. 431 EAST BROAD STREET. 6S0 DOZ. FRESH-LAT.D EGGS, 22C,; So tubs cholec Oulpeper Creamery Butter. SOc; thls is tbc only nnd orlglnal nrtlelo; pure. swect. flnclv flnvored nnd BUro to plense, Try a pound. D. O'SULLIVAN. HALF PRTCE SAT.E SAMUEL E. DUGOIN, NO. 2 WEST RROAD. $10 OVERCO.VTS FOR $5. $10 SUITS FOR $u. $4 BOYS' SUITS FOR $2. SHIRTS 6SC. BUYS A $1 OR Jl.FO MONARCH OR ECLIPSE SHIRT AT SAMUEL E. DUGGINS, NO. 2 WEST BROAD. FOR SALF--BARGA1NS. $7 C BUYS A SPLENDID SQUARE ?* ** Piano; actlon and case in per feet nrder. Terms: $3.00 per month. STIEFF. -131 East Broad Street, Rich tnnnd. Va. $ (\ 0 BUYS A BEAUTIFUL ROSE ?4' v v/ wood, Snuare Piano; carved legs: full octaves; overstrung bnss. Terms $3.00 per month. Stool nnd cover free. STIEFF, 431 East Broad Street, Rlchmond, Va. $A 0 POR A FINE SQUARE PIANO. ~ v Terms: per month. Guar nntced for flve years. STIHFF, 431 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va. $0(1 BUYS A $125 ORGAN:' HAND " '-' snmely carved; hlgh top; large French platp glass; cleven stons; a beau? ty and on easy terms. STIEFF, -1.11 lOast Broad Street, Richmond, Va. SEJfiBUYS A HANDSOMB WALNUT '-' w Estey Organ in exccllent condl. tion. Terms: $.1.'>0 per mon*h. STIEFJF. 431 East Broad Street. Rldlnnond, Va. <5 A. 5 FINE HIGH TOP ORGAN; ?P-~r*-' beautlful ense; rloh tone. Terms: $2.00 per month. STIEFF. 431 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va. $A 0 BUYS A VERY NICE FRENCH ~w Walnut. Organ; full mellow tone; four sets of reeds. Terms: S=2.00 per month. STIEFF, 431 East Broad Street, Rlchmond, Va. &'-"2 ft BUYS A SPLBNDID SOH1D %p*j\j walnut Organ; very sweet tone; fullv guaranteed. Terms;: $2.00 per month. STD3FF, 431 East Broad Street. Richmond, Va. $400 UPRICHT PIANO. MAHOG ~ w v' nny case. for $201. Terms: S10 ciisli and $7.00 per month. Wns taken ln exchange ns part paymeht on n St|"ff Piano. Thls ls a very fine Piano. Easy actlon; handsomely carved case: nll nied ern Improvements, .Stonl and scarf free. Guarantocd for flvc years. STIEFF, 4-1 East Broad Stroet, Rlchmond, Va. $A'} Z UPRIGHT PIANO FOtt $20; *T ^/O Torms: ?10 cash and $7.00 per month. Flgurorl Wnlnut ca^e; coloninl design: full oetavosi paient musle desk; three pedals; trlpie strung. Guarante'cd for flve year.-;. Stnn] aml scarf free. STIEFF. 431 East Broad Street. Rich? mond, Va. ?K J. O O UPRIGHT PIANO FOR $2?. vJJTUVJ Torms: $io cash and $G.<<) por inonth. Rosewood case; not a scratcli or niark on any part of the Instrument; has been used a'llttle over one for enncert work. A mngnlflcenl piano. Stool and scarf free. Guaranteed for fivo years. STIEFF, 431 East Broad Street, Rlchmond, Va. $375 UPRIGHT PIANO FOR 5230. V J %r Torms: $10 cash and $G.t:o per month. Very fine toned Instrument; patnnt rcpoatlng actlon; very latest Im? provements. Stool and scarf free. Guar nntecd for flvc years. SWIOFT", 131 East Broad Street, Rlchmond, Va. $.1.S0 UPRIGHT PIANO FOR $210. y.O\f T.rms: {;,.oo cash and $3.00 month. Rosewood caw, laiest Imprbvfd actlon; looks llke new plnno. Stool a^d aearf free. Guaranteed for flve yeirs. STIEFF, 431 East Broad Stroet, -K:ch mond, Va. $.