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few were present. But a week later It wnn plnnncd for a number of brllllntit re copllons to be glven her, Mrs. Dccntur gavo the flrst nnd tho very next day the news reached the clty thnt Commodorr Docatur had benn killed, nnd Wnshlng ton was. nt once thrown Into mourntng, and the cntortnlnmonts were, of course, abandoned. Both Ellia nnd Mnrln mnrrled genlle rnefi who wore nt dlfforeni tlmes the prl vate secrelnrios of the Presldent, At that tlrac John Qulncy Adnms wns Secretary Of State and Mrs. Hny mndo hls llfo hnrrt, for sho had hlm cominunlcate to the forelgn mlnlstcrs hor rullngs rcgnrd lng roceptions nnd vlslts to the Whlto House. But when Mr. Adnms boenme Presldont, .he nppolntcd Mr. Hny to ho i Judge nnd made Mr. Oouvcrnour post tnnstcr of Now York clty. KIND TO THE POOR. Marln took Is by turns, llvlng nt tlmes ln New Vork, Wnshlngton nnd Oa'.< Hlll. After the denth of Mrs. Monroe. 1F30, Mr. Monroe went to New York to he with ?her and with Mrs. Hay, who was also llvlng there, lle wns very poor nnd In tWl. on July 4th, dled, ninklng the thlrd Presldent of the United Stntos who had Ijed on the date of the nation's blrth. Mrs. Gouvernour srems to hnve been far more popular than hor slster. After her (ather's death she contlnuecj lo como tn Dak Hll], hrlnglng her llttlo son, Samuel Ej, Jr. Tiitlr summers were alwnys spent thero and they tisunlly drove ln the car flago from Washington to tha old home v,?^5ljd, the bapnagc w.-igons brltiglng up ^tWrear, maklng n, long enravnn. ""'Mrs. Goiivurnntir wns ltlnd-henrled nnd ?j>pc'n-hnnded nnd the poor nonr Onk llill "weleomed her coriilng. A v.'rlter refcrring to her says: "FIven J.ffldTe thnn her. slster, sho was fond of wlthln and Intortwined In a beautlful wreath, at tho bottom of whloh, Just be nonth threo cannon balls, whloh nre on cascd on ?aoh slde by crossed rlfle?, swords, and cannon, -aro tho words, "Doo Vlndlcl," and above "Bull Run," "Kornstown," "Front Itoyal." "Mlddlo town," "Wlnohester," "Straabtirg." "Har rlsonburg." "Port .Republlc," "Mechan Icsvlllc," "Cold Harbor," "Whlte Oak, ' "Mnlvern Hlll," "Cednr Moun ta n." "Manassas," "Chantllly," "Mar tlnsburg," ."Harper'a Ferry," "Anllo tam," "Shepherdstown." "Frcdericks hurg," "Wlldemess," "Sutlley." Tho medalllons, whlch aro on whlte motnl nnd of exauls-lto worknianship, woro struck In Paris by order of a dls tingulshod and wealthy Confederato gen? eral to bo presentod to frionds nnd ndmlr ers of Gonoral Jackson tho Insl ytxir of the war, nnd woro oaptured ns part of tho cargo qt a blooknde-nniner nt one of tho southern ports by ono of the United Stntos blpickndlng sqtindron nnd tnlten to Phlladelphla and sold. nnd lnter came Into possession of n woll-known Itlch mond gentleman by purchnso. Thls gen tloman lonrned the makrr's name In Par s a few ycnrs ngo. and made nn cffort lo have them dupllcated, but the dlos hnd been destroyed and ho wns unablo to do so, Property Transfera. nichmond?Thomas P. Jetcr's trustee, to Mary B. Lolgh, 24 feet on south alde Goddln Street, 252 feet west ot Roano, $710. Samuel D. Turner and wlfo to Mary I. Turner. Intorest in 10 7-12 feet on south slde Marshail Streot. 10 8 2-3 12 feot east of Twenty-nlnth. JSM. Henrlco-W. R. Crowdor and wlfo to ELKS' HOME ATBEDFORD Will be a Place of Rest for Aged Members. THE ORDER IN THE STATE Wonderful Progress Belng Made by This Secret Organizatlon?District Deputy Phil Q. Kelly Tells of the Work. Mr. Phll. G. Kelly, dlstrlct doputy of tho Elks for tho Stato of Virglnia, ls probably ono of tno most actlve and best posted men in the State on the worklngs of the order, He has written for Tho Tlmea-Dlspatch tho followlng artlclo, whlch placos tho Ordor of Elks beforo the people In a clear way: Thla much reapected organizatlon. found ed on puroly charltable and bonovolent prlncJples, can most ,flttlngly look wlth 2u.