NOT TO BE ., RE-ELECTED A Succossor Wlll Be Chosen to Rov. C. H. Crawford, HOLD SESSIONTO-MORROW Dr. Crawford Has Two Excellont Posi tlona Offered Hlm, and Is Pretty Certaln^o Accopt.Ono of Them. Dr. Moore May Come. Tho Exccullvft Commlttee of the Antl Baloon League ot Virginia wlll meot at 3 o'clock to-tnorrow afternoon ln the parlor nf the Young Men'a ChrlatJau Assoclatlon urd wlll prooeefl with tho electton of sal nrled offlcers, as provlded ln tho constltu tlon amended at the recent annual con vention. WILL MAKE CHANGES. At tho present tlme there aro two euch salarled offlecra connected with the league -tho superlntendent and the-' field secro tary?but tho commltteo eontemplates a rcarrangemont with reference to them. Tlio offlco of fleid secretary wlll be abol Itficd. The superlntendent wlll be expect? ed to covcr the Qeld, and there wlll be crettcd the new posltlon of-offlce secre? tary, tho occupant of whlch posltlon wlll Ico-k after the dotall work, correspondence aud so on, and will be of tho nature of in asslstant superlntendent. The rumors concernlng the attitude of lhe l*?a*TJe with reference to the Rev. C*. H, Crawford, the present superlntendent, are known to lhe publlc and are known, moreover. to be correct. It may be stated posltlvely that Mr. Crawford wlll not be rc-elected to the ofheo of superlntendent. Pcihonally there is\no objection to hlm, blil the fact that h9 is a Nortnorn man, ui.acqualnted with Virginia. and Vlrginlana Uid thelr Idtaa nnd methods, hampers him greatly. It Is thought that somo *trong, vlgorous man, a natlve of the Btate, could get around better ar.d could tnake more rapid progrtss. The commit t??e. lt Ib sald. wlshes to retaln Mr. Craw* lord, if posslble, and would mako hlm the offlco man If he would accept lhe posltlon. Thls, a.s shown below, appears, howover. to be an unllkely development The Rev. J, W. Wost, the field secretary )f the league. whose posltlon wlll be abol tphed. wlll certainly be retalned. Mr. West ls a "hustlfcr," and has been doing somo iiard and effective work. 11a will proba? bly be made of ono of the dh.trlcts in Lhe State. WILL, HE HES1GN? V.'lth referonco to the above ata.te of affalrs, lt was rurnored yesterday that Mr. Crawford wlll accept one of the two fUttcrlng calls he has Just recelved. wlll reslgn and wlll probably go South for work. The superlntendent was scien and ofihed about the matter. .but he decllr.ed to make a atatemer.t. He is awalting tho arrlvaj of lmportant letters, and untll tllty come he can announce nothlng. Ho i;sld, however, that he would probably know deflnltely by to-morrow what he wlll do. There ls reason to bellovo that Mr, Crawford haa decldod to accept, or ls contemplatlng- doing so, the posltlon of euporlntendent of the Southeastern Dis? trlct of th& Amerlcan Anti-Salooo League, ecverlng the South Atlan-.c SUteB. In, this case hla h?*a.dciuarters would probably ho ln this clty or ln Atlanta. Tho letters ^for whlch he Is waltlng, or ono of them, lo from tha Rev. Dr. Russell, general su pirlntendent of the Amerlcan Antl-Saloon League. THE STJBCOMMITTEE. The subcommittee appolnted by the Eicecutlvo Commlttee to look about for a tow man for the office of superlntendent under the now arranrement of offlees will prcbably submlt a report to-morrow. One tt the members was seen yesterday after aoon. but knew nothing particular about the cituatlon. Dr. Gordon B. Moore. the dlsllngulshed professor of Furman Cnl vorslty. is being prominently consldered, and, lt ls sald, has been communicated with. Dr. Mooro, it ls further stated, would accept a call to the posltlon. Among the other namos reportod to be under conslderatlon Ib that of Dr. W. P, Flsher. of Portsnoouth. VIRGINIA FOR HANNA Practical Working Republicans on the Mistakes of Roosevelt. (Sppclai to Ttie Tlmes-Olspatcb.) .VORFOLK, VA.. FeL 7.