^00 UPRIGHT PIANO FOR $125. u,,u Terms: $5.00 cash' and' $5.00 per month. Just tho thlng for a b? glnncr, Stool and scarf t'ree. Guaran? teed for five years. STIEFF, 431 East Broad Streot. Rlchmond, Va. $2.SO UPRIGHT PIANO FOR 575. iuu ' Torms; S5.0D cash and $4,00 per month. Stool and scarf free. Gunr anteed for flve year;. STIEFF, 431 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va. (R JOO UPRIGHT PIANO: COST Bplendld piano for tlie money, Terms; $i.00 per month. Vmie and aetlon in t'lno Bhapo. STIEFF, -131 East Broad Stroet, RiehinoiKl, Va, $100 HANDSOMELV CARVED 1"'vu Roosowood Squaro Piano cost when new $1(0; our prlce now only ?100. Torm?; J3 cash nnd $;i per month Stool and Bcarf free, Guaranteed f..r flve yeni-B. STIEFF, 431 East Broad Stroeti Rlchmond, Va. FUKNITURE. WANTED?*FOR CAUM HOt.'SHMOLD Furnlture, No. 320 llrook Avenue. Urjit nrlcea for Fcnther Bods, BoUlerH Pll lovra, -Sioves. Housohold Artlcles, Mls GENTS' COLUMN. VOIl WILL NEVER W'EAR A READY. iinulc shiit after havlng one made to ?I,(1Sr ?J niSHOp's, tho Bhlrt Bullder. (05 E, Maln. WATCHFS CLOCKS AND JEWGLRY repnlrod nnd ivarrnntMl. A BCHEKR, Jeweler. No 1.:,. Kast Maln Btroet. on* posllo Ohl Mnrkel. THREE-YEAR.01.1. II v i: T'TlI.SK |.;y" fiOo, per rjuurl, nt OBASE'B corner Sl.xth nnd Broad fitrret-i. WAKB UP IN TIME--SOHBE1VS ALABM Cloclts rita the best niado for Jl gitar. nntced for one yettr, A S.CHEER Jpw cler, No, lf'.'*." Ensi .Maln StiU't oiiiio Hlle Olrl Market. DO YOU WANT A'-FINK BUB8T1TUTH for Hay? Try a bag nt l >. O'BULLU VAN'S Cotton Ssod llulb, ,Vi eenia hundred; Bvnl Island Pnienl Fnmlly Flour, the plonoer and poer nf nll .>tli rr flour nn thr> imirkel. $l.2i imi- ),<u . B.i.iel. p. O'SULLIVAN, l-;i?hto>inh Waild .Main Strcotu. GOLD AND SILVER BUYERS. WANTED QLD. GOLD AND SILVI5R ? IN ANY CONDITION. ' HIGIIEST CASH PRICES PAID, OR WILL Ol.VE WATCKES. .HOWELRY, 8ILVERWARJ5, ETC, IN EXOHANGK. A M. MEYFR & IUIO.. .1KWELERS, NO. 523 BROAD STREET, RICHMOND. VA. _ HAULING. QHICIC, HELIABLE SKRVTCE. PENDENT TRANSFER CO, LADIES* COLUMN. LINKN MARKERS, 10C. TOMPKINS' K \ EMPF'S CANDIES ARE ALWAYS fresh. Hnvo you ever tried them? : POUNDS Ol-' GrNliER SNA PS. OR Sodu Crttckcrs for flc; 7 pounds of Old Vlrrrlnl'i Buclt whHen t fnr 2.">e. GEO. .L, HAYNES. 118 North Elghtoonth St. THE ONLY HOUSE IN RICHMOND that rentn all klnds of costunios for mastiucrnde bnlls. J. ROSS JONES & BRO., 002 Enst Broad, CU I3RRY WINB. FOR JBLLY, ~23C. PER bottle. nt CEASE'S, corner Slxth and Broad Streets. OUR PRIDE I-T.OUR. BEST ON THE mnrket. We gimrnntoe It. 25 oonls per bag at lGEO. L. HAYNES', 118 North Elghtoonth StroFet. DANIELS' SCHOOL <? OF ACTrNG AND PHYSICAL CULTURE HAS BEMOVF.D TO NO. 627 EAST BROAD, THE MOST COMPLETB 'THEATRE IN THE STATE IN CONNECTTON WITH THE SCHOOL. ( THE PUT3LIC ARE INVITED TO CALL. ISNIT IT A DREAM? WHAT? THE Cable Piano, ol' cour=e. It Is the swoet pst tonpd nnd