~.'c<"5' but tJlllt whloh so?ka the con. dition M it exlsts, and meota lt with prnotlcal aid, Tho chantable work of thla organlw. "on is over unoatontotious-seeklri* to do lt* work |n Bllono< that the proud splrlt that would euffor tho p&njs of nunger rather than lot IU wants be ?nown mny not be wounded In tho least m .tBo. th<??Bht of publlclty, but rathor f. i i n?oessltles nnd th* help ox. tondotl may bo consldered sacrodly se* c? t1or %ll tlme to come. And I mny adci that this ls lhe roason for tho only sccrot of tho organlzatlon, It ls con* sidorcd a wlso pollcy that only ono lodgo is permltted |n nny clty-thtts prevent ing tho feellng of rlvnlry nnd potly 15 0Vs?r that 'n so mapy cases Is chnr ncterlstlo of tho feellng between slster iodgcs of other organlzatlons In tho snme clty. Tho conditlons portnlnlng to/tlio order In thla State are hlghly encourng i"g. With fifteen lodges In a heolthful nnd flour|shln? eonditlon, aggrajratlrg tho number of a.RW, and prospeots good .. , f ,,n8t*tutton of two. other addl tlonal lodge*. the Elks ofthis Stato can well be prrtudj ^f the pre*?nt eonditlon San.??" affor<J *o *<> forwart? ln thelr ?nor* wun renowed ajid vlgorous effort. t--imi NATIONAI* HOME. ,7,7. ?"* tho last few years the advls nblllty of ostabllshlng a homo for the aged and lndlgent of tho order has been tilscusscd. and to that end a commlttee of Grand Lodgo oflicors wns appointed. varous sltcs were consldorod In eaoh scotlon of tho country, nnd finnlly-at the Inat Grand Lodge sesslon the comrnltteo reported that after duly consMorlng al| proposltions lt had purchased tho Bod ford. Hotel and grounds at Bedford City. on the llne of the Norfolk nnd AVestern ^Am^s PT o rc r a i= MRb:dAME5i10NR0_l riARfA MONFfOET (Mft5.60UI/eRNgURJ OAK H I LU WIFE AND DAUGHTER OF MONROE, AND WHERE THEY ARE INTERRED. books, and llke many ladles and gentle men of her timo sho conslderecl lt an accompllshment to be able to ex press herself ln verse. She dled at the old home and her grave ls nestled ln at tho Toot of the hill and grown over wlth myrtle." FINE STOCK FARM NOW. Oak Hlll ls now own?d by Hon. Henry Fairfax, a member of tbe Corporatlon Commlsslon. Alrs. Gouvernour's oldest son has most of-.the old portralts and e'n ?jravings and tho earyed furnlture and rellcs and correspondonce at hls home ln Washlngton. '..The estato ls now a stock farm of 3 000 acres with a cr'pnmery, herds of cows anfl handsome horsea. A vlew of thirty Willes down the niatchless vull'ey may bo nbtalned from the mansion house. The entlre place ls ln beautlful repalr. Thero Is ample room on each slde* of Ifonroe's tomb for the graves of the vlfe and daughter. The Stnte hns glven Uie great enunclnior of Amr-rica's 46a trlne, now so wldely dlscu.ssed a hnno lomt- peptilchra but lt has not escuped th'ehanda of the rr-lic hunterg nnd van Jais. One of the Inscrlptlon plates was inocked off years ago und has never been renlnred. It 1r fxpeeted that the resolutlon pro riding for the removal of tlie two hodles '.o Rlehmond wlll ho Introduced In tho 5cnate hy Mr. Mcllwaine. of Petershurg. Tho co-t wlll not be more than JW at '.he outclde nnd tho movonient wlll llnU varm tupport. STONEWAI.LJACKSON dandsome Medalllona of This Distin guished Soldier. A gentleman ot thls city. |? convcrsi. llon wlth a frtend a few dayibbo Tea'n e4 that he had ln hls posiesalon ? fv rare and valuable aouvenlrs of lhe wnr between the Staies |? the Bhana olH handsome medalllon 0f General Btona wall Jackson from a Dlcture"or