-"We may earry Virginia for Hanna," said one of the best-infortned men ln tne Republican orgajilzatlon. Tha occaslon for the jrognostica-tlon was the commenta that leveral men ln a grOup had made on too tnlstakea of Presldent Roosovolt. These jilstakeB are not pleasant 'for the aver ?ge politlcian to contemplate. They are wpeclally annoylng to those who are sbarged with the lntensely practlcal -work \st roundlng up the votors. ' The reasons why tho practlcal men ln the Republlcan party wlsh to nomi natc Hanna are obviously that Ha.nna hlmself is practical and that they know areclsely where to find hlm. These tnen ?ay that thoy canuot tell from one day to ajiothor vvha.t Preeld.'nt Roosevelt wlll So. They Ulustrate thelr critlcism by the outcome of the dlstrlbution of offlees tn Virginia, whlch they say has not been for the good of the party here or to se trare delegates to the Natlonal Conven llon. but to gratlfy some personal whlme Dt tlie Presldent, whlch no one could mtlclpate before thoy we. e sprung. and no one can account for slnce they have been acconiplished. The chief cause of the complaint, however, Is that in Ihese appointroents porsons and questlons outsldo of the State havo had more lu duonce than the organlzatlon In the State has had. ? The object of these Hanna men Is to eontrol, by the organlzatlon, all the po? lltical affalrs"of the State. That ean not be done In tho prosent eonditlon, con lequently thl3 plea for Hanna, i IWMMH TWIft Ntce Howes left. NolghtfS 1 WwW hood, Bueoh antl Maln. $1,. 600.00 nnd $1,650.00. TtetU Estute Trust Co. .:-.. ... - AUCTION SALE3?MONDAY. By Tho Vulontlns Auetlon Co? Auctloneers. D ECEIVERS" 8ALH OF BNTIRM lv 6T00K OF IMPORTED AND DO MKSTIC WINEB, BRAND1E8, WR1S KEYS. GINS, CORDIALS; ALES. OIGARS, TOBACCOS. LARGE REFR1G ERATER, BAR COUNTER, NATIONAL CASH REGIBTER, SHOW-CASES, IRON SAFB. ROLLER-TOP DESK, PICTURH AND OTHER SLOT MACHINT38, ELEC TRIC FANS, BAR DECANTERS AND OLASSKS, AWNTNG. 8TATE LIGENSE. BOOK ACC'OUNTS, GOOD WILL, ETC, AS A "WHOLE. ~ , In pursuanco of an order ontored on tho 3d day of February. 1903, ln the DTstrlct Court of the United States for the Eastern Dlstrlct of Vlrslnla In tho matter of Charlea Thalhelmer, bankrupt, we wlll eell at publle auetlon, at the store of tho sald CharMu Thalhilmer, bankrupt, No. *M East Broad Stroat, Rlehmond, Va,, as a whole. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1003, at 12 o'clock M.. the cntlre stock and flx turets ln tho sald Btore-room, vlz. : Large sssortment of Imported and Domcatlc Wlnes, Brandles, Whlakeyg, Glna, Cord lals. Alea. Rura, Bltters, etc.: Clgars, Clgarettos, Tobaccos; larsc Kefrlgerater, Bar Counter, line Cigar Show-Cases, Na? tional Cash Reglster, total adder; Buf fet, Roller-Top Offlce Desk, lron Safe, comblnatlon lock; Electrlc Fans, Llftlng Plcture and Card Maehlnes, whlskey Rftclen, Bar Decanters and Glass Meas urea, Tobacco Cutter, Awnlng and Framo Offlce Ralllng. 