Best Piano In every way that the world has ever known. Cash or credit. Easy terms. THE CABLB CO.. No. 213 East Broad. WHAT F1RM IS SELLING SO MANY Pianos nnd Organs thnt t.hev are eom pellpd to move Into thelr large three story bulldlng (No. 11 West Brondl in order to have enough room? Why, FERGUSSON BROS.", who aro now at Sla East Broad. LOST AltfD FOUND. INDEPENDENT TRANSFER CO. SAVES you monoy. FOUND?WELWOOD WDTISK-EY, FULL ounrt. Botllod ln Bond. $1.25, at CEASE'S.- corner Sixth and Broad Sts. LIVERY STABLES. WANTED?THE PUBLIC TO KNOW tnnt the llvery buslness nt No. 11 North Elglith Street has removed to No. 15 North Eighteenth Street. JAMES M'DONOUGH & CO. MUSIC. ali7thhHlXtbst"s"heet MUSIC AT the lowest prlces, at the Cable Co., No. 213 East Broad. A plunoi.?t alway8 In attendance to play any selectkm for MISCEILANEOUS BICYCLES, J5.00 EACH. TOMPKINS'. SALTED PECANS AT KAEMPFS. DAV1S' FORPHOTOSAND PORTRA1TS TOYS-TOYS-TOMPKINS. 1NDEPENDENT TRANSFER CO. WILL do your .haullng. WHERE IS THE BIG HALF-PRICE sale of Pianos nnd Organs now going on?At FERGUSSON BROS.', 815 East Broad. TELEPHONE MANCHESTER PAPER TWINE CO. If you have any old papers perlodlcals or boolks of any klnd. They buy such. PLYMO 1 "TH GIN, 70C. PER. BOTTLE*, at CEASE'S, corner Slxth and Broad Streets. BEST'KY WATER-GROUND Meal. 20 cents per peck. !2 1-2 pounds to peolc. GEO. L. HAYNES, 11S North Eighteenth Strleet. WANTED. DEAD OR ALIVE-AN1MALS moved from all parts: no charge. BIC'KEKSTAFF. New 'phone 1246. DAV1S' FOR BROOCTIES AND CHARMS. 5.OO0 TOYS, IC. EACH, AT TOMPKINS? TOILET PAPER, 3C. ROLL TOMP ICINS'-. GOOD MIXED CANDIES, 3 POUNDS for 25 cents. GEO. L, HAYNES, 113 Nortli Eighteenth Street. DAVIS' GALLERIES. S17 AND 222 E. Broad. NORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY, COc. per quart. at CEASE'S, corner Slxth and Broad Streets. REDUCED PRICES ON WATCH RE poirlng; Main Spring, $1; Cleaning. $1, A. SCHEER. ? Jeweler. 1555 E. Maln Street, opposito Old Market. U.00O BALES FINE TIMOTHY HAY; S.nC0 Bales Cholee Clover lTnv, S5 cents; 500 tnns Rock Salt for Stock, 75 rents for 100 pounds; 50.000 Galloris Whlte Kerosense Oll, 12 cents. Brlng your can. D. O'SULLIVAN. WE ARE CLQSING OUT OUR WOOI) nnd Gas Stoves and lieaters nt cost to make room for sprlni; stock. Call earb and get ehoice. HARRIS IIARDWARK CO., VS Enst Broad. TIIE CHAS.E AND BAKER IS IN town. Hnve you heard It? It N tl e liitesl. bost, mnst up-to-date.and cheap est Piano playcr on the market. No home is complete wlthoul It. CABLE CO.'S, 213 East Broad. Free concerts dally. PERS0NALS. TIRES, $1,26 EACH. TOMPKINS'. INDEPENDBNT TRANSFER CO. I-IAUL everytliing, etc. SALTED PECANS. SALTED ALMONd" nt ICaompf's, J0c. u pound. $&. J'lXG-T'T^cTsi-ri'S S3C. AT TO.MP ICINS , OLD FASHIONED MOLASSES TAFFY nt ICAEMPF'S. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW Tl-IAT ALL our rcpalrlng of watohos, clocits and Jewolry Is fully guaranteed, SMiru . & WHllSTlill. CM E. Maln Street. CELIX MALT WHJ8KBY, COC Pl-Tl bottle, ut CEASE'S, Cornor Sixth and Broad Streets. ' ? xlM ana J ,j, '-UGS OF OLD PEACII, GHAPB, P??1%,?iv?,??t, ,!rlai; aml Roynolda i?"";-'-0',.L-!"i(.