hlrn ?aken when |ila he-irn was not k long aa It was wh n he waa a toundl l the world wlth hls BohlevementSob ttbly from a picturo takon prk.r t,, iho war. Anyone who Iim utvn jKckaon will recognli-e nt onw tbe Ftrlkhg rcBam ?laneo to tho orlglnal. ' On thfc obverse elflo of the medalllon i ln the head of the Inimorial Bionewall anclrcled wlth the word-; "L'outenant* Bameral T. J. Jackson, Btonewall. Hom *2L Dled tfG_" while on the rc-vorse. John S. Crowdor, 1-2 Interest In lots 5, 0, 7 and 8 in soctlon A, Clon Eoho Helghts, $r>. Magdalcna B. nnd Thomas T. Hawkes to J. H. Blnforo, lots 1, 2. 3, 4, B, 0 and 7 In bloek M, Sebree's addltlon, 1300. C. v. Meredl ;? Thomaa D. Nawoll, E. A. Catlln and thelr wlves to W. R. and John S. Crowder, lots 5. fi, 7 and S in eeetion A. Olen Echo I-Iclghts, $1,0TA. C. R. Saiuls. spaclal commissioner, to W. M, buck, 4 1-8 ncres on Cary-Street Road, $-.>,C?jO. Presented With a Hindsomi Charm, At tho regular moetlng of Schlllor Lodge. No. 139, I. 0. O. F., thelr ex secretary, Wnlter Sonf. was presented with a handsome I. O. O. F. charm for hls active servlcos durlng the last llf tcen years. The Kntertalnment Commlttoo also ro pr.rtod that thelr annunl masquerado ball will take placo Monday, Fobruary 9th, at Samier Hall, and slx prizes uro to ho awarded. Two candldates wero present, and tho dfgreo tearn dld splondld work. Re frc-shtncntH were served af:or the nieelr ln? aud the nionihers enjoyed thcmselvea very much. Schlllor ls ln u flourishlng eonditlon. Meeting This Month of McGill Unlon, 1..o wetkly meotlng of tho McGill Un? lon will take placo cvery Monday nlght thls month nnd lhe following proErninmc* have bt-tn ftrranecd: Fobruary Oth-Conversatlonal dobnto concernlne lhe advlsablllty nf plaolng tho statuo of Leo ln Statuary Hall. Fobruary 10th,?Biiay, "Kriendshlp." Mr. John J. Blako. l-'ebr ary 23d.-Paper, "Practic.-il Ac countlng." Miss Tanner's School. ln another CQlUlnh <>f thls IdSUO the announeoment Is made of the aprlng te-rm of Mlsh Tanner's School of JSIocutloti and ItiBtrurnental Muslo. Mlss Tanner |k a groduate of one of tho leadlng col iBBe-i, beslilcs havlng tnught In eolloges North. The ecliool ranks among the highest ln this clty prlde upon its past and to tho future wlth glowing hopes for the accompllshmont of practlcal good that in years to cotno wlll placo It-youthful though It Is, compared with llke fraternlties?in tho very fiont rnnks, lf not In tho load, of tho manv slm llar organlatlons whlch may clalm tha at? tentlon of the world, l-'oundert in tho year inunedlately follow? lng the eloslng of that momorablo four years' struggle, lt behcld already ln the non. a number of llko organlzattons. many of whlch saw blrth ln tho old world and wero oldor at that period than the vory governmeiu undor whlch thoy flourlshed. At Its Instltutlon lt was composed only of a fow gentlemen of tho theatrlcal pro fesslon, congregated for the purposes of soclal IntercouiBo. It now seers Itsclf a wldespread organl zation, wlth actlve lodgcs ln over SOO of the principal cltles of thls country, and with an aggrcgiite membershlp whlch blcls falr ln tho closo of the presont Grnnd L.odgo year to cxtend beyond the 150,000 iiiark. Markod wlth tho slgn of brothoriy lovo and havlng for one of It.-i alms tho pro motlon of the lirotherhood of man, lt oitn ovc-r offer its members tlie ccrtalnty of warm frlendshlp and welcome tlr^^ldo-i ln the dlfferent eltlca to which thev may bo drlven by buslness or plcasuro. 'i'he sutls factlon of flndlns In onoh comniimltv a little clrcle of inlnds that nre klndrod? frlends who are anproelatlvo, liitelllgent nn.1 Itlnd-la easlly realized and much an preclated, . An error.eous Idea prc.