3ta*e Llquor Llconse, Book Accounts, good wlll, etc. The entlrp. stock Is all hlgh-arrade goods usually carrled '? by a flrst-class famlly llquor storo. / ' The above sale to be made as a whole, subject to the conflrmatlon ,of the court TERMB-Caah. MELVIN FLEGENREIMER, WM. B. OREENWALD, Raeelvers. The Valentloe Auetlon Co., Auctloneers. Geo. W. Mnvo. Auctloneer, 1205 E. Maln Street B' OOK-CA8ES. STANDTNG AND OF? FICE DESKS. IRON BEDS. NEW MATT1NG AND OILCLOTH. PIANOS. f'RSi}^S. IIAT RACKS. SIDEBOAJtDS, FURNTTURE. ETC. AT AUCTION. I _wlll sell at my ouctlon-houea at 10 ' MONDAY. FEBRT7ART 9. 1S03. t Walnut Boo'rf.fases 1 Stanaing- and 2 Office Desks. Revolvlng- Chalr, 6 lron Beds, f. full rolls, 10 remnants, new Mnt tlng: new Ollclotl.. Uprlght Piano. Parlor Orpan. 4 Oak Het Racks. 2 Oak Extenslon . ables G Sldeboards. Mirrors. 5 Parlor Sults. Onk and WeJnut Chamber Sulm; Stove3. Househcld and KItchen Furnlsh Ing-s. and nunaerous other artlcles. A. R. MATO, Proprletor. Geo. H. ValenUne, Salesman. By The Valentlno' Auetlon Co? 612 E. Broad Street. A rrcrnox!e of chamber ?V SLTTS; SIDEROARDS. EXTENSION TABLES, CROCKERY. CHAIRS. HAT RACKS. SEWrNG MACHINES. CAR PETS. STOVES. ETC. TO-MORROW (Monday) MORNING. FEBRUARY 9TH. at' 10:30 o'clock. we will sell at our auetlon ware-robms No. r. 12 Enst Broad Street. for partles leaving the clty, Oak and Walnut Marble-top Chamber Suita. handscme Oak Sld**-boa l is, handsorndly Braes-trlmmed Tron Enatnel ed Bed. All-Bra? Bed. Dinlng and Slttlng room Chulrs. Morrla Chalr. Oak Exten *>ion Tablr-s, Chlna ' Cas?s. Plctures. nrujrgets, Rups, Clocks. Mlirows. Table ?r,?,ck?,P5",' of-a11 deserlntlon. Parlor Sult. ?f *l Be,?';- i 3 ^Goi"jd Sewlns" Macblnes. wlth aJl atachments, ln perfect order several good Brussels and VelVet Car pets. Hpatlne: and Cookln? Stov*s. eto. THE VALENT1NE AUCTION CO. AUCTION SALES?FUTURE DAYS. By The Valentlne Auetlon Co., V Auctloneers, ^ RECErVER'S SALE OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF DRT GOODS. NOTIONS BLANKETS. QUILTS. SHOES. HOS IERY. UNDERWEAR, LACES, SHIRT WAISTS. JACKETS. SHIRTS. COLLARS AND CUFFS. FURNTSHINGS. ETC.; IRON SAFE, OFFICE DESK. SHOW CASES, COLTNTERS, W1NDOW FIX TURES, COUNTER STOOLSi ETC., AND THE UNEXP1RED LEASE BOOK AC CbLTNTS AND GOOD WILL OF RAY M. HIRSHBERG. BAN-KRUPT, NO, 1513 EAST XLUN STREET. RICHMOND. VA '' WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. UTH. AT U-S0 O'CLOCK. AS A WHOLE. In purauance of an order entered on the 4th day of February, lSOJ, ln the Dlstrlct Court of the United States for tbe Eastern Dlstrlct of Virglnia ln tbe matter of Ray M; Hlrshbers, banltrupt I wlll sell at publlc auetlon. at the storfe of sald Ray M. Kirshberg, bankrupt, No. 1519 E. Maln Street. Rlehmond. Va, on WEDNESDAY MORNING,FEB.UTH. 1903. atll:3oo'clock. tbe entlre large and well-selected stocl< of Dry Goode. Notlons, KoF'erv Blank ets. Quilts. Ladies' Dress Goods, Under vrear, Laces, Shlrt Waists. Men'st Ladles', Mlsses and Children's Shoes; Conars and Cuffs, Ladles' SUIrts. Jackets, Lace Cur talr.s. Bralds. Buttons, Napklns. Towels, Table Clothes. Ribbons, Corsets, Umbrel !as, Gloves, Jewelry. Handkerchiefs*. Store Fixturca. lron Safe, Offlce Desk. Show-Cases, Umbrnlla Case, Oounters. Aw-nlng, Counter Stools, Wlndow Flx tures, etc.; tbe unexplred Laase, Book Accounts and Good Wlll. The stock of MerchandUe ls well se-, lected, fresh and deslrable, usually car* rlfd ny a first-class retall dry goods store. Sale to be made as a whole, subject to conflrmatlon of the court. TERMS-Cash. MELVIN FLEGENHEn*.rER, ?,,_ ? Recelver. The valentine Auction Co., Auctloneers. Geo. W. Mayo, Auotioneer. 