-o. for 25 conts. GEO. L, IJAlM-.b 6: CO., 118 N. Elghteontth IF YOU WLSli Tn I.OilH INTO 1>AST. Presont or luliii-.. consult Mra. JACK oois: i?is Enst Marshall Street, Prlcos: -'?'? to $1; strlctly coiitl.lentlal. HOW MHS. I ii-nn" i)0~NEljlTN^'rsTrE furnlahotl hor houso witii turnjahlnBa from nichmoml'H IToiibb FuniUMilng House, JONES BROS. & CO.. 1 KM Enst Maln, ami '.-ol the. bi st and chwipest houso furnbhlngs lu tho clty. VITALITY LOW, DBBILITATED OR exnauslod ptirod by Or. Klln.-'s invigi, lailug Tonlo. FRBH II- Trlal bottle. conttilnlng 2 wnekB1 tn-ntment. Lr. KLINE'K INSTITUTE, 031 Ar<:li Hlrci't Plilla.lclphla. FouiKlr-d 1S71. EARLY JUN15 BJFTJgp PKAS. 0 OJ8NTS per can; Best irlsh Potdtoea, 20 conta per paoHi threo cans of Th|Btlo liiand coni for 25 oepts. r;i;o. j,. ifAl'NBS 118 North lClBlileontli B(reot, A Nicw STOItE WITH AN KNTIRH iitw stock of I'hino.-i iiuil Oruuna, but nn nld I'l-lltibln llrin. l'M-;itC,Usj.S<).N OROS Grand ovcnliiB ut U AYcst Uruatl m-xt J u'caday. 3PERS0NAI.S. THHJ MUS1C T.HAT REACHE8 YOUR hoivrt comes from tho Cablo Piano. your orcdlt ls good; buy ono, on cnsy torm.i, and malco your wlfo nnd homo '''iPi-y/- _Ti-na cABLia co? 213 EaBt Broad Streot. DE SPAIN'S EURNITURE COMrOUND innhea furniture, plato glnss and platod metals look llkn new. The Cablo Co. 0J-.1 0t\J-'io-r flnc't planos; tho Homo mnchlno!*. For snle hy J. H. BUSBY, _00 East Broad nnd 1403 Enst Maln. GS?^^ftRiiao: m^fo~~?o~H~'n^v {"t-rrloiro paper publPdird, contnlnlng iitindrodH of "Personal" advcrtlsomenls or mnrrlageablo people; many rleli. Mnlled freo. H, r. GlJNNER, Toledo, onlo, B'^G^RNER:S~Tn<E OLD MOUN~ ?.'??. 'Y*'-a*?Qy. 76 cents qtiart. 0 yours old! ntiholutely pure. 3 pounds Cream c.noSfef 3JJ eents. Ijirnc ouart bottle nPcPSI?(*,.lee? Ollvos. 15 cents. D. Streets ' E|Bhtoentl> *????* Maln WHAT IS THE PROVERB TO-DAY 7 I WAS SAVEJD FROM CONSUMPl'lON nrter my case hnd been prononticed In curablo and hopeless hy omlnent phy Blclans: lf you nre stifferln** from thls oread dlsonee nnd wlll wrlto mo I wlll gladly tell you, wlth out cost. how It was clone at ,home: my solo obloet ls to V?^5,?s.?.mo benefit to humanlty.?Rev. '?,i l-'Y1^. L* PEDEN, pastor Church of Chrlst. 217 Stono St.. Glbsonburg, O. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH. WANTED, BVERYRODY TO KNOW _.wlL WE SELL PAINTS, OIL. VARNIS1IES _ AND PAJNTBRS' SUNDRIES. Quallty Gunrantccd. Prices Rcasonnbls. LE1BERMUTH-ABRAMS CO., Hfo.E, Maln. Rell 'phone 11S0, _ PHOfOGRAPHS] VANTED-TO SUPPLY YOU WITH nigh-clnss Portmlts of every descrlp tlon. Wo mako llfe-size work In Crny on and Pastel thnt cannot be equnlod CAiRBON STfjDlO. No. 107 E. Broad PLUMBING AND TINNlrTfJ C. H. COSBY, 423 BROA D STREET YOU can have your plumhing nnd tlnnlng done promptly and stove reuaired. Old 'phone 2730. PICKLES. LARGE JARS OF CHOW-CHOW, SOMTS , thlng good, 10 cents; quart jars of Sweet