-nlls wllh somo porsons that . none but niombeis of the tnentrloal nnd klndi'ed professlona are oli filble us member* Of thls order. Whllo It h tiue iimt on tho roatera of tho varlous JotVes wlll be fruuid tho rtnmrs of n Inrgi^ poiccntiige of tho most roputnblo innlo memlhirs of tho prnrosslon, It Is n notnlilr lact that they also conioln tlio naines of prominent mereliaiits. bnnMrs, publlo nfll rihlK. JournnlUb*, men of tlio lognl nnd modleal profoaalO'l nnd ninny of tho bright on mlndu of tho country in HtoratUlo, sri, muslc and art. PniNClPLE OF CHARITY. Whlla a worthy IClk Ih ever iiilndful of brothoriy lovo nnd Justloo, nevorihcless theso aro not the brlghtest jowelg ln hls crown. Charlty, pura ond slmplo, alilnas foith |n all hla aotlons, and |n its dlstii butlon he quotos not natloiiallty, doctrlnc or bellef. The charlty whlch tho Ellta order seeka to hestow la of a practlcal nature, not that whlon ls preachod and not | ?THE VENEEED SAVAGE. A Comedy to be Q Leacler Ha pkud fhis "The Voneered Loador Hull February 12ih, w|l| comedy pa.r-tliilpa.tea i-li.-ty .people under ClaucIJa Hasseii Whl The story ls ot tw g'rls who, upon the nre to be entertalnc Mldrtlestex. Hut _ daughter, Lady Fun Invltutloiui und tlio talned n. lotter* fr Lndy Do Lancy, be| hor roseue, whlle ceaseu from tho W sho declines that f who revenls himsol nnl, "hut tho ven wnrth gnwn, prote conilng to waltz Walc-3." etc. She is so the young ladles coumIii Ulck oonq Onatlo, n la Bu_ dlnloct, whlch conol maklng th^ second ( of morrlment, "Tho Voncored Ba flnaie to tha "Tor porformanco, n February 12th at llManchester, tvago Abroad" .at Ma hestor, Thursday, 'j n very InughnbJe ) by tho young so 10 nianngoinein of .^lud:o ifftilo III ultlvated Amrrlr-un orrlval ln Loiid >n. hy tho DuchOM of how the Diml.osit' , mixed letMis and Irls" onvelope oon Lady Faniiy to ng her to como to o "Chactaw prln " aro belng dlned, llkcs Buffnlo Bill, 10 slmplo Aboilgl, d sayage, ln tho ig to be Ensllfh, h the Prineo of *ltlvely Flck of h<M-, I d tholr nonciiahuit go to Mlddlosex I, using Western on they enrry out, a constant snnrco go Abroad" ls the Thumb Woddlng" . JUBILEE Whlte People May Worshlp Once More In Union-Street. TESTOFSMOKELESSSTACK lf it Prove Successful a Stock Company Will Be Formed?Portner Brewing Company to Erect Largo Building, fSpoclnl to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) PETERSBUHG, VA., Fob. 7.-Thero are many ex-slaves ln Pctbrsburg and thoy aro considerably Intercsted ln the bill Introduced lnto the Sonato by Senator Hanna, provlding for a penslon as well as a cash sum of $100 nnd upwords, ac cordlng to ago, to all ox-slaves flfty years of age and over. There ls an ox-slave or? ganlzatlon ln Petersburg, the bratrch be? lng organlzed about a year ago. Many of those dlsposod to vlow tho matter ln the most frlendly nvaanor as concerns. tho slavcs bellero that tho present move ls but a polltical trlck to offset any Influence the Presldent may gatn from the negro population on ac count ot hls recent favora to them so cially and polltlcally. It la very llaely that a Jubllee servlco wlll be held at tho old Methodlst Church on Unlon Street prtor to Us being taken down to glve place to a. modern buslness house. The church. while not the flrat Metho? dist. .Church erected in Petersburg, ls very old. and waa for many years tho ftnest ohurch buUdlng ln Petersburg. Although colored peoplo have for many yeara worshlpped in tha bullding, tho while people bave a tander placo ln thelr hearta for tha old bullding, and wlth feellngs akln to sadneas they wlll prob? ably assemblo ln a flnal meetlng Just be? foro the bullding ls demollshcd. The Interlor of Market-Street Church has