1205 E. Maln Street. D ^Tr-v.?0O;R8u NOTIONS. SHOES, ET^ AT A^TIolf^' ^?HING, I wlll sell at my auctlon-houso at 10 ' WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1L 1903, Percales, Lawns, Flannelettes 63 pieces Ladles' Dress Goods. a" laras llne of Notlons. Men's Collars, Ladles' Vests and Sktrts. Vells Sclssors. Sweaters, Jlen s and Ladles Shoes, Men's and Boys' Sults, Overcoats and Pants, ahd numer ous other .artlcl'es. . A. R MAYO, Proprletor. Geo. H. Valentlne, Salesman, By H. A. McCurdy, Real Estata Auctlonaer. TRUSTEES AUCTION SALE OF THE INTEREST QF T. SAMUEL LEWIS IN PREM1SES NO. 600 N. ST. JAMES STREET. BETWEEN CLAY AND LEIGH STREETS. In exeoutlqn of the provlslon. of a cer, taln deed of trust from T. Samuel Lewls of May 17. 1901, and duly rscordtd, the underslgned wlll offer for sale, upon th? premises, on TUESDAY, FEBURARY W. 1803, at 5 P. M., the Interest of sald T. SamueJ Lewls under the wlll of Thpmas H. Lewjs. dteeajied, In the two-story brlck dwelllnff above mentloned. Lot 110x127 feet. Full partlculars 6f the Interest to be sold can be .had either from the underslgned or the auotloneer. TER>IS-Cash. H. R POLLARD. Jr? ? ? Trustea. rP RUSTEE'B SALB ""''"" ' OF VALUABLE PAMUNKJEY RIVER FARM IN HANOVER COUNTY. As trustea ln a deed" of trupt. recorded ln tlie clorU's offlce of the County Court of Hanover county. ln detd-booli 35, page },', '? 15a^b^ directlon of the beneftclary ln sald daed. I wlll. on MONDAY. THE 23D DAY OF FEBRURAY, 1903. at 3 o'oloelt P. M? on the premlae^ offer for sa.le at pub? llo auetlon, that well-lcnown and valuable farm called "Gould Hlll," cantalninB ?$4 acres, more or less, sltuated ln Hanover county oii the Famunkey ri?er seven rnJles from Hanover? Cpurthouile, aaa TPRSIB: Ca?h: ' ? OBO, I?. J|4w, VmAt* . AUCTION SALES. AT THE RICHMOND DAZMR. I wlll sell at auctlon next WEDNES? DAY, January Hth. ?50 horses and mulea. AmonK the horses aro eonio extra good drivere, saddlers, niatch teamo, hcavy draftfl and general purposo horses. The mulea run In tlze, Hl-2 to 16 honds hlgh, with good fleeh and quallty. Wo have a ccmslgnraent of ftiules from Ken* tucky that axo of good quallty, br.ildes the oonslgnments from Miasouxl, Ohlo and other places. Thls etock Is bought by tho export ishtppers of tha land, and I know they aro good. Wo wlll also eell a Wnck etalllon, Res Slmmons, by SImoons, standard and rrg Istered and one of the best stalllons cast of Kontucky, '' Will also sell one fine Shetland pony. color black, welghlng about 400 pourds. four years old. very hnndsome, well broRe" and goes all tho galts of a Ken? tucky saddle horse, and he is a benu:y. He would sult sttne Uttle hoy or, girl for use. ' Be sure and attend the sale If ln need, as I thlnk lt a good tlme to buy. JOS. LASITTER. ADCTION SALES?FUTURE DAYS. ?y Augustine Royall & Co. No. 19 10th St.. Manchester, Va. and T. M. Wortham & Co. 18 N. 9th. Rlchmond. Va. Real Estate Auctloneers. Bankrup! Court Sale OF ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE Criginal Growfhs of Timber Land IN POWHATAN COUNTY, Containlng 1,000 Acres, More or Less;^ - ABOUT TWO AND/ONE HALF (2 i-2) MILES FROM POWHATAN C. H. ON FAkM-. VILLE AND POWHATAN R. R.; ON MARCH 5? 1903, AT 12 O'CLOCK M. IN FRONT OF THE UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE, ON BANK STREET, RICH? MOND, VA. ^ - In pursuaitce of a decreo of the United States Distrlct Court for the Eastern Distrlct of Virginia, in the matter of Robort Thrlft, bankrupt, entered on the 4th of February. 