Mlxed Plckles for 10 cents; FMrst-class Mlxed Plckles, EO cents per gallon; lnrco bour Plckles, 20 cents por R.allon. GEO. L- HAYNES & CO., 11S North Elght eenth Street. POUITRY, BIRDS, ETC. INCtrBATORS, BnOOPERS, FANCY Poultry nnd Poultrv Snpnlles; catalogue free. FANCIERS' SUPPLY CO., Nos. r.17 and 510 West Broad Street, TEAMSTERS BNOAGE THB BEST. INDEPENDENT TRANSFER CO. TOWN TOPICS. REMEMBER ATKINSON'S H O M E - made Cakes and Ptes of nll hlnds. No. 327 Brook Aventio; old 'phone 2619. SEWING MACHINES. G1RLS. DON'T MARRY l.'NLESS YOU are flrst promiso.l a NEW HOME, Amerlca's greatest Rewlng Mnchlne. Sold on oasv payments, Mnohlnes from ST. to No. Old rnachine tnken ln ex? ohange. JOHN M*P. COOK. Manager, 002 Enst Broad. SH0E PARL0RS. DON'T WEAR RUBBER SIIOES, CAUSr Inc: the feet to sweat; have your shoes wholesoled wlth rubbor soles for II; wlll keep off rheumatlsm and savc doc tors' bllls. Our rubher solos aro sewed on: no nails or pogs. 'Phone 2<iC7. DRF.WS ELECTRIC-POWJ3R SHOE FACTORY. 71G E. Maln. SHIRT FITTERS. WANTED, EYERY MAN THAT IN tends to wear a Negllgee Shlrt thls -spring nnd summer to see our llne of forclpn and domestic Shlrtingn. B1SHOP tho Shlrt. Bullder. 702 E. Maln. ST0KAGE ROOM. HAUL1NG AND STORAGE. 1NDE PBNDENT TRANSFER CO. FOR CHEAP AND DRT STORAGE room to Rlohardson & Chap pell, No. f/h West Maln Street (Bclvl dero Bullrllner). SPECIAL N0TICE. WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY AND Sllyerware at wholesale prices. Call at J. WEINSTEIN.S. 1501 E. Main Street. THE EXPERT MACHINISTS AND eloctrlciap.s, ROBERT RICHARDI and CARE W. DANBER havo formed a partnershlp at No. 417 West Main Street. Bullding. repalrlng and rcflnlsh Ins c,as and Electrlc Flxttires a spe rlalty. Pattern and mo-'lol maklng. SPECIAL PRICES. 500 SOLID GOLD PLAIN AND SET Rlnirs from 0.25 up; Gold-FIlled Watoh es from $8.30 up. A. SCHEER, No. 155S East Maln Street. opposite Old Market. SAWED WOOD. SAVE MONEY BY Bl'YING YOUR WOOD at H. S. URBAN'S. Snwed plne. SA.ii nnfl fS.75: onk wood. 18. Rown nnd Marshall StreMs. Old 'phnOne 1320. u-PHOLSTERING. C. C I.EVY. NO. 544 BBOOK AVENUE, *r>ake? ?.Initro<,=of5, CiiHhlons nnd Sllp Covers to orfloRr. B^ll 'phone ME-. IF YOU WANT A GOOD ITAIR JI.AT tress, a. nlen Coueh, Box Couch; your Furnitiiro repalred nnd reunholstercd ln hr-st tTi-inner, your old Halr Mnt tronseB mado over llke now or n nioo, soft Piiin-.v Rolster or Cushlon. whv go to JACOB UMLAUF'S. No. 703 Wost Maln Siror-t; hls work and prlces wlll plense you. He will also paek and shlp your furnitiiro and c.hlna. wlth care. Rell 'phone 3202. WATCHES, CLOCKS REPAIRED. WATi'HE.S. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY ropnlred nt very lowest nrlces. J. WEINSTEIN, 1501 E. Maln Street. WASIIINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. T1IOPI'. MTTLB IIATCIIETS FOR YOUR "Hatehet lJnrty" at KAEMPF'Sj Goo. Waslilngton'B Blrthdny. WANTED^oo^o^ooo^PEOPLeT"" of Rlehmond nnd elsewhere to know that tho M, <;. COPELAND CO. are stlll at los North Nlnth Streot, Rlehmond. Va., umhr tholr own mnnaBemcnt'aiKl are stlll mnklng thelr etandard AWN1NOS. TENTS AND FEAOS ul tholr low nrloeH? We itlho enrrv WIOS, (JREECE PAINTS. MA8QUERADB AND TH HA THK'Al, COSTUMES, MA8KS AND ALL TIIEATKICAE SUPPEIES. Wo nr,- poHltlvely cnrr.vlng thu largt'st slock of the above coods south of New Yorlt clt\-. i.iiil all our Ronds ure made by t.he. most expert woilunen thnt money can tecure, Our store |s npe.n daily fnr publlc Inspec tlon liuiu 0 A. M. to 12 1'. M., so glvo us u (.'..11. If you cnii't ooiuo 'phone or wrllo us nud we wlll come ln s'oo you. Tliank lllg you for pimt pntronnge nml sollcltlug your fului'o orders. wo remaln respect* 'fully yours, M, O. COPELSND CO, 'I'lKine LU',7.',. ripiclni nitentlon glven lo mull and out ol'-town iirilors, WANTED. FRESH CANDIES EVERY HOUR AT 'KAE.MPE'H. _>C_ TO EST1MATW ON YOUR IIAUL1NG. INDEI']:.\*D1JNT TRANSFEU CO. WANTICD. 'wASIIING TO DO FOll lady, Hintlomaii or Btnall flimlly. Ap. ply bic N, Thlrd Street WANTED. OLD HOM3BST0AD ; VlNHQARj, FULL qtirtrt bottlo, 10c; fine old Virginia country Shouldflrn, olOd Virginia Sor glium, QEO, lt, HAYNES, 118 North Eighteenth Stroot. STBNOGRAJ^IIElLS-aiianTBR LFjCrN to Incroaso your cn.rnlng cnpnclty by lislng tho Standard Vlsablo Oliv-or Wrllor, becatise lt prodnces most of tho work, tho cnslest. Fre.o prnc tlco room to nll. SOUTHERN STA.MP & STATIONERY CO., cntlro biilldlne, Twclvo-Six Maln Street. CALL UP MANCHESTER PAPEH Twlne Co.; now 'phono 1171; they wlll buy your old booka and pnpors of overy klnLd. WIIY BURN "OLD BOOKS AND VA pcrs? Tho MANCHESTER PAPER TWINE CO. buy iholm. Now 'phono 1171. WANTED?FOR CASH, HOUSE HOLD Furnlture, No. 320 Brook Averiuo. Best tulces for Fcathpr Ileds, Bolaors, Pil lows, Stovcs, Household Artlcles, Mls cellancous Books. WANTED?FOR CA SII, IIOUSEHOI ,D Furnlture, No, 320 Brook Avenue. Bet-t prlccs for Foathor lteds, Bolsters, Pii lotvs, Stoves, Household Artlcles, MIs collanoous Books. THE ROAD TO FORTUNE (FOR ElTlI er sex); learn to nialte mlrrots at liome, $10 a ciny gtmranteed; no capital re qulrcd; partlculars for stampj I'ROG RESS MANUPACTUJUNG CO., Dc-pt. P, 3?o W. Washington Street, Indinn npolls, Ind. WE ARE AT THE SAME PLACE. BER vnnts for Rlchmond homes for women nnd men In Northern rlllosi and States Apply SOUTHERN INTELLIGENCE OFFlCE. 211 N. Slxth Street; WANTED, TABLB BOARDERS, $3 PER week; best meal In the clty for tho prlco; qulck servlce; 315 Kast Cary. ANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE, NO. .120 BrooU Avenue; rare bookn for sale. Rlchmond In By-jzone Days, bv Morde cal. Nlce copy, Hlstory of virginia by Riirk. Petersburg, Va,, 1526. War num bers of Southern Litcrarv Messongor. and other rare books. Llbrarles boight for cash at any tlme. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. NEVER TOO LATE. INDEPENDENT TRANSFER CO. S~C I J PPERNONG. BLACKREItRY AN D Port. 25c. per bottlo. nt CEASE'S, cor? ner Sixth and Broad Streets. WHERE IS FERGUSSON BROS.' NEW store? Why the big thro"-stofv bulld? lng nt 11 AVost Broad. When does tho grand openlng take place?. Next Tues day. Februnrv 10th. SPECIAL NOTICE. GRAND CHARITY BALL BENEF1T of German Slck Poor, under thn aus? pices of Gorman-Amerlcan Ladles' Aid Assoclatlon at the Masontc Temple, on Tuesday, February 17. 1P03. Admlsslon $1, Supper 50c, served by Krause, NOTICE. Notice to Merchants of Richmond. OUR OFFICE IS RECEIVING AGOOD many Inqulrles about a POCKET OUIDE or DIRKOTOHY. AVe tnke thls melho.l of nnsiverlng all by saying that AA'E KNOW NOTH1NC, OF SUCH A.PUBLICATION. We ar.- publlshlncr tlie recular CITY DI? RECTORY OF RICHMOND for 1003. whlch oontnlns a. completc GENERAL; BUSINKSS and STREET DIRECTORY. We will have it ready for deltvery by March 15th. HILL DIRKOTORY COMPANY. :?':-.'. _Per J. L. HILL. Mannger. Offl-e of tho Cltv Audltor, Rlchmond. Va., "Feb. 2, 3903; OWNERS OP DOGS. BITCHES AND Goats, rcslding wlthln t.he cltv , are hereby notlfled to call at the office of tho Clty Tre.-tsurer and obtain llcenses for same. EDWARD J. WARRlvN. _ Audltor. Office of Clty Water AVorks. Citv Hall. Rlchmond. Va., Feb. 7. 1303. NOTICE T.O WATER TAKERS USING water through Metcrs In the Thlrd Dis? trlct: Where bllls remaln unpald Feb? ruary r<th tho water will be shut off. ALSO. NOTICE TO WATER TAKERS fregular bllls) In tho Flrat Distrlct: A\ hore bllls remaln unpald February 12th the water will be shut ofT. _CHAS. H. BOLLLN'O. Supt. MEETI1TGS. ALL GRADUATE NURSES ARE EAR nestly requested to attend an impot t nnt buslness meeting at No. 1222 East I.road Street, Monday, February flih at. i p. jf. ^JL MASONIC NOTICE.-MRMBERS ?CX FRATERNAL LODGE, No. 53. A. F. & A. M.', plcase attend a stated eomrnimlcatlon of your Lodge MONDAY EVLNT1NG. February 9th, 7:30 o'lcock. Membera of slster lodges and transient fratcrnally lnvlted. By Order of the AA'. M. _E. BOTTIGIIEIMER. Sec'y. Offlco Va. Flre and Marlne Ins. Co. ?_ rtichmond, Va."; Feb. 3, 1903. STOCIvHOLDEHS- MEETING-T II[ B regular annual meeting of the Stock? holders of thls Company wlll be held at tho Company's offlco. No. ifil-i E. Main_Strcet, ln thls clty, on TUESDAY the Lth Instant. at VI o'clock WM. II. M'CARTIIY. Secretary. Rlchmond. Va., Feb. 2. 1903 NOTICB.-THE ANNUAL MERTINO OF the Stockholders of the. VIRGINIA i-iot SPRLNGS eOMPANY, fo:- the purpQse of elcctlng Dlrectors and for the trana actlon of such other buslness as may lawfully come before the meetltifi. will be held at the office of the Compnny. Chesapeako and Ohio RailWav General Office Bulldlnpr: in the clty of Richmond Ara.. on TUESDAY. February 24 1913 nt 12 o'clock M. The trnnsferfbooUa will bo clo=cd on Monday, February lfi IS03 nt 3 P. M.i nnd remaln closed untll 10 A. M. WednesdaY, Februnry 2.7 1903 A. TREV VETT." Secretary THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of THE E. B. TAYLOR COMPANY wlll be held at tho office of the Company, No. 1011 East Maln Stroet Rlchmond, Va., on MONDAY, March 9, 1903, at 4 o'clock P. M. CHARLES K. COULLING, Score'ary and Trensurer. NOTICE-A