been greatly Improved. Tho now pows aro daily expected aaid tho build? ing Is ready for them to be put In as soon as thoy arrlve. It ls hoped that the improvements wlll be complete by the flrst Sunday ln March. Mr. L. E. Tucker, tho lnventor of tho smokeloss stack, expected to have pub? llc exhlbltlons of Its worklng on Old Street last weok. Some delays occurred and tho stack could not be gotten ready. He wlll havo lt In posltion withln a short tlme now and tho publlc trlal wlll be made. Many capltallsts ln Peters burg are Interested In the Inventlon, and lf Its trlal ls a suecess a stock company capitallzed for about ?200>,000 wlll be organlzed for the manufacture of the stack. HANDSOME BUtLDING. The Robort Portner Browlng Company wlll soon have a handsomo bulldlng at Second and Rlver Streets, on the slte formcrly occupled by the street rallway car shcda. The work of taklng down the sheds and stables Is now about com pleted and a survey has beon made for runnlng a spur track of the Norfolk and Western Rallway lnto the yards. , Vegetablo products wlll grow whcrc raccs once took place at tho New Mar? ket race course near thls clty. Tho race SYDNOR & HUNOLEY, LEADERS IN Furniture Valu POSTAGB STAMPS sellat the same price all over the country, but does not. Get prices in Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, or RICHMOND, VA, then call and see ours, marked in plain figures, and you will fiftd the above assertion an as sured FACT. We still hold the sole agency for the The Great Jce-Savors. ADJUSTABIE SLEEP.RS of the celebraled HEY WOOD WAKEFIELD. and W<%rNEY makes. 709-U-I3E. -roedSt. Wh?.t We Propose Doing Monde.y. 0ffor gvei-ystitehofBoy's.Olotliingin ow ]arge stoo,c 1 At HaJf Price Our prices havo always been lowesfc in tho citv for high-grado Suits and Overcoats, hence the jforefSf tlus cub musfc appeal to all. e oi Boys' Swell Blouse Suits. 3 to 8 Years. Suits that^ 4t*y aO Suits that &>y fiO sold upto$6J sold up to $8 Boys* Smart Suits. Suits that. Ow jQ sold up to $3 ipt.QQ Suits that <?^ ^ *\ sold up to $5 All our Boys' and, Children's Over- & * Ao coats that sold up to $10, Monday's sale lP4"90 All our Boys' and Children's Over- tf** *q conts that sold up to $5, Monday's salo jpZ.40 Ja.cob^ & Levy, gyg* Specialists in Apparel for Men, Boys a/i3 Children. track has been plowed up and the thlr ty-ono acres that were encloaed by an old wooden fenco are now a part of tho farm of Dr. Potts. The old wood fenco has beon taken down and sold for nrn wood and a barbed wlre fenco wlll take Its placo. A stock company may be organlzod ln Petcrsburg to start tho Appomattox cannery. whlch causod operatlona al>out two years ago, Several buslnass men In thls clty aro sald to be at. the head of the movc. wlilch may be auccessfnlly carrled forwanj. The cannery would glve employment to a, conslderable num? ber of operatlves. Brook-Avenuc Mlssion. Tho Brook-Avenue Mlsslon, whlch ls dolng a noble work with Ita klndergar tcn. nlght school. sewlng school. boys' and glrls' club and mothers' meetlngs. Is very much ln need of two presses. wlth sheJves, to contaln klndcrgarten suppllea, a door roat, Lwo coal hoda, a flre shovel. an ash barrel and an a*h slfter, and this appeal ls made to the charltably dlsposed peoplo of Richmoml. who aro always foremost In works of be nevolence, hoplng they wlll supply the same. The artlcles can be sent dlrcct to the Mlsslon, No. 5U Brook Avenue. It goes wlthout aaylng that money Is alwaya needed, ospeclally at thls tlme. and those who prefer thls form of as ?Istance can romlt to the Rov. 17r. W. E. Evans. rector of tho Monumental Church, who Is presldent of tho asso? clatlon. and whose rcsld??nce ls at the northeast corncr of Thlrd and Maln Streets. Durlns hls absenr-e In the South, Mrsr Evuns wlll recelve subscrlp tlons. Wedding Ctrds. (Rpectnl to The Tlmei.Dlfpatcb.) NORFOL.IC VA., February 7?Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. ironmonger, or Norfolk, announco the approachlng- marriage of thelr daughtor. Mlss Estelle Jano War ncr, to Mr. Coimn Wallaco Vaughan. The ceremony wlll be performed at tho resldence of the brlde's parents. corner of Poole Street and Central Avenue. on the mornlng of Thursday. the 12th Instant. at 8 o'clock. Mr. Vaughan, who Is in charge of the general bagsago dopartment ot the Seaboaxd Alr Line Rallway's general passenger department ln thls clty, ls ono of tho most popular young men ln Nor? folk and Portsmouth. Hls lovely brlde clect also has many frlends in both citles. Ridge School, Tho roll of honor of Rldgo School is as follows: Grammar Grades?Ajrnes Bndenoch. Florence Badenoch. Plorcno* Goodman! rtornlco Ollrer. Edna Ollver, Bertny Ollver, Wlllle Roblnson. Prlmary Grados?Vlola Bartlett f7), Gladya Bartlett (C), Stella Oliver (i), Wlllle Badenooh (11). Edwln Jones (17)! Dr, Gardner's Subjects. Dr, C. S. Gardner wlll preach at both services at the Grace-Street Baptlst Church to-day. Mornlng theme: "The purpos* of the Dlvine self-sacrineo." Evenlng theme: "The conditions of eter nal llfe." Mr Bowles III. Mr. C. Elmore Bowles Is confined to his bed at hla residenco, No. 708 East l.eigh Street, by a sllght attack of pneumonia. MRS. PECKS BODY FOUND Wife of Yale Professor Dead at Foot of Cliff. ^Speclal to Tho Tlmes-DIspatch.) NEW HAVEN, CONN., February 7. Tho body of Mrs. Tracy Peck, wlfo of Proiessor Peck, of Yala University, was found Fiiday ln Fort Hale Park, at Mor rls Cove, after partles of students had searched ln all dlrectlons for tho mlsalng vveman, When found tho body was lylng bolow a cllff on tho boaoh near the water's edge. There was a sllght brtilso on tho fore liead, but thls ls not thought to have been eufllclent to causo doath. Tho theory of tho coronor is that Mrs. Pdck's death WftC duo to exposuro, although sho may have beon Injured by a fall from tho top ot' tho cllff. Tho dlscovory of the body ondod a srarch In whlch hundreds of Yalo stu clcnU took part. Mrs. Peck had boen sick from tho grlp of *at0* but felt better Biifj left homo in the afternoon, siiylng that sho was golng to do somo shopping, When "ho dld not return tho famlly mado li.qulrles among frlends, ln tho hope that sho would bo found niaklng a vlsit aomo whero. Lntor the pollco were informod, and stiidents and professors started an or gaulzod ecarch, Partlos woro scnt to ov ory part of. the clty. Includhig Eust Rock, Wcsk Rook and along the enst and west shorea.of tho harbor and sound. Tho dls covery of the body was made by a wo lnun who was >strollluK nloug the cllff ln Fort Hale Park, II. la beHevcd thnt Mrs. Peck wandorod t'i tho park whllo dementod. Hor pocket book was found untouohod, clusped ln hor liitna. Sho was flfty-thrco yours old and llved at No. 121 Hlgh Street, Mrs. Peck was Miss Llllle H. Hall aml was marrled to Profossor Pock ln Brook* lyn on December 22, 1870, Miss HeiirlaUo Bottlgiialmer left 'yes? terday ou a, vlsit to Philadelphla ana Washlngton* RUNS TRAIN ? OFF_THE_TRACfl D.? L. and W. Switchmar. Fearing a CoIUsJon. Uses the "Derailer." (Speclal to The Timci-Mspateh.l PATERSON. N. J., February ..-Becaus, of an alleged falluro to llght the lamp ln a block slgnal towcr. there was a cIom approach to an acddent. poMlbly serlous, at Mountaln View. The tracks of th? Lackawanna and Greonwood Lake roadi cross at rlght aagles there, and last eve? nlng a faat frelght approached the cro.a* ^oJ^'t "?? a *?*"?*???? tf?"