11*03. We tho undorslgned, wlll sell at public auctlon on tho day. hour, and at tho place mentloned above?the followlng valuablo tract of land, lylnr and belng Ir, Powhatan Co., Virginia, near Powha tan C. H., about L'u mlles from Negro-Arm Statlon on the Farmvllle & Powhatan Railroad; contaJning 1,000 acres, more or less. A plat of this Prop? erty wlll be cxhlblted on day of eale. or may be seen by appllcatlon to Auc? tloneers before day of sale. Thls property adjolns the lands of Danl. Hatcher. Esq., and is justly con sldered one of the most valuable tracts ln sald county, for Its timber, which con.. slsts of orlglnal growth of oak and plne; there ls on thl6 land a large ctuantlty of Srst-cJass railroad tles; its proxl mlty to the railroad and Its excellent facilltles for shipplne make it exceeding ly valuable, and taklng lnto considera Uon the large amount of timber whlch can be cut from thls land, lt offers speclal Inducements to timber dealers and getters. By dlrection of sald decree, the under signed wero directed in thelr dlscretion *7 offer thls property ln the followlng aannex. to-wit:? ?f Flrst. They are authorized to sell Uie ?wo6d and lumber 3 lnche!) and over ln diameter, on the stump, with authorlty to cut and remove the same wlthln three (3) years from date of sale: The pur chaser to pay one-thlrd (1-3) of the pur cuaso money In cash. and the balanco Ln slx and nlne months, equa] Instal ments, with Interest added from date of sale, the purchaser to execute hls notes for deferred payments; title retalned un? tll whole purohase money Is pald. Or secondly. They are authorized to sell sald Real Estate Includlng all lum? ber thereon, and without any reservation' tlierefor, 1-3 cash and the baJance in 6 and '12 months, In equal Instalments. with Interest added from date of ?ale; the purchaser to execute hls notes there for; tltlo to be retalned untll the wholo purchase money ls pald. 'In elther 'caso the purchaser or pur? chaser? 6hall have the rlght to pay all cash ir he or they, shall so deslre, or to antlclpate all deferred . payments by paylng the prlnclpal sum due with In? terest to date of payment. The underslgned reserve the right to offer flrst the timber separately; to ba removod as above stated; and then to offer the land and timber, raservtng the rlght to accept which ever bld in their judgmei.t ls bost for tlio intercst of all partles concemod. A. B. APPERSON. Admln. Of Jas. L. Apperson. Tr.. dee'd. GEO. A. JONES. Asslgnee & Trustee. By A. J. Chewning Co., Real Estate Auctloneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF NO. 215 SOUTH CHERRY STREET, A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELUNG. By vlrtue of a certain deed of trust, dated July 31, 1902, of record In clerk's office of Rlchmond Chancery Court In D. B. 1T4 A, page 424, default havlng been mpde ln the payment of a portlon of tlie debt thereby secured. and belng requlred by the benefleiary so tp do, I wlll sell by auctlon. on the prernises. on THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1003. at 4:30 o'clock P. M.. tho property num bered as above, frontlug 14W feet by a derth of 139 feet to an allay 20 feet'wlde. TERMS?Cash for cost ot sale, and S60 with Interest from January 31. 