jn-.u..N'fl OF THE RICH mond credltors of the WILLIAM lt TRIGG COMPANY Is helel.y called for Monday mornlng, February -0, 1903 nt 11 o'clock, nt the office of tha company. ln the clty of Illohihond, Vn. A. B. cnlgnn. chalrman; James N. Boyd F. Sltlordlng. S. H. Hawos commlttee. ' AMUSEMENTS. ?. MUSIC . Thursday, Feb. I2?t, 8:30 S. Wl. SPEDON, GARTOOHIST, Admlsslon, IncliirilngResorved Ssat, 50 Gts. and 75 Cts, goats ?t Y, M. O, A? Fobruary 10th, 1 L'. M. Beuoiit Y. M, 0. A. Jubiloo Fuiicl, AMUSEMENTS7 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, NIQHT ONLY, I First Appearancs Moro of the Celebrated Bohemlan Violin Virtuos0 TUESDAY, FEB. 10. Matlnee and Nlght. RETURN OF THE POPULAR KIT. A BEAUTIFUL WAR PLAY FBEE FROM SE8TI0HAL OQJEGTIOMS. A PLAY FOR THE ENTIRE SOUTH ARORWHGE CF VtRGEHiA IN 1863. I RACE SCENE EHTERELY NEW THIS SEASOH. @ H ffiflTINEE, 25c, 50c, 75c. w ? HIGHT, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 89.00. CURTAIN, 2.30 AND 8.30. Note Enlirc Cha-ige ol ProRrnm. The nnnagmcnt Tnkc Pliasurc In Prcscntlng THE FIRST AND ONLY LIVINQ Ever Seen ln Thls Country. Tho Famous "APE MAN FROM AFRICA.' FIRST AI-PKAR ANOB OF MADflME GERTRUDE PlflNKA, "TnSS?l!.TOTj IntroilueliiR the- Supper Sceno. FIRST APFEARANCE OF HAPPY HOOLIGAN, THE "VYONDERFUL ANIMAL ACTOR, "ALAVAYS IX TROUBIiBJ t.A oe zelica, DANCIHG W THE LIONS' DEN. BY SPECIAL, REQUEST. PROF.R.J. AGINTON, THE ROLLER-SKATIliC EXPERT, ivlll glve exhlbltlons nnd illustrotions of fancy and sclentflc skating. JUST ARRIVED?A SHIP LOAD OF ANIMALS Twics Daily at 2 and 7 P. M. Admisslon 25c. Chlldren 15c. ANIMALS OH EXHI5ITIQH OH SUHPAYS. SEE THE G0R1LU. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY I2TH, THE NAMIKG OF T!!E BABY LICHS BY GQVERKOR KOfJTAGUE'S CHILBREN AT 4 P. H. JEBH-C^^/ftftra^ Tuesday, Tiiursday, Saiurday. OME WEEK, COMfcHOflM MONDAY, FESRUARY AMKUAt ENQAGEMEHT ;of THE GREAT HEADED BY ADELAiBE HEBBBAMH, mi qmEU of maqio, MISS J?HNIE YEAWAHS, Anicrlca's Comcdlen ic. MISS SOiMJiE 3URNHAM, I'r.'ma I)::nna Sopriino. FITZGIBBOHS-HcCOYTSIO, ComeiUaiii! anit Vocullsts LAN9LEBR0S., Qcmedy Acrobats LEROYSW003FOBD Com?dlnns, i Anil Speclal Attrnctlon, Toin Edt's Lnsl; Blg Sonsntion, ! unnita the loop, f ?n^8M5& i THE.VALENTINSNIUSEUM' ei.eventii and clay btrejets. Open da.l'ly from ll) A. M. tb D P, M, Admis&lon, '.Ti cents. Freo on Salurdays: THE COHFE^ER&TE f/lUGEUSfl TV.'1'.I..FTIT AND CLAY STREISTS. OpPlia daily from fl A. M. to 8 I'. M.. Admlnslon. 25 ocnta. Free on Saturrtiiy* THE PAGE CONCERT COMPANY Y.'M. 0, A, HALL, MONDAY, FEBRUARY oth, 8:15 P. M, Tlio eijjhlli.of Uie Assouiutiou Coui'so. Keaervcil souta FWtlnv, the (Uh, 111 l P. M. VALENTINE BALjL, Bplvltlorp Hall. Bouofll lloinu loi'Inciirii lilivs. I'YIinmry I ltH, at ,') l?, M, Ailmlx i.ion L'.k!. Rt'fivsliineals aiul otliur Atlrtic tlonsexU'U. WANTED, Several Experienced Milliners to fill positions in towns in Virginia, North and South Car? olina and Georgia. Only competent per? sons need apply. KAUFMANN & GO? Cor. 4th and Broa^L