> on the Green* wcoa Lake Road appeared In vlew. Thi srltchman ln chargo of tho towcr set th? block slgnal agalnst the frelght on thi Lackawanna Road. Notwlthstanding th? settlng of tho elgnal. it la sald. the Lack *Z2$h2Sl H*"3 kop,t oru and tne *w*tchman renllzed at onco that the enginecr had nol teen the slgnal. He pullcd a swltch whlch put on tho dcrailor, and a moment or tw? .ater the Lackawanna engine was plough ii* oyer tho tles. Tho engine soon camt J a 8t2?J U was "ndamaged, as were tht cars. Tho fireman on tho Lackawanna engine was ftrlng tho furnaco wheo hli engine was derallod. and the suddon jar throw hlm off tho tender to the ground He landed on hls face and hls rlght eya was injured. As it turned out, the de rallment of tho traln was unnocessary, aa tho enginecr of the Grccnwood Lake traln aeeing that the Lackawanna traln was not slcckenlng Its speed. brought hls own en? gine to a Htandstlll about fifteen yarda from tho intcrscctlon. DOG GRIEVED FOR BOY'S MISFORTUNE (Speclal to The Timca-DUpatch.) PIULADELPHIA, PA.. February T, Whllo belng drawn on roller skates by hls pet shephcrd dog, "Jack," Walter Calla ghcr, aged thirteen years, of No. 3031 Dakota Street, fell Frlday nlght at Thlrty second and Dlamond Streets, fracturlng hls skull. The dog seemed to reallze that somb mlstortuno had happened to hls young raast'cr. for ho mn about, whliicd and by hls genoral actlons attracted a large crowd to the scene. Walter has had hls dog slnce lt was a pup, and has mado a sot of harness for "Jack" and taught him to pull olm ln an express wagon and on roller akatcs. Last ovenlng tho two corarades went to Falr mount Park, as was thelr custom every. evenlng, to ubtaln some sprlng water, Returnlng home at a fast cllp the boy's skate3 caught ln a wlre treo-btx and threw hlm to the ground. He stru *c hla head agalnst the curbstone and "-?? knocked unconsclous. * . , Her Home and His. To the Edltor of The Tlmes-DIspatch: C. 11: L. asked for the words to the followlng song: I heard lt aoraa years ago and admlrod lt very much, and write from memory. It may not be correct. It should be sung by a gontleman and lady. as glven: H. E. H. Shndwell, Va. Gentleman: l have told theo how sweet the roses art ln my home beyond tho sea, How the dark-eyed mald wlth her sweel gultar, SIts under tho orange tree: Then flj*. oh, fly! from thls isle of storm, When all that Is falr must plne, To & sky moro blue and a scene mor? warm; Hcnceforth let my home be thlna. Lady: I hrove heard you tell of a sky more blue, And a sun moro warm than thls, And have sometlmos thought if the tala he true, To dwell in that cllme were bllss, But, oh, when I gazo on my tranqull cot, Whero the cllmatlc bows entwlne, The land of tho stranger tompts me not; No, no'er can your home bo nilne. Gentlemnn: I will slng to thee, if with m> Uuw'tt ronni ? Tho songs of the olden tlmo; Thou wilt nevor oompare my ardent lovi With n love for a coldcr cllme. Thou wilt scorn the fruits of your moun? taln home, Beholdlng the purplo ivlne, Then como to the land of my blrth, oh como, Henceforth lot my home bn thlne. Lady: Alas! 'tls plnln that my mountaln homt Must eyer he srorned by thee, And mny I not fodr thnt the tlme Wlll come. When thou wilt havo scorn for' mel But, ohi there Is *ne who loves me horo. VCho's vlne If less eweet then thlne, To my slmple tasto ls fnr more doar; No, ne'or can your homo be mlne. ?" -> Visitlng Hla Slstar. Mr. Thomas J. McDowell, of 713 North Twenty-socond Stroet, clty, Is on a vlslt to hls slster, Mra. Harry Goodllff, ln Rlon, 0. O. Pickett Camp Auxlllary. The r'guilar moetlng of Pickett Camp'i Auxlllary wlll, bo hold Monday ovenlna at ;i:30 o'clock. X full utUndaucu la 4+ slred.