1903. a credlt of 11.000, with Interest. to July 21, 1903. and balance at one and two years, Interest added and secured on the prop* erty; or all cash, at tho option of pur? chaser. Come and get a bargain. A. J, OHBWN1NG, Trustee. By Edward S. Roso Company, Real EBtato Auctloneers, RU6-PEES' AUCTION SALE OF T FRAME DWBLLINQ, NO. 1J07 SOYD STREET. p By virtue of a certain dead of trust, dated Deeenib'er 8, 1902, of record ln ,the clerk's office, Rlchmond Chancery Court, D. B. ITS B, page 3, default havlng been made In the uayment of the debt tlterohy secured and oelng requlred so to do oy tho beneflclary, we wlll sell by auctlon, upon the uromlseg, on r. FRIDAY, 13TH DAY OF FEB., 1003, at i o'clock P, l\L. tho property located as above. The lot has a front of 1(1 feet S lnches and oxtende back between paral lel lltios 100 feet to an alloy W feet wlde. TERMS-CMh as to axuenses pf sale, and balanco duo on notes of $202.30; the reeldue as '?^y be^am^at^lr.m^sale. S". H/SPENCB. JO L-ANE aTERN. ? .' "* t AUCTION SALE-S-*-*?UJURE DAYS. G?o. VV, Mayo, Auctloneer, .1203 E. Maln Btreet. BULK AND BHBI/F CrROCERIEB, CASH REaiSTElty, BROOM8, E3C TRACTS, TEA. CIGAHS, CJil.'.HOOTS. TOBACCO, ETC, AT AUTION. I v/ll) sell at my auctlon-houao at 10 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1903, 2 Cash ReglHtm, 61 Boxos Mncaronl, 10 barrcla Flour, 17 Caaos 8ardlne!i, 5 narrcln CracUerp, 4 Cases Starch, 4 bnta rticf* 7 Cases Musts,rd, G Kegs nnd 134' Borieii Herrinps, 22 Cases Te% 89 Boxon and 10 Sacks Pruneo, 13 Cases Evaporated I'nilu. 28 dOK. Preoorvea, 81 doj, Extracts, C0 Gross Matchcs, a larga lot of Assorted Brands vof Baklng Powdera. Pickle, Bon Ainl, Oejntlne, Can PYults, Clgars, C.h?~ roota, ToTJaceos, Brooms and i. largo lot of can and jlehlf goods. TERMS?Caah. A R. MAYO, Proprletor. Geo. H. Valentlne. Salesman. FOR SALE. A NIOE, clean stock of General **? merchandise, a storeroom and a dwelling, in a town on the Chesa peake and Ohio Bailway. Oan be bought cheap, or the purchaser of the stock will rent the storeroom and dwelling (with privilege of Surchasing) for a reasonable time. he owner wishes to engage in other business and offers special inducements for a pronipt sale. Apply to CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, $i ,nfirPwm ?>*> >* nrof I,UUU ROOM HOUSE aeaT Forcst Hill Park, near electric car line. S100 cash; balancc $15 a month. JOHN T. GODDIN & CO, Bank and Eleventh Streets. T?OR SALE. That very stylish and handsome DE* TACHED 3-STORY BRICK DWELL? ING, No. 011 Floyd Avenue. In fixst elass order. The owner is reinovjng from tho city and immediato poases* sion can be had. Call and let us show it to you. STJTTON & CO., Tenth and Bank Streets/ F OR SALE. 0 That VALUABLE LOT, with rail? road facilitjes, fronting 86 2-3 by 40 feet on south side of Cary Street, be? tween Ninth and Tenth. A fino loca tion for a warcbouse or inanufactur ing plant. H. SELDON TAYLOR, No. 8 North Eleventh Street. _______ . FIFTY-FOUR ACRES, two and half miles from city; 6-room house and barn; convenient to trolley line. $2,100. R. B. CHAFFIN & CO., IncorpoTatea, No. i North Tenth Street. T?OR SALE. WEST-EKD LOTS, from $5.00 per foot up. R. B. CHAFFIN & CO., Incorporated, No. i North Tenth Street. .00 Per Foot WILL BUY THE PRETTIEST LOT ON GROVE AVENUE, EZTENDED. Beautlful private residences ln jhe __? mediate neighborhood. Nert lot can't be bought less than 559. E. A. CATLIN, No. 6 North Eleventh Street. fflonroe Park Resldence, $8,500 No. =6 LA.UREL STREET. Eigbt rooms; reception hall, with fireplace and gentleraan'a lavatory; all hard-wood Qnish, with stained glass. J. THCMPSON BROWN & CO. ELSf LOTS, 11 LEE All ixnprovements. S30 PER FOOT. POLLARD & BAGBY. Floyd-Avenue Lots JUST WEST OF LOMBARDY STREET. $4o PER FOOT. x\ EleaufSfuS ParR4venue Block. 930 PER FOOT. City Improvements. Tha place to buUd. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO. F OR SALE. HANOVER STREET HOUSE; new, Let me show it to you. N. W. BOWE, No. 4 North Eleventh Street. GOOdTsOLIQ WcSIMcNT. - $1,850 will buy TWO HOUSES on Church Hill, nice order, good tenant at $20 per month. Pay 13 per cent. Noth* ing better than these. POLLARD & BAGBY. pOR SALE. GRACE STREET LOT in Lee Dis* trict. Seo me, N. W. BOWE, No. 4 North Eleventh Street, OR SALE, That LARGE AND HANDSOME BRICK DWELLING, No. 3 West Gruce Streot. Ensy terms of payraentv Pos scssiou at once. H. SELDON TAYLOR, No. 8 North Eleventh Street. T^OR SALE. A MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, centrully locatod. $800 cash; bahuca in quarterly Instalraeuta, without interest. H. SELDON TAYLOR, No. 8 North Eleventh Stieet. FOR SALE._ FOR SALE. ONE FARM OF 500 ACRES, near Roa? noke, on a. good road. Large brlck dwelling, old Virginia homo, on a commandlng elevation. Price, $14,500, ONE FARM 500 ACRES, neaT Salcm, on Rock Piko. All buiidings in good repalr. Brick dwolling. Hot and cold water. On the placn is a. storo, poetolTico, smith shop, vegatablo nnd fruit cannery, nll on Norfolk nnd Western Rnllway, with mill, clittrch and schools near by?818,000. ONE FARM 37 ACRES, adjoining the town of Salcm. Large brick dwoll? ing, hot and cold soft water. On a commanding elevation. Flno view of valley nnd town?$8,000. ONE FARM :8o ACRES, new dwelling, in a lovely grove, on a hlll, givlng s fine view of valley and town. This is a bargain?$8,500. In fact, if you wish to buy FARMS, ORCHARDS, TIMBER 01 MTNERAL LANDS, write W. H. TINSLEY, Salem, Va. FOR SALET SEVERAL PARCELS OF LAND near the city, improved and unira* provedj' nice dwelling in Barton Lleightsi will mako a beautlful home. Also vnice Dwelling North Avenue, Brookland Park. Also BUTLDING LOTS in Leo District Likowise City Dwellings. If .you wish. to buy or Bell see EDWARD S. ROSE COMPANY, Real Estate and Loans, No. ix North Eleventh Street. "P0R SALE. ATTBACTIVE RESLDENCE. Park Avenue, near Monroe Park. (131.) MODERN RESLDENCE, Floyd Ave? nue, near Monroe Park. (1212.) DESIRABLE RESLDENCE, West Grace Street. (115.) T. M. WORTHAM & CO., No. 18 North Ninth Street. FOR SALE. A FEW PARK AVENUE AND GRACE STREET LOTS CHEAP. CHARLES A. ROSE, Real Estate Agent. , SUBURBAH AGREAGE ON TROLLEY AND RAILROAD. Size to Buit; $100 per acre and up. Ripe for profttable Bub-division. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO. Two-Up-to-Daie Residences. North Seventh Street, $4,500. North Ninth Street, $4,000. Comparatively new; 8 rooms; perfect order. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO. E0RSALK Ono of the prcttiest CORNER LOTS in the West End. (93.) LOT on Hanover, between PaTk Ave? nue and Meadow Street. Cheap. (98.) T. M. WORTTHAM & CO., No. 18 North Ninth Street &A fiHfi WUl bu7 THREE 4>*t,UU.U GOOD FRAM.E DWELLINGS, near Twenty-sixth and M Streeta. Rents $432. Sold for di vision. J. B. ELAM & CO., No. 1113 Main. pOR SALE. CHOICE WEST-END BUTLDING LOTS, on Franklin Street, Grace Street, Hanover Street, Lr>o>t.ardy Streot, Vine Street, Grove Avenue and Park Ave? nue. Gas, water and culvert connec* tions to all. 'H. SELDON TAYLOR, No. 8 North Eleventh Street. ?pOR SALE. A NICE STORE, with dwelling above, on Bouth side of Main Street, opposite new depot. H. SELDON TAYLOR, Nu. 8 North Eleventh Street $1 1 f\f\ WiU bu7 attractive IjlvU fl-ROOM DWELLING on South Lauxel Street. J. B. ELAM & CO., ( No. 1x13 Main. 55 ^?nn ^ ^ brick
!n wood. 150
gTapo vlnes In full bearina, :